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Cheeks edition

Previous thread >>487314749

Buy Plat
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4Funbros: contact ddaavvveeFTW
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Warbros: contact Killsaw
Oblivion: contact Wxu. or Geogre512

>Notable links
Wiki: http://warframe.wikia.com
Alerts and other timers: https://tenno.tools/
Buying and Selling items: https://warframe.market
Riven Prices/Calculator and other utilities: https://semlar.com/
Relics tool: https://wf.xuerian.net/
Droptables by DE: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/809777-warframe-drop-rates-data/
Builds, Tierlists, and Damage Calculator: https://overframe.gg/
Frames and Modding: https://pastebin.com/D8Ckdz0c
Booru: https://wfg.booru.org/
DPS calculator: https://github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/
Stream Times: https://warframestreams.lol/
Guide for Returning Players: https://www.warframe.com/fr/news/returning-player-guide

CURRENT UPDATE: Jade Shadows: Hotfix 36.0.7
CURRENT EVENT: Dog Days: https://www.warframe.com/news/dog-days-2024
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My friends, it has often been said that I like Wisp. My friends, I like Wisp... No, friends, I love Wisp!

I love Motes. I love Breach Surge. I love Wil'o'Wisp. I love Sol Gate, teleporting, I love triangulating two breach surges, and decoy switching for invulnerability. Wisps across plains, in ships, in space, in infested hellscapes, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of Wisp that can occur upon this earth.

I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with Bramma salvos that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a Grineer is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed explosive rounds. And there is nothing like an operator using a hardened wellspring to buff her motes. And the feeling that comes when a Corpus runs screaming from his irradiated MOA, only to be mowed down by heavy kitgun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Reminiscent of when ranks of infantry brandish their prods rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a Wisp meleeing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy.

Gentlemen... All I ask for is Wisp butt, Wisp butt so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms what is it that you really want? Do you wish for further Wisp as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody Wisp? A Wisp whose fury is built with iron and lightning and fire? Do you ask for Wisp to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth!?

...Very well. Then ass is what you shall have. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us with our might. But... After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" Wisp will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE ass! A Wisp beyond any other that man's history has ever known!
I want the Major to fuck me
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>the pussy juice dripping
OP you madman
don't worry it's just sweat
Wrong, it's my saliva
I demand a DNA test because it's clearly mine
>Ember's ass revitalizes interest in Warframe
Think the rest of the female heirloom skins will all be coomer bait now? Think they would have been anyway?
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wfg won't ever be canceled
wfg won't be dismantled
wfg gonna be together
wfg gonna be forever!
I'd like to request our Russian only guild кpoвь и зeмля in the OP next time.
maybe the ass is too big
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>people are doing retail RP in the mall
>Think they would have been anyway?
There's a likelihood they would've been since even Mag's gave her bigger tits and had the same kinda naked look just with less definition
They definitely will be now though
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>try to trade during early morning hours (peak china time)
>xiaomeng,zhang huan and his friends tank the arcane prices by 60%
>soulframe preludes started december 2023
>7 months later, and its basically still the same piece of shit
>each monthly "update" theyll MAYBE add like 1 weapon and be like "wow so much for you to discover!!!! enjoy :)))" and the rest of the update is minor shit like "added a lamp to the 5th wall from the bottom left in this one dungeon that looks like every other dungeon to give it more character :))
lmfao holy fuck
at this rate we'll have a game the size of OG warframe in... maybe 4 years?
and by then the game will be ancient janky slop garbage (it already is)

they've known for two updates/two months now that oh, one of the crafting mats for weapons has absolutely no explanation or description. it's simple, each tier of them gives more damage to the weapon. but they dont indicate that, or even tiers in the game. so you have to go to the discord and rummage through for a post where they state this, and which gives how much damage each.

two months, two patches. they still haven't added simple "+5 damage" text to the item.
the entire game is like this. it's all esoteric, nothing is explained or described. it's all obtuse ON PURPOSE. they did this on purpose. like they want to be le epic dark souls or something. but it's not good game design, it's fucking lazy and will drive away players. they dont even fucking tell you what your abilities and stats do. you may never know. none of it is obvious, and most of it youll only know if you find some hidden away dev discord comment.

the game is utterly fucking doomed. there have been 5 patches in 7 months. and not every single one has contained actual content. they can't develop content for shit.

Maybe it will be good in 10 years.
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Reposting my findings from the previous thread
>Think the rest of the female heirloom skins will all be coomer bait now?
I fucking hope so.
they should skip the souls part and go right to bloodborneframe and make it fast-paced, duviri sucked ass until I got fleet footed and intrinsics to help me move around more quickly
it's steve slop what did you expect?
I like Jade and kinda want to play again for her. Is she marked for nerfs?
i hit one of those roleplayers with "I'll have two number 9's, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45's, one with cheese, and a large soda. "
If they wanted to nerf her they would've nerfed her already, Dante had nerfs after 1 week
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All I needed, thanks.
it is well known the children yearn for the mines
>all you had to was follow the damn train, 10o
I'd like to request Я coшлa c yмa in there too
whats a good clan that doesnt have a shit tier logo? i need to join something for railjack shit but i dont want some clover showing my power level to the world when people join my session
>Ayatan Piv Sculptire
>looks nothing like PIV (penis in vagina)
what did they mean by this
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............oh yeah, I forgot about you all weekend....
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NO my Fortuna remained unscathed after New War somehow and remained that way for months and today it finally changed. I was hoping I would slip under the radar forever. CHANGE IT BACK
that's what the valana is for it's a bait and switch
>Crafting Detonite
Do you have brain damage?
how is warframe babby formed
that's how I got most of mine
What got you triggered this time?

I just keep crafing them, Fieldrone and Mutagen out of habit.
uh oh, session/matchmaking server just went down...

jealous, but I suppose it had to end eventually
wonder if replaying quests or something could reset it
That’s a giant waste of resources for something so minimal, just do the invasions dude
>waste of resources
how? why NOT have them building in the background between when you want to do invasions so you can get it done faster? it made getting all my clan mats way easier
TFD won
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>can't even get past the launcher
Servers are dead.
>do the invasions
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAH, oh I miss being a newfag and doing Invasions too. Those were the days.
>game dead
It's over /wfg/
wfg always wins
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>was just about to forma Ember so that I can have two-tone ass energy
>game becomes kill
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staring at the start screen is the same experience as logging into the game for me
aight ima go paint my nails
It would be if she was turned around
Bros the Warframe website is down I can’t even check it anymore
aight imma go paint the ceiling
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Servers down??
you know this happened RIGHT after I uploaded a custom emblem for my solo clan... like right after...
it's meh but I appreciate the science effortbro
>p2p connection
>still fucks up the low use servers somehow
it's over
warframe is finished
and it's past midnight in ontario so de aint fixing
all major canuck cities were hit with a nuke two hours ago
bumping this for when the game comes back.
game ain't coming back, son
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I told you and this is just the beggining.
can confirm
t. torontonian
if this was actually the day warframe died I'd say it had a good run and maybe finally start serious work on my own third person shooter concept
>running Volt/Odonata relics with frens
>servers go down as we get to the reward screen

game will go down every day until Zephyr gets a coomer deluxe skin
God I wish.
Can confirm you can still pet your heckin doggo in the orbiter, not risking anything else I want to see region chat explode
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You're welcome
hey, I was playing that
yes, you can make a long-duration high-efficiency build AND still have moderate range for disarm, and it is sweet
>warframe server can't handle the first decendants power
kek, poor fuck
dead game lol
I think my Lokip's range is kind of ass, but I may have fallen behind with all the new mods and upgrades. I don't even know what an archon gem does.
...the overpriced store contest
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you'll get there, don't sweat the hybrid build and just take one for max duration + efficiency + flow for permainvis then another one with max range (and an arcane helmet if you have one from back then) for disarm spam to lock down any level you want
>waiting for elite crew with good stats to show up at Ticker's
>another day, another nothingburger
Maybe tomorrow, right?
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time to retire old fuck
Looks like I'll be loosing all my SP circuit progress and rewards, shoulda figured something was wrong when I stopped getting decrees and abilities stopped working baka
>and an arcane helmet if you have one from back then
I don't but holy shit, that's a blast back to the past.
I got my good-enough suda sluts with at least a 5 in the stat I care about for each role and called it good, haven't been called stardust since
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NTA but here's my max range Disarm build, I swap to this if it's defense related and go max duration Invis for everything else
You don't need many new mods
palworld bros....
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>We really don't have any plans for Frost Umbra, Steve just said it
>that body language
who is trying to trick?
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I'm newbie but I am really liking playing with this Loki build, I can't really survive in high level SP missions with any other frame and this helps me farm stuff and play with my friends as I get stronger

