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Autoxertion edition

>[3.25] Settlers of Kalguur
>[3.25] Patch Notes

>PoE 2 [Closed Beta Soon]
>Compiled Links, Tools and Utilities

prior thread: >>487616912
Rip my nigga call to arms.
Rip my nigga warcries in non-exertion builds.
poedb is dead
chris won
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Post your leaguestarter NOW!
Ground Slam Zerker
what does atziri smell like
lacerate/shield charge glad. maybe use the retal skills if they're decent.
sulphur and smoke
This is our league kings
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Hexblast occultist, miss me with mapping that's for gays and women
LL CD lacerate glad
Charged Dash Energy Blade Trickster

Find a single flaw. (you probably can but I'm playing it anyways).
the t1 ES rolls are to simulate new bases.
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>sanctum runner
>calling anyone else a woman
sweaty balls
Infernal Blow Chieftain... Ignite + Warcry, dunno I'll figure it out
Singed hair and cinnamon.
going with the TONKY LS Warden
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so Inquisitor Voidforge Sweep
but how do I start? Oro's Sacrifice? any 2H rare I get in Acts with big flat ele damage? Hrimsorrow and any (unique or rare) sword with high phys? (+hatred+ heralds)?
You have no power here Chris... go back to being ceased. DS Zerker/Jugg
I did the last time you posted it, your jewel setup is going to cost over 10d and it's most of your damage
it's just not a realistic league start
also fortify eldritch implicit being at 20 at all times is a joke, I wish it didn't exist so that people wouldn't bait themselves or others
Archmage Spark
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Archeage Frosboll Acenova Elephant
Bleed Sunder Jugg
I miss VSC pathfinder so bad
Phys crit warstaff groundslam of endurance zerker warcrier
Anon... this looks like fun. dont bait me with charged dash its my fav ability
you have at least three better slams to use what the fuck
groundslam zerker
oshabi sex
Lacerate is super small aoe
Alright what if I took Arsenal of Vengeance so I can retaliate with a 2-hander.
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Build sorted, plan sorted, sleep schedule sorted, fapped to gay shit four times in a row, balls completely homo-drained, sorted, yep, we're ready for the new league.
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>"Melee" fix league
>Everyone is just playing Damage Over Time instead of Direct Hit Damage.

Very good fix Mark II.
>Gameplay went from 2 buttons with Ability + Totem (Which this update was meant to fix) to constant 6+ button presses MMO sequence rotation nonsense.
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ground slam zerk
what kind of gay shit
Glacial hammer varunastra
fair warning you would have to play a different build like white wind frost blades for the first ~85 levels, only leaguestart with it if you enjoy pain
>fapped to gay shit four times in a row
good thinking, I do this before launch also, just minus the gay part but it doesn't really make a difference in the end
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I dont do "leaguestarters" tho, I usually just play 1 build per league
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I wanted to go consecrated path jugg but PoB told me its shit
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Videogames. You have to remain on topic.
Earth Shatter and Earthquake don't scale bleeds well. Ground slam is marginally better but I like Sunder for leveling.

Will probably change it to boneshitter of complex trauma when I can afford it.
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>follow the guide so your character isn't suboptimal
>use specific slot fillers that everyone does for being both good and common enough to reliably plan around
>farm levels and BIS gear in designated farming area
>do the same linear sequence of tiered cookie cutter meta builds every season
I think I might be burnt out on ARPGs.
understandable i too enjoy videogames
che boludo
Viper strike pathfinder
whats the actual point of essence drain of desperation? you literally cant selfcast it because you will instantly kill yourself and at the same time if you link it to traps or mines then you lose the benefit of bonus damage, so you are back to shit damage of the base version lol
much less bait than most of the builds posted here, I think the bait aspect comes partially from PoB here
the 80% more buff does not have 100% uptime and PoB is configured like it does when you tank the node currently
also he isn't going to get 30% scorches on pinnacles
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cleared a no regen map on rf, now what chuds?
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no one told you to do any of that, be free
like blood and cum, from the constant human sacrifices she made and the hundreds of men she fucked to secure favours.
im thinking about farming oni again this league, talk me out of it
weird how you cropped out the whole screen
so we cant see what build you are actually playing
other good ones
the first one is recorded from a cassette, but the low quality gives it an almost otherworldy feel
im gonna do it too bro
Sunder is awful to use in maps
Skill issue
>ruin your own enjoyment by being a metaslave
>this is the genres fault not your own mental illness
nah go for it bro, sounds super fun we love twilight strand and spectral throw here
no one uses it or buys it
you could play normally and get more currency to just buy a better weapon in the same time.
i kind of want to play through the story with it to hear the sword's lines cause the last time i did it was before 3.0
you know what, im NOT going to play slams. I hate slams, hate melee, hate piano gameplay.

I AM going to play a strength stacking cyclone chieftain using chicken axe linked with returning projectiles and CoC+blazing salvo. In my main cyclone links Im also going to have CoC + firestorm of pelting.
Im going to have 500% pops, im going to have fire out my asshole, i going to have 5fps gameplay probably and Im going to barely break 1mil dps.
Suck my dick, i dont care.
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If you're playing lacerate bleed or some dumb bonk piano build this league
You're not a melee king

You're just a meta bitch
ok :)
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pero la concha de la lora
i know, i'm going to remember this when its 7 hours in and still no drop
great leveling build you've got there retard
>i'm going to play a build i enjoy instead of one i dont
wow incredible
so stunning and brave
>i did a thing :)
>oh btw you cant see that i did the thing, just trust that i did it :)
>if you say i didnt do it you are a retard :)
nigger :)
God I fucking hate tech bros and their need to turn everything they touch into trash for a quick buck. POB gets shittier with every league that passes.
>Attribute stacker as your starter
I am going to use all warcries and you cant stop me
bait check?
So why are all slam skills doing zero dmg except ground slam
got it in one grats
>7 hours
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>His build doesn't have endurance charges
it's okay but log in and try out the gem combo before you play it
Why would you pick Zerker over Chieftain for a slam build? Your dps is 15-20% higher with an end game setup, sure. But in exchange you'll miss out on retarded amounts of survivability that only comes from playing Chieftain (or Jugg).
Even in Softcore I'd always pick Chieftain. 7L main skill, perma max power warcries without using that shit shield, easy 90% all ele res with shit gear, free suffixes on all armor pieces because you only need fire res...
Comfy as fuck.
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Holy FUCK this tech is %100 getting gutted before the end of the first week.
ggg nerfed melee but the average player is so fucking retarded that they think it actually got buffed
retarded chink poster
Deadeye is mad OP for them bow builds, ya feel me? It's all about them projectiles and crits, senpai. You be poppin' off with mad arrows like it's nothin'. It's the GOAT for straight damage, no cap.
Raider's for the real ones who like to zoom-zoom, you dig? It's all about that speed and elemental damage. You'll be movin' so fast, other players be like "Damn, where they go?" It's versatile AF too, works with melee or ranged.
Pathfinder be wildin' with them flasks, bruh. It's like, you chug them potions and turn into a whole different beast. Plus, it got that elemental penetration that's straight bussin'.
How is it my fault that the genre punishes experimentation, and rewards unthinkingly following existing routes that the developer intentionally leaves in place so that casuals and midwits can have a sense of accomplishment for doing nothing original whatsoever?
Lmao. Retard
>Lightning Warp totems
This fucking memer.
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Hot new bow buffs just dropped.
>6 Warcries autofiring constantly
That sounds like hell on earth to my ears.
It's much more than that
The biggest reason to pick Zerker over Chieftain or Jugg is the double exert node. Intimidating Cry is only 3 exerted attacks per use without Zerker, you are going to have non-DD warcries if you aren't playing Zerker. It also has tons of attack speed.
>perma max power warcries without using that shit shield
Fuck manually using warcries. I'll probably end up manually hitting one of them to pump out my Overexert, but it will end up with tons of exerted hits because Zerker so I won't need to use it very often.
attack fast = fun :)
>attack speed from rage
rage is so back, baby
>taking away even more attack speed
Literal fucking maniacs
what are the mandatory defensive layers for this game
what are things you cannot play without?

