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>General Info on Final Fantasy

>What version should I play?

>Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdLsIQEGj-E [Open]

>Final Fantasy XVI
https://youtu.be/_CrV3hkJuvs [Open]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aveDvd66clk [Open]
https://youtu.be/RecsFD6SWfc [Open]

>Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
https://youtu.be/WgdkN2tCAFw [Open]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q56cRDseTGQ [Open]

>Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis
https://youtu.be/afTX-30KkaE [Open]
>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
>Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia
>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius: War of the Visions

>Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail

>Final Fantasy XI

Previous thread: >>487229130
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WoFF saved Final Fantasy then Tabata killed it.
Damn, VIIRgins really fit that bill.
Hajime Tabata should direct FF17 and save FF again.
FFXVII should be directed by Naoki Hamaguchi and Motomu Toriyama with Yoshinori Kitase and Tetsuya Nomura as special producers
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Flop Fantasy Shitstain

Flop Fantasy Stillbirth

Flop Fantasy Yawntrail
fpbp as usual
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He's already cooking FFXV-2 with his new team.
We got open worlds with modern cars, clashing character designs, camping and dogs.
Oh and probably NFTs, but let's keep that part hush-hush.
The top game is actually Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3. But let's pretend it's CS
>Top game is a free game that has existed for over 10 years that makes it's money off stupid retards buying the cosmetics
>Top FF game is a game you can play for free that has existed for 10 years that makes it's money off stupid trannies buying cosmetics to dress up as a girl
Very interesting revelation my friend.
Also notice that you failed to mention any other games except for Elden Ring (which came out in 2022 btw) but here's some of the other games that are out pacing XIV right now
>Dead by Daylight
>Ready or Not
>The First Descendant
>Call of Duty Warzone
>Apex Legends
>Baldurs Gate 3
>The Sims 4
>Chained Together ($5 game making more revenue on Steam this week than XIV right now)
>Earth Defense Force 6
I played an hour of first descendant. It was ass. And not in a good way.
FFXVII should be directed by Koji Igarashi and written by Yoko Taro and it should be a 2D Metroidvania.
What the fuck happened in the last thread? Thread was more horrible than usual
The Yoshi cult started making up headcanon again.
XIII, XIV, XV, Remake, XVI, & Rebirth are not that good.

X won.
This general is only for discussing bad FF games
>$2 billion loss had more to do with the company ending numerous unfinished productions
Lies. You just took the $2 billion in portfolio value that vanished directly following the release of XVI which was announced in September, and conflated that loss with the $140 million in content abandonment losses that were announced 7 months later.
You realize you're a fucking buffoon right? The value vanished because investors pulled out. XVI damaged the brand BIGLY.
You're gonna claim now that actually the $2 billion loss is actually all because of GotG, Forspoken and Foamstars, mid tier games, and not because of the most expensive game Square Enix has ever made (that's XVI)
They needed XVI to do twice as good as it did minimum to recoup across the board, and it simply didn't. Investors pulled out. Rebirth sold even less than XVI (obviously, sequel toa a remake on an exclusive console). This was the final nail which caused a restructure. The content abandonment came from the restructuring. The 2 billion came from XVI flopping and investors losing their confidence.
So that's why we can't talk about V or XIV here.
>The top game is actually Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3. But let's pretend it's CS
Modern Warfare 3 is #68 this week as far as revenue generating goes. Not sure where you're getting your data from.
>Also notice that you failed to mention any other games except for Elden Ring
I was only asked what the number 1 game was, so I replied with the number 1 free game and the number 1 paid game.
>here's some of the other games that are out pacing XIV right now
So a a lot of games are doing well for themselves, I don't see the problem here.
The fact that XIV can hold a top 25 spot and there's a whole other side of the community that doesn't launch through Steam/pay for things using the Steam wallet means the game is making some good money.
>be tabata
>tell a press conference you need 10 million copies sold worldwide for FFXV to be a success
>fingers suddenly digging into your shoulder
>"Tabata, you fucking retard, if shareholders find out how much this fucking project of yours costs at least half a billion we are fucked."
>"Then what am I supposed to say?"
>"I don't care. Lie. Do what you have to, just do NOT give out numbers."
>boss takes microphone
>B: "Ah-hahahah he meant 10 million as a 'high goal' haha it has nothing to do with investments haha! Don't listen to him."

>be tabata
>stuck in another interview
>asked "What were the costs for XV?"
>pride tries to hijack mouth to say 600 million
>remember his life is tied to reciting figures
>"Uuuuh uuuh it is not as much as uuuuh-"
>pride still trying to hijack mouth
>wait, just pick an expensive franchise. they don't need to know you're talking about the combined sum
>"Grand Theft Auto"
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ah well I pulled it from the United States top sellers, the first link on google results, which has XIV at 24
if I click on global, it goes to 45
unconditional surrender has been accepted long ago, Barry isn't even here anymore
Aha, no worries.
I do like the data breakdown, it's interesting to see what's popular in different countries and comparing it against the global stats to get an idea of how large each market is.
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>its real
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I want to see Final Fantasy near the top. Maybe that's right, maybe that's wrong. I understand that being near the top might mean the game becomes an annual franchise/live service game, that makes money off cosmetics. Many games prove this is not true though, and it's possible to have big success with a good game, with player choices alongside rewarding gameplay loops and compelling, immersive storytelling. That it can still sell MASSIVE units, untold of in gaming history. Check the biggest games of the last decade like RDR2, Witcher 3, Elden Ring, BG3, etc etc which is what Square wants Final Fantasy to be competing with and compare it to most games in history. More of the biggest games ever have been released in the last 20, years and not the 20 years preceding.

