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Previous: >>487550382

>Download - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan - For Display Only
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qoWIAp4faEw (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/z9bE8TOW87A (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began" | Zenless Zone Zero"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X account

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online) - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull Tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>Damage Calculator

>ZZZ stickers

>/zzz/ Thread Template
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nice thread, bwi.
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>pulled Butler, Sharkboo, and Resonaboo
who should I go for now? thinking of waiting for the PubSec boo
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Not f2p but she's the only one that interests me anyway
Also holy tits
rocketboo is good
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La rata sexo
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how the FUCK do yo guys actually keep track of who has good drives and not?
i feel fucking lost
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Exact problem I'm having too, Zhu is so reliant on a stunner too for damage, I kinda threw some stuff into Anby just so she isn't a level one tissue but it just feels awful all around
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Ass cop destroy Ellen in terms of dmg, it's so over.
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My shark girlfriend is getting more ... plump.
>actually rolling for notYelan
do you fags not have working eyes? She unironically looks like she takes HRT.
M1 or no M1?
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Serious question
Why does 100 rolls earned through gameplay not count?
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i thought the police were chinese... they're american?
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Thanks, I hate it
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Because other games dont advertise their free rolls like that
time is money, free implies given immediately
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Fucking finally. That was the most sweatiest shit I've ever done in a gacha games, it's fun. Thank you to the sharkbros who suggested to swap out the teams
after maxing Zhu Yuan's trust level I don't understand how they got away with the 12+ age rating
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This will be your maid for the day.
What will you have her do?
They're chinawank characters with a cop gimmick attached to them, so they do anything that's stereotypical for cops.
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Nicole needs to STOP spending on noodles, goddaamn. The one person who'd benefit from this dogshit free noodles event.
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does lucy's piggies proc Weeping Cradle "Attacks from the equipper" ?
It's not actually free if you have to go and earn it.
Where are these coming from?
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Not enough
Is that model actually what it's like under her clothes? If so GAWD DAYUMMM
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Yeah but does she have a tail to cuddle? No? Checkmate.
hong kong* cops
doesn't matter at the start as long as the mainstats are good
later on my rule is simple: if it has def or hp it goes into the trash
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Star Rail does
Nikke does

Those are the ads I get
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Oh damn.
>go to mc D's
>flip patties for 3 months
>they give me 5000$ for free
Do you know how retarded that sounds? Why are hoyo cultists like this?
go back to the Wuwa thread Chink that's where the SEA are
kotted, knotted, frotted, & potted
>i'm going to give you 20 bucks for free
>all you have to do is mow my lawn and clean my gutters
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Been saving up for Meebs, but now I also kinda want her. Should I?
Hong Kong is Chinese soil.
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>under her clothes
retardbro doesn't understand how models work
I think
I want to have sex with zhu yuan
my dick inside her pussy
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welp at least i got a nicole ball, i fully believe the standard banner here works like genshin were you can only get either 2 weapons/characters in a row before it flips or something.
Please stop bullying Nekomata
Rabi was a mistake
which stun W Engine should I grab from the shop?
i have Lycaon and planning to get Qingyi
I'm also already running Ellen and Zhu Yuan with signature engine so no need for hellfire
Yanagi SUCKS tho
it's only a problem for gacha addicts who don't actually care about playing the game. in the head of these people playing a game is a job that they do in order to satisfy their need for gambling
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Just pay attention to slot 4-5-6
Attackers want damage main stat like crit, atk and ele dmg.
Support wants en regen and proficiency, or whatever supports their kit
Things like that.
Slot 1-2-3 has fixed main stat, just max them and forget for now.
Just craft steam oven and save the shop currency for more rolls
>"Always Level up your DPS first"
>"My DPS is the Cat"

Should i invest in the Cat to Lvl 50 or better in Anby and Nicole?
but you don't get those $5000 for free because you still have to pay your government for taxes like paying a gacha company for your rolls, checkmate
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>Nyaa, the shining golden cat
is it really that good, or just cope?
not only are they not truly free if you need to earn them, they're not even earned in a single instance
following the same logic, every single gacha could sum up all the rolls you can earn as f2p and claim it's a free gift, it's clearly deceptive
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>bland look
>bland gameplay
>bland personality
Can't think of an A rank that wouldn't make a better S pick out of all the launch chars. She feels like some alpha proto Anby that got included by mistake.
>Sneakers>High heels
Prove me wrong. You can't
Hmm, could this one be good on anyone
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retarded comparison because in one you're miserable in a kitchen being berated by your superiors
it's a job and a shit one at that
the other is a game you downloaded at no cost from the internet that provides you with entertainment
you're not WORKING for those rolls, you're gaining them along the story
>inb4 game sux
Nikke said they'd give out 70 rolls for 1st anniv and they did just that. You just had to log in and grab them, no strings attached
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The fuck? Playing a game isn't work what's wrong with you? If it feels like work you shouldn't play it
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In the entire history of gachas, when was it a good idea to roll on the first banners? Do you pee brains have zero self awareness or impulse control?
True! It's like granny panties >>>>> lingerie, it's just more charming.
so just ignore sub stats for now?
nicole would never spend for herself
>SK vs Chinks

found the issue
I'm not playing this kusoge for long anyways
the fact that MC is literally too fragile for this to happen makes these fanarts really funny
>feel gross dating/hanging out with Ellen
>feel awesome, powerful and loving, dating/hanging out with Corin
anyone else like this?
>calls people gacha addicts while defending a gacha game's deceptive advertising
It is a free gift I get by playing though
Reminds me of Ninja Storm/DBFighterZ assists, holy fucking sovl, I hope this becomes an official mechanic soon. why isn't this how assists work anyway
If you're not rolling the characters you aren't playing the game. You have a job.
A follow up unit?
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The tail that makes people risk their lifes too touch it.
Why is it Indonesians now? Did something happen
m2 lucy I guess
does anyone have the attack animation leaks of the nun character
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>the chink-themed cops are righteous defenders of justice who only care about helping the innocent
>the american-themed cop is a blowhard pussy who only cares about media attention (also he's evil and corrupt)
they really weren't subtle with the commentary here
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Nobody paid attention, how can Corin promote her services better?
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do I?
If you're a metafag, you need to pull something to clear the endgame content.
If you're not a metafag, then what does it matter?
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Why does Qingyi have a big head?
Reminder that people who are infatuated with feet come from countries where their women are partially or completely covered (imagine a garbage bag with a slit where only the eyes can be seen) and this is why something as simple as an ankle or feet sole is considered sensual, sexy and provocative for them. Basically, their brains are rewired in a completely retarded way, and it should be treated as a mental illness.
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stockpile bros?
>not rolling
>in a gacha game

That's the point. We have real games like Elden Rings for gameplay.
That character isn't coming out same with the "idols"
I too am having this exact issue. Trying to remedy it somewhat by building the Koleda I also rolled with Zhu but that's still eating into stun mats. At least I can throw Koleda on my fire team afterwards
Its probably not a issue if Ellen concentrates on it, she just doesn't like people touching her tail.
the people crying about going broke did
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according to an anon in the knot, bringer was a chad back in the day, im not paraphrasing it
She should lift her skirt when asking
don't badmouth my cute sarge niggah
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When are they going to release the whole OST somewhere? Some of them are really catchy and I want to listen MORE
Very high spec CPU
>by playing
You already lost your own argument lol. It only counts if you get them simply by existing.
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Would such innocent bangboos ever lead you astray?
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when are we getting boys?
yeah don't sweat it for now, as anon said just pay attention to the main stats in the 4-5-6 slots depending on the character
buying this without thinking bricked my account bwo
be careful
>tfw no dennies
She got the experimental leg shortening surgery
it's deceptive only for gacha addicts.
in any game outside of the gacha sphere everyone considers quest rewards as free items, because the game is not a job
W-engine storage.
I agree Koult
Shop is overpriced
C & B is allright, A is too expensive
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Corin works so hard, how can we give her maid services?
shut the fuck metafag thirdie.
Also BA had some good first banners
Reminder to treasure your sibling!
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>>the american-themed cop is a blowhard pussy who only cares about media attention (also he's evil and corrupt)

