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Previous: >>487506037

>Current & Upcoming Content
[New Champion] Aurora, the Witch Between Worlds
[Anima Squad] Illaoi, Aurora, Yasuo, Xayah, Seraphine (Legendary), Miss Fortune (Mythic Variant), Yuumi (+Prestige) & Leona (+Prestige)
[Primordian] Bel'Veth, Briar, Rek'Sai & Aatrox (Legendary)

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/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
loligee is a trans sanctuary, always has been, always will be.
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first for aurora!
Stay positive /lolg/!

I've been working all day and a this me a wait for
Pass me the blunt and the rolling paper
no its not, kys fucking troon
>transphobic anons will simp over any and every single female in the general
>ignore trannys
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>fight that
>you dorks
>fizz losing lane to air
>xerath hasn't been in your lane for the past 4 waves GET A PLATE
>love it
>vote yes 15
>not playing this out
>you clowns are picking your fat pimply noses
>while they invatde
>panth isn't warding
>isn't getting brush control
>is staring at thresh walking up
>like wtf am i supposed to do
>should i teleport to his basement and roam through his cumsocks to make him play better?
>awful piece of dogshit players

Okay but I only get a warning for this? Really?
i'm done cyberbullying my adc and jg
its almost like you are choosing to play the worst champs in the game
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aurorachads rise up
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They can be fun roles sometimes so in a way it helps when you put yourself in their shoes, in terms of not resenting them that much.
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why do so many champions counter kata...
Post the uncropped pic
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How the FUCK do you win games as Renekton
>Go 4/0
>Take tower before plates fall off

What's the ??? ?
autistic girls are a meme tho, they are just regular girls with some quirky mannerisms
real autistic people are men unable to talk that just flap their arms aimlessly while hitting themselves with the walls
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shyvana laying eggs on your bed!
why do you guys like cocks so much? post some pussy instead
Of course the schizo hater starts dumping his bbcporn folder.
Of course....
git gud, nigger, i beat shyv all the time as briar
it's crazy how some champ's basic abilities are other champ's entire ultimates
you forgot she has bonus damage on drake so she takes them way earlier and faster than any other jg
Do I seriously have to meta abuse to win games? I can't seem to find a champion who is "good enough" in most match ups because Autofill fucks me every time.
>want to play mid
>will wait literally 40 mins if it means I can play mid
>get autofilled JG/Bottom whenever I'm affected by auto fill
So wtf do I do? Who do I play?
>Do I seriously have to meta abuse to win games?
Play Briar
*buys shojins and then full ap*
*hits you with 10000000dmg nuke every 4 seconds*
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Are you challenger 1100LP+?
Then the answer is probably no...
In fact, most people mastering their champ will get higher rank than meta abusers in low elo who are simply really bad at the game...
yes but the way the waifu designers made aurora is almost too perfect as the ideal autism girl.

I had a moment to think about it a bit more and it's like this: female IQ is, on average, low so when you have an outlier on the higher end, such as aurora, or any examples irl if you prefer, they can claim 'autism' because they are, in fact, irregular brain patterns for women. Most of them will still be dumb as shit next to a male with strong autism but smart enough to garner respect.
I need to reunite the Kinkou.
I still think Yasuo's ult and windwall need to be swapped and then half the time he's in the air while doubling the Windwall effect.

His windwall I think counters at least 85% of ALL champion abilities in the game.
keep going
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We love SWARM
It would make Yasuo mains shit and piss their pants so riot wont do it!
real men autism is just a retard, dude
seriously, most people here would think its just a regular retard because the differences are small
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Surely you arent a hon
>autofilled jungle
>rape enemy jungler trying to invade me several times
>toplane keeps dying AND shoving
>0/4 by 10 minutes
>enemy toplaner is 4 levels ahead of anyone else in the game and capable of pulling 2v1s
>instead of the shitter toplane you get blamed by the entire team
the fuck they want me to do call an airstrike on an immortal morde?
did you just gatekeep autism?
Another Kat player who thought that they could beat K'Sante. When will they learn?
or just put a cooldown on the windwall as long as the cooldown samira has on her circular windwall
are there even any good gwen pics..
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Even if we didn’t win all that much I had fun on the stream, and we even hit a new record viewer count!!
Hope you had fun lads and lasses :3
It was fun, dont really feel like playing anymore after doing all the missions but I think thats pretty ideal for a temporary game mode, you get what you wanted out of it and then you stop
Don't forget to bring back the real Akali while you're at it.
>all those words just to say "I'm a mentally retarded cucklord who's manipulated so far bad I will jump logical hoops to defend women"
jerk off before posting in my thread faggot
...but it was a Nasus that needed the air strike.
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pure sexo team comp
you have my bet
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where have we seen this before
your laners will never be satisfied until they invent a jungler that can be in 2 places at once
they expected you to camp top during the first 5 minutes of the match
See, this is one thing I agree with on paper... it's especially jarring when you watch Gamesdonequick and other bs events where obviously neglected trannies do their absolute best at giving their own "community" the worst possible rep, dressing with their grandma's wardrobe, being morbidly overweight and incapable of following the most basic hygiene routine, let alone removing their hair properly and learning to do their make up...
If effort is indeed endearing, these are the complete opposite and they tend to set up the standard people refer to in online environments... sure, the basic chuds are the most vocal about it, but these freaks certainly don't help their case.
Stop blacked posting and spoon-feed me
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What did he do now
I want a stream featuring all the streamer lolgs with voice and facecams
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Can I interest you in a better daughterfu?
he came out and admitted the whole Lux thing was a ruse.
So brave.
You watch your mouth and don't diss my good friend nantochadku. You don't provide anything of value in this thread while he takes on his time and energy to entertain us all night long with quality content.
I was trying but the entire first 10 minutes the spastic somehow managed to keep shoving while feeding

after his 4th death I elaborately explained him how he's ruined the lane so far bad that even if jesus christ was to gank it'd be a double kill for the mordekaiser

what really pisses me off is how even the fucking botlane pushed the blame on me instead of THE nigga that fed
a tranny that uses tons of makeup to completely change its face in order to pass is even worse, because nothing kills the mood more than wanting to finger a pussy and finding a cock instead
that kind of situations can even lead to murder
the whole tranny movement is based on deception and thats why its so wrong
>quality content
must be nice maining one of riot's darlings...
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can you add me..
if you've seen the lolg collage you'd already know that's a bad idea
the botlane was likely a premade with top
everytime you call out a feeder troll and get blamed instead, you can tell its a premade
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>NH Japanese sausage and tempura restaurant
For me it's gyoza till the day I die.
why are you pretending to be her
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B-But we can't play Gwen at the same time...
I am legitimately baffled they've yet to implement an "Abathur" style Jungler who can temporarily assist a laner via astral projection and help them with a gank.

Like an ability that does this:
"For 7 seconds FaggotChamp infects a targeted ally champion within range of one of FaggotChamp's spores, during this time FaggotChamp can cast at that location (think like Yuumi abilities) at reduced damage but faster cooldowns).

Like why is this not a thing yet? Kayn *ALMOST* fills the 2 places at once role because his wall walk lasts literally forever after level 11.
im not, read the post
There he is...
everyone weep for the poor neet that has nothing to do but sit in his room and play league all day
Soraka! My cute wife!

Who said you could stop?!
in HotS, there was a champ that could divide in 3 guys so he could be at 3 places at once lol
it was kinda hard to master, but there's that
this game is solved btw
we need less gay gimmick champs and more nigga with 3 circle skillshots of damage champs
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>when she feels naughty and reaches her hand down there but the smell hits different
too many variants to be solved, you dumb nigger
I once got beat by an Irelia top so hard in lane, she was 20 kills ahead, and I still won by backdooring the nexus
it is solved down to every number get real
hot take... Aurora was cute with the hood...
no it isnt, you are just bad
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you're lucky you have azakana to flame those who trash talk you in norms. he has the patience of a saint.
this and also they are doing ultimate bravery
cold take
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I'll play whoever you say I should play desu..
>buy trynda
>play trynda
>enjoy it
she's still kind of fugly either way
ur trolling
No, I take pride in my aura. It is my sworn oath to the universe to exude femininity in all it's ghostly beauty.