Was just farming for Dagath
I caved and bought templar prime even though Drifter gameplay is garbaggio.
What a shit game, I reinstall after 4 years for this shit?!
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My game is still down.
It's so fucking joever.
install The First Descendant.
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wonder what garbage will they give us as a consolation
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It's UP
>lost 2/3rds of it's playerbase in a little over a month
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>60k destiny
is it weird i expected more? they are way more mainstream

or are most of them on blizzard's launcher instead
I used to play a ton of D2 and everyone I knew played on Steam
it's almost entirely a consolefag game due to Bungie being a consolefag developer
Yareli's ass also jiggles, so the butt physics applys to everyone.
and I told you I was gonna drown Kokomi. Prepare yourself
Serves them right for charging me 38 bucks for a plush of Depresso
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stop making me horny under the neon glow
I agree, you should let Ember Heirloom fuck your ass
Nah I don't think that's happening since in Jade's Shadow Ordis calls out Excalibur Umbra by just ''Umbra''
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depresso is my spirit animal
It's big on Xbox and Playstation. Dlcs don't transfer so there's no incentive to move. I like the game personally but Warframe is a nice break
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Yeah I already documented that in my test
Frost Heirloom was Frost Umbra bro
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...it’s okay Reb I really don’t need those 100 Ciphers for now
What is a good warframe to have a greatsword build on!
uhhhhhhh, this is uhhh, highly unsual
Hildryn is the perfect Nordess to wield a greatsword
chat is this real
Excalibur Umbra with the Pakal Armor subsumed with Wrathful Advance from Kullervo
frametubers that insist Dark Sector isn't canon are LITERALLY retarded
How do I give excal some survivability
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Que paso?
put health and shield mods on
>tfd already plummeting after 2 weeks
Se fue para la mierda el juego bro
servers still dead?
Yes (don't have my Ember frame unlocked yet though)
Russians ddosed them because of the OP
I use Brief Respite, Energy Nexus, and Catalyzing Shields to stay alive when I find trouble.
Chroma seems fitting
Also, press 2 as Excalibur to blind all the enemies around you, giving you room to breath. It's basic, but it is your best tool to fight out of a corner. Slash Dash is a nice chunk of invulnerability that can let you get your shields up or boost out of trouble, but the bigger thing is neutralizing that trouble.
warframe won't survive poe2
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Lads , what frame should I get after starter frames, and ... Weapons?
>dancing for people
No way, I dance for myself, that song is a fucking bop.
nekros because you need dismemberment
It really depends on your playstyle. I'm partial to Trinity and Frost, because I like playing support. Trinity also helps my inability to focus well, since Link shows me where my nearby enemies are. She's also a really good survivor if you play her right.

Nyx, Nekros, and Revenant are fun if you want to make enemies into your minions.
it's not jiggle, I believe it's just the leeg trying to snap into the firing weapon stance and quickly returning to the idle pose. The way the bones stretch the model makes it look like "jiggle"

Are there any good references for the Operator chair outside of Captura shots? I hate the weird fish eye effect the camera takes for trying to mess with the Field of View/Trying to zoom in
delete alchemy
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>Spud squad are not only a syndicate but also skins you can use in the Origin System
>Warframes become inert (unless they're Excal Umbra) if the Operator/Drifter fucks off
>Trained operative decides to stand perfectly still just because you don't have a kid/adult inside of you

Pretty dumb desu.
>Trained operative decides to stand perfectly still just because you don't have a kid/adult inside of you
it's just a skin anon
I'm going to make all the protoframes kiss their future selves
>Trained operative decides to stand perfectly still just because you don't have a kid/adult inside of you
Welp better get to impregnating then.
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You know, I could have sworn Mag looked hella skinny back then. Were her tits always this big?
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I'm going to make all the protoframes hold hands with their future selves
Play Valkyr or Baruuk instead
aoi and the gang were probably made from the ground up and not just human head swapped on frame body so the proportions are probably slightly different
Exilus warframe adapters are pay to win. These things are impossible to get outside of buying with plat.
Why are you creeping on mag?
>it's not jiggle
I know it's not real jiggle physics. But there's clearly a level of vibration that looks convincingly like jiggle there.
>I believe it's just the leeg trying to snap into the firing weapon stance and quickly returning to the idle pose. The way the bones stretch the model makes it look like "jiggle"
That's not even close to what's happening. I'm not even doing anything or trying to fire my weapon why the hell would it be trying to go into a fire animation? Clearly what's happening is DE added a impact recoil effect for when a body part gets hit and it happens to be especially prevalent in Dog Days for some reason.
Can be bought from simaris (scanning for standing is piss easy), duviri shop and sometimes invasions reward them
Exilus slots are just for misc mods anyways
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>not shaking ass with your fellow emberchads in the stripmall
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Best frame for this feel?
reddit com user MjikThize
Hey, that's me!
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I miss how piss easy it was to level up weapons and frames during Jade event.
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I'm loving playing Ember so far, she's really fun with a shield gate build and she has a big ass
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The orange glow triggered me more than the non looping shifting texture inside her body
Remove the green background
TFD has way hotter designs
do i just opt for heat on every tenet/kuva weapon?
Toxin is more versatile since you can do both Viral and Corrosive with 1 mod, and then you can still slap heat on with mods like primed heated charge
Wouldn't the two mods have priority and just leave the toxin by itself?
who knew what separated us from xivg was a cosmetic with some ass
Goonchads won
Yes, if you want to go for viral heat or corrosive heat on a toxin gun, you would need to do all 3 elementals or else it will combine with the heat mod. To answer your question you should go with heat, if you're doing a CO build you can also do magnetic if you plan to build viral heat regardless.
Yeah that other guy is retarded. The benefit of toxin is that you could get viral+hm while skipping a toxin mod. Before the element change corrosive only mattered in mid-level content, and it's terrible now because of pretty significant diminishing returns on partial armour strip. IMO toxin is still a good progenitor element for primary weapons, magnetic is good on every weapon type, heat is good on guns, and melee you should choose based on what arcane you want to use. Probably elec and influence for most melees?
Do you think the new incarnons genesis will be added to the circuit?
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time for some extermination then, thank you rebb
I only got one archon shard from my first five netracell runs. I want to die.
>all major canuck cities
Damn, all two of them…
why bother if you've already done the node? why haven't you already done all the extermination nodes?
harrow with the crusader helmet
because i need steel essence?
Isn’t magnetic better since the status rework, as you can do heat+mag, toxin+mag or viral+heat+mag
Paracesis on Umbra because its thematic
I'm rolling in the stuff just from daily labs and occasional relic grinding. there isn't that much to spend it on
idk about you but i cap my relics and kuva from teshin every week
eh, I buy out the kuva
Isn't that just for condition overload or some shit
also i don't use smeeta and i just completed every exterminate mission without a single acolyte spawn
i play the game quite a bit but i don't actively go out of my way to farm steel essence and drop boosters are kinda rare
i've jerked off 3 times in the past two hours STOP
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Thank you Rebb for being such a coomer
True, these people are too delusional to see that
Based and Dalekpilled
Iv gooned to Ember, its over for me
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they didn't apply the same shit line of sight they gave garuda to baruuk did they?
Why not just run endless fissures, and clap stalker-kids, instead?
Ah, a fellow Doctor Who enjoyer
Why haven't I made Limbo look like the Doctor yet
I’ve gooned to Grendel, its just getting started for me
because the only endless mission that doesn't make me fall asleep is cascade and i would only do it with fissures up
it doesn't always have fissures when i am on
i tried conjuction survival but it gets so fucking old as enemies don't scale fast enough and i just keep 1shotting them
You don't want lua thrax plasm to buy stuff from yonta? She got 5 new arcanes. So did Otak's Citrine tab. :^)
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good biump
Blast ocucor feels sort of sucky
Do I just have to build this for viral/corrosive and heat to do anything on a build that isn't buffing the shit out of weapons? yes I'm using the nightwave mod
we should frot
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Just to double check, this gives a pre-built extractor + an extractor blueprint with unlimited uses for 1 regal aya right?
beautiful OP
Do you guys still entrap newfrogs with forum links?
no we are wholesome chungus now
seeing how popular the new SLUT skin is, are they going to make more do you think? nyx could use one for example, her 3 polygon ass is unplayable.
Reb vaguely alluded at them working on it some time ago, so I'm guessing her skin will be released along the light rework they spoke about during 10ocon
based __ _____ __________ ________, _____
I think they are going to make the next female heirloom not as sexy and they will get backlash for it and then make the one after that sexy again
What do you mean by forum links.. please don't be mean to me. I just want to know.
If you link someone's forum profile and they have the setting enabled, you can see all the recent users who viewed their profile, assuming they themselves were logged in at the moment as well
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Should i use the Felarx over Miter? I can't tell which one has the better Incarnon.
How tf is that a thing in 2024
Felarx is an incarnoff weapon
Miter, incarnon
You WILL pay 500++ plat to play as rakesh from dehli with volt's abilities
I was gooning to ember since 2014
I WILL pay for a bundle deal THOUGHEVER
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>check lashondawave
>kill exploiter orb
>catch fish here
>catch fish there
Is Dagath good?
I hate fishing as much as the next guy but Exploiter isn't that bad especially if you only need to do it once
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pretty solid, more of a weapons platform but good
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I can visit all pages in stealth mode
Get bent
Is Nyx a mute?
Read her profile on their page, she's far more susceptible to the virus and prefers to communicate through telepathy
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>Explain that it will cause your name to be visible on a forum profile
>Go in anyway
Orbiter location acquired

