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/ggg/: NONE
NA/EMEA weeklies/monthlies: https://x.com/nafgcto

Arc World Tour 2024: https://www.arcsystemworks.jp/awt2024/
3v3 Team Mode F2P beta: July 25th 7PM - July 29th 12 AM PDT
Major Balance Patch: Late October/Early November
Dizzy: October 2024
Venom: Early 2025
Unika: Spring 2025
Lucy; Summer 2025

Main wiki with frame Data and information about system mechanics: https://www.dustloop.com/w/GGST
Player Glicko-2 ratings: http://puddle.farm/top/all
Fighting game glossary: https://glossary.infil.net/
Deflect Shield OS tech: https://twitter.com/Precho6055/status/1778514309015826445

>Replay Uploaders

>/ggg/ APPROVED Strive mods
Potato Mod
Frame Data Display
https://github.com/Chitaso/StriveFrameViewer/releases (1.08/Pre S4 Patch is out)

>Season 4 Teaser Trailer
https://youtu.be/wKWSBwkCUe0?si=Yq0Rn8zARMmCz5ua [Embed]

>Newest DLC: Slayer, May 30th

>Latest Dev Backyard (17th Volume, June 28th)

>Latest Patch 1.38 (July 22nd)

>Current Balance Patch 1.38 (July 22nd)

>Xrd/+R/#R Stuff:

>Guilty Gear Soundtracks

State platform and region when making lobbies for the thread and announce in the thread when you close them. You ft10 anyone you make the lobby. Keep training and keep on rockin'!

SLASHED: >>487565976
Dizzy sex
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Axl's new outfit sucks
>reading EULAs
Where are the 3v3 gameplay webms
>he thinks people itt play guilty gear
strive little brother mode is amazing.
If strive is a tranny game, why doesn't anyone speedrun it?
too busy playan
>noo its a hecking party mode stop playi-ACK
Why do anime bitches hate players interrupting their flowcharts?
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finished for tonight, was very fun
i need friends that are better at the game
We need someone to recreate the Morrigan combos with this
It's amazing just how fucking awful jackos assists are compared to everyone else. Everyone else is doing multi move pressure with each assist meanwhile Jacko throws minion high throws minion normal and sets minion down and kicks it. She doesn't even command it to do something after
this looks really bad ngl
a WHAT itory?
2 jackos on the field pretty much kills anything if they throw minions
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you didnt think the 3v3 gamemode would be actually competitive right? shut the fuck up doomposting nigger you dont even play the game
i didnt but it looks like theres a lot of waiting while you wait to be called to tag in or assist
>it's a guy refuses to tag in until he is one hit from death
>it's a guy that refuses to ever accept the fucking tag in

This mode is fucking trash
zoomer patience
bro its strive. if i wanted to wait while until something good happens i'd play Satisfactory (1.0 coming soon)
are there any eu players in here interesting in playing games or is there some meeting place be it discord or anything else to fight sets? i need more general exp matchup, especially with the uprise of playerrate jonny/elphelt but im fine with any matchup
So using Bedman's 5H to counter poke midscreen is actually something you can do now because WWA > j.S lets you pick up a combo. Pretty cool, pretty cool.
>he's not a member of the clique
transient game mode
Holy shit the 3V3 its such a clusterfuck, can't tell what is what 90% of the time.
Don't knock it until you've tried it. Just use the skills and have friends
>discord gamemode
>thinks of discord kittens first instead of irl friends
my irl friends are boomers who dont play video games
Haha, yeah, I bet they go to a different school too.
they're all dropouts actually
>not playing the boomer fighting game
your friends are just fags bro
Anyone else having issues with eaten inputs during break-ins or tags? Dunno if it's the game or just me dropping shit because I can't tell which of the 6 overlapping characters on screen is mine
nah theyre actual legit boomers. they old as fuck and dont even play SF2. their idea of a "good old video game" is Missile Command
Just played this 3v3 mode for 5 hours and had so much fun!! :3 played with my oomfies!!
i am ze ultimate little brother :3
I'd be interested, i play Baiken
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3v3 is insanely fun and anyone slandering it is a friendless faggot who's solo queueing. Just played 4 hours straight with a group of friends and had an incredible time. Maybe you lonely losers should queue up with some discord rando's instead of crying about an actually fun gamemode.
>discord gamemode
can someone please donate a lot of money to fgcDraft and tell him to update potato mod? I haven't been able to play since slayer came out.
If 3v3 goes free to play, this gamemode will rake in tens of thousands of players.
>strive dies like tf2 did
based retard
lol you don't have friends
>discord gamemode
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>voice chat platform
i didn't say anything about trannies. are you ok my man?
that channel is too pure for this world.
lets not pretend you used discord derogatory in a /ggg/ thread to talk about the CCP harvesting your data, you coy fuck.
Now you're freaking out about a codec pack? Are you okay? Do you need psychiatric assistance?
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Totsubunger is doing scary things with new Sol combos and routing.
People really find pretending to be retarded a fun pastime for some reason.
there are an infinite number of transgirls on discord i could ask to play the new game mode with me but I don't feel like playing it, haven't played strive at all since yesterday
any 3v3
I want to play but I have to wageslave today and tomorrow :(
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Can any Bedman players tell me when its my turn? Once I get into a block string I have no idea how to get out. Doesn't seem to be any obvious openings.
I got mindbroken by playing 2v2s with friends in DoA6 and have craved the tag experience since.
It seems my only options are going to be this (I genuinely disliked Strive and I don't wanna play it) or the Riot one (F2P league experience which is also absolutely subpar).
I wanna die you guys, at least this might still be better than 2xko and thank god the beta test is free so I don't have to buy it
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Show me your best 3v3 webms anons. I wanna see that teamwork
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also here's the 3v3 name overlay I made if any of you want to use it
if you get guard crushed by Bedman? you fucked up
raw 2H 236H is fake
if you FD every hit of 2H, 236H whiffs
there is mash gap between 2H 236H if he has no error stored
if he lands 236H, you have to remember that he is only +3 and his dash speed is too slow contest pushblock, superjumping is a way out
thank you
>rollback frames: 7
>on council of three
how does a 2021 game not have a benchmark test
to be fair it's 6 players probably scattered all around north america, if not the world. I agree though, a benchmark would be nice.
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Tag in fucked up his mappa input lol.
Would Dizzy ever use her Command Gear protocols?
This has been her plan all along. Ascend to one of the highest position of power using her charms and beauty in preparation for the new Crusader war with all Gears under her command.
Wait.... Only one health bar per team? Not like, tag people in and out when low so everyone gets to play? You can just have one cunt never tag out and it's like a normal game but he just uses you as assists?
Is there a point to tagging out (other than letting your friend get in to fuck someone up for fun)
>team is near death and he finally tags
>aegis reflector
>it stunlocks them for a 80% combo
when someone tags out, both characters are on screen for 5 seconds, which is obviously very strong
it seems deliberately designed to be something you play with your friends who are shit at fighting games. They're not useless if they just spam assists and items intelligently, but if they do learn how to fight on their own they'll be more useful
Every negative thing I think about 3v3 (mostly stuff like "ooh it would be cool if you could..." or "you shouldn't be able to...") gets washed away when I remember that the main game is already like that, and having a Mario Party mode is good fun
t. likes defending against stance leo
It just feels like there should be another defensive benefit to tagging someone in, but maybe I'll eat my words in a couple of days.
Yes, to force them to kneel, scold them, then show them cute pictures of her family
chances of them adding a solo 3v3 mode or do we not have enough binds for assists
>having trouble watching the match and timing my assists and spells
can a human even play at that speed
probably not as optimally, but you could still try
Yes. On Ky. In bed.
n e 3v3 gaymers
Happy feet. wombo combo!
getting pressured in the corner and having someone else come in teleporting behind your opponent for a literal checkmate is the strongest defense you could possibly have retardbro
I can't find anyone to play :/
Hello :)
They should remove the ch from k mist finer and make it longer... then remove the ability to rc it and make it longer... yes... YES!
No :(
fucking love baiken players complaining that she "can't convert" and when you look it's really that she can't convert off hitting a massive 9 frame disjoint god forbid
but i'd take her having owa and being twice as good over her having bwa into tether like she does now
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breadly sin
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here's your final roster bro
Where's Leopaldon
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how do people enjoy grinding this game daily with nothing to gain? it doesn't even have a ranked mode and most people make it to celestial on day 1
Game is dead
me need to see number go up or me not have fun
>why do people like thing I don't like?
autism moment
I imagine for most just playing the game and having fun with it is reason enough and they don't need to see a number go up to tell them they're supposed to feel satisfied with how they're playing, but even if you have that mindset there's the elo site anyway.
EU lobby (not on the playtest server)
i hope they fix this fucking screen and make 3 rows
How sweaty is the 3v3 going to be? Are people inevitably going to take it super seriously and build a meta and kill the fun?
Or will people just enjoy it for the mario party level fuckery that it intends to bring and have fun and not give a fuck?
>fighting rts
Strive is revolutionizing the genre
Can someone who knows strive pretty well given their rough popularity ranking in characters from what they see online?
Like in terms of who you come up against the most, can do it in tiers if it makes it easier
>Very common
Getting back into the game and want to look up the common situations for each character for counterplay, starting from the common ones
You can get usage rates here.
Nice, I was wondering if there was something like this.
Would you have your own opinions anecdotally though?
I have no opinions
characters you HAVE to know are:
leo (few, but he is too good to ignore)
may (same as above)
johnny is pretty popular now
baiken (bad but they are many)

