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Breakfast edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-57
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

Previous: >>487630672
That's not a breakfast burrito.
Uhhh breakfast burrito? Yeah sorry amerilards I’m not gonna eat slop like you
All of you will never amount to anything in this industry.
>t. made it to the big leagues
GODot chads we're gonna make it
SATAN't bros, it's over.
>breakfast burrito
he's just like me!
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Every single one of you is such a generic loser. I use your pathetic energy to fuel my gamedev determination
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I'm from europe and I never had a burrito
>ummm achkshually me, I'm special
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40 to 60 games release on Steam alone EACH DAY.
About 350 games in the week around your release.
AAA release? Successful release AAA or indie, in your genre? BOOM you are done.
Also, not only are you competing with other new releases, but the entire backlog of games on every system a player owns. :)

Take all the "indie success stories" you can think of in the past 10 years and divide it by the number of devs in that time who have tried (again, 50 games a day, 1500 a month) and there's your historical likelihood of "making it."

Steam cut, higher self-employment taxes, no benefits, no retirement, AND to top it all off: Your sales diminish over time, so even if you hit this "mediocrity lottery" you'll have to do it all over again in a couple years.

>He thinks that indie gamedev can provide a sustainable primary income in 2024

>another eric worship thread
what do you think amateur means?
godotbros we are gonna make it
I'm gonna have a job soon. How can I keep deving while spending 10h/day on a work?
fuck, kill, marry, in that order left-to-right.
Notch, Toby Fox, Pixel, ConcernedApe, J Blow, the list goes on.

aka Fuck Off.
"Work" remotely
You can't. Give up.
these threads are just entirely ritualistic posts and malding about success aren't they
>meanwhile, the 40-60 games that release each day
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I'll do it
You'll see
work from home is the only way, so you can work on your game when there's no primary work to do
I'm devving right now.
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way to betray his heritage in favor of mexican slop
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Another periscope.
How are my fellow 6 figure remote tech job chads doing? I think I’ll work 1-2 hours today and then spend the rest of my time on my game. Feels good man
>>487732260 >>487732389 >>487732402 >>487732581 >>487732750
Why are you replying to a copypasta?
>every italian was handsome and fit
pizza and pasta won't make you fat, bad habits will.
I'm doing research for dev right now.
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you don't get how tiktok works?
they're all paid actors
because it didn't post itself
LMFAO great webm
>gives you free money
Ever since I started developing games I realized that I'm a superior human being to everyone I know
This is a troll right? These jobs don’t actually exist I think it’s a just a meme to demoralize regular people
...Is this guy copying Acerola video style
6 figure is middle-manager tier
5 figure here
Yeah for sure bro, the checks that keep miraculously getting direct deposited to my bank account twice a month are just a meme bro, don’t worry about it lil bro it’s just a troll. No one could just magically make a decent salary and have spare time left over. Not humanly possible just a le ebin meme troll
It's worth designing from the start. I ended up having to write hacks and rewriting code because of bad architecture. he's likely to be a beginner like me.
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Does anyone have any fun, gimmicky ideas for enemies to use in a DOOM clone?
exploding barrels
I haven't played DOOM.
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600 billion asset flips shovelware every single day

Thief the Dark Project made DOOM obsolete the day it came out
exploding enemies
Steal ideas from Doom mods.
Anything that trigger infighting or can semi-easily be used to have a monster damage another.
Small silent melee enemy that can walk through walls and jumpscares you as an attack
a funny little dancing man who throws confetti in the air
Marching cubes? Nigga I'm already working on APRILING CUBES
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am I sharing this general with underage ingrates?
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If some of (You)s can help me, I'm looking for just a quick review of little code I made for the CS50 Harvard course. It took me 6 hours with breaks and I'm a bit more used to Javascript.
It passed the check, but I'd like to get some inputs or remarks, or especially a better method of doing it.

These are the instructions:

This is the code:
it's weird thinking of the chain of events that all had to go wrong for me to end up in here
it's weird thinking of the chain of events that all had to go right for me to end up in here
On Earth? Yeah don't tell me about it.
it's weird thinking of the chain of events that all had to go down for me to end up in here
My game is currently compiling.
Sorry guys, I don't think I can dev today, some guy's comment from the last thread left me a bit upset and distracted. I need some time to calm down.
I'm trying to think of a nice object that fits the thematic I want and that has all of rough, smooth, metallic, nonmetallic, emissive and maybe translucent surfaces. Emissive is hard...
Thanks fine take some time to Relax.
somehow I think this post is genuine
Was it the 60 games release on steam a day guy? He made me give up too...
Take a walk or something. You don't have to dev for the rest of the day but also you could if you change your mind later.
post gussy (girl pussy)
I was thinking...wouldn't it be a good strategy to make games based off of steam themed festivals? They announced them pretty far ahead. From their list you could look at it and pick 1, 2, or even 3 games that you could make based on the date of the festivals and the genres. Festivals pretty much grant you free visibility too.
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In Texas we do breakfast tacos
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Without explicitly planning for it, if your game does not fall under several fest categories, your game doesn't have broad appeal and you're NGMI.
Fuck off with your ai trash, tranny
The music that I listen to while I'm on the gamedev grind? It's Japanese enka music of course.
An enemy that disguises himself as an item. He slowly (and discretely) eats all your ammo if you don't discard him from your inventory
post your insecure bits as coding cringe on /g/ and if anyone bites you messed up
Make your game cool and juicy. Stop worrying so much about depth. Make it short, cool, juicy, and give it a unique marketing hook. That's all you need kid
It's fine anon. You could maybe do things more efficiently with only two loops.

height = n
loop 1 - i
loop 2 - j
And then something like If j < (n/2) - i or j == n / 2 then you print air, else you print a block. That's probably not correct but you'll figure it out.
what /agdg/ devs do you ship?
my income boutta go nuts
osur and Tomo
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nortubel and cris
this sounds like fag talk, speak like a red-blooded man or stfu
What about the game characters?
I just like made game in the aggyverse
>coding the feature took 2 hours
>testing and debugging will probably take >2 months
I really need to stop adding new features
Looking nice keep it up
I am going to impregnate azurdev
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I'm gonna borrow my sister's camera and make devlogs framed as fake interviews with myself with fancy, pensive shots of my room.
just like don't write bugs lmao
just leave it for the janny
t. serial toilet clogger
I miss Tomo
that's what the players are for
indie game movie /agdg/ watch party when?
how do i enter a devship with someone
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Some war platform. May put something hidden behind the sandbags.
she's busy right now ;)
Are you biologically female?
Don’t you think it would be worth it to learn art?
He is
even cris hates nortubel
his only fan is horbror
will peeps get mad at me if I use a wee bit of ai art here and there?
kek (I lol'd irl life)
Bros big news! Nortudev is turning 14 next week! Big news!
I'm getting mad already.
Indian GTA is just living in India irl
How'd you do fog? The moment I tried adding fog in my game FPS tanked hard.
Oh. I was using the particle system.
i'll be anything u want
Could go for a burrito right about now
I have a challenge for agdg. Here are the steps.
1. Go look for the "WHY YOUR GAME WON'T SUCCEED" kind of video on YouTube
2. Check if whoever runs the channel has any releases on Steam
3. Take a shot if their latest release is one of the following: a side scrolling roguelike, a deck building game, or a vampire survivors clone
4. Go to step 1

my fog is just a per pixel shader, it doesnt interact with the world in any way just scrolls and evolves a bit. its multiplied with the light value so you only see the fog where theres light.
it's very cheap, removing the fog my fps goes from 490 -> 520.

