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Previous Thread: >>487514295
Marika is shit.
Ranni is OUR queen
Bird, up!
I miss all the unintentional tech that made souls 1 PvP fun.
Shame they ruined it in the remaster.
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>rapes your game's "balance"
nottin personnel, fgt
I mean it seems like all "gods" (literally just another entities favourite pet on whatever planet the game of elden ring takes place on) have to actually do what Miquella did and discard all parts of themselves, including things like their love.

So its unsurprising Marika was a PMSing whore who sperged out at every little thing that didn't happen exactly how she wanted.
98 was the correct BB meta because it kept us away from the reddit 120 overlevelers and caps were lower
Here's a question for you all. What is it specifically that separates natural life from artificial life in Elden Ring? Sure you can say that one happens through chance while the other is crafted, but perhaps it's more than just being designed. I think the metal mercury is a core component of this and by mixing it with blood (like your own when you summon a mimic tear) it is this specific compound that defines it as artificial.
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you didn't beat the game

remaster and then des being made by the same people is one of the reasons I never got a ps5 unironically.
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How would Romina wear a tie?
lvl 170 is the best
>whomst is far worse of a choice but they ignore ALL of her dialogue and justify it because "best ending"

She's literally the best because her future is just one without influence of petty, power hungry gods. The cold of the night and confusion she references is because the planet will finally be by itself and not influenced by others - its just a poor translation of the Japanese dialogue.
the correct level for bb is actually 200 due to riposte damage caps and the sheer bullshit that is curse dungeons, but no one on the internet can do math (as proved by my math on day negative 14 for elden ring based on the stats and then 2 years of berating, only for the community to go to 150 and then 200 in the dlc anyway) so its what you said (iirc its more like 48 or something for pvp but whatever, heres to the eventual pc port lmao)
Removing dead angling dealt irreversible damage to the remaster. Hence it dying so quickly too.
I don't think you know what that means.
>poor translation
No, it's a poetic translation.
Unironic reading comprehension failure.
that was the worst change besides shitty particles (moon butterfly is the best example, followed by kalameeted tail cut sword looking like crap in remaster too). to this day I fucking hate that enemies can dead angle but we can't anymore.
I got to level 356. Should I stop or keep going?
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>pc port
Honestly anon at this point I think maybe Sony/Japan Studio probably lost the source code and that's why they won't acknowledge BB. It's time to let it go..
Both heads would wear ties, obviously.
Now that Elden Ring is dead and not getting any more patches, what do we do? Do we play Dark Souls 3 for the immensely better PvP?
I dont wear a tie around my dickhead, so only left
you're already passed the no return cap for matchmaking so max level
now we play the game for up to ten year until they make something else
dark souls was "dead" by the time I played it and I played it for years. until it was truly dead and oolacile was fucking empty.
Skill issue.
Does blood tax apply bleed on a weapon with no buildup
Seamless coop lets you play mods with other people so.. once some good mods release like resurgence or smthn idk. Basegame wise just hope for something small like the arena stuff and item lore updates the basegame got.
japs can't write for shit, therefore translation errors get vastly overstated
I tried to replay 3 while waiting for sote and it was a fucking slog. Genuinely 2 is more enjoyable to me at this point.
How does Ranni's doll body get pregnant?
There's no patch.
Development on Elden Ring has finished completely.
From Software has moved on, you should too.
it doenst. The whole purpose of you leaving is being alone forever, never creating more demigods and leaving humans do whatever they want
Don't fucking lie to me Mike, I know its there.

Release the fucking patch you hack fuck.
Time to make Armored Core 7.
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>no more nerfs
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What are these horrible worm creatures that spit status effects. I hope they're only in this one area and they don't cover a 1/3rd of Atlus.
I hope From Software never make a world as large as Elden Ring again.
It added very little to the game besides sightseeing.
I've always wondered. Why do people that like endings like fias or dung eaters have to take the time to seethe about marika, ranni, or goldmask? Like each time within their post or the following ones they start seething about them, usually misreading their entire character
Elden Ring is literally Dark Souls II 2
>graphics downgraded to play on last gen consoles
>goofy colorful world
>ornstein and smough was beloved, so let's throw in boss fights with multiple enemies except there's no breathing room since they're all aggressive AF
>Godfrey and the Fire Giants(Vendrick and buttholes)
>Millicent and Lucatiel
>using epic paintings as inspiration like the valley of giant standing skeletons or the guy standing in front of a cliff
>Farum Azula and Dragon Aerie
>ambushes and enemy ganks out the ass
>power stancing is back
>the mooks in Patches' cave walk like DS2 enemies jank
>Get married
>Are still an incel
>Elden Ring is literally Dark Souls II 2
I wish
Worm dudes? Yea you will not see them again. Well... almost
At first I liked that Elden Ring wasn't as desaturated as Dark Souls 3, but in hindsight the monster design for Elden Ring is worse. Too many generic MMO monsters, not enough body horror.
>make caster class
>all the staffs i find early game requires anywhere from 40 to 60 int
>still with the meteor staff that i cant upgrade
>the shitskin monkey staff and a +10 acadamy staff that has worse scalling than the other 2 currently
how the fuck am i supposed to do anything in this game. i am going to get one shot by everything about the time i can manage to use one of these staffs
oh look its yet another item I haven't even found yet thats going to get made unusable because shitters over use it in pvp

how about fucking kill yourself. stop doing this to me.
Throw rocks at their stupid nigger heads until they fall over.
PvP in Elden Ring is so atrociously bad and so utterly unrewarding compared to the Dark Souls games that it's frankly baffling that it's still in the game.
You've had a month. Also you're a faggot if you use this thing, so get fucked either way.
Kill yourself
Pump INT as hard as you can allow yourself. Find night comet.
To be fair to ranniggers the endings where you side with marika you're an incel too as there's no actual indication of her body ever recovering and we see on her model that her stone body has no genitals(yes some female corpses have partly modled vaginas if you look closely marika has no such thing). It's why goldmask is the best ending. You still become her "consort" but she's just a statue at this point. More importantly the need for her within the golden order is done away with. Meaning she's almost entirely useless left solely as a vessel, a container, essentially a jar like the ones her people were shoved into. And you get to do whatever as elden lord, you want to go find a way to unball sellen? Go ahead, you want to track down rya and bring her back? Go ahead, you want to marry nepheli? Go ahead, you want to genocide all kindred of rot for what they did to millicent? Go ahead. Goldmask's ending is a more stable version of the age of fracture.
Nobody that likes those endings seethes about the others, or at least, it's rare
Shitposters just sort of attached themselves to Goldmask's ending while shitposting about the Ranni ending because it's the easiest ending to bait with.
i didn't do the goldmask questline yet, but just from a logical standpoint, if you support the golden order, what's the point of beating radagon and elden beast in the end?
Casters are the contrarian tryhard builds in ER. Treat your build as Blue STR or Blue Dex by magic-infusing a sword or using a native-scaling melee weapon and just ignore your actual sorceries until you hit Leyndell. That's when your spell damage will finally catch up and you'll have enough spare upgrade mats to upgrade a worthwhile staff along with your melee weapons. It's even worse than in DS3 which was already pretty bad. Otherwise you'll waste so many mats on a staff that falls off anyway that you won't have enough to upgrade your "real" one kek.
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If you say you like the frenzied flame ending you get random chuds replying to you to screech about communism and jews.
I'd argue elden ring is the bad of miyazaki and tanimura as miyazaki has worked on this like it or not, and the other bad design decisions can be seen to a lesser extent in games like dark souls 1, bloodborne, and dark souls 3. It's like they took ds2 and ds3 and combined them but only got the worst aspects of both.
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Don't forget the different chair endings
The funny thing is the resident "goldmask poster" is a fucking maleniafag that's been seething since the leaks dropped for the dlc. He reuses a lot of the same pics too. Even other maleniafags don't like him so he's attached himself to goldmask and seethes at ranni and marika
>goldmask questline
His position is "Order is flawed and need to be fixed" so you still need to beat the hit out of everyone.
Bleed gugs aow reqs?
>yes some female corpses have partly modled vaginas if you look closely
>if you support the golden order, what's the point of beating radagon and elden beast in the end?
I can explain I think, goldmask is loyal to the order as a concept and as a religion but not its heads. The conceptual head of the golden order is the elden beast. The religious head is radarika. You get rid of all three and allow the order to actually be orderly after years of wars due to marika/radagon, and the shattering civil war.
Just respecced by build to use shield + mohg spear on Radahn

How the FUCK are people doing this? One combo from him, without even poking back completely drains my stamina (lvl 60 endurance BTW)

Wtf is this shit?
Goldmask? Mad hobo
Ranni? Crazy femcel
Fia? The only true human bean in the Elden Ring
The Goldmask vs Ranni thing predates that guy.
It's just an easy bait.
>Elden Ring is literally Dark Souls II 2
Literally no. It's Elden Ring.
sword lance is so bad in invasions holy shit. i mean i get that there's hyper armor on the R2 but it also means you lose the running R2 that HTS's are known for. everything is a slow as fuck poke and it's so hard to turn and burn anyone with it. so hard to hit anyone with it. fuck, it's so bad. i want it to work somehow in invasions so badly but it's just so shit it's unbelievable. it'd be good in DS3 when everyone was doing melee shit instead of shooting laser beams all the time that do half your health with a quick homing projectile they can spam.
It's Demon's Souls 5.
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Nta but he's right. The female corpses you can see in dungeons have them too. Infact you can also see female player models have them if you clip through fias panties. This isnt new with fromsoft, in ds3 there used to be a glitch with the gold trimmed bottoms I believe they were called, in certain emotes you'd get to see the player's bare butt
DS3 was DS1 and DeS wank
It's a dueling weapon, or a ganker weapon when you slap storm blade on it
Demons souls 7 counting bloodborne as its still largely based on Demons souls and sekiro which is a heavily modified Demons souls combat wise.
>cant even come up with a valid argument against goldmask because he is objectively the correct ending

he dunks on every god and every being with facts and logic
he literally goes crazy and commits sudoku
Those are Demon's Souls Gaiden and Tenchu: Shadows Die Twice actually.
You're right it is.
Is a good example.
How come there was a plot to resurrect the soulless demigods in the walking mausoleums but not Godwyn who is likewise soulless and a way bigger problem? Was Miquella stupid?
The birds with sword legs is stupid as fuck.
Cut content, the character vs Item descriptions, the character
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Here's another. Ranni's corpse has a similarly partly modeled vagina if you look closely.
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So if we pretend Elden Ring 2 is getting made, bearing any new adversaries what preexisting major entities are there left? The GEQ, the Duskborne, Rykard, Ranni's secret mentor who else?
The issue with a er2 is that we see the entire lands between. We'd have to go somewhere else. There's plenty of lands besides it we could go to.
Writters already forgot all those people.
Tutorial boss is Revived Consort Radahn, you meet him at RL10 approximately only 40 minutes into the game, and everytime his AI detects you blocking or using a bleed/rot attack he launches a grab with only 10 frames of windup that crashes your game if it connects.
ER2 would just be set a quadrillion years in the future in a completely changed world. Midway through the game you'd get hit with like REMEMBER THE ERDTREE? REMEMBER FARUM AZULA?
heres an alexander enjoying some pickles i drew.
They could just do a time skip.
DLC with Ranni's past.
How about I do a timeskip where we're married. Faggot.
he was killed by stupid incant merchant
Game was fine for a long while, but recently it has some weird performance bugs. Like the fps drops to under 50 and if I alt-tab it goes back to 60 (still can control it with the gamepad) and if I focus back on it, it drops again. What the fuck. I don't even have the expansion yet. Any ideas?
No actually. He just tripped and fell. No im not joking it's in the design works where he was standing collapsed and he died
Time to read miquella ao3
Rannifags are sissies that like to be bullied by other men. That's the entire reason they take the bait, they know it's bait, and get turned on at being made fun of.
>every time I find a merchant there's a phantom player killing obviously hacking them to death
I know they're frenzy flame jews but there's so few friendly NPCs I feel bad killing any of them. They probably just want the bell bearings though.
Um rannibros????
60 tarnished drop from the dragon.
Everyone is lvl 1.
Lots of runes, loot, shops and npcs.
The island gets slowly surrounded by superpowerful scarlet rot.
Paul Blart... forgive me...

Yes because the GW literally controls the fucking world you fuckwit.

