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Previous: >>487598336

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki-Douji (Berserker) Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Scathach-Skadi (Ruler) Pickup Summon
2024-07-24 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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Mandricardo love
Any more of Run like this?
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Kama Love!
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stop talking about anime.
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Medusa love!
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Actual previous >>487617396
Da Jokka gotta phat ass!
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Yeah. No appends on Yagyu.
Turn 1 is all support Castoria skills on Yag, your Castoria 3rd skill then NP
Turn 2 is rest of your Castoria's skills, plug Oberon and skill 1, then Yagyu's 3rd skill (important because he needs the np refund)
Turn 3 is rest of Oberon's skill, rest of Yagyu's, MC 1st skill
Thanks mom
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Reminder Liz loves you no matter what race you are,what gender you identify as or what sexual orientation you have.
Liz loves all bros!
Liz supports trans rights!
Liz supports black right!
Liz says love wins no matter who you love!
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>decided to grab Caren Pink skin cause she is useful with Arc
>do her NP
That's a fucking good one
Ass thread?
Lizbro (False)
I am in the process of pouring all my grails into Medusa. She's only at level 102 so fat but I'll get her to 120 some day...
Thank you mama
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Caeser can do the 90++
Something's off about this Carmilla.
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Thanks mom
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I have been debating the whole day if spending my leftovers 200 sq trying to get skadi is worth it at all
I just can't seem to think about a situation where I would use quick over buster or arts at all and no one of my favourites is quick
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Would you go to this attraction?
>Turn 3 is rest of Oberon's skill, rest of Yagyu's, MC 1st skill
I don't get why people always use nuplugsuit's buffs after using Oberon's. That's another 15%~ NP damage that could add to the stack and be doubled.
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>harpoon gun on land
>united states postal service employee
If Nemo doesn't kill at least one random npc in that Christmas then it is the most wasted opportunity in any Fate work ever.
Not long now until we get real Caesar, romabros...
>mfw I picked Hildr and Run
Easily the best set and worth playing the event for them even if some parts were cringe, mainly the "muh manga" story and Ibuki shit.
Skadi buffs both quick and buster not just quick though so you can use buster with skadi.
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Erice is a child
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>even old /alter/ baited better than nu/alter/
It's lizover...
It doesn't work like that bro...
Skadi comes back in a year, there's no need to roll for her if one of your favorite servants isn't a Quick servant.
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I'm down.
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I didn't ass
What about when all your arts and buster supports are already at bond 15?
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>all the girls tryna give dat that succ
Out of ten!
I know what you mean. The only Quick servants I'd ever think about using are Bob, Caren and Nagiko. Don't really feel like I need my own Summer Skadi for them.
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Oberon buffs any and all NP damage buffs. How doesn't it work like that? Elaborate.
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Julius Ceasar wasnt an teen anime boy with a full head of perfectly stylized hair.
If you want real Ceasar here you go...
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Why everything Erice says sounds so weird out of context?
Then you don't need her bro. I did since I have a bunch of quick servants in my favorites. haha...
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>he didn't choose best girl
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Yeah a hot one
It'll still apply his buff no matter which order you do it
Hey bwos, it’s me, retard bwo. I could have 4 turned it but Hokusai missed her crit because she’s stupid and ugly.
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is it worth farming there for bond?
If you don't plan to farm with quick comps, I don't think she's a must.
what did he look like as a teenager though
Caren is a pretty fun servant. Just wish mine wasn't NP1.
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Why are you guys having so much trouble with the 90++ node? my NP4 lv80 Saito clears it effortlessly
Oberon 3rd skill doubles all the NP dmg buff currently active. Is the most powerful damage buff in this game with the proper setup.
No shes a drawing actually.
Or i guess its since its not a real person.
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Mine is NP1 (got spooked by her when trying to get Gawain) and she is certainly fun to use paired with Arcueid.
By the way, are Rank Up Quest recommended for the teapot leftovers I have?
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Huh, I was under the impression it only applied to currently active NP damage buffs. Naruhodo...naruhodo...
Mogan doesn't have ass or boobs
what's the CE attached to him?
There's 1318 bond on the 90++ node so yeah unless you have something better stashed in your interludes or AQs
yes, worth using teapots if you have any especially if you've got a bunch of summer servants in your backline.
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is she going to show her penis
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>fucked up the crop
If you have summer servants then definitely. Teapots are expiring too so it's the best place to spend them.
It works NP2 if you have append2 maxed on Castoria, too.
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Yes, currently active. The thing is that Oberon's 3rd skill doesn't deactivate until the turn finishes so you can keep stacking more np dmg buff after applying Oberon's 3rd buff.
no thanks, im not american
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Damage CE obviously, i still haven't dropped an extra CE...
thanks guess ill be using teapots that are near expiration here

need more teatimes in castoria pls
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Fucking rat
It's pretty easy to minturn if you use the damage ce but /alter/ always strives to go beyond and are dedicated to chasing after the ever elusive 6ce minturn
cute mouse
I picked Olrun because of Joker memes.
Most rank ups give the standard 915 bond IIRC, only some interludes and main story chapters give crazy amounts. If you're planning on using the teapots, the 90++ node is your best bet for now.
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my brain no work too good like it used to
does summer Oi work well?
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Because the discussion is about the 6CE way, not 5 CE.
5CE is very easy.
The one with Enkidu, right?
Kinda wish I could have my own Saito
Wtf Ibuki can 3t? As an aoe?
which servant is this
who can even 6CE this shit? NP5 trung sisters? Lotto fairy pls work your magic
Probably Yu Meiren but who knows.
What is a way to 5CE node 90++? I have Castoria and Oberon, but I want to sub out Oberon for Old Man so I can use my teapots on him.
Explain your setup here. I am very curious.
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Here's an NP2 run with no appends.
Hey cutie
Astolfo with his hair down
>Like kintoki
>Have kintoki since forever
>People keep telling me he is shit even at np2
>Reach 90++
>He uses 3 NP without mlb CE and everything dies
>Check future 90++
>He is used almost everywhere
Just use your super Bedivere who has 2nd Append maxed, double Koyans and Oberon!
Okay now she’s doing 0 damage WITH crits wtf is going on ALBERT
>>People keep telling me he is shit even at np2
Who the fuck said that? He's literally one of the best ST servants in the game
post your hecking setup
Basically an NP5 2k/2k Fous Lv.100+ Arts ST Saber with high hitcounts and/or charge. Forget about 6CEing if your DPS is just standard.
>>People keep telling me he is shit even at np2
Bro, what?
>putting more levels into the CE
I see you.
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Just from last thread, I think it's pretty obvious that at least half of /alter/ has no idea what is good until appmedia tells them it's good.
It was me. I was telling him Kintoki is shit because his soulless ass couldn't use his brain to tell that I was gaslighting him.
I only lack Oberon, but I try to see an alternative. Bedivere is a good boy so he can be useful. Thanks though
Honestly what the hell were Lasengle thinking
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It's paisen
>People keep telling me he is shit even at np2
He was shit during Skadi's peak but he went up in value once Lv.90+ nodes started to show up. Berserker with 50% is good for killing a high HP mook.
In the early days of fgo
You guys are young but I remember how people laughed at kintoki after the Solomon raids claiming that was the last time he was useful
>>People keep telling me he is shit even at np2
He has consistently been one of the best ST damage dealers in the game.
His kit is super basic but it's strong as fuck.
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I only use servants I like and don't think about strategies outside of class matchups unless I can't brute force a fight.
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Its finally happening, im genuinely not interested in rolling for anything else for the rest of the year outside another shot at prisma illya in september, yet i want more np copies of my favorites, im turning into a gameplayfa and i don't have the excess of money to justify it.
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Oh whoops, that was for a Erice run.
Life is a burden
Without Oberon, Bedi can't without crit dealing 1st wave.
DMG CE 50%
2nd Append 20%.
Own skill 30% NP.
Double Koyans 100% NP.
Own skill again thanks to Koyans 30%
Oberon 70% NP.
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>level 7 nuplug
I see you
Do people actually play FGO without having played the original FSN visual novel?
I've put it on my Xu-Fu, that's the best I can do.
>In the early days of fgo
That makes sense, he was shit back then. The only way to get a servant to 100% charge and still use MLB Black Grail was 2x Waver. Buster's best support was Merlin and while 2x Merlin would work with Kintoki (you'd just have to get 10% somehwere else), he'd only be able to pop his NP once and then be a sitting duck afterwards.
Your MC should be around level 7 anyways.
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I just genuinely use what I like. Supports in this game are pretty powerful these days anyways. Most anything works usually.

