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progress edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-57
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/


>How to WebM

Previous: >>487731619
Oh I see how it is. I refuse to act like a pathetic little bitch about my game and because of that I don't deserve to be in the inner circle? Fucking cunts.
I'll do it. I'll make a game. You'll see.
What inner circle?
it's simple. i just have to spend more time in the editor than i do on /aggyfaggy/
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Can you think of any games with nice spritework where human characters are around 72 pixels tall? I need inspo
Good morning devs, i wish you a progress filled day !
DM me.
Sent :)
Gods will be watching maybe? But 72 pixels is quite large.
>start a new project
>3 hours later I have mouse look and WASD movement on a capsule
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Started basic work on a ui and head component.
After how easy it was to quickly do all the Noses; Hair and other "accessories" that aren't directly part of the head mesh should be easy to add.
Show me ONE single 72 pixels tall character you've made. You must be a complete amateur who has no idea what he's doing.
I won't make it
my game will look ten times better for dd58
(i'm looking at texturing tutorials)
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Open agdg. Less than 10 posts. 2 are hidden from being filtered. Sigh.

Made some art. Will work on getting trading working. Work on inventory stuff.
I won't make it but I will make it (my game)
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i'm prototyping some boss-room thing
you find a key from the protagonist of the game you didn't play as which unlocks a room with 3 enemy spawners. entering that room locks the door behind you, begins spawning witchgirls and aggros a boss war-mother enemy.
i sort of like that it's a hectic fight, but i gotta see if it's actually fun to deal with. right now you can only disable the portals by clicking them in melee range, but i'm thinking having them be destroyable through projectiles might not be a bad idea.
it's also completely optional, since the exit to the next floor spawns somewhere else.
once i figure it out, then that's the 16th finished level. only 3 to go.
Thanks. It's certainly large, which is why I don't know how to go about it. I'm trying to make a weird resolution work.

why can't I just be someones 3D artist
It's astonishing how the so-called "top agdg game" is such a lame and derivative product
Great work. Btw I like your combat, the hitting looks pretty satisfying. I'm not making a game anywhere similar to this, but would like to have very simple hitting like this. Any tips and making attacking like this? Is is you know, basically just getting the animation right, not allowing moving mid swing, pretty straight forward?
he's not inviting you to the inner circle bro...
That image reminds me of when my gf will walk up behind me while I'm devving, press her tits against my shoulders and rub them back and forth whenever she wants sex. Devving with a girlfriend is so tiresome, I'm jealous of singe devs.
Something calming about this, I like it. Nice sprites too.
Originality is overrated.
*snibbety snab* hehe :DD

for real tho, looks like a shitty diablo clone
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Decided to stick some of my code into my render method to check if it actually works, Experience and leveling based on different characters works, but health isn't getting calculated properly, time to check out why, shouldn't be too hard to get this functionally working with UI's and stuff when i get the basics of skill checks and damage calculation and that shit done

Looks cool anon!
So is Tower of Kalemongoose
Movements are kind of stilted and low energy. Maybe consider a juice pass before releasing?
shut the fuck up
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>games made by women be like
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are you implying i'm the top game? sweet, i had no idea! i'm gonna celebrate with a nice cup of diet soda. cheers anon!

thanks anon, but my animations are pretty weak. that attack animation was made from just eye-balling a mixamo animation of a one-handed sword swing. i really wouldn't know how to give any advice on getting good animations, since i myself can't make them.
>moving mid swing
you got plenty of ways to prevent this. i tend to just call a function that essentially toggles a bool when the animation begins, and toggle it off near the end. if the bool is active, don't allow for movement

yeah the witchgirls were animated when tomo made them like at this point 18 or so months ago. their death animations are especially slow and boring. i'll get back to them eventually.
it's actually over for me
NTA, but, first, you don't know what he put into the game to set it apart from D1. He showed you a boss room, not a presentation on the games features. Second, the world doesn't have many good AARPG's. In that sense it's fairly unique. Third, it's not amazing at all that a beautiful game with many attack animations and many monster enemies, would be the top agdg game. A game like this typically would require a minimum of 3 people. And I'm sure the original diablo team was much larger. So no, a complex game with complex art is not some low hanging fruit that is easy to make, no matter how derivative you think it is. Idk how long it took that anon, but I'd imagine years. Stardew valley was also "derivative" of harvest moon, and yet universally loved. Your post is un-impressive, a waste of time, and typical of a nobody giving their shitty opinion like it matters.
inner circle and their simps are so pathetic
It's a very good game desu
the fuck is inner circle
The player character movement too. Attacks are not bad but standing, walking, standing, there's just something stiff about it. It'd be a shame not to put a bit more effort in the player's animation at least.
>he put in a lot of work and worked a lot on it and did a lot of long and hard work therefore
ok but why should anyone play it?
Why do people pretend women have emotions and thoughts? They're more alike lichens than humans

