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Prepare your wallets Edition

>TFD Helper (Beta)
>Resource Doc
>Module Combination Percentages (Use Google Translate)
>/tfdg/ Thread Template

Previous >>487590894
Imagine if it was short shorts with her ass out
Bunny's electrified futa cock.
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Does anyone else think that face is really punchable? I don't know what it is. Is it the crooked eyes with the slight smirk? I hate her face in that OP.

Saying that I am very excited to play her since I'm a support bitch who hasn't gotten Yujin yet.
she is lesbian anon
she is wearing shorts i dont know why everyone is saying jeans
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is this good enough
uhh your max range sis...?
Really trying to get some use out of those fucked up M slots ult bunny comes with, huh
17.3m is good enough on bosses
No it's a trash.
>shock punch
At least 3 mods is wrong.
Debatable increased hp and skill simply vs stim and singular.
That means I will playfully rape her
Can't believe people consume this slop
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what's with the choker
go back to destiny or whatver png sim you play bitch
Slop is slop.
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Is it me or Luna looks like
Winona Ryder here?

There is nothing wrong with multitalented, it has 100% uptime of a 30% damage increase. Just toggle your sprint before you grapple.
In this case it was better making a pajeet joke
you are right, very similar
thats the first descendant
I put it on her
it means she does anal
2 in the hole 1 in the stinker
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There's no such thing as a hot lesbian, at worst they are bi. The only true lesbians are the complete ugly ones who have no shot at landing a chad.
t. fucked 5 "lesbians" during my student days
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i have never heard the term kk to refer to a million before
is that a thing in another game or another country somewhere

i guess that is ok, but i mean m works right?
It's that one dude who uses k/kk/kkk/kkkk instead of m/b/t/q. He argues that when you work with big numbers everybody does that but I've worked corporate for 15 years in consulting and I've never seen such weaponized autism being used in the real world.
I forgot to change the amp reward for the past 3 runs
yes a joke, something like: pajeet like to rape kids lmao
thats interesting in its own way ig i just find a whole other letter would be more visually distinct and looks less like a typo
Do we have a discord? Are we prepared for the inevitable addition of clans in the game? I'd like to find some people to play with from /tfd/
It isn't a joke if its true.
discord will kill this general
just post ur id if you want to do something or need help
its just one autistic nigger trying to sound unique
What's a good character EXP farm I can do on Valby?
Daily sex with her
does dismissing a descendant mean I'd have to farm their parts and build them again? do they lose reactors and catalysts that were used on them? do you get anything back?
if you say so
>Do we have a discord?
I fucking hope not.
If there's clans, just fucking talk ingame.
I'm farming AMP 082 for the bunny code if you or anyone else wants to join.
Try it and tell us
boomer term, everyone used it back in 00's
Absolutely not. I never used kk for million. That's just retarded
you never played Lineage then
i have and bartz used m until years later when merges started to happen, now it's al you see on private servers
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>comes prebricked for your convenience
wow thanks
is your unique maxed, can you post stats?
nothing wrong with some accuracy :)
ubunny comes with 2 bricked slots
you just want the unique ability?
yeah, thanks
It took me until today to realize that Ultimate Bunny is wearing a reverse bunny suit.
yes no 100k gold
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bwos i have tried 3 of these missions and gotten 2 of them, whats the best mission because this will mindbreak me if it looks as bad as it looks
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>trying to farm enduring
>get the other 38% drop every time
Thanks gooks
The one that spawns an elite fast. Kill, abort and restart.
>only 10 slots for descendants
do normal and ult version count as 2 slots? damn here i thought i could collect them all
there's no reason to keep both, multiple build niggers are fulll of shit
fond regards
Where do you guys like to grind weapon proficiency? I want to put more catalysts on my weapons but spending all day in the bunny cave feels like a total chore.
>he didn't max out every weapon in the Valby farm
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I might buy the the battle pass if it were $5-$7, or had interesting stuff, but not at $10 with boring cosmetics.
>using weapons at the Valby run
retard alert
bunny cave if you rightfully condemn valby circle autism for what it is
It gives you back 300 gems, so subsequent BPs only cost $4. Still not worth it though.
Had to use a yellow reactor to reach the damage so i only forma'd my thundercage
You get a yellow launcher + a couple of weeks worth of boosters, worth it depending on how much you value your time
>get python
>mhm the perk sounds okay enough I guess
>well time to slap the usual trio onto it for leveling
>rifling, action reaction, and firerate
>1229 firerate
>press the trigger
What the fuck. This is beyond pissing bullets. I'm liking this a lot, it's FUN
you didn't had to use weapons
Retard, weapons level passively through skill kills.

This is the bunny player in your obstructor and molten fortress runs
but anon, it's 5% base crit, that means it's trash according to the retards here
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the game is trying to tell me something
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>I'm in the .5% of the population that doesn't get a 32% drop in 14 tries
I don't give a fuck desu. The 2x weak spot multiplier makes up for it. Especially against colossi.
Considering the fact that when farming a specific AMP pretty much everyone runs into the same issue of 'farming for Y, but only X drops and none of the other things even hit' it's pretty obvious that shit's rigged. You can't tell me that it's normal RNG to get the same 15% chance item 5+ times in a row and have this happen consistently when changing AMP. I'm ok with not seeing the 3-6% drop, but it's not ok for every pull to be the same thing with little to no variation when the odds state that there's an 85% chance to not get that thing. I mean, I'll take the 20% catalyst BP 5 times in a row, but it's still bullshit and wrong.
>everyone praise how much of a laser gun python is even baseline
>it has horrible fucking recoil almost as bad as eternal willpower
>inaccurate as fuck hip fire on top of it
I got memed on again.
>30% damage increase
Lol. Lmao even.
Bring to us your test.
>odds state that there's an 85% chance to not get that thing
Your sample size is laughably small, statistics kicks in at 1000 at the very least.
You are retard.
1. Use -45% recoil mod.
2. Shoot in aim mode.
No shit if you slap mods it gets better, anything can be made into laser gun with enough modding, point is baseline it is fucking shit.
No retard.
If you slap 45% aim, 45% recoil, rel fighter with -20% aim and this attack mod witj 20% recoil Python will be laser gun.
If you slap the same on thunder cage that also have the same class it will be the same shit weapon.
If you slap those mods on machineguns they also will be have shit aim since dumpmag is too long.
With assault rifles the same story.
Python and some pistols is only wep that where you can dumpmag with laser accuracy.
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>nexon nerfs bunny roll because of afk farming
>check xp cave for leveling
>see this
Bunnytards are going to get their jump nerfed as well if this goes on kek
>pull Jayber out of the oven
>happen to have Immediate Purge Code, which puts a lightning AoE down when you use his 4
>think he'll be able to do two different fissures thanks to it
>it still does 'neutral' damage
Well that's a disappointment. I was hoping it would change the element of his 4 to electric, but nope. Couldn't start a blue fissure with it. That's 600k gold I'm not getting back. I like to get augments to at least 10 capacity to try them out before I decide to go all in. Maybe I can use this to farm? But the cooldown and duration makes me think that's not very viable. I'd be better off with his multi-turret augment.
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Now the player count will go up
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nice, a prefrenzy executioner kill
get in the cave
yeah I'm maxin this shit. could be a game changer later on for new bosses.
>ult valby reveal
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eh idk
Never been more happy to buy a bundle. She looks great and I’m happy they’re giving it too us a day early. Based Gooks
When's the player market update? if they don't let us sell parts and modules for premium currency the game will flop
>see prices
Now the player count will go down
Why does EVERY FUCKING GACHA/MMO/MOBA/SHOOTER/WHATEVERSLOP have to have a fucking singer/idol nowadays? Is it easy way to milk female gamers and/or their boyfriends?
>mandatory garbage helmet
so tiresome
>green breast milk
buy some hairs goyim
>18 tattooed on the womb
hoooooooooly shit
bunny status: SELL SELL SELL
Warframe trannies sure are upset today. Just me TFD news day
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I hope her premium skin will look better. I'm not a fan
Autumn or so I remember
>if they don't let us sell parts and modules for premium currency the game will flop
They never said a single word how said market will look like and I highly doubt they will let part - caliber trade going.
To be fair this game is south korean, I mean what else do they stand out for besides kpop and kimchi?
>womb tattoo
I will now buy caliber
Because you’re a faggot retard
considering the fact that everyone complains like a bitch when they don't get their drop within the "statistic likelihood" but hardly no one praises the game when they do there might be some bias
oh... oh no... oh GOD... OH FUCK!!!!!
idk man, her chastity belt looks like a diaper
I just hope they at least let us free2poorers use those unused parts to get some cosmetics
Bunny swimsuit now
>Autumn or so I remember
When did they ever say that?
I think this could be solved if you could dissolve duplicate descendent / weapon parts into gold or some shit.
When you don't hit though, you just permanently scuff your inventory and that feels like shit.
Valbysis... my ochinchin hurts
i'm tired boss
lol imagine being a poorfag. You do realize you could a job you fucking bum
but i love sucking cocks for money
no way they would let us do that
Some heart attack inducing street food that can give some of the worst American abominations a run for their money. Also unironically some of the most reliable car brands these days.
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Ult Valby is like that one anon posted, reverse bunny girl outfit.
So happy I’m not one of the poors
if her skin is more skimpy than this, i'll swipe right off
>ult valby
There goes $100… Nexon fucking won bros…
WTH how did she became the most lewd one?
stupid shoes
>add a bunch of gold and screws and shit
literally the same issue with primes in warframe, adding tons of shit just to make it feel "premium" and ruining the initial design (valby)
not being able to use old skins with ultimate stats sucks so much
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Sorry for the late reply, anon, I was asleep.
Here's my Tamer build. You can take hawk-eye and WPA for a maxed out enhancement or something else. 1 shroom + forma on it.
The accuracy helps when boss keeps running away.
Seen it mostly used in Latin speaking countries, some EU countries too. I think some Japs when speaking English also used it before, but now switch to m/b/t
Leech off bunny cave and just puddle around the 2 spawns, but you won't get the electric shards.
>Crotch tatoo
Muh dick
you can technically use the recolors i guess
Is ShiftUp Nexon's consultant? Their designs keep getting kinky
The 18 tattoo above the pussy is awakening something inside of me
your love for well written numbers?
>1 day earlier
fuck yeah
Yes nigger
blud said here's my 400kdps tamer build
Holy fuck yes
kfc and watermelon
>faggots here thought she was going to look bad
>its the most erotic skin in the game
what the fuck I like Nexon now?
looks good desu
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the magisters have good taste
>valby literally has a womb tattoo telling you that she’s 18 and legal
Holy fucking based Nexon. Imagine the gook genius behind both giving her a sexy pussy tattoo, and signaling to ameripuritans that she’s perfectly fine to lewd.
I need to see Freyna's ultimate now
Is it actually an 18 or not just a 10 with a 0 that has the classic diagonal line?
Bunny niggers getting bodied by best girl.
what is a forma?
Troonframe speech for catalyzing catalyst
forma baby inside all the female descendants after countless hours of mating press
Looks like a 0 to me too. She is mentally 10 years old.
>>faggots here thought she was going to look bad
citation needed
I never saw anyone claim that she will look bad, people said that she will wear ugly helmet because all ultimate do and she isn't exception
When are we getting Jeremy as our second Infiltration character? Sharen boring
>She is mentally 10 years old.
Given her boing boing boing line, yes most likely. Probably the same age as bunny lore wise. 16 right?
Nobody is going is use that word salad of a term
It's a forma get over it faggot
am i hearing things or does Bunny say "shit" during a fight?
iirc, when you run out of shield, she will say it.
Source? None of the characters have defined ages last I checked.
When her shields go down. Dumb Bunny doesn’t realize shield is worthless and I’ve built hp and def
cata or catalyst is fine nigger. Stop trooning
nah Imma call it Forma. Maybe stop copying other games so hard if you don't want the comparisons.

