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Previous: >>487539550

>Download - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan - For Display Only
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qoWIAp4faEw (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/z9bE8TOW87A (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began" | Zenless Zone Zero"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X account

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online) - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull Tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>Damage Calculator

>ZZZ stickers

>/zzz/ Thread Template
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Corin farted and they died lol
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For my fellow shark bros
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Zhu Yuan broke my camera
how the FUCK do I remove team members from Hollow Zero
I don't want to have two supports
I should’ve listened.
cheesy rat sex
chink goonslop
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how furry is nekomata...down there?
left and middle are sex
right is gross
Honestly sounds pretty miserable, games are meant to be fun.
Reminder to treasure your sibling
Grinding Qingyi mats now and I fucking hate it because I'm using Anby in the interim who also desperately wants some levels
Click on a slot then click quick configure on the top and you can remove and add multiple.
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I was never told what laws there are in the New Eridu, but is this okay to do with a 15y old maid girl?
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I love these two butt-y cops.
switch to quick select mode
>gacha Smack gets Zhu in 29 pulls without guarantee
I hate streamer luck
i cant pretend im not aroused
just look at those cute faces, those chubby oinker cheeks
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I got my DPSs to 50, what should I focus on next engines>drives>skills? And do supports need to be leveld to 50?
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here's your fofo
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I love my dork wife
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don't worry, nearly all streamers get equalized eventually and have to spend
then they all complain that its too boring, they are losing numbers and then quit for another game when they realize there isn't enough content.
Well technically she is at least 16 according to the game, but that shouldn't stop you either way now should it?
this isn't official art right?
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I want to force Corin into wearing maid lingerie
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my boy drowning in pussy
Stop trying to fuck robots
All gacha is chink now, get used to it. Japs are retards that are still releasing fgo gameplay in new gachas.
Power creep will outpace the rate at which you'll get new characters
Just give up on the idea of making good teams and pull for whichever characters you like
wonder what flower language says about the scent between her toes
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>not on booru
where are you all getting the incest pics
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You are literally, figuratively, demonstrably and homosexually wrong, because you didn't check that the motion values mean what you thought they meant and you didn't read her kit properly. It's almost as if having +100% Crit Damage on her basic attacks might mean something. Dick head
Zhu Yuan and Qingyi would be a goated threesome.
Together they both cover anything you could possibly want.
Yes, officer Zhu Yuan, this guy right here.
Who goes in the third slot of nicole+zhu yuan if I don't want to use a*by?
wait her mom is the big tomoto? her shitass avatar make sense now
maybe nips should step up their game and start releasing good goonslop then
I don't want the pubsec to arrest me...
so the answer is you don't have to, but also yes you do
at first you can push up against the defense mode but if you can't get past you are going to have to level up the supports too.
I did boost nicole from level 30 who only had 600 attack to level 50 and she now has 1800 attack, its pretty amazing help with her black hole doing a ton more damage and her anomaly can also have a better chance to proc after several applications.
It is going to be miserable, but so is rolling new characters and then not being able to use them properly because you don't have the rest of their team
IMPORTANT: does Jane Doe make Disorder crit too, or only Assault? Wouldn't all future anomaly teams be bricked without her?
ellen has got to be the most auraless 5 star on release in mihoyo history. you got the wind god venti and then seele. im not too sure what her background is but she got a nice sillouette with the butterfly thing going on. and then you got the maid with a shark tail and terrible bob cut and she isn't even the top maid, she's like a lower rank maid with the chainsaw girl
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my dog broke
nah that's her dad. we haven't seen her mom's avatar
>no stitching scars
s h i t
Alright, Zhu Yuan actually forced me to stop playing with Lycaon and I have to give Anby an honest shot. Do I give her a ER% disc since it really feels like she needs her EX up as much as possible for her to feel good or do I just stick to the usual Impact%?
touch my tail? nnnyo
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only assault
she only interacts with disorder on one of her mindscapes
your only other option is soon to be released Qingyi.
Or Koleda if you're okay with just insane daze and no bonuses.
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look like balloons
The only thing you need to know with Anby is to use her core passive otherwise her daze is total shit.
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Boorus are unreliable as fuck if you're not just looking for cookie cutter 1girl pin-ups. You need to go to the source on twitter, lofter, pixiv (when its not just reposts there) etc.
Jane Doe can cause assault to crit?
Thought they’d wait a while before implementing something like that. Sounds broken as fuck.
I need sauce
Well good luck
she crits cheese wheels with her chisel knife and arranges critical charcuterie plates

lofter raped the work-around of tampermonkey, what now?
You are about to learn what honkai powercreep is all about!
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Zhu Yuan + Ether bangboo + C6 nicole is fucking disgusting damage lmao

Zhu Yuan gets 82% Crit rate for just existing with no substats required, fucking retarded ass character
Default looks better.
Inspect element, find the image, remove dimensions from the link
It's retarded but it's a way
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the face of a madman having fun killing
>77 feet images
You footfags are mentally ill
>seething this hard over being destroyed by facts
You claimed it doesn't have a larger MULTIPLIER. Except it does. Now rope yourself, you sore loser.
The rest of your rambling is equally worthless and illiterate.
Archon/emanator/sovereign brainrot getting hit with the reality of ZZZ being a low-stakes world is always entertaining to see.
whats the best bangbro to go with Piper???
the limited characters in this game feel like they're a year ahead of the standard characters in terms of power
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For me, it's Shark
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What do we think about the future of ZZZ?
She looks like someone who's cheesed to meet you
jesus christ
so they're just really letting their special child break all the established rules
is this normal for mihoyo? honestly feels like league of legends """balance""" and """modern gameplay design"""
I generally assume that any gacha is going to be miserable for non whales and try to optimize my strategy around minimizing misery
I'm not sure what's the best way to go there with this game though
Imagine being this gay.
Do you sleep on the sofa or the bed to pass the day
Shark status?
>it has bigger modifier
>it doesn't!
>it does and here is proof
>okay well I'm just gonna change the argument and pull some shit out of ny ass with a meaningless webm
What causes you dumb trannies to be like this? Have some balls and admit being wrong if you want to argue about something else.
>5% base
>15% from signature
>15% from Nicole M6
>30% from synergy passive
>65% crit rate
Am I missing something? Where does the rest come from?
Shouldn't exist
oh that work wonder holy shit thanks
Bangboo Rights
you press the shortcut
Why are they powercreeping this fast though?
Surely the casual audience will notice the spike.
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Hnnnnnnnnngghhhh you fucking little piggie slut! A human male's cock wasn't enough for you huh. You needed that werewolf thick cock, you needed that labia destroying knot stuck inside for hours while hot cum is flowing inside you, you needed to feel the warmth inside you while you are stretched like You never never before. I bet he wasn't even your partner, just some random werewolf that you picked on and let him knot you in some side alley of Lumina square!

You fucking pig!!! Look at how fat you are, i bet you scream "oink, oink" instead of moaning like a proper woman, when the knot goes inside you. FUCK!!!!!! HNNGGGGGGGGGGGH i would pay anything to see you knotted by bunch of stray dogs and homeless werewolves, fucking slut piggie whore hnnnnnnnnngghhhh
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rat in HD
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Shark Love
is it worth doing the disk exp domain? or should i farm disks then dismantle
My current teams are
No other S-ranks unfortunately.
I really want Qingyi. Could she slot into either team? I think in Anby or Piper's place probably? Or would I need either Zhu or Jane to really make her work?
I've got enough pulls for 2 pities, but if I go for Zhu now that means I'd have to win both coinflips if I also want Qingyi, which I obviously can't count on.
>I was only pretending to be retarded
I accept your concession dipshit
Use 4pc Ice
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I hope that, in the future, I never have to see this bald retard posted here ever again
While Jane only lets assault crit, that'll still increase disorder damage.
Crit rate disc probably
Always Bed, im going to force Wise to have a functional sleep pattern whether he likes it or not
>can't read numbers
>thinks he can give game advice
Which bangboo IS that?
it has the logo so it could be
but probably not

I'll wait for source
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5% base + 8% woodpecker + 30% synergy passive + 15% nicole + 24 crit rate artifact main stat = 82% crit rate

No substats required
Shit is so fucking stupid

Nicole shreds defense, corruption makes them take more ether damage, nicole makes them take more ether damage, zhu yuan does more damage against stunned enemies

This team is retarded as fuck lmao
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>Never play Nikke, only waifu collecting
>Summer Anis
>Lost roll
>Run out of gems
>Realize I accumulated enough golden tickets to just straight up buy her from shop

