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Summer edition

Previous thread >>487475224

Buy Plat
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Builds, Tierlists, and Damage Calculator: https://overframe.gg/
Frames and Modding: https://pastebin.com/D8Ckdz0c
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CURRENT UPDATE: Jade Shadows: Hotfix 36.0.7
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First for Sarah!
My best roll so far. I feel empty.
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I want the Major to fuck me
>Reb chestlet
>Sarah chestlet
Does DE like hiring chestlets?
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Finally I can build the fulmin prime
bad thread
Eh... it's Serration/Vital Sense rolled into one slot, that's good enough
I like how it looks and feels. Alt fire is pure sex.
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>Accept the offer to suck cock, tenno, and you may avoid becoming a cocksucker
>something Ballas would say
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>Tenno, you can build a thousand bridges, but if you suck one cock, you're not a bridge builder, you're a cocksucker.
I got a sobek riven but I gots no kuva sobek
i've got a boner but no bussy to use it on
I can help with that...
We should have Ember dancers while we grind and camp to make it more fun
wow anon you sure are forward, I like that~~
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Tell me the best weapons for getting past damage attenuation (archimedea necramechs, acolytes)
I can blow up regular units, eximus, liches, sisters, etc but the game grinds to a screeching halt whenever I have to fight anything heavily attenuated that doesn't take more than four stacks of status effects. I don't care if it's primary, secondary, or even melee as long as it kills them fast, I'll build around it.
I know the Laetum incarnon form works alright but I really dislike using it
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High fire rate high crit weapons work best
Dual Toxo incarnon is peak
With bosses with heavy dmg attenuation like the murmur centipede thing just cap your in game FPS to 10 and kill it in a handful of seconds since the dmg reduction formula is tied to FPS
God help you if you play at 144 FPS lol
Crit melts acolytes, that's why you may see kullervo and valkyr one tap their asses
Decided to do the kuva lich content.
This shit is terrible
I thought they patched the murmur boss being tied to fps.
nekrokeks are easy now since their armor got capped, they dont have hard attenuation like archons

acolytes arent tough either but they are resistant to status so you need just raw damage obviously, any heavy melee should do
I finally fucking got gyre's neuroptics
now if only I had enough of the fucking thrax plasms
I just bought a skin based off the ass alone and am kind of regretting it how do I make Valkyr good?
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Anything surprise you about these numbers/placements?

Limbo's much higher than I thought he would be. I mean I use him nearly every day but I thought everyone else would ignore him due to his kit being made largely useless after Scarlet Spear butthurt.
Citrine's likewise much lower than I imagined.
I thought she was considered a good support that people liked playing.
Gara and Baruuk seem really low for high damage-output frames that tend to be rated as pretty high tier warframes by people.
I thought Styanax would be higher due to being given away for free.
Inaros' usage being so low I can attribute to Revenant being the new easy-immortality frame (with no need for an arcane).
Garuda being in the top half of usage seems wild.
I always see people complain about revenants and not the more popular frames.
>nobody cares about farming sevagoth and dagath
I have 32k thrax plasms somehow
good bump blud
I may be out of date, but I think the Archon damage attenuation is vulnerable to very high multishot counts. So a high damage shotgun with big multishot numbers does pretty good against them. I use the Felarx.
Liches are fun, you're just a bitch.
I use Citrine a lot, she's my go-to Netracell frame.
Sure she's a good support, but she's excellent even when played solo. 90% damage reduction, self healing, and if you combine her 3 and 4 with a Kuva Nukor, Tenet Cycron or Torid Incarnon it does obscene damage. The cold proc also slows demolishers in disruption almost to a halt.
>tenno, join me, in the cum cave
>Use Mag and Vaub
Middle of the road just like my LIIIIIIIIIIFE!
They don't put stats for the last released frames on their end of year stat check ins. Ever.
I don't like the fact Octavia is so high,I don;t want a nerf
Oh no my girl Hildryn is top 20, nerf incoming.
People complain about Wukong too.
I think the issue is that Revenant doesn't do much other than not die (mind-controlling enemies isn't really helpful 99% of the time)
Volt brings speed to the group, Excalibur is just mrlets playing, and Saryn... well she kills the map so everyone else just sits around.
Didn't Dagath have, like, three months worth of usage?
Liches themselves are fine. The murmurs are timesink cancer.
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this is getting out of hand
Revenant only ruins the game for you because it's a shitty boring crutch frame and you'll never learn to play if you rely on it.
Wukong ruins the game for everyone, just like Titania with Thermal Sunder which should be permbanned.
>These Dax reminds me of the Orokin. Thick. Slimy.
Gauss is so lame, mr racecar just spams 3 over and over again.
Kuva Hek onetap cheese has been fixed, but felarx should still be good
IIRC dex pixia should also melt archons in under a second
>out of all the ass frames he bought a skin for the flat one
Dump range, get dura, str, efficiency in this order. Energize + roar/pillage or nourish. Gladiator mods on melee are a must. On talons, go ppp/co, crit, range, faction mods, fury (if warcry doesnt max it alone), elemental dmg
>Throw a Bastille
>Enemies start ragdoll
Thermal Sunder will probably be Helminth nerfed for that reason.
and he just stands there? lmao
some people are really bored
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idk she has a cute musclebutt
shitspamia should be nerfed yeah but DE are too retarded to remember that this is a coop game, let alone balance it to let more than 1 person play
Ah, fair.
Enough noise was made over weapons like the Bramma and Zarr ending up making it the guy with the fastest frame gets to play and nobody else that all explosives got fucking nerfed, so I wouldn't be surprised if Thermal Sunder gets a tap too. Eventually. Much easier fix than reworking the entire ammo drop system and nerfing every single explosive weapon in one go.
RIP my love, the Astilla. It didn't even self damage, why did they have to add the stupid self stagger to it, I will never know.
2 range mods on claws
or just make her a healthtank and shoot your gun, thats what I do mostly
>just like Titania with Thermal Sunder
Oh anon, there's a shit-ton of other nukes for fissure missions.
Hell, if you're not doing steel path, Banshee can nuke the map.
That being said, Titania is a problem because Volts don't spam speed as much because Titanias crash into walls if they do.
>nerfing every single explosive weapon in one go.
>We heard that explosives are strong in this horde shooter game, so we made them largely unusable
DE is truly staffed by luminaries.
she just teleports so its no contest and its just bad for everyone, like I would play her myself cause then I would still sit 2 min at the extraction waiting for everyone else hating it even more. its just bad design to have this much speed disparity
Sure let me farm thralls for basically nothing for hours on end.
>Mirage shows up and finishes a fissure exterminate in 1m
If it takes you any more than an hour to get a lich from spawn to death you're doing it wrong.
Go farm some oulls.
Without Thermal Sunder she has to stop to single target kill shit. So it ends up balancing out, imo. But with Thermal Sunder you're right.

