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/ourgirls/ edition

Previous thread >>487374627

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these threads have been moving too fast since tennocon
new and returning players, fuck off, this is OUR general
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You can literally see her asshole??
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good god you are one ugly motherfucker
Any way to undo this? Or am I fucked akin to how Fortuna got fucked post new war
yes, best skin
Too bad hag, this is MRlet general now.
Literally looks like a convicted sex offender kek
there's a hide spoilers option in the settings or w/e it's called
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yes creator mode, although that also disables other stuff
dumb mrlet
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How do I build her?
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My friends, it has often been said that I like Wisp. My friends, I like Wisp... No, friends, I love Wisp!

I love Motes. I love Breach Surge. I love Wil'o'Wisp. I love Sol Gate, teleporting, I love triangulating two breach surges, and decoy switching for invulnerability. Wisps across plains, in ships, in space, in infested hellscapes, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of Wisp that can occur upon this earth.

I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with Bramma salvos that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a Grineer is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed explosive rounds. And there is nothing like an operator using a hardened wellspring to buff her motes. And the feeling that comes when a Corpus runs screaming from his irradiated MOA, only to be mowed down by heavy kitgun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Reminiscent of when ranks of infantry brandish their prods rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a Wisp meleeing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy.

Gentlemen... All I ask for is Wisp butt, Wisp butt so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms what is it that you really want? Do you wish for further Wisp as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody Wisp? A Wisp whose fury is built with iron and lightning and fire? Do you ask for Wisp to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth!?

...Very well. Then ass is what you shall have. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us with our might. But... After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" Wisp will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE ass! A Wisp beyond any other that man's history has ever known!
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Mag Heirloom should've been this big
>each heirloom has a single large asset
she's built alright
literally my face also creator mode
god that's hot
>Jade Heirloom makes her belly even bigger
why ruin her cool helmet
looks okay otherwise, though the hair braids make no sense
how do I get built like mag
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>Jade Heirloom makes her belly even bigger
Better question is - why does she have a nail?
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>forever cucked out of mag & frost heirloom
It ain’t fair…
>jade heirloom
yea, just gotta wait 40+ years
delete alchemy
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Biggest reason I started to look down on coomer art - it's literally all the same. It doesn't matter what body proportions the original had, the "artist" drew the body first, and then just pulled whatever skin over it.

It's probably the effect of being over 25 years old, and, therefore, past my sexual prime, and not permanently erect anymore. I suppose someone younger just doesn't care.
clean your links
look at better coomer art
>look at better coomer art
Point to a single artist that cares, and preserves the original shape of a character, instead of just going "UGH, THICCER".
I forgor that 2 healed, but active energy management is pretty niche at this point. there are enough options that everyone should have their own in their kit
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first exposure to a fandom turning your thing ubiquitous for coomer purposes?
No. I just didn't use to care. Developing a taste sucks. Ignorance is bliss. Having my snout in the trough, consuming endless slop, maybe I'd be happy as a hog.
what'd i do? :C
Aanyone got Mag Heirloom to post videos how she got mogged by Ember?
And to think, it all just started with me noticing that "clothing" always goes INTO the bellybutton for some horny reason.
Is this a good build?
I'm used to hearing "ignorance is bliss" in a condescending way, but it really is true and sometimes I wish I could go back
you are depressed bro see a therapist
that's the hottest shit ever, faglord
Sorry I saw there was a werewolf frame and now I want it
it's a shadow, close enough to resemble one but not literally one
as close as they could get basically
>Trinity Heirloom makes the lobster tail even bigger
I know. It's what anti-depressants are for. Doesn't change the fact that-
Pleb-tier opinion. If an artist wants to draw someone naked, they should draw them naked. If they want to do a piece where clothing is simple painted on, they should do that. If they can't draw clothing, they should learn how, or not pretend they know. They do not have as much talent as your hormone-addled dick thinks they do.
as much strength as possible without going into negative efficiency (she's very energy hungry)
then try to fit on a range mod and an augment like healing flame or exothermic
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this dude is scared of belly buttons lmao
Don't worry. It'll happen to you, too.
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I'm 31 and I never stopped enjoying coomer porn, I think your dick just broke
we are all slaves to our biology, one way or another
Give it a few years. The mild annoyance at the author not attending Sex-Ed, and thinking semen is stored in the testicles, will never leave, and only grow.
You they said skin tight they meant it
most builds there are stupid/outdated
this one is a good idea if you dont mind running a meacha dog, just ditch exotrermic for anything useful https://overframe.gg/build/203389/ember-prime/mecha-inferno-ember-nuke-steel-path/

and read the description - you want heat primer if you want to kill on sp with 4
I am a sexual person living in the home of phobia
Still not happening. Not without glue. Feel free to look up real pictures of skintight clothing. If they had actual skill and talent, they'd know how to incorporate clothing into erotica.
If I cared about realism I wouldn't be into nipples fucking
yes most coomer art is total garbage and its practically hopeless for the west cause its all lazy armatures since 'sirius' artists are not even allowed to draw sexy stuff thanks to feminazi cancer culture
Hello! Hello!
How do I stop dying on squishy frames without shield gating (lame and boring playstyle)
it's 'orion' artists actually
You do care about realism. That's WHY you're into deliberately un-realistic stuff like nipples fucking. it's part of the turn on.
grugmax: triple umbras, adaptation, and grace like don't worry about mod capacity or even filling every slot to start with

or just git gud, learn to never stop moving or disabling/killing things around you, even throw on rolling guard to give yourself a second chance after your shield gate if you don't roll all the time anyway
Rolling Guard.
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Uhh is rubico prime any good?
check your t-levels bro I goon 12 hours a day to rebb and I'm 34
you asked that 4 days ago and got your answer already faggo
I got rid of my gooning issue by adjusting my hormones, but even back then I never fapped to warframes or anyone at DE it was always just memes and art to me
either stop being a shitter or keep on playing crutch frames
gotta love how you shitters always substitute easy for 'fun' and when its not easy its 'boring'
I rolled to avoid damage from that post.
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Uhh idk is vectis prime any good?
Move around more, fag
Cartwheeling all over the map like a spastic high on coke makes it harder for anything to hit you

>snipers in 2025
just kill everything
Incarnon soon, keep that riven even if the rolls are worthless
the correct way to play the game
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it's pretty nice with the -zoom mod but the dispo on rubico p cuts these numbers in half
Volt Heirloom when?
I'm doing sortie today...

