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"Virtual Reality, Real Suffering"
Cant Have Shit In (Not) STALKER Edition

Headset Selection: https://rentry.org/vrgheadsets
Game Recommendations: https://rentry.org/gxrov
VRC Screenshots by World: https://vrg.party/worlds.html

>Game Resources
Assets: https://vrg.booru.org/
Guides for Avatar and World Dev: https://rentry.org/4tzqs
Assetto Corsa: https://rentry.org/hrq69
Dirt Rally 2 club: https://rentry.org/hv94f
VTOL VR: https://rentry.org/5nuk4
Minecraft NA: https://rentry.org/xrd2e
Minecraft EU: https://rentry.org/x85abzz5 (Currently dead)
Fallout 4: https://rentry.org/pofw5

>Regularly Hosted Multiplayer Games
EU Pavlov: Tuesday 18:00 UTC (20:00 CEST)
NA Pavlov: Every other Friday night, watch the thread for exact times
NA Walkabout Minigolf: Sunday around midnight ET, Thursday at 11:30PM ET
SEA/EU Walkabout Minigolf: Saturday at 11PM AEDT/2PM CEST
NA Assetto Corsa: Wednesday at 8PM ET
EU Assetto Corsa: Every other Monday at 18:00 UTC/20:00 CEST
SEA Breachers: Every other Friday 9PM AEDT

>Regularly Hosted VRChat Events

New threads: >>>/vg/vrg

Old thread: >>487390315

>Upcoming Events
Friend by Friend - August 17th
Idol Event - September 28th
Can I watch?
*sigh* it may be time for me to come forward with my own Yuru grooming horror story
it's not halloween yet
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Threadly Dirt Rally 2.0 reminder, we're running R5 in Monaco until the Monday after next (8/5). You have plenty of time to get a run in, but try not to wait until the last minute.
Club link and some VR fixes are in the OP rentry if you're interested.
unspeakable horrors
Sleepy Walkabout Mini Golf in about 5 hours (11:30PM ET), we'll be playing the new Wallace and Gromit course. Hope to see you there.
Thank you for hosting the Resonite event. This was my first time playing and I can see why some of you are enthusiastic about it. There seems to be so much potential here, and so much freedom to do things. I would gladly join again for more events. Had to drop out now though. Enjoy!

t. the new person
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2 questions, im on the beta: what does finger tracking mode thingy do, and why did my ability to use my right stick to click in and enable/disable face gestures stop working? its still bound correctly in OVR in steam, but doesn't work properly in game at the moment. the option to turn it on and bind it should be here in pic related but i see nada
wat do <:3c
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EU Assetto Corsa: European Racing club, season 11!
Race 77.

18:00 UTC 20:00 CEST, Monday 29th of July 2024.

FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE. Renault Clio Cup (sequentional) in narrow streets of Circuit de Pau.

1 hours practice
12 minutes qualifiers
8 laps race
8 laps race reverse grid

And then some relaxing driving in Black Cat County.

Assetto - can be played with wheel, controller, or steam-vr-wheel addon, it doesn't matter, we will all have fun driving together. If you just bought Asseto - grab Assetto Corsa Content Manager - a better launcher and mod manager: https://assettocorsa.club/content-manager.html To install mods: just drag and drop zip files from mega onto the Content Manager windows and click on the hamburger menu on top right. Highly recommend installing stable custom shader patch and 7-zip plugin in Content manager.

For communication we'll use mumble at voice.vrg.party port 64738, as it doesn't need any registrations or logins.

MODS: https://mega.nz/folder/SnZiDJRL#Xetf7TY1AhzvPhWCxQrV6w
Was also my first time playing since they forked from neos. Was nice to see that they've retained the good things about the platform, and even the migration stuff mostly worked. Also you can finally turn off their awful SSAO effect and FXAA without mods. Shame that the performance is still cinematic at best. Hard to spend a long time in there at 24fps.
yeah thats about what i was expecting
There's a local LLM based OCS translator for VRChat that works really well. It generates that translation in just a few seconds on your own machine and dosen't take up much VRAM. It's pretty simple to set up, too. I'm thinking about an EU Tower of Babel event where everyone speaks in their native language and we have to use the output from this to communicate. Anyone interested?

>EU Tower of Babel event
got a timeframe and day of the week in mind?
my native language is English
So is mine, so we'll not have as much fun, but it'll still be interesting.

Haven't really figured that. I don't think it needs much theming, some sort of old fashioned cathedral or library map seems fitting. It would be sometime in August.
It can also translate American English into British English, don't worry.
Sure thing. When you feel like drawing again anon, give us a post here and we'll set something up again.
This time I will draw as well :3
It can translate english (us) to english (uk) and a few versions more
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hell yeah im down to do that when i wake up
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/DinnerCircle/ Part 37 shall happen this Saturday, the 27th, at 7pm EDT. The Special this time is Carbonara. This is a simple dish but will act as a skill check. Here is a recipe https://based.cooking/carbonara/. You can follow other recipes if you like. REMEMBER, you don't need to make the special, just show up with food. This time we'll try something funny. When you make your food, post a pic with your headset next to your food.
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Thanks for coming everyone, good resoniting
Im glad you guys had fun, next time i will personally be sure to have more maps to explore, this time i had no time sadly, but still it was fun i really like to chill in there just doing whatever, see you next time!
>s got to the miku first
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choo choo motherfucker
More than just passionate, the dude was an genuine expert.
mre autism? you love to see it
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hmmm new vrc portal looks eh. Feels less impactful for me but it might just be me being a boomer who has been used to vrc portals for so long
beyond underwhelming. its a door to a new fucking world i should feel like a fucking archwizard every time i open one, there is no reason for this
can you imagine doing a certain hand gesture, then "opening" a portal to the actual world thats no shit the actual assets, so you can peak inside instead of looking at the thumbnail?
portal? more like poortal amiright? haha As an explorationfag this actually kills me inside
While that would be kino that would also enable people to just drop portals to worlds that can instan crash people.

