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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Living the dream edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-57
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

Previous thread: >>487449542
Do you intend to be in demo day 58? Does it look like you'll meet the deadline atm?
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>look up my game in the archives
>zero mentions
Dont quit your job
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$1M game idea: top-down detective game using Darkwood's line-of-sight system. You see events as the detective does.
>be away from computer
>everlasting motivation to just like make gaem
>get to computer
>stare blankly at screen
>minimize editor 4 minutes later
never had one to begin with
Not much actual progress, but grenade launchers & target-rich environments tend to make it hard to focus on real work.
Amateur gamedev is my jobby.
Just dev without computer
Not sure detective game would benefit much from it. You have all the time in the world to explore around, after all.
Now bodyguard with that mechanic...
i'm fixing everything
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How would you improve these graphics? It's a VN, so no 3D.
I would redo the models entirely.
But it doesn't Marnix. it just doesn't.
Weird shadows
Any tips on drawing pixel icons? I find 24x24 really hard to work at, but I can't scale up
>It's a VN, so no 3D.
Weird because it looks like a screenshot from a 3D game
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Who is this tatar gentleman??
You can render 3D models in 3D software.
I keep having game ideas that would require a gf to make
just buy a gf
Babies aren't games, Anon.
At least not fun ones.
this but just another guy to make the game with.
Become your own GF :)
I'll be your publisher and give you a girlfriend but I take 30% of her every month.
cumulatively :^)
>3 months later
>GF consumed and gone
good morning devs, i wish you all a good day of progress
me, i'm finally learning tweens
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mid week progress, worked on some textures
chat is this true?
I wonder if I can get her to build 30% of fat every month
great stuff
Hey guys, wazzup?! Coming in from the Discord, it's real chill! No bots, no ecelebs, no spam, it's the bee's knees! See you all there!
Froggy and Cris are there, I pass
I'll just stay in the IC one
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No, thanks. That Discord officially endorses bullying.
my game is held together with scotch tape and faith
if i wanted a bitmap font, or a raw binary font like from a zx spectrum character set, where would i easily get one in a conventional format (not scalable)
or do i need to make it myself
I don't get it. Why not just google "bitmap font"?
Hell yeah
>dyel in the gym
>nodev in game dev
I can't go on anymore...
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abandoned my 3d tp shooter game cause shit was taking too long. hoping this is gonna go better
that page didn't show up in my results
and looking at it, it doesn't even have a conventional format.
Works on my machine
very neat
>3rd person shooter
>taking too long
Just use Unreal you retard. There's a sample project that's basically a ready to ship multiplayer TPP shooter with data driven systems in place that are easy to adapt to whatever you need
>look at Gabe
>look at Notch
>look at Toby, Hopoo, Blow, Lucas Pope
I dunno bro, what do you think?
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In godot what would be the best/simplest way to go about a tilemap having different properties, IE for something like a particular wall you can’t walljump on when you can for the others
makes sense. mens sana in corpore sano.
a healthy body is a pretequisite for a healthy mind
He didn't say it was the only way to make gains in games.
Placeholders were a mistake. I should have just made the final asset as I need them
It doesn't give any gains whatsoever to your game directly (unless you're making a gym game), just general health improvement, but that's like saying eating olive oil and garlic will lead to gains in your games.
it takes like, 30 seconds to swap in and out a placeholder as long as you used empties to hold your animations and stuff
.... you DO use empties to easily translate your animations to new models, right?
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>look at tynan sylveste-
I should have made a game with a rabbit character..
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>Alexa, bring up how Tynan Sylvester looked like BEFORE he got rich from Rimworld.
Face it, you either gotta be skinny or fat to hit it big with games. Afterwards it doesn't really matter.
>tfw both skinny AND fat
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hope is fading
life is draining
future dissipating
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>art fag is back from vacation
>says he's itching to get started with something
Hope is growing
Life is healing
Future bright
what does Japanese cartoons have to do with that?
wish i had a gamedev partner
Healthy body leads to healthy mind
Healthy mind leads to healthy deving
Healthy deving leads to gains
Some games were made by a deranged minds, not healthy ones.
Also Gym != Health. Gym does have some health benefits but it's not a strict equal relationship. People from Okinawa and Sardinia lead the healthiest lives and have the highest lifespans but they don't go to the gym, they just eat properly and go for walks.
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>even crabs have mating
Same, except exclusively a gamedev partner (female) (gf)...
i want a bro. like a legolas to my gimli
Well, obviously. You can compensate health with pure unadultered autism, but for every such dev that succeeds there are hundreds who fail.
>ask art bro for a handful of sprites
>delivers a massive sprite sheet
>"that still only counts as one!"
and then we kiss
It will probably be hard to find a lasting bond on anonymous thread. Why don't you try on the Discord or on Xwitter?
your options of fellow aggydaggy gamedevs to collab with areee *drumroll*:
>Autistic skinny guy!
>Autistic skinny-fat guy!
>Autistic fat guy!
Ehhh if they have the right kind of autism
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Why do you care about mans appearance?
Are you a faggot?
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Been working on some of the sprites today. Just a few pieces of artwork left.
I made one where if you beat the 7th character she will applaud you.
how about autistic roided guy?
I think I have most of the logic code setup for the goodies looting.
Did not think yet of a duplicate mechanic though. I'm going to add a completion rate indicator.

What format do you prefer your collectables?

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stair physics
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>coomsroll pinterest
>see this
>immediately remembered bunnigger
Fucking assetflipper
I spent 3 years with placeholders and still suck balls at blender now it feels like it's time to replace them. If I'd just started instead of waiting until I was sure what was staying, I'd have 3 years of practice making finished/good assets
based, i hope i'll get a lot too when my ero game comes out

Did someone make a DD57 artwork btw
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This anon takes cocks up the butt
>it keeps happening
That's some soul right there, I love seeing shit in different degrees of destruction.
Anon was working on a piece with devs sitting around a table, but I believe it's abandoned
need me a bpd asset artist fat girl to completely fuck over my game
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more like (E)wbroken
grim if true
Marnix is a coward.
can i be your artist (not good at anything art related)
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only one I've seen was this.
There is a sketch with the inner circle around a circular table but I haven't seen it complete.
i'm stealing that, thanks
yoooooooooooooo nigga got no chill bruh
You can work natively at that resolution or you can use a multiple of it (so 96x96 for example) then scale it down (you can try different scaling algorithms, whatever your image editor provides, until you find the one that gives you the best result).
Either way you'll want to go for the simplest composition possible for the icon, no fancy details, no complex shapes, and as few colors as possible.
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>ObjectDB instances leaked at exit
My game is literally pissing itself.
What are you using tweens for? I am not sure what is happening in this webm that requires tweens.
after months of working on my game, it has 3 minutes worth of gameplay
piracy rates are 90~95%
that's why you have to update faster than the pirates.
That's pretty normal (assuming the game isn't incredibly basic) are those 3 minutes fun?
I like it
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finally a good patreon feature
after seconds of working on my game, it has 3 months worth of gameplay
Halo had 30s of gameplay
you can block latinx retard there unlike here
So if I want to put a bunch of colliders in a weirdly shaped empty area, do I just fill it with cubes and capsules or is making an invisible mesh with mesh collider a good idea?
What do repeated SomethingAwful memes have to do with that?
I left this place for 2 months and somehow this game looks worse than before. Sorry anon.
smoothing the quick turn
i used to have an instantaneous 180 degrees snap
Can I be your director, project manager and designer? (has never directed anything)
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this was my progress two months ago
are those static meshes with texture anims or skeletal mesh? been wondering how to optimize horde stuff in my game
/agdg/ does not play games
If you want thousands of complex moving enemies on screen at the same time you’ll have to look into vertex animations
I play path of exile and it makes everyone here have a meltie when I mention it
i make em!
I play lots of games.
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Whats your game design philosophy?
Mine is strict adherence to the ABAP Principle.
let's say you have weapon animations for your character
if you move those weapons after doing the animations, the position keyframes will still be the old ones, so the weapons will teleport all over the place
now let's say you have a "primaryWeapon" empty, or node3d, with the weapon as its child
now, when you move the empty, the animations will still work just fine, because the keyframes are relative to the parent in local space
so you can just swap a new model in, change the root object of the animation player, move the empty with the weapons as children, and you have successfully recycled your animations without having to redo your keyframes
>vertex animations
that's basically texture anims no? i was thinking of using those but then my horde npcs got complex animation that can blend with each other and does some physics stuff on hit/kill dunno if that's even possible using it without skeletal mesh. was thinking of maybe only having the skeletal mesh on characters that are close to you, but i don't really know how to switch it seamlessly when you're running close to different horde npcs.
so sad steve jobs died of ABAP
Steve Jobs did WHAT?
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what do you do when you have irl stuff that keeps you down but you want to keep on devving
What you’re talking about is very complex to achieve in practice, and if it wasn’t then every 3D game would have thousands of enemies on the screen at once
1. Games don't need to be fun
2. The player doesn't need to understand the game
3. Have at least one original thing in every game
I dev unless it's another too sad to dev episode
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Brincaca architecture. A random Brincacian caught on camera near his house.
i wasn't saying it isn't complex, i just didn't know if vertex animation/texture animation are the same thing. but eh anyway i probably won't even try dabbling into it. i guess i'll look into ecs shit for now.
does anybody have a sound effect of a big stone door opening I can borrow
Brah is that the house from Blue’s Clues?
I have no idea if this is genuine or not
nah it’s not even that. programming tps stuff is relatively easy, its just 3d modeling and rigging models was a real pain probably since i was starting from basically zero there. prolly will just learn 3d more casually on side and tackle the tps project later when i understand wtf im doing
If anything the Nortubeldev imposters have shown that the level of quality of Nortubel takes effort and isn't trivial to reach.
>does anybody have
yes :)
>I can borrow
no :)
If gun B does twice as much damage as gun A, but shoots about 66% as fast, should it cost more than A, or the same?
I don't know.
he has consistently improved over time.
I want to make Monochrome Fantasy clone.

