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Previous >>487492356
on a scale of one to concord how woke is this
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Post sluts
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what are you cookin
This suit is a downgrade!
-t Latex/catsuit fetishist
>get my first ultimate desc to 40 (ulti bunny of course)
>decide it would be quick to re-level and apply one mod socket
>level resets but it doesn't actually reset my skill levels
why the fuck does it never imply you keep your skills on level reset, I thought i would have to grind with a gun again
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As requested i post my shitty stats:
How is Yujin gonna heal bunnies when they run around, assuming healing will be needed in mega dungeons
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if im not getting the thing i want from the next 10 amps im uninstalling and downloading warframe
im sick of spending days farming shit all for nothing
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bless gook and jap devs
wish granted
but at a price
True, i wish this grind sucked more!
-t 3rd max lvl Aion player on my server
Unless Yujin can give people immortality balls he's not needed. Ever. Just get downed and Ajax will pick you up.
Lower outpost timer to 30 sec
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They modelled a cameltoe on Ult Viessa even though you'll probably never see it normally
Seems good enough, toxic part of Fallen Hope work great.
Yujin will heal Gyle and Lepic who will kill everything, bunny will be there for team relief.
I have 15k Def. How much hp is enough? 10k?
Obstructor boss fight is supremely fucked with randoms.
Even if I explain the mechanics in chat or voice chat nobody seems to listen or can't react fast enough.
Even if I ask teammates to take care of the balls nobody does.
Other bunnies run around headless during the ball phase.
If I ask them to take care of the balls with their 3 they still don't do it.
If I don't bring my Gley so I can run a Bunny to deal with the balls then we can't DPS the boss.
The teammates can never reliably do any damage to the boss.
They can't shoot the balls.
I either DPS the boss or bring something to efficiently destroy the fucking balls I can't do both.
Pisstation babies leaving every time they get downed.
If I get in the cube the randoms let me die.
If a random gets put in the cube usually I try to save him alone and we both die.
The rare times I do manage to stay alive as Bunny and pop all the balls the randoms can't even stay alive.
10+ failed runs so far.
How about this instead. Show your weapon builds and D builds so newbies have a goal to reach.
skill issue
you alone on Bunny can cover all 4 portals easily
and for DPS you are lying, in past few weeks I never saw team that wouldn't meat DPS check of hard bosses, it's usually Frost and Fortress mechanics that filter people
Buddy if you're in the Obstructor fight you are by no means a "newbie" who needs even more handholding. I'm talking about common sense shit like even knowing what the boss mechanics are. In my experience most if not all randoms keep shooting the boss when someone gets put in a cube and then that person dies. And if you explain this to them they still don't get it. How much more do you have to accommodate these dead weights? The only reason we share a lobby is because Obstructor can't be done private.
You are either lying or you are the issue anon.
No bro you are absolutely right the Freynas I see in the Obstructor fight with their unbuilt Tamer are there with the giga DPS build and would melt the boss if it wasn't for me existing in the same lobby as them. What do you think is more plausible? That the average random in matchmaking might be clueless or that every single fucker who queues for Obstructor is a gigachad tryhard 8 catalysts on his shit and I'm the problem.
>Old NCsoft
>Guild Wars 1
>Tabula Rasa
the memories... take me back bro....
Imo obstructor fight needs 4 people who are willing to target the limiter
I'd rather be done with that phase sooner rather than later
Didn't read, post builds or fuck off with your diary post.
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Surely you are farming polymer while doing so
Does this game have an enjoyable gameplay loop? I didn't click that much with warframe but i liked the style and gimmick of it, thinking of giving a go on this one
How's mid/endgame content as well if there is one
what colors
no i'm doing first clears for hard mode missions since i'm missing a lot of mastery from those
Obstructor can be killed by solo Bunny.
Frost Walker is real cancer.
>settle in for a nice long grind for ult ajax part with 20 AMPs
>2 rolls done
ok guess i go fuck myself
kys dumb nigger you definitely read it and you're more busy being a contrarian with shit instead of a brain than to admit the possibility the average solo queuer is trash
frostwalker is nuked by lepic in 10 second
I would suggest enemy scaling with ranks but that would still be a shitshow.
What if I tell you that I put my first potato/forma in weapon once I was already grinding ALL hard bosses as nothing special? Game never put challenge worth investment and so I never did.
........who actually is the titular FIRST Descendant?
I definitely wouldn't be as butthurt if I could at least attempt Obstructer on solo with reduced HP like other bosses. Eventually managed to beat him with a team of Sharen, Ajax and Yujin who happened to be good. If you bang your head against the wall enough you'll find people who at least know the boss mechanics. The way bossing is going with randoms they might as well add a big yellow objective marker for what you need to do at least for the first few times you attempt a boss. It'd be easier than to expect some stoner on a playstation to look up a boss guide.
Anyone have a list of Reactor Affixes?
fuck yes done with enduring legacy
i consider playing ... is the game forced co op or can i enjoy this solo
so how do i go about getting more kuiper?

also: my powerfullness seems to be gated only by how many crystal catalysts i can put on a gun/descendant, no?
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I put an activator and catalyst in blair and immediately regret it. I think he needs really heavy investment and I'm not really willing to do so
So we all should farm ultimate Lepic (several days if you have work), use activator on him, use 8 catalysts on him (will take another 3-4 days just for craft even if you have all mats), level up 11 mods for him (only that take like 40kk gold), i.e. week of preparation and grind, and all of that just for beat regular hard boss, when all others hard bosses can be done literally with any chara.
Wow you so smart! (no).
Personally I do a run of encrypted storage vaults on hard. The purple ones give about 75k kuiper per opening and you can reset them. I'm building Valby atm might try that popular spot on Fortress (Strategic Outpost on Defense Line), I hear it's still good for Kuiper.
I see Blair only as user of ultimate legacy since with mod he can buff weapon's crit.
But idk is it worth it.
>ultimate legacy
enduring legacy*
i dont have code breakers...ffs where do i get em
Doing dungeons - intercepts pair is fun, doing outpost - shard - reactor chain is among the worst video gaming ever saw. On a bright side you can cover almost everything with dungeon - boss pair but game still force you into outpost grind for few things.
>so we all should play the game to beat the hardest content out there yet
wow who would have thought
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Is ajax the worst of the starters to farm for?
huge grats
A guy named "Raley", whom used to be a knight before the Magisters sent humanity into 2077.
is that the 5th?
I get my code breakers by running a quick farm on hard mode on the mission Anticipated Ambush Point in Rockfall, Sterile Land. If you have a bunny you can learn the enemy spawns in about 5 minutes and anticipate them. The enemies spawn in about 5 predictable waves in a relatively small location and you can hammer the mission out in a minute. They drop code breakers fairly reliably and you also get Kuiper and mods from them which results in more Kuiper overall. I don't think this is the most optimal Kuiper farming approach but it works well for me.
What is Greg's endgame?
>Ajax done cooking just as I start his halt version
>Start leveling him
>His skills are cool in theory but so clunky that I just spam HP/DEF and play my guns
>Never die. Just shoot all the time. Nothing else.
Is Ajax the quintessential gears of war TPS character?
>implying that regular hard boss that even not the last one is the hardest content
>implying that abuse broken build is intended way to beat this boss
Why you so retarded?
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i'd give you mine if i could
no idea where i keep getting these
His abilities always come in clutch when you need to pick up a teammate, especially that jump+ground slam that is always great at pushing back a mob surrounding a downed teammate. For a Warframe Rhino copy I think his kit is better thought out overall for a defensive/tank character.
>>His skills are cool in theory but so clunky that I just spam HP/DEF and play my guns
>>Never die. Just shoot all the time. Nothing else.
That's pretty much it. I got my Ult Ajax and he's now my fall-back character that I know will (slowly) carry me through anything.
>Sub 4-, no 3-digit shards even
yep just needed 2 blueprints today
the Guide doesn't want you to know this but Greg is actually The First Descendant™
The lootcave
Bro cash in those bounties, they give you money.
Fucking hell, farming kuiper fucking sucks now, no farm gives me enough
“Progression” wise, both Ajax and Lepic require further zones than Viessa

However I don’t think anyone has actually compared the modes their anmorphs buried in and how fast they are .

