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Previous: >>487598336

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki-Douji (Berserker) Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Scathach-Skadi (Ruler) Pickup Summon
2024-07-24 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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Mandricardo LOVE
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let her cook
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Thank you all for the toots, but unfortunately we didn't get there. I don't want to spend the paid SQ obviously, but maybe I'll try daily meme rolls.
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stop ban evading
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What NP level do you need Summer Skadi?
I've been farming 90++ for eggs all damn day
still need 10 more
what the FUCK man
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do a backflip off a skyscraper seaRAT
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Reminder Liz loves you no matter what race you are,what gender you identify as or what sexual orientation you have.
Liz loves all bros!
Liz supports trans rights!
Liz supports black right!
Liz says love wins no matter who you love!
NP1 if you're just using her as a support. NP2 minimum if you're using her as a farmer.
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Medusa love!
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>Damn, this thing’s really falling apart.
>It was made by collecting a few branches and fixing it up so I could use it as a substitute for Durendal.

>I really don’t have much of an attachment to this weapon... Well, it can hardly be called a weapon because it’s just some old wooden sword.

>But seeing it all beaten up like that...it’s kind of...sad.
>Yeah, I guess it’s sad.
>While I lived, I made a ton of mistakes. I caused a whole slew of messes, and I even did some immoral things too.

>And so, had it not been in the hands of a brute like me, this sword probably wouldn't be so battered.

>Damn. I’m starting to get misty-eyed.
>This thing doesn’t even have a conscience... It’s just some old wooden sword.

>...But I’m impressed this thing held up for this long.
>I was able to protect Master, all thanks to you.
>Searching for posts that contain ‘kama love’ and that have been deleted. 370 results found.
5 tickets at the new month, can pray to score with those
all campaigns are live until the 7th
arguably np0
assuming you want her:
99% of cases np1
.9% of cases np2
.01% of cases, np6
The worst part about that is that there's literally no reason for Guda to NOT learn runes and primordial runes. You don't need to be super powerful or a servant to use them. Hell, people could prepare gems between missions with these runes inscribed and full of mana for Guda to use on missions.
Let her cum
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You've been thinking again
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Do you have any kind words for all your bros that hit pity today?
Mandricardo is genuinely one of the best male characters in this game.
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Congrats bro
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This your motha freaking BB for tonight
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whats crazy is that he isnt even your friend
No one but Touko is allowed to do cool shit with runes
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Didn't read.
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No. I have hit pity multiple times and the only responses you guys gave me were "haha loser" or "open up your wallet, piggy!"
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Yes, I'm 150 SQ away so I'll be joining you soon bros. t. >>487617657
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Looking for friends.
586 323 450
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Why did we stop having sex with Shuten?
Who is the stronger mage, Skadi or Morgan?
Reminder that if you even bothered to play F/E CCC, you'd know that Liz is vocal about her hate. She would definitely not enable certain races, "genders", troons, etc.
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>finally getting the last support you need to have all three colour supports + Oberon

Skadi isn't a magus.
Morgan pretty easily.
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>hitting pity at all
Shuten is old and busted, Ibuki is the new hotness
i think that if people legitimately hit pity, they have no control
there are hot periods, if you minroll, wait for an hour
i waited until people got skadi in thread and it took me 3 multis, then sniped an ibuki right after
NO reason to hit pity other than "me want jpeg right nAOW!"
Remember that CCC is not canon.
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>Summer rolling finished
Ah, finally time to save for Nito
oh hey I thought the code got cut off. neat.
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That's the joke.
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Nah bro. Waiting just resets your luck. You need to speed up your rolls. I’ve always gotten what I wanted by hyper skipping and rolling right away back to back
I just hit pity. What the fuck do I do with an NP1 Ibuki
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i think if you act enlightened over your retarded gamblers fallacy headcanon then you might legitimately be retarded
His character development in Atlantis where he went from having no confidence or faith in himself to finally beliving himself worthy of standing in a company of heroes as their equal as he inherits Hector's Durindana and saves Gudako with his Durendal by blocking an attack from God was really incredible and memorable and will forever make him one of my favourite Rider-class servants and the highlight of Atlantis.
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Already bros.
This, 80% of players pussy it out right before they were about to strike big
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I’ll never be caught
stop posting it
people are over it
it was drama for a week during anni, but we've moved on
no one cares, and anyone who does is just falsflagging as a "greenie"
nothing more to discuss
kys faggot
Asstraea in all
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>barg is a black dog
>so is avenger nito
Which one has the thicker knot and would you let them DP?
Oh hooooo~ Someone managed to get a new maxed out servant~ Interesting!
I just want skadi but I guess np2 loli wu and adult is OK
ive lost gallons of cum to the blacked edit of this
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Got one slot free, deleted someone who hadn't logged in for 10+ days


Happy to add anyone so long as you play daily/regularly. Will delete if you're gone for 10+ days (will keep for longer if you say it in your message)

Don't mind what supports you have, doesn't have to include meta supports or anything.
reddie seethe ohnonono
Sent, Meltryllis in all!
>got Avalon in one 10-pull
>got my second Douman in one 10-pull
>got Skadi in one 10-pull
What does this mean?
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Are YOU collecting all the Wubros, son?
It’s Gudao he saved, but yeah. it was such an awesome yet heartbreaking moment that made him into one of my favorite characters in this game combined with everything in Atlantis before that
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>forgot to buy ice cream
>roll for Skadi anyway
>got her in 30SQ
How nice, I was afraid of Skadoo muching too much into my Tlaloc fund but she came in just one multi. She you in LB7 bros.
Say hello to my little friend and I'll add you
You know what you must do. Albert is laughing at you.
no it isnt
Luck rank A
>np4 qsh
>all appends 1/1/1
absolutely unhinged
gogh in all
>NP1 Skadoodle
shut up, party pooper
>She you in LB7
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sitonai in all
NP2+ Skado is useless, bro
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Who are the good Quick loopers?
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>there are hot periods
>ever using Skadi's NP
KEK, LMAO even
nice lipstick
Okita alter
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I’m actually sad now that Mandricardo’s bond is maxed, I put him in all my parties and enjoyed whenever I got to use him but now I’ve removed him from all my parties and it hurts…
Fuck. Stop posting lust provoking images.
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How do you unlock Summer Skadi's spiritron dress
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By asking retarded questions
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How bout you uhhh don't remove him from your party then?
Added. Love to see the Illya love.
Jets, single momkita, Karen
First you wait a year for it to be released
>time linked identical summoning vid.webm
Caren, Rikyu and Hopeman (Beyond the Hope) for universal farming. Molay's not too bad either, stacking NP damage per NP is nice. Various other options for counterclass like Charlemagne.
smash your head into a wall and wake up one year in the future
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save for np6 alice
To be completely honest I was not rolling for mothman beyond the initial copy but he just kept showing up.
how does that prove hot periods exist?
>the hot period is literally a split second
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Phew, what a day it's been.
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>refund went through
If I don’t aggressively farm bond, and just play casually. How long will it take me to bond 15 a servant?
1-3 Ortlinde
4-6 Hildr
7-9 Thrud
0 reroll
>split second
You're retarded if you think they managed to manually match a split second timing in the video, it's probably a full second
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Welcome to the clown club
It proves summons aren't random or even semi random. They are specifically programmed to happen at certain times, specific times.
>How long will it take me to bond 15 a servant?
Two years.
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I leave mine in Devil Caren form. Her lines are kinda weird, like she's slow in the head; is that normal?
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Yuri Maids, Thought Keys, Raikou Schizo, Tea Schizo, Douman, Alice, Caren, JK Fox, City, and Skadi herself
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did you really just try and differentiate semantics of split second and a full singular second and then pretend it was a gotcha moment?
Same, I use Devil Caren as well
With summer done I have nothing more to spend on until next anni.
What about Dantes?
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Around 2 years or so
Bro.. and if I do aggressively farm bond?
Douman can't loop I don't think. He's just good for deleting shit via 100% charge instakill aoe.
a full second you say?
well it should be no problem for you to replicate it then, right?
He's okay. He's in B tier.
>yuri maids
>retard is skipping kkk
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>neutral farmer
And then they released the Interlude.
randomness doesn't exist in programming, retardkun. the point is that the idea of a hot period is a notably long period of time where you could roll multiple times or tell people the rolls are good. pointing out that it seemed like there was a hot period in retrospect does not mean you know how long they last or when they happen
Douman can brute force loop bro, he has 80% charge and refunds about 30%