this bitch is devving!
That's not what I said. And at this point you're either stupid or trolling. So have fun with that.
I always have a good laugh when I see "people" using the same arguments to defend inner circle games that I use to justify my game's quality. So when the game is already popular you're correct but when the game isn't already popular I'm incorrect and my game sucks? Nice circular logic there
>Why do people pretend women have emotions and thoughts? They're more alike lichens than humans
That's an exaggeration.
That's nice sweetie, but don't spend you entire weekend inside again, okay? And don't forget to do your math homework!
Then again... https://store.steampowered.com/app/788270/Exiled_Kingdoms/
You didn't adress my criticism at all. You can't face your own hypocrisy you invertebrate dipshart
I love this boss.
NTA, but you sound like a schizo having an argument in your own mind but speaking out loud. What the fuck are you talking about, and who are you talking to?
I can name at least 10 agdg games which are several rungs of quality above ToK
go on
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Breakfastposting: Today I'm gonna eat 3 fried eggs, 2 pieces of toast, some fried potatoes sing my secret mix of spices and maybe some bacon (depending on whether or not it thawed enough in my fridge overnight). Oh, and of course I'll be washing it all down with a hot cup of coffee and a glass of ice cold milk.
Have a great day agdg!
this entire post >>487840695 reads like something I would come up with to explain why my game deserves more attention. It's post-rationalization about a game which already got popular therefore it's now judged based on different standards. If Kalemonvo was some rando who just walked into /agdg/ this Wednesday he would get shit on endlessly and no amount of "quality" or "hard work" would have earned him anything here. If I said the same thing about my game all of a sudden I'm wrong and I should take my meds. Do you even understand how transparent you are?
Because they like games like Diablo, and it's a game like diablo? beyond that why are we expecting devs here to make marketable products and not games they'd want to play
this image has left a permanent scar on my coding for years. like whenever I code I always think of how to do the opposite of "what yanderedev would do". the thing is that I was just starting when these leaks happened and people laughing at the guy made me super selfaware of my own code.
>watching the "Developer's Play Broadcast" somewhere around 85:33:00
>streamer loudly yawning and stopping to play for a couple of seconds
I bet it is.
They can just play Diablo 2 which already exists and is a better game?
what game?
Why play Diablo 2 when you can play Diablo 1, why play Diablo 1 when you can play a mud, why play a mud when you can roll up a dnd campaign, different games are different, even if they share similarities, i don't even like diablo games but if a game came out in a genre i'd enjoy, i'd at least give it a look
>older thing is le worse actually
Diablo II is still a great game, zoomer pissant. A better game than anything that came out in 2024 and 2023 and 2022
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>notice that something's off
>one of the features i added is fucking gone, dont remember removing it
>just deleted itself from my game
That was me, sorry
I don't enjoy any Diablo games, dickhead, i don't care about Diablo games, it's just fucking stupid to say because an older, better game exists, nobody can make games like it
you can't ever make a diablo clone that tops Diablo 2. Especially (You) who are a single person with no team and no resources and no past of deep technical experience. Why make a worse version of an already existing game? How stupid do you have to be to do something like that?
I put forth an argument on why I believe his game is a top game in this small group. The argument includes quality of art, diversity of enemies and player abilities. This alone places his game above your visual novel anon, I'm sorry. Or your RPGM slop. Or your fucking jank shit that doesn't even run. Or your imaginary game in your mind. I'm not arguing his game is anything but the top of AGDG. How successful it is, is based on much more than just being the best game here. Which to be honest, any self respecting dev would easily accomplish that feat, because there's a whole lot of SHIT here. People crab around him because they are blinded by the quality and it angers them.

I've been here a while now, and I've only seen 2 games of his quality that I can think of. Your only move is hustle, which I didn't see in development I just saw the guy post once. And then the Necrovale game. I've seen other promising games, but nothing as complete and realized.
yandev is a shit programmer, but the fact that a lot of the people mocking it could only come up with a single criticism ("he should have used a switch case (sic)") shows that they're approximately as shit.

no one has to justify anything to you
Because there's no such thing as an objectively "Worse version" when it's not a carbon copy of Diablo 2 and will be different, by virtue of the fact, again, it's not Diablo 2, are you being deliberately dense? Beyond that, how do you know if Diablo 2 can't be topped because by your logic, actually trying to top Diablo 2 without a shitload of money behind you is doomed to failure, even if it is, who cares? Why are you obsessed with the hypothetical market in an Amateur game dev general?
Novelty. And hopefully they came up with a few interesting twists or additions. Which could be as simple as setting, dialogs, fun art for weapons, or more complex like new gameplay ideas or systems.
Think of the most generic white woman title and setting possible for a game.
Okay hold it
I bet you were pretty close.
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i love white women
>Anon game journos said Cuphead is too hard it's a bad game!!
NPC shit
I'm going to make a devlog so I can post my game on it
I played the game. Tell me, what's the setting? For instance, what happens between each iteration of the universe?
I'll read it if you post valuable design insights
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The absolute state.
Retarded crab take
ToK has a lot of issues that the dev is unwilling to fix for some reason but saying "duhh Diablo already exists" is a retarded argument
need ideas
samefag nodev post game
And those issues are?
>ToK has a lot of issues that the dev is unwilling to fix
such as the game being boring shit nobody would ever play or much less buy
>titty mouse pads? based
>jacking off to anime children? based
>women being as gross as horny as the average 4chan incel? bad, wrong, cringe
>women being as gross as horny as the average 4chan incel? bad, wrong, cringe
This is my fetish
Yeah, lichen aren't that bad.
>titty mouse pads? bad, wrong, cringe
>jacking off to anime children? bad, wrong, cringe
>women being as gross as horny as the average 4chan incel? bad, wrong, cringe
I'm very thankful that the /agdg/ hivemind is blinded by their dogmas which forbid them from ever suspecting any of their best yesdevs of being a shitposter who endlessly shits on other yesdevs.
This gives me indefinite protection form ever being found out
normies get OUT
>titty mouse pads? ugh creepy incel shit
>anime girl in games? ugh creepy incel shit
>dildo prize? yass queen slay, mature game for mature gamers such as myself
It goes both ways, faggot.
both are diarrhea of the mind
do you think anime girl in games is creepy incel shit? what are you doing on an anime fansite?
Tim Schafer wishes he thought of this for DOTT
you on the right
I'm training AI to differentiate posters. Crumble, your days are numbled.
Wasn't this game on last Summer Game Fest? Or was that a sequel? I'm so confused...
correct and proud of it this is incel land colonizers get OUT there is no god in the hundred acre woods today only me
Me on the right. You on the wrong.
People mad about Diablo like anon posting, wait until my game is ready for demo day. It's going to revolutionize the genre and spawn endless copies. All will fall short though, because the land I'm going into isn't for the idiotic and the soulless.

