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misery edition

>Demo Days
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New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

Previous: >>487545080
Just a threadly reminder that there is no finish line. Unless you earn Barone-tier money, chances are you will need to keep having successes. Even Barone doesn't feel he's past the finish line because he's still working because it's not about money for him but he still wants to succeed.
But for the rest of us, we'll have to keep grinding. 10k review game? Better start working on the next one. 500k a year job? Better make sure your resume is ready when you get laid off. Gorgeous girlfriend? You could become single again tomorrow so you better not stop being that guy.
almost as if real happiness can only come from within or something idk
I need a game idea
nice, there is no finish line, I can keep doing what I enjoy and get to experience new things :)
Immersive sim about your life but the unique spin on it is that in this game you’re not a complete dick sucking faggot
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Real happiness comes from within once your external needs are met. If people don't like you there is only so much self satisfaction can do to improve your mental state.
Who gives a shit about "people" lmao
>Who gives a shit about "people" lmao
oh, I understand the RESET track now.
RESET will always play the moment you open a scene, no matter what state you left the scene in, even if it isn't set to autoplay.
how do i get git gud at the creative part of making games? i can already code and make some passable pixelshit art, but i suck at game design. i don't think reading those meme design books helps, so the only other alternative is to play a lot of games as """research""" and keep fucking around with prototypes until i hit something?
Has anyone else been ridiculously horny lately? I don't know if it's because of the heat and women are wearing tighter, more revealing clothing or what, but I haven't been able to focus on anything. Just an hour ago I was driving back from work and passed this skinny black girl wearing a crop top and I got rock hard in my car. Then as I was turning onto my street I let this blonde girl jog past and she smiled at me and I got hard again. This never usually happens.
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This looks like anons game, Sipho
same as programming and art, practice
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Does your game have representation for the mesugaki archetype?
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Immersive sim 4x platformer. With multiplayer of course

>more revealing clothing
I saw this like 3 times in a single day a few weeks ago. One bent over while wearing short shorts that taper up on the sides. I walked close by.
You clearly don’t
Don't. Art is the nigger tier sub-80 IQ part of making a game that you should just never personally take care off. If you know of to code (both geometrics-physics and shader coding), you did 95 % of the valuable work. Release in early access and subcontract all the art parts with the free monies. It would be pure loss of time and talent to do otherwise.
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Hey you. Yes, you. Why aren't *you* making a detective game?
Similar thing happened to me except they released into EA first and then proceeded to fully release the game soon after. I have an additional two making something similar as well. I'm not hopeful anymore Even after all the extra effort I'm still nowhere near done. I'm the worst or second worst at art while also being the one who likely started first.
If I make it I can finally leave agdg? Is that true? Or do they still lurk?
>failed at reproduction
>fulfilled safety needs and have strength, freedom, respect and self-esteem
So I don't understand what the chart is saying. If my "love and belonging" layer is complete failo (what a surprise) that I won't get benefits from having strength and freedom and self-esteem? Or is the layer of love and belonging resting on memories of me having a girlfriend 10 years ago?
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>Don't. Art is the nigger tier sub-80 IQ part of making a game that you should just never personally take care off.
>Don't. Art is the nigger tier sub-80 IQ part of making a game that you should just never personally take care off. If you know of to code (both geometrics-physics and shader coding), you did 95 % of the valuable work. Release in early access and subcontract all the art parts with the free monies. It would be pure loss of time and talent to do otherwise.
I don't actually like detective games very much. I like games where two dudes with swords, shields, guns, magic, and any combination of the four smash their faces into each other until one of them dies.
I was thinking about making a point and click detective game inspired by X-Files and True Detective
I just don't think there is much interest in P&C games sadly
You need 120+ IQ and an inquisitive mind. Having ADHD helps (but makes everything else harder). If you don't have these traits, you'll never be good at game design.

That's fine, by the way. Plenty of devs are horrible at it. In that case you need to copy somebody else's design and stick to your strengths.
insane post
a soulless golem made this post
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Starting to box out my first level.
I will have Discoelysiumlike interactions and conversations in my RPG. I have a conversation system that supports all kinds of skill checks and randomness and seed-based randomness so save-scumming won't be viable.
Nice. This is a fun part
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A game about the process of decorating a fish tank and eventually filling it with fish.
Also the dangers of mixing hostile fish, fish breeding, and simply observing the fish tank thriving or dying, by fish.
>Real happiness comes from within once your external needs are met
Real happiness comes from understanding our emotions, needs and wants, whether they're truly something we desire or something we're chasing because of our ignorance of our own self and the various influences acting on our minds.
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A melancholic game about finding your missing pig
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After watching streamers play it, I realized the entire appeal of Disco Elysium was being a comedic detective game. Most players don't give a shit about the hamfisted political references, but laugh at the funny loser man humiliating himself. What players want is The Naked Gun: The Game.
Real happiness comes from having a girlfriend, or amphetamine, or both.
well, duh. but how do you practice? there's no obvious quick feedback loop like with coding and drawing. you can design something on paper but you don't know if it works until you build a prototype. and then, maybe you're fooling yourself, is it really "fun"? is "fun" even what you should be aiming for or like what? what makes games activate players neurons? idk...

i can hire someone to make art, but if they're also designing the game and making all the important decisions, then it's not really my game, is it?

hello, pomao
I Love You
But having a lot of lines of code doesn't guarantee quality either. You're seeing a correlation where there is none. You're correct in that a game with a very low amount of lines would be simple and likely to result in less average hours played per player.
streamers are the lowest subhumans on this earth. They do not behave like actual players
this is literally my game (except it's 3d)
it means that your focus to reach the self-esteem layer or to self-actualise is going to be greater hindered by your lack of belonging. You can ignore the feelings but they are always going to be there in the background slowly eating away at you. If you have friends, family but no gf and you truly don't care about a romantic relationship (not in some mgtow overcompensation type of way) then it shouldn't impact you.
The Buddha himself said
>happiness comes from within... or from a gf. But for you, it comes from within
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How do I get this good at pixel art?
Leslie Nielsen comedies worked because the characters acted goofy without being self aware of winking at the camera.
Disco Elysium has the same problems as most millenial made media where it's "self aware".
What they like about Disco Elysium, beside good writing etc. is the actual vast choice tree (most of it being hidden checks), and absence of coercive moral decision-making, something completely absent from the most recent games including games made by Bethesda, which used to be good at this. I've not stopped seething since the release of Fallout 4 in 2015, so naturally Disco Elysium came as a very agreeable surprise.
this nigga gets it
have some natural talent for art and then do it for over a decade.
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anyone here experienced with LimboAI?
I'm looking up some tutorials but the way they do things seems a bit... wrong?

take pic related for example, a (repurposed) structure from one of the two tutorials i could find that cover actual behavior tree logic

in that example the "attend class" sequence has a check for the current time and fails if it's not met, it feels like a really clunky way to go about it

am I just overthinking things or is this a valid concern?
>get crabbed
>lose all motivation to keep working on my project for the rest of the day
Why am I so weak. Fuck
Take Sakurai's advice. If you're thinking about quitting - do it.
>gets crabbed
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Learned how to render a cube map
Now I need to make a model to replace "Damaged Helmet" as a test model.
I disagree. Most players only play through once and don't fully explore the dialog trees. The only thing the trees and checks do is give the illusion of depth (a personalized playthrough).
I think it's something like
>have an idea
>implement idea
>did it turn out badly?
>go back and try something else
>did it turn out well?
>how did the players react?
>go back
>keep iterating on the idea

Over time it should get easier to dismiss bad ideas early and hopefully help you hone your skills to the point where a good game is a possibility.

IQ as a concept = bad is a copism from people who want to insist we're all equal. Sadly, life isn't fair and some people are far more intelligent than others. Though I do sort of agree with the sentiment that there's more types of "intelligence" that traditional IQ tests don't test for though I'm not sure intelligence is the right word to use for those. Anyways, having IQ doesn't make life easymode, it's just one thing in a spectrum of human brain complexity.
>Most players only play through once
And you think they don't savescum and temporarily explore different paths?
I think the vast choice tree is also the thing that made another recent game a huge success, Baldur's Gate 3, although I personally didn't like it for other reasons.
Hey guys, how can I overcome this crap? Please help.
I'm aware that I have a very addictive mind. I know what I should do, but I just can't seem to do it. For example, on days that I turn on my computer and immediately open Unity, I'm usually super productive and can work for 8-12 hours without any issues. However, on days when I turn on my computer and check my email or YouTube instead, the whole day is wasted, I enter in a chain of wasting time, and can't get out of it. There are very bad days when I literally spend 12 hours watching YouTube non-stop, which is absolutely frustraiting. I know exactly what I need to do, but at the same time, I just can't seem to do it. It's not like I'm in a trance or anything - I'm fully aware that the videos I'm watching are a complete waste of time, before, during, and after I've engaged in this shitty behavior.
Since I know exactly what to do, it should be easy to fix right? Unfortunately, it's not. This low productivity trend is getting worse and worse, and now there are weeks when I practically don't work because of this. Has anyone ever gone through this? Does anyone have any advice to help me solve this problem? Is it possible that I'm just a lazy bastard? Could this be related to something like ADHD or depression? I don't feel depressed in general - I'm always somewhere in the middle, neither happy nor sad. Any advice is welcome.
How do you get playtesters?
Problem is that cast choice trees are not something an indie dev can replicate (both BG3 and DE were made by massive teams). There are also plenty of choice-tree CRPGs that flopped (see the Torment sequel).
Yeah, BTs are fairly "clunky". It's not a LimboAI-specific problem, but a problem with the way BTs were originally conceptualized and the vocabulary of "Selector" and "Sequence" that was chosen. It makes more sense after you've used it for a while and get used to it.
You have ADHD. You can either use mental tricks to work around it, or take medication. No easy way out.
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I decided to bite the bullet and make each feature have its own prebaked navmesh that will then be linked with the overall map's navmesh generated at runtime. This ensures the buildings don't have a shitty navmesh that misses important areas and I can afford to make the terrain navmesh a lot sparser compared to buildings with narrow passages such as this one. I'm sure there are smarter ways but prebaked meshes have hacky blockzones so that the map navmesh doesn't try generating over it.
There are still issues with the navmesh trying to link through impassable walls like the railings if the surrounding terrain happens to be high enough but any further fixes will have to come from improvements to the worldgen itself like flattening out the terrain around buildings and stopping features from overlapping.