Why are SK so based? When will Hoyoshit adapt
cleanly shaven, it keeps her aerodynamic and quiet when shes sneaking around
It's not that big of a deal, it's a 40% chance to do 150k instead of 100k, it won't matter in practice.
>Honkai powercreep with Genshin amounts of free rolls
Why would anyone play this shit?
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genki rat
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I cry
You already failed at the most basic requirement to be allowed to have a opinion in this discussion. Having actually read her kit in full. Fuck off kiddo.
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I wish the most painful death to this fucking waste of air. I hope all his fans end up with massive pain and all their life become miserable until the day they die.
nta but which combo is optimal, full enhanced EX or 2 EX and finish the combos
Well the best way to minimise misery in my mind is to not spend half a year playing exclusively with one or two S-rank standard characters and welfare A-ranks lmao
Wouldn't the path of least misery be to just not play?
>waaah waaah I was *technically* only half retarded
cope fags
well maybe she should at least be at the top of her career as a maid instead of like some low rank employee
40% chance to do 50% more damage is a very solid deal tbdesu.
some will critmald, but it can drastically shorten clear times.
and god forbid if they'll add some mode with rewards locked behind damage done.
I want to get Rat but I don't want to be forced to use the faggot Catboy
Just use a battery bwo
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big tiddie rat
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I have a problem
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and you could get close to 24% with just substats meaning you could just use a crit damage main stat
don't do the EX followup, using the first EX to access N3 faster twice is a better use of the energy
i have nicole c6 if i dont get zhu yuan on my second 50-50 im gonna go fucking mental mode
the original reminds me of some art style... powerpuff girls?
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What about the shark?
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What am I supposed to be buying from the 24h store? I just realized it's not all paid currency
this game's characters are much more grounded and that's perfectly okay, that's one of the reasons why i picked it up despite heavily disliking Genshin and Star Rail, we're not getting 1 man armies until at least Miyabi and the HI3 expies
>58% without crit rate disk and no substats
should I change it to a cdmg disk? I have M6 Nicole too
i like cat boy, he’s pretty cool
his brutal shield axe is enough to sell him to someone who’s on the fence
>Miyabi is yet to come
>Ellen already got powercreep
This is fucked. I should have known the chink characters will be strongest.
I pray to god Caesar will be good. I'm hoping to use S11/Lucy/Caesar as a hot stuff team.
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The electric elemental shields in SD 2/7 and 4/7 are such cockblocks without Grace or an Electric S attacker in the game. I can S rank SD 3/7 but barely get through the first two cocksucker in SD 4/7. Really need to invest in my stunners to stun them out of the shield without any Electric firepower.

I'd argue that the elemental shields are the most "no fun allowed" part of this game. The other affixes are fun though.
it will also push us back to the stone age where everyone has to bank on that crit or reset.
mod bros... where are the good mods for lucy?
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Is there some sort of idiot's guide to disks? I want to know EXACTLY what I should be farming for each character, and how to best use all the currency you get for bardic needle.
alright thanks
I find enhanced EX to be sometimes useful for AoE, but if you're already hitting then I guess that's better
It won't, disorder is based on
>450% atk + X% that decreases the longer it takes you to proc disorder
this does not take into account the actual anomaly damage, only your atk stat and how long it took you to trigger disorder, so assault critting beforehand won't matter.
Now that I think about it, why the fuck are there no A rank attackers for Ether, Ice and Fire?
You can cope with Elec through anton(he does have retarded DPS if you know the tech) but the others got none
You can cope by semi maxing billy to deal with everything tbqh, I'm just wondering why
Then who am I supposed to roll for that won't just be useless without 2 other specific limited S ranks?
EX>EX2>BA3 is optimal if you don't have 2 dupes. After that BA3>EX2>BA3 etc. becomes optimal.
Her BA3 is misleading because if you try to make full use of it, you lose a lot of time, the multi-hit takes deceptively long.
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the crit rate goes up based on your anomaly prof
with 300 anomaly prof, which is very easily attainable already, it goes to an 88% chance to just get free damage
its a fuck ton
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Am I wrong or is the enire gameplay loop:
>Use stunner to stun enemy
>Chain attack with support for buffs/debuffs
>Use DPS within the stunned window because enemy takes additional damage
>Repeat until you win or run out of time
Does this not make the gameplay loop highly repetitive, linear and restictive if you want to play "optimally" (deal damage)?
sword and shield are kinda lame though, I'm looking forward to the flame thrower girl for an anomaly team instead
Well. So long as you could afford it, it's okay right...?
Is 45 percent crit rate Zhu Yuan enough with m6 Nicole and the eather Bangboo? I don't have Zhu's signature wengine.
the fuck is this image
That's the gameplay of every modern staggerslop action game
They’ll slowly add them and have Shiyu Defence shill each of those elements as and when they do.
4 pc swing jazz on supports
4 pc shockstar on stunners
4 pc woodpecker on attackers
4 pc freedom blues on anomaly
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Yeah, with that logic, cdmg disk makes sense actually

this team is amazing
What's the problem?
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idk why that image got posted
There's a couple gameplay loops. That's just one of them. Another example is no stunner, and instead you use an anomoly character to spam element/disorder.
Well, it's the 'standard team' but you can always take Anomaly/Disorder pill. Also maybe future characters will make this rotation more interesting, while 1.0 characters work as a 'base'
Knot is the most powerful thing in the zzz universe.
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Will I enjoy this game as a filthy casual?
Wait Corin is also a teen? I thought she was a whole ass adult and Ellen was the only kid in Victoria.
For pure dps that's the basic combat flow yes, for anomaly characters it's completely different, for disorder team even more, and future characters and gamemodes will most likely have gimmicks that change how you play.
If you don't like stunners run double anomaly teams where you couldn't care less about whether they're dazed or not
Was I just hallucinating? When I used ZY during the interlude I remember her EX skill knocks the enemies into the air then she performs a downward lightning kick if you do a basic attack short after.
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Im honestly just waiting for the moment when they really up the variety in terms of a complex moveset starting with both normal attack and skill button having atleast 4 different moves (quad directional inputs) per button, as well as zhu's hold and mash setting
thats already 16 possible simple inputs
45% AFTER her core passive that gives 30%?
if so, it's decent, otherwise you have more than enough
you can swap anby for her. you still have 2 hares and qingyi activates on any attacker
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This game version of PF can't come soon enough BillyGAWDS will dominate this shit
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they really need to add recommended disc drives based on player usage like in genshin
>up the variety in terms of a complex moveset
Characters will just become more and more automated because that's what sells
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anomaly is fun as fuck
cant wait for new ones (of a different element please)
>Wait Corin is also a teen?
We don't know how old Corin is. But Ellen is the newest member to Victoria Housekeeping, so she's almost certainly older than her.
Minimum age for work is 16 in New Eridu.
Huh I'd have thought having higher assault damage (from the crit) would affect that diminishing +X% bit
god almighty thank you lord for this little sexy girl
and zhu is the trap to get chinks roll for some complexity already
how do you do that move where Nicole sits on her briefcase weapon during her ex skill
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Last thread I learned that /zzz/ doesn't know how to play Ellen
My goonqueen.
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>of a different element
You're in luck anon since the next 2 anomaly are..... PHYSICAL AND ELECTRO! Rat and Yanagi
Lucy makes me hard from just seeing her thigh
is it over?
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Phew. Never doing that shit again lmao. I had to fucking learn every single move of that robot on side 1 and execute perfect rotations to kill it. I'm not even going to attempt stage 7.
EX skill with wasd keys but stop halfway or something like that
I mean just take the current rate up for example. Zhu Yuan functions just fine with your welfare Anby and Nicole and that team is a hell of a lot more powerful and fun to play than coping with Billy.
Hold EX Special and spin 360. If you instead tap EX Special, she'll fall on her ass and fire mortar shots.
rotate the stick
or i guess uhhh smash WASD in a circular motion if you’re a keyboardcuck
Spin the stick in a full 360 while charging her ex special. Doesn’t matter which direction.
work and "internship" are two different things anon
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Yeah, its pretty much made for filthy casuals.
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Spin your stick (you DO play on a controller right??)