what does that do?
She also calls lepic an idiot when she gets him up
That's why it's so funny these autists are seething when you use warframe terms, the game is 99% the same mechanics but done shittier
I think I’ll call it Catalyst since I never played warframe anyways
idk what forma is so it is cc or cata and not whatever that is
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its 10
lewd ult male descendants when
not everyone played warframe and nobody wants to learn a single thing about it, inability to adapt is an autistic thing and suspiciously rife in the trans community from what i have heard so i think the only buzzword i need to know is troon (you are one)
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Imagine if they were roman numerals instead
Nexon Indian shills get uppity real fast. See >>487711662
Seething at words is a sign of being an autistic faggot (you are one)
>defending a literall chinkslop company that says you can't build forma stucks because the profit from buyable forma is financing great quests like jade 'im a pregnant slut' shadows
>You must be at least 10in to ride
The pajeet keeps proving me right. Hilarious.
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I like how they managed to keep ult valby somehow lore friendly by having ber suit still be transparent to show off some skin but it isnt exposed either that would turn her body into water.
I hope ultimate freyna appeals to scatchads
*forma stacks
I got so mad about this troonframe tardI forgot how to type
Imagine playing an alien shooting game rather than the coomer counterpart with modern graphics and better animations lmao
Samir, stop replying you moron. You gonna get us fired.
anon pajeets can't afford to play gookslop games. They're too busy migrating into european countries and canada to steal jobs and shit in their streets
Both of you are trannies
Just ignore them, they'll go back to warframe eventually.
>retard thinks graphical fidelity means better
The entire game feels like UE default assets but bunny shows her ass running so it's good right
out of 10!
i had no idea how obnoxious warframe players are until i started playing this game
asset store the game, this is what it is
models are very basic, no idea why coomers are drooling over this
Cope. Warframe's gunplay feels worse too.
Shit flinging aside, I think the game has potential.

The grapple colossi fighting definitely reminds me of monster hunter and I feel like colossi fights might become great with time, when they expand on them a bit.
As it stands now it's a great base, with good graphics and no troons, niggers or faggots around every corner.
Literally everyone is good looking, just like the game in general. People getting mad about that are definitely faggots and I will keep playing while you can do nothing about it.
sunk cost fear is a bitch
if they have 4k-10k hours imagine if something else pops up and steals their thunder and competes
i dont even blame them but i wish they would fuck off
Did everyone forget the dyes
not really sure what people have been running for their default catalyst farm but i'm really liking the shelter
2 hard devourer amps under 7 min which we all know is a super fast kill plus the occasional code breaker

most importantly no 'stand in the circle' mechanic which gets me bored pretty fast
Not that Anon. Are you unable to conceptualize that a lot of people are bored of warframe and destiny and would jump any fresh looter shooter? I'm LR1 on warframe and while it obviously has more content after 12+ years of development, it still feels less polished because once again my monday weekly EDA run bugged. Also the guns in warframe feel like fucking shit to shoot which is a bit of a problem in a looter shooter. These days it's mostly beam weapons where you barely even aim and delete everything that moves while it makes a shit sound, snipers are useless outside of maybe the rubi prime for people who still do tridolons if these people still exist in 2024? Any hand cannon feels more satisfying to shoot than a lex prime, let's ignore the incarnon form and pretend this atrocity doesn't exist.
Art direction is subjective and I wasn't impressed by the persian styled entrati labs or duviri before that.
Then there's all the gay shit and the redditcore stuff such as ordis which made me mute all ingame voices in the end, once again it's subjective.
I'll give that one a go. Thanks for mentioning it anon. Can you recommend an energy activator farm? I've been doing magister or whatever it was called on normal but I've grown tired of it.
I'm having trouble soloing hard devourer on Supply Moisture Valby because my TC doesn't do enough damage during the mechanic. Do I need another gun?
>hundreds, if not thousands of people notice this. more experience it.
>many of the noticers share their experience
The sample size is actually much bigger than you think it is. The system is designed in a way to make testing/documenting so much of a pain in the ass that people don't bother. If I roll a die and get '4' seven times in a row, switch die and roll '2' eight times in a row, etc. you can't tell me that's normal RNG and the dice aren't weighted.
Didn't Destiny already do that?
in what world
>Can you recommend an energy activator farm?
NTA, but my advice is focus on farm another things but with activator in drop list.
I'm doing that already. I now want to focus farm activators to get something else passively
I'd rather have a subjective artstyle and have a couple of stinkers instead of whatever the fuck this game is
The entire game feels like a higher production default UE asset game, the environments are literally just "desert" or "swamp", the only cool environment is white night gulch but even then it's empty as fuck
watch them put her code in hard frost walker at a very low chance
I... I might actually paypig the ult valby bundle
Fuck you Nexon
Weird that she can take off her helmet though, or at least with skin or in the trailers.
Would be nice if her helmet was some invisible force field type that you would randomly see appear.
forgot to mention when you get to this room you generally have to kill until the 3 minute mark to make 40,000 points at 200% boost

i'm sure anyone with ultimate bunny can get a much lower time by melting the end boss faster

i haven't had to target farm reactors yet fortunately so i haven't looked into it, maxing out a few weapons got me plenty atm
>want to focus farm 6% drop
Uh. isn't you already hurt with all that ultimates parts?
I'm a warframe player...why...
Nah you should spend 20 hours grinding it to save money.
you just know that they fuck everyday...
>start hard mode
>get some lvl 100 shit
>ass some activator and formas
>do dungeons and get AMPs
>need to do Hang Man to start cracking them
>only heard horror stories so far

