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/ggg/: NONE
NA/EMEA weeklies/monthlies: https://x.com/nafgcto

Arc World Tour 2024: https://www.arcsystemworks.jp/awt2024/
3v3 Team Mode F2P beta: July 25th 7PM - July 29th 12 AM PDT
Major Balance Patch: Late October/Early November
Dizzy: October 2024
Venom: Early 2025
Unika: Spring 2025
Lucy; Summer 2025

Main wiki with frame Data and information about system mechanics: https://www.dustloop.com/w/GGST
Player Glicko-2 ratings: http://puddle.farm/top/all
Fighting game glossary: https://glossary.infil.net/
Deflect Shield OS tech: https://twitter.com/Precho6055/status/1778514309015826445

>Replay Uploaders

>/ggg/ APPROVED Strive mods
Potato Mod
Frame Data Display
https://github.com/Chitaso/StriveFrameViewer/releases (1.08/Pre Season 4)

>Season 4 Teaser Trailer

>Newest DLC: Slayer, May 30th

>Latest Dev Backyard (17th Volume, June 28th)

>Latest Patch 1.38 (July 22nd)

>Current Balance Patch 1.33 (December 8th, 2023)

>Xrd/+R/#R Stuff:

>Guilty Gear Soundtracks

State platform and region when making lobbies for the thread and announce in the thread when you close them. You ft10 anyone you make the lobby. Keep training and keep on rockin'!

SLASHED: >>487674235
okay guys, no talking about the gay tranny sex parties that happen at every offline strive event this thread.

will may feet appease the jannies?
We can only hope.
alright good thread
trips on quash
>footfag OP
holy based
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breadly sin
Idk what or who that is
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that one janny is just a bitter lucyfag and he should kill himself

it should've been rebecca btw
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>it should've been rebecca btw
actually nvm, the feet are drawn kinda weird...
Orgies? Groping? I just wanna jack off to Elphelt for god's sake!
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Baiken's delicious, sweaty feet in my mouth
Jam is never getting in retard.
/ggg/ is healing
>be straight guy, drinking with friends
>slap your homeboy's ass and grab his dick
>laughs all around
>slap your homegirl's ass and grab her dick
>get hit with the google doc essay
Wait something happened with umisho too?
I know. so what
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post 3v3 webms. ever get a perfect in 3v3?

when aba tried to tag in we interrupted the startup, and then when axl tried to tag in we caught them both on incoming. trying to tag in puts your assist on cooldown, so realistically the only way to get a perfect is by denying their tag ins and finishing them fast.
The funniest thing about this is Sajam instantly IB/FD/DS/BD/BURST'ing the situation.
one guy sweet-talked his way into fucking half the trannies in the scene over the course of a couple months and they're trying to exile him after realizing he'd just been wanting to get his dick wet rather than actually being in love with them
I thought you weren't gonna try the mode because you didn't want to read the EULA bro
>be straight guy, drinking with friends at evo
>slap your homeboy’s back after a set and say ggs bro, long time no see!
>laughs all around
>find out later he took 0.5mg estrogen and 200mg spironolactone that night and now identifies as a woman
>get hit with the google doc essay

It’s over can’t have NOTHING anymore not even BROS they took EVERYTHING FROM US
did you tag in both fausts at the same time?
its so hard to parse what is going on in the 3v3s
>dick wet
dick stinky you mean, that penis didn't go anywhere near an actual vagina
They should be overjoyed that they're finally getting the real woman experience.
>>slap your homeboy’s back after a set and say ggs bro, long time no see!
that's borderline rape and you need to be shot in your liver
Who was it
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he had consensual sex with a guy who was nice to him and then later regretted doing it
Isn’t she like 100 years old?
>goldlewis player
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when you're on estrogen for long enough your ass starts self lubricating
100 year old slippery foot slime around my cock
>did you tag in both fausts at the same time?
one tagged and the other did an assist to cover the tag
Muddy dicks? In my /ggg/?
a great lesson as to why you should never tag on defense
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>wild assault pressure
>mfc grab
>c.s jc to block burst
>overhead frc
you're the kind of faggot that's going to ruin this game mode for everyone just trying to have fun
>another franchise falls for the crossover Guest Character virus

Unironically feel bad for you guys.
imagine the layers of tranny poo he has around his dick, you can find fossils and properly date them to the umisho era based on the soil it was found in
this nigga thinking about dicks covered in poo…….
So what did this Red dude do?
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One of the best strive players ruined his career and life over THIS?
I do not get this 3v3 mode at all. If you're not the main guy playing do you even control the moves you do ?
have consensual sex with some lonely trannies
he was playing strive the way it was meant to be played
razzo kinda cute ngl
>nooo!!! you're not allowed to... play the game!!!!!
what kind of a faggot are you
had casual, consensual, loveless sex with some trans people
No, wrong, shut the fuck up.
You select assists from a list and can ask to be tagged in to actually fight.
Please have better taste in failed men. Your average /soc/ AGP troon is better than razzo
based retard-kun didn't do the tutorial
I swear I saw this exact post last night.
So why are the trannies mad? He pumped and dumped?
He got a little handsy with someone else, who told him to stop, and he did. This is literally rape, and retroactively makes the consensual sex he had with umisho rape as well.
you have 3 assists, up+HS, HS, and down+HS
I haven't played in 2 days.
moba skills + assists + tag in
so is the 3v3 mode just complete casual trash or can 3 semi-competitive players have fun playing it
how about don't play like a sweaty faggot
Fire staggers and lingers with burn. Lightning crashes. Wind prevents combos. UNIVERSE blobs float. Drop afro near opponent. Damage prevention with Chimaki. Heals. Poison. And then there are various high/low assists you can use to apply pressure from anywhere for your friend. There are also some mids like DPs, Danzai and the like.
Assists can't kill UNLESS they somehow ignite Afros.

It's a lot of fun in little brother mode.
Anything involving more than yourself and your opponent is casual trash
2v2 2xko gonna go crazy tho
Okay so basically this is fun if you have scrub friends but simply a complete chaos playing solo. I'll never be able to convince my non fg players friends to pay 20 bucks for a this, guess this will be /ggg/ lobbies.
its fun but only if you're actively on a call with the people you're playing with. don't queue solo with randoms.
chaos can be fun
>using basic game mechanics is being sweaty

>you can't 236D in the middle of your blockstring!! that's not fair!
>you can't utilize a special move mechanic to trick up your opponent and throw them! That's not fair!
>Be Nitro
>WIN Strive with the most technical and underrepressented waifufag character
>Stay humble throughout
>Get your win overshadowed by fag drama
Good thing he's not an attention whore, but his win deserved way better.
I've played 4 hours with some of the best /ggg/ers. We're gonna play more tonight. Some of the most fun Strive can be. Needs voice chat with randoms for sure.
Yeah just sit and mash buttons instead. Fucking idiot.
>aba did not get to do a single thing
quality mode
he called out leffen and nobody cared
finna sa
calling leffen out is like farting
no one fucking cares
Convinced my hot little boy who doesn't like fighting games to buy this for the small 20, just make your case and see what happens.
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got one last night but it's soured by the chipp player getting tilted and being a retarded griefer

Just rizz she was mogged
that is the gyatt of that guy who was hated
by the god of mogging
Just rizz