Expect a visit from the MRhag mafia
>make a game with cool and unique fast-paced gamplay
>instead of focusing on it, start adding dogshit that is either completely useless (the mechs) or awful to play (duviri)
>new maps? mechanics inside of said maps? just fucking... making the core gameplay better, build upon it?
Retarded devs, holy shit. Such a waste.
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>Finishing up on my mastery, writing down the few final blueprints I don't have
>Realize I don't have Hate
>Been playing for several years and that cunt Stalker never dropped Hate for me
has anyone tested jade out with the circuit? I feel like she might be good
I'm only MR 9. :3
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couldn't be me
Operators and Drifters. I regret to inform you. I've Gloomed.
so I guess ember heirloom skin dethroned wisp as the biggest warframe ass?
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It never belonged to her
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Yareli's has to be contained behind her dress
>The best ass in the game is lightly hidden behind a skirt
That's what makes it the best
its the fate of every ageing chink game - just selling more lewd skins
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Who benefits the most from these? I have no idea what to use them on
please let equinox get something this good mommy rebb...
That bio-organic weapon is a child you sick GRINEER!
Sure, but you'll need to pay triple the price since we're making 3 piss skins.
prime frames
Now I have to buy all the emotes, damn you, DE
ehhhhh pass
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Squishy frames that benefit from power strength.
When you have all three Umbra mods you get 180% Health and armor (that on a squishy frame you'd want anyway) and you get 77% power str.
I actually wanted to make an Ember build but ended up playing dressup instead
>have to farm entire backlog of kuva and tenet weapons
>have to farm platinum to get the primes that aren't accessible
LR2 bros.....I can't do it.......
how much are you willing to sacrifice for your goals mrlet?
Be happy they made the lich system easier
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which of these do you think is better?
>Squishy frames
Since when are people putting armor mods on frames with little by default? I thought armor mods were solely for frames that have like 300-400+ base armor, and anything below that uses shieldgate/rolling guard to survive.
Is rep from ncelss limited by daily cap and wasted if you already at daily limit?
anyone you actually play, I simply put one on almost everyone to the umbra intens

Tripple umbra brainlets do that just cause all the mods stack gaining more stats
Frames that need high strength. Some edge cases that would want strength, HP and armor like Inaros exist too. But usually it's just high strength frames. And that's not always the case nowadays either. If your frame is 4 based you can always slot Precision Intensify. If you can regen HP somehow you will slot Combat Discipline and Archon Intensify.
Apparently they won't be adding more umbra mods in the future either so they're going to be more and more irrelevant as time goes on. Maybe they'll stop being retarded one day and they'll rebrand umbra polarity to universal polarity.
Wasn't like that a few weeks ago, but now it apparently is
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>no news until August 21st
>Tennocon was basically a normal dev stream
dog days literally just dropped.........
Arguably the worst event
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>do sp duviri experience for the first time
>think everything is just scaled up
>enemies are not only scaled up but orowyrm is now turbocancer
>the shadows that spawn in caves are raid bosses and just deal 200 damage with a swipe
>did kullervo with 30+ decrees and he STILL DOESN'T TAKE DAMAGE
>during orowyrm fight teshin summoned me 3 archguns and i barely had enough ammo to get the 3 rings done without missing bullets

whoever designed duviri's combat deserves nothing good in life
who the fuck thought that teleporting mini flying wyrms and almost perma invulnerable teleporting shadows with a billion hp were a good idea?
>use transference
>it reduces my wf's parkour speed to minimal values
>sets sprint speed to 0
>can only use operator in undercroft
literally skill issue.
Ghoul purge just dropped!
Underlevelling and skill issue, once you gain intrinsics it all becomes easy
And you've got shit dickrees too instead of stacking damage if you struggled with 30
For Koolervo you just accumulater transference, switch to the frame and oneshot him x3

Wyrm is cancer if you are not the host
Sounds like a bad run. Rogue-like gamemodes are always shit in every single game that adds them because it's 100% dependent on RNG. If you get good rolls i.e. good frames, the OP skills, you will easily one-shot everything. Otherwise you will just get flattened.
There's an argument for radiation in the AOE weapons. But it's just an argument and can be ignored.
Melee wants literally anything but Toxin, because the Primed Toxin mod exists.
Secondaries want literally anything but heat, because of the Primed Heat mod.
You can't go wrong with Heat on the primaries though. Might not be optimal for every weapon but it is the lazy man's no think one size fits all solution.
Magnetic for Nukor.
Radiation for Corpus flavored Nukor.
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I sorta like that we're gonna have a single group instead of the random gen'd stuff of the liches/sisters
the whole system is a bastardized version of the nemesis system because Steve ADHDclair realized a little too late it was patented and had to course correct. Moving away from that crap sounds good
i couldn't use my warframe the entire game
it was bugged to run in 1 place and i dealt no damage so i couldn't use transference to cheese him
How do I even get these as a MR11 scrub?
teshin,nightwave,twitch drop
Each nightwave season there's one.
Teshin sells one every two months for steel path points.
And sometimes there are twitch drops or alerts with them.
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i want to lick to find out if it's grape flavoured
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>Buying all the old primes I don't have would cost multiple thousands of plat
>Buying forma to master all kuva/tenet shit would cost thousand as well
>Teshin sells one every two months for steel path points.
It's actually being sold this week, no less.
Not a maxed manifest? Couldn't be me.
What specifically should I set the energy colors on ember heirloom to? You know exactly what I'm trying to do.
I used them on Baruuk's desert wind and Sevagoth's claws
>see item going down by like 30% in price
>check profiles of posters
>all chinese
kill yourselves yellowniggers
i am struggling to sell shit at a reasonable price because there are a million fucking chink bot accounts just undercutting the moment i list an item
eventually some retard sees that and undercuts the bots and that actually sells
>trying to sell on warframe.market fighting the undercutters
go and sell on trade chat for double the market price
i never managed to sell anything on tradechat
everyone wants to buy under market price
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You only have yourself to blame.
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>2 years of dev time only to get tyrone and rajneesh VA'd skins
Question; whats the difference between the normal frames and the prime ones? Im new to this and i saw someone using a prime excalibur, so i dont know if those are just stronger or if the guy was just flexing
Primes have slightly more heath, shield, armor and/or energy. Abilities are exactly the same including their power.
He was flexing though, Excalibur Prime is the only warframe that's no longer obtainable as it's a founders only item.
>10 plat/ananas
>60 plat=20k endo
>120 plat=40k endo
>archon mod=20p
>maxed out archon mod=100p
FUCK is wrong with people
it should be 140 minimum and the credit cost isn't even in there(2mill)
>Question; whats the difference between the normal frames and the prime ones?
Better stats, but abilities are basically the same (strength-wise).
Excal Prime is pure flex. Only those who were a founder can get those. Don't worry, though. There's a better one that you'll get later on.
No one buys ananas to turn a profit on endo.
Maxed out mods are usually sold by people who already maxed out anything and get Endo passively and just want to make a bit of a profit on it.
its not that complicated
>does your frame need power strength, and cannot or is already using blind rage; transient fortitude; precision intensify; madurai focus school?
if yes, use umbral intensify
>does your fram use umbral intensify and need more survivability in the form of armor and/or health?
if yes, use the appropriate
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>tfw they might waste even more dev time on this shit because of people immediately going “what about X frame”
>no shitflinging during EU hours
I'm starting to think putting clans in the OP is like a scarecrow that wards off schizos
Worst "event" by far
How do I clear SP rooms in one second like all of the pubs I join? Here's what I've tried:
Mesa 4 - barely tickles enemies after 10 seconds of sustained fire.
My strongest weapon Laetum - by the time I've charged it, everyone has cleared the map and done 2 more runs.
5 forma Ignis - barely tickles enemies after dumping the entire mag on them.
Shotguns like hek and felarx - not aoe.
your r10 mods? your arcanes? your armor strip? your gyre or sevagoth? your tauforged archon shards?
I kinda like dog days for a few rounds. But it is to grindy for what it is. And the grind isn't any that bad lol.
Gauss thermal sunder, Mirage with any good aoe weapon and energized munitions, slam, Kullervo.
The protoframes are going to be a massive success, your average ledditor will beg for a proto version of their favorite frame and they will capitalize on it.
On one hand it'd be cool to see my fav frames with human heads, but on the other hand there is a 90% chance they would make them atrocious. Not to mention some frames don't have proper lore so their proto version would just create more confusion. Not like DE cares about their own universe.
I'd be plenty satisfied if only the 6 received proto skins.
The only way i'll really care about proto-frames is if we get booba skins. I hate to say it but TFD will steal all the coomers away. DE must know this with how that general bitch looked with her tits hanging out. Proto-nyx in a thong please rebby ty
Sounds like you need to mod better
Didn't even bother with armor strip
christ you're using mesa and laetum and struggling to kill?
post builds
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at first I was onboard with the whole time travel idea because from the teaser gameplay from Whispers it looked like it was gonna be dark and maybe even horror oriented, but after the tennocon gameplay I dont know anymore. Theyre fully leaning on ironic 90s nostalgia and the gameplay is straight out of a mid 2000's videogame (just fucking play Dark sector its literally all it is) and its all wacky boy bands and quirky warframe personalities with IM romancing options... eehhhhhh
DE being a canuck company caters to the wrong audience. They either don't know or don't want to cater to the paypiggy coomers. The Ember heirloom might give them the right idea, judging from the popularity of the skin it'd be utterly retarded to pass on the opportunity to make more coomerbait "content"
TFD looks like a shitty WEG
Too bad the game is even worse than warframe
Yeah I don't mind the straight up 90s nostalgia (I really like boy band song) but there's a fine line between experimenting and jumping the shark
It all really just depends how it's executed, 1999 could either be extremely kino or absolute pandering reddit pandering shit
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I'll look into Gauss. I guess Mirage with Energized Munitions and Akarius might work? Don't have Kullervo.
That's not 1 second. I'm talking like a dude noscope rolls into a room, then 1 second later the screen is full of the affinity numbers and he's onto the next room.
Laetum is fine but like I said by the time I charge it up to a reasonable amount the map is already cleared.
Have faith in Reb. She WILL deliver.
I want to bite it
for mesa use arcane precision and pistoleer. youl get energy from the dead enemies. also mod your secondary for heat and cascadia flare, it proccs when you use regulators.
and its all it has going for it. the combat is boring as fuck.
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>building for status
anon please
crit, fire rate and raw damage that's it
the squishiest frames benefit the most from each extra point of armor they gain even though they gain fewer points with the same mods, so it's a matter of whether it will actually make a material difference in terms of letting you survive more incoming attacks at the levels you're playing, especially if you don't need a lot of ability mods triple umbra is a quick easy way to make any frame a little beefier while getting a decent amount of strength for just one strength mod
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>building for radiation
>sq*ishschizo is back
Thanks, I'll look into these options.
Because I'm not a nerd who does the math on every single option of whatever is optimal
Those 2 elements are primed, I use, simple as
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anon i am so sorry, but i got it again
why do you want to turn your Ember into a semen lava lamp?
I just need a new skin tone that works on energy color, that's all.
Idk about that, people said very similar things about umbra
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come to my orbiter, i'll give you one
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Should I accept Soulframe's invitation?
how do you even get one?
damn. i could've sworn i had a bunch of Hate bps, but apparently only got 1.
got 6 war bps though.
check your email, they sent out a bunch
i got one but i won't be using it for that dogshit poopoo
Reb was handing them out for certain services in her backstage room at Tennocon
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I donated my foreskin.
regulators doesnt make headshots though, also why do you want ammo efficiency on them?
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praising the ember player in chat until she goes puppymode
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i swear to sol if they don't add similar assets for the drifter i'm gonna spend money on a different game
Yeah.. I feet the same way, the gameplay didn't impress me that much.
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It's going go be fun to watch how quickly it flops after taking up a shitload of time at two tennocons and tons of devstreams. My only hope is that Steve doesnt go back to Warframe after it shuts down 4 months later, and I especially hope fat fuck goes off to get a job at tim horton's or wherever canucks go to eat fast food.
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Did I miss something?
intern fucked up, nothing new
I want steve and fatfuck back
Goddammit, I want an Akmagnus Prime.
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The kunai have served their purpose and im overdue replacing them, but i dunno wich ones of the secondaries i have to craft would be best.
(returning player, im currently on phobos for progression)
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an actual crime that this won over the voidrig
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2 years of dev time btw
>Perhaps, at that point, the camera perspective shifts for the rest of 1999
I guess that would work if the player 10o transfers into that copy Excal last minute or something.
you're just gonna keep malding about this multiple times every day aren't you? go play another video game that respects your investments or appeals to you
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I really don't get what's the fucking point.
I assumed that the protoframes were going to be what you'll play as in 1999, similarly to how you had few melee weapons to choose from as Drifter in Duviri except this time there's a whole small arsenal to choose from or pre-made loadouts when you choose a frame to play as.