I'm not talking armor, evasion, es, ward or life. But other things like
+ max res
bleed immunity
poison immunity
ailment immunity
impale immunity
hinder / maim immunity
resistances cannot be lowered by curse
crit damage taken reduction
reduce whither effect
endurance charges

seems like a long list of shit
can it all be ignored? if not which ones.
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My zerker will have 86 max res, 60/60 block, 5 endurance charges, 40k armor, ele ailment immunity and 5 mil DPS on 2 div budget
Wait, is berserker the ONLY way to get rage on a non mele attack build now?
CB immunity
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Trying to decide between Storm Burst Totems or Siege Ballista. How hard will it be to craft/cop %dex rings and belt this league? Last time I played dex stacking I struggled in late reds without gg jewellery
post link faggot
cast on death > portal

need someone whos actually played spark to tell me which of the 3 trees would actually work with the vine tech though (need to hit 3 times before the poisons come online). Im assuming only the widowrake version would work because of the proj speed

any spark autists in chat?
These changes are so fucking shit. Melee is gonna be so slow this league what the fuck is this trash
Chieftain sucks unless you actually manually use more than like 1 warcry (lmao). Berserker is like 2x the damage of jugg. I would go jugg if I were playing HC maybe but I'm a shitcrow. The middle ground option is probably Slayer.
Just take Blitz.
It's 40% More attack speed.
nobody asked
You can probably get decent +dex rings with the kalandra mechanic, assuming it's not too rare. That should take some pressure off having to get synth implicits. For belt just stick with cyclopean coil, I ended up using a much worse rare in Necropolis because I was too lazy to properly fix my res and it had little impact on anything.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3531661 All the way at the bottom

glove implicit

It's an update to the old patch notes so that part was already in.
>without gg jewellery
? Just buy a synthed %dex ring and slam it with a few dex essences.
you are mentally ill sorry babe
you didn't beat the game
you didn't beat the game
you didn't beat the game
you didn't beat the game
>stat stacking
you didn't beat the game
you didn't beat the game
you didn't beat the game
you didn't beat the game
this but unironically
If you have an IQ over 90 you didn't beat the game
if i play hit based retaliate glad did i beat the game?
frost blades it is
i play cold summon reaper
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sweep chads?
>currency exchange
>melee improvements
Did we win?
Regular melee builds lost, warcry enthusiasts won
you didn't beat the game
yes but only if you have no other attack skills socketed
yeah that was one of my concerns
is that the only bad thing about it though
>more than 4 default stash tabs
you didn't beat the game
i'm only retaliating, i'm ethical
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>Did we win?
bro i haven't seen a doomcuck since the league reveal. they've been completely genocided.
Ok zoomer
this guy is incredibly repulsive
Last time I played i went all in on sanctum but it turned out the wildwood magic find shit was way better
Does it seem like sanctum will be good this time? Or do I just make a mapper to do the league mechanic?
depends on if sanctum drops gold i suppose
i respect anyone who does the innocence/kitava fights in the campaign solely with retaliations
Berserker is the best melee class in the game now. Also, people are not realizing how much attack speed was removed. There's going to be a lot of crying this weekend because melee will feel so bad to play without investing into attack speed. Berserker gets a ton of it easily. Rage is incredibly powerful now with the berserker nodes for it. I will be stealing chief infinite power with the jewels. All he's good for.
Resistance has never been an issue to cap in any league.
Bleed hexblast dexstacker
You're really not joking. There's like zero attack speed existing right now. Anything melee that isn't a slam is going to be in pain. Shit, even slams might struggle due to their animations against mobile rares & teleporting bosses.
Warlord's Mark, Kaom's Spirit and Chainbreaker still work on top of the glove implicit. Plus the rage mastery when you warcry
I don't get it is this supposed to be funny?
-ground slam / sunder / earthshatter berserker
-flicker berserker
-cyclone gladiator into slayer late if it falls off
Necro poison SRS into Holy relic
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i think you are onto something anon
>normally play a ton of blight throughout the league
>invest heavily in it on the atlas
>over a few leagues come to realise I prefer a lot of the right side atlas content
>plan out atlas for right side
>they buff blight
i looked at that last night, looks pretty comfy. i never tried spark or archmage so it would be new for me. altrrnatively i'll go stormburst totem cause i like 1 button ranged builds
Sanctum got nerfed, you're just fishing to win the lottery with the original sin scroll, which you cant get day 1 anyway as its 83+ only.
It's decent day 1 currency, but its not worth the effort making an efficient character to farm it, can just do hiest on any shit build for pretty much the same currency.
>people are not realizing how much attack speed was removed
Honestly a good thing. Like a really good thing. It lets people actually have options and build diversity.
No it's not. Sunder is insanely underrated. I played it for all of Necropolis league. Can't imagine it now after the buffs.
Retard question. If I download the game off steam now, will I have to re-download everything when the new league starts tomorrow or just a small patch?
i want to play earthshatter but i don't want to play jugg. should i do slayer or chieftain?
Just the patch
absolutely brain melted by ruetoo
it has never been more over
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just the patch, although, steam used to do this thing where it would "allocate" space for the entire game before it allowed you to download any patches, so you have to have 2x the game's actual space available on your machine for steam to download it. I don't know if it still does that, but it's why I switched to the stand alone.
Static Strike Inquisitor. Imagine playing a melee skill that requires attack speed in 3.25.
how long until the new zerker shit will be in POB? got a crazy idea I wanna cook up
Thank you bros.
Lancebros... this is pretty cringe ngl
Clearly. Can't you tell by how loud he is yelling into the mic and how bold the text is that these are supposed to be jokes?
It needs to be rewritten. The font is aids and there's no support for high dpi monitors. Gotta sit real close. They can't change it because it's all hard coded and it'd mess up the entire UI.
glad sst bleed
>he praises the fuck out of the person he has beef with
jesus christ this lance guy is totally mindfucked like the manga tags
Im thinking now in trade going bleed glad into slayer charge stacking
In ruthless… Ive a secret hierophant build im cookin on ;)
bro everyone's going to spec blight pick literally anything else. screencap this gold oils will bottom out at 60c before everyone wakes up.
>2m dps in mirror gear
have fun
>In ruthless
stopped reading right there
No support for small screens either. They add new features that don't even display on old laptops because it's pushed off screen. Just upgrade so that we can fill your screen with more superfluous bullshit!
Scorching Ray totems or Divine Ire totems, depends which feels better.
i will, ty
Who's this new lanky guy that looks like a pedo? I can't do a poe search without his videos showing up. I'm afraid he's going to give me aids.
Yeah, for example they can play anything that isn't melee.
Me too. Tired of these pussy ass bitches whining about having to press some buttons. It's so satisfying to warcry your lungs out and then 1 shot a rare / boss.
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What will you do with all the quad tabs you bought last league for coffins pooegg? They can't all be dump tabs this league, right?
I stopped using Steam, but PoE used to take forever to download even the smallest patch on it because of how the game files were setup or some shit. Idk if that's still true.
not a spark autist but this pob is extreme bait, 300 all res in config with 0 open affixes on gear and mostly uniques. Enjoy dying the second anything looks at you. Doesn't have the damage in instapop everything either so expect 50+ deaths a day
You realize raider was deleted from the game, right?
>implying I picked up a single itemized corpse
lol, lmao even
don't listen to the retards sanctum is like 20 div an hour and is incredibly good on league start because it's one of the only things that drops liquid divs on the ground when the div -> mirror ratio is at its lowest
if you think you can be blasting sanctums day 2, do it
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Is this workable as a starter? I mean, just for completing the Atlas so then I can start farming for my real build. For some reason PoB doesn't take Bomb Specialist into account, it's kinda whacky with Saboteur calculations
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Exactly. They can finally stop jumping through all the hoops and pretense that Poe isn't basically a reskinned twin stick shooter.
>1 mil dps with a replica df and a 220 widowhail
ive never seen anything like this
And the bald man wants us to trade this for QTE rollslop.
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Is retaliation Gladiator bait?
Loot filter?
fist thing looks kino roll slop for lvling
Abyss and Harvest it is then :3
>crit damage taken reduction
>resistances cannot be lowered by curse
>reduce whither effect
>impale immunity
not needed but nice to have
also if you play evasion, then you dont really need to be immune to hit based things because you are counting on not being hit and if you do get hit you are probably dead anyway
also lc heaven isn't area damage, it strikes targets in an area but that's different. so bomb specialist just does nothing
I hate this shit. Melee should get cool and powerful shit that belongs to them only and not these bow fags.
Neversink/filterblade isn't out yet. I ain't doing that shit manually.
Are these hard to get? Looking at poe.ninja from last league, Widowhail goes for like 20c in the first days, and Dragonflight depends on the skill. Don't think LC should be that expensive, but if anything I can go for a +1 level ammy
the problem is there are too many "in jokes"
like if you are not in his stream every day, most of this video is meaningless
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>... ..!

