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Just shitpost (it'll be okay) edition

>Patch Notes

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

• July 27, 7:00 PM EDT | Cuchulainn, Wolves' Den Pier, Top of the Ship | Casual CC Sync Meetup >>487358505
• July 28, 6:00 PM CDT | Sephirot, Tuliyollal Instance 1 (12.9, 15.5) | Tural Thread Throwdown >>485962949
• August 3, 4:00 PM EDT | Rafflesia, Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | /xivg/ Mahjong Open Tournament >>486892289

Previous: >>487619602
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What video game is that?
Sure, why not. Server and location?
ffxiv but it's missing the z-axis
who's wol do i have to party finder to get an eb around here
my catboy
old school run escape
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hroth eb
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When are (You) joining the FC?
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I like it when my Miqote gets sneezed on. Is that weird?
My femlala spent most of her day shitposing on /xivg/
if you make a pf asking for an eb you might get pretty lucky unironically
assuming you're playing a female character or one of the more popular male races of course
damn that hd client option coming out looking good then
i think it's adventure quest
Post viera or get violently raped
Your choice
looks like starbound to me
I love femezen so much it's unreal
Healing my malera tank, having post-dungeon drinks with him in the Carline Canopy, stumbling back to the inn room with him, falling onto the bed and gazing lovingly into his eyes, making passionate love with lots of kissing and handholding knowing that as adventurers there is no guarantee that we will survive tomorrow and that it's these moments of intimacy that remind us that we are truly alive
I love malera so much
do you wanna... the game
I'll be your queen bee
honey b lovely


i'll be your one and only champ-bee-on
I'm not nearly high enough on the ebin ranking to even cut it
After 4 days i decided that the malera won the fanta tournament