I think all that needs doing is a heavy tap on subsumed Thermal Sunder in the same way that subsumed Roar is less effective.
They can't patch it, they'd have to change the way the game works
Who the fuck plays Hildryn dude
Energy reduction sorties?
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I do
I do.
Easy armor strip. If you subsume Chroma's ability and do Electricity and the heat damage from her 3 you basically passively wipe enemies at a huge range. Anything that doesn't die has no armor and they just die.
She's also just easy to play because no energy. My go to for SP
when I want to turn my brain off
fat guys
Yea I doubt they could actually fix it without remaking the engine, but I do remember reading about it in the patchnotes. They might've just spaghetti'd some shit solution like reducing the damage output the less fps you have lmao
I played her quite a bit when netracells became a thing. She's comfy, doesn't die and strips the entire red area of armor with one cast. I wish she had one decent looking skin though.
Me, She's Inaros, only slightly more useful and I don't get yelled at for playing a braindead tanky frame. SP capable, Archons, Eidolons, Profit Taker, Netracells. Wheel that bitch anywhere and she'll excel.
>Gara and Baruuk seem really low for high damage-output frames that tend to be rated as pretty high tier warframes by people.
Gara has to spend 5 minutes masturbating with her glass walls for damage.
Also, stat sticks are way more effort than the average Warframe player is willing to put in.
sex with all above posters
All these people talking about playing Hildryn and i straight up don't get her kit no matter how much i've played her.
I guess i'll stay playing Rhino
>Nova and Harrow
the most whelming frames
i wonder why...
Press 3 at the start of the mission
Press 2 whenever you see enemies
Press 1 to give your self a big boom boom pistol
Subsume something over 4
Hmm usually when I spot these I try to find a frame in the bottom 20 to main for awhile... None of these are singing to me. Maybe Yareli? Banshee? I'd Valkyr but my wrist can't take the mash anymore.
What does a healthtank build look like for her? Can't seem to get the stats right for dura/str/armor
When do i use big boom boom pistol? when i use it it feels underwhelming.
Did you mod the weapon?
delete alchemy
kind of i'm only level 17 so i'm still trying to get good mods.
what ones do i need to use?
delete orphix
No idea, I only tried Hildryn for 1 mission
Usually after you've shield/armor stripped your enemies with your 2. Obviously it's been powercrept a bit with all the incarnon shit and whatever but it's still pretty usable.
delete orb valis
Like a standard raw pistol. Just do the whole shit with Hornet Strike, Lethal Torrent, Galvanized Diffusion, whatever the pistol fire rate mod was called, the elements of your choice and (Primed) Fulmination for more explosion range. The status and crit chances on it are dogshit, don't bother with them.
anyways what shards should I run on Hildryn?
5x tauforged red with ability strength to reach 400% easier?
Nta, I slotted all 3 umbral mods, added a few of armor mods (like health conversion) and arcanes, adaptation, and subsumed eclipse for the DR part. I'd also install arcane doubleback, but DE had the genius idea of limiting its duration to 4s, so that was off the table. The setup should do decently, if you have melee influence on your melee, the electric procs should also CC mobs which technically boosts your survivability. You may need some form of hp regen too.
It's good because you're not limited to her claws, the downside is that you technically made a weaker kullervo lol
That sounds pretty good, although I'm missing a few pieces I get the gist
So far I've been using 4 when I get low to go invuln and then heal back with Life Strike on the claws
You don't really have to. With Corrosive Projection you just need 328% for full strip. Meaning if you're using Molt Augmented you only need 268% strength. But you can of course just go for those 328% with shards and ignore Molt Augmented.
I'd say two yellows for cast speed are a must as Pillage is a full body action that feels slow as shit.
Haven't updated my specter loadouts in a few years. What's the good shit now, are they still retarded about ammo and useless with melee
How do I mod soma prime for endgame? My raifu is still endgame-viable.... right?
Just don't use it at all.
Subsume Chroma's ability over her 1 or 4, you're not using them anyway.
Get Blazing Pillage
Press 3 at start of mission. Press your subsume when it runs out.
Now press 2 whenever you see enemies. Their armor gets stripped off, they get both a heavy electricity and heat proc, give you a fuckload of shields, and probably die.
You cannot die as long as you press 2 occasionally.
Thats how you play Hildryn
Reminder that Nova is not fat
Need Nezha bf
Same way you build any other gun in the game
Slap its incarnon adapter onto it
>don't have subsooming unlocked
>don't wanna touch cambion drift anymore
>don't wanna spend 300 plat either
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I don't have any incarnon adapters.
Sucks to be (You)
Surely you have 20p to spare?
get mesa
cambrion is a walk in the park with her
I have mesa but I don't really like playing her
I don't, but are incarnon adapters from other players that cheap? I'm currently sitting on a couple hundred platinum of vaulted relics.
cavalero sells them.
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do not use beam weapons for acolytes and use crit since it bypasses their damage cap
for example if you have torid just transform it back to normal form instead of incarnon so you will just 1-2 tap them
necramechs take a ton of damage after armor rework so it's w/e
Fortunately Soma enters the incarnon rotation in less than two weeks (5/8) so you can just get it then.
When and where? The ones he sell are 120p, there's no refresh timer, and from what I'm seeing online there is no refresh: the only ones you can buy with plat are boar, gammacor, anku, gorgon, and angstrum.
No, there are only a handful of incarnon adapters sold at the Zariman and those cost like 120p. They don't rotate either. That anon probably fucked up and thought of eximus adapters or something.
Derp, exilus, obviously
>fucked up and thought of eximus adapters
I did indeed
I don't know if I'm good enough for SP undercroft. I've almost never touched SP.
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got ember prime and wow is she smexy

how do I build her? the ninjase guide just said to go neutral range but her 4 isn't exactly doing a lot of damage in steel path, do I subsume roar over her 1?

Hildryn is my most played frame and she's kinda weird
her 1 is a toggle and turns her pistol into an exalted pistol with huge blast radius, but low crit and status
her 2 is armor/shield strip and shield restore
her 3 is ally shield boost + enemy radiation damage, this allows her 2 to do heat damage with augment
her 4 is genuinely trash

my main complaint with Hildryn is that if stuff is hitting hard, her 1 and 3 don't exist because they shut off if she ever hits 0 shields, so she is just pillage + subsume bot
last digit is how much hundreds of plat I tip to the ember stripper at mall 69 today
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This is my pre-incarnon Soma Prime build. The mod hidden behind the riven is galvanized scope. Anything I should change?
It doesn't really matter, just let yourself get carried, it's not like anyone cares about how other players perform. Reaching rank 5 of circuit is relatively trivial.
>Repeating a boring mission just to cycle through Gun RNG
>the more weapons they add, the longer it will take on average to cycle through the gun RNG.
>Second layer of RNG with progenitor bonus % and if its low you have to do the entire grind again
>Doing low level missions to get murmurs, get punished for doing it solo
>Have to do railjack which frequently bugs out and of course if you pub it most people have dogshit railjacks and don't know what they're doing
>The whole grind is unskippable, even if you buy a lich from someone who had to do the grind to convert them you still have to do it for some reason
>Entire system is poorly explained in-game like everything else, tons of important info can only be found on wiki or youtube
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Would (you) play Orokin Not Included?
1 has a good augment for heat damage
her 4 scales really bad
Ember will never destroy SP, especially not after the health/armor changes.
Congratulations for letting your dick make you buy a mediocre warframe.
I like sucking an unfathomable amount of cocks

Which Warframe is for me?
get good
4 is just there to boost her ability strength so your 1 augment is actually usable

Any meta warframe.
all of the male frames
Nezha if bottom
Styanax if top
tak on the 'log
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oh ok, so she's more of a weapon platform frame since her 1 and 4 aren't super great for ability damage?

I just think she's cute, I immediately rushed her and dropped about 1000 plat on cosmetics lol
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I play Ember the same way I play Rhino
>activate 2
>press 3 when the buff runs out
>spam 4 and finish groups off with a gun/melee
her 3 armor strips and ragdolls enemies which is always fun
Fuck DE for the line of sight bullshit on her 3 and 4 though, bunch of niggers.
Abilities actually doing damage and killing when
Ember sucks
my cock
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I luv my soma incarnon
Nezha if you want to ERP, Styanax deluxe if you just want to stare at a man's ass.
Nezha is heterosexual
>and maybe put Nezhas firewalk on her for going fast
learning that they added the ability to give an ability from each Waframe to other Frames, and that neither Gauss nor Volt's running abilities made it into that system, gives me hope that they'll do another speedrunner character.
Yes, she is.
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>summer Wisp
My friends, it has often been said that I like Wisp. My friends, I like Wisp... No, friends, I love Wisp!

I love Motes. I love Breach Surge. I love Wil'o'Wisp. I love Sol Gate, teleporting, I love triangulating two breach surges, and decoy switching for invulnerability. Wisps across plains, in ships, in space, in infested hellscapes, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of Wisp that can occur upon this earth.

I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with Bramma salvos that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a Grineer is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed explosive rounds. And there is nothing like an operator using a hardened wellspring to buff her motes. And the feeling that comes when a Corpus runs screaming from his irradiated MOA, only to be mowed down by heavy kitgun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Reminiscent of when ranks of infantry brandish their prods rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a Wisp meleeing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy.

Gentlemen... All I ask for is Wisp butt, Wisp butt so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms what is it that you really want? Do you wish for further Wisp as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody Wisp? A Wisp whose fury is built with iron and lightning and fire? Do you ask for Wisp to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth!?