No proof the crucible predates the erdtree or GW? Its literally fucking explicitly stated in the fucking game. Holy fuck, why are there so many retards recently who think the GW is actually some sort of ultimate god in the elden ring universe? Do you even fucking play the game? That being the case would literally be antithetical to the themes of the game and its lore.
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mall cop?
I really get sick to death of taking chip damage from enemies activating their frame 1 infinite poise attack and trading with me whenever I dare to hit them more than once in a row. It doesn't even matter when I have such a retarded amount of healing, but it's just so annoying being forced to play like a complete pussy instead of being able to press any kind of advantage ever, because some skinny little bitch with a rapier can just randomly decide they're gonna circumvent their natural behaviour and facetank my next attack.
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Nice headcanon. Stay mad. Type up some more paragraphs or go back to insulting like a child
>Its literally fucking explicitly stated in the fucking game
post it
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So what was it Miquella actually did? I'm not talking about Radahn but what did Miquella do to attain godhood?
>Go the the shadow realm
>Start divesting himself of body parts and concepts
>Split himself from his St Trina persona

We see Marika got her godhood by slaughtering a billion Hornsent and stacking their corpses as a ritual sacrifice and grabbing threads of gold, what was the Miquella equivalent to this?
you're late by about 7 years
and I mean crucible predating GW, obviously
You're supposed to headcanon it, silly
He sacrificed himself to forge a new self (god) inside the gates.
What she did is not explicit, the process can be different for everyone
It will take place in the scadu lands between where you'll once again go through the same thematic type locations like the scadu scadu altus. There will be lots of new weapons and skills and spells but 90% of them will be dogshit and 10% will be so overpowered as to make the game a joke. The lore will be even more convoluted and obscured and there will be a million npcs but only 5 of them will be fully fleshed out and FROM will never elaborate on any of the others because they already forgot about them.

Honestly From fucks me off because for some reason no one else seems to be able to take this incredibly simple fucking concept (a fucking stat based 3rd person dungeon crawling ARPG with stamina and mana management) and execute it well, but From absolutely fucking sucks at balancing.
>you've had a month
ive been busy plus no skibadi upgrades you fucking adhd zoomers
>I've... I've let you down.
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>it's you vs. a host and his phantom, 1v2 in an open field, straight up, no help, no running away

what *actually* works here? i need a list of shit that is actually viable for this sort of situation. i figure 1v3's i just need to run away from but i should at least be able to stomp 1v2's directly without relying on the level or mobs.
>he trips because uhh it says so
My headcanon is that throughout the dlc we're not too far of from miquella, he began his journey a while ago, but the progress was made when he got mohgs body and shoved radahns soul into it. That he had radahn carry him around a lot while he dumped more parts of his body then had him throw him into the gate
>We see Marika got her godhood by slaughtering a billion Hornsent and stacking their corpses as a ritual sacrifice and grabbing threads of gold
Uh actually, those were Shaman corpses, the Hornsent were building a mega-jar on the Gate of Divinity to manufacture a god, and they shoved Marika in it as the core, and she "betrayed" them because even though she did exit the jar as a god she decided to kill them all instead of serving them.
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what if ranni is secretly a cat?
So, can we at least accept that critics seriously overrated this game and its DLC? It's really not that much better than its predecessors.
Curl up in the foetal position and cry.
is this headcanon or where are you getting this from, exactly?
He doesn't trip. Where he's standing collapses and the fall kills him. He's such a chad however that his pose stays the same despite him dying. He doesn't go limp, he's too powerful. He's fuled by basedness
What happens with Malenia in the ending if you don't kill her?
The trailer narration + the fact that the corpses in the gate have shaman features, look it up
She stays sleepy :)
Overrated? Yeah. Its not perfect.
She never got jarred
don't get hit unless you have somewhere where you can jump to heal. focus on punishing the aggressive player, and frequently switch targets. people will turn of their brain and walk into obvious turn and burns if they think you're focused on the other player.
trailers are not canon
I'm not sure I understand what's confusing. He sacrificed parts of himself, he passed through the gate, he attained godhood. The sequence of events is very much linear and you're confronted with each step of his progression in the same order they happened, so none of it is jumbled.
I love playing this game in the couch on console but I eventually want to play some of the mods like reforged or convergence or even do seamless co-op with a buddy. If my PC and TV are in separate rooms, is there any good arrangement that lets me play the game on the TV?
Why does Messmer sometimes nonstop spam snakes in phase 2? Am I doing something wrong? I cant land a hit without him turning into a snake again
You never actually kill malenia
1. She turns into a massive flower much like millicent and her sisters if you side with gowry
>gowry talked about her as if she were alive yet knows and gets upset if millicent dies
>miquella talks about her as if she's alive
She's most likely just in some sort of stasis. I'd like to note, on her final bloom she's meant to become a rot goddess, yet we don't get the "god slain" thing, so either that bloom didn't actually make her ascend or we didn't kill her.
You're not canon. You don't exist.
Yes they are. Hornsent took a bunch of criminals and stacked them high on the Gate to make a new god because the old Placidusax god had bounced long ago, shamans like Marika were the glue, and Marika came out of it being a real god only she then exterminated them.
Every shaman got jarred
SOTE takes place in the pas you can tell by the crucible knight enemies dressed in more ancient garb and not in their redgold armor suits
if trailers are canon, Miq unveiled RoS.
Also the lore is a mess, Zaki took a random set of fantasy tropes without caring about a coherent story
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Marika, Marika, Marika, Marika
I'm begging of you please don't take my man
Marika, Marika, Marika, Marika
Please don't take him just because you can

Your beauty is beyond compare
With flowing locks of golden hair
With ivory skin and eyes of gilded grace
Your smile is like a breath of spring
Your voice is soft like summer rain
And I cannot compete with you
I think my least favorite part of Elden Ring is how unrewarding the crafting system feels.
Rot grease, rot ammunition, exalted flesh, perfumes, etc. could all be fun consumables to use, but they're all universally gated behind the most utterly mind-numbing MMO grinds imaginable. The effort to reward ratio is so utterly disproportionate that any benefits you can get from engaging with the crafting system feel like they aren't worth the hassle.
This specially sucks because if rot arrows were more easily available, archer builds would actually be viable, to a degree.
I got quads therefore I'm right, seethe and cope.
firing poison/rot arrows and watching the ticks is one of the most boring ways to play
Nope. No proof. Insist this again and I'll suck your dick faggot
>Please turn back into Radagon I NEED his cock
>this new
Lmao stay mad
Cerulean Hidden Tear
Meteorite of Astel

Watch them dance
They were separate people at the time. Rennala would be sandwiched between Marika and Radagon as they tag-teamed her together.
>From Software finally figures out how to make dragon boss fights with Darkeater Midir.
>Instead of attacking his toes, Midir moves in such a way that encourages you to attack his head, rewarding you with much higher damage and with a stance break near the end of the fight, which destroys a big chunk of his healthbar.
>Somehow they forget everything they learned while making Midir when it comes to making the generic/ancient Dragons in Elden Ring, once again making horrible fights where you win by annihilating these beasts' feet.
This sucks bros. Ancient Dragons look so cool too but all I do is attack their toes instead of facing them head on.
The way Leda and Co talk about it sounds like Miquella has a big head start on them, its not like Miquella started dropping body parts last week.
Why are people "adhd zoomers" for playing something upon release? You're the one who's late.
Malenia still hasn't bloomed the third time so there would 100% be an extra rotten Haligtree revisit
It took me like 2 hours to beat Radahn at 0 skibidis, but I am glad it is done.
same, I want the sleep archer build to work and not take my remaining lifespan on this earth to farm the arrows. (2.5% drop rate, from albinauric archers, who also drop NORMAL ARROWS FOR NO REASON) and then the stack limit is 700 which you will use in moments (I've already been back up the mountain three times for explosive bolts for my "shotgun" xbow since the dlc dropped)
Ok so actually beat him this time since you didn't beat him.
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Post Tarnished
Wait you forgot about the DLC dragon who you fight in a shallow lake which gives his lightning such retartedly big AoEs that you're forced to fight him exclusively through driveby R2s on Torrent
You focus down the phantom because it's naturally going to have lower health and use your remaining resources to kill the host. Or if you see that the host has low poise, you focus the host down.
What else kind of reply do you expect? We don't know your build, what you are capable of, how well you're gonna perform, what the specifics are on the battlefield and so on. Either you go for the host and try to kill them ASAP, or you work away the host's safety net and fuck him up afterwards. The same thing you have done in invasions for the past 15 years.
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you, you are the ADHD zoomers.
thinking datamining and rushing this fast and then "well shit its over what do we do next?" is normal behavior.
Every shaman got jarred, now get in the jar and bend over.
Sounds rather easy.
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You didn't cheese it with a greatbow?
I did it with a cleanrot and that's good enough for now.
What separates them in our world?
The worst part is that ancient dragons were clearly designed with headshots in mind. They carefully lower their head down after each attack to give you a 'window' to hit the head.
But they changed how large the model was shortly before release and now their 'low point' is still out of reach of most weapons
>Start my first FTH build.
>Dozens of hours in, not really feeling it anymore.
>Blasphemous Blade is too fucking cheesy and makes all my spells feel like a waste of FP so I prefer to not use it.
>Lightning Spear, Black Flame and Discus of Light were cool for a bit but I'm bored of them by now, nothing I've gotten after them feels good.
>Golden Vow is a wonderful spell but it's boring.
>Reach endgame+DLC.
Holy FUCK I went from getting bored with my FTH spellcaster character to it becoming the most fun build in the game. FTH is so stacked towards the endgame that it's actually insane.
Why do some hosts just spam weapon arts on every single enemy they see? It’s so weird
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nice one, I like the bird warriors. Here's mine
Bruh I just hopped on a ledge and fire a jillion arrows into its wings until it died.
Because they're used to mashing L2 against anything because it works very well in PvE and PvP.
Had a good invader fight earlier today. I was assisting someone through deep root depths. When someone invaded as we were crossing through the blight frog zone. The invader had a bunch of crazy magic, and he managed to kill the other summon. I didn't see it behind the wall, but I saw all the crazy strikes, followed by the sound of blighting.

I didn't really know how to approach the invader at first, I figured since he was a magic guy, I could get in with my great axe and take him out, but he almost got me with the same trick he got the other guy with. A bunch of crazy strikes that almost ended up with me dead and blighted. My HP was so small, I couldn't see a pixel of it on the bar. I must have been reduced to 1 HP. The guy tries to finish me off with some homing lighting spells. But luckily I'm familiar with those, and dodge away and heal up.

But seeing how this guy is only spamming spells, I figure I can interrupt him with my bow. I got it for just such occasions. I have the barrage ash on it. Which is the one that allows you to rapid fire. So I'm rapidly spamming arrows at him, and he's taking damage every time he tries to cast. Meanwhile, the host is going melee with his twin blade. This proved to be the winning combo. The invader tried going this way and that way, and a wall got in my way a few times. But I was able to keep the arrow pressure on him, while the host eventually whittled down his health.

In the end, it felt good. Like defeating a boss. We managed to survive his dirty invader tricks, and adapt and win.
I think some people don't know anything other than unsheathe l2r2 exists, applies to both normies and challenge runners
What do you even mean "rushing this fast", how much content do you actually think there is in the DLC? Because I played it pretty leisurely and I got 1 playthrough of the DLC and another at about 75% through in about 27 hours total and I 100% it with the stuff I missed on my first playthrough during my second playthrough. Again, you are the one who's just late to the DLC. You're the one who's slow, everyone else is not quick. Even casuals are already 100% complete with the DLC.
Not sure what datamining had to do with literally anything.

