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Happy Fenny Wife Edition

Fenny Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbPLAljMe-Y
Lyfe trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKb6Kc36y-I
Version 2.0 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3wIGyKb1IQ

Confessions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBwEidZ5LjY

Anniversary teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VN7Aq_76M6I

>Snowbreak 2.0 Overview & News

PC (Recommended): Standalone launcher, Steam, EGS
Download from main site: https://snowbreak.amazingseasun.com/

>Current & Upcoming Events
Main Story Chapter 13 "Suspense in Skytopia" now open. Reach Adjutant level 20 for expedited access
[Jul 11 - Aug 22] Loverush Party - monopoly minigame
[Jul 11 - Aug 22] Star Master - kusoge minigame
[Jul 15 - Jul 29] Defiance of Divinity - boss stages w/ co-op
[Jul 22 - Aug 5] Empyrean Tactics - wave defense
[Jul 25 - Aug 15] Specular Matrix - paradox incentive event
[Aug 1 - Aug 15] Endless Battle - co-op wave defense
[Aug 5 - Aug 19] Hero Games - co-op wave rush
[Aug 8 - Aug 22] Torrent of Fire - co-op tower defense

>Current & Upcoming Banners
[Jul 11 - Aug 8] Lyfe - Infinite Sight | Weapon: Nightborne Crown
[July 11 - August 22] Fantasies of Yore (limited selector banner up to 1.6, same with weapon banner)
[Jul 25 - Aug 22] Fenny - Starshine | Weapon: Heart Hunter
[Aug 1 - Aug 22] Eatchel - The Cub | Weapon: Blitzing Fangs

>Codes (Redeem in [Settings > Other])

>/snowg/ Resource Pastebin

>100 Pity Banner Type Details

>/snowg/ Friends Form:

Previous: >>487588784
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So, did Fenny win?
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She won...
What do you want to see in the eventual feet minigame?
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Reminder to stay fit so you can satisfy your wifes sexually.
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Licking, rubbing, sucking, and footjobs. You know, the usual
A smell-o-vision.
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Reposting forgotten anon Kino
>Fenny has two meta units now
>Lyfe only has Wyfe
People mocked her for going support, but she played her cards right and got even stronger. Never underestimate the lioness!
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Wyfe and WiFenny game.
Incredibly based
My beautiful wives…
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Fenny's milkers...
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Meh, couple of bit titted bimbos.
Wouldn't a flat chested imouto wife be better :)
I want to hug her tight and give her a never-ending sloppy french kiss.
I guess one of those would be ok
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I won't fall for your pedo entrapment even if you're legal
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Shitposting aside, I seriously hope we get edda eventually, as the story progresses into greater evils... Like Rozan.
The scene where adjuntant is running next to her made me notice her body type better, I want to fuck edda so bad, I want edda itty bitty titties and petite frame and I want it now
You will always be my main wife in my heart
You guys are my friends :)
Stop. You’re making me want this too now…
>Meanwhile, Cherno and Siris smirk at each other
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Why don't you have me added then?
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I prepared something for you, Adjutant.
I'm your wife you fucking whore
I want to have sex with Fenny.
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>big titted bimbos
Which operatives fit that label?
Enya and Marian?
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Nyoo... my wives are sad this can't be happening
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Hehehe, oh no Lyfe looks like I'm hijacking your husband, guess he didn't like that personality change after all :)
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Time to die, Edda
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I've been wondering for a while now, does any other game make marrying the girls/units a central part of the game? I know some of them have "oath" systems but it seems purely cosmetic/doesn't really have an effect.

honestly I never understood why gacha games seem to not want to have marrying a unit be a bigger deal. In fact it actually feels like alot of games want to actively have the "canon" be that the player character is aloof/dense about relationships with other characters.
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Oh.. Thanks Cherno
She's not that big...yet
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CN is full of femnazis who want to ruin any possible good times men could have in gachas.
For Japan or Korea, I dunno
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Now I can use Fenny to win on both neural sims, although Coronet + Starshine severely outclasses 4Fenny. I'll wait calmly for another busted ballistic support
yaobros wtf... we lost to eatchel...
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Shitposting aside, I seriously hope we get Rozan eventually, as the story progresses into greater evils... Like Edda.
The scene where adjuntant is basically fucking her made me notice her body type better, I want to fuck Rozan so bad, I want rozan those huge titties and breathtaking toned body and I want it now
Actually, yes. Fenny won.

>married out of pity
Lol, no. Just Fenny game.
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Give her like 6-12 weeks.
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Shitposting aside, I hope Adjutant becomes the greater evil the girls have to stop.
>I'll wait calmly for another busted ballistic support
her name is Mauxir
So, this is the might of Yehrus steel...
This except Lyfe did
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The weak should fear the Ich'
>Super AI can't even grow tits to fit the Adjuntant's tastes
Truly disappointing imouto behavior desu
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>starting waifuwars
>biting waifuwar bait
come on bros
Full of unironic cucks.