Why does rolling for only servants you are interested in make you a gameplayfag?
Did people really play RDR2 without playing the first one or Undead Nightmare?
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>his nuplug isn't level 7 already
ngmi bro...
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because most of my favorites suck unless they are np+2
Yes, that's the vast majority of the playerbase.
Can't wait to see that tummy grow bigger in several months when I'm done with her
Most servants underperform under NP2 anyways anon
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>445 SQ left after summer
I need to start saving for the stuff I want down the line.

Tea Girl, Tlaloc, and then SSJ Kagetora waaaaay down the line. Feels pretty doable.
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I'll gladly take Lauren.
what the fuck is wrong with her legs
me too
That's not what being a gameplayfag means. You want to see a gameplayfag? Go look at all the people who rolled for NP2+ Summer Ibuki and grailed her. You'll see that the vast majority of them don't even have Saber Ibuki grailed, if they even rolled her at all.
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Most people.
The events of FSN arent really relevant in FGO at all why would you have to read it first before playing FGO lmao?
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Suddenly I don't feel jealous of Ryoma no more
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Do you see it? DO YOU SEE IT?
Not about 3 turning.
Not about players ignoring the damage CE.
Is it really the majority. But the quality is so much worse. Having a thoughtless and voiceless main character is such a shit format for storytelling. I can understand getting tricked into playing FGO because of FSN or Tsukihime nostalgia but having FGO tier quality be your entry point is pretty sad.
this and friend Castoria
Castoria skill 1
Ibuki skill 1 and 3
Ibuki NP
turn 2
Castoria skill 2 and 3 on Hokusai
Ibuki skill 2 on Hokusai
Hokusai skill 2 and 3
plug Castoria for xufu
Xufu skill 1 and 2
Hokusai NP
Turn 3
Hokusai skill 1, xufu skill 3 on Hokusai
Mystic Code skill 1
Hokusai NP
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Low T
Lust provoking image.
I've only watched UBW and played the Extella games and a bit of Samurai Remmant. I've read Mahoyo and a bit of Tsukihime, though.
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Please for the love O god post what gold servants you have leveled so we can try and slap you together something decent.
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>hurr durr y cant u 6ce
>are you
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Wait it's true
Np1 kintoki can just np 3 times and. Clear the node
What the fuck
This node is pretty GOLDEN.
Mine too, Miyu... mine too.
Where did Okita shove the swords?
...that's what level it should be by now.
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Don't you fucking dare to make me feel bad about not having kintoki in 2024 /alter/ I swear to God I will explode and take you all with me
I'd put a bun in Santa Martha's oven.
Cute PPTenshi
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I'm almost at 8 now...
Ore no tsuma wa yandere. Sumanai.
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Protip you don't need plug
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Can any servant reasonably beat Super Baby Caren in a fight if she went all out?
Spamming tranny!

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Even Bedivere can do that, it's not all that impressive
Anon discovers a 50% charge skill on a 6 turn cooldown is Vitch and Oberon compatible.
Good lord imagine unironically using this ugly bitch
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please do not twist my words, i said "why are you guys having so much trouble"
Just filter his posts if they trigger you so much.
I wonder if Miyu self-inserts as the disgusting old man that's overly prominent in Illya doujins.
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>sakurai will drag this out for an eternity and it will never finish and fgo will never get baba yaga and she probably sucks anyway because sakurai
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Would you
santa martha is the 12 year old one
Anon discovers ritualposting
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Don't have to.
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Don't be mean to Castoria she had a hard life.
I remember when she was playing piano without making the title card lewd cosplay. It's a weird kind of feel.
Pan Piano is a turboslut, so no.
Yeah she's the attractive version of Martha
>She's literally called "a slag"
Lmao cute
Why are you having trouble and why can't you do it are close enough to being the same to be able to mock you for not being able to do it while questioning why others can't, jackass.
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>5.8m visitors
Yeah that's the best part.
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Miyu self inserts my cock inside her cunny.
The meme about girls desperate for views lewding her videos is real.
I want to be a cute little girl so badly, bros.
Pan Piano is a turboslut, so absolutely.
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Ins't kuroha so no
I want to fuck you once you become a cute little girl so badly bro.
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>Wasting meta support bond outside lottery node
They were right, you're the one who forgot that the meta for buster completely changed once Vitch and Oberon were released. Same as Saber going from 3.5 to a great farmer.
I'd like to see her cosplay Bob. Maybe covering Cernunnos' theme.
Remember to never ask someone with a grailed summer ibuki to share their grailed saber version too
It just works and she barely even does anything other than show skin in a single picture. Boys be thirsty.
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My Castoria has been bond 15 for months and I don't know how to replace her without dropping at least 2 bond CEs
Honk honk
Posting here after accidentally posting is on /fgog/.
I still need 40000 points for the next summer event story section. Am I just fucked it I don't play 10 consecutive hours of repeatable quests to farm the points to unlock the full story before the event ends?
And I thought I had used a lot of apples
Moriarty, that's too evil. Go to Moriarty's room and tell you what you did.
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>mfw going back to quick looping with triple skadi for the first time in 2 years.
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It's not about sex, I just want to feel cute and wear cute clothes.
Okuto nohtika.
What does that mean. I always suffer with katakana (english loan words used by Koreans).
Nohtika is probably nautica?
It's a 3 week event, you could start from zero right now and comfortably finish in time
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Do you think Miyu will let me fuck her asshole while she reads Illya doujins?
I'm better than you at this game
I'm a strategist
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>got arcueid on first try
>got musashi zerker on first try
>got skadi on 2nd try
>got castoria on 2nd try
>etc etc etc

