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pick one and only one edition

1d6chan -https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Total_War:_Warhammer/Tactics
Roll Charts -https://imgur.com/a/81snQma

>Total War: Warhammer III
Hotfix 5.1.1 Notes:https://community.totalwar.com/wh3-hotfix-511
What's Next:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fix3FvsmplA

>Total War: Pharaoh
Total War: PHARAOH - Dynasties Overview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6erHiCuh1tQ
Release Date confirmed July 25th: https://community.totalwar.com/pharaoh-faq
Dynasty system and new royal traditions and gods: https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-pharaoh/blogs/26
Total War: PHARAOH - DYNASTIES - Map Expansion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJHre9auMY0
Total War: PHARAOH - DYNASTIES - Mesopotamia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4ZIfaNNlCI
Total War: PHARAOH - DYNASTIES - Aegean: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApDwFGUB4Dc
Total War: PHARAOH - DYNASTIES - Campaign: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9gOQytqYgs
Total War: PHARAOH - DYNASTIES - Battles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJDsYyr4SJY

>Older Titles

previous thread: >>487410018
Be a good person
which Total War: Pharaoh Dynasties faction are you playing first?

For me? I'm thinking maybe either Alashiya or a minor Egyptian faction for Atenism..
Either your friend should be a tree or 185cm+ French gigachad with a large mustache.
Probably Assyria followed by Troy or one of the Greeks.
the sisters won't have sex with any of you.
I dunno, I usually only decide on the spot but it'll probably be Babylon
Rape is an alternative
n'kari OUT
I'm sexually attractive and I know how to seduce Elven women, I've been doing it on Neverwinter Nights for years.
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>that faction starting in Pontus
Pontus bros we won again!
Also are they by any chance Amazons? That shield looks really similar.
I don't play meme TWs, only the real ones, that have dragons and steam tanks
Penthy sweat mechanic.
Elspeth hot Breath mechanic.
Miao Milk Mechanic.
wood elven sisters syrup mechanic.
karl franz brap mechanic
It might be a preload thing. Currently trying to go to the store page from your library just will pull up the steam store front page.

Hard call desu. I really can't decide on any of them.
No Amazons, though I believe that faction's partially based on early scythians and such, which is also where they got the amazons aesthetic from in troy.
ku'gath diarrhea mechanism
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>no Elspeth massage mechanic for her cute little feet
Cimmerians aren't exactly Pontus
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>Temple Ishtar prostitutes who may or may not be futa
Why would anyone be excited for ancient brown men cross dressing as women?
You're literally getting excited for Saddam Hussein dressed as a woman.
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You cannot refute this. Do NOT @me.
I'd fuck Saddam
fuck like we did back in '03
hurrah Marines!
>Boris Todbringer
>greatest of man
The guy lost his eye to a beastman and became an obese drunk after his loli wife turned out to be a Slaaneshi cultist. He's also been in the game for seven years and still isn't playable.
The man's a joke.
AYO what time this bitch launching??
3PM Bongland
is it true that once you enter into a military alliance with an AI faction they calculate your armies into their own, thereby ceasing army production?
I don't think they ever ceased army production, but they do start accounting for your strength as well, when considering going to war and such.
I haven't had as much of a problem with it in 3 compared to 2, though, so they might have toned that down at some point.
Who do we believe?
Most underage post ITT and it's only starting, congratulations.
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Only total war youtuber you should believe is PoM, my friend.
I think this was removed in WH3
>Pharaoh sucks because factions have unique mechanics
>Pharaoh sucks because all factions feel the same
sometimes I feel like I'm too pea brained to understand voloundtard logic
>Why would anyone be excited for ancient brown men cross dressing as women?
Anon I...
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>I built a pillar at the city gate and I flayed all the chief men who had revolted and I covered the pillar with their skins; some I walled up inside the pillar, some I impaled upon the pillar on stakes
Assyria of course.
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Easily fixed if your allies could give you missions and objectives to be accomplished within X turns. If you could also do the same and the they were rated based on individual faction strength for solo ones or dual effort ones - Siege or Attack X in 5 turns and we will consider becoming allies, the effort officiates an allegiance during and then after or makes a defensive one a full alliance.

Of course you could have a button in the menu to make for lore friendly allies only for that campaign. This could be built on for properly divergent and narrative, player driven campaigns. Maybe make major promises like securing the Empire or taking back Karaz a Karak after it has fallen and the entire province and giving it back to the dwarves when or if they lose it.

You could have random mini campaigns in order to confed certain lords like Morathi working with Malekith to undermine and break Hellebron where she will be cornered and beaten enough to beg for mercy and so on. You could have dwarf reclamation missions within the race itself to revive other factions and have the option to absorb the newly risen faction or let it be re-established just like it exists now with Elector Counts. All of this could be expanded on a thousand fold.

None of this requires cutting edge scripting or anything just appropriation of the existing dilemma scripts and tapping into and refining diplomacy.
what do you do with old units? do you just discard them or transfer them to a new lord?
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Depends on the units. If it's something like tier 1 spearmanii I just disband them if there's no lord nearby. If it's something more useful then I transfer them to a different army. Especially if it's ranged, cavalry or siege units.
come to lustria
He doesn't play TW any more does he?
member when you could just leave units in a city as garrison?
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>open official xitter
>they're laughing at people who didn't pick Babylon
well I'm real sorry I wanted to play GREEKS again
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I have a question to lorefags or more specifically grogs that played the tabletop. I get that the idea was for players to use this place as a home for their own OC armies. Now did anyone actually do this or did most players paint armies based on Reikland, Averland, Wissenland and so forth?
Because if not the entire place seems like a waste of potential. GW just left an area entirely barren which could've easily housed fantasy versions of ancient Greeks, the Byzantines, Hungary or just generic Balkanoids.
>open channel
>last video was fortnite over a month ago
>last TW video was fucking Napoleon 7 months ago
I'm more surprised he hasn't killed himself, so much for being the biggest TW youtuber in the world
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I don't get why people are excited for Babylon. Assyria gets horses while Greeks get all the cool Illiad shit while Babylon gets...to spam skaven slaves at their enemy?
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>build tall
>defensive campaign
>largest unique map/one settlement province in the game
>girls(male) prostituting themselves at the temple of Ishtar
yeah I planned to play them until I learned that they are just skaven
now it's probably greeks for me, also a nice enough position
He was brutally assassinated by the coward known as TCLA.
Or so I'm told. So don't quote me on that.
No one at my LGS ever played anything border princes related, but it was a fairly small shop and we didn't even have a player for each individual 'major' armybook faction, so that's hardly saying much.
In my personal opinion having this kind of semi-blank possibility space is good for any fantasy setting, it gives the players the opportunity to create their own shit (This is just as, possibly more, relevant for people who played the Tabletop RPG than for people who played the wargame) and it lets you easily slot in new shit with the ability to say it was just there the whole time.
And it's not like the Border Princes is actually totally blank, there's a decent amount of principalities that have been described in some meaningful level of detain in some source or another and many, many more if you go by locations that have just like, a name a short, simple description.

Personally I also think that having the Border Princes be a wild frontier is more interesting than adding Generic NotGreeks in the same vein as the Generic NotItalians of Tilea. And if GW actually wanted Fantasy Greeks/Byzantines it's not like they couldn't have added them anyway while still keeping the Border Princes. Back when they were actually still adding major factions the entire setting, map included was very much in flux and in the later editions when everything was 'locked in' they wouldn't have added new major factions anyway.
Still the best Warhammer TW trailer.

Amazons. But they are not there.
I only like dark elves. And even then, Warhammer setting is a kitchen sink mess.
Pure Macedonian genes.
He praises Shogun, so why would he care about samey factions.
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truth is Heir buckbroke him and he couldn't look at TW the same way
Did Stainless Steel ever fix pikes for Med2 or was it something hardcoded into it?
Also, I remember crossbows being shit and annoying.
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>Punic mercenary stack crushes elite Macedonian pikemen box
I dunno
you'd think "there's too much variety" and "there isn't any variety" would be contradictory statements, but when you're that far up your own ass with seething about CA they really aren't anymore
Post more Penthesilea.
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>Battle of Three Kings
>Portuguese tercos defeated by Ottomans and Moroccans
>Battle of Mohacs
>Hungarian landsknecht defeated by Ottomans
>Battle of Kircholm
Swedish army defeated by Poland
>Long Turkish War
>Germans fighting in pike & shot for thirteen years couldn't gain any ground against the Turks
Guys I'm starting to think pike & shot wasn't a very good tactics. European armies fighting in this style kept taking Ls all the time when fighting anyone not using that tactic.
so which faction is israel
cute tomboy ngl
>petty and vengeful
>love gold
>advanced war machines
>commit war crimes against rats