>and if I do aggressively farm bond?
Depends on how much you're willing to farm and if you have teapots.
You weren't supposed to point that out...
He used to be the best
When is the most opportune time to farm bond? Let's assume no teapots. I'm a latelet.
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>universal loopers you can use on everything
jets, caren, rikyuu, kuhahahaha, mmmmmmnmmm, voyager xiang yu
>really good loopers for that class you cant really use when farming mobs that have the counter class
charlemagne summer okita alter takasugi parvati valkyrie taigong rats kanra kara kara Huyan city waifu
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He can loop
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my refunds never go through anymore
Couldn’t this just be the result of the RNG seed FGO uses for its rolls? Like you know how in many games when the RNG seed is set, performing the exact same actions without changing the seed will always lead to the exact same outcome?
>randomness doesn't exist in programming, retardkun.
>ignored the next word which was clearly put there to nb4 your acktshually dumbass post
>xiang yu
>there are hot periods
Rolling works on server ticks, we know it already for a fact. If you click the roll button you can get nothing and if you click it 0.2 seconds later you can get triple SSR in the 11 roll.
It's not minutes/hour long "hot periods", it's literally fractions of seconds.
Kama's sexy soft thighs...
>got NP1 Summer Ibuki
>stop there to summon Skadi
>get Skadi with almost no SQ left
>do a x11 on Ibuki
>get her and Erice again

Jesus Christ, man. Do you need her at any NP level above 2?
>Arjuna is as good as Waver and Merlin
The hell, did they give him a new buff in JP?
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>he didn't broke the randomness algorithm of FGO and can now predict when is the right time to roll
Skill issue
I used Abby in almost every single team lineup after getting her from the GSSR 2 years ago, and hit bond 15 exactly on the 2 year anniversary of that day, so yeah 2 years is a good estimate
How much did you get away with before you finally got banned
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Xiang Yu can't farm. His refund is ass and he has no NP charge.
It feels random if it does or doesn't. Seems like some kind of instant refund for one big pack gets reset at the start of a new month, but beyond that, it's a crapshoot. I just mix it up with different cards/reasons for refunding and sometimes it will go through.
>Raikou Schizo
She has shit NP gain. She barely makes it to 50% refund against Riders.

He's a Meme Ego, so a worse Berserker.
Yeah, no, lol.
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>her gun is named Elizabeth
Farming tier list bro, Merlin is mediocre at farming
>its not random its just mathematically ordained to be something that you have no input on nor any way of monitoring
life changing information
>0.9x Caster attack modifier
Caren gets 1.1x Ruler attack modifier and got an NP Strengthening.
Azumi no Isora pseudo Servant, Hibino Hibiki (a man made god) and her best friend who is totally not her girlfriend Katsuragi Chikagi.
Azumi no Isora is usually on his flyibg smartphone mode who just say annoying stuff. He gave each of them a gem which they activate to transform into their Servant mode (with matching outfits) and the girls can fuse tohether with the smartphone to unlock Hibiki's god mode (a boy with small tits).
HibiChika are cameo from some really obscure TM shit
This is why you have to speed up and immediately roll right away. If you just watch summoning animation into a min roll, you're going to just get that again the next roll. This is why people will often get rate ups on back to back rolls and why you should always go again when you finally do get the rate up.
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Uhh now I don't know what to do
>She has shit NP gain. She barely makes it to 50% refund against Riders.
Who cares, she can brute force loop with a starting charge event CE and has Godjuna level damage
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if you use a character everywhere i'd say around 2 years, when OC comes out with 90++ free quests that'll massively speed up and you can roughly get a new character from bond 0 to 15 in around a year with them
I told you to stop.
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caren is a boring slut and alice is NOT a boring slut
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hubba hubba
I need an explanation why Ptolemy is ranked so high. His ST to Aoe swap is no where near as good as Melu. You're pretty much doing it once a fight because of the cooldown.
Nobu is so cute bros
I’m going to be rolling a multi for Douman, please help toot for me as well
a few years ago i made like 15 different accounts and refunded once for free on each.
The current 90++ node gives 1300 bond. How much does the OC 90++ node give? Is it more? Should I be wasting apples bond farming right now or hold off.
I will DOOT instead
Count of Monte Cristo also has 1.1x Avenger attack modifier and an NP Strengthening, and he's pure and saving himself for Gudako so he's not a slut like Caren.
Waver has been outclassed ever since each card type got their own dedicated 50% charger and was then outclassed as a generalist support by Oberon. Merlin has been relegated to CQ support ever since breakbars. At least Merlina can somtimes function as a looping support because Arts always appreciates Arts buffs and charge for more damage and NP gain.
retardkun, you are stating the obvious that rolls are tied to a specific point in time. but there is no point to this obvious knowledge as nobody will be predicting when to roll off of it, and a split second or a second being verified as a "hot period" means absolutely nothing regardless nor does it necessarily tell if the next roll one makes will be good before it's made. it's far more likely lasengle fucks up rates by accident and makes periods that way

yes we can't know how to determine when good rolls will come which is why that post means nothing
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What are your thoughts on the Anniversary 9 official leak?
He has Gil-level damage. He just hits really fucking hard.
official huh?
The current 90+ node also gives fuck all by the time you're done farming points, why would you ever waste apples on farming bond on it?
Why..why not just get 15 big packs on one account and be stacked
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Average lip post be like >>487621340
I’m on a new card and a new account with previous payment towards the game and I still didn’t get it this time. I think they might just not so it in the UK anymore.
I don’t care about cucksucker’s fake leaks.
>Nothing to roll for till next year
What am I supposed to do now?
He used to be the worst, too. "Attendre, Espérer: Wait, and Hope". The Count of Monte Cristo will get his Strengthening Quest right when Santa Skadi gets released and crownless again shall be king.
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wrong bond image woops
the base bond you get starting out is 2.6k (though you can only do them 3 times a day) and newer higher difficulty quests 90*/90** give 3.1k & 3.8k respectively. You also have the 8th anniversary 20% bond bonus for the frontline (extra 4% partywide instead if 1 of the frontline servants is the friend support)
I'm US and I still get it sometimes. t. has refunded thousands of dollars worth of quartz over the years.
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Another good Anytime post my man!
Nobody said shit about predicting rolls, just that hot periods exist, which they must because the rolls aren't random but predetermined based on the time since the rateup started. there must MUST therefore be times when the rateup servant ABSOLUTELY WILL be summoned.
A hot period.
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my dantes is already bond 13 so i will replace him with alice
We shitpost in /alter/!
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dead game
>Bond 15 Oberon and Vitch before bond 15 Castoria
I will also be rolling for NP1 Alice.
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But I don't want to
>she can brute force loop with a starting charge event CE
Ok, but so can other Quick servants while not having to hold their hand.
>has Godjuna level damage
She only has 100% bonus damage against Earth servants which then drops to 50% bonus damage against Earth mobs. Rikyu also has 50% bonus against Man, Caren against Chaotic and Skadi against Lawful.
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i mean different google accounts. i’d rather kill myself than start another fgo account.
he already has a canon wife you retard
What's wrong with the cooldown? They're both 5
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>play Nikke
>Nobu's VA plays the one Nikker who wants to shoot up her school
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>skipping tea slut
>skipping Shaku
>skipping Britomart
>skipping LB7 servants
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>Rani, new Quick support
Would be cool, she might be a roll for me depending on how good she is gameplay wise.

