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melee is good again question mark

>[3.25] Settlers of Kalguur
>[3.25] Patch Notes

>PoE 2 [Closed Beta Soon]
>Compiled Links, Tools and Utilities

prior thread: >>487581332
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first for CHRIS'S GAME
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Not my Kitava
Post THAT /poeg/ related image
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>no plans
>no starter
>no atlas route
>no marketing scheme
I'm just going to play at my own pace for once. Just wing everything and not stress it. If it takes me a couple of days to go through the campaign for the thousandth time who cares? As long as I'm having fun it's all good.
I've got a town to build, and a quarter of a year of downtime to make the most of.
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>gets rid of B2B
i just want my packsize bro
dont give a shit about league mechanic
No changes to venom gyre?
Sleeper op build?
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Rate my comfy hideout
how about you actually post it and not just a snippet
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How are necros this league?
"totally organic" retarded shilling / 10
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meds. now.
that looks like shit, at least unfuck the grass
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What killed diabloslop?
minions have gotten nothing but kicked in the dick for the last 5 years, how fucking stupid are you
>Views: 254,899
>Downloads: 30,721
>Favorited: 154

lol fuck off
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Postan Snow Miser again. Snow Miser.
If you’re not playing melee then kys
Holy relic flicker
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You ready poeg?
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I'm new, only played one league so far.
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Post your starter and your age
im going to be farming so much now that I can buy scarabs off the trade market, this is going to be insane
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what phenotype is this?
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comfy out of 10
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archmage frost nova
>try leveling before league starts
>already multiple deaths in first act and it just feels "too hard for me"
Bruh, I'm literally a few years into the game and multiple 7/7 ubers, even got few ubers in ssf.
No idea what newbies experience.
Turtle hideout is the most CINEMA thing ever, money well spent anon
I can confirm this to be true. It's a general consensus in /pooeg/
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based fellow turtle chads
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Now that Necropolis league ended, it's time to say your favorite thing about it.
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I stopped playing it on Sunday and went back to playing better games.
where is this guy for settlers?
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Do people really fall for this poebuilds making you pay for the path of building link? I am curious to see how shitty these builds are.
>cheaper than a twitch subscription
brilliant marketing
noobs arent skipping packs, quests, or optional areas in a mad dash to get to maps and start printing divs
they're gonna be overleveled and have gear in every slot instead of not wearing armor for that 6% ms, which is why you're eating shit in mudflats
>Come forth, Ravenous One! Face the wrath of Go-
Tatar or one of the various central Asian countries bordering Russia.
i'm pobing a slayer wander triple charge stacker for my 2nd character. using frenzy as main skill, probably wisps. ideally rare wand with return proj crafted otherwise maybe just use void battery since 10% crit and 1.4aps. stack flat with ice bite and essence ring.
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which poe eceleb would most likely be caught texting minors at exilecon?
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The fact that it's ending
No, i'm not joking
Maybe the fact that they let div mod reroll exploit stay in the game for 10 foken hours then patched it with no rollbacks. Made me quit the league and save a lot of time
im still not buying it chris
You have oBAMA. Classic SRS Poison. Older classic of use as many minions as possible poison/cold. Dom Blow got buffed but only your hit so eh. Of course Guardian counterparts of those. Classic Soulwrest?
Then you have stuff like Holy Relic of Conviction but requires gems. I guess oBAMA too. Maybe some normal Holy Relic but cold?
CI ES Necro? Maybe? Who knows with new bases and quality.

Affliction Spectres are back so maybe Detonating Marionettes? I hope they have survived unchanged (or not changed much). Well since Affliction Spectres are back a lot might change? (doubt)
This seems like the smartest idea, but it nor any other starter I've seen really excites me this league.
i almost gave it a chance because of the challenge mtx but decided it wasn't worth it
A friend of mine randomly started playing this game last year the first thing he played was one of the awful builds from that cunt. He didn't pay for it though and had no idea what PoB was.
there's something about using commas instead of a period that gives all of this a tremendous sense of being off. like it's the littlest almost imperceptible thing to fuck up
but twitch sub is free???
does the giga minion from guardian carry through acts/early maps still?
% of player base using LS next league?
it's on
T*lkative tri
And probably not only texting
probably lily yea
it gave my witch a new outfit that I like. idk how I'll feel about it on other classes
other languages use commas instead of periods for decimals

lily bitch will do anything for shekels.
I was actually physically there, and the venue actually flat didn't allow anyone under 18.
yeah he solos campaign from 1st lab so play something really strong to rush it
lilly and allie (bad)
quin (based)
allie the tranny
This. I've never done maps beyond single digits and my practice brutus runs went almost flawlessly. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast, think about what skills you need to progress quickly, have a schedule and a plan and know how to accommodate good random drops or a lack thereof.

My build is flicker strike, but I'm probably not going to switch off of cobra lash for a good long time.
>nigger is throwing shade at /poeg/bro that reverse engineered his malware
>Fire Damage equal to 20% of its maximum Life per Second to Enemies in a Base Radius of 4 metres (previously 30% of it maximum Life and a Base Radius of 4.5 metres)
Yea, should still fuck. As I recall, it would either carry even T16 or fall of in reds before nerf so I guess now carry even yellow or fall of there?
only correct answers ITT
As Ele build is there EVER a reason to consider „elemental as extra chaos”? I feel this mod is bait on uniques that look fun but are specifically designed to bait retards like me
I guess that is the best solution to all the allegations coming from such events
>Oh, I was totally groomed at PORNCON in 2016, while I was 17 and a half yo
>He just started beeing creepy out of nowhere after I asked him to play with my pussy/bussy
literally all of them
I actually legit got carded a few times (and that's besides ordering alcohol since you could order alcohol at the venue) entering the building because despite being in my 30s I can still pass for a late teenager.
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>mfw first 2 days farming merc lab for molten strike of the zenith
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I want to play Ascendant Glacial Hammer (+ Glacial Shield Swipe).
What ascendancy to choose, besides Elementalist?

League hasn't even started and the plaguerats have already emerged from their hellholes.

Currency exchange is gonna be a disaster isn't it.
bait most of the time unless it's absolutely free (which is like never)
>despite being in my 30s I can still pass for a late teenager
meanwhile when i was 15 nobody ever questioned me when buying cigs or vodka...
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Builds for this?
Think of all the money you'll make selling Elemental Hit of the Autism, Ball Lightning of the Betasimp
I am unironically amazed at how PoE looks on high settings/resolution
t. poosmoother cuck
so, who's gonna reverse engineer poesmother and upload the code to github so we can compile it ourselves?
General's Cry Z E R K E R with Blade Flurry, gonna see how impale feels now
We started properly drinking in high school, at 15 years of age without anyone EVER caring about selling us alcohol. Slav life is something else
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poe2 is gonna look even better!
ice trap
Earthquake of Amplification
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>turn on Snoobae's ele hit of the spectrum warden build guide
>"here is footage from deadeye with bad gear"
>it has +3 proj over the 3 proj warden will have, and deadeye deals 23% less damage in 3.25 so you can't even play it on deadeye either until you get either the Far Shot enchant or the Projectiles Return to You enchant on your bow
Soooooooooooooooo much bait holy shit.
2 acts after 6 years.........
maven kawaii uohh
I'm 27 also, been playing PoE for around 6 years now
>I think the OP it's a pissed member of discord, bcz PoeSmoother is no longer free, aaand he got banned.
damn it has to be hard being a russianigger. chris is probably preparing a gift because HE owns the poe mafia and even varga bows down.
Does the auto gem work for generals cry?
this loopytroon has been trying to say it has malware in here every league and now he's making fake screenshots to prove it or what?
What happened to KobeBlackMamba?
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mfw seeing another person being baited by trash
Molten Strike of the Zenith is not a league startable skill. You are going to reroll within an hour of playing it.
dude dies in that exact video in ONE HIT to a random legion trashmob lmao
busy planning his RMT build
I'm thinking we were deceived, this is no melee league, it's a marauder league. bleed glad gets slammed by ignite chief this league because of huge physical as elemental from pseudo doomfletch enchant + infernal cry, iggy prolif, burning ground and negative resists
non-charge-stack slayercucks can't compete with perma exerts of berserker, champchuds probably dying in a ditch after the nerfs
>see build
>all flasks have increased effect, reduced duration on them
>4s flask uptime
Is this shit serious?
>look at Jung's POB for locus miner
>disable all this conditional shit that you will never all the time
>fix all the bandaids for 3.25 stuff in the custom box
>change lvl 5 woke gems for lvl 20 regulars
>goes from 13m to 4m