I'm going to just assume you're one of those people who pretend that there's 30+ hours of content in Limgrave alone.
>I-I'm not autist, you're just slow
Epic argument you totally convinced me, sister.
>Two weeks before release.
>Quick let's make a bunch of retarded changes that nobody asked for, have no benefit, and nobody will have time to test.
Why are they always like this?
>Scarlet Rot situation not fixed
>Destined Death still loose on the lands regardless the outcome
>Rykard may well still be alive
>stars no longer arrested in the sky
>Two Fingers may finally be aware the Golden Will has abandoned the lands
>Three Fingers and Shabiri still out there and doing their thing
Just what comes to mind right now. A potential sequel wouldn't be lacking for loose threads to follow up on.
You do know I'm an actual mentally ill faggot that will try to marry you right? Don't threaten me with a good time
Just as in early ds3 every host had a straightsword and r1 spammed. These people use the most effective method but unlike ds3 they didn't lessen how bad it was later on
Because it's so effective.
If you equip Ancestral FP talisman, and the Blue Dew Talisman, you can clear the entirety of the Legacy dungeon Belurat with Mohgs Spear ash of war.
It's stupidly easy.
2's next on my replay list.
Is it me or is Magic Glintblade like really good for a spell you start with?
Does it ever fall off or is there a natural evolution spell of it?
you need to fight EVERY gravebird, otherwise it doesn't count, adhd zoomer
dude just let it go, at best we get some tweaks here and there but dont expect any sort of major update or content, like the other guy said, active dev of elden ring has stopped, elden ring is a complete game and fromsoft has moved on to their next project
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>finally figure out what the bondstone does
>it's funny
>my fucking face when the FP consumption of spritestones
I was a finger to a host and we got invaded, I distracted the invader by waving and crouching a bunch of times to get him to lower his guard and the host snuck up behind him and stabbed him in the back, good ol' dirty sanchez trick.
Oh that's interesting. So if you're leveling Int/Faith about evenly to meet softcaps, Prince of Death gets a natural progression that causes it to stay ahead of every other staff catalyst in the game.
You're mentally slow, so it reflects on your game. Sorry bro.
If you're about RL200, how many cycles of NG+ does it take for the game to challenge you again?
Your argument makes less sense, "everyone should be playing the game slower because it makes me feel better about myself", like what? If you start playing the DLC a month later than everybody else, and expect people to still be working on the DLC when there isn't really all that much actual content in it, why would you expect people to still be playing it slowly? My friend has 3 kids and he's also finished with it while also actively taking care of those kids. It really isn't as much content as you seem to think it is.
Would you call people ADHD zoomers if you started watching The Sopranos now and everyone else finished it years before you too?
nice setup. what gauntlets?
Name them
No, that only casts Incantations
I do and there aren't. Name them if you disagree
Thank you, ot just seems weird
Scarlet rot won't be able to do as much damage anymore if malenia is really dead since it no longer has
to be its host and nuke things
Frenzy flame have shown themselves to be massive jobbers and that whenever someone you don't play as falls to it they end up jobbing too
Destined death was intentionally let loose. Now people can actually die fully
Rykard is alive and will be in tanith. She'll probably mutate into some body horror abomination
Two Fingers likely won't ever know as metyr is still alive she flees when we beat her
You also forgot that mohg's soul should still be around as miquella isn't said to have destroyed it, there just so happens to be a soulless demigod body that's slowly spreading its influence everywhere
If you take the age of stars you'll have a good explanation on why the player tarnished from 1 hadn't done anything about any of these problems without having them job offscreen to some random
>Your argument
What argument? I'm not the one you were talking to. There are more than 2 people in this general, bozo.
Then why are you pretending that I am trying to "convince you" when you're not even the person that needs convincing. The mental gymnastics going on here is astounding.
night's cav iirc
Because you're a cretin.
Sure got me with that one, sister.
>you're mentally slow
explain the quantum eraser effect for the class
no? then don't call me slow again.
did you use skibadi fragments? at all period. ?
*or guides, or ask "how do I get here" in this thread?
we're you SLOWED DOWN by people making shit up, testing it and having to load a cloud save?

god damned ADHD zoomers.
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why fingercreeps and scorpions and ants but not actual spiders? they are cute
Even the lock you in place ring attack could just be spiderweb
It's not out of the possibility that miquella and radahn had a similar argument and this was the "vow". They may have even argued about marika's history like you are
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>idgi what's the point of this weapon it fricking sucks!
>turns out it has a purpose
Add another one to the list
the scorpions are already a lot for people afraid of spiders
u mean ac6fa
Can't stop fucking with sliders.
>they are cute
Spiderfag please, go back to /civ4xg/.
This looks like a girl I knew that was really into anal she was the gf of a friend and he told us she almost never let him have vaginal sex she'd practically demand he only did anal with her.
If you like spiders why do you want to kill them?
Miquella would fuck everything and everyone before even considering Malenia. Wonder how she feels about this
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Really loving the throwing spear and hammer, I haven't tried the axe yet.

I like the Circe too but most people using it just spam that one annoying ash of war.
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Is Midra considered a double-phase boss or a triple-phase boss?
>Radahn used fucking Lion Claw


You know, it never occurred to me that Lion Claw is the move of the guy who has Lion as his symbol
She was a lesbian into finlay
A one phase boss, if you think his old man act is a phase you need to gitgud
bootleg artorias flip
You get lion claw from redmane castle and savage lion claw is associated with him it's more likely that's HIS move you're using. It's also possible that due to the similar flippy moveset that radahn was the one who showed blaidd how to fight.
Messmer Soldier's Axe is probably my favorite non-Somber Axe besides the Jawbone Axe.
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Absolutely love it when hosts spam so much fucking breath shit I can’t actually see the fucking boss, also love how they only do that and run away every time the boss gets close to them.
A true story.
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What advantage does this have over something like the Warped Axe?
I thought you had a turtle shell on your back.
Finlay was into her. It was one sided.
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This seems to only work at point blank range btw
WRONG. They loved eachother.
yea people like to complain about imp. thorns but then someone spams rot breath and i end up seething like i used to last year
What IS its purpose?
Malmiq stories are cute to read but I want smut...
Any more news on scribbleanon?
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I guess you need a certain kind of mettle to be able to discard yourself but still remain whole enough to continue on your journey.

Although, there are no crosses saying he discarded his legs, so he could have just been walking around for a while as a feebly gay little nugget boy.
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Here's your Elden Ring PVP build bro.
What's the problem exactly
Rotten Breath and Ancient Death Rancor are the bane of my existence when co-oping
Regular dragons are fine, they, like Midir have huge openings for headshots after almost every attack. With correct spacing and dodgin you can get a charge R2 off on their head after almost every breath and dive-bomb attack. The exception is Ekzykes and Borialis, who have cancerous attacks that force you to just run away.

Ancient Dragons all suck though, although in base game the only two worth killing are very easy so it’s not a big issue. But Sennseaxx in DLC showed how awful they are with endgame stats.
what am I supposed to see here?
AI sure gets scarier by the day
>invading stormveil for the first time since the DLC dropped
>carian slicer spam password phantom
>and cringe anti-twink yellow spamming CE'd consumables and storm arrows with the bone bow
oh boy
i won
>agl affects your mobility and dodge affectivness
Wait...that sounds like...adaptability. Is elden ring actually dark souls 2 ii? I know there's an invisible soul memory counter that was found at launch
It's hitting twice, once with a jump attack and a second time with the projectile.
>Name them
>No, that only casts Incantations
You mongoloid retard, when I said hybrid catalysts, I was clearly referring to hybrid scaling. However, the staff of the beyond or whatever its called is a true hybrid catalyst in the sense that you're thinking, in that it can cast both sorceries and incantations. You get it from Metyr in the DLC. it's pretty ugly, but has good 50/50 scaling
>tfw I never level AGL
No wonder I'm always losing.
You can get double damage by timing the attack properly at the cost of double stamina so you can attack twice in one animation. It also doesn't seem to hit twice from a distance from what I've tested. Look at tge stamina and the damage and it'll become even more obvious.
Please give me some suggestions for weapons, for a pure Faith build with a focus on Frenzy incantations.
It's a pity the spear is fucking trash.
vyke speear i guess
What's so special about Misericorde? I keep seeing opinions that it's very strong weapon.
Odds Invasions
Evens I finally stop procrastinating and make a new build
frenzy perfume.
130 crit rate

Oh interesting so it's behaving like a storm blade attack
Pretty silly.
highest crit damage
It's more like a glintstone pebble firing twice.
Good suggestions, but aren't those mostly Dex weapons?
Well no since the second tick of damage is only in melee, just like every attack that swings the weapon and also fires a projectile. Though I recall there's some exceptions to the rule.
idk i just thought the spear would go good with your frenzy fit
There was one that really pissed me off and I can' remember what script weapon it was, i think it was spear. No melee hitbox on the r2
Blood Tax on Blood Sword Lance is actually a lot better than I at first gave it credit for... seems like this thing was meant for STR build status effects.
Ehh, kinda. Frenzy flame is really a dex/fai school anyway. the seal scales with everything except arcane and dex is the most supportive caster secondary stat.
Cooping isn’t fun anymore, all the hosts are either mega retards who have 0 blessings and spam so much visual vomit you can’t even see the boss or they’re so cowardly they expect you to solo the whole fucking game for them
80 hours in 2 weeks, I play more than I do my job, I have to uninstall lol.
It isn't, on duels at least. The running throw comes out very fast and travels a long distance, and it's surprisingly easy to land. The damage dropoff is severe but you can interrupt people trying to heal or chug, and chip away at their health, while up close it's an ok spear that you can use just fine with a shield.

On PvE the damage dropoff may be too high for it to be worth using over the hammer but if you have high dex it could be a nice alternative to a bow sidearm?
Just saw that new krekk0v miquella feet art and almost broke my dick
Convergence (still even in alpha) is going to save Elden Ring and transform it into by leaps and bounds Fromsoft's greatest game it's just going to take a long time
so it just means that the weapon has a hitbox as you throw, right? I would say that's expected since they added hitboxes to similar attacks a long time ago
I had an invasion fight go bad too. Summoned to Volcano Manor. We barely get beyond the first couple enemies when someone invades. The Iron Virgin is already active and patrolling the area. Luckily, it doesn't aggro on us, and ventures down the path. But, of course the invader sticks to that path, knowing he can always run to hide behind the iron virgin when things get too hot for him.

He's another magic user, so I take to my bow strategy again to interrupt his casting. It's kind of working. But our time is limited as the Ironic Virgin comes rolling back up to where we are. I take to the roofs, because I don't want to get killed. And continue to fir eon him from on high. The invader must be annoyed, because he eventually comes at me with melee. But I get a good thwack on him with my great axe, and he backs off. With the Iron Virgin now in attack range, he starts bothering the other two again. I can hardly tell what's going on between everyone doing their attacks and spell effects and and the Iron Virgin swinging. But I'm still trying to get an angle on the guy to shoot him from the rooftops. Eventually, I hear the death holler, and get the host died message. The invader finishes off the other summon too with melee.

I don't know why they risked staying on the path with the Iron Virgin and the invader both there causing chaos. That had plenty of time to retreat to the roofs.
>travels a long distance
that's a fucking lie. It's about the same as the axe, if not shorter.
Cam someone post a good pure sorcerer build? I mean one that doesn't use melee weapons besides maybe the dagger sellen gives
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What's with all the people going through NG0 in DLC gear at 150+? Am I meant to believe these guys haven't even killed the Shade Of Godfrey at this level?
much farther than the knives or the circe though. The hammer travels more but comes out much slower.
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im surprised i don't see more people use this tbhwy. free for anyone to slap on a small shield and create your own little safe zone even in an open field. you'd be amazed how often people stop rushing you when you pop this. it's expensive, but it's worth it in a pinch, trust me. after that have a ranged option that hurts (even if it's just pots) if they won't engage, and maybe consider using the blue dew talisman for free FP recovery if they're passive.
80 int, cast sorceries.
I relate
A lot of people started new playthroughs for the DLC.
>farther than knives
Knives are probably the longest after hammers now after the buff, and they have virtually no damage dropoff too, if it's close enough to hit, it's close enough to hit hard. Circe got the same range buff too, though I haven't tested them post-patch. Hammer running r2 is actually pretty quick.

either way they all need to be longer ranged
Impregnating this gladibimbo
It doesn't matter, he failed. He done goofed, he fucked up, so his plan was shitshow from the get-go.
He didn't really achieve godhood (remembrance is not an objective info, just what people will "remember"). You slayed him and his fucktoy singlehandedly, which means he was still a loser any human hobo can murder, not a real god.

He wasn't a god, he was a noob manchild with delusions of grandeur. You morgotted his flame of ambition, as you should.
60 vigor, 30ish mind, 80 int.
Use Lusats Staff if you want to use Lulling Branches (ez to farm), Carian Regal Staff if you don't want to do that.
Meteorite staff in your otherhand.
Important Spells.
Comet. Gravitational Missile, Swift Glintstone Shard, Collapsing Stars.
Graviational Missile and Collapsing Stars gets buffed because of your meteorite staff in your other hand. Makes you deal ridiculously high damage.
Talismans, 8% sorcery boost, casting speed boost (not the one that increases the damage you take), Godfreys Icon (buffs Comet and Collapsing Stars, and Grav Missile), Free slot. 4 % sorcery boost if you can't think of anything. Or Blue dew or ancestral horn talisman.

Armor Rakshasha because free damage.
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>Mohg's soul
>Godwyn's body
>Just shove Mohg's soul into Godwyn's body and Mohg is reborn in his omen form with some aspects of Godwyn
Did Memezaki create his own plot hole?
>suddenly getting nothing but rune arc'd chinese grace duelists in clownsuits
>pure caster without 38 mind
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Not that anon, but I'm assuming he's talking about how you get your last talisman slot in the capital from the golden guy.
>other people are bad for beating the game before me
This is truly bizarre cope.
Don't you think it was a little bit much to sink Nokron into the earth?
>Rykard is alive and will be in tanith
I definitely killed her so her and Rykards power couple would never be able to threaten Ranni and I's power couple in the future.
I fucking love cucking anti-twink summons with cute names like "Let me help you :3"
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It's genuinely fun to use two of these donkers in PvP
Large game development is usually split into many specialized teams that aren't necessarily in constant direct communication with each other. While some things are periodically pieced together into test builds, a lot of work progresses in a vacuum in a non-playable state and is then all put together in the last month or 2 before release to create the game, with a last minute crunch to fix any of the bugs/issues found at that point when there's a playable beta to muck about with.