What can be done is allow map makers to create a "sample" of their world as a 3 MB upload for portals and it can't have any scripts. Just a single optimized mesh maybe limited to 30k tris like an avatar.
isnt there a vr game that does this? it literally streams the current world view to you through the portal iirc
EU event, all americans speak english, so it's second language for native english speakers. Don't tell me english is your only language?
<.< n-no
>not ESL
At that point it might be safer and better to just let world makers make a stereo cubemap/panorama preview for portals, and upload that via the SDK or the website.
It's tech that is natively supported, has no performance issues, and can probably be done by just about anyone if they bring back the goddamn VR Panorama screenshot feature (and put this in the SDK too, not just ingame)
Hope their irl MRE museum idea takes off as well
ESL event, finally, been wanting to have one for years now.
I'm more disgusted by the compression on A desu
lmao yuru fell off
>ITR 2 has online coop
>No friends irl who plays vr
Would anyone here like to coop? I'm buying it tomorrow when paycheck comes
hear coop is a buggy mess
will give it a few years to exit early access before playing
hopefully there'll be a decent HMD by then too
i'm sorry i have to miss pypy again for more work sleep, came back home late today and spent an hour talking about upsetting things with friends only to feel like shit after having my alarm wake me
monday onwards will for sure be my course correction..
Hi it's time for Thursday pypy:
or join on Lycosella
I'm retarded
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Here's an updated badge for EU anime that should have better readability now
And here's the Tuesday EU Movie one with enhanced readability revision 5
I finally found a song I can do for the idol event
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Less than an hour till mini golf
LOCO Thursday updated for more readability as well
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Please make one for the "I hate Yuki Club".
Not that I'm in it I just think it would be funny.
I immediately missed the wooden table aesthetic so placed it back for S O U L. Hopefully this is still readable
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I recall there being a tool for Unity that lets you work on Animator Controllers, merge things between them etc etc. Not AV3 Manager, but something else. I want to separate my controller into multiple files (to merge on upload/compartmentalize some features), and also to fix this dumbass Unity bug that leaves the file thinking it has like 300+ blendtrees it doesn't have anymore. (When I was adding a prefab, I tried various options via it's shitty merge tool, but the file still thinks it has all the initial options' blendtrees, picrel.) Anyone know what the tool is?
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Set it to Indian English into English English and try to speak in the most call center voice you can.
Sorry anon I respect and love my waifu too much for that. There is no universe where I would hate Yuki.

Except that abomination of a Taahhkkeeyyy spin-off anime. I hate that one, she's not Yuki btw. She's an abomination to god, morphed into the image of Mikuru in a SOULLESS show.
I watched it all still but god damn there were like only 3 eps that are good and that's when she got an amnesia after almost getting run over by a car
modular avatar has an animator merger that might be helpful. Also the regular unity scripting API can manipulate controllers nicely (and chatgpt or claude can write c# if you can't). Sometimes even editing the .controller file itself works, I've done that before. It's just YAML.
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Room is up, code is vrg
Should be an overflow on vrg1 if we fill up because of the new map
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I thought the spinoff was cute
u just mad cuz bad lol
This amount of chemistry felt like NTR. And was sad to see Haruhi just letting her feelings go.
Harem route when?
Ahhh finally the ESL event. I'm game but I wonder if that LLM has my native language in it. Tagalog

Just make it the usual saturday night weekend timing for EST and I can come as that is sunday mid-day for me.
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Good pypying pypyers
Next NA pypy is Monday at 7PM PDT / 10 PM EDT
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I chose the pirates of the Caribbean movie in bed over pypy. I am become sloth.
lewd lolis today
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edging by demon core
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interesting.. has anyone used a psvr2? is it any good? i like the idea of another mid-range player in the market
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Alright sorry I've been a bit late, race war video is rendering now and will be uploaded soon
ps2vr isnt mid range, its 1 inch above those cardboard "vr" boxes people put their phones in
whats wrong with it?
No hablo inglés
based as fuck
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New detector!
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Sorry to be a broken record but thanks again everyone for coming out to the race war, I finally got the video ready here y'all go enjoy hope you like it, its my first time editing (slightly) a video so sorry it took a while, hopefully its long enough that the bot doesn't catch too many artisanmeme "FUCK NIGGERS" and kills it
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live feed of the cats shitting in the litterbox
what kind of super computer do you need to show everyones avatar like that
dont forget to thank your local friendly australian in desktop
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Thanks for the great time and memories.
I hate this and all involved
I saw myself, thank you for your hard work.
Good job and thanks for the VOD
>One Winged Angel
whats your region and time zone?
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>Cybernetic places rook to check Dog King
>Dogs did not move out of check and instead move pawn
>Cybernetic eats Dog King
>Dog loses
LMAO. This is not an illegal move btw. This is just an IQ and don't be too drunk check
Even more funny that dog would've won by just being alive as cybernetic has only literally 01 second left till they lose by default.

Doggy-chan's nerves got to them, they clearly won but got spooked at the end.
Anyone want to hangout in vrchat? might do some more painting but im down to anything for the next 2 hours
Sure thing I can login. Place the world link I'll join you in 15 mins or so
Hyper Dash or Breachers tonight?
is this for SEA Friday game nights?
its up!
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are we going to play breachers?
I am down
finally, a fun event
like now ?
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>page 9
fox in a box bump
Disguised furryposting
It's not a very effective disguise when it's literally just a furry
It's not a disguise anon it's literally just s furry.
Little did any of you suspect arguing about furries is the only way to keep vrg off page 10 so the poster did it on purpose
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s&box is available for everyone now
I hope you like sausage men
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If you say so - tonight, 18:00 GMT, EU Breachers!
Will do all gamemodes.
Plan to watch (and laugh at) the Olympics opening ceremony in Paris this evening. Time is 1730 - 2130 UTC. I expect to open the world around 1700-1715 UTC and it will be the AP stream on YouTube due to it being available in all countries; a backup will be available just in case. Hopefully the broken YouTube problem is fixed.
Other timezones: 1315 EST, 1815 BST, 1915 CEST.
Please reply if the stream doesn't work for you or you've found one with what you think will be better commentary.
vr support out of thr box?
Apparently so, with FBT.
holy based
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If Garry is the one to finally kill VRChat I'd be so fucking happy. The universe would once again be at peace.
I've run some tests in a couple of worlds, as long the videoplayer has AVpro video incorporated and you use stream mode (ProTV and the default merlin Udon player have them) it will work.
if you use video instead of stream, it will give an error
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turn on personal mirror and talk to yourself (and unlimited imaginary frens)
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Start with "'sup faggot", follow with "cheers!" then chug your drink and the rest takes care of itself
Walk up to someone and use your mouth to say sentences. Usually people start with a greeting, or a question about how they are. Then you can talk about whatever after that.
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I don't talk to anyone because im too scared so I just play with their tail then ignore them and run away when they try to talk to me
have fbt and do cute wiggles in an anime girl avatar (they will keep talking to you if they think they're in with a chance of sex)
"Do you want to play mahjong?"
based turboautist
i know who this is
chug the everliving shit out of your drink (doesnt matter what it is just down it) then introduce yourself with a belch