They definitely don't paint him as evil, he doesn't do anything outright bad and he's always respectful towards Zhu Yuan and his fellow cops, it's more a story of a cop who lost his way, he was a genuine hero back in the day but got caught up in the politics of promotions and power
I'll start stocking up after I hit ik50
Well yeah, you need a functional party first. Optimization can wait, it's not going to happen overnight anyway.
yeah they say that in the story too, he used to be a hero but now he's just coasting off his former glory
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Like this?
Uh playing is free though
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The first banner girl is CUTE. And I want her. Is it that hard to understand?
Last thread there was a webm.
>any game outside of the gacha sphere
Why is this relevant for the gacha game Zenless Zone Zero?
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Yeah it sounds retarded because every single part of your train of thought is a false equivalence.
If no events take up energy whats the point of saving these up
why doesnt the camera follow you sometimes in TV exploration this is fucking abhorrent
Thats right, show us those thighs Corin. It makes the customers happy too.
>used to be a chad and now is a pathetic has-been, emasculated and sucking up to corporations
Really not subtle there.
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just bought a CD for my wife Zhu Yuan, you guys think she’ll like it?
>They definitely don't paint him as evil,
he's working with sarah who is definitely evil
I love how not even a single sentence in this post is true
>you can get an incantation for free when you kill bayle the dread and eat his heart
nobody says this shit
because my point is the presence of gacha addicts, and even in the community of this game nobody complains about the rolls being in the actual game, except them
I can't tell if these people just don't understand that time is a resource that you spend just like money, or they're just mihoyo shills who ignore all logic.
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the expectations is that those rolls shouldn't count as "FREE ROLLS" per say. It's just a disingenuous to say FREE ROLLS when you are a brand new gacha however those rolls are basically for anyone that gets the game. I guess. I think most casual people would look at that and think "oh yeah free rolls because they are exclusive to people who start the gacha AT LAUNCH". I don't know.
Ellen isn't a gimmicky one trick pony like Venti, she's just a generic attacker. To completely invalidate Ellen to the extend Venti was, you need to invalidate other attackers too.
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Non debatable
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I-I’ll try my best!
>false equivalence
Kill yourself redditor
bin it
>To completely invalidate Ellen to the extend Venti was, you need to invalidate other attackers too.
Anomaly teams are getting us there
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Zhu is the kind of girl who'll tell you she listens to metal and then turn on Nickelback - Rockstar in the car
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what's his endgame?
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Good morning to everyone but especially my corinbwos
>because my point is the presence of gacha players in a gacha game
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yeah (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄).. the s-shining gowden sign
wet youw i-inner s-spawk ignite
find youw tweasure.., g-gwowing bwight
weaching fow itandtake a fwight

wuckyow not, at weast you twied
chinupO.o in youwsewf... confide
no doubt fate's o-on youw side
ur chosen (*^.^*).., so enjoy the wide

there a-are things you can't contwow
fowtune's fickle.. that's t-this wowwd
embwace the wesuwt, stop keeping scowe
that's the essence
wife's twue g-goaw

not just t-twiaws and b-battles tough
go t-taking joy in simple stuff
even w-when it's getting w-wough
take it easy, having fun is j-just enough
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Do we know if Qingyi will be the first rate up for 1.2?
Time is money, if you spend time on anything it's not "free" their advertising should have been "earn 100 rolls" not "100 free rolls"
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>Calling out a fallacy by what it is is now le reddit
You braindead mongols are the lowest of the low.
you're being disingenuous. that would be another meaning of "free" because ER doesn't have a shop that creates the economical difference between "free" and "paid"
it depends
how many tapes/polies do you have right now
do you plan on rolling for anybody else
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Fatass cutieshark...
very much loving how much chubby art this game is getting, thank god the designs can capture american's hearts and their artists
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So are people just having a massive skill issue with zhu yuan or something?
How do you even take over two minutes with her?
Let's see.
>Carleen, Uriel
High investment, but very potent.
These days they give her out for free, but she's really goddamn good all the same.
That's just off the top of my head.
Serious questions:
Does Ellen have two sets of assholes and two sets of vulvas?
If she does, where does she usually shit from?
Does her human pussy wets if I stimulate her shark vulva?
Will our son be a human or a shark depending on which pussy I impregnate?
Where does the baby/sharky resides during pregnancy?
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engineered for nonstop SEX!!!
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AKCHTUALLY this is the definition of "free", nowhere it mentions effort, time or anything like that.
So Mihoyo is right, they ARE free.
You lost.
I actually agree with you guys btw kek but if we wanted to be fiscal then Mihoyo is right, technically. but not morally. In fact, have you guys tried to contact support about it? I wonder what kind of macro copy paste they use for you, I wouldn't be surprised if they unironically do one similar to mine kek
There's a whole quest in Ballet Twins Road with crying mother, crying child, a broken boos, and an alarm clock. The game forced me to rest after that, and they were all gone the next morning. What the fuck was that? Kinda creepy guys
Umm one of your bros is being sexually assaulted exploited…
>no argument
>can only offer insults
Every time. Concession accepted I guess.
based post more rabis
no, not everyone is a gacha addict who's only in for the gacha and doesn't actually care about playing the game
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I really like this rat.
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I get your point that they're not actually 100 free rolls you get just for logging in but I don't care because I'm not a gacha addict lol the game is fun
You roll for meta characters
I roll for cute wives

We are not the same
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I'm sorry but I'm right my man
She was revealed first so, yeah probably.
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Corin is so cute, she shouldn't be molested only cherished.
>without cost OR payment
Cost doesn't specify that it means monetary costs
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I don't recall that scene
>pull for zhu thinking i can clear SD
>time out sd1
Would be more fun if you had more rolls and characters
don't care. didn't ask. Ellen and Zhu are cute and it's worth it. Phone games are to have fun not overcomplicate things.
Those are maid services she trained hard for, don't be so rude.
even if you don’t rest right after they immediately disappear
probably ghosts
Bro she has a shark tail, that’s it
because not having those would mean you just don't get any real reward from completing content. it is not a gift it's just normal practice
I accept your concession.
>sub 1 minute on Friday
So do you just stun him than completely nuke him or something?
I do not trust these bangboos
Their smug aura mocks me

I know their bickering is just an act, a smokescreen to obfuscate their trickery
Just some lingering souls from nearby hollow, no big deal
now that i think about it this must be the reason nobody made a huge stink about it, yeah we have some people like in this very thread calling the other side shills who are defending it with the same logic the devs used, but it really doesn't matter in the long run when the average idiot will just think getting them without spending money is what was advertised

what does their disclaimer even look like?
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>he fell for it
now you're locked into rolling qingyi to unbrick her
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If your time is money why you wasting it playing gacha instead of being productive? If you don't like the game why are you playing it?
>time is money
who the fuck thinks like that? roflmao lmfaooooo
so its funny you asked! But we found out Ellen is actually trans!
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I won't make it... i barely just got cake cop...
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Happy Corin is best Corin
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Yeah I'm thinking sexo
NTA but I think it’s implied. Zhu mentions the Sacrifice is being sent to HAND and Bringer gets all flustered about it, meaning he wanted it to stay in PubSec custody for some reason.
Could be he wanted to pose with it on TV for easy political points, could be he wanted to hand it over to Sarah.
Yeah no one is talking about how slow she is to kill things, I got my first A in vr while using her.
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Hello Corinbwo, its nowhere near morning for me, but have a good one.
>Time is money
and yet you waste all your wealth on 4chan
I'm just saying that it was false advertising and we should be compensated with gibs, why don't you want more pulls?
Thanks for kneel to one who stands at the precipice like myself. Wear that R on your head retard
Not that anon, but this is the company that gives out 108 primo in their biggest game's first anniversary, I don't expect any generousity from them and their biggest market probably don't either.
Uh oh. Doom bros? Our narrative?
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>there ARE 100+ free rolls and they don't cost any money
>but they cost time and minimal effort
>but it doesn't matter because you're playing a game
>you were already willing to spend time by playing a game
i hit hard pity and dumped too many multi rolls into weapon banner afterwards in rage so i dont think ill ever get qingyi unless i wanna swipe lkmao!!!
i quit
maybe that mindset is the reason you are unable to enjoy anything in life?
if even your activity to relax is counted as money spent you are not relaxing