No one here is rizzing that gyatt
Gronk is dead now skibidi is here to edge all day
It is a edge who failed
Because he didnt rizz hard enough






this shit is retarded and not funny. genuinely kill yourself you faggot
I laughed
have respect for traditions tourist
fuck u retard
just because someone's spamming some unfunny shit for a few months doesn't mean it's a tradition. end it.
this gold is genius and extremely funny. genuinely keep on living you chad
>cancel another black nigga to undermine the accomplishment of a black nigga winning
dem trannies is racist
Can someone give me a tldr about this drama?
Trannies attract sexpests, who could’ve imagined?
nigga asked a rhetorical
its kino
would fuck his vocal chords, that raspy voice is hot
axl looks useless in this mode
>only took 3 years for the gay tranny orgy incidents to start happening
holy fuck it’s just that easy huh
how come these guys don't just like hire a hot hooker? theres even trans ones out there if thats your taste.
seems like it would be so much better for their time investment and career.
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I really like 3v3!!!!!!! :DDDDD
I go boom watchow and always bail my bros out of bad situations just like they do for me. No longer do we fight each other, but instead the world!! >:3
>start happening
you mean become public
The appeal is fucking your bro who's also in a skirt and gives good head.
Thing is these trannies are two-faced and aren't actually your friend so they will betray me.
hiring a hooker and keeping her in your suite with all your bros to rail inbetween games sounds like a much more fun event than fucking an unhygenic, awkward, tranny
vast majority of the FGC are autistic nerds who have had zero romantic interaction with women in their entire lives
having a "woman" who also has the same hobby as you is basically a golden ticket
any 3v3 bros
you and your friends are cute
wanna come back to my hotel room?
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ugly picture
At the earliest is probably more around 2022 and then took a year later to realize oh crap I was acting horny to unattractive schlubs this whole time. Damn what a trainwreck.
is being the oomfie in this dynamic a cuck role
surely one loves their one and only bestie more than just "one of my friends"
what a tragic and pain riddled group
wat. o.o
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I'm going to sound like such a smash player when saying this, but i wish we could turn the items off.
i don't
however i agree with the guy who said they should remove the heal skill and just double the healthbars
Moral of the story never get drunk and settle for tranny even if you’re a lonely nerd you’ll literally get bitten in the ass for it years later.
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wtf chaserchads are based?!
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That's also why they sperg out and have to drop an entire document whenever they have an awkward, uncomfortable encounter with someone. Bunch of social retards that feed into each other until the voice in their head that reminds them they're a weirdo and should reassess the situation goes quiet.

The mspaint diagrams really sell it for me that the one dude has the emotional skills of a little kid. It's like crayon drawings.
look at that five o clock shadow...
kurt kobain looking ass nigga
isn't it good to present the choice between offense and survivability?
I recorded 8 hours of to3 and looking back at it, all of it is just the same chaotic things happening every match. it's fun in the moment but nothing interesting really happened worth making a webm over. anything that would be interesting gets interrupted by assist.

it would be more fun if they turned this into a proper 2v2 mode.
Now i've realized I could never be a famous fg player because if you can cancel someone for this I might be eligible to be a KKK high mage with the amount of nigger I've uttered in my life on this very website.
jiyuna survived saying nigga with a fucking tripcode, you'll be alright my nigga
jiyuna is black so he can say nigga whenever he wants
Hes a hue not blaqq
mogs me
bros... >>487764245
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so how would someone even go about making a new scene for tourneys and shit?
no i don't know what it means
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just play mvc2
theres like no trannies but youll have to hang out with boomer and millennials that smoke weed and talk like black people
Start a local tournament and grow it organically. It will take years before it has any chance at counting as a major, though.
If you're rich you can take out ads at other majors and throw in a prize pool to get people to travel for it.
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>when they leaned in they told me some very private/personal stuff
>I need to emphasize the fact I can’t talk about this detail even now
>it feels manipulative given the context of what happened later
>it was something that lowered my guard
>because of the nature of what was told to me I wanted to be supportive
will someone spike my drink with HRT if i go to a strive tournament?
it means tempest confided a deep dark secret to claire (the secret is that tempest is trans and wishes to transition)