high elves
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goblin led greenskins factions, with orcs being their equivalent of amerigoblins
skaven, easily
t. ratfags pretending israel isnt Clan Skryre
>dosent use nuke
>is Clan Skryre
ok retard
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Lets assume that wood elves (and elves in general) were real. What would be the chances of me having sex with one of them? Do you think there are any strategies I could employ that would improve my chances? Maybe if I just wandered in and promised to help them protect the forests? I have some minor experience with archery. Please share your thoughts and theories.
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Tell me you have no clue about elves without telling me you have no clue about elves.
Elf sex is a job for me.
i believe in you anon, i think you could possibly do it with enough time
they needed more artillery
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>Claims to be the first men of god
>Ruled the world once, rules the world in the shadows now
>Constant hate speech about skaven and chaos worshippers
>Commit genocide in Albion and genocide of all skaven
>Burns babies: "We're not killing all warmbloods, just the chaos worshippers that happen to be babies
>"Everyone who criticises Lizardmen is a chao worshipper"
>Portrayed as the most good and orderly faction
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Yeah I know most would basically see me as a primitive monkey but surely at least one of them out there would be open to the idea if I put in enough effort. How best do you think I could achieve it? I think I'm overall a fairly attractive guy.
Thanks. I think I could do it.
I'm a Pharaoh missile now, just buy it ok?
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>high elves
Very unlikely unless you run into the female equivalent of Teclis who's thirsty enough to go for human men.
>dark elves
Extremely easy. Just don't expect to live long.
>wood elves
You'll probably never find one or she'll trick you into getting sacrificed in some freaky wood elf ritual.
>LotR elves
No sex ever unless you're literally a 11/10 gigachad giant among men.
>TES elves
Again you need to be an outstanding human otherwise expect racist slurs to be thrown at you.
>Warcraft elves
Are you an orc?
>Japanese elves
Same as Warcraft elves expect they're short and flat.
>elves from Nordic mythology
You don't want to.
Pharaoh is doing well in the kiketube algorithms so expect the outbackjew to pander to it (after saying he wouldn't cover it again).
>Pharaoh missile
sling, bow or javelin?
Nah. Legend has a very stable and autistic audience that wants only one thing. To watch Legend cheese in Wh3. Other youtubers have to spice up their content from time to time. Legend's community meanwhile has quite clearly told him they don't want to watch Pharaoh.
>Outback jew
He's too bad at pilpul
More like "shabos goy of total war"
And yes, I was thinking that he'd do a 180 on his anti Pharaoh stance as well. He's probably holding out for a bribe, but he's not jewish enough to pull it off.
Skaven, somebody post that image with skaven Star of David.
Either 0 or it would be really nasty rape.
I'm not going to play antiquityslop
He'll do it for a bribe. The question is, "will they give him one?"
Are the battles still the same where units run through each other?
starting a new elspeth campaign. Is there good empire mods ? I remember empire offices being a thing but I never managed to make it work
do you mean in Warhammer 3?
it was patched quite a bit since release, that shouldn't happen unless it's monsters anymore
I look at it, but armor and clothes on it look kind of weird, not very historically accurate, so eh.
I want CA to either do Med3 (but good) or fantasy, but not Warhammer and to my liking aesthetically, but I doubt this will happen. Somebody could make some total war clone games...
>not very historically accurate
how so?
they look very historical to me
You guys ruined these images with your ERP yesterday. Now when I see them, all I think of is that guy (who I hope was trolling) saying "of course that was a girl I was chatting with! "
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>high elves
Considering their inclination towards diplomacy I think I could probably do it if I inserted myself into their politics and built myself up as a respectful man.
>Dark Elves
Yeah you're probably right on the death part. I think offering myself up as a slave would be my best bet as I think it could possibly confuse them and make them curious.
>Wood Elves
I agree it would be incredibly hard but I think it would be possible if I found the right kind. Maybe one that has a thing for the Bretonnian men. I think maybe it would be more of a pity thing than them actually wanting sex with a 'beast' aka a man. Aka me.

>nasty rape
This would be true for the dark elves for sure. But I think I could do it with the other elves consensually.
do you ever feel shame posting these kind of shit or your brain is already too rotten?
>>487549556 me
Yeah I just ignore it. These pics are still hot to me regardless of what the other people were doing.
Armor and shields don't look accurate to me, too many weird metal pieces just sticking out of clothing and so on.
But desu, I don't know Bronze Age that well. I even read that they actually might have used leather armor (thing people dismiss for later eras), since bronze is probably not easy to work with for armor. I think they found leather armor among King Tut's burial goods.
Too bad, I only want dark elf sorceress gf.
I think the 40k elves are much more racist compared to the fantasy elves so you would have a better chance.
most of the stuff in the game has some kind of basis in actual artifacts/artwork from the time
IIRC Eric Cline the guy who wrote 1177BC was their historical consultant for both Troy and Pharaoh
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>I think the 40k elves are much more racist compared to the fantasy elves
I've even heard one use the M-word
>genociding rats
wtf i like israel now
do they accept non jewish eastern european trash to their country?
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I just want them to do a gun focused total war again. Even if they have to set it in Asia again for that Chink pandering.
Murals are nice, but I would prefer archeological finds of actual shields and alike.
>non jewish eastern european trash
Absolutely as long as you're married to a Jewess. Half of Israel these days are former Soviets with zero Jewish ancestry.
Okay /twg/, recommend me a decent e-shill for Pharaoh stream. I'm still unsure about the game would like to watch some live gameplay from a low cringe streamer.
With that much confidence in your skills you might actually impress a dark elf enough not to kill you. Still ain't getting that helfussy. Too stuck up and racist.
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what was China doing in 1300 BC?
So the pike and shot formation was actually useless and artillery was the deciding factor?
>Absolutely as long as you're married to a Jewess
>Half of Israel these days are former Soviets with zero Jewish ancestry.
are the non jewish former soviets there because they married a Jewess or because they just claimed they are jewish but have nothing to do with it
Probably Troy. There first minor faction I play might be Carchemish because that's one city/kingdom I find interesting. It was a part of the Hittite empire which lasted for like 500 more years after Hattusa itself was abandoned. The elamite faction could also be fun and from there, either an Egyptian or Greek faction.
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you're talking about stuff that's 3200 years old, if it weren't for graves sealed for all those thousands of years we wouldn't have that many artifacts surviving
for Mycenaeans there's also the unfortunate fact that unlike Egyptians and Mesopotamians the Greeks didn't like writing that much
while in Egypt and the Fertile Crescent we find tons of random documents, the Mycenaean texts we do have are mostly shipping manifests and warehouse inventories
>Some Russian Jews are Israelis only by marriage, as the Law of Return also allows the non-Jewish spouses of Jews to claim Israeli citizenship.
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jewbros... the ruskis are taking our women...
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Shang dynasty with usual bronze age stuff heading towards their own collapse a century or so later because of fox girls.
I didn't realize daji was that far back actually
ok how is that half?
you make it sound like russian jewish woman married only non jews
its just weird because as far as i know jews dont mix with non jews
>they're simping for the fox whore again
Jiang Ziya, get the chariots.
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>enters your Pharaoh: Dynasties
I'm gonna assume LegendSchizo is gonna go into overdrive, mass reply to himself, etc in order to stop any Pharaoh discussion?
Stop talking about Pharaoh.
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Let's roll!
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I'd like to see a warring states game, provided it was properly done with internal politics and province/population management
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If only the Chinks had bough all the DLC for 3K.
>back when Zhao was allowed to hold the Great Bastion
2 hours and 5 minutes retards!
Is it not out yet?
How long does a short campaign victory in Pharaoh take?
>Mom says it's my turn to hold the bastion
Will legend bend the knee and play Pharaoh or will he still pretend it's the same game as Troy?
pic related
Depends which campaign and how much you rush and beeline for it, longer than Warhammer short victory but shorter than Warhammer long victory.
Only if it’s financially viable for him.
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>fox girls date back to bronze age
>they have had tremendous impact on civilization
Getting my daily dose of Sotek and Grudges.
Getting my daily dose of Ash and Damneders.
Getting my daily dose of Gork and Mork.
Getting my daily dose of Faith and Steel and Gunpowder.
Getting my daily dose of elf pussy on my face.
Getting my daily dose of meat and meat.
Getting my daily dose of Mandalore and PoM.
Getting my daily dose of Legend and Volound.
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Getting their daily dose.
Getting my daily dose of /twg/ and Reddit.
>look at this asperger riddled heckin chart that has nothing to do with whether jews actually mix
the jewish definition of "jew" is much more strict and is obviously the definition i was referring to
it stops counting those who mix even once because theyre not considered jews anymore
if you think someone is a jew because 1/64 of his dna is jewish you're a pathetic faggot
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Shang dynasty had some nice drip. I remember before Wh3 came out some trustworthy leaker said Cathay will be mostly mythical and based on the Shang Dynasty.
The idea sounded neat. Obviously it was a big lie.
Crazy that the Egyptians didn't even know they were in the damn Stone Age.
Crazy that the Ostlanders don't even know that The Empire has fallen.
You know what they call the Stone Age in China?
There is a canon story where Dark Eldar girl has sexo with an Imperial. She gets off on having sex with lower creature.
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Actually they were in ancient times. Their civilization was conquered halfway through the tech tree.
Jade Age China?
Anything pre-1911 is ancient China.
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dwarfbros? is this true?