I've made my own BT before and now I use LimboAI for my current project and the implementation is fine for me, the tutorials are a bit odd but you're free to do things your own way. The dev is pretty attentive too and fixed a bug within minutes of me bitching about it.
The check seems fine since you don't really want that stuff running every tick, but I made a BTEvaluator decorator that is updated every X seconds for things like distance checks which is closer to how Unreal does conditionals, using decorators rather than putting them in a sequence.
block certain distractions if you know they are a problem. there's tools like "cold turkey" that block websites or apps, you can set it to lock them during your work period. you can add unity to start right away when your computer boots up.
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And here's my BT for an enemy's combat state.
Also with my own older BT implementation I made the mistake of making a gigantic tree for all of the NPC's behaviors instead of letting a state machine handle that, what the balance is depends on your project but generally try to avoid obviously different states within a single BT.
Used to have the same problem years ago. I would say light ADHD case like a good chunk of the population. You might want to seek medication that will greatly help you. If you're American, lucky you because that's easy from what I heard. Now I write 10 detailed things to do on half a A4 at the very start of the day, before turning the PC on. Date centered at the top, and the things numbered from 1 to 10. Rarely do less than 8 of them, often end up adding a few more.
Sounds like you're a neet so I would suggest you try scheduling your day. Let's say you wake up at 8am. Set that first hour aside for a morning routine. At 9am launch Unity and start working. At some point during the day take an hour to cook and eat but don't get distracted for more than that. Then continue working until the evening. It will take some effort to commit to but it would hopefully help you emulate a work day.

If you can, try to separate your work space and leisure space. It is difficult if you only have a single PC but you could try making a second user profile that's dedicated to work or something like that.
ganbatte VR anon
Cybord dinosaur wrestling
Aside from anons, DD and friends I don't know.
I honestly wish there were more games about simple concepts like this. You see this all the time in movies but very rarely in video games. Obviously I understand that in order to really be a "game" something about it has to be engaging for the player, but that doesn't mean it has to follow a traditional video game template or be full of minigame mechanics either.
For example, I've always wanted a game that's about a chef working his way up the ranks in a kitchen. Not a cooking game, not a cooking simulator, but a game that's about the life of this chef over an extended period of time as he gains knowledge and respect from those around him. I can't think of a single game that really goes all in on character development like this without using some sort of RPG-esque stat sheet.
building an adaptation of the machinations of thr space princess ruleset using libGDX but using a basic jrpg combat and overworld system on account of being a hack fraud, got collision, tile sets, and transitions working, currently working on getting a dialogue system that works

post progress or u r mr gay
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>mfw I'm now that anon who 'got busy with life stuff'
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Not a webm because i'm lazy as shit
It's fucking difficult to make games about things that aren't traditionally gamey.
I agree that DE's choice-tree is absolutely huge and would be hard to replicate for an indie game dev. But a few choices that actually have implication can really do the difference. There is nothing more frustrating to me (and I think to many other gamers in their 30's or late 20's) than dialogues with pseudo-options that all lead to the same thing. Now solo game dev can sometimes make absolute monuments of games. Manor Lords made by a single guy puts Paradox Interactive to shame. And Manor Lords took a lot of ideas from the lesser known Ostriv, absolute gem of a game and to my humble opinion better than the last, also developed by a single dude. So I think nothing is out of reach if the dude is hard working and has some natural abilities and a little experience to start with. Making posts to seek validation at progress 0.01% of their games like many do here is a bad omen though.
>wanting anything melancholic in your entertainment
this is peak teenager bullshit
don't worry, life has trainloads of shit coming your way. store up those happy feelings while you still can.
>Most players don't give a shit about the hamfisted political references, but laugh at the funny loser man humiliating himself.
There's a difference between depressing cringe humor like the UK Office and slapstick surreal self-aware humor like Leslie Neilson. Disco Elysium felt too much like the former. An example of the latter for a point and click type game might be Simon the Sorcerer or the old Discworld games

The whole game feels like you've been put inside the mind of a self-centered mentally ill leftoid retard. The politics is also pretty much inescapable.
I'm 31 anon
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This got hilariously compressed so enjoy the seven pixels
I know, you're right. On one hand it kinda annoys me when games that do the bare minimum to experiment with non-gamey mechanics (but are otherwise totally ordinary games) get praised as if they're groundbreaking works of art, but on the other hand I'm glad there are people who are at least trying.
ask pikodev
Then how can you think entertainment that causes sadness is a good idea? Isn't your entire life just alternating sadness and terror? Mine was, still is. Only happy entertainment for me, thanks.
I like those rectangular parallelepipeds you made anon. The pure white walls, with no windows or doors is an original design that will be head food to most people interested in architecture that will play your little gem of a game. Also, the nice height-determined transition between terrain textures and the nice blending near roads proves you're somewhat of an expert in shader coding. Looks promising.
Where are the orbs?
What kind of game should I make to leverage my funny writing skill?
I just finished setting up box2dlights here for me
that wasn't funny
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The orb is right here, chud
1. learn art
But let's say I'm hilarious, what kind of game?
There's also the fact that any story based game is basically all about one-off consumable content, and making said content is a lot of fucking work. Either you end up with a really short game or you spend years on it. It's just not very suitable for most devs when you compare it to shit like the ever so popular roguelite meta that's all about replayability which is effectively giving you more return on your work as a gamedev.
soul and polish
>keep fucking around with prototypes until i hit something?
This is the answer. Make a lot of demos and prototypes. Don't bother making them look good just make them fun.
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where the FUCK are the CRPGs
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Oooh, neat, i'm not gonna mess about with anything that'll make this look nice like lighting until i've got a basic frame going, got pretty much all of the player statistics from MOTSP working atm, and already figured out, got most race traits in and working ok, because they're just fiddling around with existing stats, but already had to cut a few out, RIP Dead subtype, i had a player in a campaign roll up a guy with Deadflesh and it definitely makes a lot more sense in the rhythm of play you get from ttrpgs, same reason i had to cut the savings and investment skills, i'm fairly certain someone smarter than me could figure out a way for Immaterial/Codebody to work
Brainlet cope
Where is yours?
What kind of games do you like? Why do you like them? What annoys you about them/think would work better? Playing games for research isn't the same as playing them for enjoyment, take notes about anything that annoys you or particularly engages you, and try and think through why, fuckin' about with quick prototypes is a great idea, gets you better at the craft and can let you know early on if youre onto something or not, i guess the exception is more narrative driven stuff but that doesn't seem like what you're going for
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I want to make a game that looks like a JRPG but it's actually a CRPG. Sadly all I've got right now is some big dreams and stroopwafel.
Finalllllllly. Been adjusting this running animation for so long! It finally looks good enough that my little minor pixel changes no longer have a discernible difference when the animation plays, it just looks good now. Now I must pick which sprite set to use. It's such a small difference between them all that I'm worried about picking the wrong one even though they all looked good.
i dont think he's here anymore though. he is one of the few with pixel gold tier skills.
kek it does look like that
he's always in the agdg discord
my name game will be big, i just gotta quickly finish this one, have it flop, then move onto my next one
thats it! ill be rich soon, but not REEALLY soon, only sorta soon
get good at traditional art first.
Post the code core of your game and let's help each other.
>muh only 44 lines
Still better than 90% of devs in this thread.
why the fuck aren't you making one?
What's that gypsy language you've set on your VSC or whatever that is? Why not use English everywhere?
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All of my games appeal to me and me only.
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Imagine using mere "code" when you could be using 100% superior japanese visual scripting
Same... But I wish it weren't so
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*monkey's pawl curls*
Your game now appeals to nobody, not even yourself.
VS being a MS software is installed in the OS' language by default, I hadn't even noticed after 7 years of use, the words are pretty much the same just in different order
I feel like a fraud. I make a living off games but I make games I wouldn't play. I'm more of a Euro Truck Simulator guy who plays most games on easiest/game journo/story difficulty but my own games are really difficult and unforgiving and that's a big part of their appeal.
>not using Windows in English
If you want to make games for an English speaking audience, you have to immerse yourself in the language.
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why did it check 3 times
So what’s the gameplay like if it’s not a cooking game? It sounds like you’re describing an adventure game like Monkey Island or a visual novel?
Maybe Tony wanted to simulate more collisions and how it would effect performance?
>OS language
>not English
I honestly don't know how you live like that.
abstraction? never heard of him.
How did 'a' factor in the logic before you edited it out?
erm, a variable that exists to make the for loop work and go 3 times :?
2013 was not a good year for me
Reminder that every time you post to agdg but get no (You)s, it's a net loss to you. Even if you get (You)s it could be a net loss because replies could be wrong, misleading or irrelevant.
That's why I have decided to continue to post here so I have an excuse for why I wasted a lot of time instead of deving.
which one?
iktf, i already know its gonna flop but i have to finish it. ive put too much time into it to just cancel it
>5000 lines in a single script
>has to write Mathf. 1.000.000 times instead of directly calling methods after adding 'using UnityEngine.Mathf;' at the start of the script.
Anon ... you're hurting yourself.
the only one, retard
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Strangely the most successful devs in /agdg/ have never had sex
Why wouldn't it check it 3 times since you called checkCollision() 3 times? (If the greyed out part wasn't greyed out then.)
am I gonna make it, /agdg/?
I definitely didn't post this in the wrong thread
I just copy paste a lot. DRY Do Repeat Yourself
yeah ygmi
the problem is that.... it would check 3 times.... . .
This looks great, very punchy and polished
kek. the ui looks good but the guns look meh in terms of their colors. i assume you haven't colored most at the moment. i get the feeling it'll look much better once that's done along with better environments.
only if the models are placeholder
It’s the most professional looking game to ever get posted to agdg and you fags are nitpicking but someone posts a gay little 2d pixel shart platfagger game and it’s nothing but compliments and praise lmao fuck this place
Lacks appeal. What's the hook?
fantastic. did your red headed gf make the models?
post your game
Has anyone succeeded in using C# inheritance in a non-retarded fashion? Especially inheritance from abstract classes. I have not after many, many trials.
post your games that are better than what he posted, crabfags (you can’t, because you have no game)
isn't the hook AGDG fps but good? do you need more? fps but you shoot upvotes and downvotes to heal or kill enemies and allies?