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32, toxic rain
i'd probably take days to reach maps and im okay with that
I'm not sure, his dad died or something and he stopped making videos
I don't get it, while he doesn't look like a big tech worker, he does seem to be above the average pajeet.
Why would he do that retarded stunt while he has his real name AND picture on his github?
While I am sure the poe subleddit isn't as mental to dox him, the things he did today will be archived in the many leddit posts and youtube videos. A potential employer WILL know about it with a simple search of his name (which is also his username lmao)
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Yes, you will be cycloning around mostly.
I actually hate these fucking lying fucks who put all this garbage on the PoB. Show me the mid-range pob with gear that's actually attainable without a massive amount of farming, luck, or currency. Ziz does it, why the fuck can't these idiots?
Connor LITERALLY says to league start bonezone or SLOOMs and just buy shit after like 5 days
Back in prison.
I haven't made a PoB for it but it wouldn't surprise me if Slam Chieftain could hit DoT cap with ignite in less than five divines. Ignoring the cost of the runes because we have no idea how much they'll cost.
all these gem taxes just to revert the damage caused by not allowing instant spells on walk anymore
hang all nigggers
are you retarded? thats not a good league start skill, its a niche skill and its a delve skill in a league where delve was nerfed into the ground (qual fossil nuked, div cards for aul uprising added, fractured and unfractures bases like 10% phys as helmets nuked).
literally pick some overrated retarded fotm and sell it. bowshit or whatever.
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cast on death discharge for anime posters
yep, it's a spectral shield throw angle
the use of the comma as a decimal separator originated in the hindu-arabic numeral system, while england originally used the | bar symbol which was changed to the full stop once white people invented the printing press. basically if someone still uses a comma as a decimal separator there's a very high chance they're some kind of brown scamworlder.
post the fixed pob
it kinda amazes me that people can be baited. Between just opening a pob once and looking at a video of how that build plays, you should be able to fully understand what is going to happen inside of the game
chimp is getting uppity
are there any melee filters 1h or 2h like guccis racing filters for templar/witch?
>Lose 30fps in the turtle hideout.
Grim, the 50 series can't come soon enough.
I think that's the guy that made me say no to my venom gyre idea a couple leagues ago, his stuff looked so click baity that I just said nah to the whole skill... maybe I should look at it now
28, probably Elemental trinity molten strike warden or I’ll bait myself into some other elemental joke build like venom gyre or something
there's no difference between gook posters and anime posters, you both like fake women
>enter labyrinth
>ping shoots up to 200+
>get to boss room
>ping skyrockets to 700+
>character drops dead while the game is frozen
>"justice is served"
>Chief and zerker taking a shit on duelist
Why did you say it's a jugg league then?
You mean marauder?
I love her even though she looks like a bean or a potato, I'm an absolute sucker for those types.
Mathil, not because he is actually a pedo but because he would be texting women who are actually shorter than him.
It was clickbaity but fun, can you share your idea?
I feel like venom gyre is very fun but as it had no changes this league I might pass on it
90% of corpses didn't worth shit, an illusion of money dropping, nothing more.
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you need some rest before leaguestart bro
all you retards really believe you are smarter than you actually are. You removed the 100% more damage from returning proj on a build entirely built around returning proj?
sounds fun, good luck
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bex was a great way of ggg interacting with the community, we really miss her
>gets caught
>other girls come up being groomed by him (except it's /poeg/ adding fuel to the fire)
>people dig up his RWDS_larry dirt
>falls into obscurity and completely disappears from the internet a few months later, presumably joining the 43%
>gets away with it because he looks that good
>doesn't happen because no zoomer will ever feel attraction to him
Yeah. I hate faggots that do that shit. Whenever I make or look at a PoB I instantly put in normal gems, take away the jewels on the passive tree unless they're incredibly basic (and replace it with some damage or life on the tree), lower the level to 90 and untick all of the stuff that does not have at least an 80% uptime.
You'd be shocked how many build's creators builds turn into garbage, and how my builds often overperform my own expectations.
Zerk earthsharter
Semi-true, anime posters are much worse tho
Look at the config of his PoB. 100% shock, 58% scorch, 30% chill, 10 seconds of freeze, enemies are blinded, at close range, projectiles have traveled 70 units, he has all totems down and they hit 3x as often, he has projectiles returning doubling his damage, enemies are always combustion debuffed, he has suppressed recently, max charges, non-uber boss, he is unbound, he has 2 max roll The Tamings as 'early endgame' alongside Halcyon, Kintsugi and Heatshiver, and a 1100 dps fucking bow.

What a leaguestarter.
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We are so freaking hyped
>posts a meme from work account
>posts a snarky snapback at some xitter tard
>goes on vacation for 11 out of 12 months
yeah she will be greatly missed
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PoE is a cringe game for uncool virgin chuds. Ya'll dont even have weed events ya dweebs.
skill issue
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It's past 5 PM EST, where is the daily update? Is there none the day before? I was hoping to see more enchantments.
you are right that it would be mathil, but for wrong reasons. it would be the girl trying to get dicked, but mathil is a raging homo so he would tell her to fuck off. bitch then starts spreading made up shit to get him cancelled.
don't post it
you don't even need to use a decompiler
just use a proxy and check the logs yourself, it does phone home a lot of shit it shouldn't to the free endpoint
I'm not even sure who's jewing whom at this point.
surprised nobody said jungroan
that's more like the dps if you switch it to a 4 link after turning off the arcanist brand which is the only conditional damage source.
wait bex is gone? i didnt notice lol
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asian americans are potential serial killers not pedos
I'm literally seeing jugg
Maybe this a sign to start bonezone
Today's update should be the preload for standalone people that the dataminers use
Unfortunately the most prolific dataminer isn't doing it this league
I don't get it. So many autists in the PoE community and VisualGGPK2 being free and we still depend on some shady russian for optimization mods
I am sure some other autist will come with an open source alternative to poosmoother
LanceGODS won
Does anyone else use any not so legal tools when playing? It is okay to tell me. We're all anonymous here.
I like to play with a radar tool that lets me see enemies on the map. I also got a hotkey script running so I can use all my buff flasks with a single key, randoming the time it takes in between each key hit.
the software is intended for people running botfarms

if i were engaging in that kind of behaviour i wouldnt keep sensitive stuff on the server or pc im running the botfarm from regardless of which combination of russian botting software i was using
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eq jug
Don't forget the bow has nu Far Shot on it for 60% more damage!

The saving grace of Warden will be the freeze node. The clear is going to be dogshit compared to deadeye. Minus 2 proj and no chain. Enjoy half clearing your legions and farming zero currency.
Basically, FearlessDumb0 reddit's new favorite build creator is so full of crap on his pob, does things like sunblast+bear trap which does technically work because skitter can activate them but skitters will always prioritize explosive traps over bears, and all his "tanky defenses" are conditional mods that if shields are done you're a literal fly on the windshield and shields will be down constantly.

She will probably be back soonish, she left to go work at Riot and either quit or got fired in less than 6 months and has been posting poe stuff on her personal account since.
ask ggg support why this random russian person is asking money for optimization patch with some maphack sprinkled in
who is ya'lls favorite black poe streamer? looking for suggestions
I want to IMPREGNATE that lilith cosplayer tho.
Warden build that
Is not Ele hit
Is not bait
Is not ranged
just went for speed clear atlas with heist
21 minute video and now another 14 minute video because Ruetoo talked shit about him for thirty seconds
Lance isn't mad though this is normal behavior by calm people
27 jugg boneshitter, or rf if extra lazy (and retarded)
nice try pedo weeb
quin or alk
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>melee players almost all young
I'm not going to argue you need a soul to play this game and kill Ubers, but I will argue it helps to have an IQ above 90
WTF Alkaizer is a tranny?
Poopsteronbros...he completely obliterated our league starter. How will we recover from this?