Full of feminazis, but the situation is even worse than in China.
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>break their hearts
>they all force you down and fix (you)
>honestly I never understood why gacha games seem to not want to have marrying a unit be a bigger deal.
Marriage being acknowledged in the main story necessarily means that it must be a harem, because they're not going to make a branching storyline for every permutation of marriages you could possibly have. And you can't half-ass a harem as an afterthought, you have to commit. If you're going to treat it as canon then it's going to take over the story.
>In fact it actually feels like alot of games want to actively have the "canon" be that the player character is aloof/dense about relationships with other characters.
Same reason non-game romcoms like to do it, to milk romantic tension.
Eatchel will never command a ta-
Yehrus space project...
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The mentalitygating of the new paradox really ruins the whole thing
>yaobros wtf... we lost to eatchel
why do women care what "undesirable" men do/enjoy? I don't understand.
I feel like some of them would follow (You) even after becoming evil.
I unironically want an event where the girls fix (you)
We really need a imouto waifu. We have already got Tess to call us Sensei, but there is no one call us Oni-chan, which is unacceptable. Also Osananajimi Tess vs Imouto Edda will be a time less classic.
yeah, I can understand that, especially with those games that have 100+ characters it would probably get out of control.
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Bwo, you're missing a key detail...
>Marriage being acknowledged in the main story
Not yet. So far it's been acknowledged only in personal files and I expect seaslug to never acknowledge it in the main story. Too hard to make it work, too easy to fuck it up.
Didn't Korean men declare a war on feminists or did that end already? I know actually kicked them out of a few places.
Katya, Tess, Cherno, Siris and Eatchel would
I lacked critical information
because you are having fun, unironically. The idea that you are having fun and enjoying your life doing something they deem "incelish" gets their panties in a wad.
Siris would be one of the few to go against you. Her good girl energy has her care about Adjutant's soul the most.
she would try to fix you, and for that she needs to be at your side tho
what's the consensus on new 5Fenny? is her gun worth getting?
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lyfe in the middle, new marian on the right... whos the one on the left?
As well as:
Lyfe - she's evil too
Fenny - she doesn't care if you're evil or not
Marian - she's into it
I really like WiFenny gaming
b-bros...I'm not as cool or charismatic or smart as adjutant irl...
>Adjutant returns from New Delfino
>The first thing he does is propose to Fenny
The Adjutant really is me
Probably Haru's old design
Start wearing a hoodie everywhere and it will come to you naturally.
100 cap is being boosted to 300 cap.
Yeah she's good
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Right now my record with Esther is 9.9 seconds. I wonder if T2 Alloy truth would let me get into 8 second territory. M5 cat would certainly help but she's barely M3 (no dupes btw) so she won't be at her max for a good while. Starshine is M0 and has the default logis so she has a lot of room to grow despite being T2. Coronet has one perfect logi and 2 good ones and she's at M4, right in the middle of getting M5. I'm sure I can get some obscene clears if I squeeze everything I can from her.
Man, NS autism hits different when you're playing a girl you like
that's not new Marian, that's 4Marian
How great is it that you get to wake up and know you live in the timeline where Fenny unfucks herself and finally bags a win and her man
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c'mon people, I was lagging like shit and can't even shot fuckers or use skilles for like 1/3 of a time.
Zoomers forgot how to aim for a head or something?...
Everyone agrees the one on the left is proto-haru. We shared a lot of links to snobble beta stuff a bunch of threads back, snobble's beta is even more interesting if you take the game's entire history into consideration
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I don't think I can buy wedding skins for the other girls after this.
>Look at me with my new toy! I'm so great isn't it?
>Zoomers forgot how to aim for a head or something?...
bwo.... They're probably newfags.... So much of your damage in gacha is decided on account power rather than skill
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Acacia deserves one. She works nonstop on her game for you and quite frankly it is a masterpiece.
The skill ceiling is so fucking low when Sniper doing lower DPS than SMG
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>Uses a character + sig that's even more busted than Katya then complains he did good damage
>Mad at what probably are casual-ass players just playing for fun or doing missions for golden tickets unlike his meta-sperg ass
>le zoomers
>Awful ESL redaction
>Doesn't even show levels to know if they're newcuties
Do not post anything ever again
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is nuFenny a support or can you player her as a main dps? sorry for the dumb questions, i haven't had time to look at her kit, i'm a returning player that's excited to get her. who should i put on her squad?
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>Acacia deserves one. She works nonstop on her game for you and quite frankly it is a masterpiece.
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She's primarily a support, but can be an okay DPS. Problem is she makes Coronet extremely fun to main again, so you'd rather do that.
She's mainly a support, but as far as supports goes she's the most useable one as a DPS. She won't be beating any pure DPS characters at it though.
>is nuFenny a support
>can you player her as a main dps?
You can but she's dogshit at it, so it's not recommended
>i haven't had time to look at her kit
Her support skill is busted, it adds special ammo immediately with no need to reload to use it, it has 3 different charges on top of having a quick cooldown and it massively boosts the on-field operative's damage, with her cope the boost lasts 5 seconds but with her sig it lasts as long as her ability is on.
3 of her 5 manifestation levels upgrade her support skill.
I am also an ESL though, here have a french kiss
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thank you, this general is very helpful!
what dps benefit from her the most? Coronet? Who else?
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A-Anon, you're too forward!
Coronet, nuLyfe, 5Chen
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>Forgot the pic
Lyfe forma wyfe
Future ballistic-focused DPS
The only problem is her skill(forward) is literally flashbang auto canon
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huh? You didn't see it? I sent them to you on the following thread, look: >>487378757
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I wonder how the girls feel about having plushies made of them.
>she's dogshit at it
Retard, how is she dogshit at it? You shoot things and they die in a couple seconds. She is more usable than other supports in content as a dps. The only exception being neural sim but no one gives a fuck about neural sim.
thank you kind anons!
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I went to sleep and missed it... blessings upon yeh bwo
I think I'm going to regret not picking her from the selector for awhile
I've got some good news for you
I've got some bad news for you
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Bwos... I just read nuFenny's personnel story and it was too powerful... fuck. I was not expecting it to hit me this hard. I feel like a stupid piece of shit for not liking her earlier.
And what's that?
Buy her wedding dress as restitution.
And what's that?
I tried Alt Fenny in coop with 2 Wyfe I only got 9% damage
I wasn't expecting these to be good good, Chernyo's will probably give us the biggest heartboners.
NTA but did you have her maxed?
The only reason I haven't yet is because I'm not a footfag.
The day we marry Cherno will be the happiest day of her life. I await it.
logistic lv12
M0 T1 sig
level maxed
Why didn't ya'll tell me nuFenny was dogwater to play before I fed her all those mats (You all probably did, I just didn't pay it any mind)

But seriously, I've got 4*s out here putting up better numbers. The worst part is she's not even fun. Super takes 2-3 business days to build up and sucks meanwhile Wyfe gets hers in 30 seconds and can use it to clear out whole waves.

I still love her though.
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Your missing out on this.
No shit, the enemy spawns in this patch's coop heavily favor lyfe, and fenny's aoe shot can only hit 3 enemies at a time with no chance to crit. If you get at least 1 lyfe that's geared and played competently, she'll mop up. That doesn't mean fenny's shit at dps.
Thanks for reminding me. I might have forgotten.
It's not like you have to buy her interactive scenes. Her dress alone is quite nice.
I want to see my fingers lock with their toes or else it's shit
to be fair if you tried the new coop mode, that favours greatly AOE due the spawn so even Katya can outperform others there
acacia probably has a hidden FUMO of her somewhere
what is the selector weapons ranking after Fenny's release, I feel like Alloy Truth is still the best while Chen's sig shoots up in value.
If I were to buy the dress, I'd buy it for the interactive scene. I don't actually like wedding dresses being worn outside of weddings. I wouldn't want her to wear her battle suit to the wedding and I wouldn't want her to wear her wedding dress into battle. I have Lyfe's wedding dress but only switch it on to give her headpats and then autistically take it off for doing content.
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How do you miss all the posts about her being a support?
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QUESTION: tourist here who only casually follows GBF. Why are people talking about Snowbreak all of a sudden? Something about being able to date waifus? Are there really all of these gacha games and none of them let you do what Snowbreak does?
That is indeed autistic but admirable in my book. Not a footfag myself, but I do like legs, so it werks for me.

Maybe he thought our friends overseas would push seaslug into buffering her DPS potential.
shart strikes again
What's your favorite game mode out of Star Master, Tactic Evaluation, Underground Purge, Paradox Labyrinth and Cerebral Dive?
>STACKABLE ATTACK BUFFS and multiple instant reloads are bad - /sczg/
KEKYPOW troonraph lost
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fix your fucking game acacia
I don't know. I play this pretty casually so I figured
>Eh, that's probably for the people doing the side content and co-op stuff to really optimize damage. I'll build her up and have fun regardless
>I mean, she's our #2 heroine, she can't be BAD bad, right?
But no, she kinda is. I'll play her for a bit, struggle with some grunts, then switch to Lyfe and begin flip flopping around mowing everything down.

