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Sona Edition

>Current & Upcoming Content
[New Champion] Aurora, the Witch Between Worlds
[Anima Squad] Illaoi, Aurora, Yasuo, Xayah, Seraphine (Legendary), Miss Fortune (Mythic Variant), Yuumi (+Prestige) & Leona (+Prestige)
[Primordian] Bel'Veth, Briar, Rek'Sai & Aatrox (Legendary)

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/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters

Previous: >>487619947
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reminder that Nami is warm
I smite insta so it's off cd faster
wtf i just made a new discord account today to get milked by an anon and this is my pfp
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>pick Seraphine bot
>support, jungle and mid proceed to pick AP
nice game
i'm mord btw
why don't team complainers just play fighting games instead?
milk please
once 2XKO comes out im never touching league again
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Stay positive /lolg/!
im sona btw
what is an acceptable rank
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they put me in loser's queue so I became the loser's queue
>team always forces me to pick an engage
>lock in a squishy scaler and tell my team I refuse to be the engage
>someone else finally picks an engage
you have to play this game like a sociopath
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Good morning /lolg/!

>Silver and Gold – most players fall within these ranks, so they're considered the “average” ranks. Platinum, Emerald, and Diamond – players at this rank have a solid grasp of advanced gameplay and strategy, and have likely put a lot of hours into LoL. Platinum is considered a very respectable rank.19 jan. 2024
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Harada already answered that
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Stay positive /lolg/!
>everyone else around me is a socio
>therefore it is okay if I, too, am a socio
fighting games are low iq
fighting games are entirely muscle memory. it's pesudo-skill. prove me wrong.
gameplay sucks
dale, don't you have a bitch to pay child support to?
she's so pretty
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Because then they wont be able to deflect blame to someone else

Instead of reflecting on themselves losers just want an excuse to blame their lack of skill
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love you queen <3
>Reminds me of that pick comparing RTS to ASSFAGGOTS where everyone complained about the clutch not doing his job
>midlane asks to swap
>say ok
>can't split push as a midlaner
I'm legit "high elo" in every 1v1 and PvE game I've ever touched but I keep bashing my head into trying to climb at league
I'm definitely the problem but it's not mechanics or macro or anything like that, there's just something that makes it hard for me to cooperate with idiots I don't know
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so true...
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>high elo
>PvE game
chinese botnet osrs farmer ass nigga shut yo shit up
yes. I'm going to play the champs I want at least once in my life
u talking to a motherfucker with 3.4k chess puzzle rating nigga shut your negro ass up that's like 600 lp master in lol
I was top 2000 flappy bird lower your voice when you speak to me
who did riot make such a perfect champion?
if you think youre actually intelligent because you can play this game then youre truely lost
Get behind me, satan.
nobody mentioned intelligence, your inferiority complex is showing
How do I queue for swarm to play with others? Or is it not possible?
>get a pentakill
>forever lost because niggers at riot can't keep fucking match history up
Yeah it's weird. I lost a game earlier too.
you invite them stupid
beat story mode and select matchmaking island on map screen
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That and reflex based mixed with knowledge checks.
they're very fun but while i'm bretty good at them i've never been able to get higher than Platinum in league.
looks hotter as a trans
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Why is playing a toplane bully so much fun?
is diamond hard to climb nowadays? what'd you say are something all diamonds have in common when it comes to the actual game
who is this semen demen?
How do I get the event exclusive chromas once the event is over?
Essence Emporium?
>what'd you say are something all diamonds have in common when it comes to the actual game
a lot of soloq games played (99% of diamond+ players play soloq on a daily basis on atleast one of their accounts)
>puzzle rating
ell emm ah oh
Oh makes sense cause I haven't finished the 4 maps yet.
diamond playesr are emerald shitters with slightly better mechanics
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you sound jealous
I think you don't if it's over, though if you mean like holiday event skin maybe in holiday?
fighting games are a genre that requires conscious effort
most people THINK theyve given fighting games a genuine shot but literally just bought a fighter on launch and played a few ranked games thinking theyll "learn as they play" like they did to learn shooters and mobas not knowing its impossible to learn fighters that way
theres always more to improve theres always matchup knowlege to brush up on and theres no one to blame but yourself when you lose
so casuals hate it cause they cant admit theyre just not that sweet and think they should just be good at the game with minimal effort
2XKO is going to be a rude awakening for riot since they picked the stupidest fuxking genre to put their money into and not plat fighters who are ACTUALLY casualbait
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You can't unless they do another Anima squad event and bring them back. Like how they brought the first wave (eg Jinx) chromas back for this event
It's a PsyOps chroma...
I do have an inferiority complex wanna duobot and call me a dog?
I do play fighting games. I've never even played league. I just clicked on this thread for the coombait.
is profane the best hydra for waveclear?
i miss winter map bros
how do you even find the time to play league when you're pwning all these noob puzzles
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MOBAs are way harder than fighting games

t. SFV enjoyer, Tekken 8 liker, Slurm rush hater
emporium is only for basic chromas. event chromas are special and can only be gotten in the event shop at the time, or when the skinline returns for a following event
I missed that tiffany and co crystal rose swain chroma from the sports drop, genuinely upsets me not having part taken in getting that.
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you're wrong
t. wc3 dota beta tester, s4 league master peaker, T7-T8 tekken enjoyer that never got into the good ranks
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i mainly use default skins desu theyre just better
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I spent 200 hours raider gb+ grab spamming in for honor
I would trade you if I could. I was hoping to get the zyra one but rolled swain instead
Same, this game should also get a beach SR map.
>s4 league master peaker

What does that even mean? That game didn't have any ranks or titles like "master"
>no one on the team has a cutesy egirl name
it's over
I miss arcade map
master and challenger were added in s3
>go in moba
>pick shit character
>teammates get fed
>go in fighter
>pick shit character
he's doing funny wordplay because there was a dogshit korean game called s4 league
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you're not talking about the actual game named S4 league?
what is your elo in league today?
chimp, challenger was added in season 3 and masters was added in season 4 because people in d1 were suffering lp clamping if challenger filled

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It's owari desu... I'm hovering at 50-75lp...
bronze is unplayable man. every match you get a troll. then you think "whatever, just go next". then you get a troll again, you think "well happens, next" then you get a troll again...
it's not like they troll from the start right away. it's always just that they realize they lose their lane after 5 minutes and then they roam, steal your jungle and do other shit.
ofc right now i think "well, happens, next" and then i queue up again and get trolled again.
but hey, at least they chat ban people for saying mean words.
also in the last 10 matches i had at least 5 ap champs going adc. and ofc they always lose.
maybe i should just troll too. but the problem with not trying to climb is that i'll be hardstuck with people who troll and i'll never get to play "normal" games. seriously man, i just want to play normal games, i want people to at least try. i keep waiting for those matches, but they are so rare. sad.
>Go in moba
>pick meta champ
>lose because you weren't goo enough to carry your team

>go in fighter
>pick meta character
>stomp little timmy for picking a shit character
canca saison fucking canca seison
just get good and jungle, if you're mentally disabled (all bronzes are) then there is no hope, just play whatever gives you the most fun
>kekken 8
all kuso play a real game lil nigga
pick eve and learn optimised camp pathing, farm until 6 and autowin until diamond gg
SFV was KAMIGE, best fightan ever made, nothing else came close

