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Next Prime edition

Previous thread >>487552806

Buy Plat
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Builds, Tierlists, and Damage Calculator: https://overframe.gg/
Frames and Modding: https://pastebin.com/D8Ckdz0c
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CURRENT UPDATE: Jade Shadows: Hotfix 36.0.8
CURRENT EVENT: Dog Days: https://www.warframe.com/news/dog-days-2024
Ember's ass has now replaced Wisp's ass
Wispfags on suicide watch
btw Ember Heirloom's ass is modeled after Reb's
>wide hips ruin it
So content when? Legit no idea what’s coming next or when
Nothing's coming until 1999, which is advertised as releasing in Winter
Prepare some drinks, this will be a long content drought
Lotus eater between now and 1999
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*pets your Ember*
Your reply?
To me I know Ligger designed it to be horny but he doesn't model the designs himself, the modeler clearly turned it into looking more like poofy pants and his ass doesn't actually stick out that much nor is it that detailed so props to the modeler for trying to salvage it
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August - Rebb Eaters
Winter - 1999
Why are destinyplayers shilling Warframe?
when did radshares stop rolling 1 relic at time?
There you go, anon
Daily reminder that high Wukong or Revenant playtime bricks your profile.
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post em
I bricked mine when Wukong's clone somehow counted towards his usage rate, effectively doubling it
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Based twink
when warframe became a low trust society
Maybe bungie broke the bucks again? The last time I played Destiny Forsaken was current and Bungie had just started their jewish practices after being freed from Activision.
Its been all broken for a long while so dont mind it really, I still have Excal as the most played
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Thanks bro.
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I use him for opening rivens but that's it
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I Just want a skin to slap the grineer A E S T H E T I C on without looking like the tenno version of a Japanese boy larping in an SS uniform
>tenno version of a Japanese boy larping in an SS uniform
This is kino thoughbeit
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How so? My profile got bricked in other ways somehow.
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My friends, it has often been said that I like Wisp. My friends, I like Wisp... No, friends, I love Wisp!

I love Motes. I love Breach Surge. I love Wil'o'Wisp. I love Sol Gate, teleporting, I love triangulating two breach surges, and decoy switching for invulnerability. Wisps across plains, in ships, in space, in infested hellscapes, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of Wisp that can occur upon this earth.

I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with Bramma salvos that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a Grineer is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed explosive rounds. And there is nothing like an operator using a hardened wellspring to buff her motes. And the feeling that comes when a Corpus runs screaming from his irradiated MOA, only to be mowed down by heavy kitgun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Reminiscent of when ranks of infantry brandish their prods rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a Wisp meleeing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy.

Gentlemen... All I ask for is Wisp butt, Wisp butt so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms what is it that you really want? Do you wish for further Wisp as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody Wisp? A Wisp whose fury is built with iron and lightning and fire? Do you ask for Wisp to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth!?

...Very well. Then ass is what you shall have. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us with our might. But... After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" Wisp will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE ass! A Wisp beyond any other that man's history has ever known!
>more and better ass with which to compete
wispfags don't lose, assfags all win

oh this takes me right back to the 2011 dubstep explosion
People will slowly drift back to Wisp when they realize they don't actually like playing Ember
And then I will be cool again as the only person who actually likes playing Ember
why is primed chamber 3k ducats?
You could almost say it was the "Excalibur Prime" of mods, shit was an exclusive reward of some trash and they put it at Baro but overpriced so people dont felt bad about it
>The mod is 100% garbage
it's good with vectis and could be a meta mod if there were any missions that use snipers

we seriously need EDA/nectracell difficulty outdoor content on PoE, Fortuna and Cambion Drift.
No it’s not and no it wouldn’t, and that can fuck off
eidolons were peak soul
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What do you mean "brick"
how? i thought that he's bad now
When does dual toxy incarnon come back?
I got a riven
next week
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Man fuck being a returnedfag, now i have to replay all the quests because i forgot the lore.
next week
just read the summaries on the wiki
Because he wants to put gay porn into the game about space ninja.
Which, I mean, fair enough, gays are hedonists and love coombait. But he also goes out of his way to make absolutely hideous female skins.
nice gunbunny, but where's the ass?
File deleted.
I have every single Primed mod and all of Baro's weapons. The only mod missing is the one that costs like 2.000 ducats.
Which mods do you recommend me buy duplicates of? To keep, not to sell.
Sometimes I build and it's by 1~2 of cost that I need another Forma, which then restricts me in the long run and I might regret due to an augment released later or something like that.
So I was thinking of keeping some extra copies of Primed and Corrupted mods for frames like that.
warframe ones like continuity, flow
the biggest upgrades like ravage, target cracker, pistol gambit
The new ember skin reminds of that guy who made autistic scriptures about how he wanted to fuck the fire atronach from oblivion
I wouldn't mind getting shit like Styanax Deluxe if he didn't intentionally sabotage the female skins he does too. It's the double standards that is disgusting. Ripped open bloody Valkyr with anchor arms. Fat Khora wearing a diaper. Zephyr gets robbed of being a female entirely. At least based Reb gave us Ember Heirloom, but she needs to not let him do female skins if he hates making them appealing.
>Usage still stuck on Volt, and Soma Prime
Not stopping until Nezha Prime, and Corrinth Prime take it over.
>Metal Owl
Alright I knew I'd need a Primed Flow at least.
My man
Best non incarnon weapons? I don't wanna aim for headshots anymore...
Viper incarnon next. Trust the plan.
Kuva and Tenets are next in line after Icarnons
Lich weapons
I'm still seeing corrupted ancients give the same old healer aura, not overguard... was I misled?
nvm I see now they have to actively cast it, they DO still have the visual healer aura too so idk if they now just grant both or what but it's still playing "find the center of the green stuff" except now there's more dangerous green stuff the other green stuff can make worse
I love the Sentient weapons like Battacor and Ocucor but unfortunately the latter needs the Sentient Surge which is pricy. The former benefits of Sentient Barrage which is cheaper but not necessary cause it's like switching playstyles.
You can't go wrong with Liches since Kuva and Tenet weapons have bloated stats with the bonus elements.
Also while Dread Incarnon you would dislike since it would need headshots, both Nataruk and Cinta have a huge ''bullet'' size and the latter can use Split Flights.
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>I don't wanna aim for headshots anymore...
Scourge prime Alt fire and swap back to your secondary, build for reload/RoF and slap a P.Firestorm on plus whatever set bonus mods you can fit. Otherwise subsume Xata's whisper then use rainbow vomit beam weapons ( I like phantasma and magnetic Kuva nukor) and just sweep the crowds.
i love you guys
>Scourge prime Alt fire and swap back to your secondary
Man I loved going with Styanax with Scourge and Laetum to kill Archons like that. It was so fun.
You too, bro
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I hate you all so much
I have no strong feelings on you guys one way or the other.
>have junk rivens
>want to get rid of them
>they're so junk that not even people buying junk rivens want them
I'm saddled with a bunch of shit that's just somehow unsellable.
I love butt
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What other parts should I get for this kitgun
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What do

already have Zenith
sigma because youre a sigma
Verminsplicer primary I hope, but it kinda sucks and lacks for both status or crit

make a tombfinger/hat/splaymaker instead
I'm already pumping her full of my fertile cum.
what's the best pistol kitgun loadout
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I used it a ton with occucor before the nightwave mod was introduced
>Occucor beams mimic the main beam but proc's and tracks their buffs separately
>can proc "oh headshot" but always targets main body
>scourge alt fire gets around this
I also have a loadout that's just reload buffs, duration/range, nourish, vazarin, and my scourge for running fissures or archon boss fights.