w-what the fuck is this luck, i'm scared guys, am i going to die soon?
That's weird.
I feel the exact same way. It actually fills me with rage with a random neanderthal here dares question my FGO prowess.
I want to believe you, but I can't find the CEs that give a 30% bonus to points earned in the event quests.
Don't care didn't ask I would still do it
sorry forgot to quote you
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It's funny how Kintoki has the most basic kit in FGO but is still relevant because you don't need more than a upgraded NP and a 50% charge
Man why is it always like this
I remember that book enthusiast girl that /lit/ harrassed also becoming an OF whore
There is a manga that fits your taste
Old men cursed to become cute loli.
Everyone wants to fuck them.
>Forces to plug
>Can't bg loop without high np levels and class advantage
>Takes up hundreds of party cost
>Still does less damage than any plugsuit buster setup at np1
I want my 500 SQ back
Never had so much regrets about ZQ spent before
If we are friends I'll do teatime castoria.
The primal need to fill cups until they make little cups inside them...
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Quick looping is still kinda shit.
When's Summer Summer Skadi?
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I still haven't picked a free 5*. I'm conflicted between titty monk and clae. Who should I choose between my lineup?
Why is every instathot allowed to be a whore but it's a problem if you play the piano?
the piss bottles one? probably not, I think that one just closed all her accounts but then again I've only seen the pic, I don't browse that board
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Early FGO was funny with balance.
Christmas Skadi.
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>future welfare CEs have either niche bonus damage or split card buffs
>most of them have split stats too
At least pic related is a better Painting Summer because of full attack.
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the "twist my words" part was for the "can't 6ce" as i never mentioned 6ce, hell not even i am 6ceing it
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Next week (+2y).
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just as flat as her sister
dick pick
>welfare CEs
She did, she was selling nudes and shit, nobody screencapped the aftermath years later
Same reason why girls get so much attention here. Guys on the internet inevitably circle around and if it makes you money and you can do what you love (while showing off some skin) why not? I'd do it if I could.
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This node takes so much time and i need to do this shit 66 times for all rewards?
Thats over 700 turns holy shit...
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smart girlfriend
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Yeah titty monk is fine, you don't have many good st options
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>didnt buy the summer beast 7 CE that gives 30% bond bonus to swimsuit servants
I'm gay
Because playing the piano well is cool.
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>triple skadi
dumb poster

>Can't bg loop without high np levels and class advantage
even dumber poster
Her IQ is probably single digit
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It's hard to beat first day of filming or ocean flyer for regular use CEs, at least niche bonuses are something unique.
I can't wait for this one.
titty monk enables some meme farming due to her NP charge

otherwise a story locked one for obvious reasons, mainly Sitonai or Quetz because my dick likes them
>Grailed males
no shit
dick pick
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Meh, being able to play a piano in a hotel lobby is certainly a cool convention party trick but the LB6 soundtrack is hardly iconic and all of her stuff is pretty boring and unimaginative, if technically competent.
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Are you happy with your Summer rolls, bros?
My two Old Mans protect me from any snatchers.

Sitonia would be the better pick, but I wouldn't use her at all. Fiesta Sister was also an earlier choice because I love Black Lagoon.
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Your setup intrigued me. so I decided to tweak it a bit further.
Requires Ibuki's append unlocked, but thats a no-support clear with a lil bit of card RNG at the end. Naisu.
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>11 turns
So hot when they give them slightly red elbows and kneecaps
What the hell is this team?
Oi looptard
I know every tier list you see puts ibuki in the top but how about learning how to play the game and putting together a nice team with a single target servant and plugsuit Oberon?
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Yes, I got decent luck but it was all free quartz so can't complain. Also got exactly what I wanted from the GSSR.
Diabolical. Almost worked without xufu even leveled lol
*smack ass*
*pull hair*
*fishhook mouth*
Medb so she can call you gay boy
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I'd recommend NP level for one of your better servants.
NP1 damage dealers aren't really worth it these days and spooks are mega unreliable.
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I got Bradamante while rolling for Skadi
What is she good for?
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>got all the summer servants I wanted
>anniversary quartz is all gone and there all np1
im still pretty happy but theres a small part of me thats kinda upset and wanted to be more greedy, only 1 I missed is proto-merlin but im not too fussed since I already got merlin and didnt sink too much SQ into her rateup
They do it because men give them dozens of times more attention (and especially MONEY).
She's built an entire living off playing the piano in a sexy outfit while not even showing her face because she realised she can just exploit simps.
Reminder that this is always mens fault.
Three waves with only one enemy.
Bringing an AoE to clear.
Complaining that it takes too long.
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Yes even though I ran super low on Skadi funds because I fell for the succubus' temptations and went for NP2. Still managed to get Skadi.
*your phone screen cracks and shatters*
Bros I want to help Erice learn to love herself by being in a loving relationship with her and slowly teaching her to see all her good points that I already see...

While railing her senseless and making her give birth to a soccer team worth of babies of course. That should go without saying.
I found a fellow retardbwo. It’s okay retardbwo.
Weak men create hard times. Many such cases.
Stop avatarfagging and ban evading for one waking hour in your life, autist.
Hell yes got np5 Ibuki in such a low amount of sq when all I wanted was at least np2.
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Uhh is she for (you)
She gets what she wants, men get what they want. Everybody's happy in the end.
Sounds wonderful!
>arc at 90 but castoria isn't even fully ascended
please explain, you have a grailed spishtar

clae is probably the better choice, but I vote titty monk.

agree with >>487641457 because my pp also loves Quetz
Happy with Skadi. Unhappy with ibuki. Np1 in 600sq
>i never mentioned 6ce
You asked why people were having trouble and said you were doing it effortlessly.
Going to 5CE isn't 'effortlessly' clearing it, it's having so much trouble you gave up.
Quick looping. She was kind of shit back then and jobbed to Parvati and Valks. Summer Skadi may enable her to actually now. She gets a charge and NP gen buff in the future.
I dont have Oberon.
Probably using your future luck up. I got 15 SSR last year (not counting GSSR) and I went 750 for Marin with just 1 other GSSR and 3 SRs.
All Servants are for (you).
I have 300 SQ left and I want to 120 summer Ana from NP2, I think I'm fucked
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> 510
> only Wu and Artemis spook
Should I uninstall and be done with it?
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Are you the anon that asked me about that comp earlier today?