it's done with two 2d fbm noise values, the first value is used as a input coordinate for the second. modulate the first coordinate with the elapsed time and you get it moving and evolving. there are a ton of fog examples on shadertoy you can look at
Castle. Fucking. Vania.
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It's over for me.
with lolis
Why do mobile games succeed using micro transactions but console and pc games succeed using one time purchase? Why are consoomers like this?
Why are gamedevs so enamored with platformers? I don't think they're that easy when you start getting into grace frames, good feeling movement, and the volume of levels you have to make; they don't seem that popular on Steam either.
Sorry, but I'd rather work on my game.
My vs clone will shit on every vs like ever made including the original vs and that’s no cap frfr ong 100 emoji
It’s the lowest skill game you can make besides pong. Of course the average aggydaggy flocks to it
I like platformers because they're fun.
>I don't think they're that easy when you start getting into grace frames, good feeling movement, and the volume of levels you have to make
Grace frames are easy compared to a lot of other game dev things. Good feeling movement is more about tweaking and a lot of people don't have the patience for that, or don't want to appreciate that it's a process rather than just a thing you can do. The volume of levels you're right about, but that extends beyond just platformers. They're popular on steam in terms of number of games, but not in terms of sales, which is a really important thing to know if you want to make money.
Good. Keep working unless your game is one of those I'd previously listed.
I have a challenge for you anon
1. Go look for the "How to do THING in X game engine or dcc software" kind of video on YouTube
2. Check if whoever runs the channel has any releases on Steam or any game industry experience whatsoever
3. Take a shot when they don't
4. Go to step 1
I used to think it was a deckbuilder but recently I learned that's a different thing from CGGs.
Coaches don't play, anon.
New INT weapons in action. Almost finished them.
(Also can be used for dual-wielding)

webm with audio:
>Why are gamedevs so enamored with platformers?
Google Super Mario Bros.
do you also like imagining what promo items your game would have in TF2
lol forgot to post a webm without audio (and without video)
Woahhh it’s like baroney but bad
here some more

webm with audio:
your resistance is futile, you must submit
Archtower is easily the worst member of the previous inner circle. I'm so glad he's out but holy fuck the new ones are all as bad as him
I usually imagine other games having promo items on mine.
Archtower is last generation's Cult of Damascus
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when people say that insincere capsules are bad this is what they mean
Damn even 70 reviews are enough to get the crabs seething like that guy is a mega billionaire
kek those guys are so embarrassing
I wish I had made my archtower hate post before the white knight showed up. now it just looks like i'm a contrarian
Cringe. I wish faggots like this could get sued for false advertising
>tfw your game is so damn ugly and bad you make fake art that looks nothing like your game to advertise it
Says everything you need to know about the dev and his own faith in his game
better luck next time
I'm really doubting my game.
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I love this thread again.
Which part of my post is inaccurate?
is everything alright?
forced anti-soul
you guys feel that? sudden wave of butthurt through the general... did someone post actual progress?
he's still in the circle, idiot. i just checked and he's in the IC discord with the IC Member role
Archtower represents everything wrong with modern /agdg/. If you randomly saw the game on steam you would laugh at it, but because he's (formerly) inner circle you feel compelled to suck his dick off passinately
It's uh screenshot saturday in japan so I'll just go early
>he doesn't know how the inner circle membership works
leave newfaggot
If this makes you mad then growing up in the 80s and 90s would have killed you.
>he's not in the discord
I was tired, but all those posts about my game, all those (You)s gave me energy back, thank you, anons!
gay and embarrassing
It's simply astounding how people would endlessly humiliate themselves to defend archtower because it's part of the in-group but then those same people turn around and molest some of the best games in this general just because that's the current trend
>some of the best games in this general
I don't trust the judgment of devs who praise games like Archtower, Cult of Damascus, (A)woken, etc. It's just as simple as that.
gonna just talk about damage calculations formulas even though I never made an action game
>anon discovers social hierarchies
It is embarrassing but that’s how low IQ people are, they just want to feel like they’re part of something
crabs gonna crab, and that is sad
>uhhmmmm atually you're supposed to follow the herd and never deviate
so this is the class of "free thinkers" that this general is home to...
>that is sad
it is funny for me
archtower is bad, and that is sad
>thread made with eceleb in the OP
>complete garbage posts and content, like people were holding in a shit the whole day and finally got to let it out in the thread
every time
Would any of you actually buy Sharttower? Be honest.
Solid reading comprehension there ESL retard, lmao
Of course!
Yes, why not?
No. Archtower doesn't interest me, but it's weird as fuck that you go out of your way to hate on it. "You wouldn't care if it wasn't agdg" applies to the Archtower haters just as much as the Archtower apologists.
yep, for sure
>smash or pass but with /agdg/ characters
It’s literally on steam right now, so that means you did in fact buy it right? You’re not just shilling for a game that you didn’t buy? Go ahead and screenshot cucktower being in your steam library if you think its so good you’d buy it
I can't buy anything, I'm saving so I can afford the Steam submission fee.
yeah, I would
What's with these generic ass names? Archtower, really? What game even is that?
So you bought it right? It’s in your steam library right now? You wouldn’t just say you’d buy something and then not buy it right? Oh wait..

Great! Then I'm sure you'll love these underrated gems as well:
1) Platformer base mechanics are easy to code.
2) Most devs grew up playing Nintendo consoles, which due to the above, had a disproportionate amount of platformers.
It’s actually internally called cucktower, steam auto censored the name on release
>archtowerkiddies once again utterly humiliate themselves
these good, where did you find them?
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Game idea: detective game done in a top-down perspective like Hotline Miami. Basically a John Dickson Carr novel where you can see how the murder scenes are set up.
So you bought it right? It’s in your steam library right now? You wouldn’t just say you’d buy something and then not buy it right? Oh wait..
Was this in demoday? It doesn't ring a bell to me.
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Not sure if I played enough hours to say I like Archtower, but I really like it!
so those 70 reviews on archtower are just all the aggydaggies feeling bad for it?
Just got back from the idea assessor shop, he said your game idea is worth: $0.00
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I'm not gonna make it bros...
yep, for sure
why does aggydaggy have like 120 new detective game ideas per week but only 1-2 actual detective games?
They're the most dynamic type of video game. You can do simulation, rhythm, roleplay, action and immersion all in one if you want to. The other genres feel constrained to me by comparison. Also, 2D platformers in particular are admittedly the easiest way to get an immersive virtual world going on, most of what you can do in 3D can be backported to some extent, so it's not surprising indies tend to choose it over the 3D equivalents.
>Vlad learns how to use inspect element
I’m very proud of you comrade, now make me some borscht
I hate how we have to teach players how to use a new mechanic every time we introduce one or else they have a melty. Especially when it's in combat and they can't stand losing a single time just to figure out how things work. how gay and retarded such a thing is.
I, the fair and noble anon, will judge your worthiness. This is not a request, nor a demand. It is an order.
Because detective games are both hard to write and don't sell. That's why I'm trying to come up with a new spin on the genre.
I would make this if I had the writing chops to do it...
I wish people bought my game on Steam and played it for 1 200ч
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Lol are you seriously didn't get the joke?
who are you to demand anything of me, a divinely chosen yesdev?
I can't post my game here, people will laugh at me
I am making project Nortubel. Maybe you’ve heard of it.
We have several mystery writers on /agdg/. Build the framework and you'd have no problem collabing with a writer.
i don't have a game, i'm just here to shitpost and demoralize
How do I come up with a good game idea
My game isn't currently in a postable state at the moment.
such as? I've never seen one
Hmm... but I can't write a dialogue and quest system... I'm not good enough at programmig for that..
Me, Little Locked Rooms guy, Project Arcane guy.
No, it doesn't interest me.
Wait, this guy added floor plans to his books? That's awesome, I hate how authors leave so much to the imagination, at least try to do something new.
Finally fixed my player shooting downwards through the ground on instantiate (but only sometimes, always on a second load when information is being saved between scenes) All I had to do was freeze the physics on the player for a microsecond . Somehow the grounded checks weren't operating
Mmnah, I'll wait for the next thread, I don't like the OP of this one and I don't like rewarding bad threads by posting progress in them.
so by that logic you must be interrogatornigga
The score is rising by about 1% daily sisters
positive by october , mark my words
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Welcome to Bongo Mart, dude. Can I interest you in some Flippin' hot Cheese-Os? They restore 10HP
>buys instead of pirating
>has access to steam
a post more fake and insincere than democracy
Going well with importing stuff, I replaced a good chunk of stuff that was placeholders with upgraded stuff that is better, only 2-4 smaller things to change and tweak a bit before recording can start, which I can save for tomorrow.
It is a single level made using an online course, but today it will be finished, I will have learned, and I will move on to the next project. >>487732723
why did you put damascusdev in your game without her consent?
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what if i designed my levels instead of using a random walk?
a detective game but you're a monk
"The mediocre resign themselves to the success of exceptional beings. They applaud the gifted and the champions. But the success of one of their own exasperates them... It strikes them as an injustice." - Jean Giraudoux
We had one like that.
really? it's over for me then, that was my one good idea
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a detective game but you're a monkey
a beat em up but you're a cop and you only beat up minorities and disabled people
Why not both?
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I haven't bought a game in like 3 years, so, very unlikely.
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Never skip egg day.
What happens if I do?
My game: based and gmi-pilled
Your game: cringe and trans-coded
You might never grow a cool egghead.
ngmi-coded post
Reminder that egg chef dev failed to break 100 wishlists on steam (remember this anytime someone tries to flex their inner circle status on you, they are giant faggots and all unsuccessful)
not a game I would pay for personally.
nolgorbs ordeal has 51 wishlists
>Egg Chef
What's that? Some sort of Arctic Eggs clone?
transcoded reply
Imagine arctic eggs without any art direction, no story, no interesting characters, no setting, no soundtrack, hard to even call it a clone. It’s just bad
Watch thingy that shows your current survival stats just so I stop relying on the debug messages, I'll likely expand it into a full pip-boy with the inventory and whatnot.
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>find obscure foreign musicians on youtube with <200 subscribers and 15 views per video
> download their music and put it in your game with no credit
Where is the flaw? It's literally a plan with zero oversights.
Seems a bit too high
there's a russian story about this
but you're a dog
yeah, it shouldn't even have 5
Shill it around, ya gotta do some legwork. streamers will be all over it.
Just learn unreal engine at that point lmao
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>animation system: broken
>ik: broken
>c# api: broken because of gdscript garbage legacy api abstraction
>file handling limited to extreme levels because of Juan's kikery
>gdscript = garbage
>physics system: broken
>i added a voxel lighting system that no godot game uses
>also gay buttsex flags in our discord
Don't forget to DONATE $$$$
Only 51? The steam page is a little rough, with some changes it would do better
if you think tr(a)nswoken and egg chef are better games just because they get streamed a lot you're lying to yourself and everyone else
can you make it better for me? i dont have a sense of style
I think you misunderstood his post, xir
you uh sure you didn't get that idea from somewhere anon?
they have to have disappeared from the internet for at least 10 years, that way you know they died and noone will come after you
I like (a)woken. Egg chef wasn't really my cup of tea though.
im doing flashlights different from other survival horrors by having it be a AI kinda like navi from zelda but you can command it on input to stay still when you dont want light and press the input again to have it follow you.