Fun fact: if you release E/Triangle while doing it she will trip, fall over and accidentally shoot the bubble up into the sky. It's funny as fuck.
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Is my shark good?
You can make her shorts smaller, but that's the only good thing so far.
Jokes on you I dont even have an S stunner
I just go Brrrr on Grace/Anton
>hold skill
>while charging, input "wasdw"
its much easier if you rebind skill to not E
getting Dutch Ovened by Anby’s burger farts….
You realise how long it took to teach people about how to not just button mash the chain attacks? It'll take a while to teach them about why its called damage per 'second' and why how long something takes matters.
It fucking better be
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>ZZZ actually does Physical right
>gives you a decent Physical DPS for free
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no, sorry, you're missing two cinemas
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ah fuck that's what happned lol, thanks bro

>no m6
yep, it's shit
Link? I was hoping for that + removing the ass cape.
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Any one of you already spent energy for Dennies? Did you feel shitty afterwards?
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>another S electro anomaly
why not ice/ether
Keyboard is superior
you need the RRAT to avoid KOT
when i see eula i just think of the eulaposter who used to shit up /e7g/ (possibly still does)
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Thankies for the rolls fyaggot nyahahahaha
Why is steam oven considered better for Anby?
Her signature encourages you to spam dodge counters which seems easier to pull off regularly than doing her full combo, at endgame at least.
Am I missing something?
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EVERYONE brush against him and call him the kot god.
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rolled c1 lucy
I can buy c2 in the store but is it wurf it?
Same problem as the rest of the game. It doesn't punish retards enough. So they think "but 4 attacks do lore damage then 3, there gooder!" and the game doesn't rape them enough for being so stupid.
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It's Ellen Joever
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So is Jane gonna be the Kafka of ZZZ or not?

Is she gonna be a disorder meme or want mono physical
>Minimum age for work is 16 in New Eridu
Where did you find laws in the new eridu? What's the age of consent then? And are there any laws regarding of interspecies sex?
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I did. No i did not feel bad. I had 12000 dennies to my name. I couldn't even afford to buy 3 days of coffee with that shit.
Without a 2nd stunner i run ellen with lucy and soukaku, buff when needed and dps the rest of the time
Likely disorder machine. Unfortunately she's ass ugly so she can't be Kafka
ive spent like 500 battery on denny, it feels great
feels like im using patience to defeat mihoyo’s scummy greedy microtransaction tactics
You'll get it eventually on the Ceasar banner. It shaves a couple seconds off, it's not THAT impactful. I'd rather save the 7 rolls.
It does though, you did build a bangboo that actually does damage and not shit like Butlerboo or Plugboo right?
Alright now that the dust has settled, will this game be able to stand on its legs?
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If you're going to be using Lucy yes
Bro even Razor felt strong at the start of genshin, wait one more patch and Corin will be completely phased out and RAT will become the new standard
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>never lucky in any gacha i ever play
>finally luckshit something
>it's a goddamn bangboo
why couldn't it have been a cute girl instead???
Anby only exists as a stunbot. Steam Oven let's you stun fastest among the A-rank engines. That's it. That's why it's the best.
You guys are planning out strategies?
I literally mash buttons without thinking about anything
why are us footbros treated so badly in this game
bretty gud bretty gud
>Where did you find laws in the new eridu?
Fairy mentions that one in one of her idle lines.
>What's the age of consent then?
It'd be discriminating against therians to have a fixed one, so people need to pass a sexam before being allowed to fuck others.
Lucky for you Resonaboo is strong as fuck so any dupes are good.
westoidslop is so fucking disgusting man why are they so obsessed with making art look like how their fellow trannies look?
I'm out of rolls after getting Zhu but it's okay, if Qingyi and I were meant to be she'll come home in a single 10 pull.
>based on player usage like in genshin
You do realize the game just started and the most common disks are crit and stun for everyone right?
They'll hit that wall sooner or later IK40-45 weeklies
the cute girls have lower gacha rates than the bangers
It looks like someone drew over a real photo to me.
Thats a chinese artist though.
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Wow rude
Is Anton a brick or a meme?
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Nigger you say that as if Ellen doesnt deal more burst damage than a cope disorder team which was not even leveled. I have ellen on my EU server and I can clear it in 2 minutes 3 seconds and I'm using R2 Saarlight.
How important is Zhu M1? seems pretty good but if you rotate smart I think you don't really need those extra bullets
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Is Ellen's anus humid?
She is trans though?
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you ever feel like you're being watched?
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which one did (you) choose and why?
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got 2 teams done with maxed engines and im sitting tight on dennies
f2p, skill levels are averaging 7 for grace/piper but they do anomaly damage anyway
precious rat
If you know how to play it's nigh useless. It's there for retards mashing, same as Ellen C1.
Do thirens sweat? Asking for a friend.
it's QoL, not worth it unless you got lucky
If you have a finite amount of money for gacha just save the rolls for Qingyi bwo
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don't care they should have enough data by now add it in 1.2 at the latest
>retarded polbot dumps his programmed little speech
>doesn't even check first
Every single time. You faggots are so mindbroken and obsessed, you're completly at home with the other mentally ill losers on social media.
Do bear thirens shit in the woods?
Butler because he's generically good, gun because I have nekomata, and I just got the ether one today because I rolled Zhu
Right now, thingken he's a brick.
I have him at M6, no Grace only Rina.
Still trying to find the right balance of having enough energy for burst and the enemy's shocked.
And yes, I've tried the infinite drill-thing, used it on Shiyu 9-10 it's pretty good but iffy cause of the auto-targeting in the game.
wuwa is just better
Retard. Wuwa followed that dumb fuck ideology and it's already dying. I'm rolling limited units for more "fun" not more "braindead".
Ellen and Zhu are more complex than all the other units so it seems like hoyo understands that too.
>1. butler
because that's what everyone said first but consensus has changed and it's not that good anymore
>2. resona
because I rolled Zhu and it's good for her
>3. in future
maybe I will try plug for grace but I will wait for securityboo first to see how good it is
shark and resona
choosing butler next and then probably revolver or whatever
Post your Zhu Yuan builds
yanagi is still gonna arrive sooner than those, filling a spot not needed at all
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They will do the same thing they did with Star Rail. Sparkle literally changed the game.
your Zhu Yuan builds
Got bullet for my first team, then shark for the Ellen one. Then butler because he's cute.
Dunno about Resonaboo vs. policeboo yet.
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I have Grace but I think I'd get more value out of switching to piper and spinning
It's frankly not very fun.

Have not played these sort of teams yet but don't the anomaly characters function as DPS, replacing traditional DPS characters? Isn't it an issue that you're still mainly utilising 2 characters, not 3? You mainly want to apply an anomaly then switch to a second character to apply a different anomaly for the disorder effect, no?
A shame yeah, but I think everyone would agree when I say no one's rolling for NPC-tier Yanagi when the alternative is peak christmas cake Grace. Mihoyo just hates money, nothing new.
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I'm planning on building Soukaku DPS, shoud I got Polar Metal 4pc and Woodpecker 2pc?
Shark for Ellen and Amillion because cute
Lucy's first kiss was with a pig's asshole. Her parents raised her with such loving care and look what happened...
Yeah I thought so, at first it seemed really good but when I played her I realized how easy you can get bullets
alright I will save for Qingyi bwos
Plugboo for Grace/Rina team and Resonaboo for Zhu. I'm going to roll Revolverboo next for my Jane Doe team. I laugh at the retards that rolled for Butlertrap instead of shark/other elementalboos.
Use Rina's ult to quick assist off to Anton, the infinte drill trick is mostly there so you can run Atk on slot6 instead of ER
>t. Grace/Rina/Anton coper
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Anton is the Kafka of this game. We need more dps like him to make anomaly relevant.
Liters of cum, in a womb that small...
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I actually laughed out loud

Sorry for your loss bro
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Corin doesn't go to school. she's a frankenstein monster made from merging different girls together. Look at the mindscape, her arm is surgically attached
>need 8k xp for IK 45
Ah fuck. I really should do the companion missions.
Yeah, that's how I do it but still bottlenecked cause I don't apply shock fast enough to big enemies. Thinking of putting anomaly mastery on Rina instead of ER.
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But I didn’t wanted to swipe to get her cinema full, ill get on her re-run
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Oh hey, there it is, the normal multipliers Billy needs to be an actual attack and actual DPS
It makes him retarded strong, stronger than most agents even
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Shork for ellen, resona for grouping. While rolling resona i ended up maxing penguin so my shark was a wasted roll, i wanna die
me on left
Blasting sperm inside Corin's pathetic flat body
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S-rank version soon™
Plugboo because Grace was my first S and Resonaboo because Zhu Yuan was my first limited
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total rat death
>she's a frankenstein monster made from merging different girls together
Read her description anon. She was very sick as a kid, thats where the surgery scars come from.
Wait, does Billy’s signature resona only last for one combat? The wording is weird.
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Shark is better than penguin. If you go solely by multipliers then sure penguin M5 is better but the penguin sometimes goes and attacks random enemies somewhere far away and then takes its sweet time walking back to where you're fighting. I'd rather have the consistency of shark.
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Butler for the meme
Electro for my Grace/Anton
Now trying to lock in reso
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Finally back at home and about to pull for my wife. Please pray for my good luck
Massaging Ellen's feet
Has anyone calculated how much Dennies you get per week? I run Anby, Zhu, and Nicole but Anby and Nicole are still lvl 40. If I would upgrade both and also their D skill I'd have to pay 520.000 dennies. I have 1.7 mil right now but not sure if I get enough back to fully upgrade Qingyi next month...
damn her knife is banged up, she needs a new one
>not safety
why? It's literally only behind amillion as the best bangboo
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what a whore
I dont want her anymore
*kicks away all the kot posters*
The correct answer. It's pointless to go into ex2 unless you need Iframes. The tradeoff is if u go into EX2 you lose energy for the immediate iframes and an ice charge. 99% of the time the iframes on EX1 into Basic 3 will be enough to dodge whatever for now. That said the humongous iframe might become invaluable later to skip new bullshit attacks they introduce.
if you don't mind losing 7 rolls, why not.
Her C6 is insane but there's no safe-ish way of getting there without a dedicated banner which will probably take months from now on.
just like his engine, wrong wording, it lasts until the end
Do all 15 hz runs and you get 1m dennies weekly.
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Still have 8 more lives
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Battle pass
I am now erect

