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Previous thread: >>487562858

LoneTrail Live Action fan movie: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Rx4y1x7K9/

[7/19-8/2][Standard]6* Sniper Fartooth, 6* Caster Goldenglow (Shop), 5* Defender Cement, 5* Medic Paprika, 5* Caster Rockrock (Shop)
[7/18-7/28]Where Vernal Winds Will Never Blow Rerun - Jieyun skin
[7/18-8/1][0011 Re-edition]Ling, Dusk, Cantabile, Mulberry, Mr. Nothing, FEater

[7/18-8/1][Standard]6* Caster Lin, 6* Specialist Mizuki (Shop), 5* Caster Corroserum, 5* Medic Vendela, 5* Guard La Pluma (Shop)
[7/16-7/30][Joint Action]6* Guard Degenbrecher, 6* Guard Qiubai, 6* Defender Penance, 6* Specialist Ascalon, 5* Vanguard Fang The Fire-Sharpened, 5* Guard Leto, 5* Defender Aurora, 5* Defender Cement, 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Supporter Windflit

>/akg/ website:
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
real thread
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Blessed xof thread
Trying too hard.
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This is the one
so what's triggered him this time?
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There are two types of Arknights fans, Endfield haters and Endfield supporters
Endfield supporters are men, colonists, risk takers, willing to take the golden child hunting so he can grow and surpass the father and eventually lead an EMPIRE
Endfield haters are women, sheep, afraid to rock the boat, want to keep the golden child home forever and let them ROT
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Bnuuy love
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God I wish I were in between them
Some people here want to... fuck Suzuran...
Zero foxes released in the past 3 years. Nobody likes them
Arknights is dying and its fans are killing it
My soulmate...
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I want to fuck adult Suzu
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get your bait posts out of the way early so i can hide them all at once
based gravelchad
Oh, figured you'd post the ZZZ one
Anyways staying here
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You think you're safe from me because you ran to a different thread like a little bitch?
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His tail is quite fluffy too.
I will colonize terra and breed durins
Miserable thread already
I remember Endpipi got fucked almost immediately after her reveal.
It is me Anvilpipi, the Endfield hater
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Making arknights players hate their own game was the biggest trick the indian devil ever played
This is the literally the only general in the entire board that gets triggered when they see endpipi
Everywhere else people go
>shes so cute!!
>built for manhandling
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Stay there then
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Even the Blemislop consumers hate it...
/akg/ became kazdel, we need theresis
Poor Sanjay can't afford a pc
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The mere existence of endfield and endfield posts making you miserable is nobody's problem but your own though?
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Miss Suzuran is our light!
This twisted game needs to be reset.
This is what no content do to a general. Other central have /bag/ and /wuwa/ parasites as well but they could choose to ignore them to talk about actual in-game content instead.

We don't have any actual content to distract us. You can only "talk" about fucking Suzuran so many time.

Shutent will save us.
>no one wanted to use the thread with it as an op
>I-I'll just post it in the thread they're using! It's not trolling, they obviously just missed the post!
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Forget Endfield, post Amiya
You lost.
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As history shows you can talk about fucking anything until death claims you.
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Why would I, an arknights fan, leave the arknights general instead of just calling out retarded schizos like you?
Your grammar skills need work.
I love Amiya.
My heroine
Which game are we moving to when Arknights goes into EoS?
newfag here
IW-9 is supposed to be bullshit, right
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Every time when you think the endniggers can't get more annoying, they find a way to surprise you
They're just like mumufags
You Endkeks are delusional. You shiheads have no actual topics to discuss here as there has been no actual news concerning the game for a long time and barely anyone has actually tried it. Most people will come here to discuss Arknights the tower defense game as they actually like that game. You fuckers have succeed in nothing but derailing the threads and shitting on people who justifiably don't give a shit about another game that they are not interested in
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Not reading all that.
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It can be rough for a newfag but it's very much doable with a support unit. If you need help, post your squad. We help our kin.
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The xof or the bnuuy, which way Doctor man?
>falseflagging already
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For a newfag, yeah
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IW is quite gimmicky for a newfag, but you should be able to do it if you cleared the rest. Post squad as always.
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Sona feet
Hi discord
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fucking BASED
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And people try to deny that Arknights is dying
i got filtered by that one last year
Are there actual Endkeks here or is it just one schizo samefagging
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Say something nice about this angel!
schizo samefagging
The latter
no one actually cares what some mentally ill schizos "boycott"
we're just laughing at your easily predictable reactions
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The fxo has big ears and tails whereas bnuuys only gifted in their ear length
One schizo
You wish it was 1 person
the latter, it's the NCD shizo too
I'll never forgive gravelfag for drawing this
I love it because it demonstrated how mentally fragile this general is. Utterly mindbroken by a single piece of fanart.
NCD schizo doesn't care about Endfield beyond NCD will be there.
We're all moving to GFL2 when the time comes
for the feet
Just talk about the actual in-game content bro!