that or be a cute mute loli and wander up to groups while being as aggressively cute as possible
Yeah that's kinda normal, it's very intimidating to actually have to talk to people. All you can do is force yourself into it.
>I hope you like sausage men
It has anime models already so we're ok.
Maaaan euros are the ones who tell me to drink more when I use the big english words
I would not advise anyone takes the muteroute. It has so many disadvantages and the longer you do it, the harder it is to get out of.
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>finally i have vr and can be the cute bubbly sociable anime girl of my dreams
>dont talk to anyone and just watch movies in instances alone
Virtual reality really nailed the "reality" part haha
if ur on green and on my friendslist i will most likely stop by and say hello and then i can yap your ear off and distract you from the movie and make you angry and snap at me so i unfriend u and leave the instance
I hope this really becomes Garry's Mod 2 and revitalises the communities around it. I loved playing it as a kid and all the different servers and game modes.
being cute (and mute) works for me, although i don’t have the ability to try any alternatives. I’ve tried fiddling with a tts app on my phone but it’s as annoying as it sounds while in vr. Also apparently people find the robot voice about as annoying as quote ‘having to look up’ when i try the ingame text chat. I’ve been condemned to an eternal life of cuteness and muteness
learn sign language dumbass
i’m trying! :D
"Virtual Reality, Real Suffering"™
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>the longer you do it, the harder it is to get out of
It's true. First you form the habit, then everyone stops interacting with you on a level where speaking would be useful so there's no pressure to unmute and finally there's the fear of being overwhelmed by attention if you decide to suddenly unmute.
Never go full mute.
i mean at that point make a new vrchat account and assume a new persona
/vrg/ VRSL mutie association when
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play dance dash
The classical kings sacrifice gambit
this unironically happened to me years ago and it wasn't even vr
i managed to survive the massive spergout when i spoke for the first time thoughever
I was taking pictures the entire time with everyone shown and getting about 15 fps on a 5800x3d and a 3090 beong clocked to mach Jesus, the person recording was back stage in desktop on a higher end rig than mine and was still eating dicks.
I like mutes, I think they are a cute part of the VRChat community.
the pantyshot guy has evolved to taking pics of feet?
When is the carbonara cookoff thing, tomorrow?
>You will never experience a cute anime girl Botez gambiting you on purpose

Why live
I take it you guys have not kept up with it during development?
s&box is absolutely irredeemably shit
Mutes are basically a piece of furniture. "Yeah I want to be a part of the community. No I won't put myself out there or have any personality or do anything that a mannequin wouldn't do."
Seen this a few times.. they never recover
It's worse. A lot of people actively dislike mutes, so as soon as you speak, you're already on bad terms with them and will likely never redeem yourself in their eyes. For the rest, they will have constructed a character in their mind that represents who you are and it will surely clash with the new information speaking brings. Your relationship with everyone upon unmuting will change completely and, at least initially, for the worse. You might as well be starting a new account but with a very bad first impression.
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yeah, I was one of the hypeposters but just tried it. not a single gamemode works, all custom shaders are broken, and player netsync is somehow worse than lavender in DESKTOP. Custom player models only work if the game mode supports them otherwise you're stuck as a sausage man. How the fuck does EVERY promising VRC killer manage to fuck it up even worse than they do
Where is the "waste of draw calls" copypasta?
>I was one of the hypeposters
that was me years ago
holy shit what a disappointment following that shitshow has been
the desktop streamer rizz
>then everyone stops interacting with you on a level where speaking would be useful so there's no pressure to unmute
lowering expectations is a good thing
I dont want a bunch of retards yapping my ears off/squealing about drama/asking annoying questions
I just want to be cute and relax
It's not as bad as that anon was saying, but I wouldn't really call it midrange either. It's Quest 2 visuals for Quest 3 money, and none of the extra functionality it had when used with a PS5 really works on PC.
OLED panel is nice, but it being pentile means your subpixel resolution is actually worse than a cheap Quest 2.
And to head off the wired/wireless debate, while being wired means you don't have to deal with compression and streaming issues, it doesn't have enough of the other benefits that some other wired headsets still have.
Americans and British people are basically a log of shit floating in the hot tub. "Yeah I want to be a part of the community. No I won't stop talking about trannys and niggers or have any personality or do anything that a twitter bot wouldn't do."
its not "Virtual Reality, Real Suffering" for no reason, after all
Speaking of mutes i heard gangsigns A for the first time, and while my immersion is forever ruined, he does infact have a nice voice
selective mutes are always like this. I kind of get where those unreasonably aggressive people in public lobbies are coming from when they come up and try to ‘prove’ you aren’t really mute, like getting upset will suddenly reconstitute my ability to talk
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>you're already on bad terms with them and will likely never redeem yourself in their eyes
Speaking will be seen as an immediate improvement for most of those people, if only because it can provide utility that being mute could not. Mutes make even a simple 'Is my mic working?' take longer to get an answer and anything beyond a simple yes or no question is a waste of time. If they're going to hold it against you even after unmuting then they're probably not nice to be around.
>they will have constructed a character in their mind that represents who you are
True. We all do that when meeting someone new, filling in the gaps until we learn more about them. Mutes have delayed that learning phase indefinitely so it's more painful for people when they meet with the real you. The only upside is that you've got a bank of experience with them to draw conversation topics from that was previous inaccessible to both of you. It will take time for other people to realize this because they're so used to treating you like furniture/an animal.
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are you a bubbly kind of person inside, maybe except grown cynical in reality through years, or were you just hoping to force yourself to be more positive than you are? do you want to be kind of moronic and also happy, and see people getting happy, or do you simply like genki girl trope?
please don't force it, enjoy being you. the power of anime girl avatars is second to none, even doomers are kinda cute in VRC as long as they're not aggressive schizos, there's no need to be what you're not, and i'd imagine it's rather painful to mismatch against your own expectations
the thumbrests on my oculus touch controllers are stuck in an activated state. Tbh its not a big deal but I find it kinda distracting, anyone know how to unstuck them?
>as long as they're not aggressive schizos
It was over before it began
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I use to spray this stuff into my rift S controllers, pushing down on the buttons or thumb sticks and shooting it in the cracks. cleared up drift for me, had to repeat once a month or so. don't get it on your skin though.
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seconds before disaster...
Drunk Pavlov will be attempted in around 10 hours or at 11ET!!!
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Breacher in exactly one hour! There was some small update and new ranked seasson started.
Olympics opening ceremony viewing opening up in 15 minutes, using the BBC backup stream.
is chubby falin real?
>literal poison
is it true theres a tranny doing the torch
That's how you know it's the good stuff
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Come watch the opening ceremony!
Join here https://vrch.at/pt2dkkkh or join on karkeys.
and here's the unlocked link: https://vrch.at/d5hbjcqe
Postponing this until after Ayylympics.
dafuq is that logo
so, after 11pm CEST?
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Is this what you do all day irl?
Will start at 11 CEST.
Me and who ever comes to watch the opening ceremony.
>Last 10 seconds
Kek thanks for confirming for us spheri
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BEATSABER lobby at 9:00 eastern standard (in about seven hours)