I just don't get how they can have a full playable build for a character designed for the sole purpose of feeding others ammo and never setting foot on the battlefield.
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>SEAnigger hours
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Cherno if she real.
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I believe that's totally intended and see no problem with it.
Too busy shitting up Paradox, sorry.
Prease understand, unreliable workers that keep asking for unproductive things like sleep and rest
The pink one complained even after three cans of red bull
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>struggle with some grunts
How? I mog them by switching ammo types
Well... Looks like another sleepless night for Frit.
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these younger generations just don't wanna work anymore, they are asking for things like workers rights and 2 hours of sleep
i heard the pink one has a degree and even worked as a scientist and uses that as ammo to ask for a higher pay, the gall of some people
oh god... they're everywhere...
I genuinely did not have that bad of anexperience, in fact I use her comfortably by using one ammo or other depending on what I'm fighting
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Acacia has the best footwear in the base.
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Ever since the patch my Fenny has been looking weird. Still the cutest girl though.
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>get alloy truth even though I don't have the catdog because the guide told me so
That's Elfnny, easy mistake to make, maybe they are distant cousins.
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She looks exhausted, but that's what 24/7 marital consummation does to a gal.
She's the canon first wife. There's no bigger win than that.
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>go to the 'cord to criticize the guide
>get shat on
i'm surprised to find that for once, 4chud and the chinks give better tips to newplayers, including guides, than the normies themselves.. huh..
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Assuming I have every single girl and NO sigs and all of the cope guns maxed, what is the play lads? Who is unequivocally the biggest winner with their weapon?
It bugs me that Fenny support skill in coop doesn't apply to team mates.
More specifically, because you are having fun without them. It's not just that you are having fun that riles them up, it's the fact that any man's life doesn't have to revolve around them that pisses them off. It pisses them off even when chad thundercock enjoys shit without them, but in that case they will pretend to ignore it because speaking up would cause him to drop them like the dumb sack of fish they smell like. They have nothing to lose by crushing (your) hobbies though.
Probably Mauxir and Eatchel
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I'm going to end up buying a couple skins
>Fenny #1 Wife
>Lyfe #1 DPS
everyone won
gonna need the sauce on that uncensored yao, bro
holy hell fenny + lyfe wyfe is just infinite ammo and non stop dps
I wanted kaguya but since she's next for wedding I'll save
Yes but playing it well on mobile is practically impossible.
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>>Lyfe #1 DPS
That's nice. However...
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>struggle with some grunts
This is me because I can't aim for shit
Uuh.. Did Seaslug put more of the special currency than usual? I have 85, and there are still 45 from the still to be open event mode
Even if they rerun the shotgun attachment from Eatchel's patch, I would still have 30 left? or are they planning to make them more expensive for future reruns?
What? You have infinite ammo, how is this not fun?. I know she can't compete with pure DPS but WIFenny can do good damage on her own
I want them to make a double victory screen if you have both lfye wfye and fenny wife skins and their on the same team...
This isn't patch isn't Lyfe/Fenny won, but rather Katya lost...
He's just one of those guys that insist every character must be an on-field dps
mumu make it happen
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tell why SHOULDN'T every character have the potential be on field dps?
They do
Good morning sunshine
anon.. you can literally do a bullshit ton of content with a lv1 nita kek
what you want is a boring 1button operative that let's you rush through everything.. why not play an auto idler at that point?
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I have her signature gun tier 2 with kinetic damage rolled on her logistics, I'm having fun
WIFenny game
>anon.. you can literally do a bullshit ton of content with a lv1 nita kek
I assume you have evidence back up such a bold claim?
I hope new cuties at Troon Chord don't read what's on lore thread.
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Unironically Fenny Coronet is SSS tier now if invested in. She finally won.
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Bought one of the best skins in this game. Gonna get the Yao one when it comes back as well.
Lyfe with Fenny is so fun. How am I supposed to take any other team now?
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Fine, you got me you sons of bitches. But only because they're the two main girls. You think you can get me with a meme gremlin like Acacia or a basic bitch like Haru or Chen? Don't get carried away, I'm the Adjutant, not some manslut.
someone post the lv 1 nita webm
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Let me in
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>nita viable
bros tell me how is he doing that?
Nanomachines, son.
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>I'm the Adjutant, not some manslut.
lol, lmao even.
>The best standard character for new players (who they can get for free from a selector) gets a support that is also free that makes her godly
What a great time to start Snobble.
You think Fenny dresses like this in the snow to get her nipples as hard as possible?
>I have her signature gun tier 2 with kinetic damage rolled on her logistics
I wish I were you. My luck is SHIT
Did you roll on the 50/50 for the gun or 100?
What about Yao?
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Just use the special cream for the cold bwo
I rolled on the 100 and used the 30 weapon parts from the box
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It's paradox bwo
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You vil marry Chernyo and you vil be happy.
>used the 30 weapon parts from the box
You are a true fennyfag
Why is his name Joseph - Hardened?
how good is this generalist team bwos?
>eatchel for heals
>wife for infinite ammo
>offmeta or fun char with AOE capabiliites
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I really like this skin but was on the fence if I actually wanted to get it. I might get it now that people are saying with nuFenny she isn't just reloading simulator.
it's the future version of the adjutant
don't get too enthusiastic about it
here are some comparisons done on Tactics 9 Joe Biden with M5T2 Marian
>M0T1 New Fenny, maxed set of free logis, using support skill to give Marian the clip (these are averages)
ADS headshot: 49.1k
Cloud Shot: 23.9k
Follow-up standard shot after Cloud Shot: 67.8k
>M3T2 Kaguya, Amarna logis
ADS Headshot: 46.9k
Cloud Shot: 33.2k
Follow-up standard shot after Cloud Shot: 70.6k
>M3T2 Mauxir, Amarna logis
ADS Headshot: 44.9k
Cloud Shot: 30.9k
Follow-up standard shot after Cloud Shot: 67.8k
*this does not factor in the big crit you can get after ~9s due to her Deiwos, which is about a 116k follow-up standard shot
M1T2 New Fenny will probably be a very modest improvement over these other two options when run with Tess, for fastest clears on fights where it's possible to score a kill before Mauxir's Deiwos buff could come online (again, that would be anything under 9 seconds)
New Fenny is nice quality-of-life, because you don't have to manage reloads around your cooldowns with her, but since those downtimes exist anyway while you're waiting for Cloud Shot charges to refill, it's not huge in efficiency terms—assuming the fight allows for it, you might be able to squeeze in an additional ADS headshot
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It's top tier
he's rock hard
Shit, I forgot this was rerunning...
>instead of just making WiFenny a better version, they made her the best support for 5Fenny
>now they can keep selling old Fenny skins
smart move seaslug
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So this is what veteran feels when newcutie join co-op event...
Skimpy cold wear really activates something within my brain
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Nah. Chernyo will watch pic related get married with the Adjutant instead.
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This means Frito alt will make Hush meta
Invest in Frito now
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Well no because Wyfe didn't make Wild Hunt any better or vice versa.
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how the fuck did you know I was a Yaofag
Yes I'd marry her but she's the only other one.
>nuAcacia as a DPS to go with Kaguya
>nuFrit as a support to buff Hush
you have the perfect patch, do it seaslug
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Is the free fenn out yet? Have no other reason to play since I only have the basic ssrs
Real recognizes real.
No, seaslugh pulled out and gave away a free fritters instead, you can pull for fenny with bitgold tho
Wild Lyfe and 5Fenny were both DPS, they can't make a patch with 2 supports. Out of the 2, it's obvious they would give this treatment to the one with more skins and fans.
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Which was the order we met the girls again?
Lyfe > Fenny > Frit > Acacia > Nita > ... I can't remember the rest
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Can I do anything with the rarer event shop currency once I've bought everything out? Weird that there' doesn't seem to be any unlimited buy options so I can just dump the rest now I've finished getting everything.
From where the game starts or the timeline in general?
use the rest on logistic you dumbo
Akcstually, isnt agave before acacia?
if you're talking chronologically then Tess might have been first
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waifu messaging system soon?
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You can't buy logistics with the rarer currency though. only the basic farmable one.
From when the game started, I'm thinking about how they might decide the next girls to give bride alts
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Edda is first because of time-travelling titagen magic
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By this logic Edda was the first to see your dick, since she's in your head 24/7
Awww, i see. Thanks anon. I just want Marian to get something! But i don't should get greedy, specially when Nitabros didn't even got her 5* version yet
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They are going to rerun the shotgun attachment from Eatchel's patch, but unless they increase it's price you would still have some left after it, so no idea what are we going to do with the rest of them
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Edda with the personality of leyley sounds funny now
Bwos imagine mesugaki Edda...
Eddabros... We've got too cocky...
>no edda blob
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Edda has a cute voice
lorewise it's the voice in your head, you're a schizoid now
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>Just listen to the voices, Adjutant. You'll get more powerful as you listen to them.
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So... nothing changed?
what order should i do fenny's neuronics?
the voices tell me to fuck my little sister.. but i don't have one..
Which Fenny?
new fenny
I love her
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Bro, your Red Edda?
>edda thread
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Eddakeks getting uppity, it's time to send out Wyfe to strangle all of them.
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The top two are for her E, the middle two are for her support skill, and the bottom row is for her ult. So either the middle two or the top two first depending on what you're using her for
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Luv Girl
Simple as
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By strangling Edda you're also strangling the adjutant, since I'm inside his head and yours.
I'd say the most important one is the one that let's her store more charges for her support ability is the most important. Then both of the ones for her standard are pretty good if you want to actually use her on field. Her ult sucks so don't bother with the neuronics for those unless you're completely maxing her out.
>I would have died at this part of the story
Adjutant is too strong...
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Stop dropping your guns you stupid retards, why are you still so bad at this? Yao too.
I really do hope they buff her ult a bit. It looks too cool to be this underwhelming.
C-cute... What kind of monster would want to strangle this?
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why do I laugh every time I see it
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can someone please tell me how to get rid of this horse shit debuff in paradox lab. Every time I shoot I lose 200 hp until my entire team dies
I wonder if CN cares about it.
First time?
I want to masturbate to edda now, what have you done to me
The difference is that I care about Fenny.
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they’re too busy making showcase with her as a support to care about her personal dmg
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It's the monkey paw effect working, you got the Frito beam, but it's worse than Hush.
>I really shouldn't stick it in that, buuuuut....
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make it stop
If they did, you'd have heard about it by now. 80 cost for her ult is ridiculous though for how weak it is. But then again, she doesn't take the cake for worst ult in the game (I think Enya earns that title).
I actually use Enya for when I somehow fuck up an instadead boss ult and saves my life I can appreciate that as brainlet
I just looked at Tieba real quick and there's a lot of people complaining about it being bad, but I'm just using google translate and don't know what's going on over there
bwo, check your buffs
You will kneel
She's 19. She's 11 years too early to be a hag.
Should be 20, now. The new chapter says it's been a year since the game started.
This also means Acacia is 18.
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that would be just a cake bwo, add 10 more years.
you just have to make some of the not yet wives mention it with envy or jealously and done, no need for more and no fuck ups
Seaslug, give me the imouto waifu or I will call the Gacha Cartel and riot.
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The only thing we can do is delude ourselves into believing she's a hag.
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friday is finally here
maybe i can finally get around to figure out loverush minigame
That’s lame. the gacha is fucking horrible lol haven’t gotten a single SSR from it. Guess I won’t be rolling for her
Bro you were lied to so easily
Ehh no wonder they gave this shit away for free….looks extremely underwhelming….now I’m disappointed I waited for this
>calls you onii-chan
>rivarly with Enya
>"big brothers must pamper their little sisters"
Are you this retarded or am I the retard?
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Hey you
Yea you
You should kys
Some dude at CN's already making plushes out of these lol
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Isn’t this the anniversary limited? It couldn’t been better doesn’t feel like anniversary limited. Looks very generic
cartel shill detected
are you retarded?
do you even have the game installed?
There's no way you guys are biting that bait.
They aren't sending their best
but it's so tasty...
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Its all we know
this is how you can tell someone doesn't play but wants to shit on the game, too bad to be bait
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Newfag detected
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Bite this instead, Iczel
bite this! *unzips*
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lol it looks like straight dogshit man. Can’t believe I waited two weeks for this utter shit. Does this game get any better designs?
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Gotta get down on Friday!
the classic reply to yourself
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Reminder that if you continue falling for retarded bait you will be dumber than Eatchel and she will have the right to rape you. You don't want to have a girl that is too retarded to know when to stop on top, do you?
This is disappointing to see. Fenny would never drop her gun like a klutz
I do have the game installed. Playing it on steam waited two weeks because you faggots kept saying we’re getting a free fenny. This is the shit I see lol I’m disappointed it doesn’t look nor feel like a limited character
Don't tempt me with a good time
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replying to bait now
Read the Lore thread from discord coward.
i don't have discord
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I don't like the coomer skins, I'm here just to shoot things. The day they release cool one my wallet will tremble.
same discord that recommends you to pick alloy truth without a mauxir, 4* or 5* btw doebeit
Signing up for Eatchel rape. It's fine, I can handle it.
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I'm noticing
I don't like you, I'm just here to snog. The day you kill yourself everyone will celebrate
But I'm you...
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Stop noticing.
Any CNbros here? I've been reading some Fenny opinions on Tieba but is there a MiHomo raid going on over there or is it genuine?
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chenxing's dorm story really does feel like a relic from a time before seaslug went all in on master love stuff. I wonder if it's going to get optimized.
I hate that the girls would rather be rivals and fight tooth and nail to the death for Adjutant's affection than get along as a team and go to bed together with Adjutant. Also hate that Fenny is now a 2nd best Klutz Girl failure
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too tired to notice, sorry adjutant
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Continue noticing.
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Who do I believe?
Just Mihomos beaten and used from the Nilou cuckening
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i'm tired of event paradox already and they want me to do this shit twice a day?
bwo your nekopara? isn't that what you want?