If tinctures have a ~20%+ attack speed roll on them lightning strike will be playable with tincture effect.
saved for later
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stay tuned pvtriqts
Anon you can automate flasks without a program now
You also never needed a randomizer for your flask macro, I never got hit for using a static one for half a decade
Also, I don't need any extracurriculars to play PoE. The flask thing was to prevent RSI
retaliation glad pivoting into sunder/lacerate if it turns out shit - 27
Sin! stop! no, bad god >:(
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God bless the coomer posting desu you have blessed this thread alongside the anime posters
>melee players almost all young
don't tell me im the old one (30)
poopsteron is leaguestarting mf culler
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earthshatter zerker DPS is too good i actually can't league start it. i know everything i play after will feel like shit.
>the 30 year old sloomer
tyty just has that face
we've got shounen heart anon
Just play it and easily do your early farming strat and 4 stones on no gear and save everything for your second build. That's what I'm going to do, though that second build may change based on weapon enchants
30 is a cut off, depending on your life choices that is
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Friendly reminder you have one night before league to get your goon sessions in
oh there's really nothing to share. I think at that point I was just looking at skills and thought that venom gyre could be interesting so I went to look into it and the only thing I saw anywhere was some stuff that looked click baity to me so I didn't think much of the skill and went on to something else that I can't really remember
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Side Question: Anyone know how useful or not useful vengeful cry is going to be? I like that its a warcry but the trigger as a retaliate skill is weird. How often do you take savage hits exactly?
Sorry grandpa, we're all 25-27 hatchlings here
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Anon we 30 year old need to play skills like totems that attack for us.
It's going to be PoB warrior shit except for exactly Chieftains using Golden Apple
EUROSGODS... we need to go back. We didn't know how good we had it until it was over...
Here's Jung's POB fixed up. It's set to Pinnacle/Guardian boss in the config so I left sniper and arcanist brand shit enabled. To see your mapping damage, disable Sniper and Arcanist brand and swap it to Standard Boss in the config.

i'm 31 and play mostly melee lol
-22 hours
There was a time where Kobe wanted to force gyre as a fun build for more people to play but I think he was the only person to look at it ever
>Dogs in heat
>League start tomorrow
Yea im thinking im going to have a good time.
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/sp/ during international tournies is pure comfy and we also have olympics tomorrow alongside poe league launch
I dont care about DUNGroan's wack ass builds
big if true
kino, same
>Working a night shift tomorrow
It's over, isn't it. Everyone will kill ubers by the time I get home?
>he bought malware
interesting. hope your zombie will DDOS some noble targets, like the Final Fantasy XIV login servers
I don't play path of exile but I came upon the OST for the new league and it's a straight banger
Do you have any other good OSTs to recommand?
yes, there will not be any ubers left for you to kill
>swap to blood magic
>finally have socket room to curse with arcanist brand
has it always been this good?
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What do you think it is like inside Kitava?
didnt he want to troon out at some point
from my understanding hes making the /poeg/ version
just like a Titan from AoT
I like the Elder and Shaper themes
>league so hype kitavaposter is back
Orion (Sirus theme)
Never left, just stopped trying to post in every thread every day
What's a poesmoother
He's an imposter sadly.
I want to never die even when I'm retarded, which is always. What build?
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unironically based
once you have a working version make a repo so other anons can contribute/test
RF Jugg
This time shortly before the league is the best time to come and shitpost in this thread
Removes stuff like shadows, some particles and such, leading to better fps since niGGGers never give you an option to disable them to begin with.
RF chief
RF inqui
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There are quite a few I enjoy
https://youtu.be/PnatAyWkS6M?si=MdjVgw7SEPWytNDz (2:50 onwards)
Kamil in general rarely misses the guy is perfect for this game 2bh
what happened there? is he fucking dead? that looks like agonal breathing. reminds me of my cat when he got attacked by dogs

I am looking forward to archerykino
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I don't fucking understand what the fuck was even her job. She would post 1 teaser a day for a week before release and then go on a 2 week vacation on leaguestart
>quin phoneposting again
Trickster (AFTER you gear)
rf warden
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I'm 36 and my mouse wrist hurts after day 2 if I play 2-button builds. I shan't be playing melee anymore (but won't be playing RF either)

Disgusting tranny filth die!!!
i fucking love poe soundtrack if you didnt notice, but these are some of my favorites
I'm only 26... I'm still young...
hard to find a good video but it was during a freekick and he collided with someone then spazzed out on the ground
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Maven theme is so fucking good. I can even hear her telling me to scurry and stand still
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What you use to make a poesmoothie
why is noone talking about frostblades with whitewind as starter anymore? is it shit?
one of the few pppl i trust honestly
>goratha bait builds and atlas strategies
kek the cuck never gives up
ruecuck build
It was dogshit PRENERF trauma WITH totems. You're not gonna have a good time playing this. Multistrike perfect agony ignite glacial hammer is unironically better in every way.
he makes good builds, though
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bwo? we talked about it plenty on ruetoos stream, nya CATW
What not clunky builds are left?
I'm thinking I can hit 15m dps on a scion slammer (not leaguestart budget) but could probably hit 100m on half the budget with a berserker if I drop half the defenses.
Do I take the zerkpill even though I've already played a marauder the last two leagues?
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its was op with og trauma wtf are you talking about softcore troon
>Do I take the zerkpill
>She will probably be back soonish, she left to go work at Riot and either quit or got fired in less than 6 months
Can't imagine the reality check she got when she realized normal jobs make you work more than two weeks every four months
i dont get it
Nah it's unironically gonna be very strong and cheap for up to T16s.

Cast when stunned chieftain but you need 20 div to get it up and running.
sure, like when he baited milions in his shitty manaforge build in affliction which had pathetic damage cap. His excuse? "b-but i only farm yellows in HC! that's enough dmg for me!"
miss me with that hc cuck
Redpill me on hexblast miner.
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for me it's 'tania
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Friendly reminder if you use autoexertion you did NOT play melee this league
It's insanely good even without Shitstorm Visage. One of the only non-bait league starters.

Also lightning strike doesn't count as melee.
autoexert this *pulls out cockus*
You heard me
If I'm playing melee it'll be retaliation melee that doesn't exert in the first place.
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We need to make a list of things that arent melee before ppl boast they completed the game, pic related also is NOT melee
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>tfw using 0(ZERO) warcrys on my sweep slayer
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>tfw i cant play until 2 hours after launch
is it over?
Melee: Cleave with no range, dual strike with no explosions
Not melee: Everything else
Is my wife kay playing the game now that corpses are back?
I hear and see that hexblast miner is dogshit at mapping? Do you only do this build if you wanna Sanctum blast or do Conq/Elder/Shaper invitations?
yeah you'll be too far behind better luck next league
If it's like every other leaguestart in history, the game's not going to be playable for 4-6 hours after launch anyway because of instance crashes, server queues and general game instability
Kinda but that's where the money is. Want to blast maps run LS slayer/warden or deadeye bownigger.
If you're Trickster it's fine. The time you lose by going slower than a blaster is made up for by the fact you will never fucking ever die as a Trickster.

Occultist probably nah though.
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>it's from a fucking mystery box
no, but she will be playing PoE2
What is strongest build?
Its not bowfag tier but seems pretty good to me.
Sure, that's a decent Impossible Escape. But also consider every fucking build is playing bottom of the tree now.
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>Hiiiii everyone its kaaaay
I miss her so much
are you talking about 3 years ago or poch
is this just him still seething at ruetoo?
I might do the invitation thing now that physical invitations are gone. What's the non-bait Hexblast starter guide? I know you do pyroclast until you get the hexblast enabling items
it's perfectly fine. the people who say it's a bad mapper are the kind of people who play lightning arrow deadeye and clear 4 screens in a click then take 3 minutes to kill the boss in a t16 while the hexblaster moves slightly slower through the map itself then oneshots the boss.
go max block / glancing blows and use that new shield block skill thing. could be good. then you can just lightning whatever. arc, i dunno.
still so weird to me how they make whole-ass music tracks for fucking mystery box ads that you will never hear anywhere ingame
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I just want this back bros
I haven't played it since the mine update but it's a perfectly fine mapper. It auto targets everything.
god damn
man im listening to some soundtracks now and while they are great it feels like there is something missing. its insane how voice lines compliment the boss themes holy shit, like compare orion with and without
or any other boss theme like cleansing fire or something, shit is just not the same without the full package.
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>less than 20 hours
>still can't decide between LS or ele hit Warden

How are you guys coming along with your decisions?
Seems huge, would save me a bunch of passive points
This, plus automation support made it smooth as fuck.
cybils paw incinerate, molten shell ignite, searing bond totem starter..... home.
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>Less than a day left
>Still no build
Post YFW
There are a lot of Marauder and Duelist builds that stick to the left side of the tree, not to mention the other classes
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What is the Big Duck's BFBB Inquisitor of 3.25?
Melee is bait. So many people will get burned.
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>0 girl streamers
>0 nigger streamers
most incel game in the market
warden is a bait, you will have bad time with it, it has 0 damage nodes
Do you want to spend an hour or more farming up an elemental hit of the spectrum jewel on day 1 by running Izaro over and over?
does the lore ever explain why atziri was so large, or why she had two sets of arms and tits?
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>0 girl streamers
uhh bro, are you forgetting lily and allie?
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>600K DPS will do fine
Lmao @ everyone who never played melee before league starting with melee Warden
It's weakness for mapping isn't even really in clear speed. It's just simply you are just fragile enough to phys damage starting out you will get occasionally because you don't right click delete entire screen like LA Deadeye.