Now I need to go through the slog of the DT MSQ again
That can't be true, I'm not bored to death the moment I look at it
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99 roll and a grey parse
99 roll and a grey parse
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>tfw machinist finally clicks
I got 8 kills
Need femezen soles on my face
Your viera can’t rape male midlanders
tranchelle moment
when my solo fc inevitably crumbles to drama (again)
meant for >>487630773
im retarded bc im hungry
fiera post
sorry, i don't like prickly pears
Not my cotton candy
Looking powerful, Khagan
I'm a femlala who needs a femlala eb to teach me dsr/top and afk in limsa with me
when is penumbra going to properly update, I don't want to fuck with testing bullshit
Yeah sure
Where do we meet?
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>doing ex2
>someone joins the pf and I recognize them
>it's a huge schizo that harassed me once a few years ago because I did a lot of eureka
>know they've harassed other people too like when they were in a blue mage static with a friend
>we pull and they die to a mechanic and refuse a rez
>they start melting at the party and i call them a psycho and that everyone should blist them, myself included
>5 mins later get a /tell from their friend shaming me for not cleairng an ultimate and my logs and stuff
Raiders and being mentally ill, name a more iconic duo
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I regret searching that username
I nominate Sun Rosa
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my femezen's quirk is being a doormat despite being max height (she's very insecure about it)
How about Bismarck Gridania, say by the Carpenter’s guild?
Holy shit james may is not looking good
God damn I love DSR so much but I wouldn't necessarily want to EB someone just to teach it to them...
Sorry sis.
my femezen gimmick is small boobs and a huge dick, she is insecure about her boobs
It works perfectly fine and I have yet to crash after installing it .1 seconds after it came out for testing.
Cactuar Limsa, maybe
I actually just logged out for the day sorry
I live in bongland it's beddy bye tiem
random third spoiler for no reason
I wish I had a cute femlala wife.
I'm thinking of reporting my friend's characters for modding. I know it's an asshole thing to do, but I can't stand modders.
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The mount dropped
I rolled a 34
>find my eb's anonymous Twitter stalking the retweets of an artist he likes
>he's an unironic tranny, she/they pronouns, tweets about hrt, the works
>this has never come up in the 5 years we've known each other (officially eb'd on endwalker launch)
>don't know how to bring this up to him
What do I do, /xivg/ bros? I'm not even mad he's a tranny just sad he hid it from me. Why would he hide that?
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I love my cute Femlala wife
my femlala is getting to the point that she'll do anything for attention...
Maybe I'm not just caught up on the lingo, but how does a SOLO fc even have any drama?
Fuck it, raid series based on the Scions.
>First Section
Lyse, Papalymo, Moenbryda, Minfilia
>Second Section
Thancred, Urianger, Y'shtola, Alphinaud+Alisaie
>Final Section
Estinien, G'raha Tia, Tataru+Mor Dhona reserves, WoL (think Soul of Cinder)
I am.. and I have 4936 perception. Unlucky I guess. I gathered like 60 and didn't get 3 or 6 from a single one.
sometimes i wonder what my experience with the game would be like if i didnt agree when someone asked to eb me only to have them pretty much ignore my existence anytime i didn't actively seek them out and invite them to things
i think they just wanted the items
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My hrothgar is werewolf coded.
Who would want a femlala eb that can't even begin to learn a fight by themselves? Useless femlalas go into the trash where they belong.
Femras owe my middie sex
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2 minute burst and a buttcape
2 minute burst and a buttcape
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Why is this always the case?
Quentin Tarantino when he puts you in D.N.S.
I lead people on with promises of RP and then never put out
this sucks man...
I would rather have more personal CDS than raid buffs.
i miss my chenbros
>Start with the souls of the departed
>End with a fight with the inner self
Would be kino as hell
Speaking of raid series, will the FFXI Alliance Raids be as intentionally confusing story wise as the Nier raids?
Ow, well, another time then
Good night!
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I am a femlala who just will do anything at this point to get plapped
>rolled a 1 on ex1 mount
>rolled a 44 on ex2 mount
Why yes I will be buying the mount in a few months, how could you tell?
I wish that was my fiddie
/joy /beam
my femezen pretends her shoulders are stiff so she can stretch in front of people
Polly post
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i wish only phys ranged had raid buffs so they could be buffed to be more meaningful button presses for them and other jobs could have more power in the rest of their kits.
do you like femra+
Fuck off sexpest.
>i wish I had a femlala wife
>a cute femlala wife
goognite to you too brudda
and to all a good night of nights
I'm trying to hold off re-subbing until the next expansion, but I've been posting a lot on here and it's getting tempting to sub again
I love eating tacos as a tank! Yummers!
I need to find out who my schizo is
no mitigation and a wipe
no mitigation and a wipe
I pretended that person talking about liking their friend but not wanting to confess last night was about me.
I wish this was my moonie,,,
Fine I'll do it without a cute eb you meanie
>ex1: roll 93 and win
>ex2: roll 99 and win
Grey parsers can't stop winning.
haha do you need a femra whm to rim your taco scented ass after raids?
so much fenny posting i could have been doing the last few days...
my femezen's quirk is looking like a dyke but being exclusively into men
You WILL prog the Savage raids without lowering the BGM to 0.
Oh my god does this schizo ever shut the fuck up?
The option youre looking for is Spam, btw
didn't mention sex or anything lewd now did I
get your mind outta the gutter
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The worst pvp grind I've done. Almost done
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it's me
what the FUCK is fenny
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Anyone want to do shared fates?
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when people ask if they should fanta to male middie I tell them "no" because I know they're only doing it for attention and will fanta off instead of trying to make friends
No it’s not you
SMELLING this HAG every single day
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a character from a gacha game one of the chenons and i used to post about
There's femras who would?
maybe if you're a femlala
Isn't Polly a futa?
can i have a sip
Are you cute?
plap a femlala? yeah
i need to do hunt trains
i need to cap tomes
i need to craft
i need to gather
i need an eb
im going to fucking die
don't you have over half a year to "grind" that
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Oops! Did you forget to brew your spells?
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Hello gamers.
>no show
guess nobody likes romantic lalaboys...
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>Wuk is going to be sidelined because of the VA strike
Is FFXIV saved? Did Kate finally get BTFO?
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3 energy drains and a wipe
3 energy drains and a wipe
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I exist for Lamaty'i
My sole love is Lamaty'i
I have no purpose other than Lamaty'i
Lamaty'i Lamaty'i Lamaty'i Lamaty'i Lamaty'i Lamaty'i Lamaty'i Lamaty'i Lamaty'i
Just answer the question and post your toon
gm homie
whats the shmove today
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>- 449
Damn bro you're dedicated
Send help why doesn't "update bibo material" work? I've tried it on various mods and it's all the same
mogged by literal raid bosses with 10 minutes screen time
I would die laughing if this happens.
my glubber is the silent suzuka of xivg
I will wait for a proper viera anchor
This desu
I've been a middie for almost 10 years now and it's funny that people think it'll give them the immediate attention they want, I just roll my eyes at this point.
I can't be in a static where a woman is lead not because i'm a incel or hate women it's quite the opposite i love women but my fetish gets in the way and my performance suffers. I'm too weak to women in position of power. Every second i spend with said leader progging the more i think how i want to fuck her senseless. Guess what? Current static i'm in a woman is lead. I'm screwed.
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Someone eb my sunnie+
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I love doing trains I love doing trains I love doing trains I love doing trains I love doing trains I love doing trains
I run a train on lapplands ass
That guy is kind of spittin though.
black mage father forgive me... i... i started leveling picto...
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I'm retarded and forgot the story. Why is this space ship here in Kugane?
Want to do the 1st zone?
The best of times have probably already passed.
Going to sleep. I'm a goddamned european now and I hate it.
gn gamer
Don't worry, we all are... even if we try to hide it or hate to admit it...
>join a Shinryu EX mount farming PF
>die a bunch
>get the mount
That was two months ago. I still feel bad.
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Mexicans be like "We love making fun of ourselves!" Until you call them Latinx then they start threatening to gut you with the rusty machete behind the washer that hasnt been cleaned or used for 4 years
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What are the odds of developers ever adjusting the timings on abilities after they have gone live? I understand the fivefold blast in M4 perfectly fine, but I live in a rural shithole with high ping so I need to be absolutely on point to execute it with my latency. It's the only ability I've encountered so far that has been this unforgiving.
How do I find love and happiness as a catboy
femra owe me sex
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This game like life rewards shitters
its okay. people do this in my level 100 extremes everyday.
if you mean urqopacha that's the only one i have finished currently...
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scree if he scree-al
>when you hate trans people so much you go out of your way to save hundreds of pictures of them to your personal computer just so you can look at them every day
you niggas realize xhe already probably did post-7.0 lines right
Fanta to a better race
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dare the dead tread ahead on a road that's borrowed
They really have already passed...
you cannot.
t. catboy
How do I find love and happiness as a femlala?
Slidecasting can only help BLM for so long...
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start eating
just believe
eb a femlala
eb a catboy
How can I find happiness as a Malezen?
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Start doing THIS!
but nearly every femlala is cute..
Be face 4 and max height, and nice to me
tataru first, then estinien, then g'raha with a pseudo-council fight or more thordan/wol summons
love yourself and realize happiness is something that only you can provide
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ill do any other zone if you still want to
>trannies - ###.png
spammer is falseflagging those 3, then I like them now
because all the other racial jokes are actually funny, but latinx is just some condescending white people shit they made up because they think latinos are babies that have to be coddled
its the people from the ivalice raids like they ran away from garlemald or something i cant really remember more than that
i need zenos in an ultimate that would be kino
It cannot be done
t. catboy
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i laugh at the latinx memes like that because theyre stupid but funny
i get mad at people unironically using latinx and trying to say it's inclusive and the right term or w/e