What's even the point of shilling this big marvelshit hero team if they aren't actually used in any way besides skin? I really thought they were going to be essentially frames you use for gameplay with idea being to simply have warframes without the ridiculous power creep we have at this stage.
That said, if I can use the tacticool body skins while giving them a helmet and making them shut the fuck up then there'll be at least some use out of it.
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Welcome to freakocon, where only freaks get awards.
What is the frame with THE most peculiar gameplay that can't be replicated by any other frame? For me, it's tail wind nuke Zephyr
unironically would so hard
guy or girl idc
When the camera shows the group shot just before Arthur gets on the bike, I was really expecting them to reveal some kind of "choose your partner" interface where you pick one of them to accompany you on the mission.
mainly for whichever secondary they have, get a headshot procc precision and press 4.


fuck I meant Velocity not pistoleer.

>while giving them a helmet and making them shut the fuck up
god, if they add cheesy marvel one liners and they won't shut up, i'm moving to c*nada and hang every DE employee
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aaah makes sense, i like the damage arcane suggestions, i might try them myself and combine them with faction damage mods.
salad's looking REALLY rough after spending time around the sentients and buying into their ideology...
10O, 10O... why must you always ugh ugh work against progress?
Mental illness.
unlike you, I don't enjoy watching my favorite game become soulless woke trash
oh so that's how today is going too
you next bwo
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i was thinking
>imagine if it was mutalist alad sortie today
>check it
>it actually is
kek what a coincidence
Fat Mag is funny
They wasted all their budget hiring AAA VAs
didn't bother renaming the file, i found it on google pics
incoming "cope buddy" reply
Sure you did tumblr tranny.
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>hornet strike
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The same way a circus clown indeed Rebb. First the infested month shilling, now this.
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>made an excel of shit I have to farm
for some reason I feel weirdly ashamed
>join mission
>qorvex present
>screen covered in concrete
>day ruined
I wish this frame was deleted
If you use Qorved and haven't subsoomed his 3 off you need to kys
don't, that's based and nerdpilled
skill issue sp duviri is piss easy the only hard part is the orowrym chase and thats only because of how bugged and clanky it is
I hate nick gurrs and poos like you wouldn't imagine.
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Volt was ruined for me. Seriously can't look past that brown creature.
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>Nothing more than skins with VA
does the revenant thrall cheese still work on him?
akmagnus prime!
bottom text
reb has failed warframe, she needs to step down
idk i don't use Revenant
...and have sex with me.
>Akmagnus Prime
how is an akimbo version of an existing vaulted prime gonna work when it comes to crafting, i wonder?
when will they buff AK weapons? we need to be able to mod each weapon separately! (gas/electric+viral heat? yes pls!)
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excalibur is even wearing the wrong skin
exalted weapons have no arcanes
people stopped using base damage mods because of primary/secondary merciless, but without those it's absolutely necessary
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Proto Excalibur with Arthur's tacticool attachments would look kino
Maybe they'll unvault it, or give it an extended resurgence or something. Or maybe the parts will be in the relics for whatever prime frame they release it with.
High strength Qorvex with the brightest energy color you can choose is the closest thing to griefing in this game. You can infect other people with a gigantic, neon-bright concrete circle that covers the entire middle section of the screen and makes specifically Yareli completely unusable.
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>theyre going to rehash old and busted frames with proto skins instead of reworking them and making good ones.
i sometimes question DE's ""balance"" choices. do they really think exalteds would be much more broken than incarnons with double/triple/quadruple/whatever dipping frames?
mogs me
Where clan pastebin?
it didn't? yareli won over voidrig
I think I've encountered this before, I thought my gfx card was dying because there was a massive block of glitchy looking shit covering my screen.
We teached warbros a lesson and got rid of them.
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you use galvanized shot because mesa has +dmg built-in (shooting gallery) retard!
Based af
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>game says murmur is resistant to viral and weak to rad/electricity
>I kill them 10 times faster with viral build compared to rad/electricity
good blumpf
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>Loki is literally just eternally forgotten because DE made CC useless and he isn't a starter frame anymore so why bother, they didn't even bother brining him back for this
I miss him so much.
you're supposed to use corrosive rad
Viral status effect is just too strong and I guess they didn't want to make them immune like Deimos infested.
Which Warframes are Black coded in your opinion?