But I think you should really just pick Viessa because there aren’t any other ice character
Your Enzo?
Ready to start playing the game.
Missing the muscles and bandana/goggles.
There's an outfit idea, Nexon.
You will be flooded with lepics and ajax parts when hunting ult weapons and descendants. Viessa is the correct choice
Stellar blade /10
how much does high voltage improve range and cooldown by?
range 7 -> cd 30 -> 22
at one point words like "AFK" or "Infiltration" (type of in-game activity) were banned in chat
cant play a nig
7 -> 9
>they don't know about the 5k kuiper and 70k gold per minute bunny farm
*ready to wait another 36 hours to play the game
that's shit anon
>he still needs kuiper/gold
Best missions for the blue brains and Poly particle?
The fuck is enzo gonna do about kuiper?
That's 40 minutes at the Shipment Base.
>blue brains
White Night Gulch -> Mountaintops -> Border Line of Truth

Spawns three elites each with a chance to drop I think max brains. I usually get 5-15 per run.
blue brains, fortress courtyard, white night
poly w/e command relay, fortress
shipment base?
Max 7 brains I meant to say.
show me every single trancendant mod available ingame maxed in your inventory
White Night Gulch. Activate the four pillar computers in the first mission and you can farm about 250-290 kills in 3-4 minutes before the numbers start thinning and you have to restart.
ive farmed 'em on extermination mission in sterile lands, ~30 sec mission with bun bun, ive managed farm 9-12 ultra ones per 3-4 hours.
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So uhh...
How do I build her?
Don't be daft he's getting buffed
>comfy stealthing outposts with randoms all day
>everyone knows the gig, and some even switch to Sharen and we duo it
>crack all the AMPs and get what I need
>back at it for a different thing a while late
>randoms now running in and ruining everything
>they never leave and never hide and are just nuking the base
>try to leave and come back to get a different lobby
>keeps dumping me back into the same instance as the retards I just left
I guess I'm back to soloing. It used to always dump me in a different instance when I reset the area, but it seems after the patch it tries to dump me in the same instance until, I guess, someone takes my old spot.
Open 10 vaults, get 1 mil kuiper?
Vaults have kuiper?
There are like 50 build videos on YouTube
But the general idea is Hp, def and duration for the infinite meme. There are other builds around the transcend mods
>he uses forma and potatoes on non primes
its 70k per ultra vault and they are piss easy to finds once you get used to it.
also you can team up and everyone will get the loot from vault but only one breaker will be consumed so its 4x more effective in full team
With Enzo yes
hey i did that
i do not think he is total shit, he is just shit relative to everyone else. you could spam the fire field in some specific situations but his competition in aoe is bunny, viessa, i think freyna may be worse for aoe farming because DOTs are slow.

oh and valby but valby is autistic who cares
>sharon stealth duration isn't enough to get more than 2 hacks
So on top of actually farming for this useless bitch, I actually have to waste time leveling her up to even attempt to get a 25% just to waste more time farming shards just to open the thing I don't want
Yeah fuck this I'm playing EDF6
>>sharon stealth duration isn't enough to get more than 2 hacks
quite literally a skill issue so just get gud
EPIC store and game chilled by Holochinks
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>warframe ivara
>those fuck hack missions ten times more mind numbing
Just run Bunny with high-voltage and 300% range.
Run around the boss arena all the time, you kill adds, spheres, the cube that needs to be focused and of course you always deal damage to boss who is weak to lightning damage.
It literally is THE ONLY fight where Bunny is basically THE BEST pick.
>2 ult ajax parts in 2 rolls and now like 40 pointless AMPs
future energy activators and catalysts
i should feel blessed but its like i set up to go on a fishing trip and a salmon just jumped into the boat and exploded into sashimi and all my plans are fucked
I thought that was a pumpkin helmet or something you guys think they'll add Halloween outfits?
>le heckin epic very bad!!!
I don't care, it's just another account for me and takes 10 seconds
Only people terminally online actually seethe about this shit
>you guys think they'll add Halloween outfits?
it's Nexon so I assume yes
What the fuck are you talking about? I have a 0 investment Sharen that can do 4 hacks then stand around for a bit before invis runs out. The only thing you need to invest in are duration mods, but those will be useful for other builds and frames.
Genuinely curious

Why did you farm a billion amorphs instead of just a few at a time and opening them right away
you don't get it bro
having to level your character and put mods on them is like the holocaust or something
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hey bros, some of you liked my spreadsheet, I've started working on weapon AMPs now. I got the numbers added in but I'm still working on the contents of them.
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3rd part

after gley, i started anticipating that i might need 100
I mean I understand having 0 interest in leveling a non-prime more than once, but 40 Sharen with no reactor or forma does the job. Leveling each frame to 40 is mandatory for MR anyway.
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>he calls them "AMPs"
it's not an acronym retards
I already spent who knows how many times to get sharon code to drop, then had to wait for her to build which took all fucking day
If she can't do this shit at lvl 1 skills then I just don't care anymore, it's way too many layers of leveling up and RNG to even start your other RNG
>Amorphous Material Pattern cannot be shortened to AMP
Where do you think they'll put relics for ultimate valby?
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where's your amp bro
I get the feeling this game might not be for you. I understand your frustration with the RNG, and it's fully justified, but if that means you then start disliking the leveling, which is arguably half of the game right now, just throw in the towel now before you develop some sort of Stockholm syndrome or get stuck in a game you hate because of sunk cost.
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how many AMPs you guys usually farm before opening them ?
Don’t you still need to kill the boss even with hacks
How does a lvl 40 no reactor no forma Sharen chew through three bars of boss health, immunity orbs and add spawns
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shit. you got me there
>see acronym
>start seething
Is this autism or troonism?
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Zero investment valby that can tank hm boss shots.
I still need to farm good rolled components but at 30k def and 18k hp with some purple components.
With ult valby you can easily get much higher stats without a mushroom or forma.
Not sure if I suck or platforming is really bad in this game. I hate these missions
>they don't realize its actually a cyclical acronym for "AMP Material Pattern"
>we're all just pieces in Greg's 5d chess
does anyone know where i can farm divine punishment reactors?
>hey chatgpt how many runs do I need to get have 99% chance of getting an item with X% drop rate?
>Y runs
>farm Y relics
troonism is rife here somehow
i am noticing a lot of tranny lingo
things like forma
or frame
20 worked so far for me
>AMorPhous Material Pattern
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walk a tightrope doesnt works with mod swap
i used mod layout without hp mods then swapped to one with hp mods so my hp was below 50%
but i didnt get any atk or skill power until i was actually damaged by enemy
what the fuck i thought i was smart
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>easy bossing and infiltrates soon descendant
Well lepic is still gonna take a couple of days but yeah, I'm feeling very excited now.
juiced up Thunder Cage or any other good weapon
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Holy fuck. Attached is my 0 invest Sharen, she still has some HP. This gets me enough time to stroll through the outpost, hack everything, then wait for everyone to cluster up, ult to kill most fodder (so I don't get nuked the second I get out of stealth) and recloak due to her passive. You then kill the boss with your preferred weapon, which you should have invested in by now. If it's a sniper, you will deal massive damage from stealth due to Sharen ambush, if it's a full auto you'll have to do some kiting for higher level bosses, but head-height cover is your friend. Just make sure you kill the fodder first, and then worst case is you die once or twice when you get too impatient with the boss.
AM or Phous
call it
depends what I'm aiming for.
something on the rare half, 5+, something in the top 2 1-2.
does that mod even work it feel like it doesn't is there a soft cap or something?
Start with vestigial organ because it comes online with the least investment, by far.
Skill power and duration. Then you grind for Massive Sanguification and decide if you want to max out a sniper or smg and go from there.
>start playing with goal of farming ultimate bunny
>finally get ultimate bunny
>at a loss as to what to farm next
Any suggestions? I was considering Ultimate Gley for bossing or Ultimate Lepic because he seems the easiest after Bunny to farm and apparently he has a build for blowing up bosses.
Why Ulti Viessa skin so awful...
You'll eventually go back to do them just for the energy activators and crystallization catalysts
>t.170 hours

If grinding for 4 parts of 20% chance is pissing you off this much, this kind of game honestly might not be for you
For reference, I currently have all ultimate characters(their parts at least, I have no slots to craft ultimate Ajax left and viessa is currently cooking), and my worst RNG so far was Ultimate Lepic's spiral catalyst(10% chance), which took me about 60+ AMs to get
That's 30+ hard dungeon runs(I farmed extra AMs too) and 60+ pyromaniac kills, which took me about 2-3 full days of grinding
Nothing wrong with hating that, not everyone has the patience/autism to grind that much, and RNG can be very frustrating in this game
Catalysts, activators, uLepic, enduring legacy, python, sniper rifle that dispell buffs, other ultimates and weapons.
I did it again... fuck...
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is this game crashing way more often for anyone else? I'll play for like 10 mins and then it crashes
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>that little heart
anon is gay for enzo
Should shoop Gley’s head over her
I have a feeling that he would be next in line for an ultimate.
Source: my ass
Lepic is the easiest unless you're me>>487608635
Lowest investment for bossing is Vestigal Organ Gley, high investment would be a fully catalyzed Gley built for massacre with python or thunder cage
Ultimate Lepic can nuke bosses but requires full catalyst+ a good reactor, would be cheaper than gley since no weapon is needed
Actually crashing less for me. I used to have one CTD once a day during a loading screen but haven't had those in a week now.
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we keep winning bwos...
In that order? I feel like catalysts and activators come naturally just farming everything else seeing as I seem to always get at least one activator farming a specific part.
Guess I'll get to work on Ultimate Lepic first, I got lucky and got one part while farming Valby so I'm already 1/4 of the way there get to work on those weapons as I catalyze Bunny and Lepic for farming/bosses. Thanks anons.
isnt that the giant bug game
that isnt the same genre
beat hardmode dev second try and i flip this woopee
We're the only friends he's got. He's got nobody else to tell.
I'm banking on ultlet female chars getting theirs before Enzo. Even if not, I already have enough donuts and mushrooms to go wild if he were to drop early
it does work with bionic fuel but not with gley or mod swap baka
he called me bwo, i would be his friend
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oh woops
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Bruh I am about to lose it with this platforming mission in echo swamp
uLepic, activators+catalysts for full build, machinegun or python if you need wep for another characters, then the rest.
Who knows. It might be Freyna next. She's pretty popular. Either Freyna, Enzo or Sharrona seems the most likely. Definitely not some literal who nobodies like Smellimo or JB.
>Want to invest in my first gun
>Not Tamer because everyone says its overrated
>Not T-Cage because its small clip and its kind...not that that cool
>Not Eternal Willpoewr cause its also just not that cool
>Cant farm anything else unless I just leech