DwarfCHADS always winning
Rate Malekith out of 10.
he is too edgy but his mom is hot so ill give him a 5/10
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> lusting after kerillian, clan fester's bicycle
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As much as I hope for Pharaoh Dynasties to succeed, will it even reach 5000 peak players?
I'll probably put a few hundred hours into it for the Mycenaeans alone but it will probably be back to <1000 players in a few days/weeks ;_;
the first 1/3 of this was hot but then i lost my boner
fuck off ratfag, kerillian is meant for my human cock
Average dark elf player
Do you have that bit from fantasy where a dark elf beast master is looking for his Medusa post battle and finds her coiled up around some poor man she kidnapped during the battle for sexo?
I'd be surprised if it beats launch numbers.
>back to <1000 players
It's a niche setting so that's to be expected.
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Dwarfs with elf wives is the future.
Dwarf women cannot compete.
>poor man
That was me.
The anatomy doesn't even work for that kind of situation. Games Workshop should hire better writers and Dark Elves should train more vigilant Beast Masters.
what the fuck is wrong with them?
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Best warhammer fantasy factions:
>Dark Elves
>Wood Elves
>(Vampire counts if they had a decent legendary lord)
Best warhammer 40k factions:
>Dark Eldar
>Black Templars
Normal elf behaviour.
>Best warhammer 40k factions
Not Total War related
Retarded list.
Genius list.
Odytheuth the cunning
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>casually makes Thrace playable AND a pillar of civilization because they can
gotta respect Balkanite patriotism
Elves are actually good. High Elves and Eldar.
Dark Eldar is what space elves are like naturally. Craftworld Eldar are the freaky minority outcasts of Eldar society.
Eating some cheese sarnies while watching some footie then playing some Pharaoh as Babylon specifically, feeling bretty good lads.
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LegendofTotalWegh 'ere and todayz we'll be savin yer dizasta battle. Diz onez wuz zent in by a git named Milkunkukiez.
We are playan az da pointy ear gitz verzus 'Iz Immenzity Grom! Wuz's diz? Dat army doezn' look 'ard 'ta beat at all! Maybez dere's sum 'idden problem..Hmmm terrain loaded everythin' luukz normal.
Alrigt I'll juzt zet up the line of pointy stickz and set my arrerz behind 'em, let em kham at me. Alrigt 'dere we go stand still an' stick doze wagons un Grom wit arrers! Hold da line ya gitz, 'ere have zum spellz. Alright, datz da hard part done da fast boyz are dead. Now just stay put an' shoot.
Guud a decisiv victoreh. I dunno how ya fukt diz up diz badly, it'z eazy. Anyway I'll send ya back da file ya worthlez git!
Eldar were definitively not good. Dark Eldar is what the Eldar were before the fall. Craftworld Eldar were a minority sect that renounced their culture when they discovered that slaanesh will be born.
Nta but iirc the eldar were more or less normal originally (similar to high elves in fantasy) but progressed towards being more like dark eldar out of sheer boredom. They conquered the stars and no one had to work so they became more degenerate over time until their fall.
Technically it wasn't really related to slaanesh, they didn't suspect that cataclysm would happen. They just thought their society had degenerated and as a consequence their empire will fall and millions must die.
Are the dinosaur riding Eldar their version of the Amish?
legendoftotalwar here and today we'R-ACK
luthor harkon here and (you)'re next faggot
Pirates are cringe. Vampires are cringe.
>t. cringe ordoid.
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Anyone ever done an all-melee (or nearly all-melee) elf unit army in their Wood Elf campaign?
(Not including Drycha armies)
Some Wood Elf melee units seem pretty cool, but every time I play as the Wood Elves I tend to make range-focused armies, just too fun shooting everything to shit before it reaches your lines.
I played a Crone Hellebron campaign a few months back and tried an all-melee army with her using sisters of slaughter, witchelves, and Har Ganeth executioners and no missile units and it was surprisingly fun.
That was a fanfic. A hot one, but fanfic nonetheless.
Basically. The dino riding exodites, unlike their craftworld brethren, are true luddites and somewhat amish inspired. Craftworlders in comparison are closer to puritans.
you will cringe much more with my lord's bullet in your brain
Thracians weren't slavs, though, and the chads at Sofia know they aren't because they aren't retarded Balkan shithole nationalists.
wood elves have some good infantry but they are very squishy, so you have to keep that in mind
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2/10 his mom is 10/10 so i cant give him 1/10
no one cares about your troyslop game
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South Slavs are all racemixed to hell and back, they have to be at least 15% Thracian or something like that
The HRE won a battle on the field against the Ottomans with it but then got routed when discipline broke down looting their camp
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Yes. I call this my sexo army because it's full of hot elf SLUTS.

It's kind of shit in terms of strength but if you can get them into melee they can do a lot of damage. could make it better with cavalry and some stronger frontline like treekin but I wanted it all to be skanks.
ludokino moment
Wait are the regular Pharaoh factions not playable in Dynasties?
They are, those are the playable minor factions.
no sisters of the thorn?
fuck off normalfag

Oh cool then I'm playing as those greeks that start on Cyprus
>They're hittites actually
What the fuck
i will shoot your whore LL
i will shoot you
i will even shoot your WHORE LL
Kill Elfs.
Behead Elfs.
Roundhouse kick endless Elfcoomers into the fucking concrete.
if cavalry counts as all melee then yes
they have ap shielded infantry and really good cav
>dies to Isabella
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total elf love: eldar tsundere edition
Aeldari look so much cooler than As*r
>guys look in my epic lore book it says that your lord lost
A*ldari look so queer when compared to the Asur.
Pharaoh content on launch:
4 Egyptians
2 Canaanites
2 Hittites

Pharaoh content as of 25th July 2024:
4 Egyptians
2 Canaanites
2 Hittites
2 Sea People
2 Greeks
2 Mesopotamians
Dozens of minor factions
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>have to unpack this shit
oh for the love of god, it's literally faster to redownload the whole thing
'ere we go lads
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thanks CA
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Faction for this feeling?
>unpacking in progress
You have a point there. I forgot them.
get it while it's hot, they forgot to delete it from the workshop lol
explain this more thoroughly Pedro Castro
>downloading dolphin porn
Couldn't be me
It's a CA resource used by testers and early access reviewers.
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>mfw gotta slog through the game files again to make mods before starting
Remaining Total War: Warhammer 3 DLC:
Slaanesh/High Elves/Cathay
Dogs of War
End Times

Remaining Total War: Pharaoh DLC:
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waiting for unpack
cute cheevo tho
I was going to complain about having to see all these pharaoh posts now that it's released but you know what? I won't. You guys have to deal with us posting warhammer all day so I'll give you a pass.
lmao what's this from? I vaguely recall seeing that but can't remember from where. Smome music video right?
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>LegendSchizo is getting uppity
You lost, stop complaining about Pharaoh.
If only everyone in the general was like you we'd all get along.
>forgetting the GOAT
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Estimate the peak we will reach.
And still no knights
at least 350
but im both a warhammer and historical fag
idunno, maybe 4,000. I'll be joining soon.
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I'm in.
Are fantasy fans not embarassed to be begging for DLC all the time? Im old enough to remember when DLC was considered distasteful and at the very least, something that should have just been in the game at launch
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you could be playing total war instead of being here seething you know
except for the legendfag, he doesn't actually own total war just watches on youtube because he's Indian and poor so he'll never know the joy, but you could
Your falseflagging is readily apparent to everyone, try harder.
Wouldn't be surprised if peak was higher than at release. Maybe 5000 or 6000 max, it will quickly deteriorate obviously. Those who bought Pharaoh at different times will reinstall it all at once to check it out.
I just chose to redownload it, it genuinely seems to be faster.
how many turns per year do you choose?
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So hyped for Pharoah I built a new pc
Someone tell me if the game is actually good
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What's this? You start with almost a entire province? Nice.
it's excellent
reminds me of Attila
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I am Tausret chad, but first campaign on Dynasties I will play as Achilles or Hector of Trroy. Will flip a coin
No Warhammer 3 lord starts with more than 2 settlements.
Most violent and cruel armies? I want blood and suffering.
3 seems like the ideal, fast enough that you'll get to see the new generation but slow enough that you can get to know your king
Sea Chuds - Iolaos. He's insane and just wants to burn the world.
Is there a blogpost with all the info about dynasties in 1 convenient written format? I'm absolutely not watching a bunch of different videos with people talking about everything except what I want to look at
I really hope someone mods in Penthesilea. The fact that they didn't already make her leader of the Cimmerians is a headscratcher.
see >>487459421
would dynasties contribute to the same statistics when its a different application
Just what's in the OP.
Amazons was a step too far, they allowed cavalry but they don't want to make the game completely fictional.
>watches youtubers
The fucking state of 4chan
WE have been best faction for different army setups since sisters dlc for longass time
>orion or/and ariel speed boosted (through banner)cav stack with stag knights sisters of thorn and zoats
>malee common glade lord (f) stack with dancers with physical dmg save
>treekin/duruthu treeman/driads stack
>sisters airborn force
>stalk guirella ranged stack
>normal male/ranged composition stack.
Nowadays most factions got around 4 totaly different way to create capable and fun armies, but way back WE got so much diversity that it wasnt even funny when you play something like bretonia after WE campaign.
I think they are still in top when it comes to how many totaly different yet good army compositions they have.
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Are... are those... horsemanii? AIEEE THIS ISN'T HISTORICAL!!! SAVE ME VOLOUND!!!
Good call, Anon.
> what I want to look at
what do you want to look at?
yeah basically that but replace horsemanii with hot white(?) women.
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Definitely Assyria. They're the invented standing armies and terror as a strategy.
Remember when tw games used to have entire empire spanning dozens of provinces playable?
I have Dynasties installed and will play shortly but first I have some unfinished business to take care of in Elden Ring with the putrescent knight.
nevermind, pack it up, Pharaoh is DEAD.
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>wanted to play a bit before going to work
I guess I'll just leave the PC on unpacking while I wage slave
I'll tell you if it's good tomorrow
>constant 144fps in battle and campaign
Why can't Warhammer be like this
Volound doesn't care bout historical authenticity. Shogun 2 is ahistorical
Sorry, anglos can't into programming
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Brown women love