Mind you later on you get phys mitand problem solves itself.
uhh chudbro?? what compelled you to type this?
>hatred fucked in the ass
Seige ballista bros... how do we cope
>searing bond totem starter
i still have some legacy searing touch chilling on standard...
It's going to be kino, and I'll be chilling in T17s with archmage while they're dying in yellows
>he doesn't know
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What would Scott Stapp, lead vocalist of the Grammy Award winning American rock band Creed be league starting?
0 damage nodes, but insane synergy with ele ailments.
I'll just run RoA until I can afford a spectrum ele hit. Last league I started BAMA and it also wasn't that big of a problem.
Play melee. Why would you want to play a totem build while everyone else is having fun?
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Why does Atziri have 4 breasts?
alkaizer is 43
I spent much more time PoBing this league than I have in the past year's worth of leagues and came out with Zerker Slams being the best build by a large margin. Earthshatter or Ground Slam, doesn't matter

seems fine to me
just some introspection
why don't you?
weird how his beard started growing in his 40s
Reminder that Atziri would just sit naked at her own council just to mog them with her voluptuous breasts
>big number good! huh, build feel? whats that?
So you can faceplant right in the center and have coverage on all sides.
Shit was doing negative dmg in t16 afflicted maps. People were mad at xim and all xe did was just justifying the build over the fact he was speed running yellows. Yellows gave piss nothing loot compared to t16 afflicted, even when cheesing the forest. Dude fucked up that time
Because she's perfect? Isn't she what dialla was supposed to be, except successful?
>you don't right click delete entire screen like LA Deadeye
Yes you do.
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olympics starts same day as new league
just take the ramp glad node bro
and they never could touch
>but insane synergy with ele ailments.
It actually makes ailments worse
Cant get a big shock in one hit
Cant ignite
Freeze is comfy though
That's why you go Zerker and not Jugg or Chieftain, retard
I legitimately don't care which country can find the fastest or highest jumping africans.
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Enjoy your garbage clunk build while I hit 1 button and blast shit 2 screens away.
but that was the league where people were specifically farming t7s with spires
>Originally played before Shadow came out
>Played until the Shaper was endgame
>Never really got to take advantage of endgame leagues
Anyways, how's the game been?
If I gain 5 rage on hit and I hit 10 mobs with an aoe attack, do I gain 5 rage or 50 rage?
ah got it, your build wont feel bad when you are dead on the floor
Top 5:
1. Steelmage, lonely crybaby and pseudo-pajeet.
2. Ruetoo, he thinks he is very intelligent
3. DatModz, pedo energy
4. GhazzyTV, profesional grifter and saudi, for him, age is just a number.
5. Cutedog_
>Implying the average anon /poeg/ poster doesn't have at least 4 mantits.
it was scourge league retard
how will I be able to concentrate on my league start with delicious fit ass from around the world on my other monitor
doesnt seige ballista get a ton of flat phys thats usually not converted?
My favorite thing is that it's over
You will get most of a screen, you won't quite get the entire one.

Source: played it to 100 in ancestor league
>manaforge build in affliction which had pathetic damage cap

uhh retard?
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how about PoBiggers add new gems instead of shilling eceleb builds?
hitting dot cap on crit pconc bouncing might be very easy. Im not sure how to turn this concept into an actual build with defenses and sustainability though.
>Cant get a big shock in one hit
Defiled Forces anoint will make it easy to have 50 stacks at all time.
>Cant ignite
manaforged + bombarding clones + combustion sup
its rly good for mapping until around t13, after that dmg falls off drastically unless you invest a fuckton (white wind wont do) and, SPECIALLY from juiced yellows and bosses single target WILL BE SHIT
warcry piano earthquake bleed with jack the axe
How bait is this? It's using a retaliation skill as your main skill so it has to be hella bait right?
>delegate digital slaves to pick up sharts from dog maps
>receive shipments of sharts via trade
Poorbros, the days of bending over on Chris's farm are over!
1-3 RF
4-6 Ficker Strike
7-9 Haxblast
0 Uninstall & fix life

Ghazy is too lazy and flaky to do that. I was hanging out with some folks at exilecon and one of his mods/good friends he spent the entire time hanging with was going to have ghazzy join us for a pub crawl. Ghazzy told him give him 10 minutes. We spent 2 hours in that lobby waiting for him before he flaked and said he was tired

How's my Consecrated Oath of Endurance Chieftan tree looking?
He's mostly using sunder and just using retaliate when it becomes available. You have to really if you want to aggravate bleeds.
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Build for this kind of feeling?
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Is this list of builds bait?
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If you run melee you WILL regret it.
you can play any of those builds and do all content
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>Has to RMT to kill Arakaali Act 7 boss
It's okay, I'm running "melee".
Then why are people calling builds bait all the time, who do I trust?
probably the least bait tier order i've seen
theres new pinnacle bosses, one of which features shaper, all of them have uber versions(og shaper included), a ton of new mechanics and currencies, some alternatives to mapping like heist or delve, atlas skill tree that lets you specialize in mechanics that you like, ascendancies almost wont be recognizable for you now and many many more. so yeah, a lot of stuff happened.
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Welcome to the fold brother. Remember to build mitigation.

I think this is my final form before league start. Wish me luck everybody.
what do you think he was doing during those 2 hours? and with who?
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I need character name ideas
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ah fuck why aren't the ignore nodes on the other side
Six endurance charges and big armor bonuses from a warcry cluster and the armor rage wheel gives plenty of defenses
Zerker slams is also a one button build idiot
It one shots the screen and actually does damage with random shit gear rather than your credit card build
>hides the fact that the build struggles with mana cost so much it should use 2 mana flasks until the very end
Ventrua goes onto the shitlist. RueGODs, kill this peasant
See, he was fucking/molesting/texting a minor on exilecon and used you guys as a alibi.
Rolling for starter
Odds: Cold DoT Occultist
Evens: Popcorn SRS Necromancer
Zero: First reply picks
Quads: Uninstall and skip league
>all melee builds lost ~40% damage because lifetap will be mandatory in ALL skills
>if you use blood magic you lose more than that from multiple missing auras including new flesh and stone
>all melee skills lost their flat damage
>the only viable build will be autoexert which will drive you insane from HWUA HAH HWUA every 3 seconds forever
Holy relic, still dunno if witch or templar
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post yrw your build wasn't bait
Well and I mentioned this in another post in here earlier, minors weren't allowed at exilecon in the first place. I honestly don't even think I remember seeing any couples bring their kids to NZ with them and there were quite a few couples.
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>lightning strike deadeye

The levels of contrarian autism are off the charts.
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I want to play Gladiator because block is easy tankiness and I love being tanky but I feel like it's going to be zdps
what do I do
you're right but also wrong. poesmoother phones phone like crazy i never dug into it because I ran it on an isolated pc. just sniffing network won't catch what the OP was alleging (him reading firefox login db and stealing passwords)

also fuck him for charging money even for the basic one. he pretty much using stolen the code to make poesmoother
>cold DoT in 2024
they even kicked the dog this league with a vortex damage nerf for whatever reason lol
You cant stop me from playing melee
imbalanced guard is also +3 max and also generic 5% double damage from kinetic impacts
unironically for a new player, all those builds are totally fine no matter the "tier". your success will come down to your understanding of the game more than the build you choose.
forbidden jewels
if you are not a nigger you get eb and sit in sanctum along with other gigachads
>can only get endurance charges when enemies are around and alive and every 8 seconds
flesh and stone, pic related with armour roll and armour/ev gear, capped supp, possible even 65/65 block if you path left
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thank you for the optimism
im gonna get all challenges!
ruetoo pob?
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Chieftain Flamewood? Or not?
Tell me straight.
EQ Jugg
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Don't you find it kinda curious how no one is talking about D4 recently?
That must be the most boring build you could pick.
you are a melee build, you need to stay in the melee area. never, ever path to the staff nodes, they are bait.
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Some flavor of Slam Marauder, bleed Gladiator, or LS Warden?
I can't fuckin decide
it fucking sickens me the kind of items GGG makes for like one build lol
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>she thinks you need to be near enemies to get endurance charges from enduring cry
what're these supposed to be?
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Olympics is dead m8, no one wants to watch brown people and troons represent their country.
I'ml boring
Impossible Escape is a jewel that lets you allocate any passive around the listed keystone.
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Is bloodmagic a GOAT'D keystone this league? Seems like it solves all warcry and melee mana cost problems simply and gives you +10 percent max life to boot. People fiddling around with weird mana bullshit and setups are going to be fucked. Whereas us bloodmagic users will be fine.

