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Previous thread: >>487518516

LoneTrail Live Action fan movie: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Rx4y1x7K9/

[7/19-8/2][Standard]6* Sniper Fartooth, 6* Caster Goldenglow (Shop), 5* Defender Cement, 5* Medic Paprika, 5* Caster Rockrock (Shop)
[7/18-7/28]Where Vernal Winds Will Never Blow Rerun - Jieyun skin
[7/18-8/1][0011 Re-edition]Ling, Dusk, Cantabile, Mulberry, Mr. Nothing, FEater

[7/18-8/1][Standard]6* Caster Lin, 6* Specialist Mizuki (Shop), 5* Caster Corroserum, 5* Medic Vendela, 5* Guard La Pluma (Shop)
[7/16-7/30][Joint Action]6* Guard Degenbrecher, 6* Guard Qiubai, 6* Defender Penance, 6* Specialist Ascalon, 5* Vanguard Fang The Fire-Sharpened, 5* Guard Leto, 5* Defender Aurora, 5* Defender Cement, 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Supporter Windflit

>/akg/ website:
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
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Bnuuy love
the person above has oripathy...
Anon two posts below me also has oripathy
No u
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He is taken whores.
i just gave mumu oripathy
Carnelianbros, explain
Wait, it's all Oripathy?
Is it still oripathy when you are the rocks?
I mean yeah, oripathy is just someone turning into rocks
So many Reeds visiting...
i cured oripathy
Anyone else but the dogshit n*mie shitstain..
The person below is alright
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not the jobctor, who is the blight of terra...
The doctor loves me...
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The best coomcat
Star Rail is laughing at us again….
Don't worry bro, you'll flip to Peppe love and coomposting once she's revealed and busted
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Of course!
Yan's law
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Blemi start is always thrilling...
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Any clearer now?
i will never do it because i feel nothing but disdain towards the artist
what the FUCK are you doing
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We love all bunnies, Ray
>Most plastic looking gacha laughing at anyone
l m a o
>Carnelian and Beeswax are named after gems and are from a desert Sargon region
>Chestnut is from a gem mining city, likely under Sargon, and his arts are based on gem healing
>new event takes place in a desert Sargon city involved with gem trades
>this art from a couple of months ago randomly had them all present and a mirage city in the desert
There's some chinky speculation they might be involved
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Playing IS#4 the fun way.
this stage is going to kill you isn't it
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More explanation seems required.
Does it count as cheating if he's with your reincarnation?
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I've seen a lot of art of them holding hands, did this happen in the event
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arknights peaked at lonetrail, and it had NOTHING to do with ho'ol or mumu
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nobody cares ferdinand
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It's over...
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>Mumu saved Saria from dying and a bunch of Rhine Lab's workers
>n-nothing to do with Mumu
Hmm! No need to be shy!
It was a huge Mumuvictory!

And the fat Snek was the only redeeming factor of the first 2/3 of the event that was boring until they started to show Kristen and drop lore bombs.
>not blurry
>no watermarks
Fake leak
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Not blurry enough bro
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I like Rosmontis segment actually
aZling made new art for Irene, I doubt they'll recycle her npc art.
If you hate Mumu so much, why did you hold her hand?
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It's just the original art, they always make changes from NPC to playable
post NPC lin
Santalla didn't change at all over those years
eureka's dance is very cute
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There's a whole lot going on with Shantalla.
What happened to Chinks? It's been 3 months since ARG and it's still unsolved. Last 2 took days iirc. Is CN dying?
It probably can't be solved yet. Some hints lay within Path of Life, there may be other hints in upcoming events.
goblina feet
They need us, the top 5%, to solve it.
Muelsyse didn't change aside from getting a staff over the years, and that staff was way before she was actually playable
being a toe walker doesn't make you a goblin...
They don't really, Harmonie, Morgan, hell even the Moose didn't change one bit
but her face does
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>archeland might still come to global
>gakumas just opened their en twitter acc
>gfl2 and heavens burn red release on the horizon
We eating majestic gachafriends
>playing multiple gacha games
I have no idea what any of those are
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Where can I watch new AS ?
Well yes but Im only anticipating for more Arknights content and Endfield news, but good for you.
i admit it. i LOVE alive until sunset.
i only care about arknights
I love Aya.
... without paid membership.
I had sex with the doctor today. Who am I?
A common whore
Why the fuck would I want more gachas I want to play real games, I only play Arknights cause it's the closest to a real game any gacha has come
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>t. elysium
>Surtr is for (You)
>I only play Arknights cause it's the closest to a real game any gacha has come
also bilibili, there's a full upload but the quality isn't the best and the CCP will execute you if they find out you watched it
>Chestnut is just there because he's brown.
Link it, please.
For me its Alty
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Red Woman Love. Simple as
i always knew elysium was based
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Only when they really have to, as exemplified by beta Irene. Poor lass was in sore need of a glow-up from whatever the fuck this irene.exe design here was.
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I don't play other gacha
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Adding to this, I didn't ask.
Suzunigger go away, we only play Arknights here
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For (me), it's Moose love
If just being brown was the criteria Thorns and the brown Azling characters like Tuye would be present. It's not, they're all related to gems.
There are people in this general that prefer her original art over what we got
Something something beauty is in the eye of the beholder and something
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they only update NPC art when truly necessary
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Shut the fuck up
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Gachas are real games though, in some regards more cutting edge than some triple A games
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Sona feet
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>gakumas just opened their en twitter acc
Global? Nice, I want to check it out for that blonde cutie
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Blitz's module also have him travelling with Hohenlohe with bunch of refugees settling somewhere in Sargon that has bunch of old antenna. Maybe something similar to that broken antenna on top left.