i'm trans btw not sure if that matters.
>Remember when tw games used to have entire empire spanning dozens of provinces playable?
I think Attila was the last one to do that? I remember both of the Romes being pretty big and pretty tough to play. There also was some huge eastern faction that was a huge empire with tons of vassals and complete easy mode
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Mycenaeans actually existed, the only problem is we don't know their leaders, so using Iliad characters is fine and it allowed them to use some Troy stuff anyways. Amazons, on the other hand are completely fictional.
yeah the sassanid empire
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Holy shit. The cav just melted a unit with a single charge.
Lethality is the best thing they've done in years holy fuck
Buddy, this reply was exactly what I was thinking. Word for word.
Get out of my head.
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I can't blame you
total brown girl love
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>Get out of my head.
>No I don't care that Pharaoh factions have more innovative campaign mechanics than any other total war game
>No I don't care that all of the factions are actually fun to play
>No I don't care that anti-player bias in Pharaoh is basically non-existent
>No I don't care that the game runs silky smooth
>No I don't care that supporting this game would lead to CA Sofia being put in charge of more total war content
>You see I'm going to cry about the battles for the millionth time (despite improvements) and refuse to play it
>Thanks for the superchat
Attila mains... our cavalry has returned.
>cavalry is good again
We are so fucking BACK
3DPD gross
>cavalry in the bronze age
You people make me SICK
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we lost...
it's so fucking over...
Only honest post in thread. Remember when every nation around them was murdering them for being filthy jews paying the enemies of their host nation to come attack them? Those were good times.
pretty sure assyrians are known for being one of the first people doing horseback combat
The Assyrian cav is pretty powerful but also fragile as fuck. They are like dark riders in every regard except they can win a fight if they charge into a unit.
about 400 years after the bronze age collapse tho
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But do they have two bros cavalry?
Dozens of provinces? Not many TW games do that. Off the top of my head I really can only think of Barbarian Invasion and Attila. Rome, Medieval 2 and Rome 2 all have you start with a few provinces but not that many.
I was thinking more Penthesilea just leading a faction otherwise composed of men. Maybe with an amazon unit. Similar to how the Scythians in some of the older games would have a female cav unit. Basically make Penthesilea a Bronze-age Tomyris. Not literally leading Amazons but just being a warrior queen.
how do they compare to hittite chariots?
If Helves = Britain and Delves= Americans then Welves =...
This is before the after work numbers, remember this is coming out at 10 AM for burgers and 3 PM for bongs.
Didn't test it enough but they are weaker in a prolonged fight but thanks to their speed and responsiveness they can more easily pick targets. Also they are REALLY fragile so you must be careful in picking targets. They will die to any unit that braces for their charge. They are ideal for hunting ranged infantry which is super powerful now.
>then Welves =...
>Hittites and Babylon had an alliance to keep Assyria from expanding or something
Can I get a QRD on this history?
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Babylon... SOVL...
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the Bronze Age had a sort of peace of Vienna/UN type thing going on with the great powers in constant communication trying to keep the balance of power
Burgers don’t play history.
did he post his new pc specs? i want my game to run like that
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4,000 soon!
>4080 super
Sure as shit it's top of the line pc.
ok i saw that
what about the load times
thats ssd shit or cpu shit?
>legendfag desperately trying to samefag the conversation towards legend
Genuinely what mental illness causes this?
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I hope it will reach at leas 10k and then spend few years at 1k.
>f1 manager 2024
legendfag is acking as we speak.
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What will he cherrypick and whine about xD?
>first better as Priam
>283 kills with a single unit of archers
Ah yes the Trojan experience still the same.
floaty animations or some shit. lethality makes pharaoh closer to older tws than even shogun 2 or attila but he will still seethe.
yeah that's pretty much what I expected. Starting Priam right now.
Lethality? I sure hope Pharaoh battles aren't over in an instant like in WH3.
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histoid bros, we're so fucking back!
>than even shogun 2 or attila
Didn't they both have the 1hp per model system? I know shogun did which was why matchlock with their 2 damage fucked so hard.
>it's another one of those days where chaos dwarfseses think they can break the impenetrable skaven lines
I'd love to know what their goal numbers are to justify further development on Pharaoh dlc or letting Sofia get a new game
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I think it's actually impossible for me to lose with this stack. It's so absurdly broken. Like what the fuck. I kill their whole army before they even touch my front lines.
Welcome to cathay anon, enjoy your stay.
Most of their stuff is pretty strong desu, doesn't hurt that your cannon is better than the empire counterpart too.
i know for a fact attila didn't. i swore shogun 2 didn't and HP was just a hidden stat but it might not be.
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Like, 1k missile strength lol. One barrage from one of these things kills a whole unit when thy hit.
I think shogun 2 has hp, but units lack shieds and ai is too dumb to counter ashigaru spear wall so ai melts easily
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Were Babylonians really this advanced? This is just a small village.
irrigation was a necessity in the Tigris and Euphrates as those rivers were a lot more unpredictable than the Nile
so yeah, dudes were good at irrigation technology
Babylon at its height was more advanced than we are now.
>Irsu dies in my 2nd battle
Not even wounded, just straight up dead after losing a handful of models
sovl, that's the old tw experience. nothing funnier than losing your general five seconds after a battle starts in the original rome because of bad luck
The amount of time I have lost my chariot general to friendly javelins in Rome 2...
Fuck the Iceni, they have killed more of their own kings than everyone else combined.
Wouldn't surprise me if attila had, a hidden, formation healthbar.
With Shogun2 I know for a fact that all units had just 1 hp, with the exception of the general which has 2hp.
Iirc ashigaru bows did 0.3 damage and samurai 0.4, while matchlock had the aforementioned 2 damage.
Although no one ever found out the formula for melee damage calculations.

Meh, armor still reduces the damage of ranged and yari wall is primarily just economical. They aren't good enough to 1v1 samurai but so cheap you get the numbers advantage for the same money.
i will ask again
for the 10th time
we hit 5k bros
duh winning
Of course there is you silly zoomer.
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>dynasties finished downloading
>base pharaoh now has a 260mb update queued
>don't have mods
Yari in spear wall absolutely can defeat samurai. In fact long yari ashigaru can defeat Samurai hero
You CA shills will not make my buy Pharao
>Less than 1/4 of warhammer 3 regular player base
>less players than 3K
>barely more than Rome 2

Shut the fuck up virgin this is a histGOD thread now
It's called SFO It has a panel in which you can decide how strong AI can get on a per race basis. So you can create your favorite tide you want to fight in the end game.
>Babylonian whore priestesses (male) saved Pharaoh
I kneel futa chads.
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>all these new factions to play with
>compulsively return to Great King Suppiluliuma
uh oh legendfag melty
Troy can utilise phalanx + advance. It reminds me of mobile testudo.
Amateur. All the good mods are broken right now. Every one of them.
i will stick my cutlass in your fat stomach and make a soup
Aeneas' roaster in Troy really reminded me of Rome, which is fitting. He had proto-legionaries that pila and scutum like shields.
Unnatural Selection
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>False King Suppiluliuma
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Why did no one tell me that CHADMAN is a playable faction?
>twg told me dynasties was bigger than the base game
>CA dropped the price
>CA put it on special
>it manages a few hundred more than pharaoh did on launch day

true King of Hatti!
>he's still having a melty
Rhesus Goldarmour!
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Even MEMEMAN made it in.
this guy looks like he can do the thugshaker
we unironically was kangz, i love that nigga
I want to play as mycenae but 4 regions and 2 starting armies is kinda too much to start with..
Heroes are kinda shit and long yari are a special unit which not only have noticeably better stats, the longer spear also means enemy units have trouble getting close enough to so damage.
Long yari have 7 attack vs 4 of ordinary yari, 5 defense vs 3, 3 armor vs 2 and 1 more morale too. With those low stats even +1 makes a huge difference long yari aren't at all comparable to normal yari ashigaru.
Ordinary ashigaru in yari wall will lose to katana samurai while the latter don't even lose 50% of their men.
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BBC is back on the menu bois
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Don't do it white man. There's more to life than goats!
lmao wut? warhammer has damaged your brain.
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THIS is the only thing the establishment truly fears
you are irrelevant now, Pharaoh owns this general lil' bro.
nah it's same for every TW game for me, like I'd love to play seleucids if they didn't start with half of the world so I play baktria instead
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>influencers all crawling back to pharaoh
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And so, we have been rewarded.
All that I have said has come to pass.
NTA but you can do the test in custom battles, yari ashigaru definitively beat katana samurai while in yari wall.
Sad innit? The grifters are slaves to their own curse.
Nah, but it's nice to see the game get a second chance.
Leave Cody alone. Dude will defend Thrones of Britannia with his life.
So what's the intended unit size for Pharaoh
Cody doesent even cover gameplay. He talks about lore and history.
get an ssd you animal
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Is this what I think it's supposed to be?
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Tbh that was a reason why I didn't really get into Carthage in Rome2 and I love carthage. It's a reason I like their shift towards decentralization more often. Bloated empires aren't fun to play as unless you are getting torn apart (WRE/ERE in Attila).