thanks god not every country is USA, england or france
Asses are disgusting. Shit comes from there. Patrician Bow/Wander players like boobs instead.
>host olympics in niggeria
>nobody buys tickets
big think
what do you do about reservation while you're blood magicing, though? just pride? just determ? are endurance charges enough?
This is exactly I was looking for
I was modifying Zizaran's PoB for some retaliation slop but i'll just go with Goratha's
eternal blessing or petrified blood
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four points on the tree reduce mana costs by 33% then you Elreon craft one piece of jewellery
spend a few more points on mana until then
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Hey guys I have never played this game but I'm probably try it out in the next days since I have nothing better to do
I used to play a warlock in wow and a WD in D3, anything with the same vibe in POE?
Why? Aren’t you getting comparable damage from these nodes?
this is a really good early endgame ring for a lot of builds
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>He doesn't know.
This is what happened to the OG Shadow btw, became one of the most kino bosses in the game.
it's just a bunch of 20-somethings playing games and having casual sex. who cares?
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wait a minute, the stats on the left axe are literally taken from Nioh...
just pride w/ eternal blessing then petrified blood (+ vitality) and maybe something else if you have enough efficiency to keep yourself at 50%
also delve rings with life reservation efficiency
Thank you so much. ever better news than the 3.25 patch. If you open source I would try to help add stuff

Knock yourself out, faggot.
>I used to play a warlock in wow and a WD in D3, anything with the same vibe in POE?
the occultist ascendancy for witch
Rolling modded version
1 RF chief
2 boneshitter jug
3 glacial hammer slayer
4 Ficker Strike slayer
5 double strike of momentum zerker
6 SLOOOMIN zerker
7 Haxblast trickster
8 eb inquis
9 archmage hiero metacuck
0 Uninstall & fix life
Dubs buy a supp pack
Trips+ give up games for life
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crucible is a fucking banger i dont care what anyone says its what i expect to hear when going to war with gods
based nioh 2 enjoyer
Embrace the SLAM, return to melee
Look at the dps increase/ehp increase per node that PoB provides you. I guaranteed you that if you stay in the Marauder/Duelist area and take the 2h/crit/life/max res nodes etc, you will have more DPS and EHP. at best you just anoint the best staff node, they aren't worth it.
nigga profane proxy and skitterbots have been used on dozens of builds through the years, the bots for their shock and the ring for auto-cursing.
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I like the weightlifting and super /fit/ women wearing spandex.

its going to be difficult
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>Less then a day away and I still can't decide on a build
I'm ngmi
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explain to me how any of those builds above molten strike are better and why
>just sniffing network won't catch what the OP was alleging (him reading firefox login db and stealing passwords)
>it's acksually harmless! it just reads your browser profiles, HWID and username because... because it just needs to OKAY?
It literally POSTs your firefox/chrome login database along with the other data to his domain my man.
NTA but I fucking hated Nioh's item system.

Here, enjoy. Probably the strongest starter the game has ever seen.
because it's a league starter tier list
I am probably going to use a damaage aura on eternal blessing and a flat aura like vitality. Then I am going to play chieftain and just use warcry buffs and buff effect. The warcry buffs are actually very very strong especially with buff effect. I would say seismic cry is better than determination with proper investment.
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im laughing on the inside whilst projecting a smile as i type
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i doubt something new will happen, we already got new world record this year
Thanks Ill look into it
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project this
Imbalanced Guard is +4. That's why it's way more expensive than Unwavering Stance
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1 more sleepy until comfy farmville league. Were all gonna make it brehs.
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that's why I only watch things like biathlon and strength sports. women's gymnastics is also pretty nice when it isn't featuring the US's mongrel team.
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That looks really fun, think I'll give it a shot.
I'm gonna do a CI build of some kind. From the sounds of things, big dick ES is back in town.
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This link should be in the OP
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There is NOTING comfy about this league, its gonna be nothing but CUTTHROAT economics with tight deadlines and schedules, you're gonna wake up with a cold sweat in the middle of the night because you think some butt pirate hijacked your cargo.
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Thats how losers thinks, i will get my plunder and harvest the crops
It ticks all the boxes honestly.

1) You're running DE, which is literally ALWAYS god tier.
2) You benefit from the melee buffs, while technically running a ranged build.
3) Super easy to scale, no hard to get uniques needed.
4) If all goes wrong you can just just switch to a bowfag.
alright bros whats the best blight farming build?
nta but im definitely doing some kind of ci build also this league. i also want to do a life ci build(dissolution of the flesh) which could potentially reach even more absurd numbers than es builds.
>elemental resistances and auto-cursing
I mean that's not THAT niche, it requires you put skitterbots on your build but you don't need it as a main skill, even just something like automatically casting Despair would be good for a lot of builds. You guys constantly bitch about anything with more than 1 button and then bitch about a way to lower the number of buttons in a build too? Would you prefer manually casting Despair on rares and boss monsters instead of having bots do it for you?
Aqua is better though.
I really hope the somalians taking attacking your ship doesn't stop the shipping queue or I'll fucking drop this shit league
the build that farms something other than blight
What is the use of imbalanced guard keystone? I never hear anyone talk about it ever. Why is that?
2 silvers on one ring
1 indigo and 1 violet on the other
They said they don't want you to have to wake up in the middle of the night to do stuff. So i guess no mid que stoppage and cancelling in real time. We'll see tho. It's GGG afterall
Nah, aqua is actually so low rn she gets sidelined by side characters
It was only ever good before they buffed armor because you'd need like 50k armor to do what 20k does for you now. MIGHT be good now if you aren't using determ
used by armour stackers
It's fine for league start. Lets you delay determination until reds.
think about it
No it isnt
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It makes you weaker against attacks that armour is good against and stronger against hits that kill you anyway. Ids shid.
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Kek I hope they show what the pirates plundered from you
This shit is kind of bait. That "earlygame" gear is extremely generous. The clusters alone are going to be over 2d per. Fortify on hit implicit on chest is incredibly shit at keeping stacks up. Dawnbreaker and The Taming are going to be very sought after early, and the build loses a lot without them.
it's up