use this to install version 1.29.1, and the following mods: noodleextensions, mappingextensions, multiplayerextensions, beattogether, multiplayercore.
wtf howd they get that cat to do that
New map and machineguns in TAVR beta branch.
completely utterly unrelated but i wish i had an avi in a dress with a long skirt that didn’t fucking suck ass and clip 60% of the leg through the fabric while i’m doing the walking animation
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All the good eyes on booth also changes the blendshapes but only provide the eye textures making it not look anything alike.
Am I just supposed to try and eyeball the animations myself or what is going on here.
It’s been such a shit show already we’re hoping the tranny with the Olympic torch slips into the Seine and drown on global live television. Or something, I dunno
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why are people so mean to yuru?
I've literally never see him say a single mean thing about anyone. He hosts events with custom maps and is friendly to me every time I see him.
Is there something I'm missing?
hes popular which makes people jealous
Has been here forever, uses a voice changer and likes attentionwhoring. That's it.
i miss when we'd actually change maps every hour or 2 and he'd go around yelling POOOOORTAL POOOOOOORTAL
now we stay in the same map for 7 hours straight and no one wants to move
i hope he gets better soon :c
Doing things inherently makes enemies and Y did a lot of things. Many of the lobbies and events of the first two years as well as being the NA timezone anchor, chose many of the instances through dropping portals, posted identifiably in the thread, ran the first few 'official' discord servers, etc.
the more I see yuru hate and then ask questions about yuru the more I feel sympathy for what seems to be a totally innocent
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Hosting Mechwarrior 5 Sunday at 8PM EST. It's co-op VR robot battles.

Extract https://mega.nz/file/K0sTATYK#dnSwyayOp3XxBIUWTdTzMrKoVy5Cv_8nRHIISmLajl0 into the game's folder
Extract https://mega.nz/file/ntFjTTSA#Z2txBG-JN6kzRrLptY2Db-G4lmS1hqEokznVtkRvrpw into AppData\Local\MW5Mercs\Saved

Make sure to read up on how the VR mod works https://www.nexusmods.com/mechwarrior5mercenaries/mods/1009 Head aiming is fun.
yuru's worst sin is that he replies to the trolls, which is all the food they need to keep hating on him
I won't be intimidated into silence after what she did to me.
>humans won

>host is human
>camera men are human
>video mixer is human
>duki is human

I'm sensing a pattern and that pattern is that clearly it took the greatness of humanity to bring us such a great event so it's only natural that humanity would prove the victor in the end.
They never responded to that /trash/ post with their naked model from yesterday.
Yubu coomer confirmed?
>humans doing the most iconic human salute at the final podium shot
Peak humanity.
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how do you roleplay and get into character? NOT erotic roleplay
asking in the wrong place, /vrg/ doesn't really interact with the VR RP side of VRC if there isn't virtual sex involved.
mmm so should i just buy a quest 2 or 3 then...
Ne instance https://vrch.at/0z55ca83
is it fuckin over yet?
another hour
At current new prices, that's what I'd do. If you could get a PSVR2 for close to Quest 2 prices, it could be a nice cheap PCVR headset if you don't want to deal with wireless quirks.
We don't know how well it actually works as a PCVR headset yet either, I'd at least wait and see how the official support is if you're considering it.
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Normal day in the zone
item sync is fiiine they said.
at least single player is good. just need that 5090
Such is life in the zone
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is this worth it's price
Try it for free and judge if it's worth the price
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I haven't been happy and excited about things since 2018 - 2020. I largely stopped playing vr games and just coomed / hung out in vrchat instead.
How do I get back into wanting to play vr games and doing fun things with /vrg/? The amount of frat boy normalfags and schizo discord retards have made this place unappealing and scary. I feel so out of place when I join meetups.
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Join the VR game lobbies
I use it to edit the video capture settings so I don't have to use the adb console commands
Give up and look elsewhere, but that's the hard part looking elsewhere. It's a constant nonstop struggle finding a place where I'm not just a transparent npc. I've given up trying to hope for anything even shallowness with anyone here.
Just join lobbies and ignore entire the social component of /vrg/ entirely (it is extremely bad).
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Have you tried vr games
Yes, it noticeably improves the resolution of games, even sideloaded ones.
videogames are cancelled due to the french
Olympics over.
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joining vrg shooter lobbies aren't fun cause there's always 1-3 people who are way better than the rest of the group combined and whichever team they play on wins.
Breachers still happening or did I miss it?
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Sweet it’s time to share this again. Hope this helps. This needs a few updates but I got lazy
bro having a flowchart for this is deranged
Im autistic as hell and make flowcharts for a living if you are autistic enough to need a flowchart to talk to another human just dont bother and make your flowchart one stop that just says "it was over before it began"
I absolutely cannot stop myself from trying to win but I will switch to using weaker weapons if it has been made known that there are newer players in the lobby.
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literally the first box in the first step is wrong. "slurs and 'negative connotation' - toughen your skin"?
Everyone knows there's a difference between some insufferable undesirable person going around saying "niggers and fags" in order to cause problems vs someone who tells a funny edgy joke with a slur as the punchline, right?
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Please do not disrespect my waifu’s name. It’s yuki