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already tried that. but desu i dont want to carry. i dont play to climb, i play to have fun. and there's no fun in trying hard to carry trolls. i just want some time off. i like trying to win, but i don't want to super tryhard. i also never troll because i dont find it fun.
Not him but is Jungle actually good for climbing? Is Heca a good pick? I got the skin in my vault
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Incredible you didnt just get I meant league seeing its comparing fighting games to mobas, Icefrog was a mysterious lil fun dude and I think I was one of the first people to even play Invoker, ever
emerald, I'm not bothering to play 10 games a day to grind in this ecosystem of poluted toxic thrash that instathrows the game the moment they see anything non-meta
nigga had 2k games in a season
i heckin love farming
its easy when the game is fun
How the fuck do I check the damage/shielding/healing of a support item post game?
Is the only option to check the fucking replay?
i wish i was like that. i'm not autistic enough to neetmax and climb in games, and not normal enough to have a job.
>something all diamonds have in common
inting, tilting, egos
Reminds of of The Hero Luka. The guy had 2k game and was still stuck in silver.
It's was a huge deal back then because of the free skin and border.
>Monster Girl Quest username
>Hardstuck silver
Truly, a man who never found his Alice...
jungle is great for climbing if you play for yourself and there are multiple heca main/otps in chall rn so play what you want rlly most important thing is learning fundamentals
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I love nostalgia browsing, I'll even give you some examples of what was fun
>on click fear
>blood blood boil with cdr let you keep the buff on 2 people at the same time
holy shit briar is bad in swarm
are there egirls on the middle east server?
>middle east
nta but jungle is too stressful. I'm climbing but it's just not worth it
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Are mountain climbers a meme for cardio ? Is running just better ?
you're on /lolg/ no one here goes outside hiking in nature
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it's the name of an abs exercise you spastic

abdominal exercises for """"cardio"""" is a joke made up by lazy retards who consider doing 20 situps cardio
women aren't even allowed to show their entire face in the middle east, do you really expect them to be playing videogames?
Fat bastard tbskyen deled the sultan gangplank video after everyone called him a retard
morocco and algeria are two of the many countries that are considered to be part of the middle east and both of them contain anorexic egirls that DO play league

t. met some before
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Hunting wabbits
not like i could see them through the screen so why not
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Shut the fuck up.
Remember when the fat dysmorphic freak nickyboi cried on stream when the rioters that made twisted fst and graves gay got fired
Don't think so but it is peaceful and hypnotic when the environment is serene which is where people typically hike and climb. Going hiking somewhere tomorrow.
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lmfao wtf is this nigger shit
I've kinda been thinking that because how little impact I have otherwise. Is there a good list or tier list regarding junglers and their 1v1 potential at zero kills and certain level?
>*account restricted*
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Briar won
>tune into agurin's hecking wholesome stream
>he flames everytime
this motherfucker is legit more toxic than 90% of "toxic" streamers
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i give up with this game mode. map 3 the frogs just fuck me with their aoe. gg riot.
i wouldnt worry about meta below master tier, just learn to play
this guy is currently 1752LP (rank 5) on korea as a heca OTP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_B4or0H26Dw
Won the loser contest
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post some nice art lolg, don't leave me hanging
How's Elise anon? Thanks for spoonfeeding me
>filtered by STORY MODE
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Just pick Briar and its easy. Dont forget to upgrade the skills
Get fucked disruptive player
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very cute ahri, one of her best skins
thank you for your submission
Retard spotted
wtf norra has a 3d model?
From tft soon summoner’s rift
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>enemy botlaner bullied me in allchat
Skarner pickrate plummeted to pre rework levels.
I refuse to believe there's this many masochists on lolg
only when I drink too much coffee bro I swear it's the caffeine
>nerf him to 45% winrate
>wtf why is no one playing him???
really? what went wrong?
sona players are NOT slutty
I love this little freak
He's a toxic retard, most of these '''wholesome''' streamers are. He's right about bardinette though.
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Friendly reminder to taunt the enemy team in all chat when they fuck up. This will destroy their morale and improve your chances to win!
>sona players are NOT slutty
>sona player plays into anon's humiliation fetish merely 2 posts later
coincidence? I thinks not
thanks, you mute skank!
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Ahri and Femsuo
Some champs still see play after big nerfs. Winrate doesn't mean shit.
Even at the peak of his popularity he still wasn’t that high on the list. It’s not surprising that making him suck lowered it even more
How come people like Rek'sai but not Skarner?
idk I personally find skarner to a weird ass motherfucker, when there's a reksai on my/enemy team I can more or less guesstimate what they're gonna do next and play accordingly but skarner is just bare mentally unstable unpredictable and a threat to not only himself but also everyone around him
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Its Briday
Briar flopped
People don't like Reksai either. People don't even remember she exists until she's broken or whenever they want to whinge about Kai'sa being humanoid and how that ruins the Void
having sexual intercourse with female or female presenting league of legends players who pick the champion sona - the maven of the strings
Why do league players have bad memory?
Making Briar wear flip flops
I like both but Skarner is easier to play in roles that aren’t jungle and he is my boy
Skarner was broken and got rightfully gutted. If anything it shows how many test tube metaslave NPCs exists in this game.
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shes best girl
>anons like to be contradictory
no way
Would Vlad have sex with Briar?
It's been a while since I played league and I want to get back into it but with the new vanguard shit I'm unsure if I can use Blitz. Is Blitz still safe to use or will it get me banned because of vanguard?
if you can play nidalee you can play elise and viceversa, they play very similar with the exception of spear and spider being on different ability slots, but they all come down to hit spider and stun or hit spear/trap > press q and e > press r > press w,q,e as nidalee or w,q,e(optional) as elise
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I really like these story bits for the Swarm stuff. Wish there was a way to reread some of them cause I skipped the first few thinking they weren't much.

Briar is adorable in them.
Briar is his daughter so thatd be gross
bulking with briar
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They are pretty cute, I think you can find them somewhere still, maybe the wiki
Also pic related
Top lane is so cancer
>Oh you got a bad matchup ? You have to spend the next 20 minutes scraping by, giving up CS, getting freezed on and not being able to touch the wave outside of tower and hope your team carries you

Thanks riot, next time i wont try to interact with my opponent.
nah unironically skill issue

refuses to elaborate any further and leaves
Try playing Irelia into mord after 6 in elo higher than yours(bronze)
Another video where the dysmorphic freak nickyboi cries about people sexualizibg his wholespme championrinos
try playing jesus christ himself into mord after 6 nigga lmfao that nigga is aids to play against just chill out and sit your turret
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I'm going to sexualize you
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who? what?
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Honestly though, is it just grinding to get more upgrades? I'm meant to be playing with friends instead of solo? Cause this shit is ridiculously demanding for a "story mode".
can't argue with this one desu
you will never be an iv bag
toplaners be like damn this role is so shit the better toplaner went 20/0 and 1v9d the game riot buff pls
>playing Sett
>easily BTFO'ing a GAYren abuser
>helping jgl at grubs because I have prio
>enemy jgl and top come to contest
>enemy mid comes too
>my mid only follows after our jgl is dead and I'm half hp
>game is literally now lost because the enemy mid is a faggot y*ne abuser
VERY COOL HAHAHAHA! I hate these faggots who don't want to follow their laner and just ping them missing. Like, we're already committed to taking the objective, FUCKING COME HELP US you stupid zed playing monkey. I bring this up and he says 'shut up you disgusting mutt' so ez report too. Feels GOOD.
another lovely submission
>pro players are taking full ad into malphite
how do they get paid to make these drafts
Norms tonight loligee?
Don't play SHITrelia if you don't have last pick, simple as.
>better toplaner
just anything that scales hard or stacks infinitely tbhdesu
ign? server?
>Bougnoules Corps
>Pro players
They're the absolute bottom of the barrel niggers of the LFL, they're subhuman trash, don't expect anything from those monkeys.
>getting last pick
>picking something you literally cannot interact with because they got last pick
who's axeking?
>be blue side
>ban vayne
>pick garen
>be better top
it's really not that hard nigga ur just coping
*bans GAYren*
what now?
I'm the david goggins of soloq
you will get banned by vanguard if you pick blitz and it has not been banned by other players but if you pick blitz after it has been banned by vanguard you will not be be banned by other players
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>Picks Quinn
What now, faggot?
I dodge gg no re
I gape your nigger asshole
>ban vayne
>they pick quinn
>ban quinn
>they pick cassio
There's just no winning if they want to be a degenerate.
Nickyboi made a 23 video crying about people drawing lilia getting dicked because she is le pure assexual wholesome chungus
did he now...
Also, if you pick GAYren I can just pick Sett or Darius and rape you anyways LMAO.
ok picking cassio is just degenerate, I let the game through and report that pig to interpol
no you can't because I am the better toplaner, you are gigacoping nigger
I rape your asshole if you pick those champs
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I prefer the reverse. Imagine futaLillia, packing heat. Neeko would be destroyed, as would Ahri...
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sejuani mains are like this
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i fuck lillia in her dussy
this shit always backfire lmao
depressed, mentally ill tranny losers? nah. sej players have nothing to do with bodybuilders
god i hate leageu players so much
why cant they ever accept that they made a mistake and have to immediatly flame others? your retarded nocturne ass jumps with plant into krugs(blind) dies becasue 2 people do them which i pinged flames me for not coming when im in base without tp and generally starts blaming the entire game on me and cries in allchat about loser que.
diamond 4 elo btw how are they this delusional? this elo is actually hell ive never been this high before but every game someone trolls/flames its actually so hard to have fun here
>play top
>pick Renekton
>make my opponent equally useless
It's that easy
Why do you care about what youtubers you don't even like or care for talk about?
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you're actually more faggoted than literal homos if you like masculine women
ive edged to the full pic more times than i can count
body goals
Why was he anywhere near sexual pictures of his beloved character?
Because they are trying to ruin art. His suggestion is to make soraka fat and have glowing stretch marks, do you want that?
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it's this skin worth?
I don't care about Soraka or female champs in general so it doesn't affect me.
stroking to league sluts
What top laner do I play when I dont have last pick ? The melee lane is so cucked that no matter what there is always a champion that destroys you in lane.
best xayah skin makes u look better than u are
>Some moron's redesign of a champ is ruining art of that champ somehow
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holy based
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Hey guys, let's play some League of Legends™! Oh boy! Here's how my morning games went:

>First match - Top laner Vi that runs straight down lane and feeds nonstop. ADC Jinx that is so terrible won't even attack enemy champs and just sits under tower farming and dying. Top lane Ashe that refuses to surrender even after Vi disconnects, then starts insulting the two of us that want to surrender.

>Second match - A summoner has disconnected. A summoner has reconnected. A summoner has disconnected. A summoner has reconnected. A summoner has disconnected. A summoner has reconnected. A summoner has disconnected. A summoner has reconnected.

>Third match - Viego jungle decides to never gank a lane and let mid get 2v1'd until they lose both towers, then says that mid didn't need help when it's pointed out. Heimerdinger in top lane starts crying that I'm being mean to our jungler and screaming to report me when I'm carrying as Pyke support.

Fourth match - Finally get a good match with real players. Doing great as Pyke, destroy lane, jungle is doing okay, but.. top lane Teemo vs. Sett feeds. Late game Sett destroys our entire team with absolutely no way to stop him.

This game makes me want to fucking kms bros. I can't even get a single FWOTD for the insulting 50 BE which will take 96 days of logging in to buy one champ.
I hate this retard and his faggot “redesigns” that look all look like shit
Heh, maybe don't pick full AD comp against Malphite and Alistar, dumb niggers.
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>this is the guy yapping about characters being sexualized
I bet both my testicles that his sex drive (and t levels) is so low he seethes at the idea of people enjoying sexuality
I even fucked up the greentext. This game is demonic from hell made by parasitic demonoid reptile faggots that want to harvest our suffering for their life force.
He looks like a younger version of the burger king plane guy.
did you know that a lack of sex drive is a result of low hormone levels in general and not just t
Yes they are, their faggot opinions are the reason why most western games have dogshit art nowadays, the only reason league isnt plagued by fat tranny characters with stretch marks is based tencent.
Also reminder August confirmed all the new champions are comissioned by the suits and this is the reason why most of the champion design team was fired in the beginning of the year. They were trying to push ugly fat champions and the suits demanded slutty bunny mage with fat tits
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hmm this chroma leaves more skin exposed, i like it
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i want to fuck deer and goat pussy until theyre pregnant and then some
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burger king plane guy not only had overall better fit but probably better hairline too
I think non of Xayah's skin is worth, she looks perfectly acceptable playing without skin like Kindred or Kai'sa.

You're supposed to farm BE by levelling up.
Now is also the perfect time for you to farm BE from the event tokens via champ shards too since there's 2 going on at the moment with no Emporium in the horizon to siphon off your BE for other things.
So the suits demanded to add Ambessa and Smolder to the game?
He has terrible teeth, I know because I used to do this face instead of smiling until I got braces
>support '''accidentally''' picks Lee Sin
>'oh woops, I'm support!'
>he doesn't fucking dodge and spare everyone else
>no one else dodges either
>enemy botlane is draven/leona
I LOVE THAT SOMEONE GETS TO DO THIS WITH ZERO REPERCUSSIONS HAHA! It's awesome shitting all over the enemy midlaner just for the draven with a fucking bloodthirster at 9 mins in and Leona to come buttfuck me!
Super Galactic and Spirit Blossom are absolute Kinovideography.
Especially Spirit Blossom.
Ambessa is a promotional character for the cartoon. Smolder's design got fired before he was even released lmao
Pretty sure skins for already established shillmon champs make most of the revenue for Riot. Better to just make a Lux skin than try to make a new champ the next big success.
i like her tits
>9 minute BT
>on draven
weak. this guy is ass, you could easily carry
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yes I did know that which is why I specified "sex drive AND t levels"

anyways overall low hormone levels is directly linked to being a fat fucking faggot because you literally have more mass (and thereby blood) in your system which dilutes the fuck out of your hormones to the point where your body can't produce enough to keep up with your obesity

doesn't really make him any less of an ugly balding fat numale cucklord faggot though
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>Don't take Nash
>Don't kill anyone
BDS you absolute nigger choking fucks!
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what's wrong with finding characters sexually appealing? it's human. who is this meant to appeal to? men and women both like sexy things
Not with a fucking Leona mommying me.
Aurora failed despite having a normalfag tier visual design. Barely see her ingame or anyone talking about her. Even the fanart has a drought currently.
that's digital rape you chud
you ran out of aurora porn to beat it to?
arena is really not fun when you get a bronze 3 shaco as a teammate. bro uses his q second 1 to jump into the enemy. no thought behind those eyes
How do I better my hormones? I'm skinnyfat. And no, weightlifting does not increase test but actually the opposite over time
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you're supposed to duo with your bf sis
He calls himself assexual and seeths about characters having sexual characteristics. I dont which is worse, hik, or tbskyen who wants to make every female character fat and wear a hijab and at the same time he thinks the buff bbc gay man is peak character design
Unless you don't eat, sleep and lift 6 hours a day, weightlifting WILL immensely increase your T levels you dumb fucking cuck.
You don't see her in game because she has a 50% banrate lol
its the only ,,fun mode'' thats actually fun tho and sometimes you gotta q in alone. but then you may get the bronze shaco
Some don't like spirit blossom because she doesn't have the mask and is human when discussing this with other people here, I also agree with those people.
post league sluts
Its mainly the waifufags and coomers that hate those two.
>50% banrate
holy shit
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Go back to trooncord
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idfk bro I've been on steroids for the last 2 years of my life my body don't even produce that shit anymore
Yeah, but she's hot. Lapmbussy is the best.
i havent played tft in 3 sets im exited(excited?) for the new set!
Smolder is my favorite champion
now show her ass
>Ksante is peak character design
Bro is the most corny shit they made. They fucked up a beast hunter champ which should be the most badass thing but instead we got Lil Nas X deviantart OC.
I have good news. There's an entire religion and part of the world for just your type of subhuman, anon.
What do you balls look like?
Lmao roidtranny.
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Actually you can reread them. Just figured out the book icon in the corner of each of them in the Objective list actually opens up the log again.