wtf does this mean
invis is still overpowered.
still invaluable but idk about overpowered, maybe if you're solo and teammates aren't attracting enemy fire to you, and even then a lot of independent attacks/projectiles will home in on you regardless
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Can I somehow get rid of this stupid fucking railjack attached to my Orbiter with that stupid slide
reminder that nova is fat
lol no you moron
shooting gallery is only 25% weapon damage
even with 200% ability strength it's only 50%
hornet strike gives 220%
if you add together 50% from shooting gallery and 220% from hornet strike with/without, then hornet strike is still a 370 / 150 = 2.4 times damage increase
galvanized shot stacks up to 120% which is 2.2 times damage, but only after you stacked it 3 times with your 10% status chance
what exactly are you made about? that they're adding npcs as optional skins for your frames?
what does this have to do with 2 years of dev time?
I assume it would be the same as Akvasto Prime where every piece is available in one single Baro relic https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Axi_A5
>hes literally inside our walls
Russchizo reported it to pastebin so the clans that were in there just got put straight into the OP instead
Octavia Rhino (american blacks)
Gyre Nova (african neck rings)
Possibly Khora too
Also Protea and Wisp are arab/gypsy
based fucking retard
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Nova is designed to be a pasty nerd.
you don't see it if you use the Drifter's Camp instead
for me it's Saryn, especially with the hemlock helmet
it's like how everybody knows Piccolo and Knuckles are black without them actually being black
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What went wrong?
yeah but then I have to use Drifter's camp
she aged
install the first descendant btw
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Is it worth getting back into warframe? Haven't played since 2019~
don't you know regulator has an innate +150% dmg bonus? I said galv shot because is better than hornet, but you don't even need it (+firerate is better)
>been using bolter for a while
>decide to try out Hek
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>listen to Party Of Your Lifetime few times
>now my youtube recommended is full of <100 views Warframe letsplays
The New War was kind of a dud but they've generally taken the game in a good direction since Reb took over.
I see a lot of weapon builds just throw every element onto the weapon. Or a seeminglky random selection of 3, regardless of weaknesses and stuff.
is that the meta? just pile on the extra damage regardless of whatever the status effects are?
listen to other video game music and it'll probably correct itself
What were you expecting?
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I hate youtube so much.
>click on some stupid link sent by friends
>it's some stupid video
>now my recommendations are stupid shit for months
>have to constantly click "not interested" or "block channel"
Oh yeah, real engaging googlefags.
"Trust me guys, it is absolutely vital that the Ember Warframe has a fat pussy" -Rebb
why do people listen to the stupid fucking boyband song?
imagine pretending nsync/backstreet boys are good
is she wrong?
black coded as in they're like black men or blacked coded as in they're built for them
Too much infested month shilling started to take a toll on her soul.
Game is as woke as ever, they turned Volt into "Amir" and made Excalibur bisexual.
yeah, nickelback is much better.
What are you talking about? Loki's plainly there. He's right next to Ash.
at least nickelback had some rocky sounds
nova will either be indian or japanese
because some of them were extremely catchy and well produced songs. dont worry some day youll grow out of your edgy phase and learn to like music not based on whether its feminine or not.
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I've just bought regular Hildryn with plat
Ask me anything
do you hate orb valis as much as I do? I detest it
or african since her prime is clearly inspired by that tribe where women wear rings around their necks
Most guns should be doing viral+heat or magnetic+heat because those are the three strongest statuses by a gigantic margin, and the strength of the status effects overpowers any other bonus you'd get from like faction weaknesses or other elemental statuses/debuffs. Melee weapons prefer different elements because their mods and arcanes are different, but they still benefit from enemies having viral, magnetic, and/or heat status on them. For like 85% of guns, the optimal build is
>crit chance
>crit damage
>pick 2 flex mods from % damage, fire rate, primed faction mod, Galv status, other utility, a riven
>% damage arcane
For weapons with low starting crit chance, say below 14% or so with Kuva Nukor being a notable exception, you replace two crit mods with two elemental mods.
An example rifle would be
>Galvanized Chamber
>Critical Delay
>Vital Sense
>Malignant Force
>Rime Rounds
>Hellfire/Hunter Munitions
>Amalgam Serration/Galvanized Shot
>Primed Shred
>Primary Merciless/Deadhead
>whatever exilus

Pistols almost always end up with
>Galvanized Diffusion
>Lethal Tempo
>Primed Pistol Gambit/Creeping Bullseye
>Primed Target Cracker
>Pistol Pestilence
>Primed Heated Charge
>flex slot
>Cascadia Flare
>whatever exilus
yeah, I like it
it's worth whispering me and getting me off before i farm yes
Why not farm Prime Hildryn?
hot, but ember is one of the more useless frames so i dont see myself ever using her.
that's exactly why I've bought her instead of farming
fuck that grey tinted 2010s colored map and everything about it
fuck cetus too with the 2010s brown filter and a 90% empty map

I need mastery and subsoom
why didn't you just get her from Circuit?
>I need mastery and subsoom
So you spent over 300 plat on a frame just to subsoom her?

because I would still need to farm mats in orb vallis
How easy or hard is it to break into steel path circuits? I'm currently building up an armory of non-incarnon endgame items and I'm looking to move up to getting those incarnons, but I don't have anything like archon shards or mods. I do have a sisters shotgun, though.
just do pubs and hope someone carries you
Would you gift me Kullervo?
>How easy or hard is it to break into steel path circuits?
I would suggest just trying it out desu, see if you need some of the better mods/archon shards, or if you can be easily carried by someone
>Twin Grakatas
>Kuva Shildeg
rate loadout
>twin grakatas
>>Twin Grakatas
we need a giant grakata as an archgun
thank you
that makes sense
You want a properly built warframe with ability strength and some survival options.
Having a good weapon helps but it's optional. A good weapon with default mods works too.
Any warframe with a decently built exalted weapon will faceroll SP circuit.

Basically if you're not confident in yourself keep looking into the SP circuit offers and play when it gives you a good frame.
>limited to crafting one forma per day
>have like 30 weapons requiring forma to build
>also need at least 4 forma per weapon/frame to make it usable at sp and beyond
how the fuck do MRhags manage it? just buy formas with plat?
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wait for next plague star and farm 500 formas until you burn out and never want to play warframe again
Is pugging reliable at that level of content?
I was planning to just fish for Loki or one of my go-to "lazy" frames.
forma bundle 35p for 3
rushing a forma is 10p
whats the next shotgun i wanna get after hek
i love this boy
>at that level of content
SP circuit is considered casual nowadays
the only remotely hard content is Elite Deep Archimedea and pugs still clear it with 80%+ success chance

that said you WILL get some retards who leave after the first wave, but after a try or two you usually get a group that can make it to level 1000+
or white because she'll be a generic nerd stereotype
Vaykor Hek
Kuva Hek
>also need at least 4 forma per weapon/frame to make it usable at sp and beyond
Gimme a bit minutes to look through my arsenal for stuff that's usable sp with low forma. Any gun with two or more starting V polarities should be strong with low forma investment, and I'm pretty sure the Zariman weapons don't need much either
nataruk's pretty good and they give you that shit for free
i was thinking of buying kullervo because i am fucking TIRED of duviri holy shit
i already have him but i wanted wrathful advance on a couple frames
It's absolutely genius that the music the infestation would choose is not some creepy theme but a 90s pop earworm that easily spreads from brain to brain
Surpasses the cringe barrier and goes straight into kino territory
is the mag bitch in the relay?
i found nyx and trin but not her
sent ;)
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yes, somewhere next to volt
damn I have to come back to my operator/drifter one day
I just covered their faces with hood/mask and ignored them ever since
why would you browse destiny gen?
I hate the song honestly but I think it's a clever bit and appreciate the authenticity of its sound
Black nerdy girl with braces
I forgot that my drifter and kiddo are using different voices
nice surprise when I heard them speak again in jade quest
How "hard" are netracells compared to say sorties, archon hunts, SP, etc.?
about as hard as archon hunts

