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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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/ggg/: NONE
NA/EMEA weeklies/monthlies: https://x.com/nafgcto

Arc World Tour 2024: https://www.arcsystemworks.jp/awt2024/
3v3 Team Mode F2P beta: July 25th 7PM - July 29th 12 AM PDT
Major Balance Patch: Late October/Early November
Dizzy: October 2024
Venom: Early 2025
Unika: Spring 2025
Lucy; Summer 2025

Main wiki with frame Data and information about system mechanics: https://www.dustloop.com/w/GGST
Player Glicko-2 ratings: http://puddle.farm/top/all
Fighting game glossary: https://glossary.infil.net/
Deflect Shield OS tech: https://twitter.com/Precho6055/status/1778514309015826445

>Replay Uploaders

>/ggg/ APPROVED Strive mods
Potato Mod
Frame Data Display
https://github.com/Chitaso/StriveFrameViewer/releases (1.08/Pre S4 Patch is out)

>Season 4 Teaser Trailer

>Newest DLC: Slayer, May 30th

>Latest Dev Backyard (17th Volume, June 28th)

>Latest Patch 1.38 (July 22nd)

>Current Balance Patch 1.38 (July 22nd)

>Xrd/+R/#R Stuff:

>Guilty Gear Soundtracks

State platform and region when making lobbies for the thread and announce in the thread when you close them. You ft10 anyone you make the lobby. Keep training and keep on rockin'!

SLASHED: >>487457925
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>S4 comes out
>drop to floor 7
>drop pretty much every combo
>weird fps spikes from what I assume are toaster playrs
send help
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Its over
its just getting started....
stop dodging me
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Uooooooh! ToT,
What's so worth nothing
Uooooooh! ToT
What's worth a bad thing
>shared lifebar
I genuinely hate katano.
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they're gonna suddenly "figure out" how to do alternate costumes and add dizzy's old costume to the premium battle pass. got 'em!
Its bo3 rounds. Chill, bro.
its had this for about a year at least i think. no idea whats up with it
Miyauchi is a weird fella if true. I know that Strive is their flagship but adding a battle pass after 3 years is bit late when it comes to engagement compared to just selling skins separately
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i genuinely fear what the major update in october will be. this game doesn't need any more new mechanics.
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breadly sin
so how's the new mode?
Elphelt's thighs aren't this small
7PM PDT is 12 hours from now.
Unplayable for the next 11 hours
qrd on breadly sin why does he do it?
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He wants to buttfuck and get buttfucked by Sin unironically
just watched the preview matches and even I can tell that having separate life bars would make it infinitely more fun.
Reeks of insecurity lmfao
>preview matches
Instant blocking is such a useless legacy mechanic in strive. Idk why it is still not removed after all these years.
>IB's your whole string and backthrows you
>first match in a year + is a teabagging taunting giovanna
I do not understand why they expect randos queueing up to not decline tag requests and hog the entire round. Japanese politeness?
they understand that team games are for people with friends
solo queue is a novelty feature
Thanks bros
finna hunch
I have friends I can team up with but it would be nice to not be cucked by solo queu dickheads if my friends are busy doing something else.
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This is a reminder that it should've been Ragna instead of Lucy announced for S4
i see buena suerte in R-code i block on sight not playing with no gatdam chinga tu madre wey ass macchu picchu ass nigga
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He's not keepin' it real
BB vs GG soon. Trvst the plan
so when you should NOT use fd on block? I can only think of few situations when it's best to not use it like when blocking anji's nagiha to be in range of punish or if you wanna ib ram's rekka but that's it. Even pros, i always see them holding fd automatically, not even tapping it to save meter
What's she reading on her phone here?
My post telling everyone how I want to drink from her chocolate milk jugs
I always FD unless I play a DP character
This except I want to lick the sweat out of her ass crack
She's found the furry gio mod
To be fair Giovanna would be by far the easiest and most down to earth person to date in the cast.
it had nothing to do with zato, I stopped playing because I got bored. I moved on to Johnny and played him for a bit.

"carried" is hilarious, I'm good at every fighting game I play. Idk who you are but you can't fuck with me in any fighting game, so sit down.
She just found out about the strive orgies
I washed your scrub ass in tower you dumb fuck
any proof? cause you're a random always on my dick looking for validation cause he supposedly won one set on my secondary. who even are you retard?
I'm looking for validation? The only time you post in /ggg/ is to remind everyone how good you are in a game you don't play anymore. Big fish small pond.
so no proof and no balls to tell me who you are?
im kinda flattered how supposedly winning one tower set against my secondary hyped you up so much, lmao.
Just run the FT5 already you pussies
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>Celestial challenge
>One more win and I'm finally in after years of practice
>One more loss, and the vicious cycle I so long to be free from continues again
>Maximum tension in my veins, the redbull is kicking in. A slayer finds his way to me, he will be my make or break. The song is Play The Hero
>Fucking floors me round 1, god I hate slayer. But when I am able to keep him at bay, its easy work. Even though dont like fighting slayer, I love beating slayer
>Round 2 starts, the music is all I hear at this point. The rest is a blur. It's the same stage and song from the first beta when I first played this game, it takes me back. Oh how far I've come as a player..
>I love beating slayer
It was over for Slayer at this point, and there was no way I could ever lose
Stop the foreplay and fight you bitch ass niggas
I dont play this dogshit game anymore, the guy will dodge anyways
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I wish I had a bud to argue and play strive with bros...
I play Testament btw not sure if that matters
i don't play either. i'll still whoop your ass btw.
why are you so afraid to tell me who you are? you were always ready to talk shit but when it gets real you back down like a bitch?
u wanna play i need to learn the matchup
I'm GAGler
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I'll play with you
Room ID: 781200
i don't believe you. gagler surely knows he couldn't fuck with me whatsoever
I've literally seen him win a set against you in a lobby
I'm sitting on a zoom call for work right now, can't play for maybe 2 hours

But I'll post later on asking for games
guilty gear X account
It shouldn't have been a guest character at all.
i've lost sets to a lot of people in lobbies. it's strive. shit happens. especially on a WC/EC connection. he still can't fuck with me and I'm sure he knows that. why would he not talk shit about these sets hes won in lobbies rather than a random tower match against a secondary? makes no sense. i don't think this is gagler.
Is it true what they say about Testament players...
>people dodging while talking shit
/ggg/ is truly back
i legit have not played in about a year, not counting the week i tried slayer out. and i'd still be willing to run the set right now. im no bitch.
it's kind've a shame schizo zato is back
he's a good player and I always enjoy playing him but he's always been kind of an annoying cock
I can understand provoking him just because his personality is grating
this nigga has a job
most retards have jobs
which is why neets are so absurd
>LK is a May main now
When is the downplay vid going up?
gagler has doubled in power since he last fought you
he would MOP the floor with your scrubby ass downplaying ass nigga
This is just more proof that Strive was a covid project, not that it wasnt already obvious.
johnny guilty gear is Not a heterosexual womaniser and the jellyfish pirates are Not his harem btw
johnny is the grungler and the jellyfish pirates are the bunch of weird discord transsexuals he plays video games with while saying stuff like "check it out guys i'm the grungler"
I won't believe he's switching to May until he actually plays her on stream
who are you and what did I do to you?
hes asking for combos on twitter. i dont think he does it. why wouldnt the LABMONSTER check dustloop and figure it out himself
I'm gogetabros and you downplayed zato in my presence
I'm BCK.
I'm not the guy you're talking with but I'm pretty sure you and I argued for like six hours straight over whether Zato was actually strong or not in s2
what Zato Derangement Syndrome does to niggas
he just wants attention
eh if it's related to my downplaying or whatever you want to call it, that's fine. lots of the times it was giving advice on how to fight him and you guys covering your ears like he was unbeatable.

i never denied zato was strong. he was always below the other actual broken shit like nago, hc, sol, chipp, leo, etc. he had defined weaknesses with very strong strengths.