i like the conflict, wish they had stronger personalities, kek
>touching personal files
>finally overcomes her insecurity
>first to marry (You)
>best wedding gown
>great support and good DPS for a support
No one. Not even yourself
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>/snowg/ noticing hours
>time to post seaslug facts
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I want to buy the wedding stuff but is there any personal file about the wedding? or just the interactive scene?
All I know is that Star Master sucks and Acacia is a hack
>only the standards are available in that mode
Imagine not having Harusex and need to use Nita when you really need the green decoder, kek.
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Implying I wasn't using Nita on purpose
Her personal file is so good, it was worth the wait
I think the operator UI needs improvement. We're getting enough operatives now that the scroll isn't good anymore and the filter is kinda plain, Should just list the portraits of all our operatives and some small icons to filter out by element and weapon type.
I thought this was just going to be about Batesian mimicry but it was actually way more interesting than that. Very cool, thanks for sharing your seaslug facts Professor Frito.
I agree with this suggestion. Might be a bit of an OCD thing but having all the versions of a character under one icon would look a lot cleaner and organized. Their icons already look way too similar to differentiate as it is now.
I'm not ashamed to admit my eyes got a little moist. Our lioness earned her victory every step of the way.
didn't know proff fritters was a marine biology professor haha.. and her best friend is nita.. with nanomachines as arms.. that appear in an instant like a ghost..
What the fuck is Nekopara. Fuck it if I'm gonna get flamed here. Can all the girls like, be friends or dome shiz
Your reminder that Nekopara is considered old nowadays.
Erm why would I use either when I can use Fenny?
in nekopara? that's the premise, they are friends and want (You)

in snowpeak? the soft conflict is quite literally part of the fun, maybe seaslug will make them much more amicable with each other, doubt some wedding events will be as conflictive as this one, like siris and cherno, or they will be as purposefully playfully conflictive as possible, like eatchel and mauxir cause cat and dog fighting funni