Checking the assets since I'm a dirty dumb modder, setn (That's rammy2's son right?) has a shit load of stuff armor wise. Disciples of Sekmet, state equipped nubian longbowmen, nakhtu, expeditionary (not clear what it is but looks libu), red land amror,

And then this! Mycenaean armor with booba
Almost certainly enough assets to get Penny in, hope we see that mod.
That's a amazon leftover. They probably toyed with the idea early on. Shame because Pentasilea is MY WIFE
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Total War Warhammer 3 not Baba Yaga.: Is she evil?
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too smoll to by true mycenaean booba
The futa temple?
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There he is
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Most likely yeah, the only other female armor was like 1-2.

Oh scratch that, in man/armour (rather than female/armour) all the amazonian gear is in. So yeah, assuming voice lines are it wouldn't be hard to do.

Monsters are too, actually.
you haven't been here for the last two threads with the posts about the girls(male) prostituting themselves at the temple of ishtar, right?
Nope, they won't. Yari wall is more of a meme than mos twili acknowledge.
Too busy rn but I can make a clip of it in a bit more than 1 hour as proofs.
Pharaoh worth getting now with the dynasties update?
I was. I just didn't pay much attention to Babylon related posts.
Depends, if you like the period and histoid games. Then sure. It's a great game.
I could take or leave the setting but I do like historical games
I love Amazonian women so much it is insane

Idk how people like short stack girls.
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bretty good
Yeah. It's still cheaper on key sites for now so I'd recommend getting it there.
it's _fun_
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>Still same unit cards
Literally unplayable.
I'm having fun but I've played for an hour or something.
But it's looking good and runs extremely smooth

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We won, Bronze Age bros. We fucking won.
why is Achilles in game but amazons aren't
Any cute girl in Pharaoh?
Because Achilles was real.
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and campaign benchmark
maybe if these sofia dudes made the warhammer campaign map it would not rape your system
though it doesnt really matter since theres no reason to play immortal empires when we have the old world mod now
Using an Iliad character for an actual, real life part of Mycenaean Greece since we have no recorded names is a lot less ahistorical than adding a faction of mythical warrior women.
>only 4 factions
what the fuck? I thought they were adding everything historical from TROY?
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Afaik tausret is still the only playable gal.
its so when you dont know if theres fanatics or not for when youre fighting them, the game doesnt tell you if they have fanatics
click minor factions nigger, everyone except the amazons is there
>he fell for the shill campaign
lol, refund before time runs out
I'm not home from work for another few hours, what's the initial impressions of dynasties?
The game the history lads have finally been waiting for?
No more evil than your average Babushka.
No matter what you aren't eating enough
>except the amazons
It hurts bros... at least stick Penny and some girls in a scythian faction...
>The game the history lads have finally been waiting for?
It's good I just don't like the period
It has less players than 3K, and only a few hundred more than Rome 2. What do you think?
Scythians aren't a thing yet. You could put her in the Cimmerians which are basically proto-Scythians but even their inclusion was kind of ahistorical, it's a couple hundred years too early.
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I hope the best girl from Greek mythology(Penelope) is in, even if she's definitely not playable and just there to pump out kids
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The old world mod got updated, now with more Dark Lands details. Looks amazing.
where can I view what character do I have? I'm supposed to have helen as agamemnon, I can sell her via diplomacy but I can't see anywhere else
It's too early for assyrians to have cav but here we are
Why does Legendschizo hate Pharaoh so much exactly?
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I genuinely used to think he was some kind of shitposter just looking to make the general unusable but I'm not even sure about that anymore, the dude is way too dedicated. I just genuinely can't believe someone is that dedicated to a TW e-celeb.
Histchads fucked his wife
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>Kurunta starts with a wife and kids
I thought he was an incel
and you know this from a pottery shard or something?
Legend said Pharaoh is shit. That's enough.
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Who is he?
Why do they worship him?
Why is he so happy?
No, mostly records from the era. Pretty much every civilization from this time was absurdly autistic about records.
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incels are evolving and finding love with femcels
That's Baby Leopold.
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So is Pharaoh any good or is it just Troy 1.5
femcels aren't real.
>TheTerminator already shitting on Dynasties
>His whole comment section has turned on him
Love to see it
>though it doesnt really matter since theres no reason to play immortal empires when we have the old world mod now
Qrd on the OW mod? Does it work with SFO?
>Who is he?
John Hittite
>Why do they worship him?
he's a cool dude
>Why is he so happy?
just living his best years
this image..... ugh...
I love the small of women's backs.... so much.
dam I wish I were that happy
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>select my mycenean macemanii
gotta send him on a journey then have him RETAKE ITHACA WITH HIS SON BASED MODE KILL ALL THE SUITORS
TW youtubers don't have opinions of their own, they just try to parrot what they think their community wants to hear
he just missed the "redemption arc" storyline people were expecting
eh , with all they've added? I don't care about some measly voice lines.
you have uncovered the traitor amongst you
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Don't we all?
Small of the back is one of the great areas together with tummy and nape of the neck among others.
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kill suitors
behead suitors
roundhouse kick suitors
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Pharaoh has surpassed its peak player count. Congratulations, CA Sofia.
Oh hey, they included the preorder costumes from Pharaoh for free. Nice.
alright I'm launching Total War: Pharaoh Dynasties now
>he fell for it
Ladies and gentleman, we got him. You can stop the charade now
how do you counter tzeentsch
uh oh we've hit 2 hours since he started his melty
sustained combat
this guy has such an uncanny art style...
It's great isn't it? The western RAITA.
I fucking adore it
He is not legends fanboy, this is obvious, otherwise he wouldn't be turning this general against him. His goal is to shit up the general, he only uses this particular eceleb as one of his tools
the expac that made the game worth playing literally just came out nigger
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Today I worship ze lady in perhaps a different manner than she may have intended
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>pharaohtranny known to samefag with 4chan pass
Legitimately schizophrenic post
I didn't say it had a good number of players retard I said it was worth playing
I played better games with lower playercounts
>worth is determined by number of people playing
Can I get a check on Rome 2 posts ITT? It can't be worth playing if no one is talking about it desu.
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You gotta just not respond to schizos man. It's kinda actually funny when nobody takes their bait and they just start getting more and more desperate (desperate) (Desperate, your turn).

I'd say the biggest danger is the casters and the flameboys. So aerial goon squad to snipe either
the booba knows
>4chan pass
There's no one here with the clover though?
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Take that Lindy!
There is a passfag but the funny thing is he's insulted Pharaoh for months so I dunno where the legendschizo is even getting the idea that Pharaoh posts are all by the passfag.
Not him but the clover is optional and is only used when shitposting or intentionally triggering schizos
>achilles doesn't start with his gay boyfriend as a general
literally unplayable
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>Take that Lindy!
Legend said Pharaoh is a bad game. And we all know he never lies.
His boyfriend is straight you faggot
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Do I need Pharaoh installed to play Dynasties or can I uninstall it freely?
Isnt that the guy who makes 20 min videos for every fucking hotfix? He's probably editing a 200h video assay on how Pharaoh sucks or something idk.
>Ea-Nasir is in the game
>his house is a special building
You can uninstall base Pharaoh.
Isn't a Total War YouTuber, he is a Warhammer YouTuber, same with Sotek.
No, Dynasty is its own thing, like how you don't need WH1 or 2 to play IE.
He's a warhammer youtuber first and foremost.
i really hope you dont get trolled anon. I would advise keeping both just to be safe for a while :D
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>yari ashigaru definitively beat katana samurai while in yari wall.
Proofs! https://files.catbox.moe/84iw4w.mp4
Yari wall should be renamed yari meme.

I don't think gbog cares for non warhammer stuff, the dude is basically a WHFB grognard total war only matters to him because it has warhammer games.
He's 110% fantasoi
Doesn't comprehend history
>achilles and odysseus start out as best bros with a faction affinity
can my flying demon lord just... stay on the ground and kill the enemies? instead of flying up ever 3 seconds and attack nothing???
>bromance so strong even in death they have a bro moment
There is a toggle for him to fly or not.
I think there is a toggle flying option.
That's fucking gay.
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I thought Faction units were shared and Native units were different. I didn't know all factions have their own different faction and native units. Now I wanna play Bay.
Wait nvm, I'm blind. Some units are shared. Only some though.
nothing gay with bromance
now patroclus, that's gay
Thank the horned rat for female Skaven mods so i don't have to jerk it to DEI garbage.
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as a person who never got past 5 turns in pharaoh who I should play to learn? Ramsess?
As a game that never got past 5 people playing it, why should you play it?
Is there good mod support for Pharaoh? I don’t own the game but dynasties has me interested, I’m just worried about unit variety and mods are usually good at addressing that.
Ramsesses is pretty much the intended starter character, yeah.