only the trannies and r*ddittards (so 90% of all players)
Hanged man is a joke if you have good dps. You can delete him before his 2 minute wipe mechanic starts most of the time.
If you're intimidated by Hanged Man and don't get lucky with your public party here's what you do:
>DPS until timer hits like 8:15-ish
>Run up to the center of the room and interact with the small cube
>Sprint to the outer section of the circle and start running around it
>Occasionally look at the center of the room and peep the red tubes
>Each time your party breaks the mouth, the tubes will empty by half
>Once you see the tubes empty, run back to the middle and deposit the cube back in its slot
>DPS until victory
Or your party sucks and doesn't break the mouth. In which case, oh well. Go next.
Someone leak the required materials so I can farm them already.
What's bunny cave, and where is that, i want give hug to bun bun.
In that cave.
At night.
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Is this you?
Hard mode Fortress map. It's the electric void reactor which is literally inside a cave.
It's honestly very boring, and even though it is the best character / weapon exp farm now, it doesn't feel like it. It's not very fun.
Oh definitely lol my friend tried to convince me to start that dog shit told me they added a boy band like why would I want to play this shit
for me it's ć­Ł
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Trannyscendants already have a kpop fag. The lgbt pandering will eventually arrive too.
doing a 111 farm if anyone wants to join
Ult bunny bros....we are now old and busted compared to this skin.....
I used kk back in the day when playing Metin2
but honestly m is just better
farm for every girl
shrimple as
It's so fucking over bunnybros...
Good. Bunnytards are obnoxious retards. Maybe now we will have OPs with some variety instead of the same ult bunny ass pics for the millionth time.
sorry but all you're getting are AIslops
or poorly drawn westoid ''art''
We need a fucking photo mode.
When I said subjective it meant one's appreciation of whether warframe or TFD is always going to be subjective and is not something that can measured in objective truth. I thought that was clear enough but I guess it wasn't. While I agree that TFD can feel soulless I wouldn't rate the procedurally generated warframe environments higher than garbage tier.
Once again it's all subjective and no one is twisting your arm forcing you to play.
I find the hilarious really. It sounds like a sex dungeon or somethibg
>LFG bunnycave pls invite!11
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>farming organic shards off the fire shard in echo swamp while listening to fortunate son
>too lazy to look up if its even the best way
Bunny has really fast one for organic shards in agna desert if you want some variety. You literally just jump between 3 places and it takes less than a minute to do.
>Esiemo code drop from 4 different AMP
>3 of them are behind pure cancer outposts with double health bar with balls bosses
>last require inorganic shards which are the worst shards to farm
Man, they did Esiemo dirty
Give me a catchy alternative, then. I genuinely can't remember the names for either reactor or forma equivalents without looking them up.
>he's still getting filtered by hard mode outpost bosses
mushroom and condoms
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yeah fantastic mission, need some optimizations for 3min area and get it below 5min easily
wdym? change drop to second anamo and you get the 6% energy activator (and afterglow blueprints etc) instead of 20% crystals
i'm conviced stabiliser droprate is higher than AMPs at this point
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so what is a good alternative for the tamer. I am sick of that guy. preferably an assault rifle but anything else i wouldnt mind.
if nothing else work just ask for help in chat
i got carried by one gley
>better Magister tech = skimpier armor
What did they mean by this?
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eternal willpower AR w/ crit build
Is there a way to check mastery progress on purple weapons? Access info only shows ultimates for me.
Super futuristic technology that uses physical sexiness as a power source.
nanomachines, son!
>buying assets is le bad!
you don't know anything about production so stop pretending you know shit.
oh yeah completely forgot you can change the amp lmfao
also can use the same shape stabilizers for reactors
Well fuck me I'm blind. Thanks anon.
>thunder cage
>enduring legacy
>final masterpiece
All require substantial investment though.
>>3 of them are behind pure cancer outposts with double health bar with balls bosses
your Lv100 Thunder Cage?
didnt notice my name was on it but yea no worries
>unveils ult valby and luna
>moves patch one day earlier
>albion is still empty as fuck
lol lmao even. once human owns this game.
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hey bros I added weapons to my spreadsheet. I know some of you liked my spreadsheet, hopefully more people can enjoy it.

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good advice but a bit late, just got code
from what I saw this game looks 90% like warframe, confirm deny?
grats bro.
All the systems are pretty much copy paste yes, even the bad ones
lmao really? I thought it was just the core gameplay and some of the progression.
also discovered this website but haven't had time to play with it yet. could be useful for the OP.

core gameplay is closer to destiny than warframe i'd say, but all the crafting, mods, farming, AMPs (void keys basicaly) mastery level is a direct copy from warframe
thanks for the account kid
Not sure if blind, this game looks like Fortnite if it was mission based instead of battle royale
I’m at work

Can someone pause the Ult Valby video during her flip animation and post a screenshot of her ass?

Thanks in advance
I'd esex any daddy that will buy me ulti valby, im a girl promise
if this looks like warframe, their playerbase wouldn't be such a fag.
its over
thanks, now I can finally start playing game instead of grinding
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They saw how well Ult Bunny sold and decided that's the direction they are going now. They were always gonna do fanservice, but Ult Bunny's success is really going to decide everything from this point going forward. Expect the majority of female ults to just be hentai tier cyber heroine outfits. I'm not complaining.
We really do. Surprised they didn’t even think of adding it on launch with how popular photo modes have gotten
>Expect the majority of female ults to just be hentai tier cyber heroine outfits.
God, I hope they give Ult Sharen nipple piercings
Photo mode is extremely simple to implement in games that's the reason every game has it
The reason most are added post launch is because there are other priorities like bug testing, server stability etc
Once all that shit is settled THEN photo mode can be added, which is why all these games add it as "free DLC"
Guys, I still can't work out how to farm hard outposts with Sharen. I haven't used a catalyst on her because I'm saving that for weapons and Ult Descendants, is there any way I can build her to solo those outposts? I was told that TC out of stealth to clear the mobs would be good enough but they don't clump up most of the time and I just die seconds later.

Also, if there's someone in my field who just rushes the outpost, how do I reset/create a new instance of that field? I tried going back to Albion and then back to the outpost but that same guy was there.
How do you grind levels and gold and stuff without falling asleep? Is there not a more fun way to do it than to jump in a cave or run in circles?
why did nobody tell me co op sonic was so good
Get lucky on wave 21 Fortress defense
go into a private instance
i mushroomed mine because she doesnt have an ult
i solo literally all of them with hp only mods and fusion damage mods, also thunder cage
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Set the map to private.
I can solo all of them with this and a Thunder Cage.

Infiltrate, kill a monster while invisible, go invisible again, do your ultimate, kill rest and boss with Thunder Cage.
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Jokes aside, they'll probably give us Ult Sharen with a new humanoid body. Apparently the lore for this Ult Valby is she lost her shape over the years and so Albion built her a new suit meant to emulate the human body, sort of like how Captain Atom in some canons is wearing a silver containment suit and his body is actually just energy underneath this silver layer. The reason why Valby's is so thin is because of BS (cuz sexy) logic that it helps her maintain the feel of her original body.
Keep a lookout for the next exploit
last i checked her bio said shes like water so she CAN take off her helmet, its just not a good idea in dry conditions because she would evaporate
yeah I don't think this game is for me bros.
have fun, I'm out.
just use an activator.
here's what I'm using for infiltration, I do have a pretty strong sniper though (afterglow sword) but I used to use forest gaze when I started last week.
Later, homo
Just got Sharen. Her 4 is weird. I tag a lot of targets most of the time I hit less or half. And the UI sometimes pops out, other times it doesnt.
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Found a perfect image to describe it. She's basically wearing a thin layor mold over what's left of her "body" and she's just filling it out water inside of a bottle. Eh... It works, I guess. This just means they can go wild with giving Sharen a sexy body with all kinds of excuses why she has one again.
I want a descendent with thick hips that likes to lick her lips
i used an activator on mine, you're probably going to have more time spent on her than any other character you play if you plan on farming weapons

buff up your thunder cage and you can clear out all the spawning mobs in 1 mag
It can miss if the mobs move, you can even see the lightning projectiles flying toward them and hitting nothing.
Later, sorry not sorry to hear you aren't getting a bara ultimate eseimo descendant skin like you want homofag.