just like in archon hunts you can go in with a tanky frame like revenant and let the others do it
it's basically impossible to fail unless you die and no one bothers to raise you
big hump, mostly because it can't be rushed through as easily
much easier after you get a frw under your belt
why don't you stay there
Comparable to early SP. Remember to bring a tank, healer, or overguard because most of the modifiers are just damage.
I'd put it above Archon Hunts but below SP endless missions in pure farming difficulty.
Though when you have a fragile frame or a retarded team that refuses to get in the zone, that difficulty ramps up massively.
The thing with Netracell is that it's more punitive due to the 4 keyglyphs. But if there is anyone in the team with a tanky frame that can handle the downsides, you are set. The enemies have a high level but they lack the boosted Steel Path stats. You can't rush it because of the kill zone, but you can easily murder everything without issue.
I have them matching and I like hearing the difference in their age and kind of weariness as hypothetical variations of the same character
I see, thank you anons
>Remember to bring a tank, healer, or overguard
No way
MMO holy trinity
What is that?
barely harder than sorties maybe,i'd argue sorties are harder
>run around and activate consoles
>sit in circle and hold left click
>occasionally leave circle to kill a drone in 1 hit
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why don't you try to control your emotions, homo?
Early SP tier outside of the key that drains you energy when enemies are nearby
Main challenge of netracell is in doing them as fast as you can and break your records. Personally, my fastest run is 7 minutes with Qorvex.
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you are one of my favorite anons
>making prime weapons
>all of them requires 10 to 15 orokin cells each
fuck offfffff
Favourite affinity/MR grind farm? Doing dark sector missions is fucking boring
I have 100+ orokin cells at any moment, idk what the issue is
>How "hard" are netracells compared to say sorties, archon hunts, SP, etc.?
It's a gearcheck.
If you can swat around level...250-ish enemies I think (and without SP bonus if I remember right), then you're good.
You run towards terminals, hack them, and then kill stuff while staying inside a red circle. There's not boss or anything so any frame can do it. Get mag with the nataruk and you're good.
>MMO holy trinity
nah, it's not that in-depth. Netracells have debuff items that at least one person needs to pick up, but every debuff except one is just "take extra damage" so you either block the damage or heal it.
I forgot that netracells have the debuffs and I tend to take every key.
Just keep moving and you should be good. Use Magus... the one that heals you while you're invisible as operator... anywho, use that arcane if you have any concerns about health. There's one that triggers on transference, but I prefer the team-wide one.
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Why is it always niggers that play with their mic on?
a typo (few)
>It's a gearcheck.
Isn't everything in warframe a gearcheck?
black nerdy girl isn't a stereotype and they're not gonna give a grownass woman braces
Profit Taker was more of a "throw the shit at the bug" check.
But, yea, most things are.
That's Exploiter Orb.
Profit Taker is the "bring all 13 elements" check.
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You know, even though trannocon was cringy as fuck at least laughing at these freaks is always entertaining.
ophanim eyes is funny on speed nova
their confidence is admirable at least
profit taker is bring lavos/chroma and try to finish within 5 minutes check
I just want to play ninjas with everyone again...
What's the tank and spank of warframe?
What's the most ninja frame outside of Ash and Excalibur
My bad
I fucking hate the 'Simon says' orb. Who thought that was a good idea? 'Simon says' is really lame.
a reminder that profit taker world record is 49 seconds
counting from Fortuna entrance
Tbh Lavos is basically cheating for PT
The whole challenge of the fight is having a complete arsenal with every element, and Lavos removes this need
What the fuck
Invisible with high-speed insta-gib (often, not always) attack is pretty ninja-ish.
>black nerdy girl isn't a stereotype
idk we exist in a post-stardew valley world, and that just popularized it within certain spheres, that's absolutely a stereotype
Attempting to cosplay as something as weird and complex as a warframe is fucking retarded. You'd need to be a costume design pro to come up with anything half decent.
henlo anons ive been playing on and off (mostly off) since 2014 and i am in fortuna
how far am i in the story
Loki kinda
Maybe Nyx but I guess she's more of a psychic if anything
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probably an unpopular opinion but I think protea is very gadget-ninja with her acrobatics and everything

also a good choice

but for me it will always be ash
you are in hell
for most people it still isn't a popular stereotype
Simaris says
you've only just begun also skip the bounty grind until endgame
You are basically a sperm
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Why bother coming up with something good when you can be a buy a ballet dress and twerk your disgusting fat body to win 1st place 10k.
>"grind" for ember in that one saturn assassination mission
>get all 3 parts in less than 10 minutes
>mfw as a destiny player that's insanity because grinding should be hours unless you get lucky
what the fuck. the guys running it were cool too, just killed the guy and extracted in 2 minutes
ignore bounties
ignore the duviri quest
do all the other quests
buy blueprints for stuff, craft them, and get as far as you can in the star chart
profit taker speedruns usually involve spamming exodia contagion and hoping for good elements, and pre-firing on memorized shield pylon locations with nightwatch naplam ogris that ignores the shield
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>get Imperator Vandal
>mod it for fire rate
this is fun
>because grinding should be hours
Wait until you get to grinding Saryn
What do you think this is, your Dojo? THIS is RATHUUM
at least the trannies didn't win anything
the troon won an atomicycle key
nothing compares to wanting to get ideal pvp/pve rolls of a noncraftable weapon on destiny
plus the new exotic class items. i have a good one for my titan and warlock but my hunters ones always drop fucked
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Got that 1999 drip going
>grineer weapons deal impact damage and slash damage because it's the effective damage against corpus and infested
>DE changes corpus and grineer weakness around, grineer are now weak to impact and corpus to pierce
>grineer are now weak to their own weapons
absolute kino
How easy would to be to get your dick sucked at tennocon over, say, a furcon
>Get Prisma Grakata
>Mod for recoil, fire rate, and use the one headshot mod
>Equip it on Wisp
>Use her speed mote
I'm playing Nikke with a pocket GAU-8
is Furax Wraith any good?
Do you want to get your dick sucked by fat troons?
Is no one else having an issue with the projectiles from baruuks fist not hitting?
Depends if you are ok with gay blowjobs or not
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Did you always need to click with the item wheel?
Tennocon isn't ideal. If you want a blowjob from a girl go to an anime con, and if from a guy, go to the furcon.
depends if you are ok with getting monkeypox or not
as a bisexual
dope, very 90s cyberpunk
wdym? afaik you can press and hold then release which is the way it's been for forever, or tap then click which might be newer functionality
depends if you are ok with getting a succ from a Warbro.
Mind telling us what colours you used anon? So I can use it on my own frame
>Do you want to get your dick sucked by fat troons?
i won't complain even if a different species sucks my dick mate
Fucking tight, I'm gonna do something similar now.
Shame my usual grey, blue, and gold doesn't look all that great on him.
based and harknesspilled
I got a redneck yelling at his kids the other day instead of the usual cooking sounds or family yelling in spanish, and I've started listening to their conversations then unmuting and joining in or asking questions at awkward times
yeah it's pretty retarded that corpus and grineer weapons are good against themselves now
I don't play Destiny anymore, but I have fond memories of grinding or lucking into good rolls on weapons. Within the first month or two of starting D1, I got a KYS that was excellent for both PVP and PVE and I really appreciated it once I finally learned what perks where desirable and why. I also remember a few weeks after Grasp of Malok got discovered for PVP, we got Omnigul as a nightfall and grinding that out. I just barely got one that had good stability before I settled.
if i downloaded this game right now for the first time how long would it take me to have amber prime free to play?
10 minutes if you visit my orbiter
Anything with Wrathful Advance
i would consider myself a destiny dickrider desu, i have mained the game for a long time even during "bad" times or whatever. i mean it has its flaws ofc but it's unique unto itself. at the same time I've played it so much that it's kinda idk, "normal" to me now? retarded example but: if Destiny 2 is a ham and cheese sandwich Warframe is an Italian sub.
it's good to take breaks and warframe seems alot more chill. nothing matches the movement so far save for titanfall or neon white. as a hunter main in destiny the movement in warframe feels soooo good
>factions specialize in getting through the only armor types they know
makes sense. grineer are stupid and corpus probably fight themselves more than the grineer
Releasing isn't working anymore, so clunky
Probably within a week or two if you really got into it?
You could grind out mods like Narrowminded or Overextended to sell.
They go for ~10-15p each, and Ember Prime is currently 100p
Your trades are limited by your MR, so you wouldn't be able to do 10 trades in a day, so I figure 2 weeks.
>ignore the duviri quest
but pooviri is one of the best ways to obtain shit rn?
maybe a couple weeks if you are very good at learning/picking up new games. There's a lot of systems in warframe to learn, but if you figure out how farming relics works you can probably just spam relics without knowing anything and leech. Sell every single prime part you get, most parts are like 10 plat average, the skin is only 225 plat.
It depends on your luck with drops and how autistically you want to farm Aya to buy the relics (lootboxes that drop Ember's parts). You'll also need to level up and reach certain zones before you can even do Axi void rifts. So probably a few weeks, most of which would be spent leveling up and unlocking new missions before you can even start farming primes.
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>tfw you are in Hollvania Mall 69
ehh I guess but the factions specializing damage to what they're fighting is better imo
are u offering to be a sugardaddy
I played from early on in TTK until the end of Warmind D2Y1. I got a top 200 clear in Spire of Stars prestige even after someone's internet died and we had to spend an hour going through pickups. raid.report still has me in the top 30% for # of raid clears, although that makes it seem like people just don't raid. Bungie is a dogshit company, but god damn if they don't know how to make guns feel great to shoot.
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Standing in a group of heirloom Embers like.
>spent 300 plat on the helminth bundle
Don't care, not spending a week hunting dogs that only spawn on tuesdays at night between the hours of 1 and 2 am and only during full moons. open world grinds have been a disaster for warframe.
do you want buy rivens?心
retard, your money though
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Green energy is from the Spektaka palette, the top left green color. I think it was from amazon prime, there are good substitutes in the Grineer, Hallow's Eve and Halloween palettes.
Main military green color is from Tenno I palette, penultimate row third column
Greenish white is also from Tenno I, row 13 column 2
Vizier Predasite is the common version that spawns all the time. How do you not have 10 tags just from doing bounties? You can even force spawn them doing wildlife stuff and get 2-3 tags per.
i started with Volt, i'm MR7 and i still havent tried another frame
i dont see the need to
>ultra speed
>ultra melee
>instant reloads
>stun everything
>free +50% dmg shield
i mean
what more do you need
anon were you going to die next week? i mean good more money for them to use for development i guess but you should chill and craft it yourself it's more rewarding
shit you're right, I guess it's hold and click and it's been that way for a while but I stopped thinking about it