Square has to compete with online/multiplayer/live service of course. So I am perfectly willing to accept those terms of engagement with the cosmetics/live service/gacha bullshit of modern gaming being a major part of Final Fantasy. I am not going to engage with it anyway. If the game is actually fundamentally good with good storytelling and gameplay will I gladly play it and try it.
I'm not willing to accept games with bad gameplay and bad storytelling, going on to be praised as 10/10, saving Final Fantasy, "carrying Square on it's back", a cult of personality developing around the games developer, all because of fucking cosmetics and trannies in a fucking live service game RPing.
Whether it's because World of Warcraft is dogshit now or they have moved on from Maplestory or IMVU or Sims or some other bullshit game they used to play.
IMO it's a disgrace to any honest person who actually wants to enjoy a decent video game that can be played long after it's "end of service".
20 years, 25 years, 50 years later, Final Fantasy will still touch peoples hearts and minds and souls because it's that damn good. But that doesn't happen if your major games are live service. You sure can drain suckers wallets though
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>most expensive game Square Enix has ever made (that's XVI)
Gonna be doubles addvacate here. The actual most expensive games would be avengers (rumored to be 200m) and SoTR (confirmed to be 134m).
There's a reason crystal dynamics was sold off.
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>/x succubus threads

What can you final fantasy anons tell me about FFBE lilith? I leveled her up so that I could have a tank for the latest Clash of Wills event, at level 96, but I couldn't get her to provoke the bosses, so her ability to tank was rather negligible; though I'm wondering how well her defense based attacks scale.

Regardless; regarding her history, apparently she and her bro killed a "Dracula" to increase their power level; is there anything else known about her other than that she's apparently "elegent temptress". Is she one of the deeper "dark magic" users, like Golbez, or is she nothing but another serial killer who uses sex magics to drain the back accounts, I mean the life energy, of her victims?

>not an internal Square Enix Japanese studio
You might be right that those games cost more than XVI. But I don't know that. I think my point still stands since those are not from an internal Square Enix development studio. XVI and Remake seem to have similar budgets of around 100 million plus the marketing and are the biggest budget games made by Square yet.
I also find it interesting that adjusting for inflation shows that the original Final Fantasy VII is still one of the most expensive games ever, which makes a Remake project a pretty obviously monumental task. There really never was a world where they could just "1:1 remake" considering the original game cost over 100 million dollars in todays money.
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Well, the good news is, that as the studios develop art assets, they remain stored and can be brought up to date for later events and content as processing power continues to take us toward and past the "uncanny valley".
FF15, for example, has a level of data to its textures and contents that can continued to be utilized for Eos world content, containing the metaphysical essences of that world, in which many jewish kabalists and esoteric practitioners would call the "world spelling" meaning that it's far easier to update existing artisanal existents from within their database, and utilize them to continue the essence of the "world spelling" than to attempt to capture/recreate timeperoid "world spellings" from the void of a "fresh start"; meaning that, for example the "feel" of insomnia just before and after the invasion of the Empire of Nifilheim can easily be expanded upon, even 10 to 20 years from now, by updating dotskeleton form chasis and texture levels of depth by whatever graphics updates occur, meaning doing so will also take much less time, so that, for example untold stories, such as Cor the immortal, returning from Cornillia as "Jack", during and after the Imperial invasion can be produced as a Final Fantasy standalone for far cheaper, and with less studio resources required than making from the void of a "fresh start" while also meaning that, even 20 to 40 years later, when the original teams responsible for producing art assets have either retired, died, or moved to other projects or companies, the spirit of the era and continent can continue to be moved forward by new generations of project developers, as was predicted in "Until the End of Time", who literally, in some sense are going to become planetary custodians as final fantasy "worlds" move towards being contiguous zones of existence, where people live large portions of their lives, utilizing both conventional monitors, and eventually VR tech.
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holy fucking based schizo post, 10/10 my friend, I read it all and nodded the whole time.
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Basically; I'm wondering, is she a "pig's blood vampire" who only "feasts" on the targets and beings who, in some sense, "deserve to die"; or is she another serial killer, draining others of their life energy/blood, like countless vampires do? Making her no different than the vampires that have hounded the dark and misty corners of Final Fantasy ever since the Earth Temple of Final Fantasy?

>Betwixt the deepth roots of the Earth hall do Roam
>The nightmare of Odin's bones
>Hall of Giants, singing Ragnarok's tones
>Drinking mead and blood, sorrows harvest eternity
>Vampire dread every step, Eaerth Giants crush them should they beck'