...Very well. Then ass is what you shall have. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us with our might. But... After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" Wisp will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE ass! A Wisp beyond any other that man's history has ever known!
I literally get 160 kmp in sp survival with ember just spamming 4 get good
that aren't heat/slash/levelscaling*
I just woke up from a dream where I was playing with a squad. We were farming some weird drifter missions except my spawn point put me right next to a kuva lich looking enemy with a scythe. It would immediately use a finisher on me when I'd load in so I'd have to wait for the next round before I could play.
Your girlfriend is pregnant and considering an abortion
Actually this prophesizes how Soulframe will be a flop and killed on arrival.
Thanks for saying I've had sex.
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this shit is the absolute worst 'boss fight' in any video game I've ever played, I can't even get close enough to grapple onto it and it's too fast for the stupid horse.
how the hell are you supposed to do anything?
>try to chase it
>get shot by guardians or the sphere and can't dodge it for some reason
>wait for it to get close by
>die instantly because of the guardians
>drifter mission
Sorry, a previous anon already established I have a girlfriend.
Hit the energy orbs it throws at you with your Orvis. I don't remember if the game ever tells you this as I was drunk as shit when I ran it the first time but this is how you're supposed to do it.
qrd on ligger?
Hit the balls with your orvius that it flings at you. Then ride through the tempest it creates for a speedboost.
Teshin is telling you all this. Listen.
Its still too fucking fast to catch up to and when I get remotely close the worms guarding it instantly kill me
Makes gay porn designs.
Hates aesthetically-pleasing females (because they have higher sexual market value than gay men? I dunno why, but the proof is in the godawful pudding).
That shouldn't be the case. It's not my experience. I don't even know what the fucking worms do, it seems like it's fucking nothing. The one thing you shouldn't do is to approach it from the front as he will just barf all over you, killing you.
it just circles the map, fly ahead of it and let it come to you
if I fly ahead the worms kill me or it breathes fire on me and kills me
Revenant reword idea:
At the start of a mission, assign a random probability between 1 and 30%
With each cast of Mesmer skin, Revenant has a chance to blow up and die instantly instead of applying Mesmer skin
After each successful cast, the probability increases by 10%
Don't actually get in front of it, but aim ahead of it to intersect its path and grab its head on the first shot. Dodge the balls and idk about the little wyrms, they've never gotten me.
Haha wow that's so funny!
when valk rework
>Damage reduction
>Armor strip
There's your rework. That'll be 500 plat for the new deluxe skin.
glad you liked it bwo :)
>visit zariman
>check bounties
>if it's not exterminate just cap with pinions
>visit sanctum
>check bounties
>if it's not exterminate just cap with voca
>repeate every day
am i burnt out?
pair it with Wisp if you are going to alt fire spam
cringe yet based
Revenant rework idea:
New Passive - Captchas peridocially appear on the player's screen to check whether they are afk or not
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>tenno, it is high time that I emerge from my cum cocoon
dyslexia moment
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Which one anons
I chose the catalyst one
When was the last time you heard someone use voice chat?

instead of chasing it go towards where its going. but dont face it straight on or youll get rekt by the fire. attack it diagonally.
this but also ivara, ash and octavia
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Turn crossplay on for your 3rdy heavy breathing experience
upboated fellow tennolite :)
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what do i pick next?
I didn't know this and just bruteforced it by smashing jumps/boosts in the air on the horse from above and building momentum then swooping down

this is the way, it's all about your approach angle and where/when you will be in range
Lex or Lato
Any non-meta ESO nuke frames?
This but for Octavia players.
Honestly, it's been a while. Guess they finally fixed mobilefag voice chat problem.
Lex or Ceramic
Lex is a pretty damn good sidearm
Zylok is... OK
Ceramic Dagger if you play Khora/Gara/Atlas/probably someone else too
about 3 weeks ago. i was doing a quick sp circuit to get my last incarnon which only needed one round, after i clicked to leave someone started raging and yelling at me to click continue because he wanted a full party.
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post your ember anons!!
i wanna see what colors you chose. this is from the top part of the lotus color scheme
any ember that replies to this post has personally serviced my cock.
I too have sexlexia.
/our/ guy is shitting on Soulframe
What do we do?
/I/ have no guy
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>Launch Dog Days
>Already nobody is playing and it's rare to have full squad
Great event DE, people love it.
>Proto Wuking
>He's black
imagine the review bomb from China
>proto wukong
>he's monke
Holy shit Brozime just flew over my house!
Ask if he beat Elden Ring or any of the Dark Souls series. (Sekiro, Nioh, and Ghost of Tsushima do not count).
Honestly, I have no idea why they are bringing it back.
lex it is
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Its shit and the sooner Steve realizes that nobody wants Duviri: the game the better
Filler event before Lotus Eater update
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>get rank 4 on deimos and buy cedo blueprint
>it says I have all of the other parts
>4 years ago I briefly got back on the game did some orphix venom bought everything but the bp then stopped playing again
lol at least that's another rank I don't have to grind up
I still don't get why they work on Soulframe at all,it's basically just Duviri+ and everyone hates doing Duviri
it's bullshit we can't use void dash even after finishing the story
Revenant rework idea:
>Killing Thralls gives stacks
>Mesmer Skin consumes stacks
Basically WoF Ember -> Gyre progression. You can still be immortal but you have to stay active for it.
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also uh what is this

i actually might have if you've been to
holvania #69 <3
because warframe is steadily declining in players and at this point nobody but old players still play it because there's too much shit to do as a newbie
so (((they))) need an influx of fresh blood and new money
luna is best because you can get the others from the nw store
reminder that nova is fat
blood cancer
>from the nw store
the what
fuck. ok i kinda feel like shit now
Anku is strong af with a riven, but ceramic dagger/lex are the best picks
You know how sometimes some ugly nigger mouth will comment on something you did in a mission
That's it
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I would pay a lot for vay kek's sweet rasping to blow out my speakers every mission instead of the bloatus
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at least is not a troon

oh, wait
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I just changed the second energy color to black so that the glare goes away while retaining all the sparks
I kinda like this
Where can I find the warframe strip club?
Since apparently Yareli twerking on stage is being in character and worth getting 1st place.
Would would would would
Of course a troon would use the bunny ears
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can you feel it? NA hours have begun
Relay 69
doesn't count
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I always wanted a feature to buy other mission announcer voices.
I really see no reason why that can't be a thing and it's way more interesting than Lotus skins they tried to sell (and promptly abandoned lmao)
I still don't understand
>Have to wait 2 more weeks to start building Styasnax
Holy shit why did they have to lock Khal stuff behind weeklies. I just wanted to fulfill my masculine urge to be a hoplite.
Open up your nagivation screen with all the planets and shit, it should be in the lower right corner. There's a shop you can spend currency you get from that "battlepass" on.
upgraded your intrinsic for faster dashing?
because they can't be fucked writing lines for all the legacy content, and then when the paid announcers are disabled during missions like belly of the beast all the autists will complain
just shill the 150 plat on styanax and don't do those god awful kahl shit, hell, come to my orbiter and i'll gift you a styanax
Should have been there when they gave him out for free, with a reactor and everything and then proceeded to nerf the shit out of him because LMAO THE USAGE RATES ARE TOO HIGH CLEARLY HE IS OP, IT CAN'T BE THAT PEOPLE USE HIM BECAUSE WE GAVE HIM AWAY FOR FUCKING FREE
>she wasn’t there when they gave it everyone for free
You deserve it for being a filthy mrlet
>just shill the 150 plat
I would, but I'm saving the last plat I have from trading for reactors and forma.
bruh, why haven't you watched warframe official stream? they have given out styanax for free like twice this year as a twitch drop
PAWG frame pls
Oberon is the worst frame in the fucking game
I have a degen build for every single other frame but this nigger is just entirely useless
ohhhh that shit
Yeah I know you can get reactors and catalysts there
Bit expensive desu, especially since I need the creds for the extracts that are used in every fucking single blueprint I want to craft
hope you also got your vox solaris/ostron/nekralisk rep up to speed too so you can actually craft him :^)
what did DE mean by this
phat ass white guy?
I've always liked how black energy works in this game, at least with some abilities and surfaces after being touched up, since it either hides or adds like an inverted accent to whatever channel
... hot
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I don't understand why they're making Soulframe another online-only multiplayer game when so far it's more structured like a traditional singleplayer game with occasional co-op like Elden Ring.
DE should go back to making traditional $60 games and keep Warframe up as their main cash cow to fund those games.
>Its still too fucking fast to catch up
no it's literally not retard
you're doing something wrong
Furax, Melee Vortex, and healing return.
Become invincible.
I only returned last month...
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What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love? Interlinked
Do they teach you how to feel finger to finger? Interlinked
Do you long for having your heart interlinked? Interlinked
Do you dream about being interlinked?
is ceramic dagger is still the best statstick incarnon without a riven?
DE isn't an AAA developer so it's impossible for them to make enough money on single player games. Ember Ass probably made 60% of what a single player game would have made, and they didn't even design the fucking thing
I think Magistar is better for Khora (but not by a big margin, IIRC it's something like 5-10%), no idea if there are better ones available for Atlas and Gara or whoever else might want to use it.
>Go to random mall instance
4 Ember dancing on stage
Please tell me this is never going to end
The thing is that they cant even make a dark sector 2/remake because 1999 is already that
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I have to assume that when it comes back with 1999 it will be singleplayer only because fuck you.
Gonna try SP circuit this week and get to my first incarnon. How easy will it be (compared to doing sorties a few years ago, because I have no up-to-date frame of reference), and how long will it take to get to tiers 5 and 10?
It's gonna end in like, 3 days.
oh I feel you. I had 5 years break from Warframe before I returned earlier this year too
they can always make The Darkness 3
>Be Qorvex
>Have a ton of armor
>Have Arcane Battery to also have a ton of energy
>Press 2
>Group up enemies and fully strip them
>Have Secondary Surge, instantly hit x8 damage buff due to my tons of energy
>Throw Aegrit
>Do a brazillion damage to everything