i never talked shit in lobbies, always ran the set with people and was generally amicable with people here. i only had issues with maelis.
i also don't think he has the gene to go gorilla on someone.
>weaker than sol chipp and Leo
>while having a winning my against nago
My sides
i dont understand why he doesnt just stick to aba all this character switching and bro barely cracks top 24 anymore
even if he won against nago, that doesn't automatically make him better than nago lol.
and lets not act like it was a huge advantage in zato's favor. latif barely beat hotashi 15-14 in their set.
anything is better than the spammer tbqh
latif sucks ass
nta but Zato had at least a fail state
also no Nago worth his salt thought that MU was losing.
latif is a much better fighting game player than hotashi and it's not even debatable.
A schizo is delusional. He's simply enlightened. To the ignorant masses however, they may as well be one and the same.
Zato's "fail state" in season 2 was a bit of a joke, frankly
hotashi has a higher mmr in sf6
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>S2 Sol weaker than S2 Zato
exactly. if i tell people here what they don't want to hear I guess I'm the bad guy even if the general consensus agrees with me.

i don't have no ill will towards anyone here besides maelis.

i didn't even know latif and hotashi still played 6. i'll take your word on that.
Latif was a SF4 evo finalist. Who cares about NA SF6 mmr
>why would you be annoyed by the zato schizo
>prolonged derangement and downplay posts immediately begin
Is it true what they say about Giovanna players...
lol you people are ridiculous
oh shit nice
I have maybe 30 minutes I can play
never get into these mid day lobbies
What about Testament players...
is ratingupdate ever going to get updated
Zato upplayers, ladies and gentlemen
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basic gameplan for elphelt for a shitter? what buttons to press? basic bnbs?
2H or 5H into 214S
they're gonna think this is me
anyways if it really is gagler lmk i'll fuck u up even rusty as hell
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>dizzy's old costume
You fucking wish, none of these fit the criteria for a full model swap.
when the disconnect makes it look like you ragequit
is it not CharacterAttachment? The Granblue battle pass has costumes so I do not see why the Strive one would not have one since the whole appeal of battle passes are costumes
i can sympathize with zatokvetcher, but i will be very upset if the scylla whatever tranny faggot finds his way back here, with all his avatarfagging, trannyspeak spamming, thread derailing. but the worst of his offenses is going into a lobby, playing in a massively annoying and gay way, to one and done and then block me
>that flag
Holy fuck. How many strivers a trans? What is the correlation between this game and cutting your dick off?
who are you talking about? unless you don't want to say their name. are you talking about the guy i said i had an issue with?
That's probably minor model replacements like weapons and hats as they're 100x easier to make.
>the whole appeal of battle passes are costumes
SF6 and T8 don't do this, even vanilla GBVS didn't have full costumes until GBVSR.
>OTG does not kill because gay ass guts
really fun
sounds like a skill issue m'lady
>being surprised that there are trannies on twitter
first day on the internet?
as i said, i recall it being scylla or something of the sort
oh, never heard of him. maybe before my time. i started coming around after the first wave of players kinda dwindled
Are you thinking of EU millia? aka the ultimate schizo lifeform?
Use f.S to whiff punish people. Use dash f.S/2H to poke. Use 2S as a poke to beat 6Ps.
Off of stray pokes, hitconfirm into 214K.
At far ranges, alternate 236S/H. End your pressure safely with gunshots.
After 5H/6H at closerange blockstrings, move into rekka.
OTG 2H 214H is a safejump setup, Use a falling j.S/j.H.
2P is 4f. Though short range, it makes up in speed.
On 2H hit, you can convert with either 214S/214H. At a low amount of hits, 214H is better.
no one updates dustloop anymore, no one. Not even the general gg discords are good anymore. I have to go to specific character discords for every single char (28), look in every thread and hope someone had pinned something.
yes it was an EU schizo for sure, i can smell EU behavior
you are now starting to realise discord is a cancer upon online communities and finding info about games
2 years later and it's still the same attention seeking retards talking about themselves constantly
the zato cabal devilishly using zato's irrelevance and sol's strength this season to distract from the fact that there were top level zato's regularly making top 8s if not winning tournaments in literally every region
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it's the best i love /ggg/ lore
do we have a historian?
>convenient short-term socialization with instant feedback
>sustainable long-term collection of information
discord is fucking cancer
It's very easy for powertripping trannies to set up a discord server catered to their whims and needs as opposed to setting up an actual community website meant to be used by everyone
Historian here, ama.
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>Entire drama was a ploy to take away attention from Nitro's victory
Umisho should never place in any major ever again.
Give me your top 5 /ggg/ arcs and why
there was umisho drama? again?
some guy gave those lonely freaks skinship even when they consented to it and they all turned on him/her/it and calling it sexual assault
> Umisho drama attention whoring again
You know what, I don't even want to know. I am not going to look it up.
I just hope this fraud doesn't place in any Top 16 anymore. Not that he'd get that done consistently without win trading anyway.
>The global tournaments arc when the game came out
>The gypsy vs EU /ggg/ arc
>The NA & EU tourneys with NA and EU TOs arc
>The EU vs NA tournament arc (shout out to gogetabros talking shit for weeks prior to the tournament only to go 0-2)
>The death of EU /ggg/ arc, webm related
who wants to boost me to vip
What language is this? Aren't all the assignments completely pointless?
I'm at work and all I can think about is going home and playing Strive. But I know as soon as I get home I'll sit down and go "nah I'm too tired"
pleasee :(
So when are we going to cancel Yipes and Marvelo for not falling in line?
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I'm going to go home and play 3v3 and never tag anyone in
What a transphobic piece of shit.
Bro I don't even listen to real women. Shut up and get ur tits out bitch
Yknow, if this were any other dumbass, Yipes would name them, but since its part of the troon cabal, he has to play blind item.
sad truth
What is it with Soivers and teabagging?
last time i booted up the game, i went to the tower, shitstomped a sol, rematched and lost the second game, in which he teabagged and then delcined the rematch lol
i dont think i got teabagged once in granblue
i only ever get teabagged in park
QRD on why that webm is important
holy based
I haven't played since the beginning of the year, what is the current clique situation?
I was buffering super ggs
its funny
You can say they don't fuck women.
It's just Sol players, sometimes Axls, nobody else does it.
they fuck haggard men dressing as women, that's unironically worse
I tried to convince /v/ to come back to strive for the 3v3 beta and they called me trans!
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sure friend, EU or NA?
I haven't played since the alternative play stock market crash.
It's the end of the month bro just get over it
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The drama made it into my feed which was a good indicator on who to unfollow.
But regardless what is this clown shoes nonsense even?
this happened in a lobby, Ky player had a meltdown after it was posted in the thread and /ggg/ EU never recovered from this
I'm EU but it doesn't matter, we can meet in ME celestial in like 1-2 mins
Does the Company Director even play anymore?
gonna get off test and start playing someone else to be honest, too many of these fucking mains now and it makes me feel slimey, their playstyle feels slimey, everything about them is disgusting to me