Also Haruhi likes non-humans. Entities along the lines of Aleins, time-travelers, espers, sliders and more. Ordinary humans are cannonically boring for her except for kyon somehow which is a normal human bean.
Find the groups who don’t exhibit the drunk frat boy behavior. We have so many groups in /vrg/ and you choose to only focus on the frat boys.
The ones woth activities attached to them are the best, join the instances posted here about that.
The flowchart does not cover instances where bad unruly behavior is exhibited. The “chan” part is just that, full freedom of speech. If someone is being a jerk the flowchart does not cover that.

It’s a system for trying to engage in conversation. Not a flowchart to determine if someone is worth interacting with. I think that needs a separate flow chart that runs in parallel to this as another layer.
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>bad unruly behavior is exhibited
>"negative connotation"
Since tranny games ceremony lasted this long EU Breachers will take place tomorrow in the afternoon so SEA can also join.
Oh fuck so I need to use a different word there. Thanks anon, changing it on the next update.
got it downloaded onto my quest what should I do now should I just continue to run steam link like i would normally before?
the anime is shit and everybody liking it has shit taste
>steam link
It's for standalone games, if you want to tweak streaming quality for PCVR stuff you should grab Virtual Desktop instead.
lol in that case how do I uninstall it then
It's the best anime ever made in my heart
In that case I'm sorry to hear you never seen good anime
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I have a thousand anime series under my belt. I have my /a/ credentials and haruhi is in my 3x3.
Here's my OBJECTIVE best anime favorite list pic related. Also that's the original FMA not brotherhood
>I watched the popular mid 2000s anime and never grew up beyond that point
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Weekly Bar Crawl #26 "SPORTS" Edition

A weekly hang where every friday, a new bar (or bar related, or map with a large bar), no repeats. ever. Starting 9 PM EST for normal humans.

This week in news: The olympics has begun, in the muslim country of france. Drink in honor of allah.

Place to hang out and unload. Only requirement is to show up (sober or awake being optional).

Join instructions when event starts.

This weeks map: ???
It's actually kinda fucked up how they're bullying him too. Guy has it rough nearing 50 with no wife or kids and copes by using a voice changer pretending to be a woman on the internet.
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thinking you need to "grow up" is a scam
enjoying what you enjoy is the truth of the world
I've tried these so called "grown up" anime and watched them too and yet they always fail to have the fun that entertainment shows are supposed to have.
Just find the app under unknown sources and uninstall from in there. Should show up like anything else you installed that way.
>freiren unironically
holy cringe, your taste is shit. The other anon is wrong though, haruhi is good and has aged well
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>Guy has it rough nearing 50 with no wife or kids and copes by using a voice changer pretending to be a woman on the internet.
It's not about good or bad but when most of your favorites are from the same time frame you gotta start wondering why
Indeed. Haruhi has all the layers needed for a great show specially if you reach the movie. It can be enjoyed at different levels which is top tier writing and animation.

What's your beef with frieren though? I really liked the adventure aspect of it, I'm a sucker for a magic fantasy adventure and it hit it well. Picking stuff just because it's popular is not my style but the reverse also is true, I do not not pick stuff just because it's popular as well.
I always try to have a few slots that are hot swappable for newer anime to take it's place if it can defeat the old ones else my 3x3 will never budge.
couldn't sent this as soon as I wanted since work crept up on me while exploring world with some of you fine gents but wanted to say that I had a lot of fun hanging out with everyone that showed up
Do lobbies that aren't PVP shooters, ez. Escape Rooms and Golf get posted here sometimes.
>same time frame
1) Nanoha and Nanoha A's - 2004 to 2006
2) Zetsubou sensei - 2007
3) Railgun - 2009
4) Wixoss - 2014
5) Haruhi - 2006 to 2010
6) Flip Flappers - 2016
7) Shin sekai yori - 2012
8) FMA original - 2003
9) Frieren - 2023

Anon that's not the same time frame at all
That's two decades worth of time frame.
Thanks for setting up the drawing session. Had fun as well beemo chan <3
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thanks for joining and hanging out with me

oh right while im at it
im able to show up for exploration but is likely to be about an hour or two late since i literally just found out that a anime convention is happening this weekend
naisu naisu. Take your time, exploration usually lasts 4 hrs so plenty to catch when you get free. Enjoy your animecon!
What's the easiest way to change Selestia's head to something else?
The worst thing Yuru ever did was being anti rando and anti furry. Nu-vrg niggers will never forgive him for this. The anti yuru posting is almost exclusively jelly, newfags, or one of the psychopaths who just like causing problems like orb/damascus.
>What's your beef with frieren though
the main points are
>dishonest writing, introduces itself as a comfy journey but is really shounenshit
>every arc winds back into being powerlevel shit, with the same formulaic direction every time
>spotty animation, usually pretty ok but sometimes very stiff and ugly
>too many flashbacks to this shallow character that the author REALLY wants you to like and respect