Strip girl minigame and some adventuring
I'm glad you got the reference. It's a "fake homage" game after all.
I mean it depends, how big is the magazine? How long is reload time? Just create a dummy with infinite health, shoot at it for a minute or so and write some function which calculates DPS, taking into account the reload time and whatnot. DPS will be a good indicator of value.
sorry had to give the /v/ thread a crumb of progress instead of this one
Anon please
Is there a music making program that will allow me to write and input sheet music? Everything I see requires a midi keyboard and I don’t know how to play the piano.
i dont have an account on there
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Static mesh with texture animation, yes.

>i just didn't know if vertex animation/texture animation are the same thing
I never look too much into proper nomenclature, but IIRC vertex animation also include stuff that's purely algorithmic - low poly bird's flapping or fish swimming can be vertex animated with raw math formula.
Texture animation mean the animation was to complex and you had to actually store the "final" data.
AFAIK, most texture animation directly store each vertices' position for each frame, because it's much simpler to handle and faster to compute - but it doesn't work well with "high" poly stuff because the texture become rapidly gigantic.
What I'm using is "bone-based" texture animation, which stay compact no matter how many vertices the model has (it only scale with the number of bones in the skeleton)... but the counterpart is that you have to cram all the matrix madness about bindpose/boneweight into the shader to get where the fuck the vertex need to go.
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I give up... I can't make a game. I lost my spark.
Same, except I don't give up.
Very tempting.
Makes me wonder what ever happened to the catgirl game on here.
make one. use a burner email, that's what i did.
>download some hot audio porn with my dev account
>mfw it shows what you have downloaded publicly
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>it shows what you have downloaded publicly
f-for real?
I've already tried some things and I might be able to pull it off (mechanics). strip game is the hardest part, everything else would be easy.
such minefields exist everywhere anon. Some nsfw artist likes one of my dev account tweets, look at their timeline, be very careful not to accidentally like or repost anything, especially because it was cringe
>Do everything correct as the tutorial states
>Still fail miserabily
Why is my life like this? I have always been told "you can't get always get what you want from life" but i never seem to get anything.
I just checked and yes, every sound has a log of everybody that downloaded it rofl
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I take solace in the fact that even though my game is very close to the bottom, it's not in last place.
most Indie devs give up after the first game
Luckily I'm based enough that I don't mind.
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These are some of the worst days of my life.
I'm barely making my first game...
I'm gonna give up after my first game because it will sell 999999999999999999 copies
What's your version of Stealth Nodev™? "I don't feel like anything but let me still do some work"
Mine is doing cutscenes and art
Steam will rebrand to only selling your game
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Is the person who runs that kill?
Why won't they add Tricky Madness to coming soon
This will never happen, that page never gets updated, the dev who made it died. The other one gets updated.
Procrastinating by posting micro progress @144FPS.
>I've already tried some things
Anything worth showing? Sounds interesting.
>strip game is the hardest part
To me it would seem that the strip game would be the easiest as it is pretty much a linear step progression kind of deal, but of course it depends on what minigame(s) you wish to go for.
I....... What?
We have a better one already tho
I have a document where I write down all my thoughts about the game. Like, if I come up with a feature I write down how that feature would work. Or when I change my mind on something, I don't delete or change what I have already written down, but instead I write down "So I did some more thinking on that feature, and I think..." It currently has about 11,000 words.
why is 4chan not loading media properly anymore? do I have to switch to 4channel? Are you guys also on there?
Good morning aggydaggy
Today I will finish my intro to unreal course and begin my first solo project.
Pretty average /agdg/ release date.
Hopefully it'll be worth the weight
>"bone-based" texture animation
i imagined you have this texture animation for some sort of a "stick man" vertex which gets translated/multiplied/extrapolated or whatever with shader magic into positions based on the mesh or something? can't really imagine how it calculates which part of the bone connects to which part of the vertices in the mesh.
Works for me.
game ideas?
No, just some placeholder images and buttons that change variables.
sir, gaining items should make the game easier, not harder
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>game made by chinese in a couple of months using AI art
>surprisingly polished
>44 reviews in a couple of hours
You think you are safe. You feel confident in what the future holds for you. You think everything will keep being the same as it was until now. If only you knew how bad things will really get. If only you knew how little time there was.
Woman Simulator
Skyrim 2
You guys've been crying "Indiepocalypse!" since 2012
pixel platformer with cute relatable characters with depression and gender dysphoria
Oblivion 2 but with skyrim elements
I need a rocket launcher/grenade launcher type weapon for my historical/fantasy shooter. What are my options?

Also a tracking type weapon
A good ol' RPG 7?
Horror game where you are imprisoned in a comfortable one bedroom apartment and every day a fembot comes by to milk you of your precious seed.
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>it's not on the other list either
don't know if anybody has done this before, but imagine it like this
you're the overseer of a group of dwarfs, each with their own personalities and skills, and you have to assign them jobs and guide them to build their dwarf colony
basically you would have a lot of freedom to mine and craft and build your dwarf society, and there would enemies and various events of course
Doesn’t really fit with the medieval theme
/agdg/ procrastinating simulator
Game shows a PC monitor and some coding software open there and you can stare it.
Someone who thinks the "indiepocalypse" will never happen is just as naive as someone who thinks it always happens.
Hand Cannone
I’m making a boomer shooter. You play as a medieval knight as you fight your way through a mysterious castle, picking up strange weapons and killing the eldritch entities inside.
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>tfw keep getting horny while working on my game
So this is the curse of making ero games....
Fallout fat man but more like a crossbow idk
Arbalest that shoots a homing pidgeon stuffed with explosives (burning fuse sticking out its butt)
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Does anyone have any ideas on how i can make this game more interesting or should i just drop it?
Getting horny is a blessing. Having no cute gf to direct the horniness to is the curse.
I run the new one, I just added tricky madness

There's a request form on the changes page btw, I'm more likely to see stuff if people ask for their game to be added there
If you have a base of gameplay you're satisfied with the next step is good level design.
Make it a roguelike-metroidvania with additional decbuilding mechanics and I'm sold.
killer 7 inspired?
You want a historical rocket launcher that fits in a medieval setting?
Drop it so I can steal it.
What was I supposed to work on again... I forgot...
>he doesn’t have a journal with a work log of finished, ongoing, and future tasks
Anon, I..
I tried to do that once... but I'm just too scatterbrained.
If it's fantasy have a tube launching Saint Grenades or something Saint. Like the holy grenades of Worms.

Some kind of gems tube, coming from a church or something religious. You light it with some candle or some shit I don't know man.
Have you ever finished a game?
Kek maybe I should do this

I need a weapon that fills the role of a slow reload, splash damage, prediction based weapon that fits into a medieval fantasy theme. It doesn’t need to be autistically realistic
uh oh..
no i'm a failure
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ty kind anon!
Jus work on Fur&Fang you domb oirish CONT
You know what. Maybe I should make a little demo that I can put on Steam?
i would but working in unity makes me want to shoot myself, it's so slow compared to godot
>trickymadnessdev was a bocchiposter all along
>lifting for pussy
>for crabby pussy no less
There's no feel of urgency despite the player character moving so fast. A timer is the easiest and most braindead way to add some.
a ballista?
If it's meant to be a horror game, don't give the player a gun. Or give them a gun with a single bullet so they can use it on themselves.

If it's not a horror game then I don't really understand what you're trying to make.
I'm amazed by the fact that I might be the only person here who does a reasonably good job at tracking which games have been posted and who develops them. If I asked any of you to name my previous game you would just shit yourselves
People have been making grenades since ancient times, maybe have a grenade sling.
Alternatively, handheld mortar.
A Dragon's Lung.
A big, bleeding sac organ with a spout on the end where it would have connected to the dragon's airway. When the player equips the Lung, he gives it a meaty slap as if to cock the weapon. He holds the spout with his off hand like the handguard of a rifle and the trigger hand holds the larger sac. To fire, the Lung is squeezed, firing a wad of napalm that explodes. The slow reload is the Lung reinflating before it can be squeezed again. For extra flavor, like pulling the trigger on an empty gun gives a Click, if you fire the Lung before it's reinflated/cool down is complete, it is squeezed and releases a harmless puff of smoke.
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>artist asked to do a revshare
>told her it was a bad idea since the game will most likely not earn any money
>immediately regretted it
If you're looking for a femartist I'm free
why would you want to do a revshare anyway?
If I was to hire an artist, I would pay them cash and nothing more.
What is your game?
For my cheat meal today I had two burrtos, a triple big mac, fries, a crepe and raspberry chocolate muffins. I know it sounds like something an obese convict would order for his last meal but I can do 18 pullups.
I can tell you without a doubt that gains in the gym do not lead to better games. They don't lead to getting girlfriends either. The only valid reason to be a gym rat is to be better than all the fat schlubs, but most of your efforts will be trying to stop yourself from eating tasty food.
Some people don't have money NIGGER
>I care a lot about you guys but you don't care about me
Probably cause you're retarded. I bet you'd drink my piss directly from my dick you little idiot bitch kek piece of shit. Loser. Lmao.
this isn't the W you think it is.
>I'm free
Do you mean single?
Wtf am I looking at
I've been posting my game for 4 months but it doesn't have a name.
get a job you POORFAG
do you have a princess wand?
If you refuse to participate in thread culture then just leave
Lil bro about to get waken up by big sis.
>why would you want to do a revshare anyway?
So far, 100% of the games I've worked on have been financial disasters. If the artist agreed to a revshare, I probably wouldn't have to pay her anything because the game would never make any money.
Conceptually, how does this framework sound