>people calling out my retarded behaviour? must be falseflagging
Whatever you say
fxo everytime, she even has 9 tails
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I'll be honest, there's not much of a squad
I somehow managed to get Gladiia and Lava Alter max pot with a E1 support, but this one is nuts, even with Ling cheese
She has nice synergy with that cute pink sarkaz
You're funny.
I can try and see if I can make something work with it, do you have any other leveled ops in your roster worth mentioning?
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Post whatever as long as it adheres to the global rules and you really meant it. Else youre just wasting everyones time, especially yours.
You got xem
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Nice thread Arkeks
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how bro feels when he "calls out retarded behavior" on 4chan
I have Melantha, Gladiia and Vigna E1. Thanks a bunch, but no need, I'll return when I have another healer, Ethan and/or figured out why I can't 1:1 the Ling+medic solo run
I'm so sorry anon...
What other gacha does /akg/ play? We obviously are tired of arknights and don't care about its sequel so I need something else for when the game closes.
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if only that were true
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borrow a yato2 bro
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Hit a nerve, huh?
>I'm so sorry anon...
I beg your pardon?
Bison is so lucky...
Bison is so lucky...
I understand. I'll give it a go anyways to see if I can find something really easy to copy and reply to this post later. Good luck with stuff bro.
I mean you are pretty retarded bro
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Go back to your containment generals!
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nice arknights "discussion"
I thought about sharing, but I want to minimize the risk of /akg/ schizos going to bother my other gacha threads since they are peaceful.
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shut the hell up Endpipi, get corrected
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"X is so lucky" "Y is so lucky" i got specter the unchained and texas the omertosa in my first 10 rolls, that's what lucky looks like faggots
You could've gotten a good operator from the starter banner, but alas...
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>but alas...
but alas he got the best!
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small sensitive girls are the best for tickling
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Gao (forma de la NPC carcel)
Lusting over endpipi is the same as lusting over conviction. You've got a 50% chance of being a faggot
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Same but Texas, W and Eyja.
That's... actually a 100%
Endkeks discuss your game I want to see what you people actually talk about
but Archetto is cute and that's all that matters
My Texalt is max pot
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this is not regular mindbroken
this is.... advanced mindbroken
So many anons coming out of the closet today.
What qualifies one to be META op?
not like arkeks are discussing the game either, there has been literally 0 discussion of the game outside of one anon asking if a stage is hard to beat and the rest of the thread has been image spam, rtiaulposting, sanjayposting and complaining about endfield
they have to be my fav
Good day to update my filters
Don't move the goalpost. Discuss your game
Meant for >>487599647
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He's right
Something is off...
NTA but you just proved him right
Instead of discussing arknights you let your irrational hatred take over and just sat there refreshing the thread to find a reason to shit talk endfield
Being extremely useful on almost every single stage? Greatly outperform other operators in the same category?
>image spam, rtiaulposting, sanjayposting
so just like it always has been?
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Uncle is not then.
He is a baggage.
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NamieKINGS, we will be feasting in 1.5 days.
Delpipi *smooch*.
I hope you find your hat soon.
What is the combat actually like in endfield? I never played the closed beta but is it actually engaging or is it just button spam?
Bro the res on this is way too low
She's getting a glow up redesign and a kickass E2
Namiehaters will an hero this weekend
no one here has played it so we dont know
You forgot about whining about Arknights and HG not pandering to their D tier characters
No I'm giving them a chance to discuss Endfield
People not interested in Endfield already left so of course there won't be anymore Arknights discussion. They are still discussing the game like 1.5 threads ago
>button spam
It's furthest thing from button spam.
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What redesign? That's literally her E1 right there.
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Peppe tummy, prprprpr
They need to have "meta" in their name
ZZZ combat but remove dash and parry and add 3 brain-dead AI ops
Nobody here has played it.
Wdym? We posted plenty of Endfield last thread and the start of this thread.
Out of courtesy we're now letting TD only andys have some space because they got triggered
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I hope this gao becomes an operator soon
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Does two T's mean she's extra meta?
I kinda agree. He is exceedingly powerful, but he's a drag for me most of the time
>yostar confirmed my shipping
>Tracking site is in Italian
do I look like a Siracusan to these guys?
The second T stands for tits
She's the Anal Queen
So continue then. I'm not telling you guys to stop
I hope she doesn't get scammed by old men again...
Its like Xenoblade, which itself is just a pseudo-MMO style gameplay. Your characters do auto-attacks by default and your job is to press skills on cooldown.
Unfortunately HG must've been afraid of being called copycats because they half-assed it and forgot to copy stuff like break-topple-etc. combos and chain attacks.
That's literally our line tho.
Keep posting Arknights instead of crying whenever Endfield gets mentioned. Or keep replying to me and proving my point.
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Doctor, please stop posting these AI generated images of my naked body on RIchan.
Don't come at me with this "I don't know what you're talking about, Kal'tsit.". I asked Closure to install a spyware on your computer, and she has access to all these distasteful images you have been uploading.
Lowlight saw that all the shipfags on /akg/ were just a certain italian shitposter, so they made some assumptions
>Your characters do auto-attacks by default and your job is to press skills on cooldown
You can do each auto attack manually though
actual perfect character design... it would be a WASTE if she stayed an npc
Ok then. You should keep your words. No more Endfield from here
It's your mom.
Don't ask me why.
She thinks you're going to steal me from her.
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Look here schizo
People will post Endfield whenever and however they want
You can cry about it every single time or grow up
Simple as that
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Granted, instead she'll scum you out of your rolls
I doubt she can evade 300 rolls.
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Wis'adel looks like she belongs in endfield. We're 100% getting her at some point.
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So you choose to cry? Not my problem
She looks like Garfield
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Say goodbye to your computer privileges.
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Such commitment...
Because Liduke drew her? Are you okay, anon?
>orange cat
Need to change Endfield to CUM
Are you high?
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Lowlight is personally escorting his W(ife) to Endfield
And she won't be able to shit talk endpipi like she does with Doctor or Kal'tsit
Sarkaz are so vulgar. Sankta are so perfect
Endfield looks more tacticool than Arknights has in years...
The Pope will banish you.
R6S 2 soon.
EF is not tacticool
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Your daughter calls me daddy too
I hope every single item and buildable facility in Endfield has an extensive paragraph of flavor text that I can read. I love the worldbuilding.
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>Sankta are so perfect
It seems that way for now, but knowing HG we'll be getting flying pink sheep and bubbly city pop in due time.
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this looks less tacticool than ch'en 1
>4 years
Endfield being AR and not just set in the existing arknights universe is a disappointment for me. Would have been way cooler if it took place in the existing arknights universe and we were just on board a different landship where we occasionally encounter and recruit arknights operators.
The portal is there.
They knew Terra will be the main interest and set it as the GOAL accordingly.
You have 4 skills + 4 ultimates. To use ultimate, you need to use corresponding skill several times. Outside of skills, you just hold left mouse button to autoattack. While you autoattack or use skills, you are locked into animation (like in monster hunter) and there're almost no ways to deal with animation lock, so if you decide to autoattack or use skills while enemy is using its strong attack, you are fucked. Usually enemy's strong attacks are clearly transmitted. You can almost always interrupt strong attacks by using skills at right moment.
Enemies have stagger bar. If enemy's stagger is broken, you deal 50% more damage to them and they're (usually) become stunned. You can only deplete enemies' stagger by using skills on them. There're no elemental resistances yet.
There're several status effects and elemental reactions. Elemental reactions are triggered by using the skills on spheres, generated by other skills. Unlike Genshin, these reactions don't really deal that much damage and are usually just help to apply status effects and debuff enemies (for example, pulse + thermal reaction decreases arts resistance of a target, while thermal + lattice decreases the defence).
Status effects interact with each other in different ways. Usually, these interactions just increase the stagger damage to enemy, but can also be used to stun enemies for longer or to charge ultimates faster.
The combat itself is much slower than Genshin/ZZZ/Wuwa/Other shit. It kinda reminds me of Lineage or Monster Hunter. Most of the time you think in which order to use skills to interrupt enemies' strong attacks and stagger them. When there's nothing to dodge/interrupt and when your skills are on cd, you just autoattack.
>Endfield being AR and not just set in the existing arknights universe
who is gonna tell him
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seeing as how ex astris is endfield-lite you'll eat good
you ever get tired of responding to bait?
>he lacks critical info
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It's over
There's going to be a second episode? Ex Astris story seemed to be pretty finished to me when I played it on release.
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who next (after shu)
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Once again, not blurry enough
Eh, I want more.
Feist for utility.
is this fun though? like enjoyable enough to do dailies for years?
How do i feed endkeks and namiefaggots some suicide pills?
Nice range
Stainless has many good uses
Are you okay?
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I think you should take some pills for your mental illness.
Most people didn't find it enjoyable enough to finish the beta
Just observe anon
Why can't /endg/ and /akg/ just be friends... we're sister games... be nice to one another...
It's actually doable by sheer Yato2 spam pretty consistently, it's probably easier by just waiting for ethan but I got your squad to clear.
Operators we hate?
All the Viccy slags (including Stainless)
We're not splitting up the general faggot
i just want to thank doctor A for his supports carrying me through my first successfull IS run
i bless you with the shu beans
nobody here played the beta so thats disingenuous
We don't really know about dailies and such. In tech alpha you just do 3 fast missions. The beginning where you control only 2 characters was boring, but playing with 4 characters was ok. Boss fights were fun and engaging, but fights against common enemies are badly balanced, so you're either killing them with 2 skills or die from 3 enemy auto's. For me, the worst part of tech alpha was that there was almost no challenge. Even crisis rifts are pretty easy after you level your characters.
you okay?
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Finally some good porn.
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Wuthering Waves for my combat needs, Endfield for my base building and story needs.
The future of gacha is bright.
I heard its like FF12 which was good but I dont think Endfield has gambit system
based sagaposter
How many free time do you have to be able to play both?
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Your all retard
Wuwa gameplay got stale for me but hopefully Endfield base and story will hold up
How do you know there's a thread consensus on no-split?
>30 sp cost
>for a skill made in 2024
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When Originium internal combustion engine technology was still immature, people rushed to put it into the construction of early nomadic cities. In the earliest nomadic city engines, the burning rate of solid Originium fuel and the pressure level of high-temperature Originium vapor still needed to rely on Originium Art to assist in the control. However, without adequate treatment of active dust waste, these mobile giant structures will continually send the engineering wizards who drive them to their graves.