offtopic [lol]: why is the thread so sadboy today
How do I find love and happiness as a malera?
[7:22 p.m.]Your free company attains rank 2!
That's because you haven't seen me...
I'm plain and boring, no colors, wear glasses...
glasses are cute tho??
I know it would be way easier for me to make friends if I transferred off crystal, or fanta'd off lalaboy, but I'm a stubborn retard because I like both of those things and I'm not willing to change either to make more friends
with your loving femraen wife??!?!?
I am both of those things, how can I show my kindness to you today...
When should I use the spreadlo combo?
Femezen+ owe me jerking off in front of me
>wear glasses
But femlalas who wear glasses are cute...
how do i find love as a face 4 moonie
Wait till the fiddie posts.
My femlala is the ugly one...
Someone sneezed while my cock was inside of her and it made her tighten up so much that I have a fetish for it now...
so weird but understandable
awake but at what cost
that's for very old mods, before ew i think
try upgrading via textools instead
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Like this, 100% guaranteed.
Get with the times old man, it's latine now
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You heard it here first, anon. Glory of Garlemald (Ultimate) for 8.x
Even with slidecasting... sometimes the fights are just designed to make it impossible to slidecast on blm..
Look at M4 laser phase...
wish this was my femra
it doesn't exist for us
just exist and people will constantly throw themselves at you
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Just logging in for the first time since DT launcher, why are my shadows so blocky looking now?
can you post your character or something so people know to stay far FAR away from you?
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I love my threadwife
That is all
I NEED to rape a fiddie
don't be criminally mentally ill and then take your pick of literally any male or female characters on the crystal data center
man, Regula was the coolest fuckin dude
I've spent around 10k on armpit hentai commissions
Ahh. People kept saying that's how you could fix mods for DT but I guess they were bugging with me
I guess I gotta learn textools then. Is it simple to fix them?
Ok what the actual fuck did they do to summoner? I open it and I had to remove a bunch of shit and then add like nothing but 2 "abilities" that only work when I'm in dreadwyrm stance or some shit? Like what is this. What happened. Where the fuck is the DOT
post a pf (that I'm not going to join lmao)(unless...)
Man Legates are so fucking cool, its a shame we wont see the surviving and remaining legion legates because square hates them
you should post her...
I NEED to rape a stubble middie
i count my blessings every day that this is not my moonie
how do get around the twelveswood as a moonie
Only if you're cute...
They fixed smn bro, enjoy
male or female
You guys could do the other first zone.
Would you genocide the beast races for a cool helmet?

No, lol
Femlala post
yeah simple
install textools
do the initial setup
then open tools - dawntrail upgrades - upgrade modpacks
a min later it'll ask you where to save updated modpack
install and enjoy
i am eternally mad that they killed regula like that.
I am. I am however, not willing to show myself after making such a degenerate claim.
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Cute twink catboy rapist
In heat
Tries to rape roegadyn girl because she can bear the strongest children, gets beaten up
Tries to rape Highlander girl, beaten up harder
Tries to rape Middie, the smell of dog cum knocks him out
Tries to rape catgirl, is currently being raped by 6 stronger men
Tries to rape other catgirl, is actually catboy and gets raped back
Tries to rape girl lalafell, whoops thats actually Teledji Adaledji's twin brother Regileki Bababecci and he shoots you to death
hire someone to pretend you're a slave by leading you around on a leash in order to prevent unwanted attacks
oh nooooo
not meeee noooooo!!!!!
i am safe once more
unbelievably horny in praetorium again... a daily occurrence
i guess im ugly
ok im normal. when dc travel opens up i will find love on the crystal data center
How do I find love and happines as a male mid-
...let's just be honest, that's not meant to be, love is a lie and happiness is temporary if anything.
Fuck having feelings, fuck getting attached to anyone, fuck everything.
I will just play the game, love is not meant for me.
you too thread husband
thank god I'm clean shaven...
someone post the vocaroo
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Suffocating a femra with my big oily tits
Whoever designs the weapons for MNK, MCH and AST needs to be shot.
Yes, they're completely correct in doing so.
find a femra wife and make her happy
Regula represents the average Garlean when he isnt afraid of outlanders
in general Garleans are just normal people looking to regain their former glory in the ancient times but their mistreatment by other races and fear made them hostile
Regula was willing to die to save an Eorzean child because he didnt suffer from this fear
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I already maxed on that one...
I recently did my first ever real money gpose, 5 dollars a pic
do you like catboys?
tries to rape femra,
i am a femra+ currently plapping a rava- very harshly
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I am a femlala...
what a fool
everybody knows that femra are best for raping
It wasn't meant to be...
I'm about to spend 2.6k building a desktop and a monitor.
I know it's overkill but I don't really have anything else going on in my life aside from stupid videogames...
i know you cheated
yeah that Ivalice raids are a blur to me too, something about garleniggers fucking up Dalmasca and resistance fighter bangaas. Thanks lad.
once i unlocked Blade's Serenity i stopped worrying about monk weapons
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femra belong to miera+'s
put your pants on...
my femra volunteers
You are a grown man.
Society is depending on you for it to continue and prosper.
We are placing our faith in you to be our brother who helps us build a better future.
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erm sis your hair is clipping
how long did your eb last?
i come to /xivg/ for posts like these
Suffocating femra with my fat cock
my wife...
Had to drink 3 boba teas in a row to get the pig mount. Feel sick as fuck but it was worth it
They're stealing our women, khans...
fulala post
cute femlala
she forgot her skirt at home though it seems
Tuliyollal instance 1 (13.6, 10.5) seraph
you are so fucking fat
no thanks
femra belong to my hung femraen-
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*Deletes you're femlala*
was it, you can get that same mount minus the lil crown by doing Pixie Beast Tribes, I don't get why go through so much trouble for a shitty reskin
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almost told her i love her last night
Why did they kill Regulas again? Why wasn’t he part of the MSQ in later expansions?
Sometimes I just lie in bed listening to the OST. I don't mean in the game.
>don't play a few days and eb complains cause i haven't been on
>when i'm on they basically never ask me to do stuff anyway
make up your mind you shit
wish my grown ass man would get online so I could tell them how much I enjoy hanging out
I enjoyed Wuk Lamat in the MSQ, even with the somewhat dodgy EN dub.
M.H please EB me, your biggest simp
Where's the male roe that looks straight out of greek myth as Tio Azul

That's something you need to learn about every group anon. If you're in that group, you have a free pass to shit on it, if you're not you probably shouldn't join on it if you see it.
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My seeker could smoke everybody here in a race
don't worry about it.....
she's still my EB and we hang out lots
I may be fat but I have my pigger
I'd rather get diabeetus from this boba than grind tribe quests
what's a hung femraen-
You didnt have to drink it all at once
You couldve saved two for later
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miera+ is still my favorite race distinction
ftmierda could never
wish i could do this i want bubble tea so bad but i live in the middle of fucking no where
>First few CC matches DRG
>Backflip into the enemy accidentally
>Backflip into wall behind me
>Die while in the sky, wasting my LB
>teammate turns out to be an elderly Doman man