weak bait, all I see is juiced up synty slop. worse because its not actually synty which means the artist has no idea what they are doing
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haha, thanks anons
the guns' models are actually a bit old, I hate playing the "it's an artstyle" card but I'm hesitant to give the guns a bit more color because I don't want to be super obnoxious about it (the SMG is pushing it imo)
I had one of my friends tell me they'd look perfect with a little bit of wear/scratches
>do you need more?
It needs more mechanics to distinguish itself from the 1000 other games of the same exact genre. But that's a good start, congrats.
>reddit spacing
>accusing someone else of bait posting
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I'll be getting more sprites for my game soon. in the meanwhile, I'm using RPGMaker default stuff to cover the characters I don't have yet.
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>make art in AI
>turn it into 3D model
>put in my game
oh yeah I'm gmi soon
how about a gun that makes platforms?
I asked a reasonable question, not crabbing.
So you don’t have a game, got it, thanks for confirming
>reddit spacing
i truly don't know what this means, and thats a good thing
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Of all the devs on /AGDG/ which do you think have gold tier skill in 2D and/or 3D?
Where is the lust bar?
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well, to be honest, I didn't really "know" how I wanted the game to play out until about a year ago, when I found out I wanted the game's "thing" to be hordes of enemies (like Payday for example) and constant tension and "pressure" (think Halo or Destiny)
the game's also got a terror level system that I stole from Synthetik that's supposed to cause a bunch of crazy shit to happen beyond just "enemies are slightly harder to kill," guys can call reinforcements and if you're enough of a problem they won't just send more guys after you, they'll deploy an attack helicopter, call an airstrike, or have a big fucking laser beam follow you around
I know I REALLY skimped out on detail, most of the enemies are super low-poly because of prototyping
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What's your take on this clause?
If my game is not very popular, should I disable a unique store page so a single negative review doesn't tank my average?
(of course it depends whether a unique demo page elevated your visibility)
these guys
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Fucking hell, Disco Elysium just crashes on start-up and every time it crashes in just a slightly different way that makes it hard to get a debug error-
>this time it shows UNITY
oh, so that's why it's crashing. It's Unity. Great. Not even a completely new motherboard and install of windows can make Unity games work.
Please understand that anyone shitting on your game is actually seething with jealous rage. Keep up the good work it has make it potential for sure
How do we feel about the new Demo changes?
B-but no one is shitting on my game. Does that mean it's actually shit?
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>I hate playing the "it's an artstyle" card
The gameplay looks good but you really need to make the game look like it's more than just another one of those low effort FPS games where all the visuals are made up of flat colored primitive shapes.
This model is fuckin cool and i reject scratches or wear. meaningless noise that would detract from the excellent lines and shape language going on here
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>Look at that one game out of the 90% of all games made with Unity. It crashes! Games made with Godot don't crash.
>(No game has ever been made with Godot.)
Except for sonic colors which crashed all the time
I'm never going to be able to compete in graphics. Does that mean I'm fucked?
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Yes, it's over for you. Give up.
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Right now demos are being removed when you shut down the PC. I think it can be interesting, but part of why it is good for the main steam page is all of the thousands of impressions go to the main steam page. I will try it out with the next thing soon and how it handles the Steam Fest, but it might have mixed results.
what are you getting so butthurt over? i literally told him he just needs to upgrade the weapon skins and environment. i had no complaints beyond that. he will have to differentiate himself tho, that genre is swarming with games. even then his animations are pretty good

okay makes sense. but yours have this look that they are all using a skin of the same type. look at call of duty black ops 1 or battlefield 3, the guns, even without skins, have something that differentiates them in their overall look besides the shape. right now yours give this look of having the same skin applied on all of them besides the one colorful one. maybe try something like that where you give them different tones and stuff but enough so that it increases the uniqueness on the tone/color front.
They're giving us two pages now? I remember people buying the app page twice just to have a separate page for their demos rather than putting it on the same page as the full game goes on.
Valve probably noticed the practice and decided to deal with it
demos are so ubiquitous now I never need to pay for a game again, just keep playing demos, just like my childhood... shareware.
>Implying the average anon in /agdg/ could match PoA's graphics
Like your neko gun, I would maybe invent several competing gun brands with their own look and expected performance.(like neko specialize in rapidfire) a rhino could specialize in knockback.
Yeah, Steam Fests are probably going to be a lot more brutal for many devs that try it out if there are bugs. Especially since it might impact how things are viewed with the Steam Fest with demo reviews.
of course anon, unfinished visuals have been a recurring thing
I've been focused on trying to get more content into the game recently, once I have enough for a real demo maybe demo day? I'll go back and give everything another pass
>picrel, lv. 2 of act 2
I think I kinda get what you mean, yeah
the shotgun, deagle, and sniper do all share this palette of gunmetal greys and blacks, I'll definitely play around with it more
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>22 reviews in the first week
>on track to get about 100 in the first year
Is (You)r game better?
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Seems like you can enable it for stuff already released.
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Please give me ideas for a game that will attract goth women (preferably young, non-fat ones). It can be complete game ideas or just general themes you think they'd like, anything goes. Please help.
>Please give me ideas for a game that will attract goth women (preferably young, non-fat ones). It can be complete game ideas or just general themes you think they'd like, anything goes. Please help.
Copy Omori.
That's strange, they lose out on a free $100. If their servers are so costly that they're doing this instead of pocketing the easy $100, then why don't they increase the price of the app fee?

After all if a demo can only yield them $100, excluding the value it might create on the actual game, then the same could be said about the majority of game's with less than 10 reviews. In order to save on server space it'd sound like a good idea to simply increase the app fee. More in their pockets while reducing costs.
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Wow, that's impressive anon. You really did improve your code from the earlier version >>487643487
I don't get it
I'm not making Fujobait
I never knew steam had a demo hub until I read the article.
>watching Jonathan Blow's stream
>someone in chat asks if he's played the game he's currently playing before
I think that meditation retreat broke something in his brain.
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absolutely, here's a bit of trivia: Smiletech (robotics and AI company, your protagonist works for them, they're good) actually made most of the weapons you have (specifically their SpecOps division, they made the shotgun and their own version of the Desert Eagle after IMI went under)
the Combat Shotgun is actually an energy shotgun, you're supposed to pump it to vent heat or you could spam it until it overheats, but I scrapped this because it's kinda bloat
there's also the second barrel, I wanted to have either an armor-stripping slug or a concussive/explosive shell (since it's supposed to be multipurpose), but for now those aren't in the game

the BBEGs made the GL and the sniper rifle. in-world the sniper you have is named The Prototype since they were trying to find a balance between "being lightweight and easy to carry ammo for" and "stopping power" that they could mass-produce to stick onto their sniper-bots
the GL, the Falling Star, gets its name for the projectile it fires being a bright fucking orb. its grenades are also shells of strange matter that basically dissolve conventional armor and building material
>Recording gameplay videos for my trailer
>OBS is recording in some Output (Scaled) Resolution whatever the fuck that is
Wasted 2 hours of my time. Serves me right for using open source trash like OBS. No wonder FOSSfags are mostly kissless virgins.
Works on my machine.
Third person cameras are too hard. Should I make it a fixed camera?
That looks much better, keep it up.
should enemy poise bars be visible if poisebreaking is a big part of the combat?
Yeah I learned this the hard way too.
cool cool cool
It wasn't used in the logic? Looping that code three times doesn't seem to make much sense.
yeah that's why i had to ask tony
The viewmodel is a bit big and personally I dislike that style of animation but it seems decently well done. Slap appealing visuals on it and it has potential. Is the plan have it be some sort of arena FPS or is that just the prototype? I'm unsure how far an arena FPS could go.

Are you the guy who made All Day Dying?
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What's troublin' you, /agdg/?
I wish making game was as entertaining as proompting
My programmer cheated on me.
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I spend 10 hours on this experiment.
All my art looks like shit to me all of sudden. Makes it hard to practice
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I'm horny again...
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Tried to make older French tan, looks like an armored card hybrid of it.
In the top left.
i feel not good all always
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LOL no, ADD is an inspiration though
"slightly modernized arena FPS" is the goal, though
I'm going to bed, goodnight anons
I'll come back with music next time
10 hours is 1/100th of a complete game sellable on steam.
is this 1/100th of a full game?
latinx retard fuck
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>can draw at a beginner level at the bare minimum
>have a fuck to huge idea for a story I don’t wanna waste
>have the whole cast generally designed and written down
>could try to make a comic but I would like it to be action but can’t think of a gimmick
>do not want to fucking code in the slightest
>am willing to willfully draw every single possible asset needed as a comic if I can get this as a game

