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ye olde: >>487553927

>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password
i need numbers

numbers of guard counter speeds

does such a thing exist?
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>or beast!
>first off, well done
>by the way praise the message!
>No secret passage ahead
>therefore praise the message
>Secret passage ahead
>Behold, flower!
>seek god
>try finger
>but hole
>if only I had rump
>didn't expect message...
>therefore praise the message!
>touch grace
>if only i had a woman...
>two-handing required
>you don't have the right, O you don't have the right furthermore you don't have the right, O you don't have the right
>no horse ahead
>I want to go home... and then edge!
>don't give up, skeleton!
Why is Vyke so weak despite being no.2 Tarnished?
Why is Sellen so weak despite being no.1 sorceress?
Why is Ymir so weak despite being moon teacher?
Why is Gideon so weak despite being an all knower?
I can give you a few
Let me know if you need more
If your weapon is bigger than a straight sword don't bother.
Only high INT posts allowed in this thread.
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i progressed thiollier's shop to this point unintentionally i was just exploring.
can i not access his shop again?
i know he's summonable for radahn.
don't tell me i can't access his shop until i fight the last fucking boss of the DLC where it no longer matters..
Daggers are 5
Swords a 7
Light GS are actually 15
Greatswords are 14
Twinblades 4 (multihit)
Ultra 25
Spear 10
Greatspear 16
>>therefore praise the message
Will never ever ever praise one that asks for it
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This is now omen thread.
Post omens.

(Don't look at the image).
i dont know
how many relevant spells with requirements lower than 15 can you name?
thinking of making a retarded caster using only low tier spells
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I want to fuck Messmer
Are NPCs made with character stats in mind? That is, can dataminers know how much dex, faith, endurance and such that enemy NPCs like Leda, Moore, Rakshasa and such have? I know the HP is obviously not tied to those. I'm curious what kind of build the devs have in mind for these kinds of characters.
Same, even if it otherwise gives good advice. I will however always praise messages calling certain NPCs friends.
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>high INT
Sun Tzu Art of War.
He who holds the high ground will fight with advantage.
>healing required ahead therefore praise the message
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depression is a number one killer in lands between
see >>487599239

Honestly, these games have really helped me to not give a shit. I can’t take any of it seriously anymore. Deep down I see now that Miyazaki doesn’t either. He rushes a lot. You’d have to be a blind fanboy to not see it in clear, full view. It’s just a fact.
I hate the weird thing hanging from the back of the cape, you know what I'm talking about
>Why is Gideon so weak despite being an all knower?
He's an all-knower, not a powerlifter.
why are s*rcery users so gay?
This is incorrect as great spears actually have one of the faster guard counters
Cool art of the best and most informative mage around. FUCK them making him a weak mini boss while his students get an actual boss fight.

I am so fucking mad. He was ripped right out of Bloodborne too. So much missed opportunities in this game.
Shit AI more than anything
>If your weapon is bigger than a straight sword don't bother.
Hilariously incorrect
Not even limited to Souls games. The highest ranked pilot in AC6 is one of the easiest ones to beat because his mech is an extremely basic one to go with his lore which directly translates into him being super weak in gameplay.
Gideon is actually strong as hell and when he starts spamming spells you can see that. He knows like every fucking spell.

Sellen isn't the no.1 sorceress? Where on earth did you get that from?

Why should ymir be strong?

Vyke is right, he should be stronger.
"HORNSENT could be here" she thought, "I've never been in this region before. There could be HORNSENT anywhere." The cool wind felt good against her bare chest. "I HATE HORNSENT" she thought. *Plink plink plonk* reverberated through her giant carriage, making it pulsate even as the $9 Shabriri wine circulated through her powerful thick veins and washed away her (merited) fear of the graceless after dark. "With a carriage, you can go anywhere you want" she said to herself, out loud.
Gideon is pretty tough
It's actually a based design element because it screams "I have so much dosh I need to invent new ways to spend it."
It's way too fucking big and just makes the whole thing look awkward.
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>i walk out onto the ramparts and observe my surroundings, looking for any threats
>roll a perception check
>... natural 20
>you see a bad red man crouched in a bush to your left, concealing his aura with a magical talisman
>we're not in combat, right?
>i roll to attack... 17
>hit, everyone roll for initiative. the bad red man is startled by being discovered, disengages, and retreats without taking an action. you all rolled higher initiative, what do you do?
>i go for the shortcut jump
>i follow
>i also follow
>everyone roll an acrobatics check
Melina is unloyal bitch. She wants to kill you if you accept piss flame.
Gideon is not strong. You can kill him in 3 seconds. Not even. He loses to Rennala too, a much earlier game boss, had you put the two ai together to fight. Her magic resistance is just that high.

Sellen is said by numerous people to be the best and brightest. She also has the highest sorcerer kill count, and even got a portrait.

Ymir instructed Rellana (and presumably Rennala by association / age) in the arts of the moon, before he figured it was just merely the closest of the celestial bodies. Is he wrong?

Vyke is self explanatory.
The axe is actually very effective at punishing mages and light rollers.
That's entirely your fault.
Thinking about it a bit more, it's not just the AI, but also the poise system. It's shit, and since it changed between the betas and the final release, it shows they didn't make the game with it in mind. I haven't completed the DLC yet, but every single enemy NPC I've fought dies easily to getting knocked down by giant hunt or stamp over and over. So they're either meant to be easy fights or the devs don't care like
said. And looking at the rain of fire incantation, it's clear to me that they just don't give a damn about testing or quality.
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Hey the fist weapons are pretty fun on lower levels
Dodging meta invasion range was the correct choice given that you can get 58 vigor 50 dex at level 90 with fast roll
But half the moveset needs a huge boost across the board. They should have exceedingly high poise damage to compensate the range.
I had no idea that the running R2 was a throw too
Supporting the Hornsent culture is kind of like supporting Muslims.

You’d have to be phenomenally stupid to ever, ever do that, lmao.
The one on the axe isn't, but the one on the hammer and spear is.
The Circe's isn't either if I recall.
A back chandelier
The way the fabric is drawn at his waist it looks like Rykard is at full mast under his robes.
I think it's not just a nit-pick to point out stuff like this. If you're going to make an open world that portrays an entire kingdom, but you only use it as one big glorified dungeon, then inevitably you're going to cheapen the world and make more concessions than average, which is saying a lot for open world. I only point this out because immersion was arguably the defining quality of Demon's Souls and that's just gone now.
Yeah, my fault to pick up that fickle slut
she literally warns you not to take the piss flame and deny her of her job
Well he's asking about Messmer's trouser snake.
>nooo AAAACK save me NIGGERMAN (its what i call my spells)
Did cucksoft remove all the spell combos like they removed the catch flame animation cancelling?
Why is that guy just spamming tracking shit instead of being annoying with different-timing spells
Why was he in volcano manor anyway? He seemed like such a nice guy in road to the erdtree.
It’s funny how From thinks giving more (too much) health to dlc bosses is good game design, but they don’t ever consider giving the npc-npc type enemies more health, or poise, as you say.

I laughed so fucking hard when I killed the Ancient Dragon Man. Especially right after finding that random magma wyrm in the same cave.
I have no idea how this blond Rykard meme got so popular. His hair is clearly greying as a result of his decline and the fact that it looked a little blondish-grey in one manga panel doesn't change Gurm's penchant for giving families matching names and hair colors.
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Was watching some videos of random people to see their reaction to the first enemy in the DLC and I had to find out that there are still people who use the ice hatchet purely because of the weapon art instead of just grabbing the ash and putting it on an actually good weapon. Even people who are in NG+.
I'm convinced it's impossible to consistently activate the chainsaw glitch. I can't even make a consistent macro for it. The macro will do it 30 times in a row and then it just stops working.
>"I will not say nigger nigger nigger [ X ]"
>nigger nigger nigger
>"You have been banned. Reason: Saying nigger nigger nigger"
Your post
She tells you not to!!
Why does the moon in Rennala’s fight function like Flame of the Fell God, but the full moon spells we get are more like lousy/slow projectiles?
The Messmer soldier axe gets the same charged R2 R1 true combo that the warped axe has, which synergizes with its bonus to charge attacks. It probably fucks when optimized, but it requires people to run into your charged R2s so it's mostly a meme.

They remember the time when it was broken, I assume
You're absolutely right unironically, I always notice the lack of thought into all this stuff
The fort in limgrave for example is just an empty spot with walls
There's nothing in it
It's not a fort
There's no storage, there are no beds, there's no armory, there's no toilet
From is pretty shit at this
is there anyway to get to the woods without first draining the church district?
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The same reason you die to a pack of rats at a bad time in a corner even if you can successfully kill Godfrey and the Elden Beast, you're still mortal and a good hit or combo ends you.
Muh Maize...
for the last fucking time
From thinks giving you cool, functional spells would break the game so all cool flashy spell HAVE to be useless ass shit so you HAVE to punch things at melee range
You don't have to drain the church district at all, whether you enter from the main gate or the side gate.
I shrimply like how some weapons look
All me btw, I havent experienced a single frame of this game without being healed
Lmao, this is the quality kind of “nitpicking” I value. You’re right, the world doesn’t feel like a world more than an approximated outside dungeon.
Fucking lol
oh right, im thinking the other area, but is the coffin the only way down there?
Whoever designed Anor Londo is an idiot and this is canon lore
Who the FUCK makes stairs like that???
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You sure?
All I do is hide in bushes
what the fuck are you supposed to use if Arcane is your main stat but you don't wanna do bleed or status shit
holy shit you just killed guts
Ancient Meteoric Ore Greatsword.
The Putrescent Axe.
The only canon bedroom is Marika’s bedroom and she sleeps on a flat piece of uncomfortable stone
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>Moonrithyll whoops my ass twice because I'm using a weapon that doesn't easily stagger
>this was piss-easy
Buying clothes must be awkward.
Poor Messmer.
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fucking infuse any weapon with occult are you stupid?????????????????????
I'm sure he can afford a tailor.
This is why I hate the fujos. They would NEVER draw him like this. They don’t truly love him for who he is, which is that of a twisted humanoid filled with snakes.
I legit died to Moonrithyll more than his mistress.
anor londo is a city for incel gods so I can let it slide
besides we don't really explore the main bits of it given we show up in a rooftop with a gargoyle
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>discovering places I should have been to sooner because they left my mind the moment I ran into something in the opposite direction
Where’s the Miquella cross for his discarded shota penis? What about his discarded shota bussy?