most F2P aren't addicted to gambling. their entire experience is budgeting and decision making about what to use their resources on thanks to guarantees giving everything an ultimately fixed price
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>briefly yet clearly stated why your argument is flawed
>waaah no argument! you're just insulting! :(((( c-concession!
Right, I didn't know people on 4chan were so thin-skinned nowadays. Work on fixing that, maybe.
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it's not a sword, it's a NAGINATA, the true ladylike weapon.
>Have 0 hags
>Have every loli
I want Zhu Yuan but I need 47 more pulls should I just get Qingyi and bench Anby?
Everyone that isn't a disingenuous mihoyo intern.
why is there a weird liquid running down her legs
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Any tips on building this character? Just got her and I’m new to ZZZ
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>how many tapes/polies
Enough for at least 130+ pulls atm
>do you plan on rolling for anybody else
Probably no. My current plan is, to try to dip my toes on rrat's banner, if I lost the coinflip then I'm going to go all in on Meebs' banner.
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>Pull for newest DPS in a Gacha Game under 1 Year old
>need Ressources to build it
>need Ressources to build the weapon
>need Ressources to build Support & Healers

And then there is this Asshole wo doesnt need a Weapon or Healers.
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>Could be he wanted to pose with it on TV for easy political points, could be he wanted to hand it over to Sarah.
I'm betting on the latter, everything has been connected so far
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>false advertising
>the ad literally includes "Terms and conditions may apply"
you fucking retards. What are you even expecting from a Mihomo game?
Star Rail got a slightly better anniversary, please don't take Genshin in consideration as its the bullied child
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Do Ellenbros and Corinbros get along?
4.5 rolls for SD critical node full clear lmao
You don't need free rolls. Pay up or don't play this game.
I built her 4pc physical with anomaly mastery / attack / crit damage main stats.
Yeh so Mihoyo games aren't ever f2p. Come play a real f2p friendly comes Wuthering Waves!
are you sure you extracted all polys from all content, including story missions hard mode, arcade, etc?
when perlman blackmails sarah and she calls her mystery partner, i might be wrong but i'm fairly certain it was bringer's voice on the other end. same voice talking to kohrs about the sacrifice in chapter 3
even if i am wrong it's heavily implied he's the mole since like the other anon said he freaks out when zhu gives the sacrifice to HAND, i doubt the mole is going to be a literalwho npc so it's either him or jane
Saying FREE 100 rolls is just good marketing. It's too good to pass up. Gachafiends jump on that shit. There are people who dont play granblue but come back every NY, anniversary and summer just to roll for free.
It sucks that they dont give it to you up front+it's given in 3 different currencies but lies like that get more players plain and simple.
here's a guide
Almost all of the small quest there are kinda creepy and depressing, they should do it more desu
How come new eridu lets his police officers carry their weapons when they're not on duty?
>tranime image macro
shan't be replying
I love all the maids equally
based, i can ignore that cancer shit and play hollow zero instead
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if he was working with sarah he wouldn't have arrived to stop vision corp from gunning down those civvies
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Why are objectivist playing gacha games? You don't deserve those rolls if you didn't earn them through the hard laborious work of playing a fun game
To this day, I'm still waiting for that free 100 pulls
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Aw sweet
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uh bro don't forget the 5 boopons you can buy with the SD currency!
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Concession accepted
He is the protagonist of genshin and that's a bad thing
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man if i werent literally empty on all mats and dennies i could probably make a pretty ok 3rd team already
But it's so easy to molest and groom her, I bet when I said to come to the video store wearing nothing but your underwear, she would do it the next day
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I'm shocked you guys are surprised at the free rolls thing, Mihoyo's entire thing is pushing the envelope on maximizing how little they can give players, and placating people by turning shit they'd already get into "gifts" is their bread and butter. Never forget the free "20 roll" for HSR's anniversary where they suspiciously carved out the free 10 roll we get every patch so we only effectively got a 10 roll.
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If you're not going further than the 50/50 then I guess you can sleep undisturbed.
Where is this from?
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Boo hoo.
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It's another one of those 3 hour commissions, isn't it.
Looks like Koleda passed the pixel test
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is this similar to crowns in genshin?
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>rookie protagonist with a big sci-fi gun and her robotic sidekick have to stop a selfish former hero and his corporate master
I remember this from somewhere…
It's actually pretty clear
No, this one is pretty short
but you can brick yourself with the bad ending
it's a 1 hour commission you play 3 times
>Never forget the free "20 roll" for HSR's anniversary where they suspiciously carved out the free 10 roll we get every patch so we only effectively got a 10 roll.
Did that really happen? Proof?
there's not enough boopons
t. top 10% total boopons spent
t. bottom 20% luck
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Personally, while i think the 100 rolls thing was slimy, i never expected anything, i was more surprised they gave us a free 5* in the standard so early when compared to their other games, then again I've seen what true desperation looks like when devs want you to stick around with shit like rerolling your first 5* or outright giving you a selector after an arbitrary point in the game, in that sense these fucking chinks are lucky their namesake carries retention alone
Yep. Also similar to genshin in that it's not worth it to max skills on anyone but your absolute favorite.
probably her bond events.
Nah, it's actually pretty short. You'll get to do it at least twice if you want achievements, tho.
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Agents keep calling me about movies, say they're gonna come pick them up and never do
I also think people are too conservative on the shot shells. Or don't really know how to get more of them fast (use her fucking guard assist.)
But either way I kinda just use up alot of them even before.hes stunned because I'll have full mag for that anyway as once Friday is stunned I just shot three shot shells swap to Nicole again use her fully charged ex skill than swap back to zhu use her ult than ex skill than unload the rest and he's either basically dead or dead.
Also I didn't skimp out on building Nicole with dmg as well because there's litterally jo reason not too
me on the left
I mean, you can just ask in the thread. It was the one patch they didn't do the free 10 roll.
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Is this Danzig [True]?
Nah, buying the disc selector is way more important for SD.
No one is surprised, we're just trying to stop the mihoyo interns ITT from rewriting history and making everyone else think the "free 100 rolls" wasn't a scam.
me on the left
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They come the next day.
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I love and cherish all maids and maidbwos. That includes Lycaonsis.
Nicole showed up in front of the store for me.
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who the fuck is Lyla
This is just proof that they're gimping people who spend money, happened to me, too.
skip a day
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>tfw I have to play the game to get game characters
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I really want to C6 Lucy and Piper, but I'm worried the banner with them in it will cuck me

why hoyo game has to be such a cunt
Retards going for the stun meme. I've seen people unironically keep their stunner on screen for 90% of the time when they've could've killed the boss minutes ago by just damaging it

They see a boost to a character's damage while stunned and think "I HAVE TO STUN I HAVE TO STUN I HAVE TO STUN" when it's nothing more than a nice bonus.
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thanks to the event I can hear this banger again
my wife
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This is bangboo pulls though so, there's no going around it with money.
not that it matters since all my other gachas are bottom 30% too
Yep, it's true
So it's literally just "20" rolls while cutting of the usual free 10 pulls each patch