Also, that Briar reference is actually from this:
Sorry for offtopic but why do guys have to roid, what's wrong with trying to get big or fit at their clean state?
He cute
Yeah I get people would find her spirit blossom skin more attractive because she's human and cute and all.
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roiding makes it happen 1000x times faster
Skyen is far worse. Nickyboi when he isn't crying over sexy stuff has some fairly decent takes but Skyen says nothing but pure hogwash when it comes to league and even non league in general.
>Kench is actually bad because he is fat
>Soraka is actually bad because she isn't fat
>Rhydon is a bad design because its not a recolored cartoon rhino
>Trusing (((research)))
Good goy.
riot has an entire department dedicated to making people like seraphine and inshallah its working
social media has destroyed people's minds, they can no longer feel satisfied with themselves because they are comparing themselves with others all the time, 'this dude is bigger than me"
You are retarded she has been in every QP match since release, literally almost every single one and sometimes on both teams.
Porn addicts and waifucucks really acting like they are oppressed when they still get skins and even some new champs. Riot never abandoned you.
>he thinks "ball shrinkage" actually means smaller balls
it's just internal atrophy that causes 0 visual changes you retard

natty limit, natural test levels dropping off after a certain age, the fact that roids feel good etc

I've spent about 4 years natty prior to having started pinning and find the entire idea of "natty vs roids" dumb. everyone knows roids chip away your life expectancy and most people don't want to take that tradeoff, yet it's somehow "cheating" to use gear even though it's not like every lifter is competing with everyone

anyways natty cucks stay seething
Isn't the point of getting big about willpower, self discipline and determination? I know people work and don't have time to work out 8 hours a day and cook/eat a lot and have the money for it but still.
Post your balls then, roidtranny.
there is no point to getting big
When did this general turn into /fit/?
>weightlifting actually lowers test
bro just shut the fuck up
no I don't think I'll be showing you my balls you weird faggot, go watch porn
Upset is about to play his last ever game in the LEC! Make sure to tune in bros.
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>LG UltraGear
even trannies take better care of their body than you do roidtranny
league of legends aurora
Since the brazilian guy started playing league and posting here.
It does, long term. >>487737470
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League of Legends?
I'm NOT actually brazilian thoughbeit
Sett looks like a Baki character design.
You see bro that's why I sit in my gaming chair jerking off all day. It's to maintain my natural test levels.
lifting gets you attention from men
having good styled hair, nice clothes, and a well paying job gets you attention from women
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League of Legends sucks fix your fucking game Blissard
>Smolder and Aurora both around 8-9% pickrate
Most successful nu-champs in years meanwhile Vex,Naafiri and Renata failed miserably.
>lifting gets you attention from men
ok and
>muh current year research!
>Presently, however, there are no findings to indicate that any consistent dysfunctions of any of the testosterone dependent processes in the male occur due to endurance training.
kek, imagine actually believing that. You are so fucking stupid, I hope you actually do decide to sit on your ass and be lazy garbage because muh goy research tells you too lol then get another booster and vote for Harris xD
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A moment of silince for potential man who has less than 1 (one) hour left in the LEC.
>league of legends aurora
omg i love her too!
isnt she great?
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League isnt the same without Foresen Briar kino
Leaguetubers always fall into 1 of these paths
>Failed art student who complains all day
>Annoying shitty exe channel
>Just posts their games but no entertaining personality or commentary
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nobody does it like him
Everyone want to fuck that Yordle.
Everyone want to fuck that Dog.
I still have no idea why Vex failed, she's easy to pick up, cute and has strong abilities
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his rage, authentic
his self-awareness, a myth
Everyone want to fuck that Granny.
upscale your ai slop nigga
Nobody likes yordleshit despite what yordlefuckers try to tell you and she has a boring kit. Also female non-humans in general fail. There is a reason most of the non-humans in league are male.
Her passive is cringe and as soon as anyone gets a spell shield you are useless
The sad truth. It's all cope for little dicks and pointless, emasculated lives for men.
Please do not the dog
me if i had blue hair
Why does this champ attract so many tranny?
I've stopped masturbating to her pics because most of the time, it's an ugly balding tranny behind the post.
I want to fuck grannies. Add more ugly old ladies please.
How come loligee doesn't care about
it's exactly why she failed
she has no nuance in her kit
you just hit abilities and they do damage
except you don't have the satisfaction of oneshotting like lux does or decimating an entire team with dots like brand
you could probably train an AI to play vex optimally with how fucking simple and boring she is
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but i want to the dog
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How did Riot get away with copying her?
I care about esports but all post regarding the game rn have been ignored. Explain yourself anon!
>Kill la kill invented drill hair and giant scissors
kek what a retard
Add cute old ladies
fuckrate =/= playrate
The only thing that would still have me playing is if they had made a Satsuki clone instead
Add this granny too. I will fuck her as well.
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Just petting right?
The general is just flooded with mentally ill gays, trannies, and pedo groomers. It's actually fucking sick and trash, but nothing ever seems to be done about it, mostly meaning that the mods are gay pedo trannie groomers themselves.
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did.... he just angrily ping his minions?
yeah honestly would be amazing if I had someone to move over to dota 2 with
>Not knowing that minions are played by interns.
whos this boomer
Can't popcorn, am outside.
And? I fucking hate it when I'm getting int by the fucking minions.
I moved over to Dota 5 months ago but I knpw better than to play with the 'people' who post here
Dota champs are all ugly and look like those bootleg toys you see at dollar tree. Herculoid looking ass motherfuckers.
sorry the only thing we do here is complain about the "state" of the thread and remain entirely silent when bbcspam happens
I love DOTA 2 better than League, and Valve is a company I really like, but the controls and turbo-autism of DOTA just defeat me. I don't have time for that shit, nor do I have time to wait 15 fucking minutes to get into a match that almost always has one NPC troll that feeds nonstop and one hyper-smurf ex progamer hypergigacarry eternal-grass-avoider that goes 35/1 against every team.
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>moved over to Dota 5 months ago
>still regulars /lolg/
Let's do something about that then. Your opinions and predictions on the LEC draft rn?

Losing mid matchup imo but nuc is very good at going even irregardless of matchup. Better comp over all.

Let's hope Upset carries on Zeri. That's the entire plan.
BDS comp looks ass.
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right... wink
>China gave Bel'veth the nickname old lady
Granny champ confirmed.
i havent tried a game of dota since i dont know how or where to play anything there. looks interesting tho
yap yap yap

now post female yordles
People will "quit" and still post here daily, usually with the cope that they just come here every now and then (daily) to laugh at us (spend the entire day with this thread open)
Or if the person was someone who was somewhat well known they still want to milk attention by trying to remind people on a daily basis that they quit
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>has lived for hundreds of years
>still has no children
at this point she would accept anyone so that she could pass on her genetics to the next generation
>le wholesome rammus top baus fanboy
>another loss of LP due to the retarded fanboy not understanding the game at the level baus does
I swear to god anytime I get one of these rejects on my team it's 9/10 a loss. I FUCKING HATE IT SO MUCH.
I only show up when KC plays to shit post