Zenistar unless you're gonna build an ammo eff. build for the azima
Aw shit I think I have the arcanes and mods to make a usable azima build, im gonna put it on my mag
I want a deluxe skin that turns Gyre into a little Necramech. I feel like it fits.
>Verminsplicer primary I hope
Yeah, someone said making kitguns is good for low MR

>Rank 4 Solaris requirement
With Torid and Angstrum you dont have to hit headshots.
what an abomination
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this >>487642414

it's worth it, though an interim one in the meantime won't do you wrong

ideally you get it asap and it grows with your mods, because it's got great base stats and some fun arcane gimmicks
just get whatever parts you can now the grip that gives good range and vox pats, cause deimos parts need rate mats and it will do fine for the whole starchart even w/o potato and you can craft it in 1 hr no 12hr wait
then you can always make a minmaxed one later
>vox pats
I mean fortuna parts
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I'm trying to cut back on masturbating and the Ember skin is making it genuinely difficult. How the FUCK did they make her so sexy, it truly baffles my mind. I went to Hollvania 69 a few days ago and it's been on my mind ever since. I'm afraid I'll start daydreaming about ass pretty soon. I've never so much as considered forking over plat for cosmetics, even less so for a frame I rarely play like Ember, but I'm seriously at risk of making a dumb mistake here... Any advice?
I want to like Sevagoth but he feels so squishy and I hate the shield gate playstyle, just not fun to me
nice perfectly aligned tramp stamp
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Goon in Hollvania 69
Buy Ember Heirloom when the relay goes away to keep gooning
Realize that you can masturbate to other people's frames without owning them
Stay on the path brother
You should get a private dance to calm you down
crunch them into new rivens
NTA but I'm considering turning my orbiter into a strip club.
I need to do this
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I have a goon cave dedicated to my wife in mine.
Or the Xaku skin which was just a male skin with no female elements at all.
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I really hope they don't fuck up Xaku Prime.
REB and/or DE reading this thread (I know you do) PLEASE KEEP HER ASS
They may be upset that people see Xaku as female and the deluxe as male. Maybe Xaku will be full trooned: huge shoulders, lopsided tits, and no ass.
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>Maybe Xaku will be full trooned: huge shoulders, lopsided tits, and no ass.
Don't joke about these things
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I'm not even going to goon to it, hell I probably won't play ember that much more once I'm done messing with builds again - I just want to stare at the lava lamp forever and think about biting it to taste the forbidden bookoo wild berry
Is knightmareframe a decent creator to get builds from? I have been told that overframe is bad
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>NTA but I'm considering turning my orbiter into a strip club.
This but your dojo. Someone posted pic related here a while back and think i'm going to replicate it.
I don't have a dojo, just my orbiter.
Both are bad.
It's perfectly fine to use overframe as long as you don't treat it as the word of god.
Don't look at the top upvoted build (those are usually botted/bribed to the top) and look at a few different builds instead. Then use your own reasoning skills to pick and choose the parts that make sense
yes, welcome to /wfg/
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actually canon because cy's VA trooned out
What is a frame you'd consider underrated?
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How would you buff/rework/fix Nyx?
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This but Yareli's butt
Unironically Ember. I mean, not right now since everyone's gooning over her. But actually playing as her.
People built up this perception she was some kind of unredeemable dogshit frame because she lost World on Fire but everything she gained was way better. Damage reduction, 100% armor stripping, self healing, a passive that actually does something, and damage that works outside the star chart. I can take her to steel path and do fine. She's not god tier but she's definitely underrated.
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Valkyr is still my favorite frame concept but I literally haven't played her in probably 4 years. Also dunno when it happened but the Arca Sisco was my most used secondary until very recently, so that's cool.
I main Xaku now so we'll see if I can overtake Valkyr
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I was actually shocked to find I could kill things with her abilities in a quick void SP capture, at least post-armor rework and touchup she may in fact "be in a good place" for now
Make her hypnotized target do actual damage.
But also Nyx x Nezha hypnosis femdom porn
jesus fucking christ
The recent buffs helped a lot to get her to an even better place. Did you know Inferno didn't actually do heat procs, it just did head damage? So Archon Vitality did NOTHING for her? They changed that it's insane it didn't start like that.
I know her ass is the best thing about this, but goddamn those abs are godlike.
Is that Hildryn Noble? Hate that a lot of stances have 0 visibility because you always have a weapon and they show that one instead
Mind Control puts more damage on the enemy and lengthens their leash
Psychic Bolts hit more targets and/or spread after killing an enemy, ala Sonar
Chaos affects Eximus Units
Absorb's augment, Assimilate, is made default
Uh, I had a netra invocation drop, but then it disappeared from the reward screen and I just dont have it? Do I go complain to support?
Wow. They're still pissed off about Jade Shadows, aren't they?
I put the Safeguard augment on my Nezha just to put it on all the new Embers running around who have no idea what to build so they keep dying. I just imagine them with their warding Halos standing in the middle of a pack of enemies taking 0 damage as Nezha huffs her armpits and jacks off onto her ass.

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-mind control just whole-ass lets you play the character you've mind controlled kahl-style
or lets you attach yourself to one of your teammates' brains and spam your other three abilities through them like an attached turret
-psychic bolts does reave % health bullshit damage
-chaos makes enemies gang up on eximii and kick the shit out of them
-absorb gets assimilate default
Let her run around with a mob of mind-controlled mooks, like Kahl.
She can't heal her mooks, but she has a lot of them and enemies usually keep spawning so they're replaceable.
Being mind-controlled counts as killed for the purposes of exterminate mission and she can hold the mind-control button to make them all suicide.
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this guy >>487650532
what's that got to do with jade shadows?
Is voidshell rhino worth it?
Or does it just get covered up by Iron skin anyways?
I just disabled crossplay.
latching onto ur question about voidshell
ok so there's a "skin", and then there's all these materials from different bundles/packs
can i use those materials on any "skin"? what the hell is a material
say i buy voidshell volt, and proto volt
can i make the proto volt voidshell looking
covered by iron skin
>say i buy voidshell volt, and proto volt
>can i make the proto volt voidshell looking
No, only Voidshell skins.
DE said it would be too hard to make the textures available to all skins.
Then it released working on all skins.
Then DE patched that out very quickly and easily.
DE lies, always remember that DE lies.
so... the different materials can ONLY be applied to voidshell skins? holy shit that's dumb
And then DE slowed voidshell releases to a crawl after release voidshell skins for, like, 3 new frames (Voruna, Styanax, and... that's it?
Which ones do you recommend?
why does going to hallovania take my floatie off :(
because it hides your butt
but I'm a nezha
yeah it's unfortunate
I know it's work but DE would probably be making a lot more money if they did a conversion pass for every frame and made it standard going forward
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36 hours remain... I've just about blown my duck load, but there's time to grind still so what do (You) always regret not getting from baro? are the boosters ever realistically worth it?
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aside from ravage/target cracker, are there any other mods i should prioritize before i start grabbing mastery fodder weapons?
15p each
>go to hollovania
>it's a bunch of nerds RPing to the fullest like it's fuckin habbo hotel or gaia online circa 2007
>people full on lining up to order food from other players and taking it back to other players sitting at tables in the food court talking about the food
holy fucking shit
this is so cringe
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>mfw I realize Ordis has been calling us "Operator" this entire time
its cute
>he remembers gaia online and haba hotel
i was like 9 when those were things. you're a BOOMER!!!
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nah looks like you've got the important stuff covered, the primed elemental mods will be nice upgrades later to slot in place mostly but you can probably hold off and get better bang for your buck just investing in the mods you got now
I don't like that he's pouring the weird lodge coffee into the big cup...
I'm 29
it's a metaphor man
so a boomer
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I need help understanding what the fuck is going on. I've been testing and trying the AX-52 so I'll start with my results before going to the questions:
>1- While I tried to avoid using the Hunter's Munition, it needs a source of DOT to properly kill enemies at least early on to trigger Galvanized Aptitude.
I did consider Heat but statistically, the chance of proccing a Slash via a crit in this weapon is higher than Heat via status. This didn't factor the maximum proc limit some stats and enemies have.
>2-Viral+Hunter's Munition has a noticeable advantage over modding it for Cold+Primary Frostbite and Cold+Radiation+Primary Frostbite at first to neutral enemies. However this difference quickly gets hard to discern after a few kills. I wasn't using a stopwatch but I was using the amount of bullets/reloads. Viral+HM was taking two magazines to kill the first enemy, 1 in the following and 20 bullets or less in the third and so on. Cold+HM+Primary Frostbite was taking 2 in the first, 1 in the 2nd and less bullets in the following. Cold+Radiation+HM started with 2 but sharply decreased the amount of bullets needed (likely due to Aptitude as it has an extra stat) and felt closer to Viral+HM+Merciless
I used Narmer Heavy Gunners for the above test as they are neutral to the elemental differences here (although weak to Slash).
Here is what it gets interesting:
>3- Against Corrupted Heavy Gunners (Orokin) weak to Viral, the Viral build takes a sharp increase and the Cold one falls behind by about a magazine. The Radiation+Cold seemed to rival the Viral one after the first two kills as well though I felt the Viral one was a bit faster
>4- Against Hollow Veins (Murmurs) the Viral build fell off compared to the Cold and the Radiation Cold ones. But the difference was big. Needing many more bullets and reloads to keep killing the worms than the Radiation+Cold One
So my question is: how does that work? How do the Primary Frostbite+Cold somehow win here as while the Veins are CONT
I'm Gen Y bro
I'm 25
so that makes me barely gen z and you a millennial
boomer boomer boomer boomer haha boooomer
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the more things change, the more they stay the same
If you're just going to magdump enemies one by one HM's usefulness is reduced as you're killing enemies with direct damage and don't give time for the bleed effect to do its job.
You're supposed to sweep a pack of enemies and put damage over time on all of them and watch them all die slowly.
Are you happy with Ember's Skin? Who should get the next lewd skin?
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As while the Veins are resistant to Viral, they aren't resistant to the procs. And the increase of received damage from Viral procs should make the Viral+HM build still overtake the Cold ones.
But even the pure Cold+HM build dealt with them faster. And a maxed Primary Frostbite should only give +120% Crit damage and +90% multishot which even then shouldn't compare.
Does anyone have an explanation? Am I misinterpreting the formula here?
if rebb is an old hag then so are you
Nezha unironically
or Valk
At level 220 Steel Path they were so unbelievably tough that Hunter's Munition was faster and more bullet-efficient than just modding for damage.
AX-52 would run out of ammo fast before giving good results. It really need a source of damage over time here.
>Volt expends EnergyOrb50 energy to create an electrical energy barrier 4.25 meters high and 6 meters wide that blocks enemy fire, lasting for AbilityDurationBuff10 / 15 / 20 / 25 seconds. Shots fired through the shield made by Volt and his allies gain +50% DmgElectricitySmall64 Electricity damage and +100% critical multiplier. A maximum of 6 Electric Shields can be created at a time.
>>+100% critical multiplier
>>+100% critical multiplier
>>+100% critical multiplier
fucking WHAT?
why the FUCK doesnt it say that ingame???
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By the way a Viral+HM Nataruk was humiliating ALL of my AX-52 builds.
What would take entire magazines would die in a few shots and also whatever behind would die with it.
Technically speaking they both needed the same amount of ''magazines'' after a few dead enemies but since Nataruk has infinite body punch through and is faster to draw and fire, it dealt with them in record time, including the Hollow Veins.
cold procs
a lot of abilities are like this, especially on the OG frames
Valk could use better skins
>get citrine augment expecting full rooms of red crits
>explosives dont even pop citrine crystals
night ruined
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I really like Valk's deluxe but yeah...
This seems like a pretty decent roll, thoughts?
what's the quickest way to get 375 plat?
citrine is a status frame
try 4th ability with Kuva Nukor
>doing less damage to corpus
pretty great just dont use it in corpus missions lole