>Servant coins for Rare Prisms
Seems coo-
>those rates
Absolutely absurd.

>Damage estimates before attacking
I feel like that'd be a lot of visual clutter and be awkward to implement with the ability to change targets.

>Yang, Jack, Gogh summer
I'd be very happy with this.
you are repeatedly pointing out the most retardedly obvious statement, "there will be times when you can roll the rateup servant". when people say hot period they are saying it is a good general time to roll, not that they fucking rolled on a seed that permitted them to get a rateup.
Do NOT let the Gudakosisters learn about Haydée.
>they want you to run the last node 66 times to max the event ladder
What a shitty event, goddamn.
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>Literally everyone easily got Skadi
I'm glad Skadi was so generous, bros
Earth + Earth servant + demonic is a way better niche than man or chaotic lol
>not that they fucking rolled on a seed that permitted them to get a rateup.
...okay anon.
First event in FGO?
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kama kamaleon
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Good lord
Does Skadi have the most rockin tits in the whole game?
>dantes sisters never read his book
It's probably fake but sound splausible. I'd be reluctantly okay with trading RP for coins. I wonder how many coins would that be though, knowing Lasagna, it'd probably be steal like most of the stuff on the RP shop. 10~15 coins per RP?

I kinda like that Summer lineup and hopefully anni will have a very strong Quick support.
Quick is /alter/core.
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>le spooky girl
>literal who chink
>generic hentai elf
>all next year
Ishtar is always accompanied by the dumbest posts I've read in my life
>got Lady Avalon, Ibuki (NP2), Skadi as a F2P (True)
>still have SQ left over
I don't know what to do now. My gambling addiction is unsatisfied.
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Holy skip, I don't care how good she is, I'm not using her over Skadoodle.
>that summer
Uhhh, Caren's cool? Rest is an easy skip. They're really scraping the bottom of the barrel at this point.
i am haydee :)
Sanzang says LOL
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She kam and get some water, huh...
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Not even a fourth of the size of Lip
Reminder that Koyama specifically made sure to make a post on his official Twitter account to let everyone know that Skadi's breasts are bigger than Shishou's.
Interesting how Caren and Erice are the same age. They don't look like it.
nobody says hot period when they simply roll a servant just to say that they got seeded an ssr, retard. people say hot period when they get ridiculous rolls, most of the time across several multis. pointing out to others that they should "roll because it's a hot period" is a form of predicting future rolls might be good.
She shares this event with Ibuki, remember
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Min roll :(
Nice supports. Sent with Illya in all.
where do I get cookies from? rider and caster in particular
>Contrasting her barbaric appearance, Akemi actually possesses a level of elegance, making her appearance grand as if she's a long-awaited guest in a party. She even calls her gun "Elizabeth" and has a pet flying squirrel named "Charles".
>they are saying it is a good general time to roll
>not that they fucking rolled on a seed
Anons wouldn't say that Albert activated the hot period if they meant the former. Activating the hot period would by definition mean inputting the seed that causes the rateup to drop.
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Koyama is just really good at drawing amazing looking tits.
the grocery store
I want to lick that cleavage.
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I only believe in Hot Periods of quality /alter/posts. Right now we are in a Cold Period.
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How do I salvage this
Is this character based on the 4chan character "Akemi" or is the name just a coincidence?
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Define "aggressively"
Assuming all you did was spend your daily ap on 815 free quests and ran full bond CEs it takes around 3 months to go from bond 0-10 so bond 15 takes around 1 and a half years of just spending natural ap on free quests
The only real way to "speed it up" would be to apple an event with servants that get a bond bonus and farm whatever node gives the highest bond (90++ now)
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Shame about his everything else
...okay, anon.
not a good look snekbro
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Anyone got some Summer Skadi setups?
these tits are amazing
No lol
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LB7 is this December bro
This but I need summer skadi setups with only one summer skadi.
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the way it curves midway is so hot, every tit should be like that.
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Why did you randomly post a green circle with your post.
Is it because Skadi is Quick type?
Medea cuck on suicede watch once again
For what. Assuming 3/3/X? 2x Summer Skadi + Oberon. Depending on whether your DPS has lots of hits on their NP, Bride/Xu Fu may be better. Triple Skadi is a meme.
He probably means apple on fast bond nodes like camelot or whatever
this post is so retardedly backwards i don't know where to begin

not even sure why i'm trying to explain this all to you, you're so retarded that you bothered to bring up seeding of rolls as meaning hot periods
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Havent been here in three months, any cool fate news?
I know a good recipe for cookies if you want it
Aesc is amazing wife
one guy got really unlucky and had a rant about this morning.
It is official. But that doesn't mean it's legit.
Fate/Extra Record is alive and getting news at the upcoming August 4th event.
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Part 1 with 0 rateups alongside it
Part 2 is when they all drop (a month into the new year btw)
Yeah we all got ligma
Now that you're here you probably have it too
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Without love it cannot be seen...
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Shiki is probably not anal virgin.
>have multiple 5* np5 arts and buster servants
>only 5* AoE quick servants wit np levels are voyager, dantes, doomhorse, and the shitty thought key rider
I'm beginning to think rolling for summer skadi was a mistake on a spiritual level. I like a couple quick servants but I don't use them for jack shit. I guess I could try to get np levels for caren or molay or something but I have a bad feeling summer skadi is going to wind up being a trophy servant for my account like summer merlin is suitable for backline bonding only. there's not even a quick servant released in the next 2 years I want so I don't know what to do besides resolving to pick quick gssrs from now on or something.
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I think it's Geese Howard
What cannot be seen?
9 multis in with no gold servants in any of them…
>8 servants
That's painful too since they gave you hope just to take it away.
>like summer merlin is suitable for backline bonding only
I used her to cheese all the Advanced Quests and the Summer CQ. But you probably should have been more wise about rolling Summer Skadi.
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Is there a place where I can find rate ups of individual CEs?
the new prisma chapter is out
It says in the post
1 RP for 1 coin
I guess I'll use the cum cube shop...

no thanks
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>having so little faith in Albert
I'm sorry, bro...
these the actual AI pics people hate
This one doesn't ever get a rateup
JP got a Mahou Tsukai no Yoru collaboration event. They added Aoko, Alice and the protagonist I don't remember his name.
That CE doesn't and will most likely never have a rate-up btw. Good luck trying to fish for it in story.
I did get Lady Avalon, Ibuki x2 and Skadi with fairly minimal effort so the luck seems to have finally left me…
Damn that sounds like the worst summer ever. And lol at poo anni.
>RP for Coins
Cool replace a whale system for a whale system. Fucking stupid.
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Neither is Gudao, nor most of the servants
Calm down, Caenis
All of them are, moron.
Nobody wants some spaghetti monster fingers melting into each other asymmetrical clothing blobular pupil eyed uncanny valley demon faced nightmare
>3:1 rp to coin exchange rate
>that lineup
>fucking rani
I don't believe any of this
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never post this picture again
by this logic somebody can get fucked out of 700 sq not getting any golds, until they finally get one rate up ssr in a multi, which by your definition is a "hot period"
The RP for servant coins thing seems so hilariously unbalanced that it actually makes this more believable
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Evil women sex
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so since I got NP3 Skadi while trying and failing for Wu, how good of a looper is Skadi herself?
Is Wada the best artist FGO has?
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>3 rp for 1 (uno) 5* servant coin
It's so shit I believe it
When will we get official news on what the actual anniversary changes will be?
...yes, the hot period is when the rateup servant is going to drop.
>Ttaloc as the 5*
I don't believe it
main value she has is being able to fit in 3 skadis+oberon, damage wise herself she doesnt outpace caren for example
Pretty good against "Lawful" enemies.
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Never post this image again.
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Bro, your Caren?
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Ban! exists.
And is shit comparatively.
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Are these "Lawful" enemies in the room with us right now?
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During the anniversary stream on August 3rd.
That pretty much points to it being fake by the absurdity of it, then. I thought he was meaning the ratio without addressing the actual values in it.