Who should I play?
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take your pick anons
Consider never posting this again
Am I allowed to give all three a kick?
last I heard he dropped the game for granblue. so probably spreading his autism there.
You sound like a “low tier hero” faggot so, Baiken
theres no character lower tiered than omega-tier ky thougheverbeit
consider posting this every time so soivers are reminded what their game's community looks like
>round end taunt and decline
Of course its a Baikenfaggot
Why are deflecting faggots always saying something like "strivers are like this" or "anime players are degen"
No, it's not that
It's americans, they're the freaks
It's mutts that are the ultimate degenerates, always, every single time
You don't see this shit in the EU or JP strive scene
The best Millia in EU who consistently gets top 8s is a tranny who doesn't even try to pass brother
What a fucking pussy
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americans have been mentally ill ever since social/identity politics really blew up in the early 2010s and never stopped. everyone has some vague definition of badman living in their head rent free

most of this country earnestly believes they're one bad election away from being killed in a civil war so they're in constant fight or flight over the tiniest fucking things
t. american
because americans are loud and obnoxious mutts that think the world revolves around them, so obviously no problem is exclusive to them.
LK isn’t EU thoughbeit
Nah Sorani
It's okay, anon. *kisses*
the start of identity garbage coincide with the end of occupy wallstreet
tldr rich jews from wall street realize if you put the goyim to fight themselves over inane shit like identity politics they won't go after rich people
he doesnt make top 8 either
Can't even fault them for that opinion about us anymore
The tranny situation has gotten pretty bad...
i think /v/ and /pol/ might actually be getting astroturfed by right-wing political types because of shit like this, the internet at large has wound up inheriting a lot of culture from this place
My Elphelt winrate would skyrocket if I remembered to 6P between fS and 5H
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Does anyone want to play a couple of games on EU/NA so I can get back into trying to play GG?
Like I'm absolute dogshit "Haven't played in 3 years" tier, just fucking around and seeing if I can still do a combo
Probably just for reference so you can tell which number means what at a glance.
Has he been involved in some weird ass orgy at events drama? No?
Didn't think so
Only the bad guys do that
You're right, but I'll keep saying it's a Strive thing because it's funny
Kissing I-no
anon-san... YOU are the mentally ill american
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I’m down. I also recently picked the game back up and am trying to learn Gio
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dobby loko
middle dressed up as jack-o. me painted blue like happy chaos.
Our redpilled truth spreaders vs their dirty propagandists
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NA lobby. All skill levels welcome.
996332 is the code
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I have to admit that I DO feel embarrassed that the trans nonsense is all originating from here and spreading into Europe and other countries now.
What's even worse is that nobody is doing anything of significance to stop it.
The UK, of all places, has been cracking down on the worst of it. The NHS recently admitted they were wrong about biological sex not existing and then started going after bathtub troonshine.
it's all rich people, not just the rich jews
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Why does this ship exist when nago straight up rejected her?
>may player crushing my 6P
It’s over…
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This. Culture war reliably prevents class war from ever gaining momentum
you know why
This is actually very disgusting. Nobody's talking about how hype that set was, or that Nitro did a really good job, its about the tranny drama nonsense. I hate these people so much.
Because she's psychotic and doesn't take no for an answer.
Only 3 people here so far
Get fucked
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I'm going to practice a different character and play more tomorrow after doing some tower games
Baiken feels like half a character
Sorry also ggs, actually felt fun to play a bit of strive after playing SF6 for so long
>the character who had her entire character-defining gimmick ripped out of her and replaced with a single parry that you can no longer RC feels like half a character
go figure
Is Baiken really bottom 2 now?
Thanks for joining anon. It was fun.
>Strive is tranny central
>Trannies are obsessed with BBC porn
Do the math
>>Trannies are obsessed with BBC porn
Why is this? They only seem to have sex with other (white) trannies, and yet they all love BBC porn.
I might go back to playing Axl or pick up Jonathan/Slayer
It's time for men
Why bother trying to understand the mentally ill?
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>This is what makes all of the FGC bussies and biofem cosplayers go crazy
Is it possible to pull off the Slayer dandy look in real life? Or will i just end up looking like a fedora tipper?
That's Luca?
Damn, he looks pretty unattractive.
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Depends if you look like this or not
The thing I don't understand is why they are calling it "strive orgies" like any woman was involved at all in the fucking anime fgc.
They are "gay orgies" like full on homosexual faggot zesty ass orgies, not a single vagina is getting penetrated here and because Razzo and Umisho pretend they are women doesn't mean they are fucked like women.
Is that Dick's ayy lmao?
gotta wait till you are atleast in your 40s before you try, otherwise it's cringe.
You have to be 40 years old, minimum, and you need to be willing to spend at least $2000 on a good suit.

An orgy does not require a woman to be present. Gay orgies are still orgies.
You know Slayer was a Fedora tipper before he was Dandy. Take a look at his young version. Sometimes you gotta be cringe before you're kino.
There was a woman involved. this whole fiesta is started by a biowoman that was jelous that this dweeb >>487604806
was gaping umisho's ass wide along with some other troon and giving them more attention than her.
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i suck but goddamn this game fucking annoys the shit out of me, from the 40+ second wait (yes, I know it used to be worse, I was there, this is still dogshit.) just for the game to connect to the server from the title screen, I just want to go to fucking dojo, to the constant room drops and if I do get a game its rife with stutters because people decide to play on dollar store connection.
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I know you guys don't like being known as the trans drama game but holy shit you don't help yourselves lmao
Just fucking ignore twitter drama how hard is it
The retarded boot up time genuinely stops me from playing sometimes desu
It's fun to talk about it because this time it's actually fucking hilarious
Sorry anon but I'm a dirty gossip. I follow a bunch of lolcows too and those guys are legit retards.
Im more upset how this entire thing overshadowed Nitro's victory AND the balance patch.
Seeing most people call out how fucking idiotic this nonsense is helps you with staying sane given how much TOs and mods pander towards that bullshit.
>motivated to play
>launch strive
>forced sit on connecting screen for 60 seconds
>dont feel motivated to play anymore
bedman really went from sauceless to sauced to the gills overnight huh
Even the resident FGC meat bicycle thinks this entire things is retarded
you laugh at strivers
I laugh at amerisharts
we are not the same
So much fun reading pages upon pages about lolcows. Wish I chronicled UMISHO bc he's got the potential for a lot of milk
It’s Late needs to be more disjointed
I fucking accidentally 6P’d through Johnny’s Joker Trick. I am in complete disbelief
I like all the Strive redesigns so far, but I'm going to be upset when Jam comes and she doesn't have her Xrd tits. They're just so perfect.
Amazing how important functional move properties are and how fun good ones are
she/they attention/real whore
more than a YEAR without a midscreen hkd to speak of. unbelievable
That pressure sequence he does with j.S is retarded. You cant even FD and expect a consistent get off me anymore
2H muscle memory is killing my potential
Jam is never coming. The sooner you accept this the happier you'll be.
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ggs bros
Closed. Thanks to everyone who joined.
I look exactly like this
Timestamp? not sure which one specifically you're referring to
Delicious hag sharon...
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Uhhhhh, sisters?
/ggg/ loves trains
I like Dr. Tran, sue me. Maybe I'm upset HE didn't get the guest spot that Lucy stole.
/ggg/ is a double E general and we talk about transistors. Deal with it.
Hmm strange
Isn't j.S a fake reset like c.S > dash > c.S?
He has to jump cancel and leave a gap for it
The new mode looks like shit desu
Well they can do 2K after landing to be air tighr, but thats the thing, you wont know if they'll do that or jump cancel into either another j.S or the slam
wait, is 3v3 playable yet?
there's a beta for it on steam
6 hours
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They have excellent taste? Yes, it's true.
Why is half of this channel just FAB replays?
LK already dropped his cope video
there was a patch ?
hope you die very painfully LK
If he doesn't talk about the recent drama, he's literally silencing victims and should be cancelled.
wait, is getting laid as easy to going to EVO and wearing an thrift store granny dress? AND i can extort them after by claiming rape?
Bro, read the OP
Unfortunately yes. Its not even just EVO, your typical anime con is a hotbed for one night stands
oh hell yeah
fucking gay men has always been easy lil nigga, were you born yesterday or what?
I'm starting to believe UMISHO joined the bandwagon against the pedolewis player because he wanted to shift the attention onto himself
most gay men are turbosluts this isn't a secret
untrue. i went to an anime con once and everyone was too autistic and i was the only one present with anything close to a drug hookup
Its on purpose at this point. You didnt enter top 8 at evo? Shift attention from the champ. They couldve waited a week for this garbage, but no
what do you mean "unfortunately"
>register under a fake name
>gape some tranny sluts
>disappear into the night
yeah that's why it's so comical and hilarious
the loonie troonies are so obviously trying to force this for the attention and despite having 2 troons and a woman onboard calling this guy a rapist, people still come in and tell them they are retarded which is pretty fucking rare for twitter to side with the dude being accused of rape, goes to show how lolcow and dumb they are that even twitter thinks you are retarded.
Maybe theyre all getting tired of his bullshit. Whenever he types something its almost always the most inane garbage. The puppygirl shit, siccing his orbiters on some guy who beat him, the primadonna behavior etc. Its just a bad look
prease undersatnd we want the LoL crowd desu
can someone post the puppygirl shit please
what the heck is a puppygirl
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Sir this is a fighting game thread
umisho shit xhemselves on stage due to a Chipotle overdose and had to pass it off as a fetish thing to avoid Chipotle pulling their fgc-wide sponsorship
There was also Punk and Snake Eyez drama that Yipes sort of got dragged into so he's addressing both the Umishio and Punk drama with that tweet.
You fags better stop talking about e-celeb sodomy once the 3v3 beta drops
orgy team battler
UMISHO Bunny and Rediamnot would make a killer 3v3 team
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imagine if they allowed voice chat to teammates in 3v3.
>you can have 3 people on the team
>there were 3 rape victims in the orgy
I am going to rape UMISHO
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i imagine a lot of n words and transphobia
hands facing in or out?
I am already planning on calling my Chipp friend slurs for not landing DPs
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>linking jiyuna tweets
scraping the real bottom of the barrel here huh
How do I join the /ggg/ orgies?
what i wonder is why these dudes fuck eachother at evo when they're in the middle of fuckin' vegas. there are decent protitutes everywhere, and plenty of bangable vacation hags
Is this Gio combo still viable?
I’m struggling to land the 6H after the dash K
Fucking a prostitute is not the same as givng backshots to the evo champ's e-bussy
I should pick up a new character since the beta is open to newbies
Evens Faust
Odds ABA
Is bomb-bomb still useless?
I think so. You have to input 6h immediately after or I think it drops
Welp time to bully noobs with 236K
does umishos anus have rgb lighting or something
getting ready to send support items to my team of 3.
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shit didn't mean to reply with that GIO pic gomen
I still can't believe there are people desperate enough out there to fuck UMISHO. My God.
which pro would you fuck? for me, it is jiryuna and yipes in an eiffel tower arrangement
That helps, thanks.
UMISHO delicious pozhole after she ate some CHIPOTLE
Between trannies and "lgbt community" the whole fucking is mostly two things: hierarchy/manipulation and power dynamics within their social circle and a fetish.
fair enough. even as someone who doesnt care about fgc personalities it'd still be a funnier story to bring back that i had sex with one of them rather than with one of the thousands of available hotter people i could have
Enough Strive for today. Now DoA6 for the rest of the night
Fuck off. I'm unironically waiting for Chipotle door dash. I didn't need that image in my head when biting into my burrito
10 pm is my bedtime...
going to evo just to violently rape sajam
I just want everyone to know I liked Chipotle before Sajam made it cool
counter hit slowdown and big counter WUB WUB carried this game, it is literally the only reason anyone plays