I won't lie, I think I enjoy the mobility but it's going to take a lot of practice to become a real Hellcat
just like in real life i cant make friends and do everything by myself
I try to talk to people but it doesnt go anywhere, noone talks to me either
I dont even get replies when i post my character
I dont mind being alone, i have gotten very good at it, but lately i feel like im missing something
t. femezen duskie wizard
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oh, because they're a female race
but what if someone comes up to my handler and asks if they could rape me and the handler said yes and exchanged money for it
that's just a risk you have to take
That is insanely cute, telling my grown ass man that as i post this.
Starting to get attracted to Akemi Sanzo
ask the thread cc pvper tiny sosig for tips and tricks on how to drg
"Grind" for 10 minutes a day on one of the best sources of exp from 70-80....
My seeker (male) could smoke everybody here in a blunt
It's not optional.
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*slurs speech*
"aren't you that one ebin?"
CC DOKO?!?!!?!?!?!?
my femlala EB gets extremely violent and belligerent while drunk and beats me until i can't even cry anymore because i feel so empty inside
I'm a dead ebin, but I'm still here.
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I'm going to tell my grown ass man that this was my post
face 2 dunesfolk femlala here
That's a normal event
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same sister i love him so much
bozja has such nice stuff for monk (and rdm) that it does make you wonder why they keep doing stupid insulting shit.
boy or girl
>actually feel like playing cc for once
>its palaistra and then its cloud 9
How do I get one of these
People say "not everyone is a piece of shit, you just have to find the good people".

Well they're pretty fucking good at playing hide and seek.
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smoke this
face one plainsfolk here...
/pet /pet /pet /pet
I'm trying to focus on gaming but there's a huge bug in my room and it's scaring me a lot.
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cc 6:45am ET dynamis
I don't want /xivg/'s normal to be my normal.
>Bozja RDM weapon doesn't have a fuckoff giant crystal hanging off your side
instantly the best option
how do i stop attracting lesbians as a femezen
i am a grown ass man with fat cock and balls irl
Avoid werewolf prone areas and you will be okay.
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i dont know. i've truly used up all my luck I think
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i don't remember making this post...
hmmm then i dont care
answer the question
BUILDED for roe men
i know (You) cheated on your thread wife
how do I meet a biofem while playing a female character myself?
sorry dude but most of the good people who post here don't post their characters every single thread
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what next?
it’s over for no one likes sunnies
he looks like he gets violated by rava girls
Don't worry anon, I'll get it for you and release it back to the wild.
but I don't even have a thread wife?
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Show me a miera that doesn't look like a bottom, and I'll show you a malera that doesn't look like a top.
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starting the DT msq
when should I stop skipping everything?
what do these people when they say vibe instance?
lovely !
sunnies are kinda bland i guess but you shouldnt have that hard of a time if you just *****bee yourself***** and keep talking to people
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Femala who crossdresses as a male lala here.
The thumbnail made me think you had a scythe, which would have been fitting given your location
first quest of 7.1
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too hot brain not working
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I examine every single elezen I see in hopes of finding something to go on with their adventure plate to say hi with but the search comment gives you so little to work with I find it hard to think of greetings for people.
The moment you feel that if you watched one more cutscene you would either kill yourself or quit the game.
after the beast tribes for the first 4 levels, then start again once you get to texas until the end
Just be myself got it
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I want an older woman with a chain smoker voice to get in over her head pleasing two dudes for money with the agreement being that it would be head only. Then i want them to convince her to do vaginal with condoms on. Turns, she says, no anal. Then while shes busy pleasing the first guy, I want the other guy to tease her ass, and shes verbally telling him to stop, but she cant do much, because she's currently busy
I want him to shove it in and I want her to scream like a cat would, begging them to stop, as she recognizes she's been sandwiched between two strong men who are no longer pretending to follow her terms. There will be no more condoms, and all holes will be used for free
Thanks you're too
True, but i like the parasol.
Reminds me animal crossing.
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I live in the competitive world of Exxxtreme healer parsing.
You are nothing to me.
I'm not nice to femhroth characters because I associate them with Wuk Lamat, who is a badly written and annoying character.
winning in pvp feels pretty good, i'd start there
Bros a random femlala just sat next to me and is just watching me craft.
She's not even saying anything.
>my future ex wife loves elezen and not my race
it was over before it even started...
beat her head in with your hammer
My fantablob addiction is resurfacing and I feel the desire to become a catgirl again
What stopped you
>this pedo is back
youre married now congrats
wtf how does this guy just get a free lalawife like its nothing
i love your little doodles anon
I showered already. I smell like a fruity smoothie.
I guess I'll just do the melee jobs that I can't stand with fates.
>make search comment song lyrics
>every now and then get people commenting on them
gaming on easy mode
what should i do in xiv today
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Ok i pull up
I'm nice to femhroth characters because I associate them with Wuk Lamat, who is my wife and I'm going to have unprotected sex with her.
I still don't have the minimum ilevel or the motivation to queue for level 100 EX trials.
i overthunk it
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Why do you wanna rape your mother
not really sure tbhonest
hi herbert
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my threadcrush was in a great mood yesterday and was giving me back-to-back compliments while we were gaming in voice. So bad I wanted to return the favor but I know she's usually shy and absolutely melts when I crank up my rizz so I let her have her fun
She's great
Seek out fiddie wife
okay just quit the game then no one cares sis
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you have my eyes...
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pls post wives
Are you gonna do it tonight? Do you actually love her anon?
God I need that depressed femcelala who hates men because she can't talk to them like you wouldn't believe
even if lines hadn't already been recorded for patches, these are pre-existing contracts and would not be affected.
Hey, you try keeping your motivation up when your game time is interrupted with a week long vacation to Florida!
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that's why i'm asking, bwo
i guess i'll just level rdm and pvp for a while
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My search info said "Literal garbage." for years, but people kept randomly sending me messages about how I shouldn't put myself down and that my character was very pretty so I had to change it.
why do you niggas all look the same i thought this was my friends cat
Please do, bugs are incredibly scary for me.
no, post husbands
thought this was elk
>make my search comment a reference to a niche game
>only had one person ever recognize it and it was on /v/
what should i pose my catboy doing
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Race mixing is bad
Stick to your own fucking kind
that is a dollar store limsa suncat, you can get a pack of 20 for 50 gil
Missing the lowlander mods.
Oh man thats actually kinda hot
surprisingly worse than elk
elk is a moonie now.
Your art mogs mine by leaps and bounds and I hate it.
I love it and would unironically pass you a buck or two for art.
Greeting Chomo.
no personality whatsoever it's kinda sad to see, just be yourself man
an action scene where he's squaring off against an enemy or two
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nevermind i dont feel like playing cc anymore
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i wish she existed...
Yeah same, kuroske said that its going to take some time to get em back up
Chuuni poses with my catboy
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Do I desynth this stuff or turn it into GC. Its poetics gear, and gear from alliance raids.
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idk man looks good to me
I am
a tomboy fwalala
who can't fucking fall asleep
Sure Rikka.
Being piledrived by my maleroe
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Sun Rosa post
you gargle balls for a living
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do i fanta to this bunboy
you mentioned both literal options aside throwing it away, so yea. If you dont got jobs that can use it, whatever you want, not like getting GC seals is hard and desynth is a scam
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sun rosa eated too much and exploded and did tho
this Ruby/Sapphire Weapon questline is so fucking good and cool. The music is fantastic also.
yet Squeenix would rather do 20 hours of text and cutscenes with tranny VAs
so fucking stupid.
*mirror force*
do you know how many times in this game ive been completely fucked or been fucked or been useless and the worst player on my team ? god it pisses me off when people do badly in casuals and are like woe is me. you motherfuckers don't understand what actual suffering is until you've gone -20 in a week from your peak or had so many high rankers trying to snipe you that the queue dies or been pushed off the board on the last day of the season
I think every race and gender in this game of hot anime people can be attractive (minus lalas)