Nasu type troon shit was a mistake and a blight upon humanity as a whole
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Good luck bwo
It's also more expensive than people realise because you're getting energy back when you do the B3
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I love her
Did anyone take a full ass on screen wipeout of her?
>after 1.1 you'll have to choose between triggering chain attacks (which get old fast) and losing free damage.
This whole combat system is whack tying every function to switching characters. I blame phone "gamers" for having no buttons.
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>Has anyone calculated how much...
oh yeah around 190 pulls
the fuck? Is the economy so bad that were asking how much dennies we get from BP?
Woah, Grace...
Lay off the noodles...
Kill yourself zoomer
Is there any requirement or do you just bumrush the exit of the easiest HZ map
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Blessing every anon rolling a cool Nekomata because she's awesome
>need 1 master tape for a tenner
>all units lvl10
>monthly/SD/HZ stores all wiped
where do I get more without spending polychromes
so you didn't swipe?
did you just dump literally all of your rolls into that
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That's one bigass rat
But im already grouping mobs when charging stacks and against bosses theres no problem, so the shork is kinda ass, plus i think peng builds anomaly faster
it's a kotty kot world
I lost my 5050 to lycaon instead of C2 kot, it's fucking over
>It's pointless to go into ex2
It does strictly more DPS on Pecker or Puffer than BA3 does on Polar. Especially since 99% of time you will not get to finish your BA3.
Whats good about either of those
next knot level breakpoint, I think you get at least 1 every 5 levels
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>Other girls are even affraid of taking a ride with Wise because of his sister
I have nothing against Belle, she's perfect sisterwife, but maybe, just maybe she's a little too possesive?
If you’re patient just wait until Hollow Zero bounties refresh next week. Otherwise, ascend a character above 30 if you’ve got the resources.
why would I want safety?
one too many lactation support pills
My general guideline is to go EX2 if you have ult up and 2 EX1 if you don't have ult
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Maybe she wouldn't need to be, if bitches backed the fuck off.
>amillion as the best bangboo
lol. Lmao.
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i don't want to ever meet people who find this attractive.
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NOOOOOOOOOOO I did want her but from the standard, not like this...
both belobog
deals actual damage, enough to warrant swapping it in during chain attacks
Do the x2 top up bonuses ever refresh or did my dumbass waste those on regular channel?
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But when I check out the rewards this for example is what you get after doing a run on hardest ballet tower stage. not even 4k, how do you get 1 million then? or do you get the rewards somewhere else
wise fucks the kot
If this game follows the trend of other Hoyo games they’ll refresh every year.
dump all the purple currency into dennies
Next year during anni. maybe
The other games did.
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You don’t need to be a streamer to be Lucky, just create content
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Wow you hit Interkot Level 3 already?!
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grats, just save for rat and you'll be golden
Next monday from hz weekly
You get Z-Merits for S-ranking the gatekeeper fights
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Who wouldn't fuck the kot?
Generally that makes sense. Especially later one, clean rotations break down even during stun anyway. Because of duo bosses and spawning adds.
Hardcore bed destroying sex
grats she’s great and Anomaly > Attacker
I love Zhu yuan so I cant skip her, but I might have to skip the robo butt since I have Rina as well so I cant miss the anomaly meta
Entering saving mode for the big boob biker broad.
We still don't know her name, right?
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I love this image. Thank you for posting it.
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It was already posted here, I got her to cinema 4 with only 200 rolls in her banner
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I love her so much bros...
This is my first gacha I play seriously just want to make sure I don't make any rookie mistakes
ahhh I see I bought the tapes and completely forgot about the store. I should probably also get the tuning calibrator and Hi-Fi Master Copies, right?
i want the kot give me the kott
But that's a man's name.
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I'm level 38 and coping. Story done, Combats done, Explorations done, Mewmews done, Hard Story done.
Can't upgrade my characters to lvl 50, can't farm materials for later, can't do Shinyu Defense, can't do any more Hollow Missions... What excatly can I do to upgrade my level?
The only thing I can do is shitty side quests that give me 0.001 exp each for two straight weeks
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That's the shiyu defence/notorious hunt store, the one you want to farm dennies from is this one
I want to fuck the Corincutie
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Belle marks her scent on Wise every morning to let other women know who he belongs to
And that's a good thing since it implies she'll be dedicated ZZZ tomboy
do the side quests and spend your stamina
we all went through this lil bro
hunt down collector coins for mew mew
There is nothing to do unless you max refresh. That's just how hoyo games are sadly, at least you can farm artifacts in wuwa
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>There are people here who swipes, knowing the game will go eos in a few months
This is bait, may you win the 50/50, if you reply with your waifu
you get thousands of IK exp from spending battery alone. use a few of your consumable batteries if you're in a hurry, otherwise you'll get there in a few days
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I already won the 50/50, but I need her C1 because I'm too much of a brainlet to manage her ammo properly.
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I lost the 50/50, but I'm pretty happy with this. My rat team is going to be great.
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>>There are people here who swipes, knowing the game will go eos in a few months
but it's not Honkai Impact 3 though
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you wish, pagmon
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Is the last on the left supposed to be Caesar? Also saving for nun
why are her little boobies like that
I'll never understand these statues you're expected to paint yourselves. Just seems really lazy on the company's part and too risky to try on the consumer's end.
I MAY win it even without replying, still as scummy as ever I see, Paimon.
>not farming boopons
Luckyboo, eviscerate his balls
Okay thank you, but would you say in the other shop Tuning Calibrator is a must? or the Hi-Fi Copies
Left is Caesar, yeah. I hadn't seen the nun yet, do we have info on her?
I'll get boopons when I have lv60 characters and out of denny hell
theyre the newest model
It's the same reason they sell yarns and all those arts and stuffs crap.
You don't understand because you've never had a creative hobby.
seems so
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Her name is Lucia, I don't know much more personally
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Bros my wife is about to get raped but I'm playing Belle, what do I do?
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Elementalboo superiority
its a prototype
the same company has an anby one that they showcases fully painted
Shark Joe is still good, right?
Her sig's dodge counter increases her energy gain per attack hit, not passive regen. So you're gonna have to do her full combo regardless.
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I love him...
What if ZZZ collabs with Fortnite to add Fortnite dances when you agent wins?
if you're gonna completely disregard energy just mash away bro.
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if you're talking garage kits, they're mostly made by hobbyists. these ones will be fully painted so you won't do that soon
>tfw bricked my account using all the tuning mats trying to get an atk ratio slot 6 disk
>got none after spending over 100+ materials
fuck this game
She could smash those dudes clean in half by accident with her tail.
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Definitely get tuning calibrator, the hi fi master copy is not as important, I'm still holding my currency till last minute to decide if I should spend on more though. I don't want to brick myself out of another tuning calibrator after it refreshes
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Belle is going to jail
Is the ether boo or the new pub sec one better for booty cope?
passing by, can someone explain to me why this exists?
what the actual fuck, anons? are you all right here?
>even the statue is censored
Fuck this gay ass earth
if HI3 still hasn't gone EoS despite being in the shitter popularity and revenue-wise, it most likely never will.
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Are sharkbros faithful to their girlfriend? You didn’t rolled for the sex cop, right?
If you're talking about model kit/plamo, the product isn't just the statue itself but also the building experience
That's her car though.
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>shiyu limited node thing 2
am i just fucking bad?
>marrying someone who's job to have sex with random people
Wyell warhammer minis are a thing too...
>fuck up once
>short $300
It's not a matter of creativity, it's just not a good ROI.
nah 2 is aids
3 is way easier
I have every character in the game besides Grace and S11, and I'm f2p. I MIGHT spend for Qing, but I have no interest in any other characters we've seen so far besides the idol group.
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How's your collection going bwos?
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The shark is just a cheap whore I can use while I wait for Miyabi
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Already got her, just need her girlfriend
I'll get into modding if Qingyi gets a mod like this. If I get banned so be it.
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I pulled for the cop, but I still go on dates every day with my shark girlfriend. I won't be accused of infidelity
dupes? weapons? discs? skills?
also don't blame yourself, the bloat is insane in limited, you may end up malding because of a 5 second loss due to not getting enough crits
most vids of red shiyu clears i've seen on YT were A at best
alright will get that then. thanks
okay thanks anon, i feel pretty bad about not s ranking anything since that stable node 10 (which was 1 second above cutoff lol)
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He's very charming
You expect me to believe you got almost every S rank in the gane f2p? Or are you one of those fags who consider buying all the topups still f2p?
>rolling before SoC/kami north boo
Yeah, and her brother-husband
Zero fucking shot that bitch on the right makes it in as is
>6 chars at 50
do you farm char exp? i could only get my zhu to 45 and the rest of my units are still at 40. out of exp
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post some feet so I can lick them
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Those are just games workshop being cheap as fuck.
Imagine spending your time painting what is the adult loser equivalent of those sketch books kindergarten children just fill in with color.
ywnbaw, though
Same except I used a tuning calibrator and I didn't spend all my tuning mats.
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Gotta hold it for the eventual S rank upgrade.Cunning Hares seem way too important for all their key members to be A rank only.
Cop is nice, but she can't compete with Ellen.
I doubt we'll get any S rank Hares until anniversary or smth
Qingyi's reaction when she notices I get hard from her tiny little body?
your kot, bro?
Soldier 11 is just Anbyin disguise anyway
Rollin for robot onahole to support my shork
So basically Zhu's basic attacks are useless and you only shoot her loaded bullets. Of course that's the best damage-wise but I feel like it's a waste having her complete basic moveset thrown out the window like that
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But my girlfriend is Corin?
I still see it just randomly killing mobs
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Huh how does that work, not that I'm complaining
Nice clear. Don't be surprised now, your charas. are level 50. It does more than just stats.
How to get Denny without using battery charge?
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you had 301 seconds left, mathlet
>Kino puzzle tv events exist
>content creator hates tv content
>mihomo "were cutting off tv content" cause ppl bitched
Can't have anything these days.
Hollow zero
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A-anby will be good enough for Zhu, right bros? I will have to skip the robussy for the rat
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I'm fucking tempted to roll for zhu
but I don't wanna roll her engine nor do I have M6 Nicole
Farm points in HZ and trade them at the store.
probably talking about the timer
ive had it go purple and say I missed 5 mins then at the end it gives me the s anyway
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It turned from S to A for a moment when I was in combat though
panty and stocking
Infinite abyss
You're delusional if you think it's only CCs who hate it. If the story missions operated like Hollow Zero there'd be no complaints.
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Key word: key members, gato~
not just CCs. the TV stuff is kinda boring. imagine if we had Rallies but instead of random npcs we had the main cast by our side. they could do better than the TV shit
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Just search for The Prophecy on google, most people hate it.
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OK hear me out: Co-Op SD. You and a friend make a team each, and you each face one of two SD rounds. Your times are added together and you get rewarded as usual.
nicole is on rate-up and you don't need cinema 6 either, she's good by default
you don't really need zhu's engine either, she's a star performer even with cope freebie ones
cute bwo. did you make that?
The rat doesn't have much synergy with her anon
meanwhile zhu must be run with a stunner for her talent to be utilized fully
I refuse to replace Anby with automated labour. I've grown too attached to her autism and having her and Nicole alongside Zhu feels so right.
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Mechanically, yes. But you should feel bad anyway.
My guess is they remove the extra seconds spent after finishing p1 or before you start combat, or both
this actually happened to me earlier as well, i got exactly 7(?) minutes on floor 9 and in combat it went from A to B but on the end screen it turned to A, could be client side vs server side shit idk
What's the point of quest marker if there are unmarked quests anyway?
By the way where's the second data in golden bangboo city quest?
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>imagine rallies
Yeah I can imagine rallies taking up 80% of the tv mode and the other 20% being the actual story stuff that happens in front of us on the TV so they can be a bit more flexible with it.
I really do not fucking want Genshin's "walk up to npc, spam text on their model, continue" method.
The thing is that I'm already at 70 roll with guaranteed after failing for Elen last time
so, no Nicole cinemas for me
got starlight engine r1 on zhu/neko and hotpot oven on anby. the rest has signature engines. Disk drives are pretty bad i think on everyone but Zhu?
I can upgrade core/skills still on all but im fucking mega out of dennies(????) so i cant afford it
just BP and membership basically, i didnt use much energy on exp things
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Ah, I just saved that one too.

