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>General Info on Final Fantasy

>What version should I play?

>Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster

>Final Fantasy XVI

>Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

>Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis
>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
>Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia
>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius: War of the Visions

>Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail

>Final Fantasy XI

Previous thread: >>486829146
FF never recovered after Dion kissed a man in FFXVI.
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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is 9/10
The shitpOOsters won
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Last thread was good, but got sketchy near the end. Let's tru to keep the Rebirth criticism to a minimum this thread.
GLHF everyone :)
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Cloud and Sephiroth are canonically gay ex-lovers, with a bond so strong that it crosses multiverses, dimensions, planes of existences, and even franchises, constantly seeking to reunite with one another.
Maybe i mention "gi lore" again he will answer
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Cloud wants to kill him, but Sephiroth acts extremely gay about it
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Final Fantasy XVI is 5/10
I disagree and that rating is extremely unfair. 7/10 at the lowest
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He's just butthurt at XVI for petty reasons most likely. Sales probably skewed his mindset. In a way he became just another version of J-man.
I’d rate it a 6/10
I’d rate it a 3/10
Not Final Fantasy.
XVI is 8/10
Rebirth is 9/10
These are facts
>"I'm not tied to you anymore!"
>*allows the gigantic sword to get gayly pushed aside by his ex-boyfriend*
Anon, Sephiroth is not the only gayboi in this equation, he's just more honest about his feelings.
>middling OST, little variety, 200 songs but only a small handful are great
>decent story with epic themes but delivered flatly
>they think if they use the word mythos and logos, that means the story is deeply fleshed out
>Space Alien Satan wants annihilation because reasons
>magic users are slaves and not extremely powerful sorcerers, Eikons don't fight back lol
>story doesn't make any sense as to why Bearers aren't revolting since there is no genetic or intellectual differences between them, just fry the fuckers with Firaga
>oh wait those spells aren't in this game
>DMC-lite combat
>Game of Thrones-lite storyteling
>1 protagonist
>no party members
>no summons, transform into Ifrit and the game becomes Asura's Wrath-lite
>worse graphics than 7R despite coming out on a new gen console 3 years later
>>cooldown-based action combat with abilities that can't even properly synergize with one another
>repetitive combat with the same four sword swing combo for the entire game until you get Odin at the very end and can slightly switch things up
>simple combat is simplified even further when you go Ifrit and have 66% of your abilities stripped away
>lack of RPG elements and customization options despite being a mainline entry of an RPG series
>lack of talent trees with abilities or passives that build upon one another
>lack of superbosses
>lack of content in general that isn't hunts or bland unrewarding sidequests
>repetitive bosses with zero mechanics aside from dodging and avoiding the MMO ground markers which results in bosses never needing any kind of strategy to defeat
>schizophrenic and unsatisfying ending that hints at both outcomes at the same time nothing quite like Gav's somber realization that he's the new Cid now completely invalidated by Clive suddenly showing back up eh?
>lack of difficulty until you beat the game once, and even then half the game isn't balanced around you having all eikons so in some cases FF Mode is EASIER than the base game
FFXVI is a 4/10
And you lost
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nahhhhhh man I wrote this myself. I think it's 7/10.
Some of these are just outright wrong. Only eikon who had a reason to "fight back" was Jill, and there were hostages.
Redditbirth sucks and flopped.
I didn’t lose, Final Fantasy lost.
>>Space Alien Satan wants annihilation because reasons
to save his race and preserve it
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>turn based
No thanks! We need more J-Action kino
BASED post, but not as much as turn-BASED.
what about Cid? is he not the singular Dominant who is fighting the system in the entire storyline? nobody else.
Clive and Jill just kinda join.
so we are to believe that there are however many Dominants out there in the world to be born with these powers throughout time and none of them are ever interested in the Liberation of Bearers until Cid came along?

Feels half baked to me. Lots of stuff in the game feels that way. Interesting, compelling even, but simply not developed. I mean former Dominants aren't even mentioned or defined seemingly at all in the game until the DLC decided to bring up the previous Shiva dominant (who did nothing about the persecution of Bearers btw)
IDK maybe I just wanted a greater feeling that Bearers weren't just rolling over and taking this lying down. Yes of course there are bad consequences. But even in a short period of time, slaves will revolt. Even putting them back in line, they still revolt. I wanted to see more Bearers going postal on nobles and shit. Like we never have to take out a rogue bearer who decides to start killing people in the town because he's cracked/doesn't want to die. Or we never have to deal with any Bearer uprisings happening in the world at any point. They all just live as slaves and die waiting for Eikon Jesus to save them. I wanted to see more explored there. It's too bad that there are so many forgettable fetch quests when these kinds of questions and scenarios in the world aren't given attention.
>so we are to believe that there are however many Dominants out there in the world to be born with these powers throughout time and none of them are ever interested in the Liberation of Bearers until Cid came along?
Its like you forget dominants arent necessarily good people.
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My wife Eiko is very cute!
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> Called "Final Fantasy"
> somehow not a Final Fantasy

Hate to break this to you bud, but...
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In fujo fantasy Kojiro and Musashi are always homos
what about House Rosfield and the Phoenix?
Joshua is like 7 when the game begins.
What was Phoenix doing 20 years ago???
sitting on his fucking ass?
this is why I don't like the fact that the Eikons/Dominants are somehow one in the same. If they were seperate entities, and the Eikon chose the Dominant in an exchange of power kind of thing, it might make sense why Dominants don't want to change the world, especially considering if the Eikons are morally ambiguous and simply provide power to the wielder and don't have a mind of their own. I want the Eikons to have their own minds, their own thoughts. I wanted Clive to speak to Ifrit, I wanted Jill to have a relationship with Shiva. That would have been very interesting and unlike something we have seen before. Them just transforming for no good reason other than rule of cool is a bit lacking for me. I wanted to know why Clive didn't understand that he was himself Ifrit. I wanted him to have a real conflict with Ifrit on the grounds of Ifrit being an asshole demon and something that Clive must conquer and control in order to become his most realized self.
>Nomurafags spend all today coping in various ways about Rebirth
>they begin the new thread by immediately deflecting to and aggressively shitposting XVI
You're not being very subtle about it, you know.
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>last thread ended with Rebirth criticism/discussion
>new thread begins with XVI criticism/discussion
I don't see a difference here because I'm capable of voicing opinions about both of the recently released major Final Fantasy titles since I played them both.
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Final Fantasy XIII is 10/10 and the most impactful and culturally relevant Final Fantasy yet
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I never played this game as a kid. Not on GBA or DS. But boy let me tell you what, this is a special trip to play it on a handheld. Absolutely fantastic game. What the fuck are we playing tonight boys
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Which version is that?
Final Fantasy IV 3D Remake
A lot of the lore in FF16 revolves around it being a 1000 year psyop by Ultima and ancient humans who had reasons to hate bearers for attempting to free themselves (see that one tome sidequest near the end).
Additionally, it might be hard for you to comprehend, but it is very difficult to undo institutionalized slavery and it often requires external pressures such as it no longer being profitable to maintain to warrant people changing their minds.
With regards to the dominants, it appears that the potential is random within the bloodline, only one can exist at a time and awakening is requires immense emotional stress. Some of them probably had no time to consider the plight of bearers when they had their own problems to deal with, or in other cases, were treated so well, that they didnt really give a shit.
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Best way to experience the game, IMO.
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FF4 has the best armors
>Throwing insults about slavery of all things
>Muh institution
Fuck off. The Jews selling slaves to other Jews doesn't mean shit to me. The "Muh liberation" plotline of XVi is totally wack and it's been done better by almost every other piece of fiction thats tried it including other Final Fantasy games
>Walk into Tower of Babil
>Immediately get party wiped by fire lizards
Alrighty then, seems its time to grind
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"Ultima you're bad, o-okay, my willpower is strong, o-okay?" *namedrops Final Fantasy* *dies like a retard*
I can't even make fun of Noctis like that because he has no personality to bounce shitposts off of.
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Claire lived for hundreds of years and she never died. Then she was reborn into the Goddess of our world
Yes, other games have executed 16's plot better but some of the points you made in your initial post are still dumb. 16 is so hamfisted about what it wants to tell you about its slave caste that it becomes rote and boring. There's not much discourse to be had about bearers because they spell out everything for you ingame.
It's slave caste is boring, that is for sure. Majority of the game outside of peak spectacle is extremely drab and forgettable. Lightning Returns has better side quests with more meaningful heroism and an overall feeling of "liberation" of it's characters, more closely conveying it's themes through it's gameplay. Giving the right color doll to a little girl has more emotional reward/consequence than any side quest in XVI for me. There have been countless slave revolts throughout time, IMO there is zero good narrative reason Bearers aren't revolting. "Slavery is just soooo bad you don't get it they are demoralized" just sucks, and makes it seem like nobody in the whole world has ever tried to do what is right until our characters were all conveniently born within the same timeframe in order to all become powerful Dominants and break magic forever. Lol. X and XIII touch on that with Sin and Ragnarok respectively in a much better way I think, with how the work to save the world doesn't just come easily on your first try, many have tried and failed to do it before you. Many pilgrimages have failed, many l'Cie have become Cie'th, etc. Our characters in XVI don't even face the consequences of being Bearers, that's left for all the insignificant characters to go through. Cid's petrification doesn't matter since he gets impaled, Joshuas AIDs never matters and he's never in danger of petrification, neither is Jill, and Clive uses all the magic power in the world that's used to defeat God, for YEARS, and only his hand petrifies and only at the very very end when it no longer matters. God damn the story in XVI was disappointing. So many awesome, fantastic ideas that completely fall flat/aren't explored/don't actually matter
Putting aside Clive because Ultima was building him specifically to be a vessel, Cid was suffering from the curse which is why he almost never uses magic because he coughs up blood afterwards. Yeah, he gets stabbed but saying that it doesnt matter is incorrect because Cid's job is to establish the world to the inexperienced Clive/Jill.
Jill is insanely weak from abusing her magic prior to the start of the game and in every scene when Clive can't get his dick up to become Ifrit. They also say that she was the one covering for him in the time skip. That's why she faints so much and is never seen without a glove. I would not be surprised if she had petrification given the nature of the conversation with Tarja.