What to do? Just say fuck it and put a couple of forma into t-cage to start the grind?
w8 until some1 start this mission and just join, work for me.
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he's not the only one
TC is shit, Python a way better - you can use it for Gley, and with his superior accuracy and low recoil you can snipe weakpoints. Need mods for acc and rec though.
isnt python the gun that wants you to poison enemies first..,
if you're on the fence on guns, invest in your descendants instead. I farmed up python, piercing light, and just missing blueprint on enduring legacy with no investments on my guns, only used an activator on regular bunny and regular gley. sharen had a purple sniper until I got piercing glow
>sniper rifle that dispell buffs
Why? It seems other sniper is much better
Can someone explain to me why it's so fucking retardedly difficult to grapple onto removeable colossi parts
I generally farm 6-10 and then start opening, simply because on some days I'm a luckgod.
if you are gambling man i speculate the aisha rose pistol might secretly be good
You have 900 rpm, x3.5+ weak point damage, god tier accuracy and low recon.
Poison/non att resistance reduction is fine but base stats already so good so i even use it on Bunny when i need to stop with non-weakpoint damage.
Bcs having dispell is good?
There's no need in snipe rifle aside very specific build in first case, since ammo is so low.
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Sigh, just let me restart missions Nexon come the fuck on.
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Based enzoyer
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>Have every Action&Reaction except the one for General rounds
>>Bcs having dispell is good?
What do you even dispell in this game? Intercept doesn't have buffs, normal enemies die way too fast for this to matter. Pretty sure this sniper is only used on Sharen and Gley specifics builds for bigger firearm ATK stat
Be the Descendant YOU want to be friend.
Cool, thanks. I'm only missing one part for python so I'll work on that after Lepic and then the machine gun.
anyone farming amp 123? need a sharen
I'm gonna be honest anon, I tried t hat and wound up hard stuck on HM Dead Bride.
So now I'm back in the mines farming an EA to slap into a Thunder Cage so I can actually do damage against bosses.
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I found this one out in the wild. I keep hearing that it's an O.K. weapon? What stats are desirable on it?
>he fell for the eternal meme
How did I "fall" for anything? I found a gun and came to confirm.
what are we eatin today gamers
i can sharen for you if you want
Got Sharen cooking and now I don't know what to focus on. I don't have good weapons, reactors and components.
Going to make Teriyaki Chicken.
does masterpiece have 20% crit?
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>farmed 20 amp
>get 6% on 2nd try
bunny's asshole
Sounds like you should hit the Valby or Bunny farm locations.
it is the opposite of the desire sensor
i like to think of it as the *fuck you* sensor
Im going to uninstall today. I spent a massive amount of time going for Supply Moisture and absolutely nothing. I cant deal with this. it i stay at it its going to absolutely destroy my mental health
Think you want crit damage on it because it's one of the only weapons with decent crit stats. Flat element/dmg on colossus are fine too
I never realized how weak everyone's mental is with these types of games nowadays. Not saying it's a bad thing but just remember to take breaks. None of this is really important to your life as a whole. What I find amazing is how easy it is for /wfg/ migrants to farm in this game when they were mocking the game pre-release in their threads. Now they're hook to a even higher level of bullshit RNG.

Drugs are bad.
So long, brother. I don't blame you.
Thanks. I'll give it a shot. It looks cool and I'm kind of bored of Tamer.
i have that but not 1 valby part cause valby because i dont want to paint circles 12 hours a day
I don't know, bro. That's the game. Soon as you run out of stuff to farm, the game is over.
lack of trading really hurts this game
see you tomorrow
just came back from a 6 hours sesh of fucking bunny, AMA
Tamer has legit carried me farming for the other parts. It's genuinely a good gun for farming the other parts and works nicely and cheaper investment than TC for certain builds.
By the time you start farming the other ones you'll have enough mushrooms and formas to put on the new gun.
Trading would hurt it more. The easier things are to get, the sooner people move on. And with the limited amount of weapons and descendants we have so far, people would get everything there is to have very fast. Player engagement would plummet.
Small tip for friendos. Instead of waiting for outposts to respawn, look around the area for containers to open. If you're doing Polymer Void Shards in Vesper, there's an AMP that takes less than a minute to do right next to it. The Lumber Yard has four containers that spawn nearby ever couple of minutes or so.
Are any of the non-ultimate descendant good for bess melting to farm ultimates?
1x matte violet
1x leather matte brown
There is only health difference for survivability, and some ultimate specific mods
I'm not sure I understand what youre syaing

You tried upgrading T-Cage and it wasnt enough?
I still don't understand people that want the grind to be super easy. That's the whole game. Really and truly. The grind is the game. What are you going to do when it's done? If we had trading or a less convoluted system for acquiring parts, the game would be done in a week or two and everyone would be talking about how bored they are. Even with the bullshit RNG the grind is still relatively forgiving for a Korean MMO-style game. If you're getting mind-broken by Blair or Sharen, then you're not going to have a good time.
>bossing with thunder cage
>as an endgoal
does infinite ammo work on beam guns?
Shouldn't devs add some gameplay then?
>I still don't understand people that want the grind to be super easy.
I don't understand people that are disingenuous about how a small chance for a chance for a chance of a chance at something isn't insane.
You spend 20hrs a day for several days trying to put together a weapon and think you're the average casual player when that's so far away from the truth of it. And this is the end-game content complete with horrendous end-game systems and missions to run that are even worse at rewarding the player for the time invested.
can you post your build please?

I used 1 of my 2 mushrooms on a Tamer and it feels kinda underwhelming, I can't help but feel it's just a noob trap and I'm afraid to invest further into it
>I just hide in cover so they finish the mission
>They take the time to get butthurt, say they reported me for not helping them on a 30 second mission they fucked me over on, and then block me
It's not enough that bunnies are stupid, they also are so far up their own ass theyre actively toxic
No, I went my own way and tried to use my own gun.
I got parts for Albion Cavalry LMG and threw an EA in it. Turned out it was dogshit and one of the worst ults (which is saying a lot).
Now I'm going back to farm another EA for my TC, and EA farming is by far the worst part of this game.
yes please whats you id
I don't think this game was ever really going to appeal to you guys. This text-book hamster-wheel MMO shit. Grind for characters and gear so you can grind for characters and gear. With no real social system (guilds, pvp, etc) to show any of it off (yet).
>he doesn't have an enzoyer friend to buff tamer's crit rate to +50%
Smoke them as I get them
I'm terrified of the possible diminishing returns I've heard so much about
Also wishing they sold guns, grinding for
Is torture
Unironically the hardest things to get in the game are
>3% rolls
>10% rolls
32%, 20%, and 6% all feel "reliable"
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Why is this so popular again
It's quick.
I wanna be the Enzo, I just got him to 40 but I'm waiting to drop his Red mod before using a shroom on him

Maybe I should look into Vault opening parties I guess
> Player engagement would plummet.
lmao people want to have fun not run the same boss or outpost over and over and over for literal days and get cucked with 100 divine punishment blueprients.
>bunnyhop through normal magister lab in 2-3 minutes for 100% EA relic chance
>open it with normal gravewalker kill in 2-3 seconds
>also get to be rolling for an afterglow sword part that you need 5 of
Its not even remotely the worst grind

Insanely fast clears that gives solid gold+kuiper while also having low odds from the boss for yellow/red mods, which you get to roll for a lot
my guns feel like shit
what unique weapon should i grind for
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finished filling in the contents of weapon AMPs. time to touch some grass.
if gley/enzo, afterglow sword
if not, python/perforator/nazeistras
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>molten fortress
>pylon phase
>do my job and make the arrow face 3 o' clock while rotating
>look to see what my team is doing
>3 niggas sitting at one pylon
>instantly abandon mission