characters no that popular:

everyone else is in between
this is for eu mostly
My own experience mostly lines up with that chart though with more Jack-Os and Anjis recently, probably because of both showing up in EVO top 6.
I like being an assist. I will never tag in. I got hotkeys to press and opening to look for.
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I was going to pick up Johnny but I almost feel like Aba would be really fun to try out.
Might be way too frustrating for learning given how bad her regular form is
what character is BI
They need a chat room or voice chat while we wait to for teams.
Man, I only played 3v3 for an hour and I'm already exhausted from it.
johnny is really fun. I don't play zoners but i really liked his interactions with cards, he also has lots of air ok specials so i never feel bored of him.
aba seemed too repetitive to me, base mode is surprisingly more fun than rage cause you have to work around the limitations while in jealous rage you just go full retard and slam your face on the controller and everything works, it bored me quickly
her regular form is not bad, lil' bro
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Well I mean I played a lot of Axl before... Johnny does seem like he's got the annoyance factor of keeping people at arm's length which is something I like in Street Fighter as well
Could also just pick Axl back up, even though I have zero idea what his tornado or wild assault do
puddle.farm, as mentioned in the OP
it's an unofficial skill rating for every player, scraping the game's replays
we need forced labor camps for "people" like you
>needs extrinsic rewards to stay engaged like a dog
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Johnny is not a zoner.
Johnny is a everything
He's even a May...
honestly I’m fine with this label now that CH P finer has the same reward as Axl’s 2S.
All Guilty Gear characters are rushdown.
Xrd Legend Leon Massey debunked the existence of zoners YEARS ago.
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here's your wild assault changes
do not anti air with that shit it is not good
For me, it's green wild assault.
Does that guy even play guilty gear anymore
Axl’s 2P now combos into his Wild Assault. Tornado is for 2H special cancel, projectile wars against Asuka or Goldlewis for example and oki after the snail knockdown buffs if I’m not mistaken
How did they even manage to make johnny that cool when on paper he has all the characteristics of a neckbeard self insert?
>hasn't made a gg video since he "reviewed" strive
doubt it. but he got out at the right time looking at our players now
>locks you down from full screen with projectiles which you have to navigate in order to interact with me
I rushed into my zone by back dashing and throwing cubes
I picked asuka as a main and my team had this big heath advantage from the armor and heals. It's so broken. I felt like I was a raid boss.lol
Anon, you could have looked up his channel instead of making shit up
>look up leon massey
>it's exactly what i said
>look again when i see this post
>he has a second channel where he has uploaded... about three gg videos (all xrd)
well that's hardly my fault
I don’t know what to grind out in training mode today. What is something every should know?
FDIB or just ib
wake up reversal
fuzzy jump
meterless bnb
metered bnb
Johnny is literally just a western cowboy MC. A neckbeard character would be a pure edgelord like Hazama or a bushido larper “master, forgive me”
>start game
>connecting to server
>wipe down controller really fast while none of my inputs matter
How fucking greasy are you, god damn
This is a good list, thanks.
May is barely played at all on EU servers, both floor10 and celestials and I struggle to find a single May that isn't floor7 in the park I have no idea wtf u're on about and i've been playing like 4 days a week since last september. I know you said "few" but May isn't few, it's like 50 people at most in the entire continent.
Same thing with Goldlewis, in 2500 matches with my new main I've encountered perhaps 3 GL. Everyone else I agree are the most poppular characters in EU, especially pot and baiken and johnny which are probably at least 3 by lobbies at almost any hours.
my controller is a fingerprint magnet but i just do it regardless because i like keeping things clean. are you gonna get on my ass for doing the laundry too?
Where do you find them?
xrd outfit dizzy mod doko
nigga needs to learn
Costume mods suck
What if I do, smelly :^)
I know it's strive online, but man the team of 3 connections are bad...
6 people in a peer to peer environment designed for 2 people doesn't end well
It's amazing when everyone does have a good connection tho. Most fun I had with strive in months.
They're just testing the waters for their next VS game Guilty Gear Cross Tag Battle
It doesn't even feel like a tag fighter. It feels like a MOBA
mode absolutely needs three bars. It doesn't last enough
yeah or force 3 rematches without having to accept

although we kept getting kicked back because i doubt people were unwilling to rematch that frequently but it is a beta
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i think your are mistaking for xturd ;^}
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anyone up for some 3v3s
Isuka 2: Diarrhea Boogaloo
I could play. I'm from EU though
Host and I'll come
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It should have been 2v2. 3v3 is just a fucking mess and most of the time matches aren't even going to have all three people tagged in
I'll let you two tag in and out while I'll play support
Wait does 3v3 have multiple people playing on the screen at once? What the fuck
I thought it was just a tag fighter
>league fighting game
>gg moba
What is the world coming to
It's tag shit moba
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>150 ms
>6 rbf
shut the fuck up, soive tourist
Yeah... We did it tho!
finna wake up 6p
i wake up 623s with gio because its funny
>muh isuka
don't reply to me without my express permission
total soiver death
Now you guys support ME
Bros we're getting our asses rocked
They finally added Ranked matchmaking to Strive!
you think they should keep this zoomed out camera even for 1v1?
no this shit sucks. but yes if they increase iad speed
Did they?
They did to TEAM OF 3, the main Strive game mode!
im done bros
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ggs everyone