You can’t tell he didn’t
non-bleed arcane weapons
anything infused with occult
arcane seal for casting
albinauric staff for sorcery things
DS2, DS3 and BB taught from to give players many tools regardless of their stat choice, you have all the shit in the world
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No, she sleeps on many layers of her sex slaves.
On writhing mass of naked bodies, male and female.
Her appetite is unmatched.

Only her sex slaves sleep on stone, but who cares, they are just fuckmeat for our insatiable goddess.
Since when do storm arrows knock you down? Also, what put the summon to sleep here? Was it spamming the craftable starlight shards from the DLC that make you sleepy?
Oh yea like Miquella and Marika fags are ones to talk
dunno but
>those arrows
holy kinarola
archerLORDS are eating so fucking good
>They would NEVER draw him like this.
Like, yeah, maybe not, but then it's not exactly difficult to find off model artwork of the ladies in the game. And I enjoy some of that off model artwork. So even if I don't share their attraction to the character I think I can relate to the tendency of physically idealizing him.
I'm confused, how is it a win to stand on the elevator button?
I thought hosts could finger out invaders this time around?
Still would. I’d eat his butthole and fondle his smeks. I would.

t. Dude, not a woman
>DS2, DS3 and BB taught from to give players many tools regardless of their stat choice, you have all the shit in the world
it's funny seeing people nostalgiafag over AotA and remembering that faith got literally fucking nothing in the entire DLC.
>no talismans
>no miracles
>not even a weapon, just artorias's greatsword with disgusting split requirements
>I only point this out because immersion was arguably the defining quality of Demon's Souls and that's just gone now.
And they don’t even want you to play the original now
Miquella fags are deranged, but what makes you think Marika fags wouldnt go for the on model version?
You can't sever invaders, no. So if it's an actual gank, you're basically shutting down their gank for however long it takes for them to disconnect while you go walk the dog or whatever.
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>Judges you intensely for that statement
It's St. Trina, probably. He discarded his """""love""""".
Having 45/45 FTH/ARC gives me more scaling than having 28/53
Your discarded son is a free hole what do you care
>dexLORDS got the tracers
>STRchuds got........ uhhhhh I honestly can't remember
>INToids got dark hail and affinity (comically kinobusted)
>LITERALLYNOTHINGcels got kalameet's nonscaling sword
>gohgs greatbow was there too
Yup yup
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Leda LOVE?
>90 levels gives more scaling than 81
You don't say.
Is pure STR the build that got fucked over in this DLC? I don't remember there even being anything that isn't designed for STR + at least one other stat.
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Funny little item...

STR got the hammer and the pitchfork
Artoria is so beautiful!
Why doesn't this idiot wear a helmet?
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>implying that I’m not into that type of body
You sure?
I don't find Saber attractive
Except Lancer, that leotard makes me go primal
I like how you have to pull levers for those floating elevator platforms that aren’t even connected to anything
Leda's sword gooder or worser than Lordsworn GS?
Pumping for leda.
>use funny little rock
>win invasion
I really want to make a build dedicated to these things, but I know that all I'm going to get is Chinese gankers if I do
the elevators in souls games are the most senseless shit in the entire series, honestly, they're so "gamey" it always comes off as hilarious
Do you think one comes out of his groin? Does it spit white venom when excited?
Greatsword of solitude and beast claws. That being said all the new infusible weapons do well on strength, even the dex leaning ones. Its not really that different from the main game, str has like no uniques worth using except maybe commanders standard.
>game where infusions exist
Leda looks like this in her fantasies where she's nursing Miquella.
Highly occult infrastructure p-please understand
The Carians don’t even know how it works
My most popular one is "didn't expect octopus..." in Gael tunnel.
>take the elevator up an underground volcano
I don't wanna use Marais Executioner Sword bros I already played on Greatsword...
Maybe the straight sword version...
Why thE FUCK, why the FUCK are there NO arc/faith weapons if dragon communion incantations require FAITH, I feel like I'm wasting my levels here
>tfw no threesome Marika/Fia/Leda
Magical unseen elevator engineers are truly sinister creatures. Mark my words, soon, there will be escalators.
Of shit, you're the guy I fought at Stormveil.
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This is both disturbing and arousing.
You invest up to the requirement in faith, this allows you to use the faith buffs too
It's not your main stat
"an escalator can't break down, it just becomes stairs"

What's the best seal for 80 FTH? Fextra says the erdtree seal but I trust you guys more than that site.
Who made the imps? What sorcerer? I ask because they’re adorable. The Elden Ring comic even says so.
The erdtree a k a the one with the highest scaling, yes
Always been like this
Offhand the seal that boosts the spell type you use
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>Obessed with red hair men
Who were you?
will Ranni leave me if I don't have red hair...
>Hey big sis, you know your husband's son, messmer? yeah I wanna FUCK him
Thanks, I wanted to be sure before I used an ancient stone on it.
Stop loving evil women.
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I don't have a single character past journey 4. Already amazed I even got any character that high since there really isn't anything left past NG+ if you grabbed all items on both runs.
High base stats with ok scaling early (godskin), low base stats with bonkers scaling late, generally
Making a bigger game was a great idea but wasting that scale on an open world instead of simply creating a Dark Souls-Sekiro hybrid that was thrice as big as the past titles was, I think, a mistake. They may never make a game as big as this again, leaving us to wonder wistfully of what could have been. I love Elden Ring btw, but it kills me inside every time I replay it.
That's easier said than done...
>playing er soundtrack today
>godskin theme comes on
>wife says, "I'm used to hearing the little bell sound effect at the beginning of these songs"
Theres no bonfire ascetics here so i cant fight the same boss for fun 50 times...
>had thick red hair
>went completely bald at 22
its not fair bros I was robbed of my carian gf
No more like the tarnished probably has red hair under that armor.
Good Fire Knight Greatsword build?
It's so damn sexy.
Wait, what?
The straight sword deals more stance damage than the greatsword version?
Holy shit imagine getting ydbtg'd by your wife. Lmfao so fucking brutal.
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>"Better than you"
>rune arc
>dead level
>summoning blues
>spams consumables
>frost / sleep spread crossbow
>just fucking holds W in my direction and gets hit by fucking everything
>disconnects when I won't walk into his Nanaya's torch swap

holy shit
Flame Spear with 80 FTH
A weird alien world with lovecraftian gods where the architecture doesn't make sense and every single time you activate an elevator you get out and look under because you've seen way too many secrets being hidden under those, or around them. Anyway playing the first Quake right before Elden Ring was funny.
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Lion's Claw also deals more stance damage on a tiny hammer than on the Guts cosplay sword that weighs 3 times as much.
you didn't beat it...
Yeah, especially when we get glimpses of massive structures in the other games that we only see a small portion of during the actual exploration. Give us Lordran, Lothric, Yharnam, or Leyndell with all the buildings (or at least way more,) open to exploration and skip the big fields of sheep and crafting materials.
FROMsoft balance.
Its been two years, a big dlc and still there is not a single chest armor I've come to love.

Every single time I want to make a character with no helmet I'm remembered how incredibly dumb they look.
Which is kind of weird, because as long as you use a helmet your character looks someway alright, but the moment you remove the helmet they look so bulky in comparation to your head and long neck that it looks dumb as fuck.
The champion pauldron and some other very light armor looks okish but sometimes you want to run something non barbarian.

For reference, which is your favorite chest armor?
They should kiss.
- Dragoncrest Greatshield
- Godfrey Icon
- Shard of Alexander
- Free
Used to be the simple altered raging wolf one, but now I think I prefer the death knight
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A war cry build at that level is going to be pretty weak compared to just buffing it with Flame Spear.
>For reference, which is your favorite chest armor?
Blue silver mail altered and Rellana's for INT
Noble's chest piece for blood incant users
Confessor chest for general stuff, though it it needs the hood since the bit that goes around the upper chest is part of the hood not the chest.
I often pair flowing garbs in the chest with armored gauntlets and greaves.
Also Leda's chest piece is great.
Wait, Millicent's Prosthesis gives a lower bonus than Rotten Wing Insignia. I thought it was strictly better with the +5 Dex too.
Do both of them stack or can you only equip one?
For some retarded reason they stack
What kind of madman would charge into battle without a helmet? Unless you're a mage of some sort. Anyway for me it's either the beast champion or banished knight. Bloodhound is ok too.
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>ywn be Leda's rape dummy so she can train to become good at sex for Miquella
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>door closed
>hole in roof
>maiden dead for some reason
I insist that we arrived in the lands between by catapult
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I just wanted to remake my roar build and see how much of an impact the charge attack modifier on the Messmer soldier axe and the 2H modifier from the 2H talisman had. Unfortunately the axe is outperformed by bigger weapons so it doesn't synergize well. Might be better with barbaric roar since it gets the 3-hit combo.