This is usually the point where a delay, like the one that elden ring had, is decided. They basically look at all the problems that come up in testing and determine whether it's realistic if shit can be made presentable by release or not.
A serpent never dies. MESSMER LIVES!
Maybe, their crime was considered the worst thing ever, so I'm surprised they weren't simply genocided.
Seek out. Carian slicer. It's general a purpose killing spell. It acts like melee, but it's pure magic, so it doesn't count as melee. It cost and insignificant amount of FP to use. You can find Carian slicer somewhere in the starting limgrave zone, I'm pretty sure. It's early and reliable. Beyond that, it's difficult to make a bad magic build. You can just dump everything into int, and become OP. If you're feeling fancy: split evenly between int and faith. You actually get really good scaling like that, when you find the appropriate seal and staff with split scaling.
>but not actual spiders

Go to the Shadow Land and you'll meet flying spider-scorpions.
That's just the fingers being dicks about people having weapons that might be used to harm them.
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It has a lot longer range than the knives, and a fair bit more than the axes. I can hit the ogre from here with the charged R2 while i can't hit it with knives from the top step of the stairs.
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>rune arc grace duelist
>gestures for a duel
>okay fuck it whatever
>we're both low
>oh cool they're not going to h-
yeah fucking whatever cunt

jesus fucking christ GO TO THE FUCKING ARENA
>mfw pure caster was the hardest playthrough I ever did
>lightroll+having to stand still while casting=boss does gapcloser and you're dead
I probably did it all wrong
The thing is too that those breath attacks have a decent range on them but the vast majority of users only do it when the enemy is right on top of them.
>Miquella's Seed as a starting gift
Well, they did use it. The Fingerslayer blade is described as bloodied and used.
Actually there's a theory now that Nokron where the ones who inflicted the huge bloody wound on Metyrs finger birth hole, thus seemingly preventing any new 2-fingers from being able to be born entirely. Now Metyr only births the small hands.
Basically Nokron might have fucked with the Greater Wills authority more than anyone.
Fair, but if they're getting invaded they're probably getting carried by password phantoms.
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Why even bother playing the game when you have 2 phantoms just finishing the game for you while you're AFK. I don't even understand the point of this. Where is the enjoyment to be had when you don't even play the game?
Seriously anons, why does this seem so common. 2 phantoms completing the game for the host while the host is AFK.
>so cowardly they expect you to solo the whole fucking game for them
See I don't mind this because its my closest option to getting to replay the boss fights without having to replay/reslog my way through the game, but it really sucks when the host really has no clue how to defend themselves and panic roll and get caught or just straight up get caught by bosses.
>ever believing a rune arc'd grace duelist
>why do people don't play the game EXACTLY the way I do?????
>why do people like food that i dislike???
>why do people like girls, unlike me who only like dicks????
Gee I dunno, maybe because different people have different tastes, MMMMMM?
>>why do people don't play the game EXACTLY the way I do?????
Sounds like he's complaining that people are specifically not playing the game.
Who is the kindest person in Elden Ring?
Type B things
Why is it that every time you post, you're just bitching about something, like how other people play a game? Seriously anon, get a life.
Sounds like you did a glass cannon build. That's the best kind of magic build. Some fights are tricky with only magic. But if you try out different spells, you can work your way through it. Got to experiment. Don't get so attached to your usual spells that you stop adapting.
Shit man they aren't playing the game. If they were actually playing the game I wouldn't care. I don't care if you summon, I don't care if you want to overlevel yourself, I don't care if you summon spirit ashes.
The host was just AFK waiting for the yellows to finish the map for him.
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I, Sutekh.
I offer the gift of eternal sleep to all. No more pain.
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I've said it before and I'll say it again:

>force 2v2 in "open fields", stealth until they comply. 1v2 but they're fighting any mob(s) worth a damn count as a 2v2 you should ambush them during, and retreat if the mobs all die too early

just won an invasion like this. first started out fighting them 1v2 straight up, but the host has RoB and the phantom is a fullgoat spamming waves of destruction. then a blue got summoned so i left and hid for awhile. eventually the blue severed out, and the host and phantom started progressing again. i followed them with the concealing veil, and waited for them to engage with a bunch of red albinuracs. then i rushed them while they were distracted, and was able to kill the phantom before they knew what was happening, and then i could finish off the host in a 1v1 pretty easily, especially with a few mobs still around doing cartwheels. what sucks is you really have to be conscious of this stuff all the time, you have to always be managing in your head what you're up against and how dangerous the situation is. you can be fighting alongside mobs and it can be chaos, but then the mobs die and you really need to get the fuck out of there. you run away and 3 people are chasing you but eventually for some reason it's just the host chasing you while the phantoms stayed behind to fight mobs, or a blue chased you by themselves or something, and now you can turn the tables on them. you have to always be smart and vigilant, unlike the gankers. the gankers get complacent though, and you need to take advantage of that. basically you have to find a way to get 1v1's for at least a couple of seconds so you can actually kill a phantom or the host, and you need distractions to do that. whether it's another invader or mobs, doesn't matter, just has to be something they need to respect. then you divide and conquer.

that's how you do it, i believe. hope this helps some anons out there, cheers.
Boc or the kid Jar in Jarburg
Ranni of course.


They're clearly not playing the game right.
Which means they didn't beat the game.
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Miquella, it's in his name.
except that's not playing a game
Probably one of the jars.
Probably that pompous lord. What's his name? The one that wants you to get his castle back from invaders.
They make him sound so haughty, that your initial instinct may be to hate him. But he doesn't judge you for being tarnished. And he uses his castle as a safe haven for demi humans. He genuinely cares about all his subjects, even the lowest.
That floor gravity bomb is fucking busted and I hope it gets nerfed.
Miquella the Kind
i prefer to live in a world where i can trust my fellow human beings to not be fucking faggots, but here we are i suppose
Fia saved everyone from eternal sufferings
>okay fuck it whatever

that's what you get. now you know why we don't fight bonfire duelists in invasions. block and either sever immediately or go hide in the level. i've had multiple times where by hiding just outside of view with the concealing veil and waiting, they eventually summon a 2nd and put on the TT for another invader, so don't think that's an impossibility. i just have no interest in dueling, especially not someone with double the flasks and 30% extra health. even if i win it'll be a fucking slog and extremely boring because i can bet you the host will be a passive reactive bitch.

stop giving them the time of day. honestly if you hate them the best thing you can do is stay in their world and hide while keeping an eye on them. they get bored so fast, they hate it. it's like mental torture to them. this is the best revenge.
Yes. It hits like Haima's cannon at a fraction of the casting time.
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Mind your tongue, peon. I am Sutekh the Destroyer.
player's best friends from the main game: Roderika and Hewg
St. Trina, the saint of naptime
We love Fia
What would the Sutekh ending of Elden Ring be like
Pitch me the Age of the Duskborn.
What exactly will happen physiologically?
Do we simply live, then die, then rise again as undead guaranteed?
And unlike Haima its only really effective at close range, where the caster can easily be interrupted. If anything the only balance adjustment it merits is an FP cost increase, its super cheap to cast.
Kinda fucking Redditphobic much, you fucking fuck?
how the fuck am i supposed to fight the red lightning dragon? lock onto his head? fighting him using a greatspear is so fucking ass. he's weak to piercing and i am doing a great spear run. i want to see someone fight this nigger locking onto his head while only using a lance and a greatshield. i want to see how you are supposed to fight him.
Nobody actually knows.
I dunno, I just learned he's in the new Doctor Who serie.
And apparently the Doctor is black now.
I used torrent and smithscript daggers on his head
Throw Scarlet rot pots at him
Spam Greatarrows from a distance with the arrow talismans and then run away on Torrent when he starts getting close. It's a shit fight that doesn't deserve your respect.
That's the man. Truly a lord to follow.
No skin? No problem.
Welcome to the unending nightmare that is fighting dragons as a close-quarter melee
It doesn't get better
At long range it creates a dangerous stage hazard that can fuck you up if you aren't careful and at the very least gives the mage breathing room to cast other bullshit. If anything I'd say it's more useful than Haima at long range because haima relies on your opponent fucking up very badly.
black AND gay.
From in their infinite wisdom decided you can't lock on to the True Dragon's heads for whatever retarded reason so your only choice is to hit his ankles a lot and watch for his back-facing fire.

At least the wyrms you can fight perfectly well from the front hitting thier heads.
what about the one and farum azula where you are forced to fight on foot?
Yes and no...
After actually using it a fuckload. It's mainly good for surprise attacks, hitting through walls, and ganking.
For any decent player it's an incredibly easy spell to dodge. When redman glow purple press roll basically.
For groups however it's a fucking nightmare. I went into a room to punish a host as he was fighting a fire knight, and the mage just pressed that over and over again. I could not enter the room and attack without getting blasted for half my HP.
i don't think what miquella did to radahn or mohg was very "kind", leda...
Uhhhh fucken pray i guess
The ones in Farum Azula aren't in water and have different lightning shockwaves.
What's a better, nicer thing to do for the Dragon Priestess, to drug her or not?
How did you fight Lansseax? Just do that again.
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this game is seriously lacking in good fashion, especially in light armor options
I don't like it...
Do you want dragon sex? Then drug
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you're not gonna like this answer but it's true:

>because they can still legally say they did, indeed, beat Elden Ring.
>"oh, you play Elden Ring too? haha yeah, i beat that a while ago. idk why people complained so much about the difficulty, i don't mean to brag but uh... it was pretty easy for me" *brushes nonexistent dirt off of shoulder*

during the sekiro game journalism shitshow there were literally multiple game journalists who bragged in their articles about beating all of the games in the souls series (but in parenthesis they say but i summoned for every boss lololol). they literally just want it to say they beat it in their steam profile so they can brag to people that they beat it and feel like they aren't *technically* lying.
Rellana's swords are fun
She blooms for a third time in the fucking fight with you and becomes the goddess of rot. Its literally in the encounter name.

Miquella also does ascendd and is a god. Its in the remembrance name.

You kill Marika/Radagon. They are a god.

You kill the Elden Beast. This is a being above a an empyrean based "god" and is a direct representative of the greater will.

I don't know why people are so loathe to admit that we kill gods in this game. Literally the whole point of the game is for us to become incredibly strong and force the erdtree to acknowledge us as the fucking lord of everything so we can fix shit.
Maybe you're just kind of mediocre at coordinating?
The moveset is kinda cool, very flashy
Yeah but who's gonna level INT and FTH?
>remember carian knight sword with the R2 blocking attack
>deflect hardtear
Ok I know deflect hardtear is mainly used for blocking and landing guard counters, but does the boost to block work with Carian Knight Sword?? It sounds like such a fun build to try out. Spellsword type build using that sword and a staff in the offhand while still being able to block and counter with R2's.
Does it work or is From a bunch of faggots?
also there's a trans villain called "Maestro".