Is an ugly cis woman still a woman?

The trans """movement""" is based on trans women expressing their real gender, it has nothing to do with you and your porn history.
I can bet my nuts you've never seen a woman without makeup, let alone naked.
And sweaty I really hope I'm wrong
Right arm status?
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Put on your finest Liz Lisa dress, cage up and play AD Malphite as ADC.
>be ungabunga
>play ungabunga champ
>be happy to just ungabunga matches
is low and high dia really that big of a gap?(im em1 so maybe soon dia) or are these dia players just saying that to feel good
>The trans """movement""" is based on trans women expressing their real gender, it has nothing to do with you and your porn history.
is this how you cope when being called out? useless to discuss with trannies, they just invent shit to sleep at night, but those excuses will wear off and you will off yourself too very soon
who the fuck is crying about shyvana? how skill gapped are you
*pisses on you*
shut the fudge up, nerd
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This right here is the key to enjoy lol, making laning fun as possible so you don't hate yourself for sitting through 10-20 minutes of trash lategame for nothing. There's no struggle, you know you're getting outscaled, you'll accept the loss and have your mind set in having fun during the next laning phase
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another insane kai'sa is actually a good champ and counters ezreal moment
crazy that the moment i started playing in the evening rogged the fuck out, I've started winning because every game I play to hand gap my opponents instead of playing for objectives/macro or trying to cooperate with my team
is this the correct way to climb? just perma limit test?
still better than the blacked poster
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lol you keep that up, kid.

Counterpoint, Soraka. You think Nami is the sort of girl that'll stick her tongue out at people? This is for research
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these 2 emotes are in the rotating shop incase anyone has missed them
Give it to me straight. How much money do people spend on these pokemons in TFT.
(except for that $200 egg guy)
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startin up for the day lets get this shit
if I get into the marvel rivals beta I am SOO out and if my dudes hop on for the new sea of thieves season im also out
play a normal game in TFT and you see like 6/8 players have a skin that costs $200 to roll
Holy shit..
guys swift wants you to know he watches a lot of anime and might come back to league
most likely only dykes and fags work at instagram
Not sure which lad you are but ty :3
ACTUALLY anon if you watched the stream you’d know I was working until recently and have a new job starting in August
It’s ok though if you don’t want to watch it’s not for everyone, but we have some fun times there
the people voting no
>the 0/15 guy hoping you give him a free win
>the griefing guy holding some other guy hostage to spite him
>the 2/5 guy living on a prayer
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sure she is
my slob husband
That guy living on a prayer? He's half way there.
Lolg how do we get a gf like that?
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not as much as that anon says but you do see a 200$ variant here and there
you can get the normal pokemon ones for free if you just play tft and upgrade the free pass and they give away special made ones during anniversaries or special occasions so almost everyone has 1 at the very least
as for the normal champ chibis? you will see 1-2 every game at the very least
>he has the patience of a saint.
He really fucking doesn't.
Good. Good. This will be useful in the future.
*drinks it up*
thank you, mommy
thanks fag. how do I unsubscribe to your blog
another dont play day some of the most disgusting dogs ever conceived queuing rn
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umm, what kind of research?
>It’s ok though if you don’t want to watch it’s not for everyone, but we have some fun times there
Absolutely noone gives a fuck you fat retard
would you be okay with losing over and over with the "bad friend"? i do it time to time but id never make it routine.
>oh gee I sure do hope my jungler doesn't first time nidalee/elise/lee-
>too late!
lul explain
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i think you're right
>Is an ugly cis woman still a woman?

I do agree with this argument to some extent, though... which is why I didn't reply to this other guy (because he sounds like a complete moron, legitimating murder and similar stupid retarded takes)
Most women do the same, a lot of ugly women are uglier than trannies. Also, I was the one initiating this entire retarded controversy, I confess... I was expecting this result and baiting those exact people...
Though I genuinely believe there's a fair share of hypocrisy in both sides. Biofems want to erase their male features just as much in most cases... while I believe broad shoulders, being tall and stuff like that can look really good on women (and trans women) if they play around it... If anything, people saying women with no effort are looking better than your average trans reflect on their worldviews and how they set their standard to porn and nothing else. They cannot even see a biofem's natural charm amidst all their imperfections, so it's not surprising to see them dumping their bbc folder shortly after...

I don't know about you at all, but people who summon and pride themselves being part of some social online movement, besides lacking in identity power, clearly show their intellectual shortcomings... because the vacuity of any regroupment of individuals that are not cemented around written rules cannot prosper in order, as it is the main frame of any form of society... I respect people representing themselves and nothing else more than people hiding behind shadows of undefined prospects...
Unfortunately for you two retardedation is irreversible. Better get the rv XD
You think you're smart and cheeky but I'm okay with being misgendered, I from the Balkans sis...
Anyway, yeah I'm still watching the mango and reading the animo, and I've already come back to League, just hit silver!
Been rewatching FMA with a friend who's never seen it, very comfy C:

*pats you on the head*
Good girl, go now and achieve your dreams, you have mommy's blessing <3
Yeah this place getting kinda cringe, let me join.
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holy shit you are one ragey, angsty piece of shit. Let a man have some of the success he earned. Nobody is shilling any stream you paranoid moron. We just genuinely enjoy it. Is that so hard to comprehend?
He can be solo carrying like 20/0 fed as fuck
>die once
>flame the person who killed him in allchat getting a chat restriction
>spends the rest of the game running it down while flaming team
Vikings and Abathur from HOTS were able to be in several places at once, or at least had the ability to affect multiple places at once while still being able to clear etc. Abathur had very high CDs so knowing who to infect at what time was where he could express his skill in terms of battle-commander decision making.

Vikings could occupy all 3 lanes at once, but each individual viking only had access to one ability each, so it was one "champion" which you could do a 1-1-1, 1-2, or 3 spread in terms of how you divided them up. It was extremely fun and a way to express micro skills.

Meepo from DOTA also somewhat did this as well but from what I can tell they REALLY dumbed that shit down during the DOTA2 update.
I'm this person :


>Been rewatching FMA with a friend who's never seen it, very comfy C:

I prefer the 2003 version althougbeit brotherhood had its very nice moments...
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Briar won...
What sort of face would Nami make on the last part of the doodle?
you can stop sucking his cock now. we're not going to watch his stream no matter how much he advertises.
I'm not whoever you think I am, that was my first post on the matter
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I want to win the majority of my games and I don't give a fuck which champion I have to autistically master in order to do so.

Who am I maining?
Yes, tell me how to have _- fun -_
What a Chad lmao
>Is that so hard to comprehend?
Is it so hard to comprehend that the rest of us don't give a fuck about his streams and dont want to hear about them constantly?
True but he doesn't flame sorakafag no matter how trash they play. That's real friendship. The best duo you can ask for.
she doesn't look too happy about it here
what happened to log.

>no lulu schizo
>no syndra schizo
>no erp
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>Who am I maining?
literally fucking anything
sadly spastics like yourself who are "so keen on one tricking YOUR champion that you'll eventually pick and choose" never fucking pick and choose swapping champs after every time you get beat by some counterpick thinking it's the better choice
nice boobies ma'am
This is the same reason vgs were annoying. It spills out into the thread where 90% of the posters don't give a shit about your exclusive clique.
i've been generating yordle AI porn for 3 days
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Fuck me wrong image
I just hit DIAMOND guys please complement and headpat me!
Meri spends all day smoking pot and playing tranny towers
Throwmatic got doxxed
Nami and sorakatroon get two erps sessions per thread now
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>the rest of us

Wrong, you don't represent anyone. Nobody likes you, nobody wants to read you, and as such you will disappear alone, not missed by anyone.
every single day i see posts asking for streams but whenever i check the streams out it's always 0 viewers
so it's just one guy samefagging right
how the fuck did that happen. did he get too comfortable with people from here?