Not really, it's only been out for a year and old mods don't work with the new Dynasties version of the game anyways.
so we can bond over it and get 5 new friends
It's ok soihammer fag, you can pay for new toys soon!
I'm an AOR/Auxiliafag so native units is what I love to see. Frankly the whole dynast system works perfectly for a medieval 3 and claimants to the throne.
>CA sofia does M3
>But the monkey's paw curls and they release with just British Isles + France

Impossible to say right now. Agony was/is the big name mod (besides radious and >Radious) that released for troy and Pharaoh. There's a risk of brain drain but given the higher variety you can run with for Pharaoh now it's viable to see more units. The main thing I'd expect to see soon enough is cavalry mods.

I'm working on some texturing, I'd like to do a 730 BC mod but I am not sure how much one man can pull that off. So my thinking is I'll stagger it - first retextures, then new units (IE still the base campaign experience but some iron age stuff added), then if I can learn how and it's not difficult change faction placements and lords and such. Since I like that 700 period as you get some new options opening up like Lydian lancers.
its easy to mod like all the total war games but also has a shitload of axemanii and spearmanii so you dont really need more of those
And people say 4chan ain't a place for friends.
most of Pharaoh's mods to date were QoL and combat overhauls but it's going to be a completely new workshop anyway
the new lethality system is basically doing what the Slaughter in the Sands mod did, although I think that author was still planning on updating it for Dynasties
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>charging across a muddy field while I have archers on a hill
I see the French chivalry already existed in the bronze age.
Anyone that can compare Hittite spearmen with Trojan spearmen? I am curious to know which is better.
>he pays for his games and constant microtransactions
Are you okay? Mentally?
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yoink, mine now
get fucked shitssyrians
Does the pharaoh blood dlc work with dynasty?
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I've just added every history player in this thread on Facebook
bro your spearmen??? using horses as mycenaeans is soulless
americans aren't home from work yet but I don't think we'll hit 7k, I reckon it'll hit 6k, maybe 6,500.
Definitely ssd, for cpu there will be bottleneck because of intel shenanigan.
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How does this image make you feel?
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>my ancestors
demons of chaos is literally impossible to play
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Is the Autobattle notoriously shit in this game? I was meant to suffer a "medium number of casualties"
I literally just went into a basic formation, smashed into the enemy, fighting UPHILL, and no one died
Champions of Troy have identical stats to Golden Spearmen. Guards of Troy have 10 more armor than Veteran Hittite Spearmen.
Seems like they are pretty neck and neck. There is going to be a lot of heavy spearmanii vs heavy spearmanii in Anatolia.
Playing as the sea people isn't as fun when I'm not the only white dude in the world destroying brown civilizations
Modders are attention whores. They need attention to mod, in small games, they usually won't emerge
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Dude just found himself an Egyptian slut in the middle of Assyria.
Generally you don't want to fight the Hittites as Troy, their mechanics are pretty heavily geared towards sucking up to them, as is historical.
implying you wouldn't also plap cute egyptian whores if you were king of the universe
Best faction to RP an invasion of the Moloch peoples and BTFO the evil gods child sacrificing gods?
Pharaoh married off their daughters to foreign rulers all the time. If I remember correctly a good part of Hittite and Babylonians queens were gifts from Egypt.
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>Autobattle notoriously shit in this game
Can be but not necessarily. AR thought this was a valiant defeat but I simply never allowed his 2 armies to form up into one.
>*clank* *clank* *clank*
>"have at thee, trojan dog!
I wonder how good armour in the Bronze Age truly was. Capable of deflecting a sword? Strong enough to resist a spear thrust?
other way around, Egyptians very much didn't like sending their princes and princesses abroad and asked other powers to send consorts to them
everybody thought they were being weird about it because sending off your daughters was common in Mesopotamia
>prays to a woman
>thinks mary is a co-savior with christ
>has to acquire idols, have them blessed by a 'father' and then rub them all over his body
>has to pay 'priests' (((money))) to lessen his punishment and time spent in (((other))) hell
>has to suck some old dude's cock thats wrapped in fancy garbs and treasures (jesus had only his cloak)
>his salvation is gatekept by old homosexuals because he's a peasant and too stupid to interpret the word of god himself, or the words of jesus directly
>gos to hell if he even dares to assume he is going to heaven
Are history fags all cucks? Well guess it makes sense if they keep paying for the same Medieval 2 conversion over and over again.
Goddamn Slaanesh really need their DLC
Even lategame, all they ever have to toss at me are hordes of light infantry, light cav and armored guys with no bite

What could they actually get to actually make them formidable instead of 'lol we so speedy'

Yet he became more and more promiscuous as he recalled the days of his youth, when he was a stud in Egypt. There he lusted after his waifus, whose buttocks were like that of donkeys and whose bosoms were like that of cows.

Ezekiel 23:19-23:20
It's normally genderbent the other way though
Unironically used the horse/donkey metaphor in my writing
You dorks sound like you're scrounging change together to go buy heroin.
Leave the historyfags alone. It's been almost a decade since their last fix
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>enters your Pharaoh Dynasties
I assume it god the job done, consider the spears and swords were also made out of bronze back then
Getting this weird stutter in Total War Pharaoh Dynasties as I move. What’s a good single setting to turn down ? It happens when I rotate on the campaign map while moving and also just moving around in battle.

I have a 2080 TI. Looking for some heavy hitting setting to adjust.
Cimmerians are among the oldest races, descended from the Atlanteans, who arrived from a land which long ago sunk beneath the waves and was lost to history. As a race, they have scarcely changed in appearance, demeanor, or temperament. Like the Atlanteans, they are dark-haired and have eyes of gray, blue, or green. They are tall and rangy, with powerful builds, while their skulls are long. Unlike the Nordheimer, though, Cimmerians are generally darker-skinned, almost as much so as the Picts, a race they deeply despise. Also, like the Picts, Cimmerians are adept climbers, able to find purchase in any rock-face or tree and scale it quickly without fear. In temperament, Cimmerians are a dour and moody lot, practical, yet proud, prone to both brooding and boastfulness, often maddened by the futility of life. Cimmerians only exult in the heat of battle, since the rest of the time their moods are black and occasionally morose.
To a Cimmerian, family and kith are the strongest bonds, since their clans spread across settlements and throughout the land, so they might find kin-folk far and wide. It's rare for a Cimmerian to become curious about the world beyond their village, much less showing an interest in anything outside their grim and bleak country. Their language, called Cimmerian by others and Gaeilge by the Cimmerians themselves, is their own, and is not spoken outside their lands. It has little in common with the speech of other folk, and has more to do with the Atlantean strain than any of the Hyborian tongues spoken by their neighbors in the south, or the language of the Nordheimer.
Cimmerians, as a people, are independent and clannish. They consider themselves as stubborn foes, holding fast in their hills, their valleys, and their bogs, resisting even the ancient Acheronians, who could gain no purchase against them, leaving the fierce hillmen to their own rocky abode
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>550 players in-game
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yo wtf
>The region that is near 2 lakes but doesn't actually border both lakes in the northeast
Hyboriabro pls
Juries out on this lethality mechanic.