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>make it to stormveil
>hire a tour guide, get invaded
>hunter joins in and dies
>tour guide dies
>battle invader for a while, he keeps fucking chugging
>he's also a late game nigga with bullshit gear
>let him kill me next to a grace
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Unless he was using status effects you had no reason to lose against a twinknigger.
his build was all lightning and we got out skilled
blame miyazaki. he made the game in such a way that most invasions are against pro gank squads abusing every host advantage to the maximum, at every level, and so invaders were pushed into a corner and forced to use the most OP bullshit ever. you seem to be the collateral damage of a noob who legitimately needs the help, caught in the middle of this arms race.

summon 2 yellows next time, the blues should just be there to replace them if they die.
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You get god slain for EB and Miquella. You get demigod felled for Malenia, ergo she wasn't a God yet. In addition we know the flowers are a rebirthing mechanic, and we can directly interact with the flower by returning the unalloyed gold needle. Seems pretty clear that she isn't dead

First bloom - Caelid
Second bloom - boss fight
Third bloom hasn't happened yet
i think having armor pieces to give you skill boosts was a mistake
Yeah back when invasions were opt out instead of opt in, meeting individual hosts was reasonably common so things felt a lot more organic.
ER invasions are extreme metaslavery out of necessity.
You ever invade and just laugh your ass off at the host's build
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You don't need the buff if you don't like the gear, minmax slave.
>You ever invade
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send help
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sublime posts
>look a how hard i'm tooting
i need the buff and i dont like the gear
Then wear the gear as your mark of shame.
it died quickly because it sucks compared to both successors the only people still jerking off that jank game are str niggers that miss playing full havel and taking no damage because of their low skill and low iq
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>There's ample evidence... Without Kindly Miquella's influence... I'm quite mistrustful of others...
You're not attracted to this, right? She's almost as bad as Dung Eater.
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No he's right, the game is ugly as fuck.
You guys think Malenia's prosthesis would have Miquella's name on it with a lipstick mark?
i dont think
Learn to dress yourself.
blade of calling
>poisoned hand removes your gloves
the canon is that the poison melts the gloves
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new game plus as mage complete, 40/42 achievements. Time for the last achievement, Frenzy flame ending
just fuck off, im too busy to argue with you asshats today.
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>You're not attracted to this, right?
You'd have to be genuinely retarded to not love yanderes.
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Because how are you gonna poison people with your poison hand if you cover it with a glove, retard.
god i want to fuck leda in the ass
How does someone counter Blind Spot?
Wait for them to attack, hit them with Blind Spot.
Agheel. He kindly relieves people of suffering as undead. He's the hero we don't deserve.
Please post what your retarded ass thinks looks good in this game, because I guarantee you unless its a handful of full armour sets you look like a fucking clown, because armour in this game is fucking ugly.
what about gloves that don't have gloves huuuuuuh?
you could also reasonably 1v3 in DS3 because everyone was basically forced to use melee weapons since everything else sucked. now it's the opposite and it's incredibly easy for anyone to just spam laser beams at you from a mile away that do half your health in one hit. just 1v2'ing a host mage + tanky phantom is a fucking nightmare if there are no distractions. i'll be honest though i hate solo invasions, they were boring as fuck in DS3. i WANT to fight ganks. i WANT to kill multiple phantoms before killing the host inevitably. the problem is the laser beams and the lack of downscaling on the password summons. i wouldn't even have that much of a problem fighting ganks if they just fixed the fucking downscaling tbhwy. also put more mobs in these empty-ass levels holy shit it's all so fucking empty.
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Why didn't he replace his dick with a dragons dick?

Is he stupid?
That's nice sweetie
>Why didn't he replace his dick
Which one?
You will just say everything looks bad to avoid losing the argument, I have nothing to prove to you. You're the one complaining you can't figure out how to make a good looking character.
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next post better be a pic saying "blocked" next to each of them...
Do it
This is cope. You know for a fact that what I am saying is right, you're just being purposefully obtuse at this point.

"um no honey if you mix these dogshit ugly gloves with this ugly altered chest piece and these random legs from another set and this meme helmet I swear you'll look good!!!"

You probably think the fucking fire knight set looks good.
>try to make a good looking character
>zoom in on face, adjust all the stuff
>this looks so good now
>zoom out
>looks like a fucking goblin

i have given up trying to do this myself, i just search youtube for good stuff
??? most people didn't have access to any guides, and nobody knew how to do anything because we played it when it first got released and went in blind
have you ever fucking played a game on release you blithering idiot
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I can fix her though. I'm built different. Just give me a couple of weeks of cock correction on her and she'll behave, I promise.
>there were no guides
bullshit, I was here. I pre-ordered. I know what and what wasn't spoiled already like fucking use an emote I haven't even seen yet from shaman village to get somewhere, bull shit.
like I said I dont have time to entertain you asshats today.
Unless you're a blond shota I don't think your cock correction is going to have much effect.
I have finally killed a host using the melee attack of my staff. He had 2 HP left and I traded with the Anvil Hammer to finish him off.
I will now level a new character.
What if I'm a blonde femboy?
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Anyone else has a weird thing in which Fortissax achievement basically appears now? Or achievement that you should have by now in general because you beat the said boss long ass time ago (multiple times)?
I beat this game twice when it was still fresh.
So, because both of my saves were kind of over-levled (because I was bored), I thought too myself to start a new fresh save for this DLC, with not too crazy leveled character and mostly just few and there fights to get me to o.k. level.
The thing here is that when I did Fia's quest to get Lichdragon fight, and upon beating it, I unlocked the achievement for it only now it seems. I fought this said dragon multiple times already on both of my files and their respective NG+, yet for some reason I only get achievement for it now? It's kind of weird. I don't get it. Did achievement for this boss not exist until recently, or did my steam go crazy?
I wasn't even spoiled on the emote, I just got to the location and there were 10 messages saying to use an emote.
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>put all the effofrt into making the cloak
>sword is just a fucking scribble
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Show me your list of marked sites of grace
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Fortunately most blind spot users are kind of retarded.
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gf said she though I was a woman because I have a good ass.
Godrick is actually significantly less pathetic than the average zoomer today. Seeking greater strength and glory on the battlefield is the most manful of pursuits. Even if he sucked at it, he never gave up his dream.
why would you go onto an online forum discussing the thing you don't want spoiled you fucking retard?
I am attracted to her, but like with Sellen, despite my attractions, I will kill the evil ones.


i dont know
Leda is for Big Hornsent Cock
No? I guess it's just me then.
Don't you DARE approach Miquella the Kind.
You didn't beat the invasion.
why is miquella pronounced as micola
Smart man. I didn't like having to put Sellen down but when she went after Jerren I knew what had to be done. Killing Leda would be extremely satisfying and dare I say erotic.
Nah, I need to stack 5 buffs and spam an overtuned Ash of War and then whine on /erg/ when I get blendered anyways!
I don’t like Miquella
Look closer, the cloak is a scribble too.
You have a weird accent Leda
Depends, but for RL200:
>Class: Astrologer
>Vigor: 60
>Mind: 38 (This gives you enough FP to restore almost all of it with a fully upgraded flask)
>Endurance: 35
>Dexterity: 40
>Intelligence: 80
>Everything else stays at Astrologer bases, but if you want to use Lusat's Glintstone Staff then feel free to take 2 points off of either Mind or Endurance or 1 point from both to put into Strength.

Possible Weapons
>Carian Regal Scepter
>Staff of Loss (offhand)
>Glintstone Kris
>If you took points off of Mind and/or Endurance so you can use Lusat's Glintstone Staff then it also goes here.

Possible Talismans
>Radagon Icon (Keep this on permanently for maximum casting speed)
>Graven Mass
>Graven School
>Godfrey Icon
>Dragonshield Talisman
>Pearldrake Talisman +3
>Moon of Nokstella

Armor: You should have enough Endurance with this build to be able to equip the weapons, staves, and Talismans outlined above and still keep Medium Roll.

Spells: Practically anything you find useful and/or like using goes so long as they don't have Faith or Arcane requirements.
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Leda if she was anime
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I got just the thing you need
It's supposed to be pronounced mee-keh-lah, but no one informed the VAs
i'm going to use the grafted dragon to punish myself
nice l1s bro
>Armor: You should have enough Endurance with this build to be able to equip the weapons, staves, and Talismans outlined above and still keep Medium Roll.
... and armor to get 51 poise. Forgot to add that detail.
>romina and rellana had voicelines that were cut, but were recorded
I want to believe Radahn's cut voicelines were also recorded
kys aislop gooner
Did pantless Radahn ever get posted?
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I think Miquella SUCKS!
why don't blues or yellows severing give a flask back to invaders, but if an invader severs it gives the gankers a flask back?
>hardly any cutscenes or voice lines from the main dlc bosses
god i fucking love this game
Proof???????? Please?
Small indie company. Low sales of the main game.
AA company please understand
...are you SURE?
Because Mike Wazowski hates invaders and babies hosts more than anything else.
teach me, fampai.
make or download a macro script
...where can I upload a lew gif of my ass... /hc/ or /hm/?
We should've gotten a bloodflame dragon breath
haha redcels seething as per ushe
Same for Gwyn just charging the player, but the difference is the whole game was building up to him and by that point you could understand why this exhausted man wouldn't have anything to say to you. As it stands the Nox women have more personality than Rellana just because you can hear their voices.
See >>487577663
yeah and the boss is awesome too
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What is the lore explanation for drakes mutating with their environment so easily?
tiny head
Gwyn didn't need dialogue when PLIN PLIN PLON perfectly set the stage
your character always chooses to put on different sunglasses on when fighting them
>open thread
>hostcels getting uppity
Oh boy here I go durka durka allah jihading in stormveil again
>抓住他,我的虫子同胞们,我们将为了共产党的荣耀而消灭他 - 啊啊啊啊啊
me off every night and morning.
What's your most appraised message?
my desire to see chinks die overwhelms my distaste for poopa
Two years later and I still don't understand why all the wandering nobles and commoners in this game look like hollows. Is it really just because they feel like they had to copy Dark Souls?
Why am I attacked by snakes if I agreed to be Rykard's slut?
if you wanna use that helmet you pretty much have to go maximum big head in the character creator
As I understand it, undeath fucks people up.
All animals mutate with their environment. You have dog, storm dog, rot dog, blood dog, dog on fire, zombie dog...etc

Unlike Ancient Dragon, Drake is the same as the other lesser races, easily influenced by their environment
You didn't. You are scheming to get close enough to kill him.
I have 600+ on a msg about afk rune farming in war-dead catacombs.
and what they eat.
HOLY based
they simply refuse to die
Because there is no freedom of choice in this game, no matter what you do you will be rail roaded into a single path. It is essentially the same as every single single player game out there, but with shitty and vague plotline
Here : >>>/gif/27595624
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at first i didn't like it but all the nitpicks i have with this outfit just seem to go well overall and now i dont want to wear anything else
There are actual Dark Souls style undead in this game, they're not what I'm talking about.
chainsaw guide youtube :] good luck and dont get discouraged trying to do it manually its a 1 frame window but I promise it will click one day and you’ll be able to get it within 3 tries consistently
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you say that like cock correction is about what SHE wants, anon... that wouldn't be correction of wrong behavior if i gave her what she wanted, now would it?

this is punishment.
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Anyone else feel bad about killing animals in this game?

I just cant do it and it messes with my crafting stuff a little.
damn i hate coomers
fuck off back to discord
Aaaand saved.
cause I was bored, playing elden ring, and pre-ordered
you are SUPPOSED TO spoiler your posts that contain spoilers but you're all zoomers so you don't know anymore, so instead you spoiled the whole damned dlc 5 days before release in a "discord raid" and, like I said im busy fuck off.
Reminder that Miquella does not poop. That bussy is 100% clean and smells like strawberries. He can probably get pregnant too.
anytime i see a message next to a turtle i go out of my way to kill them so my spirit shows up in someone else's world of me doing it. kill all animals i see. fuck limp wristed pussies like you
gushing over magical girls, btw. they even got an anime recently, and it's good.
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how fucked am I?
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You can just buy most animal-based crafting materials but the bones and sinew must come from somewhere (I just cheat all craftables out of thin air).