Yes, but they stack. Don't forget the physick tear, too.
When does this game get fun?
from is retarded
flawless victory for your wife
/xivg/ post
You're looking a little nutrient-deficient there, pal
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Durka durka
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only time i care about armor is when its sex armor
okay but the straight sword or greatsword, which is better?
Fighting the dancing lion in Rauhl Ruins.
the hole in the roof must be a DS1 reference, right?
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I'm Joe Brandon, I endorse Kumalot Whores for president because everyone found out I have dementia in that first debate (even though everyone actually knew for years). If you didn't vote for me, YOU AIN'T HORNSENT!

And I approve this message.
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None of them could turn runes into strength after they were maidenless, only your tarnished could do so
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If you're a type B tarnished, wearing Messmer's leg armor will have your character wear panties with certain body pieces
Honestly, I would not be surprised

Too bad Messmer is likely to be infertile though :(
Get the fuck outta here, normie
why settle for a straight sword when you can have a GREAT sword? are you homophobic
>For reference, which is your favorite chest armor?
Deathbed Dress
I'm tired of greatswords... every playthrough just ends up with a greatsword...
that's armor?
Same here, I can't help it, they're perfect
I want a build for the following playstyle:
-Cast electrify armament/blackflame blade/vyke thunderbolt
-Two hand a katana
- Go to town
-Cast dragonmaw/claw when things get spicy

Do i lvl dex or str with heavy uchigatana

Do i use dragon community seal
Kaiden chest
it's a greatsword, not a gaysword, faggot.
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literally me!
Pure STR got the 2hand talisman, that's a big win.
then in case use poison [your fist weapon of choice] and poison flower blooms twice so it doesn't feel like a status build but an explosive kick build
im not gonna help a uchigatana weeb faggot
It's just a flesh wound.
Use the beast repellent torch
No, I don't want to scare the hoes
no, its annoying to select it from my inventory so i just hope i wont die
Do cats exist in this world
>DLC leads you on adventure where you Hunt a Giant Big Bad Evil Dragon and you get to make a best bro along the way and at the end of the story you get a dragonwife for your troubles.
The entire Bayle plotline is so much more complelling than any other aspect of the games shitty incoherent lore.
You really can't beat Knight Slays Dragon Gets Girl story arcs.
Great katana is quite good as a STR weapon
Discus Hurl exists, unfortunately
2H talisman
Colossals fucking everywhere
Sounds like a dex/faith build with a little bit of arcane to me
are the items that summon spirits and shit actually useful? I have yet to try them even once
I feel bad for Igon’s voice actor tho
Miyazaki is a tyrant in all the areas he shouldn’t be, and he isn’t a tyrant in all the areas he should be
20 END 20 MND feel like the floor for every build
lmao why
jp has an entirely different culture for voice over work. It's totally normal for VAs to blow their voices out during a performance
That fight's on par with triple ulcerated tree spirits for the sheer gall that's almost respectable
Yes and you can see every last one of them die.
is there a single weapon in the game worth powerstancing (other than fist weapons i guess)
The actor screamed in a mic for like six hours straight or something. Miyazaki is legit an autist, it’s hilarious.
Imagine Rellana grabbing you firmly by the cock and balls and ordering you to service her.
All kino and funny
3 out of 4 aint bad, good job at guessing my build :^)
hey you can't say it didn't pay off. people will be memeing up CURSE YOU BAYYYLLLLEEE for years to come.
he wanted excellence and he squeezed out excellence.
and you feel bad for what?
real talk: why are men so feminine these days? why don't you grab her twin moons and order her to service you?
It works because Igon isn't some t-posing statue who can only talk if you talk to him first. He fucking screams even if you don't want to listen to him and he laughs and shouts and expresses emotion instead of being all stoic and polite like the boring shitty NPCs.
Did you kill Shabriri when he took Yura’s body?
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Elden Ring is probably the most unbalanced game they ever made. Things will either be super busted or painfully mediocre if not outright bad. Sometimes they get nerfed and sometimes they don't. So far you had stuff like
>100 guard boost on finger shield
>release date whore frost stomp
>Rivers of Blood once ARC got fixed
>Mimic Tear, especially the pre-patch one
>Mogh Spear, especially before the status buildup nerf
>Pest Threads against anything big
>Comet Azur instant kills
>Black Knife summon
>Taker's Flame, especially if combined with the Mimic
>original Sword of Night and Flame
>multi-hit drill sword with all the buffs
>Bloodfiend arm with blood infusion
>Thorns spell
>Night Comet with 2 staff boosts that outdamages most spells and never triggers dodge AI
>Giant Hunt or Lion's Claw
>Seppuku Cross Naginata instant bleed
>pre-patch Swarm of Flies
>Fallingstar Beast Claw weapon art perma stun on bosses
>Rolling Spark before the nerf
>Swift Slash before the nerf
>Flame of the Redmanes with the old stance damage
>Day 1 Moonveil weapon art spam
>Meteorite of Astel with the infinite FP tear
>Great spear hyper armor in PvP, not sure if it is still in the game

There is probably more busted stuff that I do not recall right now.
>Miyazaki is a tyrant in all the areas he shouldn’t be, and he isn’t a tyrant in all the areas he should be

honestly it's amazing how this game series is so shit and yet it was able to fail upwards stupendously. really impressive. invasions for example have just gotten worse and worse and yet this latest one is the most popular fromsoft game ever made, outearning every single other fromsoft game combined. yet this is also the sloppiest game they made.

truly incredible.
that first invasion is so much cancer to even watch
multiple phantoms
host summoning
password phantom that is extremely high level and using every single cheesy ash of war spam possible
and "people" wonder why invaders run sweatlord builds and use glitches because this is the shit you have to deal with
Godfrey is maidenless cuck.
Me personally, I would prefer to walk in with my unfair giant crusher with lions claw at skibidi +20 and beat her within an inch of her life, then use her bruised and battered body as my onahole before finally finishing her off with a final lions claw while she desperately protests my cheese methods.
>invasions for example have just gotten worse and worse and yet this latest one is the most popular fromsoft game ever made
Invasions are a minigame
Damn, all those busted options, and yet I only use weapons I like to larp with
And now hoarfrost stop is not worth using anywhere for any reason. It's too weak, you're deleting FP and getting nothing in return.
decades of indoctrination in public schools telling men that women deserve respect instead of having to earn it like everyone else
So who arrived in the big stone ships?
This is femdom, the game. Are you stupid?
They got divorced. He went away and fuck badlands bitches, and then return to fuck his wife.
But i want to two hand the sword so it should scale better with str/heavy affinity

what a horrible example you chose
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It's crazy how people still think there is no Yggradsil equivalent in Elden Ring that predates the Erdtree
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What is the correct stat spread and weapon I should be using for a knight build with shield to spam counter attacks?
>jeenine telling people hes going to make his own souls pvp game
on a scale of 1-10 just how autistic is this dude?
fuck yea spread it
at this point i wish they'd just give up whatever patent or whatever they might have on the invasion system and let a (clearly) much better developer make a game with invasions that's actually good.
>audio cuts out every single time someone dies
hes right about how much of a shit state invasions are however
pvp is the worst state it has ever been in this series
>Got cucked by his wifes alternate self/half-clone
>Two of his sons thrown in the sewer for being cursed and the last one becomes a dragon fucker
>Gets kicked out of the house and the country for being a mopey cuck
>Pity fuck from some Badlands mystery meat
>Only good son gets murdered by his step-sister
>Gets his ass beat and killed by some random Barbarians, probably lost his girl again
>Ex-wife rings him up for a booty call
>He comes running only to get his ass beat and killed AGAIN by his wife's new boyfriend(me)
Godfrey gotta be the most pathetic man in From history
should i powerstance 2 Dragonhunter's great katana's or is that a stupid idea
you powerstance curved swords or straight swords and basically nothing else desu
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no, it's a jojo reference
cosplaying as Nox
>But i want to two hand the sword so it should scale better with str/heavy affinity
Eh idk nigga
Idk, I think it might have to do with my estranged bpd mother and her instability impacting my psyche. I think I'm reaching out for a dominant maternal figure to become like a surrogate mother for me, but its getting all wrapped up in my sexuality.