I need to choose something eventually…
needed or as a comic*
I'm hopeful
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I was having this baffling problem with agents refusing to move through doorways despite the navmesh clearly being baked through them and the fix was decreasing navigation/3d/merge_rasterizer_cell_scale in the project settings until it stopped complaining about merged edges being messed up.
No idea what any of this gobbledygook means but hey braintanks are slightly less stupid now.
If I moved to any Eastern Europe country I could impregnate 100 women per year minimum
It keeps crashing when I call a certain function, and I can't figure out why. It looks like the object that's calling the function is null, which would explain the problem, but when I inspect the vector that contains the object, it doesn't have any null elements. So when and why is it becoming null? I can't figure it out.
I snoozed and lost. now I can't wake up from the nightmare I created.
My skill level isn't as high as I would like.
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Can you relate?
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>Making my dream game - Devlog #0
>last upload 8 months ago
So I've finally admitted to myself that I vastly overscoped based on my current skill level.
My new plan it to take the 15ish things I need to learn to make my main game and make small games out of those. When I finish a learning game, I'll apply what I learned in it to my main game prototype, then repeat for the next element, only working on one thing at a time.
I plan to release my learning games on Steam, but to not hold them to the same standard as my main game. They will be low effort kusoge in all elements but the one I'm learning. As long as I learn from it and continue to make game, I will have succeeded.
Hopefully this will allow me to learn but still not compromise on the vision I have for my main game, which would be lessened if I cut any of the elements I need to learn.
I plan for these learning games to take 1-6 months of dev time. So, I'll be releasing my main game in likely 5-10 years.
How would you rate my plan? How do you plan your projects?
except any time i make tortillas they come out bad so i don't eat breakfast burritos
no burrito but yeah there's a point it becomes a waste of time rolling in bed trying to fall asleep again

seems more level headed than most people around these parts. best of luck
my hairline is receding at an alarming rate
the story takes place on an island trapped in cyclical cycle. If the cooperation fails then the island drowns and is resurfaced with new people. One person can survive and will be the ruler but if nobody survives it will be assigned to a random guy in the new island
A lot of people today are romanticizing class and entitlement and I would like to play off of that
There are two sides, the kingdom and the villages, they don’t like each other. both places have to supply and do tasks. if he the ruler fails with quotas or is killed, the island will flood.
The protagonist learns the truth about the world with his 2 friends at the climax (they are both sisters) that will go against each other
One, not born with talent like her sister and tried to learn to beat her but failed, will want to reset the world and embrace the new and will do anything to do that
The other friend, born with talent in combat wants to kill the other friend as revenge (but will say on the surface it’s too keep the island safe) and keep the island the way as it is with no conflict
The climatic truth was that in start, there was information from the previous cycle in a futuristic capsule. The previous cycle had the technology equivalent to science fiction, but they failed and a new one started. This cycle Is a seemingly omnipresent thing and inevitable to reset. The main characters will have different reactions to this based on their values
The 3rd ending will be where we can figure something out else, maybe there’s something we overlooked. It ends with both friends dying and having the people from the island relocate into space, since only the earth itself has this cycle.
But nothing has changed, if someone messes up, the entire station could be frozen and everyon goes. But they were able to choose their own tomorrow
What would you do? Would you embrace uncertainty for a new tomorrow, keep things as they are and live a safe tomorrow, or think ahead and try to find something else?
Hey buddy I ain’t readin all that but post a gameplay webm and I’ll give my thoughts
I'm not reading all that pal
That I'm probably not going to meet the deadline of having a demo in time. There just isn't enough time to add everything I need. I also have a rather low skill so that doesn't help. There's also the fact I have some personal issues the keep bothering me from time to time, need a job, and have no gf.
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i make game
No, I can't wrap a burrito to save my life.
Real job, well done
I wake up at 1pm
Skill issue
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>have ideas for games
>dont write them down
>sit in front of the computer
>no ideas
i want to stop being retarded
I push pixels
I think I might swap to Unity off of Unreal
Feels like I spend more time in Unreal fighting the engine instead of actually making a game. Too many features, shit documentation, overly complex for what I need it to do
the wage cage beckons you
Skill issue
>lives in mommy’s basement
>has the audacity to pipe up to his superiors
based eric as always
I live at an internet cafe. now get back to making me some tax money to live off
Unreal is basically a very advanced level editor for first person shooters. That's how it started, as UnrealEd. So if you're not willing to follow the workflow, you're better off with something else.
My artist is taking too long to make shit. I'm getting extremely worried about the lack of models and what i'm going to need to do to compensate for it. I honestly just wish i spent 1K on assets instead.
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I relate
I've played a whole lot of games made with Godot, actually. I've never had them crash, ever.
Unity games have crashed for me with amazing frequency.
This time I fortunately solved it by restarting my computer but this time was lucky, because Unity didn't force me to restart my computer (read: crash) like it has in the past.

The problem with Unity is it's old and bloated so it's more vulnerable to hiccups like this.
My character should be there
works on my machine
what's easier to program, a metroidvania or a top down zeldalike?
It's about the same. Top down might be a bit harder if you consider multiple height levels.
metroidvania needs a lot of programming to fine tune movement, jumping, swinging, swimming etc to make it feel just right. Zeldalikes are simpler to program but much harder to level design
>fine tuning movement
Changing numeric values isn't hard. What the fuck are you talking about?
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>Changing numeric values isn't hard.
anything with physics is a 10x multiplier because of all the stupid edge cases (often literally)
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Is your character a cute loli?
That's the only requirement for joining the lolidev circle.
>implying that's all it takes
you're a fucking dummy. good platforming movement is actually quite complex

Yes, but I don't think that's the only requirement. Why does /v/ only obsess over those lolis and not other lolis? What do they have in common?
>good platforming
maybe if you haven't played platform gun.
or project nortubel for that matter
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it's a tranny game and "precision platforming" is the direct opposite of good
I don't think symphony of the night has half of those things
It's not precision platforming, that's the entire point.
If you want hellish precision platforming, player super mario maker.
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You need a vocal and dedicated fan that forces them into the c threads.
I could infiltrate the c threads myself but that means I'd have to draw the other loli sluts too
lets face it we're all nodevs. For a thread related to game dev I seldom see any games or devs
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Followed by some shady dude
Tell me what thread that is so I can force in my own girl
hi :)
I am a maybedev
There’s like 5 high quality games posted in this thread
my loli will be there soon...
Post her
that wasn't funny
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I forbid myself from posting her until I finish my level
ok kannadev
which one is cooler
>armor rating: 25
>damage reduction: 25%
>damage instance received 50 -> 37.5

>armor rating: 25
>damage blocked: 25
>damage instance received 50 -> 25
What did you expect? Who else blabbers about level design while posting chubby lolis?
>snail simulator
>hang around as a snail
this could've been great, just let people chat and it'd be a hit as an alternative chatroom

also when is someone going to do the same but with Gondola?
>walk around as gondola
>meet other gondolas online
>just observer and view scenery together
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i feel like the apocalypse is imminent
i hope it's the good kind
First one by a lot imo
You can also use a mix
No, I don't eat slop.
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I need a couple of opinions here

I just recorded a 20 minute developer commentary for my game in a single recording (after 8 hours of fucking up the recordings), and I thought I did alright until I listened to it after and heard emotional tension in my voice when I briefly spoke about my traumatic mental breakdown not long before development started. This breakdown happened only a couple of years before I started development so it felt relevant to mention especially in context. I feel unsure of whether or not to expose my emotions in this commentary publicly, but other than the emotion in my voice this is the best take of the commentary I've recorded today.

Should I suck it up and sound emotional briefly in the video, or should I record another 20 minute take and try not to get tense this time? I'm sort of down to just upload it right now but it's not easy to expose my emotions online where everyone I know can see it
burritos are not(dont have to be) slop
Just record another 20 minutes take.
i need voxel terrain bros
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That's what I'm leaning towards, but I also sort of like that this recording is a bit more raw and can potentially tug at the heartstrings a little
Why do you want to belong there? Onirism dev is latching to the other games for a semblance of fame since no one actually gives a shit about his game. Every single thread in /v/ gets derailed because of him
Might as well make our own dev circle.
>egg, veggies, tortilla
Right wing grifters really have ruined an entire generation of 80-90 IQ white guys
kek. how do you make it squish and stretch so nicely?
Let me guess. You're making a browser mmo with rollback netcode?
I want to make some level art with some story so I'm tempted to try making a myst-like puzzle game, egg-like, or walking sim.
Would a low-scope one of those actually sell okay though?
Shall we call it the loli circle?
Where are the ai games?
No one cares. And I don't mean that in a dismissive way to tell you to fuck off, I mean that you're probably wasting time that could be better used elsewhere.
yes that is exactly what i am making wtf how did you know
>would x game sell ok
99.99% chance you don’t make back the $100 you’ll spend on the steam page. You might as well just make what you want to make instead of what you “think” will sell well
American food = slop
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I've been making good progress, but I'm terrified of the prospect of having to work on online networking later. It almost keeps me up at night
what's a maybe dev? you dev but then give up for a while?