Elezen and Miera just have to try the least.
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do you liked roe men?
why did you attach a picture of my moonie to your post
My male malidsterlander is a machine that turns single femlalas into pregnant femlala wives.
they were written by the same person btw
I'm going to the Steppe and I will take a malera husband
Male middies are weird
Bros it's gonna cost me, but I might be able to actually get my crafters all up to 100 before the week is over...
describe one veena
when will cc calls start
what if
what if
what if
what if
what if
what if
What is your current character.

That's a handsome bunny.
so when did they transition?
You should respect your kinds men....
My male midlander is a machine that turns single femras into pregnant femra wives.

how r u
dont really wanna see anymore bunboys desu
Did what bro?
Are you a gay bottom?
You are scaring the hoe
its just not fun to play 4v5
Why didnt sphene just create underground breeding facilities to get a stable income of souls?
died bro
They as in the two storylines, you dipshit!
A man (who did not transition) wrote both stories!
My male midlander is a machine that turns single fiddies into pregnant fiddie wives.
Need this for my femra
t. not actually a femra
that's a sunnie
What do you wanna see?
my malidsterlandster is a machine that turns femlala in hair brushed femlala
Malera bros…
The qt femroth just rejected me again…
How do I regain my honor
Desynth definitely makes more money than just selling it
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But I can't eb a dead femlala bro...
>gay art hoe bottom
3v5 seems more common for me
no blankposting allowed
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Summoning femras
literally any other males (not lala)
I love Nazuna so much bro
it seems you were too late bro...
I can respect them and still think they're weird
I'm just not attracted to them in any way
My preference is malera
I mean I guess if you get demimateria but that's chump change, and higher desynth means jackshit
Anyone wanna cuddle and watch a stream together
I'm ok slowly grinding msq out
Viera with bent ears are confirmed sluts. Their ears are broken from continuous handlebar use
Then I'll do the next best thing bro, turn her into delicious stirfry
that match was actually more like a 2v5 since the other 2 guys at the bottom only did like 60k dps combined
>turns femlala in hair brushed
Can you learn to spell you stupid faggot? You don't even deserve a Louisoix.
What we watching bro?
Depends on which stream
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No but think about it.
Youre ready to get down with some babe you pulled online, and shes cool as hell. The date goes great, and the sex is great. The sex is fucking awesome.
And then you find out later that shes half your age, not even in high school.
"How", "why" how the fuck could i let this happen, why couldnt I tell? "
You hate yourself for it, youre going insane, youre a monster ..
Buuut... She made you feel really nice. You felt a connection there. And the sex was absolutely amazing.
You give yourself time to think. Do you accept you got away scot free, and live your life with that experience as a teaching moment, to not date online? To hopefully find that connection with a woman your own age?
Late at night with nothing else to do, you look at your contacts and know shes there. That girl you cant be with. Who gave you the night of your life. And just... Send a text. Say hi. Hows it going.
Because the Lifestream there wasn't getting the souls that were artificially recycled by the Everkeep. The babies bred in those facilities would be born soulless.
my male midster is a machine that turns femra into barefoot and pregnant housewives
I need more perverted cumbrained f+ friends

t. fiddie
You guys give SE way too much credit. At best they have 7.1 lines recorded. And they can remove them too.
cc doko???
im sure she would have loved that, very fitting...
Watching moon moon
Is it rude to stare at people while they craft
gl sir
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Hey...did you went to Eulmore recently by any chance
I am
A femezen
who finally gets the PvP addiction
it's my moonieboy, anon
meet me in limsa on balmung at the arcanist guild
>materia IX was 7-9k gil a piece
>now its up to 13k a piece
people are just hoarding before savage
it'll surely go down when the patch actually gets here and people overstocked and throw it back on the mb... r-right?
im already watching the baldie wya
i think im addicted to this game and it's ruining my life but it's the only place i get any social interaction anymore so im terrified to stop playing
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Kugane market boards seraph
Any femlalas that dont have a fake personality and just talk regularly and honestly? Real question because I wanna meet a normal one
Who is this 4chan?
I am a femlala crafting alone with no one staring at me
When did it say souls are finite?
Souls are not finite.
It's not "chai" it's tea.