Why do people make such a simple phase seem much difficult than it actually is?
Afterglow Sword is also good on Sharen.
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this Indian grifter just reposts other's content as 10 minute videos for ad revenue and 99% of them are tier lists. imagine unironically linking him.
My best Fortress run so far was
>pylon phase
>turn my and next pylons over
>check what team is doing
>not a single pylon is working
>my previous pylon was shut down by random guy standing there
It was actually funny
Seems accurate from my experience
Speaking of Indians, I understand they come from a haggling culture - but is there some sort of like... student discount thing that goes on in their country? I can't tell you how many times I've had some come in and aggressively try to haggle and constantly mention they're students like that will somehow change policy.
>post nerf
What nerf?
Should've probably used the 'shroom on TC instead, it's a very good allrounder imo.
Not sure what the droprates for Enzo's red mod are or if they drop from vaults opened by other people, but it's kinda shit because everyone tend to ignore it. Maybe in the future people will be less clueless
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>beam that low
One activator in Normie Gley worth it for HM farm?
so what happens when you dismiss a descendant?
do they keep activators/catalysts?
do you have to refarm all their research materials if you want them back?
It ain't easy being an Ajax main. I enjoyed the survivability when I was finishing the story and everything, but it sucks he doesn't have any cool builds. I saw a video of him being able to spam his abilities (I assume it was utilizing Multitalented and some of his double-use skill mods), but nothing has really popped up. His Void Charge is a fun move.
I don't care as long as the information is accurate
Coming back to WF and the need to do so much bullshit for seemingly meaningless stuff (assuming it's not a primed thing) hurt just as much
Don't get me started on weekly attempts at dogshit riven mods and endo
In retrospective? Not worst thing to do, you can achieve permanent or very close uptime on buff and still have a lot of HP with this you can easily roll over all hard bosses with simple rocket spam.
you post yours
Nothing works on beamguns
They need to have reduced recoil, extended range, or actual good stats
>Lack range
>Have usually awful recoil if not the dogma21
>Terrible RoF
>Nonexistent crit
They just fucking suck
I've played WF and Destiny and every shitty KMMO that comes around so I know what these kinds of games are about.
They've just done a shit job trying to implement systems and mechanics that were already worked out and will fumble around trying to "fix" them.
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How are we feeling about Luna being yet another support character?
wouldnt you want to put an activator in ther ocket too
Ah yes destiny
>60$+40 per expac +10$ per dungeon
>Oh and everything you unlocked last season is now actually worthless
>Also every gun feels the same except the ones that don't due to numbers shenanigans
thanks for reminding me to check eververse then immediately close the game
Don't care, will get that MR at some point but I'm still an enzoyer
>content you paid for is now deleted
>still having that shit installed
lol, lmao
Right, but it's okay because Bungie can post record profits to its shareholders
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>got all the ult bunny pieces except enhanced cells
>they're supposed to be the easiest of the bunch
>opened 50 and still haven't got it
End me now, this is probably gonna take a long ass while now.
Take a break
Try the other relevant AMP
No, 2 basic firearm ATK modules and 1 elemental is what I was using
Even now I switch to this rocket launcher (despite having fully built ult Gley with Python) when I need to destroy Frost Walker knees because launcher do this so much easier.
Supports are worthless. The people playing her will be outed instantly as gooners.
Still genuinely mad about that. Fuck Bungie.
I have literally never failed an obstructor run with pugs.
whatever if people like it. I never even considered looking at it again when they did that.
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What's better: 30% faster Reload or 49% more Magazine
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well bros goodbye theres only so much shit i can endure. i even overdid on my promise and run 15 amps
login today kinda excited to finally get the last gley part yet after around 50 amps i got fucking 20 catalyst blueprints and nothing more of value. i got bored to death running that slumber valley into executor shit over and over i didnt get anything basically just removed 12 hours of my life. never ever wf cockblocked me from having fun this hard this game really made me want wake my tenno up after years of stasis
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I am gonna still take a chance on clairvoyance if because I like it
>Supports are worthless.
I will now build her
Why is one guy just Kyle.
Fucking KYLE
so the only way to get dyes in this game is to pay? and they're single use?
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>got the 10% Kyle part before the 20% Ultimate Bunny part
I sure love RNG.
so the only way to get stronger is to keep putting crystal catalysts into my weapons and descendants?

and getting those things is obviously annoying af
+10 amp 87 aka 20% bunny, got Kyle (10%), 1 energy (3%) and like 10 times the weapons parts
What the FUCK is the point of these purple dual stat mods that have like a secondary 1% attack that doesnt even upgrade?
Who cares about this 1%?
Completely pointless lol
gold d. phanton#0653
I wouldn't expect an mrlet to understand
My MR is 20, couldn’t expect a retard to wait for the ultimate
>he's actually retarded
Ya hate to see it
Aren’t you the retard wasting time on base characters lol I’m already in ultimates
you can stop embarrasing yourself now anon
I just go with the 6.5% crit damage ones
what does getting a base character before the ultimate give you outside of mr
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what happened to the rest of his lore? it just stops mid-sentence.
confidently retarded people such as exhibit a always give me a good laugh on this website

scroll down
Man I’m happy I’m not a poorfag stuck with base characters
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what are thse things supposed to be?
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>instantly as gooners.
Having Ultimate Bunny already outs you as a gooner.
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hey anon i'm about to ruin your entire retarded argument

enjoy seething for the next couple of hours
Your Sharen!?
Indicates vaults are nearby. Just look up a map instead, their locations are static.
lol I swear I did. guess I wasn't centered on the text.
I think they're conversation records for character specific quests that aren't enabled yet.
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i will go for her soon(tm)
This boy is desperate for my attention lol
Why are they releasing support characters in a game where dps is the only thing that matters?
10 player raids coming soon
Might be more meaningful with whatever the mega dungeon turns out to be?
she will be required in the MEGA RAIDS
>Doing every mission on hard barely gives one mastery
Holy shit why am i even doing this
Every new character to level 40 gives you about one whole mastery level. That should be your focus. Then weapons. Then missions.
For the mats and AMPS, so you can goon to your favorite girl.
Planning to drop $150 next week for Ultimate Valby
And the battle pass
Jesus fuck I'm getting zero weapon exp
No thanks I’m a bunny main
Hit the Bunny mines. Still the best xp farm in the game.
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>I’m a bunny main
Is a lot of missions and they are quick. You can still level up new stuff while you do them.
doesnt work
sorry meant deeznutz#6969
God I want bikini skins.
Can't convince my ass to pay real money for potatos or for ultimates.
But I'll shell out a hard day's wage for some fucking ass and titties.
an ultimate is like 30 minutes of work bro...
game is on consoles youre never getting bikini skins go play an H game if you want ass and titties so bad
Bro... I work at wingstop...
I wanna come home and pop an eddie and run in circles with Valby wearing a g-string.
It's a miracle that a blind man such as yourself managed to find this thread.
this is on consoles too retard shut your retarded NIGGER mouth
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its so over bros...
frost walker filtered too many..
yep, certified gooner, stay based anon.
enzo/ajax players hate em
is dead bride the retard filter or something
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This is the fate of all gook slop. They are all so shallow, people leave gooning korean sex dolls and a bit of grind. This will be you in a year.
but enough about single player games
Is the bunny cave really the fastest way to level? This is even slower than echo swamp refinery farm.
I think this game is just testing grounds for vindictus 2
I think you are very not smart
That will be garbage too just like Vindictus 1. You people don't seem to understand Koreans only know how to make MMOs and the only thing they change is going from Unreal Engine 4 to 5 to 6 to 7 and so on. Bug people cannot evolve.
Everyone is patiently waiting for Valby's micro bikini
I'm NOT ashamed to be attracted to Bunny
i'd give up a lot to be her toilet...
bros why is nobody doing this am I really going to have to perform the science myself?
why did nobody test this in beta?
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Still more than every single new sweetbaby DEI game. So we’re still winning
this doesnt even count console players which appear to be the biggest audience
every pug is full of xbots and psshits
holy shit lol
The Crew is pozzed too? How?
The Crew? More like The SJW haha, gotem.
I think the pronouns shit? Any game that has that they automatically register it as DEI game
Supposedly they indicate a Vault is nearby, but sometimes they don't even make that "bloob" sound so.. they just are..?
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>tfw you identify as mi/ata but people keep misgendering you as a "sedan"
I feel like my Gley isn't doing any damage.
Because people who are not brainlets can see beyond Tamer's DPS number
>Verification not required.
because you need a gun that deals damage. she's not an ability power character.
>Mega dungeons in December
>Forced challenges
>Healing drops disabled
YujinGODS will rule this general in a few months.
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imagine tanline swinsuit skins on august 1st
For the materials that drop from specific dungeon elites