this type of tranny is most sexually attracted to other trannies
I don't have enough melanin to play MvC2
>(the secret is that tempest is trans and wishes to transition)
i thought about this but i think he would just transition if this were the case
you just have to smoke weed and TALK like a black person
that should get you enough of the gene to play at least team scrub
but of course you wont ever be able to play magneto for as long as you live but that is not your fault
what does it mean
lil' nigga should've pulled the tranny trap card before he got cancelled, it's completely bricked now
rookie mistake
considering how utterly minor this accusation is he could still do it now
the chaser to tranny pipeline...
it cannot be..............
The zoomer troon generation of players need to go
But I don't do drugs and talk like a boy scout
its over you have no drip
Hotashi has been awfully quiet during all this...
yikes... doesn't he know oppressed folx have to resort to online interactions due to the risks associated with going outside as a visible minority?
maybe he should stop being a transphobic chud instead
This is hilarious coming from THE weirdo with an ego
>Tempest likes lolis and usually plays them
>Cody likes lolis and usually plays them
I can't think of anything they could confide in each other.
Jiyuna truly is /ourguy/
jiyuna is from the generation with people scamming money matches, fixing brackets, passing around trannies like ricki, druggies, pedophiles and niggas beating women for fun. this is not something new for the FGC lmao
hotashi can grab any boypussy any time he wants (they let him do it cause he's a star)
Yeah but they dont spend 80% of their time on discord.
Doesn't matter because half the people probably didn't even read it before throwing in their support.
Umisho isn't with Razzo? Or was it just cheating
im gonna fucking pukeola
I'm quitting strive
I can't deal with this shit anymore
They're polyamorous since neither one wants to fuck the other.
bye bro
the tranny orgy shit or the dogshit game shit
They are apparently polyamorous
I'm polyamorous with half of /ggg/
but me and you are the only posters here...
Did Umisho get his dick split or is it still there
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These niggas are such freaks.
This shit is so retarded, it's like a dare that went too far.
almost certainly still there or guys wouldn't be interested in xer
I fucking hate Giganter Kai. Niggertemkin doesn’t deserve a neutral skip like that.
I have some Leo questions as someone new to Strive and fighting games in general. As I understand, I usually poke with 2K and 5K hit confirm into 6K, but I've seen some Leos against me poke with 6P, which I usually reserve as an anti-air. First, what situations would you use 6P to poke as opposed to 2K and 5K? Second, once I hit confirm 2K or 5K what's the best way to continue while keeping pressure? Also, how should I be playing defensively? I know I can use DP in order to do a reversal but then what and what else? And what should I be doing when they're blocking low? 5D is the only overhead that isn't bt but it comes out so slow.
it costs meter, fuck you
No fuck you. No one else gets an instant win with full tension like that nigger does.
>ramlethal tags in
what do you do other than lose
drama boars, summarize
He chased a regular dude after dinner and the guys friends were like “nah don’t dare that coon”
praying to allah that EVO moves to saudi arabia
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>Literally says they never said no and just laughed at his cringe flirting (I did too)
What the fuck is wrong with these niggas? How hard is it to say no?
These people are so touch-starved they'll take any attention they can get
6P is used as a move to call out most mid attacks as well as Anti-air. Things like f.S, 5K, and the like. Some moves will reach low enough to counter hit that, but a second of waiting to punish their whiffed move will correct that as well.
S DPs are used for reversals.
H DPs have more use, Leo's is a good combo ender since you have enough time to get into backturn.
Against blocking opponents, you can do 5K > throw and go immediately into backturn.
6P crushes mids (and 2D)
Nigga is getting aired out in real time for his unbelievably shit game and autistic tendencies and is being called a full on predator for it. This is great viewing, getting my popcorn ready for more trannies to come out of the woodworks with more "I love you" stories lol
i can kind of understand them, something similar happened to me with a woman
you just kind of freeze up and don't know what to do. you're not really thinking straight
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here you go
i wanna go back
i cant handle 2024 anymore bros im gonna be honest
>"Your ass is fat"
>"haha thanks"
I'm not the only one that died laughing here, right?
it was always there, it's just public now
this is strive
>allows yourself to go to a room with a bunch of people you don't know
>gets sleazed on (this is on tempest, not claire)
>talk with tempest about it a while later
>he apologizes
>you say it's fine
thanks i'm switching to SF6 as we speak
what do these people look like
No. This is so fucking stupid goddamn lmao
do you guys still play xrd/+r?
I can understand a woman being afraid of not wanting confrontation with a man, but these niggas are grown ass men and their weird experience is with Tempest. Just walk away and he'll run out of breath trying to follow you. How you gonna let yourself be in these weird situations that you dont want to be in with a guy that is quite literally too obese to chase you?
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>I play elphelt
ok i don't want to play elphelt anymore
>After everything, it was moving really fast? Within the same night they told me a very personal secret that out of respect for them as a person I will not be sharing here.
I wonder what the secret is.
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>I can get all the poop out of your butt with one simple trick
cancel aneema for this
didn't he just grab another dude and spun him around while drunk and not even alone? i don't doubt that he's an autistic weirdo that makes people uncomfortable but it didn't sound like he did anything too bad
estrogen kills your muscles
>but I've seen some Leos against me poke with 6P, which I usually reserve as an anti-air
6p is a dogshit button one of the worst 6ps in the game. you only do it if someone's spamming far-reaching mids that aren't disjointed. for anti-airing you're genuinely better going with 5p or trying an airgrab
>Second, once I hit confirm 2K or 5K what's the best way to continue while keeping pressure?
gatling into 6k>h eisen>236h for backturn oki
>how should i be playing defensively?
against characters with shitty lows his guard point is pretty good (hold s or h). guard point is particularly good if you whiff s or h and they jump, the armor/disjoint will beat pretty much any jump-in they might try. don't ever bother with guard point against ky specifically, he'll stun dipper every time.
his s projectile's pretty good against people that are just spamming buttons at full screen hoping you'll run into them, but don't do it too much, if they happen to be in the air during the startup of s projectile you're going to eat a full combo and die.
you'll mostly want to stay grounded as his jumping buttons range from dogshit to "slightly functional as an air to air" (j.h), he has no good jump-in buttons so most of your offense will be grounded. if you're having trouble opening people up don't be afraid to try dashing in and grabbing them
gl bro
It was the combo of "through their shorts I could tell they were aroused" and "your ass is fat" that got me
I hope this never ends and the scene explodes and the only thing remaining is like 2 troons who play grand finals against each other in a pool of 2 players
he said he was fondling him and when he picked him up it was by the ass? it's fucked because when telling the events to tempest he said it was by the waist so I do wonder if this is all just a lie. tempest pissed off the tranny cabal somehow.
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>"Your ass is fat."
It's been fun bros, but they've won. I can't be a part of this anymore. I'm heading over to Dix.
no, this is a tranny safespace where only strive is slurped
this reads like bad fanfiction. over/under on all this being an elaborate larb?
yeah he was overly touch feely and pushy with some trannies that he wanted to fuck. He didnt sexually abuse anyone but he's still a massive creep regardless of how charitable you are to the situation. Not really worth a twitter post but these trannies need the engagement and need to be seen as victims
as someone who got bored of strive and played 300 hours of dix, don't bother. it's genuinely the worst "competitive" fighting game ever made
leffen will also be there
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3v3 lobby status?
he seems too shy to straight up grab someone's ass in the middle of other known players even if he was drunk. bet he just touched his ass accidently while lifting him up. it's annoying when someone does that without permission but the troon is being overdramatic talking about crying in the shower afterwards like he was raped kek
check the cliquecord
It's absolutely a ploy, but that doesn't matter. Tempest was chosen by the tranny council as this year's blood sacrifice. Using this confidence their numbers will grow along with their boldness.
It is a cult, and we watched a man die today.
>I'll host in a couple hours
>never happens
I swear to god I'm going to make one of you fat assed sluts post need to post a twitlonger
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After this things were normal. They came to my room, we had some drinks, our friend came by and we laughed and talked a bunch, the night was going fine. Afterwards however, I went to pour myself another drink and then Tempest asked me to go to them, they then held me close and told me they loved me, through their shorts I could tell they were aroused. This disgusted me, I wasn't sure if this was intentional or not and even now I never admitted to them that I felt that but I was made very uncomfortable, while they were holding me they said quietly to me “Your ass is fat.”
all this drama and in a year we will have the 4 million players artwork anyway
ur ass is fat bro
it really fucks me up when these are the type of people who will tell you to touch grass when they have zero life experience to be mentally touched by literally nothing. what a fucking existence.
I love you your ass is fat
haha thanks
Imagine if Tempest won EVO, goddamn. Nitro winning was some sort of mercy
gogetabros here
akari touched me last /ggg/ tournament.
this disgusted me
gogetabros Your Ass Is Fat.
i just played xrd in v for a bit after a year and half no gg, really fun
guess i'll play with discord trannies instead
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
these weirdos couln't assault (pick up) sharkparty or mahreen or some shit?

this stuff just amounts to a bunch of dudes fooling around
"i could notice through their shorts they were aroused"

my fucking sides, there are real tears. these people are so unintentionally hilarious. mental illness is peak comedy.
this disgusted me
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How the fuck do you trigger the Celestial challenge?? Everyone says go 5-1 on floor 10 but I regularly achieve that or better and still nothing. I keep checking the floor select incase it triggered without telling me but it's never there. What am I doing wrong???
alright all this drama is retarded but tempest posting is pretty funny
xrd is dead for a reason
SharkParty doesnt like fags or troons
boys being boys and playing grabass, they didn't get the memo?
the furry anji player repeatedly posted about wanting to breed me
>release trap character DLC
>West misunderstands it to be American tranny culture representative
>lean into it for more sales
>sell 3 million copies
>frequent tranny orgies that get a little too touchy for some
>complete twitter meltdown
was it worth it
tokido commentating on snake eyez
>"was snake eyez at evo?...i didn't see him....oh he staye home!"