Surely this will work, right?
Does Ember's ass sound like latex, rubber, or glass when she walks?
Still Ceramic Dagger for Gara at least.
It depends on what weapons and frames you roll and how your decrees roll. Sometimes it sucks and sometimes you find a broken synergy early and it scales forever.
the point of my question was the riven
a large part of ceramic dagger's strength is its extremely high riven disposition
all you hear is sloshing liquid
sound of the universe.
Yeah, that number was for a rivenless comparison. And it's not like there's too much of a difference between CD and Magistar dispos.
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What's it like to feel the the Meridians awake. The vital pentatonic of someone you love? Infested
Do they teach you how to germinate , for the Master... within the Master? Infested
Do you long for having your living substances infested? Infested
Do you dream about being infested?
>finally a frame i'm interested in building and trying
is Protea good
and where do i get coins to farm her parts
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>an ass filled with sloshing liquid
and the sound of her heels of course
you begin by farming her relics and opening them up for the prime version
>simulacrum scenario
Just farm her prime.
just gether prime
Protea is god awful to farm
>and where do i get coins to farm her parts
corpus ship tileset missions, there's a chance for a diablo loot goblin to spawn
Unfortunate. I guess when you have limited, RNG-dependent loadouts, a lot of premeditated buildcraft goes right out the window.

By the way, what frame is best for spamming (jumping) heavies on arca titron? This thing redcrits on heavy attacks for me. I know Kullervo has a heavy attack passive, but I'm also thinking Harrow for the extra 50% crit.
which frames are meta?
it was an N Sync joke...
When your not farming do they keep you in a netracell?
In netracells. interlinked.
stop... my poor dick can only take so much
Saryn, mesa, wisp, khora, octavia, titania, jade, volt, rebenant
an ass filled with sloshing liquid is not attractive
a pussy filled with my hot cum is attractive
do you want to try it out yourself
Just farm Voruna (assuming she isn't storylocked), has critbuff attached to her invis and one of her 4 passives is 100% increased heavy attack efficiency meaning you can spam more instead of playing the game
>(assuming she isn't storylocked)
you need to unlock Lua first
which is storylocked
>10o, you're not even close to baseline
>when it comes back with 1999 it will be singleplayer only
wrong, that area is the mini-games lobby and the reason its live right now is because they are stress testing
Forgot Varuna even existed, honestly.
comfy sortie today
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speak for yourself, but you know she would. her entire body is one of these things
>turns out our servers couldn't handle it!
>buy plat!
Kril? More like
yeah her whole body needs to be filled with sloshing liquid
wtf i remember those things i stuck my dick in one at like 12
this could explain why the ember skin is drving me crazy actually
Wouldn't you have to spam her 1 with that playstyle?
I think it comes off on any non-ability attack.
That being said, with her augment you can just use her abilities instead of a weapon.
Ceramic dagger if you want the best statstick for Khora and Atlas
Lex if you want one of the best secondaries in the game currently
Gorgon if you want something that deletes acolytes in SP
when you leave invis the buff stays for 3 something seconds and if you get a kill within that time the buff extends to 9 seconds
So you're casting it roughly 6 times per minute
As someone who hasn't played in a few years, this 1999 thing feels like they wanted to make an entirely new game but couldn't for whatever reason, so they took their concept and just taped to to Warframe.
lex is godlike even without its incarnon form just for the passives, mine orangecrits by default
Welcome to 90% of Warframe's content in the last 7 years
Perrin Sequence? More like perineum sequence!!! ohhhhh
>omni fissure, lua
>none of the fags bothers getting life support
>have to extract 5 minutes later
I hate randoms
see >>487556121
These were the most popular frames by usage at the end of 2023. If you split primes and non-primes, the highest usage frames are Revenant Prime, Wukong Prime, and Volt Prime in that order according to https://www.warframe.com/2023stats. Among these three, the optimal cock sucker would be either Revenant or Wukong. Most Revenants you see in pubs barely use half his kit to stand around doing nothing, leaving you a lot of time to slob on someone's knob. Wukong players are much more active, but the required skill for Wukong is almost as low as Revenant because you have that clone to metaphorically or literally jerk off with, or to fight for you while you're busy choking on dick.
why didn't you get life support
I was
wrong, rebb just wanted to feel young again and used dark sector as a cope
Crit buff or invis buff?
I was thinking about the invisibility in particular. Voruna's kinda squishy otherwise.
It's more like
>Oh my god I want to make a fantasy game so fucking bad, Rebecca please take over Warframe, those fucking animals keep flaming my beloved railjack content
>O-Okay Steve I'm just a community manager but I guess I can insert stuff from games and anime I consume!
1999 is gay fag shit for niggers
I just want to be a space ninja not deal with niggers and children
what if the ambulas was called the freakulas and instead of spending 30 minutes for one trinity piece you spent 30 minutes getting anally raped?
Does circuit progress get stored between runs for the week, or does getting to tier 5 of steel path circ require you to do 12 stages in a single session? I'd hope it's not the latter, but I know better than to hope.
You have to find a duviri progresso which will save your circuit progress. It only spawns during the jackal boss fights
Do you sister or liches ever not mock you even though their personality dictates that they should?
Personality. Interlinked.
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Haven't played this game since late 2022, loved every moment of it but got distracted by shooterslop. What's the state of the game as of now? Is it better or worse? I heard that soulframe is bound a flop so i'm concerned. Is the game worth coming back to?
Much better since Steve and Scott left and Reb took over.
bro imagine if mods were exclusive to each individual piece of equipment and if you wanted to use the same mod you had to unequip and reequip to the other piece so you had to farm multiples for qol
So I'd only have to do 5 stages in a single session twice and then two more? That's not so bad. How long does that save progress for, does failing set you back to the last progresso or to the very start, and how does it work with pubbing? Pugging five consecutive stages per day for six days sounds pretty doable.
I left since 2019 due to the focus on open world schlock. I started a few weeks ago and haven't put it down since. There's still a lot of issues, but a lot feels better.
I remember when that was the case for sentinel weapons and yours.
Jesus fucking Christ how awful.
what the fuck happened to redgifs? I cant open in new tab anymore or save the video directly? how am I supposed to know if I can use this as shitposting if I cant properly see!?
What's the best music track?
If you're running a 4 focused build instead of using her as a weapons platform the invis essentially runs for its whole ability duration (14s base) because it reapplies after every 4 jump. It only perma breaks on non-ability attacks.
Voruna is very broken at endgame but requires a lot of investment with shit like umbra mods and tau shards so not a lot of people can be bothered right now since she doesn't have a prime variant yet.
You can do anything from endless energy/health regeneration through aoe KPM orb spawning to just throwing wrathful advance on her and stacking crits retardedly high like a monkey
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Oh, this is just bullshit isn't it. 12 and 34 consecutive stages can drink my cum, I'm not doing that.
you can stop whenever the fuck you want and continue whenever you want
>going through the star chart to finally unlock SP
>try out Jade since I just got her
She just melts everything with her AOE and I don't even have good mods yet, jesus christ
skill issue That guy's fucking with you, which you would have known if you'd bothered to do one or two rounds as a test. You can bank progress at the end of every round by leaving. You used to lose the whole run if you failed a round or aborted partway, but there's infrequent glitches that soft lock you and force you to abort so now there's some sort of checkpoint system. I don't know if you keep progress if you fail a round cause I get bored before I'm at risk of actually failing.
need some kind of stream concat/downloader probably, lot of streaming sites do that these days
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He doesn't look so good anons
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>melts a deimos jugulus in a few seconds
nutting personel, juggalo
I tried out a single stage of normal SP the other day to see how it goes and it was easy, but haven't touched duviri since. How long does your progress get saved for?
I'm still gunshy about putting mods into my sentinel or even slotting a weapon for that reason, but the crit bonus is too nice even when I don't want my companion attacking
She kills lvl 200sp no problem. if you prime you get 100k ticks from 4
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I will VIOLATE this cat
what is that
i wish i had tits
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Until weekly reset. Make sure to at least go to round 4 every day because there's a bonus, but IIRC you have to play a lot if you want to hit rank 10 on the sp track every week
Takes like 6 hours to hit rank 10
I'm Furis you don't know what that is.
That thing became a fucking monster post patch and no one is using it
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>capturing target
>jade light appears above me
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It can also make you immortal.
Cool, that's enough of a safety net/respect for time that I'll give it a shot and discover all kinks and such. That said I'm only gonna shoot for rank 5 this week, since not much stands out this rotation and soma and burston aren't 'til the week after next.
Holy MRlet
why do Ancients take 0 damage from my Volt skills
and anything with shields as well
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Formad V
What mission
huh, putting an actual time on it makes it both better and worse than it was in my head. Less than an average of an hour a day isn't too bad for a hobby, but Duviri is only one sub activity in Warframe, and it's really obnoxious if you try to do it in only a few sessions and still want 10.