Will admit unity is fucking annoying getting URP shadows on anything not a directional light idk why the engine is stopping me from having shadows on non-directional lights here bokube doesn't do that even with older unity verisons.
Godot is meant for gamejam games. Small demos don't use IK, so naturally it is broken.
Highest current agdg-era wishlist count
cosmic call has 53!!!
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pick up a semi obscure sci fi novel by a good author
copy that shit EXACTLY.
rename everything

wah la
I forgot to buy eggs.
I’m really sorry about that cosmicalligger. Oh wait, you’re an inner circle discord tranny. I’m not sorry anymore
>space autism
>good game
you get small eggs, everyone knows girls like big eggs
*lays an egg*
I will shillmaxx your game for 5% of the profit up to a ceiling of 400$
Needs a trailer, even if it's a temp one. Second gif is a little weird with the wraith. People don't care about the collectables unless it's made to be like Banjo, show cool gameplay stuff for movement. The cover art's text needs a better background to show it off more, and maybe the MC in it somehow either as the normal model or a drawn art. Since the cover art right now doesn't showcase what game it is.
>finally have all the pieces for a semi-representative-of-the-final-product combat
>was expecting ranged troops to be overpowered and need a bunch of mechanics specifically to make them less strong
>melee absolutely crush them, even without cover and lower numbers

(Better version of webm related: https://files.catbox.moe/1nnilc.webm)
This was 4000 ranged vs 2x400 melee. At equal number melee win with less than 1/4 losses.
All units have the same health/damage/attack speed.
Difference is purely on basic attacks (1m-radius AoE around the caster for melee, 0.25m-radius projectile for ranged)

Main problem (I think) is that I decided against having murderballs, so units do body-block each others' shots. Meanwhile melee have a small cleave and even have enough "range" that someone in the second rank can hit something at the front through the first rank.
I'm also pretty sure the chaos of the frontline on the melee side mean damages are actually spread more or less equally between everyone, while ranged at the frontline get picked one by one due to being static.
I can make the slaughter slightly less one-sided by increasing the ranged's formation spacing, but they still lose by a lot - so the cleave isn't the sole culprit and reduced bodyblocking won't solve everything either.

From quick testing the only easy "balance" is too increase everyone DPS to the point that most melee get killed before reaching their target. In that situation they still win if the fight start in melee range. This was kinda what I wanted for balance, but that mean having time-to-kill that are a magnitude faster than I wanted. My first guess would be to rewrite melee collisions to deal decreased damage on multiple target, maybe even going decrescendo based on distance order so that hitting "through" an ally already take away most of your damage. Or just embrace the situation and make ranged more of a fragile support thing.

Fuck, I didn't expect to have significant balances issues this early.
by cover you mean the small headers right
Nolgorb's Ordeal is seriously one of maybe 2-3 current games here which I can honestly call GMI-tier. He just really needs to learn marketing the poor fucker
To be fair, your ranged units should be vulnerable, this necessitating keeping them safe with tanker units in front, no?
>le marketing
When will you people learn that marketing doesn't work for shit games?
It's been at least an hour since you started crabbing on archtower and you're still going.
It's time to drink water, do something you enjoy(you enjoy doing stuff I hope?) and reconsider your life.
snibby snab little crab
He is extremely competent, just dumb. Refusing to admit that that is probably one of our 3 best 3D artists is just unbelieavably insincere.
He is good at presentation and nothing else. That's not enough for a game to be successful.
Well gentlemen, after several attempts i have come to the conclusion that i am not capable to be a developer, i throw the towel, good luck to you all.
actually I was the one who started the sharttower hate train
and nolgorb is levels above that pile of shit so it's apples and oranges
They aren't joking that making a game is complicated. What's tripping you up currently?
Congratulations. You've escaped the simulation.
Anybody could make models like that. It's the easiest zero-effort "style" you can have.
>anybody could make models like that
this, but pick an obscure hentai
cool, should've created napoleonic war but with anime girl instead
bruh i'm stuck at step zero and can't even start
Bruh I'm lowkey WILDIN
alot of actually good games today
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alright. I'm good.
ok i'll just make a cute platshitter for practice
and by that you mean "a lot of generic indieslop that belongs in 2012" or "a lot of games that are as good as Gothic"?
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>you're indoors, rotting away with gamedev
sounds like you're experiencing a skill issue
I'm not attracted to teenagers anon, sorry
just rotting actually, not even devvin lol
I am, absolutely. Which simply means I need to practice more.
I’m in America, the girls here are twice as fat
you are gonna make it
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Time to become nodev
did that all last week, friends fly out for work and come back on their week off
My Steam game makes $88 a year. Which countries could I live in on that amount?
then close the general and take your mental illness with you
I'm in the same boat. I can't bring myself to continue working on my game anymore
Steam is not blocked over here though
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Enemies will hear gunshots from a configurable distance away (some guns are louder than others) and will go to investigate. Also added a slight timeout, so enemies must "see" the player for 500ms before they recognize the player. This prevents them from stopping at shooting halfway around the corner
make them black
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>Gooning is your life purpose, you can't seem to stop
>When gooning at home stopped cutting it it was time to escalate the odds and make gonning exciting again
>Take to public spaces and goonMAXX
>Escape cops if you get noticed!
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They should, but right now they are frankly useless. The combo "big squad + no murderball" mean their firepower is gutted way more than I expected (circumference vs surface) even against a target that's not fighting back/busy.
That's honestly the biggest problem, them getting butt-raped by melee is a secondary concern. Maybe I should allow murderball and let shots pass through ally, dunno.

Meh, there must be a Total War mod that does that already.
At worse the game does support hollow square formation so you can do some pike&shot style stuff, or long firing lines.
Pretty sure I could jury-rig a vaguely decent Napoelonic-ish side mission by restricting which formation & units are available. Although all artillery is out-of-map and I don't really have cavalry beyond faster melee units, so that would be far from interesting.
why would I play your game when I could be gooning instead?
I like the silly artstyle.
Please for the love of god don't do like the previous two FPS projects and crank up headbob & leaning to 11.
God I love beaches, the only place where I can stare at almost naked little girls in peace
thank you.
The process is agonizing; I don't understand how career programmers do it.
For me at least, I'm not trying to market any of my dev skills, it's all 100% for personal use. So the outside pressure isn't there
it's configurable. You can disable the lean in settings
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I love my country
Where the FUCK is Minihunt
I minihunted him down
>try to take a nap
>wake up to a tiny little man biting my toes
I can't dev like this
is that man's name "your gf" perchance?
I didn't get a chance to ask his name he ran off under some furniture
American? Ironically, it's because of people like you that they can't be fully naked.
Female poster spotted. Post your jugs.
stop running our precious (bio)femdevs away
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Some sort of energy coil thing for the electricity trap that you can use against enemies.
You're not precious cunt. It's not like anyone here can fuck you. Either make yourself useful or scoot.
Speaking of (real) women, Any teams in here looking to hire an idea girl? I can also do some art and coding (skyrim mods, chatgpt) but would rather give direction to a working team
As a bonus I can run your socials and be the face of the game, prolly cuter than you hehe (=
Can you do voice acting? That's all a girl could be useful for.
DM me
Mmmmm yes but I'm thinking from your reply, not a good culture fit. Sorry babe! best of luck
From your reply, you sound fat, so it's ok.
it's getting interesting now
I'm looking for free female voice acting but just that.
Sent :)
There's nothing for me outside. None of the girls out there that I'm interested in want to date me.
>I can also do some art
I still need tilesets and backgrounds so that I can focus on making the rest of my game myself...
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Does anyone have any good resources on gaming architecture? Especially when it comes to updating the game with new content without damaging existing savefiles?