Systems based game play. AI. NPCs that react to the player actions. Dynamic gameplay that promotes role playing, or life sim gameplay. The crabs will be endless. I'm actually excited anons here get riled up so easily at quality. I'll enjoy it very much.
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nigga, that's straight up demon eye from Terraria
if your game is actually life this I will be your biggest supporter. Stop calling me a crab. I don't tear down the titans of /agdg/ for the sick enjoyment of it. I do it because it's the right thing to do.
i dare you to post one (1) single screenshot of your non-existent game lol
Fucking sick of people shilling this shitty ToK clone called diablo 2
name 5
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>inner circle negroids when they realize their games are smeared 24/7 because they don't deserve their popularity, not because they are good
2d game ideas?
I'm making the game for people like us anon. For too long have I suffered playing shitty games where npcs don't do anything. Where only by completing quests does something happen. I won't add 1000 different cutscenes for every overt player choice. Like people expect games to have branching quests lines. Instead the world itself will be dynamic and you choose who holds power, who is excommunicated, what the rules of the land are, while trying to not get murdered yourself. By your overt actions you shape the world and the factions within it.
>archtower posts progress
>schizo has a thread-long meltdown
>tok posts progress
>schizo has a thread-long meltdown
Who will be the unlucky winner tomorrow?
the bacon was frozen D:
Not me, my progress is not that interesting.
>inner circle bitch posts anything
>he gets put in his place
and everything was right with the world
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I was making a video game but it's hard and stresses me out so I stopped
I will continue learning trenchbroom today. The tool feels obtuse, especially with godot, but I can feel the potential.
In short, it basically takes the worst aspects of Diablo 1's systems and discards a good amount of other ones for no reason

No gold/shop system meaning the equipment and even the available potions you get is 100% RNG
Despite that, player input is absymal so you don't even have the option to work around that with player input because you're slower than everyone else
Unlike Diablo, it's completely linear, you can't heal up and re-do previous areas so grinding for gear and/or XP is not an option either
The gameplay loop basically consists of you slowly walking forward as enemies run up to you, doing your basic attacks 90% of the time until one of you die with barely any strategy or thought
This make it both boring and frustrating as a huge part of your success depends on RNG

And this is not even touching on minor things like how nobody liked the spellbook system (there's a reason Diablo 2 ditched it for skill trees), or the complete refusal to give bosses HP bars but also not giving their HP status more feedback so you can never tell how well you're doing or not doing