You're not from asia, you're white. It's tea.
is it ethically correct for me to blacklist everyone who whispers me to join their FC
rip sexy mi'qittens for awhile
yes, don't panic buy at this inflated price
hello my boywife
I'm already watching him what up
malera btw
slowly branch out and you'll naturally lose interest in ff14
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if you run into me on the battlefield you're gonna be addicted to other thinnnnngs
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Holy shit
if they do it more than once i would
I’d join this if you didn’t make it obvious
I bet you say "PIN number" and "ATM machine"
*throws CHAI at you*
I don't like CC though only FL for me.
only if you play a male character
ive always thought of chai tea as the red dot on forehead indian tea whereas regular tea is the opium smoking chinaman tea
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I miss when Living Memory looked like this... Is there any way to change it back?
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Okay being able to edit the color ways for the Queen might actually be super useful for stuff
Way nicer looking than tinting the color in Brio, at least
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dead game 14
put ng+ at any point before dawntrail
New Game+
I secretly want to smooch this femlala
>tank needed
>q tank
>been waiting for 40 seconds
ok nice dead game
Help me pick a crafting outfit for a hunter gatherer tribal miera. Nothing too fancy.
No, I say Pin and Hole in the Wall.
ears for yonks
Only if you do NG+ IIRC
Cute femezen
I annoy by Indian neighbor by saying 'Chai Tea'. He knows I know that 'chai' means 'tea'. He knows that I'm just stealing a bit from that animated Spiderman movie I haven't watched. He still throws a slipper at me.
Kimoi.....please stop looking at me....
I tried pre-buying a bunch when it was cheap going into EW's first tier and the prices absolutely tanked on day 1 of savage.
sorry, i'm waiting for the elden bing arc to be over
Femlalas cannot create anything original. They can only steal and twist what is great, perverting it into a lesser form.
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>You're not from asia, you're white.
Did TBSE get updated?
I am not gay but my character looks like a wimp without it
my fiddie is
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>Does she know??
>she doesn't know
battlefield anon baaaattlefield not LoL arena
I am
a miera+
Who is diligently improving himself like a good little worker bee
Chai is a specific type and preparation of tea. Just because one backwater region of the world calls all tea chai doesnt make it so.
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>It dropped again
my property
tengo una nueva creatura
I don't get why the PLACE had to lose it's looks, I undertand the endless in it, but why did the place needed to be made a grey blob.
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moonies are for
My femra did not get fully summoned and is stuck in limbo as a result
I need FL wives to que with...
It is in America. Go live in India if you want to bitch about it.
>You're not from asia, you're white
Thanks for the upgrade
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Man most of AST's weapons logok kinda lame...
why don't we have a new fishing spear yet
My malera is armed and nuclear
The only way to disarm him?
A fiddie wife
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What exactly does someone say to this
a rava that i dont like very much

bi switch
Ganbatte I play MCH and I'm getting better with my Marksman's spite.
good mornyan sunshine
my femra is
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my catman is the John Sugar of /xivg/
Warrior of Sunlight Fem Raen summoned.
There's so much you can do when the weapon is something completely made up.
Need to kiss and lick femezen soles
Shut the fuck up, hipster retard.
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If you're my friend for any length of time I'll probably doodle your characters a lot.
my male middie is the yummers of xivg
biofem detected
cute poop nose!
i'll definitely post my moonie this time!!
Calling all hermanos
How's it going sers
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Does that mean you like sunnies inside you?
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Erm.... is this wobbly effect on the screen underwater new???
sex etc
I am a purple malera
it's not completely made up. ast weapons are just fantasy armillary spheres.
Only if they're male.
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fake queue fourteen
Anon a word can have more than one meaning. They call all tea chai, but chai is also a very specific type of tea and we have given it that word. I dont care what the Hindi think about our decision.
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my maliddie is the ray velcoro of /xivg/
I should've just leveled a WHM. At least some of the staves look cool...
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is there porn of the healer role quest npcs
fucking ugly
My wobbly bunwife with no hint of a penis at all...
At the start before the pull and first burst, then as avalible for raidwides. Depending on the fight you may want to mit in one area or another, but almost every boss now starts with a raidwide, so just lead with it.
malera zalera
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Just got 99 ex1 totems
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>adventurer in need: dps
>it's actually healer in need
For my enemies
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Is there hope?
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Most of these rolequests (crafter/gatherer included) are such a disappointment compared to their counterparts in ShB. Barely any memorable characters or interesting storylines. They were already underwhelming in EW but some of the DT quests are genuinely boring.
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Hey /xivg/ pick a fanta for me i redone the others and added two more
Oh no, you thought that was clever in spiderman?
That woman writer didn't know what she was talking about
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>futranny nazi
This is after a month of begging for a voice acting gig
its always healer despite what it says
Top right. Or bottom right.
8/8 rapes from me, very impressive work
Yknow Square makes you record lines in Bulk so they pay you less, right?
Thats one of the reasons theres a strike in the first place.
Sena already had her lines recorded. At best youre gonna get lines with the main cast + Wuk fully voiced but any new characters or nonessential scenes will be completely silent
I am
a femlala who got nogged...
My fiera to eb and love
Im aware. But this likely means Woke latroon wont be in future xpacs.
plapping someone while they're nogged and can't resist
this picture really highlights how easily every race mogs middies
The level 89 dungeon.
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I am a male midlander
The secret is it doesn't matter which, just follow your heart

Learn the definition of words, Amerimutt.
After finally starting to interact with you guys I find it difficult to go back to my non-thread friends. I no longer wish to be around such boring people with such shit opinions.
Yoshida might just not have Wuk be voiced and scrap all the recordings due to negative feedback on the character itself
I love this fucking top so much. I wish I could wear it on my monk. Been begging for one since Stormblood.
*eyes bulge out of head*
*jaw drops and tongue rolls out*
*spits in hand, slicking my mane back (hair cus im a male hroth)
*clears throat* hello maam do you like hroths)(*eyes bulge out of head*
*jaw drops and tongue rolls out*
*spits in hand, slicking my mane back (hair cus im a male hroth)
hello maam do you like hroths (male)
>striking because square is making efficient use of studio time
retarded if true
either way this person does not matter
can't wait for AI to get to a point where petty squabbles like this become meaningless
No you aren't, I am
Hey uggo
>character getting binned because the english VA left
They never said that.
What specifically gave you the idea?
That femezen lookin mighty perty
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>Oh no, you thought that was clever in spiderman?
What the fuck are you on about? Are you having a stroke?
Yeah like how ARR was completely cut from the game right
Gimme a break
if you like... you should try
playing a bunnyboy in ffxiv anal
Yoshida might also fix the netcode and make the glamour system good and implement cross-DC PF and give me a miera husband.
Idk, but I'll gpose the thighlander with the boy from the lvl94 quest...
you wouldn't do that to a stuck femlala...
gonna comm art of my lowlander boy losing to honey b. lovely
the sunnie or the lala
It costs money to go back and redo those lines. It costs nothing to remove voice overs. Yoshida also knows the playerbase has low standards now and can get away with tons of unvoiced cutscenes.
>Elezen easily winning
Why are they so high in demand?
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Why doesnt he go work for Taco Bell or go into politics? Im sure the whole room will clap wildly at his voice breaking.
Depends, + or -
Voice actors dug their own grave.