I want to create an update system similar an MMORPG where the game can technically be extended indefinitely.
Ok! What style/genre of art are you thinking? What kind of game, which engine, etc?
that man's name? Albert Einstein
if by giving direction you mean giving gentle mommydom then yes
uuuh anon why are you spreading demotivation? Not cool man
It depends on what goes in your save file.
progress. report.
this sort of thing
monster-girl sex
Ahhhh, that's cool... Unfortunately there's no easy way to say this. I'm just simply not interested in working with godot at this time.

I'm sure you understand. And really, Good luck.
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I know, it's high concept.
Then I'm not interested, sorry.
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added a displacement render pass. showing a shockwave, and the texture/animation that created it.
I'm getting brain damage from all this music making
why is the shockwave a perfect circle but the blue outline is not?
I have a million dollar idea
itch.io is signal boosting Upbound
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how to make a moddable RPG
I don't think pixels can be art.
i dont think anyone gonna notice that
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>mixel department? yeah I'm callling to tell you GET FUCKED this guy's gmi
embed lua
>i don't exist
the shockwave is on screen for 0.2 seconds, do you mean the inner blue circle vs the outer blue circle? because theyre different yeah...
pff that's nothing.
I have a 10 million dollar idea.
Interesting look, what's the gameplay like?
the outer line is all wobbly and off-center, but the shockwave is centered. This is upsetting.

it's a platformer, plays like this at the moment.
The sound effect of going through the portal is fucking GAS. love it.
I can't come up with a theme for a level. I need an idea guy, damn it.
Beach level
Gimp cuck dungeon
Wait until you hear about the number of ideas for first person shooters and platformers.
How the fuck is someone supposed to do anything in this heat? This is unbearable.
just pee on yourself nigga
why are yuropoors so against air conditioning?
just pee on yourself nigga
is it really that rare? I've had 4 apartments in yurop and they all had AC.
Steam is not blocked in Russia. We don't have Visa/Mastercard and Mir cards are not accepted, but that's easily circumvented with various services that outsource the payment method for you. Same with region-blocked games.

Anyway I'm gonna make a Kazakhstan bank account
well that's good
I'm not bothered when it's 82F inside and 110F outside. I'm finally alone and can concentrate.
Electricity is way more expensive in Europe due to most country's dependency on other nations' fuel to power their own cities.
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>add a feature that lets me communicate with players directly
>add achievement for becoming my friend
>add achievement for becoming my best friend
Let the "games" begin
Germany be like oh no americans blew up nordstream 2! Well, let's close down our atomic stations and only use windmills lmao
I went dancing. It's not bad. Wish I did it more in my youth. Dance floor died down and I went home. It was a good night. I get why normies choose to spend time with eachother instead of wasting their nights coding and getting 0.7 average (you)s when posting progress.
dancing is fun as fuck
>useless flailing motions
>expenditure of energy for no purpose
>no clear winner or ability to score improvement
what's the point
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didn't get much done last 2 days but at least
> added some glow to the door lights
> added same light to the pistol
> coded the basics for the raycast + decal spawn
> sprinkled some more homo glow and fade till despawn
I am retarded and thought it would be cool to do 2 raycasts, first from the center of the camera and second from the pistol muzzle. So after a first raycast I ge the collision point and run the second.This seems to be correct 90% of the time, but there are bugs in certain situations and now I will have to debug this shit for no fucking reason
Is it legal to do this with "gf"?
Asking for a friend
The best way to win at game dev is to nodev
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AI fags keep winning.

cris won.
Dancing, it is a primal art form used in ancient times to express yourself with the body and communicate!
AI critics are going to have to make up their mind if they call this shitty, but also think it's going to replace workers.
>Everyone is the same person
cris will never be able to compete with the pajeet workforce either way, he's just too lazy, retarded and incompetent
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Being a rentoid is fucking hell on earth. I need to make it. I need to earn enough money that I can own my own house. That is my motivation.
still looks as shit as it did 2 years ago
I hate dancing. But I like watching dances. I wish I had a gf I could watch dance.
some bugs with aiming are kind of an inherent thing in fps games. for example, when you shoot too close to a wall, even mass games like fortnite that has millions of players and an infinite budget still have those bugs. so if you're talking about that sort of thing, i'd say it's totally fine.
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>willingly spread pajeet marketing videos across multiple boards
>receive financial compensation
Home ownership comes with its own set of problems and isn't any easier. It's much more expensive.
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making your artwork look as good as you can is good and sovlful
you wouldn't get it because you suck
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>Try udio
>Sounds no diferent from actual music from animes
How will musicbros gonna get a job when Udio is better than 99% of musicians?
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Eric loves dancing while singing!
>The AInigger spam starts right on cue
for $5 or so, yeah
now anon, where's your game?
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heh, we could already do this a while back with ip-adapter, I guess the new technique is a little bit better tho
recently I tested the 3D stuff and although they are not even close to usable, the multi-view pre-processing pass they require is more interesting, as you could draw/generate a single 2D view and get a maybe good or maybe shit 6 or more views.
anyway biggest problem with every model I've tried to make textures can't make a proper diffuse textures for characters without baking in light/shadows etc which inevitably makes it obvious that it is AI + looks like shit
>california is all leftists and ecoterrorists and liberals
>yet they purposefully live in the middle of the desert to drain as much energy as possible cooling their homes and heating the streets

Most people here seem fine with the heat, and instead we have gas pipelines to fuel boilers that heat homes (which also prevents pipes from freezing and bursting) but for true iceage cavemen like myself, I fucking hate it here. I'm going to move further up north. The further north you go the less sun-darkened people you'll see, too, so that's a plus.
Me too. Somewhere out of the city. Single house on a fairly large land with pool would be nice.
Also this. It needs maintenance and stuff like that. But after 'making it' I assume I would be able to handle them more peacefully. Current place I live in does not get enough sunlight and it's affecting my psychology severly. Also it's very humid. When you open windows it doesn't help because it's in a very sheltered location.
>you wouldn't get it because you suck
More like he wouldn't get it because by the time he was born games already more or less resembled their box art. You have to remember that someone born in 2006 who grew up with an Xbox 360 is now 18 and shitposting on 4chan, and that's only including the people who actually meet the age requirement of this website.
I hope he's having a wonderful morning in Mumbai.
>he doesn't know
My boss wants me to come on my day off but that's when I have my interview with the inner circle.. What do?
Guess who called your boss and asked him to call you in on that specific day. I'm sorry buddy.
anon, the inner circle will not tolerate your lack of commitment
I remember animators complaining using motion capture data because they have to do a lot of cleaning up, instead they could literally animate things realistically by hand. I think this ai stuff is going to be like that. Instead of prompting ai stuff to draw/model you can prompt it to the modeller/animator. They can use a store bought model as a starting point and edit it according to your desire.
I understand this will remove the need to find a modeller/animator but this also requires so much computation power, I belive to the point where hiring someone might be even more cost effective.
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this is boyos, what we implementing today?
I love the idea of my game making it, of seeing YouTubers making guides about it, speedrunners break it and twitch streamers sucking at it, I wanna see a reddit page full of memes and the steam threads full of idiots arguing about nothing... But if I could just have guaranteed money I'll take that instead, making a game is a dream but having the money and time to be able to grow as a person and finally be free from monetary stress is what I really need.
I prefer to fuck 'em down, if you know what I'm saying >:)
it's a test
who do you think your boss answers to...?
Working on the space autism game, boss
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Today is a good day because I made progress
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up is flashy , everything must go up like fireworks
how much clang can your engine take
Unity, so this is approaching the limit already
damn nigga that's NIZE
we have the power to make games that look like that cover art. who is doing it?
Fuck it just jumped into a cold shower to cool off. Was feeling gross from all the sweat anyway
Many don't realize the upkeep and cost of a house.
I doubt they've ever changed a sprinkler line or put in a new faucet.
>character outfits, hairstyles and anatomical proportions are not consistent
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AI bros, keep winning.
now is over for music cells.
I miss those days. my project is lucky to hit 60 now.
Really dig the interactions here, the see-through hand is great for that too(thinking about copying that...)
literally souless but I like it
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> when you shoot too close to a wall
yeah that is exactly it thanks, and I think I understand why now some shots were going to the far left of the player when it happens. I will probably just check if the first raycast is too close or if some angle is to steep for the second one
1. "Making it" means that upkeep cost would not bother me. Also if you live in apartment there's going to be fees to pay either way.
2. If it was that much of a thing to be scared of no one would be living in houses.
It's already in early access so anyone who's saying yes without a screenshot of a receipt is a liar
thanks, I copied that from PVKK
The end user for the technology as it continues to evolve isn't me or you