sell your boyhole
depends, do you have the ember heirloom?
buying with your credit card, silly

Tenet Envoy, Arca Plasmor, Plinx, or Ferrox
Kuva Nukor, Hek, and Sobek
You can make the explosive Kuva weapons work too but you need to heavily build around ammo economy after they nerfed them
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Saryn Heirloom with big jiggly galaxy boobs
>>doing less damage to corpus
t. blind
>The target receives +0.1 increased flat Critical Multiplier on initial proc and +0.05 per subsequent proc to a maximum of +0.5 at 9 stacks. The damage increase is additive after mods, and applies before crit tier is calculated.
>For example, a Kunai Kunai with Mod TT 20px Primed Target Cracker will crit a target afflicted with 9 cold procs for 1.6x × (1 + Mod TT 20px 110%) + DmgColdSmall64 0.5x = 3.86x Critical Damage.
Alright that explains a bit. The addition is a flat bonus after all my mods are accounted for. Even then it feels it shouldn't make it up.
I think the Primary Frostbite somehow jumbles up the formula in this case.

On the 10th stack, enemies become Frozen for 3 seconds, completely freezing them in place, negates shield recharge, and increases Critical Multiplier bonus to +1.0. After wearing off, 3 DmgColdSmall64 Cold stacks will remain.
>took the bait
>read more about shield
>it will RAGDOLL enemies if you make it contact them when picked up
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>I was only pretending to be retarded!
I think the cold procs crit bonus doubling on freezing really amps it up
retard alert!
this retard doesn't know how damage multiplier buckets work LMAO
Thank you
melty alert!
Oh that would actually explain a lot. The Corrupted Heavy Gunners were dying fast so they wouldn't necessarily have 10 active procs to double the crit damage since AX-52 doesn't have a status chance that good, whereas the Hollow Veins were tankier which means they all would have 10 at death.
s y n e r g y
>people full on lining up to order food from other players
Unbelievably fucking based.
Personally I've just been getting lapdances.
>everyone is the same person
that's a god roll with pretty much the best negative you can get. Don't sell that.

corpus negative is best negative you can get
I think that might roughly add up? there could always be some sleekery afoot with the math or unexpected separately stacking multipliers of course

you're kind of making me want to pull out my lenz again to give it a shot post cold buffs...
After all I did it feels the weapon would need a really good fire rate or status chance to make good use of it. Ramping up the Primary Frostbite isn't a problem but the enemy having 10 stacks of Cold to maximize the crit is.
the lenz? doesn't it force freeze in aoe?
nope never mind, I remembered incorrectly and it's just a single forced proc, but I wonder how shivering contagion works with all those procs at once...
No problem
I tried it a bit but eventually I stopped using because I wasn’t satisfied with that small 6m range.
It was consistently spreading cold and freezing people around whoever I shot. But I usually was kiling everyone or freezing them one by one anyway that the benefit of the mod felt lost.
Like the enemies needed to be grouped to make most use of it, like when they are existing from a corridor or stairs. If they were too far apart it wouldn’t help
Though if Lenz is forcing the proc then perhaps each person caugh in it would spread to each other. It could ramp up ridiculously fast
I think this is some of the best fashion I've seen in wf.
the theme that i shred through hundreds of infected and orokin corrupted to, with volt ultramelee
it sure does, so long as you have a cluster of like 4+ enemies close enough to each other so it's kind of more dependent on enemies being grouped than other options (and I need to put some forma into my prisma lenz to get a real feel for it)
No one believes you, samefag.
the concept art himps weren't that wide the modelers at de just suck at adapting liggers designs
Nobody has to believe my opinion, nigger.
not him/them but i have to agree
most warframe fashion is "DUDE LOOK AT ALL MY BELLS AND WHISTLES!!!"
but this actually has a theme and pulls it off really fucking well
alright i wanna go all in on volt ultramelee
it's too fucking fun
what's the best melee weapon type for volt speed abuse
i wanna dress him up to look like a warmonk or something too
he's right tho, either way
Jade is a pretty good Warframe after a few forma. Not a huge fan of her 1&alt but I enjoy the rest
I don't care if it would have been "cringe" I wanted a Drifter and Operator vs Ballas fight.
The way you use her 1 is you throw it down while flying in her 4 and then press alt fire. Then everything blows up at once.
A lot of people don't seem to realize you can alt fire Glory.
delete alchemy
for me it's a constant shower of gory explosions and slashes, breach sparks, and yellow/orange/red numbers to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KJ__06kyxs
Oh I realized it, it's just that I like putting nourish over it instead and then going all out on her 4 fire rate, turning her more into a weapon
hating fun doesn't make you cool or seem like an adult
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my word
pretending to have an outside life isn't as fun as you think it is
tfw still in star chart so my crits are 48% and yellow
i dont even know how the fuck combo works or if i can really make use of it yet
sometimes ill be slashing through a horde and combo will suddenly drop idk whats going on man
or if its even benefiting me since im not heavy attacking?
NOW we're talking
this looks fucked up
her right thigh looks healthy and thick
her left looks deformed
oh I don't use combo or conditional mods, all my shit just doesn't ever not crit by default
>or if its even benefiting me since im not heavy attacking?
not really no if you're not using mods like blood rush that increase a stat with combo counter, or using a melee ability like slash dash
yeah they had a khora idle equipped so the rigging was a little off
>sometimes ill be slashing through a horde and combo will suddenly drop idk whats going on man
theres a bar under the combo number that tells you when its about to run out
>or if its even benefiting me since im not heavy attacking?
it does
Everyone's been lusting about the ass for weeks but I only just noticed the skin's high heels. Like goddamn, not even funny space feet, just outright six inch tall stiletto heels that even put default Saryn's fuck-me boots to shame.
I am in hollovania absolutely jorking it rn
been at this on and off for a while, it's fucking awful and I only have expel so far
volt cuts each round down to about 30s but it still takes 10 minutes for one B roll
and by it, i mean my perrin sequince
imagine if warframe had an actual artist worthy of depicting techno-organics
like gieger
>just suck at adapting liggers designs
probably because there is so much shit on there
>Love unreal tournament
>love the Drakgoon
>just found out there is a crossover skin
Its impossible to get now, isn't it?
keith thompson is right there, blame the 3D modelers perpetually fumbling it
Its an Epic Games thing so if you use crossplay you can get it
Elaborate, Please. I don't see the bundle on EGS
read puncture's proc. read cold's proc, consider why i would be using shivering contagion instead of hunter munitions.
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Anons I..
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Why do you have to give me hope in this desolate world of fomo
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Im sorry
>build railjack
>try railjack mission
>puts me in some random empty dojo, then tells me no one else is there and forces me to leave
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So I bought like twenty of these fucking things
haha look at him go
i never noticed their little eye blinks
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haven't played since the new war came out, and now my weapons are doing a lot less damage.