Can someone confirm Hard mode gives more?
After watching a video of someone beating it and using mouse I did it second try. Man I feel bad for console players that don't have this option
Do I ever get 0 downtime on my 3?
well actually shes both. you need a fairly stacked weapon and skill power mods
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holy fuck man
youre never getting them fuck off back to /v/ retarded coomers
yes but youll need a reactor with reduced cooldown/skill duration up
alright nexon shill
>and skill power mods
Stop spreading misinfo faggot
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let me guess, bunny?
trolling? maybe read what her skills do
Nice selfie anon
fuck off redditor
ded gaem
ded thread
they literally alll look teh same
Do materials count as consumables when using the Consumables drop rate modifier on external components?
luna's ass will save us
Complaining about how I still can't get Ultimate Bunny's 20% drop.
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This one
Yes, those are the only things that count. "consumables" is just a bad translation.
oh mein god
nice samefag loser
Whats wrong with Ensiemo? Nobody uses him and I see people hating on him in this general but nobody explains why.
Wow, so I gimped myself for 300 hours thinking it was only health bars and mana
Useless character. There's no content that needs a dedicated healer. Enzo is useful as a support because he gives you ammo and crit rate. Ajax is useful for picking retards up off the floor without getting downed himself.
I'm kind of banking on the fact that everything in that consumable tab is affected by the components.
But Ensiemo is not a healer...
Fuck this game
>throw some cooldown and duration on Gley
>8 second Lethality and 25 sec cooldown

............how do you Infinite Gley again??
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>try devourer hard for the first time. teammates keep getting knocked. don't focus on one heal sphere at a time.
>try to solo it instead
>kill it first try
why did i put up with these fucking retards up until now.
im convinced 90% of the player based are carried retards.
gonna attempt pyro in a few hours, solo of course
Sorry, I stopped remembering who was who among the characters I don't want. Just taking a look at his kit, it seems like he takes too much setup for the payout of his big damage, which any other character gets with much less effort.
>Spend a bunch of time farming Ult Gley's mods in conjunction with her slow ass leveling
>Everyone now talking about OP Le Epic 4 spam
This might not be 100% accurate but I wish the build direction of this game went more Character -> Buffing gun power/specialty rather than Gun+ RNG Mods -> Buffing character to OP. Not sure how much I can stay invested unless the new Descendants are way better and fun.
>Whats wrong with Ensiemo?
His code is locked behind 6% outpost hell, nobody want to commit to this right now, people mostly focus on ultimate characters.
>Everyone now talking about OP Le Epic 4 spam
I saw single Lepic delete Frost in 2 minutes, basically in 2 use of his ability. Granted Frost is weak to fire but still.
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homo-seeded account is pissing me off
I also got 8 gaybers and an ajax before 1 single afterblow
i hate gayber
I haven't had a successful public Pyro hard clear, I've been soloing it every time.
The scaling in 4 player boss fights seems stupid as fuck
No, it's just the randoms that are stupid.
bloated to fuck hell
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31 sec executioner, not bad for a bugged out ult gley
He’s the only male character I hate desu
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Viessa's thighs look great in her ult fit. Wish I could just paint her default ult skin.
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Which mission am i supposed to farm for this reactor?
Why can't i fight the hanged man solo anyway? These subhuman retards die once and release instantly failing the mission instead of waiting for someone to res them
the wait until next week when rotations change mission, you can't farm general round non-att/dimension reactor this week

press, g for map, then f, see how long until rotation changes
just hope the reactor gets put in a zone that has missions with good mob density and efficient farm, then grind the shit out of it until you have at least purp/gold and the gun you want, i've regretted not farming longer for the last two weeks
those thighs are so fucking fat, did you edit this picture?
3rd day of Ultimate Bunny farming, got 2x of the Kyle part (10% drop change) but not a single Ult Bunny part (20% drop chance). These rates are a fucking lie.
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Damn my bad bro it’s supposed to be phantom*
Gold d. Phantom#0653

If you’re still up for farming 123
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What's pissing me off the most is that I spent what, 15 hours of grinding the most monotonous content there are and I have absolutely nothing to show for it. This is worse than a gacha game.
I wish I was a slut
Why is this game crashing so fucking much????? Holy shit did that hot fix fuck something up?
its harder to take this game seriously with no drop rates published anywhere especially considering its a gook game and gooks have a history of not being honest about their advertised rates
it's amazing that people like you exist.
I did like 20 rolls for ult gley 5 stabilizers and somehow manage to keep hitting the second drop close to it guess i'll grab 20 more and see if I get last piece I need to finish
I know, right? We should all be kissing Nexon's shoes, they will never lie to us!
Damage is too low for all the setup and they gave him a mere 5% crit chance. Low for a "nuker". Buff his crit and make it so that you can continue to fire your weapon while planting/detonating mines and he'd be pretty good. Fun character anyway, I like him
it's fine on my end
Depends on the base mag size and reload speed
Is what I would say if you couldn't reload cancel in this game
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bwos i did it

randumbs can be alright sometimes
if I dismiss a descendant does it keep the invested catalysts/activators?
do I need to refarm the research materials to summon them again?
They will buff beams right?
I mean he’s not wrong, South Korean FTC got onto Nexon ass twice for lying about drop
how is this relevant at all? they can publish fake numbers too. go play your tranny game.
>finally get the reactor with the substats I wanted
>best I could roll was yellow/purple
>thunder cage
I'll take it but I wont be happy with it
So theyre basically the same?
you guys are funny as fuck i like this gen
Assuming it's the same as with dupe weapons and it will all be trashes with the singular copy
real life fighter is a meme you will never hit the weakpoint consistently
Yes, this is assuming 50% hit rate.
The korean bunny whale that was farming my outpost left. Now I cant beat the boss :\
we hate you, fuck off
wait you mean ultimate weapons are unique? so I could build 2 thunder cages with different catalyst?
Have you upgraded one yet?
You have to build a separate one and dump it into the one you're invested in
Don't fuck up and select the lvl 1 one to dump your good one into
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>First Activator: Bunny
>Second Activator: Thunder Cage
>Third Activator: ???
and each thunder cage needs its own energy activator?
my TC is maxed and I didn't really pay attention to the modules.
Wait, missions give you MR?
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I have been consumed with lewd thoughts of Gley getting her hag-holes filled by a gang of shota.
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Same but with Luna
>completed the void with random
>can't open the material even though i was in the party when we killed the boss
what the fuck is happening bros
what's the fastest spammable map mission at agna?
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Your void shards, bro ? Its not shared, you must have the same amount of void shard to open it
Goon to know that I'm in like-minded cumpany.
your void shards saar?
BVC (Big Vulgus Cock) bait character.
I miss getting mail
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>we want space channel
I almost fell asleep in the bunny cave while my hand was still automatically pressing space bar
I used the extermination one in the middle of vermillion waste for the weekly
bruh, go private and set up a macro
Fastest place for level up?
Swamps defense
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Based, me too bwo.
Is there any reason to keep researching Descendant parts of Descendants you already have?

A Valby Stablizer keeps showing up in the all tab but I already have her.
It just me or are all of Lepics Transendant modules kinda... shitty.
Ambush still the braindead gold farm? I tried that echo swamp mission but it didn't seem as fast, running around some underground shit and the mods didn't instagib like ambush
Literally try and lock any single weapon or descendant and you'll run into more recipes for both than you'll know what to do with
ok after a lot of investigating of leddit, it appears that if you dismiss a descendant they keep activators/catalysts.
Its 50 fucking caliber
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Kek I wasn't even looking for this.
>All maxed out weapons
Why tho
how the heck do i make my game private
Thank you
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just realized I have everything to make a Greg
is it any good?
Open map, top left change public to private
its a burst rifle, cant get used to it in a horde shooter

fucking kills my fingers
Just built Sharen and apparently I have her Void Domination mod? This worth slotting in as I level her up, or is it more of a max level thing? I know literally nothing about how to play this chick.
because you are on the fucking map
gotta do it before u go there
Echo swamp is super fast if you have a powerful bunny, and it drops ultra precise codes for enzo which give 80k kupier each, as a bonus.