He's so beautiful, it's not fair...
Competitive modes in gachas are retarded because the very nature of the genre means whoever whales harder wins.
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Anby got powercreeped and sexcreeped...
They should not stop including kino content just because retards get filtered by it
>hate the prophecy
I'd rather they all leave. Its probably THE mission that proves how cool tv mode is
tv slop is garbage and should've been a separate mode
How does Neko/Lucy/Pipper work?
Do you use Pipper like a stun unit, and then bring in Nekomata? Seen this team comp running around but can put my head around it.
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>people saying he's a black bear
>is clearly a brown bear
actual factual retards
Qingyi is good because she's so tiny, it's pointless if you make her fat
It's not competitive retard it's COOPERATION.
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Doesn't matter. All forms of forced multiplayer is evil.
>there are people in this very thread RIGHT NOW that don't like ben
>the funny big man of being a daze unit pretending to be a defense unit
>also gives koleda the cool as fuck bonuses
explain yourselves, niggers
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>M6 Nicole in 55 pulls
>got Zhu as and C5 Ben as well
He just said you don't need Nicole dupes
What's next, DIY isn't worth it because you can buy factory-made things of much higher quality at a lower price?
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Yeah I like TV sections and the effort they put into them to make them unique from mission to mission.
It's people who dont want to play the game

It's a shame, real gamers always lose out to the casuals.
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>green hair
>I really do not fucking want Genshin's "walk up to npc, spam text on their model, continue" method.
Same, I like the front facing cutscenes cause it saves us from the awkward looking animation template Hoyo uses for conversations
Yeah piper is effectively a pseudo stun, make sure to get 20 stacks before starting your chain attacks for the buff, then go into lucy and quick assist into neko (ex specials get increased damage when piper procs assault) for the burst damage
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Yeah she's an S rank
No way in hell, Anby is way hotter
I'll mull it over again.
Maybe the vtubers won't be long
Nightmarish but cute in a way
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I want the rat because I have both Rina and Grace, so I pretty much have to build an anomaly team now
I'll throw some pulls and get her in the rerun, I promise. Blame Zhu for not coming early
Is he smug because he got away from the leash?
I didn't like him just because furry/bara but he's actually cool
Prophecy shills, is it better than the current icedrift hollow? I really like the puzzle-game like feel of this current event. I'd rather this than the forced arcade dogshit we have now tbdesu.
I'd genuinely M6 her if she had an outfit like this
by sexing the enemy
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i want to fuck them both
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>didn't care about ZY at all
>trailer comes out
>she's a dork
>she cares about her family
And just like that I rolled for her, fucking Mihoyo...
If they really go all-in with that and reduce TV kino by ~90% turning it into another corridor crawler I will probably quit on the spot. Can't have fun niche gameplay these days, because you need fucking 'content creators' generating buzz
Please MiHoyo, I need a homo or furry banner now to save for the next sexo.. PLEASE!
Hows running around and grabbing garbage from the floor working for ya saar?
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Doing her events she's just as if not more autistic than Anby and S11
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You need Zhu Yuan's w-engine
You need Zhu Yuan's M1
You need Nicole at M6
Got all that? Good.

You need Qingyi
You need Qingyi's w-engine
You need Qingyi's M1
Prophecy is a JRPG dungeon crawl not a puzzle.
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Hopefully you treat her like a princess
Your standards are too low anon...
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I cannot overstate just how bad Ceaser looked back then. Big ass crown with a tiny ass cape, green hair, look like she belong in some cheap medieval knight role-play group instead of a biker gang.
Thank god they redesign her.
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This is only the beginning.
can you post her agent story tape cover art? I didn't roll for her
Ryona every night
how old is this SS
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>You need Qingyi's M1
My toilet maid Corin
It's great, isn't it?

We all have to settle at some point...
Of course! I'm not one of those abusive Corinbros.
Why is /gig/ writing NTR now?