I don't like it when people photoshop my appearance.
we were fucking robbed amazonbros
You can see from the icon that it's the Amazon faction from Troy. They just removed everything that made them Amazon and changed the civilization tag.
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Shang expedition to Mesopotamia DLC soon.
dumbest (You) I've ever gotten but I forgive you as it is such a really kinopost, based and Crompilled
Joke's on you, I never had facebook.
Total War: Pharaoh - Lords of Shangyang
Someone mod in Penthesilea as the leader of this faction
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Urhi-Teshub bros... maybe our king was bad...
>game without guns
neck yourself
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>enemy general eats arrows to the face and dies
>the cavalry rear charge hits
chariot fags need not apply this is cavalry kino now
Helmets and armor were still commonly made of bronze or linen until the romans
The old trope was inaccurate that iron is just vastly better to bronze in quality. It's that iron is vastly vastly cheaper to get. It requires more work to pull off and good bronze is better than iron, but steel pulls ahead of either.
Does AI try to protect its leader in battles? I hear generals drop like flies in battles now.
hey guys im playing the new slop game and im having so much fun!
you should buy this game tooooooo!!!!!!!!
Iron armor was shit. The only reason they started making it from iron is because high quality bronze recipes were lost for centuries along with the copper and tin trade routes.
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4 hours in and still melting down.
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i have not had a full 20v20 yet but in this early battle they had a shielded bodyguard who got focus fired by my general with composite bows and the 2 other bow units within seconds
>cavalry rear charge
Only homosexuals use this strategy.
Sounds pretty cool, wish you luck anon. It would have been nice if they added more of Iran for a potential Rise of Persia sort of mod, but obviously we frankly just don't have a lot of detail on what was happening there in the bronze age. Still, if they did that(even if just the western portions) Pharaoh could be a pretty neat map for like a Rise of Persia or even Diadochi wars campaign.
So what the fuck is the point of the Old World map? Just having more space?
More lore accurate.
How do I acquire an amazoness gf?
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open up anon
it hits just right
In what sense? Just less squished map?
more of the only area of the map that matters.
very nice however i refuse to play as ASSyrians
Do the minor factions have any flavor whatsoever or is it basically just "Heres a starting army and province, get conquering".
Family trees have some nice flavor, Odysseus is obviously married to Penelope. Some play completely different, for instance Rhesus has entirely Thracian stuff.
Their rosters are unique.
Coolest looking Pharaoh factions?
Kurunta is the coolest and strongest. Suppilluliluma is the shittiest and worst looking.
>Immune to psychology
If Alexander's tactics were forms of hammer and anvil.
What were Rome's early tactics?
shut up grandpa, take your herbal remedies.
Superior numbers.
What's your metric for cool? If you want iconic bronze age it's going to be Egypt or Babylon.
Hoping people aren't cowards about this and go worry about what CA will think. It's a no longer worked on game, shouldn't worry. At least upload it on Nexus or something if they won't allow it on steam.
has anyone ever had any of the Bretonnian factions actually survive long enough for their diplo research branches to be useful? I dont think ive ever seen any faction except Carcasonne survive more than 10 turns
pile of violence.
they were basically WoC.
Carried by their tech tree and lost most engagements with peer-level powers.
See anything east of Dara or the Rhine.
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>conquest the entire middle east with hammer and anvil tactics and homosex
not my problem
*the Mycenaean outpost of Crete
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Alright, I have fallen for the memes and bought pharaoh, any things to know before getting in that's different to other TW games?
ignore the legendfag and play Egypt first because they're the most simple, otherwise play whoever you like and have fun!
have you tried Scythia?
>combine two failed games into one
>still barely more popular than Rome 2
Historysissies.... it's over
Resources matter and trade agreements are your friend.
Shill me on this game
More space with absolutely nothing in it. Your 40-turn campaign will take 80 turns instead, because everything is twice as far as normal. That's about the only difference.
Doesnt matter if they survive or not. You have to research it to open confed with Alberic/Louen/Feet Ench.
Repanse has +50 with humans +50 Brets tech that you have to reseach early. It allow you to confed Lyonesse very early and from there you can confed all of Bretonnia.
Settra shouldn't be in the "fallen" category since he canonically defied both Chaos and Nagash
Malakai SHOULD be in the fallen category since he's a slayer oath-bound to die for his shame
Price of a McDonalds meal right now and also Babylon are cool.
trade with other factions
try not to get Agamemnon killed turned 1
You are a better rat than i.
no supply line penalty
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Dude looks like he's seen some shit in his time.
the little outpost buildings are op as fuck
they refund 50% movement you used to get there so you can go through your own territory at sanic speed
he literally lives in the middle east
What the other anons said, trade is incredibly important because most factions usually start with at most one of them. Protect your general, they're not one man armies like in Warhammer and die even easier with the new lethality system. Get chariots ASAP because even if you don't want to use them in battle due to their finickiness most of the time period is infantry so you want at least something to run enemies down.
He literally starts next to jews.
mycenae-chan my beloved...
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Pharaobros won.
getting high FPS but gigantic stutters even on lowest settings
update drivers, and check background programs
is luthor harkon present in your bitchass game?
I guess McDonalds is really cheap over here, because I could almost buy 4 meals for the price of Pharaoh.
>Portuguese flag
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>no Crete in Troy
>no Crete in Pharaoh
we buy on key sites
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Why would they add such a shitty island, you CRETEn
nós éramos faraós e o caralho :^)
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I just saved Greece from the Dark Ages.
Maneuverability and ability for units to operate indepdendently. A phalanx was basically one massive unit. Sure they might be organized into separate phalanxes but tactically they basically formed a massive spiky wall. The roman army meanwhile was much more individually organized, stemming from its roots in the warband system of italian warfare. Tactically, early roman troops were basically skirmishers who can fight in melee when they have to. So if they saw a phalanx, they could more adeptly lead it into terrain to disrupt it, or flank it etc. Additionally since roman armies were not supplied by the state/King directly as in the east, but rather by either themselves or a much closer relationship to some sort of patron, their equipment was quite good and well developed since they had more of an incentive to get the best possible gear for themselves/their immediate subordinates if they were a noble leading troops.
More empty space makes field battles far more common to break the monotony of endless sieges. This is by far my favorite change, the map takes time to get around so maneuvering matters instead of a bunch of people just beelining for settlements.

There's also more detail per area, most areas have ~2-3 times the settlements to make fighting over them more fun and last longer. This helps campaigns feel more like classic Warhammer campaigns, bringing the detail level from worldwide conquest to national conquest.
The war for Karak Eight Peaks is actually fought by Belegar, Skarsnik, and Queek, and takes longer than a single settlement battle. The Darklands contrasts between wide empty reaches of desert with a few small settlements and dense clusters of settlements at major fortresses, with Zharr Naggrund as a multi-province industrial area in the middle of a slave revolt. Mountain ranges are labyrinths, giving Underway races a serious advantage there. Athel Loren is actually a whole bunch of wood elf kingdoms, so you can spend a big part of your campaign conquering it instead of bumrushing 5 settlements. There's also a big pirate area with factions based on Dreadfleet if you like nautical stuff, and you can spend most of your campaign doing sailing around doing pirate stuff instead of conquering Ulthuan or w/e.
There's also more faction variety in each area; so an average long campaign will see you play against most factions.

The LLs are also way more spread out in most areas, meaning you get to fight them after they get their cool toys instead of fighting Teclis with a stack of spears and archers. Notable exception is Albion which is a bloodbath of cool LLs that don't really fit the main map but which could have conceivably fought in the 2002 Albion campaign, like Kroq Gar, Yuan Bo, or Morathi.
nice words retard
holy BASED
imagine coming back from the underworld and dropping TRVTHNVKES about how women are all faithless whores especially your wife, Agamemnon really was a champion of women's lefts
How’s the new pharaoh update? I have an itch to get back into historical total war and heard it’s unironically the best one since Shogun 2
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they get mention in both Troy and Mycenae's intros as already having fallen, which is accurate because they got conquered by Greeks a couple centuries earlier and were no longer relevant
the Egyptians miss them too which is amusing because IRL Egyptians simped for their culture and copied Minoan style buildings in lower Egypt
IE, ME and TWW1 maps are shitty themeparks where everything is too small and too close to each other. No faction has the chance to grow to be the powerhouse to oppose the player. Cities are so close to each other that every battle is a siege, which also forced CA to remove minor settlement battles to make room for normal battles. IE also wasted map expansion on fanfiction Asia instead of upscaling areas that matter.
The Old World cuts the bloat out and resizes actually important regions to proper size. Now Bretonnia and Athel Loren aren't embarrassingly small and you can have proper campaigns in them. And that's not to mention how great the Empire is now or how fun actually retaking the realms as Dwarfs is. There is even a proper fight for Karak Eight Peaks between Belegar, Queek and Skarsnik.
All ChaosRobbie has to do is make similar map for Elves and there is no reason to ever touch IE to be honest.
I don't think Shogun 2 was as good as Attila or 3 Kingdoms
but to answer your question, it's dope
>nipples look like someone took a shit on her chest
The state of sand niggers.
I dunno if I'd say it's as good as Attila but yeah, it's very good now and I can say it's fully a historical game now that it has family trees.
>in wh3 I have to lower settings just go get 60 fps in the campaign map
>in pharaoh I have to limit fps as it's going above 200
>Egyptians simped for their culture and copied Minoan style buildings in lower Egypt
They're literally me. I literally WUZ after all
>Ptra's Necrotects can colonize defiled bloodgrounds
What the fuck?
Tomb King Gods > Chaos Gods.
beastmen truly are a nehekharan's greatest ally
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I don't think any of them is real
Still could’ve made Knossos under Idomeneus a minor faction. Wouldn’t have hurt anyone.
>Pharaoh won by getting a single content update then being abandoned forever
Jesus, I don't want to see what them losing looks like
That's all it needed, mechanically it was always superior. WH3 feels so dated in comparison.
I really like how tactical the battles feel desu
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>what them losing looks like
So what's the difference between the Ruling Family and Dynasty Tree? I'm playing as Merneptah and in the ruling family tree I can see Amenmesse but in the Dynasty Tree I can't see him, I assume because he was exiled?
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why are you so racist whiteboy?
Uhh farobros....where are the 20k players that were supposed to save the game??? They're going to end development if only 6k people play it.
Does TW3 only have that King of the Hill mode? I'm purely a spectator, and I used to watch some TW2 content. I find the current objective mode boring to watch.
>The Sumerian afterlife involved a descent into a gloomy netherworld to spend eternity in a wretched existence as a Gidim (ghost).