It's Disney, so they can fire everyone but maintain their work to train on. Rinse and repeat for other industry giants.
>Looking at older music I made to find stuff to potentially use since it can be easy for stuff to get bunched up and lost in a pile of an uncatalogued mess
>Find out something else
>tfw months ago I made a banger song with the title and overall song being perfect symbolism for one part of the game I plan on making
Sometimes fate has it's way of doing things.
Post Song?
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>reinstalled Hearthstone
dope. A+ on the sounds
I'm Californian, and I do mind the heat.
But I also don't run the AC very much, and instead choose to suffer in silence.
Also, we have a lot of big trees around our property that significantly contributes to a cool house
>tfw there's no game I want to play so I have to make my own
>yeah bro starvation sucks but wait till you experience heart burn, indigestion and how food sometimes gets stuck between your teeth
absolute fucking brainlets.
That's why a lot of people start, actually.
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It's raining tho?
b-b-b-but you can't just stop renting
won't someone please think of the landlords
holy shit nevermind
I assumed the doomposts about Hearthstone going to shit were overexaggerating
I already uninstalled, wtf happened to this game
pretty much yes
I'm copying a game I used to play and adding stuff to fix its issues
landlords provide such a valuable service like uhhh uhm like ugh uhhh ummm
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What do you do when your game isn't fun and adding things doesn't seem to work?
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Did anyone post the new Acerola video yet?
I don't usually like his shader nerd content but this one was pretty broad and interesting. Plus he talks about Saint Barone.
Wouldn’t know, my game has been fun from the very first prototype
stop adding things
Landlords rent free on your head, ironically.
Remove things
Double or halve some values and see whether something interesting happens
Or simply make the game you want to play and focus your marketing on a smaller audience who find your game fun. There's still millions of them out there.
Misquote >>487784672, meant to be >>487784693
Stop adding things and kick it out the door as quick as you can and then evaluate your prototype better next time.
>you hate the person that you have to give hundreds of your hard earned money to each month in return for the absolute bare minimum of effort? rent free! rent free!!
I hate Gaben too.
You're paying me to have a roof over your head. Rather than hate me, you should be grateful. Or do you also hate farmers for the fact that you have to eat?
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>no games like what I want
>make my own
>extremely proud of my game
>before I release, a team of developers happened upon the same idea and release a game that spawns a new genre and every subsequent game in this genre pales in comparison
>now I have to change parts of my game to fit established genre expectations or face a torrent of negative reviews
I know people like to joke about game developers and youtubers lurking here but this genuinely seems like it was made by someone who regularly browses agdg.
I'm not paying you anything. You're a Brazilian teenager living in a favela larping as someone whose life you are envious of. You may as well not exist.
Just get you own house if it's so easy?
I don't think he needs to do much marketing mostly because his game genuinely looks like a real product that'd be sold on Steam. It's undoubtedly the most professional AGDG game on here currently.
>lethal company dev was working on games for 8+ years
who could have guessed
developers don't just suddenly appear overnight
main takeaway i'm getting from this video is anons should drop their overscoped games and work together instead
weldervania looks better, but probably several years from being content ready
Maybe it's the other way around and AGDG seems the way it does because it watches Acerola?
you guys watch dev youtubers? I hate dev youtubers
Useless bastard can't even reply properly. How embarrassing!
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the virgin little cake vs the chad burrito
Just Acerola and Sakurai for now
I also hate popular thing. Want to have gay sex?
I made a LORA that can generate cutout waifus.

I keep winning.
>mernix took that personally
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I never thought about it, but I don't think I have ever eaten a single burrito before.
oh to be faiiir I do sub to sakurai because I am learning japanese
what even is a burrito? ist it just a wrapped tortilla?
the pedophiles schizo madodev (develops pedophilic Ero Dungeon), eric barone, froggygreen/frosch, schizo auragamedev/tyrfingex/sascha müller oranienstrasse 5 52066 aachen (develops Star Knightess Aura) and horbror/horgrunt (develops Dreams of Joy Departed) should kill themselves
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It's typically rice, beans, meat + toppings wrapped in a large tortilla. You have to sort of tuck 2 edges inside first before rolling the whole thing up tight or else it'll fall apart and leak everywhere.
You care about my replies more than I do lol
it's a small donkey
You should try one, they're good.
meh, when it comes to bread slop I'd rather eat kebab
For me personally, a burrito sans guacamole is a sad burrito indeed.
AYO dis nigga eating BEANS
This guy is clueless. He picks a game as an example and then works backward from what the developer is skilled at to what's needed for the game. Stardew Valley doesn't require maxxed out programming skills. Omori doesn't require a world class artist.
What all the games he listed require is luck, as in the developer stumbling onto the right concept at the right time and getting viral traction, usually by luck as well. There is no method to making another Stardew Valley or Lethal Company tier success. Which is a good thing, otherwise big studios would be pumping out games like that every week.
Ok, I start working with a bunch of you guys and have to quit at 70% development because of some unavoidable bullshit. How much of the game do I own?
It's all up to the contracts you had signed.
who wants to work with meee x3
Same, except the slop part.
Ok, I will be the game designer
wont eating beans for breakfast make you gassy for the rest of the day?
It was odd he didn't comment on SDV being a clone.
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For me, it's cevapi
There are secret cooking techniques to avoid it
First good post in the thread
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Yes, that's why I drink my beans with breakfast instead.
its fine because eric has a stench fetish
burritos dont have bread retard
Wow, they even hired two Macedonians to play the cafe workers! That's commitment.
tortillas are a type of flatbread
your mom is a type of flatbread nigga lmaooo
Stop making me hungry, guys... I just finished a whole pizza...
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d o i t
I'm making Duke Nukem but actually good
What are you making?
how far along in development is your game and what do you estimate its chances are for making it?
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Eat another pizza, mooncher
You love pizza. You want pizza to destroy you life.
Don't stop, pig. Keep moonching.
>how far along in development is your game
Pretty far along now in all departments except art.
>and what do you estimate its chances are for making it?
I won't make it.
Zero to both
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I have a question, when it comes to commissioning an artist/composer for an asset to use in my game, should I use a contract for the second party to sign or is the usage of an e-mail with my request and details like my legal ownership of the assets upon purchase enough to help me legally speaking?
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tactics game
there's a billion names for what is essentially a wrap made from the most basic ingredients imaginable: flour + water, chopped vegetables, cooked meat
typical equatorial cooking. heaven forbid they do any chemistry during cooking, truly the cultivators of one of the worst fruit (tomato)

cuck behavior
release your game instead of thinking about how other devs are fucking your game
>there are people who have never eaten a burrito
Sad! You should visit America. There is no food more American than a burrito
>how far along in development is your game
I have barely even started
>what do you estimate its chances are for making it?
Is this Ctesiphondev?
An RPG that takes place in Japan and other locations.
How much of the game is the artist/composer working on?
If it's a small part of it, make them clear that you are using it for commercial purposes + pay them through an invoice. If they for some reason wanted to take legal action against you, it wouldn't be worth your time even if you could easily prove it.
if it's a large part of your game, have a contract that outlines your usage more clearly. If them throwing a tantrum and trying to pull their work out of your game would make your game collapse under its feet then you're gonna have to be prepared to fight it with clear evidence that they understood what they were getting into.