It was a fun clusterfuck
Gg. We were in sync for second there. Game needs voice chat tho.
Because he's voiced by Wakamoto
> pseudo tag coop mode
>but waiting around is boring so they added moba abilities for the assist players
thinking this mode is kino
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Is this proof that there will be no Season 5 characters?
Team of 3 is more fun than normal Strive
I'm having fun with it. But I don't know if the mashy unga bunga playerbase strive developed can get used to waiting around or supporting others.
they would have to edit the character select screen if they added 4 more characters
No way they are adding 4 characters next season, 2 max.
Lol not even Uni has such small season pass
4 and then they announce strive 2
>3 bars
>can sacrifice one character to heal another
>toggle to remove dumb items
>no two way handshake for tag
>no two assists from the same team on screen
mode is saved
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>strive 2
My theory is that they are going to put 2 characters and the rest of the season will be new moves and IK, and gameplay additions.
Too soon.
deal with it. It's their most profitable ip
Bro how can Arcsys even manage to make a more shallow game than Strive? That's literally impossible
>33 GB download
damn I should have started it in the morning
Persona 4 Arena was pretty damn shallow
I dont know man. The BB arcade revenue was kinda good
Nah. It even has a faster air dash than Strive
Work is done for the weekend bros, time to learn Aba
Can I get a good guide on starter combos/situations to figure out please
>sacrifice a character to heal another
anti social mechanics in coop modes is dumb as fuck and just enables schizos ruining it
there's a google doc with everything you'd need but idk where it is
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Thanks very much
the strive playerbase HATES blazpoo. They will never do anything against their new PAYING audience
>its only for 3v3
What the fuck
Also ABA has the best theme in strive and it's not even close
The only reason the strive twatter fanbase hates BB outside of the zoomers who think BB is "muh pedo game," is because of late BB bandwagoners like Killakobes starting shit with them and taking a stab at Strive then propping up BB. Its like a reverse of how GG players treated BB players back in the 2010s
Arcsys just needs to add culture war retardation to Blazblue and Soivetrannies will imminently start playing it.
There literally isn't anything resembling a culture war in strive, all of that has been injected by the community.
>t. Have played strive for 3 years and literally just disregard things that don't directly impact me
You mean like how it already did?
doesn't matter why. The strive playerbase is basically 100% of the arcsys fanbase nowadays and if they don't approve that ip and demand more gg arcsys will give them more gg
Yeah but now they need to push it more.
I can also stick my head in the sand, you know?
see >>487733657
I'm sad you think this way
They dont approve of cyberpunk lucy either but they still made that decision which was obviously not made with profits in mind
Why do you think they are adding Lucy then?
Ken is a huge fan of Cyberpunk Edgerunners, much like how Mori is an autist for RWBY. Edgerunners is a 2 year old seasonal netflix anime release. If it were driven by profits there were better options, instead they chose Lucy. Not even Rebecca, the more popular girl, or David the MC, Lucy.
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Strive is one of the greatest fighting games of all time imo
how do you know what miyauchi likes?
Fuck this Ken Miyauchi guy.
>if they don't approve
Nobody cares about a loud minority
The lead artist was the CDPR fan not Miyauchi
well it's def better than this trash lmao
hey bro just saw your steam review I agree completely
The drums are just absolutely perfect what can I say
The current Strive producer started out as a Blazblue fan and delusional niggers think that IP is gonna lie dormant
How the fuck do I approach as Leo? How do I get aggressive?
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Imagine if the next BB plays exactly like Str*ve
throw a projectile
dash in 2D
get retarded
Can you elaborate on what culture war shit is in strive retard? The irrelevant fag side character becoming an irrelevant side tranny is the only thing that comes to mind and even then 99% of people who gave a shit about that situation were nonstrive players on either side so internet retard war shit isn't what attracts strive players.
no point to revive dollar store gg when they have the real thing
If anything its going to play like BBTAG.
They didnt need to revive GG either when Blazblue catapulted the company out of bankruptcy.
Bridget is the most popular GG character now, how is he irrelevant? Also, you are ignoring Testament, Elphelt x Nago, and how many trannies are in the Soive community.
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and they did it cause they loved the series, it's their baby. bb was just a mean to get the gg rights back, it has exhausted it's function
How can you make a simpler fighting game than Strive?
What kind of shit does Slash get? I don't know about this.
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Wait what the actual fuck is Slayer's matchup spread
nta but how did your reading comprehension not conclude that he was talking about Bridgets relevance to GG story wise.
Also Elphelt x Nago is a gag about their personalities not some interracial propaganda. She literally does her same marriage shtick to Faust before meeting him
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yeah ermmmm actually slayer is low tier because uhhhhhhh uhmmmmm his neutral is slightly weak actually!!!!! uhhhh...... his uhhhhh.... umm...... LEFFEN TOLD ME HES MID SO I SAY HES MID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*58934w785