Idk if psychoanalysis is real though.
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why not both?
why not order her to grab me firmly by the cock and balls and order me to service her?
relax, buddy
sex can be fun, it's not a fight and it's not a competition, you are allowed to enjoy it
Will it have blackjack and hookers?
>they would never draw him like this
What do you mean? He literally has yaoi like body proportions and limbs
Anon your Twinblade dual wield jump attack bleed spam build????
>the guy who talks like he's chasethebro but doesn't have half the skill
Autists should at least have enough autism to hyperfocus into getting megagood instead of just spamming 2-spear running attacks
Concession accepted.
sorry i'm straight bro
Make fun of the french for turning mega ultra super leftist in the recent years while formerly being mega-based and giving us shit like wakfu, not for their cool little language
accept THIS concession: *unzips pants*
How would the knot resin suggest a yggdrasil
oh my god babe your clit is so huge
Hot take, all non human bosses really too much on aoe and isn't designed well
Discus Hurl should seriously cost like 5 times the FP and go 2/3rds of the distance
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sacrebleu, elden ring in french is so gay
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I don't mind that nearly as much as how bad the camera is against any large enemy
>one small shield is useful for something besides parrying
>anons lose their minds
Utterly bitchmade.
More like supporting kikes.
I noticed this as well. Let me guess, he's calling them niggers or something?
I love how elden rings PvP is just ash of war spam
Really neat
High skill ceiling locating L2 and mashing it and hoping the enemy dies before you.
The kikes are literally at the bottom of Leyndel summoning their false god
It's way, way too fucking good. You can beat the entire game with it effortlessly.
Suble shoutout to Dark Bead spam. It's a very deepcut reference.
Heavy weapons do much more stance damage by default, it's for balance
Light weapons can't stancebreak good without dedicated stancebreaking moves
Nepheli's existence implies he got busy in the badlands.
My highest rated one is “sniper ahead” at rauh ruins. I wrote it after I killed the golem so I’m not sure if I put it exactly where he aggros you while you read it or if it’s actually helpful. Either way it seems to be popular.
Arcane is literally for status effects, you retard.
That fact that they refuse to zoom out the camera on large entity is weird with how they did that with sekiro
PvP is a scourge on this game and all others like it.
no it isn't, it is for many things, in fact you can use it for everything
What the hell is wrong with that hippo's unholy grab
In english it says it comes from the roots of the "greatree" and in french it's translated as "L'Arbre-Monde" meaning world tree which is what Yggdrasil is, a world tree.
Who are the ancient gods the meteorite great sword talks about? they aren't the giants because they got nothing to do with fire etc
the only other "ancient god" the game talks about is the gelmir serpent
are the ancient gods the life that inhabited the lands between before the greater will intervened?
Yeah, Radahn had one names Lacrime
>elden ring in french is so gay
Elden Ring is gay.
how would you balance invasions and blues so they work properly instead of being just loadscreen simulator
Astel kinda shit maybe?
My hot take is that the worst fight in the entire game is that one dragon on the tiny platform in Forum Azula. It doesn't even have a reward for beating it.
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>encounter thing you dont like
it really is that simple, this game is fun as shit bros stop torturing yourself and take the chainsaw pill
I can't help but imagine Godrick's soldiers are the chuddiest in the realm.
The great tree shit has been disproved hundreds of times already, it's always the same tree, there weren't any different trees
and more exciting stories and reposted webms
not fair, everything is gay as shit in french
Summons can't heal, ds2 style
I would remove invasions instead, worthless feature, always has been
Keep the arena for the losers who are filtered by real fighting games
What just happenmed did serpent hunt just reflect those spells
elden ring ash of war spam makes dark bead spam pale in comparison
dark bead spam was only dangerous if coupled with TWoP
>is that a red man aaaahhhhh
you know when you use the serpent hunter in the rykard arena and it has the big wind hitboxes? its a glitch that just causes that hitbox to activate like 6 times a second without the visual
By contrast Malenia leads physically and mentally deteriorating monstrosities that will kill you for "compassion." His spirit will rise from the grave and the Lands Between will know he was right.
Just bring back indictments, simple as.

Blues shouldn't be host saviors, they should be red hunters.
Go back to /v/.
Can't be arsed setting up a macro and doing it without is incredibly unreliable or I would chainsaw so many of these cucks.
The Redmane, Leyndell, Cuckoo and whatever else helmets in the game look so uncool. Why are they as so stupidly tall and narrow?
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and thats a bad thing why, exactly?

look me in the eyes and say with a straight face that you wouldn't
That's a kid
Miquella strikes me as a hard top. He hypnotizes you until you're begging to eat his ass out, that kind of thing. Power bottom x10.
Arbre-Monde sounds like wine brand
The knights are very smart (big heads)
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unreliable FOR NOW anon with enough practice you got that shit bro I promise, you got this shit I believe in you, it used to take me like 40 attempts to maybe get it once now I can almost always get it in 3 you can do it
I like this.

More than this shit >>487616609
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holy shit Fire Knight's Greatsword has 905 AR with 80 FTH
The problems are too deeply rooted in many facets of elden ring
You'd need to tackle:
>password summoning
>estus regeneration
>horrifically easy PvE levels
>large open PvE areas with nothing to use as invader
>resummon spamming
>graces/marikas being too close to boss fogs and being able to summon right at the door so zero risk
and more but im bored of repeating all this already
elden ring is just totally and utterly skewed against invaders from the ground up, you can't fix it without remaking most of the game
it's just the way it is
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I didn't buy the DLC.
We all know that's not what Miyazaki intended, otherwise Miquella would not be a sex object sissy passed around by ugly old men
I wouldn't. Remove them entirely. Nothing to save it. FF solution is the only way.
How does it compare to Cranial Vessel Candlestand, tho?
Akhmed the terrorist clocking into stormveil.
It's just good enough to make you regret not experiencing it, and so bad that you will hate yourself for buying it.
We are shooting stars
You already said that
graces or stakes of marika right before boss rooms give you a buff that disables invasions, get rid of this cringe ass fog wall shit man
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Not the same anon.
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This one >>487617298 is actually good. It's just realistic and a little unnerving but you want to goon instead.
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There is an easy fix for invasions: The invader takes over an enemy.
Disproved.... by what? I just find it insane that you think a world heavily inspired by norse mythology doesn't have an Yggdrasil equivalent. How is this even a controversial opinion?
poor mohg... he might have been a crazy maniac, but a pedophile he was not...
Don't be rude
Cranial Vessel has 808 with min stats and 80 FTH
Fire Knight's Greatsword has 905 with min stats ant 80 FTH (it goes up to 907 AR with 26 STR like Cranial)
>take over Malenia
>continually spam Waterfowl
Roasting some chicken thigh in the air fryer, gonna make some spiced yellow corn polenta with it. Also playing elden ring.
Just stay behind it.
It's the same tree, just turned gold by the Elden Beast (or Golden Order or whatever)
back in my day if you wanted some fuckbois in the boss room with you, you had to restore your humanity at the bonfire and run your ass all the way to the boss gate while under threat of BIG RED coming to kick your shit in regardless of if you have summons or not
you zoomers don't know how easy you have it now
I don't like chicken...
Who said you can invade boss arenas?
japanese description
there's no tree before the Erdtree, it was different, like in most mending endings, yes, but it's always the same tree
The Erdtree is the Yggdrasil since it's a tree of life (even tho there was life even before the Erdtree), but there was no tree before it
sheeeeit, guess I'm gonna be farming for that tonight. At least the fire knight armor looks rad. Has anyone tried power stancing two of them??
I died an embarrassing number of times to these fucks on my first run. This game is literally just Dark Souls but somehow I felt like I had to relearn everything all over again like Sekiro.
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excuse me but chasethebro is shit and every video he posts on his channel is just him beating up noobs. i've never seen chase deal with the shit jeenine does.

you're just a liar.
i dont get it
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it always annoys me when someone's innocence is revealed only after they are well and truly dead

what kind of justice is that?

i'm seething
>i've never seen chase deal with the shit jeenine does.
Almost every fight he shows is 3v1
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But it's not gold

>japanese description
Link please?
The fact that ansbach was mohgs right hand man really speaks for how much of a solid dude mohg was
So Radahn is in Mohg's body? Why didn't Ranni take over Godwyn's body?
They made him less fun
i wish fromsoft could balance their games properly. Figuring out the correct difficulty is too much of a pain in the ass.

If you use half the stuff in the game the game breaks
>redchud fightclub in the BURG in ds1
>redchud fightclub on the bridge in ds2
>redchud fightclub in the aldritch circle in ds3
Where are the fightclubs in elden ring....?
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>Ranni will never take over my body
There is/was the circular thing in front of like the like Raya lucaria elevator, or now there's like the colleseums
That was just the dueling spot
Those aren't fightclubs
You can google it
>every video he posts on his channel is just him beating up noobs.
That is every single youtuber posting invasion videos. It's not like there is matchmaking or anything. If one guy can beat multiple people it means there is either some sort of advantage for him, which we know is very small in this game, or the people he is fighting against are way worse than him. So they just post the instances where they get lucky to fight retarded people, which happens often, while talking about how good or fun their build is, as if it matters for what they're doing.
Why do I have to murder my own kind on behalf of my enemy just to talk to a cute snake?
Deeproot depths are deathroot-raped
If you were the soldier of God with the torch, I kneel
Anon I’m hungry why would you post this
I have a soft spot for simplistic desserts
Why do people stay in the Lands Between? This island is a nightmare that can bring you a fate worse than death. Imagine being there and thinking Oh boy, I can't wait to get a mortgage, buy a house, get a wife and kids, only to be raped by Dung Eater, have your wife put in a jar, and see real estate prices plummet to zero because of scarlet rot.
I literally tried, couldn't find the original japanese text for the root resin description. I think I've done enough work trying to prove your theory right on your behalf even though that's not my job, if you want to convince me of anything you'll have to at least meet me half way.
they're not gold because the erdtree only glows the color of the current order
see the entrance to the erdtree, it's brown
She made her own body, resembling her idol.
If I was doing a Leda cosplay, how could I parry while keeping in theme? What's the closest thing to a bare hand that can take ashes of war?
> I, too, am a glintstone sorcerer. We study the stars, and examine the life therein. Are you familiar with our findings? Long ago, we began as stardust, born of a great rupture far across the skies. We, too, are children of the Greater Will. Is that not divine? Is that not sublime? ...and yet, none can fathom its implications, its utter brilliance!