japs love punk so much they will always defend him and get their idols to fuck with punk's enemies

tokido is still a gent and says snake eyez is a good player btw
Your body? Held
Your heart? Loved
Your ass? Fat
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this disgusted me
might makes right in the FGC, that is the golden rule
You have to go full acceleratonist with these fags before it gets better
strive trannies just weren't ready for tempest. he was trained in the bacement. the original tranny den and perhaps the source.
bwo? your deflect shield? your yrc?
I love you I love you I love you
>My arousal? Felt
I am really disappointed he dodged EVO. He's so fucking good I don't get it.
and strive is infested with the axe wounds for a reason :)
through their shorts I could tell they were aroused
Unironic questions but did you cheap out on any of these wins or were any of these matches against lower level players (in comparison to you)?
lil bro was scared of da alfa, it happens
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he's got a massive ego and can't take losing
i love snake eyez but he's lowkey a bitch for the shit talk and hiding in his house.
this is actually transphobic
how did the goon king not chase troons
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>tempest is drunk as fuck and gets weird and flirty when he's drunk
>somehow NONE of these people can tell him no, they all go along with him being a weird nigga
>this one INVITED HIM TO STAY THE NIGHT and didn't object when he wanted to share the bed
holy fuck this is a clownshow
>cheap out on any of these wins
What does this mean?
>were any of these matches against lower level players (in comparison to you)?
Possibly? Haven't kept track, I just do Quick Play matchmaking. Do they have to be floor 10 players? Beating lower floor players didn't seem to prevent advancing from other floors.
careful there gooncel, this sounds like you're making it out to be the trannies fault that this is happening
he has severe yellow fever, he'd only chase them if they're asian
holy FUCK he really called out the real source of this shit
chad move
how the fuck do i play against nago as leo?
have you tried to grab his fat ass
Why does he keep doing this?
I'm starting to wonder if it actually is a deliberate attempt at emotional manipulation.
i don't get blaming bridget when no top player plays him outside of supernoon and never have to my recollection. all this shit is happening in their little top player circle with the sweats who have been playing since the game launched
Use your massive projectile that he can't airdash over?
Its less about Bridget players but what the character represents.
bridget brought in way more trannies and trannies bring drama wherever they go because they're all severely autistic attention whores and most of them are sex-addicted gooners as well
its grifter cope every culture has weird people and troons
Bridget opened the floodgates to sexpest trannies.
he's saying it's the troons
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these dues could of groped up beckmon and she probably would have let it go
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You can chalk this one up to mutt culture. Euros have their trannies but it isnt /this/ bad. The spics, hues and the japs have 0 issues in their communities
most euro trannies are from nordic countries where trannies aren't a social issue and therefore AGPs don't have this ridiculous social capital where they can shame people into giving them attention
UK trannies would be just as bad though, speaking english makes you retarded
that just means it hasn't gone public yet.

honestly all of this troon shit is just waiting to explode, even in the mainstream
imagine all of those poor kids who have been groomed into taking life changing drugs finally growing into adulthood, brain finally maturing, then realizing they were robbed of actually having functioning private parts
Tempest is gay as fuck. He has zero interest in women.
Remember how Umisho went from a normal looking white dude to wearing granny clothes and taking HRT within 2 months of interacting with Razzo?
Anyone have that unflattering mugshot of him editted with the split faced meme
Wasn't he already a they/them?
But yeah I've been convinced for a while that Razzo did this to him deliberately.
>"Your ass is fat"
This is my new R-code message, thank you Tempest that shit made my night.
I'd rather be a chaser
*twirls you around*
Kek Nice one anon.
Don't insult TERF island we hate them here.
I dun get it
why is it still illegal to criticize them on social media
I understood this meme
Post this as a reply on one of the troom drama posts and rake in the likes and reposts
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>haha thanks
it was so fucking cringe how he was on stream making fun of punk for getting emotional over his evo win. meanwhile his biggest cheevo is....................................... texas showdown, aka the fucking weenie hut jrs fake major.
literally lose it's one of leo's worse matchups and gets worse every patch as they keep buffing nago and nerfing leo

don't listen to this retard lmao
It isn't I know people who do that a hobby.
Try saying the same shit in America with your real name attached your life is just as fucked.
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>this is the nigga he said "Your ass is fat" to
wasn't tempest openly gay a few years ago?
it really doesn't surprise me that he's only interested in the least-passing ones, this man has zero interest in women he's just a horny gay nigga
Snake eyez made Evo top 8 back in SF4.
maybe the ass is fat
post an ass pic before you judge
America is diseased
Rotten to the core
Yeah everyone knows Tempest is gay gay, but not agp chaser
what i mean is i'm not the least bit surprised he's only going for the ugly ones with mannish faces because he's just straight up gay and not some bi dude in denial like most chasers
i can respect that but i do not quite agree with his methods
He got in with the wrong crowd. If he came back swinging with being openly gay and talking about "that's how they do it in the scene" I bet he could save some face while dealing a scalding bro to the troons.
I NOW GET IT........
>"that's how they do it in the scene"
oh man and try to paint them as homophobic?
was he really that bad? he was creepy but he was assertive. it's not like he was ever outright rejected by any of them. how was he supposed to know if they don't say anything?
he even apologized when he was told after the fact
he's cringe but he never crossed the line
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they always come CRAWLING back
the person who had his ass grabbed by tempest has lots of bridget posts on twitter
surely just a coincidence though
He's way too handsy and clearly can't control himself when he's drunk but I haven't seen any evidence that he's worse than "kind of creepy and can't read discomfort from body language."
I still expect him to get banned from everything because the troon cabal wants him gone.
What's kizzie's take on this?
I stand where he stands
What did he say to sonicsol?
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that's gawdlike
xrd bros
>troons and their chasers dont win
>they go scorched earth so they can invalidate Nitro's victory
I hate these faggots so much
thats gawdlike
Kizzingtons... I kneel
xturders slain in one post
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I don't get it...someone please explain to me why this is so funny?
some players are insisting they're gonna drop strive because of the drama (they wont as long as there's prize money available even if they have zero hope of getting any of it) but it's funny because the "not strive" game is generally considered to be Xrd, with +R being a real boomer game not worth getting into this late (while Xrd has received somewhat recent support and is still considered "modern" and still gets new players occasionally)
no one is gonna drop strive. at this point if strive dies gg dies. if top players DO leave or whatever new people will just replace them.
i know
> (they wont as long as there's prize money available even if they have zero hope of getting any of it)
i'll also add that most casual players would probably get >FILTERED by something or other in whatever game they insist on migrating to. pros could probably deal but even then they'd probably get rinsed by some established players at first and post long copium diatribes on twitter about it
if I were an evo champ id be successfully rizzing all these troonies and let me just say they wouldn't be writing google doc confessionals about me after the fact ;)
Tempest san... I kneel...
no tournament will ever run on pc they'll just melt and have random errors and frame lag
the west is so cooked our young men are throwing away careers to be able to fuck this
socially awkward 20 year old shut in nerd who thinks anyone that tolerates his presence wants to fuck him
estrogen overdosed socially awkward 20 year old nerd who just wants friends and doesn't want to upset anyone
fighting game player isn't a career
all these people are going to be flipping burgers at 40
sure worked for kevin spacey
its 1 random guy throwing away his fighting game career people don't even know his real name
sf6 is a career because capcom wants to make it one
everything else is jokes
it's also funny because kizzie is funny and kizzieposting is NOT a criminal activity
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who's this cutie
I love you I love you I love you
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Why pay attention to retarded trannies that think they're young children with no autonomy?
sonic sol probably already gooned to this
humina humina...
Honestly, I just want the mutt troons gone. If it takes a scare of the gane dying to have them fuck off, Im all for it.
if anything, this would scare off people who aren't mentally ill troons, so that's all you are going to be left with
i guess it could go either way. like trannies leave because they don't feel safe (lol) or normal people just stop playing to not deal with their BS all the time. we will have to see
me personally I don't really want to learn how to FRC
i definitely could do it and probably would if +R was a more popular game
but i don't really want to
How can I, a absolute shitter at fighting games, learn to play Strive at a average level?
that's what Xrd is for
how do you learn to do anything
hint: practice
Just learn some bullshit your character can do and run it on people
how fat is your ass
use wild assault
Download grindr and grope a beautiful trans princess
seek knowledge
play matches
seek more knowledge
repeat for hundreds of hours
where to start? try playing the tutorial if it has one and then looking at how the gameplay mechanics work, then your character move list, some basic combo, a beginners guide, etc.
it takes time and you have to like the process
Strive is actually not that hard. Pick a character that's easy (virtually all of them except Zato and Asuka, but especially May, Gio, Sol, Ky, or Elphelt) and go into the tower (you should be on floor 6 or below) and do some mashing. While you're mashing, make sure you're paying attention to which moves you're using. Learn your normals, and make sure you can do your specials consistently.
Then go learn a BNB combo off either 5K or c.S, and go back to the tower and mash some more, but make sure you're trying to pull off the combo when you land that starter.
Depends on how much you already know.
Nigga if you don't shut the fuck up, Leo has no time to do H fireball because he'll get reaction 2S'd, beybladed, or nago can just throw a clone that completely ignores the fireball. Kill yourself.
nicole for season 5
pick ram to instantly win
this is the day 1 strat
i don't think that's how it goes anymore, well maybe on floor 4
They're going to gut K Mappa in October.
Bros I played one character super hard for the first two years of the game but they got nerfed a lot and I dropped them, now like 2 years later I want to go back to the character but my level is like 800 or some shit because of celestial and people are dodging casuals against me, how do I reset my R-code?
t. furfag hardstuck floor 2