>bullet hell
>regular fire is a fan/cone attack for popcorn enemies
>focus is a narrow laser
>not holding the fire button quickly builds up a meter
>charged regular shot is a wide, high damage beam
>charged focus shot is handful of high-damage homing projectiles
>there's a graze mechanic and grazing builds charge faster

The idea is to give players a reason to not hold down Z the entire game. If focused, the player is probably micro-dodging a dense pattern, so firing off a couple homing shots at bosses or tougher regular enemies would be helpful.
>can't really imagine how it calculates which part of the bone connects to which part of the vertices in the mesh
That's what weight painting is in modelling. They call it BoneWeights in Unity tho.
Each vertex store 4 bone IDs and 4 weights. This tell the vertex which bones to follow and by how much (weights must add to 1).
A sword in your character hand would have [Palm's bone's ID: 100%] on all it's vertices (hard/mechanical stuff general follow a single bone)
Meanwhile a vertex on the side of your character's boobs would have something like [Chest's bone's ID: 50%, Shoulder's bone's ID: 40%, Neck's bone's ID: 10%], with a gradient from vertices to vertices ensuring a smooth transition from one bone to another.

>some sort of a "stick man" vertex which gets translated/multiplied/extrapolated or whatever with shader magic into positions based on the mesh
That's what BindPoses do.
Basically vertices don't use a bone's actual position&rotation, but by how much it moved compared to it's T-pose (since a vertex's "starting" position is the one it has in T-pose)
A BindPose is the reverse of a bone's TRS matrix in its default position - sorry, no real way to clarify that one. What it mean is that a bone in Tpose multiplied by the bindpose equal 0, so multiplying by the boneweight also equal 0, and thus the vertex stay in its starting position when the skeleton is in T-pose.
Once the bone move, multiplying by the bindpose *isn't* 0 anymore, and instead is equal to the "difference" of how much it moved - and multiplying the vertex by that (and the bone weight) mathemagically give you the vertex's new position.

TLDR: Maths. Way too much maths.
With poor documentation.
Half of the shit I wrote is stuff I guessed, and might just be coincidentally correct.
And then there is the matter of storing all of that in the mesh itself, 'cause those data are usually not sent to the GPU and kept CPU-side (I put them in the UV channels so the shader can read them).
there is no culture in this shithole
And this is why all but the most naive artists avoid rev-shares like the plague. "Fuck you, pay me."
Working in Godot I've got this scenario where I have a Timer under an owner and a ProgressBar somewhere under an adjacent owner, what's the best way to connect them?

Currently I have the Timer Owner emit a signal on a "tick" (process tick or a custom tick time defined by an onready timer) that carries the Timer's time_left with it, PBar Owner has a function that is then connected to this signal and updates the progress bar. Is that the best way to go about it?
That's not thread culture. That's nodev culture.
I'm not good at names but I can recognize styles and a lot of the games posted in the last couple years.
>forgot pic
rip my 99 years of hard work in drawio
Artists will jump at rev shares if they think your game will make a lot of money, which is scammy and exploitative on their part. It’s just always best to pay cash
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You mean, your game is doing well?
just means the artist is seven more vested in its success. The artist is doing the hard part anyway, unless your game design really is good.
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Yeah, signal is fine. You can also pass the ProgressBar a reference/NodePath to the Timer, or if this is a single encapsulated scene, you can use "Access by Unique Name"
I'm considering making jumping a stamina free action to make aerial enemies and traversal less of a nuisance
Timer Owner and PBar Owner are two seperate scenes, so I guess signal is the best way to go about it.
Great diagram too, thanks.
when you make a demo are you supposed to create a duplicate of your project (idk if you can do that with github) and rip out all the non demo stuff
If it's all a UI system you put a script at the top level which all functions and signals connect to, that's how I do it.
if you want it to interact with other systems my event manager does that.
>bullet hell
Not for me

Nah just set it to demo mode with a bool
so I have to add an is_demo variable to all of my scripts... and all of their functions.
For combat that would be weird if having to constantly jump didn't make combat harder.
For traversal remember that there is always the option to have different stamina cost between "cruise" and "combat".
I remember a few games making stuff like sprinting free when not in combat, so you could travel easily but without being able to kite forever.
I wish you a productive day
Wanting some kind of remuneration and not just doing it for free is scammy and exploitative?? just lol
Might as well. It's good practice for polymorphism
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Thank you!
>”it’s best to pay cash”
Do you have a legitimate mental disability? Artfag retard
get rid of the blink before entering aiming mode, it's very distracting.
That would hurt my suspension of disbelief a little bit but so would the free jumping. I think I'll add more ladders in the game to cut down on the amount of costly "hops" that the player must make, so they can spend it bit more time sprinting, and out of exhaustion mode
Its probably more opportunistic I guess. But if you've been working on a game for 3 years and then you engage an artist to polish it up and they're like 'yeh I want uh... half' then I can see why you wouldn't take kindly to that. Though if you haven't already got thousands of wishlists then the artfag might just be retarded.
im sorry but i don't like it
looks like mobile game crossed with corporate powerpoint presentation
For the modal indie game, revshare doesn't make sense. They should expect pocket change from that, and should prioritize getting paid up front.
Warframe has it for free and the movement hasn't been topped yet.
i forgot how to upload a build to steam
>modder changes one (1) bool flag in your demo
>gets the entire game for free
it's better to build from a new project that only has what the player should see
>alpha maps
Someone redpill me on a non-cancer way of making/getting these, I've reached levels of despair I didn't think possible.
>his game doesn't feature copyrighted characters from other media
ths game just won the internet for today
Looks pretty bad desu
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End product will most likely still be mobile, but with an audio plug-in VST look (or what I can get looking like it).
>Not for me
I can understand that, but imo games with fewer, faster moving bullets are on average less fun than elaborate patterns of lots of slower moving bullets - and the stg industry moved in that direction for good reason, not because they were a bigger challenge.
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>gf made steak again
I set up a jenkins server to build and upload my game so I don't have to remember how to upload a build to steam

You can start here and read the docs to figure out how to upload to steam
>tfw made a whole can of candy but no gf to share it with
idk what that is, im just gonna have to do it the hard way every time.
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Basically, I only have to click those two play buttons to build and deploy to steam. Took me about 2 days to set up, but I'm used to using jenkins from my former day jobs. If you don't want to go to that effort (understandable) I'd recommend just writing down each of the steps you take as you take them so that you can simply follow your own instructions next time. You could also make a script to do it if you know how.
the first step i should do is make a business steam account and figure out if i can transfer my game rights over to that...
it logs me out of my personal account when i log into the SDK.
One day, Anon. One day.
How many wishlists are good for you? Considering the demo
i have 51 wishlist atm (after 2 or 3 unwishlists)
sigh it's a good thing i'm not wearing my stair-removing hat today, lest i be tumbling down to my doom
you should aim for 7000 if you want to get promoted by steam
add some lolis to appealMAXX
Interesting. I just went with my personal account, but I also made a second steam/steamworks account for my secondary machine.
when that happens i just take it slowly
if it's one line of code a day then so be it
what agdg devs would be tops and who would be bottoms?
i see, i'm familiar with weight painting process and all that, i just don't really know how it actually works under the hood.
thanks for going out of your way to explain me this stuff anon.
I'm top.
I'm a power bottom.
and I'm in the middle
This look nice. What's going to be the focus platforming, push-to-your-death combat, both?
I just want a cute Eastern European girl
My tastes are simple.
Twink or woman shorter than me? Top.
Woman taller than me? Bottom.
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Background for the Lahiurn city.
Nice. I work in an Atlassian shop, but I'd like to learn Jenkins.
Same except east asian
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i've finally accepted that i make games for the fun of it, not for any delusion of monetary success. the fun comes from trying new things and exploring new ways of making games.
this is why i am, and will always be a project hopper CHAD.
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Making games is so tiring. And if I take a 2 or 3 days break I feel like my release date moves a whole month ahead.
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>GTA 3 but it's Mad Max
>immediately regretted it
Why? Because then you wouldve gotten all the art for free instead of paying out of pocket? I'd likely never do revshare if I started off with contracting them. Not about slice up the pie further when I already have Steam and the government taking large chunks themselves

Anon they're getting paid and want to upgrade to revshare, if anything the artist is being scammy and exploitative (alternnatively opportunistic, which is the same as anon doing that to them when they suspect the game is going to be a flop) trying to increase their pay by tricking the dev into rev share. 10% rev share is better than $1000 for all the art if the game so much as gets $10,001 in revenue, which is equivalent to somewhere around 32 - 40 reviews on a $14.99 game.