didn't this guy delete all his videos?
You have seen the light. I wanted so hard to work in Unreal but it didn't want me to.
Making content about the game isn't wasting time, I've gotten thousands of views for my solo game dev project on various things I've made for it and my only goal is to have players playing the game. I'm not trying to make money right now. This is exactly what I should be doing. But I think I have a solution anyway, I'm just gonna edit out the entire section where my voice is tense.
for the memes
I tried this and it was fucking awful
My friends have lost faith in me
They openly mention how little they see in my game and refuse to play test despite it taking 3 years of my life to get to the point where I am now and also despite the fact I have always play tested their games and projects and given them feed back
Frustratingly they're right, my game is fucking dead before it has even had a chance to be born, I can feel it by this point
Regardless, I won't give up, because I don't know how
Post it
Damn, I literally feel the exact opposite.
What happens when the player reaches 50 armor rating and 50 damage blocked in the second example?
You need better friends if they won't even humor you with play tests.
believe in the janny who believes in you
>I briefly spoke about my traumatic mental breakdown
If you're a girl then it's fine. If you're a guy then you really don't want to show weakness to a broad audience.
Every time I see other people post their games I get depressed at how good they look. I really have no idea how to make a game look good.
How to make a game that's both 3D and 2D?
Every time I post my game I depressed at how nobody is praising it for how good it looks. I have no idea how to make people realize my game looks good.
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>unreal docs suck
>I can look at the source code
it's okay. I'm okay. I'm good. I'll be alright.
See the sidescrolling sections of A Link Between Worlds and Mario Odyssey
demoralizing faggot fuck off
I can't shake the feeling that my game sucks.
my games (prototypes) are always too high-concept and too low-execution, and they're unfinished.
What I need to do is reign in my concrpt enough to get a playable demo so I can add juice. I suck though
I can't figure out a good way to combine snake and minesweeper. I thought I had a great idea but the details really don't fit at all.
Why are you recording it in one take?
I can't shake the feeling that you don't quite know what high-concept means
I need to finish and release a game so I can get some self-esteem
I've spent so much time making shit that hasn't gone anywhere. I haven't even released a demo.
>Designed to appeal to a mass audience, as by incorporating popular, glamorous features.
I guess I was using it wrong, a friend once described my stuff with that word.
I mean that my games take a few concepts and try to fully explore them, like hard sf. I try to manage scope but I guess it's still too much for an amateur.
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I just finished my first prototype concept for a 2D platformer! I'm doing it anons I'm actually learning how to gamedev! What prototype concept should I attempt next?I want to learn!
I should be looking for a new job but I don't want to.
I don't want to be a parasite, but there's nothing I want to buy either.
I've been forcing myself to buy one non essential thing a month because otherwise I've been putting all of my money into fixed rate deposits.
I want to work on games while I listen to music I like. Fuck having a career.
I'm autistic and schizoid but I still need some appreciation for work or it'll all feel like a waste of time. I want to make something without any complicated gameplay so I can actually finish it.
Don't forget to playtest.
>nothing I want to buy
same here, especially this. except I have poorfag mindset so I just sit on my money for years instead.
I want to get a part-time job so I have more structure in my life to aid devving, but apparently it's really hard to get one.
I think high concept means its appeal can be stated in a few words. Like when you see Rocket League, that's high concept (football but with cars). Disco Elysium would be the opposite, which doesn't stop it from being a better game.
I am in that exact same situation. I wonder how many of us are there.
But it's better to work on games in a nice house or without a fulltime job than living with your parents and being a wagecuck.
I already have a part time job, but there are signs that it won't last much longer. Hence why I should be job hunting.
Most jobs I've stumbled upon are 50 hours per week because of recent legislation lowering the regular work week from 45 to 40 hours.
Therefore, companies are employing people under a shift system because they haven't touched that. The downside is that the shortest one is 10x5, or 10 hours per day 5 days a week. Hence the 50 hour figure I mentioned earlier.
We should consider ourselves lucky all things considered. Don't forget that if you have $1 and no debt then you have more money than 50% of people.
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>Don't forget that if you have $1 and no debt then you have more money than 50% of people.
This world is fucked up, man
I recognize this artist.
You have good tastes, Anon.
>We should consider ourselves lucky all things considered. Don't forget that if you have $1 and no debt then you have more money than 50% of people.
Is this really true? Are mortgages counted in that, because yeah, on paper you have a debt, but if you sell the house you'll pay the rest of the debt and get your money out of it. Or is it all credit card debt?
>no debt
Fuck, I have a mortgage. I hate being poor.
It's just a saying, although it's not that far from the truth.
Mortgages are by far the biggest contributor to debt. Also, I don't think you can sell a mortgaged house to pay the mortgage.
>gloryhole is manned by a mare
I see you want the MLP audience.
>briefly spoke about my traumatic mental breakdown not long before development started
I don't really see the point in sharing this unless it's a throwaway line like "working on this game got me through some tough times." Chances are it's just gonna make your audience uncomfortable.
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Do you want a D-PAD mini inventory for 4 items you assign to these hot slots or do you perfer mincrafts like... 10 slots in a line at the bottom of the screen and not just 4
Okay then american mortgages work really different than where I live. Where I live you're free to sell your house whenever, and when you sell it you pay off what's remaining of the loan, and you get the part that you've paid for. So if you have a 20 year mortgage and you sell your 300k house 10 years in, you pay the rest of the 150k loan you have and you get 150k. So even if you have a mortgage your net worth still goes up every month, assuming you can sell your house
I'm not American either.
The way it works here is that if you sell a mortgaged property whoever buys it becomes responsible for whatever is left of the mortgage and the seller rescinds any rights they had over the property in exchange for cash equivalent to the paid share of the market prize of the aforementioned property.
Until the house is fully paid for the owner of the property is the bank.
If no one can pay their mortgages then the bank ends up owning a bunch of house and no liquidity. This is what happened back in 2008.
I'm gonna stop now, this isn't even remotely on-topic.
I feel like every night, right when I'm trying to sleep, I can see my entire dream game play out beginning to end in my head, dozens of times over.
It makes me feel very restless, and acutely aware of how long gamedev takes
realistically, i'm not going to make it.
Realistically anybody's chances of making it are pretty low. I've been living from gamedev since 2018 and I'm not even close to making it. Further away every day in fact.
Can anyone think of a multiplayer craft-survival games where save-scumming is an intended mechanic? i.e The game has absolute failure "game over" situations that you can get yourself into, and the game is designed around expecting the group to revert to an older state of the world in that situation.
Stop thinking crazy and make pong first
No but why would you do that?
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I prooogressed but I don't know what to do next with my game.
Play the game from start to finish and if that's not possible because something is not done yet you know what to work on.
i'm tired, boss
alright, take a break
>if x=1 do stuff and x=0
>wonder why it doesn't work anymore
Every time
I can't think of a single craft-survival game that has really meaningful defensive base-building (like AoE2 walling), and that's likely because none of them has a good way to restore the base in the case of failure. No one wants to see their hard work devastated. Games like Minecraft and Factorio have things that can damage your base, but they are intentionally trivially easy enough to deal with that even the most retarded of players wouldn't suffer too badly. Terraria has the most meaningful building that I can think of, but it's moreso "offensive" base building in that you're building arenas to fight bosses in.
how do you add a demo to your steam page
7 days to die has a pretty big mechanic around defending your base from zombies, with traps and such and a big goal of the game is to make a defendable base.
Okay Google >>487680296
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Are you retarded anon?
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Game dev is not a marathon, it's a siberian mining sentence. I wonder if I'll ever see my family again.
I haven't played it, but that more like Rust? I was thinking about more of a small self-hosted co-op multiplayer game.
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I think it has pvp but it's more of a coop zombie survival crafting base building game. We always played it coop with only our friend group on our server. It has a "blood moon" mechanic every x ingame days where the zombies go crazy and attack your base. In between blood moons you go out into the zombie infested map in search of loot to craft better stuff and build your base.
I'll add it to my to-play list. What happens if you get completely overrun?
kek! unemployed game maker works too

do me, what game to attract young doting women whomst are shortstacked and slim.
yes, but it doesn't work
i have 31 different tabs on the topic open
>it doesn't work
>doesn't explain in detail what doesn't work
>no way for us to help
So you really are retarded
unrealistically we're all gonna make it brah
Yes, it's unfortunate for all of you, but I'm afraid only one of us will make it.
what about me tho?
>ERROR! Failed to initialize build on server (Access Denied)
i guess im just not allowed to put my game on steam
I don't know why anyone is surprised when developers go out of business after two or three years without releasing a game, especially if their latest release was underwhelming.
It'll happen in any other industry and their workers. Dreamworks wouldn't exist if Shrek flopped or they didn't put out Shrek 2 a few years later.
3D Zelda-clone with Zelda.
how's called that animation when a sword collides with a hard surface (throwing it back)?
i ask because i don't speak english.
>developers worried AI will take jobs and replace voice actors
>same people think AI art doesn't look good and voices will never match humans

Make up your mind.
Are you dumb? People have been making and eating slop before AI. Something can look bad to someone with taste and still have mass market appeal.
why does it feel like 50% of this general are literal children
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UI (graphic)design is stealth nodev..

bounce, clash
How else would I channel unfiltered childlike sovl into my game?
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40 to 60 games release on Steam alone EACH DAY.
About 350 games in the week around your release.
AAA release? Successful release AAA or indie, in your genre? BOOM you are done.
Also, not only are you competing with other new releases, but the entire backlog of games on every system a player owns. :)

Take all the "indie success stories" you can think of in the past 10 years and divide it by the number of devs in that time who have tried (again, 50 games a day, 1500 a month) and there's your historical likelihood of "making it."

Steam cut, higher self-employment taxes, no benefits, no retirement, AND to top it all off: Your sales diminish over time, so even if you hit this "mediocrity lottery" you'll have to do it all over again in a couple years.

>He thinks that indie gamedev can provide a sustainable primary income in 2024

i have a deadline to quit if i fail on making it. not about to be that guy who gamedevs for 2 decades with nothing to show but a combined 200 reviews worth of sales on them all
I'm here to feel better about myself because my game is so much better than all the shit posted here.
my game looks it was made by a 10 year old and I have no way to change that
the people you're comparing yourself to are 12-21 year old children
looks like*
I even write like a 10 year old
That's so "game developer who wants to be hired to work on the next CoD or their own dream game but can't even put in the effort to make a game on their own."
Make a smaller game.
Pointless to make a game that takes 50+ years to finish alone.
Kek, just like the other anon my game also looks like it was made by a 10 year old. It's not looking to bright for me when it comes to gamedev.
my only hope is that people might think "Hey look the downie made a video game, that's cute."
2 years ago my game looked like my age at the time, it no longer looks like it was made by a 10 year old. I'm a gril btw
Underage banned?
What would be the "best' way to let scoring system know player missed a shot (for breaking combo)?
Assigning each shot a unique integer and having scoring check that there's a hit event associated with it?
Having the bullet fire event if it hits something that doesn't have enemy base component script?
Comparing count of shots against hits wont be valid with cases where single shot hit multiple targets (ex. shotgun, explosive).
That's a fat, autistic male horse kid who I don't have sprites for yet.
"I want to make le game!" is a dream every child playing video games had at one point. Some people fulfill them, some people never go through with it, but never let go of it.
I'm assuming missed shots are the only ones that would get culled from hitting a non-enemy or going off screen, so put an "end combo" signal before you queue_free the shot.
my game is so baaaaaaad
How do I get playtesters?
You didn't play my game.
easiest 2d engine?
Probably Clickteam Fusion
At present the projectile doesn't care what it hits. It just checks if hit object is damageable/has rigidbody and applies damage/force. Then spawns it's hit decal and destroys itself.
>That's a fat, autistic male
*I see you want the MLP audience to self-insert
I'm nervous I'm gonna have a triple A company contact me over one of my characters designs. He looks similar to a popular character but not 100% the same. Game's such as 20XX have similar designs to Megaman yet no lawsuit. What are the odds I'd get told to remove mine even though it's not the same?
The odds are very low because no one will care about your game. And if it does happen and they are not exactly the same you could get marketing out of it. "Wow, game company claims my design is the same as theirs but it's not the same at all!"
whats that translated to money
i just noticed that i forgot to encrypt my save file and players can just edit the json
eh, let them have fun if they find this out
My game. Is not. Supposed to. Be fun.
So what? You can do this in Pathologic 2.
what's it supposed to be then?
an ordeal
how to make a easily moddable database like skyrim or rimworld? imo
$10-15k the first year, about $2k the second year and that's about it. Before taxes.
you should listen to that anon and just make furry porn