Oh shit... that Catmaid Hentai ish game.
Wait since when are her tits so big
>released 10 years ago
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Just a little something we've been working on
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HELP ME! My waifu Fenny keeps reloading my balls with her support skill and drains me endlessly.
>he doesn't know Nekopara
Never thought *I* would feel old by knowing something like Nekopara but here we are...
Katya may be the first. Adjutant has worked with Will's squad when he was head of security.
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These fantasy outfits are pretty nice
so do wedding skins/scenes include any story about the ceremony or is it just the scene? or is it the personal file?
>come on, 2014 wasn't that long ag-
>10 years
Walk in a circle while shooting at her.
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Imagine a filler event about Acacia hosting a DnD session with you and some other operatives
Hag bros, good news.
I made a request for a mature female operative to be added to the game in the Snowbreak Discord Game Suggestions chat a couple days ago, and it's unironically gotten more positive interaction than most posts there tend to get in general. It stands out!

Now, how often do the devs look at the chats, let alone the foreign chats? Probably not terribly often. And even if they did see the suggestion, they might not be interested in the idea. AAAAND even if they were, there's still the matter of the Chinese audience and how they'd feel about a hag operator. Gotta look out for their own people first. I respect it.

But still, if the stars align, this could be us getting one step closer to our goal. Our GRAND DESIGN. Am I huffing copium? You bet your candy-ass I am. But dammit, I want to dream.
it's pretty dumb to have characters that you literally never get to use/see.
It does have some additional dialogue, fluffy post-wedding stuff.

>Adjutant has 18 CHA
>Tess has 8 INT
>Frito has 8 CON
Ohhhh, I rike that idea, all the girls should have to show up in cosplay.
Who was on the Star Master team, again? I remember being shocked by one. I think it was Lyfe.
Post your team
There is a little bit of dialogue in the interactive scene
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I'm not a sirisfag but this is fucking adorable. These emails are pure soul.
Acacia, (You), Fritia, Lyfe, Haru, Katya, Mauxir, and I think Agave will join
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Is this gun good? should I use all my pots to get this from the daily shop?
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>Nita never stops looting everything that isn't nailed down
>Eatchel always go to the nearest tavern to eat
>Katya just buffs the shit out of everyone as a bard
>Fenny just sticks to Adjutant's character like glue
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In case you didn't see it, those are all written out as letters on twitter.
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I love these devs. They know exactly how to pander to me.
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>Eatchel's handwriting is better than mine
eatchel blowing on me
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Reminder that a dude wrote these
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A dude also nutted inside your mom, and that's where you came from.
I-I'm a dude
nah, Warhammer-esque tabletop war game with Heimdall operatives, bosses, and snogmons
>Haru taking it way too seriously
>Lyfe managing to stay calm despite her Wild Hunt ricocheting half of her shots
>Tess, Acacia, and Frito all trying to cheat but getting caught in 4k by Chen's perfect memory
>Cherno obviously winning but super embarrassed about it
>Siris and Mauxir recording the game
>Yao and Eatchel eating all the snacks while no one's looking
>Enya giving Adjutant a back massage
>Fenny and Katya fighting over Adjutant's attention
Marian and Nita not pictured
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the weak should fear the strong...
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Fenny's subtle asscrack is hot
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>started during the last patch
>the events actually ended several days before their posted end-dates
>can't get the chibis
Obviously, a woman’s wicked heart can never write stuff like this
the avatar chibis? you get them from the third relationship story
What are you talking about?
I love Fenny...
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>tfw I'll never get a beautiful, adorable, loving letter like these from a real girl and have to settle for the ones written by a chinese business man in my gambling phone game
It's an abstract kind of feel.
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Should I reroll for Lyfe and her weapons?


Should I just play on a Enya lvl 5 account I have?
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A contest comes up where the girl that gets the best love letter (according to devs) gets a response letter. Will you write?
You have the free Enya, don't even think about rerolling
You should do the first option if you hate yourself from the bottom of your heart
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The cute Fenny chibi made my dick hard...
It's over for me.
I’m shit at writing so no
free Enya is obviously the way to go, that's like the equivalent of 13k free digicash
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Remember, this is still a Wyfe and WiFenny game.

Even despite *dda trying to hijack the thread earlier.
Before the update I was actually worried that Seasun was killing off the directors a bit too quickly and that they were going to have to figure who the next big bad is going to be after them so I'm really glad the put in Rozan whose the bigger bad and can be a long term villain/rival.
Same, although I was worried about Edda, she was starting to not feel like a threat anymore.
Can 5Haru and 5Enya even be pulled normally or do I have to wait for them to be on a banner?
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>Bought both bride skins
>Only did the covenant with Fenny
Am I a bastard?
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kill evil women
behead evil women
roundhouse kick an evil woman into the concrete
>cute chibis
this is a slippery slope, this is how you get chibi fuckers in your game
you'd have to wait for them to be on a banner
Kisses, hugs and headapts
all you have to do is get her to m1, which is a bit tricky for newfags like me
It's the canonical approach to consummate with Fenny first.
How do you beat roguelike mode it's too strong for me
I seriously get so horny every time I play a mission with fenny.
Get the shield perk. Nothing can hurt you then.
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Does this weapon skin come with the outfit?
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5Fenny and 4Fenny blast our benis
6Fenny reloads our balls with premium semen
Get lucky
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Hehehe, rent free :)
You can buy either separately and there is also a combo pack that includes both
I'm playing Snowbreak
Yeah. It's the best cope support pistol for Acacia (both versions).
What are the odds of it appearing again on the daily shop?
Very rare. I started during Katya's patch and only have a T3 prismatic igniter.
Need even more high heels pandering
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you gotta learn to laugh about these things anon
where's your sense of Humor?
What's the basic strategy for loverush?
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should have been funnier, bro
Does having all 3 logistic to Lv.15 have an impact in damage vs lv.1?
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Beeline for any one ending by getting the two stats to 520.
Win, and pick a buff (particularly any of the special-week or last-week buffs).
Repeat this for each girl.
Get a session where you get all five stats to 520.
If you fail along the way, that just means more buffs to make it easier the next time.
Logis come with base, fixed stats that improve when you level it. Here's the difference between +0 and +12, the minimum cope refine level.
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Forgot my pic
sh-shut up
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This might be the best looking weapon.
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I actually had to pull up the calculator on my phone for that....
Yeah I love the design also
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the random pylons jutting out of the sides look stupid
I want charged based weapons.
When people say M2T2 or M1T5 I know that M is manifestation, but what is T for?
Sorry for a retarded question
yao's ult sniper has a charge delay each shot
weapon tier.
purple weapons go up to 5, orange weapons only go up to 2.
Tier of their signature weapon (it goes up to 2), And copegun is their 4 star gun from the event shop
surprised they didn't do this with the crossbow instead of making it the infinite ammo arrow hose it is
fuck it just give us a regular bow and arrow
give us a heavy machine gun
7x10 = 70 - 7 = 63
I just want a ballistic damage handgun op whose signature is a huge magnum
Revolver Acacia(Revolver Acacia) soon. Trust the plan.
Agave can't have any cool weapons. She's a dumb nerd
Agave smells because of her hairy pussy.
>I want charge-cringe weapons
CN Leak says she will be sniper user, support kit.
Donno if trustworthy.
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>Played My Dearest by egoist during the final portion of Fenny's personal file
>Her reunion scene with Adjutant gets 200% more romantic
Give us a gatling
I want a musket girl
You better not be shitposting. Buy that damn dress for our first wife.
her default outfit is so much better though...
Just don't wear it, get the skin for the ring
Can't say I agree, but you also want it for the ring.
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Pine aurora, t2 haru or t2 katya? This box is killing me.
Do you think Siris players are even aware they're playing a third person shooter?
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My Fennywife is so pretty...
T2 Katya
Pine is trash, 5Haru is old and busted
Yao sex...
>married Fenny when Lyfe was battling schizophrenia on her own, her state worsening over time
Adjutant doesn't really love Lyfe so it's okay. Fenny won only once, but she stole the only thing Lyfe actually cares about.
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>tfw I'm seriously considering paying 30 dollars for a skin I don't like just to add a couple pixels of a wedding ring on her finger only in the dorm
This has to be a new level of mental illness.
For me it was the 30 parts and wifennyT2.
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Frito will win.
I don't know anything about this game but i saw you can marry characters. Does it let you marry more than one character or are you locked into monogamy?
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cheaper than a real one
you don't have to get the scene and weapon skin to get the ring
You are locked into polygamy. You will marry everyone and your opinion is not taken into consideration.
30 bucks for a skin is too much imo. But if you think you've gotten 30 bucks worth of fun out of the game and you want to throw the devs a bone, then its alright.
Lyfe was doing fine in her schizo mind battle. And she probably asked Adjutant to marry Fenny first after seeing her meltdown.
>Huh? Yeah, sure Lyfe I'll marry you too, just give me a month
>Goes back to plapping Fenny
Chenxing... Forgotten...
Good thing it isn't 30 bucks then isn't it.
That's for everything. The skin alone is 15
lmao, you really do have a grudge against Katya
good, she's boring as shit
only popular because she's the chink representative
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I will always remember her as she forever remember me
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If you always approach things from this perspective you will never allow yourself to have fun. Just enjoy the moment a little
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Will they add older women to this game or no?
That's an hour of work at a somewhat decent job. Enjoy life, anon.