This. Working on it for years, only to upgrade the art at the end and getting asked for a large cut feels like a slap in the face. Although idk why you'd tell the artist the wishlist count.
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I'm sooooo tempted to ban USA so you trannoids won't play my game and turn my fanbase into communist, fauci-worshipping, freakazoids, but you guys have the most money compared to everyone else on earth. No other country has the same drive to throw away money like you niggers. Absolutely insane purchasing power.
No github here but that's the plan. Copy and paste the folder to a safe location that has the whope game. Open up engine, manually remove all content to keep prying eyes/modders away from looking at unreleased content/playing with it. Easiest way imho

I wish a girl would look at me like this

Same but white Latina, eastern Euro, or Japanese/Korean
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I revshare because I want the artist to enjoy all that money we will be making
rent free thirdie
stop using oop and you wont have these retarded problems ever again
I had a dream my game made 100k
I revshare because it means I get practically free art for the games I sell (very cheaply) to my main publishing company.
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I killed millions on /trash/
I am trying to make the "dodge the creeps" tutorial work, i have been trying to do so all day but i just can't.
I have followed the tutorial perfectly and the characted didn't move, i tried to fix it and now it's invisible, i swear to God i am trying to take this shit seriously.
Ahhhh this busty barmaid is mocking me! I'll put her in her place, take her as my concubine prize, and then Ill give her that correction!
>don't touch script or objects related to script
What would be the story in the absolute most generic, milquetoast JRPG ever made?
Nortubel are you okay? Saw you had some trouble the other day >>>487446751 we were really worried about you.
An ancient evil awakens...
Farm boy gets home destroyed by empire powered by magic crystals, realizes he's the chosen one, joins rebels(a rag tag group of random tropey character designs) to destroy crystals, beat the empire, and then god who was behind it all
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aggy daggy dooo heheheee!
I was thinking something along the lines of "a group of teenagers use the power of friendship to kill God", but all my characters are adults (imagine the characters in Gauntlet), so I wasn't sure if that would fit.
ur the chosen hero and get summoned to kill the demon lord that awakened and brought demons but you only win cuz power of friendship
>You've been searching for the Key to the Light, but it's been right under your nose all along. SHE IS the key!
What did they mean by this?
It's insane the way debugging forces you to confront all of the mind blindness that you suffer from
>wait a minute I didn't realize I changed several things at once so now I don't know which one is the source of the problem
>wow that thing that I implemented but didn't fully understand several months ago is now starting to act strangely on things that it shouldn't be effecting, guess I better go back and try to understand it again
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Legit better story than most media released these days
is anyone here actually good at pixel art?
i am
... not me!
lolivania dev
>Your girlfriend (sister) was kidnapped, you must kill god to save her. But before you go, please fetch 30 turnips.
Landsword's decent enough.
I am good at faking I am good
My art pixel art is really good for programmer art but pretty bad compared the popular style
post work
I had a massive productivity crash yesterday where I only worked 2 hours on my game. How do you guys avoid these crashes?
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looks blorbish
What the fuck is that subbosed to mean?
I'll kill you cunt
Feed-dev has some decent cutscenes
>one year ago me was fucking retarded at game architecture
Such is life
How many reviews is that sitting at? Still under 10?
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I'm still working on it just taking my time with it since I was busy for awhile.
I love when I go slightly outside my comfort zone to test something and everything breaks at the same time, containing panic attacks while devving is a fine balance.

the guy doing the sci-fi metroidvania is also pretty good
I feel like the more time I spend improving/polishing my art skills, the more I forget what it takes to make a fun game. It's like somehow spending too much time absorbed in art changes my brain structure in a way that makes it less compatible with programming fun gameplay systems. Has anyone experienced something similar?
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I'm starting to unironically get a little rush when I break everything and there's that pit in my stomach that I'll never fix it but you just have to hop over the pit like it's Prince of Persia and the answer is always just around the next corner
it's fine for a first game, sheesh. imagine how crushing it is for omnigon to still be hanging below 10 review at his fourth game.
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I made this guy once upon a time, you better believe I'm good.
Nope. Sorry.
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it's probably a combination of your mind actually adapting to an entirely different value and skill system for a seperate discipline which naturally puts a different eessence into the project but also the idea that you are permanenctly altering yourself is mere insecurity you just have to dive into puzzle, system, action design AGAIN after you improve your art skills, everything in your past effects your future but nothing in the future can't be changed
No, when I program I get square-brained and the worse at art I get.
My first game will get over 1000 reviews
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>cannot dev for 2 weeks
>started having dreams about projecthopping
Why didn't you make this?
Systemsfags need to understand that all good games are multidisciplinary projects. The fundamental answer to all game designs problems probably rests somewhere in Deleuze's writings
Because I’m not a tranny :/
this is the Crabbing Lab sir
I thought I could come up with some original spell ideas but as it turns out, I have none
i'm neurotypical, sorry gooner
making modern video games fucking sucks
remember how you could make half life 2 maps without spending 5523523523 hours making a model in blender, without having to make a collision mesh for it, how you could have easily moddable maps?
i loved the quake style of making maps, godot lacks this and it's painful
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Come to think of it, I doubt I ever shared this now dead pygame.
>make a collision mesh
bro it's literally 1 button
it'll just look ugly and 20 years old, my point is that the development process today is specifically geared towards large studios if you're working in 3d
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40 to 60 games release on Steam alone EACH DAY.
About 350 games in the week around your release.
AAA release? Successful release AAA or indie, in your genre? BOOM you are done.
Also, not only are you competing with other new releases, but the entire backlog of games on every system a player owns. :)

Take all the "indie success stories" you can think of in the past 10 years and divide it by the number of devs in that time who have tried (again, 50 games a day, 1500 a month) and there's your historical likelihood of "making it."

Steam cut, higher self-employment taxes, no benefits, no retirement, AND to top it all off: Your sales diminish over time, so even if you hit this "mediocrity lottery" you'll have to do it all over again in a couple years.

>He thinks that indie gamedev can provide a sustainable primary income in 2024

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Air conditioner service told me they can come wednesday or thursday. They said they'd call. They didn't come or call. It's not like they'd be doing it for free? Toilet reservoir is still running altough very miniscule. Tax office still hasn't given me my tax return, which is almost a month's worth of rent, so it's a significant amount for me. I am incompetent of fixing anything in my life. I am an utter loser. pic related: it's me.
the trails get a bit fucky in the bigger spins
>I hate modern games
>but I also hate old games because they're ugly
yup, old games are not as good because they are ugly
I have the skills to make a 3D game, but why bother? I need to make one model for one wall, another modern for another wall, a model for a fucking box, etc.
You were handed exactly what you wanted and now you're bitching about exactly what you wanted.
that's life isn't it?
Understandable but also ur a globohomo
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It's still buggy but the game is coming together a little more
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source: you made it yourself since youre mad and bad.
Even if true I dont care. I have a job and my game will help me learn new skills to get a better job.
Any 30hour/w job will sustain you until you become skilled enough to move on, unless you live in some 3rd world country ofc lol.
Sounds like a skill issue. There's nothing wrong with using a base game with good mod support as an "engine" , lots of fantastic games have been made that way. If you want to learn to make things from the ground up, the classic way, you have to put in the time. It's a discipline. It's hard to make a pretty game, that's also a discipline.

There's nothing wrong with using premade assets as long as its legal. Better yet if you can still process them and use filters, lighting, shaders, etc effectively
I thought it was Dr. Mario at first, this is pretty cool. Is the 5th block guaranteed to be an eraser?
I'm pretty well-off so I'm just gonna save up and market my game to the gills when the time comes.
>this picture is false so I'm right
>but even if it's true, I'm still right
Insidious post.
Thank you anon! It depends on the level count, for the first 10 levels it's every 4 blocks but for every 10 levels you clear that count increases by 1.
I will never use assets made by anyone else.
Yes, I go outside and record ambient sounds. Yes, I make my own sound effects.
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>move 1000 transforms individually
>move 1 transform with 1000 child transforms
pic rel
what is the difference performance wise? Is there any?
only gam jam i wanna do is JAM my fuckin' shit ass game into the paper shredder because it... fuckin' blows!
The best one's in my opinion are Landsword and Lolivania. There's some others but they don't quite meet the bar.
Oh and the sci fi metroidvania guy whose game might not even be named atm
This is the struggle you chose, may it empower your projects with sovl and lvdo
Do not get angry at the falcons flying above you because you chose to drag your weight like an ox. Be happy in your oxen ways
It's too FUCKING HOT to dev. My brain is literally boiling.
If you don't reference my game in one way or another, I'm going to be a little sad for a few minutes.
No I will not tell you which one my game is.
You know the stakes now. Good luck.
>make a bad game that no one ever plays but everything was made entirely by you
>use some assets sparingly when needed to deliver a high quality game that many people love and enjoy
Gee I wonder which one is better?
40 to 60 images generate on DALL-E alone EACH DAY.
About 350 images in the week around your prompt.
Big breasts arms behind back? Successful generation of hands or feet, on your LoRA? BOOM you are done.
Also, not only are you competing with other new prompts, but the entire backlog of images from every a model an Indian subscribes to. :)
Take all the "AI success stories" you can think of in the past 10 years and divide it by the number of artists in that time who have tried (again, 50 images a day, 1500 a month) and there's your historical likelihood of "making it."

Subscription costs, higher self-employment taxes, no benefits, no retirement, AND to top it all off: Your sales diminish over time, so even if you hit this "mediocrity lottery" you'll have to do it all over again in a couple years.

>He thinks that AI image generation can provide a sustainable primary income in 2024

I just had to call my isp to get the bill fixed. Never got me what I was supposed to get after their screw up so I got a discount on my bill only for them to screw that up. It'll take months to get back what I got screwed out of.
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here's my lil progress
it's up
Behold! The candy crush killer is coming!
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Got an idea
Has anyone tried to make this with physics based bullets while using third person camera?
Are you in the US or some other country, in regards to getting AC service? Wont be easy devving. If its anything like my place, the pc really heats up the room.