If they're serious, it should be 20 from anniversary + 10 from patch cycle
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All the patches had a 10 roll so far.
I need that box she sits on out front of the store. Just like I need whatever part of Billy she punched. For my 'things Nicole touched' collection.
My paypiggy friend always got the worst luck in all hoyoslop. Meanwhile I got kazuha, raiden, ayaka, jingliu etc at 50/50 as a very low spender. Hell, I rolled both ellen and zhu during off rate.
banging my boo right now
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>his stunner doesn't give 60% extra multipler along with shock anomaly to prepare for the dps burst
Do you think Wise or Belle will die/disappear later in the story?
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>kidnapped to join cop orgy
Bros go on without me...
also Seth is already in the game lmao
not that particular patch anon
>that Grace
how 2 see
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Ellen's butt...
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Zhu got me full Shiyu so must be a skull issue
Those of you who rolled both Ellen and Zhu, what's your next plan?
Not that one.
One day… another day
nice cock
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Yes the leaks already showed this. Anby is the icon of the game for a reason. She's autistic, just like the ZZZ playerbase too.
When using characters like Ellen, you can weave in a stunner combo during her long ass charging or skill animation. People need to forget this isn't genshin
Why is Grace so trash? Piper can use her ability once and apply anomaly from 0 to 100 but with Grace, you have to use your ability 5, 6 times at least to apply shock.
can you do only the part where she dances?
get another job so I can fund my next banner pulls
What is worse Zhu Yuan without her cop buddies or Qingyi without the other cops?
Grace please get back to work and stop posting on zchan.
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is it a bad idea to persuade a police officer into working without pay?
nice dick bro
other team doko?
I hope this bitch Fairy will hijack some android or something and be playable.
I learned some japanese words I am becoming japanese
what level
The latter. Zhu can still do damage without them.
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>be me doing hollow zero with my new big bottomed wife
>go downstairs to make a pot of coffee for me and my parents
>come back 10-15 minutes later
>"master, thanks for allowing me to be lazy"
>open /zzz/ to type this
>fairy starts rambling something about music
>while looking for an image she mentions something about running on double power because she now is in idle mode
Lel, it is these little things that make me love games.
fr that's a nice looking piece of meat. bigger than mine
Robot and then save for idols
I don't really know how they will balance this game
The skill gap between casual on a shitty phone and hardcore neet on gaming pc is tremendous
And they don't even teach players about anomaly/disorder meanwhile genshin has dungeon dedicated to teaching each element and all its reaction
Notice which month is missing?
that's right, it's only this event that are running
>I hope this bitch Fairy will hijack some gynoid or something and be fuckable.
>Just started chapter 3 after putting it off
>Get introduced to Victoria Housekeeping (even though I already have three of them)
Other than Ellen, Victoria Housekeeping is actually cool. Lycaon is genuinely a dapper gentleman, Rina is just as sexy as her appearance leads, and Corin is precious. Now I really want to disregard Zhu Yuan and roll the normal gacha to get Lycaon.
bro lookin’ zesty
how to uncope Anby? i built her for Zhu Yuan team but her daze is absolute ass on shiyu bosses so far
also not helped by she has no buffs either so the burst phase is weaker than if Lycaon was on the team, who is already needed on the other side for Ellen
>act like youre a super secret haxx0r god
>hire a literal fucking cop to attend the shop 2 meters away from your PC where you do all your illegal shit

Wise and Belle aren't very smart...
how the FUCK do u already have her maxed
Nicole, Neko is incredibly high investment as she wants to level all her talents except the switch
It's probably going to end up like genshin where after you get some decent gear and 2 limited dps everything will be piss easy

Haven't got Zhu, lost my 50/50 to Rina (RIP), I'll save up for Miyabi next
>Didn't roll for Ellen
>Rolled for Zhu but lost coinflip to S11 dupe
>Going to stop rolling and save my guarantee for Qingyi
Give it to me straight, how bricked am I going to be?
but you won though?
Qingyi gives a massive stun dmg multiplier, she'll be good as a neutral stunner for everyone.
How important are team synergies really?
For example, I can go Grace Soukaku Piper and lose like 20% DPS because of no synergies but I'm applying disorder all the time for massive damage
I will try it and report back on how it went
Playable siblings when?
I'm not too deep into critical node yet but I thought she's fine. Just keep perfect dodging
At this point literally everyone knows you're a proxy
Eous and his bros are running around your store. People can put two and two together lmao
what's the point of this mechanic anyway? maybe I'd care if they were actually physically in the shop or they had unique bonuses
They're still cutting off the patchly free 10 rolls you mongoloid
Hoyo dicksuckers are retarded I swear
>He doesn't know about the free chips
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mihoyo games are easy, even Corin will be enough to clear any content in the game
no shiyu defense doesn't count
she makes fun of me every time I take a break in hollow zero
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Have sex.
They'll probably add more. For now they just give their own skill up mats.
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didn't rolled for ellen
not rolleding for zhu yuan
won't rolled for qingyi
Bwo your skill mats
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>my Soukaku builds up daze better than Anby
>20 rolls from login event instead of the usual 10
>10 more rolls in mail during the actual anniversary date
>noooo they literally stole those 10 rolls from me herp derp durp
Kill yourself retard.
>they had unique bonuses
>he doesnt know
Keep sucking dawei's dick fucking retard
Build energy regen over impact.
Use her skill after her 3rd basic atk only.
Anybody rerolling for zhu yuan
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thank you bwo
post roster
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does my sister count?
I accept your concession.
The video store event doesn't require max trust, it just happens whenever.
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Is Random Play a chain or a stand alone thing? Because it's pretty dumb to slap on the store's name on your bangboos like that, Belle
I won't posted my roster
decide if u wanna be a f2p chad or a p2w loser
Anon, come on. You're licking boot for no fucking reason, it's slimy as fuck to say "x rolls for anni!", then make 10 of them come from the patchly shit you'd get anyhow.
cash and mats.
i'm close to bankrupcy so i'll take it.
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*shield bashes your face in*
*kicks you in the balls*
*steps on your face and spits on you*
based ratroller
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>he missed out on days worth of free chips from S rank promoters
>a furry just swiped so he can get his ben to F6 and his sig to 5
Now that's a lie, her daze is just very backloaded
I accept your concussion, retard
Her daze is hidden behind her BA combo into Special.
No. I'm bricked hard for Rina instead now
ruh roh, don’t let the soukaku hating sperg see this, he’ll have a melty
>the most important content for getting polychromes doesnt count
Is there a website that has qingyis full kit avaliable in none Google translate?
Preferably will modifiers too?
How high investment do stunners require? How is their daze application calculated
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And I'll love every second of it when she does all of that.
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>More puzzleslop
Anby needs quicker access to electric she should be able to dash into instead needing to dodge
energy regen discs
AA + AA + AA + EX + AA
use parry and dodge counter whenever possible
So her weapon is a Charge Blade? That's pretty cool
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what the fuck, man
Every single current Gacha does this bro
>Eous is You
>Kot is Defeat
I chuckled.
By the way never use anby's ult, it does very little daze compared to her buffed ex at kino2
It's a bit scuffed but here: https://zzz.hakush.in/character/1251
Whoever made this doesnt play the game, soldier 11 is very desirable as the fire attacker
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Zhu/Koleda/Nicole and Ellen/Anby/Soukaku
I guess this is brag worth so you can freeze frame all my cope equipment if you like
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is buying tapes from here a bad move?
I think its just a sword and board
doesnt seem to morph from the stuff in her concept art and the silhouette we saw
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it’s just a sword and shield from what we’ve seen
Seth has the charge blade
this bangboo event kinda sucked
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Aren't you supposed to use her ultimate after her basic 3 as well
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Why are feet a popular fetish?
>720 (4.5 pulls) per month
>most important content
Should i try and build Nicole for more damage or does it make little difference, i already have her on 4 piece swing jazz and 2p ether damage bonus
Why in tf would you even use a stunners ult outside of unique animation?
Only buy them for emergency
Just keep saving those currencies
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this little nigga is so much better than the 4* it's unreal
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I'm too popular, just like real life...
metaniggers need to finally understand that losing the 50/50 is not a pleasant thing.
I'm rolling for the girl, I want *the* girl, not *a* girl.
>two best comps in the game
>thinks clearing shiyu is brag worthy
anyway good job! nice disk drives bwo!
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Fun fact: Every lingering charged Ex and Ult bubble that Nicole drops generates between 450-700 decibels on a single target due to the hitbox repeatedly hitting the enemy. Even more if you cluster multiple mobs/bosses in it.