Based and Sagan-pilled
It's not metallic but it's definitely golden. The Japanese name for it is "Golden Tree."
Because I'm hungry too. It's going to be another 45 minutes before my food is done cooking. I cope with periods of fasting by looking up high resolution pictures of food.
traveler(b), high/page
leather, nomadic merchant, confessor
vulgar militia
messmer soldier
scale, kaiden, ronin, blue silver(b)
vagabond, death knight, all 3 divine warrior
raging wolf, hoslow, drake, rellana(b)
banished knight, scaled, beast champion
its awesome
the first step
Because it's not actually as bad as the game tries to make you believe. It's probably comparable to Italy after the wars of Justinian.
That's because the original Erdtree was burnt, the golden tree you see nothing is nothing more than an illusion just like the trees where you find golden seeds. The brown part of the Erdtree you see at the base of it is the remaining burnt husk of the original Erdtree. This is what they mean when it's said that "the Erdtree became more an object of faith."
>eceleb wars
you're worse than vtuber cancer holy shit
Kinda insane that we're forced to just fucking kill everyone in this game but going down to meet the Three Fingers is treated like we're trying to be friends with it.
Like, of all things in the game, the Three Fingers totally deserve annihilation, they are basically pure blasphemy from our point of view regardless of what ending you are going for.
it's currently undergoing the apocalypse, it wasn't always like this
Keeping the theme? A parry dagger.
Don't think you can stick parry on the fists.
It's like the Middle East IRL for the Abrahamics. It's a shithole, but Jesus, Mohammed and others lived there, people want to go there for religious reasons. The Lands Between is where the tree is, where Marika is, and more.
Why haven't Formless Mother yanked Mohg's soul from Miquella's clutches and put it in the nearest suitable dead body? Fuck, we had murdered half of population of Lands Between, there should be mountains of corpses to chose from. We murdered Malenia, for fuck's sake. She could have put him snuggly in Malenia's body.




This is now my new headcanon. Mohglenia.
>literally looking at the image and seeing brown roots
>"it's gold"
The erdtree was never burnt, what are you on
I wish there was a cool fuaking ring of mana regen like in fear and hunger
I like having items that do stuff like that
The Erdtree is gold because its covered in fungus
Why does Melina have burn marks on her body, why does she call herself "burned and bodiless", why is there copious amounts of ash litered throughout the capital even before the player burns it?
主に、地下の大樹根から採取できる天然樹脂 地上の木の側などで見つかることもある アイテム製作に用いる素材のひとつ その根は、かつて黄金樹に連なっていたといい 故に地下墓地は、大樹根の地を選んで作られる

"Natural resin that can be found from the underground Great Roots. It can even be found close to the trees in the surface. One material used for the crafting. It is said these roots were once tied to the Golden Tree, long ago. For this reason, catacombs got built on chosen places, ones with underground Great Roots."
Idk what that means then I'm sorry
It's just an eldritch being he prays to and stabs sometimes, I don't think she cares
This is a bloodborne situation
Same with ranni's moon sitting there doing nothing because it's the moon and that's what it does
Because she's gross and leads you into awful places because she's awful too
Which of those moon runes specifically are you translating as "Great Roots" so I can double check your translation (if it even is you translating this and you're not just copy+pasting this amateur translation from some reddit thread)
gathering spot for chaddy reds where a host mass summons them and then you fight it out one by one
a fight club
nobody forced you to, you know, that's what Hoslow and Behrnal and Patches are there to remind you of, they hung out with Rya at the manor all day but none of them could bring themselves to murder fellow tarnished, only you did
Melina is a huge unknown variable, she could be burnt and body less because she got fucked up by Maliketh if we are to believe she's the GEQ, or other shit
As for the ash, anon, there's literally a city sized dragon crumbling into ash left unattended
>45 FTH 45 ARC
>Highest AR I can get are FTH infused weapons
Your explanation requires more assumptions and leaps of logic than mine does.
Also your grave will be looted by brave Tarnished so they can buy your hotdogs or whatever from husks.
the mistranslations come because japanese words can either be taken in pieces or as a whole
>45 FTH 45 ARC
in what planet would you build this
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Dude... So brown...

I literally just said it was a regular tree turned golden by the elden beast. The fucking Japanese name for it is "Golden Tree." Are you really this dense or just an asshole?
You don't find it at all strange that before you burn the Erdtree there's a bunch of ash everywhere and then after you burn it the exact same ash texture with the exact same colour has suddenly completely filled the entire city? You don't think that's related at all?
so they only took 大樹?
Anon do me a favor and turn on the game and then head to the Morgott/Godfrey arena, and check the part of the tree that opens up to the Radagon/Elden Beast arena.
Then just...get back to me.
>summoned to fight Romina
>host is in full bullgoats with starscourge swords
>scadutree level 5
>he spams rotten dragon breath on her
>I die in 2 attacks

am I retarded or is this the norm for trying to help people now
It literally doesn't... you find only ash in the areas under the dragon, that's why you find dragonwound materials
turn off all your dlc stakes
I think Torrent was the worst addition to the game just because it allows shitters to run past everything and then are shocked to see they don't know how to play the game
Those three symbols seem to be "big" "tree" and "root" respectively which does not whatsoever contradict the theory that there is an Yggdrasil-like world tree that holds up the world. If anything it supports it.
Cheesecake is the best dessert.
45/45 is how you get the most scaling off Dragon Communion Seal.
it can be seen as the great tree's roots, or greattree's roots
the translation teams were different probably
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Which one is the most lickable?
That's not how you Japanese
Individual kanji/katakana can have different means when combined in different ways.
You can't just separate the 3 kanji and then analyze one by one. You have to analyze the entire combination.
The fuck are you on about? The majority of the ash is in the eastern most part of the city with all the misbegotten, the exact opposite side of where the dragon is.
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what kind of question is this? obviously darkmoon gs
Alright so what do all three symbols put together mean? More importantly are you able to prove that all three symbols put together mean what you think it means? I doubt you're fluent in jap.
>tongue gets stuck
licking Ranni's darkmoon greatsword...
Probably Marai since it's flat
grafted and eclipse you'd cut your tongue on
darkmoon you'd get your tongue frozen stuck to
bolt of gransax probably taste like a battery
I think the tip of the sickle, I wanna press my tongue into it
It's supposed to be an ARC copeseal to let you cast well with arcane builds, might as well just go full faith and use a faith seal with the dragon seal in the offhand
It can be either, bigtree roots, or big tree roots, it depends on the context
Summoning mermaidtard
I don't know Jap, I just know enough to know how grammar works
And really is it that different from any other alphabet?
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there are more than one tree
You hurt me.
That's the Crucible.
Crucible is a spiral shape that resembles a tree.
That's why trees are sacred
That's why the Erdtree IS a tree, because it was made to be a sacred symbol that already existed in TLB.
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Fucked up that the big serpent club is a LA but the fuckasshuge sword pulled out the mouth of the actual demigod snake the club depicts somehow isn't. Like what's up with that?
Not very convincing, my theory is still true.
gee I dunno the ice popsicle???
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Is there a significant difference between strike, slash, and thrust damage? If a boss is resistant to slash damage am I doing 30% less damage? 5%? Should I bother to have multiple weapons ready for such an occasion?
I'm not answering questions from porn addicted twink faggots
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I think no remembrance weapons are considered legendary

some enemies are weaker to strike, notably crystalians and shit

>Should I bother to have multiple weapons ready for such an occasion?
Turns out that people who need help to beat this game are retarded, who knew?
It looks cold.
it WOULD have been cool to fight that giant rotting mermaid tho
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honestly, this fight is kind of okay, fifth time through killing him and he has kinda grown on me, performance is still dogshit
its definitely the hardest fight in the game by far, if maybe not for the greatest reasons

but this fight would not be as bad, if they just changed the pillars of light, into ground spells, because the pillars can sometimes completely obscure radahn and they make the visual clarity really fucking bad
if your theory was true then the catacombs would be useless, because they'd be connected to a tree different than the erdtree
Moore picks up Thiollier's inventory after he moves near Trina
The clean version on the left looks really nice.
>thrusting weapon and shield
doesn't count
Is level 16 scadutree blessing enough for the entire dlc?
The people that wanted Godwyn to come back are the same people that get Deadpool tattoos.
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you don't understand the lore
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What's the easiest way to get Blasphemous Blade the earliest? Coop partner wants it
Abductor Virgin below Raya Lucaria?
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does this count
no shield no deflect
this is the entire reason why i go to late night massage parlors. the good ones grab you by the cock and balls as soon as you walk in, before you even pay a dime
it's actually insane that after not giving us the godwyn mermaid fight in the base game and instead just using him as a setpiece while you fight npc gankers and a reused dragon, you also don't get to fight the giant cool mermaid monster in the dlc
like what the fuck. it's one of the most iconic and interesting designs in the game, and they never ever use it. It's completely ridiculous that they couldn't put it in some creepy elden beast-esque area where it swims around and shit. Having a two phase godwyn the golden / prince of death fight would be so incredibly kino it's insane that they didn't do it.
First one. No sharp edges to mess up your tongue, no ice to get it stuck, and the snake is biting the egg in a way that makes it look delicious, just lick there.
Thank you
Immediately grab the Sword of St.Trinia, get stats to use it
Raya Lucaria
Use the Sword to sleep-cheese Godskin (You can do this at a super low RL pretty easily)
Fight low RL Rykard with the Serpent hunter (This isn't too hard if you dump vig with the Godskin runes)
yes but it does mean skipping all of volcano manor quests and armor
No one understands the lore. Including Miyazaki.
I think godwyn is the type of guy to fuck his friend's crush then act like it's normal because no one can do anything to him since he's the goddesses favourite boy
Not if the Erdtree was once connected to the world tree but isn't any more. The Erdtree used to physically rebirth people by absorbing them through the roots and then birthing them like seeds from the boughs of the tree but after the rune of death was removed that's not necessary because people don't die anymore. The Erdtree is now no more than an object of faith, meaning it previous served a purpose greater than that.
No he isn't. Why are you like this?
Almost like normal people don't play elden ring for PvP.
I'm sorry about your mini game
this is actually the only legit way to beat radahn
if you dont use bleed, you didnt beat the game are are a complete shitter