What do you mean not much stands out this week? Lex, Ceramic Dagger, Magistar.
for some reason I was expecting human volt skin
doesn't do shit in higher levels when you just get one shot when your shields are down
any mission with infested
ancients just dont take damage from the shock or the aoe ult thing
and eximus enemies with the overshield bar dont take damage from it either
Post your build
I don't play Volt much but he's kinda powercrept for pure damage. There's not much you can do in case of his 1 skill, for example, a lot of people just replace it in favor of something else, but it's not something you would have access to right now.
They should take damage, however, even if it's not a lot.
ancient healers give all enemies massive overguard so you want to kill them first
>go through 8 relics
>revenant prime part is a bronze
>didn't drop once
bullshit game
since when?

aura that grants huge ability damage resistance
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~4hrs on SP in you play just 4-rounds at a time
I honestly forgot how long it takes if you do it in 1 go, ~3 or so
i guess they are taking damage its just so little its imperceptable
makes sense if they have an ability damage res aura
yeah I've started pressing 5 before X again because of this shit lol, it's brutal how fast the ticks stack up
junkenstein tier event
Junkenstein was the only based part of Overwatch, you fucking faggot.
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She's in my Top 3. Love my Mack Truck muscle wife
>no one
it became quite popular after patch.
what kind of aa do you use?
>Lotus Eater
>lotus is ancient slang for pussy
>Pussy Eater
Diriga any good?
How many years are we away from the sex update? like 3?
We already got pregnancy and romance
>lotus is ancient slang for pussy
lotus eaters are like foundational western storytelling shit aren't they, something that pops up in a few disparate mythoi? (yes that is the plural of mythos, I had to look that up)
the grattler is probably the best AA gun available
>you have to play a lot if you want to hit rank 10
>literally 4 assassination rotations to hit rank 10 in one go
wow fucking a lot. 6 rounds times 4.
TAA i believe. The screenshot is about 3 years old so i can't recall properly
Hows ERPing
Is Voruna the most overdesigned frame in the game?
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My favorite weapons are tonkor back when it was good and bramma back when it was good. What incarnon should I get first?
not anymore
90% damage resistance was changed to overguard 9x their health a while ago
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(I await this demon's seed. I shall quiver with life.)
equinox exists
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very good

I see, I'm battling the lighting/shadow sparklies and jaggies that seem to happen even with TAA and wondering if I just need to start supersampling or something
Furis was a monster before the patch too

>6860 points required to reach rank 10 STEEL PATH
>post stage 4 you get 145 points per round
You need just under 50 stages of circuit to reach rank 10 steel path, not 24.
I wasn't debating that part
Kuva Tonkor is good
Strun and Latron incarnon modes are more like ~5m aoe explosives
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>causing the inhabitants to sleep
>dream motif regarding the tenno
just play at 4k niggernerd
>Update 31.5 (2022-04-27)
well shit thanks for pointing that out, I guess that's since when lol, I still just habitually target them first and don't really pay attention beyond whether they're deleted or not
1080p604lyfe faggot
Take off Serration for Galv Aptitude (maybe) and put the headshot Arcane on and laugh at the damage
fix pvp DE. and I don't mean fundamentally change it so it stops filtering 80 iq morons and redditors.
Add new weapons, warframes, maps, and mechanics. hire pvp players to playtest shit and fix the pve bleedover glitches that occur. Only take advice from people who actually play it, anyone else saying anything about it usually has 0 idea what they're talking about and is just spewing outdated, misinformed rhetoric from 5 years ago.
Did DE basically give up on health tanking, armor and adaptation?
Everything is now about either shield gating, full immunity mechanics, overguard and immunity to status effects.
I do it with the help of hp regen, and I push it then get downed sometimes (especially in EDA I'm just never sure what gets me when it happens) but I also survive way more than I think I "should" thanks to it even without using any of my panic buttons
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Is there no way to get the new rifle if you missed Tennocon?

Hasn't happened
still eating pussy basically
not at moment, but baro will eventually bring it.
wish she had an ass like that ingame
The sturdiest health stank in the game can still easily get one shot, so why bother?
if they can do this AND touch up the netcode or work out some kind of middle ground for latency and fairness I will play it again

I also kind of burned out on the CTF and TDM modes shortly after they came out, while FFA never seemed to get populated so it was always waiting in queue or playing 1v1 with the balance skewed hard in one direction or another
>I don't get yelled at for playing a braindead tanky frame
literally no one ever complains about this. Like are you just making up scenarios in your head?
said no one ever
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top is citrine
bottom is gara
which animation set for ember heirloom?

these were the only two animation sets that didn't mess up her heels but I can't decide
nta but I've seen youtuber-educated rote script following retards say that shit
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You have to make a kitgun if you want a good mrlet weapon, everything else blows

Also dont forget to master all the fodder you can buy for credits now to rank up faster
ass looks better with citrine
but gara's looks more "fitting" idk why
I think they primarily balance for mid level content, like EDA or early steel path, where you only need good movement and Augur mods. A few weeks ago, someone posted a clip showing that double shield regen mods make you almost invincible even in DA/EDA. They don't really prioritize balance at the point where health tanking falls off. For example, player overguard didn't initially have an i-frame gate, and they only added it for Kullervo when people who do long endless missions noticed that he starts getting one shot without it.
I think it's because of how it lets the sleeves drape nicely
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>3 day affinity booster activated
>gyre and jade in the oven
>wisp and saryn in the middle of forma-ing
>ember p already built and ready to be lvld and formad
>hildryn and hydroid awaiting mastering and subsooming
>will use the affinity booster to farm dante while leveling
Yup, it’s /comfy/ time
Whats the best primary kitgun now?
>They don't really prioritize balance at the point where health tanking falls off
this exactly. if they actually gave a shit about higher level content they would realize that their armor formula is total utter trash
I keep hearing about fulmin prime a lot. Is it actually good for clearing the star chart?
grendel agile
star chart? easily, yes. its normal variant was great too
Nice. I'm guessing it falls off hard in SP?
tombfinger max ammo max fire rate with an obnoxiously bright energy color
mirage noble messes up her back foot, and oneiro feels too flamboyant for ember

this was my thought too, it's hard to let her heirloom sleeves hang free
kek underrated post
I don't know anything about Magistar (as hammers go I'm addicted to my redcrit titron) or its incarnon, and I just don't see myself using ceramic or any other dagger.
Also the week's half over, and I don't fancy throwing myself into another double-time grind.
I forgot to mention, but overguard is also bad at the point where shield gating really takes over. The overguard gate is half a second and enemies eventually start being able to damage it as fast as it's generated, so you start needing to spend way more time generating overguard