oh hell yeah I am, not for its value I just want to eventually see if I can roll it into +cc/cd -mag but it already gives me guaranteed nice crits to stack up with the headshot bonus
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I get what you mean
A lot of it is just bigger breasts and ass, then just focus all attention on that. I get its coomer, but theres value in the subtly. Not saying i hate the obviously exaggerated coomer art, I just want something different too
Even worse when its just an anime face
I can't believe DE got away with making Volt the 1337 Krew guy
How come some people have rank 40 weapons?
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god damn giwtwm

because there's always more bottom to scrape in the barrel, and some things like stealth finisher damage and xp plus extra mastery scale beyond rank 30
Kuva or Tenet weapons reach 40, stuffs like Necramech and Paracesis too
guy thought he was saying something clever but was just being retarded and irrelevant wow
yeah get a load of this guy lmao >>487485997
Arcane Aegis (even r0 is fine) and Rolling Guard
>Group is done after a long run
>just sitting around killing the last enemies before it ends
>I hit Slash Dash
>fly halfway across the map, chaining between 14 enemies and catapulting myself through the portal
One time I was playing Protea and got rewinded straight into the portal
Funny shit
People actually play ESO on anything other than Saryn?
Elder Scrolls Online
yeah, it's either saryn or my nourish/ev leech trinity so I can max my weapons without bonus and leave before the round is over
this is a vectischad general
put that in the OP
Volt, Banshee and Octavia are also perfectly viable.
I haven't done ESO once
are the servers down AGAIN?
stuck on void relic screen just like yesterday
Bros do NOT go to the WF thread on /v/. They're bullying Soulframe.
equinox rips in that mode
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>though the hair braids make no sense
>the hair braids
What are you talking about? What hair braids are you seeing in this image? Do you mean the stitching in the collar?
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Heh, yeah, I'm just that good
what build should i be going for on my volt
he's 30 and ive got forma to burn
im afraid to make a wrong forma choice tho
Volt Prime? Post current build
you do understand you will be making men cum, right?
>he's 30
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nah i'm still making my way through star chart
i'm on uranus right now
some of this stuff i have from 2014 i dunno man, i think res was actually relevant back then? i dropped it then though and just came back
>ambassador riven
Can it be good? What should I roll for?
Then you don’t need anything else, if anything your weapons of choice are going to make the difference

Ambassador is garbage
>if anything your weapons of choice are going to make the difference
yeah i'm getting into selecting damage types now that stuff doesnt always die instantly on uranus
(although stuff is again now that im picking proper damage types)
ambassador is fun_
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Send help.
Don't even think of wasting your forma yet, you don't have any corrupted mods to use on him (Blind Rage, Overextended, Transient Fortitude and Narrow Minded being the most important ones for him) so just keep going, like the other poster said, focus on weapons because there's not really much you can do with those mods.
did you try "/unstuck"?
if you can get out you can get in
i dont even know what those are yet
or umbra or primed or riven etc
i guess ill find out, will the game tell me or will it just esoterically appear
Lich weapons came about during a content drought, so DE made them into a forma sink to make players waste more time leveling fodder.
is this shit
i have never used anything burbauto install
nigga rank your shit up what the fuck
Gotta rank up those mods bro
But yeah more or less ok for a MRlet build
There are many dozens of hours of wiki-reading and video-watching ahead of you
For corrupted mods I honestly have no idea anymore but I don't think so, Umbra and Rivens the game does tell about and Primed you'll come across naturally I think.
i didn't know u could do that..
That would make for a bit of a challenge mode: using auto-install and seeing how it goes in SP or netracells.
>playing in NA server
>get a console host
>400 ping
>host turns out to be a retarded russ
why is this allowed? why are they allowed to seep into human territory?
I'm sorry that we're trying to turn your mutt server a bit whiter
You got a ping limiter in the menu, use it
A nice steak I made, a glass of red wine, and my Nyx. A perfect way to end the night.
why does your alphabet look inbred?
ye click mods then it will show the mods u have equipped in the mod management screen, and u can click one then the left option to level them up with endo
That sucks balls, do you ever max anything?
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>hundreds of weapons
>the most badass one is a basic AK47
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that's not Hek tho
which ones should i be upgrading? im looking at vitality for example and itll take a lot of resources. should i be leveling gold ones?
10tier mods should only upped to like 7 maybe
anything that has less tiers of upgrades go ham
Just slot Equilibrium so you will never run out of energy to spam skills, you dont need forma, save it for Volt prime
watch this tubers beginner guides man theyre great
im a retard and theyre helping me
Quick question. Do you get more Duvuri resources that you get from shooting random plants in the world and you need for Incarnon weapons if you play in SP mode?
I use NA servers while being from SA because it's just better to trade, at least it was 9 years ago, no idea how it is now.
I'm a solotard and when I do pubs, I try my best to not host them.
okay thanks!!
yeah, SP is boosting all the resource drops
just go into SP experiences, consult wiki for locations and quickly farm (I hope you got teleport unlocked to get arounf the map) then - GET ONE DECREE to save your resources and abort
repeat as much as needed
For the love of god DE, give us more traditional firearms.
>have to farm lephantis for that
oh joy
>bug allowed us to use voidshell materials on any skin
>DE patched it
>stopped giving us voidshell skins at all
Why are they like this
from a short testing it seems normal and SP gives the same amount of drops from flowers

which would make sense because SP gives a resource drop chance booster, not a resource count booster, so it doesn't boost 100% drops like breaking items
>then - GET ONE DECREE to save your resources and abort
WHAT? My god, the next time I get a resource booster from daily login, that place is going to become a wasteland. I fucking HATE Duviri.
Did you do a full Orowyrm run every time when farming for resources?
Yea, when I tried to farm the stuff I did but I couldn't take it.
its auto-given to every new player now with other noob mods and if for some reason you are missing it just ask someone, its a common mod
wait a minute
>can buy for 5 plat
you need a bunch of clamps for incarnons anyway
>b-but the effort!
>p-playing the game!
i made my account in 2015 that's probably why
>Players found a way to do Exploiter Orb quicker
>DE patches it
>Khora's abilities work on defense targets as the should
>DE patches it
>Limbo does the one thing Limbo can do
>DE removes his ability to use Exodia Contagion
They're petty, lying bitches.
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nah i dont mind farming but lephantis is just a dogshit engagement designed by someone even more retarded than me
Oh, forgot one
>If archwing blink feels bad to use, we'll lower the timer
It's felt like shit for, what, 4 years now?
>forgot I changed some loadout configs after the status rework
>took an unmodded corinth to the assassination sortie
I don't have the plat to buy Ember early
Do you not want to get Nekros
sad how bugged zariman is. yesterday I had an angel fall off the map through a tiny crack on the floor
i dont even know who that is yet, i love going fast as volt its lot of fun
True, you can't escape the Duviri hell.
i will not be going into detail about this but
equinox is fucking HOT. really hot
That reminds me... Why did the Orokin find it necessary to make their war machines fucking sexy?
what do we think, this good or keep rolling? my kuva hek is electric if that matters
Should've picked Mag to erp and make quick plat, account bricked.
im just a retard who just discovered hek but one of my favorite things about it (and most hated thing about the boltor) is the projectile speed
reload speed is nice on it too but idk if id give up that proj speed man
thickest thighs in the game so it checks out
>DE decides to finally make a gender-swapped version of a warframe
>it's a male version of Ember's heirloom skin
>the ass is just as spectacular
If genderswap is your fetish
aye aye cap'n
whats the best melee weapon in the game?
fuck off ligger
is it bad that I have 1.2k hours in the game and just got to steel path
I'm glad we live in a world where your homo fantasies will never come to pass
In the current autism, Sancti Magistar Incarnon. In my opinion, zaw with Exodia Contagion
scindo prime
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I offer my Ember ass to pick your brain:

With the element rework, any good builds or weapons for blast damage? I think people have mentioned beam weapons like nukor, atomos, etc, but is there anything else? Perhaps a rapid fire weapons like the grakata or something else? Would love to make blast work and see if I could make bodies fly all over the place
I'll tell you one thing and I'm not ashamed to say it: men (can) have great asses. We need more male frames with nice shapely butts and big venom snake thighs. Please de
I've been playing the game on and off since beta and I only just started getting into arbitrations, kuva, and steel path.
Exalted Blade
AX-52 is fun with it for some popcorn, doesn't do great in SP or have great aoe unless you're constantly killing/stacking but still fun