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>Warmech literally wandered the halls of Tiamat's sky castle terrorizing random vampire lords, randomly chasing them down, and vaporizing them.... literally doing so for a period of over ten thousand years.... if not tens of thousands of years.
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Someone told me Sena Bryer posts on /ffg/
Is it true?
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Who is Sena Bryer?
Rebirth gave me hope that the next mainline Final Fantasy game would have towns, a party, an MP-based magic system, etc.
But then it sold like shit so FF17 is probably going to be an extraction shooter inspired by Warhammer 40k or some other completely random shit.
Why did Stillbirth fail?
you forgot to take your meds
Exclusivity, stupid plot changes, interest in FFVII has dwindled massively, the episodic format backfired.
XV did so much damage to the franchise not a single FF game can recover it.
You're going to have clue us in on your XIV specific topics.
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nice try Sena
I'm onto you
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I will now fix every bad Final Fantasy.
I'm going to go with the good ol "not turn-based" bait.
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OO was a great gacha game and lives on in fans and haters alike. In short, it won.
Why are OOfags so mentally ill?
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*deflects to XVI*
*admits that rebirth is still bad and cannot salvage the franchise or even itself*
Something something Shitstain
Something something 2 billion
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*clever rebuttal with facts and logic*
*admits that FFXVI was 10/10 all along*
Oh no! The cultists are going to have a negative reaction to your comment.
Nah, not even Nomura's cultists can salvage that.
to heal the wound:
It's been more than 20 years since she died, you big baby.
Kamen Rider Black Sun
why is XVI so bad?
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Vanille Returns: Final Fantasy =Director's Cut Turbo DX Edition= (Featuring sheep from the Final Fantasy XIII series)
This sadly appears to be true.
Because it's shit.
lazily written with surface level dmc-knockoff combat. Featuring a cast of forgettable wooden planks like jill.
Because the fans realized that the Whispers were Nomura mocking them, and boycotted it.
nice shit thread, retards
Because it's literally shit. Literally.
No matter what the nomura cult says.
Because the Ugandistani Twizzlercraft board, known as 4chan gave it a 6.9/10.
Whereas XV was a 0,000001/10.
I don't speak Spanish, sorry.
>AI slop
>image is clearly a low quality shitpost
>[Open] [Open]
Can someone make a new real thread?
this general may as well be AI bots talking to each other
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why is picrel the best fight in FF?
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XV saved FF then FF14 killed it
Tabata decided to kill FF as "revenge" for SE not financing his scam.
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Afraid so.
Because it's in the 10/10 FFXVI,
written by master class writers like Maehiro and Koji Fox.
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My wife Eiko is super cute!
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Looks more RPG and FF like than FF16 or 14 slop
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When people think of final fantasy they think of Noctis
Why is she flaunting her armpits?
Oh lawd he stumplin
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reminder SE said xv exceeded sales expectations in the first financial report following its release and confirmed it was profitable since day 1

reminder yoshitpiss said ff16 is the most expensive FF and ff16 made 0 profit and flopped so hard it caused the restructure to begin with
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The king.
What is this game even about?
because ff16 killed ff
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The king of killing franchises. Thankfully Wuk saved the franchise.
I don't like that cat. He smug smile offends me.
xv saved ff after 14 killed ff
16 killed ff again
Lol wuk who is that, I thought it was a man, a lionman? Noctis is the king, get over it
Fraid so

He literally got awarded a studio promotion from XVs success but chose to leave SE because he wanted his own company, as owning his own company had been on his bucket list
I wonder if his very agreeable ally is also online.
>chose to leave SE
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The hero and savior of FF.
A relatable and charming protagonist.
Was it kino?
Did dawntrail steam review score get even LOWER than forspoken again? why yes it did
oh lawf ff14 yawnfail is stublin
woke lmao is not even top 10 in a fucking ff14 dawntrail only poll lol

saito confirmed it
She has earned her smuginess, for she is a better protag than the king of killing the final fantasy franchise.
No details yet, just out of context dev images
His other game is an RPG based on 1001 nights and is about a mortal falling in love with a god and about magic vs Sorcery
It's an NFT scam.
>defends xiv again
no wonder yoshitpiss keeps losing when zoomer gooks like this damage control him

ff14 dawntrail just fell to 60%, it was at 61% last week lmao
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That's what SE is doing

Tabata is making actual 2 console RPGs, not selling jpgs
btw ff14 is literally a scam metaverse
Noctis is bigger than final fantasy
>deflects to XIV
Kek she/they can't stop her/theyself
That's hardly a high bar.
SE running a NFT scam doesn't make Tabata less of a scammer
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But enough about yoshitpiss wanting to run more scams
Tabata running NFTs in his games doesn't surprise me since he has a history of wasting SE's money.
Not reading all that, but Yoshi P being a scammer still doesn't make Tabata less of a scammer.
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Has a history of making mad dosh for SE

meanwhile yes lost 2 billion and caused the futher loss of $248 million

Tabata's making 2 actual RPGs unlike yoshitpiss so yoshitpiss is the only scammer who lies about his games to trick people into thinking theyre RPGs
>Has a history of making mad break evens for SE*
Tabata has been "making games" since he was fired. What has he actually done though? All I see is wild promises of quantum computers and AI metaverses.
if you're gonna shitpost ironically to bait bazzy can't you use a character people actually like, like Bakool or Erenville
>to bait bazzy
I am just spitting truth anon.
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>noctpiss just barely broke even
thankfully the 10/10 FFXVI saved Final Fantasy
For all its problems Dawntrail was still a better game than XVI.
how autistic is tabata?
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oh well
Thank you so much for this, I've been praying for this to happen all year.
Wholesome! XVI keeps being wholesome!
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bored when is the next big FF happening??
That’s Opencritic. On Metacritic Rebirth is still #1, or #2 if you don’t wanna count zanzibart dlc.
Open is what matters...
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This guy is canonically the only an actual pedophile character in the entire series, but he got away with it because he's cool.
>...until it doesn't.
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Many appreciate Yeul
Companies base some bonuses on teams getting high metacritic scores, not opencritic. Opencritic is the RC Cola of game aggregate sites.
Tsukihime has a 93 on Metacritic tho
>XVI-kun trying to shill his game on /v/
>Thread falls off page 10 within hours
>He's still trying