Speaking of craftables, am I retarded or is there really no way to craft perfumes/jar bombs en mass beyond whatever container limit you have at the time? I ended up having to cheat for those simply because I got tired of making small batches over and over, cheating let me pick up more than the max and send them to the box automatically.
What did you do?
no he makes massive shits, probably has anal worms too since he is a faggot and faggots all are susceptible to having worms infest inside their asshole
we talking about our agp fetishes? i still get off on when some people got into a short argument about if i was a girl when i was walking across campus
People try to talk about preexisting entities as if that matters for sequels. Dark Souls 1 pretty much showed everyone important. Dark Souls 2 still happened, with entirely new shit. Dark Souls 3 even happened(unfortunately) with entirely new(soulless and clearly passionless) shit, and it was a mess as a result.
just load up your most recent backup save, anon. you *do* have one... right?
you're going behind bars pal
good morning erg!!
>like I said im busy fuck off
you keep replying so you can't be that busy you fucking trog
Hope you made a backup.
>get hit by Midra's laser beam during phase 2
>no damage
>madness procs
>madness animation interrupts halfway through
>no damage
I go out of my way to not kill wildlife even if it attacks me. Once I was playing with someone who had an obvious crush on me and after he started killing random critters I promptly shut off my heart to him. Don't ever trust those who attack the helpless and unprovoked.
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>me with the host after i've killed his overleveled summons and flask delivery service
Heck is that?
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>people actually summon to kill the wicker giants
Damn that seems like a really dumb idea when they're substantially easier to kill on a horse.
Anyone know how much health they would gain from having 2 phantoms in the world?
Having been summoned for it twice, an obscene amount
Just roll with Astrologers staff it'll carry you just fine until your int and mind are enough for Lusats
Why does Radahn have both eyes? Mohg got his eyes fucken pierced
It's cool how Messmer's army doesn't just have to deal with the Crusade against the Hornsent, there's also constant Blodfiend raids, Deathbirds; undead; and maybe even the Death Knights themselves, and Bayle and his kin occasionally dropping in. Messmer is pretty much running his own kingdom with none of the benefits.
What if he needed meat and arrow supplies?
>once he did some random shit to some pixels i promptly shut off my heart to him. i'll still keep stringing him along, see what i can get out of him, hell maybe i'll get into a relationship with him just so i can cheat on him. and he'll never know why i ruined his life in this way.

aaaand this is why over 50% of men ages 20-40 don't trust women and want nothing to do with them. jfc.
>his own kingdom with none of the benefits.
Considering he's the child of Godfrey, I think all the fighting is beneficial enough.
>Messmer is pretty much running his own kingdom with none of the benefits.
They honestly should've dropped the entire Miquella plot and expanded on this. What was Messmers tax policy? What did they eat?
please do not question and just buy :)
He doesn't even have a kingdom, fucker has like two castles at most
You should aim for 56 poise, ideally.
Maize from one small field outside the black keep.
And another: >>>/gif/27595699/
I have too many qualms with the veterans set to use all of it. I like to put it on top of the beast armor set and swapnthe helms, but even the beast armor set has those stupid flipper toes.
God damn, can you reliably roll Radahn 's quick slashes? I can roll the first one just fine but can never for the life of me roll the following slash. This is fucking bullshit

Light roll?
>the mage anon who just launches a variety of nukes from afar in every invasion and thinks he's good keeps posting

you're not any better than the pyros casting GFTT and it's getting tiresome seeing you post the same shit repeatedly. no one cares that you won yet another invasion by firing off a collapsing stars or grav bomb or canon of haima or whatever other bullshit you use from off screen while some co-opers were trying to fight something. i know i can't stop you and this post will probably just encourage you to post more to "stick it" to me, that's to be expected. i just came here to speak my peace, just don't be surprised if some anons who definitely aren't me start mass reporting your posts for low quality content in the future.
The 2 quick slashes that get followed up with a cross chop are more or less undodgeable unless you're well positioned already and dodge to his right. This will let you go under his second hit.

Hilariously, fatrolling lets you roll the chops because you take longer to stand up.
If you mean the cross shaped slash he does, it is really janky, light roll helps and the main strat seems to be to roll towards the side of the second swing and hope you duck under it
>seethe in first line.
I'm sorry that happened to you. Or I'm glad it did.
Why does she call him "Kindly" Miquella instead of "Kind" Miquella in the first place?
Do they not know basic english?
>no horse ahead
do the needful
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It lets you tank most 2h light attacks
I can't do it. But I can reliably sekiro block it
Unsure how much stamina you'd need to reliably normal block it.
Cheats + editing
is this updated with the latest patch? i heard it was 88.
that's for pvp, pve has two breakpoints for poise: 50+ and 100+
Huh is that up to date? I more or less gave up on poise in the hyper armor update.
That single move is why I will never kill Radahn fairly again and just cheese him every time from now on
I see, i will try rolling to the right this time. I find myself prefer to roll to the left alot more, thought it didn't matter since he uses two swords anyway
Nice cheats.
The backstep talisman also lets you dodge it reliably at the cost of taking more damage when you fuck up.
Oh you mean for pvp, I just say fuck it and slap the poise talisman with the biggest armor I can wear which usually gets me to 90 something
For pve you only need 51+
you simply can't midroll it. positioning and direction don't matter. he has 360 degree tracking on it and will turn around and hit you with it. the webm worked because radahn is at an elevation difference. some people claimed to be gaymer gods who can roll it with light roll but i haven't seen proof and streamers running naked get upset over the move still so im pretty sure its impossible
>Total control of Scadu Altus, Hinterland, and Gravesite Plain(except for Belurat)
>have to go through Shadow Keep to go in and out of Rauh
>has Frenzy Forest on lockdown
The only areas out of his control are Jagged Peak and the coast. It's pretty much his own mini-kingdom.
Coping + seething
I'm trying to beat Malenia on my own but I still didn't survive her skill even once. Is that possible to dodge it all the time? Looks like something very random.
stone club does 150 poise damage two handed this is blatant misinfo
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>nooo stop killing the heckin hosts
>its not fair that you can press L1 and blow up several players at once
Haha L1 go brrr
Lmao hostcel upset at bad redman
Upset some shitty mage killed you?
I have midrolled it though, but never consistently. I was able to consistently dodge every other move by the time I killed him but never got through the stupid chop.
From what I observed the biggest factor was position when starting the roll , terrain elevation mattered too.
As I side-note. I can't wait for them to nerf the gravitational bomb. That way ganks can't use it against me on my next character.
>I have midrolled it though, but never consistently
thats the point retard. you can't roll it. its successful either because you had an elevation advantage or there's a possibility there's like a 1 frame window to iframe it. just because you did it once doesn't mean its practical.
The only bullshit move she has is Water Fowl. Anything else is fair game. To be honest, i found Malenia kind of forgiving. She even does the whole "slowly walk toward u" so you can heal to full
i'm an invader myself. i just don't think shit like >>487582330 that this kid posts regularly is particularly impressive in any way. like we get it you can run into a room and spam a magic nuke of some sort. don't get me wrong, it's fine. fuck up ganks, i hate them anyways, i don't care about that. just stop posting "hurr look at me i nuked another room durrr", it's boring and shitting up the thread.
New headcanon is that Radahn was into Malenia
>strongest demigod besides himself
>long flowing red hair
>became incredibly powerful through her own dedication despite her weakness which he'd have a lot of respect for
He got baited by the vow into thinking it'd be between them and broke it off when he realized he would have to marry Miquella. Miquella seethed over this and sent Malenia on a glorified suicide mission intending for both to die which is why he abandoned her and healed the Redmanes instead
Just google how to dodge waterfowl there's one billion videos on it.
>/erg/ still hasn't made a 70 Endurance Light Roll build with an UGS
>/erg/ still hasn't tasted peak taste
P a t h e t i c
>Radahn was into Malenia
why is this family so incestuous
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do tauntcels really?
>Water Fowl
I don't know how it's called but probably this. Talking about one when she moves fast and does multiple hits.
>so you can heal to full
She is too random. She either lets you drink all you flasks or use her thrust move right after you pressed healing button.
Miyazaki was reading ASOIAF when he wrote the story's draft.
it was a large community effort of thousands of people with cheat engined invincibility trying a bunch of random dodge patterns to eventually discover the best way to dodge it. if you have light roll, maybe look it up. if you have mid roll, you can't dodge it at most ranges and at the ranges where you can its retardedly difficult. just cheese her. fromsoft doesn't want to make good bosses anymore.

have any of you successfully gotten a refund on the dlc?
People putting together whole conspiracy boards instead of just admitting Radahn was gay
Lol. Maybe what you need is to stop being afraid of confrontation and talk it out with honesty instead of making yourself suffer with imagined bait scenarios sweetie.
golden order bullshit probably
ranni and rykard didn't go in for that shit which explains their choice to marry people as disconnected from the family as possible
You can just wear full verdigris at 58 endurance without needing great jar arsenal and poise/absorbtion maxx which fits the trade heavy play style of UGS way better
>just cheese her
Nice cope. Everyone and their grandma can dodge waterfowl nowadays
And without waterfowl malenia is one of the easiest if not the easiest demigods.
see? this obvious samefagging is how i know you're some edgy teen. it's all so tiresome. go kill ganks with your one button, that's fine. just stop spamming that shit here, it's boring and monotonous. no one cares.
Why is Patches such a bitch?
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>He hasn't even made it to Water Fowl

Anyway, roll toward her swordhand, don't try to run away, don't try to roll away. You get one free attack / heal everytime she is done with her combo. Malenia is fucking forgiving in compare to the DLC bosses
Seeing as how Messmer's forces in Gravesite Plain are huddled into a corner far away from Belurat with dead soldiers and destroyed wagons along the road there I think it's safe to assume they're still struggling to take control of Gravesite Plain.
why would i get a refund?
You can buy those for a tiny fraction of that effort with runes.
t.seething hostcuck
>And without waterfowl malenia is one of the easiest if not the easiest demigods.
yeah shes just a bad boss. unless you're a light roll fraud its not worth your time "gitting gud" for her by looking up the answer.
It can be rolled through but it needs good timing
She does three separate movements (+ a final delayed attack) during the waterfowl, the first is usually the hardest to dodge since you might not be positioned well
If you're having problems you can ease into it by using a greatshield with 100 phy and a decent guard boost (70+)
You can also tank the entirety of the waterfowl with a greatshield, but in phase two you'll need the crystal tear that increases status resistances or you'll get rotted quickly
Yeah but where do you think those came from? Somebody had to kill the sheep.
Radahn thought he was marrying Malenia the whole time and was hype as fuck when she cut through his army and managed to disarm and stab him only for his boner to instantly deflate when she leaned in and whispered that he was going to marry Miquella.
>talk it out

she did that in private. the guy doesn't even know she "closed her heart off to him". that's the point, anon. maybe women should stop being so judgmental over the weirdest and most inconsequential stuff. maybe any guy who's experienced this firsthand doesn't want to roll the dice again.
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Think again hostfag
Maybe go summon some pissboys to help you
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Was it this guy?
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>New headcanon is that Radahn was into Malenia
Frankly, it is quite wholesome, considering standards of Marika's family.

They have much in common, their characters complement each other, they have similar interests and ambitions, and their goals are not at odds.

They could have worked out, kinda.
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you know you can just alter pictures, right? really wanted to say "your next move will be to post an altered screenshot where you removed some of the you's to prove you're not samefagging" but i thought that would be too on the nose, yet here we are.
invaders are so mentally ill
Miquella is the cuter, more feminine twin.
>trade heavy
>he wants to take damage
>its boring and no one cares
>but let me keep showing you that i'm upset which will make you post even more to spite me
Are you a fucking retard? Absolute dumb ape.
I actually enjoy all PVP webms, but you're just a fucking retard who is acting like a crying child and now he's gonna post even more to spite you. It's legitimately embarrassing to see someone act like this.
hostcels are mentally ill
I pre-ordered it and refunded after seeing the leaks. Still haven't bought it.
Here's a Chinese dead level Stormveil ganker if anyone's looking to expand their block list

I'm currently AFKing in their world because I need a break
Maybe none of that ever happened and in your woman hating paranoia you closed off your heart first before realizing it and never made the effort to amend or understand it either way.
gankers are so mentally ill
Greatshield the first flurry and dodge through the rest. It's the first flurry that makes the attack so stupid.
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I am sorry, master. I know you have forbiden me from using this technique but just for this one i will have to go all out.

Drama queen
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its pretty hard to land a hit against someone who isnt shit while using a UGS without taking damage unfortunately, thats what happens when all of your attacks are reactable
Go shill your trash elsewhere.
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just stun locked messmer with carian sovreignity.
i love low poise bosses.
>invade guy
>password phantom buddy
>blow up password phantom with kamikaze
>host starts fatroll panic rolling away until he gets slapped to death with a stick
Total password summon death.
>need faith for Black Knife
fire knight greatsword feels illegally good even though im str/fth
You're delusional buddy.
Anyway back to nuking hosts as a mage.
>noooo it's the heckin same guy
Seethe hostcel
Don't believe Rya's lies. Everyone in the Volcano Manor are trying to kill each other.
>Maybe none of that ever happened

alright well this conversation is over, then. go look up the statistics on divorce and educate yourself on how family court works, femcel.
>cold HTS greatshield

sure you did, buddy.
Rya was the one being lied to thoughbeit. She was only finding brave champions for a "path of honor" that Tanith promised. Tanith tells you the truth with your first assignment. Rya goes suicidal the instant she finds out the truth.
>mistime volcano pot by 1 second
>miss opportunity to kill the sweatiest gankers i've ever encountered
I've been trying to get my friend into elden ring like I am for the last week. We're both busy individuals so we only get about an hour to play when we do, but when we get invaded every five minutes lose the progress we made, I cant think of how anyone could see this as more then a game ruining mechanic. Am I alone in this thought process.
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Thanks i know my drip is good as hell.
>+90 to all res for 3 minutes

i feel like this shit is grossly underrated for invasions. especially with spiralhorn shield and stalwart horn +2 and the right armor set you can absolutely shit all over status builds if you want.
go play mario party instead, faggot
I know people like to say Gurm did nothing but it really baffles me how you can't see the gay incest was 100% his doing, even if you haven't read Miyazaki's statements pointing to that.
Is there so much to deal with? The hornsent civilization has collapsed to where it's just a handful villages. And attrition rates can't be so bad for Team Messmer since they've been doing this crusade thing for many hundreds of years and it appears they've still got knights and random ass grunts who have been on this job since the start.
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I need to go farm the nox monk hood and some fitting chest attire to truly become akhmed the terrorist.
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what is going on over there?
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forgot pic, fuck.

volcano pots suck. use fire pots instead. just do all the damage at once. volcano pots only do like 50 damage max because people can just run out of them. they can kinda help zone, but they don't last that long. i'd rather just get either 0 damage or 300 rather than 0-50 most of the time.
play seamless retards
Isn't there a timer on when you can get invaded again? Provided you're not using a taunter tongue I'm pretty sure you should have 15-30 minutes of no invasions.
Maybe I'm thinking about a different game.
Was Gurm behind Twin Princes and all the other pretty boy twinks in Miyazaki's other games?
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Uninstalled the DLC, that wasn't MY Miquella. Instead, I am married to the Miquella from the trailer who lifted the veil from the land of shadow and isn't evil. After all, I promised to be his consort.
I was trying to knock him off a ladder, not kill him
is this with the double explosion physick? do you use anything to buff the damage it does? does it always not kill you by itself but it kills them? would something like endure help at all? i feel like in that webm if you had endure on the stone club and popped that it would have gone better.
there is, he's just stupid
ah, that's fair. probably the one good use of volcano pots, which is why i keep 4 of them on me.