I've mostly enjoyed the benefits to innate blast weapons
In my opinion, Praedos. Doesn't reach the peak of damage that other weapons do, but it's still top tier damage (especially with melee influence) and the passive speed bonuses amount to 3 mobility mods on your warframe which is insane
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Who the fuck is this
what do we think boss
Who does it look like?
how did you get the two-tone on on the lava lamp bits? i've seen it around but can't figure it out myself
i'm not really sure how big status duration is yet im not into abusing statuses yet
recoil is fine i think if youre on MKB because lol lmao just pull your mouse down
i'd ideally look for -crit because crit is dogshit on hek as is
styanax deluxe skin
I'm a founder and I only just now figured out kuva liches, req mods, and parvos sisters.
sorry I didn't realize that was a genderbent skin or a skin for ember
I've seen worse
She has two color slots for energy, you can mix and match to give an iridescent/two-tone effect.
Day 765 of no Hammer Shot
We've just had homonax skin, Ember ass is just balancing things out, even Bebeca said that
Buy it
just buy it br-
>it's like 80p
Im using the sancti right now. I like it but why do you say its the best?
I'm just confused because I never take my helmet off
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How are you modding the AX-52? I tried Viral+Hunter’s Munition but apparently some people were using it with Cold and a mod that spreads statuses
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Attachments has the black and white reversed.
Heavy slam spam
How do stat stick melees work with exalted melees now? I can't find anything conclusive about them and also incarnons
thats like 80 cents bro
I can't wait until this shit gets nerfed
ah, this must be an issue of my broke ass not having an ember prime (yet, shes still cookin)
how do you get two energy color channels
unlocked after your first forma into the equipment, applies to most things
just b urself man
>>487498008 >>487497324
Too bad the ass is covered by thick plastic skirt and color channels are bad and dont even get me
started on the terrible deluxe skin

Garuda is really underrated sexy bod and prime ass, again shame about the skeleton deluxe
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I just got a lap dance from an Ember.
Just gave some dude a lap dance as Ember and stole his wallet while he was distracted.
thanks for the tip man
this mod is fucking AWESOME
i've seen the description before and just assumed you actually had to be able to pick up the health pickup (i.e. not be on max health) to get the energy
but nope
just energy everywhere
hell yeah
oh sorry I thought you meant homo skins in general
how was it
you've certainly missed out but not like it matters much
I busted
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Which one?
Zenith is the most useful for infinite punchthrough
Big spoilers for the upcoming story
it takes place in 1999 BC
'nother big spoiler
it will literally make Dark Sector canon
>tfw too autistic for ERP
Anything but Azima
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>Saito 9
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Gave my Ember a tramp stamp
this makes me wish critical surge gave crit damage
Not low enough. Use the Orowyrm's Rage sigil to go lower
I liked Dark Sector back then but I really wish 1999 didnt take after it. that style of game has come and gone.
Huh, I thought they made names relevant to real world myths and cultures instead of sniping stuff from anime.
zenith > zenistar > azima
GitS is real-world myths and culture popular and established in 1999
Got me a Zenith for the punch but i imagine the weapon isn't that good later on.
gas electricity and ensnare or cordon - just remember that it adds crit on zoomed headshots and aoe elements scale for grouped mobs
>heirloom skins are fomo shit
just the first one with the best signa you will never ever have
were* only frost and mag
You really need to build it as a headshot machine, otherwise you're better off using any other bullet hose.
>Galv chamber
>Galv Aptitude
>Crit Delay
>Vital Sense
>Heat (better than HM here, heat procs are better than hm slash procs now)
>Galv Scope
Use deadhead as well, the headshot multiplier bonus makes a lot of difference . It still won't be meta but it's a pretty competent single target weapon against corpus and grineer, sucks ass against most Murmur, infested and sentient units though because theyre harder to headshot.
they better fucking bring back Mag because $70 was bullshit
>I thought they made names relevant to real world myths and cultures
yeah bro like EMBER or VOLT or SARIN GAS famous cultural myths lmfao shut the fuck up nigga
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For some reason they're being really stupid about it and pretending it's an Excal Prime situation even though they never promised they would NEVER come back, just that they'd be available for a limited time. And theoretically if they didn't include the goyim badge and the extra stuff, they could argue it's a different bundle they're selling from the ones the FOMO goyims paid for. No one would be mad except a few redditors that want to feel special
Can you not master deimos? i'm tarded?
Have you done ALL the story missions?
you can
there are just missions that unlock WAAAAY later that are hidden for now.
>guy asks what my build is mid-mission
does he expect me to type out every mod?
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You might want to look at those story missions again
[Mod Config] when you're done with the mission
Do your quests