Dude, when they were talking about the armour rework it fucking blew my mind that they kept on saying armour was too strong because it was bottom heavy. No, armour was too strong the cap was insanely high, and removing 80% of a million times EHP is still 200k times EHP. It's also really funny to me that corrosive damage used to be pointless because armour was too strong at high levels, and now corrosive damage is pointless because armour is too weak.
not at all. not sure what it is like since the armor/status rework, before the update it relied on either instakilling mobs or finishing them off with slash procs from Internal Bleeding.
it should still hold up well
>shield regen
not with shield gimp modifier every other week lol
memedia has too much bs really, but you can easily healthtank ordinary lvl~400 even on squish frames
Ive even built healthtank ivara and banshee to solo
magistar has insanely high crit chance and an incarnon evolution for double slam radius
I haven't played since 2018 why does melee damage feel so weak
True, but I have a riven for arca titron.
try kullerbro
Vermisplicer - rank0 from entrarti, just chek the wiki for materials, need to smash some crates and fishes in the cave as I recall
>Kuva Tonkor is good
I can't make it work on anyone other than mirage since she just insane for weapon damage. It just does fucking nothing on anyone else.
Magistar is current fotm, although Arca Triton should be usable for the same slam builds. Separate from the fotm build, Magistar is BiS stat stick Khora and maybe also Atlas? Ceramic Dagger is BiS for Gara and very strong (but not BiS) for the other frames with pseudo-exalted melee abilities, as well as just being sort of cool in general.
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I have to grind dog days
>>gyre and jade in the oven
more like me filling gyre's and jade's oven
idk adaptation works fine for me but I haven't really played anything harder than netracells. There's barely any content harder than that anyway.
>star chart
it easily does SP once you mod it
I saw a webm of someone using jade to deal tons of damage a few days ago.
Was it a case of "spend 4 minutes stacking buffs with team in a particular order for 30 seconds of glory' or a build that just works all the time?
mod it with HM for armor, last time I used it I could do lvl300+ sp just blindly spamming and was never short on LS
and it should be even better now since blast got buffed and armor nerfed
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exactly (probably invigoration too)
All they had to do is give you SOMETHING you would want to grind for. Some small evergreen shit. Doesn't have to be forma or something ridiculous but literally just give people anything they can use in gameplay. I've done a couple of matches for the fish ephemera but I will never use it anyway.
sell those mods and buy forma if you are so bent on farming
build it better
>he wants to be forced to grind that dogshit event
Hell no, I'm glad there are no good rewards.
why is regular magnus ranked so low on overframe
this thing slaps
Those boobs look silly.
come back once you are out of regular star chart
because the fire sound is poopoo
And it made the game better than its been in years
Truly fujos make the most powerful idea guys
magnus prime has a much better passive
Fastest way to farm Iradite and Grokdul as very low mr?
trying to get growing power makes me wanna DIE
I've heard that relay blessings, archon shards, and the movement speed buff from the praedos still work in dog days. I have not tested them myself as I already have everything and fuck touching that game mode again.
do high level bounty with invis frame
run out onto plains
collect stuff
walk back to gate

if you have itzal you can get hundreds of both in minutes

just buy it, plat is how you shortcut annoying/boring grinds
Overframe's "tier list" is a popularity contest that doesn't remove old votes, but also Magnus is shit and deserves its low ranking. The best pistol in the game does thousands of times the damage of Magnus and temporarily transforms into a rapid fire rocket launcher.
>headshot arcane
I forgot about that one. Don't remember how many I have, but I'll have some.
I'll sell you it for 50p
You'll have to be on Switch though
and lol
Are the 'warframe feedback' forums just a dumping ground that DE can safely ignore?
They paid no attention to the Dante one and seem to have ignored the Jade one completely also.
Hell, with Dante they changed stuff no one was complaining about and left the thing that people did have an issue with.
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hotfix is cooming
>red text
There's nothing wrong with the Switch version you stupid nigger. It plays great.
Me too.
>a dumping ground that DE can safely ignore
you just described the entirety of warframe
For fuck sake ghoul bounties are miserable. 25 million uncommon garbage and no gold completion bonus. I am gonna fire bomb DE office if i dont get mod next bounty.
>fixed not seeing melee incarnon reticles
what about the primary/secondary incarnon reticles? that shit is bugged too
>Changed AX-52’s Critical Chance headshot mechanic to Stacked Multiply instead of Add when applying the Critical Chance buff.
reported to the authorities
don't steal my joke you fucking nigger
cant be worse than fucking orb vallis fissures
>duuude just go find the retarded spider in the corner of the map over and over then teleport and traverse to that one fissue on the other side of the map
my bald
I just finished farming few minutes ago
I'm glad it's over
Is that good or bad I am retarded. Thanks.
>my bald
wrong general dude this isn't /poeg/
they go into more detail in the post, I think it's bad if you were relying on certain ability buffs with it and slightly good if you weren't
>Was: Aimed Headshots have +100% Critical Chance.
>Now: Aimed Headshots have +400% Critical Chance.

Minor buff if you didn't use anything that interacted with the flat crit chance. I don't know what the interaction was with Xata's and other abilities, but it's probably a nerf on that front.
delete orb valis
slight buff
before was +100% flat for 126% without mods
now it's +400% after mods for 130% without mods
Thanks oomfies
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>Players who have sealed 100+ Thermia Fractures will now see “ALL REWARDS COLLECTED” instead of the list of reward tiers for the Thermia Fractures event in their World State Window.
>This change removes unnecessary clutter from this screen, making room for more relevant information to be displayed at the front of the Orbiter!
I'm going to miss the super long Star Wars opening crawl.
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>100+ Thermia Fractures
god, i still need to do those
i think im barely past 30 and i do not know if i have the strength to do it
mine still sticks out through the windshield... lol
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here's my contribution for ember heirloom butt
Do 1 a day. You will be done in 10 days.
Here's how to play Hildryn
Step 1. Equip Hildryn
Step 2. Go to Helminth
Step 3. Wall that bitch
Step 4. Put her ability on a better frame
Now you can use Pillage but have fun
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>Yareli that low
you get 7 points if you bring 4 canister to a fracture and seal it
you only need 50 points for all the mods
What's the longest it has ever gotten?
>Keep trying to get parties together to do this
>Niggers ask for an invite just to afk and do nothing after getting a canister
more grind
less payoff for grind
Yareli walker?
>tfw Grendel missions
It was atrocious. The lowest point of my experience with warframe.
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about this long
>telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl
(or putty -telnet whatever you've got around)
she's that low because on release she was ass and her quest filtered too many players somehow. she just has bad reputation
it still sucks and i hate it
it used to be real hard when I first tried it, now im sure its going to be incredibly boring. a defense mission, but worse

but its like 15 runs to get 100, which i need to weapon for MR and to get that shit off my screen
which is approximately 90 hours
Nezha's wife
>archons now use the narmer faction type
What does this change?
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I Yareli everything
finally bothered to make lex incarnon
damn this thing fucks in yarelis hands
does merulina count as channeled ability?
I respect your admiration and autism
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Is Qorvex's crucible good? I wanna do Fulgore larp.
Yareli are dedicated, you know that?
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If I sit on your Nezha will he survive?

Yheah if you get clusters of enemies
>suddenly have operator ultimate skill
>absolutely no explanation as to what the fuck it is
>when picking from the 5 trees initially, absolutely no hint to what each is or why i might want to pick which
>no explanation about the skill tree or what "The Quills" is to upgrade it
>no quest to explore or explain any of it
>next quest is completely unrelated, time to get my Railjack
Why is DE like this?
smol indie dev lel
Well that and her kit is ass.
>still no Operator 3 and 4
maybe in 2028 :)
do you need someone to hold your hand, faggot? do you even dress yourself?
>he plans to live till 2028
ngmi m8
>recover fishing quest for nightwave
>throw murkray bait
>a fucking thumper immediately jumps on me and by the time I've killed it and gone back, the bait expires and I only caught two murkrays
haha very cool thank you DE
It would be extremely painful.
Big guy?
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I luv muscular women and i am tired of hiding it
her kit is actually kinda cool now, but i haven't played too much to really experience her full potential
how do i customize my Liset
There's honestly not too much potential to have here, it's like a Nezha with clunkier movement.
is there a way to make my Operator NOT randomly say cringe gay shit during a mission
you get the drifer
I'm not joking it would actually be painful. Don't ever do that to my Nezha.
snares are good, 3 is good, 4 is not
i turned that shit off the MOMENT i completed Second Dream. It's in the setting menu somewhere.
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what eda are they not gonna fix that
I don't know, I don't feel like the snares are doing anything. The time I spend casting those things could easily be spent on shooting niggas. The vulnerability is nice, sure.
I've actually built for aquablades with as much duration and strength as possible using the augment but it feels they do fuckall for damage. Again, compared with the effort you have to put into to get them rolling, the damage is just pitiful. It's nice that they stagger fuckers but that's kinda it.
yeah in the options under audio there's a setting to enable or disable the operator voice
There's an option to disable operator dialogue somewhere, I turned it off the second I got one