disgusting shit taste
the last of crust starring umisho and raz
why was season 1 the only worthwhile dlc season?
>siccing his orbiters on some guy who beat him
did he seriously do this?
I only liked 1 character from each season
Literally only Goldlewis was fun
imagine the smell
Season 1 ruined the game
Do I have to?
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Why was this made
Yes, it was around season 2 when he got into a twitter argument with some kid
Why do you think the AIDS affects gay men so disproportionately? Most of them are absolute degenerates willing to fuck anything with a bumhole, there's a reason they are reviled in most cultures across human existence.
the kid who was like 15 and one of the best Strive players?
i forgot about that
it's from a mid 00s discovery channel series about weird/cool animal features
Man, I kept shitting on ArcSys for bad balance but French Bread just released a patch that buffed most top tiers and the only real nerfed character was probably the weakest or the second weakest across all the cast
They nerfed Hyde so I'm chilling
I assumed it was one of those but holy fuck why does it look like that
>only real nerfed character was probably the weakest or the second weakest across all the cast
ArcSys did literally the same fucking thing.
>Yuzu can just refresh her slashes because lmao
Yeah, its a Jap problem at this point
Arcsys also removed one of the worst mechanics in any fighting game period and brutally weakened another one
Which is much better than the UNI2 patch
OK that is funny
that's for their feet
Devs make shit patches to keep players longing for the mythical ideal patch like a carrot on a stick.
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>Carmine gets 3rd at Evo
>Kamone buffs him
2 was the best because it had Asuka, even if it completely ruined any possibility of talking about GG online as well.
i'm having trouble imagining the ergonomics of this
You know, the worst part is that you can't even cry favoritism when Kamone mains Enkidu. Masochism maybe?
Big balance wants to keep you sick so they can continue selling you the cure
early 00s american discovery channel Content(tm)
anyone here come from sf6 how was the change?
i went from here to SF6 and back
i like SF6 but strive has more interesting gameplay
This. Asuka made this game fun for me.
> how was the change
Combos in strive are relaxingly easy and I basically input them directly from the chart.
But also: I have no idea what is happening in some matchups and I am to lazy to look into it. But it still kinda works.
guilty gear is a knowledge check game
a lot of stuff you can pick up just by playing, but you kind of have to lab or you'll run into a wall like me
It's pretty funny how we grow up being blasted with propaganda about how gay people only want to exist and they're not different to us and it's no big deal etc etc
and we believe that
or I believe until I became intimate friends with a group of faggots
Fags in reality are worse than any right wing homophobic lunatic can ever hope to make them up to be
i love walking around lobbies and having to click on shit like a retard, getting rpsed to death by braindead autopilot oki is totally worth the effort i love guilty gear strive
literally just play Granblue
he likes glazing washed up old men
*sigh* It is one of those “K mappa refuses to win the interaction” type of day
>relearning the game on a new character
>losing tons to sin because i forgot how to bait DP
kamone basically let vatista reign free until sys:celes this shouldn't be surprising to anyone
ill pull it with a nervous expression cause like what if hell is real
FAB is not washed up. His MU knowledge is helpful and he innovates tech
isn't the reason FAB doesn't compete anymore that he's literally too rich and successful to go to tournaments
name one piece of strive pot tech he has created
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Which Strive character is the most well rounded and solid, or as some might say "honest" when it comes to playstyle?
Not necessarily strong or high tier.
he came up with the midscreen giganter kai combos iirc
a potfriend told me that at least
Ky is the most honest, but that's not what well-rounded means.
Leo Whitefang :^)
Please give me content creators that make exceptional videos on how to learn/play a character. I don't care what character I just am a very video based learner that can't digest info in other ways
johnny players will never admit it but that mf has literally every tool you ever need sans a dp. it is absolutely insane to me that those downplaying faggots managed to get him buffed
Well rounded doesn't mean honest, honey. Leo/Sol have everything. May might be the most honest.
faust is the only character with a good dive kick which is really all you need
Missions teach you how to play
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>May might be the most honest.
This won’t be true until it cuts through projectiles
Aren't those outdated?
mist finer rapes projectiles already bro
They update every patch.
You're lucky Testament got buffed.
Honesty has nothing at all to do with how good or bad a character is.
>abuses retarded hitboxes/hurtboxes
>near instant whiff punisher that takes basically no time to charge
>gorilla damage and buttons in general

yeah absolutely not.
Ah that's cool.
>he fell for the learning style myth
Anon, just read the dustloop pages
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Ohh the irony