There's a hidden exit at the end of the cave that lets you run around in a circle
You cannot change to public on the map you're currently in. Either go Albion or tele somewhere
hahaha jk guys............
Just change it before teleporting there
Which enemy drops those precise codes anon?
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fuck you anon
I guess there's yellow bars or something, I get 1 every 3 runs
They're buffing it apparently
holy FUCK i knew the AI's 100% headshot coding was bad but this is INSANE private
Why do these console retards show up to bnuy swamp and refuse to standby and reset
fuck dev for not allowing non-automatic guns to be held
Soo, should I roll toxic on python?
dangerous ambush does not drop from swamp walker
what's your point?
Why would you
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what should i improve
I thought you'd get the ultimate skin after crafting ultimate viessa, disappointing..
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Next female Descendant better have bigger tits than Viessa.
That is the ultimate skin

The extra skin that comes with the two paid bundles is discounted now if you check the store.
that fucking ice enemy at the top of that gazer toweris a reeet cunt
your sleep schedule
I recommend getting the maid outfit for her (i tried them all in the beta and it was the best 100%), absolutely not worth getting that fully covered one
been living on 3 hrs of sleep a night for the past 2 weeks
based retard
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i can literally see her pussy, why are korean devcels like this
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pog champ dangerous ambush is reeel
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The Aerith cut, I'd prefer blonde, but those others all look like hags
If you're struggling it's better to just find a Sharen in pubs and invite them to run outposts together... at least, that's how I did it
what is this, 2001? you still watching TRL after school with carson daily?
I went with the slick back short hair for the ice queen look
Eminem is back baby, buy his shitty new album now
>collect fire orbs on frost walker
>spawn a fire nova around myself
what now?
The robot said to I go to anais and get the divine punishment but I went there the quest was in Korean and after I start it nothing happened wtf
Pretty sure the mission is to get all the parts to complete divine punishment
literally me
pussy i like
After I changed to my level 40 Descendant I was open to open it normally, but before that it was a quest in Korean that said 999 999 XP as prize lol
ult valby better have cameltoe nexon
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dios mio...
At this point numberchimp is worse than the Troonframe shitters.
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Cuckframe bros…..
read what?
Which one?
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RNG is totally not fucked and working as intended hehehe. :)
Why not both? The game really needs a preset fuction for skins so you can switch to whichever one
a guidee
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiqEkLxZwYYdigital foundry is finna put us on the map
what the fuck are you farming for?
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bros what the fuck I thought once human was dead...
its over...
>what the fuck are you farming for?
Ultimate Lepic Code (Activator is nice too)
It's 11 PM in Korea. Wait til the sun rise in Asia and that number will be back to 200k
thats what you get for being a homo
shields are good now guys
>Once Human
I tried it and honestly the game feels very cheaply made.
The animation was garbage and the optimization is fucking worse than First Descendant for whatever reason.
shields were always good but retards were using -shield% mods
what changed?
>thats what you get for being a homo
fuck off, I'm levelling my Mastery level.
likely excuse queer
no no no...
it's so fucking over
EoS incoming
Bottom one for the Paizuri hole
The First Flop...
it'll be dead when the reset happens
take this with a grain of salt, but I often see on YT comments that shield doesn't replenish as fast as HP since you can get HP regen cube drops from monster.

But I did see two videos now talking about stacking shield and going to 100 health.
shit they should add a stabilizer shop for dupes you get and aren't gonna use anymore.
my bunny has like 2k shield and 10k health and she never dies
After doing some Hard Mode dungeons....I dont feel like they are noticeably harder than normal dungeons while going through the story, except for the end boss feels much spongier
How many more formas do I need to put into my weapon before they can mow down bosses like paper?
Bets on what the "mega dungeon" will it be?
I want to do the Bionic Fuel build, w/ stacked shields but I can't get Bionic Fuel
probably just more bullet sponge boss
>forced to play with randoms
owari da
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I just spent an hour straight farming 500+ Organic shards. and it's still not going to be enough to get Supply Moisture. I'm not sure how this is supposed to be fun, and this is coming from someone who soft reset his DS 5000 times over a summer to get a shiny Pokemon
Something that forces Bunny to stand in one spot and no jumping
y'all got some weird targets
unless ultimate valby is literally sex on legs, i probably will just be very content and take it easy after i get u-gley
just clear frost walker a few times bro :)
How about just doing a Colossus you idiot

does a Colossus give you that mod? don't think so
can Hard Mode bosses drop Transcendant moduless?
I got 3 supply moist from playing randomly, stop target it
Re:Hanged Man
When are you supposed to put the cube back?
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Just wait till Trading
Then why do I have like 6 of them
When the tank goes empty
You shoot the mouth before laser beam, then tube filling get reduced by ~35%. Repeat 1 time if your team dps is high, otherwise 2. Then put it back
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It says I own this mod, but whenever I look to equip it, it's not there. Same for anyone else?
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alright, should I just focus on going through these Hard Mode bosses? I struggled big time agianst Hard Executioner
Certified PAWG
I put 3 on my Enduring Legacy and it shreds bosses.
Doesn't the access info show the ones you have or had before? Did you accidentally dismantle it?
Yall numberfag more than the gacha fags lol
XIV's 100 floor dungeons.
Oh I see, must've used it to combine then
Go back to your descendant, check if your Polarity is on different look instead ALL. Otherwise, you got it but you accidentally dismantled it.
public dungeon with PvP
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Whats going on with this website?
Looks like another message in the world chat desu
bill is due.
anyone know the best place to farm for Electric Master?
i dont have enduring...
hiromoot is into trannies
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>start anything
>do anything
>link related starts playing


do they know?
Why don't you do the hard dungeons at the bottom of the acquisitions list? That way you get amorphs at the same time
I've only ever grinded for Ult Viessa. How difficult is grinding for Ult Bunny in comparison?
Every copy of The First Descendant is personalized.
youll hear it next time trust me
Ult Bunny is literally higher 10~20% for her parts except code 6%, so faster. Still, rng is rng, bitch.
theyre probably the most common source of transcendents
Does ultimate bunny and gley come with their alternate skins once crafted or are those completely exclusive to buying the bundle?
pay up

because I wont fucking get Supply Moisture doing missions like The Asylum or Seed Vault. It doesn't fucking drop from those. theres no fucking excuse for giving something a 0.5-2% drop rate

>well fag it was SUPER bad in Warframe!

yeah Warframe is a shit game too. I'm going to keep on bitching about this until I get this god damn Supply Moisture. might as well filter the words Supply Moisture. I wish I had never played this godforsaken game, and I now I know for sure I won't be spending a fucking cent on this shit. Yes I mad, git gud whatever the fuck. i am fucking incensed
>check beam rifle again
>beam effect is a fake, actually still bullet
>slow as fuck stage charge
>range is retarded
Yeap, they really need to buff it. I really want to use, in WF, just nice
No wonder I have so many of it, that's the same mission I use to grind for materials needed for energy activators.
i got it farming for a blair piece on the halgion dungeon normal

im so confused. It's not listed as a reward for that dungeon when you hover over it. how did it drop? thanks for the video, I had just been farming those elites in the corrupted zone with the Void Reactor
if it doesnt on MAIN REWARD, then it get shoved into very low drop chance table loot.
what character did you use?
how do you get 20k hp?

i have two hp mods

a gold hp sub stat, a couple of main hp stat

where do you get more hp?
your HP mod rank bro ?
How does encrypted vaults work? Do they have different locations according to different days or are they RNG once you spawn into the map?
uhh, i guess?
maxed increased hp
2 rank short of max on stim

only gives me 10k hp at lvl 30 with about 1500 hp in accessories
two hours straight of enzo farming, opened like 20 fucking materials not a single code holy shit
I've scrapped that mod like 50 times lol it always catches my attention because people keep bitching about it
Each region have its own mats. Vault tier is rng. Vault do appear on multiple fixed locations, which also rng.


Oh i read it wrong. Your hp usually lower than def. So yeah, HP mostly around 10~14k which is enough.
i want 20k hp
Please don't tell me that, I'm going to begin searching for the code tomorrow and I really don't need this negativity in my life.
What's the best Endo farm?
even thundering cage would work.
why would they give poorfags who farmed ults a free outfit? LMAO
find a flaw.
>crit on bunny
>long distance
I just assume every Ult Bunny I see is an endstage paypig gooner
>no argument
that's what I thought.
electric specialist gives more skill power
skill simplification gives more skill power modifier

Your amplification mods cancel each other out, I get the more range but I would rather have hp,def and I find a single skill expansion sufficient.

Also what's the gap on your emission since you have no cd mods.
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perhaps you're just poor, fat, ugly and stupid.
Best guide on modules?
says the tranny
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I just assume you only play TFD 30 mins per day
they're not all the same
>get high voltage from hm pyro
>no ult bunny
Let's goon.
Its time, anon. Do it for her
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where do I get Battle of Stamina?
Anyone got that video where viessa farms the valby run, I can't find it, need to check the build again
post your build NOW
I'm in the process of farming ult gley though
gee if only there was some way to check in game
In general, reactor goes for CD. Her mod basically def, hp and more on CD and duration. Cold Snap Watch so her 3 become linger instead instant
30% chance
No, cause my polarities are set for mobbing and subpar for bossing cause I use the right tools for the job and don't try to stuff bunny into a role she is not meant for.
your spreadsheet is wrong if you think electric specialist is better than singular master..
skill simplification is stronger but I couldn't find a way to reasonably bring the cooldown back down without sacrificing too much.
post mobbing build i got ult gley cooking so i dont need bunny for bossing anymore
but I can do that too, with high voltage optimized.
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I am going to spend all day tomorrow doing the Ambush Point mission on Hard, as I guess you can get some nice modules from the Elites. I will report back with what I get
I'm going to put a forma into my thunder cage and finally tackle hanged man tomorrow, see what all the fuss is
>10 obstructor runs for ult viessa
>3 stablizers
>get 6 ajax parts
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6 days
>Frost Walker is enraged
Where are the skins for all the popular weapons, thundercage, python, whatever, there's nothing, and can't even paint them
Buy the next battlepass
goodnight tdfg
Good night anon!
Yeah this rubberbanding slopfest isn't for me
>kill Molten Fortress one time
>get Demonic Modification
it's as shrimple as that.
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Hahahaahahahha, my dumb run is completed. Back to Afterglow hunting.