It's just depressing to see at this point.
you sound obsessed
there is not enough bartz krile hentai
Man that is a big fucking budget.
I hope Squeenix is paying him well, at least
>thankfully the 10/10 FFXVI saved Final Fantasy
lol no
retarded yoshitroon
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Actually the sequence of events was:
The 10/10 FFXVI got a bit of praise in an XIV thread on /v/
The usual suspect didn't like that one bit, even seethed here live as it occurred
In his rage, the obsessor put up a whole shitpost thread dedicated to XVI on /v/ today and replied to it off cooldown for many hours
Finally, a based XVI Chad posted a rebuttle XVI thread earlier on /v/ praising the game
Now that the hate cultist is again seething here about it and will likely repeat this whole cycle.
Mental illness, very sad.
Very sad
>Mental illness, very sad.
True, but its more of a medical brain rot.
nah, cultists do it for free
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Torgal best FF doggo
>Finally, a based XVI Chad posted a rebuttle XVI thread earlier on /v/ praising the game
And no one replied to that thread, which is the saddest part.
Is FF7 Remake part 1 and Rebirth part 2?
On 4chan, you don't get (You)s unless you post stupid or highly disagreeable things. Like how XV has any merit as a game.
XVIrry is a samefagging schizo retard
You do get (You)s when you post an interesting opinion, not necessarily controversial, about something of interest to people. This happens all the time even on this site, don't over-demonize the situation. Too bad XVIkeks are unable to write something that isn't ChatGPT generic nonsense, and the subject matter isn't worth talking about due to being the blandest thing in the universe.
Yes, but they are both still Disc 1 of the original game
they ratioing your ass
And they say Tifa is "censored"....her tits are absolutely massive for such an athletic frame
>Protagonist with 80% of the story lines is not a likable character
>Voiced by a tranny in English
Shut it down
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Is there a consensus on the post-FFX mainline entries? It's...been a while since I played a new FF game.
they're all bad
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The best
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Tabata's next game is due to release at the end of the year and will win GOTY over FF7 Rebirth.
Trust the plan.
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'Fraid so
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Let's see how the press release introduces the game.
>The world of “RYUGUKOKU®” allows users to participate in adventures with their favorite avatars and to use a variety of real-life products provided by the corporations in their play time.
>For users, it offers an opportunity to casually experience a company's products and content in the Game and Metaverse worlds.
Looking at the picture, it seems to be an open world game where you'll be able to play Yamaha guitars, drive around in a Mitsubishi car, camp using [enter big brand here] camping supplies, and most likely eat Cup Noodles.
Hajime Tabata promised us the next evolution of Final Fantasy XV, and by god this looks to deliver on all fronts. Product placement will be present in every corner of the game. The fields will be littered with billboards so the open world can't be called barren. Every quest will revolve around selling a new product to you. It's going to be incredible. Ryugukoku will sell 100 million copies and Square Enix will meet their end.
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XI, XII, XIV and XVI are all excellent.
Avoid XIII and XV like the plague.
>by Feras Alomireen
X is okay.
XI is too hardcore.
XII is shit except for Fran.
XIII is complete and utter shit, iredeemable.
XIV is the best.
XV manages to be literally worse than XIII.
XVI is console-only so nobody cares.
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I have a complaint to make. Not giving the Scions new outfits every expansion is utterly retarded. Why is Chadcred still wearing that dusty ass gnb coat from shadowbringers?
Because it's a gift from Ryne.
because he's still Lahabrea in disguise just trying to enjoy his life
Has a loyal fan base but nobody in the mainstream cares about it, so they brush it off
Either plays by itself trash or one of the best entries in the series. Depending on who you ask.
A very pretty hallway sim but takes 30 hours to get going. Most won't stick around for that long.
>XIV 1.0
Damaged the brand
>XIV ARR and beyond
Either you defend it like your life depends on it or your weirded out by the game and it's fans. Also has a reputation of copying a lot of previous FF games.
Unfinished broken mess. The only reason why you like this game is if you care about the prince and his squad of leather cheerleaders.
Unremarkable action game that doesn't innovate as much as the devs wished it did. Awful ending that copies other IPs.
Your bias is showing, XIII-kun.
Even past the 30 hour mark FF13 is still ass with terrible characters and story.
>a game that won't be nominated for GOTY at the Geoff Awards
Boring. Let me know when a real threat comes along.
Zoom zoom, califag
I don't recall saying XIII was a good game.
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Square Enix should make a Star Wars game.
You just boogyman posted
Can't believe a VN and a DLC are winning the GOTY race at the halfway point. What a truly awful year so far.
Depending on how you see it, X could be the very best FF game or it can be "the beginning of the end" depending on your age and what you look for in a FF game
IMO, X is absolutely one of the finest crafted FF games with an immersive story, addicting and simple gameplay, with timeless characters and all time soundtrack. JP VA is excellent.

The only games that follow up on X design philosophies are X-2 and XIII. Use L1 to switch party members in X, dress spheres in X-2, and paradigms in XIII. An evolution of the same gameplay system. The same directors, music producer, and many of the same artists.

So if you like X, check out X-2 and XIII part 1 and 2.

If you don't like X, check out XII.

If you don't like XII, check out XV, an open world road trip camping adventure with Final Fantasy RPG staples sprinkled in

If you don't like XV, try XVI (hack and slash cuhrayzee combo simulator with insane cinematic boss fights, no RPG though)