what changed?
>what changed?
Damage, like 1-3 times depending on the number of years you skipped
Xoris/Glaive Prime. Lazy man core.
post nataruk build.
No not again. I am not buying plat, you evil hag.
So why is a gigantic rotting finger powering my Railjack
Are you cutscene skipper?
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But Anon your E-mote-o is strapped outside the orbiter and will DIE If you don't buy pratinum
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Thoughts on my garuda build? I was thinking about putting a transient fortitude on the bottom but Im not sure if I should put on power drift or something else up top
zhp enjoy dying
Rolling guard, molt reconstruct and brief respite all are there to keep me alive tho?
reminder your paper dps becomes 0 when dead
reminder your paper dps has a huge negative multiplier when you consider LONG FUCKING RELOADS
build ehp
build reload speed
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I've been an Oberon main since I started playing and he dropped from eximus units. He was my first built frame and still like him quite a lot.

Even tho I know he needs some number tweaks. He was my best pick for Belly of the Beast because I never had to rez anyone
Xaku Prime Status: Robbed
Alright would you guys consider putting primed vitality on there or something? I honestly thought rolling guard and brief respite would be enough since theres a lot of invulnerability frames she has. Her 4 gives her I frames, her 1 when held has I frames too.
Why haven't you joined the warm embrace of the infested colony anon?
I dont deserve happiness.
Better make one in the dojo
>As a trans person I hate shield gating
Its icky and smells like a dumpster and it does not conform to society's standards for treatment of passed loves ones.
Much like the average Nekros player
I'd swap rolling guard for adaptation or just shieldgate
Atlas's punches need to work like Excal's Slash Dash
just make a macro
If they give me an Ember wife I will
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What the fuck I love reb now?
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Returning player. Used Rhino extensively along with Loki. Then Loki became even more useful with the new content and have used the Hell out of him ever since.
>shooter has reloading

won't be wasting my time with this garbage goodbye /wfg/
Would've been hilarious if you could body block people here

I only see it as a clear sign that players are starving for some social interaction they even play pretend, once again I hope DE sees this and finally adds some multiplayer activity to the hubs
>Vampirella parody
>means a sling bikini can be in the game
is the bolotor incarnon good, because i picked it for the circuit reward
good blimp
it's okay. it just shoots more darts all at once.
If its so bad then how do you explain this anon>>487672356
Thank you for your service
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Thanks Pablo
Is the gotva prime good?
does the sp circuit enemies really just keep scaling, did it for the first time and by the end we made it to like level 3400 and I got the incarnon after one queue
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>Forcing yet another cringe ass theme song to go with the update
I love women so much it's Unreal Engine 5.4.

What the fuck lol. I'd love to hear his attempt at a feminine voice with that deep-ass voice of his. I know it's edited for the game but still.
press 4 and look at your health bar, then change your build accordingly to that discovery.
Meh, its weird and not very practical for real use, consider it fodder
lvlcap 9999 in like ~25 rnds

just turn off the music, reddit frog
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>hey guys Mogamu here! Today we will be reviewing the Latron Prime
>the only two jewtubers warframe had for years was a fag and a nig
Grim times.
Is Helminth good? Like, if it had the opportunity, would it fuck off and become a blob of murder like the rest of the Infestation, or does it actually want to be the Tenno's herb garden?
I think it's more like our warframes are its garden. It seems happy where it is.
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What else should I get?
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Bird3 my beloved
He's happy being an artisan, and seems to be severed from the hive mind, which I would assume is permanent.
If left to his own devices, he would probably continue crafting shit until he found someone else to craft it for.
Helminth seems to be neutral at worst. Subservience seems to have been programmed into him by the Orokin and he wants nothing more than to be a mass of wall meat helping Warframes
Primed Reach. And every 60/60 electric/status mod that he has.
>find an old helminth on a crashed asteroid
>he's bored and wants to build shit
>wartario begins
bird3 has a fat ass
I missed nezha prime is it worth investing in nezha w/ forma etc>?
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nezha ya
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>keep postponing the fishing/open world weekly challenges
>got to a point where i'd rather do them than zariman bounties
This would be a good setup for a modular Warframe you get to have him build
Nezha is a really good frame for survivability and CC plus his speed and mobility is really fun to control
Firestorm and the other AOE range, maybe shields
If you're interested in either another 4 spam build or weapons platform 3 build go ahead, just make sure you have a vitality slotted.
>be middle aged woman
>play XIV one(1) time
>go back to your job and bring all the horniness with you
She based
What faptura room has actual lighting still? Steve has ruined everything with his light system revamp
Is it better to have damage with primed pressure point or is it better to have higher crit percentage with sacrificial pressure and sacrificial steel?
Is it better to have more armor or more health?
it's better to have a lot of money and a big peepee
Everything is great but Chaos should let you control enemies and make them follow you like a personal army.
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I've only got 2,600 ducats what shit do I NEED from Baro and how many ducats worth of garbage can 150 plat get me
I miss him
He got me to play Warframe
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Fell off the edge in circuit now I can't use a u abilities at all am I boned? Or can I fix this somehow
I can give you a set
then what makes that any different from Mind Control? and as well I think that goes against the ability "Chaos". it becomes too similar to Nekros and Revenant, and somebody else that controls enemy I cant remember. Titania?
>buy prime sure footed
>sell it to mrlet
>use plat to buy prime junk
>buy another prime sure footed
>repeat ad infinitum until desired level of ducats achieved
try emotes it might reset you it if was animation glitch
or die with no reviving
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its always the pink embers being public bikes
Making enemies fight each other (and actually shoot you because it never worked as it should) is shit CC to begin with.
Nekros does shit damage too.
you have no idea how to fix Nyx, just want to tweak some shit and call it a day.
You should call Pablo and ask for a job at DE.
>tfw bought every single non bane prime mod
>bought every 60/60 electrical mod
>stille have good 3k ducats
feels good for newfag like me. Cant imagine retards have to wait up tp a year to get prime mod.
>buy prime sure footed
i dunno how kiteer works i dont give a shit about him
Purple Embers are the biggest whores
same applies to any pink frame
yes, even the pink rhinos
its a log in reward..
Ember's skin is the lewdest skin so far, right? Looking at Ember's other skins, does she just have the lewdest skins in the game?
>pink rhinos
thats the most flaming case, pink girlframes is normal
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Who cares. You're going to run around as a goddamn skeleton anyway.
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I tried that then got stuck in the drifters duviri mode and could summon the invisible horse this resulted in me being warped to the middle in the map where now I was immortal just and couldn't jump still finish the excavation and dipped.
Interestingly I gained reverse syndicate XP
>impying anthropology won't be pozzed as hell in 1000 years
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>got 2 dupes of the only dante part I own from armatus
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These ammo packs follow me forever constantly clicking and I can't do anything about it even using ammo
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Holy shit, it's not a joke, lol.

Even tho it's fairly recent, I wonder how it'll be for future patches when Cy is used more often..., if even there's future content for Railjack, that is...
Huh, emoting is a possible fix? Thousands of hours and I had no clue. Cheers, will try the next time I bug out
They already showed new railjack content for 1999 and Cy's voice sounded the same
cy's voice was used in the recent infested lich showcase at tennocon and it sounded exactly the same as before
I came here by accident on my way to another thread and saw OP image
And I have to ask,
why is SevaP's waist/hip ratio bigger than Yareli's?
Coolbeans, I love his humor more than Ordis' jokes.
i like Mirage
I'd rather be a girl skeleton than a tranny skeleton desu
Lmao what's the point of transitioning then. Why do some people crave so much attention?
Go to operator mode and void-sling away from them before returning to your frame. It's annoying to deal with this feature when your weapon doesn't reload.
Its voice acting anon you don't honestly think he maintains such a deep cadence constantly in real life do you?
trans women don't owe you femininity
Maybe its not about the attention, maybe everyone does not think like you do or see the world the way you do. You are so close to realizing how dumb you are being go on little one you can do it just use that noggin. THINK ANON THINK
how do you remove her hand flaps?

whora dual pistol stance
I am hopeful that in 1000 years the technology will be advanced enough to be able to change human skeleton, organs and everything without any downsides. So a person who decided to switch gender would be able to do so fully and properly without turning into some half-assed monstrosity. So, the need for "trans rights" would be moot.
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It's most likely that DE saved Xaku for October for the spooky month vibes, considering that the next Prime is most likely to land on October this year.