Long after the birth of nomadic cities, small-scale Originium internal combustion engines that could be safely put into civilian use truly became popular. Today, fully automatic engine control modules and mature waste disposal systems can effectively solve these problems that have cost countless lives.

A Victorian scholar known for his popular works tried to imagine a land without the Originium. But in this slim publication titled "Set foot on a land without Originium", his most daring idea was to use charcoal to drive a steam engine. As a powerful source of energy, Originium satisfies humankind's need for power. Nowadays, when we talk about "technology", we have to add the word "Originium". This is because most of the common sense of life that contemporary people rely on for survival is based on the understanding and application of the Originium. It can be said that all aspects of human civilization, and even imagination itself, cannot be separated from the influence of Originium technology.

But for most of known human history, "Originium Technology" was not a clear concept. From ancient times to the present, there is no clear distinction between it and "Originium Art". The meanings of the two concepts sometimes overlap and sometimes separate.
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As it was written
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Half anni revealed...
still not blurry enough, I can tell some pixels apart
because that anon asked me, and I said there won't be a split, so there won't be a fucking split because I call the shots here
Funny as shit that without the skill icon I could believe this was from the pv with how they give you half a second to see whats going on in each clip sometimes
A drawback of material leap.
i am on your ark *shits*
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People will generally distinguish between the two concepts of "Originium Technology" and "Originium Art". This is after the creation and popularization of the method of using Originium that can be mastered by non-skilled casters. This type of use of Originium is called "modern industrial art". That is, the technology of storing or transmitting fixed Originium through crystal units and mechanical structures allows users to release and transform Originium energy by simply casting arts, or even without casting arts. The main content of this section is the discussion of the utilization of this type of Originium.