If you have Hokusai's append you can use anyone with 20% charge instead of Xu Fu (or the harry potter MC but I already maxed that out ages ago)
What about Sion
And your answer is bringing an AoE?
Don't you have a ST looper like Oei, Vlad, Galatea, Kriemhild, etc?
Its Santa Martha,Zhuge Liang and Summer Ibuki.
All you need is 2 premium sq or 6 sq.
Or a miracle.
I haven't really rolled much. All I got are some event CEs and Summer Gareth so far.
I don't know whether I should use my 1.2k quartz hunting for Skadi or Merlin.
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>If you have Hokusai's append
Genuinely is there a single person here with a bond 12 summer hokusai?
Holy shit, you're worse than me. And I'm an f2poor, exclusively level 90, exclusively NP1 latekek and managed to do it in 9 (nine) turns.
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What's anal feel like bros?
>Teaching teen Martha the joys of submission and masochism
>Cooking in a naked apron while you rail her from behind
>Cumming on her steak and making her eat it in front of other servants, pretending it's gravy.
>Tying her in tortoise shell pattern under her clothes
>Secret dog collar under her neckerchief
>Making her be the plate for your dinner
>Making her wear a slutty Mrs. Claus spiritron dress that is way too short and shows off her ass and crotch
>Merlina, Ibuki, Skadi, Erice np1
>Gareth, Wu np2
>4 other SSR spooks
>~700 quartz
Could have been a lot worse.
Your Castoria?
Your Lady Avalon?
Your Xu Fu?
It's a pain in the ass.
>people made fun of me for not 3t
>several anons now saying they can’t
>no one makes fun of them
We live in a society
don't be a faggot just because you missed a midly important support, your account is still good to go if you got vitch-obbie-castoria.
Yeah, you replied to one
Not what I ask for, but thanks anyway for the generations. If you can, can you do any with Illya or Miyu in gothic lolita dresses, or playboy bunnies if you want something simpler.

I see... I'll be leaving now.

Are you talking about Onimai, because I tried searching that and got nothing?
>rolling for a ruler
>spooked by caster and archer
No, you weren't.
You don't have a strong ST Saber?
Like, I dunno, summer Hokusai?
Oi-chan is fucking tonight.
Most people here can 3t with 5CE.
We make fun of those who can't do it with 5CE.
Those who can with 6 CE are certified autist.
Shant be giving attention to noobs
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I dont have any of those.
I dont even have Ibuki im using a support.
Don't despair! It's not over until the rate ups are.
Do you know the name of every servant?
You can do this with Xu Fu and only support Castoria.
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i do have some
reminds me of when a fromsoft game comes out and everyone on /v/ gives counters for their deaths on each boss and most people claim to have died like 10 times or less total throughout the whole game until weeks later
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in a little over 400sq worth of rolls I walked out with:
>np1 avalon
>np2 summer skadi
>np3 summer ibuki
>np1 gareth
>np1 wu
>np6 erice
I won't tally up what my luck is exactly but holy shit did I make out like a bandit here. almost makes up for a couple really stupid pitys I did the last few months.
omg I love this game! The story is interesting and well written, the characters are likable and authentic and the gameplay is fun!
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Is it realistic to get 6 million visitors in only 14 days?
Yes. But I ight have trouble going forward because JP has some literal whos in the game now.
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>np5 Proto Merlin
>a few Wu copies
I need to rebuild my sq stash but I still have like 400 tickets summoning with tickets is so slow...
Overall a pretty good summer
Jesus dude, how old is your account? if you genuinely are not ready yet for 90++ content, then don't, farming the normal 90 or 90+ is still good.
I'll ask Schierke to blog post a review after I'm done pegging him
Cute Kama...
It turned out well.
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Merlina made me work for it.
Skadi threw herself at me.

Averaged out to be pretty good. Bummer I have to skip Erice since she's the only SR I wanted but I got nothing left
>700 sq for NP0 and 1 gold (wu)
hmmm. no.
I demand MORE summer Wu. I need commisions, AISlop, Anything.
Proof pls...
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Stop samefagging
No new servants, only the CE, and I couldn't even MLB Zenobia.
Granted I didn't want to use a lot but I usually have better stuff.
>blew 300 sq on Skadi
>didn't even really want her
It's over.
Children are sexy!
Nope. Forgot the title but is about 4 disguting virgin ojisan becoming cute girls.
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At least you'll be able to use her spiritron next year.
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>NP5 Arc
>those servants
A mystery...
She passes the vibe check.
Why do so many people like the green valk? So far she hasn't stood out to me in any way aside from her hair color. Is it her lines? What about saberface valk, she seems pretty goofy
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No need to hurry. You guys just walk at your pace. I'll just freely watch over you, okay?
I wanted NP2 Gareth, but I failed. But I did get NP2 femMerlin, so I can't complain
Borrow a ST damage dealer. It will make it easier.
Or don't do 90++. Your account is not ready to do it in few turns.
>NP2 Gareth
>NP3 Ibuki
>NP5 Erice
>NP1 Skadi
>NP1 Wu
I wanted more Erice copies so I could 120 her with all appends but I’ll wait for that Australian girl’s event for more. Got other servants I need to work on anyways.
based gambling addict
someone made a funny post with her on /alter/ as the joker
>Are you the anon that asked me about that comp earlier today?
nope, I knew I had the damage I lacked some Np change, then damage CE's dropped, and managed to get that
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Dumb whore. The word "cute" is supposed to be stretched at the letter U, not the letter E.
It's supposed to be rendered as "CUUUUTE"
Can you help me MLB Zenobia CE or have Gareth come? Or I dunno, a Black Grail or an Assclap. Seriously why some 3* are so damn hard, they shouldn't.
I started playing FGO precisely because I read the original vn. Otherwise I wouldn't even be interested in the entire franchise.
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>spent 400 sq
>got 3 summer Erices, who was quite literally the only character I didn't want
>nothing else
>no savings left
I think I'm just going to stop rolling on summers, I never get what I want out of them.
Who is this book enthusiast you speak of
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Urinal thread...filled...with...RATS!
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Took me way more than I wanted to get NP1 Skadoodle and I didn't really want fucking NP5 Wu (especially not the inferior version), but considering how easily I got Merlina, assclap and how I do not intend to get Ibuki, I can't complain.
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Bring your Saber Lancelot with the damage CE, borrow someone's castoria, and bring your own waver and vitch of light.
Between the ice drop CE, Lancelot, and vitch, you will generate 50 stars to have an easy time critting the first enemy to death, and with all of that charge, you will easily be able to NP twice in a row with Lancelot to kill waves two and three.