ram is easily the strongest character in the game
Learn that fucking Dustloop brother.
And try to apply the shit written there. I cannot fathom the amount of time I have ro remind myself I can punish with c.S Sol's Vortex, Chipp rokusai, stun dipper or hammerfall and end up just doing 2k>2d like a cuck. I realized that in Strive random ass 2 touch gameplan, if you just know every moment where you're + you can keep attacking and just block every moment tou aren't, you can easily fuck 90% of the playerbase, that is if you play a decent (fraudulent) character.
why did jaggo just win EVO
uhmm, uhhhhhhhhhh..........
>hardstuck floor 2
kek how? i can see someone landing on floor 2 of their first day playing a fighting game, but being stuck there? doubt that's possible
tranny conspiracies
Why does Dizzy and Venom’s new designs look so boring and empty compared to the rest of the strive cast? It feels like they’re missing stuff with in-universe branding on their clothes and also the lack of belts too

I don’t mind Dizzy’s new look too much but Venom especially looks super boring now
the game is pretty balanced
I think we have to wait till we see them in 3D.
don't reply to it
for me it'll come down to the animations. I hope dizzy looks really regal and that venom looks really stylish and snappy. with strive elphelt her design is greatly improved by how they decided to animate her.
it's finalized concept arts. compare them to other concept arts in the gg gallery. very consistent aesthetically with the rest of the strive concepts.
Tempest was prolly suicide baiting or something of the sort

>awkwardly replies to tempest's flirting
>feels his boner on your leg
>most traumatic event of your life
>immediately offers for him to sleep in your room, where you both cuddle for the entire night
>in the following day, when he confesses to you while you're both alone in the bathroom, reply with "aw me too uwu"

I haven't finished yet, but it genuinely feels like I'm going fucking insane. What the fuck is going on with this community lmfao
>the following day, when he confesses to you while you're both alone in the bathroom, reply with "aw me too uwu"
What the fuck
When someone leaks the win trading for sex logs its all over for this community. In its ashes a new set of hopefully not fag players will take their place
>hairy arms
>facial hair
>man everything
We haven't even seen the splash art or the in game models for God's sake
Tempest, if you're reading this: Absolutely go scorched Earth if anything comes of these allegations. Admit to being a degen win trading tranny loving lolichad.
the drama will be forgotten by tomorrow

damn bro folded quick
>the combo breaker and evo japan champion goes down to a tranny
Every beast has an Achilles' heel
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>"your ass is fat"
>haha t-thanks
Quitting on his own terms is smart because it means he can come back in two or three years.
If he was banned he'd have to be unbanned.
with all the adderall they are on this isn't even an impossible outcome
damn, RIP tempest lol
my gf (female) has hairy arms too, i gotta tell her to shave tomorro thanks for reminding me
I wonder if he's trying to guilt trip claire and aneema by leaving the scene lmao
>No more win trading for tranny sex
Its all over for Umisho.
what even "needs to be done"? how do you stop people being weird? have the genders be on different sides of the hotel?