Their union essentially makes it so companies would be paying millions to voice actors for a few days worth of work. They came up with all this insane bullshit like "if you get invited back to VA a sequel, they HAVE to pay you double or else you can't work for them" and they're talking about trying to make it illegal to hire non-union voice actors.
i'd do it right now
don't need to worry about hurting her by forcing her head against the ground when she has that goofy mascot mask stuck on her head
Futa and trannies aren't the same thing though.
Man... I thought you were saying
>it's not chai tea. That just means chai chai. It's just chai
But that's not what you said.
what top is that
what kind of a person uses twitter to complain about not having work
Is Wuk supposed to be a male hroth?
>From left to right, top to bottom
She's ok
She's ok
She's ok
Yes but I don't associate with /xivg/ in game, sorry.
I can remember what every single crafter quest NPC looked like in ShB and EW. I can't remember a single one in DT even though I did them just a week ago.
Gpose anchor doko
They deserve to be replaced with AI then
rent free
I don't watch movies with blacks in them, let alone marvelslop.
Sure my guy lmao
Okay Elk.
This retard proves more and more every single day that he was a diversity hire and nothing else. If he truly did give the "best audition of anyone in the room" for Wuk, then its because he was the only one in the fucking room. Otherwise, he'd have roles lined up after being the literal MC of a major Square-Enix release.
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i decided to queue up again
is it not natural that the superior race would win?
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Hey don't diss on the taco bell workers, at least they are doing a service providing me my food. Sena didn't do anything good for me all MSQ
I'm glad I'm erping with a catboy rn because the thread is once again becoming unusable.
It should be illegal to hire anyone not in a union, yea. Corporations should have Unions by default and if they dont, be subject to aggressively exponentional fines until they do.
Top right is pretty compliant, it meets all the usual criteria of being a shitnose moonie. Instant thread cred and rapes/plapping. Fishra aren't in so I guess the face 1 would suffice for raping. Otherwise, I would totally rape the shit out of the lalafell, you're guaranteed to get tons of thread cred. The others are a net negative and will never get you in the 'cord or the 'shell.
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I miss my ex eb
Need the femezen
Sounds really stupid if true. I wouldn't be hiring any unionized VA's if that were the case. Or just not any Americna ones at least, assuming this is just a Hollywood thing.
me too
want to hang out and maybe fall in love?
>It should be illegal to hire anyone not in a union, yea.

"You're not allowed to do anything by yourself, all your labours must be in service to random fucks you don't know or care about, if you don't join our cult you're not allowed to feed yourself".
My malezen? Thinks he's a badass but is actually a complete retard
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New Blacksmith script top.
lmao bros he did it again holy shit he said "ahh please kill mee!! i'm so weak and not worthy!!" and then...... he was just pretending! lol!!! holy shit this is fucking FUNNY!!!!
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Futa is specifically a fictional anime/hentai thing.
Trannies are mentally ill, typically men who wish to mutilate their bodies. Sometimes women who wish to do the same. None will ever succeed with modern science or any near future science.
yeah you're so fucking ugly that it haunts my brain
you wouldn't grab my hips and pull me back and forth while my voice is muffled...
i mean, you're suggesting the specific tea drink he's talking about is called chai, but that isn't what it's called in india (it's masala chai and involves more than just water and tea leaf), so you're not using the word correctly either.
this is also my catboy
So glad to see HE got filtered, I can't believe he still thinks anyone would want to hire him after his abysmal performance in DT, literally everyone is making fun of him.
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>he was a diversity hire and nothing else
Even worse, he's friends with the head of localization at CBU3. He's a blatant nepotism hire.
That's some nice cope.
Still a tranny.
If i had photoshop skills i would make a pic of them walking into a starbucks with Wuk behind the counter with a "manager" tag with the "Talk to Wuk Lamat" quest objective in the corner.
I thought /xivg/ was sick of palezen though
My femlala? just a retard
What you should care about, is that a union protects you from being fucked over by your employer.
Enjoy being laid off for literally no reason except for a dice roll because you refused to pay 50 bucks a month to support workers rights, retard
When I see people not recupping I also stop. I'm here to have fun not sweat carrying you. Let's just get the match over with so I can be done with you.
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How do I find teams who want to win PVP, or is it really a just queue up and pray to god you don't have people who are literally on auto-follow?
I want the mount.
A friend of mine recently told me they don't understand why people try to win at PVP. Its just an exp booster and they basically alt tab for the majority of their pvp games.
>i mean, you're suggesting the specific tea drink he's talking about is called chai,
Learn. To. Fucking. Read.