Also Suzu's old skin has her in some desert with old broken antenna as well. Maybe we'll finally be seeing Carne's adopted lil bro this time.
Oldrene really was something else. I didn't mind it, but she did take a nice master class in dressing though
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Rat wife love.
Babel is uplifted by Doc and brought down by devilshit
This of course means that everyone is going to love the third arc so long as we don't get drowned in devilshit again.
I'd say it's the RI stuff in general that's loved but yeah, think we can step away from Sarkaz for a while now at least
>explicitly an im@s set in middle/highschool with multiple underaged girls after your dick
I don't see this working out with the rating boards boss. The setting alone renders it unable to utilise the usual "w-well they're actually all 18+, promise" excuse
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We should just genocide them and get it over with. The game would improve.
>playing faggotfl2
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>have to do THAT stage again
>This random guy said
Get the fuck off rhodeschan Delphine
Bro... you are playing a yume game...
should be a cakewalk with ray and typhon
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99% Chinks think so. You have high chances of finding a briefcase filled with 1m $ than a finding someone who likes Victoria side of plot.
I remember when I thought that victoria arc would be about victoria
Bwo your Typhon? Your Degen?
>Teleports out of Ray's range
>Teleports to cancel Typhon's targeting
pssshhhh nothin' personal
I guess you skipped DM and chapter 7.
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The issue isn't the Victoria plot being bad, the issue is how little focus they gave it. All the Victoria plot stuff was just thrown into a corner and they said 'eh, who knows what happens' at the conclusion to Victoria arc, tying up Sarkaz stuff was more important to them. Victoria could have worked if they actually focused on Victoria.
I like Victoria plot.
Yeah by Kal'tsit. Now piss off ChatGPT malding troon
Typhon's S3 targetting tracks the real you, though. Get absolutely fucked, Ya, you wanker.
Typhons lock on follows him through teleports
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It doesnt cancel it you disingenious pos
Bunny tummy
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Nice try
60% part focused on Victoria. Characters are simply boring. Most of LT didn't focus on Kristen but she was loved.
how the fuck did Ya get into rhodeschan, Closure please update the firewall
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what the fuck
why did i listen to /akg/ and skip her...
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>Most of LT didn't focus on Kristen
The whole event centered around her.
Because Walter will do it better anyway
>watching YouTube
>get ad for Arknights

Really desperate for new players, eh? Also the ad had JP voices cuz of course it did. No one uses dubs made with $5 literal who-trannies off Facebook marketplace
she was not ON SCREEN.
We told you. Now die.
Victoria sucked because it was not allowed to be a plot because it was stolen by Sarkaz
What's the point of teasing a massive plot of Victoria machinations if none of them can reach a conclusion because they had to shove in more Sarkazwank
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The track "遗君" sounds weirdly familiar.
The whole event was talking about how cool she was without ever showing us why we should care about her. She didn't have a line of dialogue until like CW-8 story node
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>he fell for the rayschizo propaganda
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>listening to /akg/
No, the Victoria parts were bad. No one gives a shit about Allerdale's story or Feist's grandma or Golding's despair or Lettou's retardedness yet they spent so much time on that crap
Wait is Ya a guy or a girl
Speak for yourself.
don't care, will fuck either way
>Victoria sucked because [schizo rambling]
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[Summer event speculation]
The fanbase's opinion of Victoria arc speaks volumes already.
Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it's "schizo rambling" as you put it
They both still have holes for use
Go ahead. draw first ever Allerdale fan art if you liked her so much.
this image is perfect
My soulmate...
They would if the Victorians were actually contributing to their own arc's plot instead of faffing about while RI sarkaz fight Kazdel sarkaz
Yeah, I'm not a psychiatrist after all.
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>first ever Allerdale fan art
>google images Allerdale
It would not be the first, but it would probably be the best
The most sexual bean.
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I manually switch from morning to night theme and vice versa, in addition to changing my base twice a day.
>adopted lil bro
Assassin Creed collab...
>could be pepe + this character
There are two characters in that image
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Hard doubt. Summer events are 2nd most filler events after Aegir ones. Why would they put a summer op in PV4?
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Your soulmate...
Victoria was bad because the good parts were good!
People would care more about Feist if the tank project went somewhere for instance and started doing damage to the Sarkaz.
But then we'd have less Sarkazwank so we couldn't do it.
I wish we had more gyarus like Nikke
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it will NOT be peppe. if it's peppe, all hope is truly lost.
Its pretty obvious a rush job happened. You had Vendela who obviously had major story cuts. There's all the fucking messy inconsistencies with how Mandy's death was handled, including Horns somehow going down to that one specific sewer which has nothing of interest, finding her body, picking it up and bringing it all the way to the outskirts of the city to bury near a wall. The Victoria stuff was 100% rewritten and they did not do a good job of it.
Just train them into it, we have a few weak willed girls
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If it's not brown we're gone.
>reality bending devil of the enemy side genocides some cats
>gets fucked (but not really) by our reality bending devils
>some scenes of Siege being useless and sad because she's useless
>a scene reminding Talulah is "on the move"
>another scene reminding Eblana is also "on the move"
Here's your Victoria chapter bro
I don't even like Sarkaz aside from domesticated RI Sarkaz + Theresa.
People would care more about Feits if he was a cute girl
The fact that you have to ask this shows we still live in a profoundly bigoted society.
Ever played FF12? You know how a major complaint about it is how Vaan is irrelevant in it?
That's Victorians in their own arc.
It's a dog(female)
No, Carnelian is for (you)
You missed the best scene - Banana jobbing to fucking Nine of all people
He's already very popular schizo
>blemishine image
>retarded post
checks out
I like Dan's spunkyness and shark teeth.
Yes exactly And the reason that Talulah and Eblana and Siege were all useless is because we had to have our sarkazwank dbz battle.
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Doesn't that track with it being related to Carnelian's clan like people said?
>Posting the wrongly updated one
she was holding back
I already treat him like a cute girl
Not really
Nine defeated the demon king and CEO of Rhodes Island. Banana being afraid of her is not surprising.
Can /akg/ remind me what chapter 11 was about, who the main characters of that chapter were, and why it's the least liked chapter of Victoria?
Post new
just borrow her bro everyone has her on support
Can't show your true power unless it's the final chapter after all
4 songs.
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12 was Ashe's game though? Moreover it was following his brother's duty to the crown in a less direcr way for the sake of greater Dalmasca(however you spell it) and him being more than a discount Aladdin.
>what chapter 11 was about
Nothing, it didn't even have a canon bossfight
You're not supposed to point that out...
Prove it
No, voicelines don't count
>No, voicelines don't count
>HG keeps pushing him so he's popular
I guess Leonhardt is popular too
Being pushed by the company =/= popularity. Walt would be top of the popularity poll instead of not even in the top 10 by your logic
His popularity is fine just don't base your views on /akg/
>voicelines don't count
>why it's the least liked chapter of Victoria?
That's chapter 12, chapter 11 is just middling Allerdale and Feist steam knight talk with the division of their nature as a symbol of the nation and tool of war discussed. Also Doc and Ascalon hanging out while Logos fucks around in the shadows.
>No, voicelines don't count
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Nuh uh. Be honest. And don't omit anything.
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Allerdale, Londonium Self-Salvation Army, Realmblade, and the last Steam Knight.
There are much better options.
It's like how Ch'en is still the most popular op despite everything.
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Now this is the /akg/ I know
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Fiest is at 66 for men and 34 for women
>There are much better options.
Better options to push? There's not a whole lot of logic behind what we've seen HG push aside from chink wank
>Ch'en is still the most popular op despite everything
Alright, actually got me there. That was actually funny
any female character below 66 should be ashamed of themselves
>66 for men
Unexpectedly high
anons a-ÆRGH anoooons! ANOOONS!
how do i beat the inferno stages in episode 12
that blob bitch and the spy mains are raping my blue box!
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which way /akg/?
Astesia must be SUPER popular because HG gave her 3 skins!
Your ability to count...
Defenders and AoE.
Ascalon is at 58 for men and 59 for women
No, that was her dad Yuji that gave her those skins
And she got 4
So you were making shit up, got it.
Prove it, screenshots don't count.
Change the cigs to pocky and maybe I'll choose
Yeah...? She is popular.
Are you implying she wasn't just because she's 5*?
put sora in this instead and maybe i'll give a real answer
>one of the newest characters
>meaning after a while she'll drop below stainless
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*breaks into dance, then shimmies into a smooch*