hes broken
Has always been an androgynous freak.
>Elphelt x Nago
Literally a joke interaction
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I want that androgynous freak to squeeze my head with his thighs
Top 1000 is your grandma and her dog.
Of course the big damage character nobody wants to learn the matchup against is going to be good at low levels.
Slayer is a scrubkiller for sure. He punishes mashing.
The question is if this carries over to high level play.
>nta but how did your reading comprehension not conclude that he was talking about Bridgets relevance to GG story wise.
Because GG's story is not the only thing Arcsys considers when making a game
>Elphelt x Nago is a gag about their personalities not some interracial propaganda. She literally does her same marriage shtick to Faust before meeting him
But Elphelt x Nago is way more popular with the Soive community
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That doesn't explain why his matchups are WORSE when you factor in all players as opposed to the top 1000
Floor 10s and celestials can not block crossups. 99% can not block the meaty fake teleport setup or eat a fat counter
Slayer becomes a good scrubkiller once optimised. How does that not make sense. His winrates gets worse once you factor in the players who can not even frametrap 2D.
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Good ol' slayer discourse.
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>Just follow these easy steps and you can make top 8s like I do
Can't believe I made the text that big and still missed the typo.
Don't correct it, it's funnier this way
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>Strive backdash
>most popular GG character now
No that's still and always will be sol as shown by how many strive PLAYERS actually play him, maybe slayer now if that puddle sight is correct.
Testament becoming a draw a girl call it a boy/fag/whatever wasn't culture war shit it was
>No one wants to see that crossdressing freak back 100% so we're making him look and sound like a girl so people who like pretty girls will buy the character
How do you look at the most obvious joke arcade that is crazy girl infatuated with new serious boss character that wants nothing to do with her and assume it's culture war shit?
The large mass of trannies playing is unfortunate but that's not culture war stuff that's the usual "anime fighter attracting trannies" stuff combined with the "anime fighter is very simple" thing increasing the amount of them.
it's called sf6
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His top 100 matchup chart is still pretty good though. Personally I'm not a Slayer doomer and do think many of the top tiers outclass him, but it'd be stupid to think he's not strong
Top kek, what a fucking character
Okay this might be an issue.
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Jesus christ
GroomlewisGAWDS... I fucking kneel...
Jack-O literally won evo. When will fags realize that glicko MU charts are a meme
>62% winrate overall
That's insane
every street fighter
Are you a different animal and the blamed beast?
Jack0 is top1 in Japan, just look how defenseless Tatuma looked in that final they literally do not know the MU. Also Nitro used a Gio secondary to cover Jack0 bad MUs, just a smart player at play.
Slayer is the biggest win stealer in the game, even Nago and Pot do not fraud out win like he does, by that basis alone he's at least top10.
Nagoriyuki is fraudulence incarnate
Character singlehandedly made Fraudtashi relevant and he even had the nerve to downplay him
>1000 DPs unpunished
>Not a single button to contest the 236K frametrap
Top 1, nothing poor tatuma could have done. Dumb Japs.
Japan is just a really weird metagame. Its the same region that kept buffing Leo until recently because he cant open people.
The reason they kept buffing Leo is because only one guy in Japan plays Leo at a high level and he doesn't use backturn.
backturnu... berry berry risky...
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I like ABA because having a cool "I have 5 seconds to fuck them up" gives me strong anime vibes
saint cola based???
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Another solid gold tweet from Saint GAWDla
Fuck em up my ninja
Gesui is incredibly based. Tempest is a no honor fatty who cannot comprehend living the way of Bushido (otg 2D)
Team of 3 feels very lonely
There were 10 characters that did better than him at evo. Neutral is always more important than damage and Nago is way better at robbing
Based FGC niggas are the only ones with enough social capital to be able to stand up to the weirdo tranny whitoids without getting cancelled
The trooncels have been exposed, all that remains is kicking them from the scene
Is it ded already?
skill issue
Pray that the october major patch kneecap all the troon magnet characters and that normal, non-autistic blacks like Nitro continue to dominate so troons can never place in majors again
from what I know of how people in trans-specific discords tend to act when they're disagreed with they're probably melting down about getting their doors kicked down by the government and imminent internment camps because people didn't take their side on something once
Are you in any of these discords? Do you have any funny screenshots or anecdotes to share?
No I've just hung out in communities adjacent to them where it's caused problems
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>spent an hour yesterday trying to learn a BnB
>get it maybe once out of five tries
>spend another hour today
>still only get a fifth of the time
Am I too retarded for this game?
what the fuck is this 3v3 meme
explain to a retard
it's a party mode where you and 2 friends/strangers mash buttons to win
it's not deep but it is fun
in training mode or in a match?
>soivers are glad their game has a party mode
literally cannot make this shit up lmfao
yeah, and I'm glad we're getting an anime too
you dont even play the game
Nah not dead. But no one to talk to.
nobody plays soive KEK
In training mode. It’s a Gio confirm off of fS/2S. There’s a dash 5K that I struggle to consistently hit deep enough for 6H to hit.
your life is as worthless as a summer ant
if all fighting games had a party mode they'd be more popular and able to sustain more content additions
Is it really a party mode if it can't be feasibly played at parties?
Long story short, I have 0 faith in human beings. Cause STRIVE was for people who wanted to take the easy way out for their own selfish greed, while robbing those that enjoyed what the series was. And if that's "good", I want nothing to do with you guys.
Reminder they've been working on team of 3 since launch. All of strives gameplay decisions were made around this mode.
This. First they censored i-no and now this. Us true gamers are being genocided.
I don't think that's the case
schizo post
This world is fucked. I think I'm gonna kms if they add 3v3 to the main build...
The tight dash links are a little harder to get used to than most combos. You'll have trouble with dash fS stuff too but don't worry you'll get there. It'll be a little bit of an issue until it suddenly isn't . It's a little harder cause you cant buffer dashes.
Additionally try painting/plinking the dash macro into the 5k if you aren't already. Play with the timing by itself (just doing dash 5k) to get more comfortable
You can still play xrd bro. It even has rollback now
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I happen to main the one character who want to canonically be BLACKED
that means you subconsciously want to be BLACKED as well.
lmaoooooooo chuuni jrpg villain sounding mf
>but I can't just play xrd I just can't
Based Kybro
Kinda hot if it's by a futa.
But Dizzy isn't out yet?
At least the dash macro makes it easier. I don’t think I’d bother with Gio if it didn’t exist.
Gainz are made when you're asleep so you'll do better if you try again tomorrow.
yes. you're ngmi it
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The fact that you see a black character and Elphelt and think this way instead of it being a regular romance joke says it all
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It just never ends with these niggers does it
may's wild assault is missing animation frames. It goes from here swinging the anchor to recovery without any impact. Fucking weird
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This is what Guilty Gear has become now
going to evo to violently rape jirunya
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it this football?
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This is so fucking retarded you can only laugh.
>autist gets drunk
>gets touchy aka pick up a tranny and spin her around
>they talk about it later and both parties seem to be okay with it
>expose him later right after his org gets multiple good placements so he can get fired
This shit is too funny, the accelerationist in me is having a great time
still not reading any of that shit
This made me spit out my water in laughter.
I get that way. I just keep doing it until I start doing entirely by accident.
Why are you obsessed with interracial fetish porn?
i would lol at this but im slightly nauseous and its hurting my appreciation for tranny implosions
>bedman gets nothing but great buffs and quality of life
>winrate goes down
what the fuck
where ragna the Bloodedge
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I felt bothered when I matched vs nago today
I'm beginning to think this game causes actual brainrot.
>NBNHMR entertaining this nonsense AND pretending it's somehow his fault
so it's not just the trannies who are insane then
Last time we had a bigwig tranny picking a fight against some no name nigga, pretty much a 9-1 MU from the start
This one is more interesting, let's see how it plays out
erm why wasnt sajam there to protect his oomfie...
Did I choose the absolute WORST time to get back into GG
The thread just seems like twitter drama meltdown central right now
There is actually no way we were joking about Tempest sandbagging to Umisho for him to pound his bussy later and it's actually true not even barely denied. Fucking shit this pro scene is a clownfest, never ever consider a set between this 2 an actual proof of any level at all.
nah just secondaries and lolcows acting retarded
this happens from time to time. game is a really fun place right now
It's the best time to get back to bro
Trannies are being exposed as degenerate manchildren, if we play our cards correctly we can get rid of them forever
we're just making fun of the twitter meltdowns
trannies might be about to get pushed out of the community because everyone can smell their bullshit
in their greatest hour of need... sajam wasn't there to save those puppygirls
nbnhmr is just protecting himself. he's a smasher, he knows how bad it can get when you run afoul of the wrong autist
The drama in SF right now is just two dudes talking shit on each other over whose better at the game...
wait did someone actually mention wintrading in one of these callouts? that's serious and could actually get umisho banned from every major
>the top 8 cabal could all get banned
holy shit stoke the fire
dramaboars I'm sorry for ever doubting you
wintrading his speculations, but honestly this wouldn't shock me at all because for sure Tempest tried to fuck Umisho is just confirmed.
Why doesn't Tempest just IB the allegations?
Right but my point is I don't care about FGC drama magnets of any stripe, I just can't be fucked reading about it in the thread.
/sfg/ is atrocious for this shit too
I only get combos down consistently when I actively think about the timing
why are so many strivers addicted to gay sex with ugly men?
the SF drama is the guilty gear drama, like every FGC personality is like "wtf is going on over there what do you mean "strive orgy suite"
It was on everyone's mind at the time because it was so obvious, but I don't think anyone of note called it out
Of course all these top 8 where all these niggas were fucking each other were illegitimate, now we know that at least
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>be the best players in the world
>Also be disgusting creatures that cant keep it professional between friends
Real smash bros vibes right now
Isn't noobenheimer one of ours?
Like way back in S1/2
why is the fgc the most degenerate gaming community?
Tempest didn't look hard enough to pull a move like that. Elphelt lusts for Nago's cock because his form says Power. A physique that looks like it can go out and hunt go out and protect her. Women crave this at a primal level. That tranny couldn't see his money or that he won several tournaments, but xhe can feel his Power or lack thereof.
>It was on everyone's mind at the time because it was so obvious
Was it?
I don't think I've actually seen whatever majors Umisho won, not even EVO.
Bro people in this fucking thread were calling out Tempest throwing for the bussy during the FF grands
That shit was as plain as the giant hook nose on Razzo's face
no he's an old smasher who got into anime games at some point. i wouldnt be surprised if he browses 4chan but he's not A Channer in the same way someone like sneed was (before he died in that tragic loli accident)
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Who cares about the Wintrading, Tempest tried to rape someone
God youre all fucking degenerates i hope your scene implodes
Did sneed get banned? Or just stopped playing
you're probably thinking of hotashi, who used to come here until he realized it would get in the way of his quest for tranny bussy around season 2
Look man I just don't care about women
And if you pretend to be a woman? I'm not going to care about you either. That's only fair
hotashi is next, he's obviously a chaser
got banned and subsequently stopped playing
No, he's just a somewhat normal autist instead of a full blown freak
pretty sure he still plays, just gave up on competing
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The wintrading is more important. Victory is everything, to disrespect the competition is the greatest crime.
That's them looking over and going 'holy shit, what are those freaks doing' not drama between actual SF players though
He got politely told that he's no longer welcome at TNS. It was officially because he tweeted about liking loli on the twitter account that he hardly uses, but he said he thinks the real reason is that everyone thinks he's YWNBAW.
It's just as Sirlin ordained: Play to Win. If that means trading bussy for wins and then destroying the competition's career by accusing them of rape after the fact, so be it.
filter the word tranny and gay and it becomes a lot better to read through
so this is so how strive ends
not because of dumb balance decisions
but because of gay sex
Im gonna say this, with complete sincerity, so you know you understand me.
Hotashi listens to so much of the same music that I do that I assume he's a closeted transwoman. And if he's somehow not, he is trying his damndest to appeal to transwomen with every move and behavior he does.
Excuse me, it was sex between men and womxn, not gay sex.
Sneed got banned because they knew he'd never step foot in the orgy room.
>he said he thinks the real reason is that everyone thinks he's YWNBAW
Genuinely tragic if true. They literally played each other before.
looool get fucked nigga
You think Tempest can get better sex than that ?