Also I hate how long the calls typically take. It's so long that it doesn't even make the discount worth it if you end up calling at a bad houe or when pajeets are handling it. Multiple calls and 3 hours of time wasted for something like $40 is a joke but the principle of the matter forces my hand even though I lose out but Id rather they lose out with me
holy fuck, its all fixed
all of it, holy fuck hollllyyy fuck unity is done
1 post source
argue how im wrong
you wont
GodotCHADS and UnrealGAWDS run this general
Unity PEONS cannot hold a CANDLE to us
I can't get me no (you)s
>aired 1 hour ago
I missed it......
Marnix btfo
Try being more cooler
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You'd be a lot closer to making it if you just worked harder and procrastinate less
Bendy bullets?
Are you just trying to get bullets to land where the camera is aiming or what?
jon blow said that! and I think he knows a little bit more about working than you do pal, because he invented it
QRD on Godot and this patch if you want to entertain me being a lazy bastard?
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Quantity over quality mindset is so powerful only because most people are so obsessed over their own lack of quality
In the grand scheme of things you need both
Bro made like 2 shitty games that don't live up to the standards that he projects onto other people's work
how do i foncus more + prockastinate lesser????
It's over already. I didn't make it.
I need a good targeting while having a dynamic camera and ballistics at the same time
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It's official. I'm project hopping.
pixel perfect fixes, 2D physics interpolation, interactive layered music, DX12, a big rendering backend refactor, compositor effects, new skeletal animation system, binary tokenization of scripts for exported builds, multithreading improvements
i think those are the biggest things
Trying the web editor. Looks very cool software wise.
What would be the advantages of having all of this in a web application?
Is the instance even shared?

QRD on an old study
one group was tasked with making the best piece of pottery they can in a month
the other group was tasked with doing a LOT of pottery pieces in a month
the second group also produced the better single piece
this will be true until you are very skilled
>project didn't shit itself on update
we good
No I'm no in US. Aren't they much more professional there? I called the certified service of the brand. It wasn't even a random business. The girl on the phone told me they can come either wednesday or thursday. I said I'm available on wednesday. No she said wednesday or thursday, I thought we were scheduling a day and time slot. She got angry that I didn't understand it lol. Luckily I was calm that day, didn't make a fuss about it. I thought they were more professional business. Who the fuck can wait for two days. Anyways, they didn't call and I didn't feel like calling them either.

>the pc really heats up the room.
Exactly what I'm going through. I tried moving the pc to the living room but it doesn't help. It gets too hot that I can't even think. Also it's too humid too. I can't even breathe. I bought a dehumidifier. Of course being the loser that I am, the device wasn't very effective. Because it gives the hot air back into the room. Now the humidity is lower but it's getting hotter. Also it's a small device so it's not very quick. Clearly it's meant for some other use. I wasted money on that too.

Nothing is going well. I am severely depressed so sometimes I don't even act on fixing things in my life. But this time I did try multiple times and things just don't work out, the backlash becomes stronger. I literally couldn't get out of the bed today. I felt totally exhausted from the moment I woke up.
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when i was in high school, some of my teachers said something similar whenever i would fail a test. so then i started studying really really hard, going in early, and doing as much extra credit as i could, so that the next time there was a test, i would still fail.
Then he used his Witness money to buy all the /agdg/ devs on Earth. Then he herded them into a studio! And then he beat the crap out of every single one.
Both can be augmented positively by posting less and working more
Set some rules for yourself. For example I,
1. Leave my phone on the other side of the room while I'm working
2. Isolate from any kind of distractions (music, noise, etc)
3. ONLY EVER post on /agdg/ when i'm shitting (like now) or posting progress.
4. Shun all social media
5. Get better sleep by not using my phone in bed.
6. Eat fruit for vitamin C and sugar while devving
I bet this study was founded by big manufacturers to bait commoners into prodoocing MORE
I see it as more of showcase and test to see if web builds actually work, actually using the web editor sounds like a brown thing to do.
thats great stuff, they seem to have a bunch of talented people on their side! thanks!
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yeah I played rimworld
Imagine you are just a guy living in a rimworld station who sucks at farming and shooting so they just shut him in a room pumping out games until he gathers enough exp to start churning a minor profit for the colony lol
Couldn't be me
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this is happening to me now too
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I need an artist to draw tilesets and backgrounds and all that shit. I pay cash. Post portfolio.
With gamedev, you can kinda do both, because every small project you produce beginning to end contributes to the base of existing code/assets you can pull from on future projects
nope, most of us humans are just dumb animals in the end, we learn by doing and fucking up and doing it again. bonus points for painful setbacks
Would anyone be interested in splitting the cost of a 4chan ad that showed off multiple /agdg/ games?
That would require 4 people to have a game ready at the same time.
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>I need a good targeting while having a dynamic camera and ballistics
The way I did it was make the shoulder look the same direction as the camera, then have the hand joint doing final tuning to aim where the camera was looking with compensation for bullet drop etc.
>old webm related but outdated due to not showing the hand tuning
Maybe this will spark some more ideas in your noggin.
i was thinking the ad could link to the /agdg/ steam games page in the OP
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Today I start work on the second level area, the convenience store.
alien swarm, but fantasy
Are you large breasted and red haired but with a thin waist, no tattoos, no body piercings, and delicate proportions? Do you have a soft voice and do 3D modeling and also put your finger on your chin whilst pondering a problem and saying “thoughbeit”? If so I think we could make this work
Somehow it was still actually a good game.
I took a really hard class in college. In the weeks leading up to the exam, I read the entire textbook three times. You know what I got on the test?
One. Fucking. Point.
Not long after that, I just stopped bothering to study. I think the only reason I managed to graduate was because my teachers didn't want to see me again.
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>try to learn something
>suddenly get hit by by wave of drowsiness
every fucking time
I'll never make it
I’m a /3/ bvll, pixel plebs are beneath me
Damn. I've never had an experience like that, but I'm also not a stem major.
Sorry that happened to you fella, hopefully gamedev is treating you better
Coffee. Just try it
Same but I just need backgrounds
too bad you gave me a (you) BAITED
The problem is I need to exclude the end point from calculations
your dopamine loop is destroyed
this kills the nodev
its anxiety.
try laying off the coffee for a month and doing mindfullness exercizes. baby steps bro
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let's be honest though, would bravely default be remembered if it weren't for AIRY LIES

trying to code an audio reverb, that's gonna sit subtly on the master mix to add some depth/ambience

loud for testing... sound a bit to grainy but maybe thats not as noticable when its quiet. the delay feels to long too.
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Its 9PM
I think you unironically might be right
The past couple of weeks all I've done besides game dev is to scroll through endless youtube shorts and shitpost on 4chan.
I really need to reel it in, especially with youtube, holy fuck.
Cutting my fps's weapon count from 8 to 4 is totally a good idea. Most people just use 1 or 2 weapons until forced to switch from running out of ammo anyways.
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Unironically you might want to try a program that blocks certain websites during certain times
I block YouTube, 4chan, Xitter, and the other usual suspects during my prime div hours so I can't see them even if I want to
>Its 9PM
Why are you learning new things at this hour? Put a movie or anime on with your girlfriend, cuddle with each other for an hour or so and then fall asleep and wake up at 6-7 AM and learn when you're filled with energy.
>shitpost on 4chan
There isn't a single bigger productivity damager on the planet than 4chan, fuck being a social animal that shit is cringe.
good idea but im gonna have to borrow your girlfriend for an hour
>Its 9PM
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Whats a good program to block websites? I use m*zilla
why must you hurt me like this
yeah. Some days I just sit here all day long, hitting the update button, hoping for (you)'s.
nice now make it a horror game about the dumbest phobia in existence. pickles, balloons, chickens, hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia or something
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This literally takes place exactly as depicted every single weekend.
Niggerfaggots will deny this and tell you to "take your meds"
game where you utilize glitches to get out of bounds and get access to dev tools
only to find out that the developer of the game you're playing was diagnosed with schizophrenia during development and things slowly get spooky
I mean, no. The whole ultra generic plot setup was chosen specifically to facilitate the twist. Playing a setting like Bravely Default’s 100% straight would not go well. Of course you don’t have to subvert every trope, some things ARE best played straight, but you need to write a story like this with a healthy level of self awareness.
I'm in the inner inner circle, under the AGDG logo
Very fancy options menu, so much soul
which aggy daggies are in the outer circle
It all boils down to not having a girlfriend to make it with me.
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>soul is a mem-ACK
You don't need a program. On Windows, open up "C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts" in any text editor and add lines 4chan.org # this blocks 4chan youtube.com # this blocks youtube
>despite making up 1% of the gamedev community females make up 70% of the leadership
i love creepy easter eggs
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Did you ever doubt the plan, anon?
That's the dev

>getting a huge boost too
>check analytics
>links to marnix's patreon
the fuck
>my 85 iq is sufficient to understand that this is a low-resolution filmed actor