will I play it? also yes.
it is undeniably shit but endu charge stack should be a bit stronger with the buffed endurance charges
>LC has AoE tag
Welp, fuck me. Not a big problem, I can build around Explosive Experts now
you know why PoB said it's shit?
because it is
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yeah nice fucking game pooshits...
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This dude?
Who is the best poe waifu (Other than Allie)
skill issue
LS Warden
>even alk is playing autoexert
lmao the warcry archetype is so fucking stupid
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munch munch munch
Maven, Oshabi, Alva, Alva forma de scourge, Huntress from affliction, Tulina are all acceptable choices
My wife justin
Tullina and/or Nenet.
I'm also not opposed to Divinia corrections. She needs to be taken down a peg or three
is lacerate bleed really good?
why would you just stand there and let him mog you like that?
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gid gut
Tentacle Miscreation
For me it's Adiyah
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>"1 million" dps(700k)
>complete the atlas
>is the enemy a boss: no(if yes 400k dps)
>saboteur for some reason
>no armour
>not enough evasion
>not enough es
>no life regen
>no es regen
this build wont make it past yellow maps
lacerate is so clunky they have to pad it with stats to make sure you can't just ignore it if you're playing a bleed build.
Threesome with Lycia (the wings stay on) and Divinia
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there can only be one correct answer
My wife Tullina
lance is pretty based, ngl.
>"Recombinators aren't as strong as they used to be, but we're not going to tell you how we've changed them because it will be disappointing and we need to hype you up for the new league so you will buy shit. So basically expect them to be absolutely fucking terrible."
Thanks, Mark.
Yeena (Fox form)
based hag fucker I headcanon Cassia as old though she does not sound like it and according to Kirac dialogue she is hot af
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i can fix them
Cassia looks like a hot 19 years old virgin girl but sounds like a 35 years old divorced smoking slag
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the spot in between all four of atziri's boobs where I put my peepee
zana obviously
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>literally masturbatory vid sucking his friends cocks
>no useful information whatsoever

Fuck you
The Envoy said it was okay for us to play sometimes though
One of you tards better be league starting retaliation so I can find out how good (shit) it is.
don't fuck blight women you're going to catch something
is evasion bad or something
That's me, but might be bias though because I'm bad at this game
Tora and her sweaty hairy stinky pussy and armpits <3
and that's a good thing
canon best girl no matter how hard tripleG tries to memory hole her
am i supposed to use
every map has 1000 rares that have "can not miss"
no map has a rare that ignores armor
Witch for obvious reasons.
sporeguard bros?
>though she does not sound like it
Cassia is one of the only NPCs who actually does sound old. Her and Isla, who actually is old.
we're talking about poe women here dude, read the room
she in central in my hideout right next to my portal device to welcome me back home with kisses and handholding
i just press play on steam
Why would retaliation ever be good? Why would you want to play something that you can only use when you get hit when the goal of the game is not to get hit so you don't die?
excellent point
gwennen, maven, tulina, cassia (hate her voice though), many of the tota ebony SEX QVEENS (the storm something one with the short hair is my favorite though)
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>sporeguard bros?
forgot the pic teehee
there's a reason she does so much chaos/poison damage.
I enjoy doing this though, i love playing ls builds. I actually get bored once i'm in upper yellow or in red maps
quon69 is gonna be playing it so you can vicariously experience it through him while you play a better build
>game is not to get hit so you don't die
You just need to be strong enough to take one hit and then loop it forever
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>Switch LC for Wave of Conviction
>Add the 6th gem for BL
>Take Sigil of Power into account
>A bit more mana reservation, so I can activate Aspect of the Crab now
>40% Physical Reduction (16.5k eHP phys) and 1.5m dps against Shaper/Guardians
I don't like to pob-warrior, but it doesn't seem too unrealistic for me
I assume it's the typical launcher situation where one is the launcher (Client.exe) that executes one of the other two according to your arch
Now that you mention it, Isla kind of sounds like my old aunt, maybe if she was more autistic and nerdy
I actually have two copies of her. One echo that replaced her directly in the hideout, and another that was added automatically in my hideout decorations, so now the zana twins hang out in my ghost NPCs room along with all the old forsaken masters.
yes they do
>get bored once i'm in upper yellow or in red maps
Yeah because that's when you finally find out if your build actually succeeded or not.
Atziri seems like the type of love interest where the "you can't handle a strong woman" trope might just be true, but maybe someone could fix her
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bro do you not play the game? wtf do you press when you play?

nvm... i alraedy uninstalling. jesus crhist
>but maybe someone could fix her
not even chaos can fix her
Hyrri is right there
>bro just change the build and its not bad
WOW REALLY??!??!??!?!
is that from the threesome where its her + a guy + a bepenised woman
not into bestiality anon
Veritania's avatar looks really hot but the screeching voice ruins it big time sadly
I just click the desktop shortcut. First time playing a game with a launcher? It's kinda obvious the Client.exe is the launcher.
>nvm... i alraedy uninstalling. jesus crhist
You are either ESL or retarded (possibly both), so nothing of value was lost
>nvm... i alraedy uninstalling. jesus crhist
Anon, NO! Wait don't go. We can figure this out
Strong contender for the best top 3 pick so far, especially Ahuana is underrated maybe because most people heckin' hated TotA and haven't seen her much
her lore is cute though, just get in before she's fully insane and yelling at you
anyone who played should know, since she had most of the good warriors anyway. threesome with ahuana and two sunset sages
>filtered before getting to the skill tree
Last league I did actually finally read all the journal pages you find when fighting conquerors and it was all interesting lore. Especially hers and Baran's, but yea she seemed to go full schizo real quick, not as much as Sirus but that's a high bar to clear
nah its not like that. i hate the monotony of going into maps and hopig for drops.
although i do love some maps like city square, dunes, etc. maps where i can go ham.
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How do I make this work
shit taste
her screaming ''DISTASTEFUL'' at your dick is the hottest part
I like the idea of earthshatter of prominence and earthquake with fist of war support and warcries. I like the really big single hits.
>i want a build that can only do maps and also sucks at mapping
What is the Estrogen Burger of PoE builds?
Hey I don't judge, as long as the REVOLTING! works for you
mmmm nyes
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I always thought Kalandra was going to be a total babe but then she turned out to be an owl or whatever
One more sleep until my concoctions are bouncing. I'm going to watch 2001 tomorrow with my husband while we wait for the login queue after my lunch. Oh yeah, and I have a feeling that this is going to be just one freaking epic of a league. I'm so ready to buy essences instantly. It's mad hype, gamers.
>with my husband
are u a girl?
fr fr sis
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Zenith chads a comfy league is incoming
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>with my husband
show bussy
Redpill me on this build. I spun a wheel and it landed on Assassin version of it but idk if I actually want to play it.
>15-20% higher
it's like double damage dude.
but it used to be my pp