I love her so much.
What's the gap between fenny paid gun and event gun
20% and unlimited duration of the buff while ammo is loaded compared to 5s duration of copegun
What was the last time you see an actual old woman in gacha game anyway. Also fossil like Tau or Kal'stist doesn't count.
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What h-game to play with Acacia?
I'm kinda happy snogger will never have Genshin popularity with porn because that means not having to endure ntr
You telling me everytime I die to a Leopard 2 on gay thunder its Eatchel commanding it.
We have reverse NTR
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Arlecchino and Clorinde, but Mihoyo are too gay to give me more girls like that. Even to get the pyro archon, I'd have to wait until November. And they'll probably just make her worse than Hu Tao because she isn't from Liyue.
At least Katya loves me!
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Dumb question, but Twilight Squad's "Dealing damage with an active skill" condition works on both support and standard skills right? I would assume so since this logistic set seems tailor-made for 5Acacia but it would be a pain if I had to switch to her every time I wanted to proc this effect instead of just using her support skill
A nice design wasted on kusoge: many such cases
Paimon is the only good design in genshit
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I don't know anything about GI lore, but isn't both of them in mid or late twenties? I mean someone that's like over thirties at least.
>that pic
holy moly
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What is this thing for?
Nah, I'd really love to have our own Reed/Loughshinny in Snoble instead...
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I dunno, my guess is it unlocks a path on the map later
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it's over
Right now you can marry only two characters. Technically it's polygamy, but you marry one of them out of pity. She doesn't really count, you only give her what she wants because she's a useful asset.
The path would have stopped you from continuing unless you have had that.
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No more stamina cost in Paradox
Sweet. I want to have sex with Nozomi.
good, and thank you
I'd love to know why/how they arrived at that system in the first place
just baffling
The usual gacha formula
Drip feed content and force you to login daily to have a good number for investors , active user you know.
I hate Paradox so much. It should be shorter
sure, but even the most basic alternative, like
>first 2/3 runs of Paradox Normal or higher each day give decoders based on composition
would have been better in every way for the player while accomplishing the same thing
A thing you don't undersatnd CN community is nuts.They complain about literally everything right now , some reasonable , more clueless. so the simple way to fix it is just to have no limits.
When does the pity kicks in at the 100% banner? 80?
Complaining about this is perfectly justified. Multiple timed stamina/entry systems is the worst shit in gacha.
If you let this kind of thing slide next thing you know you'll be watching 20 timers on different stamina systems. Don't forget to log on every 3 hours or you miss your chance to get 3 presence and a nursing handjob from Enya.
Dust White Forbidden Zone
Dusty forbidden area
well, I too prefer no limits
I just don't understand why they'd implement a system that actively punishes the player for playing Paradox if they have 1-49 Mentality
No no limits, we'll reach for the sky
No valley to deep, no mountain too high
No no limits, won't give up the fight
We do what we want and we do it with pride
Sound worth it to me.
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Sexting with Marian all day long!
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So what's the verdict on WIFEnny?
>no stamina shite for paradox
Hell yeah. I can play without holding back.
no reload only schut
Warm anus.
Based and canon first wife. 11/10 in bed.
pretty much as expected
absurdly strong support for 5Fenny/5Chen/6Lyfe
small improvement for Marian
couldn't tell you about Katya
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Happy Friday
Why do we call wyfe 6lyfe?
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bad onfield dps.. Mumu lied...
only retards call Wyfe 6lyfe
So when's the update that fixes Paradoxical Labyrinth dropping?
What about Lyfe alter? FGOfags?
it's the simple things
From shitposts like "UR 6star Awakened Lyfe Rearm Leap"
Black Souls, obviously. Or maybe I play that with Cherno for the true schizocore experience and just play something gameplay heavy with Acacia. Maybe Newona if I can convince her to make a multiplayer mod. That would probably be fun with a few tweaks like limiting a few of the cards and capping deck size.
Skyrim with Loverlab mod
Acacia is a Morrowindchad.
Based winner of the Heimdall Waifu War.
Lyfe lost hard.
Sticking to Acacia like a mollusk...
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Huge tits?
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Can someone explain this shit to me real quick? Can I procrastinate on this?
>run laby
>get symbol crystal thingys depending on who you bring
>use them to unlock nodes
>get rewards
You can see who gives what by clicking the bottom left button.
Oh, okay, so its' kinda like... was it the beach shit? Where you have a thousand currency, but it's actually really simple
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Counterpoint: picrel
>Hmph, you finally lost Wednesday, I am the first wife!
<I just killed another version of myself inside my mind, im fucking loco, Fenny. Oh, and send me some photos from your honeymoon.
Where can I find it?
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Fumika Fantasy
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>This is how Acacia's h-scene ends
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>The adjutant just went into Lyfe's dorm and now I'm hearing weird sounds..
Must be fine, they are probably training
>Gen alpha acting like a Boomer
Shes an Oblivionfag
I wish Fenny's support skill had another voiceline.
So is Fenny Alter basically just a support button that you can press to reload your current operative?
I wish fenny would stfu
Yeah, in english for example.
I wish Fenny was real
In French, her native language.
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Too perfect for this world
Where the fuck does this "Fenny is french" come from anyways ? There's no hint she might be a frog anon and I speak as one
How much damage does dodge shot do on an enemy with a mark compared to an enemy without one?
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Neural 1% bros???
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>Video ends with Fenny getting brutally mogged
I'm tired
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>blue, yellow, red
Uhhh... Fenny is... Romanian??
fennylostbros our response?
for Fenny being a support unit, Lyfe got btfo
Speaking of, how is CN reacting to having their voice actors fucked over by mihomo?
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I'm noticing
Correct, this a EvroGODs general after all, mutt not welcome
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hehehe dot go brrrr
They should have given out limited operatives as trial units in new shadow raid to shill them instead of standards.
that's a full M5T2 team
you don't need anywhere near that much investment to get a better time than that with most other main dps characters
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What kinda lazy ass raid is this?
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She could also be dutch anon, just admit you want to have a french waifu, well "Agave" sound pretty french so maybe you wish will come true
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she looks like the fem mc from HSR
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I just woke up it's too early to be noticing
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>there's no raid
>still schizoposting
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ignore retards and discuss this
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It's just Cherno samefagging.
DoA, will have niche community but that's about it.
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I'm more of a Go Nagai person for mecha, wake me up when there's a super robot game besides SRW
I love feet so much bwos
doesn't look very comfy.. I love mechs and this needs more destructible buildings/cities and stuff, not 2 million particle effects at once.
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>I want all
My fucking god how did they get away with this snowbros? What other game or any form of media has a canon harem route?
We just can't stop winning snowbros
It's kinda sad how hard Lyfebros are coping with the fact that Fenny won the only battle that actually matters.
Okay Miss Silver Medal lmao
I think fennyfags are actually Fenny.
you lost
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they will get over it eventually once the new shiny dps rolls around.
Fenny should be banned from posting here. She's worse than Cherno off her meds.
uooooh I'm hyped!
Does Marian ever post here?
Projecting is bad, anon.
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>Fennybros right now
What happened to SRW anyway? It's been a while since 30? I've seen no news ever since.
That's what (((they))) said about Snowbreak.
Fenny won against an autistic schizophrenic, while other girls are raping her husband right now.
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At least she isn't trying to shill her own kusoge here.
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Such a common thing for mecha games, still so sad at GBO2.
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Fenny, the first wife, the winner.
I signed up for the beta. Don't expect normies to follow. AC6 was years of fromsoft farming goodwill with dank souls and elden ling.
Sorry Fenny, despite you being the first one, you can't really undo an entire chapter of Lyfe being the alpha stacy and putting everyone in their places, including yourself
She's still at the top of the pecking order
Fenny is a lesbian
I'm fine with it. Lyfe is so alpha she forced another woman's husband to marry her, too. Honestly, I don't care about waifu wars. I have my favorites like Lyfe and Acacia and everybody else has theirs.
Well, not anymore kek
>That's what (((they))) said about Snowbreak.
Well, that was unfortunately true, if not the pivot to fanservice I don't know if the game would still be here.
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Looks a lot better than the last time.Time to sign up.
>waifu wars
It's less of a waifu wars and more of a waifu banter
Go back femcel
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Any snoozers here?
Bro that was months ago. People would know by now that Seaslug actually did deliver.
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Genshitters are sending their best sometimes, lmao
Looks real cool hopefully it lasts a long time. Good mecha is rare.
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how many hexagons do you get if you try to do paradox without stamina
Don't worry about it anymore. The stamina system is getting scrapped soon (within a day or two)
Will Mecha Break have waifus?
what do you mean 2, 2 randomly picked from all the hexagons you would get?
Fenny the most kissable head wife.
Adorable, easy
It's build-a-waifu
It was just a matter of marketing and the devs's commitment to not cuck the player that saved Snogger, the game itself didn't change all that much.
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Yeah, cappuccino is like 28 or whatever her canon age was, and Clorinde is probably about the same.
But in discussions about "actual women" in anime games, that's more than enough. That would make Arlecchino the same age as Kawakami in Persona 5. It would make her 9 years older than Enya is now in Snowbreak. It would make her 3 years older than Katya.
What counts as a "woman" is subjective, but 28 feels like a decent bar. If a woman would and could feasibly have a master's degree, I think that's old enough.
Would you not say Katya, a 25 year old, is a woman? Hell, I bet many would say Enya is a woman, despite her being a teenager.
How old is Enya in her personal file? Isn't she still legal under jp laws at least?
>the game itself didn't change all that much
Uhh it did though
It changed from a third person shooter to a third person action game
Paradox Stamina should be deleted shortly.
Man ac6 was such a disappointment. And even with all that normalfag pandering, it still flopped. It tried to appeal to both sides and failed miserably.
What is it about Mecha genre that turns off normalfags? Hopefully mechabreak will benefit from whatever that is
Enya is 19. No, I'm not kidding.
Holy fuck she's a natural born snowmogger. How does she not have a wedding skin yet?
Did they say they were scrapping it? I thought they just said they were raising the cap to 300 and changing recharge time from 12 minutes to 10 minutes?
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lmao sure
ac6 is still the best selling in the series, so it wouldn't surprise me if fromsoft makes more later. I hope it strays away from the souls pandering though.
>Man ac6 was such a disappointment.
nigger what?
>normalfag pandering
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off topic AC6 was my first mecha game and I thought it was pretty good gameplay wise but I saw many old mechafags that were disappointed. What makes you say that AC6 was pandering to normalfags?
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I keep hoping for a melee button and it never happened.
Played all the games in the series as they were released, and I have no idea what he's talking about. AC6 is completely in line with the other games in a series that constantly reinvents itself anyway. If anything it's AC5 that fucked up by going the MP always-online normalfag route, complete with always online BS that killed the series for 10 years. AC6 is a miraculous return compared to this trash.
I like AC for single player, I'm expecting another series to be the goto mecha PVP series and I hope it'll be mechabreak.
Play or look up vids of ac4 or ac4fa and you'll see.
Ac6 is super toned downed even compared to ac5 and has soulslike systems like estus, shield parry, stagger criticals, etc
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The whiplash from going back to Cherno+Enya after a few games of Lyfe+Fenny is insane
He's /v/tard that hates anything that resembles Souls
NTA but my main gripes with AC6 is the speed of, well, everything really. See AC:FA and compare the speed, mech fights shouldn't be like souls game where you have deliberate attack windows and what not
Why did the movie cutscenes change from tacticool + super powers to turbo-chuuni shonen?
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How do I move my girl to another floor?
Drag them to the bottom first bro.
>Lyfe holding her eye before it starts glowing and lighting strikes the goons
The chuuni never left.
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Yeah, but the tacticool left.
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You can't. Forcing people to move is NTR.
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Have they like, shadow-removed the mentality cost already? I just finished a run and it didn't cost me a single point of it
More grounded sci-fish approach didn't sell as good as fanservice chuuni shonen?
Also probably natural evolution of them becoming literal demigods.
Jiggles will be in every hot patch from now on.
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You're right. NuLyfe needs some holster straps on her thighs, instead of her weird vent not-holster things.
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thanks, got it sorted now
I am going to need to see a comparison
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uhhhhhh based?
The patch is out?
>removed mentality
>lower drops per run
nothing personal
Crazy how much soul is in this game. It's a shame people just don't like settings like that, apparently.
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The drops didn't change though. This was my first run after the hotfix
Yeah, this is what I'm afraid of.