Thanks for the builds. I just need one more Ult Bunny part and I can relax on grinding so hard. I really wish there was a way to do this shit without Sharen.
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>Sea of Emerald, "Ultimate Valby"

>Finally, the Magisters have completed the ultimate project for Valby. This ultimate equipment, called "Sea of Emerald," has fulfilled Valby's long-held desire. It is a nano suit that replicates Valby’s former body color and texture. Although covered in a thin layer, Valby feels like regaining a long-forgotten part of herself.
>no catalyst
use maximize duration for heavy lifing on stealth time
everything else you can pad with health
What's the most painless route to farm ult bunny? I got the code, and uhhh the one that drops from a reactor in Vespers (cells maybe? Not at comp), other pieces seem to need amps from stealth on the valby run outpost and I think the last one is an Amp you open on Pyro hard mode but considering pubs are awful and I'm just short of soloing him I don't really want to go that route
I hope they give her a good, non-boyish hairstyle to go along with it..
Why is it that the weapon and reactors systems are literally identical, and yet we cant reroll our fucking reactor affixes.
The reason people are overflowing with this shite material is because we cant do anything with it nexon. assholes!
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if the new outfits are sexy, I'll just farm ult valby so I can buy all the sexy outfits.
I hope they don't give her a stupid helmet. Worst of the helmet issue is that the rest of their body is designed only with the helmet in mind and never without it. this is why we have so many cases where the female descendants look like they have small heads when you equip a non-helmet cosmetic. Ult Bunny is a good example of this. Her head is tiny when you equip a hairstyle. I think normal Sharen and Ult Gley's ultimate alt costume are the only ones that doesn't look off.
>valby's texture
>highest chance on a pool of drops
>10 tries
>no drop
will keep playing but I'm angry now
They should introduce the scientist character responsible for creating the ult outfits.
Does anyone have a Supply Moisture Valby build that they've tested unlike youtube retards?
The devs are using a lot of AI translation, so there's probably a better word for it. Someone needs to fins the Japanese text so we can properly translate it and compare.
>you're homosexual if you don't want to play a porn game
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It has to be a dude. They should give us some guy that's infatuated with the female descendants. Or better yet, make it a chick... then we can get her self-designed ult.
whats the best purple sniper for Sharen?
It's a third world thing, genuinely. Literally nobody uses it except thirdies.
alright have fun on concord sis
Stealth outposts should give Sharen extra EXP, opening vaults with Enzo should give him EXP. Playing to the specific usage of those characters should help level them up. I do not want to take either of their shitty kits into an actual battle.
So i got my cage nice and rolled
I rolled a nice eternal willpower
what should i roll next?
I was thinking of rolling a Forest gaze.
Bunny farmers did you follow any guides? I started with Viessa and only have her + normal bunny not sure if i can farm ultimate bunny by myself without other characters
In a blink shotgun feels amazing compared to smithereens
All you need is Sharon, Descendant.
ultimate viessa is done in 5 minutes and I'm not going to play her just like I didn't play lepic, ajax, and gley.
But how can i get those organic void shards if i go that route? i looked around and doesn't seem like bunny can farm those cube-like ones you need to unlock the mats you can farm with Sharon
All my friends rather be Zenless zone trannies and spend 5hrs a day on that game. Solo sucks but least it can be comfy sometimes
Gacha games can’t be played for 5 hours a day, you run out of stamina in 10 minutes
They need to up the players per zone number to 6-8 so people stop zone hopping to find a bunny to leech from
planning to farm for ult viessa, but does she have any use currently? I know bunny is still king when speedrunning dungeons but I never saw ulti viessa when doing public intercept bosses. hell even freyna appears often in executioner, but never once saw an ulti viessa (saw the normal ones a couple of times but probably because she's their starter), even in pyromaniac which she's supposed to excel.
You’d be surprised lol discord snitches on them saw them playing for like 4-5 hrs. They’re whales so they spend money on the shit to replenish stamina
i really like viessa for killing balls
Check the spreadsheet
its says Agna Desert Vermilion Waste 20o with electric
bwos I'm gonna retain for at least 5 days or whatever the fuck this total craft time will be
because then everyone would have perfect reactors with no effort
Bunny's story quest. Audio flashbacks state that she's six or turning six with her birthday soon. Her parents went missing ten years ago, on her birthday. The present events of the quest have her investigating their disappearance, on her birthday.
what ive been doing (without an energy capacitor thing)
>enough reach and duration to use it comfortably if you splash a pillar to hide behind
>shot focus
and then the rest is health
biggest gripes in normal play
>mana runs out so duration is nice
>puddles are tiny so reach is nice
2 days
half day for the parts
1.5 days for desc
As someone who bought ult Bunny all I got to say is you're welcome.
Started doing this whole sharen infiltration thing. Question, do I get automatically discovered if I decloak before destroying all 3 towers? even if nobody saw me?
>even if nobody saw me?
no. but that's gonna be almost impossible lol
I take cover behind the walls before the cloak runs out and I still get detected. Its weird.
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Achievement bros what's the best non-bricked way to get this one?
I saw someone actually do it earlier. Cloaked destroyed two. He hide behind the wall and then destroyed the last one.

So it works I believe he did that at the Vespers outpost in moonlight lake
Secret Garden is actually good for certain characters. BiS for Kyle anyway.
alternatively even a partial clear increases your odds for an additional role
>hence the 0.5-25% roll chance
yeah it happens sometimes, i think that's just latency but everyone really does that specialyl on outposts with 4 pods
Secret Garden is ok. I'd go with that.
kek only one i don't have too
No, not automatically.
Yes you are able to hide behind the walls and decloak safely. Maybe hide where they are 2 segments high instead of 1.

You won't need to do it any more once you get her leveled enough and mod her for skill duration, though. You'll be able to hit all 3 or 4 of them in one go.
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Give vaults a visual indicator on ecive so I dont have to unmute game
so high-voltage is just the correct way to build ult bunny, right?
and if you ever feel like you need the original skill you just unequip it and keep the build almost the same?
Clairvoyance is actually the best beam rifle there currently is. Not saying much because beam rifles are shite, but just in case they decide to buff them. Also the best gun for Viessa, and probably other future chill Descendants.
>Helmet is just Ult Bunny's but Valby Version
Um, gook-sama. Please be more creative...
I need an emote to crawl on the floor in my maid outfit
>go to r/thefirstdescendant
>every post is just bitching
>Omg 1min timer still too much
>omg restart timer
>omg drop rate too low
>hehe found an afk farmer not on my watch chud!

It's such a fucking retarded community.
Secret Garden or Clairvoyance, maybe Gregs Fate if they buff it enough in next patch.
Mentally unwell individuals
i actually like the look of greg's fate, a shame it sucks ass
is MP collector bad?
>trying for Enzo's code
>supposed 38% drop cance from AMP 035
>get Ultimate Ajax enhanced cells instead
>3% chance

Thanks I guess
How to farm python?
Because Old Mystery is cancer to the max.
I need 5x every blueprint to max it.
It's very good, but at the same time you can't equip it if you want max damage
Same thing happen to me with Ult bunny and the energy activator blueprints game won’t stop giving me those not that I’m complaining
Are blue brains better farmed on normal or hard?
new gun that they will add in late august update
trust the plan
not sure what's better in a dungeon run. I'm looking at a few variations, but I think you keep high-voltage in dungeons, the only time you'd want to unequip it would be in the open world, and in that situation dropping a little bit of damage for mana seems reasonable.
>Vespers Lost Supply Depot Outpost
>stealthing it just fine
>someone starts doing the nearby void fissure
>the combat pulls the mobs from the Outpost, putting the base on alert so I can't stealth it unless I time it between their waves
Just move the fucking spawns 15 meters away or put a bigger wall there to block sight. This is so annoying. That stupid fissure being so close is just fucking everything up. Yet another reason to go solo I guess.
Just get a bunch of Max MP externals so compensate for it
There’s quite a few vesper shards that interfere with missions vice versa. The ice one on white night glutch will interfere with the mission right next to it.

They really gotta move this shit around
I put firing fiesta on mine (no rounds consumed after reloading for a time). So fun
It's not even slower with enough range
>Meanwhile I'm fully enjoying the new reset timer.
>Some outposts are so close to fragments that you can hop back and forth with zero downtime
I'm honestly having a lot of fun. Some niggers are just there to bitch. They can't handle doing anything without gibs
high voltage for everything except the fun cave and places similar to it
I use the ingame wiki.

The only thing you shouldn't do is to run the White-Gulsch outpost, since that takes ages compared to intercept, the rest are pretty straight forward
Bunny's is a sun visor
Some people just play multiplayer games to feel better than others, not to engage with them
They acknowledged they're buffing it and naeistra's, among others
For Greg's they cited needing to improve the proc conditions of the unique ability
You need the purple code analyzers for Enzo, so hard
True, good point
Y'all notice the lack of people in pubs? Player count is holding strong but pubs are dying so fast. The valbys all went private, bunnies went private, sharens went private, Enzos went private, all I see in pubs now are trash Gleys, useless Lepic/Kyle/ajax/eseimo/yujin, a rare viessa or Freyna, and like one jayber. It's weird how quickly the toxicity of players ruined the fun in pubs that was had for the first two ish weeks.
In my defense I just completed ulta bunny and I wouldnt put someone through maxrange zap killing everything
On the other hand I don't pub because I'm too lazy to look for people when I'm doing missions with diff modifiers
and yet you are gay, curious
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I dont know about this y'all

I dont think this is quite Ult Bunny tier
>No cleavage, just open chest because it's a flanking bra the mad lads
You're right, it's better
My Gley is getting a play partner! :>
Jewish hands typed this post
>hear obstructor has mechanics
>shoot the cube, shoot the orbs
zam lets not get too zaney or complex
she needs an emote where she squats down and bounces her ass up and down
the whore womb tattoo makes her superior
What site do you use to learn stuff about the game and get better? And don't tell me that you just read stuff inside the game
Why do I keep dying instantly in Hard? I have level 100 gear and defensive mods.
Youtube clickbait videos
>And yet people still can't comprehend shooting the limiter while shooting the orbs
Due to OCD and modern sensibilities they ONLY do one or the other, and if they only shoot at orbs you 100% wipe
It's really not
Does this game have jiggle physics?
even at 5k hp and 50k defense you will die if you stand still and have 10 enemies shooting you, let alone an elite.
>And don't tell me that you just read stuff inside the game
That's exactly what I do mind broken zoomer-kun.
Some people don't need to be told what to do or think and like actually finding shit out by themselves. It's enjoyable for some of us you know.
>Save base health externals
>Amplify base health with mods
There,you will now die less
is the game laggy for anyone else?
People also don't shoot trapped team mates. Despite the cube prison massively pumping his frenzy.
I am definitely a big fan of womb tattoo too

Actually, has anyone thought about how they'll go about adding more Ultimates?