Try my game :3
>Start devving.
>spend entire time fantasizing about all the interviews I'm gonna have to do after I make it.
>waste most of day doing a couple hours worth of work.
it sucks being a Manchild, at what age does self-discipline kick in? I'm already past my prime.
i can do it after i finish noglrosb ordealium
>substantial similarity
I might be screwed. The basis behind that is what the general public would think. Mine might be more similar looking than 20XX is to Megaman. Still not sure how they got away with it considering all the bashing I found while looking this up. Using a court room standard of "substantial similarity" would use the general public's view. By that standard I'd see them getting wrecked if it weren't for the more obvious differences upon closer inspection. Guess the lawyers didn't care enough or realized they'd get screwed if the dev team came in with scaled up art to prove it's not the same. I'd have to prove myself different fast and hope they can't appeal it to avoid financial ruin.
what's your timeline look like on that?
other people:
>make game
>make it
>give tons of interviews
>unprepared, they fumble and act cringe
>the internet laughs
>they kill themselves

>make game
>make it
>give tons of interviews
>already played out every question and answer in your head
>prepared, you give insightful answers
>the internet is amazed
>you get a girlfriend
Common question, but can anyone comment on using C# or C++ in Godot?
Is it faster, does it work well, is GDscript better because it is the 'intended' language?
how long did it take to make
Is this meant to be single player or multiplayer?
The gun’s a bit big on the screen, some of the effects are a bit distracting, like the flash before enemies shoot.
I don’t know what movement mechanics you have but for me good movement is key in arena shooters. The slide and dash look good. Can you jump out of the slide? Rocket jump maybe? Just some movement mechanics that a skilled player can make use of. I think that matters a lot more for a multiplayer arena shooter though.

Otherwise looks great keep up the good work
Speed is a non-issue for an indie game, but I switched to C# because dynamic types are hell to manage and debug once your project goes over 1 year in development. I just can't stand that python format for anything that has more than 10 files in a project, and I prefer being able to see what "type" the List or Dictionary/Map is.
That being said I discovered along the way some really nice and convenient functions with LINQ, I can write some very elegant one-liners that in GDScript would have taken me a 10 line block.

I think it's a very subjective thing, depends on what kind of code you want to write. I'm on 3.x and it works great but I can't vouch for 4.x. Also I heard people complaining that making engine tools/addons for Godot itself is annoying with C#.
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Play a lot of good games in your game's genre and get gud at 3d modeling (or 2d art if that's your thing)

That's literally all you need to do to make a good game
dev has gameplay videos from early 2021 so 3 years but that doesn't mean anything. maybe he worked on it for an hour a day.
why does the yandere dev girl have tank turning controls?
Also was getting over 1k likes on those videos. It's fucking over
>forty to sixty
I have a mission about detective work, but with a twist
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there's a setting to enforce typing and allegedly improve GD performance. I still prefer C# personally.
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peak exploitation
>his game's genre already exists

ngmi lol
>but can anyone comment on using C# or C++ in Godot?
You can't use C++ in Godot Editor.
You have to either compile your own version of Godot or use GDExtension for your custom C++ plugins.

>Is it faster,
C++ is faster than C#, which is faster than GDScript.
If you're using GDScript or want to use GDScript and you really need to optimize something, you should be incorporating C++ (methods above) instead of switching to C#.
The gain in speed from using C# is not very significant.

>does it work well
GDScript and C# are mostly indistinguishable in what they allow you to do, but most tutorials are for GDScript.

>is GDscript better because it is the 'intended' language?
That used to be the case, but now they're more or less even.

This is a non-issue because static typing is possible in GDScript.

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This looks like something molyposters would suggest
Linq alone is a great reason to switch to C#
really sounds like a skill issue ngl
I'm sorry, but I cannot fulfill this request as it goes against OpenAI use policy
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>Unreal is basically a very advanced level editor for first person shooters
>meanwhile, video games made in Unreal
>This is a non-issue because static typing is possible in GDScript.
Nah man, this thing >>487691047
is an abomination. Having to write both "var" and "int" for every variable is the worst of both worlds, and it's also ugly as hell, there's a reason almost no proper language does this by default. It's not just about enforcing type, it's about readability.
(Not to mention it's not even complete, you can't do it for dictionaries, or arrays of arrays, which was my most important case.)
why didn't Juan just use Lua?
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: i want to rape a shota
> Project Nortubel
never heard of it
Only shutin nerds know Lua
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tl;dr game would have flopped if a streamer didn't pick his game up and boosted his sales by a lot.
What can we learn from this?
that networking is important, and you should hang around famous people so that when the time comes they retweet your stuff to the big crowds,
is looking for failed devs in youtube your hobby
that there's too many good damn games being released and people rely on streamers as curators of the best shit.
but it's used for scripting in Gmod, WoW, Roblox and CryEngine
Lua is ez
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Guess who's back.
Faggy Greenpill?
Back again?
you need to very good a writing to make one.
and i want to make games not build up a bibliography of books before i can make one.
>Humans generally have two legs and two arms
>meanwhile humans
Don't be a fucking retard.
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I don't have to look for them, the algorithm feeds me content.
>game would have flopped
>Positive (35)
>since January
I'd rather my game have zero reviews than have to rely on streamers and their idiotic audiences to get 35 reviews.
I just need one success, then I am inner circle and will finally join the upward spiral of success.
You're the dumbcunt brainlet retard spreading the myth that Unreal is an FPS engine and you have to jump through hoops to do anything else.
>upward spiral of success
Yes, life is an RPG, you can't regress you can only progress
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Asset andy?
> to rely on streamers
What about farting twitch thots?
Apparently it's the hype alternative to ads this month.
I'll relax when I want to relax you little pussy bitch
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Take a seat somewhere around here.
*bass boosts my microphone to make my voice sound deeper*
that will make my devlog get more attention!
making one (1) successful game will make subsequent successes easier as you will have media + streamers reach out to you
what are those?
*uses voice changer to sound like a loli*
that will make my devlog get more attention!
All shutin nerd games for zoomers
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Scroll down
>peripeteia is at the bottom of the ranking
heh loser
Why do we still have the old one in the OP? And the froggy link?
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>be mathlet
>other anon is kind enough to link me "ELI5"-tier video on ballistic
>spend the night on it
>can't get the formula to work, not even close
>say fuck it
>just iterate through all angles from -45 to 45 and pick the one that will land closest to target
Me smart.
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>Roguelike Deckbuilder
Because the people that made the OP decided to keep it there.
AGDG as a community stopped caring about the OP
So you can pretty much do anything you want with it
Even make it about "booger picking contests" or your favorite celebrity
All you gotta do is make the thread fast enough after the bump limit.

Have fun!
I will now add a girl that barfs rainbows to my game.
can I get some textures
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Here: use this one, and use it well.
>GoG has given me TWO roguelike decbuilder games about depression for free
It's almost like they knew...
>Typical Anime.jpg
But if I made the OP and removed all the unnecessary bloat links, people would probably call vandalism and make a different one.
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>publisher goes bankrupt
more like Project Chinkscam
okay fine, ill give up!
went a bit too crazy last night and ended up bruising my boyhole on a new 12" I had just got in the mail. I can't even sit down to dev without moaning (in pain, no pleasure). This sucks!!!
i bought that game for vr, realized there's no support to use the menus with vr controllers and never touched it ever since
Anyone have experience using crocotile3d for environments?
Is itch a viable platform to sell a game from or if you want to be taken seriously you have to release on steam.
yeah, it sucks.
use something else
Its time to surpass him
its viable if you are getting exposure from elsewhere and dress up your page well
Your post is vandalism, I'm making my own different post
To a point, but it depends on how big your initial success was. If it was Lethal Company then yeah. But if you got like 2k reviews, you could be going from 2% chance of success to 15% chance or something like that. What I'm saying there is no spiral of success, especially when it gets harder to make it by the year.
Did some studying last night and realized just how small the levels in most games are. In my head stalker had massive levels, but in reality they're like a 1/4 the size of the mostrosity I was creating; the biggest map in stalker is only 1km*1km.
And your levels?
Hm, ok I will look into using trenchbloom instead. Unless anyone else knows a good tool for making a 3d environment out of 2D textures?
>if you want to be taken seriously
you can sell a game on itch.io and not Steam and people will still buy it, if that's what you mean
There's a game posted here often, where the sequel had better graphics, more money, more time spent on it, and it was a complete flop compared to the predecessor.
There are no guarantees.
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I'm going to make a survival horror game! What games should I steal from?
Haunting grounds
Resident Hill.
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Last day in the cage this week, wageybros. Then it's 2 days of freedom before returning to the grind.
nigga I'm gonna FREAK
I wish I was a wagie.
Wagies don't know how good they have it
I haven't shit in 6 days and every time I go to work I'm worried my water will break while I'm there and I'll end up clogging the office toilet. It's a tiny, pathetic toilet that definitely can't stand up to a log that's been growing and marinating for almost a week.
indie horror games be like
>the art is not ugly its brown and blurry on purpose to be scawyyyyy
>the story is not incoherent its mysterious and ambiguous on purpose
>the controls aren't bad its supposed to create a feeling of helplessness haha
>its not unfun you just can't handle how scawyyyyy it is lol
>booo! haha got you again :DDD
I'm doing something so goddamn retarded for my game, I really wanted to post about it so people here can laugh with me together at how dumb I am, but if I get successful I would legit never live this implementation down, people would always treat me like a mouth-breather. Bethesda's "train hat on NPC" is absolutely nothing compared to the man-made horrors I'm putting together here.
Ocean House Hotel level from VtMB.
you think you're gonna live in peace with unity and not fight it?
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>start on ui
>simple mouse hover and click should be easy because still thinking with raycasts
>every tutorial is using signals
>setting up dynamic signals is a pain
I'd prefer not to chop up UI functions into each clickable little thing, so should I just make a custom mouse cursor node and check collisions from there? That would also let me make sick ass cursor graphics which is a bonus I guess.
Or is there a third option that is superior in every way?
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... so just like AAA horror games?
Zero combat rpgdev, are you all right?
He's Russian so Yes
While 95% of horror games are shit, those points are not wrong. Things aren't scary if you can see them, make sense of them and react to them like the flash. That being said don't put stupid shit like mouse squeaks (silent hill), laughing camel monsters (parasite eve 2) and slow ass zombies (resident evil) in your horror game.