anyway, the qiqi Anon isn't here anymore too.
the guy who asks for streams only watches nantonaku
Congrats anon! You deserved it!
let's see some of your work and please be sure to include all of your prompts. especially the self-incriminating ones
Okay so how d9 I break that cycle?
Autofill keeps fucking me.
gj anon! do you really look like that though?
>>no erp
>Fuck me
cool larp tourist. this will surely convince us to watch vexbrairlover.
full picture pretty please?
pissed off the wrong euro I guess
Qiyana's milk man does still post and play
I would love to know wtf he sees in that freak so much. It’s more like love. Very weird.
digger is never on, king grey's music is too awful and too loud. nanto's a zoomer but at least hes very self aware and entertaining. Not to mention actually a good player. Usually. Only thing he needs now is a Vtube avatar with voicechanger .
did he finally get plat? he dropped into silver which was pretty funny.
vexbriarlover made this post btw
Has anyone here ever seen anyone build yun tal wildarrows? I've played like 130 games this split and haven't seen anyone build it once
>ungabunga.... bad!
throwmatic got """doxxed""" by a french canadian anon
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You know when a dog is abused for life and then devotes itself to the first person to show them kindness? It's that. He's the third wheel to the weird gay thing the other two have.
literally pick ANYTHING and FORCE yourself to play it in whichever role you get filled into

I play wukong, I spent last split just playing wukong support and can somewhat reliably play it in top/mid/support

I'd say I can play it in jungle too but wukong sucks niggerdick current season so not a very viable champion

either try picking a champion that can be utilized in most of those roles or just come up with your own off-meta build strat etc for when you get filled into a non preferred role

in niggalow elo meta and champ stats don't realistically matter, it's more important whether you know the ins and outs of the champ you're playing
I dont wanna hear nothing about my music when you guys put up with the garbage nantonaku listens to
I popped into firestorms today and he had some good shit I forgot lolgs can have taste
god does it feels GOOD to smash tranime and furry mutants with trynda blade.
there's some dude that reached challenger 1 with briar jungle
The problem is that there is an extreme lack of education and collective intellect on femininity.
People from all spectrums have a warped understanding of it.
Most normalfags will say that a perfect woman has wider hips than shoulders, when in reality that looks downright demented without the right fit, which is usually there to widen and put emphasis on the shoulders, like tank tops...
That's why it is up to those who do have an understanding of it to spread that knowledge.
The point of humanity is the exchange of experience, after all.
Even cis women fail at this all the time. Just scrolling through my insta shows all types of goblins and ghouls who don't deserve the estrogen they've been given, who refuse to put a single thought into their existence and place and being and just fall for the propaganda and the programming they were given.

I do pride myself on being part of a movement, I pride myself on leading that movement, I pride myself in being the tide, not the still water.
I have personally brought change to my local community that has increased the safety and wellbeing of trans individuals. I have suffered beatings and ridicule for this. And I will continue to do it.
It is through hard work and effort that we reach the godhood.

>that are not cemented around written rules cannot prosper in order, as it is the main frame of any form of society
This is so wrong that I can not even begin to dissect it...
All I will say is that every single advancement in human history has been made by disregarding the written rule.
Good night~~~
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crap, I don't know, something happy perhaps?
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Is the one in the Shadow cosplay a guy or a girl?
Regardless, how hard did they fuck after this shoot was done?
>god does it feels GOOD to smash tranime
nigga ain't u iron 4
He was abused??
i wish there werent so many gwen players it makes me want to play her less
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no I was trying my way out of bronze until YOU faggots dragged ME into euw
yeah no? most people dont buy shit there used to be free eggs where you could even get the rare shit if youre lucky not anymore tho
Disregarding rules and lacking them are two completely different things, anon... you should know that more than most as you use the set rules of gender distribution to portrait your own ideal... good night nonetheless...
the problem is its designed to be a 4th to 6th item but by then you probably want something more defensive because you do enough damage already due to the fact that youre an almost full build crit champ
its very op on belveth though its just nobody plays her. its worth on belveth even if its your only crit item
No but they're nice to him. So they could be pedos or kill someone and he'd still stick up for them.
and then there's anime rhaast Kayn me that stops tryndasissies from splitting all game and waits out their pussy invuln inside them, healing, getting stronger before I exit.
No i wasn't abused, Jesus wtf is wrong with you people? I've been fond of raka poster since way back I had an ex that played Zed, i'd post our games here and i'd get a reply with a smug ass little small goat talking shit. I loved it and have enjoyed his posts since, why is that so wrong?
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Mmm...still sleepy....

Maybe I'll play more Leona or Sera or somethin'. Been playing more support, lately.
sit on my face?
quick play has so many down syndrome ass kids
bro u made that account like yesterday how tf u level 15
I’m at gym
Why u suddenly have it out for me kg…. Me and jelly hardly even talk anymore she’s busy spamming soloq!!
There you, my dear little anon, I didn't forget you...
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No, but you can have another one as a treat.
I'd actually hit 30 by now but been having brainfog lately so I couldn't spam queue
>every time diana is on enemy team she gets super fed
>enemy team cant end and lose with her every time
what the fuck is wrong with this champ?
can that be me on the right?
thank you qkm, I'm gonna dedicate this next load to you
It's gonna be happy!
>god I hate this topic I wish to see it as little as possible
>proceeds to waste 100 posts on it
why does lolg do this
stop posting at the gym you bumfuck bozo
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how u can play that much
a set of balls and brain is a crazy rare combo
i want to RAPE a yordle
I dont have it out for you
but your music taste is straight wack
>play 10 games
>lose 3
>every single game felt good
>those losses were my fault
yeah, i think it's climbing time
its a useless champ the second adcs realize that youre not allowed to auto attack her when she has her dash up but that usually takes about 30 mins for them to figure it out in low elo
Then why don't you?
Lore wise who is the strongest?
they dont exist sadly
another anon jelly rolled
womp womp
I inted every game infront of my e-kitten tonight. It's so over im going to go cry myself to sleep
I am not hung up over jelly you got it twisted, I don't care
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>3 games
>27 retarded dog niggers
done playing for the day will try tomorrow gn lolg
this hurts more than any slur...
I wrote up a lengthy response but it's too analytical and not enough emotional so I erased it because I'm not some nerd.
I just need you to know I don't agree with you and I'm very angry that you imply that freedom requires oppression.
poopy head
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asol, he just literally destroys runeterra at the end of the lore
Ah, damn, right.

Well, could get an ona, or plap a yordleposter or somethin'.
>I wrote up a lengthy response but it's too analytical and not enough emotional so I erased it because I'm not some nerd.
do y'all niggas think y'all's are anime villains n shit when u type like this?
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good choice, Nami is always happy!
Yes. I am literally God.
>its another my jungler has less damage than the fucking bard by 7k episode
how do jungle players even function
>unga bunga im gonna one shot the 18/3 ahri im 1/8 but its gonna work
>it actually works but she gets the extremely expected zilean ult and vi dies for nothing
can you cosplay as a yordle for me?
What games besides lol have you guys been playing lately? I've been emulating a bunch of turbo grafx 16 games and this system is actually cool as fuck. Splatterhouse and the legendary axe are really good in particular
Death Must Die because Swarm is shit.
thinking about buying slay the spire but I hate steam
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Soraka! Before she gave up her godhood, new lore is fucking stupid.

Yeah, a Happy BLOOD Fish!
I tried payday 3 after having not played it since its disaster of a launch, nothings really changed which is sad
marvel snap
street fighter 6
gonna start playin sea of thieves again
dark souls 1 for the first time
using the reinforced club
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Sorry jeggy…
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what villain says that shit I ain't no expert on dem asian karltoonz
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You could always take it to discord if you want a more lengthy and throughout exchange...
There's a lot to say about it and it's clear we both thought about the subject a lot. But your Antigone persona makes me wanna tease you endlessly...
prepare for anal
i tried playing eldenring again at new game +1 but the magic is gone its just boring at this point.
didnt buy the dlc because of that too
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Just picked up Death Must Die, and it's really good.
Valhiem and Hunt with friends.
>grafx 16
Damn even I think you're a fuckin boomer. I uhhhh, I 100% completed Silent Hill 1 finally. Other than that though I really only play ffxiv.
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>he called me jeggy
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she didn't kill anyone today
waiting on the next installment of sally face and the coffin or leyley and andie
I want to get into dbd sometime
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is it a decent idea to not kill the enemy toplaner when winning? sometimes I get aids matchups who refuse to dive/kill me while continuously denying me cs and harassing

which I've managed to do against some poor pathetic cho gath players myself, even managed to freeze wave in the middle of the lane and then harass the guy back underneath his turret effectively creating a 2 level gap by just standing around
im stroking my cock to lolsluts
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nice game
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no reason to not kill if you are taking tp you will ALWAYS deny more by solokilling vs just zoning
yordle shortstacks are literally built for my cock
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Mine too, but for now let's just focus on you.~
hang on let me go lie down in bed
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why does my ashe have that summoner?
you two should compare cocks by putting them on top of each other to see who's more worthy of yordle shortstacks haha
gonna be playing the new wow expansion in a month surely it won't be dogshit this time ;-D
its not named clarity but idk the name rn
le destroyer of the worlds is back.... AGAIN
with his army of the destroyer of the worlds.... AGAIN
you must save the entirety of existence and stop him........ AGAIN

it's called cleanse you retar
i am german and play on german like one does
Okay post another thanks
okay hans and I'm south sudanese yet I know the english name of the sum spells
Did you know gaming? If you get hit once by yuumi's Q you get 100-0'd by the zeri unless you cleanse the slow.
Unironically me
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League of Legends: Man, ARAMs really are just 100% pokefests, huh. It was near fucking impossible for me to play Warwick that game...