Also, "the right thing" as far as the world was concerned was treating the bearers like the shit. They had no reason to care about them because it was convienient. Well that and 100+ years of hidden history about the last attempt of bearers trying to break away would do that. Vivian's sidequest is useful for establishing the difference between the scenario in 13 and 16.
What is she posting?
Why did XVI fail?
I really wish /ffg/ could just be normal. Just let the general die. Stop making new threads. Maybe once all these shitposters fizzle out when their hive gets destroyed, we can maybe rebuild at a later date and have posters who might actually like Final Fantasy.
XV did irreparable damage to the series that no other game could fix.
Exclusivity and lack of RPG elements (allegedly).
Too dark. Not enough fun. Games are about fun. No RPG. No multiplayer element. No humor. No memes or quotes.

Both of the biggest RPGs of the last few years (ER and BG3) heavily feature their roleplaying elements and player choices at the forefront of the experience alongside a well realized multiplayer element.

Both games have completely different gameplay systems and storytelling styles. But both feature deep character customization and roleplaying. One is a turn based tactical RPG with party members and the other is a solo real time action RPG. Combined, these two vastly different RPGs sales alone almost dwarf the entirety of the FF franchise.

Games as a product are about fun and appeal/attractiveness coming together to serve the audience. If you're not having fun, why bother? Make the game fun as hell to play with Jobs, character customization, hot girls, roleplaying choices, bold vision for the storytelling, fun armor and weapon designs, throw in the multiplayer element, and embrace the JP weirdness. Watch Final Fantasy XVII (titled simply Final Fantasy) sell 10 million copies.
I don’t think either 13fag or 16fag have played their own games.
There is no singular 16fag or 13fag
But 15fag has at least 4 phones.
There is a singular 13fag, who is distinct from the real Clairefag and Vanillefag. There is, however, no singular 16fag.
Isn't she a summoner? Who is she summoning?
So, they're all the same fag.
Great a fourth fag
The true fag can only be found within one's self.
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>why did [game] fail?
>"they jus wuzznt ne memes, frfr no cap on a stack"
To find is to find, and maybe we don't exist...
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It didn't.
FFXVI was 10/10.
It also produced extremely strong sales given the PS5's install base and outsold Rebirth.
What more do you want?
A day one multiplat release for Switch, PC and PS4 would've done amazing desu but SE is retarded.
>What more do you want?
to meet its sales goal
>What more do you want?
A good game.
I wonder if he/they is going to spend literally all day shitposting about Yoshida again today.
Why would I? He made the 9/10 Dawntrail, while also making the 5/10 XVI.
No one thinks Dawntrail is a 9/10, and anyone who thinks that XVI is a 5/10 is a shitposter anyway.
Enjoy your vacations ban evading samefagging shitposter
You're right that Dawntrail wasn'y a 9/10, but XVI was absolutely a 5/10. It's probably the textbook definition of a polished turd.
>You're right
Thank you. I accept your concession, shitposter.
I am right, XVI was a 5/10. Glad we came to that consensus friend.
shut the fuck up tranny
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The exposed shitposter has revealed that he is indeed planning on spending literally all day shitposting about Yoshida today. It's just a normal Tuesday for him.
No there is not a singular 13fag; there are indeed many of us. I will post any Final Fantasy I want to and it's very often not XIII
go ahead and try to pick some of my posts out in this thread if you can
Even a 5/10 game can be popular among fans if it has a good story and charming characters. XVI has neither.
>He thinks this game would actually run on a Switch, Xbox One or base PS4 when it barely runs on PS5
God damn you're fucking delusional mate
My favorites are the top 4
It feels good to be the best
Wuk Lamat>Jill Warrick
She certainly has more to say and do
>person who does things (arguably too much)>person who does nothing but get kidnapped
No shit
You misswrote "they were retconned in, in order to milk more money from fans".
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His name is "yoshitpiss", remember?
Maybe yoshipiss wouldn't need to exist if yoshicult just stopped shilling their mediocre game and pretending like it's the best thing to happen to the franchise 24/7 when it really isn't.
Dawntrail is overhated. XVI isn't hated enough.
>barry woke up
Well, RIP thread, now he's going to spam about his crush on Yoshida san all day.
Called it out perfectly, brother. And you angered B*rry.
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There is only one beautiful woman in the world and she is Aerith.
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If aerishit is so beautiful, why is it Tifa that got played in front of the pastas, huh?
Checkmate, aerishitter.
Persona is my favorite Final Fantasy.
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Someone was already here warming up his seat for him, and that person will still be here once the other one leaves.
Why did Stillbirth fail?
Please use his correct name.
Because it :
- tried to cater to nostalgiafags,
- tried to cater to new players.

And couldn't decide between these two, unlike Yoshida's game who managed to do it.
>FFXVI was 10/10
XVI was originally going to be on PS4.
Because XV already poisoned the well, and VIIR mocking its fans by portraying them as whispers was the last nail in the coffin. Umineko did the same thing, portraying its readers as goats to mock them, and it got hated as a result.
Why did your mom fail?
And Stillbirth failed, meaning that the new players didn't stick around. Thanks for agreeing with me.
>we talkin' about Stillbirth
>nomura cultist IMMEDIATELY makes it about FFXVI
You can't make that shit up.
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Very daring of you to say that when XVI can't bring back a single soul to talk about the game even after the DLC just came out.
You just love to see the Nomura Cult being so desperately defensive. Everything to defend Stillbirth the Abortion.
They are a cult, so they have no dignity and no self-respect. Only jealousy and hatred for YoshiCHAD.
Stillbirth still sucks btw lmao
What's the point of this general if you're only going to reply to yourself? You can't join society without respecting the majority opinion. No one will take you seriously no matter where you go.
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>a billion dollar project that had to be milked to make up for the cost
>after blueballing the content-starved fanbase for 10 years
>where both directors got fired
>one constantly costing SE millions of dollars for stupid reasons
>"saved FF"
Hard doubt.
But enough about XV, we were talking about Stillbirth and why it failed pathetically like the piece of shit it is.
The best
Your English is very poor
Because Stillbirth is shit.
Newfags fell for the Remake, but not for the sequel.
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>15 is closer in quality to 16 than it is to touching the scores of the golden age FFs
Sounds about right.
And Stillbirth is still shit.
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the good end
This is stupid.
I love it.
With this we can turn Versus XIII into the musical that Nomura envisioned
>What's the point of this general
He uses it to cultivate his Yoshida shitposting hugbox echo chamber.
Versus XIII? Oh, you mean XV, okay.
>"XIV? All the good parts? Yup, 100% Nomura"
>"but the bad parts of Nomura's own games? Not related to Nomura in any way, shape, or form"
This is what you sound like.
It's literally a cult. And I do mean literally.
of course. Yoshida defenders have no shame.
See what I mean? The Nomura Cult is just so damn sad and pathetic and miserable...

Which soundtracks are much better on the SNES than the PS or Saturn versions?


Who's that hottie? I wanna touch her butt.
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>>487255449 >>487255895 >>487256217
>>487256774 >>487257013 >>487257297
>>487257604 >>487257856 >>487257972
>>487258131 >>487258304 >>487258550
Mod finally tired of the Nomura Cult.
>nomura fan after 2015
You are still too new.
The Nomura Cult got entirely expunged. All the 1 of them.
Maybe we can FINALLY talk about Final Fantasy now. So, in FFV, my party keeps dying, I think I need a tank or something, who is the better option between Paladin and Warrior? And also, do the position influence how often people will get attacked?
FFXIII solos the entire franchise I’m afraid
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Square Enix should make a Star Wars game.
I still don't know who Stellafag is.
A massive loser who loves to talk of herself in the third person.
Kawazu fan
What was this place like when Versus13 was announced as canceled? Did we laugh or cry about it?
it didn't exist
I don't know who that is neither
I just finished rebirth and I very much liked it.
Off-topic spam that has been deleted multiple times already
And it looks like you haven't learned your lesson samefagging ban evading shitposter
Thank you for exposing him yet again
Paladins and warriors weren't in FFV idiot
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How the fuck is this a mouse?
>too new to even know what games featured what.
I guess the ERP servers must be down.
I wonder, for what reason did he make that up about FFV? What's that about? Maybe he thinks FFV is the best "not Nomura" game that he can use to shitpost, despite never playing the game. Highly peculiar and very suspect
Aerith is my wife.
He's certainly old enough to be unhealthily obsessed with Tetsuya Nomura
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Time to grind Lightning Marbles on the Thunder Plains again so I can Lightningproof Rikku
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>went to bed just as this happened
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I don't mind handheldfag spamming, but I hope you'll do the same with the Switch 2 when it comes out.
Only IF it has FF
Haven't they said they're doing multiplat on Nintendo systems? Switch 2 is supposedly like PS4 level performance wise they'll probably either make a game graphically that's around the level of that (XV and Remake level I should say) and make Switch and PC the primary platforms as they said. I do wonder if Part 3 will still be an exclusive or if it's not got a contract for that and will be on more things day one. XVII will 100% be multiplatform imo, no doubt in my mind.
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Literally the only healer I can find that's NV level.... yet, for some reason I can't pull the trigger when it comes to replacing Ayaka as my party healer who's had the position for literally years now.


Maybe! I have a Switch but I dont play Final Fantasy on it. It's kind of the kids/party games console. Not actually a big fan of using it as a handheld
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>That box looks sturdy enough to hold you, Cloud.
>You could probably slide down that flight of stairs, no problem.
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>Playing FFBE
>Decide to do my daily free rolls, just have to watch a few ads
>Find myself sitting there wondering what the economics of absolutely terrible gatcha online games advertising on FFBE, who is apparently having income problems in comparision, despite being a far superior game, could possibly be......
>One wonders with FFBE getting closer to the 10 year mark, and World of Warcraft, being over 20 years old, what the plans are for these games..... have gaming processing systems accelerated by an entire order of magnitude since the release of WoW? Since the release of FFBE?