It might not be three turns, but it's definitely going to be no more than five or six. If you have to chip away at it with cards after turn three. Also, don't hesitate to take two turns to take down Wave one before you cast any buffs. If the card RNG doesn't line up well on turn one.
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>appears after talk of being pegged
the counter force will call for you
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Link me that particular FGO ost cover, I wanna hear it.
Well I suppose that is as valid a reason as any
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Don't get insolent with me you little slut!
I don't have a sub or that many credits left, or I would obligue,never really did that much Wu for some reason, not that I dislike her
>took 1 ticket on a rate up thx to this doujin
Darjeeling Valk made a good showing but in the end you can't beat twintails.
Step aside /alter/, I'll show you how 3T 6CE is done.
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Wu chu
Thoughts on Jeanne d'Arc? Archer summer Jarcher Jeanne?
Don’t you just want to go crazy. Go wild. They’re LAUGHING at you.
You used a MC skill for the last 10%. But Jeanne Alter was better at that sort of thing, because she had gigacrit and didn't need the NP.
BASED newfriend account buyer
With runes anything is possible.
God, I would kill for a gf with an ass like my servants
Hi Wonderful, how you doin'?
why is your castoria 70 np5
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Araund as old as Marthamas time wise but i only have 78 logins of actually playing.
I finished the final singularity and killed Salmon recently but i still need to do the lost belts but before that i need to do the 4 pseudo singularities.
Good thing nothing is happening next month so i can clear that stuff because its required to enter the next event i think.
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holy kino!
Post their support
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The king of 6CE...
>almost lost in the clouds

>there are no clouds in the sky
My local Podunk town festival got 1.7 million visitors in 9 days this year.
Bros, please. TT on Castoria...
Both are great, but that second one is soo beautiful. I love the art style that you went with it.

Must be a doujin, because I can' recall anything like that ever appearing in manga dex. Maybe if it was a group of boys, instead of 4 ojisan. Oh wait, are you talking Mimicry girls?
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Animal visitors count and there are an estimated 7 billion rats on Earth.
>he lacks the knowledge
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Bro why are you putting tea on Summer Skadi instead of Oberon? retard KING??? Explanation before I namedrop you?
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Peak performance.
i did ask yes
>I finished the final singularity and killed Salmon
Daiko to the rescue, then
it is indeed a nice artstyle, didn't use it much tho
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>I just genuinely use what I like.
Game ain't my job, I don't need to giga optimize CEs.
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reading mahoyo and it’s so good that i can’t stop getting depressed that the sequel will never come because of this dogshit game
I know reruns are kill, but do the valks get added to the free welfare thing or are they exclusive to this single run of the event?
That's the minimum level for her to have all skills, dude.
Because there are more servants to 6CE with Quick than with 2x Oberon. Only Arc can 6CE with 2x Oberon. There are some meme setups using Oberon as a DPS, but they're limited by his class.
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They haven't been added to the welfare shop yet
The sequel will never come because Nasu doesn't want to. It's all up to him. If he wants to do it, he'd do it, like he's doing for extra record and red garden.
Not yet in JP


Because he's a disgusting soulless gameplay faggot
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its good to have the higher end supports no matter what just in case a servant you really like needs them
Castoria isn't lv90 due to possible strats that might involve needing her ded quick.
the softest
>we leotard in a society
They'll maybe get added to an evocation festival, but they're pretty recent.
i’d say those are both remakes and are low effort rehashes but i have no idea maybe they’re actually unique kino
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I cannot believe I did not try this sooner. I'm a failure.
Was better as a loli but would still motorboat her tits.
You're supposed to be DEAD Mandricardofag! I KILLED You!
I wish it was so easy to find nice looking brown girls
This but Raikou
>doesn't even say which instance he's running
Here's the result with an NP 3 Lancelot without the NP strengthening rank up done.
Took five turns, hell of a lot better than 11. Np2 with the strengthening will be stronger than my Lancelot is by like 15%.
I chose Rindr
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Kama GF...
Damn, I am really torn on who to choose. Ortlinde's final asc art is nice but her alt valk is my least favorite (so far), and I like the other 2 alt valks. This is cruel, at least the mecha Elis got a rerun (even if I wasn't around for the OG)
The animations are top notch for a visual novel. It blows the tsukihime remake out of the water.
Ciel route is completely new and longer than the entirety of Mahoyo.
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>Witch on the Holy Night
>The Garden of Sinners
>Paradox Paradigm
>Masquerade. Blue Blue Glass Moon, Under the Crimson Air. night closed night. other night, night pain, night sink. is NIGHT/STAY NIGHT.
>Tsukihime: Blue Blue Glass Moon, Under the Crimson Air
>Tsukihime PLUS+DISK: Alliance of Illusionary Eyes
>Tsukihime Kagetsu Tohya: Twilight Glass Moon, Fairy Tale Princess
>MELTY BLOOD: Hologram Summer, Night on the Blood Liar
>MELTY BLOOD Re-ACT - Through the Looking-Glass, Fairy Tale Transparently
>MELTY BLOOD Act Cadenza - Through the Looking Glass, Black Light transparently
>MELTY BLOOD Act Cadenza Ver. B - Through the Looking Glass, Northern Light transparently
>MELTY BLOOD Actress Again Current Code - Hologram Summer Again, Tri-Hermes Black Land

>Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works]
>I am the bone of my sword. Steel is my body and fire is my blood. I have created over a thousand blades. Unaware of loss, Nor aware of gain. Withstood pain to create weapons, waiting for one’s arrival. I have no regrets. This is the only path. My whole life was Unlimited Blade Works.
>In the battleground, there is no place for hope. What lies there is just cold despair and a sin called victory, built on the pain of the defeated. The world as is, the human nature as always, it is impossible to eliminate the battles. In the end, killing is necessary evil - and if so, it is best to end them in the best efficiency and at the least cost, least time. Call it not foul nor nasty. Justice cannot save the world. It is useless.
>The sage cries out. "Open, Gates of Heaven. Bless us and bestow miracles upon us
>Live or Die by the Sword. What power do you hold in your hands...? Dancing flames, decaying Earth, withered ocean

>Aylesbury Valesti
>Brunstadt can be German
>Michael Roa Valdamjong kino because of how it's so obviously Nasu going "uhh... Michael Jackson Voldemort, but change it up a bit"
>Luviagelita Edelfelt

Nasu's Engrish... soul
>So far she hasn't stood out to me in any way aside from her hair color.
The Valks are barely distinguishable from each other to begin with in this event. That goes doubly for Skadi's Valks.
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Can anyone 3T/6CE with Skadi? Ecchan? What about double Koyan?
I think I have a friend who has a level 70 Castoria, let me check.
I won’t weep for you when you die DaVinci.
really? i was expecting tsukihime to have even better production value.
i’ll have a look when the far side comes out in like ten years
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Why does this Gremlin have rockin Tits?
You could but you NEED normal attacks.
>Aylesbury Valesti
Eh. I was more of a fan of NIBELUNG VALESTI.
Not without critting a wave.