You should be allowed to raid other people's ship cargoes and fight their guards.
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i am
Delve is going to feel like shit in 3.25 without getting full sulphate in a single map like you can this league.
>concerns that athletes will compete against a backdrop of empty seats
oh no the horror
>Didn't show off new div cards
>Didn't show off all the new enchants we can get
What a wet fart of a teaser/reveal cycle.
i dont really get the point of torrent these days, steam will never get overwhelmed.
boo fucking hoo faggot. guess you'll have to play the game.
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>me, getting ready for the league
the torrent isn't mean for steam since steam uses it's own patch distribution system
Also you should be able to leave them a message
>I teabagged you and stole your runes faggot, what are you gonna do about it?
with option for him to respond to your pillage with a PvP match.
Could have been a kino PvP league
Kiwis miss yet again
bros... i forgot what women smell or warmth felt like...
retaliation HAS to be bait, right?
and no, I'm not counting bleed builds, real builds only.
No good clear skill
I'm starting retaliation glad anyway.
If you're good at crafting yes. It won't be as braindead easy as Necropolis to craft T1 rares + the Adorned got nerfed
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holy based
Do we even get retaliation skills during the campaign?
This is an /arpg/ truth.
str stacking chieftain crushing fist
Cuddling with someone you love, kissing and hugging them, lying next to each other. Best feeling in the world.
Then I remember I hate women, so I stop feeling bad about missing out on it and focus on other shit I like
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How hard are you faggots planning to grind? I wanna go balls to the wall this time and get a HH week one.
I have to work till 3rd. After that I think I'll go balls deep, 20/day sesh for at least 4-5 days before I burn out
Pretty hard, though I don't know what Atlas I want yet. My build will be strong enough to do whatever, I might try out Legion
I'm either going to dump all my currency into strength stack gear or Dual Strike gear
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Reminder if you use controller on pc and plan to corrupt a gem in act 2 that you need to swap to keyboard and mouse after you get the waypoint and open the path.
Some reason it doesn’t let you select gems on controller kek
same but mb and maybe voices, i usually take it very slow with meme builds. now im going to start meta and get rich before doing jank.
I don't know why they didn't make any of them to be triggered like Vengeance or Riposte from before. That's got to be clunky as fuck
>bait builds
I only have some vague endgame goal of improving this build beyond what I did last league. Might try some stranglegasp gamba since all you good little goys will be farming them up for me.
Did they allow you to swap over to mouse and keyboard without logging all the way out to the login screen yet?
That's something literally every arpg has integrated seamlessly, the transition from mouse & keyboard to controller whenever you want, but something GGG just couldn't implement.
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gigaboomers with single limb, its finally out
I couldn't care less abut the opinion of anyone else but myself, even less with if coming from a lesser being like a frogposter.
They're not bait builds, there's a consensus here:
Everytime I start falling for a girl (who am I kidding, there's only one girl I have ever been interested in since forever), I just remember how vanal they are. At least in my shithole, almost every other women start selling "content" (aka nudes) at 18.
Reading about men having a girlfriend or a wife, but then they get conscripted and mobilized while their girlfriend/wife dates another man just fuels my hate for them. It's a blackpill that will get me going through life alone and by myself
That's the point. It's supposed to be annoying. Every change they make that isn't "compensation for an insane nerf" or just a strict nerf is always aimed at making things mechanically more annoying. More buttons, button timing, time-limited protections that you can't rely on, etc.
Don't sweat it. I've started a week late several times, but still overtook most players in the race to giga juicing.
i said the order wasnt bait.
everything below S+ there is actual bait
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Which bandit are we helping, /poeg/?
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>all the retards who are about to learn that enemies can also hit you at melee range
Can't hit me if they're dead!
no it's not
>saying the r-word
not funny
krait on my league starter
none on my main
40hp is stronger than the max life mastery so that. It's not even up for debate.
only safe start this league are archmage, slam and maybe elehit(if you know what you're doing) moron
>Starter if it's not a Jugg/Duelist
>Everything else that isn't CI/ES LL
Otherwise kill all.
its a beta test for poe2. if people hate it then its a very obvious sign that poe2 will fail with their core audience.
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>only safe start this league are archmage, slam and maybe elehit
>hp got buffed so +40 is bad
>miniscule move speed
>1 point which is probably 5% life (slightly better than 40 life)
alira without fail, every single build can use an extra t1 suffix
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holy BASED
My man phox is a coomer just like me
Where are you from, Ukraine?
War is probably the best woman hate fuel
I'm going for that 8% MS. It's going to feel amazing while leveling. I hate having low movement speed.
>If shoving multiple buttons into a game not designed for it fails, it's a clear sign that a game designed for it will fail
anyone who thinks that bandit is worth a skill point is a complete retard
idk, maybe 15 all res.
My build uses a few uniques so it takes some pressure off.
Aqua is more plain, dull and boring than Megumin who is the "I'm the loli of the team" one trick pony.
You can't go lower than Aqua.
>>hp got buffed
You mean the flat HP mod on chests, which you skip anyway for the % HP Mastery?
don't even care that its suboptimal
high movespeed just increases the FUN factor
>frogtroon is ruetoo cocksucker
>Which bandit are we helping, /poeg/?
whatever the pob i stole says
Sister... life rolls on body armours will now be like up to 189 life, flat
reminder hohols are 99% of non bot rmters
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For me it's Alira. Early on getting resist capped on Hexblast occu is pretty annoying as your gear is 90% uniques and resist curse rings cost fortune + we lose FREE resists from endurance charges as well this league. And it fits well too, witches gotta stick together.
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i know you are pretending to be retarded, but hp mods on all gear was buffed.
body armours are just the only ones that can roll that tier but every other mod got a buff relative to that.
>12800 life
>EHP 24k
nice build
no thats russians and chinks
alright, I dont know what the FUCK I'm doing but I made some meme shit from scratch last night on no sleep. How badly did I overcook bros

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For me, it's Expedition, Abyss and Breach, in that order
No that’s why you have to do that one zone with kbm. Both my runs I forgot to swap so had to backtrack from the waypoint in the next zone
nta but its pretty obvious that his pob gear doesnt even have resistances
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it gets me every time
>okay guys I'm gonna end the stream here because I'm getting distracted by chat, gonna farm a little and come back tomorrow
Yep, many such cases!
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What's profitable about it?
Whats the CF Champ build of the 3.25? I give no shits about boss dps I just wanna kill things.
glacial shield swipe has absolutely fucking insane numbers, but it's an attack so you can't trigger it with cast when stunned which would have been mega OP. still thinking about trying a cast when stunned divine retribution build but eh, it's not as exciting as shield swipe.
whats the difference? chinks all bot
Alira, I'll swap to +1 passive later in like yellows or something when my res is all set
Kraityn is only good if you aren't doing leap slam frost blink for movement and I'm starting Marauder so I don't need him
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how did he sound so confident while absolutely uttering shit out of his mouth
Cwdt coldsnap on warden going winter first might be useful for lazy get out of trouble until red maps at least
I wanna try Storm Burst Totems but idk if the Ironwood nerf won't make damage uptime sketchy on account of the totems being squishier. That doesn't matter so much for Siege Ballista cause you don't need all of the totems up all the time anyway
Post full pob or fake.
Ele Hit of the Spectrum
imagine killing kitava before getting fully decked out with mb and shit
You are correct resistances aren't capped. My ring gives 15% fire res for example however it's easy to set up.
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Alira and swap later
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Gotcha, yeah I'm really new to this, I was deciding between a few builds.

Thank you for that!
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since determination got nerfed by half is it still mandatory to stuff it into my build if it only doubles my armor?
what else are you guys doing with ritual? I was thinking essences but no way they maintain their value with the trade market
Any league starters that are lgbt friendly?
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I'm making brownies for leaguestart
every one except marauder and templar
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im making nothing since im stuck in bed with COVID
go on without me
Ranger's a lesbian so go with any of her builds I guess.
I forgot vto say, or duelist
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either scion or ranger builds
this nigga livin in 2020 fr
Hey covid bro, how you holding up?
My head's killing me from this strand. I hope your league start is functional despite it all. Good luck.
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essence, deli, shrines, strongboxes - mostly stuff you can do quickly/while you clear map in a minute or two and deli works nicely with ritual imo, orbs have been pretty cheap but it all adds up if you just spam maps quickly and this way I grab all the peanuts from ritual, essence, deli, strongboxes and scrape them into 15-20 div so I can gtfo off of deadeye and disappear into sanctum.
essence drain of desperation
Im gonna rmt 10 mirrors and play this build
Cast on Death.
you have like 20hours left to stop feeling like shit, easy.
this is getting bigger faster
Just get endurance charges unless you are scaling armor for molten shell or armor stacking.
Hopefully someone else takes up the datamining mantle. Would love to see all the weapon enchants early so I know what gear to look for.
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I don't wanna use fucking 50% of my reservation on fucking determination
Anon, determ is shit now.
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>non-corrupted uniques
>no voices
>only 1 watchers mod
>jewels not synthesized

do you even minmax?

in all honesty, this seems really fucking nice
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Is it over for me?
Bros no one is playing Scion, who am I gonna copy?
any cast on death build
I'm already using 6 endurance charges and 22 fortification
that's the worst pathing I've ever seen in my life. how can someone be this bad at pathing.
>All those redundant points
What the fuck are you doing
I just used path of pathing to pick what I had in 3.24 and called it a day
If you're manually using warcries you should be going Chieftain
>4 useless travel nodes
>THREE circles
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What's the intended gameplay for hexblast? Trash you rightclick, bosses get the wither and bear trap. ok.
But why is there shield charge and flame dash? wtf is withering step even? Won't that fall off if I start throwing shit?
Too many buttons...
well you've got at least 6 redundant points that can be unallocated without making any other changes to the tree. probably more.
>melee cucks
Shield charge is your main movement skill and flame dash is there for instant dodge and crossing over gaps you can't shield charge through (i like frostblink more for that).
>shield charge
map movement
>flame dash
crossing gaps or quick mechanic dodges
>withering step
more wither stacks on boss
>But why is there shield charge and flame dash?
because walking is for ruthless players and faggots (redundant)
>wtf is withering step even
it applies stacks of wither for big deeps.
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I'm at the point where I am just watching videos for starters I am not gonna play, for mechanics I already pretty much understand, and random other shit because I just wanna play the new league.
Shield charge is just mobility skill you can use it to run past mobs in areas like delve or anywhere else. However i would rather have leap slam but you can't.
Really hope the numbers on your NPCs are decent. Like, if my dudes have a 90% chance to die if I run them for an hour and I have to restock them over and over it will be upsetting. If you get a rare dude that gives extra rewards but he has a 1% chance to drop dead it's gonna be annoying when he dies. Especially since this shit costs gold. And you need gold for everything.
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It's fixed
Is there even an in map league mechanic or is it just gonna be pay some npcs gold to build a town or some shit?
alira is a t1 resist suffix
oak is alright hp on an item for acts
kraityn is only there for meme labbers/heisters
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Why the fuck does this build do this much damage? I get that it's lategame shit and everything, but so far I've seen most bow builds max out at like 80m MAX. Is this bait or does it check out?