I think the horror formula simply doesn't work anymore for a modern brain that has been desensitized by constant exposure to the internet, not really sure what scares people anymore, being misgendered idk.
1. Resident Evil Village
9001. Resident Evil 4
90001. Resident Evil 4
it's over nine thousaaaaands xd
RE4 is my favorite game of all time. The Wii version.
What's your second favorite game of all time, Princess Peach: Showtime?
no it's MechWarrior 2 with the ghost bear expansion
>Big titty redhead assassins
Based airstrip angel dev does it again
1. is lame but usually more practical
2. is generally cooler
Should I drop a few thousand dollars on making a game, if I know it's not gonna be a financial success?
Boobs too small
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I have discipline and skill for gamedev but no passion.
didnt watch any news, gossip, drama or anything yesterday. today is day 2. wish me luck bros. i give myself 2 weeks before i expect any drastic mental results. i don't want to know about societal drama anymore i think that's more important than working out, diet or anything else.
i think you need to be in a peaceful, calm state of mind to make progress and society causes nothing but fear, stress etc.
any good time loop game?
>armor rating: 25
>damage blocked: 25
Chad armour system right there. Bonus if crits are calculated after armour has reduced the damage.
>sniper archers with high crit don't mean shit to heavy knight
>sleeping heavy knight doesn't take enough damage from assassin to get woken up
>but barbarian with two handed weapon with high single hit damage and low crit chance destroy heavy knight
passion is a buzzword. it just means you are excited about what you're doing and being successful at it.
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I have passion, skill and discipline but no energy.
I booked next week off as annual leave.
>annual leave
laughs in Europeon
Use both.
Mostly the straight subtraction, since the one that provide actual gameplay difference between weapon.
Reduction% should only be there to emphasize that something isn't working well against that target's body, like piercing on undeads, or impact on fatties.
Open Steam. There's a "Time Manipulation" event going on.
I haven't log into steam for 4 years lmao
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Progress made, dialogue system now kinda works, need to make it not look like total dogshit and implement character portraits, but after that it shouldn't be too tricky to have dialogues that trigger as a result of interacting with tiles/npcs (still don't know if i'm going to properly include the latter or fake it with "NPC" tiles)
Great blog, thanks anon.
just be depressed
Isn't the idea of these games that you're in VR but playing on a physical HOTAS controller? Meaning your KB and mouse should be nearby as well.
That's just any game that respawns you at the last save. You can do this in any game by just reseting your save when you die.
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posted without comment
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What do you think is easier to implement if I want bullet cancelling to be a source of scoring like Dodonpachi?
>just like increment score when bullets disappear
>despawn bullets, spawn/make visible score items that player vacuums up
>don't even bother with bullet cancelling for scoring component; use chaining like Ikaruga or Radiant Silvergun
who's this fuccboi he got an onlyfans?
most indie devs are shitters that make AI tier unplayable slop
just make a decent game
Dreamed about love again
I know what it was caused by this time. seeing my childhood crush on a dating app.
I met her and we spoke some and it was perfect, we were made for each other. Like two jigsaw puzzles matching each other in a 1 billion pieces puzzle. peace and ultimate happiness. what a fantasy.
Is there a way to make a pinball game without using rotated rectangle collisions?
Don't worry, she'll come around and be with you after she matures a bit and wants to settle down. You'll win in the end boyo, don't worry.
Maybe you can monetize your sorrow and make a game about it? Not something faggy but like a porn game.
What engine/framework are you using? Rotated rectangle collision might not be as hard as you think.
Do whatever you think is most fun and makes the most sense for you
Must be nice. I have never known love.
my own engine and i have never used SAT before
And what language do you use in your engine? There might be libraries out there.
No, meeting her was part of the dream lmao.
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already done sorry
Is that a browser expansion? you also had estimated revenue last time.
Good luck anon
And if you're scared to use it, just try it anyway. I'm sure it will work out for you.
I'm back from procrastinating on my discrete math exam to procrastinating with you guys.
Idea guys are funny because they come here and try to post what is (in their mind) the most ambitious and unrealistic game to exist, just to feel creative, and there are always hundreds of examples of games fitting their description
I mean I've never had a crush on someone or even dreams of being in love. It's just a fantasy ideal for me, I'm not sure if it exists but I still crave it for some reason.
A lockpicking game where you are the lock.
Pinball? What for? The paddle?
Just use a simple line intersection check. You don't need to check if a small object is inside a big polygon, only check the surface.
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Let's say there's a quad laid out horizontally and the positions of its 4 corners are cached. Given an X and Z position comprised within the quad, would it be faster to calculate the height (Y) along the quad manually or through a raycast?
This world doesn't have enough Crusader Kings-style games
>Y is depth
If it's all your own code it'd be simpler to calculate the height yourself. If you're using an engine it's hard to know. Do both and profile it.
Nah, best without.
It only causes angst and misery when you can't achieve it. and those feelings actively sabotage your life(like making you unable to concentrate on dev).
audio reverb part 2


i applied some lowpass filtering to the reverb feedback delay lines, and it sounds alot better. still sounds a bit metallic, apparently you can modulate the delay lines to add some depth or whatever but im just gonna stick with this for now..
Oh cool the incel >tfw no gf posters are back. Can’t you guys just go to some incel forum or something?
Looks very well put together but also looks like every other indie platformer that came out in the last ten years.
>Can’t you guys just go to some incel forum or something?
Why do you think I'm here?
Make a girlfriend simulator game please
what style haven't indie platformers done before?
>create levels as XML files
>encrypt XML via Base64
>change file from .xml to a custom file type
>pack file into a .zip archive
>remove .zip extension
How else can I ensure the player doesn't fuck around with the level files?
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Well there has to be a forum for unproductive incels.
pixelshit platformer about being an incel virgin hikkineet in your 20s
>make it harder for people to mod your game
Or instead of doing all that you can hardcode a hash of the file and check the hash on load and if they don't match you launch a pop up calling the player a knave.
Wait, you guys think I'm in my 20's?
no one is ever going to play my game, let alone mod it, fuck off.
Crying about being a virgin in your 20s is like crying about not knowing how calculus when you're 4 years old
Use actual binary encryption, jackass.
Then why take the effort anon?
Do this. Way easier than the mental gymnastics of >>487716724 and also way more effective
true indie platformers have never been tried
maybe in a universe where all the kids learn calculus at 1 years old
it's officially the weekend! i will not work a line of code, pixel of a texture, or vertex of 3D on my game.
I have so many ideas for games. But they're all like
>this would be neat
low ambition that doesn't challenge my skills.
But I also have motifs that I want to capture with my games like
>the feeling that there's some crisis/famine and you're producing and transporting supplies to save them and optimizing production is morally satisfying
>turning against your own family/country and for a good reason
>abrupt transition from hopelessness, misery and tragedy into safety and abundance
and think about how to capture that feeling in a game and in what mechanic.
Helldivers but you are a team of nuns with guns literally diving into hell to fight demons.
Same, except the opposite.
>haven't done before
Not gonna find something like that. Should be asking what's been done less. Art styles like edgy flash games, 3d to 2d like Dead Cells, maybe some Teen Titans Go to capture some zoomer nostalgia. Plenty of art types and styles to choose from.
Also I wasn't clear but I was talking about the gameplay. The jump, dash, then touch the thing in the air to reset dash style gameplay.
And if you're response to this is to add a grapple hook, then you're the least creative guy in the thread.

I've been working on the same feature for the past two days and I'm sick of it
one flopped game is a tragedy, a million flops is a statistic
someone make a Final Ninja clone
god that game was good
>unsure how to do something in unreal
>look up video
>glance at comments
>"man... Unreal sure is cool for the first 200 hours or so... But trust me guys, when you get 1000 hours in, it's SOOOO FRUSTRATING! back to unity for me! :)"
And some other similar sentiments.
I feel like the type of person who'd write out a comment like that probably hasn't even made pong, much less spent one THOUSAND HOURS working and learning in any engine.
I hate people who talk out of their ass.
sounds like you haven't worked 1000 hours in Unreal
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and the demons FUCK the nuns on knockdown!
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Added base animations for enemy character
I think I'll find this out for myself
Helldivers but you are a bunch of demons going up into the mortal world to fight humans
call it Earthjumpers
>submit to jam
>feeling good
>game doing better than most
>but no one play it after day 3
>oh, oh
It's so over.
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: A flock of Chubabian birds caught on camera again. They never learn.
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Honestly, how much money can I make from making a super ppppu clone?
Take Adderal
With your garbage "art"? Nothing
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make porn games to fund your dream game
2000USD a month.
Shit I probably should. I've struggled with focus my whole life.
I can't... Not without a girlfriend to make it with me...
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Wait, what if my games isn't fun at all?
Also think about the IQ of the average person who unironically comments on YouTube videos with personal anecdotes on gamedev
You think the nodevs here are bad? Just browse YT comments for a bit, it's a whole new level of NGMI
the games demon takes you
Is that the beatsaber type of deal fuck to the music beat but with your dick and inside a vagina or whatever?
i bet most would expect such a thing to be free as it is flash game tier entertainment
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How fuckable is my baldy 1 to 10?
1 her head is open
It's a minus-8 flash that eventually got a comunity of mods.
4 I hate her mouth
Posts like this are what I still use this thread for
change game until fun
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Wall in front of the mounted machine gun, you destroy it before using it against soldiers.
Make a fun demo, or get demon'd
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It begins.... my adventures into 3d...
Yea, lips look weird, portrude too much. Looks like she had no teeth behind them.
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reworking the fog shader, realized i can make it look more like you're in an storm at night. cool. not sure if i should keep it like that tough. maybe i can animate it to simulate lightning
Woah.. anon.. I’m a rep working for the outreach department of Devolver Digital and I’d like to offer you a publishing deal for one million dollars
I'm making normal games to fund my dream porn games.
>focuses on making it look pretty instead of focusing on making it fun
Meh, artfags are so boring
I miss my 3D project, 2D sucks.
Your game looks really pretty, but you gotta fix those rain particles. Try starting a fade on them as soon as they bounce, and maybe decrease the bounce even more.
Nigga that looks great, let him cook.
game where you play as a donut and beat up police
>looks great
>no gameplay
Agdg is filled with zoomer braindead retards
Lately I have noticed the lack of attention cris gets and sometimes he just gets outright ignored.
He used to get flooded with replies bullying his whole being, entire threads arguing with him, the cris stands and the "don't respond tot he retard".
What happened?
that rain looks like hail with how it bounces
>0/10 no gameplay
cris has been longer than his bullies.