I think Saber Medusa could do it without crits if she was out now, but she can't.
Imagine a loli Wu and an adult Wu threesome.
saberstolfo with mlb damage CE works for me, even if no astolfo cards show up in wave 1 summer skadi buster chain kills the mob easy
Alright, but only because you asked nicely.
okita can but i have to perform a blood sacrifice to ensure i get an okita card and crit on it consistently
Go bad to /mjg/ you fiend.
Silly little plant
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>spend all 330SQ on Arc
It still hurts bros, if I played more than every now and then maybe I'd have NP one and be happy. ONO OWES ME MORE MBTL DLC
>i was expecting tsukihime to have even better production value.
Their effects guy they had for Mahoyo left and he's the best in the industry. Tsukihime is good but most consider Mahoyo to look better.
That's some good ass slop.
I don't have and don't want saberstolfo

I'll try giving it a spin with a couple different teams. As long as it can be automata'd with 100% consistency I don't really care if it takes 5+ turns.
They’re both really cute in this pic.
where is my one hundred gorillion gacha dollars going……
Why are we only allowed 1 copy of the 3 Valks?
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To make you suffer.
Based transparent, thriving newfriend. Farm sq and save everything because Castoria and Oberon are in November me thinks.
no wonder Proto-Arthur is Gay
Summer Goghie this year surely
NTA but maybe he's talking about this one: Bishoujokashita Oji-san dakedo, Gachi Koi sarete Komattemasu
>spends 420 on Arc.
>Got her NP5
It still makes me happy bros.
Cant wait for the next GSSR to get the 6th copy so i can unlock her 3rd append.
I have zero imagination when it comes to sexy but still sfw stuff so here is Wu just standing around by random assortment of artists.
It's just the way of things. One day you have godly luck, the next you can't get a measly 3*. Just don't despair and especially do not think your wallet will solve it, that's what they want.

Because being wanting all 3 is greedy and they don't like greedy boys like you.
Eli-Chan is a Miracle
Exceptions are justified and Will be made
we literally had the anniversary 3 weeks ago you literally had enough SQs for pity
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>bad crop

Well some chinks have her in their leaks.
Guess it'll be confirmed/denied if Rani is Anniversary.
I wanted Erice but I'll get her later. Otherwise yes.
where the fuck is len
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Shimogamo's dedicated to Van Gogh is honestly very impressive. 277 artworks of theirs on Danbooru and Van Gogh features in EVERY SINGLE ONE (and is the main subject in 99% of those pictures).
Rare to see an artist that dedicated to one character.
made these last night,links still work so copy past from that thread

these are sfw, but just in case
and a nsfw

og artist
Each Valk is a different servant with their own ID. Meaning you'd get 3 rare prisms from maxing them and at least 15 bond levels for OC missions.
No can do.
>Roll for NP5 arc
>Dont roll for ibuki despite being the second best support for her after koyanskaya
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Almost certainly. Van Gogh is one of the most popular servants that hasn't had a swimsuit yet, and it's been about enough time since her release to get a swimsuit.
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>fucked up the crop
>bad crop
Anon only turbo veterans got enough from anni to hit pity. The average player will have around 300-400, maybe 500 for those playing a bit longer. Unless they were saving quite a bit on top of the anni sq, that's nowhere near enough for pity.
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Because even Wu thinks big boobs are better.
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What are the leaks?
I love him, one of my favorite artists
>only turbo veterans got enough from anni to hit pity
The anniversary quartz was based on how many servants you have at FA. Veterans got less than the average player and much less than the average /alter/bro
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>The average player will have around 300-400
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personally, I don't buy it
She is very confidentially wrong
Loli Wufags absolutely fucking demolished
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Rani Anni
Yang 4, Caren 4, Eresh 5, Book 4, Jack 4, Tlaloc 5, Gogh Welfare for Summer

Book over Lip is just a direct insult at this point.
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The anon you're responding to doesn't seem to know what veteran means 'round these parts.
some newfags think "veteran" means oldfag, so in his mind a turboveteran might be a 7 years player with everything maxed.
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>Anniv servant Rani
Elden Ring crossover?! Lets GOOOOOOOO
Would Sydney Sweeney make a good Titoria Lancer?
That lineup is way too good to be true

Also Summer Janta when
I tried with what i had.
She refused to be summoned and im not buying paid quartz for her.
I would lose my fucking mind over a welfare summer gogh. Holy hell.
I mean it's definitely fake but we can dream.
Summer Tlaloc without summer KKK feels so wrong desu.
>Assassin Rani
On the one hand I appreciate the full Rider/Assassin/Caster/Berserker Lu Bu crew but on the other hand all my Assassin slots are full so I'd rather she be an Extra class servant.
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nta but edison is an ibuki-lite to support Arc, do you have him?
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Are you ready for team "spends the whole episode powering up"?
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>summer book
>no summer cream pie
I mean we already got welfare Hokusai so its possible.
Post your Friend Code bro, you got soul.
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easy way of making a eligible leak is by google translating the anniversary+summer servants you want into chinese then make a fake discord comment posting them. This is just literally 'trust me bro' that got alot of (you)'s
She's Creamfilled.
lmao at that way to get servant coins
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>voiceless main character is such a shit format for storytelling
FUCKING animeniggers make me sick
Summer Book is actually possible since she showed up during faerie summer.
who the fuck is Rani?
loli Chen Gong
>tongue piercing
revolting trashy whore
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>Nursery Rhyme swimsuit before Lip
Looks like it's that time of year again
I honestly forgot that over here veterans are just people who log in then out. And make blue apples now I guess.
In hindsight I've been veteraning quite a bit lately, still have a ton of teapots to burn and they're almost expiring.
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why are people struggling with the 90++ quest? its not that hard to beat enkidu?
Why are her eyes green?
So SHOTA chen gong?!
You shouldn't get books wet.
Unless its the kind of wet that helps you fuck them
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The best girl from Fate/Extra
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>19 turns
>I honestly forgot that over here
>over here
Urinal general
Where is incucknation when you need him?
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>19 turns
Here are all my gold servants >>487642630
>easy way of making a eligible leak is by google translating the anniversary+summer servants you want into chinese then make a fake discord comment posting them. This is just literally 'trust me bro' that got alot of (you)'s
To not be instantly deboonked though, you need to not overlap any Summer Artists.
I'm not even sure anyone but Takeuchi has even had an Anni + Summer combo in the same year.
Did we have any Wada in Summer 6 alongside Fox Bitch?