Would certain sources suddenly just give out extra AMPs in addition to existing AMPs? It's not like we're getting 4 new dungeons/outposts for Ult Valby parts.
Buy https://store.steampowered.com/app/993090/Lossless_Scaling/
Well, maybe her ultimate costume will look cool
not really
It did in the beta I think
Finally we'll have less Albion cavalry parts to stop fucking us over
When can we break our snows?
Nigga what? I’ve literally been seeing bunnies and Valby all day. Hell I was Valby farming last night and kept seeing nothin but Val’s
>just bought bunny when this sex goddess is coming out
How do I cope? I won't have spending money until a week after.
same, I was expecting bikini or more skimpy
that might be laziness because hitting that thing on his back gets real fucking annoying when he fidgets so much
Now that I think about it, this will further dilute the loot pool on some amorphs or outpost/dungeon farms.

I reckon they'll either add new dungeons in existing zones or new amorphs to the drop table. Which will make sharens and fragment farming even more important.
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Yes, but not noticable unless you spin certain in-game skins fast in the customize tab
Can’t believe I waited 2 weeks for that disappointment. Doesn’t look like an anniversary character at all. Garbage design
>ult valby has a womb tattoo
Not even true. Only Bunny has physics. Nobody else does.
The best skin. She is radiating sex vibes with the whore tattoo. Can’t believe this game is getting $100 outta me
I've seen it, but busy atm to check
my hips are moving on their own
absolute goon fuel
so it must be terrible
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What is the significance of the 18 on Valby's womb?
It's a 10 you illiterate nigger.
Oh so big cocks only...she's not for me then.
>july 31
10 is how many creampies it takes to impregnate her in a single session. Are you man enough for the challenge?
On bunny, yes.
Believe me, I've checked extensively. Nobody's but Bunny's chest moves and even Bunny's barely moves at all
Where do you go to report bugs for this game?
Bunny stocks plummeting.
Valby and Luna stocks, erecting.
yeah I will use drugs so no problem
who are we talking about tho?
It doesn't matter what Descendant I use or how much I move. Just about to give up, makes it impossible to farm anything on Hard.
Himself, he wants you to creampie him.
would be kino if they put a knockoff version of her in the game
you can prefarm luna and ultimate valby, the amps needed have been posted
i pre-farmed Valby by going to work today
Up your butt and around the corner
good paypig gooner paying really is the best way to get ultimates.
Isn't hard mode supposed to offer better rewards? I still haven't found replacement external components despite being in hard mode for at least 10 hours now. The stats aren't even close.
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There was some Sharen anon that posted their Forest Gaze sniper build that didn't have much invested in it to 1 shot the outpost bosses.
Anyone remember what it was?
And what stats I should roll on it
Was gonna try and farm the tran mod, but it's the last hm boss and I'm still on Bride (didn't even try, just farming stuff)
i might farm ult viessa just because i'm not that interested in her, i shilled out for bunny, gley and valby though

Valby feels like a nice compromise between bossing focus of gley and speedfarming focus of bunny
>shoot beam rifle on the ground
>literally bullet instead actual beam
Fuck you dev
Wouldn't that be a chocolate cream pie?
>Check weapon stats
>Look up how high crit chance, multiplier and weak spot multiplier are
>Roll stats accordingly
Is it that hard to think for yourself you mongoloid?
What defensive mods should I even be running in hard mode then? Because apparently increased defense, increased shield, and increased HP aren't useful, even maxed out.
i never tried that but i am mad
beams are so fucking fake and gay
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Someone has a clown fetish.
All of those mods increase your base values. Components add to those base values. Stack HP/def on your components and enjoy being tanky. A max level descendant also has much higher HP and Def values. Good 20/20k split makes for the best tankiness all around. Some characters get more out of def than others (ajax for instance)
Only mod shields on shield descendants like Enzo or Kyle.
Just max your hp module and that will be tanky enough to solo normal stuff on hard
Probably watched Spy Kids too much
Is supply Firearm Enchancer craftable or just drops for vault?
It already is maxed and no I can't.
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is a purple reactor with correct mods worth it over the damage loss from a gold reactor?
perhaps if you rely on cooldown/duration/range/cost, but not for any other mods?
Show us your stats.
If you didn't have like 15k hp and 30k armor with 10k res you do somehing wrong.
Clearing colossi seems to increase the base rolls of reactors and stats on externals
>Start hm average health provided form an external is 360
>Post obstructora is 630
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Anal with Anais
>10k res
you don't need that
In general you want several gold reactors with different stats.
Like, i have range+power, power+power and dmg on colossus + power for my Bunny. Also i want crit or crit dmg + damage on colossus but didn't roll enough high this stats with good wep.
Imagine having this much of a skill issue in a gook grind game.
playable magister when
Bcs some mongoloid say that?
Fuck off retard.
I don't have that much of either of those things, but my stuff is all level 100 and maxed out for mods. So I don't really know what else I'm supposed to do.
if I'm building my Thunder Cage just for Bunny, and I don't plan on using Bunny for Colossus, is weak point still correct? will only be used against dungeon bosses really, when high-voltage doesn't burst them.
perhaps I'll just stop investing in the TC.
What would be the best python build for massacre Gley?
Evolution 2 of this one, have faint memory of seeing another too
Show us your modules and mods.
because I did all the intercepts and I never went past 4k res
fuck off, phoneposter
>10k res
resilience caps at 10 lil bro
I can did all intercepts with 0 res, but i didn't struggle with them like anon have.
As i said fuck off retard.
Is it really a skill issue if the game refuses to drop good gear though?
oh my god niggers i wish you could farm sharon in hard mode. clearing normal dungeons is so boring
Now tell me how that isn't bunny?
HiT2? is it out for NA? or have to go through loops?
>10k res
Anon what the fuck are you on about.

The only thing you need, if at all, is a flex slot to slot a lvl 0 immunity mod to ignore dot damage. The rest of your component stats should always be HP, def or some utilities depending on your build.
Res mean resist retard. No1 build resilence.
Where did I claim it wasn't?
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>I can did all intercepts
>but i didn't struggle with them like anon have
Are you having a stroke? Or are you just brown?
The game is showering you with loot. It even gave you a free activator and catalyst, as well as probably the strongest add clear gun in the game.
If you don't know how to mod your weapons to kill stuff faster and progress I don't know what to tell you.
Skill issue in this case literally just means mental issue. Follow some guides or something if you can't figure it out yourself
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Dot damage is reduced by the appropriate resistance
Anytime anyone should bring the appropriate resistance
>You want to stay low and rely on tightrope
>Make up for lack of skill
>Flexibility to res teammates which involves sitting in a damage puddle
All good reasons to at least equip the appropriate external
No you just hoard too much chromosomes.
Jump in windows, save human population from your genes.
they give you bunny and thunder cage for free at the start of the game, they can complete the entire game. in fact she is the best character in the game and the gun is the best all-around gun in the game.
unrionically skill issue.
>Walk on a tightrope
I already told you my mods, it's increased shield, increased hp, and increase defense all maxed out. Non-attribute specialist maxed out. Spear and shield +7, which gives an extra 59.4% defense. My external components are admittedly under level, but not by a whole lot. They're all still in the 90s and the only reason they haven't been replaced is because hard mode refuses to drop anything for me that would replace them.
>Replying to an esl post with esl
The mad lad
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>Getting mad at a bit of banter
Definitely brown then.
Any amount of base health on externals is better than whatever you have on your externals, check the appropriate area and go farm for a bit
>But I die too fast
Then take cover
who are you using tightrope on besides gley? doesnt need resistance because she has infinite heal in boss fights as well as a large hp pool
>>Flexibility to res teammates which involves sitting in a damage puddle
no. those fucking retards need to crawl out of the puddle if they want a res
NTA but thunder cage gets outclassed really quickly, even at level 100. I personally kill stuff much quicker with the tamer.
you can use a translator it's okay bro
I miss the day when /v/ and with that all of 4chan still knew how to banter. Now it's all just the same memorized call backs like 'esl' or some other zoomer bullshit.
I want to talk trash and have a laugh. New age /v/iggers can neither take a joke nor hold a fun conversation.