Pro CS and fps and general are only whites, from the most white trad countries from the face of the earth as well like Serbia, Bosnia, Danemark etc. They know common sense. Pro League is all koreans nurtured at youth to be gaming robots, they will never cause controversy as they genetically cannot. Indie gamers are all neckbeards. Speedrunners are all socially inept nerds. AAA players are normalfags. Card game players are high functionning autists.
The FGC is the only gaming community filled with actual outsiders of society because you have to be at least a bit schizophrenic or autistic to dedicate as much time as fg players do to literal dogshit unbalanced games played by 500 people worldwide and trying to optimize every single possible thing you can. The more popular the fighting game the least amount of degeneracy there is, SF6 right now and generally do not have any drama because most players are normalfags.
He's a chaser. No shit he's trying to appeal to them.
There was no longer any doubt about it when he dropped Nago for Bridget.
Ok. I have to ask.
WHY is everyone in Strive gay? Why is it fucking EVERYONE?
Normal straight men do not fuck trannies. They just don't. Fuck off with your futa memes, fuck off with "if it gets my dick hard it's a girl haha". This is VERY abnormal behavior. It's almost unbelievable that this would happen by coincidence.
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realistically now would be the best time for sneed to get back into the scene if any time at all
>Invite trannies into the FGC
>They get all the top players cancelled and banned
>Become ranked higher in the community as a result
genius strategy desu
So we're going to assume that general FGC problems are now exclusive to one community in particular despite stuff like this already happening to multiple fighting game communities back in 2020?
I'm not gay
Anime games have always been popular with gays and trannies. I have no idea why.
Now it's socially acceptable to be gay and/or a tranny so there are more people doing it for clout than there were in the Xrd days.
As a futafag, trannies are genuinely disgusting and I hate them being associated with my fetish.
could be either considering how much he loves Bridget
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Are you done?
nah we dont need any more kyle/sin downplayers
how do we start an anti trans revolution in the fgc? Realistically
We do not know but I'm just gonna blame Bridget anyway.
lobbybros... is it time to flood the tournaments?
saudi evo
Poor Sneed. Was a good, mentally stable lad.
You be the judge lil nigga, it was extremely obvious to me
Tempest even post on xitter defending himself IIRC, so it's not like it was something that we posted about here only
Also both of them were already qualified to ArcRevo so they had plausible deniability
How hard is it to NOT TOUCH someone when they dont want to be touched?
Everyone that has an issue with that shit should be preemptively arrested, holy fuck. This isnt a disagreement we can just ignore, if you cant stop yourself from trying to sexually assault random people you should be shot dead.
*spins u around*
this set was so ridiculous. he didn't even try to hide it
We're a week out from someone making a a tweetlonger because someone stared at them once
I would laugh my ass off if ArcSys disqualifies him for this sperg out. What a joke of a scene
Realistically this could all sort itself out on it's own, it's only the same group of trannies in the same top spots over and over, now it's no guarantee but I figure they're all going to fizzle out of the scene due to it not feeling like a safe space for them anymore with the drama. Like imagine the private discussions and tension between all them right now because they're terrified that someone might touch their shoulder in a hotel room and give them stage 4 ptsd.
daisuke and katano are too busy smoking weed with hideo kojima to approve such management decisions
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Leave it to fighting game players to think they can lab out every interaction for a guaranteed Touch-of-sex
Nah, they thrive on this kind of shit. If they aren't constantly the victim they lose all sense of legitimacy

if anything, people becoming more accepting makes them either drop out of the scene or start stirring up fake shit
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>gets bodied round 1
>wins effortlessly round 2 where there's no risk of actually taking the match
>gets bodied round 3
well, this sure does make me think
One of these days youre gonna try to be frisky with someone who clearly doesnt like you and its gonna end in a bullet hole in your kidney because you couldnt learn to value basic etiquette over your dick.
>tempest taking sexual assault accusations to avoid Leo getting nerfed
it's not a strive thing it's an anime thing. dbfz only doesnt have it because dragonball specifically is a series beloved by various minorities. but every other anime scene, from fightan to just casual watching, is full of troons
The thought that some tranny was fighting him and just seething internally because they were positive he's a tranny hater but can't prove it is pretty funny though.
>his direct foils also got buffs
>oops tee hee
this Anji nigga just spun through my fS WTF he literally raped me
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I think its rather inhuman to downplay someone being sexually harassed and molested because you consider them a lower class of person. Its distressing that all it takes for someone to believe this monstrous opinion that has ended many lives before is a desire to be contrarian, to define yourself by being hateful because you genuinely believe there's no value in being moral.
I would not be surprised if similar shit was happening with speedrunners.
it used to be real bad but has chilled out a bit and is mostly relegated to GDQ drama
In order to compete in the FGC you should be forced to provide documentation showing you make at least $40,000 in yearly earnings and you should also be forced to provide proof of a hobby that doesn’t center around the computer/internet/social media.
what does lastclaire even look like?
please tell me you copypasted this from twitter
not trying to be edgy by i genuinely believe morality equals stupidity. It's just an arbitrary set of rules you decide to abide to and hope everyone else would do the same. Like sandbagging on purpose lmao
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on the off chance you're not baiting the reason we're downplaying this is because it wasn't sexual assault
a drunk guy got a little handsy with someone who didn't know how to say no and after the fact they talked it out and realized it was a misunderstanding
I'm dying
AGP fetishists deserve all the chasing they get. No sane men wears a skirt
I know this is Twitter copy paste but man strive babies really need to just realize getting drunk with friends is just good fun
aint no fucking way
ass grab + spin combo is true on hurtboxes like these.
no what does he really look like
he looks like he's about to write some nasty C# functions
cute outfit but oh my god that face
they always look like corpses
Maybe if I was liquored up. I don't blame Tempest.
Look at your peers and recognize what you're actually arguing in favor of.
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>that manjaw
Not even good looking in a gay way.
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they dont even try and thats the worst part. i could give them pity if they at least gave everything in their life to attain this fake reality of being a woman, but they dont even try
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He ain't lyin'
Not even if I was liquored up. Shameful, Tempest.
A man.
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Why are you guys so fucking obsessed, just play the damn game
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Imagine finding an actual woman who is interested in fighting games.
you cannot expect people to telepathically know you're uncomfortable with them hitting on you
I aint downplaying anything I despise every party involved equally.
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America is a disease
Harry Potter if he pozzed
DAMN TEMPEST don't you understand these bitches are AGP???????

I swear education on the transsexual typology should be mandatory for all citizens. KNOW the difference nigga.
needs to be more stringent. even the furfag could pass this test
for me, it's izayoiRui
In all 100% seriousness, autism is correlated strongly with bisexuality, transsexuality, faggotry and general queerness and unusual sexual interests, and Strive is gay.
>ctrl + f tran
>38 results
>ctrl + f 3v3 (launch day btw)
>22 results
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im gathering notes to shit talk with my friends while we play 3v3 for 5+ hours again.
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You should know to *not* do it. You think a grown woman, any woman, is gonna feel comfortable with a drunk guy hitting on them in a dingy ass hotel room with several other men?
Have some fucking shame and self awareness. You're leveraging a threat, just because you dont say it doesnt mean you arent aware of the situation. And that it doesn't matter to Tempest speaks poorly of his character, that he thinks he can just try to fuck someone after theyve said no several times, verbally and physically. And the people who are like "oh I dont care about that, Tranny tranny tranny tranny lololol" are just rapists, wannabe rapists who wish they were in that situation to do it "correctly."
nigga this is the FGC, it's full of fat autistic retards
you have to tell autistic people no because they LITERALLY can't read body language
Give this nigga Tempest the Shinku treatment
Show me where Cody verbally said no.
>a grown woman in a dingy hotel filled with drunk horny men
I refuse to believe the FGC is this retarded
This exactly.
I kinda miss using meter and OSes to beat DP RC
>dingy ass hotel room
nigga these events happen at fucking 4 star hotels not the Motel 6
There is ABSOLUTELY no way
"Tempest is a bad person, but it was your responsibility actually"
Peak chauvinist, a guy can never just be in the wrong, he has to have a tragic disability that lets him do whatever he wants
you can still do it for cool points
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>a grown woman
I reject your premise.
Fake loli, fake neet.
Tempest won't get cancelled because he's black
Only asians and whites get banned over this shit
you sayin i can go to evo and just creampie all the tranny bussy i want
you gotta be in that top 8 player clique first my friend
I got bullied out of team sports for being a little fruity and started playing fighting games to scratch the competitive itch
Gays are outcasts
Weebs are outcasts
Birds of a feather flock together
I knew a gay guy in high school who was on the football team and after he came out as gay he was 100% supported by the team but he was still afraid to admit he played D&D every week.
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>unironic "she's ugly so she deserved it" bullshit
And they say the FGC is too woke, that people are going too far to "censor" it.
Honestly this entire scene needs to be castrated
kek, that's funny
Strive becoming a game for trannies and then immediately becoming a hotbed for pedophiles and sexpests is the type of comedy you can't make up
The human resource lady who said she would get back to me with an interview time is taking a while to respond... kinda need this job not to starve to death and become homeless...