The only thing it's going for it is that it genuinelly looks really nice and the visuals ooze atmosphere, but there's nothing underneath that that that would want me to keep playing
I don't want to associate my game with an out of control ego maniacal post. Because ya I do have an ego. I've met many of my IQ level or above, but very few who ever had IQ and a love of life and novelty. But basically by what I described it should be easy to figure out, when the time comes.
Same, except instead of stopping whenever I'm stressed I watch videos of cute girls and get back to work...
style over substance. Big surprise there
I just want to know how I can help this guy. He's clearly very upset about something in his life to be lashing out at other people like this. I want him to be able to find peace and spend his time doing something productive instead of whatever this is.
As someone defending the quality of the game, I'm a bit disappointed to hear there's no town system, from what you said anyway, haven't played it myself. That wouldn't be too hard to add really. Especially if your don't really tie the dialog to anything. I'd for sure just throw a town together to have some npcs to talk to. But maybe he has a different vision.
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I was making a video game but it's time consuming and I have too much to do already with work and social responsibilities.
I just want my game to be noticed
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>As someone defending the quality of the game
>haven't played it myself
I was having trouble with this. But I after travelling I found myself waking up at 5am from the time change. I decided to just roll with it. Now I just program on weekends from 5-2 or 3. That's a solid amount of hours. Weekdays I relax after work.
Laverne + purple tentacle rule34 when?
>no gold/shop system
>no town
You.. you did play the game, right? It has both
Choose your nodev excuse:
>I don't want to associate my game with this thread (You are here)
>I already posted my game in this thread, but I won't tell you which game is mine in case the actual dev sees this
>I'm not going to post my game but you've played it before
>I haven't started devving yet but I've written 100 pages of lore
>Google The Witness
Second monitor for IDE
>I haven't started devving yet but I've written 100 pages of lore
This is not a nodev excuse, lore is essential for my game.
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I've been deving for a long time. Got the Art question solved. I was actually by my lack of lore and quest ideas. So I sat down for a few hours a month ago and wrote out like 30 quests and come up with a bunch of characters and systems. Then I remembered oh ya, lore and all this shit is the easy part, so then I went back to programming.
>Whenever I don't get no (You)s I get depressed and lose the will to dev so I'd rather not post my game
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lmfao, ya, you're right.
It's not nice to lie on the internet, Anon
This is 99% of people jerking off over how "soulful" PS1 and early 3D PC games were. They haven't played shit, they just look at screenshots.
Just last week there was a guy who didn't know the difference between Doom and Quake.
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today is the day, anon
the day that you make that porn game
No thanks, I don't want to.
There's 4 shopkeepers and a floor that is a town with quest-giving NPCs.
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>mfw I'm the 1%
my placeholder art looks better than the average adgd game so it would be tiresome replying to confused anons trying to critique it or praise it.
I can't do it.... Not without a cute gf to make it with me....
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I have my first date with a girl I met through a dating app today. It's both my first date in the sense that I've never met herm but I've also never used a dating app before. I've been so nervous that I haven't been able to focus on my game at all. I'm worried I'll slip up during our date and accidently mention that I'm making a video game.
Don't do it. just say you are an axe murderer or something palatable like that.
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I'm the 1%
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>"I'm developing a g... a uhm.. a cure. For cancer."
DBtS was kino and genuinely ahead of it's time
Whenever I have a date set up, on that day I panic shit 3 times at least, sometimes 5. But once we meet I'm pretty chill. And as a bonus I don't have to take shits the next 3 days.
Doom looks better than I thought NGL
I once went home with a girl after a date and clogged her toilet and just got up and left and never spoke to her again.
>I'm making a game
>oh, what is it?
>uh-uh-i-it's a game where you-you flip eggs... d-do you like eggs? ugh, yeah of course you do you ordered some... *smacks forehead*
second date secured.
If you can't even get a girl that's into you interested in your game how do you expect to get random girls that aren't trying to get in your pants interested in it?
>Why make a worse version of an already existing game?
to learn? Maybe it presents something new even if it's objectively "worse".

Besides, there's nothing wrong with cloning an existing game, especially if it's a good one. A common pedagogical technique in art is to have students copy existing masters. Once they master the basic techniques they can move on to innovating their own style.
that applies to games that you make in 3-6 months, not 3+ fucking years

"Boss, our user acquisition costs are through the roof!"
"Egads! What's the reason?!"
"My date ordered dessert!"
That's pretty fun
There's nothing I want to do anymore. I don't have the motivation or patience to keep working on my game. I don't like any of the old video games I used to play. I don't want to watch any movies. I don't have any books to read. I have to motivation to pick up a pencil and draw or try to learn an instrument. I feel like I just exist to rot and eventually keel over and die one day.
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feedback noted anon
there are some things like the boss health bars i wont compromise on, but everything else is solid.
there is a gold/shop system however.
everyone's first game tends to be a bit shit in places, mine won't be an exception.

making this game (for this long) is what funded me. i can see why people prefer doing shorter games, but i didn't wanna continue with my dayjob so i went all out on this. i've got enough money for my next game and that one i'll make more original.
>It's both my first date in the sense that I've never met herm but I've also never used a dating app before.
What app and how did you approach her?
how do you even get money from this? The game isn't out is it?
Well, add faggot whining posts to the list of things you don't want to do, so that I don't have to read this shit.
girls love cooking
publisher funding. i'm a scrooge so it ended up being more than enough to fund tok.
I just said hi
I wonder if it's a coincidence that so many health issues started surfacing ever since I started game dev 5 years ago. I swear every day I find some new pain or lump in my body and all I can think is "god what the fuck is it this time". Yesterday I had a super loud tinnitus episode in my right ear and it hasn't gone away ever since. It used to be low enough that I only heard it when it was quiet but now I hear it 24/7 even when there's noise.
Try fasting for a few days. Also walk. Look up Dr Jason Fung for more info on fasting. He's more of a weight loss guy, but he'll mention all the stem cells and healing that occur 3 days into a fast. Every society has fasted up until the modern day when people constantly eat nonstop.
>be fat
>stop eating like a fatty
>get healthier
>"God bless @DrGenius on tiktok and instagram"
I hate you.
My game is a masterpiece in the making.
Doesn't matter if you can't catch me
I CAN'T DO IT. I FUCKING HATE MAKING MUSIC. I CAN'T LIVE LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just buy a pack
Same except the opposite. I want to do so many things but I can't....
A publisher emailed me this morning and I told them to get fucked
Exactly. People should be overwhelmed with that magic of life and be dying to experience it and tortured on a deep level by a 9-5 job. You should look up to that stars and be amazed you're even alive and seeing what you're seeing. "But I just want to goon." Shameful.
To be fair gooning is one of the things I want to do but can't ATM
Yeah no.
I want *out* of my current porn game to get back to making normal shit.
Gooners and porn addicts must be publicly executed
if you stop being gloomy and bitter you will attract a woman
Anon, rocks attract women. You're just a retard. And I'm fucking sick of sick of negative mother fuckers responding to me.
Why lie to the poor guy like that? My friend is very, uh, humble looking, but he's funny as fuck and joyful and still needs to pull and push a lot to get a girl. He never "attracted women" in that they'd come to him first. It's a savage world really.
Working on component and research icon.
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well obviously they're not gonna magically spawn in the middle of your room where you sit all day playing bideojuegos, bro
but normal people don't need to push and pull either