They outrange KC aswell as Naut ult to lock down Zeri who is the only real carry threat.
Female yordles are failures.
I want to play with my crush qikami so badly, but unfortunately I am from NA. Champs for this feel, lolg?
cute hag fox
She's a spirit. She'll live forever.
hop servers
>"I'm inting rammus/sion strat"
>gives first blood
>"don't worry"
>dies 5 more times
>"it's all part of the plan"
>splits but all enemy turrets still up 30 min in
>dies 10 more times
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Hey, Vex is cool!
>She's a spirit
that's janna, ahri is not immortal, she only lived long because there is this succubus power in her that keeps taking the life energy of men to increase her lifespan
That’s why i like her
anons need to take it to the next level with their crushes and start playing coop games with them
the fact that the most optimal way to play sion is STILL to straight run it down every game means he desperately needs a 2nd rework
itll never happen of course, but it should considering he had objectively the worst rework
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I remember TF2fags complaining 24/7 that DotA 2 and CS:GO hog all Valve attention.
Now? TF2 is rotting without updates, CS(((2))) is just a client for online casino because the game itself is fucking unplayable, and DotA 2 is silently sitting in a corner, hoping that Lalve nerfs the 60% winrate gigameta champ this month.
Unreal how the game can just downgrade so much over the years. Useless bloat everywhere, garbage new additions, every patch steps closer and closer to LoL. Bans, personal donkeys, two Roshan pits, TP slots, now fucking passives/runes.
If you think of moving to DotA 2 in 2024, you are legitimately fucked in the head. The grass is not greener on the other side. Both LoL and DotA 2 were better before, you just missed the time when Valve gave a shit.
>t. 7000 hours in DotA 2 since 2013, quit in 2020 (too late, should've quit in 2017)
im too shy...what do i do
too big a jump. bring vgs back so anons can "happen" to be on the same team as them
>Drain the life force of your sexual partners, killing them in the process
>"Geee, where are all the good men???"
Dumb whore fox.
stop judging her she's giving them ecstasy plus the best best death ever
vgs are a horrible place for romance and even friendship
>missed my chance for vg romance queue because theyre dead
bros its legit joever
1 win for Plat 4, lets go
Qrd on why vgs stopped?
Nice job anon, I just got back in Plat yesterday
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people will give a multitude of reasons im sure but the real reason is simply because the 2 people that are the most commonly known hosts stopped playing
cancer no one actually wants to partake in
so when randoms try to host nobody joins because they dont have a friendslist to invite
Can we play norms on EUW right now guys?
Skill issue
they are gonna bomb the e-sports olympics during the LoL game
The harsh truth. Which champ is out of control? Valve seemed to try and avoid a lot of the DEI/woke cancer, but it seems that it's taken its' toll on every part of the culture whether you try and avoid it or not. Nobody at Valve gives a shit anymore and Lord Gaben is too old to care.
he's already my wife tho
You actually play this gay shit? Why is everything so fucking gay and pink and purple? Looks literally like child grooming: the game. Your test and IQ will drop sharply by you playing this.
Play with nantonaku then.
If you are swedish
get the fuck out of this general
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Its fun
The ones on my friend list silently quit and don't post, just because it's the few you're seeing doesn't mean that's the norm. It's the same for me. Watching them ruin the game with every single decision they make just made me stop caring or logging in at all.
Sadly you are gay with horrible taste. This is gayer than Overwatch, and that's really saying something.
do you want another one?
is this what brainrot looks like
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>support didn't honor me back
sorry kid but that's gonna be a report from me. better hope you didn't type anythign recently
Yeah bro you are totally high-IQ and cool playing this gay anime shit game that's a carbon copy of 1,000 other better games. Off yourself fag, you and the game are the LITERAL definition of "brain rot."
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>You actually play this gay shit? Why is everything so fucking gay and pink and purple?
Liderally AGP gamemode to attracts all the LoL sissies thats why
why are you having a meltdown over a meme mode
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that's the god gamer
bingo bongo

stfu groomer
I wish I could flash kite the wolves but I'm too shit bros
oh this just a shitpost chain to keep the thread alive, i get it
i salute your service, did you have a good day today?
Does BDS come back late-game? I feel like stupid Sion is only useful AFK-ing down top all match against bronze shitters.
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What should I play instead?
Is it better to be MVP every lobby in bronze or to coinflip every game in high elo

be honest I am ego invested in this question
play OpenTTD for six years straight to rediscover your lost manhood, faggot