If they were to exchange RP for coins, it'd be a pack of coins per RP, in the same way we exchange an amount of currency for a pack of coins in event shops.
One day you'll look back at this and remember the the fun journey you had with your bros...
need a nursing handjob from mom
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Man you all fell off!
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That reminds me, whatever happened to that Medeafag?
the idea of a hot period is when a rate up is likelier since there have been several good rolls in a short timespan. a seed with a rateup is not what people mean by hot period. a seed is a split second, there wouldn't even be a point to saying hot period if each "period" was updated every tick of the game.
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They're in the room with us during Morganfest since the 1 Million HP Berserker Kintoki is "Lawful".
Me underneath
hung himself
This. If we all stop posting Ushi images, this place would improve greatly.
Is NP1 enough for Caren with summer skadoo or do I need more NP levels?
I won't because they refused to put me in the image
Very disrespectful
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For now.
Pic not necessarily related.
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Sushi is for humiliation play in public. Make her walk naked on leash and make her pee outside. Fuck her in the park ; Rough anal sex.
Lots of kisses in private and handholding while cumming inside her
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webms I can do.
>the idea of a hot period is when a rate up is likelier since there have been several good rolls in a short timespan
okay, anon.
Not going to lie, I'd have dropped this game years ago if it wasn't for /alter/. Playing this game with my bros is the main experience for me.
Every time I see this dumb image I want to punch you
Really? How so?
It's a pretty sizable niche yes. The 2nd 90++ quest of Illyafest has lawful on all its waves. A maxed Skadi can even 6CE it.
dumbass newfag
I don't think Ushi feels humiliation
Death by cucking
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She can 6CE dead weeks with plugsuit Oberon. Give her MLB Black Grail if you need more damage.
NP1 to NP2 is a significant increase. 33% more damage. If you want Caren to be a good damage dealer it's worth getting.
Don't worry about NP3~NP5, that's not worth it but NP1 to NP2 isn't a meme.

Meant for >>487624496
>painted toenails
What happun'?
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> Undead monsters howl as they are summoned by villain of the week Queen of the Heavens and the Underworld, while the guardian in white descends upon the plaza with a flourish!

who could it be?
>default costume is panties and pasties
>she's humiliated by public nudity
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The issue with AI posters is that they all think they're rebellious for doing it and think "lol omg stop trying to fight the future" but they don't realise that it's not that, it's that they're genuinely just posting unappealing images, and when confronted with this they don't consider that that's sincerely the problem and will just respond immediately with another low effort one in an attempt to have le epic dunk on someone but passively enough that it doesn't stand out.

These pictures genuinely suck, man. If they were drawn by a human artist at least that human artist would probably just stop posting them once people told them that.
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the janitors cracked down on him and he just disappeared
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>Rani instead of Amaterasu or 9 tailed Tamamo or Origin Tamamo
I don't believe you. It's the most FITTING theme for the 9th anni. There's no way they'd fuck that up.
>Queen of the Heavens and the Underworld
Ishtar and Eresh fusion.
Didn't read.
Ok, luddite.
5 words or less
I think if I kept playing fgo as my only gacha and kept swiping alot i'd have quit ages ago, but I've been playing other gacha games so fgo doesnt burn me out as much & I only buy for gssr's now too
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>implying this wont be the plot of a console game
AI posters are annoying
Kohaku wouldn't info dump like this
I read and while I agree slightly, they're simply just fucking annoying lol. They spam and then they act all indignant when called out.
AI bad because artstyle bad
I kinda agree honestly. There's a real lack of imagination behind the choices despite having millions of potential combinations and styles to work with.
worst part of the thread by far
Pictures genuinely unappealing, stop posting
I only got into this game because it's Fate, I don't really like gacha games. Being able to talk about the game and share thoughts on it with my /alter/bros is pretty much the only reason I haven't dropped it already.
Yea Lostbelt 6 was fantastic but we're getting a story chapter like once a year now, it's not worth the time commitment.

The only other gacha game I've played was Girls Frontline. I've played it for a year, but I was a latelet and started it like 5 years after release so I was so behind and couldn't really connect with the bros at /gfg/ and playing 2 gacha games was too time consuming so I had to drop it. I actually liked it a lot more than F/GO, I miss it and wish I played it since the start, but I like Fate and Type-Moon visual novels so I chose to stick with F/GO and it's largely because I've been in /alter/ since day 1.
This, but also my love for TM.
will post supports once i finally max summer skadi (-‿-")
How do I use Summer Ibuki?
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>shitty CE ticket campaign (which he would get fucked out of a free Saber by picking Medea)
>all F/SN got is a "remaster"
It was over for him.
what and when is the next lotto? or event where i should use gold apples?