this is how it happens
you lead a social life
you meet people randomly on all walks of life
for whatever incidental organic reason you get the talking
you start connecting and liking each other
after this basic point you think hmm now's the opportunity calling i gotta pick up this
and you invite her on a date, but not a "date" but more like hey do you wanna hang out sometime ;)

that's how it was for nearly all of my friends and family members
not for me though. cause i'm also not normal. I used a social media group for dating. put out a profile with random shit and facts about myself and thoughts with some inspirational images and favorite music, and women respond
found my gf of 8 years now there

You gotta stop listening to dogshit andrew tate advice like WOMEN NEED THIS!!! WOMEN ONLY WANT BIG COCK SIX FIGURES CHAD !@%^@#^#$ something something!!
every person is different
all you have to do is find a person who will like you for who you are, yes i know that sounds corny but it's true. You cannot and shouldnt change yourself to fit some idealized archetype
and to do that all of you have to is talk to more people so there's a higher chance to run into that one where it just kinda happens almost automagically.

don't give up
>there are some things like the boss health bars i wont compromise on
That's fine, I love some minimal UI games but there needs to be at least some kind of feedback for enemies with larger than usual HP pools so they're not just punching bags that damage you as well

>there is a gold/shop system however.
I admit it's been a few DD since I've played it so I downloaded the latest version and went through the first two floors again and nothing indicates that there will be a gold/shop system in later: i didn't pick up a single piece of gold and I could not find any UI element indicating how much money I have
Anyone put off by the lack of player agency in regards of equipment and especially consumables would probably not stick out far enough if they don't know it'll have a solution later on, since the problems stemming from that (especially the lack of being able to resupply potions) are inherent from the first minute of playtime
I'm an 18f dev looking for mentors
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I'm not a pedophile, get out of here FBI
Can this be added to the top of the thread yet?

also that "Feed" game struggled to find it by the search bar cause the name is too generic
Women want power, money, or beauty. You might meet women randomly, but unless you are better than them they aren't going to give you a chance. Lucky for you, you aren't competing against 6'5 guys in finance. You compete with the men the woman knows. So if she's a small town girl she only knows a bunch of poor retards. Or even in a city, if she's working as a barista, she only has poor friends. So you can be poor too, just slightly better off. Women are a program that has been solved.
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Why have icons? Why not just a list with the things? You're just making extra work for yourself and the player.
Not everyone has the same brain, there are lucky brain damaged autists out there that don't give af about women and their humiliation rituals.

Also past a certain age your brain changes and you give less of a fuck about women. Having meaningful existence is what we seek and women are only a small part of that.
>Women want power, money, or beauty
no they don't
what did i just say about parroting andrew tate, bitch? did you not hear me?

i'm physically weak, lanky, unemployed, broke, and ugly, yet i'm loved
stop making up excuses for yourself and begin look for wife
Just find a 4/10, easy.
retard stop lying to the poor fucks. Women aren't humans so they don't function, behave or make decisions like humans
Because they are easier to spot and differentiate at a glance than text?
Women wanting money, power, or beauty is a well known fact supported by research and science. Women date men of equal value or higher, very very rarely lower. Men date lower, not women. You are wrong. And so are your "but I'm a loser and I do great!" No you don't.
>if she's a small town girl she only knows a bunch of poor retards

that has changed in the dating app age. she can turn on tinder and there's already 1000s of men simping for her and she'll always pick the top 1% of guys. it's a rigged game, only retards play it.
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Having a supportive gf to be the bread winner for 4 years is the Gamedev dream
I mean if you're a 5, then yes, that's the idea. You get a 4. She looks UP to you. Therefore she's attracted. You try getting a 10 and she'll just be confused. UNLESS you've got a 10's bank account or you're a dictator of country.

But again, if you invade some weird space, like, a magic the gathering group. And there's some cute girl in there for whatever crazy reason. If you have the best deck, she will un-ironically be attracted to that. Because you dominate the sphere she is in, you are the high value male in that environment. So you can be a fucking idiot and still end up with a girl you probably shouldn't, because in that little world you are above her.
these are all lies you're telling yourself to make yourself okay with your own loneliness
coloquially known as "coping"
>making this game (for this long) is what funded me.
>just word on my project when I'm in the mood
>progress slows down but I actually enjoy working on it now
Uhhh... no? Try looking at an English word and NOT immediately knowing what it says. You'd have to be dyslexic for that.
Icons are good for simple conventional and common things like play/stop/pause or off button or where space is constrained.
A flask that leads to the research screen? Sure. Something that represents a shield generator? There's no icon that will be nearly as useful as the words themselves.
almost drop my game because of some crabby comments, haha nice try /agdg/
I'm not lonely you fucking faggot. I have a wife, I have ex's message me asking to take them back. Just the other day a bitch texted me and straight up asked if I ever thought we could be together. I said no. I can travel to any country and have locals want me. You're a stupid fucking faggot and can't grasp simple concepts and should fucking die. "get laid virgin!" KILL YOURSELF. God damn I can't stand lesser people who can't fucking admit they are in the presence of a greater more educated mind. Fuck.