also, you need to wear varre mask because other helms have more defensive stats and therefore are complete cheese, bosses should be able to hit you and do full damage or you are cheating
niggers with an inferiority complex can't help but post their cuckold fantasy at any given chance
do the volcano manor jump, otherwise do rya's quest and go up the dectus lift
Godwyn strikes me as a douchefag, dunno why
if my tongue gets stuck, i'll just ask melina to pee on it to get it unstuck
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this is a mistake :))
How isnt he?
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>says I'm gonna die to a blade
>comes at me with a bladeless bludgeon
Cuckqueaning is hot
people think this sort of thing about people like godwyn because they're insecure and want to assume the worst of people that they're jealous of
godwyn is too perfect, which makes them upset
Who's his brother?
Is it Bernahlibart?
I bet Godwyn hired a kinky wench party, then he walked in a room full of Black Knives and started taking his shirt off thinking it was BDSM sex time only to get utterly soul fucked
i wish his weapon didnt suck ass
its aesthetically cool as fuck
I think he means Rykard. He says it after the boss fight.
shut the fuck up Marika, your golden boy sucks
I would 100% fall for this myself even if my most trusted friend warned me beforehand.
Gadwyn clearly only had sex with Fortissax and human women had no effect on him.
Rykard is his brother??
I think you read my question wrong
He might mean brother from another mother
His homie
His bff
I'm bullshitting here I don't think his brother was ever mentioned anywhere else
Sorry chud, godefroy and godrick disprove your head canon
Is the mad tongue Aberich a primeval sorcerer? His entire brain is red glinstone
Godwyn almost certainly has the highest body count besides Fia. Small wonder they get along so well. He is the only explanation for the existence of Godrick, Godefroy, the grafted scions and who knows how many unnamed descendants.
>Lvl 90
>Kick talisman
>Blue dancer
>Claw Talisman
>Radagon Icon
>12.2 equip load
>Beast seal
>Pump Str
Honestly chunks even heavy armored enemies, plenty of room for resistance incants, pocket sand to finish off low health enemies
Godwyn spread his golden seed around wantonly and was one of the prime reasons why there are so many demigods we don’t hear of
Would Marika approve of his behavior? Or did she let him be just because he's her only normal son?
Marika is a fucking whore herself I bet Messmer and Melina are Godwyn's kids too.
With Marika.
Contrary to popular fanon, my headcanon is that Marika is a tired hag that doesn't find enjoyment in sex after climbing the hornsent ranks by whoring herself
One of my friends quit elden ring because they got filtered by Red wolf of radagon.
>Doing dancing lion for the first time
>camera fucks my screen and I don't see shit
>but because I am greatshield and poke build I can't die
>Killed the thing on first go but did not see shit and had my eyes molested by unsheen model clipping
>Repeat the same experience on the Hippo and Saint of Rot and now I have a headache
bayle gave me a headache too
Which are the dragons you can kill before altus? ideally without going up dragonsbarrow
Lion and hippo i get but saint of rot? You must've been on some dog shit positioning.
Shut up, mermaidtard
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>Bloodborne was the only fromsoft game with vampires in it
Why doesn't Miyazaki share my based and redpilled appreciation for vampires?
A friend almost died to Soldier of God, Rick
this but unironically
She doesn't really have any room to talk. I thought calling her a strumpet was just an off-hand pejorative at first but combined with the seduced and betrayed line I'm pretty sure she fucked her way up the Hornsent hierarchy.
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agheel, smarag, ekzykes... I think that's it
greyoll and greyll are in dragonbarrow
I keep watching the ode to Miquella video.
I hated that thing when i was playing semenless with my friend. Then i did a solo run in which i didn't rush to the bosses i had enough levels to kill the bosses without it being tortureous. Dumb noobs don't get it
If my memory serves me correctly, there was some REALLY vague shit about vampires in DS1 too? Character creator for Carim sliders?
Fuck it I guess I'll cheese Greyoll and bleed her to death then
vampires are gay cringe shit for w*men
I suppose he has the most anime moveset of early game bosses.
Margit and Godrick are fat and slow. Wolf showcases how fast the game can be so it's a good filter for boomer brained people who can't keep up.

I already beat the game 4 times and i think the game is genuinely too hard and the emphasis on difficulty is misguided.
I miss the simpler combat of DS1 where the levels were more challenging than the bosses.
rot, magma, glintstone, fire
he DOES love vampires and that is why he reserved them for his only loved work Bloodborne, how could he not love vampires? he's a scorpio moon with libra placements after all
valiant gargoyle double fight is so dogshit lmao
the fact that they keep making horrible duo fights after O&S shows that they have no clue what made that fight actually work and it was just pure luck
filtered but true O&S was peak and they're never replicating it
I know you niggers get anal everytime this is mentioned but they make bosses with spirit ashes in mind.
the O&S fight isn't even that good
I don't believe you. I don't believe they think 'yeah, we should make a few fights unbelievably difficult unless you use a spirit ash, which trivializes it'. I don't believe you.
No, it isn't. That newfag probably never played it.
I refuse to believe this because most bosses get trivialized by having another target to hit
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I hate Fia with all my fucking heart and I cannot describe how much and I love this character. I still listen to his short role regularly and laugh with the knowledge that the voice actor likely had no clue what the fuck he was talking about. Fuck undead scum. Fuck rotten whores. Fuck the fish man.
No, the thought process is "player has friend, now boss has friend too :) "
I'm better than both of you so try again
you don't understand
they balanced the ENTIRE game around spirit ashes
this is also why every boss in the DLC actively fucking NUKES you if you use spirit ashes the moment you go through the fog gate
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>be chad incel who just wants to beat people to death with your hands
>but be remembered as some warrior king person wielding an axe because throwing hands are not king-like
>the game isn't stomping on my balls hard enough
>clearly the devs failed
She will make a good ruler.
post original PS3 copy of launch edition dark souls or concede
Consider that the intended experience is what you consider "trivialized" and that Elden ring is actually an easy game all along (it always was)
Yeah thorn sorceriers are from a blood star
>no u
Typical $cientology behaviour.
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This place is kinda fucked when you think about it no wonder people didn't like godrick
knew you didn't have one,
because he is a newfag
i have my copy sat here, he doesn't have one
There's the pretty obvious fact that it can often skip entire phases of a boss
didn't miyazaki say in some interview about how the game being difficult was part of the point? then again he lies half the time so whatever
you entered a room with hanging limbs and shit and you didn't immediately think " damn that's fucked "? You had to think about it?
is it just me, or does that tree look a little... racist?
>post original PS3 copy of launch edition dark souls or concede
I unironically own that but I have no idea where it is since I haven't touched a ps3 in years
I should find it sometime, just to show it off
My mom had credit card points that were going to expire and she saw that she could buy games with it and asked if I wanted anything and I saw dark souls and was like fuuuuack this looks so cool and she got it for me
It was awesome
It's a video game.
It's not real life.
Having done a lot of the dlc with a tanky build I noted that there is a spike in malicious design moments even if I shrugged them off, things like every corner having a guy behind it waiting for ambush and even moments where an ambush corner has its own ambush followed by two other ambush corners on the path after it. I assume its miserable on a non-defensive build to deal with these and wonder if some designer had a bad day furing development.
He talked about "wanting everyone to have the same experience" in regards to easy mode. Which most certainly is not true with how horribly balanced the game is.
>yeah bro i totally have it but i just dont know where it is
okay pal
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>never replicating it
But they did perfect it
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it's still a room full of hanging dismembered bodies, I don't think there's any need to "think about it" to find it fucked up
The game's lighting is kind of ass and doesn't convey gore very well, so yeah I didn't think about it immediately.
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>My mom had credit card points that were going to expire and she saw that she could buy games with it and asked if I wanted anything and I saw dark souls and was like fuuuuack this looks so cool and she got it for me
>It was awesome
Hell yeah. Loved this fight and i went in expecting to hate it
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>You will have a sexual relationship with Rellana
>You will FUCK her Messmer
>Then you will break her heart like I did with Rennala
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unfathomably based
FTH probably works best for dryleaf, specially at lower levels.
If you buff yourself with last rites it gives your weapons 30 flat holy AR + 5% damage.
This might not sound like much but it's pretty huge on low AR weapons.
It also allows for the use of the Dryleaf seal which is neat I guess.
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I died more to Moonrythil than i died to Rennalla.
I died waaaaaaay more to Senessax than i did to Bayle.
I found my demon souls, ds2 and ds3 CDs but not ds1, fuck
I wonder where it is, damn
I also found my dragon's dogma CD, my skyrim CD, my prince of persia CD and some other stuff
Senessax is legitimately a shit fight in a shit arena with a shit boss it's all SHIT
He needs spankings.
I'm so mad that Senessax's glaive takes 1 trillion year to fucking fire, why couldn't it just be FTH's Adula's Greatsword dude
She did nothing wrong.
Wait Senessax is the wrong shit dragon fight
My point stands tho fuck that glaive incant
You had me looking shit up nigger
Lansseax is the one with the glaive. Senessax doesn't even have anything special, it's just shit.
I know the starting plot point for the game is the first immortal being slain and the reactions and aftermath to that are what give the story narrative weight, but I want Godwyn to comeback as a mermaid so I can clap and kill him myself.
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>so I can clap
Anon, do me a favor and re-read the multiple posts where I said it was a regular fucking tree that got turned gold. How fucking stupid are you? You gonna complain to the fucking creators of the game next about calling it "Golden Tree?"
Oh my god both us and another red died from laughter
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I'm not joking btw see
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>so I can clap
honestly I don't think we need a pre-boss before the actual boss
like this ain't a fucking WoW raid, FromSoft!
you want deathroot? cause that's how you get deathroot
Pretty cool anon
Do Last Rites stack with the holy damage buff from Sword of Light?
Zanzibart... forgive me.... just this once... i must go all out..........
Roderika gives a pretty fucked up description of him, but you're right, it definitely doesn't help Godrick's image.
What demigods would most likely smoke a blunt had you offered
Godwyn is taking anon he FUCKS dragons.
Thanks, it's cool to own these
I miss physical media a little
I think so.
Last rites is an aura like golden vow while the sword is a body buff like FGMS or Crab.
But I heard that the sword's buff is bugged in PVP, though I haven't tested it myself.
I thought you were the other guy.
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>stormveil castle has a pantry
Now we just need someone to find the toilets and the beds
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Now i wonder if those buffs are enough to offset the difference between holy and lightning resistances in pvp
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It's a weird game. It's not hard if you use everything. Like shieldpoking with spirit ashes and bleed, leveling up a lot, things like that. The only reason anyone thinks it's hard, is because we challenge ourselves by not using things that are good. But any game is hard if you do that.