Assassin can go PA almost right away if it wants and pretty easily be topping 3-4 mil going into eater/exarch at 80. Just buy a Leper's Alms (and Ungil's if PA) and you'll be sharting on the first few days of content. Eventually you'll want to reroll into a Trickster so you can do real content that might kill you.
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Why would you waste Slayer on Slams? Might as well do Zerker since slams are all it should be doing anyways.
I am a mazed rat. My only goal every league is to get 40/40 challenges done. If challenges didn't exist I don't know what I would do.
zerker for more exerts
Wish I could anoint lethe shade
Your builds actually just fail in yellow maps because they were never viable to begin with but you only realize it when you start struggling. That's why you find them frustrating. So you give up and just say
>I could finish with this build but I just don't feel like it
Then move on to the next build, that will also fail, but pat yourself on the back and say you're a great build creator.
Isn't this the Tripolar Bear video idea?
good one, makes sense "actresss" would be a total slut for exile dick
Is lab ever worth farming at all, outside of fishing for trans gem for you build? If not, why?
youre admitting to being one of those casuals and midwits but worse because youre complaining about choosing to follow those routes when you have almost unlimited freedom instead of just following them and enjoying them
Remove all cold spells because frozen enemies can't hit you
enough people refuse to farm labs that you can sell them trans gems for medium money
depending on what they've done with grand spectrums those are a bit of a lottery but they're good money
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if you can't do any juiced content it's worth
pic end of Necropolis prices
It's generally profitable but unfun imo.
Has the same problem as heist where the best way to farm it is just having a million movespeed and running past everything except the layouts are worse and you have to fuck around with gold doors and shit.
Yes. 21/20 trans gems for popular gems go for like 5-10 div depending on how important gem level is.
I normally play holy flame totem, do I get to beat the game?
Min endurance charge are going to be insanely expensive this league. Frenzy jewels are also always insane. Day 1/2 you can just pull out DDs or whatever the jewel du jour is and sell them for easy chaos. People need a ton of them for corrupting, especially now that so many more gems scale past 20.
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All heist and tota females are good wife material.
Honorable Mention:It That Fled
Alright lads I've got the week off work, any tips for improving my ancestral warchief totem build with the new updates? Haven't looked at the notes
>warcry chieftain is bait because you have to press 3 buttons every 7 seconds
>jewgle has scrubbed "I'm just not gonna haha" pepe memes from their searches
I can't remember exactly how it goes and i wanted to do one about pepe not playing on league launch
so just imagine thats what i posted
You mean the ones russia spammed about "I'm just not gonna vote"
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Okay guys, as usual, it was a good 3-week incessant shitpost, good luck on 3.25 and see you guys in PoE Beta/3.26.
>russia spam
genuinely can't tell if this is a joke or what he's going for here
>Completely and totally maximally, the utmost profit you could possibly have whatsoever
>3.5 divines / 10 runs of labyrinth
>At the low low price of having to wait 3 months until the end of the league to do it
>seeing people scramble for a league starter
>hehe idiots, i locked mine in days ago
>remember im using a trans gem
>realise im going to be in lab hell for 15 hours straight trying to get it
league starting with a scion, running normal lab a couple times, using whatever cool gem I get for my build. ayup
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Tectonic Slam of Cataclysm Juggernaut. It probably is not gonna be as good as Groundslam Zerker, but I think Tec Slam is really cool and Jug is best for it. This is my non-crit axe version, but will eventually go to staff + crit later, potentially mace + crit if there is no good enchantments for staves for melee.
I'm gonna play storm rain warden. I have not made a pob.

>her build needs tranny gems to work
pob is unnecessary, most bowshit is still broken enough that you just pick up some cope 1k edps bow, bunch of generic bow dmg nodes and it just works
im playink pathfinder i think
Based, I hope shock mechanics aren't retarded though
Am I meant to fight the bugs head on or get a defensive position and fire and retreat? Wing diver on hard
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was just an example, Frostblink was 1 Div the whole league, Lab is just "easy money" if you don't have good gear to dive into 16-17 yet
you're supposed to use your ability to fly to not get hit by them you silly goose
>wrong tab
It's over
play fencer instead baka
Think I'm being baited to play peforate of bloodshed with farruls pounce and Olesya's Delight.
That is not bad damage at all. If you take Ben's autocry zerker and remove the echoes of war and give him a much more realistic axe you have like 10% less damage.
defensive position I think
Am I just not seeing it or is there no Kirac's Vault for this league?
bloodnotch + immutable force are mandatory, but the agnostic isn't necessary since you just won't have ES on the build. then just whatever the fuck spell(s) you want, though obviously some will be better than others. most cast when stunned builds in necropolis were DD poison pathfinders or dd ignite chiefs, both of which because DD was a high damage spell and the ailments can be proliferated for clear (chief also has huge explosions)
it's up
whats the big ticket tranny gem of this league
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if your build is made by an asian american you are fucked
it doesnt
but the trans gem gives me +1mil dps
and if im leveling the gem anyway i might as well get the trans gem
Puncture Split arrow Chieftain w/ Blood magick, Resolute technique, Unwavering stance, Iron grip and Iron reflexes, thank you for asking.
I guess the ice nova of whatever and the ele hit for bowcucks

Double Strike of Impaling Slayer.
kalandra lore was pretty boring in general. woe is me I'm an owl who's been around since the beginning of time and seen some shit.
ball lightning of orbiting and ice nova of frostbolts
Marauder and Duelist just seem like they're eating fucking GOOD.
im below 30 so i can handle it
oh my gog
>got more useful replies accidentally posting here than the edf thread
I think the best part of settlers is having your squads do your maps, finally a use for the 700 too low level map i'll end up stashing

Also, are maps part of the auction house? Would make completing your atlas much less of a chore.
gogging out pretty hard rn
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>it that fled
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>[Gianna] is a total slut
>one more gog before leaguestart
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please don't talk about my wife, thanks
Kinda obvious when msot of the new shit is in their area. IMo ranger is also benefitting a bunch and trickster is just laughing behind 25 000 ES

The only real loser is witch, unless you go wander, all your spells start shittier
>I'm an owl who's been around since the beginning of time and seen some shit
Man that's heavy. Did they explain why is she an owl/bird or was it not important?
isnt league starters all bullshit? i mean you just play whatever the fuck you want until you finish the campaign then buy the specific gear needed for a pre made build
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doesn't look like it
Yeah, Witch just got totally forgotten this patch.
Basically I'm just not gonna take it (the vaccine) I know... UGH I know! I'm sorry!!!! It's just that I'm not gonna take it is all HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
You have described a league starter.
You can can have a good trickle of money for minimal stress easily enough, and every once in a while a grand spectrum gets you 10+ div. IMo it's pretty good mindless content especially if your character is on the weaker side and can't push reds.
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i see i 360 degree turn on my position then
the auction house is supposed to be all stackable (commodity (fungible)) items so not maps
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I want to cum on her glasses, and that expression on her face in this art tells me that's exactly what she wants too
I really like all the heist dudes and girls, there is some good and some not so good but whatever voice acting in there. Every Gianna's line is some borderline innuendo, d4bad could never. Also big fan of Vinderi thought the senile lol so random demolitionist thing would be more annoying but it was actually funny but maybe I'm just easily entertained. All the mid-heist banter almost makes up for how shit it feels to play until you minmax your rogues.
they didn't explain a damn thing and the league's lore did nothing but ask more questions and provide no answers. it was a mega blueballing for lorefags.
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>Several of the MTX I wanted to buy with leftover points are now on sale
Dang, should I do it? I have all the stash tabs I could fucking need.
Dangit. Trading for that one map that won't drop is so fucking annoying
ground slam or whatever is the hardest hitting attack
marohi eqi
make up for no attack speed with generals cry

find a flaw
retard here whos never used this new blessing shit

so if I wanna use hatred, herald of purity, herald of ice, precision, vitality+arrogance - I can only use the first two if I wanna use a blessing with hatred?
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my fav too and i have never played sanctum
I'm stealing kripp's build
> gonnna be doing impale double strike
> the ''free'' nexcro box gives me the the weapon effect that cover people in crystal that explode on death

Lucky, shame i got the purple one, i'd have much rather liked a black or metalllic version, but i'll manage
why is that meido standing near a MLRS
Unfortunate, still find it kind of weird they took a character tied to the rarest coolest currency in the game and made a complete nothingburger of a league around it
you can't reserve mana with any skill while your eternal blessing is active. you could support them with lifetap, but that's probably not what you want to do.
Torrent is up go datamine mr computer scientist.
res is always easy to fix, especially as PF. why would anyone waste time balancing that shit until the build is 100% finished?
you can get scouting reports if you just want atlas completion
list of asian americans:
kobe yellow mamba

literal all cooked/sperg streamers
Since increased duration support got changed to more duration wouldn't it half decent on a viper strike build that has sources of increased?
shit that's brilliant, ty.
for sure. heist is one of my top three "flavor" leagues of all time with all its new NPCs and all the fun interactions between them. there are a ton I never even heard even after three leagues of heisting because they require running suboptimal combinations of rogues together in blueprints.