Money, social power, beauty. Social power varies by the sphere she is in, not society as a whole. And thank god for that.
wow you almost made the first sane decision in your entire life
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>incelposting hours
I'm Russian
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Even simpler and clearer
>shows game
>erm anon why is there a little girl wearing a micro bikini in your game???
>struggling to find a female companionship in a country that's actively depleting its young, virile male population
How do I stop wasting my life on this shithole of a website? It's too addicting to post here, the constant feedback loop is too much for my brain to handle.
Serboid here. It feels like half the young women from Moscow and St Petersburg have moved here (and the rents have about doubled since).
1. post progress
2. get no (You)s
3. repeat until you get sick of it
Hi! I'm looking for a cute gf/free female voice acting not a pupil.
But out of curiosity what are you looking for mentoring on? How to make a game?
I don't even have a fucking game to post man. I've been here since 2020 constantly telling myself I'm going to start something, that next demo day is going to be the one, and yet I can't bring myself to get started. Just getting replies on 4chan is enough dopamine for my brain to feel satiated, why bother making a game if it's going to be more work for more or less the same reward? Obviously I want to make a game or else I wouldn't be here, but I don't know how to break out of the viscous cycle that is shitposting all day.
Indian ass lmao
Sorry but I cannot provide mentoring in indian ass.
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If I have an if statement with a few of ORs, will godot jump into this statement after the first one of the statements is true, or will it go over all of them?
i dont mentor hags sorry
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: just included a rape button
Both shit designs
wtf i love nortuble now????
need ideas for a moody, horror driving game
god, I love this website
>I just want to know how I can help this guy.
Don't fall for this crap, he is delusional. Only a therapist can help him.
Nortubel looks like THAT!?
The game is a metaphor for depression
haha, ya man. That's crazy.
don't fall for this scam, only a psychiatrist can help a mentally ill person
a therapist don't need to get a difficult degree to do their profession, they don't need to have any credentials at all
And gender dysphoria
>war-mother enemy.
You better make a Kira special version.
Who are you even talking about. Who had a thread long meltdown. Seems like sissies just uncomfortable when men talk and are authoritative.
yes, that's what I actually meant, professional help
with icons you do not need to look at them directly to know what they are, retard.
I'm convinced I have a million dollar idea. That's all it is, an idea, but it's a really good idea. The reason I don't have a prototype or demo to show off yet is because the game I want to create is far beyond what I'm capable of making myself (I'm shit at programming). How might I go about finding a programmer to work with? I'm a somewhat competent 2D and 3D artist, so my initial idea was to make a bunch of mockup images and character designs, basically showing what the game would look like if it was actually something playable (like fake screenshots with UI, characters, environments, etc). Then I'd somehow use those mockup images to attract any interested collaborators.
The game I have in mind is similar to XCOM if anyone ITT is interested in working on a project like that.
>he did not have a million dollar idea
you mean make them dudes?
nah, the coven is girl-only, sorry. male war-fathers will only exist in azurdev's great fanart
Money. Money is how you solve your problem. Based on money you hire either a western dev, a eastern Euro dev, or finally, an asian dev or non white dev. Or you just use chatgpt and stumble through, depending on your idea this might or might not be possible. Like if you're making a JRPG with a new whacky mechanic, it's possible. If you're making a 3d mmo, it is not.
How much do you wager it would cost to hire somewhat fairly competent to help me churn out a demo in like 6 months or so? After that I could gauge public interest and maybe try crowdfunding.
Looking good.
I hate you.
>well obviously they're not gonna magically spawn in the middle of your room where you sit all day playing bideojuegos, bro
What I mean is I was literally asked if I want to hang out by my girlfriend after a college project we did together. That's what "attracting women" means to me. I have to thank dad for his gigachad handsome genes cause I'd be too autistic to ask women out myself. Seeing my friend try to get a date literally feels like a snake oil salesman trying to convince someone to buy something, that's what I mean by push and pull. He still manages to do it though, bless his heart, he definitely had more casual sex than me at this point since I've only ever had 2 girlfriends, but I could never do what he does.
Idk man, it's a lot of work to answer that question. I've hired an artist from asia, for less than 1k a month. You just gotta look at what each country pays their devs.
$40,000 probably, that’s on the conservative end for a non turd world developers half year salary
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sorry azurdev. have a compromise instead.
Remove the pant and I may compromise.
give him a bigger gyatt
I guess I could try taking out a loan if I really have to.
You could try your way, of making art and then trying to find a programmer who would work for ownership %. Life is like an rpg, a lot of options and roads to go down.
>That's all it is, an idea, but it's a really good idea
Idea < Execution.
that's a man
Coming up with fun content is the hardest part of gamedev. That’s why good idea guys are the most valuable member of any team.
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Harry Potter for 30-40yo white dudes
Thank you. As an idea guy, I feel seen and heard.
thats just lotr
It's a wizard school but all the students look like this
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I will now buy your game
lotr has no wizards (unless you count the angels)
>who is gandalf
>uhmm... actual-
So basically wizard graduate school instead of wizard high school.