is there a lore reason most of these fortuna people have replaced their perfectly good human heads with robo-heads?
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The operator has been contained
>was going to do that
>host disbands party instantly
well, I tried.
I have 500+ steel essences and just can't be assed
>you think I'm strapped in for MY safety?
it's easier to do their insane amount of manual labor if they replace their organic parts with robot parts
jewish humiliation ritual
everyone in fortuna is a corpus debt slave who has had their head taken as collateral
Pretty sure it is done against their will as a way to keep them enslaved to the debt colony.
>He doesnt hoard as much SE as possible to buy relic packs on new prime day
well their head isn't taken it's just... shoved somewhere else
That's a waste of steel essences. The chance of getting the relic you need is pretty bad.
https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=10762421 BROS HOLY FUCK
black version when?
He really should've sent a whisper instead of using party chat.
I've had it happen too and it always mystified me. Modding isn't particularly hard, you just decide which stats you want to buff. It's not like there's a right answer, just what feels most comfortable to you. Like I run my Gyre with more duration than is optimal because I don't like the risk of timing out her three before I get kills (because the pub squad was faster than me for once).
a little too jiggly to be believable but still very nice
I have to get ember NOW?
just like my flame atronach sfms
No, you don't need to get her. It's still a meh low tier frame that you'll almost never use once the novelty wears off.
I bought ember just to stare at her in the arsenal sometimes like with garuda and valkyr primes.
What are some things you have a slight 'tism about in game?
I try not to use black and white as the 'majority' colours on frames too much because that seems to easy.
That being said, there are times when there's just no better option (like Hildryn's base skin. used mostly black on that because nothing looked good)
>No one would be mad except a few redditors that want to feel special
And those redditors are the same that'll spend thousands on the game so DE would rather not upset them
>85 plat for a fire crown
I have been buying the weekly cap of relic packs and 3 max syndicate rep's worth of relic packs on the first day of each new PA since like Gara prime and have pretty consistently gotten enough relics to get almost everything in one go. I occasionally have to farm 1-2 relics but a lot of the time the hoarding pays off and I dont have to farm anything at all.
I never sell a weapon no matter how shit it is, unless I got a prime version of it that's an upgrade in every way. I must have a copy of every weapon in the game.
I still have all the crappy Dojo weapons that I never use.
I think the chance of proccing a Slash via Hunter’s Munition is better than Heat via status in this gun
How long it is too late to make my decision?
>I never sell a weapon no matter how shit it is, unless I got a prime version of it that's an upgrade in every way
Don't worry about that, I don't even sell the weapons in those cases. Or the frames (between 20p for a warframe slot of 60p for 3 new fashion slots, the choice is easy).
Only if you want to pay real money for her skin.
Otherwise you can just pay 400p sometime down the line.
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The Ember skin will always be there, only Mag and Frost were FOMO
You can buy the skin without owning Ember, just like every other fashion piece
her braided tit tassels. her overcoat thing should be doing the job of breast coverage, it's too small and silly, and the unthematic hair braids aren't right for it
they were "endgame" weapons before incarnons released and completely mogged them
My D tier wife
I did sortie with someone named YareliMatingPress today
i seen that motherfucker too
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What a naughty gooner!
tak on the 'log
What frame has a good feminine animation set that I can put on Hildryn? Khora?
didn't they add a qol that makes it so the damage numbers spread around the enemy instead of on them? anyone know where in the settings to find them? I really don't wanna dig through pablo's tweets just to find it
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The japanese ropes are the hottest thing to me
Enough people complained about Frost and Mag being time limited
Because they thought it would be a good idea to sell FOMO skins
I've been telling myself for years I'm going to learn some basic shibari ties...
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He's fucking Yareli,, not the Lotus
yeah i bought it, so what?
Not enough if they still are
I believe it's under UI, switch from enhanced to cloud
gggod holy shitt
DE doesn't want their whales that paid $90 to complain and lose their goyim dollars on future purchases
Well you can't really sell something as a limited time item only avaliable once and sell it again after fomofags bought it because they thought it was actually time limited.
cant they be sued or something if they did?
More to the point, then want to pull out the FOMO card again. Then go "Ohhhh noooo, so sorry. We'll totally be better in the future, but we're never releasing X again so guess you'd better hurry and buy up our next FOMO stuff!"
Technically you can be sued for anything
>limited time item only avaliable once
Did they say 'only available once'?
Because the McRib keeps coming back 'for a limited time only'
alright thx
>sigils don't go low enough to make a womb tattoo
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Why do people like to pretend that Excal is good? Any tier list that has him never puts him lower than like B, usually because 'he's great for beginners!!!!1!' despite that also being the case for mag and volt except they're still viable in SP, excal is not. He has no survivability outside of slash dash, which isnt necessarily a death sentence for normal Excal because anything can be made for shield gating but too bad Umbra has 3 useless umbral polarities that suck ass because his stats arent good enough to try to health tank without putting the mothafucka on life support with armor shards and arcanes, which locks you out of more useful shit if you go that route. He has 2 augments he should run at all times, one of which is basically mandatory so if you keep the umbral shit + adaptation, you only have 2 fucking mod slots you can work with. All just for him to have the worst exalted melee in the game with a shitty critical chance, 15% fucking crit is lulzworthy and he gets shat on by Baruuk, Valkyr and even Wukang who can do more damage than him and all have better survivability. He's still probably better than shit like Nyx and Oberon, but just barely, I don't see why people act like he's viable when it won't help his actual issues get addressed.
Ah well then that's that.
How do people evaluate their tier lists?
I tend to go by "how many missions does this frame trivialize and/or do well in?
That leaves frames like Excalibur with Survival and Exterminate which isn't a huge pool.
Maybe other missions I'm forgetting
I disagree.
I concur.
>sell something as time limited, never going to sell again
>sell it again because some redditors are mad they didn't buy it when it was on sale for half a year

first off, fuck you, you should've bought it
this game has virtually no FOMO so having like one "I was there" thing doesn't hurt anyone
second off, that's a lawsuit waiting to happen
Brozime said he was decent. cope.
you will never have excalibur prime
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Because Excal Prime exists, and its a circlejerk for the "veterans"
Other than a few early exceptions, I thought Wraith and Vandal were supposed to be the prime equivalents for Grineer/Corpus weps but then Lich stuff came out as a tier above those and there can never be a Tenno Lich because they make money off primes. I don't know where I was going with this.
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you sure about that?
But excal prime is ugly.
Like, extremely ugly.
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>He's a lato primelet
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>you're a master
>I'm a grandmaster
>remember that, next time
So Glaive Prime is popular because of a meme build that never does melee attacks just spams throw and make it explode.

It's still a decent weapon if I want to built it as a normal melee weapon and attack with it, right?
Nah, they aren't afraid to powercreep Primes weapons. Plus Incarnons are already the new powercreep over Lich weapons.
They could definitely do Void Angel themed Tenno/Orokin Liches that drop unique Incarnon weapons or something like that.
No because you can't hold E to continuously attack like non-thrown melee weapons.
whut synducit shuld i pedge tw0?
No goy, fuck YOU for supporting shitty business practices like selling 2 fucking skins for $90 with the excuse that "it's le timed exclusive!!!"
You deserve to have it brought back just for supporting that bullshit
I like to spam it anyway
it's on my mouse shoulder button
people conveniently forgot it had a few thousand plat in it and some aya, huh
clem do be kinda clem tho. forclemforclem.
I wonder if Sevagoth Prime will come with a small improvement to his kit, nameless the fact he gets blown the fuck up in one shot by anything remotely difficult (shield gaters need not reply, I don't have to autism required to play those builds)
on clem?
It wasn't worth that price, it didn't even have plat originally until people complained
People are forgetting how jewish DE was trying to be
this dude is CHUGGING down the kool-aid holy shit
clemcap clem.
The Perrin Sequence. Anything else is commie shit for NIGGERS and FAGGOTS
>people conveniently forgot it had a few bells and whistles
Not really. Shiny things don't distract everyone.
I want Tenno weps that are at the same tier as other Lich weapons below Incarnons for all the ones that aren't compatible because they made the alt fire button also the transformation button. Shit like Fulmin/Tenora/Corinth. But they sell primes for money through resurgence so they can't just give strictly better versions away as drops. Tenno Liches that drop an upgrade to the weapon instead of the weapon itself could work I guess.

for your sake i hope you're underage. because if your an adult and you're complaining about 90 bucks you need to look in the mirror and figure out where your life went wrong
This is the most pathetic cope imaginable
>It's okay to waste money because you have more money than the money you're wasting
That totally makes some skins worth more than Dragon Quest XI in its' entirety.
Mag and Frost are B tier at best anyway
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>that's a lawsuit waiting to happen
And then he said, "Yes, your honor. I was scammed out of $70 because DE told me that no one would be able to buy those video game clothes after the sale, and then they sold them later to some filthy casuals!"
AK guns buff when?
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>sit down in hollvania 69 rave party
>Ember comes shoves her shiny ass in my ass
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Honestly, I do enjoy playing excal
but on any higher difficulty mission you get one tapped by any status ever if you don't have rolling guard. And even with rolling guard it probably wont be up because you have to roll around like a spastic to not die in the first place