Wuh... my beloved...
any defenders i should raise?
apart from mudrock i already got her
i am thinking gummy the cummy maybe even the uhhhh the uhhhhhh the guy from episode 9 yeah
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>then shimmies into a smooch
Amiya PoV
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arturia is a footslut
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The Lord of Fiend is not accepting smooches from peasant cockroaches.
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Newshits will finally stop being newshits.
A lot of actual gays voted to the point NGA was joking about it, Mountain got 55 among men while he's in the hundreds with women
lord of friends
>high-end stages
She WILL job to elites there. She can be a bit more useful if you have Sharmy S2 on her.
Get pure defenders like Cuora and bring two medics to keep them alive while your DPS kill everything they're blocking.
>enemies aiming at flank
Trial and error, I remember using Surtr or Uncle.
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Arknights really is a game for women and gays...
>Have to jump an entire year out as a newfag test
There has to be something earlier...
Ascalon is on the rise because she turned out kinda meta and for (you) despite expectations
Lord of friendzone LMAO
too big...
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The Pyrite medal
Liduke > Chuzenji > the rest >>> infukun > namie
>and for (you)
you really, really need to stop basing your headcanons on what you read on /akg/.
>and for (you)
You can stop trying to force this
she's a mercenary (yeah)
ASK reigns.
Alright, post your proofs. Story, profile, lines, and anything else IN GAME all counts
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If they don't make any official anniversary art they don't get to be included in any ranking.

Sorry Liduke and Norifags. They are officially kicked out.
Liduke is 30% of reason on why Endfield will giga flop. Dogshit artist.
You are the one making the claim retard. The burden of proof is on you retard.
cathag ASS
Kill yourself
Skade/Ryuazkii > Chuzenji > the rest >>> Azling > LM7 > infukun
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Meanwhile Zumama is in charge of backshot.
Skade goes at the top, and needs another tier at the bottom for lm7
StarShadowMagician... besto.
my fav > your fav
>Liduke >
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You fucking retard, I replied to both sides because I'm not you or the other person. I don't care about Ascalon, but the anti-for (You) side so far seems to lack a point.
good gods I want to push Delpipi down and tie her to the bed and tickle her armpits until she cries
She is the best slut artist.
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Too bad she doesn't give a fuck about Arknights.
Schwarz, the OG coomcat
You roll Wuh for metafaggotry
I roll Wuh for Liduke
we are not the same
>but the anti-for (You) side so far seems to lack a point
Nta but what? You'd need to actually try and prove for her to be for (you) before anyone tries to disprove it lmao
Here's a 17 page thread of NGA keks realizing
Because her design is trash, Ray is more relevant than her for the next CC (while the previous one it was mostly Ines, Ceobe and Arturia who were more important) and she's crept by Walter.

You only want to pull her for her afk potential of s2, but if the map lacks aerial, even Walter s1 is more than enough for that.

Typhon only two places where worked and Rosa either didn't or needed 1/2 ops to help was one DoS daily map (with drones) and one CC daily (the beach one), but there was plenty of ways to clear those. Rosa worked more than fine for DoS A-3, S-2 she was alright (where the kings were not snipers, but Saria S3, Suzuran, Mlynar etc) and in IS4, up to B12 Rosa is more than enough, too.

Rosa was actually better last CC perma map. Typhon s3 was a flop against the invisible guys since there's so many minions around them Rosa outdamages her comparing S2 with S2 against mega heavy foes.

Now go build your bear until Walter is around. And if you have both, it's fine too!
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She likes cocks, yes.
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alchemaniac is the best artist and if you don't agree you're a tranny
>Infected is wrong
In other news, the sky is blue and fish live in water
She just drew Reed skin and always draws art for annis
The core of any /akg/ argument, really. Thing I like is based, kino, core. Thing you like is slop, filler, trash.
What do "to lack a point"? It's the default for characters. You have to prove someone is for (you). If the schizo doesn't make a point himself, there is no argument to be made. Characters are assumed to not be for (you).