This was my experience on my first playthrough. Bought the game after enjoying Sekiro, friends kept begging me to try it even though I didn't like DS. I got to Leyndell, told them that the game wasn't as hard as people said it was, they didn't believe I beat Margit a few minutes after meeting him for example. When I said I mostly used the wolf summons while shield poking, and some times using fireballs with my fth+str character, they said I wasn't supposed to play like that. How are you supposed to know that if you're going in blind? If you just do what the game tells you to do, it's extremely easy to accidentally get overpowered. Summoner classes aren't usually overpowered in RPGs, I think most people would expect the creators to not make one style of play so much stronger than others that it completely changes the experience like that.
Alright, sorry for being a jackass. I've had a really bad day. It's not an excuse, just an explanation.
on my first playthrough of the game years ago i thought the fortissax fight was insanely cool, it didn't last very long because i was doing big damage but i was still feeling the dopamine from discovering deeproot depths on my own and fightning this really cool super secret endgame boss that's essentially a Dragon Black Mage.
on subsequent playthroughs i realized he's just a reskin of generic dragon model #3 and he became like 10 times less cool.
Reusing assets takes so much away from bosses. Astel is another example of this. being a natural born of the void becomes infinitely less cool and ominous when it's implied there's a bajilion other natural borns of the void.
I got my anons mixed up first it's okay.
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they look like pigs, but we never see any in game...
there's boars in several places
Agreed about the dragons. But not Astel. The fact that you beat that thing, then learn it's just one of many, is what makes him scary.
I think it's possible, specially considering that Sacred has higher AR than lightning with their respective stats at 50.

Lightning however has access to some of the best consumables in the game like Hefty lightning pots and also stat boosting gear like the curseblade mask and Millicent's Prosthesis that are 10 free levels so it's pretty hard to beat DEX.
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Why do you hate magic?
Why do people use placidusax ruin in the arena? For what purpose?
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I will marry him
because it's boring
I will lick the sweat off his succulent asshole.
What set is that anon?
Full pic? Source? Looks cute.
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>had Radahn down to about 1/10 of his health
>heart stolen
It's not fair, bros.
I hate from's implementation, its not hard to make cool magic spells in a game like this.
You're cast into a magical world of wonderment and knightly fantasy, and you decide to be the guy who goes looking for the place where imaginary people poop.
Time for flower,
and then death, O death...
catbox pls
I don't have an account
if we don't find bathrooms in the lands between we can assume this is a harry potter scenario and everyone shits themselves and mages teleport the shit to the void
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>magic without summons
>boss never lets you get a spell off

>magic with summons
>absolutely busted

Warriors, on the other hand, are self-reliant. While they may benefit from a summon, it's not that much of a power increase, while going solo doesn't leave them anywhere near as helpless as casters.
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Miquella is loyal to his man.
Why do incantion takes so long to cast and enemies are getting faster with each game
This. Most of the fans base have grown to love the foundation of attack commitment timing and dodging. The magic in this game doesn’t really have anything to do with that. Most of the spells have auto-tracking or are really fast or have massive aoe. The carian sword spells are dope though.
What DLC enemies besides fire knights drop +8 stones? I need them and I don't want to unlock Farum or Snowfield
Zanzibart, the forgiven
whenever you have a question about this game ask yourself "is this explained by FROMsoft being retarded?" and if you answer yes, you know the answer.
There's no porn up yet. Author has a part 2 pending.
Radahn fans are so annoying. They never stop whining about his loss to Malenia.
whenever i'm fightning a dragon i fight them until they have a sliver of HP left, then i summon florissax just so she can watch me do the killing blow.
it turns her on.
Messmer wouldn't want to disappoint his mom
Melina would say she's down to smoke but ghost you
Godwyn wouldn't want to spoil his poster boy image, but he might if you were alone
Neither would Morgott
Mohg would wanna smoke in his room with blacklights and posters from Spencer's Gifts
Radahn would smoke after a lift
Rykard but then he'd get aggresive and schizo
Ranni smokes more than me but she's a bitch I don't wanna hang out with her
Miquella would and then he'd get too handsy feely
Malenia would if Miquella did but she'd just sit quietly in the corner
I'm playing as a caster for a change and I feel like it's the opposite. The spells are much slower than using a good weapon and deal worse posture damage
I don't (though)
I just wish that carian slicer did poise and stance damage
Cute, i love michaella. 3 arms fanarts are also cute
>spray rot/frost dragon breath solo
>boss downs 12 red bulls and knocks you out of animation to kick your shit in
>spray rot/frost dragon breath with phantoms/host
>you have now blinded your team mates to the .5 second tell of the boss' 45 hit combo

It's poorly designed
>replaying DLC
>pay closer attention to NPC dialogue
>Ansbach said that he knew Mohg got charmed and challenged Miquella himself to free his lord
>He says he got his heart stolen so he got grabbed twice during the fight
does this mean that out of all of them Ansbach was charmed for the longest time? He's old as fuck and I assume Mohg has been charmed for a really long time too
>Malenia would if Miquella did but she'd just sit quietly in the corner
>she'd just sit quietly in the corner
Yep literally me.
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>can equip spells and/or skills into memory slots at bonfire
>some weapons have unique ashes that you can place on them
>cycle through them with up-dpad, press L2 to unleash them
>don't need a catalyst to cast
Would that sort of streamlining work?
I think another underrated aspect of DEX for fists is the fact you can swap to Beast Roar and that shit is incredibly useful for invasions
make FP regen like stamina and we can talk
>NIGGER RAGE SATAN RAPIST 5000 approaches me
>heavy attack guardcounter heavy attack ACK stunned
It's really funny how powerful these are
FP should regen by smacking the boss, with certain weapons being better at it than others.
iirc Dane has been part of the Miquella gang longest
>making both spells and ashes of war clunky
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just did it again
huh, I guess I just ignored them lmao
Skills should use memory slots instead of placing them on weapons but they should require the right weapon to cast them.
That means if you have 3 spear skills, you can't use them with a sword but you can use all 3 with a spear. Since you're a melee build you won't need the spell slots anyway and this solved the L2 problem.
How would you incorporate bloodborne and sekiro mechanics into elden ring to improve it without fundamentally changing the souls structure? Keep in mind sekiro had to do away with a lot of core features to work as well as it did.
That it does.
>left handed tarnished
armored core mechanics too
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>FP should regen by smacking the boss, with certain weapons being better at it than others.
literally, LITERALLY code vein
the spell system was hold trigger and press directional button / square triangle x circle to cast too
playing a magic build there felt amazing (melee used skills / spells too since it worked in nioh logic where you had all these buffs and melee moves)
0 start up frames
make a talisman that uses the sekiro tear.
they'll do this in their next game which is basically dark souls 5 + horse + new gimmick
So how much poise do you guys generally aim for in PVP?
Wo Long's control scheme allowed you to have 8 spells and 6 ashes of war and it felt very easy to swap between them all
Fromsoft should steal fucking everything related to usability from that game. Spirit meter system too.
more like FlorisSEX
What I would want is something like
You press a button (Say, L1) and then you can press a face button and that casts a spell you linked to that slot, so you get 4 spell slots.
Pressing up on the DPad changes your swatch of spells, so you can have more than 4.
I would love for you to be able to cast shit without having to "put away" the weapon like bosses do, too, but I'll settle for just direct input spell casting for now.
They literally just brought Deflect over they need to bring the updated camera too
51 tanks a light weapon hit
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Right handed Dragon katana clips through the floor
left handed doesn't
Zanzibalt-san, I have faired you...
make perfect block part of the basekit like jump or roll
make a talisman that gives stacking damage on perfect blocks to guard counters
Because it encourages you to use summoning or ashes. Magic has insane DPS (to the point that ALL cheese builds incorporate it), but playing honestly, you can never get any spells off against bosses because they're so damned aggressive and mobile. They also don't have any stagger potential, so bosses will just completely poise through your attacks and eat dozens of spells before getting guard broken. You just end up being forced into a melee character playstyle anyways if going solo.
At least 51. I’ve tried to see the value in 101+ but I can’t really tell what moves I can poise through.
If you marry Ranni, would she let you fuck your spirit ashes since she's got a sexless doll body?
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For the invasions it barely matters because you get blendered easily anyway and should rely on hyperarmor more than anything. I just get over 40 and stop with my preferred fashion.
The only exception is my STR dude and purely because Solitude is a god tier set.
I'd rather press L1 and then triangle, square, circle , x for spells
Or is that what you meant by face buttons?
That would severely limit spells slots though.
It's like they designed magic around clearing the levels but then couldn't figure out how to reconcile it with the bosses. I cast a shit load of incantations while progressing through a level but then rely on melee combat for the actual bosses.
I don't. My first playthrough was melee only and I enjoy the challenge. My second playthrough was int and I enjoy how braindead easy cheesey it is. I do hate faith though because buffing is gay and for fags.
The Golden Order GS should have been a holy damage version of the DMGS.
Talisman that turns roll into quickstep.
Fuck me just get rid of roll and put in quickstep.
Is Maliketh's Black Blade any good? I've been using Troll's Golden Sword with holy infusion.
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>friend moved his elden ring files to a different hard drive
>boots up to continue co-op run
>hes banned for 180 days
nice game
Good, he deserved it.
Yes, that's what I meant. L1+Face button (X, Triangle, Square, Circle)
I'm honestly of the theory that they should just fuse Ashes of War and spells, though, so my actual ideal would be L2+Face button.
You both have it super twisted or never really have spells a proper try
You do a fuckton of damage, it goes from stagge race to damage race
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The only time I cast spells for bosses are when applying buffs at the start or after I've riposte the boss and they're getting back up. Opening a boss fight with scarlet aenoia, greyoll's roar, or Ranni's dark moon does make the melee a bit easier though.
I like using glintblade & melee sorceries, is radagon's icon worth it's slot for me? Should I invest into dex as well for cast speed? this is for pve
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Steal from code vein
Rennala is the most powerful sorceress.