Remember the ppl calling Infiltration shit getting outed as weirdos?
Yes I agree. Testament's buffs, however, were targeted on the potentially dishonest things in his kit, which makes him more dishonest.
Who fucking cares
It does not. Go play him
Who the fuck is shinku
Finna host my own tournament series with Sneed, Shinku, Infiltration, and Lunar as the invited guests of honor
What irony? You fell for tranny propaganda.
Granblue top player that got falsely accused of false rape
I am a special kind of brainlet. I need something explained thoroughly and then if necessary see examples of it being applied in a match in order for it to "click"
Now do what 90% of these players can't. Learn the matchups.
any NA wanna play some park sets?
not playing reddit
I have no idea who shinku is and all twitter screencap posters should die.
Sure I can play a bit. On my way inside
I will
Missions have explanations and video examples. Have you even tried it?
Don't you see the irony of someone with pronouns accusing others of being predator ended up being banned for the same?
some tard that posted on twitter about how much he wanted to fuck an fgc girl when she was drunk
he's been getting some results on granblue recently therefore the seething
NA EC 35
lol. lmao even
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Now that orgies in the NA scene have been confirmed to happen at events, images will inevitably follow...
Yes, I completed all of the missions when I first played in season 1.
The explanations are there, but they are text-based and lack context or nuance that someone who plays the game would provide. I could spend a lot of time on a mission for something that is barely used in games. Or I could quickly blast through a mission of something that is incredibly important and should deserve more time.
Additionally the mission format promotes rapid succession through all of the missions, leading to a massive amount of information consumption in a short span without any time to digest or apply any of it. The retention is naturally going to be very low.

So if anything the missions are a good baseline starting point before seeking out additional more detailed learning so you at least know what they are talking about.
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they need to decrease the drop rate for this faggot
did anyone post this ign interview with ken sama? https://youtu.be/CcbEQsj4W6c
increase the spawn rate but make him fuck off when I hit faust holy fuck i'm so tired of having to drop my combos or having to tiptoe around that nigger every time he's on screen which is really fucking often
>but make him fuck off when I hit faust
He unironically needs it
what do we think about witchhazel's take on it?
how do we protect women in the FGC so people don't take advantage of them? especially trans women
Bro there's no way in hell I'm reading all that shit
none of these niggas are real drinkers they should just die
bro how is this stupid rediamnot groomer arc still going
Bros... Why can't I RC volcanic viper??? I can't do my air fun air combos. wtf
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Why did they remove special cancels from Anji's 6H
Seriously, this feels like ass
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can you try out dlc in this game before buying?
Damn this bitch is ugly

That, that is why if you lock me a in a room with a tranny I'd behead him without even thinking. They see a perfectly functionnal white men, the most chad of chad among the fgc and want to make him part of their illness club and basically destroy his mind and soul in the process.
she forces Paracelsus to eat her pussy
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GG should do a BB collab instead
you wouldn't do shit lol
>Scared of talking about how Dizzy plays but goes on about how Venom will play like Venom and have his gimmicks
Dizzysisters how do you think she'll play
because you americans mutts tolerate trannies doesn't mean the rest of the world does buddy.
whatever you say, tough guy
How could they possibly strivify her? She was already braindead easy to play. I can't image them taking anything away.
he literally does not
stfu tranny nigger dont reply to me
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Got paid today so I bought season 3 as a way of getting back into the game after not playing for a couple of years, holy fuck it's a really good pass

Johnny, Aba and Slayer are all extremely fun
Elphelt is alright, but cute

Think I'm going to focus on getting passable with Johnny, I was able to do his mist finer dashes pretty well from the combo search trials and I'm just going to ignore card setplay for later.
Thanks to whoever set up that lobby earlier, made me realise how fun the game is again
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please start posting with a trip so I can can block you and never have to see this ugly image again
Hello! I am looking for a little bitch girl healer who is obedient and a slave to the tank, as well as a dps to queue into the new Strive 3v3 mode.
shit post, tanks are subs and healers are doms
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Also in addition the love they put into ABA and Slayer is really evident
ABA having her whole model swap thing and how much time that must have taken to animate
And Slayer with his goofy fucking stretch armstrong hands and smear frames. So good
>lucy got in because the lead artist is a witcher fag
Also Kenny loves dodging questions
captcha: G4WD
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threadly reminder that online tournaments DO NOT MATTER. x player placing in top 8 with x character every other week against a bunch of netcode trannies DOES NOT MATTER
Slayer-Bridget feels very Bridget-sided.
Am I doing something wrong? Seems like Bridget is very good at beating linear grounded approaches.
My combos suck though, that's definitely a big part of it.
ggs, thanks for the games
I hate your character
lol ggs
yeah she's a total piece this patch. i'm gonna hate fighting against her.
TNS top 8s are identical to offline top 24
gook sex
I haven't played in a bit. How do I deal with bedman and johnny as faust.
press your buttons faster
I fucking love doing FD but getting CHd instead
Are you #TeamBelieveUmiSisters or #TeamRedIAmNotDidNothingWrong?
this is due to an issue with the buffer
basically what happens is if you press the FD input a couple frames before you can actually act then you'll buffer an attack
the only way to fix this would be to remove the buffer, which is why they added an FD button and you should just use that instead
how come it works in xrd then?
You know what I love? Getting fS at throw range
does xrd have an input buffer?
idk i guess the buffer in xrd was programmed better lol
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>frame data in training mode AND real matchmaking are both on the table after 3v3 is finished
holy based
Nothing new for Japanese companies which unironically has a bit of soul. Western companies always go for FOMO shit and business wise to make most money. When nips do collabs very often its because COO/CEO or leads inside studio are fans of something lol. Arcsys CEO Kidoka and Mori are big RWBY faggots for some ungodly reason which explains BBTAG.
>Arcsys CEO Kidoka and Mori are big RWBY faggots for some ungodly reason which explains BBTAG.
RWBY and BBTAG both suck ass but honestly this crossover was incredibly based just because you know for a fact it wasn't a calculated business decision.
Honestly I would be fine if they just removed the arbitrary
32 room limit for training mode “match-making” and just make it so it matches you with the entire floor/rank
Does Leo have any overheads that aren't Backturn?
advanced japanese coders take 4 years to figure out how to make numbers show up on the screen in training mode
>that nigga perfectly fine speaks and understands english
>he still has that fat as fuck translator around him for most of the time especially during arcsys panels
i dont know if thats based or cringe. are they looking out for that homie so he doesnt get fired or what lmao.
Honestly Lucy is fine compared to that abomination of a OC
half that interview is that nigga going ummmmmmmmm uhhhhhhhhhhh etoooooooooooooo
english wa... etto... chotto muzukashii ne...
thats on par with that fat fuck tho.
Don't be mean to Dizzy sister.
>he dislikes flat catgirls
get a load of this fag
i hope unika plays like order sol
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It should've been Rebecca. It's not fair, bros.
no one cares about that flattened whore
People who press buttons after blocking Johnnys 6k, what exactly are you expecting to happen?
Sometimes you just gotta mash.
>lead artist is a big fan of The Witcher franchise
Holy shit, if he wasn't in Soulcalibur we could have had Geralt of Rivia. Imagine:
>Steel vs Silver swords as stance changes
>witcher signs as some specials
>witcher potion as an install overdrive