What soundtracks are you guys bumping on league start tomorrow? Link your Spotify playlist
More reasonable than LS Warden starters desu. Ground projectiles fucking suck for lots of maps
I'm not a computer scientist, I have a master's in history so basically I am a useless retard
It's straight better for things where you wanna invest, and worse for everything else.

I'm seriously debating undusting my old storm burst totem to abuse the new gem and the changed quality
Help me decide between LS Slayer or Warden. My gut tells me slayer will be comfier with endurance charges and leech but I'd feel more comfortable progressing with warden with the many build guides out there.
What defines a starter is the ability to proceed through acts and into maps without humongous currency investment, because you won't have that on league start.

Ideally that means a starter:
- Isn't reliant on high level uniques or top tier Rares
- Doesn't require specific enchantments or rewards from league mechanics
- Comfortably scales through Acts into Maps

For example: I'm building Flicker Strike of Power, but realistically that means I'm actually fucking around with Cobra Lash until I hit Lab, then doing some early grind there to get variants to trade or luck into the FSoP, which should carry up through the rest of the way without needing tons of extra support.
Mine was made by an asian canadian so I'm good
PoE 1 soundtrack.

I really like the ledge song, for some reason
I usually just put on some random russian hardbass playlist and reward myself with turning it off for reaching Kitava, this makes me get through campaign in timely manner
dont post videos of me
Still stuck ruminating between:
PS Mines Trickster
MS Zenith Jugg
I haven't done a Jugg in a while but I also haven't played mines since Automation was added so that might make it comfy.
My only gripe with both is Zenith being what it is probably won't feel too great until 10-20div minimum. I know the miner works on basically fuckall gear from a test in standard so that would serve as a starter and I could just level up the jugg on day-whatever while I do other stuff too.
Mechanics wise I like rogcrafting far too much so I will probably try to do some Expedition again if that informs any advice.
heard gog is workin hard on the datamining
i see im going molten strike zenith jugg, also you should have noticed 360 degrees lands you at the same place lol

never you mind about that
i can see it
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guys for only $15.50 you can be black!
Comfortable, builtin damage, speed, everything you want in a build
LS warden is going to be the biggest bait league starter in the game. You have zero defenses from the ascendancy and will die to ranged mobs in one hit. Slayer is by far the better option.
Nobody except retards who enjoy dying 300 times in the first weekend should even think about playing warden, it's something you respec to after you already have 50 divines. If you're hell bent on playing warden then just go ele hit of the spectrum so you can offscreen mobs but even then you'll still die a lot.
I just bought the turtle hideout
the ps mines are great choice, works from the get go and automation + detonate mines makes it pretty much retard proof and very smooth, I'd avoid ms of zenith unless you know for sure you can make some div quickly and dump them into the build, will feel like ass at the start and I think 10-20 is being optimistic
Int stack warden is going to be a lot of fun but it's definitely something you reroll into. If they hadn't changed the shock node from the reveal trailer, I would be on board with it as a starter, but without that node functioning consistently, it's shit.
I mean I'd be really fucking stupid if I wrote that under the impression you'd changed your mind.
>blizzcuck schizo woke up
time to login i guess
enjoy your buffed loot seed
I'll probably have Connor up on the side and if it looks like a struggle for him still on Day (whenever-I-decide-to-level-something) I'll probably just do LS Slayer or something.
Do you think PS would be fine for Exped, obvious "avoid attack block remnants/lightning immune" and just knowing that big boom might brick a few here and there aside?
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I am really really curious about day 1/2 price of Ralakesh and Sandstorm Visage gonna budget like 20 div for the boots and probably not expect to even grab the helmet for the while, knowing GGG they did some stupid shit like make the relic for it same rarity as OG scripture in i83 Lycia or something
>gonna budget like 20 div for the boots
ralakesh were going for 20d last league if you expect them to be that cheap this league you're screwed
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I like doing ssf because I dislike tradebrain, but this league is the gamer league and I hate mass trading currency and waiting around in my hideout for whispers on my currency tabs
i thlammed my zenith in the lab door
>Sandstorm Visage
Do not expect to get this within the first day or two. GGG almost never explicitly mentions when they change the drop rate of an item, and the fact that they felt the need to say that sandstorm visage is gonna be rarer means that it's going to be extremely fucking rare. Obviously not original sin tier but I wouldn't be surprised if it became 5x rarer than it was in 3.24
I see no reason why it shouldn't be fine for Expedition, it's basically normal projectile skill at its core and I always did just fine with LA on Expeditions as long as you avoid the obvious bricks you mentioned. Could also take the monsters cant block mastery for it if still exists.
This is true, the lack of attack speed is gonna be a shock to people
The same one LA would take is probably the most efficient pick for PS mines (extra proj attack wheel), with the mastery its 5ish points which isnt too terrible, but it would serve if its that annoying.
I bought them for 6 div day two in Necropolis, then they spiked to like 12-16 few hours later and then slowly dropped again and kept dropping. I put basically my entire hexblast together for like 20 div day two with major parts being ralakesh + void battery. It wouldn't surprise me if they were bit more than 20 div early this time around but I don't think it will be that bad.
How do I level alks dual strike before the obligatory 2 cluster jewels go twin terrors crit with swords or what
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Who /farmlife/ here?
or slams
gonna farm likes on reddit by stealing posts from here
was also thinking of playing TS but is worried about dropping most of my defense with every slam. haven't played jugg for a while, is the endurance charge when being hit enough to keep up with the charge spend?
mark what the hell do pumpkins do
Ralakesh is gonna be extremely expensive this league because half the melee players are going slayer and endurance charges got omega buffed.
It's literally gonna be the most sought after non t0 unique in the game lol
Yea luckily the build is playable just fine without sandstorm but still hoping they didn't fuck it too badly. Though I guess it was bit trivial to get recently for how good it is, the relic was like 20-30c couple days in if you wanted to run it yourself and I was selling the helmets for 2.5 div pretty quickly dropping to 2 and 1.5 until I did not bother anymore. If it settles around 10 div that would not be too bad.
underage spic /codg/ nigger woke up?
different mats = reward type
example: pumpkins = heist contracts
>everyone knows energy blade is busted
>no one has ever built around it
Only one way to find out. When I looked up TS of Cataclysm on PoENinja 99% of them were playing Jugg, though they were also playing a general's cry version which I am not doing. If it doesn't work out I'll just end up respeccing to something else, I am hoping that the chance to fully gain your charges will proc often enough from 1 endurance charge every second + enduring cry + endurance charge on stun + Jugg's stun endurance charge chance, all of that combined should hopefully give enough chances to just fill me up.
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you have low test
she's a mention, I'm more of a Gianna man myself
Just burn a map while you wait. It cures my tism waiting for my shit to sell.
Everyone lost phys mit
Endurance charges giga buffed
Quant gear removed
you are out of your gourd if you think we're seeing them anywhere south of 50
since i started going full kirac i don't really have that happen anymore. just be sure to go check his inventory every time u level up cause i think that's what refreshes it
I've always went to the right side of the atlas, never the left, but this league i'm thinking on trying ritual + EInhar, wondering how's the cash income from these ?