I feel old.
Right here?
is weak point worth investing in for a non-colossus gun?
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>I already told you my mods
What a problem with make screen?
You no need it.
Picrel your core mods.
Add antybody or maximize resist depend on which one you can afford and how good your rolls on modules.
And your modules should be 2 hp + 2 def as primary and one hp and one def as secondary. Also you need all modules with resist.
Aren't the modifiers on external components random though? Would it really matter where I farm?
That's just mid game. Once you catalyze thunder cage a few times and stack the crir damage it takes a massive shit on tamer. Especially with a fully leveled aoe trait.
I made a bug report about missing boob physics.
because ESL finally have internet and have taken over this website. how is it fun to continue bants when people don't even understand what you're saying?
Check the fucking weak point multiplier.
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okay on a scale of 1 to 10 how meme would this be on Ajax
>take enduring legacy all the way and use it as a dedicated fire weapon
that sound cash or nah?
Entire population of TFD gamers force that "RES IS BAD" retarded thing. As you see that thread is not exception.
I tired of that retards, really.
And you with your retarded things deserve that you get.
people also don't lurk before posting anymore.
completely worthless/10
that's what i'm doing
python for toxic then wait for a good general rounds weapon for the other 2
its near the best gun in the game and is getting a buff in a week
Guy didn't take the hint with Ult bunny what a retard
If you're struggling to solo farm you need damage anon. The more enemies you kill is more damage you don't have to take.

The faster you run helps the bullets not trace you as hard. If you're constantly scoped in while shooting with a tamer you're an easy target.
guess the race
Young adult Descendant when?
because it is bad. why would you sacrifice damage for 3 points of damage mitigation?
do you understand math?
do you understand logarithmic functions?
anyone who doesnt realize very early on that thundercage is the best weapon in the game for their first investment is a complete and total fool
Bye. There are plenty of games with non-sexualized, square-jawed, test-soaked gargoyle hags for you to satiate your need for moral superiority.
>Fortress Void Shard bosses are tanky as fuck.
>have to refill bullet each kill
what the fuck.... is this normal? my Enduring Legacy is fully built (except for copies)
How do I go about getting diagnosed with adult add? Because this game shouldn't be too much for me to handle but my brain can't seem to comprehend some of the shit that I'm supposed to do.
>my brain can't seem to comprehend some of the shit that I'm supposed to do.
You might just be retarded anon.
I still pray everyday that HiT comes to NA.
I don't care if it's bad.
bwo your gley/high voltage?
Step 1. See a general practitioner. Tell them you think you may have ADD. They will likely refer you to a psychologist.
Step 2. See a psychologist. They will go through a series of questions and tests to determine whether or not your ADD.
Step 3. Acquire Adderall. Don't accept Ritilan. I was on that shit for most of my life and it fucked me up.
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No, I did very well in school actually. But I have suspected that I have on adult add or some very very mild autism for a while now.
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can someone tell me what bunny cave and xp cave are? or where they are? are they the same thing?
I've already jacked twice to this webm in the limited time it has been up. I can feel a third load building.
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It's hard mode so finish your campaign first mrlet
where is the rocket gley 3 feet away with her hair up
I did that is an old picture
Res have % reduction just like def have.
Fuck you and your jewtoober you mongoloid.
This game is for ANALGods.
Here's what gameplay loop is like once you unlock hard mode:

>get all your gear to Lv100
>start farming for ultimate gun, descendants
>as you keep farming, you will get catalysts and energy activators, use them on your endgame weapon
>make sure you always have catalyst and activator getting crafted 24/7 is possible
>slowly upgrade your modules, as you're doing all that shit
>focus on doing kuiper and gold farm once you have enough activators and catalyst on queue to upgrade stuff
Saar you like poop?
Who are your top 3 descendants you want to fuck in the ass?
>as you keep farming, you will get catalysts and energy activators, use them on your endgame weapon
I haven't been able to find more than two or three of those metallic coils needed for the energy activators over the course of about 30 runs through various missions.
DEF is gay. I run around with less than 10k and am fine. Just spam HP
Jayber, Lepic and Yujin
>no Kyle
Gay list.
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death bride is hard
Diffrence betwen 10 and 26k is like 35% and 48%.
So its like 25% eHP vs bullets by just 1 mod slot.
what makes you think it's a %?
what's the scaling of the %?
>I haven't been able to find more than two or three of those metallic coils needed for the energy activators over the course of about 30 runs through various missions.
because that's only found on vesper vaults. get enzo to farm those.

for reference, you need Sharen and Enzo for endgame farming.
Enzo for vaults, Sharen for outpost infiltration drops.
the things from vaults? that's the easiest part
bro you dont get those from missions
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I only have $20. Which skin should I buy?
>what makes you think it's a %?
My ingame tests.
>what's the scaling of the %?
Didn't check too much, but there some numbers
(85/118= 0.72) 28% difference between 11 and 3700 res
(75/118 = 0.63) 37% diffrence between 11 and 8300
(67/118 = 0.56) 44% diffrence between 11 and 14300 res.
>Looks fine in the cinematic
>Ugly, fat and dumpy in the actual game
>Somehow looks worse in the bodysuit
Felt like a bait and switch
the fuck did you just say about mr freeze faggot? i will fuck you up
so it's logarithmic.
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valby will save the game... trust...
>98k players
it went up 20k
DEF is indeed gay

some dude with ADHD did the math based of Rychew's math for DEF/HP/Shields.

Basically, after 25k DEF, diminishing returns hit hard.

Instead you want Shields and HP. More importantly, Shield regen IN COMBAT on your external if possible.

The sweet spot is:
6k-10k DEF, 2.4k SHIELDS, 18-20K HP
does elemental damage scale with crit on weapons?
the bullet improvement mods, or base elemental damage on the gun?

what's wrong with this gun if I don't want to stack weak point?
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>last 3 ult gley parts in one day
holy shit i am fucking chilling right now
Stop playing and go watch the olympic games
But for having 3 damage difference with 3k and 10k res you need very low incoming damage, like 30, so 10% diff is 3.
And if we take real hard mode example, it will be ~450 and and 360.
In 30 times more.
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that's not my wife viessa is
is it just me, but Luna looks exactly like Sona from LoL, minus the tits
Yeah I'm not getting hit for more than 1k per hit either way so I am not gonna waste a slot on DEF when I can use something else
shield recovery in combat requires sacrificing def or electric res.
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>100% almost done with collecting all core materials
just have craft left over
They drop from certain mission monsters as well.
>some dude with ADHD did the math based of Rychew's math for DEF/HP/Shields.
>Basically, after 25k DEF, diminishing returns hit hard.
25k def is ~50%.
55k def is ~59%.
82k def is ~64%.
If you can jump from 25k to 55k with single mod, it's almost 20% eHP that is good.
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>more than 1k per hit
>impying he calc hit count instead of eHP
Lol. Lmao even.
You just don't need it though.
Nothing is gonna hit you that hard that you cannot dodge.
took me like 30 tries but Enzo code finally dropped
Gonna shill out for ult Valby and Luna next week and then Gley
I'm not calculating anything. I just look at the number I am getting hit with when using DEF and when not using DEF and deciding it's not worth it.
You don't need 700 spreadsheets and 22 youtubers to just read a number my man.
once you get the ults can you get the backpacks from the store bought bs somehow or do you need to paypig the entire thing
Say that to this >>487735032 anon.

Anon come ask why he die. Get advices to increase protection stats. And there's come retard with NOO RES IS BAD and NOO DEF IS BAD.
Every fucking time.
Why you so retarded guys. You even more retarded than gsg community.
the store bundles are cheaper if you unlock the ultimate character through playing.
you want ult ajax, you want module that turn all scales into HP scales, you want to stack HP, now you are immortal and your shields are immortal but game have no use for your immortality or shields so who cares
>I'm not calculating anything.
So go away when big brains talk.
electric gunbarrel seems incorrect since SMG doesn't have great damage anyways.
How he get 0 def value?
RES is good, DEF after a certain point is BAD.

I definitely would not go over 25k. I'm staying at 10K at most and stacking HP then shields.