I don't think it's the worst, but it's forgettable seasonal trash at best. If you have it in your top favorites, you have bad taste. I'd be happy to discuss it more in depth but kind of off topic for this thread.
Gigguk tier analysis and taste
Just to play devils advocate here a bit, I really think he used to make the thread a worse place with his blogposting. Most of it was harmless by itself, but the way he would respond to shitposts every time and encourage them, possibly on purpose, really made it worse. He has largely withdrawn that habit now though, so it's worth forgiving. I think it's stupid to assume everyone who didn't like his posts are on the same tier as the spammers
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Thanks for discussing it with me.
How about we make a "Your waifu is shit" VRchat debate? Could be fun
"You're favorite anime is shit"
Yuki, not everything needs to be an event

>inb4 oh lets make a "not everything needs to be an event" event!!!
>"tell me that you don't understand Frieren without saying you don't understand Frieren" the post
Which is funny to me, because Frieren is by far not rocket science
Dang a counter-counter-trapcard. Ok, ok I'll subdue the thoughts for now
Thank you

>for now
...please no
age of yuru & invalidum was my favorite age in vrchat. the yin and yang of leaderfags and the community was balanced. there's less leaderfagging now, but a lot more fracture.
>you just don't le understand it
cope. I watched the whole thing and I didn't hate it. I just think it's very overrated
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reminder, basedsaber lobby in one hour
mindbroken. I didn't just use a buzzword, I explained the reason for using it to describe it
If it's not for you it is not for you, but the points you brought up are false. Unless you define things like "powerlevel" to mean something different, don't understand why flashbacks are in the show to begin with and define "shounenshit" with "it appeared in Weekly Shōnen Sunday".

Your next line will be that I got no media literacy
is there a way to convert vrc avi's to beat saber
without the hassle of changing everybone and shader?
shaders all work for beatsaber I think since it's just unity. Converting physbones to dynamic bones is what you need that's about it
>he wasnt invited to the no-event event earlier this year
Frieren is a humiliation ritual with dishonest filmmaking and it's pretty much sloptimized for mediocrity.

Textbook "Artificial Soul"
By powerlevels I mean the way it always comes back to the plot ponts being about characters' powers being stronger than other characters, or long flashbacks explaining why character is le stronge. I'm talking about parts like the flashback of how frieren learned to supress her mana. It's pretty normal for shouned, not always a bad thing. But it's not the kind of show frieren was clearly meant to be
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kek. Oh fuck your post is too funny for me, mind if I save it?
oh thank you for that that'd would skip alot of time
No thanks schizophrenic man
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i appreciate the recognition for all my hard work. yuru hate is kind of a dead horse to me though, we've already had a damaskus vs yuru arc.
i will take pics with my vr crush someday, i just have to ask him first
Being anti-furry and rando are a good thing though. If more people were like that the weekend meets wouldnt be nearly as shit as they are these days
Yuru is the textbook example of dishonest leaderfagging.
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An event event would be really fun. We could do it like the model UN or like a formal debate championship or something where we all split up and debate and form arguments in favor of certain events being organized, and the winning event gets made into an actual event.
Guess I was right.
ive actually proposed an "event event" before but thats a significantly mjore well developed idea than mine.
but at the same time its just what we do here with extra steps. if you really like the idea of vrg model UN though we could just straight up do a model un event
You know what would even be better? An event event event! We could do it like an image board where people bring up how they make up a UN or formal debate championship or something we all split up and debate and form arguments in favor of certain events being organized, and the winning event gets made into an actual event event where we do it like the model UN or like a formal debate championship or something where we all split up and debate and form arguments in favor of certain events being organized, and the winning event gets made into an actual event.
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we already had the event event event and the no-event event pls wait another year before doing the same thing
you fucking saved that? im touched
Frieren literally had to learn how to hide her mana to defeat demons.
Since demon's lie and deceive humans, the way to defeat them is to lie and deceive them too in the only aspect they refuse and have too much of a pride on, their mana.

There was no need to further explain why Frieren is strong. She already defeated the demon king and won the full great war and is hailed as the last great mage. The show is not about what kind of bullshit she needs to win, the audience are always relaxed knowing she will win at least for this first season of the show that we have seen so far. Think of her like the one-punch man of their world in terms of magic.
nah just a quick archive search
that was a very fun period of shitposting about events so it stuck in my mind :3
i had a blast myself, thanks for reminding me
And then there's also the arc about old magic vs new magic, with that demon they thawed out. And there another additional arc about supressing powerlevel, and there was the tournament arc. I found it to be tiring how common it was for the show to go into a lengthy flashback about the characters powers before the climax, explaining why they are actually le stronger than they appear.
>there was no need to further explain
There was no need, but they sure did. Not just with frieren, they did it with many characters, over and over. Oh yeah, there was the intro arc for stark too.
hopefully one that has eye/face tracking too

est usa
>arc about old magic vs new magic
my brother in christ, that is not an arc. That is a timeline of things that happened within 50 or so years. The world developed further and it is pretty clear that research (especially after the demon king) is not halted. If you see this as "le powerlevel shonen arc" then I am very sorry to hear that you don't know what you are talking about.

>arc about supressing powerlevel
Again, this has been hinted during the whole show. You were able to see it happen (the drunken priest notices it too when they pick her up), even before the flashback explained it to you.
You misinterpret (purposefully? I dunno) that the amount of mana is saying nothing about the "powerlevel" or the strength of the mage. They even say so at the end of the current season. This will even be more apparent in coming episodes.

Not trying you to convince you to continue watching it. Please not. Stop and watch something else. But talking out of your ass is dumb.
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Anybody know how to fix video players in vrchat giving errors and constantly being rate limited? Everything I've googled (clearing cache, restoring nvidia control panel to default, verifying cache) has done absolutely nothing to help.
It is an arc. The one where they thawed out the demon. Or a sub arc, I guess it was pretty short.