If we look at it from today's perspective, manual production based on Originium technology has many problems such as high cost, low efficiency, small scale, uneven quality, and limited popularity. Only casters with superb skills and sophisticated operating units can create complex products. Only the simplest and crudest handmade products are common in people's lives.

The popularization of modern industrial art not only makes it easier for people with medium or low adaptability to Originium Art to participate in industrial production, but also enables standardized and interchangeable mass production of parts. The emergence of the assembly line in the modern sense has greatly increased the upper limit of production scale. The rapid development of Originium industry has brought about huge growth in population size and drastic changes in social structure. This change in turn guides the development of technology through consumer demand : After the roar of the nomadic city resounded throughout Terra, common civilian products such as refrigerators, televisions, and air conditioners gradually entered the daily lives of Terrans.
I love namie and endfield
Jesus anon, huge props. The Yato2 needs to be E2, I just can't get her to show up in support.
Ethan is probably worth the red certs, so I'll get him tomorrow.
Why would there be a split in the first place?
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sex with the retarded one
Retards think there will be enough to talk about in AK that they need the space, when you can even see right now how theres pretty much never anything to talk about in the actual game
Sad but true
W and an unrelated Aslan Fellatiologist getting limited banners before Siege is funny as fuck.
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nta but i got a yato if you wanna borrow
>Rim Billy
It must be a coincidence, yeah?
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Literally built to bear Doctor's children
There's already plenty of oldstinkies here who absolutely despise Endfield, you think they're gonna just sit idly by as the game they actively hate takes up over half of the thread space they used to have?
Endpipis will be shunned into having their own thread by their own kin. Screencap this.
It's funny that they explicitly use the word "charcoal" here, because Terrans don't know about coal or oil, as originium just devours all dead organic matter.
As in maul and eat them
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God I love Savage, the amount of work they put in to her relationship with Doc between GV and her op record has just been great. Hardly anyone else compares to it in actual character relations
And other delusions savagekeks tell themselves
Thanks for the Yato2, anon
I'll see if I can do what the other anon did
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Your retarded, Docktah
they're gay anon
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>How many free time
I cleared it with Pozyomka when I was still new, you could try that
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I'm trying my best
Cute yuri
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no problem, have fun she's a blast
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Charlotte needs another skin, waiting 5 years was too long for just one
Next year surely
Alongside her alt
Still waiting warmly for SHINING.