thinking about using some in this event for bond reasons but I need to do some math
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Ushi gf
But like, max or MAX MAX?
tam lin lotto in november
I think that's largely the reason the game survived. Looking at videos from 2015 of JP's release and my god the game was absolute dogshit, but Fate and Type-Moon in general has hardcore fans that love the franchise so much that they stuck with it.
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Insert penor into vagoo
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me too
>never posts support again
I need to sex my oni big sister so bad...
Got Skadi, so I was curious when S.Illya next rate-up will be, and oh god this is horrible. And her other rate-ups aren't any better. I really should've waled harder two years ago...
The time commitment for this game is actually zero though right. Once you’re caught up. You can literally just login in and log out and be more or less fine. You don’t have to do any events. Or even the daily quests. If all you care about is story you don’t even have to login. You can quit right now and just come back when LB7 drops. The actual good content of this game is not gated by anything.
But it's just a CE. Just pick the Saber one while saving an image of Medea's on your phone.
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Morganfest in November. The one with the 1 Million HP Berserker in the 90++ node.
Canonically she's into both men and women, or more accurately, men and women are both into her. She doesn't really share the love until she's with (You) and is pretty cold to people who aren't good friends.
She gives Mash a real bitch face in Babylonia.
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>tried using summer skadi as a looper
>jobs at the slighest mention of a berserker
Her problem is that her charge isn't split between skills, meaning that if you get less than 50% charge, it's all or nothing to charge her back up. You can't even use her append skill charge if you're using triple Skadi + Oberon because of the percentage numbers.
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Why is she looking at me like that?
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Yeah that's the right thing to do, but he's autistic so he would cuck himself out of the free SSR for a shitty CE that at most you could "flex" on your support page
She should've had a decent support NP instead
I think you can pick her with the free SR ticket next year
But nobody cares about Tamamo anymore
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>free ssr
>it's just seiba
lmao who cares. It's more autistic to be a gameplayfag about this
Oni love?
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Hello. Big, huge strong lady here.
When will /alter/ EoS?
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Yea this game is relatively friendly for latelets. They can catch up reasonably quickly.
Girls Frontline in comparison, is very friendly for F2P players since you can obtain every single T-Doll (their servants) for free, but it's horrible for latelets since trying to catch up will take you forever. It's really great if you were there from the start even as completely F2P (I wasn't).
I just couldn't keep up with 2 gacha games and IRL stuff and had to pick one to drop.
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>Implying Nasu cares what's popular
Turkey handle and mahoyo were dead fictions with a comparatively miniscule fanbase yet they were given new life and a second chance.
You fool. You nincompoop.
Arcueid needs NP5 120 + Plugsuit Ibuki to 6CE the node.
Anyone that uses this twitter groomer filter bypass should be banned.
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Never. Worst comes to worst, we'll just pivot to an AI general.
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You tried replacing Caren and this is the result
>Another Tameme
God no
Already has. We’re like those halo 2 players that stayed on to force the server to stay up
Caren, my beloved...I'd never replace you...
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Ibuki love! But I don't think mom will approve...
>no Seizerker
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I gotta take this opportunity before I miss it
'Cause now I hear the sirens and they're off in the distance
Believe me when I tell you that I've been persistent
'Cause I'm more scarred, more scarred than my wrist is
I've been trying too long with too dull of a knife
But tonight, I made sure that I sharpened it twice
I never bought a suit before in my life
But when you go to meet God, you know, you wanna look nice
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Is NP2 Caren good enough for 90++?
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I love my queen wife!
The great /alter/ renaissance is just around the corner
Liz is the heart and soul of /alter/ and is literally our mascot. "Liz love!" is the motto of every /alter/bro (True).
Caren is Kotomine’s daughter??
most 90++ comps are trait- or class-reliant
If I can’t do 90++ fast is 90+ The next best option
5CE 90++ is better than 6CE 90+.
5CE 90++ is better than 6CE 90+
Define 'fast'
here mom love
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My silly potato wife
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define fast
4 or 5 turn 90++ can still be worth
bro, its 2024. no one cares about liz anymore. get with the times
Priests aren’t supposed to have kids wtf >>487627619
Under 15 turns
I shall be using my NP5 Ibuki and a bro’s Taira for Moganfest
>no Seizerker
Wrong Summer anon. That's for Horror camp + BB, and not dinosaur adventurer. Saying that, Sei's next and final rate-up is next month, and again it's dreadful.
>can't do 90++ in under 15 turns
>15 turn 90++
post your chaldea
im sure we can work something out
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Does the church know Kotomine is fundamentally broken and evil?
Ah I see. I already have her at np1, I just want a copy of Summer Caenis.
Never, the male master would look too gay with it
Have you ever tried doing Mogudan's style?
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The church is fundamentally broken and evil. They wouldn't tolerate mages if they were anything but.
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i dont need saber copies and i will be picking the kino emiya cg
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That's Dark Young, bro
He fucked us out of one of the tails with the vitch situation and he's been delaying it for years. I want the tails and Amaterasu.
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>switched my servants on my supports
>kiara no longer in all
Hmmm, it's a complicated type of feel.
Unironically correct.
That would require a definitive end to Tamamos character arc. It will never happen.
I did that for my astolfo, does feel weird.
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She's cheating...
>I think you can pick her with the free SR ticket next year
The thing is I wanted to take her to 120, and even with the ticket my Illya is only NP5...
I switched mine up too and my Castoria is on page three and Summer Skadi on page one. It’s weird but it allows me to keep tea time on both of them
If Chloe got magicstick'd would it have been Merlin or Merlina?
where's the scans for this? those are really good. is there more?
>Oberon and Skadi now take two Extra slots
>only have 1 free Extra slots now, 4 if you count the All slot
Fucked up.
if it makes you feel better nobody looks at or cares about your support other than you
Would you be willing to try it?
No, I look at and care about all my bros' supports
No, it wouldn't. There's always more to do. There's always a different path. That's a defeatist mentality.
this is rough bc i love my extra servants
gogh, himiko, qsh, voyager, bazett, summer skadi are the ones i have rn
would put my oberon and sherlock on if i had space
When is this ticket? Is Summer Wu on it?
The 9th anniv being shit or not is entirely dependent if they give us another extra support slot
simple as
Obviously, but it was sometimes funny when I'd get (You)s for sending Anons friend requests and sending them a reply with "Kiara in All".
Did Ati get NP5 Skadi?
JP will announce the second extra slot along with bond 20 this year...
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post your top ten with an in depth explanation on why you like them or i dont believe you
only good post in this thread
Based Liz!
I shuffled mine a bit so I still had my 100 grailed extra servants on first 2 pages with oberon on third
LMAO how many SQ?
Hmmmm nyo. Lazy.
Why is Gareth Saber blatantly the dud unit in the summer gachas? Her art sucks, her NP animation looks lazy, her skills suck, she feels lower effort compared to every other gacha unit
>summer skadi saving with her smile again
oh no no no no
He pitied Douman for some reason right before rolling for Skadi and ran out of Quartz after pitying Skadi so he only got NP1.
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He hit pity (after hitting pity for NP1 Douman)
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I had to shuffle my own, Kama is now in all
thats what i thought buddy
skadi isn't treating the quickfags well. t. quickfag
I do. Whenever you open the friend's tab, the first thing you see is the all slot servant. It's basically your in game avatar, the servant representing you.
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>8th anniversary had practically zero mechanical updates besides 20% bond bonus
>got baited when they revealed destiny order gssr into thinking we'd get an extra support slot for extra class servants
im hoping at least 9th anniversary gives something good besides lots of SQ on the off-chance 2-kun gives it to us early in 1 of his dev-stream videos
Must we really rub it in her face. I’m sure you wouldn’t want to hit pity yourself.
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>Whenever you open the friend's tab
and why exactly would i do that
Her 3rd Ascension is really cute. She's very pretty and reminds me of a tomboy I'd like to love, cherish and marry.
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100% deserved
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Skadi is treating the busterCHADS well.
t. busterCHAD
Maintaining one Kiara in Extra and another in All made it inconvenient if not outright unviable to keep an optimized support page.
Still not switching them out.
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This seriously needs a scan already. The art is really good. Looks official despite being fanart. There's only cropped stuff online.
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Sakurai couldn't hope to live up to Nasu in LB6
I like the overly modest strawberry bikini.
How do you niggers even know that?
>slowly deleting randoms and filling them with locked bros
soon I will be full of bros
It's kind of deserved for so much ritualposting and attentionwhoring.
>5+ grailed males
>self inserts as sakurai otome vn character
>watches kdramas
>when asked to cosplay as skadi once she said her breasts arent big enough
sister (true)
Im friends with Ati on discord.
I want to be a gay goat man that has sex with Old Man and Ivan...
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To check on your bros? Maybe one of them changed their message to something funny, or maybe one of them stopped logging in. You also need to open the tab if you want to add new bros.
I only have her on snapchat
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as if that has ever stopped them
cause thats what he said himself when posting about how much he rolled for douman
>full of bros
ngghh fuck~~
His FC is well known. Anyone cal rayshift it or have him on their FL.
The support has been posted.
You can see his SQ count in screenshots.
i like seeing messages and sometimes i respond in my own message bc im on in the discord
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?̴̹͂?̵͍̚?̷̰͊͐ ̶̺̱͌u̶͕͛n̴̛̥͠t̸͔̪͊ĭ̶̫l̴͚͖̓̃ ̸̚͜Ș̴͐͝c̴͚̒́á̷̛̩̎t̷̡̒h̴̖̍a̴̫͊̔c̵̛̙͊ḧ̸̫́̋=̵̩͚̍S̴͈̟̒k̴̹̘̃͆ą̵̛͚̈ð̷̤̹̀ị̸̈̈́͜'̷̗̔s̴̥̉̂ ̴͘͜ṣ̴̕w̴̥̪͒̌i̷̘̥͆́ṃ̶͒̿s̴̢̃̀u̸̺͌͠i̴̭̞͠t̸͓̉̊ ̸̢̺͆͛i̵̯̖͐̍s̴̰̰͘ ̵̳̇̒r̴͖̭̉͘ê̷̇ͅl̶̛̦͛ẻ̷͚͔͐ã̶̫͈s̶̱͚͗é̷̥d̵̺̈́ ̵̣̔d̵̥̳̈́̓ǔ̸̢̪r̸̟̣̽i̷̦͊̇ņ̷̯̈g̷̠̯̓̊ ̵̤̈S̸̗͈̄͝ų̴̳̋m̵̯̮̚m̵̧̎e̶͚̪͋͝r̷̻͝ ̵̱̐̈7̵̫̩̂ ̴̱͍̃̓ỉ̴̢̞̎n̴͚͝͝ ̶͙̊͂Ǹ̷̠̤̋A̸̜͆̀ ̷̖́ã̷ͅn̶̺̂d̶̝͋̂ ̶͓̋m̷̡̓̚ỵ̶̢̍ ̶̤̏ḧ̷͔͇́e̸͖̻̎̽a̴͉͙͒r̸̰̻̀ẗ̸̥̦́ ̷̢̆̊i̷̢̊s̶̩͍̍ ̷̞̋s̴̙̀͠á̷͕̒v̷̛͉̀e̶̥͕̍͘d̵̨͇͑͋ ̵̰̂͝b̸̨͆͝y̸̨͎̿̚ ̵̮̿ȟ̸̭͜ȅ̸̢̱r̴̜͐ ̷̠̓͝s̶̝̦̄͌m̸͎̮͒i̴̧̻͑͠l̵̛̓͜ẽ̵̡ ̵̺̐̈́͜a̴̳͐ͅg̷̼̺̽a̶̛̪i̴̬̜͠͝ń̴̠͊.̸͇͊
̴̧̖̌Á̷̺ ̸̧̗̓̐f̷̨̣̎͗r̴̖̮̐̊i̴̗̙͂͑e̵͎̋̂n̸̘͇͒d̵͓̚l̶̡̫̎͝y̴̢͛ ̵͖̽a̴̟͛͝n̴̤̝̿̄o̴̘͈͛ṅ̶̤̋ ̸͕̪̀͠m̵̱̚a̵̝̱͂̍d̶̠͚͐̕e̸̠͒ ̶̥̝̏ȁ̸ͅ ̴̻̹̽s̵̤̦̒p̷̹͐̊ȓ̵̈́e̵̼͋͝a̵̡̾̕d̸̼̯́s̴̫̗̑͆ḧ̷̳͝e̷̜̖̋e̵̟͑ţ̴̀̔͜ ̵̝̺̓s̴͌̀͜ȟ̸̙̜o̸͔̼̾̚w̷̺͛͂ì̶̬̊n̷̨̤͋g̴̛̝̭ ̴̛̜̥ĥ̸̹ͅo̷̢̞͌͠w̶̨̼͒̀ ̴̛̠͇̉m̷̤͋a̴͚͋n̷͈͂̑ý̸͔̓ ̷̳͐Ș̵̜͊a̵͎̼̿͘ĩ̶̗̩̒n̸̬̓͊ţ̵̖̀ ̷̠͊Q̴̪̎̈́u̷̓͠ͅă̴̝͕r̴͕̂t̵͕͖́z̴̯̤͌,̷̔̌ͅ ̸͕̖̔͝S̶̝͒ͅu̵̙͛͘m̶̛̫͇̾m̸̩̰͂o̴͂̒͜n̶̉i̷̮̓n̴̦̝̆g̷͉̮͗̾ ̵̪̆̽͜T̶͇̽i̵͈̽̂c̸̟͛k̸̮͘͠ê̷̥͌ṯ̸̼̿s̶̥͆͗ ̵̧ǎ̴̱͗n̸͚̚̕ḋ̴̜ ̶̰̉̓ò̵̬̥̈́t̵̬̝̽h̴̡̎̊e̸̻͑ͅr̴͎͠ ̴̩̈l̸͔̘̿i̷͔͋͌m̸̗̹͐̌į̶͛t̸̙̖̉͆e̶̫̘̋d̴̩̊ ̸̧͓͌m̴̟̗̑̀á̸̫̙t̵̜͛͜é̵͇̯͐ṛ̷̓͜i̷̗̩͝ä̷͇̱́̂l̵͉̯͋s̴͉̭̉̓ ̶̦̈́c̶̫̑͝a̷͉͐ṇ̸̖͆ ̸̥͌͆b̵̞̂͑e̵͉̿̍ ̶̝̘o̶̓̈́b̸͉̭̿t̴̖ä̸̢̙ḯ̷͙͎ņ̶̒̊͜e̶͚̿ď̴̝͛͜ ̴̘̯̆i̷͎͒n̶̡̖̿ ̸̨̳̍͝ţ̷͙͑h̷̬̃ḙ̸͋ ̴̢̟̍͋f̴̣̈́ù̴̘͎̄t̷͙̜̍̆u̸̯̓̂r̸̻̈ę̶̣̋̋:̷̬͈̔̓
>to keep an optimized support page.
Oh, my reason for shuffling my servants around wasn't because of that. I just have a color theme going on all three support pages, purple/violet > blue > red.
Why the fuck would he spend on Douman instead of more on Skadi, is he retarded
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>To check on your bros
no thanks
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I tanked that.
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Your friends are there
No castoria/vitch/Oberon. Trying to use summer servants only without damage ce.
I switched to Dioscuri with damage and got lucky to loop a few times on clae. Might MLB my damage and finally give them their np2.
So let me get this straight
>the facilities all cap out at different times from each other
>but you cannot select each facility individually to get the rewards from that facility alone
He's on my friends list and of course I'm going to check on my bro who posted about skadi for two years to make sure he got her. I will do the same for rikyubros when her rate-up comes around.
bro your xu fu?
Let me see.
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>Got Ibuki (main target) to NP5 in less than 1000SQ
>still feel bummed because no Skadi or Wu in 300SQ
Man... guess I'll just start saving for Tezcatlipoca and Tenochtitlan now.
What's his FC?
Don't forget that at max facilities you get like 90k points at best per run and you need 6 million points to finish the fucking ladder.
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borrow castoria, use a xu fu for battery, tamamo or merlina for arts buff as well
basically, what other servants do you have or did you just start?
Maybe he just likes Douman. He was pretty funny in this event
I'm convinced she was the welfare before they added the valks
...why would you need to?
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Holy shit, are you retarded? What the fuck is this team comp?
>4 turns
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>4 Turn(s)
I said this would happen after giggas posted that she got douman. Absolutely 100% deserved for pulling ANYONE before her otp. MANY SUCH CASES.
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she said she wanted douman for years now but never had a good chance to roll
maybe this wasnt the best timing either but it wasnt some impulse roll
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auntie's cute!!!
You know the answer to this anon.
>67 runs
>or 2680 AP
>9.3 days on natural AP
>event is 3 weeks long
absolute redditor behavior
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>all damage and a support that works for none of them
his wife is hundred personas
ive already maxed the point ladder
Because I would rather let them cap out individually
Hell, why even have a cap if that's how you're gonna do it
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Friend castoria on front line. Those are the best single target arts I have.
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I do an 8 turn. 6CE. I am better than you all.
you should unironically kys
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Loliz soon!
Why though?
Why would you want to wait until they max to accept the items? that just guarantees inefficiency because you won't always get them as soon as they hit the max.
please show all 5 star servants
starting to seem like youre retarded anon
Post the Gudao version
I love how easily flustered she gets
The most repulsive character in FGO
bro… gay
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Does anybody have the scans of this book or the ability to scan it?
6 turns chad here
ur a scrub
So use a friends castoria and your own Doc P/xu fu and plugsuit whatever the fuck else you need to boost summer Oi.
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Walking on the beach with my wife
I'm going to assume you don't have castoria since we wouldn't be talking about this with her. You should be using your summer skadi and a castoria/summer skadi to support 2 DPS at the maximum. You should also ditch either oi or dioscuri for saber astolfo who has a charge/turn which is extremely valuable when you are not 3 turning. Think about it, it's essentially an 80% charge.
panda? kemono?
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Censored my code to avoid the listanon.
>telling someone to use astolfo
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>120 SQ for Skadi
>drop another 300 chasing Wu, she doesn't show up, two more Skadis do instead
>only just now learned that I could literally just have waited a year and a bit and gotten her from the 3000 days campaign in a year
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Your shitposting days end here, Claecel.
Probably. I might be able to lower the turn count if I traded in a bond bonus servant for a more supportive one.
>using swagyu over saber hoku or saito
damn, respect
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Who the hell are you and how did you get in here
I for once, believe that Luviagelita Edelfelt should get a swimsuit in the 9th Summer event that JP is about to get.
I also believe that said swimsuit should include her iconic Ojou-sama laugh in at least 1 of her voice lines, but ideallly at least 50% of them for maximum Ojou-sama appeal.