Sure thing.

Eh, I'm ambivalent on that one. Could be good though.
how would i know ive never been botlane in my life
good to know tho
sounds epic hope that helps you in your mudvillage!
Alas I can not, it is... 2 am.
Also, you scare me. You are way too silver tongued, but the snake kind, which also spits honey.
Either way this isn't over.
Good night.

Guilty Gear Strive (Bridget & Elphelt)
Street Fighter 6 (Juri & AKI)
Tekken (Lili & Nina)
Elden Ring invasions
Rogue Trader and BG3 playthroughs with friends
I just want to hold poppy by her waist and plap plap plap her cheeks over and over and over. She's such a hot little slut.
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They all are, really- Even in your lap they barely get up to your chest. Easy to use.~
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And she plays fighters too... could have been a great friend in another life... also I understand the sentiment, I have terrible trust issues myself and a very chaotic personality... I wish you the best at any rate.
Riot should rename yordles to just be called onaholes
Kindred used to be the strongest due to her mythical / folk lore ability to choose who lives and dies, and in what way.

That's since been retconned in a stupid way.

Now, Bard is currently the strongest as even ASol comments that he can travel through dimensions and affect reality in ways that not even ASol can (bard can likely create actual universes, ASol can only create things WITHIN that universe.


In the future, assuming Rell doesn't stop him, Mordekaiser's death realm will have enough D00M Argent Energy to be on par with all preciously mentioned names. If he's defeated, and the watchers aren't stopped, then the Void wins.
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True! That's what they are, no matter how much they try to go 'b-but they're so powerful, and made of magic, and-'

Joke's on them. Just makes it better.
>get stuck with support role
>jinx dies 19 times
>enemy Cait can literally stand still and just auto a 5 item Illaoi beating on her
>repeat above scenario with slightly different champs and roles 3 more times
>5 game loss streak
Good night, I'm done too.
pussyo bitchass quitter don't come back either
I'd make all of them preggo. Trist, poppy and even lulu would be bursting with motherhood after I'm done with them.
how bronze can you be
ARAM is so easy thanks to warmog
>is it a decent idea to not kill the enemy toplaner when winning?
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As they should be.~
Personally, I'd start with breaking Vex's brain 'til she can't help but scream out my name and beg for more dick, but that's just me.
>"even lulu"
>as if she's not best yordle
just got promoted to emerald 1
will this be my first time dia? as a former hard stuck plat 4 player? find out in the next episode
Please release me from your proverbial leash.
You forgot Vex
Good luck anon
If you get a really easy game in the game right BEFORE the game that would promote you then do not queue up immediately afterwards
Thats how they get you
Goddamn they look so good with their fat asses out like that. And yeah I don't blame you. Mindbreaking each one would be super hot as they beg for more thick human cock.
She's alright
>win a teamfight
>team spends the next 15 minutes farming and getting caught out
>have to spend the next 20 minutes trying to explain that we win teamfights and can end
i just got to e1 because we stomped so hard someone ragequit and they early ff'ed
you right as fuck with that
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I broke the streak
Canon btw
hahaha how shit do you have to be to lose on a 55% wr champ
Damn right they do. Fucking teases, all of them.

I know, right? All made for human cockshock...and being human cockSOCKS.
>55% wr
no fucking way
Fuck these pics are making me insanely horny. She deserves throatrape there so badly.
There's 9 billion guides on how to lane, but none on how to end the game once you get a lead.
>we're up 9 kills and several levels
>we win a teamfight and ace them
>we can literally just keep pushing mid and end
>NOPE, jg recalls, adc with support run to drag, and top lane teleports to turret to catch like 7 cs

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Throat stuffing, tit groping, hole stretching...she's built for it all.~
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No, I never go home, don't sleep, don't eat
Just do it on repeat, keep (Bumpin that)
When I'm in the club, yeah, I'm (Bumpin' that)
3-6-5, party girl (Bumpin' that)
Should we do a little key?
Should we have a little line?
Wanna go real wild when I'm (Bumpin' that)
Meet me in the bathroom if you're (Bumpin' that)
you guys need to go to pornhub and watch a stream together
Can't decide if I'd want to finish all over her face or deep insider her right now.
unironically still better posting than the bbcfag
okay azakana we get it
unironically still better posting than the sorakaspammer
You already know the answer to that, anon.

volibear is going on the list champs i ban so my team won't shitpick them

in the meantime
after his 2 items
yordleposters are closet pedos
Duh. And they're furries too. The utmost degenerates of the board.
impeccable taste
my day job is baraposting thoughbeit
Literally bucking my hips to the thought of her tight shortstack pussy and how badly I want to fill her up
threads are so slow they get multiple discord chats in now
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forgot my mothafucking image...
cry noob, riot king cobra keeps this champ permanently broken https://lolalytics.com/lol/cassiopeia/build/?tier=master_plus
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Always. Yordle boypussy isn't immune- especially Veigar and Teemo.

Then you'd better hurry, anon. Rude to keep a girl waiting.~
You tried this once, kozo.
this game is so formulaic and easy if you have more than 90 iq
>play solo lane(bot lane is shit)
>win lane
>splitpush until 3 items
>permagroup and force shit with item advantage at 3 items
formula for climbing to master btw
all bad would (you) more but cba to scroll up farther L2FUCKINGP
I can’t get off to poppy because she’s too stacked and mature tbqhwy
I'm getting close
watching two hideous men babytalk behind pictures of cutesy anime girls is so utterly repulsive to the human condition. so very many systems have to fail to produce "people" like that
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holy shit. I mean, that's a small number of matches but still holy shit
do you even realize the faggotry? youre cumming to the texts of a fat ass 30yo balding ,,man''
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>played 3 games
>had cancer all 3 games
>went and ate some food
>decided to play one more
back to honor 0(again)
YWNBF (you will never be faker)
i am already master thoughbeit
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Then let's push you over the edge.~

I'm more of a hag guy, to be honest. Just like size differences. Big ones. Like, say, a gal that barely gets up to waist height getting her guts rearranged by a guy double her size.
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third time's the charm
One more. Choose a pic please for me to lose it to.
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Good night /lolg/!