I haven't seen one, in, well, ever. I even have some Steam shekels left over so I would actually buy shit. But not at 50% off or, lol, lmao, 20%
Just cast a bunch of snares and they catch everyone and make them take 2x damage and they autot-aim so its brainless
Sure if you only play exterminates then just kill
Snares with aug have some AOE so if you stack them they are pretty strong but yeah if you have a good gun then why even bother
It's funny seeing people shit on Soulframe for all the issues are in Warframe as well but somehow ignored.
I can't imagine playing Warframe on anything but MKB.
it's best on controller desu
hello schizo
Being slow?
Abilities having no impact?
Lack of ranged options?
Considering buying Proto Volt skin it's kinda cool
shut the fuck up Steve
>ESL slopframe defender returns
no, everyone complains about soulframe making the same mistakes as warframe's isolated prototype for soulframe, ie being slow and boring without any way to have fun with the fluid animations and gameplay because it's so clunky and stilted
such as?
also, warframe is 10 years old, soulframe is basically a shitty tech demo and it's not even good or impressive at being that

dont forget the combat is fucking clunky and flow-less
It interacted with xatas and dagaths crit to stack 64x and deal billions of damage
And I'm hella excited for the Ticker demini skin for the new warframe they release between now and 1999. Always wanted to play as an NPC.
what is that
got pics?
>Snares with aug
Duh meant to say Blades
Game looking like shit, character movement feeling like shit, melee combat being shit.
press esc then go into decorate
>dont forget the combat is fucking clunky and flow-less
Oh, and the lighting being shit.
And the 'gather spirit orbs' vision being clunky to move with.
>also, warframe is 10 years old, soulframe is basically a shitty tech demo and it's not even good or impressive at being that
Yeah because soulframe is running on the same shitty 10 years old engine and made by the same talentless hacks of developers who just lucked out with Warframe.
>filtered by soulframe
heh ehehe hohoho ahahahaha
>talentless hacks of developers
bro they made Unreal and Unreal Tournament....
kind of
>Game looking like shit
Is this a criticism of visuals or a statement that from what we've seen the game looks like it's going to be shit? The visuals are good, but the game looks like it's going to be bad.

>character movement feeling like shit
I wasn't paying much attention to Soulframe during Tennocon, but Warframe's movement feels pretty good.

>melee combat being shit.
People also complain about Warframe's melee combat being shit, but in Warframe you have guns or frame abilities and don't need to rely on melee.
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>get magnus prime on circuit
>take it because rollcrit is a funny meme
>immediately get handed a couple decrees that boost my crit damage and incentivize me to just keep rolling everywhere
No they didn't you retard.
trust me im a video game historian
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bomb frame when?
but it says right on their website, co-created...
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Is this a good riven? I think it's pretty good
Yes, yes goyim, roll the -Damage to Corpus Rivens, when would you ever need to kill those innocent merchants?
just dont use it on corpus missions lmao
Based and blind-pilled
Mostly animations related stuff. In Warframe we ignore animations because of shit like attack speed, visual cluterness aka particles, enemy density so you can't shit on the screen.

Soulframe has none of those, so all the flaws are difficult to ignore.
seems fine for personal use, but a "good" riven usually has crit chance or crit damage, and % damage is the least desirable of the good stats because it gets diminishing returns with other strong sources of % damage, although 433% is a lot.
it's a - multiplier, retard
>Doubling down
Oh no no no
>-ACK & brunt
what the hell did they mean by this
a more damage multiplier would be x1.64
x0.64 is lessening the damage
you should kill yourself now
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>Was it a case of "spend 4 minutes stacking buffs with team in a particular order for 30 seconds of glory' or a build that just works all the time?
Here is his build he posted, the webm was while he had the rift double strength buff but even my knockoff build can breeze through SP Conj. rifts. I'll post mine next
If you have a +cc riven with no cd, is it still better to replace vital sense and stack cc?
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>Still going at it
Anyone experimented with Dagath's augment?
What playstyle does it encourage/create?
I used her with catalyzing shield and ability spam before and that was functional, but got annoying quickly. Was wondering if the augment gave her new life like Gyre's did for her.
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>Here is his build he posted,
Close but the build is slightly different.
No invigoration was used
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I am...
A qorvex player.
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And here's the lazy version I made that's good enough for sleeping though netracells, Cunj. Survival rifts, and SP circuit.

His design is so silly.
It's ok. It won't replace other means of survivability because there is a cooldown of 25s (that can be reduced by 1s per kill).
The one thing that does well is alleviate the ability spam you usually require to stay alive by giving you 10s of immortality on demand.
Moded mine with Primed Continuity and 3 tau duration shards so I get 20s of godmode. Pretty chill.