Given that they just did a Ramza and Agrias Oaks NV; are there any plans for an NV update, or new release, for Altima?
80 electro marbles, and...5 lightning marbles
good god this is tedious
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>rydia vs kid noctis
what happens
Clive couldn't tap into his powers or even truly realized it and was a slave soldier. Already explained Jill. Most other dominants are in positions of comfy power too. Only the iron islands have a history of hating them.
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Rikku is finally Lightningproof
>its joegre
But that might be good.
Why is Final Fantasy XVI good?
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I would buy an Aerith doll if they made her like she is in game, but they can't get her face and hair right
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is XIV really bigger than WoW?
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What's good about FFXVI originally being planned for PS4 is now we can excuse all its faults like the horrible NPCs with "well it was originally a PS4 game, so that's to be expected. wait until the NEXT game which is TRULY built from the ground up for PS5 and THEN it will look good"
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FFXVI was 10/10
Yes. WoWfags don't want to admit it though.
Its the first Final Fantasy where you can DICK PUNCH https://files.catbox.moe/pex54r.webm
at hurting the brand
But it's bad
But enough about Rebirth
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Its up.
Why are XIVfags so obsessed with WoW?
both are obsessed with each other to be fair
Inferiority complex.
The cult need to complain about the more popular game to feel better about Yoshidas inadequacy.
See >>487346135 for a cultist whining about rebirth because XVI killed the brand.
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>VIIRgin responds to xerself
Tell me again, who's insecure?
you triggered a yoshida troon
"Tes pas, enfants de mon silence,
Saintement, lentement placés,
Vers le lit de ma vigilance
Procèdent muets et glacés.

Personne pure, ombre divine,
Qu'ils sont doux, tes pas retenus!
Dieux! . . .tous les dons que je devine
Viennent à moi sur ces pieds nus!

Si, de tes lèvres avancées,
Tu prépares pour l'apaiser,
À l'habitant de mes pensées
La nourriture d'un baiser,

Ne hâte pas cet acte tendre,
Douceur d'être et de n'être pas,
Car j'ai vécu de vous attendre,
Et mon coeur n'était que vos pas."
"Your footsteps, children of my silence,
With gradual and saintly pace
Towards the bed of my -watchfulness,
Muted and frozen, approach.

Pure one, divine shadow,
How gentle are your cautious steps!
Gods!... all the gifts that I can guess
Come to me on those naked feet!

If, with your lips advancing,
You are preparing to appease
The inhabitant of my thoughts
With the sustenance of a kiss,

Do not hasten the tender act,
Bliss of being and not being,
For I have lived on waiting for you,
And my heart was only your footsteps."
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Its probably the most shallow Final Fantasy game since IV.
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>Yet the more I think about its story, the more I realise that I enjoyed it in spite of how it was told—and the more frustrated I feel knowing that, in an alternate timeline with a stronger edit and a writing team capable of playing to its cast's strengths, FF14's next 10 years of narrative would have taken off at a run rather than tripping over its own laces.

>I think Square Enix's decision to give new writing talent a swing at the MSQ is an inherent good. After all, Natsuko Ishikawa was given a similar opportunity with Shadowbringers, and it worked out spectacularly. But the following two years of story patches will be a test to see if Final Fantasy 14 can once more grow from the harsh feedback of its player base, just as it did over a decade ago with A Realm Reborn.

>I have hope, though. Endwalker had tremendous issues with its combat content—issues that Dawntrail made great strides towards fixing. Even if we don't see the results right away, this is an MMO defined by one of the biggest course-corrections in gaming history—and I'm sure it can happen again.

in the Warrior Goddess Heroine Savior we believe
Any gameplay overhauls mods you guys recommend for FFVII remake?
I was checking this one


This is for a replay
this mod is pretty cool and it has some changes that I really liked (ATB overhaul, materia stats, aggro weight) but I didn't like that it changes the camera and makes ATB stop charging during blocking and dodging. there's probably a way to change that stuff or disable it but I just went with a different mod setup instead
>gameplay overhauls
>FFVII remake
There's this mod called 'uninstall the game'
But that mod uninstalls the good game i want to play, which is FFVII remake.

which ones?
Friends, I just beat FFV. What a fantastic entry.
Nah, the remake might have fucked up a lot of things, but the only thing they got right is the combat. It's already perfect as it is with no mods needed.



Fire Emblem
i sleep
same, negative appeal for me. generic anime and generic high fantasy isn't for me
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Guess even shitposters need to sleep.
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>page X
....Final Fantasy?
If only we can have these for Rebirth ON DAY ONE.
Fan of both series. Generally, I play FF for the story and FE for the mechanics. Also any FE blew any FFT out of the water.
FFT gameplay is outdated as shit. I never get why its fandom shills the game so much.
>1997 game
I don't say it is outdated nor it is bad or unplayable though. It's still a classic to play.
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Nice. FFV is really excellent.
I consider it the quintessential Final Fantasy;
it's a practically flawless entry.
>quintessential (adj.)
>c. 1600, "purest, most refined, consisting of or of the nature of quintessence.
>quintessence (noun)
>from Latin quinta essentia, literally, "fifth essence,"
Woah. It checks out.
Why is there so little good art of Terra? Her outfit screams 'fuck me' but there's so little good representations of it.
Similar feel for Porom's older version, I know After Years isn't well-liked but older Porom is 10/10 and she's got like 3 decent pictures ever.
I just wish they'd lay offa XIV.
It's two versions behind now and every expansion is a reference to old shit when you could just be doing the old shit instead. But it's doing well so they're never going to let it die. Just keep tacking on more Quests that equate to 30 players hurling balls of whatever to the center of the map because with your millions of dollars earned you can't even make a boss that actually reacts to the ants attacking it.
I'm going into crazy theory here, but an MMO with VII Rebirth mechanics would be siiiick.
I'm so tired of them clinging to what made WoW cool 20 years ago. They love to do new stuff even at their fault, so throw wind to the sails and give us something actually new.
Throw in a few FF7 characters for me to look at and expand the lore a little and it sounds like a 10/10 for me
It's mostly because it's gotten almost no support or sequels despite it being a really cool idea.
FFT fans actually want a new FFT that beats the old one. But Squeenix isn't going to do that.
They can do all the references they want, I just want a fun and original MMORPG like what FFXI did.
They constantly try new shit because they want to in the mainline FF. But their MMOs tend to get the opposite treatment. I'd love to see them change the system when it comes to MMOs but it seems like they ain't got the grapes.
Hell, maybe even, Final Fantasy Tactics Online.
Don't laugh, it worked for Dofus/wakfu.
Terra isn't meant to be sexy. She always looks sad and depressed.
Celes otoh, I can't take her seriously because of her outfit.
Their outfits are both similar enough in that effect.
You're correct about Celes, she's 10/10, but I'm generally coomed out by Terra at that point.
I have played the original FF7. Is there any issue with with me playing Remake followed by Crisis Core, as opposed to the other way around?
no, also crisis core is shit
Don't play CC. Just read the synopsis or smth
I know it's common to say 'this sucks' here on /v/ but Crisis Core is actually unplayable.
It's just not worth it.
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My beautiful wife Aerith
We heard you the first time, Nanaki.
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Tactics Ogre is my favorite Final Fantasy spin-off
I never touched compilation games but I'm also not okay with them being called bad because every entry gives us more lore
Crisis Core Reunion is Ludo Kino
testing removing DA watermark(ye it's aislop, but still)

what killed the hype?
You now remember the Rebirth yellow paint controversy.
Fair assessment. From Vanguard onwards the MSQ finally starts getting good, but its bad when the first 2/3rds of the expansion is ARR-tier.
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AI is getting closer
You now remember Stillbirth is shit and flopped.
Needs rape.
As bad as XV, or worse?
Do VIIRgins really?
ff14 dawntrail is the worst rated ff in history and ff16 is the lowest selling mainline FF ever
>immediately deflects
Do VIIRgins really?
Why did XV killed the series
And its because cs3 and yoshitpiss arw incompetent
Petty grudge. The faggot in charge wanted to keep scamming SE by developping Versus XIII, but SE wisened to his scheme, so out of pettiness, he destroyed the FF brand by releasing the worst game that irredeemably damaged consumer trust to a point that XVI paid for it.
Nobody tell him that Forspoken was at a lower score when time aligned.
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>immediately deflects
do yoshitpisstroons really?

forspoken has a higher score than ff14 dawntrail AHAHAHAHAHAHA
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Why did Yoshitpiss kill FF?
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Why are VIIRgins like this.
No self-respect, no dignity.
Incompetence, hubris and retardation.
XIV destroyed the brands image, thankfully XV saved FF and SE but then new XIV shit released after that further destroyed the FF brand and then XVI killed FF and tanked SE.
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Why was Tabata fired and his DLC cancelled?
Yep, and Yoshitpiss was even fired from DQ10 and just got demoted with the recent restructure making him lose power, since they are following Tabata's way of a flat organizational structure now.
They even cancelled the Cid and Jill and Joshua FF16 DLC and PS4 version and cancelled future plans for FF16 because it flopped so hard, now Yoshitpiss is banished to mmo zone and to outsourced projects like Fantasian.
Tabata left SE to start his own company, and only a bonus 3rd tound of non canon alternate timeline dlc was canned because SE didn't wanna do it without Tabata and because it wasn't canon.
The fan demanded DLC that won the survey released, and was also played more than the failure FF16 DLC cut content dlc that nobody bothered with
Incompetence, hubris and retardation.
XV destroyed the brands image, thankfully XIV saved FF and SE but then new XV shit released after that further destroyed the FF brand and then Stillbirth killed FF and tanked SE.
>Tabata's guy Nozue got promoted in 2024 while Yoshitpiss lost power as producer
See >>487420851
XV is rated higher than XVI and XIV.
XV also sold better than both.
XV also won more awards than XIV and XVI combined have.
XIII already put a dent in the series. The followup entry being equally mediocre killed it for good.
XVI is only the first step on the rebuild of fan trust
XV saved FF
XIV and XVI killed FF
XVI is the lowest selling mainline FF in history and has lower fan reception and won less awards than XV.
XVI killed FF after XV saved it.
Seems like XV killed the trust in the series
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>gloating over a 2% difference
And VII Remake's score is 6% higher than FFXV.
Whatever difference in quality you're trying to point out here, Remake is that over FFXV threefold.
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even the SE shareholders shit on FF16

XVI is the lowest selling mainline FF in history and has lower fan reception and won less awards than XV.
XVI killed FF after XV saved it.