I can only see 4
You get resources for your town in maps
Kind of like Harvest except there are multiple kinds of encounters
15% elemental res is the pretty easy choice. If there was any kind of life mastery or a one point thing you can pick that gave 15% elemental res you'd easily take it. The only reason people are considering otherwise is because the cost to respec it is more than 1 regret, but whatever. It will make the acts much easier and gearing early into maps easier and by the time you'd wanna spec out of it you can easily afford to do so.
Because hit count is set to 3.
Stop following guides if it is your first time retard
its just ritual/breach but with a more structured reward system behind it
Come on dude, at least grab the gem socket for a single skill point.
Is oak takeable if you would normally take the previous +50 life mastery(which is now nerfed to +30) or is it good to take the +30 and oaks +40? Especially if you are a life based build?
Oak is okay but I would rather take the passive point most times. Never take the +30, it's just too little.
>50 shock stacks
>unbound avatar
>frenzy and power charges
I would remove those two life nodes that create a pathing loop in the lower left, but that's just me. and with all the nodes you freed up you can spend 4 to get 3 jewel sockets which is a steal.
>15% all res is worth 1 passive point
>15% all res, 15 crit multi, and 5 mana regen per second was not worth 2 passive points
Make this shit make sense. Old alira buffs were stronger than any possible rare jewel which is usually the opportunity cost of 2 passives so why did people rarely use it?
>flat cut out of your campaign completion time
>be faster = can dodge/run around packs = survivability
I feel 15% to all ele res isn't really a big deal. Meawhile 8% ms is like the difference between nearly two tiers of a boot MS mod. I don't think there's any debate at all. 40HP is meaningless since gear can roll more now. No reason to take 15% ele res unless you are a new player.
However, I may or may not change to Alira if there comes a moment in the endgame where I am struggling with resistances
am I retarded for thinking 15% ele res is insane? sounds crazy compared to the other two bandit options
I'm just bummed out by the EHP, seems like spell suppression is still a complete must
No, it all seems legit, the config is actually not even maxed out and he added a flat -17% damage mod to make up for unbound. The issue that his bow, quiver and gloves are supreme mirror tier shit that you will literally never get.
3 hits makes sense. Retruning proj + tornado.
No shit it's a complete must. The mechanic existing requires the game be balanced around players having it at 100%. It's entirely problematic to the game and only servers as an additional affix needed for gearing.
it is until late game where resistance is very easy to come by in large amounts, especially with rares becoming much more powerful this league
So I can just link holy relic + guardians blessing + aura on any build?
>Make this shit make sense.
15% all res is worth a point
15 crit mult + 5 mana reg isn't
The 15 ele res is worth one passive point early because res on gear can be a pain. Most people that take it will end up going for one passive point at some point in maps.
>only 6 ascendancy points
>relying ENTIRELY on leech
>zerker with only 41 rage
>no evasion
>no armour
>not res capped
>79% move speed
>no block?
>no spell suppression?
>160 life per second with no life regen without leech

never make your own build again
1. The taming lol
2. You can make anything do 50 gorrilion dps if you go into POB and max out all the sliders
>he thinks 15 all res 15 crit multi is worth more than a jewel slot
damn, sorry about your brain
15% is good for maybe the first day of the league. Getting res in gear is really easy as you blast through maps.
5 mana per second wasnt useful lategame and people would rather get 50% crit multi from a jewel
there are plenty of bottom or even bottom right trees that don't have spell suppression and just die every now and then. You retards really need to stop pretending this game is balanced around HCSSF
This PoB is UNBELIEVABLY PoB-warrior'd out. He has a 1600 dps bow. Perfect rolls on his shit. Double full catalyst'd Tamings. Absolutely EVERY FUCKING OPTION ticked in config. He has decided to tick up his attack count 3x because... ? He has returning projectiles on his bow, but presumably this should be 2x. He has fucking bonechill on his cast-on-crit for 30% chill effect as if that shit is going to happen. Permanent 30 rage.