But again I go for Shield recovery in combat.
has prediction next to it
>Looking at a sheet some autist made
>Big Brain
As i said, if you can jump from 25 to 55k with single mod it's good. If you can't, it's bad.
The same with res: jump from 3.5k to 10k with single mod is good. With 2 is bad.
Simple af.
I no need autists to have numbers. I got it by myself.
When you need not only autitst for numbers, but also retarded jewtoobers to explain what this numbers mean.
And when their favorite jewtoobers is wrong we have disaster like current one, where every fucking mongoloid scream "ree res is bad difference between 3k and 10k res is 3 points of damage"
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why are you people arguing against defense, you need 12k def at the very most, people already made the math
>but game have no use for your immortality
transcendent module that changes your 3 to a taunt when?
would be nice to aggro the colossus on command
I agree with you on that one. But sure, if you need that slot for DEF go for it. It is not necessary, though.
MR ESL please leave the building
unless the new mega dungeon does massively more damage then it's bad even with a single mod slot commitment. incoming damage is already low as fuck with just 2 defense mods of any kind
fun to read the esl retard who can't survive without it though
actually you need 17.6k DEF for optimal DPS
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general is becoming slow, incredibly obvious asian ESL arguing on the thread, yeah I think this is wrap for this game, six months for now game is just gonna be Brazilians and SEA players running around
>six months for now game
Does anyone know how exp works?
>six months for now game
t.street shitter
>It is not necessary, though.
It's not necessary for experienced player.
But as i said again and again: there come new player who bad with mechanics, positioning or whatever his problem with taking too much damage.
He say that he die too fast.
He got standart advice to increase hp, def and res.
And in this moment start shitstrom where retards sream REE RES IS BAD and REE DEF IS BAD, and all of that just cince their favorite retard-jewtoober say that. Probablywe will have REE HP IS BAD too if any retard with video channel will say that.

Fuck yourself retard.
>TFW grinding out Suicide Squad to get Mrs Dyke because her combat looks fun
I'll be back for Ult Valby and Loose Luna
Opinion discarded
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>ult lepic is cooking
Maybe soon I'll be able to do some collosi without begging in gen chat
We'll have to see how many of the following bomb:
>Mega raid
>New colossi encounters
>Season 1 battle pass
>Quality of life fixes
>Skin quality
If like more than 1 or 2 of those bomb, then yeah we're donezo.
I am 100% convinced that the parts for thunder cage don't actually drop at the rate they say they do, and there's nothing that anyone can say to convince me otherwise.
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Guys should i use my activator on python or thunder cage?
Python, TC is trash tier wep for clearing trash.
Kyle is for bromance, not gay shit.
>It's not necessary for experienced player.
for an experienced player
>there come new player
there comes a new player
>He say that he die too fast.
he says that he dies too fast

brother you already learned English to this proficiency why are you omitting so many "s", what makes you such an obvious ESL is that you eat your connectors between words
It's a Friday afternoon in the summer, a lot of people are out doing things right now. Anyone with a job won't be playing either.
so what's the ult gley colossus build to run I wanna build someone for just bossing in general.
Is there any other weapon for clearing trash?
think sometimes bad luck just hits hard
havent got a 25% chance drop in 10 outpost runs
Really math faggots on my discord are saying thunder cage does more boss damage when built for crits.

No idea if to believe them, why i am asking here.
Seriously? Thunder Cage is trash? We just had this conversation where several people argued the exact opposite to someone asking for help.
he is a hipster retard, tc is great at everything

i dont know what python is even like so i wont say not to do it
>4chan went to shit after great mutt infestation of 2016 happened
>hurrdurrdurr ESL
>why are you omitting so many "s"
Bcs my English mostly come from fictions, ingame chats and imageboards.
And now i too old and lazy for read some self-study to fix grammar.
I need 5 more crystals for mine then I can try it out with my maxed out gley
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Is this a good enough build to solo hard bosses to farm her ult parts and get a feeling of how her kit works? I have skill duration up 0.106x on reactor and could switch to a cooldown 0.072x one if it's better for this build. Also using 2 pieces of the annhilation set for extra skill duration
I agree. Calling TC trash is super overreacting. TC with an EA in it will allow new players to carry their own weight dps wise through all hard mode fights except maybe Fortress.
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>put activator on TC
>people now say it's bad
>Farming #076
>boss' explosions are so fast I get throw around more than an NFL player's wife
It's like I'm been shaken inside a jar. Gotta say it's pretty funny though.
forgot to mention it's for launcher spam
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I see.. soo all i have to do now.. is kill 6000 valgus a day for 33 days straight and i can get those battlepass points so i can sniff on the shiny metal red color at the end of it.. count me in!!
If by some miracle you make a Python before getting an EA to use, then yeah you should EA Python. That's hilariously unlikely though.
Otherwise, EA TC is a good route to go.
I put mine on my python because my TC is for mobs and it does a great job without an activator. Maybe I'll make another one later when I get the materials for it but I'm saving the one I have right now for my Perforator.
Every ultimate should have an activator put on sooner or later anon. TC will carry you through the entirety of the current content.
If you can't see that for yourself you're too skill issued to make use of better builds anyway.
In general machineguns can clear anything, but TC can blow groups of weaklings really fast.

>thunder cage does more boss damage when built for crits
Probably it is true since attribute damage didn't scale with weak point multiplier, when it scale with crit.
But problem that TC do non-weakpoint damage since bad accuracy and bad recoil, so you fill frenzy gauge. On this moment you can just bring Bunny or Lepic with the same result but faster.
When Python can snipe weakpoint, and it great even if he have less dps. I do Obsctructor and Molten Fortess w/o frenzy less in minute when all in party aim weak points.

>Seriously? Thunder Cage is trash?
Yeah. Terrible acc, terrible recoil. Passive usefull only vs hordes of weak trash, that usually get down in a half of second by Bunny or Valby or even Viessa with proper build.
As weapon w/o investions Tamer is better. As weapon with investions Python and Enduring Legacy is better.
Nah I just wanted (You)'s
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I made an easy guide to get energy activators super quick
i beat every boss in the fugging game with tc
but it was on gley so i probably could have used a blue gun anyway
how's the game bros be honest with me I see the cute girls but the armor man calls yo me
>But problem that TC do non-weakpoint damage since bad accuracy and bad recoil
This isn't a problem with gley
>do a defence spec op for a change
>dreadfully boring and you can almost fully clear one of the mining spec ops by the time you hit the first reward from defence
Yea fuck these...

TC is probably the best allarounder, fret not.
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wuts meta build for Thunder Cage?
Where to farm the frags though
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I got 2 activators from Dead Bride trying to farm for Enduring Legacy. You have to be kidding me.
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sub 10 next patch with the bugfix
>reactor boss
Crit chance, crit damage, weakpoint damage, play gley and use massacre so recoil and such doesn't matter.
At the time you get it up until you can readily and freely farm for the better uniques it's definitely one of the strongest options available
I got 4 activators and only 2 blueprints for Legacy.
It look like pattern now.
this is how every coomer general look like, no idea what you were expecting
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>farmed 15 amps
>use stablizer
>gets 16% 1st try
been getting very lucky lately
More importantly show me this with frost walker, devourer is probably the easiest of the hard mode bosses.

If a build can bypass the frost walker gimmick it's good.
for frostwalker i can break 3 domes at best before frenzy if my aim is on point, python massacre isn't bypassing shit
you'll get plenty once you decide to start maxing out legendary skills
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>want the higher chance option
>takes 15-30 tries
>get random 6-10% drops constantly
It is luck of a sort
lmao even
You can stay at distance with sniper and he won't even shoot you, he'll walk slowly towards you until he's within his programmed attack range
yes we all know lepic is gay
anyone want to run some hard mode bosses? im a console shitter..
Well Tamer is better and you can have it on.. 65 lvl iirc?
So we can say that TC is good only between 10 and 65.
What's with the obsession with Devourer speed clears? Is it because of the AMPs you can open with have good drops or is it the easiest colossus to kill?
it's just become a bit of a meme
but the amps are extremely easy to farm and having a boss you can kill quickly is nice especially when trying to target farm catalyst/activators
I have a job. I find time to play.
>it the easiest colossus to kill
Like 12-13kk hp, pity def, pity shield, pity resists.
Pretty sure it's because it's such an easy boss so it seems more impressive when you kill it fast
6 min for 2 amps and 12 seconds for a boss, i'm farming those energy activators
its the best fun i had in a year with a game

after being unable to enjoy any games at all even
So where are the webms of built thunder cage frost walker clears?
Entertaining garbage
is it possible to 1 shot regular bosses and skip the floating balls phases?
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>all this talk of crit thunder cage vs python
>no videos comparing kill times for both
feels cheap but fun and gooncore
im gooning rn
wtf you told me Lepic was bad.
god damn, it was so much easier to find people to play Bloodborne and Dark Souls with here. idk what the deal is, maybe its just an elitist gossip column mentality in this general where they like talking instead of playing
Yeah but that's just one person. Console players, for example, have no way to play until they get home to their console. I'd reckon that most PC players are the same, people will steam decks aren't as numerous as you might think.
>trusting the gooner general opinion on male characters
Looks like an easter egg you'd find in Halo 3
this is a singleplayer game
Boy, MR slows to a crawl once you hit 15, doesn't it?
I'm currently grinding thunder cage parts to max it out, posting occasionally in between missions. Why, do you want to join?
if you play conventionally yes
if you have a bunch of characters unlocked, have a bunch of guns and a valby or bunny, you can pump it to 23 in a day or two probably
I haven't tried it on the Deck.
do vaults respawn too? is there a timer?
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>do 20 10% Enzo code amps
>get 0
oh there is also 200 mastery for first time completion of missions on hardmode but that shit is just busywork
I went through 25 AMPs for a 32% drop. It's all dogshit, anon.
How do you even tell if you've already completed them, I never saw a checkmark or anything
>200 per mission
>you need like 240k for 20 lvl mastery
It's easy, if you didn't clear mission first time there's will be shown 200 mastery reward aside exp and gold.