Tea is tea. "Chai" is not a thing. Asians call tea "Chai". I'm not asian, you're not asian. We call tea "Tea", not "Chai". Chai = Tea. It's the same thing. But white people call it "Tea". So say "Tea".
elf sex
hiya! very edible gock
your post is basically saying
>futa isn't real
>and trans people aren't real either
so uhh explain to me how they're different?
*heart beams you*
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That's sony
femezen, no doubt
>What you should care about, is that a union protects you from being fucked over by your employer.
Unions are all corrupt and do nothing but steal your money and fuck you over while pretending they're fighting for you.
british say chai as slang for tea as well. so, no, white people do not universally call tea "tea".
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>mfw no hrothgal to EB
i still try but i usually give up a little bit mentally
you queue ranked (which has its own different problems) or sit in fl premades that are basically just pubstomps
Futatards trying to put down trans people is so funny yet not at all different from the anti-gay politician that sucks off men in the congress stalls
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>yesterday moonie was winning hard
>today elf is winning hard
Guess I'm staying elf then.
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They say M&M's melt in your mouth, not in your hand Ray. But guess what, we've been holding skittles this whole fucking time.
You look good blonde no I don't have a bimbofication fetish at all haha why would you ask
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Fair point. Are they confirmed friends prior to him being hired? If so, even more grim for the future of the games story/world at least.
can you fanta to this, i'll be your #1 simp
smooch + rape + wife
I fanted and I picked the plump lips but they're so fat that my teeth show even when it's in the at rest expression so now I'm distracted by the bad anti aliassing of the thin white line of teeth during cutscenes
do your frontline daily and you'll get it in about a month
if you're queuing alone you're really just at the mercy of rng and who you're getting matchmade with
some games will be amazing, some will be complete dogshit and you just have to roll with it or succumb to malding
i'm trying to rage at everything less, myself, but i'm still guilty of snide fl comments or needing to take a break from queuing cc when my losing streak is too long
it is what it is
>no hrothgal
delete them all and do it right
>Are they confirmed friends prior to him being hired?
They are.
big fan of the sunnie since she looks like my eb did before dt
>british say chai as slang for tea as well
No we don't.

I'm fucking English retard don't try pulling that horseshit with me, silly cunt.
Its right there in the post, pretty explicitly detailed how its different. (You)
Not into futa, just explaining that they are in fact different.
It the mogpendium thing active? Do I get tomestones from doing it? It says 'finished' at the top so I'm not sure.
yeah, and they call masala chai "chai" to distinguish it from plain tea because it isn't plain tea. you are arguing a retarded point and not even being vaguely clever about it. people use different words to describe different things.
>207 pages
Is it just 207 pages of sycophants defending the shoddy VA or are they actually in agreement
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With all the ERP gil you're pouring in? Give me 20 years, and I'll reignite the Chaos raiding scene. 50 years, and I'll have people in Zadnor. 100 years, and my e-boyfriends will be heading for the venues, to search for RP clubs unpolluted by the mods and drama of /xivg/ dwellers.
I posted the wrong one...
Anon that's so wrong to associate all blondes with bimbos
No sir I only only a temporary bee
spending time together with femra
It's a dog-eat-dog world, Ray. And I'm the fucking chinaman.
Caspere knew this.
big yikes from me pal
Spiderman = Marvelslop.

I don't care who makes it, it's all Marvelslop.
I honestly can't even blame unironic "professional" online bigots/transphobes for going after Sena, because at the end of the day this sort of response is why you should carefully consider putting someone from a marginalized group on the spotlight, especially if it's such a prominent character for such a sudden act of inclusion. The localization team is not responsible for the hate Sena is getting, but they are responsible for pointing it her way, or at least shine the spotlight her way when they should know what it means.
woah, what is he from?
do you like my catboy or do you only like the idea of a catboy?
i love tan femraen so much its unreal
shut the fuck up you stupid unemployed rightoid shitfaggot.
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Stay strong king.
alexandria. he's dawntrail's starbird
this bitch has crazy eyes
it's always the second one no matter what race and gender you're playing
May I pls edate you?
Smooches your pantsu
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Absolutely depressing. Haven't seen the proof but I'll take your word for it for now. Knew I shouldn't have given her the benefit of the doubt back in Shadowbringers.
Its the vast majority of people shitting on the VA and the story.
There are some defenders, many are pretty irrational about it. Some are just indifferent.
Some people bring out their inner /v/ but most of those posts were removed.

You do see some people definitely going on multi-post rants about how much they hate Wuk Lamat or the DT story, but its still impressive to me that even with that and some of the deleted posts, that its still hit nearly 207 pages, and the agreed upon sentiment of the thread is that DT's story sucked and Wuk Lamat is the worst part of it.
>you queue ranked (which has its own different problems)
Those problems being the player pool in unranked-gold being worse than casual players and platinum+ queues only popping when the NEET Discord niggers allow them to.
It's masala tea. Stop being a hipster about it. You're not asian.

lol, the mask slips and the commie appears.
there's no set schedule for mogtome events
the last one ended a month ago
i wouldn't expect another until after 7.1
I really need more pictures of female characters becoming retarded pheromone-huffing simps for Honey B Lovely
You've referred to an ATM as an ATM machine before thus you're no better than the people you're whinging about
I hope this results in Square putting a shorter leash on their NA localizers but I'm still doubtful
good thing it isn't remotely true and he's a fucking idiot. if sag-aftra had that kind of power, there would be no such thing as a struggling actor, because it's the same union. all they do is negotiate minimal standards for contracts actors and studios negotiate between themselves for projects that elect to use union labor.
what mask? i haven't responded to your posts before you schizo retard.
We get it, you watched that Spider-Man movie.
didn't ask to hear about your shit taste faggot
Which thighs you're using? I like them
it's a bit rich for you to tell anyone what to say when you clearly have no idea how languages actually work.
I have 20. Do I just spend them?
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I have very little hope of that.
She was promoted to Koji's old position. Pretty close to Yoshi-P I would imagine because of that. Its genuinely depressing. Shes also protected on the NA side just because of her sexuality/gender. But who knows what kind of pull Yoshi might have if he believes that the NA side is hurting sales. Though unless people actually unsub (which some in the thread did say they planned to do) I'm not sure how much will change outside of the writing. Though the actual dungeons/trials/raids have been good so its cause others to just stick around despite hating the story/Wuk. Since the JP side seemed to not like the story either, I imagine they will rearrange some of the writers at least. I imagine for now at least, Kate is safe to insert her propaganda into the English side of the game.
Though the clear change in localization direction has at the very least caused me to switch from EN dub to JP dub. I wonder if thats a metric they track? Probably not honestly.
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Companies will bow down to this because the average western consumer would rather listen to a man trying (and failing) to imitate a woman than having to read a single line of subtitles. Go thank your dubfag friends for this.
Oh my fucking god I want to fuck the middie and elezen so bad
so not those. You'll get sexpested.
I switched immediately to Japanese.
I really liked some of the UK voices for the main scions too. Is a shame. I might go back if they lose literally all the American VAs going forward because the shitty fake Antonio Banderas accents weren't good either outside of Wuk Lamat.
god i love miqote
Me too.
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