I don't recommend MMOs because I don't like them or what they represent but if you do and you are interested in playing a game for 1000 hours then just play XIV
Extremely accurate post
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>I don't recommend MMOs because I don't like them or what they represent
I don't understand this mentality.
FFXIV appeals to storyfags in a huge way
but then it also has tons of content for the "gamer" types
-adrenaline rushes from raids
-social secondlife erp fags
-repetitive gameplay loops and gambling for the gacha people
There's something for everyone and you can pick and choose what you do, so what more could you possibly want?
Unlimited Saga
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so its agreed his real name is zest?
prishe groomed him
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>FFXIV appeals to storyfags in a huge way
pic unrelated
>What more could you possibly want
I want a game that matters. A game that's not a thinly veiled excuse to sell cosmetics to trannies. A game that isn't just Second Life. XIV gameplay is not special or addictive. It's boring as fuck. It's an MMO so, nothing about the game is really special at all. It's all okay. You can explore a bit, there's some good music, some decent looking stuff. But overall the visuals are extremely boring. There's some cute characters sure. But it's not like they are actually in your party. They're just another instance. The entire game feels like nothing but fetching over and over again with 100 fetch quests on every map. Story quest is literally just series' of fetch quests that lead you to the next fetchee. Instanced samey dungeons, RP....this just is NOT the kind of game I want to spend time in at all.
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>XIV gameplay is not special or addictive. It's boring as fuck.
post logs
Oh you haven't done Ultimate or Savage?
You didn't play the game.
There was that who hated XIII and X but sucked XII's dick a lot. Wonder where he went
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To the current of life, we succumb. It's judgement swift and final. It's bite as cold as steel.
I think "raiding" is gay. My life is already fucked up and I play enough video games to cope so I definitely don't need to dump family time and outside time and playing other, better games I actually like, into playing that MMO bullshit on the promise that "the story gets better". The gameplay and storytelling is average at best so it's actually probably the best MMO I've played I admit. And there are some cool aspects, playing with other people is definitely a fun experience (sometimes). But I don't want Final Fantasy to be so average. And I don't want it to be about "me" either. Shit feels extremely unrewarding. I've played for like 40 hours of ARR and I don't have a desire to see any of this through after buying the complete edition of the game.
>Nooo you have to play Shadowbringers!!
>Le Stormblood!!!
I just don't give a fuck. I'm not sure I possibly could. The game isn't fun to me, clicking keys on cooldowns and "pretending" that interesting gameplay is happening because there's a thousand spell effects. Tab targeting is shitty boring gameplay.
Seems to me the thing that Final Fantasy XIV is really about is playing dress up and roleplaying, since that's how they are really selling these subscriptions.
I had friends who's parents neglected them as children because of playing WoW, becoming disgusting obese people that don't leave the computer chair to feed their kids or wash their ass. Oh yeah, and my friend, their daughter, became a tranny. She was my friend and now she thinks she's a guy and takes T lmfao. All because her parents played WoW kekkkk. Not a joke. They neglected her so badly she became trans. And they are so proud of her!
You and your kids will become an utter laughing stock as a byproduct of playing that shitty kind of game all day, and more than likely you will have to completely cut yourself off from the game entirely and never play it again in order to save you and your kids life. I mean there is evidence for this absolutely everywhere. It can happen with any game sure, but by their nature MMOs are designed to do this to you. It happened to my brother. My flesh and blood. He was a religious WoW player, became obese, had to quit playing. It did the damage though. He is a literal homosexual schizophrenic psychopath, who gets fucked in the ass by niggers, dyes his hair rainbow, and hates himself and everyone else. He has a literal demon possession. I personally know at least 4 ugly fat gay people that play MMOs lmfao. Just look at the XIV events, and take a look around at who is there. It's not a bunch of cat girl cosplayers and femboys.
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you sure have a lot of opinions on the story and gameplay for someone that didn't even finish the basegame lmao
If you at least push through to Heavensward you can experience some really excellent storytelling.
If you try some endgame/synched raids you'll begin to understand how the gameplay shines.
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People with no control will find a way to do that to themselves one way or another.
There are plenty of /fit/, mentally well FFXIV and OSRS content creators.
I have 40 hours worth of opinions.
So you admit that a significant chunk of time is simply "not good enough" understand if I enjoy what Im playing or not?
You know what that time gets you in Final Fantasy VII? The entirety of Disc 1 plus some
It gets you 2 playthroughs of Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy IV in it's entirety

I understand the point. The game requires an exorbitant amount of time. That's the critique. Game wants too much and gives too little. Rather play something better.

For (You) since you asked nicely I might fire it up and do some MSQ but idk if I have the sub going. I would much rather continue my playthrough of X though
Yeah it's a slow burn. Not sure if your account is still eligible but it's free to play through to Stormblood now.
The critique is that the product of the MMO is specifically designed to do this. That's the critique. Of course you can play XIV and not be that. I weigh 170 I look more like what you posted than the South Park WoW guy. But I know what that WoW guy looks like and he's a ton of people in my life. So yes, I avoid MMO's, and I most certainly always will
Im a Warrior btw because oonga boonga is fun and me caveman don't want to think too hard about which keys to press. But I like the idea of controlling the flow of the party and keeping attention on me since it's a valuable role and seemingly not many actually want to do it. I want to play Dark Knight eventually. So technically I do have something Im trying to look forward to. Idk how misinformed that is. I was starting to like the grind for a few days. But hearing that "doot da doooot" every minute on quests and running/teleporting back and forth and back and forth and only ever getting some really basic story telling just isn't clicking. This is an investment that costs literal years of your life if you played the game and expansions in real time, so those players feelings about the gameplay loop are very biased because of all that time. As someone who played XVI and Remake and VII oh my, even XIII before ever playing XIV, Im just genuinely not impressed by much. Dress up is fun. Sure. The "Costa del Sol" is a boardwalk with a cat girl doing a dance and an empty bar. Completely devoid of any life or anything interesting. I get it, it's an MMO, players are supposed to "make their own stories" with this stuff as set dressing. I think that's lazy and boring. Basically just IMVU with Final Fantasy flavor. The developer is the creative, serve me your customer your story! I don't want to play pretend with other people, that we are "the heroes of light" while they are all bunny girls and shit. I want to actually be compelled by something.