I'm surprised that's not something you can customize since it adds an extra action you have to take
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you come buy? 4500 platinums
That's like 15 minutes of playtime
>your money though
Nah, just my time. 300 plat isn't too hard to make selling prime parts. I have more fun grinding relics than I do mining five hundred ore veins and trying to sedate dogs.
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how? acrithis? her stuff never really looked that appealing to me. kullervo and the melees you can buy are well worth farming but early on there's not much else reason i could see for grinding out duviri
Volt does everything,
By that I meant he has his use in every mission (including giant bosses)
But eventually you just want to try something else out. Sometimes it's great, other times it's not your style at all (for example, I just can't get into Rhino).
Any idea when/if Lavos is going to get a prime? Just started levelling him and holy shit he's fun
Try out Gauss
>came back to the game
>dex nikana
I spent like 1k plat on reactors and formas and shit to bring my remaining unleveled warframes up to snuff
They're a bunch of frames I'll probably never play under any circumstances but at least I have them in working condition
Sometimes you just don't want to wait
There's a reason why he's one of the most used frames in the game.
He's extremely versatile and just generally good.
Hell, even if he had speed as his only ability I'd still play him, getting shields as well pretty much means there's not a single fucking situation where he's a bad pick.

Personally I'm so used to playing the game with literal 4x speed at this point that I can't play anything else anymore.

Slow piece of shit, I was unironically hyped for him back in the day only for him to turn out slow as fuck.
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We know that Excalibur is the poster boy, BUT since he has fallen behind compared to Volt and Mag, who would be the next best pick for a starter frame to you?
they just skipped him and one other frame for prime so who knows
ember, duh
Bring back Loki as starter, maybe that will cause DE to finally make CC useful again.
You might wanna get non-prime ember instead, it's faster. Prime only gives a small HP and shield buff anyway
He's fast enough for me whenever I decide to play him, but Titania, Wukong, and even Zephyr (if you're on a good tileset where you 1 around without constantly bumping into shit) are a lot faster
this this this this
>DE to finally make CC useful again
they would have to remove overguard or make it not grant CC immunity, which is kind of the whole reason they added it.
Because of her skin...?

But why? He was taken off for a reason, and if we're going to rework Loki, then we would also rework Excalibur, which goes against my silly question.
>one of the most used frames in the game
I didn't believe you so I checked.
Shocked he's number 3. Would've thought Saryn or Mesa.
Kinda surprised that the top 5 frames are Revenant, Wukong, Volt, Excalibur, and Khora.
I can see Rev for content that would wipe you out, but that's rare content.
Wukong I just don't know.
Volt's good, but I didn't expect him to be that popular.
Excalibur I just can't understand. newbie starter boost?
And Khora... well she's a good frame, but top 5 usage? That surprised me.
>Because of her skin...?
that's literally it, just from a monetization standpoint lmao, thoever she wouldst've made a nice addition to the elemental theme going on
Instead of having only 3 starter frames, there should be 5
I mean yeah DE keeps trying and failing to update/revise the new player experience and offer alternate paths (familiar story with a lot of MMO or GaaS games and even one I worked on), so hell why not pivot 1999 and use the full cast of OGs + new boy?
forget prime I want a lavos deluxe
even one is enough
why would you pick anyone other than Mag
girls are icky
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What am I in for?
all of them are shit
The biggest thing I see in the way is that they'd probably need to remake the tutorial for some of them
>nice addition to the elemental theme going on
Okay, thats a good reason.

are they going M,F,M for heirloom skins release? As Mag and Frost were first, then Ember, now Rhino. Was Volt supposed to be next or?
why is revenant prime the most played frame if he is shit?
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because you arent really playing the game. therefore he is shit.
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70s-80s rock and 90s-00's pop is the pinnacle of music
don't know what trash you listen to but it sucks clearly
not really that great outside of some niche uses but i like her
pretty fun
boring, but he's #1 for survivability
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By Sol, it's THE MAN IN THE WALL!!! Huh? You're saying you're going to SAVE everyone but ME??? You're going to put ONLY ME in an ETERNAL VOID PRISON where I'll be subjected to a TIMELOOP where I'm forced to relive the same stories OVER AND OVER in EMOTIONAL TURMOIL??? AND I'm going to eventually just GIVE UP and get SNUFFED VIA EXECTUION then RESURRECTED just so I can GET KILLED AGAIN????? All while OTHER TIMELINE MES are going to be SAVED only to BE MANIPULATED INTO GENOCIDING OROKIN and then get KEKED by Ballas?! He's going to FUCK our MOMMY GF'S RAW SENTIENT PUSSY every day until she's nothing but a mindless EIDOLON?!?!!? And I'm just FORCED TO WATCH it all happen while I'm being HUMILIATED and SNUFFED in a paradoxical timeloop?!?!!?!!?

holy based ????????
You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He’s done worse.That Infested outbreak in the Cambion Drift? Are you telling me that a Warframe just happens to spread a contagion like that? No, he orchestrated it! He orchestrated it! Arlo! He gamed everyone!And I saved him. And I shouldn't have. I took him into my Orbiter! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change, ever since the Void. Always the same. Couldn’t keep a squad together to save his life. But not our Tenno! Couldn’t be precious Tenno! Stealing from the syndicates! And he gets to be a Prime Warframe? What a sick joke!I should’ve stopped him when I had the chance! And you—you have to stop him! You—
Hollvania Heirloom Ember rave parties are kino
The stats you're looking at are split by prime and non-prime. Here's the combined stats. Volt is the most popular frame because he's generically good and goes fast. Wukong is popular for the same reasons, but also he's popular in China and has lots of ways for retards not to die. Excalibur is next because he's just the default starter and lots of people don't switch. Khora is popular because she's a loot frame that was still in rotation at the time stats were published.
I wonder how Ember will rank after the skin lol
>reinstalled after not playing since 2017
>only made it to Jupiter back then
>holy shit this is overwhelming
>feel like I'm wasting my time unless I'm working on the most efficient method possible to catch up
>spent more time looking for guides than playing
I don't mind spending, is there a pack or something I can buy to catch up?
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stfu n00b
Buff Yareli
For clarity, I don't mean a pack to just instantly catch up, I just mean something that will help, maybe some current power creep that trivializes old content until I can catch up.
You could farm/buy a frame you think looks cool, look for a build and buy the mods from other people I guess
because it's fucking garbage, faggot
Easy top 20, maybe top 15. AFAIK her kit is only okay, but the meteors are cool even if they aren't strong and more importantly the Heirloom skin is so popular that it's bringing in new players.
>excal is only as high because he is one of the starter frames
A slight uptick, but nothing lasting.
She's stellar fashion, but still balls to play.
I should subsume thermal sunder on her, then she'd have a half-way decent fire ability.
>Why is another game with wildly different gameplay not in the OP?
...Because it's another game with wildly different gameplay?
why is this game still using dlss 1.0 what the fuck
archon shards and incarnon weapons are the latest powercreep and require some progression to get to without a lot of buy-it-early options
They're powercreep, but largely unneeded.
If a frame needs an archon shard to work, it's a really shit frame.
how is rev not playing the game? He's not the only frame that takes no damage.
You're a tremendous faggot.
Why does no one but me play valkyr? she's good, has a cool design, and nice ass.
I took the Valkyr pill after seeing anons shill for her, she's pretty good if you run fortifier to cover your ass against nullifiers and violence. I have to think its because youtubers and overframe tells people shes bad when she's a ton better than Excal.
this is a nice breakdown
>wisp lost a rank
>still used slightly more with her prime released
I love her and want more people to love her but I'm okay with that, if she was gaining too much I'd be afraid of nerfs
She's melee, has no AOE, and doesn't go fast. That's why Volt is #1 - faggots that hate playing the game are just speedrunning captures.