in umisho's case, definitely
that's bullshit. i don't care about this nigga but he played his heart out and earned that shit. (yeah leo is a nigger tier char but blame arc sys)
Remember even if you live by the sword you can die by the tranny
where are these women who are being harassed
Trans women are women, chud.
i don't know man, usually giving in like this is exactly what fuels cancel culture to actually work.
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homie risked it all for this
If I was running for president, my only stance would be to reopen the asylums and undo the mistake Reagan did all those years ago
He can't fight the accusations because all of his friends are gay trannies.
based was trying to live the chaser dream in a chaser's paradise
He shoulda went private, got a lawyer, and then threatened to sue for defamation.
You only do that if stuff isn't true. The stuff was true.
Every single one of his friends would cut him off if he did this.
you can also do it when there's no proof / witnesses but this happening in a room full of people fucks him in that regard.
Is any of it actual sexual assault like they seem to believe though?
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3v3 is fun
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I don't think that's the reason. He's prolly doing it so it'll be more likely that he's accepted back in a few months/years. It'll make it harder for people to claim he isn't regretful/hasn't changed/hasn't received any punishment at all
If he actually grabbed LastChuck's ass, I think that fits the legal definition.
I didn't read the aneema doc because I can't handle all this shit but based on what's been posted in this thread it sounds like aneema was 100% on board with everything at the time.
No they're all awkward fucking virgin losers and this is how they handle getting rizzed up
it was true, but none of it is criminal, or even all that inappropriate, especially in aneema's case. If anything, Aneema was in the wrong to share all that shit.
only a court would really figure out if it truly "constitutes sexual assault"
but in public opinion it's close enough
did i skip over too much in the doc? bro lifted someone up and gave unwanted compliments. they treat him like he's epstein
Zoomers have no sense of scale. One guy being kind of creepy at parties is on the same level as serial gang rape for them.
it just because they aren't taught the concept of individuality so, to them, any random fucker is emblematic of "the community"
they are legit just canceling him for being autistic lmao, this is hilarious
The moral of this story is that if a gay nigga is getting handsy with you, tell him to fuck off.
And if you tend to get handsy when you're drunk, maybe don't drink.
this is so fucking hilarious
strive trannies are mentally 8
You know if anything a lot of the garbage on these docs are very quoteable
hair makes sol so overpowered basically a free guardbreak
god i wish this was real, just one leak.
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Who raised these kids man
The story legitimately makes no sense unless Aneema was completely on board with it at the time.
It's like that episode of American Dad where Jeff ends up working as a waiter because the manager mistook him for someone else and he was too much of a people pleaser to say no.
>haha thanks
>clearly tells them "i'm bad with social cues. i can't tell a lof of the time"
>person STILL tries to act "nice" instead of giving him a straight forward no or stop
based retard. this shit just looks sad
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>turns your game community into a polycule
>they treat him like he's epstein
reminder, these people had to stay in home during important social developmental years of their life becasue of covid, they literally don't know how to deal with someone being just KINDA weird or creepy. it's either you are giga hitler 3000 or you stay at home all day and play strive. there is no inbetween.
If anything he's been doing that to people on the internet since the 2000s. Without Bridget you wouldnt have Saigado making Boku no Pico
This little twink has ruined so many lives...
Yes it's unforgivable to be a fucking tranny chaser. Have some goddamn self respect.
Is Bridget the first widely known trap?
Cut him some slack, he's mega gay so he just sees them as twinks with boobs.
he was kind of the archetypal trap, and definitely the first trap well-known outside of japan
He's the Original, like Happy Chaos but for gay anime porn instead of magic.
Yes, 100% he's pretty much the progenitor of the otokonoko type. The most infamous trap hentai was inspired by him after all.
The win tradings for Umisho wasn't enough of a tell for you?
He wanted to fuck that hog too. Almost kissed those pig lips. Tempest is built like a soldier, like Leo Whitefang.
so you all out here just fuckin dudes now huh?
definitely changed a bit from #reload days
Damn, I wonder how much would change if you go back in time and prevent Bridget from happening then.
Strive is really well balanced and doesn't need frequent balance changes. I'm glad ASW gives each patch time to develop a meta.
i just hope dizzy is top 1
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Umisho constantly raved about how cool Tempest is and how close their friendship is.
Place your bets on how long it takes until Umisho throws Tempest under the bus now.
If Umisho admits he traded sex for wins he'll be permanently banned from every major, and probably from TNS as well.
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id kill you before you could even have a chance
there must always be a bridget in this timeline
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I take a look at my game and realize there's nothin' left
'Cause I've been blastin' and goonin' so long that
Even my momma thinks that my mind is gone
But I ain't never fucked a troon that didn't ask for it
Me be treated like a creep, you know that's unheard of
You better watch how you talkin' and where you walkin'
Or you and your troonies might be lined in chalk
I really hate to trip, but I gotta loc
As they cum, I see myself in the google doc
Fool, I'm the kinda G the little gamers wanna be like
On my knees in the night, suckin' gock in the streetlight
Been spendin' most their lives
Livin' in a chaser's paradise
Been spendin' most their lives
Livin' in a chaser's paradise
Keep spendin' most our lives
Livin' in a chaser's paradise
Keep spendin' most our lives
Livin' in a chaser's paradise
I look just like this.
>you and your troonies
"you and your oomfies" would be way better
great work though anon
>These are grown ass men btw
>literally in their mid 20s, old enough to be teachers or to start families
>No backbone, no spine, complete pushovers thatll have a sleepover with a potential rapist cuz its easier to get raped/molested than say no
The future is grim.
will edit for v2
atleast they are contained in Strive instead of running things that have an actual impact
>No backbone, no spine, complete pushovers thatll have a sleepover with a potential rapist cuz its easier to get raped/molested than say no
Hey, they're pretending to be women, this is pretty spot on.
I'll say it depends on whether this gains any more momentum and/or his first ban happens.
I will say the most important factor is going to be whether Tempest fights back or just lays down like a good little trannychaser.
Because if the former, then Umisho will probably be too scared that Tempest talks about the wintrading.
Tell me, why are we
So blind to see
That the ones we grope
Are you and me?
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Trannychasers learning why you don't let the mentally ill hookups into your social circle and why you keep mentally ill in your social circle at a distance.
>and just like that, tempests career is completely over
well damn, that sucks
what if umisho sent his secret agent trannies to take out his toughest competition?
And you can have it all,
My empire of dirt
god I hate the japanese language
i mean, there's definitely a secret group of them trying to remove anyone they don't like. Watch, tempest is actually gonna go through rehab and improve right? He's gonna do the things you're supposed to do after being a bad drunk and they're gonna keep him banned anyway. Chrisg can't enter capcom cup because he made a mild racist comment 15 years ago when the fgc was a hellhole with no rules. He improved as a person, and they are s till fucking him over.
I would've loved to be a fly on the wall in those top player NA discords when all this shit was coming out, man
I fucked a troon today
To see if I still feel
I focus on the game
The only thing that's real

My penis tears her hole
The old familiar sting
Try to 6P it all away
But I remember everything

What have I become?
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know transitions
In the end

And you could have it all
My EVO titles of dirt
I will grope your ass
I will make you hurt

I wear this crown of thorns
Upon my gaming chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair

Beneath the stains of time
The twitter posts disappear
You are someone else
I am still right here

What have I become?
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know transitions
In the end

And you could have it all
My EVO titles of dirt
I will grope your ass
I will make you hurt

If I could start again
A million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way
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>Atleast one american pro player will be banned
>People will laugh at,hate and excommunicate the american troons for exposing themselves as social toddlers that will try to cancel you for any minor inconvenience they feel due to attention starvation
Two birds with one stone, I dont know about you /ggg/, but the fact that none of these people even qualified for top 8 makes this great for me, just watching all the undesirables quell themselves in a comical spree of cancellation attempts is such top tier entertainment.
Cant wait till all these loonie troonies and their chasers never show up in top 8s again, this evo was truly blessed.
>Tempest enters a strive tournament 1-2 years from now
>Erm, what is TOURNAMENT ORGANIZER doing allowing this RAPIST to enter?
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An American Homosexual Orgy at EVO with blacks and Strive-playing trannies
Put Scorcese, Tarantino and Kubrick in a room and they would not be able to come up with this shit
Laugh now but they'll be kicking all of the top players they don't like until one of their own gets in. They have the support of majority of FGC currently sadly.
They can only cancel the retarded chasers that were deeply involved with them because they wont have ''dirt'' (if you can count these comical social encounters as dirt)
It all depends on whether or not these chasers fall out of favor with the troon cabal, first it was the GLD groomer, then tempest and then its gonna be hotashi.
And people dont really support them a bunch of big names already told them to grow up because not even twitter morons are stupid enough to agree with this retardation, atleast in GLD's case, tempest is probably fucked cuz his case is outright sexual harrassment.
For twitter trannies its never enough until the person in question kills himself and even then they typically won't stop. Look at what happened to Holowka.
nbnhmr saw this cringe shit in real time so he stopped competing seriously
I respect jt
Some anons were saying Tempest and UMISHO might have wintraded at FF2024. Give me a quick run down or try to sum up the possible rigging.
Jesus christ what did they do to Johnny? I've got a friend who's a Johnny main playing against him went from just fine to roughest fucking matches of my life.
I don't think it's fair to just say zoomers like almost all of these niggas aren't particularly socially stunted freaks. Someone's gonna say that's all zoomers but, even then, these are the guys those zoomers are calling weirdos.
lol this is exactly whats going to happen. look at shinku, you'd think he fucking physically beat the shit out of women with the way they talk about him .
I just got home and had a 3am coffee. Does anyone want to play? Warning: I don't care about community drama.
I keked!
i want to do a cover of this but i don't want to attach my voice to it lel
I'm hanging out at NAEC Park 42 if you or anyone else want to play a few (or more) games.
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i heckin love leaving predators out and about
>if i did the appropriate thing for a society, you'd cancel me for making shit up when the case turns out unfounded!
wouldnt happen anyway but still lol
4chan culture would unironically be slightly different
So is ArcSys going to give his Evo Japan spot to sanakan or just give another spot to the LCQ lol
>it's only okay if they're banned from our community and not the world at large
lmao do these people think before they speak?
Is there any way to go back and view 3v3 replays? The collection icon is greyed out for me
Is this a fucking screenshot of a text editor?