okay so it is bait
ok i ACTUALLY lol'd at this one
Who's saying LastCody deserved it?
this nigga really ended his rape accusation document shilling his stream
bro when was the last time anyone even semi-famous accused someone of rape and didn't use it for clout

if it was an actually traumatic experience they wouldn't be writing 9000 word documents with ms paint diagrams about it, it'd be a victim impact statement locked up in an actual police precinct somewhere
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>This is where this gets complicated, and it's one of the many reasons it felt impossible to come forward about this. What I can say at this moment is when they leaned in they told me some very private/personal stuff. I need to emphasize the fact I can’t talk about this detail even now is extremely fucked up because it feels manipulative given the context of what happened later in the weekend. The key point is at the time it was something that lowered my guard and because of the nature of what was told to me I wanted to be supportive. I proceeded to lower my guard in this situation.

you know what this means boys
The point of a callout is to get on the map you dingus
can i become top 8 by letting current top 8s violently creampie my bussy?
D&D rights NOW
DnD players are more oppressed than fags. What is the world coming to?
No, at best that would put you in the Hotashi range of top 69
I always find it funny that men hire me on the spot despite being a sperg avoiding eye contact while women will call me later saying that the position is full (its still open after 6 months).
pathfinder wins again
show us on the jacko fumo where the evo champion touched you
nigga i eat babies
is elphelt good for beginners?
no she demands an experienced partner to make her cum
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the AGP community cannot stop taking Ls this month
She was explicitly designed for beginners.
finna spin
what do we do about the nog on troon violence in the fgc bros
>can't even lab a DLC character without buying them
Why doesn't the FGC ever backlash this horseshit
should i throw away 10 years of pad experience to go leverless?
i tried playing on keyboard for a bit in training mode and i can see myself doing this.

anyone who made the switch willing to share their experiences?
because they eat it right up and buy the season passes right away
people complain about it a lot actually
She is the single easiest character in the game
film it and put it on xhamster
I switched from pad to stick and never regretted it. It's way more ergonomic and more fun.
No idea about leverless, but I believe it is the optimal input method.
I picked it up pretty fast but I only switched because my pad got stolen at combobreaker
Yeah it's fun and it won't take you as long to get used to it and up to the same level you were at as you think.
But we already had a GG moba.
if you don't buy one of like 3 brands it will never work on a PS5 without extensive hacking that doesn't even work on every sub-SKU of console
What is a good keybinding setup to try out?
I'd be curious to give keyboard a real shot for a couple weeks and see how I like it before I invest in a proper hitbox
>More people try Bedman?
>They can't play him
>His winrate drops.
Everyday I wakeup thinking Nitro winning Evo was some sort of karmic retribution. I hope these fags fuck off already


*guitar solo*
how come sneed got banned for retweeting cunny on main but all of these troon chasers get away scot-free
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Lobby up. NA players only please.774313.
All skill levels welcome
i just put [up] on [space] and then tried to do basic motions and some simple combos.
i definitely liked how easy it was to to tk motions. but it's not hard on pad either.

maybe i'll try to play on keyboard for a week or so as well to test it properly.
not joining this tranny furfag room
Wtf is wrong with EU chads....
You can try it I guess
Anime is gay dude I don't know how it took you this long to figure out.
im still mad about dizzy wearing pants
im straight nigga
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Slayer tag ins
my whole country grew up with anime since the 70s and we don't have gays and trannies everywhere
You can't look at the current state of anime since the late 2000s and tell me it's not fucking gay.
I, too, blame bridget
its literally more hetero than any western television. youre just focusing on all the shows made for girls later on. you expect them never to make girl shows?
Wait, you mean LastCody the Sol guy from Sajam's +R videos trooned out???
what country i hope its not in trany infested latin america
i have no friends for 3v3
>>they talk about it later and both parties seem to be okay with it
You missed the part where the tranny lies to the guy who was drunk about what he did, and him SPECIFICALLY saying he's paranoid about people not being direct with him because it's happened before.
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She isn't wearing pants though
why would you post fan art to make your point? and she is. theyre baggy leggings with the foot strap, theyre pants.
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hey oomfies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just wanted to let u know that im in gold with my three stack!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 x3
delete this image nigga
based mexican and/or portugese
So tempest just goes from easily the most dominant player of the era to an untouchable just like that?
tempest on his diddy shit because this looks like trans john lennon
Is the rank for the crew or the player? If so I might have to hit up niggas
per player
they're gold 2 but im gold 1!!!
He sexually assaulted a woman. Infiltration fell from farther heights.
>doc starts with "it was during the first event after i started taking HRT"
can't make this shit up
is it entertaining enough to read?
im already bored of tranny drama. bring back PS4/5 vs PC at tournament arguments
carried by DP RC and RWA oki
Cody is doing him a favor honestly
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In what world is PC not just always better
not really. the mspaint diagrams are lulzy but it's typical nu-twitter writing that's way too verbose for its own good and could have been described in 140 words in the first place
This is what happened in the Smash community.
>per player
why does arcsys hate cool shit
>gets croudstrike'd mid set
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As long she still shows her thighs I'm good
The argument is usually about the expensive and possible configuration issues
No it's retarded, full of pointless omissions and contradictions. All you gotta know is that Tempest was drunk, Cody didn't say no, didn't tell anyone that it was past his boundaries until much later, and when he talked to Tempest about it he LIED about what Tempest did and how it made him feel.
Infiltration allegedly repeatedly beat a woman while sober- albeit Tempest's screed about being overly friendly/handsy and being paranoid about people not telling him no lends me to believe that at the bare minimum he knows that this is a problem for him and he should know better than to get drunk. I've heard the "haha I'm a social retard I just don't know better sorry" excuse wheeled out borderline word for word from someone who I know absolutely had a history of sexually harassing people and playing it off as meme humor.
Lel okay I forgot about the hackerman saga
but bro... texas showdown...
ABAs buttons and specials have revitalized my scrub rage
shes not showing her thighs, they are pants.
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I can't help but notice that both LK and sharkparty are absent from this scene
What are you insinuating, investigator?
>is it entertaining enough to read?
I honestly think most of the people replying to it expressing sympathy didn't even read it.
Why did this Tempest thing turn into a "we must protect women" issue when he was still identifying as a male last year?
I love how super mappa hunch is so fast that it slips past the armor.
body dysmorphia is incredible because how could someone prefer to look like this rather than looking like a regular ugly man
That chin is quagmire's dad tier.
That normie thot wouldn't associate with trannies outside of the event floor.
Actual mature adult male who wouldn't be caught dead hanging out with zoomers.
>Trapped in a room with 5 socially maladjusted men
You couldnt pay me to be in this situation, and I assume this girl didnt know this would be the case either
This is why women barely FGC events
They just don't feel safe around you, chuds!
lets go LK. he's tired of all the bonjour memes like he can't pull.
>Leffen somehow dodges this embarassing display of faggotry
Its an extremely low bar, but congrats. Americans should explode.
because expecting leftists twittards to have any consistency or logic involving all of this when they possess a surface level understanding of their own dogma is unreasonable and you should never ever notice this again, chud
The people saying to respect women though are the ones doing it...
Leffen is worse than Tempest and tempest tried to rape someone.
Like im not one to downplay rape but Leffen is, he will also accuse the mentally disabled of faking their disability so they can rape.
He has a bio wife.
did you forget that you are currently living though a mass psychosis era? it will continue to get worse until there is a full collapse of the west.
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Is just ignoring this shit and talking about the game THAT hard for you motherfuckers
sorry bro but the long nose tribe has done so much damage to the world that anytime I see that filth there's a 90% chance of it being a psyop to try and "normalize" it
i'm slowly building a reputation as a strong and knowledgeable player in my national scene and honestly i'm doing it to be as toxic and antiwoke as i can without being cancelled
why would I ignore it when it's hilarious
Yes, people would rather blame the jews for not being able to rape women than talk about guilty gear.
I mean come on man theyve infested this place.
it's really funny
>Actual mature adult male who wouldn't be caught dead hanging out with zoomers.
lol. lmao even
i love when i 6p and it hits and then i get no oki
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>post yfw you see an american striver
ggs, thanks for hosting
you should probably stop stringing into the crossup so much but I wasn't punishing it so who dares wins
its funny as fuck
just imagining a bunch of hairy artificially induced low testosterone 24 year old dudes dressed up as anime cat girls making autistic noises and having hardcore gay sex in the back while some 23er timmy was probably there just asking for sets happy to be around high level players away from home for the first time
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Nah, this general is done for. A new game mode dropped and its hundreds of tranny e-celeb drama posts about a dude flipping a skirt
that game mode is for simps, totally insignificant. if they wanted to get me talking about the game, they should've had dizzy's nipples puffing through her blouse.
Leffen is a fucking asshole but that's about where it ends.
Thanks for the games. I noticed I was getting hit out of it a lot and tried avoid auto piloting into it.
i want to suffocate under elphelt's thighs
No it is NOT where it ends dude, where have you been
He's been an absolute sociopathic shit stirrer for the past 15 years
Claire was LITERALLY a dude. Don't be tricked by their language, saying "this is the first event I went to post HRT" doesn't mean he was out as trans yet.
Yeah but its funny how he isnt involved in all of this, you'd think he was but he isnt
how does this affect me personally
didn't he accuse m2k of being a sex pest and m2k had to disclose his disability that physically prevents him from getting aroused to disprove it or something
Oh boohoo he's mean to people. I could not care less, you meet meaner people in a bar at closing hours on a weekend. The only people who give a fuck about him are smash autists.
hasn't he tried to sabotage other people and gate them from the smash scene?
also being a dick is enough to say fuck somebody. kiss ass
but if you're a TO running a real tournament (not shitty locals, but an actual sponsored event) you can either get computers in bulk that will have identical hardware (and imaging them to be "configured" the same is trivial), or a server or two and VMs/thinclients. >muh peripherals is also a non-argument because everything works on PC, but not every stick/pad works on PS (and keyboards are right out, not even able to be used with overpriced brooks/mayflash converters, which themselves don't work with all pads/sticks anyway). the requirement to use cables to connect to the computers also ensures you don't get syncing/remote pausing shenanigans happening.