Thank fuck this is a platformer, so botting is practically impossible, as anyone capable has a high paying job.
Revenant is good at one thing: not dying to anything that doesn't just turn off abilities.
That's very good for very bad players. Basically the Inaros gang found a frame with some abilities
ppl that have a job let alone a high paying one wouldn't be playing this goyslop simulator lmao
Imagine my disappointment when I realized he's gear dependent.
What does Wisp actually DO, besides being an assframe? I'm a newfag
Escalating power consumption on her 4 is anti QoL so people stopped using her.
Same thing with Ember's 2. Turning it on and off isn't the end of the world, but I'd rather play a frame that doesn't have me checking to see if my energy's depleting insanely fast or not.
Buffs, mainly. An hp buff, an aoe stun, and a fire rate + movement speed buff.
Use Kullervo and any random shitty melee weapon until the story gives you Broken War, then mod out the Broken War.
just use equilibrium and you can keep it on forever though
1 leaves little buff dispensers around the map
2 is an oh shit button
3 is CC and damage amplification
4 is a big laser that everybody hates and replaces
Why does everybody hate the big laser, it's cool
It's cool, but it's also comparatively weak and not really cohesive with the rest of her kit, compared to say giving her Roar or some other buff to both add more buffs and combo with her 3
Hollvania 69 is the designated esex instance
it's literally happening in public like literally in chat
play the floor is lava for invisibility

it IS cool, one of the most if not the coolest ability in the game, and unfortunately that's it - it's clunky and weak
where the fuck do i find coolant raknoids holy shit ive been searching for 30 mins i just want these fracture rewards
The method I just used to catch up is only playing frames with exalted weapons. All of my old weapons have been completely powercrept and were doing absolutely shit damage, so I've only been playing titania, mesa, and valk. I'd especially recommend titania, she's busted.
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>biggest ass
her ass is nice but it's NOWHERE near wisp or ember heirloom when you're not zooming in with a fish eye lens
New thread with soulframe info
Coolant Raknoids follow Exploiter around when she's doing her patrol route. IIRC that's at the north end of the map, near the Temple of Profit or something.
>it IS cool, one of the most if not the coolest ability in the game, and unfortunately that's it - it's clunky and weak
They need to turn all the damage ults like wisp beam, rev twirly beams, etc. into exalted weapons so you can mod them. Would instantly save so many abilities.
Yeah, I actually did get Broken War yesterday. I'm in the middle of Rising Tide, which is absolute cancer... and supposedly this is the improved version.
Thanks, I'll check that out.
Yareli should be a maid outfit, not gross octopus things
god please yes, I'll buy plat or another supporter pack or whatever if DE does this for sol gate and blade storm alone but ideally all of them

as it stands the beam is so weak I'd only consider using it regularly if I could have full parkour/aimglide (maybe disabling her passive to be fair) while using it so I could do cool aerial sweeps and shit, as it stands you can pull some stunts off using her 2 but it consumes more energy and has limits
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that's fucking retarded
the fractures are all over the map
fucking dogshit design fuck this
What a fucking retard.
Harrow is a lot of timer micromanagement, but can be really powerful and works well as babbies first steel path frame.

Jade is really fun.

Rhino and Revenant are A+ survivability frames, but I mostly only ever take out Rhino for Index runs.

I don't like Ivara.
Harrow is a support, remember that.
whats up with Pazuuls schizo ramblings
Not arguing against it, but I've also solo'd half of steel path with just him. So if by support you mean I'm supporting myself and my trumna, then sure.
I wish rhino didn't cover himself in tin-foil so I could see my customization
just par-for-the-course DE writing
wait till you see the writing in soulframe
pure schizo wordslop nonsense
I dont like the name pazuul because i always think of pazuri despite never even watching that kind of content
>Why does no one but me play valkyr
fakerino, i'm the other last valk player
>she's good
yes, but
1. ripline is trash, even if fun, it provides nothing but an occasional movement boost
2. paralysis is ass on its own, with the augment she can CC and group, but it's still a buggy mess. any other CC effect on a mob (eg electric proc) cancels the pull and recasing it just yeets them away
3. her 4 is 90% trash, the remaining 10% is slide attack spam and heavy attack. constant slide attack means risking carpal tunnel
4. other frames just do her job miles better. even if the archon shards made her playable, she still falls behind garuda, voruna, kullervo, baruuk. hell, even non melee frames fuck her in the ass with shit like magistar or dual ichor incarnon.
5. no access to melee arcanes, acolyte mods because fuck you
she literally requires at least 4x as much effort to effectively kill and self sustain than others, which is why people think
>why should i fuck myself by limiting myself to a clunky melee when most other frames can have a versatile arsenal of weapons and do the job better?
hopefully after nyx and trinity """light rework""", pablo looks at her too surely he won't just reduce energy costs like what he did with ember
What's a good polearm?
ripline used to be fun for trolling teammates on extraction
my most recent use is pulling mrlets to help the cheese the lua organ puzzle
He's a religious leader, remember? He's just talking mad shit about us.
not really, he's dps with some squad buffs
That's every frame, you dolt.
ENTER Loki, the frame with neither of those.
i'm not saying it's utterly useless. i remember pulling a newbie up on that organ puzzle as well, and trolling afking revenants by pulling them into danger is pure kino. it's also good if you accidentally fall off the map, you can yoink yourself back up so you don't lose your 2 and 4
but it doesn't provide anything other than that. i've said it many times, a simple, effortless and short term "mini rework" would be to add some stat bonus after casting, like how wrathful advance gives additive CC, but DE doesn't like working for more than 1h a day
I mean 3/4 of his abilities are useless to the team without an augment. he's not a support frame
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>And I beheld a great Ram, and the horns of him were crowned with Sol, and with Tau. And upon his tongue, the Zariman flame. And the mighty daemon of the Void, cowered before him. And he feared it not.
Cool fanfiction, Pazuul.
I mean the mother eating his guts part
oberon higher than i though
>without an augment
Why is the augment not on?
whats up with all these 69 instances
is it just a LOL NICE EPIC NUMBER meme from the devs or what
comfiest thread we've had in awhile
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>I can brainwash 7 fuckers
>a single one of them can solo Eximus units (tested this yesterday)
>I can insta-kill anyone brainwashed by phasing through them when I’m done with their shit
>when I can energy to spare I can just spin around and kill armies (I will have the energy since I can brainwash for free if they hit me)
>I’m immortal
>I also make retards in my team immortal for 5 hits
>due to the arumeng my Primary gets even fucking stronger and I can murder everyone faster
>>>rEbenaNT is onLY good for being imMOrtal
Fuck you too. I admit a good portion of his utility it thrown out of the window if there is a killframe there but he can do so much I hate shitters that only use him for immortality
don't jinx it
>constant slide attack means risking carpal tunnel
yeah this is her biggest issue. I no-life farmed the jade shadows event only using valkyr and my whole wrist and hand hurt for days.
I live my Nikana Prime with my little funny riven. You go little Riven!
i love you too anon!!
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>light rework
>he has a tiny little smidge of faith in a proper adjustment
oh my lawd, anon, stop my sides
That's the religious leader having a melty. "Wah, just kill me, torture me! You're so cruel! Waah!"

>ObJeCtIvE aChIeVeEd. WeLl DoNe.
>Just admit it, Natah. You're scared to face the possibility... that I'm right.
>Examine your own heart, Natah. Peel back its blackened layers, and look deep.
>All things, are ordained. I intended this. I planned it. Your murder, our martyrdom.
>is it just a LOL NICE EPIC NUMBER meme from the devs or what
from what I know when instances came out there was a number of players who did their best to keep instance 69 alive, so devs made em permament
>Why are we still here?
>Just to suffer?
>hopefully after nyx and trinity """light rework""", pablo looks at her too
after ember """buffs""" that did absolutely nothing to help her, I don't look forward to any changes now.
I wanted to try the 2 hander kataner, but the fucking mod is behind the gay fortuna spider, literally fuck you DE
Essentially initially during release of each place there was shitton of people, enough for 100+ instances.
So people decided to keep instance 69 alive by all means, taking turns during updates etc. Just in general people are making sure instance 69 doesn't close.

At least that was initially, I'm not sure if devs didn't make it permanent due to that autism at this point or if people are actually still taking turns keeping this shit alive.
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>As long as the clans are in the OP, the schizos scatter like shadows at dawn.
We are blessed
You WILL play the content, and you WILL enjoy it.
did you guys delete your macro setups after the maiming strike nerf?
his 2 heals people, his 3 gives people energy, his 4 gives the crit buff to everyone
all by default
Gonna wait till the last day to do Slog Days
because he died in new war and the ram brought him back and is like mind control piloting him or something, so he's broken and unhinged
>I no-life farmed the jade shadows event only using valkyr
kek, same. she did great 1-2 shotting the sister but sadly that only ever happened when the host was running the game on a potato, spaghetti code moment.
i mean nyx and trin were comfirmed to receive a "light rework", literally. but i didn't say they will definitely look at valk, was just stating my idea
>The mall is now the dedicated ERP hub
God how the hell do you get back into this game? Last frame I remember was Garuda
As other anon said it's just cult leader bullshit.
Most of his dialogue is literally just obscure bible quotes with shit replaced with Warframe terms.
It's basically just basic "fuck you, why are you working against me" except said as esoteric as possible.
Personally I really like him and I hope they won't actually fucking forget about him, especially since he clearly knows and is against Wally and we're in the Wally arc currently.
Do your quests
Do you think they intended that when making it?
Finish your quests and star chart
in the book shop

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