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goodnight ahri
>yordlefuckers posting off model obese garbage
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Pick your poison. I think you'll like the linked one.~
I know what kind of man you are
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you'd prefer they post onmodel? stupid ass nigga
now check how inflated darius abusers are :^)
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You must not or you'd already be dying for a piece of this
>split push for 40 minutes
>break 8 turrets
>top cs
>top damage to turrets
>tp unattended lanes for quick shoves
>level 18 before everyone else
>enemy team constantly imparied trying to stop me from ending the game
>teammates have grown stronger due to constantly having to 4v5 without me
>participate in ONE (1) team fight
>enemy team thinks I'm easy pickings because they literally never fought me the entire match
>whoop they fucking ass
>insta win
I love playing like a faggot
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Don't know about that anon, but I want some.
Thanks yordlefucker. I needed that. Usually not super into them but I was in the mood. I focused on middle.
Funny enough I could have used this
This made me horny.
Happy to help. Great choice, though.~
Briar does have pretty eyes
she's literally fucking blind
waow so preddy
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There's enough of this for everyone, just tell me what you like...
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mods, please ban all gay pedos...
You'd be the first banned for typing that shit
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Umm actually yordles are hundreds of years old... so sorry liberals.
You're already posting it, so just keep going.~
there are "people" here who whiteknight them lol
Right, im totally head over heels for a yordlepedo who also comissions art of gnar soiling himself in diapers
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jarvis find the phone number of my /lolg/ crush and spam call him until he logs into the game so we can queue together
Wtf why is my phone ringing
im screening your call for a reason and have deceive installed
my lolg crush dmed me today
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Today's show is ending soon but we'll have another episode tomorrow
Source for this outrageous claim? Also didn't you quit after vanguard?
is this like a rammus thing? riot said rammus should have a high winrate as he is mostly used to counterpick iirc. it has to be a rammus thing right
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man, i hate the british
no he would not
Shame there's no aftershow...but good to know.~
cuz ov de funny akcent faam innit bruv get me?
well? did you play together!?
if you hover over the numbers he quoted, you can view the previous post he was directly responding to and understand the context of his comment, stupid nigger-chan!
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messaged my lolg crush today...
what does it have to do with british people
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I quit long before that, vanguard just cemented the decision
can't spell euw without EW
how the FUCK can you even tell
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and yet you're still sticking around here... almost like you were waiting for someone. Curious!
I'm at my lolgs beck and call...
cleanse is actually op vs yuumi because she takes ignite exhaust and then u remove both
2 sums for 1
Is possible to balance the new ASol? Or he will be more reworked than Ryze?
still soulfully cave ur head in 10 out of 10 times regardless of alcohol consumed freak youre the reason this games shit not me
God, I wish I had either of them in my lap...or both.
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What would you do with an oiled-up veigar in your lap?
>Oiled up
Grind against him, kiss him rough, and squeeze his ass. To start.~
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Would it be more about making him feel good, or you feeling good? Would you rather he's really into it or should he play coy?
punt him into a cannon and FIRE!

>hear him giggling in the distance as he flies away
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ok bros, it is TIME
Both, really. I'd be desperate to feel good, but I want his brain to melt too.

I'd rather he played a little coy, at first. But when chips are down, I want him to be just as desperate as I am to go further.~
when isnt it time? you stream literally all day
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i am streaming extra because my work starts soon
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I love Lissandra!
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That's how I see Veigar as too. tsundere with a big attitude but breaks down and becomes a desperate bitch who'll beg for it if you take it away
See you next time...
URFpsychos... you people need to be put on a watchlist
>or both
dont message that person theyre evil
See you next time, anon.
And agreed. He'll act all haughty, just to hide how bad he wants to be broken in...And the second the tip's against his hole, you can watch him melt in a heartbeat.

Guilty as charged. They're just too good.~
terrible games today I'm just gonna go lay down
Does that VA strike affect us? Really I just want them to come in and voice their champs for 2XKO
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I Love Her Too!
A token for the ice queen!
cute retard :c
>I dont care
simps are never loyal
cool blog. now fuck off troon
this game is so fucking trash it is crazy
brain rot shit
waifufags aren't loyal. even the ones for 3DPD
there was a strike?
pyke is the most nigger fucking champ in thef ucking game of all time
it always has been a problem that disgustingly braindead champs can function just as well as actually difficult ones
it's the players. the players are all awful people
eat shit I'm loyal when its reciprocated
this feller really plays the game all day and makes rapid fire posts about how awful it is
>disgustingly braindead champs can function just as well as actually difficult ones
why is this allowed
yes i'm a boy. yes i main lulu. we exist.
we know meri
because their "players" are extremely overrepresented on reddit (the only site that actually matters for feedback)
how people are ok with some retard just drooling on the keyboard as malphite to win the game is beyond me
lulu boywife
both of you are right. It is brain rot and the community is hot garbage.
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meri was the based gatekeeper of silver
it is insane how much garen is allowed to get away with
if i was in charge those people all get beheaded
I wish meri was my wife so I could beat her every day
>pyke, rammus
I can be your angle....or your devil
maybe Tyler1 can actually get him nerfed. he said hes gonna play him in high elo
dumbass champ can no hands phaserush escape everything and what he cant escape he kills
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look at this smile. just look at it.
Can you see any hint of malice at all in such an adorable, lovable, little enchantress? Of course not, so why would you want to beat it out of her?
literally just pick one of the 40 champions who can abuse DoT damage and buy Rylais
Garen won't ever be a problem again and maybe you can get out of bronze with this tech
The more beautiful a thing is the more satisfying it is to destroy it
still here?
>cute fanart
yeah now post her ingame model
>umm actually there are champs which counter champ x which means champ x design ISN'T dogshit and brainless because well umm well um... yeah
>you have to play this specific champ with this specific build in order to have a chance at winning against garen
you're somehow making him seem even less fair
>counterpicks himself
>goes on 4channer to cry
why are topbabs like this
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holy shit. You made a bulb go off in my head and it's embarrassing to me how obvious it was all along

this applies to literally any champ
who are you talking to
he ghosted on me and killed me what do now mr challenger?
>makes up a situation
>acts condescending about it
why are retards like this
pretty much all of you lol
but you're here too
ok you're not gonna believe this but you can also pick ghost. in fact you can pick two summoner spells so even if he flash ghosts you it's still easy to play around that
just to rub it in your faces
fuck ranked. I'm going to nap
oh hell yeah a mage with ghost and flash great idea no wonder youre challenger
only for the goblinas
me unga
team bunga
>just pick THIS role and THIS champ and THIS build and THESE sums and then you MIGHT beat a garen!
>meanwhile garens only have to press Q
the easier counterplay at this rate is to just pick garen before they can
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HOW it says nothing euw related on the image I dont get it
hey bro you're welcome now that you know how to beat garen you can get out of silver
next seminar we're talking about master yi
it should not take five times the effort to outplay a champ as it does to play the champ. change my mind
wdym effort you retard
what can i do if they have garen so im forced to be a mage and buy rylais and go ghost/flash and they pick yi? am i fucked? hes immune to slows.. is there a challenger way to beat this?
doesn't garen have a 52% wr right now?
as a mage you have these CC abilities you can use to stop master yi from reaching you. it's kinda shit to use them on garen because he has free tenacity that's why you have to stack slows on him (which don't work on yi, ironically)
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>me unga
>jgl booga i no want
>jgl no unga no pls
>big bunga to my ungbunga now we no unga
why league this?

yaaaaaay! you better deliver on this lesson!
sounds great anyway im gonna ban garen as usual
does it take effort to buy maw against a fed akali?
ok shizo
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I permaban akali
Name those 40 champions
if my champ cant beat your champ then your champ is op
simple as
do you have a cute accent too?
i hope no one finds my posts on the archive. im not cringe anymore i swear
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This is some sad but twisted shit.

lighten up. Yoru!
weird loud noise for half a sec at the beginning excuse my phone's mic
i'm still cringe but i dont mark my posts so no one can see how consistently cringe i am
i just lost to a tranny... i'm going to hara-kiri myself now...
Best way to keep teammates from tilting? I'm tired of retards running it down while raging in chat.
Hope you have a nice stream and evening!! :3
you sound like a canadian guy i know
well señor I'm actually from south sudan (real 100%) and the lack of an accent is just part of my false identity
Damn bro u gotta be like close to 30 now and you're still coming back here to do this shtick for attention?
thanks i needed that
oh my god, my head belongs between her legs
im surprised the league thread on trash isn't as fast since you guys are so horny all the time
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channel horny into ranked......
flirt with your adc.... big wins...
nobody in the trash thread has a dedicated hater to respond to all their posts, thats why we're faster
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I sleep now
Kled is a cool champ. Play Kled
cute... here's mine