I also believe that said swimsuti should be either a Lancer-class servant, an Assassin-class servant or an Alter Ego-class servant to make sure that it has class advantage against Tohsaka Rin's Archer-class Saint Graph or swimsuit Saint Graph.
Furthermore, I believe that Luviagelita Edelfelt should receive a special unique skill that has a random chance to trigger whenever her random voice-line with her Ojou-sama laugh triggers that will give her 50% extra special damage powermod for 1 turn against "Ishtarin"-type enemies.
>Censored my code to avoid the listanon.
retards who care about being there or not are so pathetic lol
I have it, I can scan it but where should I upload it? It might also take me a few days because the scanner I have is utter shit so I'll need to visit a friend.
saito is based doe
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It's over...
It seems that more than one anon deleted everyone on the list.
It's already inefficient as is, the times are all so disparate that having a cap is pointless
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I actually don't have Hokusai or Saito
added to the list
I think I have you on my friends list already, do you post on /a/?
Mind adding me?
Good, guess I hadn't him added which is a shame, if someone could namedrop him so I can eventually blacklist him that'd be great
couldn't find anything myself but i've never been great at searching.
hmmm.... maybe a pixiv something?
Nta but the constant namedropping/namefaggotry is getting tiresome.
I hope the nigger who made that list dies of cancer.
seething reddie
Congrats on your new quick looper bro
i agree 100% but yagyu is not as good
all of yagyu's buffs are one turn
So what event comes next after this?
one of my favorite tropes is when the npcs in different cities look the same like nurse joy from pokemon
they should do that in the lostbelts, have one girl that always looks the same
Very high quality posts fellow anons.
Really upping the quality of these threads.
GudaGudakino in September (Yes, September)
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>grailed Salome
Dangerously based. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone mention Munenori in a long time.
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What's going on?
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Honestly with the extra classes amounting to about the same as the knight, and cavalry classes it'd be pretty cool to just add a shadow support page with all the extra classes.
someone’s asshole just got cratered
I think you can use your astolfo is he’s np 2 and if you have any of the other supports listed there.
Mocking anon for suggesting a ridiculous comp as being anything even close to useful is a good post, yes.
Fucking Bedivere, a free 3*, is better than Astolfo.
That doesn’t sound right. What event do we get in August?
Unless you're one of the avatarfags/ecelebs no one cares about your name. And all the avatarfags/ecelebs would still be the same, with or without the list.
We already have that with how many Saberfaces appear across the main story and events
/alter/ is healing
Idk I literally just opened the thread
Sup Ilya bro?
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I'm glad that kama is real sometimes. Fuck that ritualposter
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We're raiding Skadi's chambers.
holy sovl
>do you post on /a/?
Occasionally if there's an anime I like that's airing, which should be right now with Monogatari. But I haven't watched it yet since I was busy with Eureka Seven. But I'm most active during R/a/dio threads, so we maybe interacted there.