Those angels are literally called wizards. They’re wizards.
yeah he's a Maiar. Your pedestrian DnD tropetrash understanding of wizards is nowhere to be found in Middle Earth
There isn't even any "um actually", Tolkien describes Gandalf as a wizard verbatim. The other anon has no idea what he's talking about.
The five Maia who became wizards are wizards. They’re literally called wizards.
You may have a million dollar idea

But this is a 50M dollar idea
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>yeah he's a Maiar. Your pedestrian DnD tropetrash understanding of wizards is nowhere to be found in Middle Earth
Define a wizard. No, not superficially. Define the substance of a wizard.
My last name + Games
How about that for company name?
That's literally what I look like (I'm German)
do you have a cool surname?
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Me in 3 months if I don't somehow have sex before then.
>doxxing yourself
I dont really see an issue with this one. Ive seen others games do similar styling for the capsule while the game is pixel art.

>4 years
Is the artist actually sticking around though? Like has it been say a year since you teamed up and not just a few weeks?

>96% positive
>only 27 reviews
Must feel heartbreaking. Especially if it took 6 years.
It's non english. I can't its cool but it's not weird either. I thought it'd be like Lucas Film

>Lucas Film, Lucas Arts

But I do agree it should not be directly associated to your name.
>umm acshually the author called this spoon an apple even though he explicitly explained that it is a spoon therefore it's an apple
is there a single bitch with even an ounce of media literally in this Godforsaken shithole?
embrace wizzardhood, bocchi
The project is relatively small. I'm not sure if they would agree to work on something bigger, but it's not like they have something else to work on so maybe.
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Being a wizard sounds like it would be cool but I also want some fat titties bouncing on my dick.
>>487828951 #
>96% positive
>only 27 reviews
Lmfao it is literally cosmicall but with talent and artistic skill, that’s crazy. No wonder cosmicalligger can’t even get 50 wishlists
Marmo looks like that?!?
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>I'll have uhhhhh
>a sci fi boomer shooter!
>and you go to hell and kill demons!
Is your game original?
That looks much worse than Cosmicall
my new project hop? yes, very original
>when your 7 hour old bait post doesn't get enough (You)s so you try to bump it again in the next thread
Idu why it would be graduate school. Just say they are all 18 and keep it in highschool so 30 year olds can stare at high school wizard sluts.
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I'm planning on buying Exophobia actually. It looks pretty good. I've got a lot on my backlog so I'm just waiting for a decent sale.

>t. boomer shooter enjoyer.
>I also want some fat titties bouncing on my dick.
>Is your game original?
Insane levels of cope cosmicalligger (or weird dick sucking fanboy faggot)
When I'm a famous millionaire game dev banging cosplay sluts after every con I do appearances at I'll be thinking of you guys. We can't all make it, but you can live vicariously through me.
You should, it’s good to support talented and hardworking devs (unlike cosmicalligger who is a weird discord tranny)
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>Is your game original?
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>When I'm a famous millionaire game dev banging cosplay sluts
My boomer shooter had a couple unique mechanics but I ended up scrapping it.
I don't like Cosmicall but it's a whole another level of cope calling its graphics bad. Cosmicall has a coherent artstyle at least
Do you know any games where the dialogue is really bad? I feel like almost all videogame dialogue is around the same level of quality. Not amazing, not trash, just decent. Either that, or I am trash in recognizing the quality and my own dialogue is trash.
It’s a sci-fi boomer shooter set in an office building and you fight robot office workers. That’s original right?
The only thing Gates did wrong was ask out women at his own company. There's nothing wrong with banging Cosplay sluts as long you don't hire them directly. Asking out women is allowed. And even if the blue hairs disagree, they are wrong.
I don't even remember those games but I remember the games with greate dialogue.
Such as?
I chose to work with a publisher after some deliberation. I just can't take the responsibility of a full-on solo dev just yet in my life. But /agdg/ will still shit on me for not being a 500 IQ wunderkind...
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We are so back!
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A publisher? What percentage split anon? What kind of publisher ARE YOU working with?
This is totally irrelevant, it's the difference between trying to bang your employees and banging your fans. Fans are people who idolize you. A woman who went out of her way to dress up as one of your characters and buy a ticket to come see you at a convention isn't the same thing as a woman who shows up to work to collect a paycheck. Game devs are the new rock stars, software devs will always be loser nerds.
Sounds tasty. Im still in bed.

Kek, heres your (you)

Yeah it stresses me out too. But I have to finish it even if I go at a slow pace. It's a really slow pace and I simply take too long doing things when it comes to art.
>oh no he made a woman uncomfortable
are women for real?
Yiik hits most notes when it comes to bad dialogue.
Holy shit I made that webm.
Small world.
Baldur's Gate III thoughever
There are no games with great dialogue. Despite what the wannabe intellectuals on this website will tell you, video games are not a thinking man's hobby. The sole intent of a video game is to provide you with a short span of entertainment in the form of dopamine in your brain.
>Try looking at an English word and NOT immediately knowing what it says
i'll know what it says when i READ it
that's why i said "at a glance"

and for situations where an icon is not enough, use both an icon and text
that's it
>Do you know any games where the dialogue is really bad?
Metal Gear Solid serie
what nortubel character is this?
>almost became a homeless bum
Story? Was it directly/indirectly caused by gamedev itself?