>inb4 lmao mushroom and catalyst
I haven't start grinding for ult BP yet does it really takes an eternity?
>finally got firearm enchancer
You guys will touch my device right?
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I'm not wasting kuiper and gold for you so I'll do a comparison with unranked mods, no reactor boosts, no components.
Left is Singular Master, Right is Electric Specialist

Even unranked 20% of skill power beats your 12% skill power and 6% skill power modifier

The goal is to get skill power and skill power modifier up as high as possible, and at max.
Elec specialist gives 81.2% Skill Power
Singular master gives 49.6% Skill Power and 25.5% Skill Power Modifier

>Elec spec + Skill Simp
81.2% SP, 84.5% SPM

>Singular master + Singular Spec
49.6% SP, 101.6% SPM

I lose 17.1% SPM but you lose 31.6% SP and SP is the more important stat here, I don't have a spreadsheet but I don't need one to see you're losing more here.

If you really wanted to make a recommendation you would have suggested Electric Master, but I'm still pretty sure that only wins specialist if you have a reactor with a electric boost subroll.
the bunny mafia...
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Nah make your own, but I'll just post some breakpoints that you should consider hitting on bunny.
Night babe
Retard. I've probably gotten 10-15 supply moisture drops by now just from doing colossi or random outposts.
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Why does this exist?
>picked jayber from store
>his turrets don't get any bonuses the first time you summon them after you get to an area
>sometimes it also happen randomly when recreating them
>reported this bug weeks ago and nothing
I bet if this fucker was waifu material they would've fixed in a day, I am just a turret/pet autist wanting to have fun
what mod setup do you want to see for me to show you the damage difference?
for the people that farmed python did you run the dungeons for the pieces or do the outposts?
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Are there actual Valbyfags here who can explain to me why this module is ultimate-worthy? It literally just replaces her bouncing ball attack with a straight projectile. Would supply moisture still be the BiS for her?
>real life fighter is a meme you will never hit the weakpoint consistently
Git gud.
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We fucking did it boys
>how do you get 20k hp?
With 500% from mods you need 4k base.
~ 900 from secondary trait + 650 x2 from primary trait = 2.2k.
So you need a chara with 1.8k base hp or you need yo use 3 modules with primary hp.
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>The goal is to get skill power and skill power modifier up as high as possible

Just show me that, with mods only.

Pic is elec spec + skill simp. I don't have singular master/spec maxed so maybe just show me that first and then whatever.
>just high-voltage: 129217
>singular specialist+master: 269111
>singular+electric specialist: 280288
ok so I guess Ryechews got the math wrong. what is the actual formula then, are the modifiers applied to the boost ratio?
right now I have skill power * (1+ratios) * (1+modifiers), with each ratio and modifier being multiplicative. the skill itself being added into the skill power modifier category.
I don't do math and spreadsheets man, all I know is I got to make number go big without tanking the other.
>Would supply moisture still be the BiS for her
Yes, unless that ulti only module does way more than what it says
Is cunnilingus with viessa the equivalent to licking the flagpole in winter?
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>50+ including 20 stabilizers
that last ult gley piece can eat my ass I should max her and fuck dismiss the bitch.
ah true that. they might put a suction property on it as it travels forward.
ok my spreadsheet was wrong.
skill power (reactor) * (1+boost ratio) * (1+boost ratio) * (modifier + modifier).
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wait for the new modules to luckshit luna's mods
man I fucking tired of getting double blue bonus rolls on these Ultimate Tier (gold) sensors and processors
Anal with Anais
Anal with Freyna.
Anal with Valby.
Anal with Viessa.
Anal with Bunny.
Missionary with Luna.
warbunnies #1
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Can any Bunnychads help me fix this build? copied some Youtuber but it feels like it lacks power sometimes it takes 2 pulses to kill shit when Im out grinding for stuff
My Ultimate Lepic finished cooking. Noone told me this character was this fun.
It was in his name all along bro...how much more do you need when the name contains both ultimate and epic?
>Dimension Specialist
>Non-Attribute Specialist
Thoughts on Spear and Shield? I'm trying to also max SP+SPM on my toy.
youtuber's are really telling niggas to build bionic fuel bruh
focus is weak. bionic fuel is weak. you also don't want cost reduction with bionic fuel.
I'm sorry but I can't fix your polarities.
Also which jewtuber gave you that build I need to blacklist the channel.
I got 8 Catalyst laying around so I dont mind using them to fix the build if you have one in mind also got the build from SolidFPS
Elec Master
Focus on Singular
Front Lines
Skill Insight

These 4 got me doing 150k and critting for 300+k (which is often)
>hp collector and walk a tightrope
Lol. Lmao even.
whos the youtuber i want to laugh at them
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I swear the people that use these mods are the same people that use Prime Surefooted and Rolling Guard in Warframe
hp collector = life strike
if you've ever watched his stream he dies very often.
I use those.. but I pretty much only play melee
I noticed that fallen hope is one of those guns whose components are just straight drops from missions, is it worth it to upgrade it's unique ability to full?
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question for those that farmed ult Gley
im currently missing two mats: the cells and the stabilizer
whats the fastest way to get them ? run hard mission and kill bosses or do outposts and farm void shards ?
no, the gun is terrible but it might get buffed in the future.
dungeons at max score for x2 amp > boss x2 is way faster than the outpost loop assuming you have a decent bunny and a character that can melt the boss in solo
Intercept route is twice as fast to outpost route on average, you always should be doing intercept over outpost whenever you can.
ye thought so, got one of the parts in under 10 tries killing Executioner, guess i will do intercepts for the two missing parts
so what mods are best for bunny?
Maximize Power > Skill Simplification > [type] Specialist
Maximize Skill > Electric Specialist
is no one upgrading their frames??
Most people on Steam drop game before they reach hard content. When I'm doing hard interceptions or dungeons I mostly see console players.
i farmed her in like 4 hours total.
only did reactors
>he fell for the bionic fuel meme
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>maximize power and skill
>+100% cooldown

Reminder cooldown affects bunny's rolls speed
>Maximize Skill > Electric Specialist
With drawback of 25% mp this is false.
4th video I've seen where math says DEF is garbo.

Should've been Shields and HP all along
had somebody telling us to make sure we break the box on obstructor earlier.
I asked him if people can fail this fight.
we then killed the boss after first enrage and he was ecstatic talking about a free carry and how we're juiced up.
he was another Steam player and the other 2 were consoles and we were all laughing at him
those are the highest damage mods for that category. you people have been on this website too long, you don't know what the actual greater than symbol means.
>those are the highest damage mods for that category
Retard no1 care about highest damage that come with drawback worth 1.5 mod slots.
There's blue mods that have high stats w/o drawback, and there purple mods that have less value but have cd.
The rest is noobtrap.
>mad because illiterate
do not redeem sarr.
i built a sniper rifle just for this fuckface
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Nice projections mongoloid.
Learn some math at least.
what do i socket next bros?
>no Attack module
This pic is sad
i've seen that outfit on a fighting game character before but can't figure out who
thought it was tekken's christie but can't find one with the jacket
What build?
>combine 4 dupe transcendent modules
>get back one of the original ones used in the combine
why is this allowed?
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Luna chad, wagmi
i go for high voltage
I'm waiting until all the math and bs is out there.

People kept preaching DEF, and now it's coming out that it's not that great
hyper sexo
miss me with that gay shit
where's the bikini bottom?
super short hotpants
trust the plan
oh yesss
I'm not going to upgrade a non-ult and I still haven't been able to get one in over 100 hours
90% valby farming the week before hotfix
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>in order to farm I need to be built
>but to get built I need to farm
I don't know where to even start
looks like it might be a skirt
Look at that. You no need cd, you no need 200% range. As high voltage you want 4 crit mod + attack mod + battle mod, it's your core for high dps.
You can easily get both ult Bunny and Gley with no investment in either weapon or character.
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she does not look like Luna at all
>xhe is scared to invest in the Thunder Cage
>xhe doesn't know how to build Bunny without major investment
>you no need 200% range
You absolutely do, 27 meters is sexy. Non High Voltage Bunnies never see enemies whenever they are in dungeon with me.
and you dont look like a faggot yet here you are
they look the same
>bro I can one-shot trash from farther away and not save any time in the dungeon
>and then I take longer to kill bosses and elites
This is how anime work
>swap wig
TFD sisters we just cant stop winning
based gook devs, they know what we want
For what reason lmao.
You not only down your damage by mazimize range mo, but also take additional slot for it.
And you have only hp or def to trade, that mean good luck vs colossus.
She looks better without the shitty boy haircut might actually get her now
this makes me want to play the game less.
people think it's weird when you play lewd games like this.
holy fucking moly
>using Bunny vs. colossus
Bunny only ok in Obstructor fight otherwise only idiots are using her there because she contribute nothing
can't believe the west already gaslit this many straight men
and then all the people like this.
>not using Bunny vs colossus
Why you so retarded?
dude who cares lmao
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Cold-blooded skill heavy Viessa is fun
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All of the men in this game have amazing bods and yet you, you faggot fuck wants to express your opinion on the lewd
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>run as bunny
>do reactor stuff
>someone joins in
>finish the mission
>instead actually just shoot the mob to join immediately, she goes back to mission terminal to join
What the fuck. I know a slut is nice to play with but at least throw some IQs

Haven't dismissed anyone but Viessa after getting ult viessa.