>wtf i have no idea how they made this model
>it looks semi-realistic but at the same time it's obviously not
>i could never make this
That's nice and all, but how much longer until 3.6 ships?
where's the vertex lighting juan? where is it?
Marnix's DD stream come out a few hours ago
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note that a lot of the games (DOJD; Afterlife Gladiator; etc) could have been represented by male characters and it would have even made more sense, but the artist decided on using female characters. Diagnosis: artist is a faggot
If someone ever used a female character as a representation of my whole game I would be deeply insulted. Like bro, seriously?
>preferring women makes you a faggot
My game has 0 males.
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Anyone else that should be sleeping right now?
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*blocks your path*
My game's player character is male, but nameless and faceless and surrounded by anime girls, so it's kind of natural for a girl to become the game's mascot instead of the player character.
my sleep schedule is always shifting 2+ hours forward every day
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Fuck it, I made a drawing in Paint.
Anyone dealt with ballistic before and could help a mathlet? I need to find the proper gun elevation/angle, while knowing all other parameters (vertical distance, horizontal distance, projectile speed, gravity).
Internet gave the formula for flat terrain easily, but I'm struggling with the one for non-null vertical distance. The trajectory became asymmetrical and it's fucking the simplicity of the situation hard.
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Why should you sleep?
Are you a wagie or something?
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We need more manly protagonists with little girl companions.
>scroll through endless youtube shorts
stop it and any endlessly scrolling shit

I think even 4chan with its rapid replies might be bad for us
those quick (You)s probably work off the same brain stuff
Couldn't you just use the same formula, but try different time values until it lines up with the vertical "y" value you want?
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Very cool.
I spent 30min in Kdenlive for this.
erm that looks like a child
tranny/coomer devs

doom still had doomguy
Doomguy has a face that stares back at you on the HUD.
he's crabbing himself by using no-gf as an excuse
Should not it be 0/5?
No, it's a resource that you get over time, it's just so fast for testing.
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This is your regularly-scheduled burnout awareness post
cyan dev you're seething hard
the model is ugly, the real life footage is charming, that's all there is to it
put the model in codoody 200(2024) and you'd get the same reaction
>I need to exclude the end point from calculations
I don't understand why you would do that, that means you have to work off assumptions and estimates. Lacking target elevation and distance just gimps you out of any ballistic targeting calculations I can reasonably think of.
Your best bet is probably zeroing and let it be somewhat skill based. I don't know if that falls under your end point requirements as the target is an imaginary point x distance from the camera that the gun could aim towards.
Or you could draw the expected trajectory directly from the muzzle of your gun, that way you don't have to bother too much with camera aim as long the camera sees the curve.
Alternatively, shoot from the camera with graphic showing it shot from the gun.
Thank you for reading my shower thought ramble.
What’s cyan dev?
You're a crab that is trying to make him believe he will never get a girlfriend.
Why is mr. Blow quoting with meme arrows?
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but would doom have done as well if it didn't have him on the cover?
So for roguelites, obviously you need enough items for the player to think there's a variety, but not too many that it becomes diluted. What's a good target number then? 20? 40?
Buy my game.
he would get one if he made his game

what girl would wanna date a nodev
He's an old man. Way back during the early days of the internet, the arrow was the universal method for defining quotation.
This is a pretty common mechanics question iirc.
Isn't it literally just this?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=bqYtNrhdDAY
out of ten!!!
>he paid 1000$ + tax for a .jpeg
Mechanical variety is more important than the number
30 items that only differ in stats might as well be 1 item
Wanna go to sleep together and report in the morning?
> what girl would wanna date a nodev
All of them?
As always it DEPENDS on the game. If you're diluting the pool of items with generic shit like +20% damage then you need more. With a small pool all items need to be unique, meaningful and potentially build defining.

That recent game that was posted, Galaia, only had like 30 items and most of them were boring shit. That's an example of how NOT to do it.
Diluted is irrelevant if you can tweak item rarity and spawn chance. Also item tiers that scale with how far along you are
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is this old man behavior? looks like something a 20 year old would say on /pol/
We've been over this most top tier indie devs had a girlfriend before making their game. It's the opposite that's the exception.
it's a .png, thank you very much.
I'm the exception

that's because they had yesdev energy

if all you do all day is go
>tfw nogf
then no shit you're ngmi
maybe he's just based. I know hard to comprehend in the troon-dominated game dev industry
Look at Spelunky. There aren't a huge range of items in that game but most of them are pretty meaningful. Spelunky isn't supposed to be an overly complicated game and it's more about reaction time and skill than managing your items and build, so it makes sense.
Work-Life balance is important.
Ok, crab. We already know that's what you wish would happen.
explain to me how
>tfw nogf
is helpful to getting a gf or gamedev

it's a loser mentality
Does it ever end? Why causes people to e-stalk middle aged men all day?
Man, nothing will beat Noita spell variety. Almost any spell can be good if used right.
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I think all of you silly goons fail to realize what a remarkable thing it is to finish a good quality game.
No, it doesn't matter how much it sells the first week or the first month or even the first year. After that game is done it's done. You are a completely different person now. This isn't like doing musician gigs or doing your third junior engineer internship. This is something that no one can take away from you ever again. You are a human with a finished good game. The game is yours forever. You can sell it forever. It will be good forever. This isn't an accomplishement that slowly drains away from you. This is an accomplishment that stays with you for life, because it's not something just anyone can do, and you should wear it as a badge of honour, because it shows your immense skill, determination, and vision - things that most people do not have and only dream of
Identifying a problem is the first step towards solving it.
I always go into these being prepared for Jon to say some dumbass shit, but then he actually just speaks the truth.
If he accepts moving on from the golden age of indies and that shit is going to be harder now, maybe he can make a better game than his previous games.
Is opening the game by default on your main monitor and having windowed mode if you want to drag it fine behavior for multimonitor?
I'm pretty sure 2024 Jon would disagree with this sentiment. He said something recently about regretting working so hard for nothing.
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Because there is a huge leap when you dont pointing exactly at the target but near it if you use raycast as the endpoint and the gun as the start
>Alternatively, shoot from the camera with graphic showing it shot from the gun
This is what Im thinking of but with some adjasments if the target is too close and faking it is too obvious
Always knew that idea guys were the smartest ones here
i had an idea recently of making a short anthology game adapting some of my childhood nightmares
>what is shift+win+arrowkeys
But also a competent dev would have a selection in the settings. Though 99% of the time detecting the primary monitor is enough.
bruh, 99% of indie devs don't have this support. those competent AAA devs have the time budget to implement random lowly settings I don't have.
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Are you a evropa spic or from americas?
Current order of doing things right now:
>Add/make new icons and edit some stuff
>Playtest and record, edit stuff when needed for balancing
>Prepare for some stuff to be made
Once this stuff is done, then smooth sailing from there.
spics don't exist in Europe you dumb ass bitch
anon, I...
spics are the unholy mix of Iberians and native americans, therefore, they do not exist in Europe.
Bash your skull in with a brick
add synergies and combos that are really cool to theorycraft even if the vast majority are automated garbage that add nothing, ezpz
Seems like not much effort to implement if you're using some half-decent engine that has support for such basic features.
Kek it unironically looks worse now
Jon always speaks the truth, he's exactly the kind of person that normalfags get the ick about because of his mannerisms and demeanor regardless of what he actually says.
I'm not keen on implementing stuff I can't test.
>Because there is a huge leap
Ah yeah that makes sense, then what about a targeting system? (autoaim)
If the raycast precision is the issue there are better ways to solve it than make magic bullets that feel janky.
85 IQ isn't nearly enough for the set dressing and filmography knowledge required for Myst and Riven
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*blocks your path*
where the fuck is this AGDG roast video? you guys lied to me
Young Gaben was actually pretty lean, relatively speaking.
Everything he learned, he learned from me
more excuses
I didn't think his takes were particularly "hot". Nothing he said sounds very controversial, he's being polite about it.
Then again, maybe I can resonate more because I love gamedev and I'm also getting success out of it. We're the ones that can be smug and say "I don't give a shit about work-life balance, I just work, lazy little shit"
Gungeon has like a gorillion items. Downwell has like 10. It all just depends
If your ad is interesting, anons will market it for you for free
Maybe you need to get a secondary monitor then. Or ask a friend to test it for you.
I fucking hate autoaim
Maybe if I had money or a friend.
You can write sheey music but can’t play piano? Maybe you could try using the language piano roll in fl studio, there could be a plugin or some shit to make it like sheet music
>playing the same game over and over again
>it has 2 attacks and no story

I will never respect anyone who enjoys roguelikes
They're only doing that because that ad has been up for like a month. Even if I get a bonus advertisement for paying for a month I'd hardly call it free.
if you're looking for a war, here's world war III
Where I'm from you can get old shit monitors for free.
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I feel so eepy and tired all the time to work on my game.
What do?
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>finally get a good idea of the theme/art direction for my game
>think about it for about a week
>come up with another good idea for the theme/art direction of my game
>can't decide which one is better
>think about it for about a week
>come up with another idea
>repeat ad infinitum
How do I stop doing this? At least I know what it should play like but holy fuck this has to stop. I need to nail something down that I won't get bored of.
by actually doing things instead of thinking ideas have any value
maybe you should git gud at spelunky
What's the gameplay?
I'm just giving options my dude, if the issue is aim and it was up to me I'd say get good.
Gabe was lean when he originally founded Valve. It was during the stress of developing Half-Life and Half-Life 2 that he a lot of gained weight.
Actually it was because he installed a snack bar at their office full of addictive poison shaped like big pink cookies.
I'm pretty sure I've seen this before but without the bending, it just aims towards whatever the first thing the crosshairs collides with.
It would be cool if it was missiles, like commanding laser-guided missile launchers.
If you wanna lose fat eat carnivore.
I understand the hatred towards nodevs now. The fact that someone like this would have the audacity to call themselves a developer makes me actually seethe with hatred. Then I remember they will never actually release a game and I don’t care anymore
Marnix won't like having me as an enemy, but he should have thought twice about trying to use me. Oops. :)
That's the spirit.
Is dairy allowed on carnivore? Eggs? Cheese? Milk? Eating plain chicken and steak sounds miserable but I guess it’s better than dying early from obesity kek
I live this quote. Not only it's attributed to several people, but it works the same as the dunning kruger effect.
No offence fren just telling that autoaim is out of options
Already explained why it doesnt suit me here >>487609152 but missiles indeed could work like that
I don't think you need to go THAT far but in general heavily limiting carb intake is the main squeeze
Don't go and eat a ton of super buttery or greasy food either but carbs on carbs are the killer for a lot of people
Agreed it's become so trendy to have a female mc that it's become a turn off. Only 1 out of my 4 characters is a woman, and her abilities are evasive not offensive, also she's slut
>Already explained why it doesnt suit me here
But developers do it anyway because usually bending bullets look even worse.
I'm heavily limiting crab intake right now
I picked mosca and sarah cause their more recognizable imo but I won't deny I prefer drawing women
Please have sex
Proteins give you fullness and can give you energy if you need it. If you avoid carbs and sugar and focus on proteins then you get less fat, simple as.