Play Fate/Extra CCC now.
She's shit in Extra but she's actually fun in CCC.
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Also don't forget she's a nopan Stacy like Suzuka
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She's envious of how much Bryn gets obviously dicked down when she and Sigurd are in an event together and mad Siegfried and Altera aren't plowing her.
How many times did the dragon delet your buffs?
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Reading it, and I think this IS what that poster was talking about. And poor ojisan, his unwillingness to dump his friend is leading him into the bad end route...
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>using THE CQ team to farm 90++
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Finally, the most efficient 90++ setup to grind with.
dragon cant delete buffs if himeko buster punchs it bro?
Ok here it is >>487645123
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>Fifth Dead Apostle
>TYPE Mercury
>Ultimate One of the Oort Cloud
>Fury of Gaia
>Xibalba: The First Sun
>Grand Foreigner
>so powerful Kaleidoscope Man said he cannot see a future where humanity beats him
>strong enough to kick TYPE Earth's ass
>his level 1 super nerfed version without his heart is still powerful enough to literally create an alternate reality on a whim
How strong is this nigga's PHH version?
>over here
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I mean... they dropped this bombshell last year.
Heck, Summer 5 has Abby and Ilya.
Kriem doesn't even know she exists.
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Well, most likely I'll upload the thing tomorrow. So many things to scan, but I'm likely to do Suzuka manga ones before anything.
Based stallGOD
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Little Kama...
Lewdery Rhyme
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It's almost Friday...
Is AI capable of creating real life people cosplaying as servants?
These Nursery rumors have been going for months, PLEASE DONT GIVE ME HOPE
and just in case is true
>No Miyu
>No Boudica
>No Mata Hari
nice desune
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How do you use this slut
>Ultimate One of the Oort Cloud
Whatever happened to the actual Type Oort?
Also, not cool, bro.
Your best bet is probably borrowing a Kintoki with MLB damage CE supported by Koyan and Waver, assuming Koyan's battery is fully leveled.
facecard wave 1.
NP wave 2 and 3.
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Skadi was kind to me! NP2 was my goal, and I didn't have to break the bank like I did for a single Avalon...

As an offensive Ruler, will she feel good to use? I'm considering grailing her to 100 and maybe gold Fous on top. She's gotta be a lot better than Bunnytoria at least, but how does she compare to Caren? Or other neutral AOE attackers?
How tight?
Almost time to rest
>70% legs
koyama has lost it
You joke but they actually have chances. Every summer there's some 'guest' servant appearances seemingly out of nowhere, and then they get their swimsuits the next year.
For example:
Oei Summer:
- Paisen, Achilles, Okita Alter (Pretty weak appearance, only 2 lines)
Paisen Summer:
- Mandricardo, Anastasia, Teach, Sei
Da Vinci Summer:
- Wu Zetian, Asclepius, Yan Qing, Skadi, Gareth, Valks, Ibuki
Skadi Summer:
- Suzuka, Chloe, Morgan, Bob
Faerie summer had:
- Kagekiyo, Ms Crane, Habetrot, Huyan, Pretender Eli, Lancer Artoria, Nursery Rhyme, Santa Lily, X Alter, Bakin, Super Bunyan, Kiichi Hougen, Bazett, Aurora

Nursery showed up, along with Santa Lily. But notice how Jack didn't. Maybe that was a hint.
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Sorry Book, but we only get 1 Wada per Summer max.
>Doll joints
Based artist. I hope Wada keeps them in her swimsuit version.
Comfy weekend soon
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Protea will get one before this shitter.
Who's the artist for this book? Looks nice
The goofy spider ate him, at least in PHH. Same for Mercury's UO. Nasu has stated ORT (The One Radiant Thing) isn't even from the Oort Cloud. He's just the supreme ayylmao that came over here to curbstomp a newly formed solar system.
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Kama Cream...
why are you like this son?
Pure sex in the shape of a little girl
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Summer has tons of guest appearances in general, obviously some of them will pop up in future summers.
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>But notice how Jack didn't.
Presence Concealment, bro.
Lip and Jack were there.
Who was this alter ego?
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It's already Friday.
>koyama has lost it
I know I must plap
Like Eeeeeyah! <3
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>840 sq
>ganesha np1
>wu np2
>skadi np1

a-at least I didn't hit pity right??
I'm willing to wait another year for Miyu if we got that lineup desu