Imagine if she ever got to meet Yelena
Do endies really want to live in the thread with the 5 giga schizos ruining this one?
Well Peppe is just the standard on the banner, the limited is Ceobe alt
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/akg/ ambience synesthesia watchparty when?
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Post more
Lol lmao
>when Savage is another "I can fix him!" girl for Doctor
Idk if it's possible to rip the full version from this
It means "ur mum gay"
we can bully them out easily
look how peaceful and nice the thread is when they aren't sperging out
Shit meme
Not without a paid membership but i've heard there is a re-upload.
you need premium
It fuxks me up that characters like Savage and Zofia get called Aunty and they're like mid twenties
I couldn't find it, but I just searched for 明日方舟音律联觉2024
Time to masturbate
That's how it is in anime and anime-related mediums. Once you go past the age of 17 you suddenly get referred to as a hag.
Hopefully that ugly Namie gremlin isn't limited.
>masturbating to non futa yuri
Reed is a slut
according to NGA she's the first 7* in the game, 3 skills but you can choose which to use mid-battle instead of having to choose before battle
switching skills does zero her SP
It's good that you've gone past the denial phase. As long as you accept that Peppe is coming soon.
Why are people suspecting Peppe but not a blaze alter, considering blaze has a swimsuit design already and is a cat?
Why? I love limiteds that I hate because then they can't pollute the standard pool. In my case it's chinky doragons and W, don't have to worry about them spooking me ever.
yeah they're really giving lm7 a limited
just like with ho'olyehak right?
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I completely forgot about that. I hope she's non-limited too so that she can spook everyone in the future.
it's cuora and blue poison alt
everything else is just cope
sloughtshinny more like uhhhhhhhhhh slut uhhhhhhhhh shitty get it because uhhhhh shes a slut and shes shit lol haha
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Reed the Night Walker
Because Shu's event says Blaze alt is Sui related
for the doctor
>Cuora in Sargon
Can that kid stop getting lost for 5 minutes
speculation is that it's pepe (limited) with a new ch'en alter
Imagine being demoted from the main squad to the chinktent...
For Tara
Chen3 would get Lowlight hanged probably
Kinda funny that siege is older than them.
She was always chinktent
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He deserves it frankly.
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mon5tr, mon3tr, mon2tr...
ch'en, ch'00m, ch'3n...
If she was summer yea, but chinks seem pretty resigned to her getting another alt for Suitent.
Wives for my wife?
Fox wife
Fuck off Ray is only for me
Ch'en from Arknights.
We all had her.
What about your wife Savage....
The bully train never stops. Siege2 going to end up a 6* welfare at this rate
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Where are the Jessica fags at? She's about to get a swimsuit, show some excitement...
Operators WE run a train on?
remind me in 8 months
Jessica isn't hot
Jessica with water guns and a sandcastle shield will be kino
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>To the friend doctor. Rei-chan, who came to support us, will be given a proper treatment before being returned, so she may be a little late, but please rest assured.
So glad I stopped having jessica as my wife now that she's getting the reed treatment (getting slut-ified)
whats this
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she's still cute though
Kill yourself
That is an image of Ray having passionate sweaty sex with a stranger for the payment of 20 friend credits while Doctor is calling her phone
It's hot so I don't mind
Swimsuit Jessica?
That would be so hot if it was chen or surtr
operators i would call while they're in the middle of fucking strangers for 20 friend credits?
Thanks, can't open the website formerly known as twitter
your wife
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My wife
I can totally see it. Silent2 set the precedent for 6* welfare alts, and even a character as important as CE/Theresa became a welfare.
Honestly the three of them together isn't a bad set-up
>Two red hair purple eyes
>dark blue hair red eyes
When I get home I'll see if they actually take commissions and the like
Enjoy https://files.catbox.moe/sodoh0.jpg
is silent2 worth raising?
If shitposts on Akg are enough reason for you to abandon your wife then you are a bad and disloyal husband and you never deserved her
CE is welfare precisely because she is important
lol no
lmao no
the whole archetype is a waste of mats
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Split second before the second breath attack but I did it
Not sure why Specter S2 didn't push through tho, but I had Beagle in the back for safety
Please share if so
They do, godspeed
Operators for this feel?
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>unironically commissioning NTR art
Chenfags.... Surtrfags....
very nice, kroos is worth the trouble
Yeah, that’s another point in favor of Siege2 being a welfare. Imagine going through half a dozen chapters with this sad, saggy cat, only for her eventual transformation into a competent leader being unavailable like that.
smuggest oxf
Why is it always footfags who draw the most fucked up weird shit
Unfortunately her archetype is just bad. If you don't mind her performing worse than a 5-star, she's okay for bruteforcing stuff. Her talent heals enmities so pairing her with Hellameme or Mudrock is great. Also gives them that extra arts damage they might need.
Siege is not important….
As a bull myself, I don't get how you can fall so low.
They're just shitposters emotebro
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Operators for this feel?
I miss angelbro... hope he comes back soon
Mostima is not a masculine ikemen butch dyke and I hate when women draw her like this
I don't get what being forte has to do with anything.
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>As a bull myself
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Wish he drew more Arknights, feels like doesn't do it as much as he used to
They could fix the archetype by just giving them proper toggle skills, not like Quercus but Mountain.
Even if you don’t like her, it doesn’t mean that she hasn’t received a ton of screen time during this arc.
Anyone got that speculated future shoperator list? I'd like to check if it's worth ticketing GG or saving up for someone else right ahead
Spec S2 carried me tanking the beam, sure you just didn't mistime it?
So what did we learn today?
Just check the shop history and go from there, you could also check more if you're smart enough.
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I want to fuck fortes.
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We could be better
namie good
bison bad
We are toilet
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Nurturing foxes
This thread was better when we were discussing endfield
I love Arknights!
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New leak
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It's so over
this is the one
Predictions on Ceobe alter's looks/class/skills?
/akg/ reminds me of my old general around arknights' release
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Yeah thanks for comfirming it wasn't just my imagination...
I'm back
We are so fucking back
The thread is saved
Lena keeps asking me for a semen sample every time I stop by the greenhouse. Is this normal? She says it's to make new "perfumes" but I'm starting to have doubts
She's being serious Ulpipi
Just give in
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Okay, anon. Who is the Perfumer? Just do as she asks, she's a professional.
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I'm back
I'm gone
The thread is ruined
it's so fucking ova
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angebros are going to eat so good
Yeah, I feel bad for those that aren't joining us in Endfield
We hate Endfield here
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It'll feel good to trim the fat and hopefully not have such a bloated roster
Triming the fat by adding sankta surtr and Wolfguard the Lupo guard
why are euro hours so bad
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Thread improved
>forgot to make a wb-7 to farm trust
>rerun is almost done
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I hate this
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bro, you had a whole week
Could be worse.
What sarkaz subraces are the physically strongest?
only the highest quality ops will get a port
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waai fu sex
use it
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I've got 230 mango, 100 aketon, 100 blue crystals, do I just keep shooting into aketon?
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Do you think it tickles?
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probably if you run your fingers along the fluffy underside
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Reed arriving in Endfield
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Reed! Hurry up or your tail will get stuck in the door!
500 years later, still a slut
500 years later, you never change, Mandy
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500 years later, no one knows where mandy is buried
No one knew 500 seconds after she was buried
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For what? I need fucking gel. Also alloy and rma.
There's like one M3 I've done so far that's needer sinters.
Bro your sugar...
Wrong, that's just Reed arriving back at Rhodes. Reed would be dead (like Mandy) by the time Endfield happens
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At least that isn't running completely dry.
That 90 T1 is only 7 T3/blue sugar...
>he doesn't know
What killed the game?
People making choom into a controversy unironically
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Of course those two will be the first mentioned
What will save the game?
Every little complaint piling up over the years and overall dissatisfaction leading to apathy.
Please do explain. If you mean them removing the 500 year skip, they already 100% confirmed oripathy wasn't cured.
And if you mean the cloning, then that's just more lazy writing they probably are going to retcon
Walter and nepotism
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Priestess kino. Love across time and space.
Cure=/=better methods to deal with and stave it off.
Endfield has to save itself first.
Endfield won't save jack shit.
Ask Snowbreak.
It's over
Damn, headcanons saved game for you? Lunacy is truly impressive
Stop making absurd percentage of dupe skins, give IS a real story again, bring back base building in RA, follow up on popular plots in non-shit ways, stop cannibalizing content for endfield
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>Theresa with braid
Oh nonononono. Guys I can't fall in love with this girl please help.
I don't understand why'd they make Endfield after the market is already over sutured with these kinds of Gacha games. Endfield doesn't have top of the line graphics, the gameplay is pretty simple and the gimmick of base building is just that, a gimmick. You'll do your base for the season and then you'll be done for 90~150 days.
From an investment point of view it doesn't make sense because it costs too much money to develop, takes too long and if it crashes and burn you'll be left with nothing since it's a sequel game it'll tarnish even the original IP.
It's like trying to make a Battle Royale that looks like Fortnite in the current year
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Only Priestess kino event can save this game from the death spiral. Kneel to the canon wife.
This implies you are not already in love with her.
Snowbreak shills always peddle that their game is making bank yet when you look at any sales chart they're listed below omnipandering, fujopandering, and yuripandering games every time
The actual answer is pacing. If we speed up and went from content to content, there'd be way more drive, the dead time achieves nothing.
Every chinese gacha dev is convinced that 3D gacha are the next step in growth.
They just thought it'd be cool, look at Ex Artis.
Investor retardation I imagine.
They're not wrong but like each one released makes less money than the last and if your game doesn't have anything to stand out it's just going to die
My wife my wife my wife mywifemywofmewywomfewofwwmywifemwymywifemywifemfyowfewofemwifewifrwifewmywofemyfwoe
What else would they do? "Not do anything" isn't an answer.
Even by investment standards you look at the sutured market you look at the cost and time of development and you see you've missed the boat the risk is too great
>your game doesn't have anything to stand out
Seeing how much dev name pull worked for star rail, Endfield would've been big 3 years ago
Texas will be the third banner in endfield
Anything else? Smaller games? Just keep working and adding stuff to Arknights?
You almost make it sound like the only option any company has for growth is to attempt a 3D premium gacha game
My wife makes me cum fast
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Bare shoulders…
>Anything else? Smaller games?
You've got Popucom and Ex Astris
>Just keep working and adding stuff to Arknights?
>You almost make it sound like the only option any company has for growth is to attempt a 3D premium gacha game
The game is already on its way out, they'd die without anything else after.
Irresponsible and unprotected sex with Eblana
Operator to fix the doomer docs itt?
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That depends, you need to ask yourself why they would be doomers in the first place.
whoever can get them to learn a satisfying and productive hobby
Anything by an unknown but godly chink artist
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Popucum isn't making any money it looks like a splatoon ripoff
Ex Astris is okay but it's exclusive to mobile and it's episodic
You vastly underestimate how retarded investors are. For example, go look at Capcoms shareholder reports, they're publicly available transcripts. One of them asks "well if you release the game a year early wouldn't you get more profits sooner?"
Half of these dumb fucks literally don't understand how any of the things they invested in work, they just want numbers to go up.
It hurts...
If Priestess and Theresa really loved me, they would use open toe high heels and have black painted nails
Do those even exist anymore?
yeah it's called fishing
of course, maybe not for you though
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Bruh public traders are retards. This is quoting a Nintendo investor.
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A hobby is only worth doing if it's Profitable.
All the water near be has been labeled too contaminated for fishing.
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i disagree
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You lost bird.
I do wonder if whoever made that doesn't get the irony.
Wait, is the guy mad that people are discussing video games for the video game company?
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Yes. May I also show you "wouldn't you get more money if you just released the game a whole year sooner?"
Don't care, still playing Endfield.
She has black nails here. No feet shot though. >>487623963
They didn't listen for dragons dogma...
Infinite growth chasing is the most retarded thing ever
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oh no wonder so many games are dogshit
It's mandatory by law
I took that pill a few years ago and have never been happier
Nah Dragons Dogma is just Dragons Dogma because that's Dragons Dogma
Wuh bros.......
Lol I will never forget how I thought that I was in the mid act but a second later prepping for the last fight
There's not enough art of Amiya being slutty
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I don't think DD2 was that bad compared to the first game, it just wasn't an improvement and had to deal with people who were overhyped but never played the first one.
Dragon's Dogma 2 was truly Dragon's Dogma the sequel
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She has her uses from time to time
Irony THIS