being mvp mean nothing, people only care about your rank
me when I cherrypick the patch
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That anon that said he was going to stream AI games never streamed
How long am I going to put up with being lied to
smolderniggers tongue my anus
I asked something about the game and pro scene ANSWER MEEE
>play mid
>play for botlane
>adSISSY gets a big ego and ints the lead and game away
>'every time I'm plat 1 this happens, fucking kids grief me.'
adSISSIES are delusional, MURDER THEM ALL
wdym a lot of the lolgs I on my friendslist are from vgs
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Why are birds so bad at League?
and why do you not play with them?
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best i can do is complain about something
you got something for me to complain about?
Valor clears both
DOTA is famous for games being lost in the draft phase. League seems like its getting that way. What think?
keep this shit to discord
Sounds like a good idea
I do on occasion. a lot left over vanguard however
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you must have mistaken me for someone else
stop seething at literally anyone else interacting with each other you attention depraved desperate faggot
Im not whoever this anon is mistaking me for
I'm talking about the experience not what online faggots will think of my rank
this general still treated pompom like shit even though he was not only pro but also in academy
>one Baron fight
>gg anuses prolapsed all over the rift
kek wtf is this
I literally get 300 (You)s every thread nigga don't project ur insecurities on to me now back to discord
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Is that....Is that the SILVERINO SCRAPERINO??????
playing against is really fun an interactive
i love being grapped by magnetic hooks
this general reminds me of Yahoo chat rooms in 1998
do not post this in here
I am warning you
You mean BDS?
against who you retard
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how fucking old are you lmao
i think that statement at least when applies to league only really matters in high elo (diamond+)
this does not mean it isnt an issue its just not one that affects the majority of the playerbase
i think it might be an inevitable side effect of the increased balancing around proplay instead of solo queue
or brown gay pedo grommer trannys in lolg terms
Who is Upset's wife doing these days? Been a while since the last time i saw her
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against yourself
i havent gotten a grade above 7th in 11 games
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I am eternal, anon.
my mousepad is doing that weird shit again where it feels frizzy as fuck and my cursor is glitching to the sides when I try drawing a straight line
what's the fix to it?
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Who is this Great Value™ Sansa Stark whore pretending she likes nerdy computer games? How dare she speak.
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Anyone else heard about this? Think this'll get me out of silver?
run car snow pen
ge du nu
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Have you guys played against Roy Nader?
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Kill yourself you ugly, worthless nigger. You fucking nigger. Heil Hitler.
Your breath is kino
do you look like Xayah?
>please stop all human interaction
want the website all to yourself there?
No I look like Yuumi
>lose again because top wants to hero split but getting nothing while we are forced to 4v5 all game
Hey league of legends peeps. First time posting here but could use some advice please. My bf keeps wanting me to play this game with me but I've never even touched it before. Is it relatively easy to pick up and what kind of characters do you think I would like if I play sage from valorant and mercy from overwatch? I usually like to stick to the healer roles and obviously he will be carrying me. I have no clue about the in game shop too but I suppose he will teach me all of that. I haven't played any other mobas before so I'm very inexperienced but I'm open to taking a few tips if you guys have any, thank you.
If you still level up by clicking the icons in silver you are meant to be there
sorry theres no women on 4chan and definitely no women on lolg
That wasn’t a woman it was a gay man
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I love all the lolg guys so much
If we were all speaking a slavic(superior) language it would be obvious, but here we are, speaking the inferior non gendered engl*sh.
Its not terribly difficult to pick up but all the stuff you'll end up needing to know about all the characters can seem overwheleming, just play it one game at a time and it'll all come to you
As for someone who enjoys healer roles the "Support" role is your best bet and specifically Enchanter supports, most of them have a heal somewhere in their kit and focus on protecting/enhancing your teammates
weak bait
The blue hair girl in the OP is a champ you would enjoy. (I assume you're a woman) so she fits that girl aesthetic you like. Her name is 'Sona' but you might enjoy 'Seraphine' too. The only real pure healer champ is 'Soraka' but I wouldn't recommend her because she used her HP bar to heal. You would also probably like 'Nami'. She's basically a mermaid who has a little but if healing and can CC. This game has a very steep learning curve but it's good you have someone to guide you through it. Definitely give it a go and don't take it too serious.
бoльшиe фaкты
the only good sage/mercy egirl clones for league are yuumi and janna
dont listen to any other picks theyre recommending characters that need to poke and do damage and make plays with vital ultimates and lane decisions
these two just get carried and enable good players, just be a good girl for your bf
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Thanks so much. Support role sounds right up my alley. Are there different kinds of supports? Because you mentioned enchanter supports, I assume there's more types? And when you say enchanting, am I enchanting their shop items or am I completely off base here?
They don't have to be overly girly because but I do admit I enjoy that style so maybe Sona would fit for me. Is she or Seraphine hard to play? Sorry for the million questions.
I like the look of Janna so maybe I will give her a go when I play, thank you. I'm sure I can learn quick.
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me x my lolg crush
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>average gwen main
anyone else find league boring in the summer?
I always barely play from June until like September. Every year
Ahri x Syndra? Cute.
He's bloatmaxxing.
>Is she or Seraphine hard to play?
Sona is easier than Seraphine but both play kinda similar except Seraphine has skillshots (abilities that require you to aim them).
can the second half of anima come out already I want to get the briar border
Yeah enchanter is a specific type of support, they're called that because you're "enchanting" your allies (either by healing them, increasing their stats in some way, etc)
As for other kinds of supports they usually fall into 2 other categories, engage supports who are usually more durable and can go in on the enemy and lock them down, and certain mage champs can be played as support where your main job is to do damage to the enemy and force them to either recall to base to heal or die, your utility is limited but you make up for it by doing more damage (Lux is an exception since she provides decent utility while also being an excellent option for a mage support)
do not play league with your bf, this game will make you break up
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5 more days
>play lane for a change of pace 5 games in a row
>5 losses
I don't think being a laneSISSY is for me bros. Cant win with a dog jungler and cant win if you get botSISSIES ahead just for them to throw their lead away. Just gonna play Briar and chomp retards.
not since the nerfs youre not
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>no TP changes next patch
>no toplane meta changes next patch
>Renekton increasing in pickrate
>Tabi's AA damage reduction buffed
Forgive me for letting you down
Forgive me for letting you down again
I guess I'm not strong enough
Right now
Thank you both. Suppose I should go install it then and try it out. Appreciate the help.
I've heard of the toxicity with this game but he's always pretty calm when he plays games and doesn't get mad easily so it will be fine lol. And I don't really care about the outcome of the game, I'm just there for fun.
you don't believe me but you'll see
make sure you jump ship as soon as the fights begin then before it's too late
put the bunnysuit on and get back to serving tables riven
No. And you will be behind by 3 levels for the privilege of laning with a support main.
holy shit i think that was an actual woman here in lolg.. the lack of attentionfagging with a pic and not tryharding on being cutesy.. wtf bros??
>have good recall timer
>your 300 hp baboon freak support presses recall with you
>cancels in the last second
>autoattacks the wave time to time while you are going back to lane
>lane is back to 2v2
>it's slowpushing against a kill lane and your support is on 50% hp now (you can't walk up anymore)
>(your lane is over)
>(your support starts roaming while the enemy is zoning you off exp)
>just carry bro
Fr tho, damnn
(enemy jungler is pathing bot and yours is pathing top btw hehe xd)
all me
Yep. It's easy to tell the difference between a tranny and them.
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Why do ppl hate Renekton? He's a honest to god traditional toplaner
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Forfeit your life
>pick me akali, I will carry
Targamas completed warmogs at 28 minutes. Its winnable
Frenchbross we are getting raped yet again..
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Literally who? They barely exist now.
She is just quietly left behind, as Riot waits to drop an "adjustment" and completely change the character due to "low satisfaction" and "extremely high learning curve that doesn't feel rewarding in current LoL."
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Did he carried?
unironically kill yourself if you just expect people to post here in a completely serious manly man manner acting like >league is serious business to be discussed instead of le "attentionfagging" and "being cutesy"
calm down tranny
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>anyone whom posts and speaks in ways I do not approve of is a tranny
go back to pol chud
Yeah, I pick up this game during September to December typically but coming back from my break late spring this general seemed a bit slower or whatever so I'm playing and posting more. Had mounted stress from job anyways.
You forgot your attention grabbing picture, troony
What happened to Sjokz anyway?
literally just got to chomp the retard baus fanboy who griefed me earlier while he was playing rumble jungle lol
Still kicking and by now the last good part of the lec broadcast
>complaining about images on an image board
>team doesn't hardint + run it down + flame + afk
>team does all that
it's legit so fucking tiresome just get me out of demon queue bro PLEASE
this is fucking unreal man
Aren't her eggs dry by now?
Has she got kids yet?
Why Canna pick Akali?
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Weird place to mention it but it takes me back to playing the orignal TTD (and that odd TT-like game Locomotion, also by Chris Sawyer) 2 whole decades ago.
I knew a lolger who played openTTD in queue. He peaked masters, though it was on EUNE.
I tried playing it myself but never quite felt the same spark as when I was a kid playing the original. Maybe I should try again at some point. Intuition and memories tell me that this is the kind of game which (much like league) feels overwhelming at first but once you start wrapping your mind around it it gets good and has you hooked - and I probably didn't quite reach that point.
I thought I read somewhere that she does have a kid but I'm not 100% sure. Maybe get a ticket to the LEC and take matters into your own hands?
This is what happens when you import washed out shitters from other regions.
And the shitter still took them from 10th to 4th place. Now imagine you placed below KC. How shit do you have to be to be bested by can NA, closed, cuckset and tardamas
it's just riven players whining because him and poppy are the ONLY riven counterpicks in the game and they all ban poppy
lore accurate aatrox arrival
Is Graves mid still a thing?
Yeah theres a cute graves mid player here in lolg
niggas when pink shit on they screen
Guys, join us for some norms on EUW!
i have no idea what is happening in this picture
Are briar/viego/lillia a good trio to spam for jungling?
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Real Talk
Who is the best Ninja in League Of Legends and why is it Naruto?
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EUW custom games today at 10:00 CET :)
If I ever met baus IRL I would BEAT THE SHIT out of his twink swede ass because of his fanboys ruining my games.
Real talk.
How many bongs and how many bings till then?
you will never know what's in his pocket
back from hiking already? how'd it go?
I would have my way with his bussy, for some reason he looks very hot to me
Do you know if he still has that cute gf btw?
What champs have the best eternals set and why?
If i met u irl, id dress up as SONA and SUCK your cock. Real talk
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good until you hit diamond
good if you pretend to be main
she's is a counter pick to tankchuds
Idk, but if you did I'd hope you'd do it in front of his gf so she'd have to watch it happen
Damn son.
I did it(the bot gap was so big that my performance didnt matter that much)
>oh let me check out Swarm
>kill Rek'Sai but it buffers on showing stats for 10 minutes, i skip and it doesn't count the match
kek top tier chink coding
briar will be somewhat less effective in high-high elo but still playable, these are good yes
i dunno. works for sportsball sometimes
they are not together anymore
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I like the new skin but for me the street with chromas is better, her base is the best ofc so: base skin >>>>>>>>>> street > primordian
Id be under your desk dressed as whatever u want, while you solo queue it up. REAL TALK.
Stop being promiscuous in lolg. This general is for heartfelt romance ONLY
No idea what this post means but post more of it
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/lolg/ is filled with WHORES and sluts.
Caitlyn is so lucky bros...
jinxs sisterwife
lolgs walking each other to lane gently
He didnt have the dick game she needed
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Jinx cries while caged in the corner as Caitlyn has her way with Vi.
I've been banning the same champ for over two years now, fuck you shaco players.
I will now play your toplaner
How to have fun playing the game? Recently, it's been focusing on kill stealing and sabotaging my team on aram
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duo with a friend
i have no friends
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Best jungler if I like raping my opponents early game and ganking? Basically snowballing hard and making my opponents hate even opening league
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nice unintentional crossover
and odd coincidence that i just started a new campaign
post server ign be my friend
Soraka! My Cute wife!
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Confession: I was a Ruination event hater. I am a big lore fan. I despised what Riot has done to all the characters in the event.
But this skin is so fucking sexy. It feels great to play, it has an amazing black chroma, great SFX, VFX, voice filter makes me bricked up, splash art is fucking amazing -- EVERYTHING about this skin is so good, yet the skin idea itself is so fucking trash and obliterates MF's Ruination lore.
Nani the fuck?
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>go toplane
>resist the urge to die eighteen hundred million billion quintillion times
>fall back 20 cs but it beats feeding a renekton into oblivion
>renekton goes mid
>enemy double kill!
>renekton goes botlane
>enemy double kill!
iktf, it's quite difficult to make toplane work right
kill yourself XD
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A cat is fine too.
>up 10cs
>enemy mid gets lvl 2 befor me
this game is so shit.
someone said they broke up cause all he did was play league (shocker) but idk if that's reliable
After that unofficial quadra he should be left with only one top turret, maybe two if enemy jungler is on your ass and you can't statcheck.
You pushed his absence to your advantage, right?
shoved they ass whoop two smackin toplane turrets down then I tp bot whoop anotha turret down then I get spam ping by support "y u no teamfite??"