XV kept on selling years after release too at a better pace than any ff in history
XVI stopped selling after a week
>xvitroon coping because xvi lost to xv in sales, awards and fan reception
sad but true
>>487422785 was meant for >487420851, teehee
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The 10/10 Final Fantasy XVI was the most culturally relevant and meaningful entry in the series.
It was the fastest selling PS5 exclusive, inspired old fans and drew in new young fans to the series.
'Fraid so.
You struck a nerve, the nomura cult got angry.
How many GoTY awards did it win?
How did it review compare to other FF games in the past 5 years
How did it sell compared to the other mainline games?
How much fanart did it receive compared to other entries?
>How much fanart did it receive compared to other entries?
Do VIIRgins really believe this is an actual argument?
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XV-kun says what matters is amount of memes
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Oh wow, look, FFXIV has more fanart than any other game!
Guess that means VIIR and XV sucks monkey ass then!

Now watch as he pulls a 180° and starts crying that actually it doesn't matter that much. Or that VII and VIIR need to be put together, despite the VIIRgins' previous attempt to separate themselves from real fans.
Fan content reflects the popularity and shows how much the fandom actually care about the game

To some extent, sure. The game built absolutely no community around it. The yellow paint controversy of Rebirth left more of an impact than the entirety of XVI did.
Nope, instead he just ignored you.
Barry really do practice that doublethink.
Man the amount of times I posted about Remake's sales to win arguments about it being good...
I would spend hours citing SE financial reports to prove they saw it as successful. I'd compare it to Avengers. If someone said something bad about Remake, I could post the report showing it was a sales success, and win instantly.
But for some reason I stopped thinking sales matter. So it's not that hard to use hard numbers as proof of popularity but decide a short time later that actually the numbers don't matter at all.
XIV is actually a good game, unlike XVI.
>Man the amount of times I posted...
Sure you have
>I would spend hours citing SE financial reports to prove they...
Sure you have
>I would spend hours citing SE financial reports to prove they...
yeah sure
>But for some reason I stopped thinking sales matter. So it's not that hard to use hard numbers as proof...
Yeah right, sure

A completely real, organic not AI bot-like post.
>Man the amount of times I posted about Remake's sales to win arguments about it being good...
Sorry mate, not enough fanart therefore it's shit. Tough luck.
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But it's true. Here's a sample of my posts, which are formatted amazingly similarly to your post.
Kino epic. The Tale of 2 Cities of our time.
I used to cite SE financial reports to prove they considered Remake a success
Yes I did here's proof

There are some strange people on /ffg/. I guess they're so used to hating final fantasy they can't believe someone used to defend Remake for hours by bringing up it's sales but later decided not to use sales as an argument anymore for no particular reason.
Stillbirth and XV still failed and killed FF
how much of that is art of actual XIV characters and not some slutty catgirl/au ra/viera OC getting fucked by some malboro
XVI was a black hole of cultural relevance.
>he pulls a 180° and starts crying that actually it doesn't matter that much
Like clockwork.
Yeah it doesn't count if it's something someone has created themselves. It only counts if it's 100,000 identical AI images of Tifa with mangled fingers
maybe coomers should stop flooding boorus with their ugly OCs making it harder to find worthwhile fanart of XIV characters people actually care about
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You struck a nerve lmao.
I imagine if they're tagged correctly you could just exclude whatever tag and that would filter them out the search
>wol (15k)
Ask me how I know ff14 art is all fujo
>was the most culturally relevant and meaningful entry in the series.
>Ok how much actual fan engagement did it get, such as fanart?
The cult everyone
Who are you quoting?
>"was the most culturally relevant and meaningful entry in the series"
lol you pissed the VIIRgin off.
Tabata and Nomura are complete hacks. They should have been fired sooner.
>sells 10m copies
>barely makes up for the $1b it took to make it
That's what I did, I finished Crisis Core Reunion before jumping into Rebirth.
>$1b it took to make it
Big if true
Damn Gaming Sins absolutely destroys FFXVI...
Phenomenal fan art. This scene was great in Rebirth. Yuffie the assassin fucking up the "peace talks" was great
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>gets destroyed on "sales" so he resorts to eceleb opinions
How about Kitase, allegedly the only person who can compete with Tabata?
I haven't posted anything in this thread yet but I saw the Gaming Sins counter posted, so I checked it out. Dude is absolutely eviscerating FFXVI
both me (advertising) btw
Are these events happening in your head again?
No, he is literally shilling ecelebs just a few posts above you after his sales shilling got destroyed by profit margins.
You people are so retarded.
NOT THE SAME ANON. I haven't posted anything today. You literally cannot deal with your own shit lol
What does this have to do with the nomurafag cope you tried gaslighting out of existence?
they were both me lying faggot
why are you so mad that XVI is critiqued exactly?
does it make you mad that XVI is the longest Gaming Sins video
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Celes <3 <3
Why do you literally make it your job (which you do for free) to attack yoshida (using XVI as a proxy) every day?
>his sales shilling got destroyed by profit margins.
None of this happened.
>reeeeeeeee why do you hate Yoshi??
I never mentioned Yoshida. Haven't posted his name. Haven't posted anything today until I saw the Gaming Sins counter. >>487422220
This is actually embarrassing
Once again, these people reveal themselves to be entirely consumed by Naoki Yoshida
He also replied to me and pretended that I was a part of this discussion in some way when I was discussing XVI's Gaming Sins. They can't help themselves but lash out and pretend everyone they don't like is the same person.
>reposting freecamfag Jill pics again
>To shitpost
Reminder that XVI-kun has yet to prove he’s ever even played XVI.
He fights and fights and fights but I see no unique screenshots..
>XV "breaks even" at 5m sales (meaning budget for XV alone is $300m, makes $600m at 10m)
>XV gacha makes a little over $300m
>no budget released for Verses XIII but it can be assumed it was about the same as XV since most ambitions games take close to $300m to make per 4 years of development
>anime, manga, live service, collabs, etc. also take money to make and maintain but almost none of these have took off
So we can safely assume that XV in its 10 years of development cost upwards of $1b, according to budget trends, and that the game had to be milked from all angles just to make up for the complete monetary waste Tabata and Nomura inflicted on the company.
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XVI-Chad here,
I have posted many unique screenshots but you retards just ignore them every time.
Reminder that the 10/10 FFXVI was the best selling and most influencing current gen Final Fantasy.
Low bar, but true nonetheless.
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>gets his salesfaggotry destroyed
>gets outted as a samefag
>samefags harder with 5 posts 1.5 minutes apart
What went so wrong with the billion dollar failure that is XV?
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>reposts the same tired image
I think you might genuinely have something deeply wrong with you friend
Do you notice the cult tries to change the subject every time someone mentions sales?

The truth hurts isn't it
The two XV mobile games made more money than any of SE’s other mobile ventures, especially OO.
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wow he posts a screenshot and....it looks like dog shit. and it accompanies ESL cope. who could have seen that one coming
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I can pretend your arguments are fantasy to avoid having to address them, too.
Indeed, let’s talk about how XVI was the lowest selling mainline title since at least the NES era.
non trolls only
why is ifrit the bad guy lately?
FFXVI is what FFXV should have been: a solid entry that cements the franchise into a new era and you can iterate from there
Sadly FFXV was such a clusterfuck of a game that it cant be a solid base.
Unfortunately true.
hey fuckhead
my first post of the day
anything else that happened in here beforehand has got jack shit to do with me
keep coping about the sales discussion or whatever, I'm sure one day XVI will crack 4 million
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We should all be friends.
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you can start by posting Final Fantasy my friend
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What will the yoshicult do if one day 4chan decides to show IPs on all boards? They won't be able to reply to their own shill posts anymore.
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Final Fantasy General in a nutshell
Nothing is going to change. The single anti-yoshida cultist will still samefag with his 8 phones.
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I will defend Vanille with my life
You lost.
>meaning budget for XV alone is $300m, makes $600m at 10m)
>he thinks SE gets every dollar per sale.
SE lost two billion because of xvi
this has to be Tabata's fault/Nomura
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discord shitposters are awake...
ignore and post the 10/10 FFXVI
It is. Those losses come from flopspoken and the numerous other games that failed. SE also lost money trimming all the live service and gachas they were preparing to launch. Apparently live service only works for so long.
The strange reality of 7keks.
>>he thinks SE gets every dollar per sale.
Fully aware of all the costs involved with selling games. Just trying to be generous with figures knowing nomuratards can't into finance.
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>XV "breaks even" at 5m sales
Afraid not. The truth is even more dire...
XV killed Final Fantasy.
Thankfully FFXVI broke even day one.
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True. XV and Luminous blew cash faster than Spirits Within.
SE had to scramble to fire Tabata before he do any more damage.
Luckily Yoshi-P's 10/10 FFXVI and FFXIV have led the charge for faithful and meaningful high fantasy FF kino.
Its ogre.
Those were from a completely different quarter and fiscal year. They would have no bearing on the results of the quarter that lost SE two billion, which was the quarter where XVI launched.
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You mean the quarter where Tabata's Luminous and its massive losses from XV and flopspoken were absorbed by SE, right?
Meanwhile the 10/10 FFXVI inspired Final Fantasy fans to return and brought in new, younger players to the series, becoming the fastest selling PS5 exclusive.
Threadly reminder that Nomura's Redditbirth 7-2 killed Final Fantasy AND every AA game at SE.
Sadly true.
correlation != causation
picture the Main Character for FFXVII.
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>blames opposition for his own lack of knowledge
many such cases among the cult
I need confirmation about this