IT'S UP!!!!!!!!!
Ritual is terrible. Einhar got buffed this league so should actually be good.
black morrigain got added to the core beast pool so that could be a buff or a huge nerf
doesn't ritual have the affliction corpse tho? I assume some of them might still be worthwhile
More than the melee Ralakesh user influx I'm worried about the mix of the unique farm nerf fix + the currency auction which I imagine will drive prices of every usable unique up. Still think 50 div day one is bit too much unless ggg fucked with droprate of the item as well. If you're right I will quietly seethe and roll trickster like a moron instead.
what the fuck dan actually made a pob with levelling trees
Ritual is really bad, the rewards are shit.
this is just magic spectral helix
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I don't, and have never played mine builds but a friend is begging me for a mine build because he's too lazy to look one up. Any (((miners))) here have a POB for a miner league start? I'll leave you with a meme I find funny in return

Ps. It's really not for me I am a bownigger every league
>zdps build
ill pass
pretty sure locus mines is supposed to be good. however I'm normal so I would never play mines myself
ventrua hexblast mine trickster
Apply a Hinekora's Lock
on a Magic item

Implying this isn't worth 20 div for the crafting fags out there
hexblast mines is the ONLY good mine build
look up power siphon mines
>Character in the video is SSF with 12hrs /played
it's up
>blade trap completely broken this league
>nobody talking about it
Reminder that anarchy scarabs enabled an insane amount of uniques to instantly enter the market
2 leagues in a row my husband played an eblade inquis with coc blazing salvo on lancing steel and it was some of the most broken shit I've ever seen in a video game both times. I don't know why more people don't use it.
Ralakesh can not really be any more expensive than the omen that guarantees chancing an item into unique. If for some reason it is more expensive than the omen, you just buy the omen instead and chance a pair of white riveted boots for a guaranteed Ralakesh
>magic item
absolutely not, especially not with adorned nerf
>map wagies running your T17s
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what happened to him?
>ds_larry viewer
educate yourself
imagine wasting a black morrigan to make a chimeral worse
nigga you right, see this is why I come to this general - people are just so smart here
do we know what the point of this is?
more settlers?
thinkin about starting a poe creator credit rating agency
presumably you farm the resources and dump them onto ships for trading. The bigger the payload, the bigger the reward
tell me why i shouldn't league start LS deadeye if my goal is just to farm t16s with atlas tree zooming
give me a skill to kill bosses with as a shield charge mapper
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shield crush, you'll kill the bosses slowly at start but if you dump bunch of cash into it you'll also be able to kill them very fast
>LS on deadeye
just play slayer dumbass lol
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it's up
why would I? deadeye is faster with more projectiles and chains and also the better class if I want to swap builds
show me one single clip of ds_lily with a deep, male voice
you can't
lol babbys first league or what
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Gonna start LA Deadeye, might even be off-meta at this point with all the ele hits and wardens around
Put shit in your ear.

Put just a little bit of shit in your ear.
When you're wiping, just take a tiny bit of shit off your toilet paper with the tip of your finger, and shove it in your ear. Either ear, your choice.
It's easy, it's simple, and it's free.
Put just a little bit of shit in your ear. It's easy, it's simple, and it's free.
I'll thank you not to use the r-word around here, it is uncalled for
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>"{}% chance for Modifiers to upgrade tier"
because to do single target on that skill you have to be in melee range, and if you're in melee range as deadeye fuckin good luck
>LA Deadeye
why does ignite suck again?
im jungroan
Single target?
I just said I'm mapping. I don't give a fuck about single target.
what can I say, I'm bit off a hipster with my builds and enjoy playing the le hidden gems
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I don't think I've seen the words 'tornado' and 'shot' in the same sentence recently. was it really just DOA in necropolis or did settlers fuck it over more?
Only worth playing on witch and witch got shafted with the defense changes this league
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Does anyone have the fire wings? How do they actually look in game? The video for them is pretty old and I don't know if it got updated.
prolly cuz you're a fucking zipperhead gook
>no blighted map runners
its over
then pick another skill
they shot its attack speed and attack speed is the most important stat in the game for things being fun

incidentally lmao at the melee "buffs"
Should I jerk off to loli or huge tits before league start?
>17|# "Atlas Runners can run White, Yellow, Red and Purple Maps"
bitch what
triples bro, what's your ign so we can league start together tomorrow?
>Have to turn in car for repairs at 8
>Dont sleep through the night
>Sleep when I get home, wake up at 20
Its the perfect plan
>she isn't running purple maps on day one of the league
dont post videos of my bandmates
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loli of course
100% less chance to ignite map modifiers
well you see bleed glad is dogshit
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bleed slayer
stack frenzy charges
use olyesha delight for affliction charges for 100% bleed duration, 100% bleed damage, 4000 Armor via Iron Reflexes (Iron Reflexes double dips, Iron Reflexes will probably get nerfed because anyone can get 200k armour just with Evasion bases and 2 flasks)
glad 5% day 1
glad 2% day 2
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it's a secret
>recombinators work on rarer mods and can upgrade tiers
wtf this is going to be broken
I seriously dont understand how people put up with the eye cancer of these archmage builds. You cant see the fucking floor at any point
>Log in to just fuck around in my hideout
>Game crashes
>Game crashes
uh bros?
good luck tomorrow
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yeah and also spells are gay
why do you post web ems of singers who just lipsync and have no songwriting or compositional abilities
Where can I find a list with the new anointment? Read somewhere there's a one that allows any damage to poison, but I can't find it
What is better that isn't some bow shit skill for mapping?
>"{}% chance for Modifiers to upgrade tier"
>"Rarer Modifiers are more likely to be retained"
>40 more shits before league start
idk if ill make it bros
Using a Kirac mission refreshes it
yep I am thinking is gog time
I'm busy with work, can I pay money to finish challenges and get the rewards?
because they have nice armpits
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spells are fine, self casting is gay though
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How did he make this? whats the tech
u get a scepter with lots of mana and cast speed and an open prefix
then u craft the prefix
never buy old mtx, they look like absolute shit
"New Item"
Path of building
forget about builds
post your atlas skill tree
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Top 3 ascendancies on poeninja first day prediction? I'm gonna go with Deadeye>Hiero>Trickster. Maybe Necro will be there instead because apparently there are just thousands of silent minion players it would seem. Some melee will sneak into top 5 based on the melee hype, not top 3 though. Also Warden will be there somewhere.
you can get something similar just by rolling alts, regal and then crafting that hybrid mod
he just means get an item that has those two first mods and an open suffix/prefix and craft the last one

What the fuck am I even watching that kinda gameplay is beyond my feeble mind to grasp.
this would have to be some crit shit too because you're going right side of the tree for frenzies
These are like 7-8 years old, odds are you will get them eventually as a free twitch reward.
Not worth $24.
You can buy 5 of the new upcoming goyboxes with that and you will most likely get way better shit.
deadeye warden slayer
Berserker will absolutely be top 3 early but fall off.
I make it up as I go, fuck planning that.
reave gets stacks that make it the big aoe
quality gives you stats so you can stack up stacks with an enhance set up on swap and vaal reave to get the big big aoe

reave's skill effect only shows at the end so when its bigger than the screen you can't see it at all
Jesus christ why do you even have so many webms saved of such generic sameface korean girls?
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Right, I thought it was the actual scepter he used in the event.
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(in no particular order)
why don't you? (there's several of us in here btw but I do have a very large folder)
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blight n craft to start. simple as

Gooners gonna goon.