This is disgusting. Imagine being this cucked.
It's not just CCs, the average people are genuinely soulless. We'll provably get some free roam mode like honkai.

TV sections were god awful, kill yourself.
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You need to cum inside your sister!
wow, very creative
You must have thought about that one for a while huh
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say sike right now, they better not be cutting down on the TV exploration format
it's so much fucking better than walking around and talking to motionless NPCs that it's absurd
it's simple yet they can do a lot of neat little characterization with it, things like two people fighting smashing each other around the map with the satisfying THUD sfx is just fun
im going to fucking shit myself violently if they do anything to ZZZ's unique presentation compared to the usual mihoyo slop
best grace disc set?
electric or anomaly 4 piece?
Nen Bigger
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go back N/gig/ger
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Calling them Corinbros is generous
I have 4 copies of safety for my belobog team

I will be going rocketboo next
"We have received invaluable feedback from you, such as improving the connection between the HDD TV mode and combat experience, offering more diverse and challenging combat options, and optimizing some repetitive exploration experiences."
check zzz xitter bwo
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Nun from the religious faction or nun faction or cult faction
They ain't listening to westernfans, but they sure ass hell are listening to chinks
Go ask them
What do the chinks think of the TVs?
Bro just spam stamina refreshes and get to IK50! Sure you'll lose more polys than you gain, but are you REALLY gonna let Shiyu embarrass you like this? I can see those housewives at Lumina Square giggling at you already...
this will be us when harumasa releases
They better make a fucking pistol priest for that faction.
Is there any point in getting Qingyi if I'm not getting Zhu or the rat? She only needs someone from the cop faction or any attacker, so she should slot into other teams as well, right?
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Lucy love!
Why wait for him? Seth is coming next patch.
she will probably be the strongest stunner in the game for a while (aside from maybe lycaon in ice teams) and she will also probably slot well into future lightning teams
its so fucking embarrassing, A ranking or even fucking B ranking it all
I need more materials and discs than I can get before the next character comes out
Zhu needs an ass reduction
they quite literally grind the enemy into dust with their small bodies
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>It's people first time ever seeing the battle nun
Actually show just how little people were here during pre-release. There's a 50/50 chance she might be cut from the game but the off chance that she's still here, it would be sick to get a religious faction. I would totally pull on some evil priest character.
I just realized, I have zero friends who play ZZZ so I literally have no one to brag about my clears to. Seems like this worked the opposite way for me lol, I'm not stressing over SD anymore.
Probably depends on what teams you go right now, but she gets her teambuff from any Attacker so she's gonna slot well into almost any of those.
I love the last shot of Billy's ult holy shit
That fucking BANG
What is THAT
Nicole owes me 12000 fucking Dennies and WON'T PAY THEM BACK
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Guoba talks about the CN calcs guy who had Zhu w-engine calcs being better than a lot of other creators.
Seth is clearly too gay to cuck anyone
Harumasa is the shipbait-coded character
She's willing to try other methods
I refuse to watch this because I already 5*'d my starlight engine
I didn't ask for other methods. I want my DENNIES damnit.
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this game really reminds me of my hero academia. weird ugly animal characters. weird hair colors that are blocky. short and stocky characters.
but anon we're ur firends though :)
The cunning hares owe me sex
You should because it's pretty likely the CN guy got it wrong, just be prepared for the cope from Zhu w-engine sunk cost fags. It's a soul signature now baby
Are Ellen's tits big enough to give her back problems?
I respect Gouba a bit for doing clean guides, but he's a fucking drama queen.
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Literally me
why is every little sway so seductive!?
she's not escaping the sexbot allegations!!!
I watch him cause he puts in work for his guides rather than just some cunt reading a character's kit off of prydwen.
You're officer Mewmew?
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:(. Bros I'll get carpal tunnel at this rate. 1 SECOND.
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No, she gets those from her fat tail. Unironically, it keeps growing with age and is gonna fuck her back up pretty bad in the future.
she can snap you in half, she can't even perceived the weight of tits that small
Even Billy?
They're counter-weighted by her tail
Hell, her tail would probably cause more issues
1 second is literally 1 skill upgrade away
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How long till the lolis?
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>You should because it's pretty likely the CN guy got it wrong
No I dont think so sorry. Im not listening to either CN or this retard and will pull my own results
They will totally make a Priest character voiced by Jouji, just you wait
I'm not even saying he's wrong about the Engine discussion. He and Kyostin are the only gacha CCs, I know, I'd consider having an opinion worth a damn anyway.
My honest reaction to Dullahan+Thanatos and the Marionettes
why did she slap a bunch of stickers and graffiti that says 'SHARK' onto her obvious shark tail
is she stupid?
We're going pubsec and sector 6 for 2 patches and Sons of Calydon and another faction for 2 more patches so maybe like 4-5 months.
I haven't got Lycaon or an ice team, so that's not really a factor
Currently it's Nekomata+Nicole+Anby and S11+Ben+Lucy. So I was thinking of replacing either Anby or Ben with her. Ideally Ben, since I don't really like using him
is ZZZ the Diablo 4 of gacha games?
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>wasting all your luck on Brickllen
People play ZZZ without controller?
why are you torturing yourself?
its like wearing a MAGA hat even though everyone can obviously tell that theyre american from their weight
It's the Dark Souls of Persona of Honkai Impact 3rd
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We aren't financially stable enough to care for retarded childeren.
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Bro she sleeps on a shark theme pajamas. She just loves sharks
how am i fucking out of dennies
man i already put in like 30 pulls on the weapon banner
that suks!
You wouldn't get it
I don't know what I'm missing out on, played MNK all my life. Even on soulslike games and MH.
a year
1.x is maids, police, section6, bikers
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Her (girl)friends did that. Girls love decorating things anyway, its not surprising.
I'm not sure she actually works in electric. The team right now is Anton/Grace/Rina, but who would Qingyi replace? Grace is necessary, Anton cheats out more shock procs and is needed to trigger Qingyi's passive, so she'd have to perform better than Rina's PEN buff.
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>high-stakes criminal case against a gigantic evil corporation that tried to murder a bunch of innocent people
>random dumbass with no legal experience gets to be the prosecutor just because she volunteered
wtf is wrong with new eridu's court system
If ZZZ was a cute girl, she'd have cute wispy pubes
Wait till you have to fight the Ruthless Fiend or the Guardian with 3 ranged mooks all spread across the arena so that you can't AOE them down and spamming you with bullets that you can't time dodges for because they're all offscreen
with her self damage buffs itd be funny if she just replaced anton
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Adpot Inky to break the curse.

that's if we're lucky. they probably dropping them with new content next year. And we'll get a round of reruns.
It means she was dumb enough to try, all the others knew best. She almost died for it.
its court by people for the people
She isnt a prosecutor. Shes the key witness alongside the rest of the cunning hares as shes a 3rd party that isnt the civilians or the company
Wise fucks them all while Belle is busy getting knotted by the dog man
daze gauge was a mistake, it's what is holding zzz back and I would give everything to have it removed
Does soukaku really need energy regen on the 6th slot if you have her at M6?
Your 30 pulls will carry over to the next weapon banner. If you're no longer keen for Zhu's weapon just wait for Qingyi or Jane's weapon banner and you're already 30 pulls into pity.
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>Even on soulslike games and MH
Fucking disgusting. Please remove this man from my presence immediately.
She can't take Anton's spot since her impact to attack passive only triggers when there's an Attacker or another cop in her squad.
Which one is that from?
Pretty sure she’s representing the citizens, not the government. There would presumably be a separate prosecutor.
based retard wanting to be an uninformed retard of his own volition.
i feel like they made a mistake having midlen as the first 5 star. they would have made more money with literally anyone else. now everyone has a bad impression of the game with her
>Lynn already going down on her
What a SLUT
>And we'll get a round of reruns.
I wish they would do this. Im going crazy trying to justify rolling on both Chingbi and Rat
ohh!! thats cool! thanks! i didnt know it carried over. Ill think about this then.
Feels a bit weird to have starlight engine on both my dps for some reason haha
We already saw her having those symbols on her tail before she started hanging out with her friends
That would suck because rat's best team is Grace/Rina/Jane Doe, which if you noticed, is also just an electric team that replaces Anton.
IMO elemental resistance is holding the game back massively, being bricked completely by not rolling the right character sucks ass but then again hoyo needs to shill elements to make money so what can you do