I went in blind. My biggest issue was that exploring felt pointless. No loot besides shit gear and a few unique items that get powercrept by the next store items.
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Finally, a pure Sarkaz.
>make a character that's Hitler incarnate
>the fanbase wants to marry her
Explain this
>My biggest issue was that exploring felt pointless. No loot besides shit gear and a few unique items that get powercrept by the next store items
I feel like the last game I played to truly reward exploration was BG3 but that exploration was baby tier compared to DD2's
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It doubled down on the strengths so combat is fun, pawns are great, and wandering the world is enjoyable but they also doubled down on the flaws so the story is even more incomprehensible, vocation / weapon balance is fucked and the pacing goes straight to hell. Basically >>487628583
It loops back around to "You matter" if Reed the Flameshadow is to be believed anyhow
You lost me
it's over
Endfield will never come out. They realized they were too late and dumped it.
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I lowkey suspect it will actually never come out
it's joever
No offense, but knowing that Hypergryph has done a bang-up job raising and managing Arknights all this time, I frankly trust them a lot more in regards to what to do with their money as opposed to off-the-cuff analysis from people in the anonymous scuba diving forum.
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It's just getting started.
Reed is a slut
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The moment they treated our king like trash in her country's own arc was the moment the game was over.
>Hypergryph has done a bang-up job raising and managing Arknights all this time
They didn't do anything special?
Sparks are still 300, base is still bad and they've introduced all sorts of small packs for players to buy, including skins.
I'll only start saying eos when they start selling us immediate M3 packs since that'd mean they don't plan on adjusting that side of the base ever, until then we're fine
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Look on the bright side
A smile might be good anon...
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High spark cost and numerous packs means more money for HG. I don't see the problem. Pay up, Endfield isn't gonna fund itself.
Shut the FUCK up
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They already don't plan on ever updating the base
They said they would in the coming months on anni
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We should just genocide the sarkaz to save the game
Sit the fuck down
That stupid thing on her forehead looks like the symbol of sacrifice
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I bet Pepe partakes in coprophagia from that shit eating grin
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>makes C fags seethe
>makes waifufags seethe
>arkeks hate her
Why is she so based?
Are you afraid Endfield is going to bomb and take Hypergryph with it?
Well, don't. They've probably got the next ten years of Arknights already all planned out and paid for in advance. That's why they can afford to toss cash at side projects like Endfield and Ex Astris. Those games could fail miserably and it's business as usual for Arknights.
i'll be waiting for arknights 2 while playing endfield
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>10 more years of sarkaztent
By that metric, Sanjay and the Ursusfag are based.
>It's all kots
>next ten years of Arknights already all planned out
*5 years, like they said
And we're down to 4.75 years already
>Are you afraid Endfield is going to bomb and take Hypergryph with it?
Not really
But I can very much see them giving less and less attention to the original game, as has been the case already
when is RA going to come back? that post about pepe/namie's npc possibly being the next 6 star reminded me about it, i totally forgot about RA
Only 5 years until EoS, damn
2 days after shu if its like cn
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Can't spell Reed without DEER
Reed beer
Introduction: February 3, 2024