I'm not going to waste my time going into every detail to explain how XV was a financial failure when the hate cult doesn't read anything anyway.
>financial failure
>Luminous productions created as a result of xvs success
You are too new to discuss final fantasy. Stay in your hugbox.
>completely ignores the figures given earlier
Thank you for proving my point
>figures that he didn't understand
Many such cases
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If you consider wasting $1b in assets for a studio that failed after one game, do the world a favor and stay out of game design and business.
This. Ever since germans injected into BE our resident shitposter has gone off the deep end.
Did Kiros and Ward ever age?
Hi Fi Rush won.
Versus XIII won (in spirit).
Remake won.
XVI won.
XIV won.
BE won.
Xenoblade won.
Persona won.
WotV lost.
Forspoken lost.
Rebirth lost.
XV lost.
XIII lost.
This was such a beautiful chefs kiss moment
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>most ambitions games take close to $300m to make per 4 years of development
Damn, just how much did XVI cost to make then with its seven years of development time?
$56m not including advertising which was probably another $100.
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That budget seems awfully low considering Yoshida had stated that he was thankful for even having the budget approved.
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>interviewer asks yoshida what elements of the game he's most proud of
>can't actually answer what about the game he's most proud of
Based father not resorting to favoritism.
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Isn't it funny that,
despite XIII pumping out 3 shitty games,
FFXVI still managed to be better than all of them?
Because XVI isn't made by a faggot trying to push his waifu as the biggest Mary Sue in the history of Mary Sue.
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you don't like XIII, but the brand was still strong
XIII-2 sold 3 million
you like XVI, but the brand is suffering now (lost billions)
what a puzzle. a paradox if you will
It's weird how XV failed to get players into the series, despite all the sales.
The real question is: how come VIIR part 1 was so successful, yet Part 2 failed catastrophically?
It's not that big of a difference when you check out top selling ps4 games vs top selling ps5 games numbers
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This is reality, based on...reality...
Drawing over graphics isn't going to convince anyone.
Sad but true
Too bad your arguments won't be heard by investors. Many of them have left, disappointed with Liberation Slop XVI, you know.
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Meanwhile in actual reality, instead of your fantasy based on one
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>HUrr Durr paLADINS DoN't ExiSt iN ffV HuRr DuRR
VIIRgins really are a miserable lot.
Oh, I remember that drop caused by Bloomberg article released in May 14. XVI was also mentioned in that article:
>Sales of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, Final Fantasy XVI and Foamstars— all released exclusively for Sony Group Corp.’s PlayStation in the previous fiscal year — fell short of the Japanese game publisher’s expectations in both revenue and profit.
Cultists are so unintelligent they can't even deflect properly.
Why do you speak of yourself in the third person?
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>time mage, mixed white mage
>Summoner/Black Mage
>Spellsword or magical knight or whatever you call it in your former British colony linguo
Good team? Or need to turn Galuf into a Paladin or a physical class?
Thinking of trying Beastmaster, but all my classes are very low, and PC gains are small.
>VIIRgins really are a miserable lot.
Indeed, they are. They keep proving it with every passing second.
Your impotent rage can now be explained by the shit translations you keep getting.
I accept your surrender.
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>they hate clive because they are ugly and jealous of him
Does anyone hate Clive himself? I didn't. Clive was great. He deserved a better game.
Sales were important when part 1 released. They proved it was a success.
By the time part 2 released, sales weren't important anymore. They aren't worth mentioning and prove nothing.
Because newfags tried Part 1 because of FFVII's aura, but then they realized it was shit.
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A number you made up on a lack of knowledge lmao
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You should stop projecting, sir.
Whos' that joker?
>thought SE got every dollar per sale
>have no good reason as to how luminous productions was founded if XV supposedly failed
>ignore interviews stating versus didn't cost that much even though it was in dev hell for 6 years
>only tactic is to backpedal and make up excuses
You should research something before hitting submit. Don't deflect or name call until you do this. Until then, take your L and walk away.
Who are you quoting?
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Wait...did you think I was defending XV or are you just shitting on my post to shit on my post?
why is it always the same faggot spamming the faceapp edits
Because it pisses the right people off.
Sad but true.
Take your meds already.
Oh you are platinum mad.

Boom roasted! You broke the bot again!
>10 million copies x $60 just to break even
"XV saved FF"sisters...
>/pol/tard has to bring politics into it
That's not what I meant but you should go back to that shithole.
>did you think I was defending XV
kek no one thought this
You might legit be retarded lmao
You should stop projecting, sir. Your original premise:
>thought SE got every dollar per sale
had no bearing on my original point:
So we can safely assume that XV in its 10 years of development cost upwards of $1b, according to budget trends, and that the game had to be milked from all angles just to make up for the complete monetary waste Tabata and Nomura inflicted on the company.
because I am not talking about pure profits. Get this...10 million sales of a game matters little when it only make a few million in profit. Because at the end of the day, profit is what matters.
>according to budget trends
>XV "breaks even" at 5m sales "(meaning budget for XV alone is $300m, makes $600m at 10m)"
oh so its budget trends now. you're an actual buffoon if you believe anything you just typed.
>Because at the end of the day, profit is what matters.
they founded LP thanks to XV lmao. You won't acknowledge this, which makes this even funnier.
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>he can't into 10,000,000 x $60 and continue the math from there
>he keeps pointing at a liquidated studio that only made a single game in its entire existence like it proves anything
>he keeps pointing at a liquidated studio
And how was that Studio founded?
>he can't into 10,000,000 x $60
>he literally still thinks SE gets every dollar from each sale
lmao. Your mind's going to be blown when you find out about distribution costs, platform tax and store cuts.
>rant about "muh right people"
>not a /pol/tard
Seethe more, you got exposed.
My Angel.
XV is a Final Fantasy alright
GS: Is it safe to assume that this is the most expensive game ever made, if account for the entire development cycle, before you took over?
Tabata: No, it's not, even including that. From what I've heard, we're nowhere near what Destiny or Grand Theft Auto V [cost].
GS: But Destiny's budget is projected over a ten-year timeline.
Tabata: I suppose if you consider it from when we started Versus XIII, we've been at it for ten years as well. The budgets for all of our projects are controlled quite strictly, but on a company level, so it's not been allowed to go that far out.
>Yoshida: "When creating FFXVI, you can't ignore the data that's been taken from the fan base, from Final Fantasy I to XV.
>Yoshida: So, again, creating a Final Fantasy, a numbered Final Fantasy, has become such an endeavor, to the point where your development costs can go upwards of $100 million, just to create one game. And so to recoup that development cost, you need as many people playing your game as possible.
XVI was the first time a FF game ever went above 100m.
Gotta say, yikes.
>And how was that Studio founded?
Why would it matter when it got liquidated anyways? Stop using money sinks in your arguments unless you're shitting on them.
>lmao your mind is going to be blown when you find out exactly how much of a financial burden XV was on SE
I know. I'm waiting for nomurafags to figure that out. Why are you trying so hard to argue with me on this?
Keep pretending, SEAmonkey.
Keep seething.
>Why would it matter
Stop avoiding.
>I know.
>but also "he can't into 10,000,000 x $60 and continue the math from there"
>16 vs. 7 vs. 13 spam again
>insecure shitter has to spam his off-topic orangutan post for the Nth time
Why did OO win so hard? It should have died, but keeps on living in xis head rent free.
>It should have died
oh sweet, where can I play it?
don't use memes you don't understand, faggOOt.
DMC3 has more RPG elements than XVI
How about you actually attack my point instead of shitting up the thread with red herrings? Here's my point:
>sales mean fuckall when the game doesn't turn a profit
>therefore, 10m sales mean fuckall when it just "break even"
How does Luminous fit in when the studio made exactly one game and then was liquidated? It was a gross loss for SE and is in no way an example of success for XV.
Why do you keep implying that "SE gets all the money" is some critical part of my argument when it isn't? Those figures are there to show how much was made from the sales in total. Not profits, not costs, just sales. Costs and profits can be left to the imagination of the one reading my posts because bigger numbers only bolster my original argument. So I couldn't care less about it.
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>therefore, 10m sales mean fuckall when it just "break even"
>breaks even at 5m
>game is currently at 10m+
>LP founded thanks to XV
>You unironically: So what if LP was founded thanks to XV being a success, they released a flop 5 years later so that means that XV wasn't actually a success...
>So I couldn't care less about it.
More like you didn't know what you were talking about and would rather have a melty than look at >>487497757.
You've been buttmad all day, talking about a subject you had no understanding of.
They're mad at you because they can't accept the truth, champ.
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What with that XIII autist?
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>twisting words this hard
>conveniently avoiding >>487464062
>1-1=1 logic
You are doing everything possible to avoid addressing my point. XV was a drain on SE and had to be milked to make up its costs, most likely upwards of a billion total for the XV franchise. XV giving birth to one of the worst AAA game studios in history is not the achievement you think it is. The game is shit, cursed from its conception, and was detrimental to SE as a whole.
>XV was a drain on SE
Wait, are we talking XV, or XV+VersusXIII?
I need Remastered Vanille in my life. We all need Remastered Claire
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Magnificent Goddess and Fragrant Heroine l'Éclair is our North Star, showing us the way, guiding us through the night of life. She's quite literally - The Final Fantasy.

"Ecть poзa дивнaя: oнa
Пpeд изyмлённoю Кифepoй
Цвeтёт, pyмянa и пышнa,
Блaгocлoвeннaя Beнepoй.
Boтщe Кифepy и Пaфoc
Mepтвит дыхaниe мopoзa,
Блecтит мeждy минyтных poз
Heyвядaeмaя poзa"
"Fronting amazed Cythera grows
A wondrous ever-blooming rose
Sacred to Venus, dearer far
Than all her votive blossoms are.
The north wind blows when Autumn closes
And Paphos is in ruin laid,
But in a world of fading roses
There grows one rose that will not fade" <3
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'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!"

He took his vorpal sword in hand:
Long time the manxome foe he sought—
So rested he by the Tumtum tree,
And stood awhile in thought.

And as in uffish thought he stood,
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
And burbled as it came!

One, two! One, two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back.

"And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"
He chortled in his joy.