Honestly they just need to give him an augment that gives him overguard on hit to radial javelin like Ember got on her 3 and he'd be much better
To most people any frame that does not survive well without a shield gate oriented playstyle is not good, its just the way it is. Big reason why Rhino, Revenant, and Dante are as popular as they are.
You whales always, ALWAYS fall back on the "you're poor" excuse
You don't have to be poor to realize $90 for 2 cosmetic skins is a rip off in every sense of the word, little paypiggy
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>tfw i missed out forever on Frost Heirloom
I hate fomo garbage so much
This nigga lookin' ZESTY, this nigga lookin' MOIST, he's got sugar in his tank, he's light on his feet, he's a Ill bit fruity, he plays for the other team, he dances at the other end of the ballroom, this nigga theatrical, this nigga good with colors, this nigga gonna coordinate yo curtains wit you cushions and that shit gonna look good! This nigga lifts shirts, this nigga on the down low, this nigga be a tollet trader, this nigga gardens uphill, this nigga packs fudge, he's a friend of Dorothy, he feels the love that dare not speak Its name, he loves to dance, he's of the Uranian brotherhood, he indulges in the French vice, he has an antipathic sexual Instinct, he's fluent in Polari, he's a refugee from Sodom, he's on the wrong bus, he bats for the other team, he's temperamental, he's 'one of them if you catch my drift.
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Low enough?
they're 100% going to be making more fomo stuff because this shit sells like hot cakes. Ember Heirloom probably generated the most income of any skin ever, and it just came out.
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No, that's too low
>kneel down in the middle of the grind fest
>two embers come from each side
>they turn away from me and [Gallop] rubbing their butts on each of my cheeks
Bratty embers trying to interrupt my meditative state!
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Does anyone really like Soulframe? I think the combat looks amazing. Its seamless and fun. The way you can jump straight up in the air and shoot an arrow looks so fun. The melee looks great while you glide across the ground between enemy. Who else cannot wait to play it?
Really cool character and they even put extra effort into the boss fight, a shame it will never be rerun, what a waste
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Ember Heirloom is NOT FOMO based retard it's a permanent shop addition
If anything, Ember selling way better than Frost and Mag's overpriced slop will been we will see more 400 plat bundles
>esl soulslopasta
>ancient trin image
what are you
I wish I could've gotten my boy Frost's heirloom skin via a 400 plat bundle
I'm sorry they did that to you Frost Bro, they did you and Mag Bros dirty
Honestly even if they split the bundle into one $40 for Frost and one $40 for Mag it would've been better
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>I missed on a boobs window sigil by not killing my lich
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Hello, fellow Warframe players. Why not check out Tencent's other stimulating offerings in the western video game market?
IIRC Reb said that some people would have only bought it because of the limited exclusivity, and they wanted to keep their word to those people. I respect keeping your word when it comes to business, even if I disagree with the overall outcome of Frost and Mag heirloom no longer being available.

>one-time $90 purchase available for several months
Retard. Whale territory is corpo management, doctors, engineers, etc. that spend thousands of dollars a year on entertainment.

>second off, that's a lawsuit waiting to happen
Over a $90 purchase whose terms would have changed when it was still for sale and thus easily refundable? People lying about MTG's reserved list has wormed its way too deep into your head.
They should release them but without the accolade and color pallets
So that Early buyers can still flex those
but warframe is a northern video game
strip off everything but the actual skin and helmet - no accolades, color pallets, syandanas, ephemeras, hair and nails, shoes
clout for the fomo people, accessibility for the non fomo people
wukong status?
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Just a Soulframe lover. The game is truly amazing.
Chinkcent > Jewbaby
What happened to the Trinity autists?
What is currently the hardest thing to do in the game?
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How do you play ember
forcing yourself to play Duviri
if I were in charge, I would have sent out a survey to people that bought it asking if they'd be okay with changing the terms of exclusivity, and how much. Especially with Ember's ass setting the internet on fire, I'm sure they could have converted attention from Ember into sales for other heirloom skins. From a community perspective, it's a shame that people can't get those skins anymore, especially with the Frost mini rework coming several months afterward. From a business perspective, it seems like they sacrificed short-term revenue for long-term revenue and some amount of community goodwill.
parvos peenum
hack narmer consoles on a touchpad
I can do all that in warframe though, and faster and better
In theory? EDA and collecting every single Incarnon adapter because you are forced to wait WEEKS and MONTHS because of the rotations
I mean gave up on the game entirely and moved on or switched to other support frame like Wisp?

Its kinda boring how they game became solo with no roles or coop needed even for high level stuff
this guy's probably right >>487514985
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>Especially with Ember's ass setting the internet on fire
The hardest are cocks of all the Ember gooners, the game is piss easy unless you do some self-imposed challenges
Had any of the schizos found any secrets in the mall?
honestly I don't know, I only ever played her back then when it was necessary for team composition and liked finding the perfect numbers to self-damage with - I naturally fell into playing wisp later after shifting away from more traditional invis frames since she's like a stealth/support frame depending on how you play her, which was a lot more appealing as the game evolved than a dedicated healer (especially after trin's repeated nerfs)

I think nidus was the beginning of the end with frame kits becoming totally self-sufficient, and them killing off raids kind of eliminated the only real forward path that required multi-role cooperative gameplay
all I know is that you can pop the balloons and some infested patches with an elemental bullet jump mod, I haven't found any holes or funny interactions and I'm kind of disappointed
>make high level content
>have all the NPCs tell you to party up
>disable warframe abilities and remove any possible synergy
raids can't come soon enough
the Xoris explosion is fucking awesome
tempted to buy a Volatile Rebound off someone to try the auto explode build because fuck that drop chance
don't you have a volatile quick return?
but the rebound is better apparently
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They could resurrect the corpse of solar rail conflicts as Tenno liches. Track down opposing warframes and interrupt their missions several times, then do a Kuva Fortress-style Assault mission on the rail. Have it come from the Orokin Lab and reward a variant Tenno weapon. They can take names, fashion and clans from real players for flavour, without any actual PvP
>dropped the game 2 years ago because miter blueprint refused to drop
>still won't
Whales are primarily the kinds of people who see a $90 skin and impulse buy them
The average person was the person on the forums complaining the price was too high and FOMO is stupid
>This dude is failing a 1/5 boss kill
Failjack was probably the last attempt at coop, didn't help that it was unplayable buggy for clients and of course everyone wanted to be the pilot
Press 2
Now alternate pressing 4 and 3 to vent radioactive gas
good point, and I think the fact that it tends to run smoother for all the actual railjack parts with a good crew than most players kind of highlights the issue
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in terms of 'regular' content (not endless SP survival), its Nutracells. However, you can still just cheese it with the frames >>487512649
mentioned because certain frames are functionally immortal and guns are so hilariously OP right now that you only need a weapons platform to do Nutracells very good as long as you have a meta weapon.
I'm tired of seeing the same
>black primary and secondary color scheme
>blue/red energy
Show me what you think is a cool Ember color scheme.
At least memedia incentivizes people to coordiante and compensate for restrictions - cause everyone can uncheck one.
But ncels are a total shitshow
>Better team up!
>its actually anti-coop and much quicker to do solo than waiting 2 min for retards to get into the circle

That should tell you everything about DE ability to make coop missions, they will never make any raids worth playing.
Come to orbiter
Why did the Orokin make the warframes sexy.
Why did the Orokin make the warframes sexy.
They were vain.
just survived 10 minutes on Draco,Ceres