Why do zoomers do this?
I like to think that the removal of DP RC influenced Tempest to just quit comp in general
Bridget players, he's back
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Happy 3 year anniversary to the GOAT fighthan toon, Goldlewis Dickinson
Does Chimaki know how to get sturdy?
lmao what
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>The fraud king of Strive goes out like a giga sperg after washing evo japan
This game is a joke
i wonder what they're thinking at arcsys when they see their tournaments consumed by this retarded drama
What it tells me is that it's unhealthy to seek 1st place in competition for mental health if you don't have normal family and friends outside of your fighting game circle supporting you.
Basically Tempest was dominating everyone with Leo during Top 8.
Then for grand finals against Trannysho he switches to Elphelt and stays on elphelt despite his very bad performance especially compared to his matches beforehand with Leo. It was difficult to look at that and not get the feeling that Tempest was losing on purpose.
Tempest was happy and fucking glowing after his loss.
Then shortly afterwards Umisho made a bunch of tweets pretty quick going into defense mode ala "that match was totally serious Tempest did not switch to Elphelt out of any motives btw. me and Tempest are just very good friends" etc. despite nobody really putting forward the allegation.
Did Tempest continue to use Elphelt and did his results worsen every time he did?
He only switched Elphelt against Gobou ABA (who switched from Asuka) at evo japan and won the set
So afterwards he was playing Elphelt for real but beforehand it was a completely random counterpick.
Yeah counterpicking Sin/Sol with Elphelt is just trolling since Elphelt rekka is a meme against DP characters
>thanku God I do not havu to nerf Reo
I don't know, you Sin players obviously can't be trusted to act responsible with a good DP
lol no
>can't dp rc anymore
>my character didn't have a dp anyway
Gooning has been disastrous for society.
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> Man this dude makes me so uncomfortable and I don't like him
> ...so anyway I invited him into my bed and then...
I honestly think To3 urgently needs separate lifebars, more cooldown times and the ability to tag whenever
If the leader doesn't want to tag you're limited to just send items and attacks and everything ends up being a visual clusterfuck that makes me say "well, I guess I'll just throw this", everyone should get to fight
I like how they implemented the tag warning system, I think the mode is fun even with the items, but I think shit would be even more fun if it was equally engaging for all 6 players
Are there more examples of Tempest and or UMISHO doing really weird/uncharacteristic actions in top 8 that looks suspicious as fuck?
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Saw feet in the front page and I just had to check in. That's all. Greetings from /akg/
You came at a bad time little knigga
We are currently more into hugging people while having a boner.
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I can't beat Johnny's stage 9 boss. I'm going to quit guilty gear in disgrace.
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Thinking that a coffee would fix me while up in the middle of the night after a long drive and a long day with little sleep was a mistake. Ooof, and sorry. I'm embarrassed.

I am at a crossroads. Offense, Defense, Neutral; where to direct my efforts and where to spend my time vs players. On the one hand I can barely pull off anything I've practiced (combos to kara setups and metered 50/50s) in actual matches because I rarely get the chance playing in lobbies or otherwise against people here. I don't know how to setup safe jumps, don't know how to frametrap in pressure strings other than delaying some buttons slightly (which doesn't work on people here and gets me CH or 2K'd). On the other I can't consistently dashblock (I often get backdash), don't know how to meaningfully fuzzy block, can barely get out of pressure on me in the corner, don't know how to deal with being safejumped aside from putting their execution to the test with a wakeup DP or blocking forever, and don't know what to do about airborne opponents I can't preemptively 6P or reactively 5K. Tying this awful knot together is how you end up in either of the positions above. Trying disjointed pokes that get outranged or IAD'd over, a jump or two into a divekick, maybe a run-up throw or 1-2-3 blockstring that never lands, and at best baiting to land a CH f.s; I have no idea what I'm doing in neutral otherwise.

What do I try to focus on improving here? Do I keep fighting people here or go to floor 8 where I'll get more time on offense? Is the only way to learn defense tech to get the shit beat out of you seemingly for all time? Should I just go to bed?
Remember when niggas were doing this during Marvel 3 and were called out quick as fuck?
i do this in real life
no, actually
I hope ArcSys sees the feedback and just make it 3 separate lifebars, no rounds. There's much more incentive to tag out because you don't wanna lose your chance to play.
Yeah, and I think a Persona 4 Arena tournament at Frostys of all places. I think that's where the term collusion started iirc. Them niggas got banned too I think. I think they were two brothers and just decided to have fun in grand finals.
wasnt it blazblue
Ah maybe. I'm not entirely sure.
nta and I'm just a scrub at GG but some have been saying that at least their top 8 match at CEO was weird as well, just in more subtle ways.
the famed izayoi mirror(when she was still a bottom tier and not a top tier)
i wasn't following strive at the time of the tempest elphelt throw but I still heard people talking about.
Marvel 3 had an issue early on where people would agree to split the pot if they made top 2, and oftentimes it was the best players in the bracket doing this shit, so when they reached grand finals they'd end up playing random characters, or just trolling and it was awful for the spectators and insulting for the people they beat up to that point, and colluding quickly got banned in the fgc, but it seems like these new generation fighting game players are doing that shit again.
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get some rest man, and don't feel embarrassed... im usually a no show to play requests anyway : )
it also happened in sf fgc during the 4 era
im pretty sure it was jwong? who was arranging most of the deals for pot splits? because he didnt care about the actual placing as his career was taking off as an influencer
and i think it caused him to have beef with someone because they changed their mind last minute and took the tournament and decided not to split