It would have been great if the effect to apply doom allowed to sumsume off her 2nd skill, however if you remove it, the doom you apply with the augment gets no strength modifiers.
I like the concrete ablative walls. He's silly but he's a funny russian brutalist architecture piece.
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What do you mean?
i genuinely really like his look but i'm allergic to farming lanthorns
You have a cool ability... too bad enemies are dead by the time you get to use it so it never goes off like it theoretically can.
>russian brutalist architecture piece
the murmur are kind of this as a faction but more abstract
it's like DE love to shoot on their own feet's. Tons of shit for fashion but all look like trash on a frame that's covered by those ugly concrete plates.
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Makes sense he was added in the same patch, then, huh, anon?
man holvania 69 is crazy
it sure does I've just literally never see anyone remark on that
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Anon I..
Considering that 1999 isn't an alternate timeline and albrecht mentions going back to "the plague year" which must be a known point in history, Could this mean the technocyte took over all of earth and the orokangz descend from the humans that fled to the moon and eventually came back to recolonize it?
whats the womb tatoo signa again? the one that can go the lowest
phoneposting sorry
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Ourowyrms rage or something
is Paris Prime any good or should I just sell it upon mastering it
>selling primes
hey I'm in that screenshot
come hang out by the orb
>>selling primes
If it's shit I'm not going to have it clutter up my inventory
So far It's shit but from what I recall it has an Incarnon
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Based and concrete-pilled
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Do people even use or buy sentinel weapon rivens?
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>missing orokin racism
everybody just uses sneeda anyways
>i wonder if theres r34 of the heirloom skin yet
What the fuck do you think retard. Are they really this clueless?
paris incarnon is fun with Mag
>Anyone experimented with Dagath's augment?
>What playstyle does it encourage/create?
The countdown to ability use starts at the end of its' use, so you can't mod Dagath to be immortal.
Only Revenant gets that.
yes but burst laser sucks ass
>Are they really this clueless?
Don't really like Mag that much desu, but what do you think about the incarnon on its own?
I've been using it with ophanim eyes subsumed over her 1, works fairly well but its an incredibly boring playstyle
meh, Ive seen only couple real degens there
why isn't wisp's beam good like that...
>what do you think about the incarnon on its own?
It's a generic bow, for better or worse. Incarnon form also shoots arrows.
It's one of those incarnon that remains mostly the same weapon instead of turning into a bouncing rocket machinegun.
>Was it a case of "spend 4 minutes stacking buffs with team in a particular order for 30 seconds of glory'
The only buffs from that Webm you're talking about that was buffing the damage was the fissure buff as far as I can tell. The rest was just from the loadout as far I can tell.
WebM related is solo no fissure buff. Just the usual setup.
Cause she has other ASSets
hey I'm a new player kinda and question
how long does it take to do whats going on in that gif?? like what frame what abilities where how
because that looks soooo sick
fair I guess
>i'm allergic to farming lanthorns
bro your EDA? Your netracells?
guess I will keep it to try out the incarnon then I suppose, after that I will sell it to some Solaris rigjockey for 5 credits
NTA, but about 30 minutes after you make the frame. You get the frame, play around with it, and you learn abilities that way.
As for getting that frame, I think it's a few hours of grinding an elevator, but I don't know how far you are from that mission unlocking.
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>Finally make a fashion on Ivar that doesn't have a fuckoff poofy skirt
>Just in time to mothball her for spys after finally getting around to making a Voruna loadout
Does Khora fit the beast master archetype well?
>the """fashion""" is just a carbon copy of that one wisp webm posted from time to time
try harder
Unless you're the anon who initially posted it
if so, try even harder, fag
Duh 69 is full and 1 is boring
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oh is it jade? are there other frames that float like that? i like that playstyle
reminds me of pic related from the acursed forgotten game
Protip: look up what DE actually did on those games
mag was my starter
also i got volt for free because i synced accounts with my pc one where i picked him there
Helicopter style? Just Jade
Hildryn's like a hovercraft
Titania's a jet.
Operator used to have a cool teleport, now they have a lame, slow, clunky grappling hook
where the fuck is the "visit simulacrum" button in my orbiter. where is it, rebb.
any frame can float for a little while with mods, zephyr can float with an ability for a limited time, and hildryn can move kind of similarly to jade while titania has very fast complete free flight both similarly with toggled on abilities that drain over time
Lex incarnon acquired. Now it's time to actually get the lex prime itself.
they made the game
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??? You got a tism there boy? Its got 4 pieces of igumi and is black and gold, wasn't going for originality here.
Also be more specific than "that one wisp webm" I want to see whatever ass-shot I'm copping.
i think it looks pretty anon don't listen to him
Is Grendel's ball form good? It looks fun
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>does the warframe with a companion as a passive fit the beast archetype
Sexo, ignore that retarded faggot. Infact I'm already stalking him
>max ranked blind rage gives +99% ability strength
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probably the best you're gonna get
I'm asking if she fits it "well" illiterate-kun.
This probably won't turn you into a Mag fan,but here's Mag turning Paris Incarnon into a pretty blender.
Does any other frame fit said archetype better nigga-san?
>named under developers
>nuh uh
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>theres a literal decoration you buy from him that's worded like it's a remote access to simaris's bullshit
>it does nothing
Day of the rake I fucking swear I bagging those leafs myself
Thanks here's the crime replacing her
Mag scales really well just get a weapon that works with her bubble like tenet Arca plasmor
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>max rank narrow minded is +99% duration which makes nova need an extra mod to get to the max nullstar breakpoint
cumming in citrines open plan crystalline womb
>max nullstar breakpoint
literally no one cares
what if jade stuck her pregnant bellussy into citrine's exposed reproductive tractussy
I care anon
It didn't, but seeing Mag's funny bubble is still nice
you need all 18 for the 90% damage resist
if you're going to use a slot anyway just put molecular fission on
God had no part in forming this unholy sentence.
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What am I in for?
buy shivering contagion stocks while you can
I physically shuddered and cringed as I typed it out
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more grind, Dark Souls, also having to relearn all deeper game mechanics because pretty much everything got a rework including elements and health types
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Why are so many people coming back
Ember's ass threads are being spammed /v/ by DE
Was I asking if any other frame fit the archetype better? NO. Go suck on Rhino's cock guard you fucking HOMO.
That butt needs some polish
Can I still press 4 as Mesa and win?
FFXIV sucks now and 1st Descendant powers and melee are boring
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Peak grindy MMO to play whilst listening to some podcast like mati or kino casino with a speck of good lore
Rimworld got boring after 3000 hours and i need a new game to play before i go to work
Xata's whisper gets funky with the right combo of punchthrough and projectile speed
Jade shadows was a really good quest
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Its a mystery!
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>That butt needs some polish
I liked it, the childbirth minigame was really fucking funny
Yeah, Mesa still good. There's even a new mechanic called archon shards that can give her like +150% secondary weapon crit chance
embers ass + destinytubers talking about warframe + free to play + wf1999 gameplay
combine that with a younger audience who loves movement shooters or movement tech in games means warframe is pretty safe
molecular fission only restores charges up to the cap you have on null star
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Whatever could it be?
got some links? I want to see their reaction
>younger audience who loves movement shooters or movement tech in games means warframe is pretty safe
why didnt titanfall survive then
who knows. this 1999 horseshit plague year was never mentioned before unless Im mistaken. The infestation is supposed to be an orokin creation, but beyond that there isnt alot that is concrete. And either way the current era is supposed to be thousands of years in the future, Idk why theyre trying to make it seem like its only a couple of hundred years back. like why do they have the same alphabet?
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rubber butt
nah not really, I mean having the extra pet is nice but it has only minor synergy with her kit and it's kind of like a bloodwing/mordecai situation so as much as you consider that beastmaster-y imo
respawn killed it to focus on BLM Legends.
imagine giving it a good smack
would sound like kicking a kickball
Now I can't get the image of a metallic ass sounding like the fucking CLANG from Berserk when slapped
titanfall 1 was like 10 years ago. titanfall 2 was 6 years ago and came out between a cod and battlefield release. apex contenr creators have praised tf2 so there was a resurgence of players again probably from a younger audience
What sound does your favorite's warframe ass make when you smack it?
>this 1999 horseshit plague year was never mentioned before unless Im mistaken
It wasn't no, but the Mire mentions the Great Plague, that's the only "lead" we have
>The infestation is supposed to be an orokin creation
Where is that said/stated?
>Idk why theyre trying to make it seem like its only a couple of hundred years back
they aren't retard, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yi0fgygNwvk go to 17:20
>like why do they have the same alphabet?
It's not the same alphabet, or rather, the Orokin alphabet is descendant from the 1999 alphabet
>embers ass
>younger audience
Anons, theres a non-zero chance some kid just had a sexual awakening in Höllvania
better from ember ass than groomed by a troon
volt: *zap*
grendel: braaaap
octavia: 𝅘𝅥𝅮
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I couldn't say why but the more I play with it the more it seems like I have to invert the energy colors from my usual scheme to get a comparably visible effect with ember heirloom using black primary and tinted secondary energy colors for the flame effects, and the more I also realize it's mesmerizing and looks way nicer for both her "flesh" and flame effects so I kind of wish they all worked this way
would probably sting your hand more than her butt
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Do you see any lead Warframe dev names here?
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hweeo i build da reno an' vubin
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Calibros we're going home...finally.
yor wan ov dem bay be tenno gitz ain't ya
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mrlet... cute
>Calibros, our bros will now spawn at once and cast our useless 4 with us, multiplying the usefulness x4 0x4
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literally me in the back middle (the almost white one) if this was holvania 69 about 2hrs ago
Now? Absolutely not
Baro's relay is about to be closed anyway
>not having a forma being built
Aww you were not one of the 2 Nezhas grinding
Baro relay is about to close soon, if you don’t even have 1k ducats don’t think that you are going to get value from it. Get that for the fashion, if you give a fuck about Baro mods, buy plat and enjoy the price drop because of everything showing up
I keep asking for a nice Rhino or Atlas to dance with but it's just other Ember heirlooms :(
I'm trying to buy Arcanes to dissolve at Loid, which one has the best Vosfor/cost ratio?
there was a lot of lewd stuff going on there...
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Honestly, I know you're just mocking me but I wish they got rid of the gay ass spin and made his one a support to either buff allies or his henchmen of sentinels
Uhm we got Reb there now
Sentinels are a huge meme propped up by youtubers to sell rivens
Panzer is still the best combat companion bar none
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Sick of back-to-back homoshit in that kusoge so I'm upgrading from 2d grindage to 3d. There's still a lot of homoshit though but it's a western game + fucking leafs
which relay?
we love men here anon
Do people actually ERP in game or defer to discord?
It's literally something they teased for April Fool's, they should've made it real
I'm in NA hollvania 69 and didn't see the purple text
theres at least three before i stopped scanning
>I need to buy plat to buy more slots
I should just wait for a big daily login discount reward and buy in bulk then, right?
Drop your IGN and I will gift you a few
Also, which ones do you need the most, warframe or weapon ones?
put helminth roar on valkyr just so I can yell more during missions
stop grooming the mrlets
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Blurry cryptid heirloom butt
I will shove those slots down their throats and you can't stop me
>someone got paid to model that butt
it should've been me...
>buy ember skin
>never gonna actually use her in missions
What other parts for the vermisplicer?
Ember Noble
You don't need to replace it, her default is sexy
keep the comfy streak going
Warframe slots mainly, I managed to make space for weapons somehow.
I once got a taxi to a Vauban part alert way back in the day where the guy tried to ERP with me in exchange for taxiiing me, but I was a minor and too ignorant to understand his intent and probably ended up ruining it for him.
I'm new to warframe. Is this the first coomer skin? Is this an answer to Ultimate Bunny?
>Is this the first coomer skin?
Not even CLOSE, holy shit you're new
We were getting skins back in 2016 that gave the warframes actual panties and garters
This game is extra asocial but you can find something if you try
No there isn't, retard.
because it has a prime with a better passive

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