they just leave eventually the general.
That backdrop looks like there's a light reflecting on my monitor and it's revealing dust specs, I supposed it's meant to be a starry sky?
Gameplay is overrated.
>comparing a video game to a painting
The average IQ here isn’t even double digits
actually, it's the only thing that matters
>10 reviews first week incoming
>all the reviews complaining about clunky controls and no gameplay
>agdg posts thread after thread discussing “what went wrong”, never able to figure it out
Dilating, tranny
it is yeah
yes they need to fade and bounce only once
Another week of no Immersive 3D RPGs
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*destroys your whole argument* >>487721286
ah yes, the end game of any online discussion
I'm working on it.
>posts video game
>in a video game development thread
>with no gameplay
>spergs out and has a meltie when people ask “where’s the gameplay?”
when /agdg/ starts getting mad at your game, you know ygmi
>instead of working on his game he spends his time arguing about pointless shit on a mongolian basketweaving forum
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still to much?
halved the brightness on collide
if marnix doesn't play my demo all of this will have been for naught
he posted the gameplay already on a previous thread
Will you sell this as an NFT? Since there’s no actual game and it’s just “art”
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Impressive. Very nice. Now let's see Paul Allen's game.
This. Crabs getting angsty is the surest sign of future success.
No one cares my dude
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Tightened up my map size a bit. Still worried about how I'm going to fill all this space; there's only so many little villages I can put here and there.
the ones getting angry are the ones that are bothered about gameplay questions
The Legend of Zelda.
Super Mario Brothers.
Kid Icarus.
Ninja Gaiden.
Blaster Master.
Dragon Quest.
Mega Man.
Final Fantasy.
Act Raiser.
Sim City.

And now me.
We still have the old link because people were throwing a shitfit when the vercel.app dev started doing stuff like removing va11 from his list because (some) anons asked him to. He's since added it back but both are kept as a compromise.
Anyone got a good blog on making a sort of "Attack" class?
To start I can imagine the basics, an Attack carries the ATK and the damage type (physical/magical), and maybe an effect of the attack. Just looking for things worth thinking about.
Drinking coffee. Watching YouTube. Working on my game. Reading the meltie posts in this thread. What a perfect morning
im not saying this is how you should do it, but i remember someone did this by passing a dictionary around, so like the "sword" item would add ["attack"] += 5, or ["piercing"] += 2, then the fire enchantment on the sword would add ["fire"] += 3 etc. maybe you have a crit modifer that multiplies everything by some scalar. at the end of the turn you'd iterate and add all of them together... simple to implement but maybe shit...
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Im looking for references of pixel art characters with nerdy looking glasses, but cant find anything. This will be for portraits so it should be pretty big pixel art.
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>100k from this game https://store.steampowered.com/app/1585910/Roll/
>got crabbed hardcore before release
What say you?
would I earn lots of patreon money from making an aislop porn game about massive buff futa NPC's and a femboy mc
Just add those things as you need them. Don't just add stuff for the sake of it.
If you can imagine the concept then I think you're good enough of a programmer to create this yourself. Just try some stuff out. Or what I sometimes do is make a class without a base class, and then when I'm done I think about all the parts that I can subtract from it into a baseclass to be used by other classes.

Looks great!
think about the anticipation frame and the follow through as well
Good for him
That would be for effects/modifiers, right? Sounds pretty good, I was thinking that things should be keeping track of their own modifiers in some way and then send them wherever they need to go.

>Or what I sometimes do is make a class without a base class...
Basically what I'm doing and it's not really causing any major issues, yet. Godot is a bitch to refactor in though.

If I wasn't overthinking things, would I really be here?
>abandoned open mine
>a part that's foggy as fuck no matter the weather on the rest of the map
>small but dense wood
>a farm with maze fields (or whatever else is tall enough to easily hide shit)
>a pond that goes kinda swampy around its periphery
>old factory / power plant
Populate each one with their own cryptid, cult, children that shouldn't play here and will need rescuing, gangs / hobbos thinking they can make it big there, governmental agency trying to prevent anyone from trespassing into some random place in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, etc.
is marnix actually streaming our dd games or was that a lie...
backseat market analysists are always a good laff, someone post that redditor telling eric to feel bad for making a harvest moon clone
source for the video you took this from?
2 more weeks
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And the secret ingredient? Why, begging streamers of course. None of them did a video on his game, until ONE of them did, then suddenly everyone else followed suit. Reminds me of the dating landscape a bit. Afterwards his sales spiked from 20 a day to consistently 200 a day.
Today.. I will work on my art
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guess he wont need a laptop anymore
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Title is in the screenshot bro.
Also he made the whole game in just 3 months, not too shabby for 100k and a bit of dignity lost from begging streamers.
y-your own sugar? does this autist bring his own sugar to a cafe
He's not completely wrong here, the fact that so many starbs removed like half their seats really fucking sucks
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>oh boy DX12 in godot it's the future my game will look and run so great now
>it's the same
Why does he hate the homeless
was working on a turn based rpg, did something like this
flag for the target the attack can use (like single or multi target, allies only enemies only, etc)
if requires any resource to be used (mana/health/money...)
How much resource it costs
eventual damage/heal on the caster
expression for damage/heal output calculation
if true can have critical damage
modifier for critical rate
array of elemental types
status applied to the caster once the attack is used
same but for the target
No, he's talking about the little bar where you add cream and sugar, which they took away during the pandemic and never put back because 70% of their orders are remote/drive thru
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why would you order "coffee" to dilute it with milk and sugar
>small but dense wood
>a farm with maze fields (or whatever else is tall enough to easily hide shit)
>a pond that goes kinda swampy around its periphery
>old factory / power plant

Already planning on these. The center of the map is going to be a factory/ train unloading. Some farms will be in the open area to the bottom right. Pond will be top right and dense woods will be scattered around the map. There's going to be a fuel depot and workshop somewhere near the bottom right. I think my map scale is still too big visually, but it takes no time at all to traverse it while free running.

>abandoned open mine
I thought about this but couldn't come up with any good use for it gameplay wise, maybe an anomaly field.
>a part that's foggy as fuck no matter the weather on the rest of the map
I like this idea, can make it one of the anomaly fields.

Most will be filled with bandits and hostile enemies, shooting will be the focus of my game.
Because it tastes like garbage otherwise? Don't pretend bitter bean juice is enjoyable to drink.
Do they have hot milk on the menu?
shut the fuck up xkcd baby palate
I'm drinking black coffee right now. It's not bitter if you make it right.
Starbucks black coffee does taste like burnt cigarettes, however.
>Because it tastes like garbage otherwise?
You're still going on about this shit? I told you, good coffee needs to be brewed at 85C in a french press and left to steep for at least 5 minutes. It tastes good without anything, you only think coffee is bitter because you've been drinking coffee made in a drip brewer with boiling water.
How does Eric have his cobbee? We must know
I bet he only drinks hot choco
He's just like me frfr
If it's hot and brown he likes it
ummm ackshually Eric only drinks bitter leaf juice
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Most American coffee shops have terrible coffee. It's shitty mass produced grounds made in a plastic drip machine that's been sitting in a tub for half a day. Normies don't buy it for the coffee. They buy it for the 1.2k calories worth of cream and syrup. Just make your own at home.
using caffeine is cheating
Need gamedev anti-doping tests Valve pls.
>bitter bean juice
you don't squeeze it for juice you fucking retard, you roast it, grind it and extract it with hot water
no wonder your coffee tastes like shit
his posts haven't been hitting the same. You can tell his depression has been getting worse and he's just phoning in his schtick at this point
I just popped a caffeine pill. Let's fucking gooooo
These two are pretty good, might think about them later.
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el platformos de la movos
The vast majority of coffee in Americastan (outside of Starbucks milkshakes masquerading as coffee) is drip machine coffee. It starts as a months old tub of preground Folgers, is brewed at a scalding temperature, then sits directly on the hot plate for a couple hours before being served. I think that's a big reason why so many people over here think black coffee is disgusting, they've never had it any other way.
gave one of my coffee-hating friends an americano from a nice local shop and his eyes almost popped out of his head he loved it so much.
Sometimes you just need the good stuff
isnt americano just coffe with water
who the fuck goes to Starbucks as a "third place", that's just pathetic. It's literally the gas station of coffee, go to a local place

This guy is a major lesson of "Keep your dev and personal blogging separate", the more horseshit opinions of his I read the less I feel any interest in looking at his games
coffee is already coffee with water
It's espresso + hot water, meaning it's actually brewed fresh, unlike the drip. It usually costs about a dollar more.
thats when you add particle effects all over the screen to trick people into thinking theyre having real fun when in reality its slop artificial fun
i like my coffee boiled
i like my coffee over easy
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do i scrap this whore from my game
I like my coffee scrambled
Stirred, not shaken.
The feet look weird and the face is a bit on the cheap edgy side, but other than that this is a really cool design
No, also that non uniform scaling looks ass.
for me its an ice cold coke zero
Just give her a cute face
Cherry Coke Zero is better
when you want an espresso but you need it to last a bit longer
Working on the right things gives you energy, it doesn't take it away.
You foolish neets with all your time. I have passion skill discipline and energy but no TIME.
She has lots of potential.

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