>We're both busy individuals so we only get about an hour to play when we do

play something else. literally thousands of games out there specifically tailored for your co-op dad experience.
Thick thighs, for sure. But it isn't cute...
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Can't imagine doing this fight without Flame Protect Me
Yeah double explosion, using the sacred scorpion charm too since I picked that up on the way by coincidence and it buffs holy.
Apparently golden vow buffs it too.
But yeah it never kills you but has one shot everybody so far, password phantoms included.
yup finna invade wagies and sit on elevator buttons to waste the one hour of free time they have
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even in the DLC Miquella isn't evil.
he was presented with a choice:
>let retarded people keep killing each other forever
>do some slight brainwashing to make evil people focus on loving you instead of doing evil things
literally none of the base game endings are as good for the lands between as the deal miquella offers.
Good morning, ryaposter
>I was trying to knock him off a ladder
bro your fan daggers
based elevator denier
take the stairs, fatties
the opportunity cost is way too high on this though, heal at low hp + absorbtion boost physick will be better the majority of the time
"Kindly" is also correct under older English conventions. Not everything is as rigid as you seem to thinks. Educate yourself on the matter before talking trash.
i wonder if the people who protected jimmy savile thought this way, too?

>try to think about a way to power level my INT/FTH dude
>birds are too slow
>it's hard to find coop in the DLC at my level
>decide to coop Mohg
>tons of activity because it's the entrance to the DLC
>he dies in 10 seconds to Impenetrable Thorns spam
>>tons of activity
wtf it takes me 15 minutes to get summoned there what level are/were you
lol get fucked wagie
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Let radahn grab you twice and you get the canon ending.
Ranni took this away...
The characterization of the demigods was his doing and Miyazaki explicitly said the DLC was intended to complete his contribution to the game.
even with scarlet rot she is stunning
I would deflower her aeonia so hard
if you know what I mean
>Igon bow has hyper armor
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still weird to me that you can always tell it's a man immediately, doesn't matter if you dress it up as a woman.
clearly this game isnt for you
cya later
He doesn't actually have to be a fag, he just has to be a shadow of his former self jumping at the chance as Empyrean gave him to become Godfrey 2.0
Messmer is blind?
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Another absolute fucking loser for your block lists

It's the one above Godwyn's corpse in Stormveil, you have to hit it with some source of persistent damage like night maiden's mist or volcano pots.
>literally none of the base game endings are as good for the lands between as the deal miquella offers.
t. Leda.
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and he fucked dragon of undisclosed gender
godwyn, you sly dog

easiest bait of his life
The seal might not serve as an actual eye. Observing the player with the snake in his cutscene seems to imply that.
I love this artist
nah. this + absorption is best for defense. heal at low HP is fine but if they one shot you then it doesn't do anything, and only works once. it's such a benefit to shit on bleed and frost builds. if you want to be real fancy you can use it as a scarlet rot cure one time, too.

i'd rather just always shit on status builds for 3 minutes rather than have one get out of jail free card for fucking up. that said i also main the crimson seed +1 and wear heavy armor so i'm generally not needing the pseudo-ToD.
I didn't use Flame Protect me because i am a unga bunga fag but i did equip the flame resist talisman
she looks ugly and flat in this pic, gross.
ESLs talking about English.
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Am i fashionable uwuu~
She's healthy and beautiful
I get what you tried to do but the dirty cloth doesn't work on the front like that.
Also those are women's clothes
Sick of all these casuals coming in and saying shit like "I want to play the game" and "when is it my turn" instead of rolling around for 20 seconds and then getting one light attack off
Why the FUCK didn't they put a map of the underground sewers/whatever on the lower level of the overworld map?
Just parry him
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Am I fashionable? (as an invader)
>tfw NG+ doesn’t even add a corpse in front of the Manse
Because it would still overlap with the forgotten eternal city area that's directly underneath Leydell.
no skill found
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What if:

Ashes of Wars are treated as spells, taking spell memory slots but allowing you to put several more ashes of war per weapon. You could have all 10 spell slots full of ashes of war instead. Unique weapons consume 1 memory slot for their unique skill.
Time for those microcosms to be wacked.
That doesn't work if he's using something that shows up as a skill instead of "No skill" weapon.
it says "discus hurl" right there, anon...
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>3 days later
>still can't beat Radahn
I've gotten him down to a quarter health once and that only with the help of the mimic tear.
Its joever, time for antspur greatshield
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You did equip a Divine Blessing and Meat Dumplings when using mimic tear right anon?
kinda sounds like what MMOs already do, yea... not sure how they juggle it in BDO on consoles, for instance, but at least on PC you can hotkey all that stuff on the numrow
God no, the last thing this game needs is more skill spam. If anything make them harder to use, either via increased FP costs or more complex inputs.
Souls. This is why Godwyn became that abomination.
Go offline
115 +25, I get a constant stream of activity
>Host of Embers is challenging the boss so you need to fuck off now
5 times in a row now
This is just unlucky lmao
Do you think there’s skin into jars?
why is it always bloodstain?
in short seek skill
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Anons I need help.
How do I deal with Bone Bow gankers?
It's the one group of gankers I have never been able to beat. They're always using sleep arrows and put me to sleep in seconds and then I get smacked a few times by the other guys.
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Fire Knight's Greatsword is awesome. I managed to solo and down Rellana before her bs moon attack.
1. He's weak to thrust and even if he wasn't rapiers would still be an excellent choice in this fight
2. Keep staying to his right so you can avoid the frame trap sometimes you might have to pass up a punish because of it and sometimes you might get unlucky and get hit because you couldn't get into position in time.
3, When he throws meteors in the 2nd phase you need to run away from them and then jump to the side at the last moment and then he'll do 4 clone moves and a real one that will do chip damage and that you will need to outspace and you will need to roll into and slightly to the right of the 5th one and then roll the last AoE
4. Roll forward the ring of light he throws at you and you will get a punish after the combo that follows
5. Roll the Lion's Claw early for a bigger punish window
6. When he flies into the air to do his clone attack you need to sprints to the side and avoid the first three then roll to the side and roll the rest of the combo.
7. Get at least 12 skibidi levels.
8. I can't think of anything else that's especially egregious. If all else fail then wail on his with a greatshield and the antspur like most people. The boss is shit and doesn't deserve your respect anyway.
Miquella is so lucky bros
Just slap on the deflecting hardtear and guard counter him to death.
I hate women so much, bros.
Having to scroll around for the spell you need is so infuriating, especially if you have more than four slotted. I don't know how mages put up with it.
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Miquella, I promise... to be your consort...
Farming for resources is really retarded, they put in a nice little farm spot just before PK but the damage was already done.
Today I learned that if you start a next journey right after the Elden Beast without returning to the rountable hold first, your inventory will not refill and you still have the same amount of drinks left that you had at the end of the boss fight.
He's not into (You).
Whats that weapon?
Much like Fia, all would be forgiven if he wanted to shag me instead of a living corpse
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Any explanation to why Maliketh, supposed bearer of the Destined Death so subject of devotion, would end up beating and sealing his devotees ? Did he recovered the Destined Death from them, on command of Marika?
>Any explanation
No, there are no explanations.
I think I've seen people just simply run away and not get hit but if you delay even a few seconds you're going to get caught.
Destined death was sealed inside Maliketh AFTER the gloam eyed queen and the godskins were defeated
The sword was where he sealed the destined death.
They had death first, then Marika told him to go fetch and like the good dog he is he went and got the destined death and stuck it in his sword.
Then the game events happened and he lost the rune in his sword.
That's at least how I understood it. I am a lorelet though.
The Godskins Apostles are children of the Gloam-eyed Queen. The Gloam-eyed Queen is the person Maliketh killed to seal Destined Death. They are enemies of the Golden Order. No shit he doesn't tolerate them.
>send coop sign on invasion build
>get summoned to limgrave tunnel
>host misses the jump down and drops to his death
Its refreshing to see actual new players this late
A lot of people think that due to his previous line he's cursing Marika but I think he's really just cursing you.
Why is my game suddenly shitting itself unable to change resolution and screen mode?
>No shit he doesn't tolerate them.
But I thought that Marika hates Golde Order.
Does anyone know? Shortly after this post I had to deal with one of them but I had ghostflame dragon backup and still barely won because of all the sleep fucking me over.
can I get source on the picture pls
anti-radahn poker
+2 focus talisman + ailment talisman should at least make it more bearable. That's all I have. Also sleep boluses.
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shut up already, mohg
which part of "no" you didn't understand?
Deathblight is kinda not altering the skins of victims, maybe they enjoyed the spell and created the jar fetish (death rotten flesh)?

Yeah. With the high probability being a beast makes it easier.

Romina would fit better. She’d make a nice Rykard breed. Looks like she eats humans a day and need soup.
My boy has been cleared of all (sexual) charges
You gotta accept that the gloam eyed queen is velka 2. An unseen character for people to schizo about because miyazaki gets a laugh out of it
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>>487554224 right here, you just need to accept the power.
antspur rapier with bleed
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How bad is the DLC on NG+?
Not that bad.
Even on NG++ it was mostly doable.
>Vyke, most successful Tarnished behind the player
>it some lousy gaol mini boss

>Sellen, greatest sorceress in the history of Raya Lucaria
>shitted on by a clown

>Ymir, teacher of Rennala/Rellana and biggest lore revealer
>relegated to some easy ass invasion

>gets his shit pushed in in like 3 sec

It’s so fucking crazy how Miyazaki doesn’t see how bad this looks and how not fun it looks.

I find it bizarre how most of them are casters too. What the hell.
>only knows what you tell him
>Sellen, greatest sorceress in the history of Raya Lucaria
Was she really stronger than Rennala?
I keep telling you guys that Miyazaki hates wizards, but you guys never listen to me.
so far i've been able to take down rellana on my str/fth and dex/int files at 0 scadu... everything definitely hits a tad bit harder though
I did the DLC on Journey 4 and it was basically
>stunlock enemy into stance break
>easy win
>don't stance break the enemy
>50% health gone with max tree buff because you got hit 1-2 times
I did it on NG+5 and it was fine
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Can you even dodge this from close quarters? Or are you forced to run away for dear life and then roll?
Been trying for a while but it doesn't seem to work
better to run away yeah
You need to stay under him for a bit then sprint away. It doesn't have much forward momentum. No rolling required.
yea just circle around and he'll fly off the other direction
Go back to /v/
No. Sellen was the academy's most brilliant STUDENT.
She was merely the most gifted of those that studied at the Academy, not necessarily better than those that perhaps founded or created the Academy as an institution.
She’s stated by Thops to have been the best of the best at the school. She got her own portrait. Jerren credits her with the highest sorcerer kill count. The “most dangerous witch ever”, and Rennala is called “the full moon witch”.