Shiyu 15 and 16
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>want to roll on W-engine banner to get Ben's signature
>Can't justify rolling since I don't have ZY yet so any rolls I do get should be going towards her
No? It was mentioned before that she needs 2.5K ATK for 1K ATK buff transfer.
I think that's a good reference if it's true or not. Also she has a mindscape somewhere, dunno which one where she has a 15% to get a vortex stack on hit, she spins around alot so...
Point is, ALL IN ON ATK.
Ben would definitely be the one you want to replace here. Nekomata isn't a fan of stunners anyway and S11/Qingyi/Lucy is a team with full buffs and plenty synergy.
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They really edged us by giving us two agents from a faction we haven't met yet. I want to go on truck dates with Piper and I want to do it now.
Sons of Calydon has 5 members, so I expect the other teams will get additional characters. Probably going to add some in 1.4-1.6
bro your ai chatbots?
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when will ZZZ get pic related? we already have bears
Holy shit whos the nigger in the center ? The nun is nice too
pls no you're gonna summon the basedbear poster
I want to look between Lucy's legs at how her tiny shorts frame her crotch and butt
Why would ZZZ get Volibear from the popular video game League of Legends?
that's Lighter, he actually shows up ingame already here and there
based Billy
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I actually did try that but there's literally no lore so she was just a sleepy trucker that lead me up to her room.
Why did they changed it?
am i actually gonna use batteries to farm dennies
I doubt they add characters much just because of how the story is written, but Victoria Housekeeping is supposed to get Hugo Vlad eventually, so who knows.
alright, gonna save for him now fuck Qingly.
i want to see soukaku's blue pussy...
that's what im thinking, feels like sometimes she has TOO much energy with energy disc
>We already saw her having those symbols on her tail before she started hanging out with her friends
Pretty sure we never see loli Ellens tail, which would be the only one where it could have been before that. It was definitely her friends who put those there, she didn't decorate her own tail, dumbass.
it's lame how none of the interesting youtubers have reacted to zhu yuan trailers
it's only zoomers with theyr cake gyat memes, whatever that means
anon no!
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dogman-less commenter
don't worry the sexbot is coming in ~20 days
until then you can cope with a disorder team spamming assists
Do you think it's dark purple
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FUCK I don't have enough to get one of the items from the old capital
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>I'm out of dennies
They're both retarded though, they're only calculating damage during a burst window when the enemy is stunned which is not how you actually play the game in higher difficulty content. If you look at the current highest SD clears they have the DPS on field the vast majority of the time at which point maintaining starlight engine's damage requires vastly more tedious micromanagement autism
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need qingyi gf (accidentally posted this on the wrong thread)
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What makes those two so easy to fit in almost any team? Is burn and disorder that strong? Should I invest in them?
>Nooo you must listen to the drama faggot who swears his data is better
hahaha no I think I'll trust my own research :)
Continue posting Prydwen too so I can laugh
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Lucy is pretty universal as a support and Assault from Piper doubles as the Anomaly trigger AND since it increases Daze is a pseudo-stunner.
I'm right now with 28k polychromes + 30 tapes. I have grace and her engine, should I save for the rat and her engine or qingyin and the rat?
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We actually do get to see it and she doesn't have them. Anti-yurischizo just gets easily duped into being a contrarian retard by the yurifags.
Of course the teenage girls decorated their friends tail.
Is this not how you're supposed to play Zhu Yuan? She just tickles shiyu enemies outside of bursting during stun windows
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What A rank engine should I put in corin to make her do damage?
No, I literally do not have a single S wengine
In her song trailer we see her being a loner before her new friends break the ice and starts hanging out with her. And we see those symbols on her tail before they started hanging out
ornnGODS own this general, leave immediately.
just loose some wait
Her signature.
She's still going to do more damage than Anby and the majority of your daze is going to come from defensive assists and dodge counters
Lucy gives a strong buff and her pigs are a nice bonus.
Piper is the best Anomaly unit in the game right now (but she’ll probably get crept by the rat).
the monkey's paw curls
now you are the piglet serving as her baseball, soccer ball and chair
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>zhu wants movie
>tells me what it's about
>acts like I gave her the summary
Didn't notice that before. Definitely her besties then. They like playing with her tail.
Right and left are both unironically mediocre designs. Caesar new design is like 10x better.
Dont know who right is but it looks like a cheap eroge character.
You've already rested today. Maybe tomorrow.
Fair, I should've said aside from her signature
I'm stupid
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Based and I hope the chinks keep pushing against TV, Imagine wanting to see LESS screentime for character you rolled for, TV-slop is only good in Hollow Zero.
Now kill yourself and respect my Bisexual shark
...no the majority of my daze comes from my stun agent.
I will read my own data
They can always return to them in Interludes.
>In her song trailer we see her being a loner before her new friends break the ice
It shows her being lonely, not a loner. The song specifically talks about wanting to have time to hang out with her friends.
2.x at the soonest if Lycaon and Ben's reception justifies furry characters
I specified higher difficulty content, in the current hardest missions you literally don't have time to do Anby's combo in between having to parry
Bro.. Guoba LITERALLY does the prydwen calcs
He's responsible for most of their zzz stuff
Why not?
At least it's a guaranteed progress instead of gambling it for discs.
MTL strikes again. Atleast this confirms Koleda's schizo rambling is also an error with something that is allocating lines to the siblings or the agent
he means defensive assists with anby
stunners do a lot of daze on parries too
>we see her being a loner
We actually don't.
This is completly fucking wrong bro. We literally see her scrolling through her phone to a photo of them, during the segment before they show up in person.
Most gacha generals collectively hate yuri hrtroon.
Guoba is the shitter responsible for the godawful prydemonth calcs retard
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Oh I would love an ornn type of character too. A W engine expert and is fire based. But we alreay have Ben
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We have to make Black Cat a success...
Giving us Trigger as the second Obol Squad character when?
Why is Grace there?
Maybe try not to involve your other retarded obsession when trying to pretend not being one mindbroken tard.
Go back hrtroon.
Is farming disk exp a brick or should I farm actual disks then dismantle The disk farm is infinite anyways
>he already has two teams maxed out (skills/core/levels/wengines)
congratz on outing yourself as a whale!
Nta but he's right. Yuri is cringe.
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We hate yuritransbians here.
I'm knot level 43, can I farm disks yet? I have maxed my 2 teams
My Zhu never has any shotgun shells!
I have Hellfire Gears but I don't have Koleda. I also have Steam Oven and Demara Battery Mark II, which one should I equip for Anby and which one for Lycaon?
yep he's a fucking liar repeatedly caught in 4k but he's tenten 2.0 so his fanboys will revision history to cover his ass
>Nekomata is bad because she has to dodge counter or quick assist to buff her damage
>Starlight Engine is the best F2P weapon because when you dodge counter or quick assist it buffs your damage
Explain this
I have that and I'm not a whale. My disks are ass anyways. Now... THREE teams, that's whale shit
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You confused what that segment shows, we see her being a lone a bunch and then get a shot of this before they show up. So its not 'before' she met them, its just about her having no time for them. Which is what you'd know if you did her trust events anyway.
I'm not gonna get into this stupid yuri argument, but you're just wrong here. Stop being so obsessed, it makes you look idiotic.
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I understood it like her scrolling social media and liking their photos together. Which is what caused them to interact with her and her getting flustered
I find it cute that way, in which they took a liking to her and encouraged her more to do the stuff she always wanted
there literally hasn't gone enough weeks yet for that to be possible! xd
What do I farm in the meanwhile then? Ascension stuff for level 60?
ancient ass leak
Caesar even has very different design by now
This was from CBT1. Grace was added in CBT2.
you weren't supposed to point that out...
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Isn't this tiers above what the usual 5th corruption is like? WTF?
Nekomata is bad
Simple as
Whatever you want, maybe farm disc xp or build your supports more
>I understood it like her scrolling social media and liking their photos together. Which is what caused them to interact with her and her getting flustered
NTA, but its probably true. You see the like on their phone when they show it to her, it wouldn't make much sense otherwise.
I was literally just making a joke before that schizo was set off by any sort of mention of yuri again.
fanboys of rapeable maid and the cougar cunny spreading misinfo
I dont think they were that good friends before they reached out to her. Why else would she be sitting alone, watching them talk from a far in the same classroom? To me it looked like they were strangers, something Ellen wanted
Yep, its an actual punishment. You will literally lose the run if you arent near the boss already and dont have healing equipment.
Starlight is just the best of a bunch of shit. It's still 20% below any sig wengine.
I've gotten fuck all for attack w-engines. Do I just cope and buy a second starlight engine so that I have one for both my attackers? Feels a bit weird leveling two of the same engine, but I'm not sure I've really got an alternative right now.
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fuynny dumb cat!!!
farming discs exp sounds like a brick in the long run
Ellen's friends use her to play with her fat fucking shark tail
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Yeah about that...
If that were true, it'd imply she was working with VH even before thst. Pretty unlikely so the story wouldn't be a literal sequence of events in that case anyway.
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Does Guoba actually do the Prydwen calcs? How did you find out?
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>game gives you a corruption
>it's actually three in a single package
>they're all "antipiracy measure" tiers of run-ending
I am 20 pulls in with a guarantee 50/50
I did all of the hard-mode missions, I got the monthly pass and the battle pass