It doesn't matter if it was forshadowed, I don't see how that changes anything. Mana is literally a measure of magical power. There was an arc in which the antagonist, literally had a powerlevel scale item, whose power was to weigh the characters' mana levels against each other, and there was a flashback explaining why frierens mana level is higher than it would appear on the outside. Also I've already watched the whole thing. As I said I didn't hate it, if nothing else the animation was usually good and enjoyable, outside of those few scenes.
A lot of mages with much lower mana than freiren defeated her in a fight. Mana is not the end all be all of power in freiren this was so obvious and was made into a point. Focus on the other parts of freiren too like her desire to understand humans and understand herself
Bro doesnt even get what an arc is, plot points are beyond his understanding
>powerlevel scale item
Congrats you have proven that you didn't even watch or understand the episode.
Otherwise you would have known that the only reason whe Frieren didn't head on attack her was because she is weaker than Aura.
The only thing Frieren has going for her is the amount of mana. Magic wise she is "bad for her age" as Serie will put it.
>Mana is not the end all be all of power in freiren this was so obvious and was made into a point
That's not really the point I'm trying to make. What I'm saying is I didn't like how all the arcs seemed to focus on explaining character's powers and strengths, and comparing them. Such a focus on it is rarely seen outside of shounen.
Maybe I should have explained better. I didn't mean the entire concept of old magic vs new magic, I was talking about the episode where they thaw the demon. They spent a while hyping up the demon as being so all powerful, and then subverted it by going through an explanation of why the new magic is better.
that's literally what the item was though
>It doesn't matter if it was forshadowed

I now need to ask you what your favorite anime is.
Why were you referring to the plot of a single episode as an arc you do know how much you damage your credibility by doing this, yes?
Maybe you shouldn't browse tiktok while you are watching a show. I know it'll take a lot of restrain, but try it. You will catch a lot of things that you obviously missed.
If you don't refute anything, I have to assume you are just coping
Oh I am done with refuting. You have proven that you did not understand the simplest of plot points.
Now I am only shitting on you.

Though I also wanna know what your favourite anime is.
See thats not how this works either youre autistic arent you.
I was peacefully discussing this with you, you are getting emotional about it. There's no point anon
arent we all
Peacefully, what is your absolute #1 anime?
>doesn't understand what an arc is
>foreshadowing doesn't matter
>is annoyed by character moments
>can't connect plotpoints
>the world developing further is powerlevel shit
>you are coping

This has to be bait. I refuse to believe that people like this exist. My cope is, that I believe you are baiting.
U niggers stfu and talk about vr games not fucking anime lol

He got upset at a "no weapon forged can stop me" moment lol
What is your favorite anime, anon
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>Mogs your favorite anime's foreshadowing
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Woah this RUINS of MAGUS VR game reminds me of freiren in terms of setting :^)
Come to NA anime sometime anon, I'll tell you about it. Instead of shitting up the thread with it
Make clown / juggalo themed avatars
Who are you, so I know who to ask?
Make police avatars
arrest juggalos
ask for the one who doesn't like frieren then. Not giving you something else to shit up the thread with
>shonen slop
>characters die but not really
>literally retarded girl is love interest
>literal line "in the end we are the steins gate" at the end
>retarded fat character doesn't realize he gets soda twice

not saying I hate it, but its overhyped. Animation is spotty too.
plot twist: I will kick you next NA anime :)
This anime's foreshadowing is so good that I knew exactly how they were going to resolve the plot from the first episode.
mahjong, come drink and play https://vrch.at/bm5wtr4p
lobby code is EOEXP
pls join the mumble: voice.vrg.party
There does tend to be some crashes here and there sometimes, so joining the mumble will help, also check thread for updated lobby codes
Peak Dishonest storytelling
Did you even watch it? Don't act like you know what it's about if you haven't.
he says mean things about people all the time
thats a zero, not an o, sorry
Is it still possible to play VRChat on Windows 7? I haven't played in a few years and my friend invited me to, but it's not launching past the splash screen. I tried clearing the cache, deleting the registry files, and reinstalling the game, but none of that worked.
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fuck you I'll be a delinquent
Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows 10/11
Processor: Intel® i5-4590 / AMD FX 8350 equivalent or greater
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce® GTX 970 / AMD Radeon™ R9 290 equivalent or greater
DirectX: Version 11
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 1 GB available space
VR Support: SteamVR
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Reminder: Drunk Pavlov in 2ish hours!!

Also I wanna add a little PSA.
If you host an instance and you consider yourself a part of /vrg/ don't kick fellow vrg folk for personal reasons. Ive seen it happen every so often and its something that damages the community. The only people that should be kicked are as always randos not from 4chan and furries. Thats all.
I've played other games that require Windows 10 with minimal workarounds. I just want to know if it can be done with this one.
Steins;Gate was overhyped to me.
>don't kick fellow vrg folk for personal reasons
correct, you should be kicking people for ABSOLUTELY NO reason. it is ALWAYS funny.
im guessing their anti cheat no longer works on win 7
They don't use anti-cheat.
>don't kick fellow vrg folk for personal reasons
let me think about it.
Nah. Still gonna kick people I don't like.
>toughen your skin
Not them but for me “a single unreasonable kick is a tragedy”
Always put yourself on other people’s shows
>They don't use anti-cheat.
>Always put yourself on other people’s shows
Not much of a theater kid though
What video player should I use for the new map im using.
Woops misclick I meant shoes not shoes.
im still mad some nigger kicked me for personal reasons when ive had almost 10 times the amount of times i could have kicked him and i didnt
ill get my petty cold revenge one day tho and the re bury the hatchet
2nd table 2/4
>Always put yourself on other people’s shows
I mean of course a cameo is gonna be easier than running your own
>and i didnt
weak. You should have done it instantly when you had the chance. Doing it that long after he did it is petty and gay.
Good luck on your revenge tho
qt brown fox wife
i havent had the chance since i found out, but thanks anon
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>The VRCSDK build was aborted because the IVRCSDKPreprocessSceneCallback 'AssignSceneNetworkIDs' reported a failure.