>over 22k views on youtube for an IGN video about STRIVE 3h after release
I respect it
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Anime Geralt doesn't look great
My jab is 4 frames
>posts slopflix garbage
Anon it depends on character design. This shit was designed by sweatshop malaysians,gooks and westerners which not only sounds like but truly is incredibly cancerous combo.
play uni
it should've been Ragna as god intended
we are getting Geralt in Granblue
ragnatards are so fucking sad
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1. I'm not a ragna tard
2. Ragna is just the most logical character to fit in GG as a guest character, because:
>He was in blazblue, an arcsys title which was developed during the "no GG rights" era
>the simplest one to port into GG, since his lifesteal gimmick is pretty simple (unlike most characters in blazblue, for example Carl, Hakumen, Litchi, Relius, Nu and other girlbots, etc.)
>just fans (me included) overall wanting some kind of GGxBB crossover
Blazblue has probably even saved arcsys during their hardest times and THIS is how they answer? With fucking Cyberpunk crossover as the first one GG ever done? That's just rude, in my opinion
i don't play bb
is ragna THAT fucking fun and interesting in the gameplay department to warrant you guys wanting such an abhorrent design
he's literally just a shoto with a lifesteal gimmick
it's basically sol badguy if he was balanced
Blazblue sucks and I could do with seeing less of it.
He has this one cool move where he picks you up off the ground when you're knocked down.
This desu
I don't know much about any other "anime" fighters other than they all look like shit visually and physicality wise compared to strive. Take that as an honest outside opinion looking in as I'm still new to all this.
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She is based thoughever
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unigga, please fill the void...
what if she gets justice install
what do you think of melty
>a girl of unknown origins who appears out of nowhere
bravo daisuke, exhilarating writing
stop asking for instant kills
stop asking for instant kills
stop asking for instant kills
>>a girl of unknown origins who appears out of nowhere
look at the fucking color scheme you dolt
this is some sort of reborn HC
>why don't they spoil the entire anime before it's out
this post was very silly of you
I just know the neco arc character is in it, and from the maybe ~1h I've seen it's at least visually consistent. Otherwise meh, I still think it looks cheap.
>i'm not a ragnatard but blah blah blah
not reading all that, faggot. blazblue sucks and we already have a better character voiced by tomokazu sugita
atleast the tacky guest character will boost sales and continue garnering the game support
instant kills are purely for secondaries who don't play or pay
think about how hype it would be if someone won EVO with an IK
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>QoS QoS QoS QoS QoS QoS QoS QoS QoS
>edits it out
>rEeKs oF iNsEcUriTy
hello one lobby please and thank you
Different anon here, what is QoS here? I only know it as Quality of Service, an IPv4 header (DSCP) and networking prioritization term.
3v3 opens in 30 minutes
IKs are for mexicans in youtube comment sections
Queen of Spades.
It's what white women who love BBC call themselves.
Anon is obsessed with BBC porn so he loses his mind every time a white woman shows interest in a black man, even when it's played for comedy.
I thought white women who love BBC were called snowbunnies?
Thanks for clarifying. I now feel silly and old
Anyone else's steam being weird? I can't connect to people
QOS is the symbol nigga its a spade, the women are called snowbunnies
Theyre also called coalburners. They have lots of names. Queen of Spades in particular, is specifically for interracial cuckold porn.
you do you, but I enjoy blazblue for what it is which is basically guilty gear but fun. I'm saddened by the fact that you didn't bother to read my post though
A snowbunny is just a white woman who likes black men.
QOS is specifically when it's about cuckolding as >>487647657 points out, either literal cuck porn or the kind of shit /pol/fags jerk off to where it's about a white woman being "defiled."
you know too much about this
you better not have more memorized from racebait porn than about framedata or match up knowledge
based muslim
guilty gear?
We should ban all americans from /ggg/.
Enough is enough.
This. They should exist only to host dedicated servers so Canadians and Mexicans can play together on equal footing.
I’m just getting into this game and I decided to learn Testament since I love their design. Anything I should know?
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ahhh... bless the j.d buffs
testament uses he/she pronouns, chud
you don't have to be upset you weren't invited to the orgies
"Le sex with a man" twitter troons in shambles
there'll be no one left to play lol
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so uh... does anyone wanna play 3v3 with me?
dis nigga is forgetting who owns this game
is it okay if im rusty and ass
sorry... i need a strong man to carry me
Is it ok if I play Nago and I'm not very good at managing blood
babe you're sending me mixed signals
yeah nigga i realize it's just written retardedly
stop choking on that hack's dick
you're not very smart, are you?
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>edit a colored person out of an image
>sO hE LoSeS HiS MiNd
no that's liveleak
>bring up interracial cuck porn out of nowhere
>get mad when people suggest you might be obsessed with it
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>removed the doll and strap because they impeded my view of el
>oUt Of NoWhErE
multiple americans have been seething since the last thread that a good samaritan anon removed the nago plushie at the request of another anon
people were like ''thank you''
and the others were like ''lmao pol tard youre so obsessed with race''
really makes you think
The seethe is intense, and it was already quite warm here!
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snowbunnies sounds cute. we call them mudsharks
Block? And have my RISC gauge increased? What do you take me for, an idiot?
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i like ''coalburner'' because of the saying
burn the coal, pay the toll
i always remember it when a white slut gets beaten to death by her nigger boyfriend (which seems to happen a lot huh)
Playing Under Night has unironically given me bad defensive habits in Strive
I keep thinking it's okay to just block and their pressure will end eventually
Can't find a party
456765 3v3
I messed up not this one. 123908
retard bros how do I get in
store page, under all the purchase options there's a playtest option
thanks bwo
see you guys there
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bros i won
>skill slots
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we won
way more people care about this than I thought, damn
everyone likes playing with their friends
anyone have trouble find a partner? i got one game and only one
wait does the 3v3 mode have actual matchmaking
fucking how
>Fucking iDom is back to lab Testament
Imagine if he kept playing too...
He was at EVO, that's not that surprising.
was he part of it
This is so cool
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this shit is so dumb
Yeah, I saw him in pools.
I feel the same way as both of these posters at the same time
playing this gives me the same feeling as convincing your friends to play the most retarded mugen build you can find
That sounds based
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this is actually pretty fun
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>First time on /ggg/ in ages
>Skim through thread
>Anons talking about tranny orgies and interracial cuckolding
What the hell is wrong with this game? Did Daisuke sign a deal with the devil?
He likes strive
its karmic retribution for daisuke and this thread turning your backs on xrd (kamige)
Comes with the website territory these days. Your average pol crossposter knows more about trans people's business than they do themselves (like a nosy landlady in a movie).
who should i play in +R if i play leo in strive
play leo
everyone should play HOS in +R because he's the best character in that game
>party mode that's even fun to play with strangers
imagine if this was in the game on release... we'd be at 10,000 concurrent players
it's going to have the fun optimized out of it eventually
but the chaotic phase is a blast
the tranny orgies are on-topic at least
turns out all the trannies who go to every tournament are doing it because they're all fucking each other between sets
just block
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Unironically HOS. He feels good to play, he's cool and you just feel like a supreme gorilla when you get in
>3 jack-o's on the enemy team
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how do you play the new mode
>the tranny orgies are on-topic at least
I'm not sure that makes it better.
nvm found it on the main steam page
>tag me in
>nevermind ill just combo this guy's combo saving your ass
>there are people with 10k wins in 7th floor
are they sandbagging or what
my friend is like that and its because he will dp you on every wake up and just refuses to learn
presumably they have 10k wins and 10k losses
I hate Leo
I've always assumed it was people learning a new character.
is there a way to change your skill loadout in 3v3 or what
where do you change your controls in 3 on 3 mode
Earlier I coulda swore Jonny sounded familiar, then I learned that Jonny shares a voice actor with Reuenthal from LoGH, and I thought that was pretty neat.
entry character screen its in the top left
it's legendary voice actor Norio Wakamoto
nigga wakamoto is one of the most famous and recognizable japanese voice actors
I'm fine, thank you
i experienced a power bump that deleted my display settings (i play on a refurbished mini-TV from 2007) and some (fellow) nigger from the hood told lectured me on 'hidden potential' and insisted i should become a defence lawyer

lobby doko i have some stress to work out
why does he want you to become a defence lawyer is he expecting to be in need of one soon
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> is he expecting to be in need of one soon
i would assume so in general but it not to be relevant to our interactions. he is a nigga from the hood, after all.
however, grooming a middle aged degen is a pretty poor way to acquire legal counsel for upcoming pressing cases and the sheer time requirement precludes doing such grooming on a timescale relevant to a recently pressed charge or even an expected charge for a tactical operation (i.e. sitting on niggas for weight, etc) . such a tactical operation would only come up and remain relevant in such time that tactical advantage would be lost by watiing for a badly aged furfag to do 4+ years of schooling and make repeated attempts at bar exams. if anything, with the niggas i consort with, even they know that I'd be useful with tactical-level concerns but hopeless at strategic-level stuff. hopefully
>sitting on niggas for weight
sorry i'm white and don't know what this means
also i have to be honest i never realized you were black i always thought you had a very white kind of mental illness and just called yourself furnigger because it's a mean word
I hope a native shoots you
no offense
what sort of retard would trust an RO sailor with "tactical-level concerns"
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to sit on niggas is to exert physical pressure, but also metaphorically -- to exert the pressure of threat of physical violence
"weight" is just nomenclature for large volumes of drugs. most drugs that aren't weed are actually pretty dense and can be packed very efficiently

getting robbed at gunpoint taught me everything i already knew about gunfighting -- without establishing and maintaining the advantage of an ambush, you will lose. if you can establish and maintain pressure of ambush, you will win.