"exquisite anatomy"
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>Why did the Orokin make the warframes sexy.
They were the most decadent evil degenerate ruling class possible.
The game can't go into it, but you know for a fucking fact that they had the equivalent of an Epstein's Moon.
They absolutely fucked Warframes.
>Lust was my sin
Like the Greeks they were obsessed with beauty
It was still one of the more fun experiences playing with a friend taking on different roles for ground missions and quick-killing crewships
But most pubs are pretty obtuse and never played RJ to even know what to do.
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is the rhino heirloom gonna have the dumb metal texture over the entire skin?
The owners fucked Dagath after Ballas ripped her face off
Parvos remained sane in his void bubble by making Protea top him every 24 hours
Khora and Saryn were made from Ballas’ lack of pussy after glassing Margulis
The whole kuva body swapping ceremony using kids and Tenno
Railjack was just Guns of Icarus but spaceship.
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Oh, so you caved in and bought it, well done!
Why the fuck sp orowyrm is such a fucking cancer as non host?
Boarding Crew Gauss was the most fun I had in a long time
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A console nezha just had his way with my heirloom ember on stage while the entire lobby watched
cock hurts from jackin g off 2 much to huffing ember heirloom armpit
it smells of wd40 and burning charcoal
Sorry. It will happen again
hi sabuuchi, make a proper pvp video
I want to... BE Ember Heilroom!
hold on anon that's some dangerous thinking
you'll turn into one of them
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Join us
Hmm I cant find Mag in the mall again
Also there is kickbot now, so the fun is over
why do (you) still play this game? what brings you back to play
I want to... BE Nezha Prime!
see above, everyone is 'playing' Embers
I want to fuck robots
i wanna fuck the robots
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I am an Ember Heirloom that molests Nezhas
worst part of ember heirloom is they put her grippers away
I want to fuck AU Nyx in the ass so bad bros...
I am Heirloom Wisp
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Tencent doing good things with warframe
When the number gets bigger I feel like I'm winning. That's all there is to it.
I want to scrounge every last bit of content for weapons and mods and frames and builds to make the numbers go high, and higher, and higher still.
Game is fun
Characters are sexy
Guns are cool
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Gunbow when?
God I hate duviri so fucking much
Go unlock starchart, slut
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Working on it
I like Duviri, I think it’s comfy
Why introduce Duviri if you'll already start creating a whole another section of the game? It plays different, has different gear and enemies and has no bearing whatsoever on the game at large. Nothing from Duviri. No wonder Steve left to make Soulframe he was growing a whole different game inside Warframe,
Do it faster, bitch. I want to watch you grind until you break.
I like the roguelite mechanics of the circuit and decrees, I don't like anything else about it
Because Duviri was a prototype for Soulframe
The movement and combat are primitive versions of what you see in the other game
What else I can play if I want to fuck sexy robots?
Did the latest patch add anything aside from Embers Skin?
Yeah but its pretty barren as usual with DE's worlds
They added an Easter egg where Nigwave lady gets significantly larger lips if you click on night wave exactly at midnight.
I wish they'd expand on a piece of content before dropping it like an unwanted baby in favor of the next big brain idea.
A gun (wait for Baro to bring it back a few months from now)
Last time they did this was Deimos Arcana and people hated it
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Am I the only person that enjoyed railjack? (I didn't enjoy any of those missions or objectives that involved leaving it to run around in some random meteor or other stupid shit )
I just realized Heirloom skins matches Prime releases
Frost & Mag > Ember & Rhino
How do I customize my Nezha to signal to all my teammates that I lose to anal?
best nuking frame and weapons rn?
Which colorset has the best purples?
Ignis wraith with Ember's fire dmg augment seems really nice with the new dmg changes
saar, your excalibur prime?
Yeah they are oddly beneficent with it, should be easier to make some simple events reusing old worlds than trying to create something new every ~6 months.
But apparently their system is not setup for it and Pablo was lamenting how even re-running Plague star required a lot of coding maintenance.

Meanwhile Path of Exile specifically set up their game tools to easily reuse assets and basically drag-n-drop levels, mobs, mechanics etc to create new content faster and cheaper. But DE cant figure that out,
Mirage and synoid simulor
Troon spotted
He probably will never get an heirloom for that reason plus Umbra
I enjoy it railjack combat is pretty fun
Purple is the color of Byzantine, never call me that again i'll kill you
>color me in cück colors
You sound green (the color of Russia)
I called you a troon because of the anime, not for the purple
Cause it was more of the crappy bounties and chores like >just run there, carry this shit
>babysit juggernaut who gets stuck on every bump
Of course no one likes things like that, its easy to understand why.
Vaults should be like proper dungeons fighting mini-bosses - and killing mechs was he only fun part there - not these stupid chores.
Ember burning your junk to a crisp with her molten glass asshole
Anime website
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Yeah we green.
Yeah and we have an /lgbt/ board, point proven.
Infested maybe twilifght for more subtle ones and get classic saturated of course
There were some nice free pals as well, like the Valentines'
Oh no
that was made for the invaders like you
>enjoyed railjack?
the spectacle of it was pretty fun for a bit to me, but the gameplay loop of holding S while pointing and shooting at the red diamonds is pretty naff.
there isn't any interesting maneuvering you can do despite the 360 degree movement since all the enemies just mindlessly beeline towards your front so it feels more like a wasteful chore than cool spaceship combat.
>was made for the invaders like you
>"No u"
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Mental illness website
Hmm, infested is not bad
Eminence is nice
did they model embers ass of reb or meg?
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I did it. 25$ that could have went to groceries was spent on a skin for a character I don't even own. I don't even recognize myself anymore.
what a sucker
should've just whored yourself out on warframe market and buy it for plat like me
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>not buying with plat
It's modeled after me
it is, something to look forward to
>not buying the tennocon pack and using that plat to buy Heirloom Ember
why didn't you sell prime junk for plat and buy it that way?
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I haven't played in years. No clue how the game works, just wanted coomer skin. It's over.
Now go buy Ember prime to complete it
I used the plat I got from the purchase to trade for it. Im counting down the hours now.
God Prime Ivara looks like shit
Most of them look like shit, past the initial couple of frames.
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>got ember heirloom entirely for free
>grinded ember parts out from the resurgence relics in less than a day
>not a single dollar or piece of plat spent
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I can only cum to Excalibur Prime
Will the time gating in soulframe be better or even worse
>Be retarded coomer brought back by stupid shiny pixels and PAYED for the right to own something because you have no impulse control because of your coomer existence.
see >>487528039
>gave a year to the game
>wisp's prime ass is still nerfed
How the fuck do I get back into this game? Where do I even begin, theres so much new shit since 2017. I bet Steve did this.
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quests & starchart
Don't be ashamed
Devs must know what gamers really want

you're an adult, you don't need your hand held any longer and can make your own decisions with where to start
want a clan invite?
Keep it up slut
I want to uuooohhhhh
good primary for nezha?
my peanits
how many forma do I need to take that into SP?
I don't mean to brag but I can most definitely take anyone here in a 1v1 conclave
All according to plan.
a lot :(
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Take that back! Jellyfish is cute
how can a little baby retard mrlet get some endo?
do i really have to watch all 132 videos before i can start warframe?
i dont want to fuck it up
Just progress the startchart and do all the main quests
Do some daily rep for syndicates in spare time
Real game is after the New War and Zariman
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what happens here?
ERP with my Nezha and I'll trade you some sculptures for free~
Only way you can fuck up is by choosing Mag
I did that
It's a fucking PvE game, stop being such a pussy.
seeing as you asked it's prolly better you dont even start playing as you seem to be slug iq mouthbreather
post THAT rebb gif
Sorry, but me and my Excal are proud Tenno warriors. Your giant femboy cock has no sway over us
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he you go champ
My ign is the same name as all my socials so I don't think I'm going to do that actually
but if it wasn't I totally would
Shame. Shame.
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>blm flag
If you click the modding tutorial button in-game and follow the star map you'll be fine
Just did my first Kuva Lich. Why was that so much more exhausting than the 3 Sisters I did back to back?
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>modding tutorial button
Kek, its beyond bad
Why did they dress like millennial E-girls? Looks like shoeonhead vibes fr I liked it
Looks like a TaTu reference to me.
How do I get ember prime exactly
Wish you asked sooner, joined a clan right before you made your post
>bug allowed us to use voidshell materials on any skin
I thought the entire reason why we aren't getting materials on non-voidshell stuff is simply because the old skins don't have the necessary work put in to make it possible or whatever and voidshell skins were sort of a test if it's worth adding that as a feature.
If you can just equip it on anything and it works then why? They'd roll in way more money from selling materials than fucking voidshell skins.