how fix
play a real VR game
Try to remove pipeline
Have you tried turning unity off and on again?
i'm roughly guessing you have two gameobjects with the exact same name with udonbehaviors on them, which breaks the network id assignment.
on linux you can still use melonloader so...
aite, thanks breh
think ill just spring for the quest 3 at this point then
ive been missing vr since the CV1
3rd table starting up
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yes, drunk chess man had to go die so works out
thanks anon, i bukakke'd my controllers with this and its working great
Just air spray should be enough no?
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Drunk Pavlov is starting NOW. Heres how to get in: Server name is Shitposting therapy addiction center. click this to get in https://letmein.vrg.party/
they rolled around in the hay (﹏)
I'm drunk, and might have shit myself, but I believe I can get my manly soul ready in an hour for some hard core combat.
there was an attempt. Unfortunately the beattogether servers must have been struggling or something, we couldn't keep the lobby stable even for one song. We'll try again soon, maybe will try a newer version, if multiplayer has been updated for it
I played this for three hours, which is to say I waited for two and 1/4 hours for different gamemodes to load and most of the time they were completely broken
Garry is a hack, Roblox won
oh cool a virus link, no thanks

remember when pavlov was good and all you needed was a passcode?

daveillzs is a chink sellout and left4pillz is literally a glowie, they killed the best game ever made out of dumbshit wokism nonsense
>too retarded for the whitelist
good, the filter is working.
i swear i already downloaded killshow wtf 900mb wait
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let go
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Good paving brahs
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>bage 9
pls rember to keep the thread bumped when you take your headset off to pee or refill your drink
Passwords have been usable for years. NA Pavlov just stuck with the whitelist from 2019 for whatever reason.
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>taking your headset off to pee
>he can't afford diapers
Some people don't want Zucc watching their cocks in pass-through.
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>not wanting Zucc to watch ur cock
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update on this I think this converter will unironically work for beatsaber it converts the vrc avatar to VRM which is the standandardized VR avatar format

VRchat avatar to VRM converter
omg happy 29th birthday Nigger!!
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In Vket Japan there's an entire separate horror map locked away inside the map in a secret door that you need to enter the code to.
It's pretty cool. Not particularly scary and there's no jump scares which is nice, it's slightly unnerving and fun though.
I can't believe Loli Police Department is kill now.
Renamed into a soulless husk... Local Police Department
literally possible in CVR which whitelists the very performant magica cloth. Anyone have that webm of Chen with the dress?
Beat Saber custom models are their own format instead of VRM for God knows why.
This is what you need to do to port a VRChat avatar:
Nice thanks anon
Political correctness gone mad..
if your enjoyment of something is solely based on WINNING or not then you are always going to be a miserable faggot no matter what you do or where you go, inside and outside of VR
Dying without being able to do anything is not fun. This is why I don't join Pavlov.

world is a fuck....cant even say cunny in some places now
8hrs of mahjong!! see u sunday
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yeah don't bother with tuesday pavlov at least with other gamemodes you can respawn and keep learning but pavlov you're left sitting around for 5 minutes after getting shot in the head round the corner by a deagle
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Walkabout mini golf in 3 hours! 1300utc+1
I plan on doing the new map
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rounds are not even 5 minutes long and end way faster.
Also just don't charge in and strategize a bit.

It's litteral ADHD zoomer with no skill issue. I HAVE TO AIMLESSLY RESPAWN AND SHOOT ALL THE TIME.
I tell everyone to practice the mechanics of shooting and reloading before joining; you can't expect to be competitive against people who've done the ground work and got those physical skills. Bots in pavlov are a good standard; they're bad. but once you can stomp them you are competitive
Breachers, today, after golf.
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It's the shitty After The Fall laser with no line and it goes through walls.
report it as a problem; early access pls understand
I didn't think vrchat rhythm games could feel this fun to play but this one was really neat!
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If you're using Merlin's UdonSharp video player (it looks like pic related) then ever since a few months ago (maybe around the time they went to Unity 2022?) this video player has for some reason been super bugged. The "Video" component will sometimes produce absolute garbage 360p quality video or just straight up not work.
The "Stream" component will work, but give everyone in the instance, aside from the person that played the video, intermittent flashing black frames during the video every 1-5 seconds.
Really sucks since this was the most reliable video player for a long while for years, and all of a sudden after Merlin got fired from VRChat it's suddenly gone defunct.

I recommend replacing it with ProTV 3.0.
ProTV was kind of an unreliable shitter video player system in the past but it's been the most reliable video player by far now since their 3.0 update came out around the beginning of this year.
Yesterday someone told me that you don't need to add clothes in Blender; you can add them directly in Unity. That seems like black magic to me, but if it makes things easier I want to try. It's not in the Avatar Hypertutorial though. How do I do it? Just download and import the .unitypackage to my project? Anything else I need to think about?

Drag the clothes prefab to your avatar, r-click setup outfit, done. Why didn't you add me on discord? Its in my bio
>have double the armature in there
>40k outfits haha who cares
Thank you! You might have to add me because of how borked discord is. I put my account in my VRC profile. I'll talk to you about it when I see you again.
Modular Avatar doesn't. Old tools like Autodresser 1.x did this, MA is pretty optimized.
>guys I added 10 outfits
>don't worry its all optimized
You can add 10 outfits in blender? Your point?
People who open blender to add outfits are smarter and care.
People who add outfits in unity are literal retards looking for one-button-shortcuts and don't care.
Glad I could help.
did you drop in from 2017?
>every single npc keeps screaming at you to go back while you still can
>thought there would be another door or some cool interaction but instead its shadow people
that was kinda spooky
Yes, actually.
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Hey guys! UwU
I'm the femboy twink in VRC! The wall doesn't exist. Don't worry :3

There's a part 2 that serves as a prequel to that map. There's more horror content there. Remember the passcode from part 1
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Walkabout Mini Golf!
Join lobby 'vrg'
We're doing the new map; if it'sfull pls try vrg1 for a few minutes
Oh god no i am a giant pussy and hate horror especially in VR its like a bazillion times worse I actually was not expecting spookiness and the fact that it was more of an unsettling slow burn silent and faceless scare than a clown going ooga booga makes it even scarier no part 2 in fact remove the memory of part 1 from my brain too

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