It's bullshit.
typical PoB warrior bullshit. 30 rage on a bow character for no fucking reason
because you can get to a notable with 2 points
on a fully finished build the choice of one point will never do that
>auras in 3.25
not every build needs mana regen or multi
I got you sis(sy)
When is earthquake good? Is it only. For bossing with the delay? I can't even tell the differences in the tranny gems reading the descriptions.
I'm confused. I thought almost everyone picked Alira over the other bandits on league starters, then respecced into the passives when it actually mattered.
The mana regen fixed all mana problems while leveling, the res were great up to maps, and the crit multi, well, I mean, okay, maybe that one was worthless.
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Do you need to complete the trial of ascendancy in the new league?
it was good in prophecy league
what's the difference between earthshatter and ground slam builds? is earthshatter more autistic because of the war cries activating the fissures? does automation solve that?
EQ has been bad for a long time
>redditors lost their shit over this wording
You know what, good thinking brother.
I'll do something chocolaty myself
for two points you can usually reach a jewel socket that could give you from 30-45% crit multi (and an open prefix which could give you 7% life or some more damage). one point is worth 15% all res in most situations (you'll probably respec endgame though once your res is fixed elsewhere), but that second point is far more valuable than 15% crit multi.
Earthshatter does more damage but has worse clear
Autoexert should mostly handle the activation
there's a new donut place opened nearby that does killer custard donuts. I hope I don't balloon in size during the league start.
What's the cooldown on ring curses? The 'trigger curse on hit' rings. Is that a lower cooldown than 2s or nah? Can that be used with Defiled Forces for Warden or nah?
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Someone got the gif of they guy trying to hit the skeleton with heavy strike ?
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why would I spend 4+ points and reservation on gear to get enough reservation efficiency to cram flesh and stone into my blood magic build when I can just put them into 4 5% max life nodes instead?
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>he isnt playing jugg rf
shame, this is probably the largest buff the build has ever had and we still dont have the enchant list
gonna need those datamined enchants....
any second now...
uhhh your double perfect ventors anon?
>Where are you from, Ukraine?
Nope, but I've been coincidentially listening to a lot of soviet afghan/chechnya war songs because I like how grim they sound, and that is a common theme. It's funny how universal the vanity of women is
two examples:
I listen to these kind of songs anytime I need to lock in
who bitch this is
Earthsharter looks lame and boring while ground slam looks fucking cool
you can't cross gaps with shield charge. you need flame dash to do that
Yea post the PoB then retard.
You dont have some secret tech going.
they don't have a cooldown as far as I know. they curse as fast as you hit. i don't believe they count as you "casting" a curse, though.
best melee leveling skills as slayer? did act 1 just now with spectral throw, volley and maim, was pretty ezpz. when does this fall off/should i switch to something else?
i haven't played rf since rf was the main damage skill. killing shaper (the end game boss at the time) took me 30 minutes. i know its way different now but cant shake my disgust
remove fire trap and post another screenshot
>but firetrap is 90% of the dam-
so you are playing fire trap, not rf.
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>he doesnt have aurasluts to get all auras for FREE
Is anyone else kind of annoyed about this? Flesh and stone was sometimes randomly a really perfect compliment to an evasion build but without the blind component it doesn't hit the same
You've got it. Spectral throw's top tier for leveling and is great all the way to maps.
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>LS build
>level to act 8 with bows
I think not, nigger. Claws from level 2.
>trying to argue one of the best clear skills in the game has bad clear
Noob question,
What leagues I'll need if I wanna craft stuff?
From what I saw/read here: expedition for rog, harvest for changing res and reroll, betrail for vailed recepes
why is everyone playing blood magic this league besdies the life mod being buffed on body armor?
i can be your auraslut... or yuor linkcel.......
so weird seeing spectral throw being good, haven't played this since atziri was the big bad with ele buzz saw.
post the pob
if it has fire trap in it, you are a nigger.
its as simple as that.
if i turn off fire trap and 90% of the dps disappears then you are a kike
thats a fact.
or you can just come clean and avoid the shame.
neither is worth a skillpoint. you have to be absolute retard to sacrifice a point for resistances for non racing scenarios lmao
That's not what he's arguing. He's the one autist who thinks a build shouldn't be referred to the skill that doesn't deal its majority damage.
So from his warped perspective, since RF builds rely on fire trap for single target damage then the build is a fire trap build using RF for clear.
It's semantics, it's retarded, and he brings it up every time someone says the letters R and F
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how is anyone gonna play this league now???????
meleecucks can't afford to use their skills anymore
it also goes from 15% less damage from far away enemies to 19% less damage at close range
most of the time when I'm getting nuked it's from something that's not right next to me
only idiots are going for BM
mana costs on attacks increased and everyone is too retarded to put like 3 points into reducing them
Wiki says that Defiled whatsit works with proxy-casts.
almost every melee skill has increased mana cost
sometimes close to double
and combine that with auras being less effective but still having the same reservation cost
what build should i play bros I haven't played in like 8 months
What happened to datmodz, anyway? Many years ago he was this hardcore Diablo / poe streamer. Played the entire leagues. Had a nice, cozy stream. He changed so much over the last few years. Ever since around the time Lost Ark came out.
Him and quin used to be buddy buddy and always raided each other. They had a falling out and datmodz was basically exiled from that inner circle. Pretty sure it's because quin got mad at datmodz always making fun of him. Now none of the leaders of the poe streaming scene will ever mention him.
But the way he talks on stream completely changed too. Now he talks to his viewer like they're all dumb 5 year olds. I mean yeah they probably are, but it was never like this before. He dumbed himself down a lot. It's so hard to listen to anymore. He didn't used to communicate this way. It's hard to explain what I mean.
Now he does like 1 poe character if that and checks out of the league pretty quickly. All in on D4 to milk those viewers. Expect him. To quit this league pretty quickly for D4 S5. You have to be on the spectrum to be able to play a D4 season as long as he does. Or he just likes the D4 bucks.
no need for determ/grace on good builds so we drop it and eternal blessing our dps aura (and still get to run vitality or precision or both)
also frees up any sockets used for lifetap (and theres no cost multiplier for blood magic)
late game you get to use sublime vision
Honestly I'm really curious if there's something with all the buffed chaos DoTs
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>LS build
>your armour set is all focused on desperately keeping sharpness up
should've gone for a more based low-maintanence weapon type
It's pretty cool, yeah. They brought back spectral throw a few leagues back and it's been solid since.
If you're looking for some more nostalgia, it's looking like Reave is going to be fantastic tomorrow as well. Ele Reave is going to be great numerically, allowing you go to into a full defensive juggernaut ascendancy and still wreck shit.
Skipped necropolis, were t17s actually that hard?
Just ran a couple average mods ones on standard and it wasn't even as bad as reddit described them to be.
No need for reservation on gear
Stance skills with reservation have their own circles in the tree and they give a shitton of reservation efficiency for stance skills. Of course, it's only a thing if your tree is close to one of those circles.
alright you got me im a scorching ray build
i want to place my wide benis between her eyes
you just know poeg is terrible at the game when this many people will take alira's buff
post the pob
Damn those songs go hard but seriously you'd have to be pretty fucking stupid to join the military voluntarily.
The problem isn't the difficulty it's the fact that they shat out 6000x the rewards of t16s and you had to reroll it with dozens of chaos to avoid build disabling mods.
I don't think I've ever sided with kraityn before. This is kraityn's league
nah you got p*hx's pob go play that
Everyone using it will also scale aura aoe, get with the program anon
im willing to believe that they are former diablo players
certain mods were filtering specific builds, otherwise the map were pretty playable if you rolled them for a bit
He still streams every night during poe league start and until he gets bored. He probably goes 2 weeks before league start and 1-2 months into the league. The he vanishes and takes a break until the next one.
He's pretty based imo. He's really nice to viewers, isn't elitist, will answer any questions viewers have without any annoyances from being asked it countless times, and he's incredibly knowledgeable at the game and makes really good builds.
>rf has good clear
lmao. Maybe at league start for the first 10hrs of the game before everyone else outscales you in movement speed, attack speed, and damage
i dont think you understand how bad the average player's build is
>if you play melee and 90% of your damage comes from warcries you aren't playing a melee build you are playing a warcry build
what fucking point are you trying to make retard? it's an rf build because all of your gear revolves around it. fire trap just happens to have the same dmg type tags and is only used for single target . how sad is your life that you are schizoing out over a skill gem in a video game, did it rape your mom or something?
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>full damage on the tree
>3 quicksilver flasks
It's gaming time.
so you either lied about the dps in the original image or you lied that you are using scorching ray
the jig is up.
don't be a hater, I've got three rares in my entire build and %ele res militant faith costs extra day 2
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it's in a dogshit spot, the only way I'm next to it is if I'm making a vaal pact build since the rest of the shit around there is ass
I better see haste on your reservations
>3 quicksilver flasks
based. The campaign feels nice when you stack quicksilvers.
>Tfw no friend who can aura slut for me
Life is pain
>if you play melee and 90% of your damage comes from warcries you aren't playing a melee build you are playing a warcry build
if rf isnt doing the majority of the damage then its not an rf build
you could remove rf and the fire trap would still do more damage than the rf on its own.
same as in the past people using melee totems and the totems accounted for literally 75% of the total dps. those people werent playing melee builds they were playing a totem build.
T17 mods got diluted with (easier) T16 mods later on from a patch. You couldn't even chaos reroll at first. Everyone but COC DD and Archmage was getting buttfucked at league start
I hate that section of the tree. Cursed area. Almost as bad as that fucked up area near the ranger start
you got me again
i put in a mirror sceptre and forbidden flesh/flame to get more (you)s
its actually only 15m in normal craftable gear
Ele hit or LS
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>Attack speed
you aren't ACTUALLY going melee , sister?
If we're comparing them to a passive point
>Oak is a life mastery, there are also notables with less flat life but with % increased
>Alira is a notable, there are a few that give a bit under 15% all res but also have other benefits, Diamond Skin is 15% all res
>Kraityn is arguably a worse notable, Feline Swiftness gives 8% MS +10% block while dual wielding, others generally give 5-6% + other benefits
Regardless you probably shouldn't be taking the passive this league.
based or cringe?
but what if... I was to sacrifice life for attack speed...
oh ho ho, delightfully devilish seymour
When the mod was introduced it was super OP. You would dual wield daggers with something like 25 or 30 % ele as extra chaos on each dagger.
Ben_, the best player in the game, is taking Kraitlyn.
>b-but it's not efficie-*ACK*
Shut the FUCK up, bitch. I bet you take more than 4 hrs to finish campaign.
it's an rf build because it has 100% uptime. whereas firetrap is only used for tanky mobs/mostly bosses. you would't name a flicker strike build a "vaal flicker strike" build because it utilizes the skill to kill bosses and happens to deal more damage when you mostly only use flicker. your logic doesn't make sense
ben is going alira
Ben only cares about going fast, he'll finish ubers on a tabula and with white gloves.
where did you get the narrative that I was defending him? it's a dick for adding a paywall.
it's a fact network sniffing won't catch what CONTENT is being sent. I have experience stealing browser login db
new thread
Obviously you take Kraityn because the reward is offered in act two. You're like 15% of the way through the campaign which is running through a shitload of easy zones. You can swap later but you need the movement speed in particular at that point in your progression.
I hate the entirety of the bottom of the tree, *especially* with all the shitty warcry, banner, retaliation and other random ass nodes artificially inflating the number of small strength nodes I need to go through
So a bowsissy then? My better choice sis
>You can swap later
Did they change the 20 regret cost?
You need to invest into mana or it will feel like shit
On a completely unrelated note its 3 am and I will never fuck an anime bitch FUCK
Another biofem driven away from the poe community because Cutedog tried to rape them.
Nothing in the patch notes about it changing.
rathpith hexblast isnt very secret famalam
He doesnt know how to make budget versions.
Dont follow his builds unless you are willing to spend 100 div.
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Lifetap chads were you at?
>30% mana reservation efficiency just from ventors
i think it would be even more hilarious if they raised ventor's rarity tier and removed the divination card.
>What leagues I'll need if I wanna craft stuff?
Settlers of Kalguur.
I want to make a crit staff build, what would y'all recommend?
post the pob :)
>it's an rf build because it has 100% uptime.
so if i make a build where my stone golem has 100% uptime but does 0.00005% of my total dps, im playing a stone golem build?
fucking retard.
Ground Slam or Earthshatter, but with a slightly modified tree to grab Counterweight and Smashing Strikes in the top left.
if you play a build in which stone golems do 99% of your killing, you're playing a stone golem build.
nigger have you never played an RF build or what?
Why would you pick Zerker over Chieftain for a slam build? Your dps is 15-20% higher with an end game setup, sure. But in exchange you'll miss out on retarded amounts of survivability that only comes from playing Chieftain (or Jugg).
Even in Softcore I'd always pick Chieftain. 7L main skill, perma max power warcries without using that shit shield, easy 90% all ele res with shit gear, free suffixes on all armor pieces because you only need fire res...
Comfy as fuck.
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If you're fire slam Chieftan, is it worth getting Divine Judgement and Fury?

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