This is Reed's fault.
There's been multiple times that people use voice lines to prove someone isn't for you. Also here
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Secret message in the concert that was decoded
I was not expecting to see Yakuza yaoi today.
for me it's lowlight kirilenko
>Yakuza yaoi
What the Firelight is a great event.
>gakumas just opened their en twitter acc
Why would I play Ume tits' fondling simulator on EN when I can already do it on JP?
>gfl2 and heavens burn red release on the horizonv
Cuck shit
>archeland might still come to global
Does Supah still play the game?
Not even top 23
in the end, only skadeGODS remain
Yeah that's what I mean. She's more passionate with the other gacha game she worked for. I am not blaming her or anything.
What are Hellagur and Toland(?) doing back there?
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Rocks or demons? Perhaps...
>There's been multiple times that people use voice lines to prove someone isn't for you.
That would only work if the character states they hate your or implies a relationship with someone else, if it's just neutral it doesn't imply anything
>Also here
Just a thread about someone liking the dynamic, not a thread of proof for a romance
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New coordinates too
It'll still be here 2000 years into the future or however long Endfield takes place
New Ambience Synesthesia are kinda weak. I've only enjoyed Amiya's theme and Eureka Idolshit
A reminder that high Trust lines means a lot of operators become for (You) even if they originally weren't, for instance Arturia
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Man I remember them
no longer a KGB backed operation
Demon King theme is great. It's chuuni weeb version of Guardmiya theme.
Back when arknights was good...
That's only a half truth. Of all the gachas, she only goes out of her way to draw fanart of FGO, because she was already drawing fan art of it before being hired. For other gachas, she doesn't draw fan art at all. Whether it's a personal thing or a business thing is anyone's guess
Remember when they just copied the White Masks from Rainbow Six and no one ever called them out?
Arknights has some really great ZR, but who has the best ZR in the game?
Professional position to take.
yeah sure
I swear to GOD she's literally holding back on Reed2's swimsuit skin and that makes the entire skin hotter. Lowlight truly knows his shit.
ZR? Absolute territory?
>she's literally holding back on Reed2's swimsuit skin
Holding back on what, putting a bunch of naked men in it?
Felt pretty mid to me, OG is way better
>Kal skin
>PV4 Amiya
It will
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Can't improve perfection
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Austin isn't sexy.
I mean... Endfield?

The big picture shit have no stake anymore. The only thing worth waiting for is the fate of individual characters.
>The big picture shit have no stake anymore
>Rim Billy got obliterated
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Isn't every landmass constantly being eroded?
I can't wait for Endfield so Arknights can die off
nothing ever happens
the great infected uprising? never happen
the revenge of the sarkaz? never happen
the demonic invasion from the north? never happen
the sea rising against us? never happen
shut the FUCK UP consipracy nut before i kill you myself
>Man this female on a safe swimsuit is hot
>Lets add naked men on it
Endfield IS Arknights
Endfield being a thing means all of these teasers are irrelevant so they mean nothing anyways
>there's some weird black substance at the borders of the continent that destroys anything it touched
Endfield just confirms Terra is fine for thousands of years
But that's what she likes, what else would she be holding back on?
ok then let's just forget the Arknights in Arknights: Endfield.
>I will of course be captivated by your music when it bloms into its ultimate form, and and that moment, what I will perform for you, shall be myself.
Hell, her greeting says:
>Sometimes, I too prefer to avoid the crowd, far away from all the sounds just to feel myself, and to feel you as well
Unexpected answer.
And they didn't manage to cure Oripathy.
AK's story feels like it's being controlled by that meme nothing ever happens
Trust me dude THIS time it's going to happen, THIS time for sure. Forget all the other nothings.
They should make up and talk to each other about their ex-girlfriends.
Hi Supah
You are conveniently ignoring literally everything else in game sets her up with her cousin
Terra is sinking.
They are migrating to that other dark continent.
>all those kot faces
If it isn't Pepe, I'll admit I got baited hard.
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>AK's story
afterall, based on that shanghai leak, it's all written by disconnected writers that only care about one upping another by shitting out the most pretentious dilettante 'stories' there is
It's okay Oripathy doesn't do anything
? What Shanghai leak?
Is /akg/ ready for the most skipped limited of all time?
How it confirms it?
>endfield is ~500 years in the future
>we know that the portal doesn't work anymore
>we know that there's no intercommunication between Talos and Terra anymore
>we know that only close orbit around Talos is available for exploration, as spaceships travelling farther than Hongshan are getting lost
>got Logos and Ulpipi banners in a row
Someone stop him.
I'll cum inside everyone. All 300+ operators
>>we know that the portal doesn't work anymore
It does before the game takes place and as soon as you're done with the tutorial area. The game ends with you making it work again.