Yuck, Thankfully we remember always , that it took place forever, the Kingdom come in whosoever.
>flaming bull worshipping dwarf
>call an island populated by bull worshipping manlets shitty
Controlling 3 map points with fixed reinforcement points is the usual tryhard.
I only play open field smash your fucking dicks into enemies mode.
TW3 has three gamemodes
TK gods are just meme versions of elven deities.
ah, so it exists. The guy I watch just doesn't make anything else. Does the open field mode have a name?
It got three updates actually. Sea Chuds, Blood and Sand and Dynasties. All free. Don't forget to buy the next Warhammer DLC piggie.
>disable guard mode on all my units like I do in every battle
>they still behave as if guard mode was on
I bet last patch did this.
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Blood and Sand isn't only a DLC it was also a free unit behavior rework.
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If you're too stupid to use CreamAPI you deserve all the paypigging desu
Using direct fire into an enemy flank is insane, feels like a musket line
Cream doesn't work for Pharaoh, it detects it and refuses to load : ^ ). Luckily only blood is paid, we even got the pre-order skins for free this update. Pharaohchads keep winning.
If true that is the exact opposite of winning
Wouldn't know since I don't buy shit games
good, getting shot by arrows directly should be deadly
There are limits to being retarded.
Yeah, the limit for being retarded is pretending that CreamAPI not working is somehow a good thing
>Slaanesh has 3 legendaries (N'kari, Sigvald, and Azazel
>Tzeentch has 3 (Kairos, Vilitch, and Changeling)
>Nurgle now has FOUR (Kugath, Festus, Tamurkhan, and Epidimus)
>Khorne only has two (Skarbrand and valkia)
how will CA balance this out?
It's just normal pvp, you make a multiplayer battle game, then select any of the hundred maps, or download custom ones. You can filter maps that have objectives or certain layouts like castles and whatnot.

There's some cool maps that have endless enemy spawns. You can also set how big the armies are, unit type caps, unlimited herounits, and assign how much gold each army gets starting out to build their army. 9k-13k is the norm in most pvp games. you'll see 20k-30k too, or like 15k with two small 7k armies, one starting and one reinforcing.
It does not work for one singular 3 dollar blood DLC, it doesn't have to work for the other updates because they were all free from the get go.
Copium, go buy your blood DLC
I love wardancer syrup
Not an issue, it and Pharaoh cost less than buying Warhammer 3 even if you cream everything for it lmao
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>Not an issue
You better have paid at least a 40% tip for that blood DLC, CA's DEI team worked hard to give it to you
Penthy Sweat
Elspeth Hot Breath
Miao Milk
Wardancer Syrup
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Looks pretty white to me. No danger hairs either.
But Atilla is worse than Rome 2 post patches
>getting mind broken by blood dlc
Pharaoh haters are insane.
Skarbrand gotta lift his tail and make sure the blood flows where it should go if he wants a Khorne friend
This looks more dysgenic than a reddit meet up
Just use one of the newer unlockers. Cream is like 10 years old. Or just use one of the steam cracks that let's you download every game free. I play multiplayer daily on my Total Warhammer 3 downloaded for free and all the bonus content as well. Steam is jewish and it''s easily jewed.
Depends on how you like your battles and whether you like hordes, I guess. I won't deny Rome 2 definitely got the better DLC.
>Atilla is worse than Rome 2
lol, LMAO Rome 2 is a clown game.
Cream being old seems to have worked in its favor, all the new shit like SmokeAPI got zanned by Steam.
They are coming after cream too.
Source? Sounds like coping from people who've bought hundreds of dollars of DLC.
It's just a matter of time.
So cope, got it.
>tfw no Nordland gf
Geographically: Orks or Dwarfs.
Which Pharaoh campaign do I do to learn the mechanics? It's my 1st hist game
Skaven are all nazi coded.
Ramesses is the intended starting campaign. If you want lots of starting territory in the corner of the map, Agamemnon.
how do I into diplomacy for pharaoh? TWWH diplo was INCREDIBLY straightfoward, how much more complex is it in pharaoh?
>More empty space makes field battles far more common to break the monotony of endless sieges.
Honestly, when the fuck are people finally going to do the correct thing and drop the 3d map?
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Retvrn to S1 and M1 map.
It's a bit more complex it's basically Warhammer diplomacy with a barter system, legitimacy trading and adoption mechanics. And a few more bells and whistles.
Tried out Pharaoh Dynasties today after buying the original game and then not really playing it Mostly just because I got distracted playing other games, what little I played it seemed fine, I have to ask: How lethal is the game towards characters? I honestly thought Three Kingdom struck a pretty neat balance between "Heroes are mortal" and "Heroes die every single time they lose a battle", and I hope this game continues it.
I liked both :|

No, seriously, I know people would be furious. But if they revealed "Medieval 3: No 3D map" I would be all over it. It was a bad idea in Rome 1, it continued to be a bad idea in Medieval 2, and it's been a millstone around the game since then.
Ignore it brother, it's Steam cucks new copeAPI.
very, anons are getting Agamemnon killed turn 1
I saw that apparently it's a bug and your general is only supposed to be killable after 60% of his bodyguards die but the lethality system doesn't respect that, honestly people losing their main character to the starting enemies is fucking hilarious and CA should keep things as is
It's pretty lethal. Your leaders WILL die if you allow them to get shot at.
That's a bit of a shame. Especially if it also applies to the AI. I like leaders being mortal again, but the game is still character driven enough that having them drop so easily feels off.
There's an immortal leaders campaign option if you want, faction leaders will only die if their faction does.
I might. It depends on how prone the AI is to getting their generals killed. I can take or leave your own leader being easily murdered.
Ngl I did enjoy the S1 map when I played the game a few years back.
Total war is only popular because it combines 4X and RTT well
If it abandons either pillar, it will fail
They just need to find a way to remove the autoresolve problem
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imagine a world where islam never took over the middle east...
Making it hex based would work fine as well. Do something similar to Humankind or Age of Wonder.
Just get the no scaling cost for amethyst units mod that's about it. Even with it, it took me til turn 100 to max out amethyst ships(which imo are a complete waste of schematics) and I barely had amethyst units so to speak despite owning half the planet and having 100k income per turn
Explain the Babylon skaven meme
Tbh I know a muslim dude and I thought it was almost cute when he was asking his girl to wear more stuff there's no malice in it to them its just a matter of decency
Babylon's niche is that it has shit tier units that have the expendable trait and taskmaster units that keep them in line, just like skaven/chorfs.
>there's no malice in it to them
Until they start beating people to death over it.
they're more like chorfs than skaven
shitty numerous units that need buffs from "taskmaster" units
That's how they sold the faction on their blog or whatever we want to call it. The description was along: drown the enemy in low tier spears, swords and slings with some dedicated support units. The only unique thing is the supports the description is basically hey here's skavenslave spam you rike?
Which starts in pharaoh would be considered best to ease up into mechanics?
tausret is a good simple start and you learn the importance of resources
>ease up into mechanics
any faction will do, the game slowly unlocks and explains new mechanics over the course of the first 20 turns or so
>imagine a world where jews didn't subvert people
Yeah, must be nice wherever that timeline is. Jews created Islam to counter the rising Christian empires like in Ethiopia, then when the Jews new, 100th puppet at that point, fucked around killing Christians in the area for not converting Ethiopia went totally sick house on all their asses including the Jews, just like the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Egyptians, the Phoenicians, yada yada yada yada yada
Khorne is getting 2 lords in the next DLC (one paid and one free).
Tzeentch might be getting an FLC lord in the future.
You will have your equilibrium.
Thing is wep types are exactly the same as what skavenslaves use. But nobody really plays with skavenslaves forever as skaven
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Is the problem the 3d map? Because when I am looking at the campaign map here, I see a https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPxqCEV-Cy8 similar-ish number of provinces, I just assume that not every province has you having to do a siege. For exmaple around 10:09 he invades wales - and it's a field battle. There's no castle. I assume M1/S1 limited castle sieges to very important provinces (IE London or paris). We don't need to go back to the primitive roots, there can just be a way of handling the question with more finesse. What happened in real life when you rolled up to a city? Either they went
>Fuck off we're not surrendering
>Oh shit yeah we surrender
So make the chance that a province goes over to an invading army based on variables like the dread/honor of the general, the religion/ethnicity of the general, the size of their army relative to the size and proximity of an allied army, whether there was any recent great defeats or great victories, ect. And then make sure the AI recognizes this and also understands that if you yield the field and just turtle in a garrison it increases the chance that provinces throw over to the invader IE:
>Persian army in levant after Alex victorious at Issus
>If they hold up in gaza, they increase gaza's chance of resisting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Gaza_(332_BCE)
>But if they hold up in gaza then the modifier for the persian army being in the field is drastically reduced, making other provinces in the levant and Syria less likely to stay loyal.

And possibly have 'medium cities' just provide an additional army to allied armies in the area instead of a garrison. You attack Rome? It's a siege. You attack Capua? The Romans get a free 15-20 man stack but it's a field battle.

I applaud that design, I think it's an easy way to remedy the 'spearmanii' situation of historicals if you have that kind of thematic variance.
Yeah, then it gets based
>>I assume M1/S1 limited castle sieges to very important provinces (IE London or paris).

This is not true. In your example, there is no siege because Wales does not have a castle. In S1/M1, provinces didn't need to have settlements. However, building settlements in every province was a good idea both for the protection and to unlock more buildings. Once a province had a settlement, they invasion would still play out like in your example but afterwards you would lay siege to the castle in a way that is mostly the same to what we have now.
More like slopland girlfriend. You fuck her pussy and suddenly notice there's an extra nose on her asscheek.
praise tzeentch

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