(Pic related is my own excel that I made to track Prime Access and Prime Vault/Resurgence.)
By clipping outside of the map in Captura
If Sevagoth is coming in august how is xaku coming in October lmao
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>(Pic related is my own excel that I made to track Prime Access and Prime Vault/Resurgence.)
Fair. It's just odd
It's like how the guy who voiced Dr. Coomer in Half-Life Self Aware AI was a tranny who went around saying "wow can you believe Dr. Coomer was voiced by a girl??" when it's just a male voice. Like yeah no shit. It's just virtue signaling
>If Sevagoth is coming in august how is xaku coming in October lmao

Don't ask me, ask DE. It wouldn't be the first time they put another new Prime WF two months after the one in Access. And it's most likely their plan, so they can rest in December and release the next one in January.

Blame my autism, I made this in two days because I was just curious.
Sometimes it works cause it resets the animation, or try going into operator then emote
but its not a guarantee
Humans won't exist in 1000 years.
The chinese will remain
Yeah maybe he's just horny and stupid.
The fact that we have /unstuck but nothing for other bugs is just baffling
Never tried emoting afaik, tried using gear however. That never worked
>tfw gonna master every single cetus saw in the next 2 days
I am not looking forward to it.
post builds
I have to build them myself and I'm wodnering how to do it
so far I only have a two-handed max damage/crit sword in mind
Unnecessary, the social contagion won't exist within ten years so the need for tranny anything won't exist. Until the next cycle at least.
no builds. Its literally mr fodder. I will level it while opening relics and give it back for rep after i i am done. Boy every strike, all 11, and cheapest handle/link. Thats it.
Pure cope.
Take atosiban. Your anxiety and identity disorders will go away forever.
do you have the plaguestar ones too?
but yeah double levelling is tedious. you could do it in ~3 min per but still annoying
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> Buy 11 Vargeet II Jai Link bps (V2R is kinda the same, but with more damage and slower speed)
> Peye for 1-handed weapons, Seekalla for 2-handed.
It'll be your choice if you want some two-handed weapons to become staves, I personally dislike their stances, so I used the Peye grip to avoid those.
>Now buy one of each Strike as you need those to get the mastery rank.
>And hope that DE remembers to bring back Plague Star so you can get the Plague Keewar and Plague Kripath, along with Exodia Contagion.

Pic related, you can search for a Zaw builder if you go to the Semlar webpage.
when will they replace the operator voice lines? it's been almost 8 years and we are still listening to post 2nd dream dialogues
>transference still holding
>my warframe is strong
>attack us and we will counter!
which makes sense right after the questline... but eventually operators should get used to it and have different voice lines
>do you have the plaguestar ones too?
No. I have started warframe around month ago. Never seen this event.
>Boy every strike, all 11, and cheapest handle/link. Thats it.
>No. I have started warframe around month ago. Never seen this event.
Then how did you manage to buy all 11 strikes then?
Do bounty, level Cetus rep. Rocket science.
Just make the cheapest and the easiest ones for MR.
Then you only have 9 to care about!
Also I wouldn't sweat about rushing the mastery as much, it sucks the fun out of the game even if mr30 gives really good perks

plague ones are from the events only
Oh yeah, i have only 9 in my foundry. Thought i forgot to buy 2 more.
Is saryn prime useless without emerald shards or subsooming gloom?
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The relay club reminds me of vr chat somewhat
are we getting normal baro today?
What, did you expect a Tennocon Baro to arrive?
why would you need normal?
who is the zari man and what does he dooo?
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Exothermic or Equilibrium ?
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he is inside your wall.
Because normal could bring something new.
What a stupid question to ask, Saryn's good on her own
>Is saryn prime useless
Yes, quite
>he thought DE would give away strong frame
You dont need either with energize also gloom is really redundant
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>grinding dog days
>get filled with existential dread that I'm wasting my life
it's the first grind where it happened
>>grinding dog days
why? it has literally nothing.
cause girding to progress and get upgrades can be fun and satisfying, but doing some crap for crappy cosmetics is not it

I had afk'd dogshit days in the past to get some roller floofs, but DE patched all the tricks and places you could hide
What's a grunty Corpus pistol? The Detron?
Actually same, I feel a deep sense of dread too
It's one of the only times playing a videogame that I had the "really? This is what I'm doing with my time?" thought and had to stop playing
Is anyone still playing elevator? Ive only done it 2 times total
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I just failed last stage of bounty because I couldn't find last cache in a cave
Wouldn't a Xaku prime work well October/November season anyway? Considering 1999 is releasing this Winter, Deimos is going to have to be involved at least a little and Xaku is the Deimos Warframe.
Or they just skip all the way ahead and give Citrine Prime
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Finally weekend friends, let's play some Waframe!
Can that puter run crysis?
I still dont know how this hacking minigame works cause I just press Y every time
I would explode
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also is that trinity
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You keep pressing space and let go when you see red letters
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Bros, i just woke up from a warframe themed dream. I had the orokin eye markers irl and i kept following them throw alleyways and narrow streets, i found some cash, a wallet random items here and there. That's when a new marker popped up, i followed it and found just a hunk of decaying flesh hidden behind a dumpster, got creeped out and ran. Since then all the markers keep leading me to gore in various levels of decomposition.. what the fuck does this mean?
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All I can dream of are glowing dancing Embers cause thats all Iv seen in WF for the last week
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I have sold that scene and never obtained it again unfortunately
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I fucking hate Argon Crystals so much.
When I don't need them I'll just have billions decaying from playing casually but when I want to craft something they never fucking drop.
skill issue
you're either an artist or a fucked up person
that's just repressed homosexuality
Imagine having an IRL power that gives you markers that show you where all the loose change is in 1 mile radius
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But we already have that?
someone tell these total war chuds to remove the "wfg" link from their op
its funny tho
what happened to Gata?
Is there a pattern for Prime releases? Do we know which frame is next on the list?
For me its hard to invest on a base frame when i know they're going to release a better version eventually.
Was it the cetus one? I bet the devs had a right chuckle when they put those down in obscure locations.
there is but DE keeps skipping frames, next was supposed to be xaku/lavos but they skipped and announced save a goth prime
turns out i was banned huh
They release primes in order of their base ones. Normally.
DE shuffled the deck a couple times throughout the years, but it only happens once a blue moon
rebb needs her coom so the order has changed from what it once was
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I still don't get why is Wisp considered so good
is it just that she has a bunch of strong abilities along with a big ass and is a jack of all trades master of none type of frame that will be good anywhere you bring her but not particularly excel at anything specific?
Yeah also brainless build
Just pump strength and thats it
From what I've heard from others and from my short experience, she's just a comfy frame.
>is a jack of all trades master of none
You said it yourself.
Wisp is the new Inaros - thats how most everyone plays her
why does it even come up in the search? there is no 'wfg' in their op
>be saryn
>have 13 skins
>none of them actually look good
heirloom with giant tits and a big futa cock fucking when
Inaros grabs people and sucks them dry.
Is that how Wisp is supposed to be played?
Just lots of hp and regen and constant speed buff pretty much it
(I'll never get away from Nezha Prime carrying my ass through star chart)
God I wish a Wisp would come out of my monitor, grabbed me and sucked me dry...
Just remove the stupid skirt, base model is good
its one of the youtube links
The only pattern I've noticed is that whenever a Prime Frime reaches 23 months after their first release, they get sent into the vault and replaced by the new Prime Access. The next ones after Sevagoth Prime will come around October and January.

Wisp's kit allows her to do almost anything in this game.
>Turn invisible whenever you jump or use your 2
>Health, Speed and Shock Motes will always be useful in any kind of mission. And you can use your 3 to teleport between them if you're playing in Open world or Interception missions.
>Use her 2 to turn invisible and make the enemies focus on your ghost, and if you use the second part you turn invincible for a couple of seconds. Without cooldown you can spam this and get i-frames for an entire minute if you want to.
>Her 3 is a good damage boost to her weapons, as anything you hit, the harder you do it, the stronger the resulting spark aiming for the next enemy head will become. Not to mention the temporary blindness it procs.
>Her 4 is the weakest power she has, but still is good enough to clear low level mobs, and the best option to subsume any other ability that you like to try.