Give it to me straight, is it realistic to get Zhu Yuan?
do you need to finish a run with a corruption active for it to be recorded in the log? that looks rough if you're not allowed to cure it.
That actually makes sense, I concede that to you.
bangboos are cute tho
Actually it would make more sense that she was working with the Victoria housekeeping before meeting them. Gotta remember that Ellen is someone that struggles with her stamina and balancing school with her part times. Her already having been working with VH would mean she had no time to enjoy herself with friends till her current group reached out
It's actually funny how badly you can brick Hollow Zero runs. The artifice Resonium that makes you lose all energy and ult on getting hit + dodge longer cooldown + double typhoon robot boss = borderline impossible.
>Got Nekomata Sig and C1
>Still doing less dmg than a C0 Ellen with Sig despite both having similar Crit stats

I'm guessing Soukaku diff? Or am I coping?
You actually can tell them apart. For the two lines that say "Meow-ow" it uses "maybe" when you're supposed to feed him and "perhaps" when you're supposed to pet him.
I just one cycled the boss after 1 stun, I don't know its mechanics at all
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His videos are plastered all over the site and the numbers used on his zhu yuan video is the exact same down to the decimal that prydwen list
I'm not even saying this is a bad thing I think he generally does a good job
The timeline makes no sense here, because she is the newest member which isn't something you point out about someone who worked there for years.
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resonaboo reminds me of this guy
I like her avatar represents her and Qin
You're coping. Neko is just a brick.
S11 and Grace can compete with Ellen but Neko definitely can't.
>Gay8 says to put anomaly proficiency 6 disc on nicole
Why not energy regen? Don't supports want that? Her skill is really good, too...
Yeah, gotta be cautious with that one, especially if Ellen or whoever else decide to fuck off for a fight, Anton also does that.
lol didn't notice that
she works like three side gigs aside school because she wants to buy all the expensive shit
VH is most likely also just an opportunity to release her pent up violent tendencies and let loose because she's super strong and a predator
He reminds me of the cold emptiness of space.
Yeah if you reach the boss before the on floor effect drains all your health its fine. One of the final "punishments" the Trio can give you is 3 corruption, which means theres a good chance you get it. If you get it at that point its typically fine, just rush to the boss. If you get to the boss without enough health you'll just instantly die a second into the fight.
Nest is only truly difficult at 11/11, which amps up the difficulty to an absurd level.
>her mom and dad also have tomato avatars
>she considers Qingyi to be part of her family
Bricked has started to lose all meaning but you've brought it back.
wtf ellen goes for young boys?
Trigger corruption for Zhu faster I guess
Because in ZY team you only play ZY after a stun which means after a chain attack which means after nicole's chain attack and so she doesn't need to use her skill.
It will depend on the rest of the team and what the enemy resistances are. Neko also has a fairly prescriptive play style due to her kit, with M1+signature you absolutely have to hit enemies from behind or you're missing about 1/3 of your damage.
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I think we won't know until we get her Agent story or another expansion on the trust events, where we find out when they met.
w engine already gives enough
anomaly proficiency is good because she triggers corruption easily which lets you do easy disorders and does a fair amount of damage too
No. Just gotta kill the boss.
metaslaves are the most boring motherfuckers on this planet
I just held hands with Zhu...
It's false btw
the EN language is fucked
Just change to JP when you want to raise Inky's trust

Just before the choice
If Inky only said one word, it's first choice
If Inky said repeated word, it's the second choice
Nekomata just vomited on my carpet and knocked over all my fucking video tapes from their shelves
>playing the game properly is...le bad! i want to mindlessly button mash like a retard!
well she does have that shotaxJK doujin body type already...
I am skipping miyubi for yanagi.
>bigger tits
>bigger sword
This mogging is brutal. She is clearly the superior female.
collecting the vomit for storage
Nta, but people would coop only with whales.
anon, I got through this conclusion by using my head, I even explained the process
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Hellfire Gears and Steam Oven are both good on both of them and Steam Oven is only a little worse, so just use those two and give Hellfire to whichever one will be on the more difficult side
Anby's signature is bizarrely terrible
I’d give Koleda’s to Lycaon and Steam Oven to Anby, but that’s just because Anby kinda sucks so you might as well go all out on Lycaon.
Forgot pic
>not even patch 2.0 yet
>agent story is ditched
lmao nice game
It felt like she accidentally liked the photo to me. Makes a bit more sense with her being flustered when they approached her with the post.
she's the 2nd banner of the patch
He's saying he wants to force his favourites to be onfield for the whole fight like a retard and never clear anything
>tfw timed out on SD4
holy fuck its over for me isnt it?
>Zhu for 3 weeks
>then Qingyi for 3 weeks
so 6 weeks
She puts her thumb there without scrolling further. Doesn't look like an accident to me, although she falls asleep right after.
While Kino, that has to be pretty annoying. Are those the only two agents that do that?
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Yeah I know, that's why I said 6 weeks
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Thanks guys
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SD4 is a big HP spike especially if you're brute forcing with wrong elements
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>another 6 weeks of not rolling
Dont know about Anton but you can just refuse Ellen leaving. You still got the +25 crit damage resonium from it.
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Zhu's slow ass banner is killing the game
that one is just weirdly hard
I got a worse time on that than SD5 and SD6
He's an A-rank from 1.2.
new bread doko?
Give her a break, it's very big so it takes time to move
have ellen zhu yuan and a whole guarentee for her.
Important for 2 Months
>DPS timer game
>Defence Specialty

How the fuck will they sell a Limited 5-star Defence Specialty unit???
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Level your skills. That's what made the difference for me, and then first timed SD5 right after.
SD6 is also a big difficulty spike because of the reviving mobs.
What the FUCK happened to Jane
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Zhu's big ass banner is saving the game actually
People need to learn to give that guy not any attention. He's not gonna stop shitting up the thread anyway. Worst case he starts frogspamming again.
You should be called them "CN" for Critical Node. Shiyu Defense will feature four different modes and there's already overlap between the two existing ones by using "SD".
Like how they did in all their other timer games: Making your guys absolutely invincible OR contributing to DPS themselves.
Die dokomutt
Yeah Anton's the same way, forcing him to stay just gives you the crit Resonia without the bonus to his character Resonia.
It's certainly an ass banner.
fuck off mindscape schizo
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They provide buffs based on taking hits or have high multipliers with guaranteed crit like Ben does.
Its not her fault, she needs a while to move all that meat.
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didn't ask
Defence has to act as an off field stun while also giving your onfielder massive interrupt resist to be good
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oh damn, denny gated
how long until we got Polish Jerry version of Jane?
They already said they're adding a survival based SD mode in the future, which would make Ben's parry + shield generation useful
Or they just make a defender whose defensive assist has 8000% daze or something
There’s apparently a new mode in the works without a timer that gives rewards based on how many units survive.
>get the "no daze lol" corruption
>have to actually engage with the boss's moveset
>realize how hard i was getting carried by the system before
>actually struggle with a fight i thought i had mastered
remove daze from the game please
ill try my best....
Nope, it's one time and doesn't rotate. Not going to be endgame content in the long run
That corruption forced me to actually fully learn Corruption Complex's moveset. The game really does feel very different without stun.
all characters have their own intricacies and theres a lot of things you can do optimal damage so its pretty fun
If Niyabi isn't ice anomaly then Yanagi is automatically better.
noone's stopping you from not running a stunner...
which W Engine should I grab from the shop?
i have Lycaon and planning to get Qingyi
I'm also already running Ellen and Zhu Yuan with signature engine
Could be like regular SD where there’s regular levels that don’t reset and then monthly harder levels that do.
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>want to build anby
>planning to roll qingyi but won't have guarantee
>if I build anby and then replace her with qingyi it'll be a complete waste
>but if I end up not getting qingyi I would have played 40 days with a worse team than if I build anby
Thanks, I hate it
But the HP bloat is still a problem then
That's turn-based. You can't SL1 no hit dark souls that
Glasses makes her shit tier.
Dodge has a cooldown and you can only parry at designated points, so they are entirely capable of making enemies that can force hits on you if they feel llike being assholes about it
now imagine sl1 no hit but instead you have a character that makes you ignore all enemy attacks and gives you a damage boost, while doing good damage themselves
you know that's not the thing, right?
run anomaly comp then, retard
Qingyi can inherit most of Anby's stuff aside level and skill investment of course

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