God I hate how sexually degenerate modern gamers are.
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They look really good with the sunspire set if you have that
I unironically think they should go full coomerbait waifufaggotry (many tulina-tier babes) next league in other to match the hype of this league
Some of the old MTX get updated and look good

Based on this screenshot they seem the same. Appreciate that, anon.
it's up
that's the problem. if i pick a build that's too good i won't want to make another one. i made this mistake playing DD last league
1-5 Slam zerker
6-0 Strike slayer
>Based on this screenshot they seem the same.
whisper MyWifeChino if you want to see them in game
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Imagine a tree with all the ritual nodes and nothing else (since I'm leaguestarting sanctum for the first time and why have sanctum nodes lmao)
I may be in the minority but I just like them for the memes and reaction images. /kpg/ is a helluva drug.
dont have a starter yet?

https://pobb.in/ux6QRsFGx88g - play it.
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is lac glad gonna be a trap?
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It's actually good that stinky poo advertises in PoB because he loves the game chuds.
Completely valid.
the numbers are fine, but it's janky to play so yeah i'd say it's a bait. try it out yourself in BA, it's fucking wack
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>still 15 hours to go
Jesus fucking CHRIST
go back
Your late frogbro

We don't care what reddit thinks and hate you tranny niggers. Please go back and DIAF,
Nah the main PoB dev just posted that and told Reddit to fuck off and he's going to keep the ads in PoB. Pretty based actually.
That's why I have perfectly synced my sleep schedule and will be going to bed in few hours so I can wake up three hours before launch to set up filter, awakened poe and get in the queue.
what frogposter posted is is akschually new development though
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What melee skill do you find the comfiest to play while leveling boneshitter jug ?
Sucks to be you, I'm going to bed in a few hours and will wake up right before league start.
>item_is_haunted "Haunted by Tormented Spirits"
>local_unique_can_be_runesmith_enchanted Can be Enchanted by a Kalguuran Runesmith (Unique)
>Gain {0} Rage on Hit with Axes or Swords"
>Can have {0} additional Runesmithing Enchantment/Can have {0} additional Runesmithing Enchantments
big if true

What I imagine it sounds like

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Well, that changes everything
Pretty based honestly, yeah
Dude obviously doesn't give a shit about game or the players. He just wants to put food on the table. And as far as I know he holds the monopoly. No building simulator as advanced as PoB, no?
thoughts on this as a starter?
viable with a lot of RMT involved
Its simple, we run in, we slam, we get out.
you probably want to update to use the new rare bases, otherwise looks solid :)
probably a league specific unique weapon that can be enchanted
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>We don't care what reddit thinks
Then why are 90% of the posts here Reddit-coded?
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>The PoB Archives creator only ever had 3 supporters on Patreon
Pls just let there be something for melee staves
>kalandras touch instead of proper ring
what is this poorfag cope?
Give me a glad bleed/retaliation build

Reddit doesn't hold a monopoly on a certain posting style nigger,

We posted like this long before reddit was even a thing and will post like this long after reddit is dead and buried.
Give me a double bait build
Free this league with the sim changes. Too bad Adorned got nerfed.

>Chaos Damage with Hits is Lucky
Kek yeah it's a Replica Alberon's strength stack league confirmed now. Marauderchads run this league. Almost double damage btw.
Unironically it's for ruthless, do not bother with it if you are not playing ruthless
certified noob bait
because lacerate is objectively a dogshit skill.
>but le melee buffs
doesnt change how the skill feels to play
Should i download the game now or after they release this patch? Is the game many GBs in size?
Reminder to always have a couple very obscure and unreasonable trades sitting in the currency exchange, such as "I want 1 mirror, I have 10 noxious catalysts" on the off chance you intercept an RMT trade
what is sirgog playing? that's the question actually worth asking
Great way to get banned for being linked to rmt
sirgog doesn't play, he listens and that's what no one did
tornado shot poison occy
supposedly great for farming sim!
I skipped 3.24 because I thought the league mechanic is ass.
What's a retard-friendly leaguestarter for 3.25?
Plus points if it has a spoonfeeding POB.
That's the biggest potential exploit with the trade site at launch. Friend group posts House of Mirrors for 25 alteration orbs and buys it. Reposts it and buys it over and over until it reaches popular. Then they monitor it and wait for a sucker to come and sell it.
how is melee still not shit? has the range been massively buffed? because it sounds like it will feel even worse because of the attack speed even if it's more damage

Gold costs will likely be higher for rarer currencies and pairs. Good like posting a million gold for such a trade.
>localidentity is actually defending that fuck
who would have thought that pob cartel is no different from varga huh?
we rmt through a trade link whisper that gets copypasted to you sis, nobody is going to rmt auction trades
if you can get past campaign Arakaali
Non strength stack still is garbage, but it's finally comfy enough to clear all 4 watchstones without sweaty hands again.
Yeah, I called it as soon as the method of trading was announced
You keep the mirror buyouts at one 0 lower in case someone slips up
>Perandus or get Perandus'd

Does GGG even ban for that I've been RMTing for years now and never had any problems.
toxic rain is apparently very safe and well documented
should i play BAMA or Arakali
I'm gonna end the stream here because I'm getting distracted by chat
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I've had enough with melee baits, I'm starting pconc slayer and switching to FB of katabasis if it's good.
he can eat shit because this project is open source and hes replaceable
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so they just pull pobs from websites without any checks? how do we get a pob called NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER on the frontpage of path of building?
what day will I be able to get a emperor's vigiliance?
localidentity doesn't even do anything on pob anymore beyond maintain the repo and push releases, he probably doesn't give a fuck
pob automatically renames builds to be about what the build is actually about
Yeah, lots of Karui engineers and scientists ready to keep PoB updated every patch!
Yes. That is what the poo's "Divinia's Archive bot" was on Reddit.

Do it faggot for the Lulz no seriously do it.
that's a feature he wanted to add but no, right now it just takes the name right from the website
It's up.
>Hello I want to buy your [...] listed in the stash tab "I hate niggers"
poe has more than enough autists bro
>Insufficient Life doesn't prevent your Melee Attacks
Uhhhhhhh lifetap Ivory Towerbros?????
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>uh oh people on the internet are criticizing somebody I like
>quick better complain about doxxing and death threats with no evidence
Wouldn't every order between yours and the actual price have to be filled first
pob has hundreds of people contributing to it, Localidentity does very little himself
community fork fork incoming
lightning coil is hard carrying all of my pob's physical defense right now
i hate zizaran
heh they THOUGHT
wish this dumb gooknigger would stop avatarfagging
As God(Chris Wilson) intended
>main PoB dev
when did the community fork take over even? this shit unironically runs worse than poe itself these days lol
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That I don't doubt.
But nobody wants to do shit for free. Sooner or later everybody expects to get paid for their work.
As of now, the only known exception is a 4chan janny
>0$ starting
You place a sell order for a particular currency, not all currencies or chaos equivalent. If Tainted Orb of Fusing is in the popular category because scammers were trading an item back and forth you can catch noobs selling multi-divine div cards if you're lucky.
It's T0 drop now bro
i swear to god i will learn this shit myself if i will have to just to debloat this piece of shit

Yes it's called knife catching. where you put an absurd order on the order books in the hopes that it'll be filled in the off chance someone who is really rich decided to buy out the entire order book.
gonna farm sandstorm visages the whole league
and no I can't do the ring one, I'll just sell the relics
>Thank you for your continued hard work and communication with us. PoB is FREE and if you ever decide to run ads on the app to help out with development and support, I could not complain because honestly I can't play POE without POB.
Wouldn't be that bad of a thing to spend time on. Better than PoE ironically
tincture mods up
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Do tinctures benefit from increased flask effect.
it doesnt seem that many crafts desu considering in the trailer reveal there were a lot.
>Attacks with Melee Weapons fire an additional Projectile if you've been Hit Recently
3 additional projectiles for lightning strike with tincture effect. LOG IN!!!!!!!!!
when are the new skill gems going to be in POB? Im falling for the retail bait
>Implicit Modifier magnitudes are tripled
wander bros... we won
Sandstorm visage runs are pretty easy unless you hit some extremely unlucky unholy affix combination, I'm not good enough to attempt OS runs but I did mix up my normal i83 sanctums with Visage run sometimes so I wouldn't get bored. Hope the relic for it isn't nerfed to something stupid like Scripture droprate or somesuch
it's a pretty small commit, it would take like 20 minutes to remove
Any warden slam builds? Would old one with nothing ice crash warden work again?