I can understand it for locals where often the players are bringing stuff and you don't want to lose a set because it's a 10fps slideshow on someone's uncharged asus rog porntablet instead of the rich guy's threadripper and quad SLI 4k video rendering rig, but those aren't really "tournaments" worth caring about

anime brain worms
just call that claire guy a racist and see who has the most oppression points, the troon or the black guy
there was a lobby and I know for a fact you werent in it
you are no better than they
He accused like 4 people of being pedophiles, one of them of being a rapist, and he has this fucking crusade against a player trying to paint him as Satan Incarnate because he keeps losing to their Jigglypuff
He took credit for throwing a crab at a player despite not even doing so because he wants the world to know he hates people for being better than him that fucking much
people will always side with trannies, just look at how they treat lunar
I sided with Lunar until he went Mask off. Then i figured, yea, he probably deserved the shit he got.
why didn't just beat the shit out of him then he's not even sissified yet from estrogen
Why did they keep the damage the same in 3v3. What's the fucking point
the answer is almost always "women"
>3v3 mode is a dogshit meme mode that will die in like a day instead of being an actual 3v3 mode
i don't know why i bothered showing up

lol he literally pursued false allegations against someone so desperately that the guy had to get proof from his doctor that his dick doesn't work and thus he physically could not have raped someone, leffen needs to be guillotined
>also being a dick is enough to say fuck somebody
Maybe more players in the scene should then, he only gets away with it because they're all so spineless and just let him say whatever.
You mean the scene full of pedos? Can't say I'm surprised.
>He took credit for throwing a crab at a player despite not even doing so
Sounds hilarious.
why would tempest do this. like if it was sharkparty or something I'd understand but this nigga is horrendous
>mask off
you mean how he exposed the tranny mafia and showed how much they stalk and harass people to have control over smaller scenes?
imagine being in one of these hot ass sweaty stanky venues and carrying around a fucking crab
I am safe in the tower
wait, is tempest female now too?
nigga really exposed that they have schizos stalking and doxxing people constantly and no one cared because he likes loli lmao
hate wizards
who the fuck is lunar
>3v3 is 1v1 with assists
it's his only way out of this....
The Strive scene needs to be burned down and have all of their players banned from joining any other scene
melty blood player that trannies cry about every few months to try and get him banned
>gio tags herself in
>they both mash s
>kills you in 5 seconds
yea, a 1v1
Sneed if he went to offline events and is also black
and thats a good thing
wasn't the entire melty scene controlled by a single tranny with a massive ego until type lumina came out?
iirc the same tranny also controlled the entire darkstalkers scene
melty player that likes anime character archetypes present in melty
literally epstein and hitler combined
i dont think it's possible to play a game mostly played in parking lots and on park benches and shit
Are we ready to get Homelander and Rick and Mitty next season? Hopefully no old guilty gear characters that’s lame. Maybe a Brisket alt for the fourth character!
i had a stroke while writing this post. i meant control. i dont think its possible to control melty
>make up an imaginary problem and then get mad about it
did you get lost on your way to /v/?
for offline events, it's possible, and it's usually done in smaller scenes by trannys
we're literally getting a cartoon character from a series that has 0 to do with gg this season, keep slobbering over shit on your plate.
Bedman? needs a higher superjump height
>noooooooo theres a guest character from a literally who series, the trannies are winning!!!!!
I just remember reading some google doc about how a single deranged tranny had total control over who was allowed to play both Melty and Darkstalkers in the unofficial official discords, and since they were both discord games at the time that was actually a big deal.
iirc it was like 70 pages long and written by a different tranny
>he actually wants to see jam in jorts
no thanks bro
did you cum?
>trannies out of nowhere
what's stopping any of us from creating our own scene and banning trannys
you wouldn't say trannys but just call them sex pests or something.
i pooped a little bit though
are YOU willing to keep a tournament scene alive, complete with prizes, skilled commentary, showmanship, and good players?
you should try it and report back
>trannies out of fucking nowhere
okay? i don't want your stupid dogshit cartoon character in guilty gear, and her presence paves the way for more dogshit like this not just in ggst but other games as well. hope that clears things up for you!
you wanna meet up in chicago next weekend?
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Hey guys i heard that Strive was made with the america lgbt+ in mind!
quick rundown on the orgy drama?
i tried it but then it turned out there was already a scene (full of trannies and powertripping TOs ofc)
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Nani the fuck?
>alternative timeline where the MayTO hosts real events and not meme 4chan events
white person had sex and regretted it, then wrote 9000 words about it in a Medium like document but with mspaint diagrams
We're having one at the next /ggg/ meetup but gogetabros isn't invited due to his AIDS
thats crazy you can go out drinking with your homie and pat him on the back but then he transitions into a woman and suddenly youve raped a female
thats a new level of baiting the burst
It should’ve been Rebecca but they were afraid of western trannies being mad over a loli
umisho had consensual sex with a chaser and regretted it afterwards
bunny, who may or may not be a biofem, claims the same chaser was rather handsy but backed off when told no
lastclaire (formerly lastchuck) says tempest molested her at the FF afterparty
if you read the Gucci Mane autobiography, the person who introduced him to lean is also named Bunny. coincidence? i think so
he molested his supple thighs and delicate waist under duress
it's a laggy alpha of a meme minigame
no dizzy, no insta kills, no new ranked system
might aswell joke about trannies in the meantime
am I a rapist or a victim
I'm sorry that happened to you, you should be banned
i thought it was lastsneed
Of course Sajam to the rescue in the comments talking about how brave they are for telling this story and everyone should support them after going through this.
Ngl bros actually hilarious Tempest is outed just like that despite still being one of the strongest Strive player in competition. I don't think the tranny cabal is able to remove him from finals but I already imagine the interactions it will cause if he doesn't show up for any tournament until next year finals.
it's free job security
>dizzy activates and becomes queen of gears
>ky's heart breaks and he turns into Dark Ky
>Robo Ky mk3 is built to temporarily rule illyria while sin and bridget team up to defeat queen dizzy and dark ky
Is Sajam a chaser?
He's too good looking to chase right, he can have actual females. unless he's not into that.