>the adc
youre supposed to play adc and flirt with the support, highest chance of being an egirl
Wtf i didnt know lolgs were so cute...
i'm going to learn how to play lucian in the jungle
curiously i have someone in my friends list who plays exclusively lucian jungle
I tried but full lethality felt like shit and then I dropped him. I prefer Olaf
Sounds like you're 14
He just turned 32
Bros... I miss Throwmatic...
There does need to be some more "simple" champions, but these shitass reworks are being wasted with Riot because it's an opportunity to modernize a lot of these pizza feet 2013 champions but they keep FUCKING IT UP.
Meriipu bros, our response?
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>zionist botlane
>0/10 by 10 minutes
>heimernigger WITH 3 MILLION POINTS BY THE WAY loses to Yasuo so botside is completely uncontestable
>lose all dragons
>lose all towers
>lose all hope
>shit talked by enemy lux all game
>win anyways because this is a

then you have the fucking AUDACITY to type "well played <3" after you lose?





also props to this Nasus who won lane and didn't type a single word. just played the game and did well. may God protect him from all evil Amen. all of this for +23LP just kill me irl
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Low masters is unironically the worst elo in the game. Every game is determined by coinflips. Its amazing, really.
I don't understand the changes that've been made post 2012 after I stopped playing. don't have to buy wards, why? was buying wards too much? why is jungle so piss easy? not the ganking part but the mobs itself, you just shred them. why does fucking client keep making noises in background? I'd disable the sound but then it makes queue pop soundless too. how to remove these constant noises?
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get rekt faggots LOL! all me
niice another game you win by doing nothing
way to go sis you show 'em
I can't win when every game is won or lost in champ select. Low masters has so many monkeys thinking they can play ADC top/mid and utterly fail because they have no understanding of the game. They go even and act surprised when we all get bursted down.

If we get an actual team comp, we win. If we get adc monkey playing mid, we lose. Its really that simple.
yes i activated my circles and the enemy activated their circles and my team (mostly due to my circles) ended up winning yet again... most curious
I've grown to really admire how consistently you shove into everyone's faces that ranked is, for the most part, entirely a farce. Everyone says more or less the same thing with different words and expressions but here you are showcasing the obvious for the blind. All over the internet, you have this endless deluge of meaningless posts featuring someone's ranked game, replete with theorycrafting and finger pointing and how it somehow matters because it's for points. It always is and always has been a coinflip and not just for this game. Your skill merely factors into pure luck and you can say that I am coping and that I am a shitter but deep down, you know me and this Seraqueen is right

Only, she's not 17.
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I had some good games but we lost.. early break im too tired
Tomorrow I come back stronger
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Why is this bunny showing me its asshole?
took me a bit to realize you weren't referring to your Icon. Good thing that circle is there. Phew. seriously
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Poppy is made for Garen
Vex is made for Viego
Lulu is made for Darius
Tristana is made for Draven
Female Yordles are made to please human men
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If I masturbate to Jinx and then kill myself, it means I spend the afterlife fucking her forever, right?
actually suprising how hard this game fell of though
also like what is aurora supposed to even do? shes just a bunch of flashy lights
even briar had more hype than her
How come Namis heal does not make her mana bar decrease at all anymore, I remember when if you spammed her W you'd be out of mana pretty quickly
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take a look at this butte
Riot had to nerf her E 50 times because she was making lucian and brand stupidly broken and they had to compensate somewhere else because otherwise she would be just garbage.
I dunno, go find out yourself. Keep us updated.
I was told twice by this Morde to kill myself. He had a fun little creative way of saying it too!
Summertime yoneeeeee
Wow that's very nice!!
yep.. fische butte
Let me guess, that Darius was pissed.
Fuck off Poppy
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>Zyra on enemy team makes it impossible to engage on anything
>Mastery level 313 Zyra on my team dies to every engage without putting up a fight
can i really play vlad bot he has a 44.8% win percentage on u.gg there in 279 games
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please don't
if you play
>any male yordle
>sissy champions
>gay champions
>quickplay unironically
I already know you're ugly irl and therefore all you say is holds no weight, so you better shut the fuck up and not post anything.
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>nilah top
>a yi that claims he s challenger and goes 2/11 against bronze and iron players
>someone locked in nilah top
>yasuo that runs it down because a smolder (the champ that scales off minion kills) took some creep from him
>someone opened league of legends selected the top lane role and locked in nilah
maybe you guys are onto something about this losersq thing
also nilah in the top lane is not very good i feel
why mention yone 4 times
nice salty teemo webm
He wants the Yone! poster's attention.
I was going to say windshitters but Yasuo is miles above Yone it would be unfair to put they in the same tier
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>"losersq doesn't exist, its just a coincidence you got a platinum I Jarvan jg on the other side on your gold I account"
>"while on a 6-win strike"
>"stop being paranoid"
Go fuck yourself riot, you fucking cocksuckers
People that pick Yasuo in swarm should be shot in the fucking mouth.
sometimes i just have to look away from the monitor
I dont know what that means, are you on about the shitty quality?
he's so good he's a jungler without smite
Experienced the Aatrox extreme bug where I didn't get pulled to the pillar in phase 2 so I was perma-slowed into AOE trying to get there and died. Very nice game
Phreak ruined this game
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is there a fucking list of no-no words that make you muted for a god damn week? welcome back to league enjoy your stay
I said RAPE, as in "NASUS GONNA RAPE US" is this offensive now? is rape not a real thing and you can't say it? how else do I describe what overfed nasus who removes half my hp with his Q will do to us as? also got the same warning for the word "autist" holy shit if someone warned me beforehand you can't use chat anymore I wouldn't download this dog ass game but now I'm hooked
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>I said RAPE, as in "NASUS GONNA RAPE US" is this offensive now? is rape not a real thing and you can't say it? how else do I describe what overfed nasus....
Overfed Nasus
>wtf I said a word that would very obviously get me in trouble and I got in trouble?!?!?!?!? wtf is this???
Either you're 10 or you are playing coy as if you don't know what can get you in trouble. (hint: everyone sees through it)
>shilling for riot this hard
fuck off retard mongoloid, people diss blizzard for hardcore chat moderation but never in my life did I get muted for 7 weeks in wow for saying 'rape'

I'm gonna rape your ass btw let's see what trouble you'll get me in for saying this dumb shill faggot
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Keep crying because you read agreed to a TOS and then broke it you fucking driveling fool.
If you unironically need a list of words you shouldn't say in an online video game maybe online video games aren't for you. Or social interaction either for that fact you autist.
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vau! i am goldt!
who the fuck is this ugly ass bitch
get her off
that'll be a month of mute for you
How do you carry when you're insanely fed by 20 minutes? Moving from lane means your opponent will bounce back, doing objectives is kinda meh
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- Your champion with the highest mastery
- Your rank
- When you started playing league of legends
- First skin you bought