Multiple Tiers probably.
adorned will be like a 2c unique now
no but there's tincture nodes on the tree some with tincture effect
...for you
why the hell is he getting such a hard on for 3.7 million dps?
How should I early level as slayer? Please don't say helix...
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{0}% chance to inflict a Grasping Vine on Melee Weapon Hit

oh my fucking god. it actually happened
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>10% explodey for melee
>additional projectiles if hit recently for melee
do these change to include ranged if you take the ranged node?
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why did chris sell GGG to tencent i still dont understand how you can love a game and studio so much to then just sell it to the CCP
im baffled at all the dicksucking of localidentity and praising him as some second coming of jesus when this nigger is not even the original creator and isnt doing much these days either
If it's greater than 1% and under 80% yeah.
Did you expect anything else from reddit? They were praising the feature until someone with some sense made that post, are you retarded
nobody knows how open source projects actually work. localidentity is the pob guy and I like pob so I like localidentity
probably still going to be BIS for most builds.
Frostblades were pretty cool.... before the nerf that is
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got my jugg of blue powerade ready for leaguestart
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>muh deeps
You mfs are not getting consistent 3m+ without pob bullshitting on day 1.

Even at 100% it's still the best with triple mod synthesis jewels.

Nothing short of perfect adorns will be worth anything. But that perfect adorned will still be highly sought after,
uhh chud you're not even a software developer ok so stop complaining about the free software, no negativity in the dojo my friend saar from archives was getting death threats so stop this witchhunt please yea?
Is poe's skill tree an example of being "mazed"?
managing a business is a soul draining job. easier to just get paid and not care
because he's a gambling addict, it's hard to pass on an opportunity when people offer you 100s of millions in cash
It should. I wonder if the rage on hit node works. If so I'm going tincture at league start.

BIS if you're willing to be a beastcuck for 50 hours. Nobody is going to do that except turbo autists.

>"Projectiles from Melee Weapon Attacks have {0}% chance to be able to Chain when colliding with terrain"
100|# "Projectiles from Melee Weapon Attacks can Chain when colliding with terrain"
With tincture effect you can get 100% chance to chain when colliding with terrain. How much more DPS is this with 1 chain? 2 chains?
mazed is to hate the game more than anything for years and still post in poeg every day and still play it every league
that's mazed
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Fuck me ive stayed up all night im going to need to wait for the fucking filterblade update to then get a nap before the league start FUCKING NEVERSINK
I don't want to get baited into bows again but it might not be as bad now that TS is dead and buried
maybe i am, because i constantly expect the bare minimum of intelligence from people and that seems to be too much
Fuck you bisch
Piano Sunder Chieftain

POB PLEASE I want to LS Static Strike
based ChadSink makin' the troons seethe
better yet, what kind of fuckery is even going on?
>tencent has major stakes in ggg, epic games, riot games, and a lot of minor shit as well
>tencent is supposedly owned by the chinese govt
>BUT an european company has a major stake in tencent
>BUT the european company is founded by some south african guy
>>BUT an european company has a major stake in tencent
elaborate? first time i ever heard of this
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tencent also has warframe
>Tfw both of my main games are owned by the same chinks
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Thanks anon
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I've always wished my path of exile build planner would phone home to a central server. I'm glad the path of building community fork will finally have the capacity for tracking and analytics.
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I'm so upset bros.. I really want to play the league early to explore the league mechanic, which I think will be awesome, but I can't decide on a league starter... EA champ seems dead, the minion build I played in .24 was not good, and no reputable pobber made a Rage vortex of Berserking build yet.. recommend me a good build and a video on it as I'm a complete newb and only played like 3 leagues so far.
there's a company called Prosus N.V with HQs in the Netherlands that owns 26% stake in Tencent, making it the controlling shareholder, meanwhile Tencent co-owner has only 8% or something
If you're new just play RF
Gl on the league start, retards.
I'm going to sleep.
carn's ground slam slayer
rf just because of how autistically hand-holdy the guide is (look up pohx)
Siege ballista totems
Arc witch
Cyclone slayer
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>still 8 poops til league start
>finally have the capacity for tracking and analytics.
sending data to a server is trivial. any program has the capacity for tracking and analytics
wtf are you eatan
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uhh this can't be right
>Siege ballista totems
good luck getting %dex rings day 1or2
you're supposed to eat fiber, not inject it directly into your colon
imagine being interrupted every hour and a half at leaguestart by poops
I guess I'm not mazed then, since I post on poeg because I play and hate Median XL.
yeah that's the worst thing, there's no league mechanic, you just collect resources in maps to be able to click a few buttons so you can go back to running maps
take the diaperpill anon
circle with resource in map
kill shit
slave harvests resource
use it in town
Tinctures have +projectiles if you have been hit recently again.

If this is +2 and not just +1 this is insane. You can scale that shit. You can automate it with forbidden rite with a triggered CoC setup.
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>circle league
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keep your gold supply up, upgrade shit as soon as you're able, always be queueing whatever you can within reason, idk whatever they do in mobile games unironically
poeg is not shitter central and wont pay pirates to save slaves like a bitch instead of killing the fucker right

It's better the chinks run things. Imagine what GGG would be like if it was owned by american shareholders.

Ohh wait we don't have to image D4 exists,
what the hell is an itemized corpse and why is that an "item"
the new ones? that's for spectres
landed on a build yet anon?
affliction league mechanic where you could raise all sorts of new meme spectres that you got the corpses from a vendor
>300% increased implicit
>triple gg implicit synth base
good golly

They can keep my worthless good for nothing niggers.
Did they keep the wildwood ascendancies and the big bag?
depends if they drop anything good and how long I have to go deal with it (otherwise i'll just abandon them, unless it's shitstain steve, maybe).
hi lance
maybe next league
lol just go to sleep it wont make a difference (for you)
fuck off you bald retard your builds are shit
>not tired, still working
>have to wake up early for groceries
>want to stay up all night tomorrow
fuck I'm really going to pull an all nighter tonight and sleep until league start after I get home tomorrow. this sounds like a terrible plan
>melee league
>no fun melee builds
>everyone is league starting non melee
It’s over for melee bros
>pohx rf 10/10
wasn't it severely nerfed
>1 all_damage_with_tinctured_weapons_can_poison
so its not dead after all
it's a meme video in case you couldn't tell
next league you can get the spectres and we have (nerfed) tinctures but you don't get the big bag or charms any more
why did ruetoo have a melty over this guy
It’s not funny
lance... it's over bro
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>Going to sleep
>Still no build
>Won't have to plan one until league start
Suffering, everything looks like shit
I think I'll take +4projectiles instead personally.
explode tincture seems cool
run maps and find ore (circle) kill shit around the ore
tag the ore for collection(you need miners for this, and you need gold to pay the miners wages)
use ore to upgrade town to unlock different vendors, rune smithing, gambling, currency market, recombinators, map runners, disenchanter, shipping routes
farm league currency/resources to get better and more efficient workers
take advantage of new crafting services to create better items

generally the league "mechanic" seems to act as a support system for the existing league mechanics in the core game
never watched the guy before
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last for eq jug
play chain hook zerker
saw this and got an inmeasurable desire of cumming on this slut's face
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>his board
time for sleep and come back for final preleague thread. have with datamining lads.
Boneshatter of Carnage Bleed Jugg (HCSSF)
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you watch the webms anyway dont lie
also fuck anime posters
also EQ JUG
iirc your settlement or workers can sometimes be attacked and you have to go save them.
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woke up 14 hours too early
I want to cum to her
poesmoother chads not so smug anymore

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