As long as you know how to play with Wisp, you'll never lack in survivality options. And if you want more damage boost than what her basic kit offers, you can swap her 4 for something else.
I understand the look they were going for (rich noir femme fatale kind of woman) but I also hate the tumor on one of the thighs and the retarded looking shoulder thingies
what does he even do
ragequit when drifter was introduced don't know
I played him as a lazy tank frame. Nothing short of SP can really deal meaningful damage with his 3 up.
Nezha is one of the best frames in the game for all forms of content
Nezha is the best for sucking me off
That is also a type of content and thus covered in this post >>487702629
So are we getting a dating sim with 1999?
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Is this ADHD autism?
I am levelling in xiv while also running survival relics in warframe
you haven't visited the site for 4+ years?
Octavia duration builds is basically legal AFK
Why the fuck upgrading mods to level 10 is so fucking expensive?
farm legendary cores and the upgrade will be free
Wisp is a better real afk frame with no need to recast bunch of skills every minute
but Im not sharing the details of chink strats here
what is a good early weapon to replace the paris m1 or the dex nakinas? everything just seems much worse by comparison
Why do people suggest levelling up a weapon before discarding it? What is the advantage of that?
To keep you glued to farming endo
Me personally, I leave my expensive mods 1 or 2 pips away from max despite having 200k endo as a form of protest and to save up forma
When you level up weapons it gives you mastery points which are needed to advance your mastery rank, if you don't level it up now you'll have to acquire it later on and level it up
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it's this part of the week again
zappy mote plus a spectre?
so the only way to improve mastery rank is by changing equipment?
I dont want to stop using jade though
>start playing for styanax deluxe
>drop the game after two months, I've had plenty of fun
>see this in the catalog
Okay fine, I'll reinstall.
Cute. Soon you will learn how to farm endo and credits in no time.

>levelling up a weapon before discarding it
for mastery

duviri melee is top tier
for guns anything is better than mk1 bow, the only really good guns you have access to are kitguns but sounds like you will need to study wiki to understand how to farm all the materials for them. all the other weapons before mr8 are bad or need too much investment/work
>To keep you glued to farming endo
Cash is killing me. 2 mil per is obscene.
also you could get Hek at mr4 - which does good damage but is too slow for this game and needs several formas even for basic modding
at mr6 you could get Soma which comes with 2 Vs so you can mod it ok-ish even with no potato
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You just save the weapons then hop on Elite Sanctuary Onslaught if you have nukeframe (or willing to pray you get matchmaked with people that can carry you because most people leech) or normal Sanctuary Onslaught / Hydron node on Sedna once you get a free affinity booster / there's a double exp weekend (you can also stack both) and then level up your weapons in few minutes then sell them.

99% of weapons I've mastered have literal 0.0% usage in my stats and 0 kills.
Lets get druk and party at the ember stripclub... I mean farm some primes
Holy shit, top tier Baro for ticketlets.
I too spread misinformation online
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Baro time
>playing for styanax deluxe
you what
it's ok I guess
akmagnus prime
>point blank
>pressure point
good shit for mrlet like me
>akmagnus prime relic
epitaph prime.
akmogus prime
Oh come on akmagnus is from Baro?
I'm not going to waste thousands of ducats on that shit.
Wisp and afk?
That only leaves shock motes
how much ram do you have left
How is Baro at the Tennocon relay and Strata relay at the same time? Is this eternalism?
running both games at min
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Its a scam
baro you fucking nigger primed redirection when
I don't want to waste plat on it
I have ticket so if you wanna give me some ducats I can get it for you I think that'd work
Returning player, I've caught up for the most part but I have a few questions;
>What AMP should I be building for damage? When taking on Void angels everyone else rips her apart, mine feels like shooting a .22lr at a freight train. Not even sure if my amp is the problem, maybe its operator school buffs I'm missing
>What Kuva weapons are worth chasing? Nukor is S Tier on overframe but I'd like to hear anecdotes on others
>What's the best source of endo? I have steel path available but I've made most from arbitrations rewards so far but maybe there is a better way

RIP Wiawyr
>RIP Wiawyr
he dead?
What do you want me to say, I like ass and am easily persuasible
I also had nothing better to do
People who destroy void angels in a second generally roll with Madurai school Void Strike and Eternal Onslaught arcane
IDK, I stopped playing roughly around the time he got banned, that was nearly 10 years ago I think
Imagine buying a Primed mod from another player. The base tax is 1mil.

Farming credits is easy business in this game and there's 3 good options:

The Index. Kill the other team and score goals with the points and earn money at the end of each round.

Laomedeia. Neptune Disruption mission. If you know how to handle the pressure and kill the Demolists before they reach the colored key. You can earn up to 50k credits starting from round 3 and onwards.

Profit Taker. Boss Fight. Requires you to reach Rank 5 Rep with Solaris United and do the first 3 PT Bounties to unlock the Arch-cannon Launcher before starting the fight. The best way to earn credits once you properly learn the fight, as it drops 125k every time you kill it and you can double the drop if you bring an Smeeta that gives you the correct buff, and it can double again if the money goes through Chroma's Effigy.

All these options can be boosted with a credit booster.
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reminder this is what DE does to people who expose chink afk strats
instead of fixing their dogshit retarded game modes which only incentivize people to afk/botfarm
I run the 443 amp with both crit arcanes from cetus and then just madurai void strike.

Hek, Nukor, Ogris, Kohm are pretty good

People afk on survival missions with boosters + farming frames like low range Khora but honestly, they've added Endo rewards to so much shit you just need to play the game. By the time you've got everything out the railjack content island you should have tons of endo because all the trash parts can be sold for it.
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same but with client side modding, fuck DE
5x7 (547 and 577 are popular, 177 for eidolon)

all kuva and tenet weps are better than the originals, the list is too long but there are some that are outstanding to this day or server very niche purposes (cough cough sobek)
personal recommendation would be
>kuva grattler
>kuva chakkhurr
>kuva ogris(might need energized munitions)
>tenet cycron
>tenet flux rifle
>tenet glaxion
just to name 3 of each but there are a lot of good ones

bounties,selling duplicate mods,buying ayatan sculptures for casuals
for non casuals just do arena runs with dedicated farming group (khora,nekros etc)
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Someone called my nezha cute in a mission
did you present?
Farming anything without at least x4 drops (blessing+booster) honesty just feels like shit.
its just 50p now. buy it
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>Look at trade chat
>Someone trying to sell Hildryn Prime for 100 plat
I wish I could bully those faggots without getting my account banned because scamming people out of their money is fine but saying mean words isn't.
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I use a 747 (Klamora Phahd Certus) amp setup with Eternal Onslaught and Eternal Eradicate. Madurai for Void Strike, though emptying out your energy with 2 spam to trigger Onslaught also works fine in a pinch. Phahd scaffold isn't for angels/eidolons, its just comfy for general gameplay, like for Last Gasp. You might prefer another prism, Raplak or Klamora are generally the best though.

They're generally slightly worse options than the Tenet selection from sisters, but Nukor's still good, Ayanga/Grattler and Chakkhurr are solid, Ogris sees a lot of use in Arbitrations, and Tonkor's very good. Tenet weapon-wise the best is by far the Tenet Envoy and Tenet Cycron, Arca Plasmor and i guess Glaxion are fine, Detron sees use for Profit Taker IIRC, anything not mentioned is mostly to your taste if you feel like farming it. Zarr/Bramma used to be king and are still usable, but kinda annoying compared to your preferred choice between Envoy/Tonkor which are equally braindead and got hit with a slap on the wrist.