Lately I've been trying stuff like
>chicken caesar salad
>replacing any sort of chocolate or regular snacks with nuts
>if you really do need sugar, just have fruit
>vegetables can replace carbs, so if you eat rice you can have rice + peas instead
Biggest thing I've been cutting down on is bread and pastries. Other than that, just trying to put less rice in the rice cooker.

I went on a diet once before where I went hard on just eating plates full of leaves and it left me weaker and actually getting ill for once, so I stopped. This time around I'm feeling much better.
I initially planned each world to have essentially limited gameplay where you conquer a dimension then you move on to the next but it feels like such a loss with some of them, I think I'll let players (and myself) revisit their favorite ones over and over but I still need to iron out the lack of determinism in the world seeds.
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And so my qustion is can I bend them without player noticing it and if so does someone already implemented it somewhere?
No carbs. The strictest form of it is water, meat, eggs, salt and butter (ofc real butter none of that fake shit). Animal fat is great for cooking if you can get your hands on it. Spices can be used if you're not interested in testing if it can heal whatever health issues you have aside from being fat. I went into it hoping to heal my eczema that's a whole other topic that I won't go into here but lost 15kg in about 2 months. It's surprising but you actually get used to eating plain meat. It tasted really good when I was hungry and very quickly started tasting wrong when I had eaten enough. It resets your senses like that. Best thing is that you don't need to count calories or any of that shit. You eat until you don't want to eat more.

I recommend slowly easing into the diet. You tend to get strong diarrhea if you go 0 to 100. Your body needs some time to adapt to the increased amount of protein. It might also help to divide it into multiple meals as that might help your body get used to it. Once you're used to it you mainly need to pay attention to how much fat you're eating. If you're shitting dry hard logs you need more fat. If it's too loose you need less fat.

It's much easier to cut out carbs entirely than restrict yourself to a low amount as they're to sort of thing you can just keep eating and you don't really feel sated until your stomach is so full it can't take any more. That's basically why people get fat. When you have no carbs in the house you can't eat any.
Forgot to add that it's normal to take shits way less often once you're eating carnivore. Body uses up most of the meat you eat so there's just no need to go so often.
>When you have no carbs in the house you can't eat any.
Yeah, that's good advice.
Despite giving such advice, I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum; 6'3 and 146lbs. I exercise fairly often and eat a relatively large amount of food, so my doctor says that since there's nothing actually wrong with me anywhere it's probably just the way I'm shaped.
Still, I'd like to get it up a tiny bit, so I've been eating more protein than usual
>essentially limited gameplay where you conquer a dimension
ah yes, the most limited form of gameplay
So far it doesn't seem like anyone's seen it, so try for yourself. It can't be too hard, just a bit of maths. I'd personally make its velocity towards the crosshair's firing vector lerp or diminish over time rather than have it be a sudden hard turn but you could try different methods.

It may just be that it triggers AAA studios going for hyperrealism but it'd be cool on an indie.
dev muzak while going over tomorrow's plans
project hopping ntr
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I try to keep the code clean, but once again I had to do some bullshit to make this work properly.

This is a guaranteed way to feel like shit, did the protein and leaf thing b4 and it simply does not produce anywhere near the amount or rate of energy as eating carbs.

Simply cut out sugar water and bread, that will fix like 90% of you americans.
Doomguy was supposed to be a blank insert according to Romero.
Only by 2016 did the series started to make a deal about the protagonist and it's because Doom fans are stills seething over Death Battle.
Honestly you failing to gain weight could also be related to what you eat. Carnivore is great if you wanna build muscle.
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I almost declined P4ND4's coloration, until I saw it fully shaded. Casual reminder to always let your artist complete their vision before you make a final decision on the matter!
fuck off nortubel 2
That's where you went wrong.
Fuck on, Nortubel 2.
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I'm gonna be honest, every single post I've made in this general has been pure fiction hand crafted to make (YOU) seethe.
Wow. Those 30 lines of code are impressive anon. And all of that in only one month? This is the right path, keep it up champ’.
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Same here
Indeed it isnt hard and I will try it when will get a free time (in september maybe)
Well ofcourse I will add some lerping but not too much
The problem is manually adjusting the trajectory in tick would ruin performance dramatically for machineguns and similar so I need to make bullets to switch to flying on inertia only in not so much frames
>4chan simulator
>different builds include incel,tranny,nazi,boomer,schizo
>have to generate as many seethe points as possible in a thread
someone already made this game
I realized after I post it that it doesn't look technical at all but trust me on this one.
>plot twist: it's not a game you're just shitposting a random thread
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The grind continues...
Yeah. Also, since meat is pretty expensive, I've been awoken to beans. Have since brand every day now, all different kinds and they're awesome
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Looks awesome but this face shadow...
There's no way you're internalizing any of this if you're not putting it into practice immediately.
Yeah old news, the dev is a Satan worshipping tranny on HRT
That's the neat part, I now that I have two monitors, I can!
I also take notes.
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: almost done with my shift
>t. nodev
I switched to Diet Coke but I’m still addicted to sweet coffee creamer in the morning. Any substitutions that aren’t shit? I also like heavy cream (there’s no sugar and it’s a natural product) but that shit is like 500 calories per tablespoon lmao
why do you guys want everyone to be a tranny soooo bad?
Notes should be taken on pen and paper, anything you type onto a screen is useless garbage. You need a physical paper checklist and you need to physically check each thing off with a pen for your brain to reward you correctly
>truste me bro xD Look at those two UI buttons I made :D:D
I’d rather trust myself and my 20 000 lines of actual, working code.
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Made a proof of concept for the interaction system "free" mode, hold E and you interact with the cursor instead of the screen center. Still need a way to hide the mouse cursor while keeping it clean like the system cursor movement
Who pissed in your cereal?
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rent free
If you’re using loc as a measure of intelligence or skill, you’re simply ngmi
>>truste me bro xD Look at those two UI buttons I made :D:D
>I’d rather trust myself and my 20 000 lines of actual, working code
Cope seethe dilate etc
There is no measurable or discernible difference between trannies and the retards who encourage their mental illness
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>i want my bullets to hit where i aim
>but not like that because if my aim is not perfect i will miss
>i hate autoaim
>it is better if my bullets are able to curve around corners to align with what the camera sees
why do you guys want everyone to be a tranny soooo bad?
It’s because they secretly want to have sex with them
>ctrl f my game's name
>1 match
>they talkin 'bout beans
How many wishlists do you have, egg chef dev?
I am not trans.
Notes are always by hand, yes. One monitor for the courses or documentation, one monitor for the engine.
There's no way I wouldn't use physical notes. I'm a history major, writing is my favorite pastime that isn't gamedev.
Very based
you're saying basically what I just said anon
I went hard on leaves before and felt like shit
this time I'm focusing mostly on cutting out sugar and carbs and putting in protein or fiber whereever possible

Unless you have a lot of combatants firing like this, or you're firing thousands a second, it shouldn't be a problem really. I can't imagine it being that bad at all.
Steam Demos can now have a dedicated store page, allowing separate reviews, trailers, and to appear on the front page. Demo release will also trigger wishlist notifications.
based sexo
For me, I'm having a variety of weapon types, such as daggers, axes, maces, etc. They would all have a certain characteristic, such as daggers being fast and dual wielding, maces having a chance to stun, that sort of thing. You might have 1h or 2h versions, or perhaps different materials.
RLs are more about meaningful choices and have a distinct feeling compared to ARPGs dumping lots of random mods on items

I'd argue that Spelunky (classic) has very little to worry about reaction time. A lot of bad shit that happens is due to players moving too quickly or misjudging what they can do. If you move methodically you can almost never die (but that's no fun).
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2nd cakebros... our work will be worth it, right?
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My cake is way better.
I'm moving a sprite from code in Godot by simple setting the Position vector, and instead of just moving slightly it goes completely ballistic and flies away. Setting it to a value once works well, but gradually setting the position bit by bit makes it fly. Is this something to do with physics or what the fuck is happening, I just want to move it to a specific point on screen
Source? If true, I guess /agdg/ won't be able to complain about prologues being cheating anymore.
It did feel weird how demos couldn't have reviews.
>Is this something to do with physics or what the fuck is happening
You're probably just doing it wrong, post your movement code
So I will need some raycast check to prevent cornerscumming or give up before even trying...
Do I need to read your Poe manga from right to left or not? I dont know anymore
>Unless you have a lot of combatants firing like this, or you're firing thousands a second, it shouldn't be a problem really. I can't imagine it being that bad at all.
Shartreal gives me performance issues even with 500 ticking actors
>If you move methodically
The ghost exists and a lot of enemies and traps force you to move fast. You can think ahead and determine that the monkey will jump at you and has a chance of knocking you unconscious above a spike pit but then you have to actually dodge it or jump over it or use your limited resources (and then actually hit with your limited resources) or find shit to throw and then once again, execution.