How long do you think it will take me from around lvl 40 to get to the "good" part?
If I grind out ARR, what is waiting for me at the end of this tunnel?
Wuk Lamat? Fucking seriously?
Can you fuck off to /xivg/ already?
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Warrior is the most simple Jobs to play so it can get boring, but the unga bunga is definitely satisfying.
I'd recommend something else if you want to take the time later to level again.
Summoner for example is pretty easy as well but more "interesting". (personally Warrior and Red Mage are among my most played Jobs)

To power through with the story from lv40 I would recommend Skipping all unvoiced cutscenes until after the final battle of ARR. The post ARR patch stories are decent as they start setting up for Heavensward so I would start reading whenever you feel interested again.
Don't feel bad about skipping some dialogue if it helps you power through to the good parts that interest you/voiced cutscenes.
The high point of the base game is The Binding Coils of Bahamut, and they are optional lvl 50 content that you'll need to seek out.
>He thinks I would post in /xivg/ to criticize XIV
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>How long do you think it will take me from around lvl 40 to get to the "good" part?
You're pretty close now. If you skip some of the boring stuff like >>487753157 said you'll be there in no time.
>If I grind out ARR, what is waiting for me at the end of this tunnel?
Many expansions with great stories, fights and huge new areas with a lot more sights to see.
>Wuk Lamat? Fucking seriously?
Yeah the Dawntrail story isn't great but it's the first expansion we've had where this is the case. The side content and fights in DT are still top notch.
>If I grind out ARR, what is waiting for me at the end of this tunnel?
you could just finish with Endwalker's main MSQ and raid series and miss nothing important other than some cute Y'shtola moments in 6.1
Well I might buy a 60 day time card or something sometime in the next week or so and see if I can get back at it you guys. I appreciate the earnest responses
bump for the greatest franchise
>for the greatest franchise
Then sadly you are in the wrong general
her tits got nerfed hard.
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ok coomer
who's the best FF artist? I want to study theyr style.
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>bump for the greatest franchise
ok corpocuck.
This is not the Pokémon general.
This general needs a hero
>for the greatest franchise
>hasn't had a good game in 20 years
What is Rebirth then
The best game
The worst game
The tifa game
Not Final Fantasy
A Final Fantasy
Not as good as the 10/10 FFXVI.
A flop
a pretty subpar game, not as bad as xvi tho
GOTY, easily
>b-b-b-but le no competition
Theres a lot of competition, just not good enough to beat Rebirth which is in another level of good
Aerith dating simulator
The game that killed the series
What is XV then
Name 5 serious GOTY contenders. You said their are a lot, so you should be able to name even more than that, but just 5 will do, thank you.
A game better than Rebirth
A comercial failure
Fuck, I was really hoping nobody would ask this. Just believe me when I say there is a LOT of amazing competition and Rebirth is beating it all by a long way because it's a billion times better than those amazing games, of which there are many
Shadow of the erdtree
Dragons dogma 2
Assasins creed shadows
Dragon age veilguard
Zelda Echoes of Vision
Metaphor Refantazio
Helldivers II
Don't worry, this happens every time, so I'm not surprised.
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this shit looks worse than fucking ff10
*sigh* i was gonna answer but it seems while i was not watching, i responded unknowingly
maybe i went to sleep and sleepwalked into posting >>487779091
What makes you say those games are worthy of GOTY?
>Assasins creed shadows
come on now
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>muh name 5 videogames shit again
You got banned for spamming this type of shitposts. Learn your lesson
Uh oh, you got him angry it seems
Oh I don't actually think any of them are worthy of GOTY, I just want to win this exchange. I didn't even spell some of them right.
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his 2 RPGs have only been in early development since mid 2021
thats barely 3 years of dev with a team of 30-50 people

Meanwhile yoshitpiss took 8 years to shit out unfinished ff16 with 300+ devs and AAA company backing with the biggest FF budget in history

Why do you keep conflating some small side project he did as his 2 main RPGs he's making?
Yeah, pretty much what I thought. You just seemed to list a bunch of games released this year, not actual GOTY competitors
Why are you pretending Odyssey wasn't runner up?
see >>487779423
The least ambitious final fantasy
That isn't what his rpg game is but keep being retarded and not knowing the difference between his side projects and his main games which he's been secretive about, one being the 1001 nights inspired RPG
Exposed yet again
All of these games are 10/10, on that we can all agree. Rebirth just happens to be a 100/10 game so they won't beat it.
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XI, XII, XIV and XVI are the 4 worst FF games and are the antithesis of FF

XV is the best FF and continues the lineage of 7/8/10

13 is shit
ff16 is objectively the worst ff
ff14 is the worst piece of shit ever made
all he has to show for 3 years of work is some ai generated screenshots? i see why he was fired lmao
Your english is really, really bad.
Exactly. And that makes him angry.
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anyone know why the HorizonXI website doesn't like loading images
none of the images wanna show up
Anon I obviously knew you were here the moment I yanked your strings to make you dance, no need to do this and make it more clear
nomura, yuuki matsuzawa, naora, ferrari, amano.
but enough about xvi
he made a mobile special olympics game that flopped and now he just changes the name of his alladin inspired nft/ai scam every year.
i think it's call inshallah now
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>ummm wtf you should show ever single thing in development to the public every day otherwise its not in development!?!? how dare they post only small teases to their main rpg projects!?!

Also how the fuck are clearly high poly UE5 rendered models by the agnis philosophy 3d modeller somehow ai slop? you want ai generated slop look at ff14 since it might as well be
no wonder yoshitpiss was demoted and fired from ever touching FF ever again while Nozue was promoted and is heading up FF17 with the Luminous staffin CS2
XV is the game that saved FF.