'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.
>conveniently avoiding
you purposely posted an outdated article where tabata later addressed what he actually said. 10m was what the team's highest goal was. 5m was to break even.
You didn't address the actual articles talking about XV and XVI's budget.
You have nothing to back yourself up. Just petty shitposting and wanting the last word.
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But you literally cannot read, monkeysis!
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Remastered Vanille and Claire are just a matter of time. The other thing is the remake of Vanille and Claire. I know the chances are small, yet I'll be waiting for return of the Goddess for the rest of my life.
so you're saying OO is still dead after all?
>t. melting down
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based. your posts are truly blessed my friend, please know that they don't go unnoticed. I always enjoy reading your poems.
It SHOULD be, but sadly not. You keep it alive.
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Never ever. XIII was buried because it was awful.
Erstwhile 7R saved the brand.
>Why did OO win so hard?
LMAO, fucking retard
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I don't believe I have a server to keep it online, so I can't say that I am.
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Don't underestimate Vanille.
>XIII Remake
It would literally take a miracle...an act of the Goddess herself if you will. Would it be Rebirth ATB combat? I want it to be Rebirth combat lol. Kinda like how the RE remakes all play similarly. it would be so cool to see Final Fantasy do that for games like VIII, IX, X and XIII specifically. IV, V and VI would also be absolutely incredible but we're talking about an unreasonable amount of work
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Speen and the giants taught me that if we remember someone they're never truly dead
Then Hiroi taught me that actually they are and genocide is okay, don't question it just consume product
>no accessories
>few skills to learn and set
They're the same thing. XV is essentially a continuation of Verses XIII using a fair amount of Verses assets and original team. Budget hasn't been released for either. So you have to assume with what little information you can get. And context matters. If 10m sales made XV "break even" you can assume the budget was $500-600m since games have have been $50-60.
Okay, where are the numbers for XV and Verses XIII? The internet keeps saying there isn't a single citation of how much it took to make XV nor its advert costs. For XVI I see $56m without advert costs on the internet. Yoshida's quote doesn't specify if that was production or total. If its total, that is below my original estimation of $150m+. Regardless, both are average costs in game development.
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Sheep for you.
>Okay, where are the numbers for XV and Verses XIII?
Sub $100m. You need to also stop relying on outdated articles.
>Tabata clarified that not only Final Fantasy XV already has already broken even with its development costs, but it did so on day one, which means when it launched on November 29th.
>Square Enix announced almost immediately that the day one shipments, including digital downloads, were over five million copies, marking the fastest selling Final Fantasy game ever at its debut. This means that those five million copies were enough to recoup the development and marketing costs, even if we don’t know by how much.
>If its total, that is below my original estimation of $150m+
lol so now its 150m.
Is there any reason you keep posting besides wanting the last word lmao
yeah, there's no way that XV was ever as expensive as these retards keep shitposting about. 500 million? 1 billion? what the fuck lmfao.
the game probably cost around 75-100 million including the marketing
Too bad you are.

>proving me right
So sad.
OOh nOO brOOs.....
>proving me right
Are you legit retarded? I played the game, it got shut down, GL missed on a fuckton of content and nice upgrades, JP still never added characters that had been datamined for years as well but at least it had a proper conclusion. The game didn't "win" shit other than shitposters like you bringing it up to shitpost and try to make up this narrative about the game "living" because idiots like you bring it up all the time and then change the narrative and say the "antis" are the ones doing it
Pic related, imbecile.
XIII combat > Rebirth combat
Neither of those articles are telling me anything, champ. One article saying 5m is "breaking even", another with Tabata saying "10m to break even" and then your articles with Tabata implying the budget wasn't even close to GTA (internet says $300m), in spite of the 10 year development time. And I just have to call bullshit on it because I'm wondering if anyone got paid throughout those 10 years. You cannot tell me that a AAA game can be funded on less than $10m a year when just about every position in game development had an $80k+ salary, ignoring all other costs. I am more inclined to believe the "ood" articles because they make more sense.
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>you bring it up all the time and then change the narrative and say the "antis" are the ones doing it
Take your meds. Or am I talking to the orangutan poster?
>:take your meds"
>but also brings up schizoshit in return despite being brough up that I played OO
>can't refute the fact that OO lost hard by not adding all that missing content in GL
Thanks for proving me right, shitposting idiot.
Okay seymour
that's fair but for a remake project I would want to see the combat remade as well and seeing as the combat already has been remade, it just makes sense to drag and drop the system and add paradigms.
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I think in the future Hamaguchi will continue to refine the formula he developed for Rebirth - a large open world based on the gameplay loop of Ubisoftslop-like games (AC, Middle-earth, Batman, Horizon, Ghost of Tsushima), but with an extremely well calibrated density of content on the map, with a wide variety of gameplay situations and really good implementation of the narrative into the gameplay loop. Hamaguchi has synthesised narrative, a large open world and a variety of activities in Rebirth in the most optimal way of all designers imo: the map in the game is not huge, without large and empty open spaces (hello Elden Ring, BotW and TotK, Mad Max); there are constantly new types of activities in each region, something that open-world games rarely do (on the map in Ubislop games, the activities are always the same: the same outposts both at the beginning of the game and at the end); and the narrative is very thoughtfully woven into the game cycle, with a sense of pacing.
The game avoids and almost always successfully solves all the problems that most open-world games based on the Ubisoft formula are criticised for. Content with Chadley and some repetitive map activities need improvement, but otherwise Rebirth is a great design success. Alas, this success is not for Claire. It's not realistic to expect anything post-X to be remade anytime soon, and I know it's completely unreasonable to wait for Claire's remake, and yet I will wait. Credo quia absurdum.

Hope they don't make the world in the third part too big, otherwise so important content density will be lost. This parameter, I think, is very important for open world games.

> it would be so cool to see Final Fantasy do that for games like VIII, IX, X and XIII specifically.
hes probably the dude who keeps OO in the op
So a massive autist.
That's the point. Never said the game was perfect, only that it lives on due to "antis".
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Hello, ape.
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You're talking to an anti right now.

Whoever it is, it shows it's asshurt every thread.

Cute as always.
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Vanille is a trickster.
hello schizo
Calling someone an anti doesn't disprove his arguments, just FYI
Man, sephiroth solo "to be a hero" is really fun and decently challenging
seph is OP as a character but still has no bravery or haste so its all about technique
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Vanille is a royalguard.
Most likely, look at his poor attempt to save face by deflecting
I wouldn't be surprised, his style absolutely reeks of that kind of shitpost material, but he keeps claiming that the game that missed on content "won"
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Vanille is a swordmaster.
I mean, shitposters always do that. Call their opposition "antis", or "yoshitpiss cult", or whatever else. Since they can't win with real arguments, they devolve into namecalling and demonizing their opposition.
Also OO is dead lmao.

Who that hottie in the pic? That isn't any FF, right?
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Vanille is a gunslinger.
That's Meia from Mobius Final Fantasy, a game that died but pretty much got all the content and a proper conclusion
Abilities were card based and some had some pretty cool art
another phenomenal post Vanillegod. I agree almost completely. the open world was fantastic and jam packed with variety. the different music, characters, scenarios and overall sense of "place" was phenomenal. I never once thought "I'm bored", I was constantly stumbling onto a new thing and new boss fights, I was not hesitant to get the intel in every region.
I mean, I don't think it's unreasonable exactly, but by using the same principles, a XIII remake would be absolutely stunning. a more vivid and realized Cocoon and Gran Pulse is the thing of my dreams.
That actually looks pretty good.
I mean, I don't draw, but drawing perspective is tough.
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That wasn't worth the pain. Not even remotely.
Not at all.
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wrong thread tranny
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Mods are asleep, Cloud. They won't see you post the n-word. You know you wanna...
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I keep trying to land on every island, expecting to find FFVIII's Hell Island.
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Based Final Fantasy poster in the Final Fantasy general.
do not samefag, tranny and fuck off to your containment thread
Based True Fans™.
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>hey lol if you cast a spell on the worm, you'll regret it lmao
>my team : time mage, summoner and geomancer
>no sound
>another with Tabata saying "10m to break even"
>"Tabata clarified that not only Final Fantasy XV already has already broken even with its development costs, but it did so on day one, which means when it launched on November 29th."
You are fucking stupid lmao. every time you get an answer, your brain shuts down and you come up with the worst possible thing to post.
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>kills ff

se stated xv exceeded expectations meaning it was profitable day 1 and it cost around the same as ff7 did even including versus and kingsglaive and advertising

ff16 literally made 0 profit and was stated to be the most expensive FF yet
ffxv psn 4.63 aka 92.6%
ffxv royal pack psn 92.2%
ffxv epg psn 95.2%
ffxv epp psn 96.8%
ffxv epi psn 97.4%
ffxv epa psn 96%
ffxv steam 82%

ffxv 93.17%

and thats not even counting the season pass or booster packs which would increase it higher

cope retard
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>cherry picks for the umpteenth time
>no u stupid
Jesus christ you're such an intellectually dishonest homosexual. If you going to keep ignoring 70% of what I say and be an ass about it every post, you've lost the argument.
>the development cost for a majority of the FFXV franchise was less than $45 million over 10 years
>advertising was less than $100 million over 10 years
Why would you blatantly lie on the internet?
>cherry picks for the umpteenth time
>Tabata ***clarified***
One article is a response to another. Your article is outdated. 5m to break even. Not 10m.
You are a legit, mentally retarded buffoon. Its amazing how can you be even dumber than the aussie kek.
"math doesn't real because fuck you" isn't an argument.
when you have a retard that genuinely thinks SE spent a billion dollars on the overall budget for XV, you know we've reached levels of stupid rarely seen.
>Your article is outdated.
And yet its still more credible than your vague interview. There's a reason why SE didn't release the budget. And considering how much Tabata's been costing the company, he probably wasted a shitload of their money on XV too. There is no other reason why they needed to milk it.
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Cute. But how do you kiss an au ra without getting stabbed with her horns?
ask your containment thread, troon
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>Lenna and Faris are sisters
What? Fucking hell, I've been shipping them together since the game started, and first Faris isn't even an effeminate man, she's actually a tranny woman, AND they're sisters. Fuck sake.
...Final Fantsy?
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XIV is Final Fantasy
See >>487506061
You okay, Barry?
up early to samefag, florida schizo shitposter?
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And a swing and a miss~
ffxv royal psn 4.63 = 92.6%
ffxv royal pack psn - included in the above
ffxv epg psn - included in the above
ffxv epp psn - included in the above
ffxv epi psn - included in the above
ffxv windows editon = 84%
ffxv average = 88.3%