Are they retarded?
>ember prime
you could use the wiki to see where every part is dropped from
also you could get her for plat from other players
>Why did they dress like millennial E-girls?
anon what do you think reb is?
Get aya then go to Varzia at Maroo bazar and get Ember relics while shes unvaulted, then do radshares.
Or trade
>Why do millennial women dress like millennials
>queue up dog days with having no idea what it is
it's a water gun fight
What made you play WF just now, tennocon?
Yeah it's not bad. All of the rewards are cosmetic though, so I'm not interested.
no im a returning player that didn't even know about tennocon, i just remembered I had an account I lost the email to and the DE reps were really nice and recovered it for me
>Are they retarded?
After all these years, do you seriously need to ask this?
Tbf, they don't just enable custom materials, they actually change the regions on the models, but it's still retarded not to just enable it globally and just make additional purchasable skins
I dropped a box at work and said "K*rwa" out-loud (I've been watching Eastern European Memes lately), a customer immediately asked me "You speak Polish? My crush is Polish!". I looked at him and said the first thought I could muster: "Prova sobek acrida?" without hesitation this guy said "Yeah! Oh man I like this Polish girl and she is always saying those things" then he came closer and in a lower voice asked me "How do you say "Hello, my name is John" in Polish?" I was too deep now so I had to double down and confidently told him "Skana grigori, dex John prodman" in the best Eastern European accent I could improvise.
>Am I the only person that enjoyed railjack?
The theoretical concept sounds cool as fuck, but just like basically anything DE touches, a cool concept turns into a poorly executed chore of a content island down the line
>just stand in place to shoot the enemies coming straight at you
>or park the ‘jack at the edge of the map and do everything with archwings
>or spend 5 minutes piloting the ‘jack just to exit it and enter a regular ass mission
Also orphix is literally unironically the worst mission type in the entire game
1999 themed bro Meg literally had a NIN shirt
are you daft
i really like railjack still
but the items you get being only usable on railkack kills any potential reuse for any farming
give it to me straight Warframe bros. what are the chances we get a female speed Frame like Volt or Gauss sometime in the near future since one of the first characters you get in First Descendant is basically female Volt but stuck in a game without anywhere near as much content?
Better question, what are the odds we're going to get Volt Heirloom skin with ass as good as Ember's?
>Female Speed frame
im surprised they don't let you change the warframes gender for like 200 plat
Forgot Nezha
Nezha is shota not a girl
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Who is getting the D first?
Because that would imply there are only 2 genders which would trigger twitter autists and cancel DE
>female speed Frame
Wisp is
Gyre for just massmurdering with electricity and maybe put Nezhas firewalk on her for going fast
beaner disgusting
chink would
lesbo disgusting
Blues are reversed.
Just put female anim on them
the Major
Mommy Nyx>Aoi and the spic is not my type.
Sisterwife Nyx
i was actually gonna ask if there's any precedent for genderswap skins of Warframes. that for Gauss or Volt would be enough for me.

do they any of them emit lightning while they run like the other two Frames i mentioned in the paragraph above this one?

Gyre might work, i'll have to look closer at her, i don't remember if she was in last time i played or not.
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The Nightingale bloodline must continue
no way fag
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I want to suck Nyx's nose
for me is Mag since day 1
I dunno. Grandmother said the dax who got turned into Dagath stopped getting fucked by her lovers after she became a warframe. They didn't think she was cute anymore and wasn't fun at parties so they took her back to the shop and they laser-blasted a hole through her fucking face. So, yeah, not all frames got the sex.
me taking their massive futacocks
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here is your male Wisp for 200p, bro
What about you and trinity, Arthur?
You two could hook up...
So why the fuck are there people turned into warframes back in 1999?
So why is the infestation wreaking a random ass city in 1999?
Why is the infestation bringing back a random ass boyband from 1999 to 26XX?

Did Entrati cause trunks level of time travel bullshit by going back to escape man in the wall? What is the significance of Y2K to the Orokin Empire? Where on our earth is Hollvania meant to be located?
So Ember has completely dethroned Wisp as the sex frame
Void/Man In The Wall
Void/Man In The Wall
Void/Man In The Wall
Cause cringe millennial postmodernism writing
That's the beauty of it, every frame is the sex frame
Bros, i think there is a man in my wall.
Gyre was already female Volt but she only gets a slight speed increase
My warframe is strong
Nyx, not even close.
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are you ready?
I'm going to be the one guy to say Trinity I guess because she has the most normal face
kinda based
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>So why the fuck are there people turned into warframes back in 1999?
albrecht went back in time and gave some people who volunteered strains of helminth because plbhbthtbthhtb, and samples taken from them gave him the idea to make the vessels all over the labs tileset because albrecht's plan to fight the man in the wall is to have the operator do a mano-e-mano power rangers giant fist fight with him
>So why is the infestation wreaking a random ass city in 1999?
who the fuck knows
>Why is the infestation bringing back a random ass boyband from 1999 to 26XX?
DE's writing room was very much in the 1999 spirit and consumed copious amounts of cocaine when storyboarding the update
>Where on our earth is Hollvania meant to be located?
some non-existent bizarro eastern european country that uses umlauts
if the in-game placement of the mall relay is anything to go by, it's somewhere between lithuania, poland and belarus
Yes they are retarded canucks
The bug allowed you to see voidshell materials on ANY skin in the game and it worked perfectly fine outside of some bugs on ancient skins like Mirage's default non-prime skin and such
Because despite looking like 50 year olds, they were born in the 90s themselves
Nahh i mean i want a cute female frost skin with a decent butt
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Jesus Christ
Linking to r*ddit but I was looking for a post I've seen ages ago about getting all 6 syndicates to rank 5 and saw this on the main page.
Thread about the bunny ears Nova cosplay.
The Tigris prime will always be my favorite weapon
oh god, we're going to see more of them
just dont, ok
you dont need to repost every cringe shit you see
the other dude posted the link I just took a look
As a trans man and a long-standing member of /wfg/, I do not appreciate this discourse.
What are some fun shotguns right now?
Primed To The Head
Man up pussy
Strun P incarnon
>implying they will be alive for the next tennocon
>2 years of dev time for nigger, poo and beanner skins
sexergis with shotgun vendetta
Who transfat here?
You think there will be a way to turn your operator/warframe into a mixture like the fuckers at the mall? Drifter head, Warframe Body?
Well, that's that then.
damn dude the game that has enforced yearly gay month put two faggots as the face of the new story and has two women as the lead devs put MINORITIES in the game?
>You MUST like that the game becomes infested with niggers and faggots YOU MUST GOY
dial 8
Who are you quoting?
Do you think DE will finally add some social/multiplayer activities seeing how many people want it even doing fastfood larps in the mall?
I just checked myself out of curiosity.
To me it seems like it's either on border of Poland, Russia and Lithuania OR Poland, Belarus and Lithuania but can be either of these countries really.