That's XVI.
Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree
Zenless Zone Zero
Dragon's Dogma 2
Stellar Blade
Persona 3 Reload
Gary Stu Self-insert: Final Fantasy
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it's ai slop and tabata is proud of it
He said made a paralympics game for social good which he literally said was not made for revenue since he said paralympics already gets scarce views or interest, and cited how the official paralympics vids on youtube get barely 300 views
He made it solely for social good, and he has only started making his 2 traditional console RPGs since mid 2021
That 1001 nights game isn't an AI or NFT game you retard, its getting funding from a company that also does ai, no differt to SE getting funding from Saudis too and ai companies too

Also its never has a set name, it was "Project Shallah (tentative)" when it was announced and is currently "Project Jewel (tentative)"
An actual title has never been announced, those are tentative Project names you schizo fuck
>he changed the name again
lmao what retard makes a game and wastes years of manpower just to say he did it only for a self congratulating pat on the back ha ha ha
Tabata is famous for wasting money.
>there are LOTS of goty contenders this year
Name them
>oh here we go again with the fucking "name them" routine!!!

Damn, maybe there aren't a lot of serious GOTY contenders this year
>Unreal Engine-based middleware developed by JP GAMES Extends RPG technology and expertise for the Industrial Metaverse PWK enables the construction of high quality and immersive gamification spaces
Was his pitch also written by AI?
this year is stacked, is Rebirth really that much better? I'm not so confident
>he STILL hasn't posted 5 final fantasies he likes and why
Which of those games do you personally feel is most deserving of GOTY and why
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>retard can't read
>image of the 3d characters were shown before any ai gen implementation to pwk
>the ai geb shit only works for anime style shit
Retard this is literally fully animated, rigged; modeled, textured, etc in high quality in ue5, that isnt possible to do with ai gen
See >>487779423
>ESL gook doesn't know what tentative means

>literally said from the onset the paralysis mobile game which is a small scale gam made by 20-30 people was only made for social good, and only took a year and a bit to make and got put on hold for a year because of covid
>literally are still using and getting mileage out if the PWK middleware tool they made when making PDT

He keeps making money unlike yoshitpiss losing 2 BILLION
Assasins creed Odyssey was a good game and I can see Shadows getting extra votes for the black samurai protag.
Last dragon age literally won GOTY so Veilguard is a contender for sure.
Wukong has potential to surprise, like BG3 did last year.
These 3 would be my top picks, but if refantazio can match P5 quality it can join the discussion as well.
I hope Rebirth can win but I am just not as confident as some other anons
>said from the onset the paralysis mobile game which is a small scale gam made by 20-30 people was only made for social good
after it already launched and no one played it
>He keeps making money
he's just scamming investors kek.
>ff16 won less awards than ffxv

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>asian flopspoken is the best FF and continues the lineage of 7/8/10
Imagine having tastes so bad you actually believe this.
(He's not going to be happy about it though)
It's that shrimple
>posts ai generated terrain to debunk tabata's own website bragging about using ai for everything
he tried to monetize the special ed game with micro transactions, but it flopped and nobody downloaded it
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He literally said it was for social good to begin with and said he knows a paralympics game isn't feasible to make for revenue, he straight up said it wasn't made for revenue
Also they got paid TO MAKE IT
it was commissioned to them by the paralympics committee
They made the PWK in UE5 during PDTs dev and they're still using PWK as their go to middle ware they've kept expanding features on and expanding their RPG systems into too

Scamming investors is what yoshitpiss does since they shat on ff16 not being a proper game and it flopping tanked SEs stock and lost 2 billion
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Metaphor looks good, I'm excited for it.
>this is literally fully animated, rigged; modeled, textured, etc in high quality in ue5, that isnt possible to do with ai gen
Where can I play it?
7Rsisters... are we the flopspoken?

>literal high quality 3d assets that aren't possible to do in gen ai and was posted before any gen ai implementation was added to pwk, and the gen ai shit is only shown to be the anime style waifu models that look like genshin impact shit, not realistic 3D visuals

He literally said it was made for social good, they never expected any big revenue from it, they are still getting mileage out of PWK
and the paralympics committee COMMISSIONED them to make PDT to begin with so it was already paid for

meanwhile ff7 first soldier flopped since nobody played it
then ff16 flopped and lost SE 2 billion
and SE is on a losing streak of losses caused by yoshitpiss and CBU1
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tabata is a nft scammer. sorry.
When it releases, let me know when I can play a real RPG that yoshitpiss directs, since he keeps saying he wants to direct one now
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That literally just says they're using Unreal Engine to develop PWK, which theyee still using and used to make PDT too, so what is the scam?