So during the Chinky event. They'll show it off during the stream.
wtf is RA
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Her show didn't live up to the hype.
Reed app
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Which classes benefit the most from level 90? Snipers?
Retarded Archetto
whatever your favs are in
Is that how you set up a session with her? What are her rates?
If you read the manga you'd know the show would be shit
summoners and trappers, i would think? so Ling/Dorothy
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Everywhere gives me different answers on which module to get for phantom.
You don't need modules for anything. Just get whatever you want. He's powercrept so it matters even less.
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I think it's alright. I like the absurdism of the universe just bullying one dorky girl in particular.
>using Phantom
Raise your texalt
Supporters, you'd want stuff like Arturia and Skadi2 capped since it's all about their stats
Bros I'm going to sleep there better not be any fucking leaks while I'm gone
I just use him without modules in CC.
We already know one of the 6* ops and two of the 6* skins, as well as the fact that berries are getting modules. There's barely anything left to leak.
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He went to bed? Dump it.
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Reed already leaked in her panties
Piss leaking slut
>two of the 6* skins
One will be Eyja 99% idk the other
Holy shit, it's a mumu alt
What the fuck it's real
You use yato and texalt, that's his module
elfy welfy double trouble
Is there an artist you want to see make an operator?
give HUG a 6* already
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Her game.
Just a theory but it feels like people high up in Arknights wanted to make a high profile 3D gacha game long ago but was denied. Then after genshin became a smash hit all of them kicked themselves and are trying to make up for it.
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Guess I'll get both then
Chigusa Minori
>Then after genshin became a smash hit all of them kicked themselves and are trying to make up for it.
Well the reception of Endfield probably made them stop kicking themselves.
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Your elf.
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leaks doko
Redjuice needs more ops. Including a 6*
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Her hubby.
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For me, it's Priestess.
There is no King of England, there is no Santa Claus, and there are no leaks.
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>wanting more of this
Looks ugly as sin
If they wanted to make a game they could've just made one instead of going for Gacha. They made a gacha because they're very well aware it brings them money.
Noizi Ito
That's what the Doc said when you were born.
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lmfao purrkatz
Whyy are we so dead? We have a limited coming next week.
Kally wally...
AK global has been losing popularity lately
Yes, king of purrkatz
You've been posting the same thing for a week now, how are you still making typos?
how do you know?
>We have a limited coming next week.
Neither of the upcoming limited are interesting...
Shitposting drove people away
Last year we struggled to reach 10k viewers for the stream to reach the milestone HG set for some reward. I'm curious what the numbers will be this time.
Why? Don't remember anything weird happening
Unless Walter is actually chasing people off
many such cases
not enough easy guides and recent events are too hard for the average player
Slower akg
Less posts on the subreddit
I barely see anyone talking about it on Twitter anymore
This is the correct answer
Boredom, dissatisfaction with the game's content, a bevy of new games that have released since, take your pick
Oh I get it, it's because she's like a repairman so she would be fixing leaks in like your pipes and stuff
Fuck everyone
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Game is stagnating, they brought back CC despite people hating it, IS is formulaic now I loved the first 2 but even I'm finding myself not doing everything it has to offer now, SSS sucks ass and I hate more chores. Doesn't help the story has been stagnating and lots of great characters are in NPC hell, they also moved some of their best artists to Endfield which will almost certainly flop given the competition in the 3D gacha space right now. Their budget is hundreds of millions behind the new hotness which is ZZZ, I have no interest in it but the character animations and effort is "next generation", 3D Arknights looks stiff and dull even by last generation standards like Genshin
>lots of great characters are in NPC hell
This isn't true
NGA says HG can't be that stupid
>they brought back CC despite people hating it,
cuz its just poo2
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Being called a little sea turtle by Grani, because you started to choke on her plastic strapon.
You're still replying to the exact same bait you've been replying to 6 hours ago?
God Endfield is so stiff compared to any other game
POO is just CC for guidekeks
God I want to fuck Grani
Nyes it's true only Mandy can save Arknights now
Where is my baby girl Closure...
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Ermy mentioned.
You said great characters, not desired characters.
Keep playing for another five years and maybe you'll get to play with her
Markowitz doko
Bending Grani over a playground swing and fucking her in front of children in the park!
Weird kink
It's better than him being in the swing and Grani watching him like she's his mom or something lmao
Am I a retard for having my ability to get hype super kneecapped by all the 2nd and 3rd skins? Like the skinlines used to soften the blow of disappoing banners but now just feel like filler.
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I don't get it
Only to the beautiful black queen
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Why did none of you fuckers tell me there was Theresatent in Ray's event? I would've read this much sooner had I known
No, Whislash will be doing that. Nearl will be pushing me until I'm tired and she carries me home.
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Sex with this bird.
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Provisio getting a 2nd skin so soon was baffling
Sea turtles often suffer from plastic waste in the ocean.
How many skinlet operators do we even have left. We were going to reach this point sometime anyways.
Plastic is good for you everyone has to have a little bit of microplastic in them
Good. Fuck turtles
You weren't listening
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hmmmmm nyes
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Say what?
I forgot she existed
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Like HG.
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>he didn't raise his cuora for cheap 4 blocks operator
Couldn't be me
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can't find one
can't find one
That's okay, she forgets a lot of things herself
The weak should fear the strong.
i want to give the doctor a hug
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the cat looks like she is perpetually balding
I genuinely can't see that combination of characters selling any way decently unless they're Walter tier
Imagine her without the fringe
6* cat
6* alt of someone
5* sexbird
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I wish Theresa would give me- I mean, the Docor, a hug
Imagine her without her mother