As if she needed another reason to be best girl.
But it looks so cool.
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after getting C6 ben'd on this banner even he's turned out to be a better stunner than anby
improper wiring in the brain
that’s unironically it
And its still not Ellen what a stupid thing to say.
The passive description only mentioned basic and special, not ult
There's not alot of sources of impact, leveling is one of 'em
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Would you let her represent you in court?
They literally said that will be the case in the stream you retard.
Give it to me straight - do I save my Residuals to buy a 600 cost W-Engine, or do I just buy Encrypted tapes and spam the banner?
Nta, but how does your daily rotation looks like if I have her C1? Usually I don't have that much time to do 4xBA on bossess
This is more than a bit scuffed. I wanted to see what numbers go up on her core passive when you lvl it up.
Just slap AP on 4
dont bother with disk drives on supports unless u literally got nothing better to do
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you fags are playing her wrong
Plugboo is the fucking coolest
>Zips through the enemy like a madman
I was using Nicole as my dps while waiting for Zhu Yuan and she's honestly not that terrible. Got me into the critical nodes at least.
I wouldn't waste too many resources on her if your dps aren't maxed out though.
Yeah about that, I heard private servers don't have core skills yet so
At least gear her with the 4pc support set that buff your team DMG
If getting your doll is that important then pay up or save for full pity guarantee. Not "metaniggers" fault you're poor or can't do basic math
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You'd think it would deal more daze than their normal attacks
I’m planning to just buy tapes but do what >>487570226 says and don’t exchange until you actually need to
i just spammed the banner
w-engines are a meme for non whales just go starlight engine (which u can buy)
i mean ofc. I meant more dont bother with optimizin beyond that
How do fire bros cope when everything in the game resist fire...
I NEED to feed Nicole.
Imo limited rolls > weapon spooks and 4* dupes, you'll probably get a bunch of these anyway.
It's real (true)
Anby's daze true potential locked behind her normal strings, Soukaku's EX is instant and has a built in hyper armor, I could proc more daze (+freeze) in the same timeframe.
But my Soukaku is C6 though teehee
In the court of my bedroom of Nicole Vs my libido? Yes. Though we may settle out of court.
Huh? Then is it a common deffict or is it something that can be passed down? Since it feels like it has gotten more popular over the years
I like the angle and footjobs can be erotic but I don't actually find feet themselves erotic
Honestly after looking at her multipliers I thought they were pretty good.
So when farming for zhu I also kept alot of disks for Nicole.
And it turns out yeah having her do some dmg while she's spreading defense definitely matters.
I don't regret it.
It's not a top priority but you should do so with any support you plan on using in the long term
Huh...? Is there a box to put on the switch or something? The switch keeps turning off after I press it.
it's the only thing you should be buying, besides maybe new characters you want badly
How do you unlock the dates with the characters?
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>the little flamethrower robot elite starts charging up to load an electric elemental shield on himself
>hit him with an Ex
>he gets stunlocked and the shield doesn't go off
Get fucked dumb robyot
Fire shilling will come with Burnice's banner
Trust the plan
Should I tell Carol the truth about her dead brother?
I want to but the game is phrasing it like I'm a monster for doing it
I already maxxed out my Ellen and my Zhu yuan, they're both level 50 with the important skills all leveled up to 9 and their passives are at D. Their drive discs are also pretty much done unless i want to farm for better ones because the substats fucking suck, now i'm feeling a bit lost again, should i start doing routine cleanups? or should i just get all my supports to level 50
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Have you ever bristled at someone 1% more autistic than you?
Everyone on 6th street pretends Wise and Belle aren't proxies in the same way they all pretend Wise and Belle aren't fucking. They know. They all know.
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>create a cowgirl NPC
>call her Moona
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I don’t know about it getting more common, I think it’s just become more accepted so you see it more
how are you bricked when you pulled one , if not, the strongest S unit in the game, even when nerfed? unless you want a favorite then reroll for that one
Just got spooked by Soldier 11, feeling pretty bricked up rn
You should slap whatever impact disks you have on to your stunner, Lucy and Soukaku stacking attack with the attack buff set makes a real difference too.
what bangboo do I get for Anomaly teams?
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bros....I am getting filtered by Shiyu 9.
should I sacrifice my 10 batteries to reach lvl 40 so I can 50s Agents?
god I love cocks
Interesting, if i have discs that i want to level up but can't, should i go farm the basic material node for some drive disc fuel or should i only get fuel through dismantling pieces
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feet are usually covered and humans tend to find things more erotic when we don't see them often
they also tie into BDSM since kissing/licking feet is considered an inherently submissive act
She has a hunch anyway.
Do you use down the flag (the spinning move) before quick assist or do you just press quick assist asap?
Farming is AIDS
level your bangbros, bro
Same bro, also got spooked by soldier 11 here. Feels even worse considering my only 2 s ranks are soldier 11 and nekomata.
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I no longer know what to farm.. do I get my supports to 50? do I prefarm my DPS for their 60s? do I farm disk so I can better tackle SD or do I farm disk exp to better prepare for knot45 disk farm? AAAAAIIIIIIEEEEEEEE
gear your stunners first (assuming you are using furry and anby). I really wouldnt bother with substats nor disk drives (beyond sets) for supports yet.

Enjoy the freedom bwo! just stockpile! stuff. Like make a custom card with one of each agent/wengine promo and just hoard for the next time u need stuff.
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No, I meant my dick is bricked hard whenever I see her on the agent screen
Lucy and Soukaku can solo shiyu defence with the hormone punk what do you mean they do nothing
Reminder that people who are infatuated with feet come from countries where their women are partially or completely covered (imagine a garbage bag with a slit where only the eyes can be seen) and this is why something as simple as an ankle or feet sole is considered sensual, sexy and provocative for them. Basically, their brains are rewired in a completely retarded way, and it should be treated as a mental illness.
I think because it used to be seeing as a dirty body part. Now that we live more in door, people have been conscious of taking care if their feet, and slowly the stygma has been forgotten and embraced as a delicate body part
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Need more buttcrack art...
>leveling 3
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Holy shit Zhu is literally me. I often imagine how useful certain locations would be during a zombie outbreak and how I would fortify them
iirc there’s an unstated damage scaling based off of level, so underleveled characters do even less damage than they should
for example a level 40 with 2000 attack would do less damage than a level 50 with 2000 attack against the same enemy
so that’s probably the roadblock you’re hitting
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because it's not even a fetish. If you're a straight man, you'll naturally find them attractive.
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>skipped Ellen
>decided to rip my pulls to perhaps get ZY
>get knotted instead
Awesome, fuck this gay shit. Won't pull this crap again until Miyabi comes onto the banner.
What Bangboos do the best when they're in the wrong teams? I've got rocketboo for my S11 team, but I'm wondering if I shoudl get Amillion for my nekomata/anby/nicole team, or go for another one. Considering Nekomata is probably going to be the first dps I'll aim to replace.
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I love legs but sole is disgusting
that's the weird thing, both are lvl 40
wow nice mechanic.
based Rina connoisseur
it says in the character profiles, once you own them you need to reach a certain point in the story and for S-ranks do their agent quests
>got one of the best stunner for your second team
shut the fuck up
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Soft soles and cute toes can go a long way tho
Second shittiest HoloID, only beaten by Iofi.
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This is not true man, foot fetishism is so big because the feet and the genitals occupy adjacent areas of the omatosensory cortex in your brain
I don't like his design, I couldn't care less if he's in the meta. I have Koleda and Anby for that role.
You can't quick assist without the spinning move, no? But yes, if I got enough time, do the spinning move to consume the vortex, wait a little bit for her followup attack and then quick assist to my DPS mid animation
pseudoscientific theory with no actual evidence
metafags get the rope
How does Rina float
You don't need to 50 agents for it, I managed to do it with Nicole, Anby and Anton the other team was Neko Lucy and Ben
Honestly I'm not really sure of the optimal way to lvl up disks either.
I can appreciate a cute foot but (as usual) some fetishists go way to far
the kinds of art where a girl’s feet are really wrinkly and/or dirty makes me want to throw up
What bangboo should I roll for for buttcop?
electric universe theory
Feet are better covered in pantyhose anyway
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bretty close shiyu14...
How do whales cope with the fact that I, a F2P player have almost S ranked all of SD without spending a single battery or poly?