ffxv epa psn = 96%
ffxv epa steam = 82%
ffxv epa average = 89%
>damage controls with inspect element right away
You struck a nerve, Barry is angry and seething already.
>starts to samefag with the same shitposting style he has been shitposting for years now
Yup, she is.
FFXIV has more fanarts therefore FFXIV is better.
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Damn straight.
Less than VII I'm afraid
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Oh look. More than VII, and waaaaay more than VIIR.
I'm seeing 32k for VII
>i see things that aren't here
Meds. Now. Not later, NOW.
can DAL-E recognize XIV characters like he can Cloud, Aerith and tifa?
>22k for vii
>9.9k for vii remake
>32k for vii
Afraid its true
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This ain't looking good sisters...
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>XV graphics
>X-2 gameplay
Square Enix, there, I saved your franchise.
>VIIRgin suddenly decide that VII, the game that they don't play, matters
Are VIIRgins really that shameless?
I can see you're a bit frustrated and are making up scenarios again.
Yes, they are. And we called it last thread, but how quickly they forget...
He always does it when he has no argument left
Why are you answering to yourself? That cringe, sis.
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another fail..
>inspect element
Typical Barry.
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>struggle hard against monsters
>monsters are either too easy or oneshot me, but bosses' normal damage barely reach three numbers
Hello? Am I doing something wrong, or is FFV a lot, lot, LOT easier?
>still malding
>noooo they're using my tactics against meee!
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Help. What do I do now?
>recovered Rosa
>Cid the Basé wants to dig the land to go underground
fraid so
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this kills the xvitroon
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by this logic ff7 failed because ff8 sold less and ff8 failed because ff9 sold less and ff10 failed because ff12 sold less
ff8 sold more than ff7 in nippon
>finally get new phone
>decide to reinstall opera omnia
>........(discontinued feb this year)
>my reaction to this information
>in nippon
And not in the entire world.
tabata said it cost nowhere as high as destiny's budget even including versus costs and destiny cost $140m
so ffxv including versus and all advertising, which kingsglaive got its budget from while having certain scenes being outsourced to lots of studios in asia which kept costs low
plus it literally reused game assets for environment and npcs

SE stated XV exceeded expectations and that even dlc margins are high

also XV broke even within the 5m, it didn't need 5m to break even, it was already profitable at 5m
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yoshitpiss said ff16 is the most expensive FF ever

it made 0 profit lmao
he never said it needed 10m you retard
he said 10m was a personal goal because at that time only 1 FF had even sold 10m, it not a financial sales target
their forecast was 5m lifetime, it did 6m in a month and was profitable day 1
I don't think you know how game development or budgets work
most dev budget is to staff
when barely 20 people were even assigned to versus 13 for 6 years then no that is not big budget, that's barely even drakengard 3 level budget
I think it's insane that anyone would go after XV when it comes to money.

XV was a money maker for Square Enix lol. You can hate the game all you want....it wasn't a failure
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>G: There has been a lot of speculation on how many copies the game needed to sell to break even. Are we there yet? Did Final Fantasy XV break even and is now into profitable territory?

>HT: Of course, we broke even on day one.

nope seperate
nope seperate
nope seperate

oh lets count dawntrail steam score to ff14

They think a spin off game somehow cost more than a mainline title despite never even getting to beta!
XV cost more than Versus XIII did obviously, if Square thought it was just a waste of money they wouldn't have rebranded the project and turned it into one of the most successful FF games ever made
OC donuts isn't fanart

only actual ff14 characters count, not OCs, and over 60% of ff14 "fanart" is just OC autism
The truth that triggered the Cult.
Google is your friend! Nobody here will be mad at you for looking it up...at least I won't. I look things up all the time if I get stuck and don't want to waste time. I don't read everything to do, I just read the general direction/remind myself what the objective actually is
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>b-but one region!?
Sorry but we're talking global

>"XVI Inspired fans to return"
>By being the worst performing mainline title since Super Nintendo
>And selling a quarter of what XV sold
>XV continued to sell for years across all platforms, PC release and updates boosted sales past 10 million
>XVI won't even sell 500k on PC/Xbox
Very bold today aren't you?
>/ffg/ is more interested in having the same asinine argument about Stillbirth sucking ass than helping a bro in need
Truly the worst general in all of /vg/.
Pretty sure the conversation is about XV and XVI. Whatcha talking about queer faggot? Stillbirth? You got some sort of shitposting gimmick son?
The XVI shitslurpers are the same retards that fall for every yoshitpiss PR lie, so of course they have no idea how game budgets work

fucking, they were still testing shit using ff13 assets til 2009 and the staff list in 2008 literally had like 20 people and thats included nomura and nojima and nozue and the roen guy and the advent children
mech designer and shimomura and hashimoto
versus budget was basically what type0 was getting which is on par with a SoP or Dissidia budget, it was getting literal spinoff budget

also according to the blog of one of the CG animators from visual works, only 3 people besides nozue worked on the versus 13 cg trailers shown in 2006 to 2009
>reddit spacing
Why is there such a link between mental retardation and reddit spacing?
Almost as if Barry got kicked out of reddit for being too retarded.
I was cracking up when they were posting
>1 billion dollars!!!! 500 million at least!!!!
Knowing that XV made it's money on day 1, and knowing that XVI was the game that oversaw Square Enix losing 2 billion in value from June to September 2023...

Like in reality I have no dog in this fight. It's just about what's true vs whats not true. It's true that XV was profitable day 1, it's true that XVI saw 2 billion vanish in 3 months
I don't know what reddit spacing is but you seem familiar with it... curious...
>Can't argue
>Can't rebut
>Attacks paragraphs/formatting of the post
That's how you know you fucking lost retard.
>uppercase after meme arrow
We accept your surrender.
The yoshitpiss cultists have been on a losing streak with ff16 flopping and then the ff16 dlc flopping, the ff14 tv series getting cancelled, dawntrail getting worse fan reception than forspoken and is the worst rated FF in history, so they're just tossing common sense out the window and saying any old shit to see what sticks at this point
Just because you're fat doesn't mean you should call yourself "we", have some self respect.
>now he's attacking capitalization
Dude has obviously given up
Another win for FF XV I'm afraid
You really pissed her off this time. I haven't seen her this mad since she got caught stumbling on Twitter.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh man, what a miserable loser...
>FFXV fig merch sold out instantly on all official stores
>can still readily buy ffxvi fig merch because nobody gives a fuck and stock is just collecting dust in their warehouses
This post really sent the cultists into a frenzy
Fraid so

>xivtroon discord raid
oof... that's how you know xiv and xvi flopped
ffxv stuff has gone viral multiple times in 2024
ffxvi... never...
They completely abandoned the idea of replying to you about anything. Now it's about other social media websites. KEKKKK.

Barry won.
They'll never live down ff14 dawntrail getting a lower steam review score than forspoken
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So why did Stillbirth fail so pathetically that everyone forgot VIIR exist?
Claire and Noctis both are more popular and better recieved (despite being from "bad" games) than Clive is (despite being from a "good" game)
Quality is truly a subjective opinion, but success is an objective reality.
Because the most recent Final Fantasy ro release on PS5 prior to FF7 Rebirth was FF16, and it killed the FF brand.
Don't feed the troll
Because the most recent Final Fantasy ro release on PS5 prior to FF7 Rebirth was FFXV, and it killed the FF brand.
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now you've went and pissed xim off more than that time neith pwned xir on gamefaqs and made she/they run to r*ddit where xhe got down voted and called a flopspoken shill loool.
you can tell im a different ip because i use lowercase.
Do not reply to posts that fail to feature Final Fantasy in them
You sound upset, Barry.
Kek he's started stumbling BIGLY after these 2 posts, but why?
The real answer is because majority of the 7m FF7R sales are from people who bought FF7R on PS4, 5m on PS4, 500k~ on steam, and a nebulous number that could once go up to 1.5m for its full PS5 version sales
FF7R2 is only on PS5, when only at max 1.5m people bought 7R on PS5 then part 2 selling around 2m on PS5 is in that same ballpark of 7Rs PS5 sales
>They double down on not having an argument against Barry
Barry defeated you before the fight began.
Funny how it answered the same post several times, while also answering itself. It really hates being called out, does it?
XV didn't release on PS5

Hey remember how FF14 Dawntrail the fruits of yoshitpisses labor for over a decade has a lower steam review score than Forspoken? LOL
There's more than one person kicking your ass right now cultist
>stumble-kun melty
been a while since i've seen one of these
kek i haven't seen him this mad since he got caught tracing xv fanart
Dawntrail being irredeemable has sent the cult into a tailspin of epic proportions. I was actually looking forward to it too because I like when Final Fantasy does well.
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>defeated yoshitpiss and yawnfail
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>Noctis is more popular on a site which has almost twice as many gay fanfics on it than straight ones
Weird flex.
bazztekbros... do we really?
>barry still massively butthurt, rearbothered, and rectally exterminated
>still claims that as long as she refuses to admit it's lost, it hasn't lost
Is there a biggest L holder than that communist?
>Implying Final Fantasy hasn't always had a massive gay/fujo fanbase
>Implying FF XVI isnt literally homosexual, when it features explicit homosexual romance
>"Quick, pretend that gay fanfic matters more than depicting homosexuality itself in the game. Yep, that'll work"
>gook zoomer discordtroon melty
if you weren't old enough to post on 4chan when ff15 released then you'll don't belong here

btw are you still damage control soken tracing and plagiarising powerman?
Barry owns you kid. That's evidenced by the fact that you can't argue with him for shit, and you are clearly unhealthily obsessed with him. He's renting luxury condo space in your head (for free)
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WoFF won
HKkilla won
Neithof won
Barry lost
Bazztek lost
Jaygames lost
xivsisters... we accept gays in our community!?
V has a literally tranny (Faris), and VII has a crossdresser loser emo called Cloud.
Whatever XIV does, it's not as bad as what the other FF did. Not that you'd know, you never played the classical games.
>she got so mad she's phone posting even harder
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barry won
neithcuck lost
Common turnBASED win
xivsisters... xiv is the only one with gay marriage...
>he's posting review scores that were only voted by FFXV vanilla owners who liked the game enough to buy more content, thus is heavily biased and not indicative of the public score
Yep, WoFF wins.
>XVI has literal gay romance (kiss)
>XV has bromance (no homo, they are all straight) and really hot girls
>XIV casts a literal tranny front and center, fanbase packed with perverts, pedos and troons (same person)
>XIII has really hot girls, lead heroine wants to be with a teenage boy (straight natural relationship) and two of the other girls hold hands at the end when they save the world

Seems to me that XIII and XV are straight games and XIV and XVI are gay games
>confirmed purchases say to FLUSH ff15
ohnononono AHAHAHAHAHA
You keep spouting that, Barry. It doesn't work. Take the L already instead of struggling, you're only embarassing yourself.