However, unless you need a NDA, you really don't need a long document to show it. If they're okay with signing a long-ass document from a template website then go for it, otherwise you could make a much shorter, simpler and concise form for them to sign.
Prequel to my previous game but with less visual charm, less focus and less hope
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I drank too much, I know I'll puke if I try to sleep, feeling like I might fall off the planet if I lose focus of whats on hand.
Just got to top off with cold water as I feel my stomach getting room for it. Fuck. I hope I don't touch my project in this state.
I like this picture.
Thanks anon, is contract length for these projects usually determined or is it on an indefinite period? Likewise what is the standard practice of purchasing from artists usually like? As in are they paid for every individual work done or is it in another manner?
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The things I do for love.
The heroic gamedevs of the 90s were fueled by pizza. The more pizza you eat, the more successful you will be.
>Figure out right solution for problem
>"I'll implement after a nap"
>"Hey can you guys be quiet?"
>"Sorry anon!"
>*10 mins later*
just go sleep somewhere where people aren't having sex?
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Let's all love Lain.
For a small indie like us, you should be paying them a lump sum, higher than they'd normally charge, but with no royalties.
You could still find cheaper artists but I'm happy to pay more on artists for it being commercial work because
A) It's tax deductible from my game's income
B) It's annoying enough finding artists, if an artist likes the pay and sticks around that's great, artists don't cost much anyway

So there's no contract, but if you do hire someone full-time then usually you get the rights to their work by default without needing a contract.
If you're making a contract, it would be because the artist wants to pay you in advance and you want to outline what they need to finish so they can't just half-ass it. I've never really had this been an issue, I've found I can just ask artists to invoice me over paypal, I pay them, they get the work done. The artists are already known figures on social media so they're beholden to do a good job or else they'll get shittalked, in which case you can search an artist and find out if they're a scammer.
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added a little visualization of the number of stages on a level, and how far along you are on the current stage

gonna work on a tool that lets the player preview targets on future stages, so they can plan out their movement before they start going...

also a replay light ball, shows how you moved last attempt. it's always 0.25 seconds ahead, and it jumps ahead when you start a new stage...

i wonder if i shouldnt have this light ball on more stages, like a pre-programmed path that the player can follow, maybe thats more fun than trying to solve the path yourself? it's hard for me to judge that since i always know the optimal path to solve a level since i designed it... maybe the pre-programmed path shows a path that might give you a silver medal, but if you want a gold medal you'd have to find a quicker path on your own...? (im asking you please design my game for me)
I have no idea what the objective is and what the game plays like as a player.
>release your game instead of thinking about how other devs are fucking your game
Changing it so I don't get fucked.
I found this funny.
fuck artfagging
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Say for a second you were suddenly a whodev. Now assume you've been posting for months and your game suddenly gained a lot of popularity and are now in the 300 most wishlisted games list. Would you post your game or would you remain a whodev? Socializing with 4chan frens vs just keeping to yourself, which would you pick?
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If you wanna keep to yourself after being famous then at least add me as a friend so we'd keep in touch you dork.
I don't care.
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don't give up!
I'm not a whodev but I get very little (You)s or useful feedback or anything from this place. I'm here because of shitposting mostly. So I'd just stop posting about my game but I'd still stay here because I got nothing else going on.
I see. So your tip is do a contract for artists that will play a big role in the game. And an invoice + detailing this will be for a commercial game, is fine if they will be a minor artist. I guess I was just worried if an artist would backstab me later on and cause legal headache so I wanted to know what the right option is.
>pirate assets or take them from other games
>change the shapes a bit in blender
>put new textures on them, or change textures so much they're unrecognizable
>take music
>keep key changes
>change melody enough to make it an homage if not unrecognizable
Is there anything wrong with this? Surely this wouldn't bite me in the ass? I'm an artlet
You can also use store assets that are pretty decent or at least won't be a bottleneck for your game's success
worked for palworld
I'd post my game even if I were famous.
So is this true? Didn't you guys get free wishlists just posting the page on here? I know some devs don't really mention there's but I assume some do and get wishlists. How are we so similar in wishlists while I've done even less promoting?
I sometimes rarely get mentioned. That much is enough for me :)
That’s the whole point. The actual gameplay is shit but he made it look pretty to farm wishlists before releasing to a 50% rating on steam kek
I don't think I've ever touched pointers in Unity

I was shopping earlier. Saw two women with big boobas. They looked nice. Only one of them was attractive. Also saw a woman with a nice butt and talked to a slim gal. Considering going by the one shop where the cashier girl stares at me, seems to have a crush on me, she's like 19 or something. I have done 0 game dev today btw. Progress is slow.
It's rare if it does happen. An artist backstabbed the developer of Breeding Season, but
>the artist got a lot of flak for doing this from the community
>it turns out the developer may not have been paying the artist properly? I'm not sure exactly, but it doesn't sound like they were treated well
if you're planning on posting extreme political shit constantly then maybe you need the extra protection, but cases of artists backstabbing developers is pretty damn rare.
Instead, NDAs are the most common form of contract.

You should have a record of all your payments anyway for tax purposes so having a record of payment is a very minimal amount of effort and it's really all you need most of the time.
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>ends up being a dude who just tricked you for the achievement
>calls himself a programmer
>never touched pointers
>But isn't that selling out?
>Think about that phrase. "Selling out." Would you rather go to a concert that sells out, or one that no one wants to see? A great album sells out. A great movie sells out. A great artist... sells out.
I don't post my game but I do help others with their games art and such
That's cheating
*VAC bans his account*
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actually, that's a good point, because I'm not published on steam and I'm speaking from coomdev point of view:
how often does steam ask you to verify the ownership of your assets? what sorts of documents do they ask for to prove you aren't just copy-pasting shit from google? Do they only take action if someone files a complaint?
I would rather find a hidden gem that no one else has gone to see, over popular garbage.
Sorry pedo coomdevs are no longer welcome on steam, the biggest coomdev on agdg got perm banned from uploading his game to steam because of his questionable coomtent
Nobody asks you to verify anything. How would they know if you made an asset or stole it from somewhere?
Pointers in C# is only used for compatibility to C/C++ libraries. Pretty useful for native application development, but not at all for Unity.
You’re such a le heccin hipster, keep sipping that IPA and listening to modest mouse you lil dork
>biggest coomdev on agdg got perm banned from uploading his game to steam because of his questionable coomtent
I didn't get banned?
>I thought you were a real artist, but now I know you're just a sellout. I don't want to be anything like you. Except for your fame, wealth, power, and social status.
>I actually agree with you. Thing is, most people are so boring that if you just put on a mask or do anything slightly weird, they think you're a genius. So that's what I did, and now I'm rich, and I love it. I love it so much. I sleep really well at night. I got 13 hours of sleep last night.
>I'm so jealous of you, it's insane. Come on, Matt, let's get out of here.
>I have a lot of sex too.
if having good taste is being "a hipster" then I'm john goddamn lemon
wait no he's popular
yoko taro is a genius thoughbeit
John is underground
This guy likes John legend
jesus christ
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I love game development.
>you MUST make a trailer to publish on Steam
>never mind that your game is static and not visually appealing, you MUST waste an entire day to make a video that you will remove as soon as your Steam page gets approved.
menu devs in shambles
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Is this engine and language beginner friendly? I heard it is.
I'm the most talented person here. I deserve more
Something I saw on youtube recently is people using ai to extend songs like mario's bob-omb battlefield and it's tempting to use something like that to get a base for a song (transcribe and modify)
I wouldn't bother. Its age is showing far more than other competing options
>ummmm ackshually me, I'm special
this seems iffy. some devs seem to get through without a trailer others claim they need one
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Muddy tank.
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I was able to create coherent pictures between generations using img2img.

I'm a genius.

anti cris haters BTFO.
Steam requires a trailer to publish the store page but you can remove the trailer later.
Anon, people want to see what the game is in the first 5 seconds of the trailer, and it's needed for many things for being the game before clicking on the steam page, not having one is retarded
>Its age is showing
What does this even mean?
name one game without a trailer
we need a model that improve bulge size
>many things for being the game before clicking on the steam page
What does this even mean?
I'm sleepy, but steam pages without them get pushed less and you need one to launch, if you have none active it won't let you release.
look at the release anon, in the good old times you dont need a trailer to launch, now you need you dumb retarded bitch, just read the documentation!dnjd0
I didn't get any lower impressions when I removed my trailer.
>name one game without a trailer
and I did and now you're being all pissy and emotional like a bitch. take the L and fuck off
keep to yourself
if your game is getting popular, you don't want any ties back to 4chud
Harmony of Dissonance-like game
No one like this Castlevania, for some reason. But I do.
Just like Fez
Put a photo mode in your game.
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S-sure, good idea bro
It's after 9PM, it's in your health's best interest not to eat any more food tonight.