Hopefully this is the case.
We have a pretty international cast. Chinese names, murrican names, yurop names and even a gorean. That's pretty rare, innit?
You forgot Japanese (Haru) and Indian (Nita). Diversity is good when it's like this
Is Leif of Norse descent?
It's pretty cool, yes. I enjoy the megastructures they have, like the towers. Also Yehrus got pretty neat factories and the dam. New hentai is great, but I would have liked it to be bigger. Just having structures that absolutely dwarfs the characters are cool, especially if it's future brutalism, with some modernist minimalism thrown in.
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>People comparing it to 4 and acting as if it was the standard when it was the exception in terms of speed
>Wondering wtf they are talking about
>Armored Core 4 is a 2006 mecha-based vehicular combat game developed by FromSoftware for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
Super slow compared to AC4A though still decently fast, at least it wasn't AC5 where it felt like you were moving at like 20mph
"estus flasks" because they desperately wanted to appeal to Souslike fans
Stagger system and stagger damage multipliers (that a lot of people blame Sekiro for even though it's not exactly Sekiro's stagger system)
Absolute dogshit balancing around most weapons on launch that was so obnoxiously unbalanced that the only way it made it past QC is either because it was on purpose to give casual normalfags a way to cheese past the game or they literally did not QC the game at all, made worse by the stagger system
Enemy AC bosses being balanced around healing which combined with the shitty weapon balancing made it so that the same boss can range between actually very hard and deleted in 2 seconds while taking zero damage based on whether you cheesed stagger+stagger bonus damage or not because their HP bar is 1/4 of what it should be and is supposed to be balanced around them chugging heals
It's a copy paste of soulshit mechanics instead of being armored core. Especially the gay ass staggershit. AC has had a bunch of different speeds over the years so it's fine in that regard, but seriously fuck stagger locking being the core of the game.
>What is it about Mecha genre that turns off normalfags?
The mecha part. Normalfags have a mental block when it comes to giant robots.
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This shit should've been in cat's M3
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It's basically "Infinite Stratos, but we fuck."
The entire reason shit invun spams is because of mauxir. They would just pivot to a similar mechanic if it was.
It's also not set in the real world but some sort of pangea like supercontinent, going by the maps.
Fiend and Cerberus existed before Cherno.
Cherno doesn't give a shit about invun spamming. Her own boss does it after all, it wasn't in reaction to her strength.
Both with easily bypassable invul phases
Cerberus even has the titlebar dragging exploit
Not him but they also existed before 5Mauxir
Man, this is really is a mental institution. Every Operative is now hyper obsessed with Adjutant and wants his everything starting with affection. Without him, they go mental and end the world. What the hell has Tau signed him up for. If I were the Adjutant, just leave Heimdall.
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>they now show which buffs you're yet to get for the buff pokedex
holy based
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Huh, I never noticed ring-a-ding ritual's levels can be seen from Fiend's arena. Also, Esther just didn't spawn lmao, Paradox is the buggiest it's ever been for me. It even freezes for like 10 seconds whenever it moves on to a new level, it's never done that before
and the girls have mental illness
pretty DEI friendly if you ask me
Why are Marian chibis always so sad or anxious?
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It's too late to leave. The girls would track him and follow him wherever he goes.
If they want to go pander route they have to do it because everyone will have different favourite. Imagine if only Lyfe or only Fenny got married with Adjutant. Seasun wants money and this shit will sell.
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They can also be surprised
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Both of her personal buffs are busted wtf
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>open chat
>see this
well well well... look who came crawling back
Pass the user ID, he became lost in the 90+ disconnection limbo for me back in the day so I unfriended him
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What's his crimes? I assume haughty "I'm too good for this" then came crawling back because finally honest with himself?