>WoFF wins
And it deserves it, honestly one of the best RPGs I played in years.
>XV 10 times the reviews
>Which means at least 20 times the sales
>WoFF sold less than a million
>couldn't even beat woff with ignis dlc boosting it's score
Grim. FFXV really did kill Final Fantasy...
Help me already instead of beating a dead horse.
XV is the dead horse.
>Grrrrr homophobic assholes and their....correct and truthful assessment of XIV Dawntrail as woke gay pandering tranny trash
XIVsissies do NOT like this one
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XIVsisters... FF14 dawntrail went down to 60% LOL
>she's spent so much time making her screenshot that she forgot to samefag defend herself
getting sloppy
XIVsisters... every ff14 player says ff14 is full of trans and queers...
Wrong thread, tranny.
WoFF winning really mindbroke him.
the dlc scores don't contribute to the main game score on psn you retard, they're seperate scores

also base vanilla xv had full 5 stars before they replaced the page
You're right, tranny fantasy 14 yawntrail is not final fantasy and is off topic in this thread
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I noticed that too.
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I really liked the DLC packs. Short little bursts of entertainment with an all new character and a nice splash of optional content.
It's pretty embarrassing that FFXV-kun didn't engage with much of it other than the story stuff. I guess he's allergic to good content.
I noticed it too. It got so angry at the good-natured FFXIV discussion that it made it its mission to shit on it, despite the accusations it's facing.
xv keeps winning

>xv 83%
>woff 78%
>ff14 dt 60%
There is more than 1 poster kicking your ass right now, tranny lover
>got caught tracing xv fanart
Despicable person. Sad!
ummm... xivsisters...??????

it went down again...
You pissed him off so hard he replied to you not once, but twice!
Yeah, it's seething. Just as the parroted answer to your post proved.
>they still can't argue a single point against Barry
I don't understand why he even bothers with the different personas if he's just going to fall apart at the first mention of stumbling upon it.
the xivtroon is trying his hardest to ignore this because it eviscerated him and his little attempt at hiding behind woff to shitpost against xv

yet on steam xv has higher reception than woff and ff14 dawntrail
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>I stumbled across it
They are devolving into cyclical "you triggered her" and "samefag" like always because they have completely shrunken down from arguing with the original point (which was that XV was a financial success and not a blunder)

>still trying to ignore xv has higher reception on steam than woff and ff14 dawntrail because it destroys the yoshitpiss tranny cultists narrative
>all the negative woff reviews is because it crashes and people can't play it
>all the negative ffxv reviews is because it sucks shit and people can play it
>Tens of thousands of positive reviews
>Nope ignore those
Shut the fuck up already pathetic nerd. Barry raped your asshole
We know you defend a tranny game HKmoron

>xivtroon is an AI pajeet too

Yeah, it's angry now. It's angry that we're ignoring its weak bait.
>"You hate minorities'
>Is an Asian
>Discussing an Asian game
>Made by an Asian game studio
>The more than likely White stinking tranny leaps to racism to defend precious POC and faggot tranny enablers
all the negative ff14 dt reviews is because it sucks and is the worst ff which is the MAJORITY of reviews
any negative xv reviews is because some 3rd worldy trying to run it on a toaster and its a tiny minority while the majority are praising it because its great

XV 83% positive
WOFF 78% positive
XIV DT 60% positive

that means woff and ff14dt lost to xv
Fraid so
>accurately point out XIV is a tranny game (objectively speaking)
>"Weak bait, XV is the gay game lol"
Trannies are not good at arguments
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XV winning against XIV and even woff really mindbroke the xivtroon
no wonder they fired tabata and cancelled every dlc lmao!
>no u
He's falling apart... BIGLY.
>30,000 less reviews
>Only 1% higher
Fraid so

>barely 10% of the review amount as xv

xv won
>Only 1% higher
I accept your resignation.
hey what's FF XVI's rating on Steam btw
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Ouch you're right.
If the PC port of WoFF was stable the issues highlighted by the top rated reviews would clear up, whereas there's no helping those FFXV reviews.
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>all these posts about XIV
Well I guess FFXIV is FINALLY allowed in /ffg/.
So, question: should I really level all classes at once? The inventory is a bit too limited to deal with everything at once, I'm thinking of keeping Monk, Dragon Knight, Samurai and Shinobi for later, and focus on the ranged magical classes as DPS for the time being.

>sop is 82% positive most recently and 84% positive overall from 2370 reviews

>xv is 84% positive most recently and 83% positive overall from 38621 reviews

XV won
Tranny game
sop is 82% most recently while xv is 84% most recently

xv won
>he's samefag trying to make 83 bigger than 84
common neithof (hkmoron?(jimbo??)) w
84 (xv) most recently is higher than 82 (sop) most recently
XV is many years old with majority of it's reviews coming before 2020 so I wonder what the recent reviews look like. 100 most recent from XV and 100 most recent from SOP. Wonder which one would be higher
>he's using most recent now
desperately grim. hopeless even..
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Can you not read?
Now SoP winning is mindbreaking him. WoFF Jack DLC confirmed.
>10 times less reviews, 10 times less sales
>He thinks this is a win because 1 percentage point difference (on one website)
Pathetic, grasping at straws, and desperate to prove XV isn't a good game (for some reason) by using a much smaller game with the same score to attack it. Make it make sense lmfao. What is the agenda here? Barry already smoked your ass
Enjoy fighting over your low to mid 80s scores, kids.
I'm gonna be over here enjoying FF7 (92%) FF9 (94%) and FFX (90%)
>she's doubling down
xv wins again
Well theres the answer right there. Higher score in the last 30 days with 10 times the reviews.

XV clearly won, bigly.
'Fraid so.
Cherrypicking recent instead of overall because he was losing seems to be the name of the game.
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>Tens of thousands of negative reviews are almost a decade old
>New reviews are even more positive than the normal score
>Completely ignores the fact that SOP doesn't have a higher recent score despite releasing last year
Why are you so desperate to defame XV?
XV won against sop, woff, ff14 dawntrail

The 2 extremly likeminded XVfags need every win they can get, but it's still not bringing Tabatha or Luminous back.
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ano... minna-san...
sop zetai lost... honto ni...
I'm not a XV fag, I just know the truth when I see it.

Barry whips y'all's ass in this thread when you lie and pretend about XV constantly. At almost every step of the way he is owning you with the facts and you're backing down. Now you've completely dropped XIV defense and have moved to Stranger of Paradise in order to continue putting Final Fantasy games against each other. It's pathetic. What is it REALLY about? Naoki Yoshida? Square Enix 2 billy? Just come out and admit why you get so mad about XV and Barry
>he went back to r*=dditspacing with capitalization after getting called out
Why did SE just promote Nozue, the creative director of Luminous engines debut project and Tabata's main guy? Why are SE still using luminous engine and why did SE say the Luminous staff will continue AAA dev and engine dev just as "SE" now?

Why did dawntrail lose to forspoken AHAHAHAHAHAHA
>He once again fails to rebut
Unconditional surrender has been accepted
>r*dditspacing agreeable friend has all the relevant pasta ready to go
>Dawntrail lost to Forspoken
This is a blow that nobody saw coming.
It has truly shaken the sissies to their core.
Yeah, you're shaking like crazy right now. How unbecoming!
>only 83%
kek final flop faggotry 15 reddit edition lost to even an mmorpg called final faggotsy 14's 87% lmao
You fucking lost tranny lover and everyone is laughing at you
>t. Dawntrail purchasing trans ally
You struck a nerve, she's malding.
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>gets promoted in 2024
holy BASED
the master behind Agni's Philosophy and Kingsglaive and all versus 13 CG and the XV CG and total visual director of XV
No wonder he got promoted alongside the restructure
Looks like youre over target. (((She))) is absolutely fuming about being noticed.
Why is nobody mentioning how Remake/Rebirth completely and utterly destroys XV? This general usually loves discussing Nomura's superiority.
>Agni's Philosophy
>Director: Yoshihisa Hashimoto
who is HKmoron?
We usually discuss stuff that needs discussing. WHat you said is complete, absolute truth so no reason to discuss.
>defend tranny game with tranny character
>pretend others are trannies when they call you out
negative self awareness. XV is better than XIV btw
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Funny watching everyone argue over Dawntrail review scores meanwhile XIV is the 25th highest revenue generating game on Steam this week globally. Oh and it's been on the charts for 30 weeks running.
I guess YoshiP is failing upwards.
What's number 1 btw and is it a good game?
No matter how many times you reply to the same post, it doesn't make me and Barry the same person. Quick, post more about how "she is triggered" instead of facing up to an argument or admitting that Dawntrail is a tranny game with a lower score than Forspoken
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Based "no nigger zone" Chinese
Newfag here.

Why did that one guy type up a whole paragraph of deflection seethe after being exposed by this post?
This? my favorite Final Fantasy.
>still pretending that screaming samefag is an argument
Barry defeated you handily. I am not your enemy. I'm a spectator
GOTTEM again lmao
>trannies crumble and wither in the face of Barry
Counter Strike 2 takes the top spot, but that'll be because of Steam marketplace transactions (the game itself is free)
The first game on the chart when it comes to people actually picking up new games is Elden Ring
Read the thread.
Losing to WoFF and SoP broke him.
>everything I don't like is trolling!
Yes he did. And Square had to correct him on it:
Also for you: >>487560946
Yes and there are many kinds of staff, including logistics and other third parties that also have to get paid as well. Though you are right Versus XIII wouldn't cost as much as XV
You keep using this angle when the $2 billion loss had more to do with the company ending numerous unfinished productions, restructuring, etc. than the existence of a single game. you're just saying that because you're Yoshida's #1 obsessor.
>also admitting that Rebirth was so bad it couldn't save the brand
So... just cancel part 3 then?

I thought you're only supposed to reply to posts with the most @s.

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