Imagine spending hundreds of dollars just so you can clear the same content, for the same reward one week earlier only to be stuck with absolutely nothing to do.
someone said foot?
why do I feel zero motivation to play bros...
On my cock
if you already have disc sets on your characters farm leveling and skill mats
Not the blizzard, but the beyblade spin thing you can do after that
fuck I want to keep playing but you got me in the mood now...
shes a ghost anon? did u forget your media literacy?
Resonaboo is the best bangboo even generally speaking
Rolling for Qingyi
with no survivors
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>tummy here
>tummy there
>tummies eberywhere
Okay, now I will play your game
I lied. I'm on the end of Ch1 already. I hope to see her more on the construction worker's arc next
she is not a ghost though?
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>Pour a bunch of materials into Anby
>Roll him later that day
gonna kill myself bwos...
safe horny.
people used to ridicule footfags much more, but they're prevalent mostly because they jack off to something as common as naked feet, a symbol of way too many things.
it's just the fetish that you can get away with. Note that tits or ass aren't a fetish.
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>you steal her hand holding virginity after watching a romance film
their attack buffs are based on their attack, giving them attack discs will improve your clear time.
You completely ignore anomaly which both can build faster than the dps.
The Ether one, or wait for buddycop
Shitluck Qingyi then save for Caesar
post your so cleared S rank clears of SD then retard-kun
>inb4 he posts stable nodes
Yeah, but surely just slapping the boss with 2x(stun) ult's worth of dmg is far more efficient?
You also get a benefit of maximizing shorter debuffs like nicole def shred(and her dmg and ether dmg buff).
Also saves on skill material since you can just dump it all into dps.
The only argument I can see is if you somehow manage to generate 2 ults worth of decibels before the first stun. Or if ult has some other sort of gimmick
Thats not really foot fetish, once it goes into gross territory it stops becoming a normal one. Like farts and scat? Those fetish develop from trauma or the person is extremely autistic in one way or another
Also some well kept feet is leagues better than since it shows the person takes good care of themeselves
I'm the same way about armpits
I can appreciate a good pit but then you got folks drawing them like pussies and it ruins the whole thing
good thing people aren't weird about clavicles

it's a mental illness, read >>487571303 literally and unironically
>"Master, the group chat has leaked."
A nigger-free game with heavy incest undertones? In 2024? No way
Oh yea, I do that most of the time, it's free damage anyway. But could be tricky on bosses and higher floor of Kyonyu because you need to be as sweatiest as possible
Stable nodes are a part of Shiyu Defense too! Node discrimination MUST stop!
so many wasted designs in this game
where is the lewd slutwear outfits?
Eous doesn't run around the store. He spends his days in cuck recharge clams on the second floor.
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I see, thanks.
disgusting hag
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Uhhhhh anon
"Fairy, what's the shortest most painless way to die?"
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I'm killing myself on live television.
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But where I'm from we have nudist beaches and spa's with mandatory nudity and I think pretty feet are nice too.
Reject the meta furry, embrace Anby. I have rolled with the most basic f2p team - Anby, Billy and Collin and not planning on switching it anytime soon. Even with the furry now in my account, I don't want to bother with upgrading him.
Who is the bangboo who opens the door?
no one believes you are anything except a third worldie with a mental illness anon, it's okay
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this game needs a proper footslut
i don't mean grace showing them off in a cutscene or two
i mean a character who's barefoot at all times with a moveset that revolves around kicking and stomping (animations designed specifically for wipeout feet closeups)
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Don't reply to the schizophrenic retard.
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I made that post cause calling the cow "Moo-na" is silly. Vtuberkeks...
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Number 16
He's probably some repressed turdworler who cannot even imagine these things.
>he rolled on a piece with flat stats
It was doomed from the start friend.
why even prioritise a 3 slot disc?
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I'm not a mirror for you to do your hair and make up stinky boy
>he hasnt played the sovl bangboo event
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Is bangboo a rare thing for someone to have or something? If Grace is that horny for a bangboo, why don't she just buy one from the bangboostore?
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Foot fetish is normal, and Im tired of people calling us third worlders when it is so common
Based. He was my 50 standard pull and I instantly benched him, refused to pull on Ellen too. Not gonna use a BDSM yiffer even if he oneshot every enemy in the game. Have some self respect.
Can a Zhu Yuan/Nicole/Rina team work? I simply don't have a second stunner I can use
We definitely need some cute barefoot little girl, like Yunli. She can be a martial artist or use a huge weapon, I'm fine with either.
Cockposting is so great bros
>billions of flies can't be wrong about shit
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Meanwhile Eous
bro, please post more
Friday - Energized in SD10 is the best fight in the game. You are actually rewarded for learning patterns for once and is an actual threat if you mash.
holy slut
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GLUURRkkghh....GURRRGKKK....glurp.... roll... for meeEEEEGHHhhhgkk...
the stupid faggot cat is never hungry why did I even bother buying food
Something to do with the electricity.
If you look close enough you can she has tech lining the inside of her dress which is also on her hands.
common in third worldies correct
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Bros he's so cool...
too much of a workaholic I assume
Just switch to JP you EOP
They have several bangboos on their construction site, maybe she can tell Eous is well made and maintained.
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This is Grace's real father
Eous is special.
she’s horny for Eous because he’s a special Bangboo, we just don’t know his backstory yet
Zhu does very little damage outside her burst windows so u need a stunner.
Eous can synchronize with a human, that's what she wanna figure out
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She's banned from all stores as a registered bangboo offender
Also Eous has some completely unique modifications
Some anon said that in English you can distinguish by "Maybe" and "Perhaps".
monthly pass and battle pass is still considered f2p
someone is having a melty
Is Ellen better without a stunner then?
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your kind will be purged.
Next time please post the cock with a slip of paper containing your uid and a ruler pressed against the side
Can't wait for the storyline where he was an unstoppable killing machine until some lone stranger defeated him and made him a good boy.
Eous is the only bangboo in New Eridu left that doesn't already have a permanent restraining order against her
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Precisely, anon. I am glad we're on the same page. Just like >>487571705 said. I refuse to be a metaslave. At the end of the day, your fun of using characters you like matters more than using meta for the sake of steamrolling content.