Really weird they used umlaut instead of cyrylic or those dotted/crossed polish meme letters in that case.
such as?
You seem anally hurt. Maybe it's time to get off?
Oh ima get you off alright
organic ragebait bumping
XIV has a bunch for example, they could make some simple party games for relays, it doesnt even need much when just a simple club-like scene with music and people are already there
yes but how does this make DE money?
'member when DE said they were going to add arcade machines to relays so you could play games with other Tenno? I do.
Ironically 1999 has arcade machines, but they look to be non functional.
One arcade machine will be functional at 1999's launch and they've said they're hoping to make it two.
Make the entry available only if you are wearing the required cosmetic fit (it changes every week)
>simple party games for relays
They already have the fucking Go (Komi) fully done in the game, I really don't understand why they wouldn't at least make it a playable Dojo decoration.
Besides we also have the fighting game gimmick, I don't understand why they wouldn't just let you play "locally" with another player interacting with the same Ludoplex and just put a bunch of them in relays.
>XIV has a bunch for example
I want DE to add Mahjong and put a rep grind behind it like with Conclave just to see the sheer seethe it would cause.
i would just ignore it
>brainlet already filtered
is just boring
and is rare for me to feel bored
I want to bully and belittle ember heirloom
by actually keeping players in the game instead of never growing cause the game lacks anything multiplayer/social and just feels like an sp game with tradechat being the only social bit
investing some dev time into this wold help to grow the game more than another hub/world where you just do the same missions on repeat (which are all non-coop and faster to solo too) and use the hubs only to trade in tokens for ranks ... for 6th time
and i wanna lick hildryn prime's abs, but we can't all get what we want now can we?
Ok I'm coming back to this game. Only for Ember's ass.
yeah and make it an automated cue and let others spectate and bet on it
It was just a one month break. I got the pride shit then got busy with FO76
I hope I'm not too late to get that Ember skin
is permanent
25$ o 400 plat
>400 plat
Reb pls bless me with another 75% discount
The only thing you're late for is a giveaway one anon did
Several anons won either the collection or just the skin
What exactly is the point of peculiar audience?
better than PSF
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who finds these funny?
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I do and your opinion does not represent the rest of the world either
Me :)
Which clan is more active, Warblers or The Shivering Isles?
organic non ai generated posts
Alright so I haven't played since The Duviri Paradox launched, how hard is the steel path version? I'm thirsting after the incanon modifications, i have plenty of SP builds but I'm concerned about the rng of it, if I just get shit weapons in as my choice I'll be forced to try and make operator work for 10 successes? It didn't seem so bad for regular but i'm getting real anxious about SP for some reason.
why do you spam this?
fake scenario
Possibly? Who knows, we don't even know what the 1999 gameplay outside of the quest will be like.
>1 post
when you forma something you unlock two energy colors (sometimes I forma stuff just to have cool energy tones)
Just grind a few intrinsics in normal duviri first and you're going to be fine. If your weapons are shit just join a random lone story SP party, you will be done in 20-25 minutes anyway depending on how dogshit your undercroft mission type is.
that's our resident schizo
ahh fair, unsure why I'm so worried about being deadweight in there for some reason. Guess I'll grind myself to a level 5 across the board and take the dive.
>>487545905 at work
Are you talking about the circuit or regular duviri?
Yeah I figured that. Guess I'll just filter him.
Circuit I think, I haven't felt it out enough yet, just really liked the look of some of the incarnon modifications and figured I should get my shit together and do it.
melty time?
yeah, he is samefagging >>487545062
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Why are you trying to start shit? This has been a comfy thread.
it has already started
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uh oh finnschizo melty started
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Noo! please don't bulli...
If you have viable SP builds then just wait for them to appear in the selection
You can speed it up by playing one round of regular circuit which rerolls your available selection
Also upgrade teshins cave to have a bigger selection of starting frames and weapons
I was wondering about that, I have far to many frames and weapons but sooner or later i'm bound to roll at least some combination of viable. So if I pop into the circuit in solo, check my rolls, then do a round solo will it reset them? so I can keep rerolling until I have something decent to join a pub?
Operators mainly.
overlord sucks ass
at the duviri nav you can see what loadouts are available at the top right before entering. just throw redirection, fast deflection, adaptation, and rolling guard on your most forma'd and get carried. at most it should take 30mins for one incarnon adapter
I wish DE would show necramechs some love
fun gameplay
weird story
mag waifu
grind takes my mind off suicidal thoughts
You don't have to pop in, click the Duviri icon in navigation and it will list your available frames/weapons on the top right corner.
Yeah doing a round is the only way to reset them unless you wait for the next Duviri cycle. You can do it on either SP or non-SP, it doesn't matter, both share the same equipment pool.
As long as you have one decent weapon it's fine, no one really gives a shit.
Nice gamplay, lots of ass.
Just play pub, its easy to do few rounds even with DE's builds and then you get enough good dickrees to carry you further and some mission types like ball collecting dont even need gear, and if you have good operator/amp you can use that too.
Depends on a frame too of course ie on Kulervo with absolutely bum build Ive gone like 12 rounds solo till lvl1000+
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>So if I pop into the circuit in solo, check my rolls
You can check what is available without starting duviri
A diamond near the frame means you don't have that frame and it will have a default predetermined build
>then do a round solo will it reset them?
yes, or do it with randoms
>so I can keep rerolling until I have something decent to join a pub?
or just get a tanky frame that will not die (e.g. rev) and let yourself be carried by others
Fair, I should cast away the thoughts of deadweight given the amount of times i've carried shitters myself in the past. Dragging people through Profit Taker and Eidolons come to mind. TY anons.
how do i get exploiter orb senpai to notice me?
kill her children
>on crit kill
My conclusion?
QQcliff EGO
BS! post build
Be a good Dolly and STAY FUCKIGN DEAD.
wrong thread
corpus gas chamber
>russchizo is a fromsloptard
oh nonononono are you okay russchizo??
found the soulframe autist
She's 31 and PANICKING about it
There are parasites and mutants, in my brain
she's only 1 year older than me?!??!?!?
I though she was 35-38
jesus the wall is real
>31 and already bogged
where did it go so wrong for reb
she's 35
wait, she 1 year younger than me?
how the fuck do i look so young then
still get called that young one when i shave ffs
Reb has a very stressful job.
It's not particularly hard to look young when you eat well and don't do drugs all the time
What are you implying?
that you should bend over
She's 33 you mongoloids
>eat well
>no drugs
>still balding at 28
she walled turbo hard then
she as born in 1990
same age as my sister
43 and got all my hair
shit genes pal
I'm 6'2 and have a big dick. It aint that bad. Still miss my hair.
There's a universe where we had Sarah
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>thinning crown
soulframechads are eating real good
Does a 22 year old Nezha main have a chance with a gal' like Reb?
Keep the comfy threads rolling
>22 year old Nezha main
Penny seems more to your tastes
First and foremost:
> 0. Max out your mods. Get Primed mods if they are available from Baro tomorrow.
I'm assuming you're an MRlet, so here's some MRlet tips.
> 1. Investing in shields are not necessary for Saryn. Molt takes care of most problems (especially with an augment mod), so learn to shield gate (Augur mods on your warframe and/or weapons)
> 2. Vitality or Steel Fiber. Choose one. Both are not necessary for starchart
> 3. Get some augment mods (Venom Dose and Regenerative Molt). Former for more damage, latter for survival.
> 4. Any Drift mods work better than Thief's Wit. Handspring could work if you are struggling with survival (you shouldn't)
> 5. Saryn's endgame, so, if you get it, invest an Aura forma on her, and get Brief Respite (another shieldgating mod) or Corrosive Projection.
>eat well
>get lots of exercise
>no drugs/alcohol
>lost hair at 18
Life isn't fair, simple as.
I'm not even balding but I've had to deal with those comments my entire adult life because of my massive fivehead
they make hair loss drugs that don't suck
to have a laugh, obviously
post pics

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