however, life is not so fatal. "winning" is rarely if ever about K:D. just comply bro
>get stuck up
>think you're seal team six
this game is so kuso
Faust is S tier in this mode, isn't he?
he is a god of chaos
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the kind that says "stop sailing* and become a lawyer" i guess
*doing things you dont like**
**i stopped sailing. i am no longer a sailor and the next time I become one will be due to financial distress . even then it was questionable whether I was a real "sailor" with my job description

I don't think i'm seal team. even in training scenarios i'm pretty hopeless and when faced with real guns i did the only resonable thing I could; I handed over my wallet and kept my hands up. ain't no sense engaging when you're at disadvantage. it's a fancy way to put it but what's the difference between "I was a pussy and didn't throw hands" and "I was a pussy and didn't engage"
faust is fine
faust players however have been training for this their whole lives
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any character with a DP in their assist set is broken
>sol bridget anji
>anji perma on the ground
>sol and bridget spam DP
>anji perma spin
is 3v3 good

i was drinking all night and didnt change any beta participation settings
>three chaos team can infinite you
guilty gear
there are going to be so many infinites
>is 3v3 good
>is it fun
So this really is a Mugen thing eh
things used to be worse

will 3v3 cause me psychic damage and how do i enable it (i have not booted steam this Windows Session)
see >>487652316
Tiny Sol can double clean hit dp during their tag for half health it's so good
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>4gb install for a new mode
Faust is ridiculous in this mode
>Tag in
>K scarecrow
>item or 6H
>Tag out
>K scarecrow
80% of opponent lifebar gone
No one cares about P4A you retarded nigger.
How do you deal with Elphelts rekka?
You don't.
Oh god it's 15 gb uncompressed. what the fuck bros what possible reason is there for this it is literally bigger than the entire Orange Box (as shipped(physically))
I don't want to be a killjoy because it seems people are having fun with the mode but does anyone else think that past the honeymoon period the mode is a huge waste of resources?
Don't let her blockstring into it
i havent even played it yet and im already mad about the HD usage. good thing i dont pay for data by the byte either
>wurmple porn
seek help
>waste of resources
they'd have wasted it on something else. it's an extension of developer priorities. they care more about making a game than making money, which frankly thank fucking christ
let them print bridget merch and then make silly meme modes
>he doesn't have a CCW
Lol. Lmao. Remind us where you live again? I need to hit up an ATM.
I think it's going to be a fun party mode. I would have preferred if they prioritized real matchmaking over this, but this is still going to be fun both to play and to watch pros play.
Plus what >>487664234 said, I'd rather devs do cool experimental stuff they're passionate about than make paint-by-numbers GAASslop.
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>seek help
i did several times and it's never helped, and I did it at least twice under government order

>I'd rather devs do cool experimental stuff they're passionate about than make paint-by-numbers GAASslop.
honestly same. even if it's bad, you can't have good stuff without bad experiments
just finished downloading. i don't even know if it'll retain controls from the core game and i don't care.
lobby doko
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>I have to ACTUALLY read an EULA before playing
yeah i could just scroll but damn. i feel compelled to read All This Shit but nigga its in a tiny box and i'd rather have a printout. i know it's all boilerplate but fuck this. nvm
how come the furnigger is allowed to avatarpost, spam and post literal porn and nothing happens to him
is this nigger a mod or what
jannies are lazy
/ggg/ers are apathetic
conventional lobby doko
He's gotten his posts deleted a couple times when he veers super off topic but usually he toes the line
He also replies to himself which I believe helps
most sane striver
he usually doesn't post actual porn like he did today and jannies pretty much never enforce the rule against avatarfagging
they do give him a bitch every now and then though which is how we can be 100% certain he's the one always complaining about himself
I appreciate you censoring my name out but I preferred that webm you were posting when I hit the rekka IBs into backthrow
made me look clean instead of clumsy
oh this one? this is ancient this even predates WA
Wait this sequence was actually kind of good until you autopiloted rock instead of confirming into sword toss and then fucked up again like three times in a row
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>tag out as millia
>camera doesnt follow millia when shes tagging out
>double jump kapel tf behind them
>repeatedly lust shaker and keep them on block
this is super fucking fun. some fine tuning and this can actually be a really fun casual mode to unwind on
With 6 people there's always one nigga loading in on windows 98 7 frames of rollback. Also dp rc is in this build.
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bro leaving out my failure to capitalize would both be dishonest and also be not nearly as funny

honesty is the best policy (which is why i would make a horrendous defence lawyer)
Why not just get better
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>furnigger drops gear and becomes a prosecutor
They're adding a League-style ranking system for 3v3. Everyone starts at Iron 1. Check your badges in the beta if you don't believe me.
I think this means they're really going to add a real matchmaking system to the game, although Ken said they can't really work on anything else until 3v3 is finished.
a normal rank system after you hit celestial would be kinda sick
the tower system is really good at what it does, being a good hang out and motivator for casuals, but once you're in celestial it's just a total wild west situation
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i only play drunk
i only play for fun
i refuse to lab
i have severe developmental and emotional health issues
i dont check frame data
i only play one character
i dont go to locals (let alone other tourneys)
i dont review my own replays
i dont review pros' footage
i am retarded
>but once you're in celestial it's just a total wild west situation
They could just remove celestial altogether by saying you are eligible for ranked when you "finish" floor 10.
if they do that i wonder if you'll still be able to dodge match ups
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>a total wild west situation
as it should be. just like the arcades
May players, you win. I just can't win against the dolphin mix ups. I'm too smooth brain to know what your going to do. I kneel.
Bro? just decomp and make your own build?
Hopefully not. I want to see the seetheposts.
literally 90% of players are in f10 or below though so what's the point when at such a high level you should be starting to participate in organized tournaments anyway
wurmple sex
>i have severe developmental and emotional health issues
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I'm starting to think that persistent derangement is actually a detriment to playing fighting games even casually

honestly other than in comp gaming it hasn't presented a problem.
celestial here
I am absolutely not ready for tournaments at 1900~ elo, you cannot be lumping me, lucky 1600 masher, and 2200 tranny evo champs into one bucket
>i refuse to lab
>i have severe developmental and emotional health issues
>i dont check frame data
>i only play one character
>i dont go to locals (let alone other tourneys)
>i dont review my own replays
>i am retarded
wtf the furkek is literally me
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all we can do is keep hitting buttons