For me:
>Ahri - I was always interested in her and loved her style. She was the first champion I played ever and K/DA was the original reason I started playing. She will always be my main no matter how bad she is (mastery 13)
>Bronze. I only recently started playing ranked after all these years so I suppose I need to climb out of the starting ranks.
>Started playing when K/DA came out, so in 2019
>K/DA Ahri
>say anything referring to myself like "you fucked me hard with that ping" or "fuck I'm ass"
>as long as people report you, it auto-detects the "fuck" and gives you a punishment
enjoy legal legends
>kayn because he is edgy and the boy champ
>2 years ago
>snow moon kayn
>twitch - across multiple accounts i have played so much twitch i dont even know where my mastery lies at, really
>i started playing in like season 3 or 4 i can't exactly remember
>definitely not blitzcrank. i like his funny nose.
also i'm single btw ladies...?
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Started S5
No idea
- Your champion with the highest mastery
>21 or something
- Your rank
>current emerald, peak masters (there was no GM at the time)
- When you started playing league of legends
>sona release, so 2010~
- First skin you bought
>white mage veigar
>meta is just everyone playing adchud
thank you phreak
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>divine soraka
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>Seraphine OTP
>hovering emerald-diamond
>when Jarvan came out
>probably Dragonslayer Vayne
it's not even people reporting you, the game muted me AUTOMATICALLY which it literally stated in my notification
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Swain, Soraka (though overall Soraka sweeps)
Unranked (was silver for years)
Season 6 (i think)
Flashy fighters bundle (refunded)
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>over 24 hours since lolg crush last logged in
it's so over bros she's not gonna log in for months I can already tell
goodnight morg bros
why does CHUDIEGO sneed to be invincible during hispassive
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jeggy pls..
well there are words like that, there was so drama over it sometime back, but any bad words if reported even if not referring to other people will get you rekt, frankly I think even if you talk in your "party", and anything is said thats reportable, it will get you in trouble
How do i take it to the next lvl with my lolg crush?
links to all up to date infographics?
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Who was it? Probably a 2nd account.
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What compels riot to put sub 45% wr players in my games after i struggle to climb a division? These niggas are dropping double digit deaths before i can even get an item.
Doesnt matter if i get ahead in lane or stay even when a veigar can just flash ult kill me from full hp from how much he ate in lane or a bruiser/tank just facetanks and runs me down like a dog.
>What compels riot to put sub 45% wr players in my games
loser's queue
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>Poppy - No idea when it happened. It used to be Briar, but I haven't been playing her as much recently. But still, I didn't notice that I was playing Poppy so much
>Unranked - I never play ranked in any game
>December last year
>Super Galaxy Annie - I now have 253 skins
its not you, it happens to everyone, people make fun of you and troll you because you are a stupid narcissist who thinks hes the only person that experiences losers queue
what level are you at?
>lvl1 being cute in thread
>lvl2 duo
>lvl 3 vc
>lvl 4 non-lol related games/activities
level 0
find a lolg crush
Challenger stuck in silver cuz bad team :)
during Annieversary
Uhhhh I think my brother bought me dragonblade Talon iirc
add your lolg crush and ask to duo
imagine being that much of a subhuman that your [F]lash isn't binded to [F]
Age old topic.
I kinda want to goon to irelia rn
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>Draven - I love the "loud narcissistic egomaniac" archetype, and I think playing fed Draven is the most fun thing in this game bar none.
>Unranked because I cba playing Ranked at the moment, got Gemerald 4 last season
First played after Dota Reborn released, came back for good right after Aphelios' release
Cyberpop Zoe because she was my OTP for the first year of me playing
I kind of want to get high noon yone on sale but I don't want to give Riot money :(
ive spent $5000+ on league
wish i could check how much exactly
Its worth it you will feel really good trust
piggy-sama... I kneel
euw jinx would never go in there, better scale
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>nami misclicks next to draven and walks instead of AA
this is why you hold left shift lads
>Draven - I love the "loud narcissistic egomaniac" archetype
isn't draven's whole shtick that despite being all loud and annoying he's really insecure and depends on others' validation?
isn't that all narcissists?
only the retarded ones that lack self awareness

a smart narcissist is generally someone that knows what they want out of life and they're pleasant to co-operate with (on the assumption that you have similar goals) because a smart narcissist understands that rewarding people for their effort is a logical necessity to acquire their consistent support
no? not a single voiceline even hints at insecurity, not in lol or lor
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his passive literally builds stacks of adoration (of his fans) which he loses on death
that's literally betting
he cashes out bets because his fans bet on him getting a kill and not dying
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Probably the types who ship Draven with Soraka or something, he has an ego because he knows what he wants and what he likes and is good at what he does.
People are also attracted to those types hence him having fans and others who just roll with it around him.
he's vince mcmahon of noxus
in ruination event he got pissed that fans started cheering against him because it ruins his ratings and massively hurts his image of the glorious executioner, the most skilled gladiatior of the arena, not because he needs validation
Me? I like neckbeards into metal.
Stop doing that.
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>constant attention seeking
>constantly bragging and boasting about himself
why would a man brag and boast and advertise his identity/ego so much IF NOT for the validation of others? being extremely confident in one's talent and abilities don't necessitate an unhealthy obsession with image. Clearly he loves being admired being famous and having fans AND gets pissed off when his fans turn around on him
Aaah, so hot...
>character is confident
>"uhh it must be attentionseeking and insecurity!"
really says a lot about the average poster here
How do I cope being 26yo loser while people of my age have jobs, women and some even participate in olympics. This is supposed to be life peak satisfaction
because that's his signature persona, his brand, his calling card, whatever you want to call it
>character is confident
>character won't stop jerking himself off
literally not the same thing at all. It's like actually just being rich and successful vs being an internet mogul like andrew tate whose entire identity is that he's a rich big strong man who won't shut the fuck up about it
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get a job and participate in olympics
why is this nigga bringing up andrew tate
are lolg niggas ok in the head?
>heel showman, the john cena but 10 times more popular, probably top 5 richest people in all of noxus
>uhhh why is he so loud? is he insecure??
He's bragging because he is objectively better than a lot of people in Noxus which he is. People cheer and go with his flow because they see that and agree. Even if he has noone, I think just his brothers approval would be more than enough.
>make a completely reasonable comparison
>ayo why this nikka timmy bring up andrew tate yo is this nigga mad in the head chat
actual arguing capacity of a 6 years old
>Even if he has noone, I think just his brothers approval would be more than enough.
draven is the andrew tate of champs tbf
I'm the draven of draven
>compare a character to your internet celebrity nobody knows the character of outside of your incel circle
>brooo why are you not engaging with my 1:1 comparison
Aaah, please stop... I'm going to
kek you're actually delusional if you're stooping retarded low enough to call me an andrew tate instead of just responding to how similar he is to draven
>was too busy calling my jungler slurs in champselect
>couldn't dodge in time
flew too close to the sun lads...
When is the last time you showered you slob? <3
an andrew tate fan*
nobody knows andrew tate's personality or whatever you are even trying to argue about at this point outside of your incel circles
I'm sure you're also young and naive and innocent enough that your mind couldn't imagine the personality of the average internet mogul

all show all brag constantly talking about how successful they are while doing little to nothing else meaningful

but yeah something something "my incel circles" kek
You guys keep making these claims, but i'm not seeing any proof!
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Another Day. Another Dollar.
tate and draven do have one thing in common which is an absolutely cringy fanbase
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thanks for being on my* side pookie

(the side of facts and logic)
yтpeнний пидop
I wanna put my penis in that
I miss chadman
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Morning king, glad to see you back
Maybe a bit later, I am running it down with miss fortune on main right now
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Now that the dust has settled, why did the Skarner rework flop so hard?
I said it flopped and someone yelled at me, can't be asked with people who eat anything up at this point really.
I don't think it did man, that fucking faggot can straight jump into the enemy team and drag you back into their nexus turrets
I too was a skarner main before the rework.
>It flopped because...uhhhh I said so
>it didn't flop because it's more popular! muh playrate!
>*skarner drops to same playrate as preVGU*
>uhhh.... ummmm errr emrmmmmm.... it didn't flop!!!! fuck you fuck you fuck YOU!!!!!
I wanna suck on them...
imagine getting crushed by those massive melons
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Careful, they're sensitive.