I'm not sajam btw.
He has a gf (real) (female)
What did I miss, is Strive having its #speakingout #metoo moment?
we need a chart of known chasers, and chase targets
americans be like:
Man I love guns
It's only a matter of time before the public finds out about the Hotashi Las Vegas hotel room incident.
yes and every accusation so far has been a massive nothingburger
As long as our dear Kizzie is safe Strive will never truly die
It's only a matter of time until we get the hotashi sex tape
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>he doesn't know about kizziegate
I actually wouldn't be surprised if there's chatlogs of Hotashi begging Razzo for nudes or something equally pathetic. He gives off absolutely rancid vibes when there's a troon in the room with him.
If this tranny had just come out with this shit sooner we would've been saved from a lot of really shit top 8s.
The allegations were never proven.
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Kind of strange that someone who advocates for the extermination of the Jewish race would support this kind of thing. Really makes you think.
I'm convinced you're some kind of deep-cover tranny trying to make tranny haters look deranged. You're not turning anyone against them by doing this.
this, you glow
Tournaments are going to be very fun now
GL chaser was not a big name so one cares ultimately
But Tempest is a big shot with a lot of big name friends, there's going to be a full blown tranny civil war over this
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>the only leo player left is a fucking chaser and he's never going to be allowed to compete again
it's more over than ever before holy shit
whats deranged about calling a tranny ugly ? are you ok?
i thought you would be happy now you can have him all to yourself leofagbro
i honestly hate tempest because he openly hates leo and is always celebrating every nerf the character gets despite leo literally writing his paycheck and carrying him to fame. but watching his gameplay was really fun and now he's gonna disappear from events which makes me sad
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>lifts you like a bowling ball with a finger in your asshole and twirls you around
What do?
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I'm bi but I hate trannies and the lgbt community at large. don't ever call me a tranny again
i guess this means i should go to texas showdown and rep leo myself next year but s3 was so shit i barely played it and s4 is looking just as bad
At this point I am convinced this only happens once the "accused" starts becoming an unstoppable force in the game.
>but watching his gameplay was really fun and
Tempest made his palmares with bt. H, this nigga always managed to hit the move and not a single player ever blocked it but verix once. I always thought K7 showoff and MFCR had a better Leo honestly, not in strenght but a better Leo to look at.
was tempest the umisho chaser?
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Watch me drop Potemkin and become the next big Leo player
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Just stopping by to say HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I am politely asking for a lobby
No, that was RedIAmNot, a Goldlewis player that self inserted too hard
no it was rediamnot
however, there is now new evidence for the theory that tempest wintraded with umisho for sex since we know there are hotel room orgies at strive tourneys
>playing a game that looks like that
thats cope
> This was the first time post transition that I didn’t have any of my guaranteed safe people in this situation that I could easily comfortably reach out to and show I’m very uncomfortable and need help like Voidashe, Hotashi, My other close friends, etc
Wow, I mean its been obvious for a while but wow, Hotashi. You really just became a fucking faggot, huh
goldlewis mains will NEVER beat the allegations
they just cant stop losing
idk man, i remember liking k7's play but he dropped strive like halfway through s1 or some shit, and mf i honestly find kind of unimpressive. tempest's gameplay is sick to me, it's a shame

if you actually like leo i'll cheer for you big dog
Hotashi is a chaser with zero self-esteem. The most shocking thing about this is that any troon feels safe or comfortable around him as he's no doubt constantly staring whenever there's one in the room.
Men are gonna need to start wearing a bodycam around these freaks.
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I like him in XRD, so I don't see any reason to hate him in strive lel
but first, I gotta play strive and hit celestial with pot
remember when hotashi made a ban list of every account that posted a negative emoji when a troon came on screen? that nigga really wanted some white troon bussy damn
Lukegawds...not now...
I can’t do one right now but I’ll be able to in a couple of hours.
Why are american anime fighting game players such fucking degenerates? You weren't hearing about this shit with Nage or Omito back in the Xrd days. Stop wanting to fuck men pretending to be women you fucking freaks.
>Nitro and Tempest are both in Flyquest
>Tempest celebrated the EVO wins of his teamate and fellow NYC citizen
What if is this is all a scheme to get Nitro to publicly support his friend and therefore discredit his EVO win. Actual schizo theory but once again you never know how far these freaks can go.
>Japanese people
No shit.
japanese don't have sex at all, it's why their economy is about to implode
I bet Nitro misses the DBFZ scene right about now. All he had to worry about was the French coming up with new meta teams.
wow, another fellow trans getting SA'd at the exact same event !
>hey incel have sex
>no no not like that
Yes not like that. How you gonna explain fuckin' a man?
new thread
there's just no winning with these people
wow REALLY bad op
ok calm down there DMX
>Tempest's discord gets hacked a day before Google doc dropped.
How interesting.
my body got hacked by alcohol. I am not responsible for my actions.
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These faggots can't be serious.
the discord troon mod he loved and trusted betrayed him
its over tempest bros
I wish a schizo would snap and show them what fear really feels like.
Maybe someday soon, as the world gets less and less stable.
>as the world gets less and less stable.
Man I've been hearing this since the 90s
And it's been happening? We're not just gonna flash into anarchy, it's a boiling pot ya dingus.
I guarantee you that if the tranny went through with it and had sex with Tempest, nobody would argue that the fat nigga got raped.
The world has gotten more safe since I was a kid, not less
pretty sure crime rates are still going down since they took the lead out of gasoline in the 70's
i just got home from evo and made sure i did not leave the venue without my 4 homies, not even once.
Just seems a bit convenient to have his support system cut away, and then have this happen so quickly after.
I can't keep playing this game and being associated with the playerbase
Same. It's time for me to join a community with more integrity, like Smash Bros
Isnt there a nigga who bailed out most of the pedos on youtube. i watched h videos and they felt kind of retarded, but it seemed to work so tempest should call him
Tempest had four of his boys around him and he's still getting fucked.
Lol I know exactly who you're talking about and no they very much remained banned and no one takes that guy seriously.
Doesn't work if your homies are the ones you grope.
new thread
I'm so fucking glad I got out of the FGC and traveling before these trannies took over the FGC. When I traveled we were all ignorant motherfuckers drinking and shooting shit. And this was barely 10 years ago.
There’s just no goddamn way
>since we know there are hotel room orgies at strive tourneys
this would not be surprising, as anime conventions have always had them

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