Added. If you have Summer Skadi, please consider putting her up with TT. Extra is kind of barren of Summer Skadi's right now.
I'm not even on that gay list and I won't let any of you subhumans soil my FL. Stay mad, surveynigger.
There is no event in August
I'm unfriending you, you have garbage taste
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>spent years going on and on about skadi
>can't even dedicate to rolling for skadi first
What a rat. I hope this will truly reveal to everyone once and for all that he is and will always be a FAKER.
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monogatari is one of the best anime of all time
we got summer 6 rateup space ishtar download campaign another AQ and road to lostbelt 4 before gudaguda tea though
>show up
>buff self for one turn
>dont regain np
yeah, im thinking he's based
i think theseus is a better st arts saber, and he's a 3 star
Quick redeem yourself. Crab, Monkey, Snake or Cat?
Road to Lostbelt 7 Part 4. Space Ishtarin Download Campaign. Advanced Quests. Maybe Hunting Quests?

Dead weeks.
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>NA finally gets a roadmap
>just makes everything more sad
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>ritual post for 1 servant for so long
>don't even spend all the previous SQ for the one servant
seething reddie
Sorry bro, I don't plan to roll for Skadi outside of GSSR.
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Sorry you feel that way, hope you pass the filter one day.
I mean yeah, but those aren't really proper events, that's shit you get done in a day and never touch again
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Remove yourself from this thread.
Download campaign and maybe Road to LB4
Yes it's a nothingburger of a month
if you post them in the thread make sure to do it in a few of them on the day you do so anybody who mises one thread can have another chance
Raitafags are real fags
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Nah, Monogatari series is based and TM core.
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Who wants to frot?
Trick question. The correct answer is Bat.
wtf I didn't say anything
Based and needs to happen
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Hello bro, how are you?
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>road to lb7 part 4
>Pretentious shit hours
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holy shit taste
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Hello sars, here iis the high quality /alter/ post you requested, no refunds.
I think about that a lot
Yes I’m retarded what of it.
I pretty much use Mom or Sashi for everything.
Dioscuri would be the only np2 saber I’ve got.
### days until [servant character] is released and {arbitrary outcome}
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Aoko in 639 days
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/alter/ loves Nisio, you Outsider.
meant for >>487632275
Nero poops on anon's pizza.
She's the worst saber
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>he isn't upgrading NP levels
Well if I don’t like them I’m not using them so idk I just put them in secondary.
You are giving us nurse bros a bad name.
I get the feeling that alter has a higher than normal distribution of people afflicted with passive suicide ideation.
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I love it!
Makes sense. Alter is so full of cucks I'm sure they would love a show that's all about expectation denial as a punch line.
I'd wager that's most of the 4chan userbase.
Damn how do we make it active?
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This is pretty funny
So why didn't you say that right away?
Instead of just shitposting you could have easily added "use the free Bedivere you got from the main quest"
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Medb/Knock Love!
High resolution and alts: https://gofile.io/d/UTQnCx
>just fat
Life's good.
The problem solves itself in time.
post fc
Eric Bloodaxe
Nurse was my first 5* I miss the days of using her as my main dealer of damage.
need road to lb7 part 5 right NOW
So uhhh where am I supposed to use summer Skadi now; and what does she enable that wasn't possible with caster Skadoo?
maybe, low on credits, let me see if he is booru tho
What anime counts as good taste to you?
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>Nurse was my first 5* I miss the days of using her as my main dealer of damage.
brother, she was also my first 5*
Most anons don't feel the need to type out long held beliefs like saber Astolfo is useless and since the event began multiple anons have posted the Bedi comp already.
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do not redeem sars
Now you can have 3 skadoos on the field
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Astolfo Love!
High resolution and alts: https://gofile.io/d/0OOcak
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Mogu... Mogu...
>So uhhh where am I supposed to use summer Skadi now
Dead weeks, Lv.90+ nodes with very specific servants such as Caren.
>and what does she enable that wasn't possible with caster Skadoo?
Enables you to Quick without using your Bond 15 Skadi. The 30% extra Quick pushes some servants into being usable.
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Best anime of all time since 2011.
>2 years of pure nipwank coming in
Kill me already
Why are you so obssessed with shit?
Overrated as fuck
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daga otoko da
While I liked SG, in no way is it best of all time.
sorry posted the wrong pic
Go have your empty arguments on >>>/a/ you pathetic faggots.
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now I'm getting nostalgic from decade old anime and watching them with /a/
You use her for free quest farming so you can save bond on the real supports for 90++
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the vns are better and chaos head is the superior sci;adv vn
The best anime will always be Pokemon
I like anime and I like the VN even better, but not my all time favorite anime. That would probably be Fate/Zero.