>refused to pull on Ellen too
Who are you saving for?
And 2x top ups
>Suddenly hides his power level after Enzo calls him out for being Star Light Knight
F2P accounts should already be pushing the top of critical desu
I bought the welkin, the BP, the $1 wengine pack, the $5 reels pack, and the $10 reels pack
I’m still f2p
She's not better without one, outside of whale shenenigans, but she can do without one. Since none of her kit really require it.
>audibly muttered "what a fucking stupid cat"
>Inky is nowhere to be found again on 6th street
It's been 6 days bros...
it's actually above f2p level since the value is so high it's like you're stealing from mihoyo
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Cute girls with their shoes off make me coom
Focus on feet, over detailed feet, stinky feet, feet on my face and so on, I pass.
I love when an artist leaves feet as a detail to be noticed or ignored depending on what you like but I hate when shit is drawn in a way that imposes a specific fetish and there's no other way to appreciate the picture
That's actually s2p, it's literally stealing money from dawei
Based Denial Club.
He's not a Star Light Knight, he's the legendary biker from Outer Ring.
Does she prefer Koleda to Anby?
Me as one of the eels in the webm
going to use $20 on drugs, no battle pass or interknot pass, full f2p and will stay that way
Only shows up late at night
You are objectively retarded
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I might drop both starting next month since I don't really feel pressed for rolls or mats
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Can Grace Reppuken?
ended up getting my buttcop with a C5 Nicole. I should go for C6 at this point right? Whats the worst that could happen?
Precisely. If you aren't S ranking Critical Nodes (f2p or not) at this point then you are beyond bricked.
>monthly pass
You're crazy
>not pressed for mats
are you just ignoring SD?
based crack enjoyer
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God I want her
that put a thought on my brain, how's this game on weed btw? any experienced anon here?
I got Zhua in 55ish pulls and got 140 rolls left, saving for Caesar/Burnice, maybe one of the glowie girls if their moveset/personality is fun.
extremely based
FUCK paypigs
I'm going to drop 2k on hookers next week
ellen pics are the pizza
my fellow /zzz/ bwos and I are the snakes
You know you can tell Inky has spawned by having a blue quest marker on the location without any other trust events, yes? Or if you got more quest marker than agents shown to be present.
Inky shows up at all times, but only in relatively empty spots. Which is more likely at night.
If you still have the x2 bonus in the store you are still f2p, IK subscription is literally stealing from Da Wei remember to refresh batteries
Only build pity if getting a random c1 is a result you're ok with
If you're one of those fags who go "I WAS JUST BUILDING PITY" on a banner that you don't actually want you're retarded
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It's not guaranteed, bwi...
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Based bellybog bro
>Whats the worst that could happen?
Now that you've said that? You're going to build 60 pity and then get spooked by brickomata
probably anby for faction bonus but what the fuck do i know
what? no? of course not. only comp i can think of that doesn't require a stunner is piper/lucy/neko or piper/lucy/s11
So you want the game to disappear?
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holy shit bros, Zhu confirmed KHV LET'S FUCKING GO
Oh I now, I skipped time a LOT, to the point where they ran out of boxes for Billy to shoot at the construction site. I just think Inky hates me
Content Doko..?
i'm in the same boat bro
i'll probably get her c6 before an S-rank but zhu's m1 sounds very convenient and if i lose the 50/50 then i guarantee the rat so i've got nothing to lose
I would nut uncontrollably if she or any other character shouted an iconic fightan game move.
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Fun fact about Nicole
Did you know her 25% either dmg is not a dmg% buff? But a dmg% debuff?
That means it's a separate multiplier to dmg%" stats. Making its value much higher than what it looks like.
Funny enough Nicole is just plain better for either teams than Rina is for electric.
Post Ninevah gardens 11/11 clear right now
i fricking love YURI BROS
Post Soul Hounds cheevos right now
So, what would be a good team for Grace Lawrence?
Piper, Grace, who else?
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I got C11 Ben in 40 pulls when trying to fish for C6 Nicole.
I almost hit pity.
I might be furry-seeded.
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>Having a good time
>Gradually begin feeling more and more depressed and paranoid as you run up against every predatory wall in the game
>Feel atrocious and just lay there wondering why a potentially great game would be made to be so cruel
That's how I'd imagine it'd go. Either that, or you have a come-to-jesus moment where you realize you don't have to be taken advantage of anymore, go play a real game, have a fantastic time, then immediately return to gachaslop once you're sober.
Sick ar-
That's fucking lewd, how does this pass censorship?
the 4* on Qingyi's banner are bad the worst that could happen is Zhu Yuan C1
Me too, but something tells me you're not being very sincere bwo
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Just a quick question. What is this "female" thing?
Anby never explicitly said it, so did the game just assume Anby's gender?
Even genshin wiki only mention body type like medium male. They never assume to know its own character's gender
well back on the release of Elden Ring I spent the majority of my playthrough high as fuck and it was one of the best and most kino experiences I've had, I assume it must be same , I no longer smoke for unrelated reasons but if you do then enjoy
if you're not risking addiction you're a pussy
anby being a trap this whole time would be kino
animations and hitboxes aren't universally tied to model types.
This event is too hard. I will be rating it poorly in the next survey.
I have an Ellen and Zhu Yuan and my account is fakking bricked cause I dont have any stunners
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what the actual fuck?
If Anby was secretly a boy, it'd be better tbqhdf
chud game, Billy is somehow male
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Could easily wind up psychologically dependent on it if it clicks right with your brain or you're in a bad place. Or just weak-willed, too.
It's okay the characters filled out a census
Both work. Koleda needs higher investment though as she's very energy hungry as most of her daze comes from EX. I switch koleda/anby depending on enemy weakness
>tfw stopped smoking not too long ago
>used my cigarettes money to buy BP and monthlies
Idk if I win or not
what do u mean bwo????
yuri is the fuel that fuels me
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Shouldn't have chased anby away creep
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All stable nodes cleared and 3/7 critical nodes done with 211 rolls saved I don't care
What 4* are on lolicop's banner?
Ehn-na-ne (what about your Anby?)
She's exactly my type it's crazy, can't wait to pull her and the 2 other tummy succubuses
for me its the exact opposite
weed make spending all day playing gachas feel like the comfiest thing in the world, and it lowers my impulse control so im more likely to spend
when im sober i realize im wasting the prime of my life as well as a decent amount of money, and then i smoke more so i dont have to think about it
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6 is a massive wall
grace/piper/lucy takes 7 minutes on side 1
anyone here cleared it and with what teams?
>replying to obvious bait
based F2PGOD
downer drugs are incredibly lame
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Well, your body will thank you. Stay quit, smokebro, I'm feeling so much better now that I can breathe well again.
Anby and Billy allegedly
I use them as I get them
>Ellen will never fall asleep in your lap in the middle of chilling together
Why do we even persist?
I dropped cigarettes around a year ago, it's really hazardous and you don't realize it until you stop kek, before that I was smoking for like 4 years non stop , after I quit the shitty job I had everything started to be better, so it's more of a "shit place to be" than anything else
Holy based
It's not a muttmerican """game""", there are no genderfreaks here
I was just at the movies with Ben and that make me think, how do the seats in the cinema look so that bears, dogs and humans can sit there
bwo none of that sounds healthy please seek help
Is it worth it to level the chain attack and basic attack for my stunner and support?
Omg, You need to make a post on X about this, right now
Huh. Weed does the tooootal opposite for me, if even one bad thought creeps in it's all downhill into a pit of writhing agony. I think my brain chemistry just doesn't work with it at all, even when I'm completely comfy and nothing is there that can fuck me, I feel really fucking weird. I much prefer DXM.
What the fuck. I thought asscop's rate up was bad because of Ben but that's terrible
Use your soldier 11 team, bwo.
Soldier 11, Koleda, Lucy
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Every piece of corn is one roll that this Brickomata is stealing from you
Human seating
Thiren seating
sorry bros im a foxgirl simp doesnt matter
It's actually Monna, but whatever.
I used the da wei approved shilled teams
Easier to recover your finances than your health, i guess.
some cinemas straight up have beds
It was extremly tight, like 12 seconds off though. I'll go back with Zhu once I've build her a bit more.
BASED cunning hares GOD
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I'm free, bwo.
Post this on twitter with the boycott hashtag, I want to see the responses
The game is omniscient and knows how the characters identify because it can read their minds, done
yea those girls are extremely tight indeed
Neko/Piper/Lucy feels so fucking weak in SD for me. Literally fucking no damage ever
This is not a loli game bwos... You lied to me...
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>BillyGOD being based and encouraging others to quit smoking
Like clockwork. I kneel...
Dickletbros, it's not fair...
I got Neko's ball, which is probably the only thing keeping her remotly competitive.
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damn could I see that ellen/neko build?
I have mono ice and its impossible to get it down in 3 minutes
new to gachas, is it true that this is the only gacha that caters to straight heterosexual males?
Started the game 2 days ago even though i despise gacha/Hoyoverse stuff, out of sheer curiosity
So far the game is enjoyable, a bit braindead when it comes to gameplay but it's still okay
After finally reaching the gacha part and trying to assimilate how it works (too much shit to understand, help), i gave it some tries
So far i got 2 fire loli-ish brats from the biker gang, soldier 11, the bear, the maid with the chainsaw pole, and the ice oni. Kinda wanted Grace but who knows how much time it will take without opening my wallet
We'll see how it goes over time