I do want Miyu more than some of those but that's enough of a great selection I would be sated for a year.
Angry Mango's fucktoy.
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Konoe, Apo's artist. I got one of his artbooks, but there's not much in it. I'll post it tomorrow most likely, and then go for Suzuka manga ones, then Saito mats plus manga, then other stuffs. I got a bunch today, and it is mostly just doujinshi types instead of just pure art.
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bazett bro?
Cu's master, bro.
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>you can ONLY ever visit this general and only play this one game and nothing else, ever
Fuck off. If the threads were of superior quality to all the others that'd be one thing, but they most certainly aren't.
This Erice girl shows up everywhere, I bet her light novel is great
You don't.
They show up in a side-story and the summer immediately after get a swimsuit. Just look at the Caenis side-story from last year, almost the entire cast of this year's summer showed up at the same time.
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Little Kama can get all the snacks she wants...and headpats too...
lol she's riding muramasa
you put your penis in her vagina
Did you try rolling again. You’re supposed to average an SSR every 300 SQ. You’re due one soon.
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How many servants have a cylindrical scroll holder on their back and are gloving up to punch you to death?
I'm Goghing to cum
There is no Servant that would want pathetic mortal scum like me as their Master.
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What the hell
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Here's something more relevant for current event.
Yup, that one.
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Shit bro, I'm sorry to hear that. How much did you have saved? Either way I hope you have better luck on your next rolls.
Santa Karna.
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is ccc already in english?
All three of them Owe me Sex
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misunderstanding commonly used terms is the sign of a faggot trying to fit in when he should be fucking off. lurk moar before posting, queer.
how do I cope with no summer Skadi or lady Avalon
fan translation, but yes its finally completed. only took like 8 years.
Now this is the Gogh stuff... ehehe...
Maybe because you fucking niggers keep coming here and using this thread like an urinal
With SonoG, Habetrot or Arash clearing 1st wave.
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assuming you have someone like arash to kill wave 1 after aoko NP's
>use her 1st+3rd skill on herself, dont touch 2nd skill
>2nd skill now gives 100% NP gauge you can use for wave 2/3
>wave 3 first skill off cooldown, gives lots of bullets for her NP to do way more damage
Damn Barg looks cool
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I played it some months ago. Loved it, it's great.
Even made me do this.
Because while you may think CCC's Best Girl might be Melt or BB or Rinfags coping, it's actually just Liz.
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>mfw I just realized Erice is wearing Himiko's outfit
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>will she feel good to use?
see >>487626145
>but how does she compare to Caren?
Caren is better because of split charge and her having an NP interlude.
>Or other neutral AOE attackers?
Caren and Dantes are really the only notable ones. Voyager also has an NP interlude and has good charge gain and Molay has a ramping NP damage buff. Skadi's isn't bad, just servicable.
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Is the Muramasa/Shiro OC going after so many girls a cope for the fact that he lost his biological parents and his adoptive father and he’s trying to fill the void?
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Sent you a request, Spishtar in all.
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She's three meters tall, Just don't look up, and you won't see anything.
Skadi hits like the cite girl she is. Very soft.
>Based artist.
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Repeat after me
i'm going to cum
Damn, Bob's thighs are fucking perfec-uhhhhhhhhh I mean BOOOOOOO! BOB SPAM BAD!
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Is this the book with this piece by chance?
God damn that looks cool as fuck
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>Pretender Nursery Rhyme
she's pretending she's still happy
>Avenger Jack
she's angry at Alaya for deleting Janta
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I'll just be leaving with Kama.
I don't need to see some hideous raitaborion.
na im done rolling going to save again
1125 sq, was hoping to get skadi in <400 but alas at least she's here
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Sorry to disappoint, but no. I suspect it's in the one with Kriem on the cover. I'll most likely get rest of Konoe's artbooks at a later time, unless someone gets to it before me. Just cleaning up the scan pages for this and I'll upload it by next thread.
Beautiful Doragon
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I can't tell if this is AI or Photoshopped.
Why are we having so many disgusting tertiaries lately?
What other gacha is bleeding players?
This is such a perfect design.
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Step 1: Aoko sex
Step 2: Sex with Aoko
Step 3: More Aoko sex
Post your most soulful 120 maxed out servant right now or you can both fuck off and kill yourselves.
>phone has the proper number and orientation of camera lenses that are all perfectly circular and actual human writing in a uniform script
Shooped to hell with le costhot filters but not AI.
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I think males servants on average have better designs than females servants.
>70% legs
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Are you people homosexual?
Almost like the autist can’t help himself after getting banned.
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Why are you so scared of legs
Don't worry anons, I've prepared a nice short-leg gal for you right here.
>i was outed as a crossboarding tourist faglord
>b-but...you aren't sovl!
>h-heh, gottem
This guy gets it.
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>makes your favourite clapface arts looper completely irrelevant
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Himikooo ureshii!
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Hmm, so decent enough, but not really loop material. I imagine NP2, lv100, and gold Fous would only make a tiny difference on that front.
My Caren and Dantes are both NP1, while my Molay is NP2. And I can expect her to be a bit worse than all of them? That's a shame, but I do still want to invest in her since I like her. Still, at least now I won't have my expectations too high. She'll be more a for-fun servant and support then I suppose, as I should have expected. Thanks for the reality check, anon!
Besides, I already have a maxed-out Summer Kama for looping.
She is certainly cute, and soft in all the right places!
The disproportionate legs complaint is something I remember seeing a lot of in the early 2000's.
Maybe he time traveled.
Thanks for making my favorite extra soulful.
Nobody cares spammer
Whalebait just like Arc.
>tfw don't like any arts loopers
rolling for ibuki was a net win, all things considered
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Maybe he's a CLAMP hater
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Sexy little tittyma...
I recently finished chapter 1, Liz seems very schizophrenic in a lovable way, I cans see the vision.
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>can't outloop the king
It's just a simple request my good man. Surely you have at least 1 servant to show everyone, no? Surely you don't grail exclusively for gameplay? And you certainly aren't a filthy split-grailer, correct?
Go on then, let's see it.
something about this looks wrong...
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Not that anon but you got called out as a crossboarder and now you're trying to deflect. Stop bringing further shame to yourself.
>And I can expect her to be a bit worse than all of them?
Not as much at NP2, but a bit, yes. Molay with MLB Black Grain and Oberon can do around 410k per target and that's without her curse damage bonus. You'll want her append 2 maxed if you want to use her this way.
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I will continue to use spishtar without a care in the world.
Reminder that you can get Himiko pregnant any time you want because of Natural Body skill.
Shota hunter #1 and shota hunter #2.
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My wife and her NEET sister that is staying with us indefintiely...
can't any servant get pregnant?
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post spishtar doing the 90++ node
Bro how do you deal with her insanely long NP animation? I have an NP5 Spishtar and I like Rin. But I’ve switched to buster looping because it’s just shorter
What is a good CE to level for arts?
Or do I just use BG for everything?
>Needs 2 enemies
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I'd like to see that NP0 monstrosity outloop NP5 this.
congrats kizu!
Himiko love and pregnancy
>accuses others of deflecting
>while deflecting
Lmao. Now please do post that grail, I am waiting.
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The true meta skill
Mash with shit on her face, that oniland one with lancer saber, or the Vritra 50 charge one
>What is a good CE to level for arts?
Foumes and Black Grail. Joking aside, Ocean Flyer.
>Or do I just use BG for everything?
Sure, but Foumes is more than enough for dead week farming if your DPS can handle it.
I can quick loop and I can buster loop but I think arts loop the most. Why? Because I don't have to plugsuit in a new servant.
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>anon posts anything that isn't a 120 10/10/10 10/10/10 2K/2K max fou paw'd servant with a buddy ring cc
>see! he didn't fully max a servant so my obvious misuse of veteran doesn't count! he should be on le redlist!
>Kamakeks getting uppity again
Absolutely shameful display.
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Very nice Kama bro!
I just got a telepathic message from Nasu and he said that Sella and Leysritt will be added this summer.
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That Molay setup, is that using double Skadi + Oberon, then? And presumably you mean both Molay and S.Skadi would require 2nd append to function.
I suppose I don't mind unlocking it. At the moment I have no plans for Skadi to go beyond 100, since I don't have the grails to spare. Nor am I likely to get more copies of her since my luck is traditionally shit.
I don't, I just turn on automata and let it deal with it for me. Besides, which good buster "loopers" have a shorter animation? Bunyan?

>didn't specify 3T or 6CE
Big yikes
what happened to this general's OP images? They used to be good. New baker?
>They used to be good
>nonstop yang and suzuka spam for over a year
They were never good.
Thanks! That was months ago, though.
>is that using double Skadi + Oberon
Summer Skadi, yes.
>you mean both Molay and S.Skadi would require 2nd append to function
Molay can use her append skill charge because her 50% charge is split between two skills. Skadi can't use her's because her 50% charge is on one skill and neither of the Skadis or Oberon have 30% charge.
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Doesn't Ibuki need 3?
I am waiting

I agree, it really shouldn't be that hard to just post a single servant
>supposedly hates hags
>has a figure of Drake
explain this
Kill yourself you worthless monkey troll
Ah, that makes sense. And I suppose using Koyans for the cooldown would reduce the damage way too much to be viable. A shame.
I'm not one to read ahead on events, but I may as well ask, what was Aurora's presence in fairy Summer? Was she actually in it or was it just a flashback? Or one of those things where someone says something and then another character's silhouette appears on screen for a moment with a smirk?

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