still won BTW still won BECAUSE of all those turrets I TOOK DOWN btw
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MF is nothing but a slut for her crew(of 99.5% women).
would suck.
most people addicted to league don't have gfs
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It's the truth.
We know that.
I don't have any friends.
wait what happened to that bbc spammer, is he finally dead?
>play vex
>start attacking the enemy mid lane with my aa
>hmm her aa's kinda feel good
>realize i have press the attack
probably true, i have no idea how he got her in first place, she was really cute
The next time someone locks in diana on my team im banning it, worst fucking champ in the world
oh, that wowg tourist nigger is gone
lmao didn't even notice
This, bitch deserves to die in a car crash
you can't ban a champion that's been locked in althoughbeit you need to ban during the BANNING PHASE after which comes the SELECTION PHASE in which people select and LOCK IN their champion of choice at which point you CAN NOT ban anymore
how long did he last? 2 weeks?
good job on collecting free gold and negating renekshart's kill advantage
I've read this 3 times now. And I still can't figure out what you are trying to say, anon. Could you revise & repost to clarify?
Sounds like you spammed your abilities and lost trades just to gain a CS lead. Probably a knowledge gap/skill issue on your end.
well you see, anon in his OP (original post) stated that he would "ban diana next time someone on his team locks it in", and I wanted to point it out to him that it would be impossible to follow such a course of action due to the fact that in a LoL (league of legends) lobby, players first have a phase dedicated to banning champions, at which point no one on either team is even capable of locking anything in. Once everyone gets their bans out of the way, the SELECTION PHASE ensues, in which people pick a champion of their choice (that they want to play)(selected champions can NOT be one of the banned champions) and, then they LOCK the selected champion IN. Due to this chronological order of a LoL (league of legends) lobby, it's simply impossible to ban a champion that has been locked in.
didnt get enough attention i guess, good riddance tbdesu
>Wake up
>Volibear rework hater is still gone
my life is in shambles
maybe he just stopped hating
Hasn't gathered enough info or figured out a way to bait his lolgcow/s.
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last thread
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Cold take. Most people liked the Ruined skins
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making friends in online games is the simplest thing, literally add an ally from your game and ask them if they want to play some games with you. that's how I got mine, you just don't have to be a weirdo, talk to the person about the game or the match and not about them at first, personal questions scare people.
why the fuck would I want to make an online friend nigga?
>add decent player after match
>queue up together
>they start yapping the fuck up about their life unsolicited
>cool man thanks for sharing
>unfriend block soloq next
>be jungler
>3rd drake is spawning
>watch team try to siege mid tier 3 against a fully alive enemy team for ZERO reason
>they all die
>I finish drake just before enemy gets there and gangrapes me
>this allows enemy team to now get free baron
>lose a game that was easily winnable because retards gotta aram
also forgot to mention, the enemy ekko jungle who did not even 11k damage over 30 mins gets to type 'jgl diff' at the end of the match LMAO!
Nidalee and Lee Sin
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I quite like gathering peoples personal info but nothing else.
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>>unfriend block soloq next
exactly that, if you played with a person you didn't like you just need to remove them from your friend list and go next, I'd say out of every 10 players you add only one will be your perma duo/friend
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Are Neeko and Nidalee gonna molest Briar?
>give top counterpick
>he picks heimer into malphite
>gets solokilled 3 times
>spends all game flaming his team for not playing around him
Wait, am I retarded? That's not Nidalee is it?
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that's not a problem, as you get older you don't have the patience to meet new people, if you feel comfortable playing alone it's fine.
I hate those retards so fucking much its unreal. My favorite was when I gave a topSISSY last pick and he picks fucking Sion into Gwen and proceeds to get his butthole demolished.
I'm gonna sit this one out, unsealed spellbook smite kayn top is live
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ok np :3
next time anon
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>matchmaking gave me the perfect team comp
>"the enemy team agreed to surrender", remake
Wait, so i just got all the grades i needed for a chest but since its not one of the 12 champs riot chose for me i dont get anything? is that really how it works?
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Gonna learn Azir, is the champ any good? Hoping to get out of Silver…
if it's not one of the 12 you need like 3x the grades but you'll get a chest eventually
silverbro wants to get out of silver by playing fucking azir
yeah thats neeko
It says something like
>you have reached the limit of 6 mastery chests for milestone 1
What does that even mean? I was under the impressions if you got the grades on ANY champ you would get the chest kek
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top 10 most mentioned ADCs on /vg/:
twitch (obviously) - 205571
ashe - 38488
miss fortune (counting MF) - 38267
jinx - 28977
vayne - 24756
ezreal - 24373
jhin - 17398
draven - 17117
lucian - 15530
kai'sa - 13585
and the rest of the shitters are pictured because i cba typing all that out
kog'maw is counted only as "kog'maw"
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>yesterday swore off that i'm never gonna play lol again and uninstalled
>reinstalled the game today and got in a few more ranked games
>deranked to iron 4 again
Would be funny if people started spamming adc's names to obscure this thing.
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>iron 4
doubt anyone gives a shit desu
i wanted to do all champs, but i can't automate this shit, and i am impatient to go through everyone manually just to end up with fairly predictable results
because twitch tv
because overwatch ashe
>miss fortune
because mf = motherfucker
because voodoo juju
the true winner
>Enemy is a smurf
>Very clearly, as he has scoreboard of 20+ kills and 9cs/pm in his games
>He still loses because our Nasus was left alone for 20 minutes and went 11/3