Better use billy
Heh nice, that's exactly my team right now, though I only managed to clear SD 10 with a B right now. Should I wait until everyone's at 50 until I start moving to the next Shinyu?
just wait for the idol cunny to come out please
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Just build your Anby? She works great as a stunner, just be sure to pack her full of Impact and Energy regen.
Yes, as long as you avoid getting the KNOT
You still have the training wheels on, anything can work.
you mean
Maybe next time you'll stop listening to BAposters who suffer from severe tunnel vision.
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I hope we get a quest to pick up piper's menopause medication
I see. I'd say "good luck" but you clearly don't need it with your rates.
If you can clear 10, you have a good chance to clear 11 too. But its definitely a lot easier to just wait for level 50 on your dps and anomaly at least.
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wiping your ass back to front is still considered f2p
I haven't unlocked limited SD yet. How are the poly rewards distributed? All behind S clears?
You would use both...
Grace, Rina, Nicole. An anomaly team with this setup sits on grace 80% of the time and uses Rina and Nicole to debuff/buff before and after the enemy breaks.
Everything is a tutorial until level 36-40ish.
>got Ben to C6 while rolling for Zhu
>already got his sig too
Bwos is this a sign? Idk how to fit him in my team tho
you fell for the meme bwo.. its over
i know this is a shitpost, but the way the archive is framed makes it sound like the twins and fairy do background checks on the agents, so they get to see their legal status, medical history and any public record available on them so they can make an actual profile for them to reference when needed, which is very cool since you'd want something like that when forming teams that investigate hollows
roll for Koleda with the 300 selector in like 2 months
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so am I done with the Inky stuff now that I got this?
Lucy is old enough to drive and even Corin is 16. This game is lolibaiting.
is it over bwos............. dont tell me...
30 chromes per rank until the last 3 floors, which are 40 chromes per rank
the main thing locked behind S ranks are the investigation merits (shop currency)
there's no fixing what's wrong with me anon, i'm at peace with it
yeah i get the anxious/depressive thoughtloops too sometimes but they're pretty infrequent, i know a lot of people who have the same experience every time they smoke so it's not that uncommon. you might have a better experience with delta-8 or indica-heavy strains or whatever but there's no point in trying to force something you don't enjoy desu
dxm is one of the few drugs i've never gotten around to trying, what's it like?
you have billy's team from the very beginning of the game bwo
30 per rank for the first 4
40 per rank for the last 3
Does this mean Koleda isn't a sexy child either? It's so over...
Brickomata is SOUL
They took this away from us...
Koleda+Ben is actually a trap comp because both compete for the stunner role in practice.
>no Koleda
>all of my cunning hares are lvl 20
Owarida bros...
Koleda mating press, however
Where's your other team. This is only one team leveled and geared.
DXM is an alien substance, your body either accepts it and you reach nirvana, or you body full outright rejects it and you go to hell for a brief period. Last time I reached the 3rd plateau and it was fucking amazing, and then I tried it again and was puking everywhere
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Am I to understand this correctly, pic related is apparently sovl? how?
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Previous: >>487564126

>Download - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5WS9Ohb-fI [Open]

>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE [Open] (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY [Open] (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I [Open] (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 [Open] (JP)

>Zhu Yuan - For Display Only
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qoWIAp4faEw (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/z9bE8TOW87A (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began" | Zenless Zone Zero"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 [Open] (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s [Open] (JP)

>Official X account

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online) - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull Tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>Damage Calculator

>ZZZ stickers

>/zzz/ Thread Template
Minimum age to inherit a business in CN is 18, and her bio states shes of age so yeah. There is some autism around her not feeling very mature due to her stunted growth and she has a good amount of dialogue around growing up. But if you spend your formative years relying on the absolute autist known as Grace you'd be a bit behind I think
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Not for long
>dxm is one of the few drugs i've never gotten around to trying, what's it like?
It's excellent! No potential for thoughtloops or anxiety, it's supremely cozy. Your body is numb in a really comfortable way, like it's way easier to move around. Everything is a lot smoother, and if you take some time to listen to music, your mind'll make some extremely cool, fun adventures for you to go on. It's giggly and a little giddy and supremely at ease. Definitely rec. Be safe, though. Discontinue SSRI use a good amount of time beforehand, don't take anything else dopaminergic beforehand like adderall, etc. and you'll be good. Zenless Cough Zero.
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works on my machine
It's pretty varied overall outside of males, if you like the smaller characters there's nothing after Qingyi for a long time though. Will probably cost them Japan.
koleda is about the same age as belle based on what we see about the time before the capital fell
Koleda is "of age", she's that small just because the hollows fuckery she got. No idea about Piper, no way she's a lolibaba without explanation right?
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Is it too much to ask for a spray and pray agent, not like Billy or Zhu Yuan, they still have a mechanic that limits their movement. I'm talking about just dashing and shooting like a spastic and that's their gimmick, shooting like a spastic and they deal massive damage.
New thread
that's more pseudo-science than gymbro science
explain women fetishizing men's hands then
What magic did you use?
*Serotonergic, my bad. Don't want serotonin syndrome. Also, don't be like the other guy, try 1st-2nd plateau.
she is confirmed younger but Belle is mid 20's
In a trust event belle says she’s older than koleda
your grace?
You can solo w/ Billy
grace unironically feels like more of a ranged agent than billy sometimes
never gets old lol
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Just mod the game, we already have everything uncensored
Really? I've been using her incorrectly then.
>zenless cough zero

Kek. I haven't used that stuff since forever but I have fond memories of it. Once I got a huge diarrhea and sat on the toilet for hours tripping, went better than expected.
Sounds good! I definitely want uncensored Anby and Nicole back, but won't mihoyo screetch at me for modding their game? I've never played any of their previous games but did hear about some nude mods for honkai.
nicole wouuln't disgrace her body with such a small white thing
Refer to my earlier post here >>487575367. On grace you spam ranged attacks, occassional E. You have massive uptime on Grace compared to other comp's main carries.
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With the massive caveat that I have M2W1 Ellen. Which is why her crit% looks so low, but is in reality almost 100%. She hard carried that shit.
4p Wood/2p Polar on Ellen and 4p Fang 2p Wood on Neko (although Piper is probably the more important part here, with her massive Daze application)
I've been playing modded since 3dmigoto was an option. Mihoyo won't ban you for just using that, it only switches the graphics output and doesn't change any files.
But they will ban you for a week if you trigger their file structure check, as long as you keep all the mods with 3dmigoto away from you Mihoyo folder where you game is nothing will happen. And don't post your UID with visible mods, if anyone reports you it's also a week ban. Just check the gamebanana 3dmigoto thread
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What is the purpose of this poster in 6th street? It has a name like its an interactive object
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What's the fastest way to do this chore?
You spam the lowest level one?
I see! Thank you very much for the detailed answer, anon. I'll look into it. Also thanks for the heads up regarding UID, I didn't even think of that. Sad that there are people spiteful enough who would report such a thing.
>4 males on launch
>2 are free
>2 furries
>1 is the best (launch) stunner in the game
>1 is very heavily pandering to (You) regardless of your gender
>upcoming 3 fags
absolutely not
bro you're Rina?
>76% crit on neko
what the fuck am i doing wrong? i got like 29
You didn't get kotted with her ball
ahhh okay! :3
>mid 20's
>that scrawny
>that goofy ass run
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>played two Agent stories
>both give more characterization to some random NPC instead of the agent you play as
yep, it's a mihomo game alright
>5 standard girls
>1 furry
Losing the 50/50 is like playing gacha Russian Roulette
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I did not notice that, nice
people don’t actually wipe front to back… right?

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