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Not everyone is here 24/7
Obsessed is a bit much but i was pretty annoyed that idiots started shitting on people actually discussing the game and helping latelets when /alter/ is 90% AI posting, e-celeb crap and ritual posts.
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Hey! Looks at this!
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TTGL is the best anime of all time btw
insane box
anyway, heres a comp to 2 turn the first two waves, and then maybe yoou can face card the rest of it down
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But you're incredibly wrong since saber astolfo has a comp as well AND obviously the original poster could not do any fast clearing teams. Therefore Astolfo gains value, because he has a NP/turn charge. Let's not be ridiculous here, none of you run astolfo, so you don't actually know he's bad, and suggesting bedi over him is ridiculous when the original poster doesn't even have bedi, much less NP5. You're just trying to take the chance to dunk on him. I'm the one who suggested astolfo btw, not the guy you're replying to.
I really liked watching Kill Me Baby back when it was airing.
>people actually discussing the game
Anon giving bad advice on purpose is just as bad as e-celeb bullshit and does not deserve a real reply.
It's better to facecard W1 then np spam W2 W3
SG is completely mediocre.
>the original poster doesn't even have bedi
Everyone has Bedivere.
She's basically the new support for anything 33x to take burden off of your castoria and vitch and Oberon so they can be reserved for more irregular nodes
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Oh and he doesn't even have oberon/vitch.
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Shoe had a hard life... Guilty Crown was so shit I dropped it every week.
The best anime of all time is Victorian Maid Maria and no-one can convince me otherwise.
Holy shit it's Touko!
What supports does he need to be able to pull that off? 2x Castoria and Oberon?
You fucker, thanks for reminding me we'll never get a part two.
>Obsessed is a bit much
You talk about shit and shitting and turds in every post you make i dont think it is.
>helping latelets
You arent helping anyone by suggesting terrible troll comps though?
Hello Grampz, how are you doing in the thread today?
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Mimi's ghost stories.
Dubbed ofcourse.
That's why it's a discussion, so you can explain why you shouldn't do it and do the Bedi thing instead.
It certainly has the best ED in all of anime.
You can suffer with me, anon. Misery loves company and I'm everyone's friend today.
Finally, a good post
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I miss those GC live watch threads.
>would be able to no castoria/oberon the node if it were possible to get hokusai coins
this is driving me insane. INSANE.
this but robotic notes
Oyakodon mogs it.
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Madoka is THE anime and anyone that disagrees just has a different opinion I may respect based on which anime they suggest is better
I autistically read the shit Miyu wrote.
Is not funny.
You just need to get her to bond 12, that's enough for 1 append.
Thanks bwo. I’ve never been too worried about 3t (clearly) but I’ll try this out. There’s still 2 weeks left I’ll clear shop easy either way.
Urobutcher is a hack
>he didn't bond 12 his hokusai in preperation for this 90++
literally ngmi
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Elfen Lied is the best anime and I'm tired of pretending it isn't.
first season of hyperoats anime was good though
wtf why would you suggest to facecard the last wave LMAO? Are you actively sabotaging him?
Chaos head was shit.
VN way better than the anime, but still shit.
do i use the last of my cum cubes or no
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A hack I like.
I sabotage myself just fine, people tell me all the time.
Bide your time, stalk her in gssrs, save for her next event
LB3 was a masterclass in how to write a comfortable Lostbelt. The fact Shi Huangdi is singlehandedly the most enjoyable and charismatic LB king is evidence of this.
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God it's been years, I think it's time for a rewatch.
you wouldnt get it
/alter/ will make fun of me but my favorite anime is Utena___
I must be crazy because I like pretty much everything he's ever written.
crit fishing for the first wave fucking sucks
the only starbomb CE is the ice one, which is useless after renovating/valk mats
he cant reliably three turn in the first place
Until you remember that the back half of LB3 was rushed to hell and ended unsatisfying as a result
Which one? The first or second? The Soraha Takaku Kazeha Utau is such a beautiful song.
sfw, but just in case

But that is a longstanding, well loved, contender for greatest anime.
The best anime are all old mecha OVAs.
QUICK. a real life GIRL is talking to you! She’s a NORMIE but wants to watch a “good anime” because she’s seen things on tiktok. What do you recommend that is actually good, but won’t scare off NORMIES.
SO TELL HIM TO FACE CARD THE FIRST WAVE YOU IGNORAMUS. Which one is easier to face card, a 150k hp goon whose NP does 4k dmg or a 1m HP clae?
No lostbelt is well paced. LB3 is just the least worst in that regard and due to being the LB with the shortest word count, it proportionately paces the best.
JJK unironically, girls love that.
Fate Stay Night 2006
Boku no Pico
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i start touching myself
i dont watch anime but I agree with anon, frieren is actually a good one.
Girls und Panzer.
First one. The singing goes extremely well with the visuals, and it peaking with the battle of Camlann is a moment unrivaled to this day.
unironically try it you fucking retard
if you dont pull a dioscuri card, even with crits, the casters cannot clear it
furthermore, the dioscuri np damage will NEVER kill enkidu in the first place
>waver, diarmuid, and kariya are the only properly dressed men.
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yu yu hakusho
It was fun at the start with all that "sono me dare no me" and pink girl paranoia thriller, but the final stretch devolved into some highschool battle fantasy garbage.
The kid creepily saying Bang and MC being a mere delusion reveal was fun though.
Frieren or demon slayer
Mushishi. If she doesn't like it she can fuck off. I'll have dodged a bullet and it's safe for normalfags.
Yeah you're right, so instead, he should do the crit fishing on the wave with 1million hp enkidu. Good point.
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Black Cat
First anime I ever watched aside from Naruto and Dragon Ball.
Rhongomyniad looks very different.
I think LB3 is the worst paced. You sit around doing fuck all in a rice field for the entire first half of the lostbelt until spartacus abruptly decides to begin the plot. LB3 is a mess.
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I ask her what sorts of things she already likes that aren't anime.
Fuck man, how are you supposed to just suggest an anime without knowing more about the person you are suggesting to?
LB3 was really bad in that aspect, the first half was a strong introduction and buildup to the world, but after the meteor and the Yu reveal it felt like you were immediately in Xianyang and killing all the antagonists right away
Mirai Nikki
I'm starting to think her artists like tummies.
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come on bro it's just a box, open it
something kinda basic like death note
Is Barakamon animated? That feels more normie than Frieren.
Cowboy beebop. It's something episodic without too many japanisms to dip their toes in.
I still think about the opening scene with the fireworks to this day.
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I can't believe I can use this shitpost again
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Based committed anon
Just some meat.
All that bait just to reveal the super power delusion and evil company machine reveal was like a slap in the face.
might be too male oriented tho.

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