Oh wait
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What about two 6* cats?
*pukes* *MEGAPUKES*
i miss her a lot...
Mandybros we're so back.
Deader than Theresa lmao
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But we recruited Theresa, checkmate
Mandy, the love of my life.
I buried the body
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I wish mate, i wish...
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"body", you better start nice posting right neow
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Now that would break /akg/ once and for all
I buried my face in your feet
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>t. brigadier
>she appears in a swimsuit
>no dialogue just a mysterious tourist M passing through the screen
>no explanation as to her death or how she survived
>in fact they just straight up never aknowledge her death
Honestly i'd find that hilarious
I personally scattered Mandy’s remains to the heartless sea.
Nearl is strong, but is weak to an intense fingering.
I love you
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Get a load of these lads
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>How many skinlet operators do we even have left. We were going to reach this point sometime anyways.
They have a more than decent buffer desu
I scattered my cum all over Mandy's heartless sea.
Ew necrophiliac
Jessicalt wild west sheriff skin I BELIEVE
>Now that would break /akg/ once and for all
You can't break the broken
kek Bison got scammed, every other 5 star welfare got theirs on a rerun
Even in death, she still nyoposts.
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Heitu demanded he never get a skin
Vulcan skin onegai
Also justice knight has a skin
>the previewed event background features only cat related stuff
>no biscuits or anything dog or anything ceobe related
ceobros i'm not feeling too good...
perhaps the leaks were fake after all...
We’ll never reach that point because HG keeps releasing skins for operators that already have one.
Ascalon in a wedding dress soon
He will get his skin
But he will get a skin like summer ansel enforcer or stainless
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Nevermind this post actually Ascalon should be naked
That's 7 months away...
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She's going to get Bloodline of Combat
Ascalon will get an epoque kazdel military uniform
Sorry Red I farted
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Please god no...
That would be neat but I doubt it.
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Don't jinx it with your lame garbage you motherfuckers
You know it's going to happen
Going by Cenm0's record it would be a casual outfit if anything
You're not getting a swimsuit. It's going to be BoC or Witch Feast.
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If you can choose one 4-star, 5-star and 6-star from the skinlets, which would you give them?
I'm leaning towards Caper coral coast, Coldshot epoque and Logos cambrian.
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I don't want a swimsuit, I want a wedding dress like Heidi's or Horn's
I honka da clowna
I want Horn
leizi needs coral coast
Estelle BoC
Leizi Coral coast
Viv witch's feast
>Coldshot epoque
I assume you want her in a suit for some reason.
Dur-nar Coral Coast, Leizi Epoque and christmas reindeer skin for Viviana
Prepare for disappointment I guess.
>Witch Feast.
I'll take it
Gonna Yolo Hummus into a chinky skin
Leizi Coral Coast
Ascalon UoD
Amiya needs a L2D skin
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>everyone wants to see the giraffe in a swimsuit
I forgot about her
Quartz - Vitafield
Hibi alter - Coral Coast
Eterna - Coral Coast

and for the 1* I need Eureka in a BOC skin for april's fools
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Aunty please!
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Repentance for being a Y*nese agent
Your Coral Coast skins are hereby granted
HOWEVER they get slutposted to oblivion
*the monkey paw curls*
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the contrast would be great
>I assume you want her in a suit for some reason.
No? Most of epoque are fancy dresses.
I was thinking something like Robin, Tuye, Tsukinogi, Perfumer, Melanite or Penance.

She deserves some time off.

>Eureka in cosplay for not COD
>Eterna slutposting
I see this as an absolute win
>slutposting a hologram
Leto vitafield
Leizi coral coast
Vermeil cambrian
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Proudly showing off that there's not much to show
doesnt she have a physical body?
its just that nobody can see her unless amiya lets them?
A worse outcome would be that's the last piece of content they will ever receive. No more skins, no alters, no side appearances in story nodes, not even an ambiguous mention in someone else's files.
>Leto vitafield
oh thats a good one
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That's two 5-stars but I'd give you a pass for
>Vermeil cambrian
For making Vermeil wear designer fits.
Sussurro... I don't actually know I don't pay attention
Alive Theresa AU for Eterna
Delphine BoC
Matoimaru Witch Fest

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