>>we know that there's no intercommunication between Talos and Terra anymore
There is
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Next is Phantom alt
Yes. By the waves. The terrible waves.
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rate this OC
I don't know about no leak but that does track with how the story is written and how events keep getting longer and longer with more fluff and padding
Bro... they are rewriting Endshit story. Stop bringing it up.
>Infected Vouivre
>That tail
So are we going to the other continent the Aegir were talking about in Path of Life or what's the plan.
>handlebar horns
Man remember Vanilla
>The game ends with you making it work again.
What? Tech test ends with you destroying things that were producing aggeloi in the area.
>There is
Rhodes equipment set description tells that all Rhodes production facillities on Talos were transported here "when there was still communication between Terra and Talos"
Imagine wanting a previous summer limited and needing to use 300 pulls on the aberration banner
Removing the 500 years later part in a paragraph is technically a removal, not a rewrite. They could easily copy and paste it in the future somewhere.
>immediately look at the tail
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3 star material
>skip an operator because another operator will come out almost a year later that does things better
so we will never roll ever again because powercreep will always be a thing
They said it on the interview.
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Imagine Phantom alt is literally just his clone
4* I would raise but never use/10
What's Lowlight cooking in that head of his...
Anon they're going to say whatever they need to say to get you and others to play Endfield after the lukewarm reception to it.
I love her eyes.
>Horizon Laboratory
A new faction after Kristen's launch?
>brown skin
>that hair colour and eyes
why would they be such autists anyway just say the mc is doc and let people choose boy or girl doc
Post that leak or I will assume you're a faggot making shit up.
Hm? What's wrong with her eyes?
Exactly this, but I'd use her sometimes
Nah, that's just a random OC. Reminds me of AK aesthetic a bit so I posted it.
>6* limited guard
>getting skipped
Delusional. She will easily outsell the last summer banner. Assuming she's the limited.
>phan2om is just his clone, another FRD 6* that also powercreeps him
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cummable back
no wonder games like nikke and ba became the real story gachas while arknights became a laughing stock
>Phantom alt
>being anything but Bard
Are you ready for your first offensive Bard, /akg/?
she is a bargain bin?!
Sora offends me
I'm fine with corrosion on my ops but if le fishe start applying corrosion on land, that's a paddling.
Recording is out already?
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Texas will chose Sora, mutt.
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>when both CE and Sharmy exist
But yes, I'd roll.
What? Lol.
Nobody plays BA for the story. Look at their anime. Every single BA volume ends with sensei doing an asspull, shit got boring quickly.
Have you never seen Skadiva S3 or CE S2 by any chance
Wait what interview?
Low damage, get ready for 100000 true aoe damage
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I see Skadiva S3 as a buff more than anything.
I haven't seen anything about CE.
>Nobody plays BA for the story
There isn't one I just made it up.
>will chose
ESL schizo...
>will chose
Fine, 10-20 people probably do at max.
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We'll see about that.
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Watch this.
No one asked about your yuri fantasies
They need to remove the cloneshit then. That shit is disgraceful.

Uhh based?
>The future Crown Holder
I wonder why she was alone...
>spreading Originium with each step she takes
>They need to remove the cloneshit then.
They won't. Lowlight needs a way to put his favorite characters in the new game.
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>"That is devouring dust, the Seaborns' newest trick. It decomposes everything, leaving only this fallow white ash behind. They are... preying on the land itself"
Soon It's probably Originium and not the fish, although this being PoL development would be funny
Uhh bro they literally out-kino us with every trailer https://youtu.be/_qni6YQitOo?si=49e9LMLMG2BT4wQu
Looks like a mix between Vanilla and Flint
Stupid ponposter
Removing clones or not will probably be up to marketing. They'll have to calculate how much people will get upset by them existing vs how much people are willing to roll on characters they already like
For me, it's Wis'adel.
Ulpipi... failed.
>out-kino us with every trailer
she is just an OC.
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Lots of cats and fish in the livestream page
Should've gone the descendant route. Smiley :D Chen is close enough to please OG Chen fan without resorting to clone bs.

I guess they are too afraid of the implication that someone's waifu had seggs and gave birth.
Or you know... they can rewrite the story so it's the actual characters. Or go the route of making them the test tube baby of (You) and that operator.
Buff squad Skadiva is around 70k true damage, bard nyodule could push her to 100k.
>They can rewrite the story
They could've just made the game it's own IP instead of a sequel to Arknights but marketing demands that you expand and capitalize on your existing IP. It's safer and you already have an established fanbase.
>need buffS
If Peppe is the limited 6* she might be the first female limited that I skip.
Just summon his clone for 200k damage
have you even seen a single arknights animation
>he didn't skip muelshit
Ms. Christine!!!!!!!!
It's HER time!!!
It's not even that it's just that people already like the original Arknights characters so just put them in a new game. It's a 3D premium gacha why risk people not liking a character when you can literally just take the popular ones from the other game and port them over.
Mumu is a great op.
Her S3 bind is funny.
Oh dear Lord! Could it be? Anon developing his own decisions than just mindlessly rolling?
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>actually try and prove for her to be for (you)
>Don't bother to understand me, after all, you couldn't do it in the past. It's my own choice to disappear from your sight. Now that the mission is completed, I don't need to say anything about the future of Rhodes Island. But when you need me, you will definitely see me.
Ascalon is the definition of the coldsteel type that has to be pried open so she doesn't get any super mushy stuff
>When I was wandering in the wilderness in the past, the darkness of the night was not scary, not even as scary as the sand beasts that bit my toes - now when I occasionally encounter them, I still can't help but get nervous. It's nothing bad, so it's OK that you know.
But lapses into nostalgia and still expresses concern toward keeping (you) on the path she likes.
>Mercenaries, spies, dignitaries, prisoners...Rhodes Island's current environment is far more complicated than the Tower of Babel period, and the threats it faces are also greater. It's normal for you to worry. How would you have handled it in the past? It doesn't matter. Now you actually know what to do.
>It's hard to celebrate the New Year in Kazdel, no matter what day of the year people are dealing with unpredictable threats. Because of that, I cherish the changes that have taken place on Rhode Island over the years. Thank you, Doctor.
And with all the fawning over her (you) do in story and in her profile this is clearly in HG's intention.
She also gets a cute trust tap where she takes offense at the suggestion she's tired and admits she's just cozy.
>Tired? No, it's relaxing here.
I need to save up anyways
>they can rewrite the story so it's the actual characters.
They can just make it so some of operators used these new sarcophagi. It would explain why Angelina know about this technology so much and helps to unfreeze endpipi
Do you think the story will reach the moon?
One of them is a Precursor relic, right?
No nothing ever happens
Yeah exactly, but you would need to come up with a reason for why they would do that.
The other possibility is the clone shit only working because of Doc's precursor DNA or something so they'd essentially be daughters/sons instead of clones.
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I've seen this song and dance before. A lot of posts saying they will skip so it seems like the majority, then on the day of the banner the thread is flooding with screencaps of rolls.
>Just a thread about someone liking the dynamic, not a thread of proof for a romance
This is arknights, even Gravel's bonejumping was neutered by events.
Yeah, IS7 will be there
The Twin Empresses are clones of the Witch King.
>Do you think the story will reach the moon?
Yeah, considering Elders/Ancients supposedly came from it
We need to make more clones!
>considering Elders/Ancients supposedly came from it
You can tell because they look exactly like him with the same memories and everything
Proto Witch King...
You know what, fuck it. Make more clones HG, make an insanely sluttier version of Reed.
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Arc3 final showdown with Priestess will be on the moon
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I am for (You)
Reminder that clones are SOULLESS.