I got all my endo through no-lifing Zariman and Sanctum bounties desu. Arbitrations are a good option though, and if you feel like it you can do the Steel Path Vodyanoi on Sedna with a pre-made group setup. If you sit down and really famr it, you will never need Endo ever again. Kinda boring and I've never needed to do it, but it definitely works.
>Akmagnus prime
>After dumping 5 forma into Akmagnus recently because I Iiked it
my guy, it's a free market, anyone can ask for any price, same goes for cunts who want to buy energize r5 for 200p, anyone can ask to sell/buy at whatever price and if both parties are okay with it it's fine, how is that a scam? did you skip economics back in school?
you still havent posted big boob Saryn mod pics?
you could make ~1 mil per 5 min solo with Lecta (if that wasnt gutted by DE I havent followed since Iv no need for credits)
100p is a fair price for a prime warframe set
>b-but warframe.market
I don't care about chinese undercutters
100p is fine
300p+ is scam
>100p is a fair price for a prime warframe set
so you agree to buy it for this fair price. invite sent ^)
>100p for a current, non-vaulted set
>that is currently being sold for 25p
Ok taxman
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Cope, trade chat cuck
>trade chat cuck
That's not how your write trade chat chad who makes 200% profit on every sale
>got a glaive prime set
>expect giga slash proccs
>enemies get mildly tickled by impact and blast proccs
It was all a lie, right?
cope and seethe. Buying for 50 plat from chink.
if you use a volatile mod, that explosion is cucked and doesn't trigger the forced slash proc. after the automatic explosion (or before) you need to immediately press heavy attack to manually trigger the bigger explosion with the slash procs
does it have chamber cascade?
>15 relics for scourge prime blade
>got everything from that relic but the blade
>it's 25% chance
Yeah cool reb thanks i hope you get miscarriage.
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Give me the GEP gun.
dog days?
more like holy-shit-I-want-to-fucking-kill-myself days
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They should give us more double credits and resource event weekends.
They don't realize how much the player numbers rise whenever there's extra loot to be farmed.
Will Grendel let me fulfill my fat ugly ntr bastard fantasies?
Considering his only purpose is to get tentacle raped by Helminth and his best ability given to other frames, no, probably not
Grendel is not ugly
Having to pump the water gun to make the projectiles reach farther and having to get to the water fountains to refill was a fun gimmick at first.

But if they don't give us the option to instantly max pump the weapon on reload. Or give us something akin to a QUAD DMG boost on random fountains. They'll lose interest the next iteration of Dog Days for sure. It's been 5 years already and the only change was water bombs and now double Pearls on kill, ffs.

We are everywhere
t. chubby chaser
>We are everywhere
that's the fucking problem
What weapons would I even want to put Hammershot on?
Why is there no wiki page and market entry for Akmagnus Prime?
check Yarelli comics for that
otherwise Im not sure what you expect
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>10 relics
>void traces deleted
>0 ack parts
fuck off
it took me 40 relics to get my glaive prime too what the fuck is this
>Why is there no wiki page and market entry for Akmagnus Prime?
because it's a new prime first time introduced today
do you even radshare bro
akmagnus next incarnon btw
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Tossed a blessing at a random relay just so I can see Ember Heirloom's giant ass.
cute Ivara
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I have given up on relics I am trying to farm Protea and Grendel since over 2 months this is just torture and an instant motivation killer for me
Can you equip Deadly Maneuvers on the Akmagnus Prime?
>Protea still sells for 80
dafuq, is she too hard to farm?
Welcome to the "Freemium" part of this game.

Now go buy the set from players that got it with better luck than you at "competitive prices" or keep buying relics from Baro until you get it.
Protea Prime is extremely strong and her base version is a cunt to farm
It's a Magnus-only mod. So no.

I'd wait until August for her prices to drop.
How do I farm the duviri weapons? Just run it over and over?
only way to get pathos clamps is Orowyrm runs, yes
SP gives 15 if you can do it
>one of the strongest single target mods can't be used on the shiny new thing
How fucking stupid are they? This is plat waiting to be sold
Warning: Do not buy Ember's skin. It will turn you into a total slut.
Ive farmed her day one, but it just makes no sense that shes still this expensive after 2months
maybe everyone remaining in the game are either noobs who cant farm axi relics or vets who dont even bother farming primes to sell
can confirm, i got it last night and have been grinding on the other embers since then
where was the release of the akmagnus prime announced? i want to see if im missing more primes
look at your profile or codex and sort weapons by mastered status
A part of the that was excited to farm relics for the new shiny Warframe died years ago.

It's something about the Void Traces system that made the whole thing annoying. The drop is scarce and for some stupid reason, there's also a cap on how much you can have at a time.

In the latest patch for the Dog Days event. There was a quick note about fixing not being able to link the Akmagnus Prime. But it was later deleted.
So you just dont use volatile mod for slash procs?
I forgot about the codex, good tip as it has a search bar aswell.

sneaky gits, i noticed akmagnus existed because i was browsing baro ki teer wares.
You can still use it, but you also need to trigger a manual explosion.
I just danced to Party of your Lifetime in 1999's stripper club ONCE.
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>Just found out you can cancel Protea's ultimate early and skip the time travel
How did I miss this. She just keeps getting better.
i wouldn't know,subsumed over her 4th on day 1
Trumna my beloved
What did you give her?
>Metafags try not to mention they subsumed an ability challenge (impossible)
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Mmmm slingkini make pp feel funny
reminder that nova is fat
>he's not subsuming
you must be extremely retarded
and that's a good thing
I subaume parasitic arnor on my oberon
why do you think its an accomplishment to not make your frame better
she is in acceptance of and is comfortable with her physique
what do you replace?
Because my frame is already perfect. Yours is not.
>No AOL references in 1999 because Reb is a leaf
just maxed out akmagnus prime, pretty meh. might flip this cc/multi riven i got earlier for 100pl for more before hype dies
Is there literally any reason to build K-Drive in any other way than max speed?
you mean you keep it around and update it once in a while but just look from a distance and never touch it?
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tak on the 'log
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hey magposter if you ever played warframe you could slot [Peculiar Audience] and pretend it's tak laughing at your tiny penis
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i got the akmagus
I'm starting to think Megan>Reb
1 or 4
depends if you're using the 1 augment or not
I lost all respect for Reb when I found out she plays an Au Ra
Post its base stats and whether it has magnus primes passive please
Why did you rush it with plat?
I got the components, but I see no reason to rush it.
I love it, it filters so many brainlets
only high IQ chads will know the pleasure of having Protea run around with a floating 360 degree armor stripping turret at all times
show me
>Champion merch
>Champion was dollar store garbage in 1999
this seems appropriate somehow
delete orb valis
because im a power user
power suit
power boat
power steering
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hello brothers, i hope no ban for over mod less capacity
Che schifo di lingua il francese porco dio
I would've guessed it would be 'Mode de tir" or something.
does anyone happen to have the list of leaked incarnons
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>Impitoyable - Principal
come to orbiter
i genuinely don't understand how can some people just do fissures 24/7
this is the most mind numbing,boring activity in the entire game
if you are playing any game mode with fissure on it, you are actively making the game much less fun
there is not a single game mode that benefits from it
Excavation Fissures are one of my favourite ways to play the game
Shame pubs are usually beyond retarded
What's better on lex incarnon: secondary deadhead, or secondary merciless?
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>want akmagnus prime
>also want magnus prime for deadly maneuvers

here, fully mobile protea
grenades and turret armor strip, nourish gives her turrets viral + heat and replaces dispensary, and her 4 is scaling nuke + grouping + death save + turret carry
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>Balles de Thermite
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which one of you was this?
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yeees thank you soooo much
depends entirely on how you play, I like the extra headshot multiplier bonus myself since mine always bigcrits (orange) at least for really sicknasty headcrits
Cascadia flare
it's flare.
There were commercials for "KOL" during tenno con
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>Been grinding deimos disruption
>Only just realized incarnons only drop from the steel path version
I just want to make my synoid gammacor cooler...
why? I even run mine with pure heat but prefer deadhead instead of the conditional damage ramp, horny strike and semi cannonade are already things, while the headshot mult is pretty much impossible to grow otherwise
reported for being french
>finally started thinking "this is cool" instead of "this is meta/non-meta"
time to have fun
>doing SP fissures
>finish so fast that acolytes never have time to spawn
how the fuck will i get steel essence now?
Any heat status application coming from any part of your kit contributes to flare. Your sentinel applying heat can apply/refresh it. Shit, abilities can apply/refresh it. With even a slight modicum of effort into your build, you will simply have the 480% damage at all times.
what are you yapping about, nigga?
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Does Volt's speed have a hidden cap?
Even with doubled strength from relics I don't see much of a difference between 400% str (x4 speed) and 800% str (x7 speed) both when it comes to movement speed and melee speed.