You do definitely get some gold, like 100k worth if I remember correctly
You probably keep the activators and catalysts for the same character, no refund. But I didn't activate my character to figure such out
You probably won't get the research materials back

Ask again when Valby ult comes out and people trash their basic Valby's they did up for the outpost farm, or maybe when more people upgrade from Gley -> Ult Gley
Wowee we got a bikini skin so quick
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faggots like this faggot are ruining TFD
I dont even feel bad about quitting if Frosted Butts Walker isnt dead after 30 seconds
Cold-blooded is the one that replaces the frodt walk right?
bunny is for farming
gley is for colossus
finally swimsuit
What do you use to recover MP ?
hopefully we get pit skins for others as well
High Ego, very low Intelligence. Shitty build if you ask me.
Right now, since I don't have enough cooldown reduction for 100% uptime on her skills, I rely on MP pickups from colossi adds and MP Recovery In Combat
Haven't thought about what to do when I get a built Ult Viessa
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>regular viessa left for check list
just in time for them to drop new stuff
it's summer ヽ(ヅ)ノ
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It's why I like Ult Viessa's default skin
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>f2p and spenders eating good
>spent a few hours cracking open AMPs for ult gley enhanced cells
>only 4 catalyst blueprints to show for it
I can feel it. It'll be soon!
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we ever figure out why black "people" love TFD so much?
fuck bro good luck I had to open like 50-60 for my last piece I got like 48 catalyst total from farming almost every single item
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boing boing boing
Bunny is for all.
Gley for waste resources, as dedicated boss killer uLepic is better.
All races love tits and ass anon
Snowbunny > Sheboons
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broke nigga, be quiet.
My first was my favourite girl, Sharen
Second was Thunder Cage (mobbing), third Z's Devotion (single hard targets)

Fourth was my first Ult character, and the upcoming fifth will probably be for some other ult weapon (probably a sniper for long range combat).
Do you think we can get a GiTS collab
That's a random collab
anon....is GiTS a korean anime
I don't have that picture that says something along the lines of "Because niggas love big tiddies, write some real news" but yeah, that's exactly why
I hope her drop rates are dogshit
They are, drop rates will only get worse with time. People gonna miss 6% drops.
I did ult bunny, thunder cage, ult gley. Now I have 2 activators left and I was thinking of making a python tailored for Gley and and afterglow sword. Almost done with ult Lepic so we'll see if I change my mind or if I get another drop.
Valby is my sister/gf/Wife/childhood friend BTW
her ass is fatter than Bunny now
wow, look how much better she looks without the dyke cut
viessa, thunder cage, third clairvoyance dunno who I wanna build up next maybe a boss killer or something
Valby is the neighbor's autistic daughter that you sometimes sexually molest but she doesn't know any better so she will never snitch on you
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how does this look and what else should i add?
Drop rates??
oh... you're a broke boy...I'm sorry lad.
where is the farm
I will be fucking mad if they do an ult bunny with ult valby and reveal that she's actually sporting chubster body proportions when her default is a slim girl.
I'm just excited for the new cosmetics for other Descendents during August.
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>Karel is just a chaos lord
>his sidekick is his scheming chaos sorcerer
>or really just Megatron and Starscream
do these gook fucks really?
Intercept bosses shit red modules
kek glad I wasn't the only one that noticed that let's see what else they do with the story they might do side character story justice
Karel follows Khorne. Amon follows Tzeentch.
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>give her weird white pants
>no black dye to make it match her top
They're doing this stuff on purpose. Drip feeding us BS.
go all in on crit damage
So I guess Nazeistra will end up being Nurgle?

And maybe soon-to-be 4th faction's leader will be pure sexo Slaaneshi right when TFD looks to lose some momentum.
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I'm not even unlocking any ma*le characters
aight after I level Kyle I'm just staying on bunny. No point in playing anyone else. Theyre all boring, slow, and take too much work. Characters like esiemo and freyna might be fun in a game without bunny but truly there is no point.
Does completing the main story required to farm Ultimate for Descendants?
xbox graphics looks hideous
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never thats her old ult skin
>skill power
>skill power modifier
What's the difference? Which one makes the damage number go up the best? If it's between Technician and Power Increase, what's the better choice?
No way they're just gonna sit on that and not sell it at some point
I read that Skill Power Modifier is actually a flat additive buff. where as skill power is a multiplier based on individual skill stats.
Skill have 99% power mod, power mod is better.
Skill have 101% power mod, skill power is better.
Skill power is a multiplicative to your reactor skill power; modifier is an addictive to your skill damage %
In short skill power worth more for big% skills; multiplier worth more for low% skills like DOTs
The helmet is hideous
so its pretty much confirmed we are getting some kind of swimsuits next update right?
Check your skill tooltips
See that line where it says damage is skill power x (some percentage)?
That percentage is the skill power modifier and bonuses from modules are additive to that number
Skills with really big base modifiers like Viessa's skills will benefit hugely from plain skill power
If the skill has a small base modifier (under 100%) then additive bonuses have a huge effect
Not really, all they said is new cosmetics. I would be happy if we got bikinis though
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wish boss sets had random stats, some of these parts have painful base stats but 26% skill power is just too good
with they fixed it so modifier bonuses added those numbers and make them green as well for posterity
farming for last dagger is even worse than thunder cage
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Should I invest in Freyna or Gley if i am going to pigmaxx?
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Fuck I gotta build Enzo
umm how to find encrypted storage boxes
you realise you can click bait with every character if you spend 10 formas and activators
Then you will watch another video and start build Sharen
help :{
Viessa, Gley, Bunny and Lepic are the best ones to pigmaxx
press tab
no sound = move around until you get a sound
"bloob" = spin/change direction and spam tab until it
"pings" = head towards the ping
use headset for better accuracy, you can even gauge the distance and slight relative left/right adjustments from the ping itself

weirdly enough the ping sounds are actually correct unlike other player gunfire/item drop sounds which are all over the place
Ok, so basically if a skill has <100% skill power modifier on it at a baseline, go with skill modifier, since it's an additive boost to the modifier, thus increasing the throughput of skill power-to-damage. If it's over 100% then raw skill power is better, generally speaking, with raw skill power getting stronger the higher the base modifier is. Adding 40% skill power modifier to Viessa's ult, which has like 1400%+ at a baseline, isn't even a 5% damage increase, but each point of raw skill power added would result in over 1400 more damage.
If something sits between, say, 100-200% as a baseline, using both isn't a bad idea either I'd wager, assuming you could fit them into the build of course.
>Wake up
>They're showing off Luna cosmetics with cute new hairstyle, harness bikini top with sleeves and jeans
Oh damn this is a contender for wallet opening
Wonder how Ult Valby is going to look
>percision code anals
In general if you build around skills you want to have both mods with power and power modifier.
Ofc there's some extreme cases when you want 8 power instead of 80 power modifier. But in general it's power + power mod, attack and battle, as a way to increase your damage.
And 3-4 crit mods to increase dps vs fat targets if you need it.
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The jeans part is the weirdest. What's the lore for her not wearing any kind of armor? Bunny was pushing it, but her whole speedy stuff being in her legs at least makes sense that she'd only really need the leg amp armor. Why doesn't Luna have any kind of ear related gear? She's just wearing casual clothes. This should have just been the summer outfit skin. At least then they could have gone all the way with a bikini bottom.
Btw i am disappointed how stupid community in this game.
I was think there's no more retarded community than grand strategy games have. I was wrong.
Anon I think you're the retarded, or having a stroke.
I think too so
uhh maid outfit exists?
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>they now make outpost CD exactly 1 min
>still cant wait for another ~10s for Sharen to hack the tower for additional rewards
so tiresome
Pretty sure its just her cosmetics anon so same as maid and schoolgirl outfits.
isnt ult bunny's thing like it wasnt finished so thats why she is dressed like a slut
Why you think she is dressed like a slut?
She dressed like a random girl at a beach. Not even one of most undressed.
>sees leg armor, helmet and should armor lying around
>steals it
>wears nothing but what was stolen
What is her problem?
Probably Magisters want to finish her outfit, and she didn't want wear old one since she have new shiny toys.
With how many of these subhumans seem to spend their time begging for carries on easily soloable hard mode bosses, i think they really need to make their tutorials better and not just as easily skipped text dumb via robot npc
The fucking mtl doesn't help either
>Sonic Co-op
muh nigga, what build you running?

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