Although I've got an estimated 10 years remaining to prove myself with gamedev, I've already spent several years devving. All that time combined would make up about half my lifetime. I want to churn out fun but smaller games after this one or alternatively hire others or team up with others. Unlikely for me to go homeless. At this time I live in my parents house so my savings are mostly untouched. If I got kicked out, which is unlikely, I'd start looking for a job. It's doubtful it'd take me over a year to get a job, so I at least have a good cushion that goes beyond a year's time, not to mention I'd qualify for some form of neetbux, more if I went homeless (the US or at least my state seems to have lots of money given away to them that basically gets you an apartment and food if your situation is that bad so idk why so many don't use it to their advantage). For now I'm devving to improve the current state of my game along with other stuff to gain a better understanding of how it would be received. Should it show poor reception after these improvements and circumstance to see how it would fair, then I'll have to find a job asap, cut content, and release it asap.
tranny garbage
Final Fantasy 9 has some nice themes that made me think. And really still do. What to do in the face of death. How to react.
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Is your game as cute as Parin's?
dishonest character design
This is why I'm designing all the female characters in my game to suit my specific tastes. Lots of skintight plugsuits and ponytails. When my game becomes a smash hit and I'm the newest indie darling on the block I'll have flocks on fangirls to take my pick of the little from, all dressed up exactly the way I like my women.
>"Will you have dinner with me?"
what's wrong with this?
for a pbr material in blender, should i use normal or displacement for godot?
>Lots of skintight plugsuits and ponytails
Plugsuits are a good idea for attracting cosplay sluts in general since they're easy to produce and make for low effort costumes. When Overwatch was at its peak popularity every single con was full of Dva cosplayers who'd all bought the exact same Dva bodysuit and 3D printed pistol. Keep your designs simple and sexy and you'll get cosplayers (as long as your game is successful).
Try not being an ugly ass nerd.
this can't be it
ugly ass nerds do get gfs
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I'm afraid no, and I'd rather not reveal my power level.
Here's proof. A never before seen screenshot of a different moment from the larger video from which the webm was made.
You don't have to believe me but recreating the coin totals would be kinda hard. Also, I think you have to beat the game for the maid costume. I don't remember.
How long has it been in development?
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>I'm afraid no, and I'd rather not reveal my power level.
Damn it, well good luck either way.
guy could fire you if you say no.
Was it even an actual publisher or one of those emails that seems like spam? I don't even use my actual email for my games page. Ive only gotten a bunch of emails that are for events I dont care for wanting money to possibly promote my game if its a good enough.

I somehow have no idea on to go to a girl first. Every girl that's shown interest in me, did so first without me even doing a thing. I'm not even attractive.
Or even if she said yes, but they broke up later. All future raises or lack thereof would be suspect. All raises while together would get people angry and jealous. All men not dating her might be angry at her decision and say things she only got promoted because she's sleeping with the boss. As someone who views things like age gaps as a psy-op to get white men to not have children, and overall female empowerment as bad, even I have to admit it puts the woman into a very political situation where either option of yes or no results in a lot of blowback down the line.
Genius and I'm un-ironically going to steal this idea.
What would be honest character design?
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Should I switch my inventory from 1 slot = 1 item classic rpg style over to a tetris inventory like diablo/poe/etc? People really seem to love inventory management in the latter style of game
No problem, I posted it for others to take advantage of. Good luck.
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can i play your game for free?
If you pirate it. Or if you're lucky and you get a key I'll eventually post here
of course, it has a free demo
thinking of project hopping to a pokemon clone but i hate animating
any ideas for a work around?
Yes! My game will always be free to play you only need to pay if you want to support the development and if you want to own it on Steam.
is there a reason for it? in most games that have inventory management, it is done to balance the amount of useful items the player can carry at any given point. certain items don't stack for that exact reason, so you don't have the player carry 99X scrolls of "one-shot kill". if you just want the inventory the be convenient, do not add inventory management. there's nothing fun about it.
>tetris inventory
this is more fun but is HELL to program and design around.
you are probably better off just sticking with the 1 item in a grid solution.
those are great assets, well done
i started it while having 0 background in gamedev in 2019, but i had a full time job back then. i started seriously working on it around mid 2022

i think the game needs to have a reason for it, otherwise it's just busywork for the player.
See this is the problem, some people love inventory management and some people hate it. Will probably just stick with my current solution for now because easy and then if I ever somehow manage to get a playerbase and they overwhelmingly demand tetris inventory, I’ll implement it
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yes it will be available on torrenting sites as soon as it's finished
cope and seethe
No. If you pirate my game I will come to your house and steal your cat.
Only the shareware version
Is this concept art for an enemy or boss in the game, not sure I've ever seen this enemy being shown as in game? Did the publisher really just give you the entire sum for developing upfront or do they have milestones.

>higher chance to run into that one where it just kinda happens almost automagically.
I had a cashier girl where our entire conversation felt like this. Cashiers are usually nowhere near that friendly nor expected to be. And then she hit me with the
>if you can fill out this survey on the site listed here on the receipt, that'd help me out a lot
Talk about humiliating. Long line of customers, seemingly didn't act like this with the other people she handled which left me confused. Her behavior was different but then she hit me with that....

I've had something similar happen a few times before where the girl was obviously interested but then assumed I had no interest so she quickly stopped showing interest and her behavior changes.

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