A case of the old "Every accusation is a confession?"
Taming world-ending demigods and marry them is one of my favorite troupe desu.
Also physical disabilities
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by that logic SHITchel is meta
He posted too many coop screenshots without censoring his name. Other than that he shilled the game frequently on /v/
>it still flopped
It sold more than the rest of the series.
Man, you guys really fighting invented boogeymen in your head.
Aphrodite manifestation when?
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Left because of the EN VAs leaving. Notorious Lyfefag, singlehandedly associated Lyfe stickers to retarded raider-tier posts during the first months of the game
But she IS meta anon, what are you talking about

Ah that sounds about right, thanks.
even worse
may Allah forgive me for uttering this word - a dubfag
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I never posted snowbreak on /v/. I only use /vg/ sometimes.

I left because I was upset about them dropping EN VA. Still am, but I kept seeing adds and shit and then I saw new Lyfe and decided to reinstall.
Some people didn't like me because they thought my name has something to do with fetish. The rest is just made up thread lore.
>the mecha part
>pacific rim (1/TB) peaking from behind the corner
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This party is getting crazy.
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Teumessian is a nigger. Look, he's a nigger.
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Then may Allah have mercy on him, for I will not.

I only started playing cause EN dubbers got BTFO'd to the curve in-definitively.
no enemy step
not interested
time to bake bew bread baker bwo
Please understand, Beatrice is going through her edgy phase and designed this new version in the image of Shadow the Hedgehog
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How do I unlock more girls bros? Or is this 4 the first batch of massage game?
sry, I mistook you for sb else. I thought you were the guy making those rag doll gifs.
Sauce pls
Bwo, I miss doing Gigalinks with you. Please pass me your UID or I'll scout the OP form for it
Sometimes I wish SB start as fast-pace action game instead of tactical shooter. At least NuLyfe is stepping into that direction.
>going by the maps.
going by the maps it's set in super Australia
The first batch is all of them + Katya, yes. You can't do Katya if you don't have her
It's clearly super Texas. Australia couldn't fit Russia and India inside if even if super sized.
Is Teumessian from Mauxir's event? Rerun when?
Alright I'm just gonna grind Yao's ass then
Seems like it's a bug
>GFL profile image
I'm nooooooooooooticing
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Nice to see u back.
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Inb4 they turn it into a feature and they add "Teumessian - BLACK" to the NS boss pool
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>singlehandedly associated Lyfe stickers to retarded raider-tier posts during the first months of the game
Well actually it wasn't me, but I thought it was funny so I sometimes retard Lyfe posted too, so it's kinda true I guess, but I didn't start it.
Lyfe has no ass btw
The mentality gatekeep truly was one of the dumbest things i've seen on a freemium game. Beating even the Isekai: Slow Life events.
Yeah, I ate all of it. Sorry
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>1100 tickets in Lyfe logis
>finally a ATK 10% (with 13.5 Haste)
Can phonefags tell me how much data this game uses?
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new bread? doko?
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All these operators, even My 2 wives need meds to control their obsession.
No, you're a shit for many other reasons and you should just stfu.
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it's snover for us
gib mod link
nom nom nom
pero pero pero
I got the Yao skin... Never would've thought I'd reach this point when I first started.
I can bake. Give me an image to use
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this one >>487698152
This one >>487717919, we need more feet connoisseur
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My dick is in love with feet
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k some more Fenny feet then
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I can't wait. It was so fun to play the first time and now it looks even funner
this is cursed
this doesn't look very comfortable for her
>kill cam with pilot
Good. The pilot in the first test did fucking nothing at all besides show up in the match start up and finish screen on your player card

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