It's possessive, talking about the engine's age.
I slept until 7pm, am I supposed to starve? Is my GI tract solar powered? Fuck off with that bullshit.
>Unity 6 is actually Unity v6000.0 because they needed a number bigger than 2023 so version checks still work
>unity in current year
Any Unity fags know about Animancer? Trying to figure out how to blend two animations together. Like how you'd use layers in Mecanim.
Unless you're working overnight, you shouldn't sleep until 7pm.
What's going to happen when they inevitably try to switch back to year number versioning?
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Born too late to be able to legally marry little girls
Born too early to own very realistic android little girls

Born just in time to be able to make games about little girls
Unity 20250.0.0

It wouldn't surprise me if they don't switch back though, the year-based version numbers fell apart because they couldn't keep a sustainable release cycle and you'd get shit like 2022.3 releasing in the middle of 2023. At least with "Unity 6" they aren't making release schedule promises they can't keep
So true.
I saw a book that was released in June called "Untiy 2022 by Example." I don't know if the author/publisher or Unity is to blame for the weird name. I guess Unity 2022 is the most recent version with only LTS.
>he doesn't name his project after a euphemism for his penis
If your game isn't completed in an hour, you don't call it quits. You get your ass out there and you work on that fucking game.
>successful games take 8 years to make
how does he explain game jam games that became full games (like these: https://gamemaker.io/en/blog/best-game-jam-games)?
Granted many of these took a couple extra years to polish and fill with content into a full game, but that still makes the schedule much faster than doomers would think.
He misses the factor of luck. You can make a game that's a viral hit in a few months (or weeks) but you can also work 10 years on a game that's "good" but doesn't even earn you the equivalent of a minimum wage.
there's someting to dis low effort art style. leaves something to de imagination. quick too make. looks good by eetself. but it looks bad in game u should fix dat
There's also a missing factor of the creator having taste. Just like in art or music, many people will never be able to put together a compelling game despite trying for decades, and some are naturally able to throw a quick jam game together that's much more interesting. I think skill has less to do with it than people think. Taste, luck, and timing the market are key. Unfortunate cause you can't really do anything to improve these.
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I dont like burritos
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Does your game have the buddha nature?
post your little girl? kannadev need not apply.
day 3 of trying to find a programming font that isn't shit
This game is terrible anon, good graphics and terrible gameplay, I bet the demo would have an median play time of a measly 5 minutes on Steam
for me it's roboto mono
you should google only up! and jump king some day. even pirate them and see how much better their "gameplay" is.
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Only Up has very negative reviews on steam. also, it doesn't look like this at all. Jump King is fine, but I don't think Nolgorb's Ordeal is a similar game. A 3D version of jump king would add so so many problems that the mechanic would work completely differently. This mechanic in 2d is 10 times easier and more fun to play - the third dimension and camera movement change it completely. I really don't think a player who likes Jump King would like this, the gameplay is completely different, even if conceptually it is very close.
I said google. this is not the original only up! game. the dev pulled it out and someone hijacked the name. the original sold a fuckton in days thanks to streamers and was a buggy assetflip mess. the point is you may not like nolgorb's nolgorb ordeal(named after himself) but there's a good market for precision platformers.
only up isnt on steam so people are upset they bought a fake ripoff of it. Only up was a slightly sad story because it was just assets thrown together with nothing unique at all really. Literal roblox obstacle course tier game
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guys look how interesting, steam made a huge update for demos. i got inspired by it and re-activated the demo for my already launched game, just to see if it'd get some traffic. so, almost 300 people played today. You know how many bought the game? FUCKING ZERO! great, i feel so good!
Demo units are bots. Show Lifetime unique users (or similar) or don't waste our time
>steam pages without them get pushed less
Sauce on this?

This is probably going to get more (you)'s than my previous updates but I started work on the female side of character customization.
dont those numbers update at a set time? you might need to give a day or two or a week
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Forgot the Image like a dunce.
Have you considered making a game where after someone experiences the demo, they'll feel like "wow, I want to play more of this"?
nice tomo-like
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unfortunately, steam doesnt show the lifetime unique users for specific periods, only for the total, but this is the total unique users (the ones who actually downloaded and played the game). life is hard
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Why am I so slow at this! I already know my game is going to flop but I'm still so far from release and development feels slow even when I work on it!
she cute
Photo modes are like free advertising
If you click on current players detailed breakdown it shows how many have been playing too but yeah total units are complete nonsense for demos/f2p games. I'm at 10k+ activations when only 130 have played my game
>reinstalled HOMM1 for the first time in like 30 years
>it's just as nice as I remembered
Fuck I need to uninstall this shit fast or I will spend days on it like when I was a kid.
not giving up but literally the only way to make money and fund this project is to make Overwatch porn
>All these other games succeeded so that means mine will!
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I can't model hair.
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it used to be
>my game will be finished by end of year
then it became
>my game will be finished by next year
>my game will maybe be finished the year after next year
>terrible gameplay
>gameplay is actually on par with best sellers
hang yourself crab
>>gameplay is actually on par with best sellers
Means diddly dick. There's VS clones with arguably better gameplay than the original and they don't sell as half as much.
>Withhold list of influencers from anon dev
>Anon dev fails
>Dev, why didn't you market your game?
This happened at least 10 times here.
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Reminder that if you don't spend thousands on advertisements, you live and die at the mercy of youtubers.
>If you don't invest in your game then it will likely fail
No shit?
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The hair goes surprisingly well with a lot of different mixes.
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>get inspired by Jeremy Soule (RIP) to learn how to write music in similar style
>spend a few years polishing my skills
>turns out it doesn't quite fit the vibe or scale of most indie projects
>a lot of indie gamedevs just flat out don't give a fuck about the music and use the free bgms
>beeg AAA industry is way too competitive to get into
mistakes were made
isnt there some other board with marketing threads? biz maybe?
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Wrong anon, we must overthrow the delusion of journalists thinking that their time is worth money. That same money could be used to commission music from someone who truly worthwhile, someone whose creation continues to have value regardless of the years that pass. But the articles from journalists, they last for a day at most, eager to replace their writings about your game with the endless stream of coverage about remakes that don't even relay new information. Not only that, but the articles that they do write for indie developers withhold the truth about indie games, that there exists critical bugs that need to be patched before the game can fully release, all because the paid transaction that is a journalist review entails a shallow, positive review and nothing else. The developers who surrendered their money to these journalists, these developers who were so terrified of failure that they paid journalists, they deserve justice. And that justice can only be realized when no developer in this world pays for the services of journalists.
I want to cheat on my project... just a little bit...
I'm in a similar situation.
>train myself to make character sprites in 48x32 like Metal Slug
>would take me 8 years to make a full game by myself with that kind of art
>but I'm not at the quality level where I could make sprites for someone else
How do I find indie musicians like you for commissions anyway? Twitter? Do I just search "indie musician"?
my game doesn't have a name, help

how do you cheat on a project?
By starting... I mean... *gulp* by hopping to a new side-project!
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Twitter, Bandcamp, Soundcloud etc and don't forget to use the proper tags. Alternatively, you could make a post on Twitter saying "looking for a composer for my game project, needs to be able to write this or that, DM open" etc. and again, don't forget them tags.
Sadly, not that many of us take part in game jams because music is often not needed or covered by free resources.
Or noses either. Keep that shit simple to be more in line with the rest of the design, like a single triangle.
>simple VNs with cute girl are popular
Maybe I just dive into that hole instead
i partly wish i gave up when i barely started, sunk cost wasnt that strong back then. it's going to feel worse if 10 years later i still havent succeeded in gamedev. success here meaning a net profit of 50k for every year i dev'd
>but anon even 300k is a lot for 10 years
a lump sum of 300k is nice but neeting for that long im pretty much guaranteed im never having a wife and will have to find other avenues for income since i probably wont have an easy time getting many jobs
>the face of the game
post face, you have to meet a bare minimum threshold of attractiveness and a certain type of beauty as well