It's fine that most enemies don't chase you all over the map, it somehow works really well in hopping between "carefully planning ahead" and "oh shit think fast"
>500 ticking actors
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>her game's primary gameplay is about killing things
I am so proud of all of you
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>he posts frogs on aggy daggy
Are demos' Steamworks features like cloud saves and achievements connected to the main game?
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what worked for me is looking in the mirror and screaming as loud as i can
>Demos now behave more like free games and can appear in all the same sections and lists. For example, demos can now appear on the Steam homepage in charts such as the "New & Trending", on the "New on Steam" page, and on relevant tag and category pages. This means that launching a new free demo for your game will behave similarly as launching a free stand-alone game on Steam.
I now regret having released my demo page before this.
>have to get 7,000 wishlists before you release your demo
thank you gaben you are my greatest ally
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I am going to buy and review every /agdg/ game and there's absolutely nothing you can do to stop me.
Just give the guys a bigger hitbox the camera can use to get a distance, jesus.
is that the same 100$ as your actual game page or is this that thing that everyone was already doing where they were paying the extra 100$ to publish their demos?
Yeah, I'm not quite sure I'm getting this. What if your wishlists are evenly split between the demo and home page? Does that mean neither would end up in new and trending if the halved amount isn't enough?
You basically get an additional page for free for your demo so you don't have to buy an extra page for "My Game: The Prologue" with the obvious benefit of having only 1 wishlist.
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: City tile stuff.
doesn't wishlisting the demo just automatically redirect to wishlisting the actual game?
Oh yes the ghost, forgot about that. I suppose people playing for score will run out the timer and try to convert all the gems into diamonds. Kind of a neat mechanic really.
I can never release my game
post your dream game in one sentence
Gacha Platformer
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We are so back!
hey boku, turn your demo into a steam page.... hehehe... i dare ya...
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Not a bad idea tbdesu
The problems are how big? Do I need to scale them woth player distance? And what would happen in line of sight overlaping cases?
Or maybe I should go further and store an array of vectors to potential targets and compare them to camera direction?
And here again we almost met the autoaim bullshitery its so over
If your demo doesn't have at least 200 reviews by now it's probably safe to say that throwing in the towel is optimal.
>Still need a way to hide the mouse cursor
just hide it?
So, Maple Story
I haven't done maths in an eternity.
Thanks for the link.
We're in a highly competitive market right now where you're not competing based on quality as much as you are competing purely for the limited attention of people. If your game has minus 50 reviews that's still some good numbers
someone post the unlisted marnix youtube stream
Is it possible to make in-game animated cutscenes that could also be taken out of the game and be combined into one good and cohesive episode?
A dungeon crawler which scales into simulated economies and party automation
then i can't get the mouse position on the screen (Unity)
It's basically Elden Ring but with a more developed world and characters
Skyrim but good
Metro but open world with Stalker mechanics
Where's the Marnix stream?
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what that can't be right

how are you getting the mouse position? picrel from a quick google
Does it not work if you use cursor.visible=false?
Shut the fuck up spastic negroid. Do you have any idea how many favours I had to call in from the Inner Circle and the porndevs just to get them to flood demo day and then threaten Marnix's family? Sit the fuck down.
you go to the right
its called your dream game because all the development happens when ya'll are sleeping!
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Plog: made progress on E1M2 for Cult of Duty 4. It takes about 3 minutes to 100% right now, but I'm hoping to extend it a bit more and make it take about 5. I've been using a much smaller world space for this level in order to force myself to become more proactive about adding verticality to my levels, and I'm also trying to incorporate nonlinear paths a bit more.
Thanks for reading my plog (my progress blog.)
Right now it'd be:
>A semi-open world, optionally multiplayer, settlement-builder based in the real world where you buy a plot of land and build a house, garden, pasture, workshop, etc, on it using realistic skill and resource requirements, so that players can live out their dream of quitting their job to start a commune with friends and family.
Bonus points if it's realistic enough to teach basic homesteading skills, like how to get rid of aphids on your crops, how to build a water wheel, etc.
Porn game but with gf
So fucking true. After I release the 10 games I have planned to make before it, I would have made so much money that I would just be able to completely fund the game that I spent all that time designing during my rest hours. It's a home run!
Skyrim is 400.000 lines of code.
A 2D game like Rimworld is 90.000 lines of code.
How many lines of code do you NGMI NEETS currently have?
no can do it'd cause a huge group of indie devs to start making clones of the idea
Unity engine.Input.GetScreenPosition()
Toby Fox has chronic pain. Shoulder or wrist, unsure which, but he said lifting has helped. Also learns discipline
thank you, but please only call me based when i actually have some progress to post.
>tfw 10,000 lines after 6 years and it's all engine boilerplate
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You didnt masturbate while drawing this right?
you failed pretty hard then
more like 127th cakebros. This comic was a lot more true when it was released but we reached the period of saturation in almost everything by 2014. Every since then is a buyers market and simply being a worse alternative to a worse alternative isn't enough.
Toby fox is my inspiration. I can say faggot in my game and still garner the trans community with my product.
The crabs are going after my demo, stop em!
it could be that, for me, the days when i walk for 1 hour in the morning are always the most productive days of all. the problem is that not every day i have enough motivation to do it, which is really frustrating. our brains can be pretty stubborn unfortunately, but if you're not like me and are able to just force yourself to do it, i bet it will correlate to more productivity for sure
stop posting tranime pedo
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nyo... but as for the edit somebody else made, no comment
these skibidi rizzler gyatts make me wanna cry fr
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>after months of thinking my genre's untouchable some fucking guy comes out of nowhere and reveals his incredible game with an almost identical concept and a cool ass trailer
This is it. My last hope is beating him to the release. It's possible his game might take another 2 years so I might have a fighting chance
>He doesn’t get it.
Maybe there are some things that make the best programmers productive, that they very often use, that you didn’t think about.
you know multiple games that are similar can exist at the same time, right?
My game is one line of code.
Same because I don't use linebreaks
Snooze ya lose
Better start working harder anon
One of my game's greatest advantages was that the genre is as empty as a baby cradle in a millenial's apartment. I still have about 2-3 advantages but I can feel the fire getting closer
who else /ecs/ here
Cherry picked examples, so tiresome. There is no correlation between loc and game quality
Damn if only those games had twice as many lines of code, that would have made them twice as more goodlier
If the game is good and you advertise I'm sure you'll be fine.
this seems like a 1 week prototype, what are you talking about? essentially, you should be answering this, not us. what are your objectives with the design? what are you trying to produce? only knowing that will you be able to judge if you hit the target or not, and if you don't hit it, iterate on it. the design process is like that. how many iterations do you have? what problems have you fixed, and what are the ones you still get? we wouldn't be able to answer any of that... but you can.
Programming doesn’t matter. It is literally the least important part of making a game. Art and game design are far more important.
we know
Puzzling out which part of your game is "least important" is a nodev's exercise in procrastination. You should pour your love into every aspect of your game.
Where do you guys hire your level designers?
platformer with skimpy lolis
I keep them in a cage.
Of course there is. Most of the time games are bad in a "I can’t play that more than 10 hours" way is because of poor quality of code, which is often simply lack of lines of code and simplistic mechanics. Including (and more and more so) AAA games desu. Bad art or bad storyline isn’t the same kind of bad. I’m talking about games with actual gameplay mechanics, not VN or shit like that, no offense, it’s fine to do that kind of "games" and you can make money from it, just not my cup of tea.
>just focus on everything bro
>no, it's not a contradiction at all
the time to write and test this code is almost the same it took to write the pseudocode, anon. just test it, you retarded lazy loser. and yes, there is a difference.
new thread, please enjoy!!
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What happened to all the cute-likes?
it's important to realize that even if the things blow says are universal truths (which they are not), it's crucial to know the price you'll pay for adopting this lifestyle. because let's be honest, blow is only respected in a small circle of nerds who dream of being game developers. for 99.9% of people, he is the embodiment of the "no friends loser resentful of the world nerd". he's bet all the points of his build on 'being smart', even though in the 'real world' simply having friends and a family is 100x more effective in bringing you happiness than striving to create "deep work", even if you're a basement nerd like most of us here. at least be aware of the price you'll pay.
damascusdoubters... are we the baddies
/agdg/ *played* games
then moved on to making them
or trying to make them
actually they dont even try
whenever I see this faggot furfag troon shit I turn 360 degrees and walk away
I even uninstalled Krita almost as soon as installing it when I saw a furry mascot on the splash screen
bought affinity designer instead
ideas are literally the easiest part
ideas are cheap
they should come to you constantly
if you cant come up with ideas you should not make games, or make anything for that matter
you should be an accountant, or something of that sort
the only good looking gameplay snippit ITT
am I gonna make it, /agdq/?
sir, this is the old thread
committing seppuku
I'll repost in the new one
what asset

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