Or is it just hard to spot the difference at these speeds? Even though I feel like having almost 2 times faster speed should be noticeable.
>at all times
it decays after ten seconds
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There's no disruption on deimos and incarnons are neither from deimos nor disruption.
Are you okay, anon?
not on my machine :)
When does Sevagussy prime release?
with very high sprint speed values you have to spend more time accelerating to really feel it, it's just not practical to actually see any benefit beyond certain levels (and being stuck to the ground sucks)

bro? are you a returning player per chance?
I'm too autistic to understand what you mean beyond a surface
>works on my machine

are you suggesting there is some sleek way to keep the buff up for longer than expected, or are you just being cheeky about always doing heat damage and having procs to keep it refreshed?
>they took the bait
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>want more info on cyte-9's gameplay
>want more info on Nyx and Trin reworks
>gotta wait til Gamescom
I need to know. I just farmed epitaph yesterday. Dont want to dump forma in non prime version.
Ember is the best frame to subsume roar on because her passive makes it situationally godlike. Plus she's fun
formas arent going anywhere
I like fireball frenzy a lot and subSOOMING feels like shit
>friend who didn't like warframe because his fat sperg friend played it obsessively is jow playing it because of Warframe 1999
Yes, you can get the Onos and the Ruvox from Armatus. But the Gammacor Incarnon adapter can only be obtained from SP Circuit.
>There's no disruption on deimos and incarnons are neither from deimos nor disruption.
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I'm only slightly fucking with you, yeah. I play gauss with 400% dur, so I just put firewalker subsume on and literally(as in not figuratively(factually)) keep up the cascadia flare buff at max percentage for the entirety of every mission. There's no sleek, cascadia flare is just good because it's MAX DAMAGE BONUS as far as arcanes are concerned and it's piss easy to keep up in several different ways to your taste.
SP doesn't impact the drop table, only the number of pity materials dropped
It's literally just a mindless side objective that completes itself
Especially on modes like alchemy or cascade
>wake up
>i'm out of coffee
ok, so it's still just more base damage, and nothing special because it's a short timer and dependent on external sources to be useful... I've already got +520% on my lex so I'm sticking with deadhead because I want to be able to not see an enemy then stealth oneshot the first one I see without jumping through hoops and instead just by aiming for the head
Couple weeks
finish your quests cutie

I'm pretty sure you can get Ruvox and Onos from regular
I was quoting/referring to >>487724325 who was incorrect on both counts
>not having pounds of beans in vacuumed sealed bags sleeping in the freezer
Oh, no, to be clear: external sources are helpful, but the fact it has a refresh on singular status applications means that if you're using Scorch you're going to get a refresh every time you shoot something. An incarnon shot down a hallway is going to max out cascadia flare's damage bonus most of the time on its own, it's just that there's also multitudinous other ways to upkeep the damage bonus, and you have to aim at heads far less often to do so.

That said, If you like clicking heads, you're not WRONG for using deadhead, mathematically, you clearly play differently enough from me that it's sort of whatever either way. If you see someone say flare is the best arcane for any secondary, though, that's why.
oh, I thought you were that same MRlet repeating his point
I was responding to >>487725095 who said something irrelevant to what the incorrect mrlet said... what is up itt today
thats why we have gfuel! use code nigger for 13% off!
i was referring to them
irl skill issue
Valk's Carivex skin is hotter than Ember's Heirloom.
>Been grinding deimos disruption
>Only just realized incarnons only drop from the steel path version
>I just want to make my synoid gammacor cooler...
Non of this makes sense.

Who are you, so wise in the ways of tits?
comfy sortie once again
depending on how bad you've got it caffeine withdrawal can dilate the blood vessels in your brain and give you an aneurysm
so taking a break is good but pay attention to your body
fair enough yeah it's just a very different approach I suppose, I don't even use my incarnon form at all most of the time unless I see a particularly meaty crowd because I love the base form with incarnon passives so much (even for heavies like necrameximus and thraximus I'd rather have the precision shots)
I tell you hwhat you just learnt me a word, thank you kindly 'nonymous
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wish this thing wasnt shit
>the adapters drop from duviri
>not deimos
I fucked up. It's the OTHER game mode on a location that starts with D that I have to grind.
Yeah, I play for having it transformed most of the time, which would explain where we differ here. Understandable, have a nice day
Me too man. It's so cool but it just sucks ass.
I hadn't noticed they added voice acting to the stalker, I kinda liked him a lot more when it was all hushes and whispers
>not the right node
>not the right planet
>not even the right game mode
how can one man fuck up this much?
The payoff is now that he's voiced by a funny meme man, so he has graduated into an ascended shitpost.
they don't "drop" at all, it's just a reward from sp circuit
it's shit, I love stalker and his old voice so I hate it and want an option to revert or disable his voiceovers entirely now (or just get the backing whisper tracks/ambience)
Guess we'll wait for Alternox Prime
I don't know, man. I just assumed I was getting bent over a table by RNG. At least I have enough points to get dante if I ever want him.
>been farming Saturn Assassination for 5 days
>realized that Ember Heirloom skin only drops from SP version
thats just too obvious
this will teach you to look up the drop tables - never farm stuff unless you are 100% sure it actually drops there
alternox and hespar are criminally bad
what the fuck were they thinking?
it was supposed to be so cool... my heavy scythe power fantasy...
i just unlocked railjack and it's very fun
why does everyone hate it
There's not enough meaningful content for it.
isn't that the problem with this game in general
It's archwing but slower.
this and it doesn't integrate into the main game the way that they wanted and promised it would
rail jack? dont mind if i dl
I don't get the hate for it either
Yeah the first mission is pretty fun. None of the ones after are good though.
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I want alternative universe ember to railjack me off if you know what i mean.
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>40% followthrough
The infested liches should've been female
Why did they have to make her so fucking hot
She makes my dick diamonds

me on the left
>running out of MR fodder to reach MR30
>find out about duviri weapons
>need 270 clamps to get all 5
do you really not have anything else
pets give 6k xp each, twice that of a weapon and they aren't too hard to get
It feels like a side gig more than anything. Like it would be one thing if you could actually fly from planet to planet or anything like that in the railjack doing skirmishes or anything but as it is there are only a few missions/mission types available for railjack.
bros dont tell him theres 4 more ranks after mr30
just dont
>chink strat
>is actually just exploiting

Imagine my shock
-100 social credit score
I only have the sisters hounds left, so 18k exp+9k from their weapons
wu lai tiandi
Should I use Ember, or Khora noble animation for Hildryn? Those seem like the only decently girly animations aside from Yareli.
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I liked infested stuff. Still do.
Gauss Prime is out of the oven now. What do I mod him for?
Haven't played since 2019 and came back. It looks like my memeing strike slide atterax build isn't working as well as I remember it performing. Did it get nerfed?
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what's the cheapest I should sell a riven for?
assume I have a dogshit riven for dogshit weapons and I already have a riven for that weapon so I just want to get rid of it
Urushu Khora
If it's not worth anything just endo or transmute it
DE should rerun Scarlet Spear
What's the best way to farm a lot of credits? I've got the ducats but I can't afford to buy the mods I need from the trader.
suck dick for profit taker carrys
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Clickbait game is insane
Khora. It displays her hips nicely.
I want to creampie proto-Nyx
That's my sister
I want to creampie (you).
you can watch i guess

ok how do i grind out archwing
also how do i get better ones i just have the first one
whats the best one
it slow and tedious. the pace doesnt fit in with warframe. I dont find it fun at all.

FUCK if they only reworked into a fast paced shmup in the vein of a modern Space Harrier or Sin and Punishment.
>don't have any of the mats for catching rare fish yet
yeah nah im not doin that shit
And? Sisters and moms are made for creampieing, even your own
You don't have a sister
especially your own
But I have a mom
exclusively your own
morally neutral and based
you must have a hot mom
????? Ember heirloom skin is bought with plat or money. it doesnt drop from anything.
what's the MRhag cutoff?
GOD these weapons are so cool. I still rock the Hespar from time to time but its really lacking and the alternox.... Goddammit DE.
Why did /wfg/'s quality greatly improve this week?
What the fuck did he mean by this?
normal people liked the con stuff and came to look around.
they will realize this place is a shithole and leave soon enough.
Our favorite schizo might've actually gotten range-banned. Praying to God it's true.
>working for DE infects you with woke mind virus
Some anon posted the schizo's IGN and forum link and he always goes dark for 3-4 days when that happens
Wukong bubico zenurik solo index
Reb, against Steve's protests, said there's nothing in the pipeline for Railjack.
>primed flow
that slot is for blind rage, retard nigger!
(insert "antman x thanos butt theory" here)
he has now reported ALL of the pastebin links in the OP and is likely seething about it at this very moment :)
people who have gender dysphoria troon out because it makes them feel better, everything else about the topic is just jerking off normies with social gender standards or being an attentionwhore trying to stand out
Only just now realized how good Qorvex is for Albrech Lab tilesets, and I don't mean the obvious shit like how Murmur is weak to rad damage, Qorvex excels at dealing with grouped up enemies with his 1 and 4, and his passive giving him punch through also helps with that, and there's shit ton of doorways, staircases, etc. where enemies end up getting squished together
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