Gideon is probably one of the most powerful sorcerers though, considering his spellset.

Sellen is weaker than Rennala.

Vyke is right though.
Probably not. Spells with long releases (like a lot of the higher level incants) are the ones that benefit most from Radagon's Icon.
Carian sovreignity is the best fuck off sword spell and it has a long cast time.
Just Icon is enough.
And yes, it helps quite a bit.
It might not seem like much, but when you're trying to cast during a fight with an aggressive enemy like a boss it helps a lot.
Melee builds would kill to be able to make their weapons swing faster.
Alternatively you could just use Azur's Staff and free up a talisman slot.
I'm so hopeless that this is better than porn for me. I still don't know why Carians have these horrendous proportions and I don't really care.
It's not just Code Vein
Wo Long and Nioh also have similar systems
From's just stuck on the PS3 era where every action could only be mapped to 1 button and the idea of using one button to change the actions of other buttons was apparently unt
hought of
Use azur's staff on your offhand + icon for maximum casting speed if you'd like but I'm unsure
The way casting speed works is that it speeds up... starting frames? Or something like that, I don't remember
So for some spells it's not as noticeable, I'd google it
It's very good, destined death damage (such as it and the black knife) do a fuckton of damage to enemies with a lot of health, the L2 will chunk bosses, plus it's an ultra greatsword on top
this shit bloodborne
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>throw a giant ball of fire
>literally bending reality to my will
Am I supposed to be jealous of meatheads swinging sticks around? because I'm not.
I cast spells for the entirety of the game.

It's been working good so far.
you bend reality by asking for help from astral forces and gods from beyond
i bend reality by punching it
we're not the same
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I love the range on Palm Blast
It's unfortunate Dryleaf Whirlwind is kind of a shit for pvp because they can escape before the last hit
did the DLC really need 20 ghost flame dragons
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how are the death spells in elden ring
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Wo Long even allows 8 spells at the same time. Very easy to swap between two presets of 4 too.
Some are bad and some are really fucking good.
Pretty alright
Beast claws + UGS is my favorite weapon setup
>can't save Hewg
I really wanted to save Hewg.
Stop repeating yourself.
We have literally no evidence or implication that Godwyn was anything other than an all-around pretty great guy. Not one implication.
I think I speak for everyone when I say two ulcerated tree spirits simply was not enough.
Crazy effective, the offhand L1s seem to have 0 recovery time
if I take my meds the Ranni doll stops talking to me...
Objectively worse than ugs + hatchet but ten times more fun
Starting a new character to do DLC without any of the scadtree fragments. I did pure STR last time and I want to try something new.

Should I go hybrid with a dex/faith or int or arcane? I feel I have rarely tried arcane cause I tend to avoid bleed builds cause it feels like easy mode.
Yeah, you should take them.
did anyone here mess around with some "big" mods. like ones that add new areas or that change the gameplay fundamentally
they're all dogshit no damage
only in DS2
A lot better after the DLC.
You can actually kill people with them, instead of just spending 5 minutes spamming Rancor.
>nice design
>kickass leitmotif
>cool animations
>interesting backstory
>no dialogue mid battle
i think using a great katana will give you some understanding of how lots of players went through the base game. I think they generally don't stack bleed as fast as normal katanas do so it won't feel like you're just shitrolling the game. infusable DLC weapons can go with any stat pretty well
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>strong as fuck
>huge aoe
>quick throwing animation
>easy to farm the vast majority of them
>fit any build
>excellent for pvp too
Was it so hard to design consumables like this in the main game too?
you can literally one shot deathbirds with holy water pots
they then felt like the job was done and all the rest of the consumables got ignored
sorry wrong pic meant to post this
why did they have to make Sellen so stupid sexy??
To make you sadge when she dies.
So am I crazy or is the church district in the shadow keep literally Helphen’s Steeple? It’s literally the same.
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so you get mad when they unceremoniously, inexplicably kill her off
There should be a mod where if you complete her roofie quest, the Age of Fracture ending has her appear in dragon form beside you, arms encircling the throne with her head hovering over yours in silent vigil.
Godwyn was almost definitely a good guy not because we have no implications of wrong doing but because his backstory is one of the most GRRM things we have in the game's story.
He's basically too perfect to live, so he has to die like a bitch and then have his body defiled.
Think of someone in GoT like Rhaegar where he's someone who should be a good King, he's beloved by the small folk and he believes his bloodline has prophecy and heroics.
So he gets his chest caved in by a greathammer and left to rot in a puddle.
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Have you seen her with loose hair?
GRRM really is an edgy wannabe school shooter.
Him and the Berzerk faggot would've gotten along perfectly.
yeah but rhaegar was a rapist who started a war which got most of his family killed
she's not sexy you just like the feet of japanese men
>Think of someone in GoT like Rhaegar where he's someone who should be a good King, he's beloved by the small folk and he believes his bloodline has prophecy and heroics.
A lot of people rationalize Rhaegar as being an evil, dumb pedo bitch who cheated on his wife and deserved it.
>Aspects of the Crucible: Wings was the most hyped moment of the reveal trailer
>Is one of the worst ashes in the entire game
A lot of people are retarded
I think the most ridiculous consumable in the game is the Golden Vow one
There's 3 whole ass different versions of Golden Vow
Why, you can literally put it on a dagger and use it on literally every build
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I'm about halfway through the DLC. I've been using a poison build and want to incorporate Dryleaf Arts but I've got no real idea how.
>Occult infusion still has low damage
>poison infusion has pitiful damage
>using Poison Flower Blooms Twice is getting hard with these late DLC bosses [I either get knocked out of the animation or get hit and take a large chunk of damage]
Do I instead stick to occult Venomous Fangs ("high" AR and like 140 poison per hit) + Poisoned Hand?
>same thread has been going for hours

It’s so over, isn’t it?
What do I use to chase down running hosts? Int build if it matters
in ASOIAF, Rhaegar is a tragic character and his son (Jon Snow) is literally going to be the legendary hero who saves the world.
TWOW will be announced in early August. TRVST THV PLVN!
Yeah, same as furnace golems.
Open world needs to be filled with something
heavy thrusting sword running r2
poison flower poison infusion
totally brainless take on brilliant Sir goldmask's elucidations
They're not weak, you're just exceedingly strong.
It’s our fault. The blame lies with the players. We pushed Mr. Honda too far.
whoever bakes the next thread is handsome
this but unironically
We don't really know how things went down. A lot of Rhaegar's actions do look retarded without context though, but that describes a lot of characters in GoT that fans love. The cheating shit was because his wife was much older than him and a pregnancy would kill her (in fact, Aerys set it up that way because he hated his son). As for the pedoshit, it's GoT, it's everywhere. Bobby B himself was 5-6 years older than Lyanna himself, which isn't that much younger than Rhaegar. Everyone of Rhaegar's actions seems to run contrary to how the people who knew him, even some enemies, described him. In fact, the interpretation that most in the fandom latch onto is Robert's description of him. Funnily enough, a lot of these people are very forgiving of Robert as well.

You've never been to SB or reddit.
Super light roll, 7% load
Blue dancer charm
Kindred of rot exultation
Poison Dryleaf/Dane's
Poison flower blooms twice
Just time your WAs
This is the single strongest poison self buff setup in the game
Will I be able to use poison flower on Messmer/Radahn? It was a struggle against Bayle.
>dsgger previous thread link placement
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww wew
>Int build
Swift Glintstone Shard, no competition.
Personally I prefer str for the defense and going all in on pure physical damage. Beast incants are pure physical and also benefit from the blue dancer and that makes up for the lack of faith on the beast seal
And of course I use Whirlwind because it looks way cooler than palm blast
>mushroom head, poison exultation talisman, offhand poison hand
>multihit talisman like millicent's prosthetic & rotten talisman if you have both
>alexander's shard or stone kicks talisman
>divine bird feet
>poison dryleaf art of your choice
"2-hand" the dryleaf, just having poison hand equipped will allow it to proc. Building up poison stacks up the multihit buffs, proccing the poison triggers hand/head/talisman buffs and poison flower blooms twice to explode mobs or remove poison from bosses to keep your proc buffs on 100% uptime.
In order of enthusiasm, starting with most willing
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Is it safe to use cheat engine to ad scadu fragments?
souls seiba a CUTE

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