the fgc has always been shady with stuff like this and always run by cliques
Yeah, it was Wolfkrone.
And Wolfkrone decided not to split after winning, and ever since then Justin has hated him.
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>land a parry on my opponent
>parry damage almost kills them
>have 50 tension and try to RC my successful parry to close the round
>mfw nothing happens and i remember why
>HDP no longer invuln
>DP rc removed
>5k tick throw removed
>2d punishable now punishable on block
>Damage was nerfed
>2d can be 6p'd
I think it's time to accept that leo is now an honest low tier, you have no excuse to lose to a leo now.
Wow the trannies are really fucking riled up that someone outside their sex clique won EVO huh?
You forgot a few nerfs
>236HS became extremely easy to reaction jab or throw
>236HS after wall break no longer guarantees a true 50/50 for oki
>neither fireball received the universal fireball buffs
>universal jump combo buffs did not benefit Leo at all
>universal dash cancel rework is worthless for Leo
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>told myself i'll never play anime fighters
>strive is 20 bucks, and more if i want the DLC characters
>but the vampire guy punching so hard his clothes stay in place is so fucking cool i'm actually having second doubts
Yeah Leo is in a good spot right now. His access to knockdowns are less fraudulent and bt should stay being RPS heavy
oh ok, now that you mention it i have some vague recollection of there being some godawful top 8s, but i never followed the players/drama. i guess that explains why the streams were so un-hype
for being the genre full of people who say it's oh so pure and all about honest competition, there sure is a lot more clique bullshit than there is in explicit team games

even RTS games, which are ostensibly 1v1 outside of gimmick matches, don't really have this shit. why is it just the fgc that gets like this?
>I think that's where the term collusion started iirc.
not doubting the history but lol if you think the fgc invented the term "collusion"
not really into gg but why do you have so many orgies, aspies and people who cannot say no to these aspies?
you dont need a clique if you're on an esports team making a salary that would make any fgc member cry about their time wasted
No no I meant in the FGC. It was a big thing for a little while.
It was Blazblue, hell Max called it out and this was a time when Max was openly hating on anime fighters so you know its real
other than being dead as fuck, why doesn't it happen in RTS games then

even in the arcade days the fgc was all niggers and transvestites, but you never heard of people raping eachother over starcraft
Grassroots hustling. In Korea they bully the cheater into suicide.
Are you kidding, didn't SCII players get in trouble for underage nudes all the time?
it was all of them. sf4 had the same problem with mvc3
SCII players aren't people
SF4, MvC3, and Blazblue all had collusion problems. People suspected it but it didn't outright get confirmed until Wolfkrone burned Jwong, so it came out into the open and was quickly banned. Strive trannies bringing back collusion for sexual favors is the most hilarious way it could rig its ugly head again.
because it was the same people
so when are images and videos of the orgies getting spread?
No one wants to see that shit, and I'm a degenerate.
I can think of nothing more grotesque than UMISHO's naked body.
bro, why do you want to see tranny porn
I want to see this low tier lazy mirror but can't find shit. I can find articles but no video. anyone got a link? I wanna see how bad it was
Dont go down the strive orgy rabbit hole /ggg/!
You are chewing more than you can bite, NO ONE is grooming newcomer trannies from the bridget announcement debacle or traficking transwomen to use them as sex favors to fix matches, you guys are tin foils.
Tfw youll never uncover and expose the strive trans traficking cabal on umisho's private island who use bussy to blackmail and manipulate the pro scene.
i didnt say i wanted to see it, but we will be forced to eventually
nigga said "make this safe for my Xitter tranny friends" and he obliged LMFAO
I'm going on the fgc cringe wikigroan/youtube hole now, save me from this brain damage
So fucking dumb
The scaling on it already made parry rarely worth RCing
There is literally no reason to pick baiken over a different character now.
love to see baikenniggers get humbled
This gay shit has been going on since tuesday. Give it a rest
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This gay shit has been going on Strive's whole life, you just didn't know it.
dayum, deranged ahh nigga smdh
the hkab, youzansen and parry nerfs have been so funny
>not wanting to discuss troons makes me one
Go back to /lgbt/, you dumbfuck
I don’t even care if baiken is good I just want her to be fun
I just want azami back in some form
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For me Baiken's fat tits, f.s, j.s, youzansen stair csse combos, tether mixups and her supers being qcf qcf inputs are what's keeping me playing her still but it's tough with her being power crept as time goes by.
It pretty obvious that you faggots only show up with your "nooo stop talking about it" routine when the discourse gets too negative and not when it happens in general.
You are not fooling anyone, stupid tranny.
Tether is cool I just want her defense heavy playstyle back
Nago and ABA are better high risk/high reward designs if they’re just going to center around offensive playstyles
thank u
She needs a new move for sure. If not then they should just jack the parry damage back to what it was before.
I unironically believe every fag should be beheaded or thrown off buildings but I don’t come to /ggg/ to talk about axe wound gossip. KYS
your ass is fat homie
>obese african american
>both sweating from all day at the tournament
how would this smell like?
> how would this smell like?
Just be on the receiving end of of any Tranny's smell at a tournament and you know what that smells like.
like fucking piss, sweat, and deodorant mixed together
Do NOT ask me how I know.
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Tempest has tarnished the reputation of fgc niggas. We do not claim him.
how do you know?
>and deodorant
better than average
he got dat BBC doe
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So the allegations of Tempest being a tranny chaser (due to his wintrading with Umisho) were actually true huh?
In the confessions the troons went out of their way to call him they, he even confessed something to one of them. That BBC was about to get split
> like piss
In believe it's their post OP wounds that cause that constant smell of piss.
Gets easily infected too.
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Is FlyMajor not getting streamed? I want to see TY’s Slayer
I don’t buy it. Niggas don’t transition. That’s for timmys and changs
Niggas with gender dysphoria thug that shit out fr
What game is gayer between strive and granblue atm?
Granblue is a gayer game but Strive has a gayer community.
>Niggas with gender dysphoria thug that shit out fr
granblue is for straight gooners strive is for tranny gooners
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Bridget has almost 20% usage in the lowest rating range, falls off rapidly after that going up.
You know exactly why that is the case
Gacha males are trying to appeal to female whales not queers
> implying gender dysphoria is real
It's just a fetish combined with mental illness
dr. fauci send this nigga to the sandflea chamber
Nah Niggas just limit it to the fetish part, which is why they tend to become tranny chasers.
For white people add loneliness and untreated mental illness to the fetish which causes them to becomes trannies instead
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That's for Rising bro, the fighting game. The gacha got this
Nah androgynous fit males are female bait.
If it was for gays his pecs would be larger
Yes, it makes sense for the gacha. The Rising outfit is supreme faggotry because 99% of players are males.
females dont whale over male jpegs and they dont whale over gay body builders or anything like that. this is purely for fags.
yep, any other argument is pure cope
you've gone too far. i would not wish this even on trannies
Gachas have sizeable female playerbases. Look up a famitsu poll. Fujo whales are absolutely a thing
Females carry the Pachinko industry already, which basically has the same art and character baits as gacha.
you're stupid
The CPU can't handle guard crush at all. This is how I beat both Johnny and Slayer's stage 9
Are we done talking about the stupid twitter drama?
I want to come back to the thread and talk about the game
Who keeps you from doing so
No I mean I'm happy to come back and talk about the game I just don't want to read about weirdos at tournaments

Anyway as ABA should I be gaining ground by using the dash macro + downback trick? Or what do like intermediate/advanced ABA players do?
Uh chuddie, this is not hecking valid. You are silencing brave women. We must discuss Razzo’s smegma now. It is of utmost importance
These trannies really had to wait until after DPRC got removed to expose this shit? Could've been a lot sooner
Excuse me I must decline this hug respectfully as I have to inform that my penis is currently erect and I do not wish to traumatize you.

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