To assume that Rennala is speshul, is to assume the moon gives literal Sailor Moon tier wank potency to its chosen viewers, which is just retarded. Why do you want that “ER is a gurl boss gaem” retard to be correct?
>and Rennala is called “the full moon witch”.
What lore piece.
Rennala was explicitly at the academy in her youth. Why are you defending Miyazaki’s bad habit of making lore heavy people into weak ass npcs?
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>3 man gank outside mohg room at RL200
>just sitting there waiting for people to gank in a small courtyard where they refuse to move from
>force them off the platform with some madness
>take elevator and sit on button afk
Looks like the games over.
>seething hostcels need not reply to me
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His only crime was being too hot.
Even Miquella couldn't keep his hands off that beefcake.
I believe Gideon or Iji says it. Not that the word even matters, it’s just referring to a female sorcerer.
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All sorcerers are students to the stars.
Heard that the Ranni sword got nerfed recently. Don't even know why.
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Wrong one
My level 80 guy is on ng+ and with Tiche everything has been piss easy Soo far.
the most forbidden of win conditions
Either interpretation including your own, makes elden ring a girl boss game as sellen is a girl. That guy was always right. Just like how bloodborne is about childbirth
I'm telling you to go back to /v/
I honestly don't know what the difference is here but, she's specifically said to be the most brilliant student. Not the greatest sorcerer there. I assume to distinguish her from Lusat and Azur, and Rennala perhaps.
No you can't do that. You have to run into the blender and die.
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beautiful cinnamon roll too good for this world, too pure

(t. not varre)
Use Lion's Claw or Giant Hunt and nothing in the DLC can touch you outside of boss fights. You will only take damage if enemies have their random hyper armor.
You do know that even with rennala as strongest she's still a weak boss right? We don't even fight her actual self in phase 2 but a projection ranni makes. Hell she introduces her light a fucking fighting game character
>please do not attack me I’m made of stone I cannot be killed I cannot die
Was it an oversight by the developers?
Because it obliterated everything at range. Even with the~20% damage nerf to beams and a charged beam dropped from 35 stance damage to 26 (25%) it still is really good
I know, but it's interesting.
>This gentle-looking crown was granted to a scholar who excelled in her studies, which also merited the title of "witch."
We knew Sellen was this. Ranni's also called "the witch" meaning she likely studied at Raya as well. If Rennala is called thus, then she also likely studied at the Academy.
Meanwhile the Hornsent grandma from the DLC has a death quote but can not be attacked at all.
What happens if you push his hat off.
So she was more prodigious than Rennala, okay, got it. She’s the better sorcerer. Rennala wasn’t a good student in comparison to her.

>inb4 r-rennala wasn’t a student!
You need to fuck off.
Poise damage on the charged R2s got reduced
It still fucks
Shouldn't have been nerfed though. Fuck single player nerfs.
Radahn studied at the academy, gaius did too from item descriptions. It's likely based on 2/3 of the kids studying there that rykard did as well.
bad bait
is it worth it to dual wield colossal weapons instead of just 2-handing one?
>You do know that even with rennala as strongest she's still a weak boss right?
It’s an illusory glimpse of her in her prime, and game mechanics don’t mean shit in relation to lore, for the most part.
>We don't even fight her actual self in phase 2 but a projection ranni makes
You just said it yourself.
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I don't remember being able to do thighs this fat in previous entries
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I like thay he actually draws her on model but don't like that he's drawn her with the needle back yet she still hasn't cleaned off the mold.
I am telling you, very clearly, to go back to /v/
You think I didn't see you post the exact same bait in the thread up on there, and thus I KNOW I came over here to bait?
Gods do not poop. Miquella's bussy is clean and smells like strawberries. It's also self lubricating and capable of getting really fucking pregnant. I'm talking twins at a minimum here.
sad bobs
it's still quite good, but i was able to notice the "worse" performance. oh well
How is it bait? Do you just say “bait” when you have no argument? It’s like crying “racist” when a white person scolds a black man.

Fuck. Off.
I made a bone fist catgirl in ds2, it's time to make a birdwoman martial artist.
Jump attack spam with 2 giant weapons was the original STR cheese strat before people found out how broken stuff like Giant Hunt is.
Does any anon have the furry sliders?
Yes. That's my point. Much like the other examples no matter how strong she was she was relegated to a weak enemy as well, with the closest we have to a "sane" rennala not even being her. I was agreeing with you
Oh no, I want to start discussions in two different places at once, oh no!

Go fuck yourself, you terrified-of-criticism baby.
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the what
>capable of getting really fucking pregnant
The word you want is 'fertile'.
He is absurdly fertile.
He's saying it's bait because you tried making similar posts on /v/ didn't get enough attention so came here.
There was an anon here that made an actual beast woman sliders for Elden Ring. It looked surprisingly good.
Rennala actually beats Gideon if you pit their npcs against one another. Her magic resistance is stupid. She’d likely beat Ymir as well. She’s given an actual, unique boss model, to boot. Just like her sister. If George wrote Gideon or Ymir as the magical superiors of Rennala, it is clear Miyazaki didn’t want us to see it that way, and there is no way for us to know.
Why do we hate Boc here?
Gideon became nuts because of the immensity of the environment.
>bait by technicality
>not bait by sincerity
There, done. Now stop being a side stepping freak.
/erg/ isn't some giant hivemind like r*ddit
You've got a lot of different opinions here. Most of which are wrong since they are not my opinion.
We only hate Miquella and Leda in here
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>nerf moon sword but keep thorns around unchanged
>don't buff Rain of Fire
Got to shadow keep and I’m losing motivation to finish this run.
Poison/ARC build and I’m starting to get tired of fists/claws/martial arts.
The hottest ER woman
The MLGS nerfs came alongside the DLC itself.
Proof that isn't not a hivemind and this guy has a wrong opinion.
Miquella is a jobber, but Leda is cute
i hate Leda and at the same time i want to fuck her in the ass
>hur dur Gideon is weak hur dur

He literally confronted Marika you dumb asses. He ran once he saw the Beast, and by the time you find him he is projecting his own failures(insecurities) onto YOU.

How could YOU, someone he thinks is beneath him, be capable of taking out a god, if he could not?

By god, you people suck at nuance. He is an arrogant prick. He thinks you’re stupid enough to not even consider that he sent Ensha after you as well.
Am I reading the stance damage sheet wrong or does a heavy thrusting sword do the same stance damage as a great spear?
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>Miquella's bussy is clean and smells like strawberries
The Frenzied Flame Ending looks better and better each day.
It's bait by sincerity as that's your intention
thorns are balanced because you take damage for using them!
>He is an arrogant prick. He thinks you’re stupid enough to not even consider that he sent Ensha after you as well.
Now that you mention it… he does think we’re pretty stupid probably…
>he literally confronted Marika
He did not
> But when Gideon glimpsed into the will of Queen Marika, he shuddered in fear.
This does not imply he confronted Marika literally.
uhhh we kinda a new thread here btw
This DLC just made it clear that From does basically no fucking playtesting. The balance is awful and there are several missing walls all over the place that players discovered within a day of launch.
What if the shadowlands are on the same plan than the erdtree, the maps fitting together?
>This does not imply he confronted Marika literally.
It doesn’t imply he didn’t, either. Just admit you hate Gideon.
The bear pelt is too kino. Literally mandatory to wear.
>stupid enough to not even consider that he sent Ensha after you as well
Huh. Maybe I AM stupid.
It's a real good barbarian piece too bad it looks bad on armor with big shoulders like Godfrey's.
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poor gideon, even fan artists ignore him

Yes that's literally supposed to be the case. The shadow lands were essentially locked away by Marika, but they are a part of the lands between. They used to be physically there. Originally they wanted it to slot in to the main map but they couldn't really fit it in that way.
My favorite is that one tower that you’re supposed to do a gesture to get up into, but you can literally just use Torrent to get up there before that.

It’s hilarious how much Miyazaki sings his shit and no one calls him out on it. This has been a thing since Lost Izalith too.

“Eh, good enough, release it”
He's weak because I killed him in literal seconds and he only got off about 2 spells.
Yeah Gideon and Vyke were wasted potential.
There should be more about Malenia and Melina in the DLC
>game mechanics
Pick one. You can’t kill the Greatjar either and Azur and Lusat are similarly transcendent to the player.
Azur and Lusat are just rock corpses and the Greatjar won't fight me because he's a coward.
Big tits big magic?
Bear claw buff when?
Vyke in particular. He was the closest to becoming Lord, before you, and acquired two Great Runes, somehow. He made it to the Forge, and that is where he failed, as he did not want to burn his maiden.

What the fuck were they thinking with a gaol mini boss?
>it doesn't prove it's not so it is
Anon that's not how it works come on now
>From does basically no fucking playtesting.
For Souls games, yes. Sekiro and AC6 didn't have these issues.
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Powerful Lore NPCs will never be Powerful Bosses as long as from treats them like normal NPCs instead of giving them a real boss fight.
>just rock corpses
Are Crystallians just rocks?
That’s exactly how it works.
>he let Gideon get off 2 spells
Didn't beat the game.
I always summon Tiche and we bully him. He never gets to move. It's great.
>Are Crystallians just rocks?
Mostly, but not corpses.
>adds more faggot birds and dog enemies to the game
bravo michale zaki, 40 dollars well spent
Miyazaki wings everything and does not actually care about the lore consistency within a given game.

He is only concerned with repeating his ideas, and doing what he wants. It’s that simple really.

He has even said that game comes first over story, which comes second, or even third. Tough.
The second time I fought him I gave him a sporting chance and killed him exclusively through madness hugs on a low faith build.
*laughs in endure and law of regression*
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theres this cool art of him
They acknowledge your presence.
The idea is fitting well, since the dragon mountain would be close to dragon land, and shadow Altus next to light Altus. Would also explain why divine towers end up in this «sea» of shadows, as gods come from this place. In fact the erdtree shines bright because the previous one was sealed away.
Are you on a babby console? Everyone on PC just cheat engines all consumables, fuck farming.
typical fromsoft shit
The meteoric lords like gravity spells. What are the odds some obsidian lord is controlling giant radahn while is real one is bred by Michella?
Is there a list of guard counter speeds per weapon/weapon type?

This shit is driving me mad. There's retardedly overdetailed lists for everything to do with this game except apparently guard counters.
page 10...
Miyazaki is worse than George when it comes to scale too
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>He is only concerned with repeating his ideas, and doing what he wants.
The giant dead dragon (at the grand altar or whatever) is honestly so fucking stupid I don’t know why they put it in. Were they trying to top the absurdity of Gransax?

Shouldn’t this dead dragon have been a lot more powerful than Bayle or Placidusax?

Does Miyazaki just throw in shit he thinks is cool, and gives no fucks about how it is approximated in lore?
Niggers actually care about the lore?
Thats a dudes feet.
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Didn’t Godfrey take out Gransax? How’re we supposed to beat someone who did that?

Also why do giant weapons shrink for the sake of the player?
>Does Miyazaki just throw in shit he thinks is cool
uh yea have you seen the angkor wat down in lost izalith
>Does Miyazaki just throw in shit he thinks is cool, and gives no fucks about how it is approximated in lore?
yes and this is actually the correct way to do stories anyway
There are no beds in Caria manor. They did not sleep. Miyazaki wtf. You put TWO beds in Anor Londo you sick sleep depriving fuckhead!
no one make a new thread i'm wokring on it
what do miquella's feet smell like?
ok but for real where's the thread this one's leaving real soon
someone make a new thread i'm not working on it
Lilys canonically
new thread
There are no toilets either… what does it mean…
>Does Miyazaki just throw in shit he thinks is cool, and gives no fucks about how it is approximated in lore?
yes, obviously
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and he wants them
ALL of them
even this pair of night terrors

(let me suck your toes, daddy morgott)
>Shouldn’t this dead dragon have been a lot more powerful than Bayle or Placidusax?
If size was equal to power, the giants wouldn't have lost.
Anon, there’s big, and then there’s BIG. The fire giants are NOT those giant ass dead titans you see in Caelid or the Mountaintop. The dead dragons you find are TOO fucking big.
My point is that the giants lost to people smaller than them.
RIP thread
>He has even said that game comes first
What game? Where is the game in SoTE? I'm still trying to find it.
They weren’t too small, is the point I am making. Fire giants aren’t that big, really, compared to the corpses we find.

Even the broken fire giant head tanks are bigger than the ones we actually fight. It’s obviously a scaling issue matter, but it is so in your face it just becomes annoying.
new thread
Have it writ upon thy meagre grave:
His games in general he just wings. He does the game first, then the lore comes after. He frequently swaps and changes lore right at the end of production, too. Or at the beginning of release.

Go look up some of the changes 1.0 fluff text on some of the items. It’s why the crystal dart can be seen on glinstone craftbooks—but you cannot actually craft them. He also re uses scrapped items and lore and whatnot, or swaps them around.
Was this anon just baiting us all along?
Greyoll is also absurdly huge, but is not stronger than Bayle, I think. Again my point is that the dragon being impossibly huge doesn't make them the new Placidusax or anything. It's just size.
Sorry, a dragon that big should be able to eat Bayle and Placidusax both, lmao.

It’s like arguing a squirrel can take on a wolf. With numbers maybe
>It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog
I'll have to double check. You're not counting hits after dropoff are you? because I know spear has a good arc, but there's literally no point if there's no damage in it. it's inferior to the phantom spear ash of war in every way. Less damage, less stance damage, less range

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