i could if you want. Im just looking for help with these bosses. I dont die in these PUGS at all, i know weaknesses and how to dodge. its just disappointing its so hard to find people here and I have to go to reddit or Group Chat instead
Very few people in the thread actually want anything to do with eachother beyond having a community to post pathetic non-achievements to.
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i dont think you can see from the map screen, only physically being there and look at them. the icons radiate
>farm random crap
>get ult gley code
>farm some ult guns
>get gley stabilizer
>alright time to focus this bitch
>get enhanced cells within 4 runs
Today way a good day.

inb4 stabilizer taking 31 runs like ult ajax stabilizer
oh fuck this anon is right
moar u know
i had trouble finding one i havent done
Post em lads. What are you working on?
It's different man

If you wanted to co-op in BB, you'd just say hey I'm at X boss and password is bbg

That's it

Here you'd have to share SteamID with people and get stalked forever
Which bosses exactly? You'll have better luck if you ask a question with specifics.
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Farming for Externals w/ god rolls is more brain rotting than I expected.

Gold External, both bonus is wanted but both are also blue

Purple External, 1-2 bonus is wanted, but both purple or 1 blue
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only need to get viessa then i will queue all 5 ults, then i can finally actually play the game
Enzo + finishing off thunder cages
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The real cancer will come when you realize that you need different boss pieces for different builds.
yep, or the sets from the dungeons, but idk if those drop with gold rarity?
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at what population number are we stabilizing at on steam 6-12 months from now? I'll say 20k to 30k, the game does seem to have more players on PS and Xbox though
Not from dungs man.
From Colosses.
is weakpoint DMG worth it on the Thunder Cage?

or do I just go double ATK + blue and purple crit rate and dmg?
>the game does seem to have more players on PS and Xbox though
Why is this the case?
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what weapon has the objective fastest frost walker clear? i cannot luck into a group that can beat this guy and at this point i just want something to kill him myself.
It's really depend of how good devs will work.
Helldivers2 was have 450k on start, and lost 80% of playerbase in first 3 months.
Now it sit on 20k, and even not a half of year passed.
isnt that the one with the 4 person requirement?
Lepic clears him in 7 sec since he's weak to fire
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Based enzoyers

Executioner on hard. I am Freyna, which he is weak too. I cant do enough DPS to damage him. We always time out on him. this is so fucking frustrating
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everything lol
Is the bunny cave really the best exp farm?
yeah but that game got knee-capped by awful balance decisions and more importantly, sony
the lastest console gen been very lacking on games and when it comes to looter shooters it really is only destiny 2 and Warframe for them, which are old and daunting for new players. I've seen a lot of Xbox players lately if we have a 100k players on PC now there is at least 200k on PS and Xbox combined
Depends if you have an efficient team, but as far as we know right now, yes
Well my solution was high voltage Bunny with heavy modded Python and scout rifle for finish frenzy.
Hit weak spot with Python, boss stagger -> do damage with V, boss online - switch back to Python, boss enter frenzy - take scout rifle and double click flasks as fast as you can.
In the end i manage to kill him before 150 sec passed.
not sure, probably 15-40k but it has coom so it'll always have dedicated gooners (me)
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let's fucking goooooooo
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Will standard lepic work? or does it need some ultimate only red mod.

What about needing an activator, can he do enough damage on a budget build if i don't want to use an activator on a non ultimate character.
Nice. I've finished mine last week. Ult lepic has been a literal blast.

>then i will queue all 5 ults, then i can finally actually play the game
Unfathomably based anon
If we see online chart Sony do nothing.
But we can easy detect nerf patches, and expecially shit with Eruptor.
Balance team kill this game.
got a screenshot of your python and scout rifle builds?
Aww she looks autistic
You will need the ult exclusive mod for the 7 second kills. Standard epic with an activator and 3-4 catalysts kann kill im within a minute though.
what the hell is wrong with the launchers in this game. You can throw a rocket into a large group of enemies and out of 6 inside the bubble, you hit 3.
Retard devs nerf everything fun in hd2
oh yeah I know about those too, but stuff like the Tomb Vanguard set drops from dungeons only, I think?
Not in game currently.
Just regular action+reaction, blue attack mod and blue attribute mod on both.
Then 2 mods for weak spot on Python and 2 mods for crit on scout's.
45% acc, 45% recoil and real-life figher on Python.
Well on hard mode there's lvl100 yellow modules.
I really think you will lose too much protection stats if you use purple mods.
PC players moved to console so their computers won't melt.
>Well on hard mode there's lvl100 yellow modules
From Colosses i mean.
From dungs there's only purple ones.
screenshot of lepic build?
if you played helldivers at any point you cant be surprised
the gameplay is infuriating after a while
the balancing they have done fucked everyone off
the passes are dear as poison, and look like total dogshit with weapons you cant use.
there are guns you can pay money for, that are a literal downgrade from the stuff from the beginning of the game.
their balancing was scorched earth shit
the fucking modifiers they added like strategems taking twice as long to recharge or not working for entire minutes

that game literally got worse, not better, as time got like just unbelievable fuck up after fuck up
Have fun with everyone avoiding your buff like a plague, lol
It'll probably get better if we get stuff that actually takes some coordination and thought outside of spamming Gley with infiniammo
>if you played helldivers at any point you cant be surprised
Yeah i was.
RIP Eruptor.
I cannot go back to playing without midair maneuvering.
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Guns. Lots of guns.
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>the one with the knight armor is the boss killer

Nothing today. nothing at all. these Youtubers are fucking lying. I wish I had never installed this
Is 21k def enough?
Depends. Do you have 15-20k hp?
>he farm missions instead of Defourer for red mods
>since some jewtoobers say that
Good goy.

Im not good enough to beat these Hard mode bosses. I just cant fucking win
Intercept bosses have 4 unique trans mods tied to them, but I can't find a loot table
nope. like 2k
So you should to focus on build uBunny or uLepic or Gley at least.
With dedicated boss killer you can easy get red mods + set modules.
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you need to have a 10 inch cock for her otherwise you watch
>like 2k
Use this mods >>487742630
Ruined, she is supposed to be autistic shy, not retarded bunny whore
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>wasp queen
Ha Ha Ha! No chances!
Get out of the way!
>start leveling stuff that's not using general ammo
>die internally
I hate tactical rifles so much.
Why are you lvling it by shooting
boing boing boing!
that is an aggressive camel toe. might be too coomer for me bros....i can't show this to my friends...
Another skin you can't dye, rip
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>requiring firearm master to get 12s devour kills
It's arguably more RNG, since you need those crits to land but it's definitely possible without it.

Shame I don't really need anything from devourer anymore.
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>get into the bath tub to relax after a long day at work
>valby was actually the water all along
>she starts to aggressively fuck you in her water form
Catch the wave!
I like shooting. Also I still had one more general ammo weapon that's not a handgun that needs leveling so crisis is averted for now
How many tries?
build if any of you retards wants to try the same.
im not a retard
If you unlock the ultimate version of a descendant you should be able to switch between ult skin and og skin

og valby > ult valby
we do NOT use the r-word around here but thankyou for build
Won’t try it now since you want to use that word.
we-he-heel look at mr fancy here using big words
Should I postpone my farming until I get ult bunny and forma her a few times?
Gonna need a sauce on this, chief. Image search brings nothing back on and there's no watermark.
I know you are but what am I?
>Just dot done first clearing everything in hard
Holy fucking cancer, all of this for 200 xp per mission, at least i never have to do it again
Fastest way to get (ultra precision) code breakers?
ambush or echoswamp refinery
less than 10, got it from the hard mode one
pls help with Hard Executioner
play the game
Do you have autism by chance?
>doing this instead of just clearing a zone when it has a weekly rotational drop that you want
this hanged man wall is real, the sheer amount of spastics that either cant aim or grab the cube and run when it is unnecessary is staggering, fuck retarded console faggots.
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>gregs weapon meta brewing
owari da
you will eventually get lucky and get 3 gleys that just shit on him before he even does his mechanic
it took 20 cloning attempts but greg won
kek, you actually made me laugh anons. Well played you retards.
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I'd use it even if it stayed the same.

Though I'd be lying if I said i wasn't ecstatic at the thought of being able to bomb shit more often.

>first asscendant and now mecha break
gaming is healing
Can't you just overwrite them?
>/Dg/ Fallen Guardian post
That's a post I have not seen in a long time... A long time.
That doesn't even make sense. Here a "K" is 1,000. 1k. 2k. 3k. How the fuck does two K's make a million?

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