I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
they're about to burst out
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They're being contained by the magical fabric of the blue board. If only there were somewhere else.
hnngggh nice boobies ma'am
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Just genetics, but thanks!
too much sloppa spam
>API broken
>profiles don't update
nigger who was wishing for it to happen yesterday - kys
would you rather have a tilted top that vents in chat, shittalks everyone, is completely annoying but doesn't give up and is still fully playing to win in your ranked game or a tilted top that's deafened, is basically soft inting because its just not fun any more and wants to go next asap?
>"I'm sorry Sona, but I don't think this relationship will work out cuz I like girls with small tits. Sorry."
not enough sloppa spam desu
>t. Gwen's BF
please take us somewhere else...
Stay positive /lolg/!
why so low res?
Nice tits, cumdump.
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we 5th pick sivir into kai'sa pyke it's very good we can win this retarded baboon should not get shot irl
retarded orangutan nigger shitskin
Now that the dust has settled, why did the Volibear rework flop so hard?
>character intentionally nuked to ship big changes to his kit
>Now that the dust has settled, why did the Volibear rework flop so hard?
Dont care, Skarner rework flopped harder
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Filename is a code that'll take us out of here. There isn't much time before they pop.
>champion literally just came out
>already needs big changes
very promising! he'll surely unflop this time
>roam on crash
>adc walks up and dies instead of waiting for wave to come in
every time man, even in dia+
when do adcs become human?
he was literally meta for 2 months straight
big flop indeed!
si senor?
too shy....
Yeah, sure. I'll dm it when I'll be up to play league
I fucking hate reworks, old champions have a unique feel and Riots wants to do away with simple kits
>support """accidentally"" last hits my blue
>I am useless for the rest of the game
kek get fucked on kid
Aww, that's alright, anon. There wouldn't be any expectations just so you know, promise! I'll just show you a bunch of things and you can do whatever you want with them. I don't need a performance. Keep it in mind!
iron anon?
No smite?
i want to keep playing gwen today but there are already too many gwen players..
you can smite while walking away to have your pet kill it sometimes, the sup shouldnt be there at that point anyway so it's just griefing
chadbow chadmer x chadbit chad
the /lolg/ moggers, any other pairing kneels before them
You need to stop comparing yourself with others. What's done is done.
Also those sports people probably had their lives curated by their parents who could afford their children to grind 8 hours everyday to grind and eat optimally to be the best just like Taylor Swift and other manufactured success.
You need to look at what you have and what you can realistically do based on your current position. Reduce Lux's ult cooldown.
arent you iron 4?
U trans?
U alittle jealous of her m8?
Alittle jealous of her being briar and u being a man m8?
If i start on a buff when im jungling i always save smite for the 2nd camp, unironically anyone that helps leash the camp always leave around 300-500hps before it's in smite range so they slow down my clear considerably, some people leave at around the 600hp mark, it's quite slow from 600hp to 0 hp depending what jungler you're playing but i like to think smiting the 2nd camp saves some time rather than smiting the first camp and just taking longer on the 2nd camp, that blue buff gets you like one extra abilitly (at level 2) use on the 2nd camp and nothing else, some pro's probably know whats faster but im not that into LoL to care beyond this
you can always try another game for more complicated kits
>i always save smite for the 2nd camp
most retarded thing you can do, your first camp is the slowest since you only have one ability unless you start raptors
the other game has way simpler characters though
one button 3 passives, 2 of which are RNG dependant
>most retarded thing you can do
>is not read my post in it's entirety!
I said i get a leash.
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?? idk what alternate dimension you niggers live in to say this, it feels like listening to a liberal speak
jax pantheon mordekaiser olaf all champions that got DOGSHIT reworks that kept them braindead cancer instead of making them champs for humans. they refuse to change garen or trannymere. if anything they are jerking off simple kits
leashing is basically griefing since bot can't contest push and will be behind in level up timers all lane. if they come to leash you should always ping them back. also even if you get leashed my point still stands
the asol rework made him simpler than ever albeit
Old Pantheon was fucking amazing to play
leashing is horribly outdated and should never ever be done anymore, hate how its still a thing
its partially why i only play junglers that start raptors, players are too unintelligent to save themselves from leashing otherwise
>don't leash
>stand there watching the minions roll in without hitting them because why push the wave
wow i'm sure glad i got extra time for this
How is life down there in Bronze? Nice weather?
original comment award #43247234
>win the game because my jungler got an extra 20 dmg on his blue buff (me being behind in lane doesn't matter because I'm playing in iron)
its free prio for the team who doesn't leash
>google how to play against yorick
>says don't fight him with maiden up
>pretty much don't fight him at all
>google how to play against illaoi
>says don't fight her after she ults
>google how to play against mordekaiser
>says don't fight him 1v1
>google how to play against trundle
>says don't fight him 1v1
>says don't even fight him 3v1 unless you can spam cc and outrange him
so what are you ACTUALLY doing with all this extra time sitting in the bush with no minions in the lane
top lane is fun :^)
Even Iron players aggressively push the wave and rush level 2/3 in 2024
legit just spectate any game in diamond+ and check whether leashing is worth
you should come to the right conclusion after seeing 5 random games in that elo
Why not just play Renek, Jayce, Darius, Garen or Quinn or..... and kill his ass before level 6?
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i just cant keep up farm while ganking playing jungle help
The players yearn for the leash leash.
I'm q-ing the junglers raptors as Soraka now btw.
you know EXACTLY fucking why
Sex! I wanna have sex! Just let me have sex already !
just don't keep up in farm
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watch sinerias, aribo, malice
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do you need a seat ma'am?
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only 1 good skin here...
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Yes thank you
janna, zyra and nami
I hate how Riot always shills me waifu skins in the shop
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I really like that annie skin... Zyra is also really good, Nami is tempeting...
just play better lil nigga
Why? Just say it lil bro
Annie rework when?
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Another S+ on Sona :)
I love being a support <3
give me one good reason to not first time diana jg
i'm pretty sure there's a genshin bitch that looks exactly like that
I expect at least one out of the way handy by my Sona supports.
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well done babe
watch Agurin instead
play a real fucking champ lmao
>whether leashing is worth
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Which champ do you play?
Ekko jg
Based Wukang player
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ha ha

ha ha ha ha!
somehow i always quit this game for the same reason. at first i'm addicted as hell and don't know how to quit. i suck, i admit. but at least i know all champs and their skills and basic strats. but i'm in bronze. and in bronze there are too many annoying people. they tilt, they flame, they leave their lane. they do the weirdest 1v4s in late game. it's like playing in a kindergarden where people have tantrums, random actions that dont make sense. and they always take their anger out on you. and over time it just becomes too much and i quit. it usually takes 1-2 weeks of suffering, but then i just can't click "play" anymore and then after 9 months i come back when i forgot why i left.
imagine if people could just behave like adults and not 4 year old brats.
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Is lolg mature enough to admit Yasuo is the best design in this game?
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watch ekko the neeko
ignore this american midwit video >>487701696
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If you the win,
pick Seraphine!
I find Pyke better, but Yasuo is a close second.
why is his name not ekko the neko
the esl adds to the cuteness
duality of bronze adc's:
a) first time league of legends player
b) aggressive tryhard who gets 20 kills
there's now inbetween
probably 90% of bronze adc's are autofilled anyways
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i was just bronze 2 last week and now im silver 3..
good job cutie
*pats u on the head*
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thanks anon! ill keep doing my best!
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>faerie court seraphine
i could...
if you do, anons would worship you
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i have blue sg sera tho
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This lux skin with chromas is one of the best in the game... don't care what Aurae has to say about it...
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suffers from Sera's terrible base rig but it's still cute and the splash art for your profile is worth it
also holy fuck is there anybody who plays anything but enchanters in here?
whats up with people in emerald 4? I just came back after like 4 seasons away and damn, it reminds me of diamond 5
I'm in the presence of a queen
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I said it was great with chromas...
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>play fill so I don't hear any excuses of anyone being autofilled
>ally picks ashe jungle and ints
Dark Elementalist lux makes my pp hard
Ily qikami
grats babe, here's your reward https://postimg.cc/SYjKTF0d
Okay, quite based then... I got spellthief in my last skin shard a few days ago, always thought it was one of the best splasharts in the game... Really like it... I wish less exuberant skins had more soul like this one...
>"pro" retards still trying to make Zeri work without yuumi
I'm so glad that Riot balances the entire game around brainlets who can only play 2 champions per season
They stopped making cheap but still nice skins, now the cheap stuff is stuff with reusable/lazy vfx or texture. The last time they made decent cheap skin was the plague doctor singed and mask kayle stuff.
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Thanks! And another S but this time in ranked :)
I know I'm only bronze but me and adc had 0 deaths. Also mastery 6 on Sona now <3
blitzcrank is so useless in low elo
you just stand there watching your adc get poked to death non-stop by some lux, velkoz or zyra shitter
cutelow sona.. my dick....
Hi anon!

Yeah that's a shame...
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bronze is niggalow
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we love leona we love leona
we love leona we love leona
Omg qikami responded...
Economically I think perhaps that would be a suicide due to inflation thesedays, in terms of modeling and using those skills to clothe champions, I believe that is being used to pump skins for wild rift at an incredible rate. No point yearning about the past and the inevitable.
I love sonasluts
there's nothing implying that sona player is a slut
niggalow is emerald
WHERE is my wife why hasn't she logged in for nearly two days now
bronze to emerald is niggalow
I wanna die like this.
plays sona
all sona players are sluts, especially this one
if I get inted one more time in euw I am fucking moving to china to become a huya streamer billionaire there
cost 1 blue to swap to middle east server rn do it get yourself a halal aisha waifu while at it too
I know that feel brotha.
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