you might lose but going to the tournament would still be a good time. even i went to locals once
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Ky bros should i swap to johnny or axl?
>lol whiffing buttons is neutral
go back to 3s nigger
Teams should have twice as much health but heal should be removed
>heal should be removed
could be worse nigga
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>bros x mechanic is so hard to deal with
what if IBFD straight up restored health AND did damage to the opponent
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sol shouldnt be able to DP regardless of if he hits or not
>axl sits cross screen
>two retards mashing hvv assist repeatedly
>getting grabbed from cross screen
Why do you keep posting P4A stuff
becuase anyone complaining that strive is unbalanced knows should know that right now is the most restrained ArcSys has ever been in their short but eventful life
are you aware that your attempts to divert conversation to your personal interests is both annoying and non-conductive to conversation?
you wouldn't be that bad if you just trimmed your unlikeable behaviors and made even a modest attempt to act normal
it's hard to hate a poster that genuinely likes strive
No it's just retarded because if your team isn't spamming heal you lose. Give everyone the health from spamming heal but let them do other shit
>losing heavily
>slayer sandwich
>mappa hunch mappa hunch mappa hunch
>win instantly
this mode is hilarious
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lobby doko
While fighting games don't exist in a vacuum the argument "oh this different series with different core mechanics is more unbalanced" isn't useful for anyone
arcsys has never made a new game thoughever. it's always been "+R, but we 'fixed' it" and even +R was "Missing Link, but we 'fixed' it, also Overture doesn't count"

even BB was "+R, but we lost the license" and then "last BB, but we 'fixed' it". even P4A was "BB, but we made it a party game" and P4AU was "P4A, but we made it 'competitive' "
grubba here i feel really sorry for you guys having to put up with this degenerate
he makes the obnoxious tranny freak from my general look like the chillest person ever
>make so many great games some retards say you didn't make any games at all
based desu
I think Xrd was pretty well balanced by the end of it, you could say Elphelt was pretty bad because she demands a lot of the opponent and relatively little from her player but beyond that it's alright
I don't really care about BB or P4A because this is the Guilty Gear general
Did umisho pull this shit because he didn't make top 8? Kinda odd it happened immediately after.
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well, if you get it right the first time, why stop doing that? I won't blame them for having purely iterative design, but you also can't really discuss any of them without discussing all of them anymore. I say, you don't like WA or YRCs or whatever? It could be a lot fucking worse, and we enjoyed it when it was so much worse.
How many floors are there in tower and is there a way to get lower without intentionally tanking?
I can see up to 10F with 8F recommended but I haven't played since S2 and I doubt I'm an 8F level
I think it probably impacted some performances desu
Floor 8 is the same as floor 2 just hop on in and press buttons
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imagine if instead of WA we got red bursts

early on I was hoping we'd get red bursts desu and I'm only unhappy with WA because they were a bandaid to patch up holes in characters' toolkits, but then they gave people new moves anyway. genuine red bursts would have been fucking dope
>poke holes in all the condoms in the orgy suite
>encourage one of them to get an STD test
>claim free evo win
Next level psychological warfare from the FGC
nope, you have to get a loss streak going, no clue how it'd exactly work for someone who took a break but I did so the other day and it took like 12 losses to go down to 7F from 9F.
sirlin readers in the chat can play through the AIDS and sirlin readers in the chat know that spreading AIDS is just Playing To Win
decent opinion
Well ranked's not gonna matter for the rest so that's why. Plus a lot of the newer fightans with ranked put an extra ranked dick measuring system after the top rank nowadays.
eh. very reasonable. i stand by my point though that a ranked system for the top percentiles is unnecessary since, again, at that point you should be going to actual organized tournaments. f10 is basically "you're good enough for locals" and celestial is "you're good enough to travel for brackets"
What happened?
gay tranny orgies is what all top strive players do apparently
>BB was +R
+r was made after blazblue
a cancellation attempt revealed that a large portion of the strive pro scene was having sex with each other and covering up one of them being "a sex pest" (twitter definition)
locals at f10 maybe, depends on your scene
you are 100% wasting your time and money unless you have friends at the event if you fly out as a celestial. seriously, celestial is a low bar
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Imagine if Anji's charged fuujin carried spin's guard frames till the first active frame
how many dicks do you think hotashi has sucked or do you think he's a top
lol. lmao.
Enk is pretty cool but he would be fucking cancer if he was good desu
Although I guess the UNI top tiers are cancer anyway.
I'm the mid level celestialGAWD
Anon in anime games everyone is cancer, low tier or not. Do you think people enjoyed playing against Beddoman before this patch too
yes because the average bedman player would fold on character select
I don't really agree with that desu
There's plenty of UNI characters who aren't that cancer, and there's plenty of Strive characters who aren't as well
My only problem with Bedman is Delilah honestly
You think Slash got so much shit because he didn't want to join in? Is that how the Zato cabal got everyone to downplay for them?
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>you are 100% wasting your time and money unless you have friends at the event if you fly out
plane tickets arent even expensive. and if you're NA, commuting for "local" (tri-state area) tournaments is not even that expensive. i've considered going to events just a province over just to justify a particular block of vacation time. to go a province or state over is like 200$ and that's by air. even if you dont sleep with some discord tranny for lodging an airbnb for a week is only another few hundred bucks. it's not something to do every month but if you have time off to burn and money in your pocket, why the fuck not

you're not going to win. even if you do win, the prize money would barely cover your air fare and hotel. video games are a bad way to make money. all being good at the game does is ensure you don't wash out of pools and have to revert to being a normal tourist for the week
>slash holding to his muslim fundamentals and refusing to indulge in gay sex caused him to be blackballed and people to call him carried for years
this is so funny i'm going to start saying it unironically
I wouldn't be surprised
>You think Slash got so much shit because he didn't want to join in?
I unironically believe he got that much shit because he wasn't interested in joining their semi literal circlejerk
do it. spread the memes you want to see
>know my place on the team and properly assist the guy that is actually good
>Other guy on the team is even worse than I am demands tag constantly and then eats shit and refuses to tag out

Every match so far
a good mindset for it but I just can't see it being worth my time personally. getting washed in pools sounds demoralizing and then just hanging around a city without any connections or friends sounds like a total waste
maybe if you're a social enough person to hit off with whoever you meet at the tournament, I could see it being worth for a celestial shitter to go alone
I'd only go if I felt confident I could get atleast one streamed game. it'd make it really feel like a celebrated event for me to hit or clear that benchmark
>tag on knockdown to set up a sandwich
>guy runs in and immediately does a cross up
is how mine usually go
goodnight /ggg/
if we matched in tags today, sorry for being retarded
>getting washed in pools sounds demoralizing
it is but it's no worse than getting washed in ranked, but ranked doesn't have beer taps 6m away
>and then just hanging around a city without any connections or friends sounds like a total waste
well then you revert to being a normal tourist.
>I'd only go if I felt confident I could get at least one streamed game.
just play in shitty discord tournaments then, they stream every game. and even on the biggest stages you could be top 16 and not have a streamed game because they have packed schedules and only so many video feeds. wasnt that a controversy lately, some french cabal was pissed off their T8 pro never got any stream time and it ended up that it was just behind schedule so T8 got overtaken by SF6 or something like that?

>maybe if you're a social enough person to hit off with whoever you meet at the tournament,
just do that
nigga i will tell you right now, i've made port in several countries and managed to not end up hanging out with other sailors and have grand ol' times with other locals, expats, and unrelated tourists. it's not hard. if a degenerate retard like me can do it, so can you
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great tag team name
>if a degenerate retard like me can do it, so can you
You are literally F7. Shut the fuck up.
you can get this type of social experience at any bar if you're not a faggot
The little sol that ran up and went VORUCANIC VAIPA was me btw
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I am a faggot though and can still manage it. and at normal bars they don't play gear (unless you know the owner and even then bring your own stuff)

thanks for reminding me to try again at starting some locals for DiRT
>spending money for an illusion of friends
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become a transitory nigga, friends are a spook
Needs more health and meter gain
street fighter ass gameplay
Why does this attentionwhore fag have to make every thread about his boring ass. We got a new mode. Take a hike
a WHAT itory?
Yeah in +R and Xrd

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