I almost feel bad for him. Bruisers are such a fucking stupid design
this is equivalent to saying the average american is a millionaire
vayne is inflated by /osg/'s microcelebrity "vayne v4"
real winner is ezreal
now do this for lolgs
do it yourself, i won't jerk off to your cult of personality
>ADCs on /vg/
and for champs in general?
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based and truthpilled
Consider this, there are so many people in this world deserving of hate why would you ever choose to do that to yourself?
read >>487765493
make me a script for this that won't be assraped by b4k, and i'll post it
Anyone wants to duo and then jerkoff together on discord?
Why would u do this....
There's nothing like it man, i tried to find a replacement moba and yet LoL is the only one that gratifies my monkey brain big time
i wanted to see if DDS (draven derangement syndrome) is real
conclusion: it is
Why is Renekton so fun to play bros
Well if you want to my IGN is endless losersq#00000
i'll take a screenshot of your dick and post it here
stop impersonating me thanks
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fun fact: op.gg used upscaling on their character icons
who the fuck knows why, but it looks hella funny on some champs
comparison pic provided
what happened to his eye and teeth?? wtf??
>DDS (draven derangement syndrome
the whut now
i will take one of yours too
come duo
Well if rank makes you sad then avoid it and play other game modes.
When you start getting bad games hop to a different game mode or account to avoid that baggage.
Play enough to get better at this game or atleast not be pained by the hierarchy.
A lot of people are in iron because they're too new going against players who've played the game or x champ or role for years and years. Perhaps you just need some time and exposure.
homie I'm not logging on league for sure
draven derangement syndrome
similarly to YoDS (yone derangement syndrome), IDS (illaoi derangement syndrome), YiDS, SDS (shaco derangement syndrome) and FDS (fiora derangement syndrome), the patient, after getting gigagapped in cocacolalow, starts profusely sweating and shaking at the mention of the champion. in severe cases, the patient also starts writing posts similar to that of a schizophrenic, full of fanfics and blatant lies
it's terminal, and science just can't exactly explain it yet
update: some posters seem to have a stage 2 DDS where they start mentioning draven in negative light in completely unrelated conversation (>>486031251)
thats fine, lets just beat our meat on discord
>start split 9w-2l
>now 20w-20l
I don't use discord, I'm not gay and I'm not interested in esex in general
Damn, no wonder your duo left you, you dont seem very fun
Summertime is the season for friendship and love to bloom. Get your duo today
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you actually have the mental capacity of an 8 years old behaving like we're in kindergarten, spamming the thread with shite, attacking LITERALLY everyone in sight and then posting unfunny retarded shit like this, and then you turn around and bitch and moan about how we're not posting serious enough or something

actual husk of a man you probably got sagging tits too faggot
meds NOW
yea if you are looking for someone to jerk with on discord, I'm definitely not your guy
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>WAHHHHH someone criticized draven's personality 18 hours ago wahhwahhhh
>I'll make retarded unfunny jokes talking about how THEY're obsessed with draven! that'll get them epic pranked pwned
I got big sagging tits
Can you show me?
damn bitch you shit with that ass?
lidderally proving the diagnosis true
just random babble about some convo 18 hours ago
meds NOW!
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>noooo dude I'm not seething over a conversation that took place 18 hours ago haha
>dude bro man I just happened to be making le funni jokes about how you guys are obsessed with draven for completely unrelated reasons bro lol!
>haha you're schizo man, take your meds bro!
>starts profusely sweating and shaking at the mention of the champion
nigga really bringing up his meltdown to prove that he isn't obsessed
>nigga asks what is dds
>post what dds is
>random retard instantly explodes
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I main

I queue up as

What does this say about me, lolg?
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>I main a champion that just came out
you don't, however
No you don't, that fucking bunny gets banned 80% of the time
reality has a well known draven bias
reworks have a well known flop bias
>they think i play normal draft like a faggot
I pick Aurora and hit "find match" in quick draft and main the bunny.
Git better.
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>Dr. Lawl Gee
I don't agree with the bullshit you're spitting but you nailed it with that name.
you are american
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>serpent's fang
>lord dom's reminder
>wit's end
Is this supposed to mean something specific or are you just using leddit speak to try to hand wave something?

Grow a pair.
Smurfing isn't what it used to be man... What went wrong?
Don't worry they'll release ornns brother dornn who knows who made serpants fang and his sister bornn who knows who made lord doms reminder who has a cousin who made wits end.
Now that the dust has settled, why did Phreak season flop so hard?
Can't 1v9 anymore. The catchup mechanics are too big so no matter how hard you try, the enemy will just delay the game and win as a team
>no lord dominik champ to send my regards with
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>blade of the ruined king
People got better
Illaoi is such a wholesome chungus champ, I'm glad she's in the game.
Idk someone who never got a girl, is bald, fat and uses a hammer.
Well thats just not true. People still suck. It's easy to win lane for example. Problem comes from having to rely on your dipshit team atleast somewhat
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queue up again
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>Wake up
>check in
>volibear's new meta build is an AP item into a crit item (???)
>illaoi's new skin is shit
>Volibear is still reworked
>Illaoi is still defiled by Phreak
>enemy nasus gets fed
>but we have alistar and veigar
>he also went no tenacity
lol, dumb mutt didn't get to play the game
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Back in ye olden dayffs you used to be able to play something like Riven, Mundo, Fiora, or even Vayne and be able (through sheer "le heckin skill") be able to unironically 1v9. If you understood your champion's strengths, weaknesses, timed your cds, and carefully planned your teamfight contributions then you Just Won™ because the game was made with this sort of thing in mind.

Then, due to the 90% of the playerbase BITCHING 24/7 that they aren't all faker after Riot started pushing the popularity of the game as a TAKE NOTES MOTHER FUCKER THIS ISN'T FUCKING FORTNITE YOU FAGGOT SIT YOUR ASS DOWN AND MAKE SURE YOU HAVE 100CS/M AND 19 KILLS AND IF YOU DON'T YOU'RE A GIGGGGGA FAGGOT which is a total fucking 180 from their previous adspots which were all about a schoolgirl joining a fun gaming club and making friends + falling in love.
>this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EJAQnj4hEc
compared to
>this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1e2xApDeRok

So now you have the message that if you aren't first your last, but the game is in its end-evolution where Riot has no choice but to make it both extremely snowbally AND extremely swingy -- all while sticking to the golden faggot rule of "All Games Must Last 20-30 Minutes". You are PUNISHED (repeat, punished) for having too much CS over your opponent. You are PUNISHED (repeat repeat, punished) via bounties for killing too many people without dying.

It's bullshit.
No clear goal, no clear direction, it's just nonsense.
>pic related, neeko escaping ganks
Illaoi is the most fair, well designed, and high skill cap juggernaut

you need to go back
How do her tentacles work with the new map btw? Do they now spawn in areas other than walls particularly in mid?
>dodge 200000 of her grabs
>she finally lands one and le heckin wholesomely demolishes you in 0.00002 seconds
>takes your tier 1, 2, and 3 top towers before you respawn
>playing toplane
I shiggy diggy.
frozen heart used to have 110 armor before the item rework
it's 65 now, and only 200 gold cheaper
they gutted tank items and it's consistent for all of them across the board
meanwhile adcs got 5% armor pen and 25% crit chance slapped onto LDR for 200 gold more
gee i wonder why adcs are strong
i'm sure riot will adress this at some point, just wait a little longer clueless
>i dodged a previous skillshot so why did THIS one do damage when it hit me?
real powerful minds at work here fellas
which League girl has nip piercings?
If I were Phreak, I would cut every item's stats in half and reduce gold costs by about 40-50% as well.
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you just fucking KNOW
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Probably Xayah because she has a nose ring which means she atleast had thoughts regarding the matter.

fucking why doe? reaching 35-40 minute mark and being able to kill 3/5 the enemy team in half a second is the most fun part of this shit game
niggers be like:
>phreak ruins the game so hard
>why won't he just buff my otp and delete counterpicks and nuke items from the game dood
Xayah has them for sure. Katarina and samira might have them,
Nilah for the same reason.
How could I forget jinx?
Anon said gi-...you have a point.
i say this, got a problem with that?
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I hate that naafiri is one of the cutest champs in league despite all the naafiri skins are so spiky and edgy, when are we going to get a nice cute star guardian naafiri or something??? like the dogs have fucking knives in their mouths why cant they have sparkly star aura instead
PHREAK should BUFF items so the game is playable beyond minute 20 without getting ONESHOT as a TANK
he also needs to introduce more items, maybe some exclusive to melee/ranged, but less just blatantly rigged in favour of melee
and nerf PTA, bring back lethal tempo but as some sort of on-hit amplifier instead of pure attack speed
possibly rework runes altogether
i dont care if they nerf my main

but i dont get why they're refusing to nerf dmg/buff defenses if everyone has been complaining about it for years at this point. just fire them all.
she was, until you couldnt hit her to reduce spirit duration anymore
Did you really make affiliate just off of the losers here? Guess that's the power of avafagging...

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