Literally. And figuratively.
i dont even know who you are
I'm W?!
I will die for my Empress, Hildegard Grimmacht.
The story will continue progressing at a pacing where nothing ever happens and nothing has consequences. Just look at arc 1 we beat Tallulah put her in jail and then immediately on arc 2 she escapes because magically everyone on Rhodes is a jobber and then she's ready to be a plot crutch again because the writers are garbage and they keep using the same Frostnova tactics of making a evil girl you really like that could turn good like FN or Mandy and then killing that girl to force you into being engaged on this garbage story expecting that she will magically come back and next year when the Mandy hype is fully dead they will do it again with a new evil girl while filling your schedule with male banners extremely overnight made for an audience that doesn't exist that people will roll on just to make the game easier because they keep adding bullshit unfun mechanics
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Bassline...you didn't dick her hard enough...
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Shut up Mike before I throw you to Poz.
Wow, you type all that out.
*throw your tuba*
*force you to play with castanet*
What now dog?
didnt read but i disagree
>making a evil girl you really like that could turn good like Mandy
Mandykek is broken
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>Mandy hype
>making a evil girl you really like
(you) never meet Mandy at all, unlike frostnova. You're clearly not intended to care as much as schizos do.
Mandragora... please be alive.
You're meant to care to a certain degree, which is why she was shown to be a good person to her friends, to be betrayed and trampled.
Priestess did nothing wrong
>which is why she was shown to be a good person to her friends,
Which was a retcon btw.
I don't care about Morgan.
That name is wasted on her.
If people care so much about males how come they never dramatically die in your arms really makes you think about what audience HG really cares about
A LOT of things in Arknights are retcons / retroactively written
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Oh shit fate collab!
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P did everything wrong.
P lost.
You didn't read anything.
It's just that easy to sell males that they don't have to
FGO ruined everything.
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Make love, not war.
>Pepe releasing on Summer
>Pepe releasing as the Summer limited
Not fine.
Pepe isn't a character that anyone really cares about, she literally only gets any attention because her artist is Namie, that's it. There's no hype or excitement for her. A random 6*, fine whatever, but being the limited is a fucking mess.
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Memory manipulative bitch
She really doesn't get any attention honestly
Is that one with silver-hair Femdoc?
When will you people get it through your thick skulls that HG does not give a flying fuck about what you want or care about?
you doomposters will look so stupid when pepe is the welfare
Yeah no wonder they killed their golden child to make some genshin clone nobody likes
Just admit you have an irrational hatred for namie
The bandit literally calls her a good girl in his intro
that's their daughter
Anon the chink threads talking about who the summer limited could be are literally asking 'Who?' when people say it will be Pepe. A character no one cares about in a mode no one likes. She's a fucking nobody everywhere.
Next plant op will be Perfumer Alt.
How is this supposed to disprove that HG doesn't care about what you want?
i will not redeem Namieslop
Please stop making alts
Please make new operators
I wonder if HG continue this practice in their future games. It works on AK because game attracted cult like audience when game used to be popular but it won't work on game like Endfield.
We will never get the Shu bean
I ate it
Probably not for Endfield since they've already shown their hands with clones
How does it taste?
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Who the fuck is Pepe
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Behold, the creature that makes /akg/ seethe uncontrollably.
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You bastard spit it out.
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Ok she's pretty cute
The only problem is the face, really.
It looks like you just deleted the entire middle of her face
Is the anon who steal noses still here?
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Two words: Ceobe Alt Limited
Hype status?
Who nose
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Incoming meltdown.
more dog good
There's only been 2 alts in the past 9 months
The new operators fucking suck
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>We want closet homo audience ad
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The closet homo in question:
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>We want closet homo audience ad
The new operators suck and fuck
We at Hypergryph have listened to your feedback and decided to not release planned summer event with limited character 佩佩. As such, we want you to decide which event we should release instead, based purely on that event's title:

>Mitsukue Rave
>One Night in die Schwofturme
>Clariside Tales
>Lachedamon Scrambles
>Perley Fest Rendezvous
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Gross this goat chick looks so bad is this the first trans character or something? why is she so ugly and uncanny
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Ohnnononono guess >>487585082 is coming out the closet now!
Operators who
I am laughing, /akg/, thank you.
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Shut the fuck up
Which one?
Namie and LM7 WON
/akg/ LOST
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the one dressed like she wishes she was a man
Is that Maria?
Which one?
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>Ceobe alt
>lm7 is... le bad!
grow up retard
She's already a retard. Let's see how much more LM7 can make her.
Better than Pepe
I hugged Horn and I liked it
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Why did he reject the finest Sarkussy?
>Eyja is not even used in casterknights anymore
Wow, she fell off
Because he is GOAT and they go after sheeple.
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>blue archive gets shiroko terror
>we get......... peppe
I understand the cats but the fuck is a fish doing in the desert
I wonder why.
Being eaten by cats
>he forgot
Walk in the Dust.
I dont even care about mizuki or gg and its obvious Namie is the superior arknights artist
Like this is one of the most bizarre contrarian shitposts this place could make
LM7 never creates lines and causes products to be sold out
Namie does.
Namie fucking does.
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She is good and this is 2nd ending run and siblings have high DR.
Scouting for nutrients
>namie is a better artist because she's an ex vtuber with a cult following
ok retard
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I think Ines is attractive.
here come the unfunny cucks saying "hoederer..."
Ok Hoederer
>implying likes anything but hamster pussy
So a pro artist like lm7 who has nothing else to do but draw is losing to a retarded egirl who spent half her career LARPing with an anime avatar instead of practicing?
Thats not the own you thought it would be
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And a Tacticool limited.. BA is more Arknights than Nu-Ark-lemmeshillmydogshitOC-knights
Is she a frog? Is that why she doesn't have a nose?
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I hope Namie being washed and a fraud won't suddenly make people think that GG isn't the prettiest girl this game has
Cador... is RIGHT!
Why are you so obsessed with one artist being 'better' than another? Kill yourself, you're genuinely brainrotten.
Gawain is also right. You SHOULD marry Siege.
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Finally, sandborn
I have no sexual attraction to Goldenglow.
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im not the one defending an obviously talentless mid artist because of some weird grudge against namie
at least stand behind Skade who is actually good and can btfo namie
>"lm7 is better"
>"wHY aRe yOU SO obSEsS3d???!?!?!?!?!"
Actually, they both suck.
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do better
Susie is so cute....
And they revealed a new terrorist also hot and likable summer Chen
my suggestion? do worse
you define "winning" and "losing" by popularity.
namie's massive popularity comes entirely from her online persona and not because of her actual characters, which are only two.
obviously the loud quirky outspoken australian woman with a former vtuber career is going to draw more attention to her personal self than the boring anonymous asian guy.
if popularity came from art quality and memorable characters then ryuzaki and skade would be the ones summoning huge lines of people for a shitty autograph.
I have a significant sexual attraction to Goldenglow.
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I like her, don't really care for any artist fights or not.
Seriously, kill yourself. There was no Namie hate spouted there, her being a character by Namie is the only thing of note about her. You keep getting so defensive about Namie, it's pathetic.
I wish Guard survived.
I like him.
>Mousse alter
I don't hate Namie, I like Mizuki, I like GGs collab skin, but Pepe is one of the ugliest Arknights characters
Same, but he's basically made himself that one guy they'll always call back to everytime Nu-reunion is on the screen so eh
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Oh no no no no
He doesn't go to real life events, period. CN thinks he lives in Lowlight's basement.
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Me too. Guard got undeserved hate.
Holy mother of cope
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This is why aZlingods are the best, we accept our Firewatch 2nd skin with pride
Typhon is cute!
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I have a significant attraction towards making Goldenglow my wife
Ehhhhh, he wasn't that bad but the fact his own writer outlines how retarded his plot is tells you how obvious the fumbling of reunion was. They wanted to keep the Nostalgia faction without doing anything to make them relavent.
Irene is coolest.
post more of this kaz or the artist
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what the fuck is up with this general anyway? Why do faggots keep trying to make people think these artists are the new shadman or some shit? I doubt you even fucking play the game
Yeah but I'm kinda bummed it doesn't seem like Valarqvin will get a swimsuit to go with her. Would've been nice seeing art of the two at the beach and stuff
>golden child
>with gameplay literally 99% of the community doesnt complete without guides
>when they could instead realize all their amazing character designs in 3D AND give them actually engaging gameplay AND enhance their entire character roster with animations AND stop wasting their god music with 2D AND take the franchise to the next level
Shadman op when?
What is 'shadman'?
>actually engaging gameplay
>next level
>wuwa ripoff
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Amazing bait
>with gameplay literally 99% of the community doesnt complete without guides
Their fault for making everything about obscure cancerous autowin mechanics to prevent meat grinders and not letting you see what enemies will be on the map before playing so you can at least take the appropriate damage type it's just bad design
Everyone else stop posting, this is the most retarded post in /akg/ this year. Please witness it for a moment.
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You're right but /akg/ doesn't want to admit it
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Certain artists get too much content and hog specific kinds of content while doing art that doesn't meet some anons standards. It's only natural.
the opinion of endfield haters holds no value when you realize what they really want is a 2D xcom clone because they're all a bunch of faggy boomers
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She really is. I'm hoping she gets a decent 2nd module eventually with her DEF ignore boosted a lot to have a niche with really good autos off skill.
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Isharmllah, Sargon will be ours!
Isn't one of the upcoming gachas an xcom clone?
I don't really care about her modules.
The fact that she's cool will forever remain.
10/10 edit, fukken saved
post love
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I don't want slow ass xcom shit either. Base building as a core gameplay in a gacha is stupid as fuck and the new setting is the same generic shit that's been pumped out a hundred times. Combine that with the slow ass gameplay and well of characters so dry it has to sip drink from its predecessor's glass and there is nothing hyping me for endfield except cooming to nuns
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Tell me with a straight face that seatent or any arknights greatest moments doesnt deserve an epic kino 3D fight like below and you're happy with the top
Go ahead, tell it to the entire general
Convince us you love Arknights and are not just boomers that somehow stumbled onto anime
It's over... Arknights just isn't kino enough...
Zoomers are really mindbroken, huh.
You can always wish for that, but to expect everyone to be the same is...
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>epic kino 3D fight
Endfield uses MMO tier moves
he's right
only slurpers don't want the bottom
kind of like how pokemon cultists accept the same low effort slop
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this shit is great
do you have more?
Name 10 non-gacha games you play this year
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DOA mogged by WuWa.
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>kind of like how pokemon cultists accept the same low effort slop
Pokemon is a 3d open world game now though
Reed LOVEs dicks in her ass
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I have no idea what is happening in this webm. Combat in video games is so much better when your camera is closer to the character or first person.
When it's this far away it's impossible to figure out what the fuck is going on.
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Monie love!
I love Reed, yes!
When will lowlight admit Omnipandering was a mistake and apologize
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Post an Endfield enemy model with the same amount of details as Endpipi(Evolved).
So a Carnelian alt on the Summer event isn't impossible?
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>sankta don't use guns anymore
Is there a way to force it closer during combat?
No, but it would only please shit taste havers.
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Carnelian is for Leithania plotline.
>the only reason I could tell this was endfield and not every other 3d gacha slop is because of the yellow color scheme
>Carnelian alt
Do you want to accelerate EoS that badly?
Susie love
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you'll get them as catalyst alternatives (all of them will use the same animations).
No, you gotta see your whole party
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No gachashit 3D game would do sharmy fight justice. You do your tower defense fight where you melt isharmla in 40 seconds and then scream KINO as The Last Knight leaps in the ending.
Give me a series of movies depicting the age of the silence and other bad endings. It will sell blockbusters
>boomer that hates change
some things never change
10? This years AAA has been complete dogshit (more than previous years) other than ER dlc. Only breakout co-op indie/AA hits like palworld/helldivers 2 were good. Other than that I would have chipped away at my backlog with things like rabi ribi but I dont keep track
Now YOU need to explain why you hate Arknights franchise and dont want to see it grow, Sanjay
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Did you guys get goodies in your mail today?
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Doc hanging out with the lads.
Chink have their own version of it... they're funny, to say the least.
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>10 rocks
wow so epic
very much ludo
>another generic looking genshin clone dead on arrival
I wish i could go back in time and bomb the nintendo studio that made that damn zelda game
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>It's ok when namie does awful faces
>It's not ok when lm7 does awful faces
>Base building as a core gameplay in a gacha is stupid as fuck
Shit taste.
Comfy base building colonization in an alien planet sounds awesome. I wish the base building in the original Arknights was more fleshed out.
looping again
yeah pretty much
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It's a xenoblade clone, which is arguably fitting since Xenblade 2 is a gacha.
Play more games
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why do boomers think this is a good argument? they always do this. anything that isn't turn-based combat with minimalist pixel graphics is too much for their brains to handle.
>press and hold one button
AK is a loopge now. Prepare for Kal2 or Skadi3or Ishar'mla the Heart of Purity for next anni.
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The Leithanian (specifically Hohenlohe) plot line is intersecting with Sargon.
Will the rock sankta be friends to the seaborn?
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>t. pokefag
one of the funniest 2024 moments was when tendies and nintendo had a COMPLETE mental meltdown over the pokemon palworld mod
Did you type that from your work laptop, sanjay?
>"This game would be better in first person"
holy retard
Yeah, where do you think they're going to dump the 'refugees', huh?
Endfield biggest mistake is setting it up in Talos instead of remaining on Terra. Who give a fuck about Talos?