t. the guy asking tomo to be the face of my game
>neeting for that long im pretty much guaranteed im never having a wife and will have to find other avenues for income
I feel you, anon. Chasing a dream that was never meant to come true can often end in a really depressing outcome like this, and sad as it is not all of us can make the decision to stop at the right time.
I just hope you won't end up a homeless bum, because I almost did. Shit sucks.
>releasing on a friday
At least in the previous versions of demos, it looked like almost everybody who visited the page downloaded the demo.
his steam page looks really bad
I think/know my game will flop and I will make it anyway and it will be good regardless
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>hes crying on twitter about steam support not replying to him on a friday night
what a faggot, he might even get some pity sales out of it too
Hello sirs
My name is Radesh Bonrajji I am from india sirs
We in the Super Serious marketing agency have helped thousands of indie games reach their tru potensial and increase wishlist amaunts
I saw your game and was very impressed, you are very GMI sir
Contact us and make millions of rupees!
I'm pretty sure steam tells you not to do this lol
Gachafags always say how male characters will brick your game. What if I need to make male characters for my game because it's a milsim?
Is there some list of tags somewhere? What tags exactly should I use to find you for example? I'm not super knowledgeable about music and couldn't pinpoint specific tags for it. Like the only things that would come to mind for my game would be "fantasy, relaxing, strategy" but dunno if those are music tags.
Game looks like shit desu
Friday is objectively the best day to release for maximum exposure since no games are released on weekend, the "newly released page" will have your game for 3 whole days .
A combination of #indiegamedev / #indiegame / #indiedev + #vgmcomposer / #gamecomposer should do fine, you can discuss the further details with a composer who might respond.
what was the surgery the dev needed before he could continue work on this? twitters doesn't specify
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would people still buy a relatively serious TacShooter/MilSim using non-humans that aren't furries like picrel?
if the non humans are pigs, yes.
why pigs?
Why do you waste time asking these questions when you're never going to work on those games? Did you just want to post that pic?
Cause pigs are great. You can eat every part of a pig
i pledge to get norbposting onto mainstream TV news by 2025
International Phonetic Alphabet??
Hogs of war
>set game as PG3
>has boob and butt that need PG8 at least
>make the change 5min before release date
>reviewers need to do a full recheck, in case you also "forgot" about that one murder-gangbang scene in Act3
>it's friday night
>somehow this was totally unavoidable from your side
How the fuck do you not hysterically check every minute detail 3 months in advance for something has big as finally launching your game.
I should have made an elf game.
gonna wear a norb t-shirt and attempt to assassinate the president of earth?
ima make dreams but for pc
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lol what a retard
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>watching some guy's indie dev story
>met a guy with similar game and anime tastes on social media
>started talking to each other
>turns out one was an artist and the other was a programmer
>got together to make a game
Now I know my biggest problem: spending all my time on anonymous mongolian basket weaving forums for "safe" and low-risk interactions instead of connecting with people like a normal person.
Who cares just release the game a few days later. It's early access anyway.
There is no context where this scene was necessary
Wasn't there a guy some years back that started crying on twitter about his game and then said "I'm Literally Going to Kill Gabe Newell" or something lmao
the IK is definitely broken, holy shit. Both 2d and 3d. 3d works but is really limited and buggy when you get weird angles, and 2d, though having a more complete feature set the documentation is worse and it doesn't work at all. Both throw errors out the ass too.
Looking at the bug report for 2d IK it seems that it's all because of technical debt started by Google Summer of Code LOL
I'll buy it if it has sdf
>watch art streamer
>go into their discord
>lots of artists
>i share my games
>not an artist but do share my games
>become friends with one of those artists
>"hey wanna make art for my game?"
>"yes that sounds fun!"
That's how I did it. Long term investment though because I was in that community for like 4 years at that point.
>i share my games
>not an artist but do share my games
Shit I fucked up
my game is a sad pathetic joke
just like me
yeah entirely sdf
Looks like Cosmic Call is out.
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started working on a dumbed down rts a few weeks ago
>low poly tranny furfag shit
I'll pass
imagine a timelapse of your life just repeating repeating repeating repeating repeating repeating
27 reviews in 3 days. Fucking grim for a game that's been in development for 6 years.
If you're a retard maybe.
imagine? I'm living it every day
How do I get in contact with you?
10 reviews per color
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progress : "window vaulting" base sprite finally done
calm down TGIGdev
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Is your game based on what will sell well, or on what you think is fun?
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My game is based on what I think is fun which also happens to be what will sell well
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Couldn't he have tried to write his game's description a bit less insufferable?
based on a place in my mind I wanted to visit, and invite others to visit.
I'm always impressed with your progress, your game might be the most advanced mechanically game from heresdn4
Added some early form of ladder climbing its super simple and a bit janky but il improve it later to be more polished but to have an earlier version of it will work for the alpha level designing I need to do.
Genuinely disgusting. I hate when people ruin perfectly good food and drink.
Calm down Mario.
Looks cool, but also doesn't look like something people would be willing to pay 15$ for.
okay I have a game idea... a tower defense idea...
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52 now
itæs based on what i thought i could make
I like your game. Not enough to buy it because I hadly play any games, and the ones I do play are mine.
I hope you're not falling for the crabbing
Probably only one guy seething.
Archtower is one of the best games in this general. And it's an RPG which is the best genre too.
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Do you even have a game in mind or are just enginedev'ing for the fun of it?
Pretty much just for the fun of it but I would like to make something with it at some stage.
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What is this game? What genre?
bokudev souls slop dont bother
Is it fine to have a level in my game (at the beginning) that is impossible to win just to teach the player that it's okay to lose occasionally in my game and they don't have to savescum/minmax?
Yes, it's fine.
Why wouldn't they want to savescum or minmax? That's just things some players enjoy. If you don't want them to do it, make it hard for them.
Doesn't one of the dark souls games do that?
The first boss just kills you then you re spawn somewhere completely different?
(I might be wrong I haven't beaten any of the games they are too hard for me)
demon souls you mean does this in the tutorial
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Finally got all the blendshapes working in UE, took a lot longer than I thought it would.
>to teach the player that it's okay to lose occasionally
It's never okay, dumdumb.
The best you can have are challenge that are clearly too hard for now and that the player should ignore until they level up / unlock abilities / etc.
And people into savescumming will savescum even for trivial matter.
A level you have to lose will piss off everyone and that's it. It won't teach anything, outside of "the dev is a faggot".

First boss in DS1 is *nearly* impossible the first time you encounter him ('cause you have only a shit weapon). You can still beat it if you are autistic enough tho.
"First" boss in Elden Ring (the Golden Knight outside) does the "come back later, bitch" job a bit better since you aren't forced into fighting him AND he is much easier to beat immediately if you really want.
>Duke Nukem but actually good
what the fuck does that even mean?
the doors not killing you?
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>It's never okay, dumdumb.
But losing is* fun.

*Can be fun.
Players lose all the time in multiplayer PvP.
Except the question was whether or not it was fine to have a mandatory loss, not if a game should be easy, or if PvP should handle participation trophy.
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I broke it :(
I already gave him permission so IDK what you're arguing about
it's impossible to code navigation regions and navigation agents in godot
RIP, now you gotta restart back from that "drawing a triangle in OpenGL" step.
Just do ruthless autosaving and don't allow manual saves if you want to hinder savescumming.
Nah I'm not that deep. I'm using a library for drawing.
>8 eggs and 300g sausages
>I thought it would give me energy to dev until dinner but I'm already sleepy
Can anyone here concentrate on gamedev when they're hungry? I found I have to balance between being hungry and being full but that means frequent meals which takes away from dev time.
Right, I got confused by your quote
>>to teach the player that it's okay to lose occasionally
>It's never okay, dumdumb.
I thought it's meant it's never okay to lose but I guess you meant it's never okay to give players an unwinnable level.
>8 eggs + sausages
>why am I sleepy
you got the itis mate
My experience in dwarf fortress
>*builds atom smasher*
>*pulverizes all enemy attacks with ease*
Losing is fun, right? I guess I didn't have fun because I never lost
man I'm too horny
>8 eggs and sausages
>I thought it would give me energy to dev until dinner but I'm already sleepy
Why are you following a miner's diet and schedule when you don't actually do a miner's work in the same conditions?
>too horny
Ironically, I'm the most productive when horny, wish god wasn't that cruel
Your body wants to sleep after eating a hearty meal, helps digestion, also holy shit dude, 8?
New thread
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I just got back from the gym before that meal.

It's like two meals, I did it as a time saving measure. I guess it's back to the drawing board.
I'm just saying, miners ate one meal for the whole day because they didn't have access to a kitchen while working the mines.
You got access to a kitchen, just eat small meals whenever you're hungry.
I used to be on an OMAD diet thing because keeping track of calories multiple times a day is a pain in the ass and honestly you're gonna wanna go to bed after a big meal regardless of how much you've exhausted yourself through excercise, grazing little stuff throughout the day or leaving your big meal until the end of the day is probably your best bet
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Dangerous Dave nooo

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