Is it yoshitpiss lying to everyone that ff16 is an RPG? Is it the ff14 scam of a cash shop? is it yoshitpiss saying he wants to make an NFT game?
>say it's for social good
>steals money from paralympics committee
>adds nft wheelchairs with lgb lights for $2.99
>shuts down the app a year later and steals everyone's nft wheelchairs
kek he would be the most based man alive if he didn't ruin vs13
why does the turdbata cult always project turdbata's failures on everything?
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Where's the dark mode option? Do I have to be registered or something?
yuuki is trash
>Why do you keep conflating some small side project he did as his 2 main RPGs he's making?
Where did I imply that? I just said it's Tabata's next game and it's going to win GOTY.
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Play Retail instead with the real FFXI Chads.
I'm glad that some of my lessons rubbed off on you barry
Reminder that FFXVI is the true 10/10 Final Fantasy succesor that carries on the lineage of Sakaguchi-sama, passed down to Matsuno with XII and now to Yoshi-P.
Meanwhile Tabata is off shilling nft vaporware using government grants lol
>That isn't what his rpg game is
There's no evidence to support that this is the case. Unless in the last half a year has explicitly talked about another secret game in development that isn't the 1001 nights game, then there is more evidence pointing towards this other game being Ryugukoku.
shit meant for >>487779789
I may have had a few drinks
i'm already permasubbed to XIV, don't want to sub to two MMOs
i think i might enjoy XI but i don't feel like paying such a large sub for an mmo older than maplestory. and with free trial only lasting two weeks for some reason, it's really discouraging.
I also got filtered by the launcher installation/setup
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looks like darkreader extension
Chrono Trigger Remake with Rebirth gameplay yep thanks
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Where is Dawntrail?
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I can't wait for the shitshow
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I never knew about this until recently
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Oh yeah, Vanille pics time
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Oh shut the fuck up already you have been spamming this image and this off-topic low quality shitpost form months
dumb newfag
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Every day is Vanille's day.
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Good job anon. You exposed the shitposter again.
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Inb4 banned
Final Fantasy made me racist
dude, you have lost your marbles.
I literally only recently found out about that.
I'm not that guy and I don't post shit like that. Damn. You sure are an archive detective and you get really mad at the sight of a particular PS1 cover
Stay exposed, newfag
>bunch of different filenames and sizes
guess posting boxart you saved from a Google search calls for schizo melties
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i just started rebirth recently after doing a replaythrough of remake. the first chapter of rebirth kind of gave me an urge to go back and rewatch advent children. it's hard to believe it's been 20 years since this came out. i'd like to say the movie still stands up today, but that would be a lie as there are spots where it's age is visible.
So when I asked what he's actually done the answer is nothing. Got it.
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Hajime Tabata should direct Final Fantasy XVII
Why is it SO CUTE
You triggered the cult.
Why would you not wear a badass trenchcoat?
>Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia
Why is this shit STILL in the OP? The service has been shutdown on all platforms for months. Fuck off already
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Somnus is played over 10 million times on Spotify. Did Barry just won?
I find pretty sad that people are using spotify plays to measure how """""""good"""""" FFXV is
sad, big sad.
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I will speak just storywise because that's what normalfags care about when FF is mentioned to them.
very obscur because it's an online game that get overlooked. It's an interesting game only because you put a lot of time investing through it all the way
it has its moment, but most of the time it's pretty slow and dull. weird star war esque turn people off.
I remember it had a big promotion when it came out, but it turns out the writing is pretty messy and the character did not capture player's heart. Lighting was probably the only character noteworthy being the first FMC
despite the tragedy that is happening to it right now, it was a very entertaining game.
played it when it first came out, this was an incomplete game. Wish I unplay it, kinda soured my vision of SE future.
It's ok, if square is having a humbling renaissence era like how it had to go through the boring FF to get to its golden era then this would be the FF2 of classic FF.
traditional and plain.

I think after FFX, square keep writing FF in a sense of continuity to ensure that players will buy a part2 spin off, and that mentality destroyed all sense of fullfillment in the story. The worst case for me was 13, you can tell the way the narrative weaved disjointedly through out the game.

I still hate it in Remake but at the same time I can sympathize why they had to do it. I do like Rebirth a lot but it shouldn't be 3 games.
Is it really that hard to write a modern mainline FF to be as lengthy as its golden era without expand it into 2 games? either square find a way to reduce the design resource or write short stories.
Is wotv dead yet?
WotV is alive and well.
bOOrry will keep forcing it in the OP
>Ice Veritas is free
No one said that shitposter, but all those plays indicates that its popular, despite how much people try to badmouth it.
>winning bigly
Name a more iconic duo
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Clive and Torgal.
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Play the game, newfag. They're antagonists.
XVI and flop
yoshida and crying in public
tabata and wasting money
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zoomers and webmrel
tonbarry and not listing 5 final fantasies he likes and why
XVI and flopping
getting fired
>>487811673 and ban evading
>wasting money
He didn't waste it, he SCAMMED it.
He knew what he was doing, the cunt.
um ashktually he didn't get fired, he just left
Zack and Cloud yaoi.
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Absolutely. It's just a coincidence that he "forgot" all his stuff at Square Enix.
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>>487812546 and boogeymen
You exposed her so hard she had to damage control
What's there to damage control? He still hasn't proven he isn't just here to shitstir nor that any ban evasion has been had. He is quite literally schizophrenic.
Yup, she's malding like crazy.
all me btw
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>still using the same ff7r cloud reaction images
>right after getting exposed and cornered like the retarded animal that he is
Try to be less obvious next time lil bro
Yes you are
you triggered the shitposter so hard they responded to you twice
Sadly true
>still using the same ff7r cloud reaction images
please understand, she's LITERALLY too retarded to not expose herself right away
How does this one question cause so many melties in a single poster?
This makes perfect sense when you consider that the game also sold 10 million copies and is one of the most successful FF titles in the modern era. No amount of shitposting can change that fact.
He can waste AND scam money from SE.
---> >>487653468
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It's true, it's damn true
XV won bigly I'm afraid
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>ten million units to break even
>SE scrambling to correct him
Odds tabata was being truthful out the gate?
>despite how much people try to badmouth it.
No one badmouths your shit game's music barry, they just badmouth your game. Because it IS shit.
Because it exposes a ban evading shitposter (you)
Because it will absolutely never happen. So much so it grates upon the shitposter's mind. It is, in essence, a final fantasy of /ffg/.
Because no one wants to feed the schizo retard who keeps asking that retarded question, and in turn he'll keep spamming it
I guess he gets really mad at the idea of Chrono Trigger being cousins with Final Fantasy for some reason
its almost as if he's never really played a final fantasy game and just hates anons having fun
big if true
So do we just say this generation is a wash for FF
How does it feel knowing that FF hasn't been good for at least 2 decades?
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What the fuck is this.
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I see.
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Oh hey Old Baron King is here.
I can't believe Borderland made a reference to this.
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>go through the kingdom (land?) of aeons...
>at your return, I will offer my help
Is that all you have to say to your adopted son, King Baron?
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Aaand I'm lost again. Where the fuck do I go now?
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That game that’s supposed to be based off of Versus 13 and has the world end with you stuff in it is already out in Japan, I think it’s not set to come out in the west until October

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