If they are afraid to mess with Terra (continent) just set it in the Dark continent. Some Arknights player would love roleplaying as colonialist anyway.
I never played any pokemon game, zoom-zoom.
And I only watched three episodes of the anime and even then they're random.
I don't understand what make people obsess over those things, to be honest.
>first person anime gacha game where you can't see the character models
you win the most retarded comment of the year award
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Nah you won that yourself posting >>487592421
They could have made it a real game and just turned it into an mmo but genshin ruined gaming
I'm a 40 year old Blemifag by the way
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At least she's cute retarded instead of retarded retarded like gg
Aww sanjay having a melty? kek
>my parents couldnt afford a gameboy or trading card packs so I completely missed out on pop culture as a kid!!!
I'm sorry about that but that's not a flex
"I can't tell what's happening on the screen" is not a comment that makes you sound smart.
"I wish I couldn't see my character in a gacha game" makes you sound even dumber.
>turned it into MMO
>in the year of our lord 2024
No, even if I wished with all my heart for MMOs to be back, it will never happen.
The culture is no longer there.
Genuinely the bigger problem is dropping the original tech level from the interplanetary teleportation of resources thing, because god forbid Terra impact Talos.
No one hates Arknights more than Arknights players
I'm going to spark Dusk.
I thought that too, if you want to fuck around with stuff in Terra or show completely different stuff than usual but still arknights and in the game we could just have it happen there
>boomers can only play pixel games
>when it's explicitly stated in the post FPS games are preferable
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>pepe's confirmed to be the 6*
>another namie op
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Excuse you, I love Arknights.
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Next thread is fox thread
I'm going to impregnate Nian, Dusk, Ling and Shu
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Ray sucking on things
She's going to be kicked out the sui exodia next year..
chong will impregnate me
Ch'en, the most popular op in Arknights...
Yes yes, I'm sure Endfield is just chalk full of all sorts of issues.

Not that I would know, because I DIDN'T GET INVITED, TO THE TECHNICAL TEST. I'm not angry about it, not at all. Just saying I can't take any of your opinions seriously since I wasn't there to corroborate them.

So to me, Endfield is actually awesome. It looks cool. I can't wait to play it.
So what did we learn today
>Replying to every single posts
>Boomer boomer boomer
>Sanjay sanjay sanjay
>Play nothing outside of FOTM slops
Thanks for derailing the thread
I like this Chen more than the OG one.
Clownfags are the 2nd most delusional posters itt next to endfags
That's not a new thing.
>chalk full
You must be 18 to post here
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she's the best
>didn't actually play the beta
>barely watched beta players play
newsflash: genshin doesn't have fucking gameplay
Endfield was a mistake
At least one anon got in and said they questioned him extensively on base, so that's one thing to look forward to.
I'm not using that thread
I'm not going there
post the ONE cool scene manfred got
Mak non bait thread
Make another thread
Not going there too
gonna cry sanjay?
what happened to your low effort gotcha posts?
I made you type more this time because I'm smarter than you
HAHA stay in your shithole
Endkek melty
Making a mumu thread gimme a sec
None of my posts are even that mean schizo. I just tell you to play more games. You are literally the one having a melty right now. You can see that not many people here give a shit about Endfield
Terrible example
>most of /akg/ hates and/or feels betrayed by endfield
>nobody but one anon actually played it
You're not fooling anyone sanjay
Now keep coping with your shitbox PC and laptop
I am trying to be reasonable here schizo
>saar im trying to be reasonable saaar
no u

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