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ye olde: >>487602542

ENTER edition

>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password
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Messmer did nothing wrong
The hornsent deserved worse
Miquella is a faggot
Forgive us Miyazaki-sama! Forgive our sins! We pushed you too far. We asked for too much!
Wretch is supposed to be the class with the most build freedom, right?
If so, why am I stuck with 2h jumping club spam up though exploring everywhere south of Altus Plateau?
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Ruins of Rauh?
more like Ruins of Raul
it runs like shit man, wtf.
inside the building it runs good, but you step outside and look at the scenery and it fucking chugs but my GPU/CPU are not being fully utilized
fucking japs devs suck dick
>You've never been to SB or reddit.
Huh? What's SB
>Wretch is supposed to be the class with the most build freedom, right?
no that's vagabond
wretch is the le funny sl1 class
>fucking japs devs suck dick
Yeah but this is still a PS4 game so it's easy to run. Upgrade your toaster.
>Wretch is supposed to be the class with the most build freedom, right?
Wrong, that's Vagabond.
Damn it. I shouldn't have gaslit myself into thinking I had to beat the game as a Wretch for it to count, and on my first Soulslike, too.
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no reason to run this bad on a 12600k + 3070ti at 1440p, nigga.
stop sucking fromsoft dick
imagine wifing a woman obsessed with a gay twink
those faggots don't put points into int, faith or arcane that's why they say vagabond.
all my characters excerpt the first one are a wretch so I can boost stats or larval tear accordingly
This but unironically. In the Lands Between there's at least a sense that it used to be a decent place. Okay so there was lots of slavery and mass murder even back in the golden years, but even in the present it feels like there is still something worth fighting for. Everything about the hornsent culture just makes it out to be fucking gross and evil. It's hard to imagine that the world would be any worse off if they all dropped dead.
>Ash of war to put fire on your weapon
>Ash of war to put lightning on your weapon
>Ash of war to put holy on your weapon
>Ash of war to put cold on your weapon
>No ash of war to put magic on your weapon
Fucking why
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Skip straight to the gay twink
>wife that is devoted and has an honorable cause behind them
You could do worse.
carian sovereignty
Is there anyway to make the Winged Crystal tear last longer?
That doesn't put magic on your weapon you stupid fuck. You summon a sword for ONE attack. It's nothing like flaming strike, lightning slash, or sacred blade.
>putting ashes of war on your weapon
That's against the rules! Cheater! Modbeast!
Did Hornsent do anything bad outside of sticking people in jars?
you never explain what you want so you don't get it
I literally just explained it. Are you illiterate? I want a magic version of flaming strike/lightning slash/sacred blade.
magic weapon is a staple fromsoft spell since the first game
you can't just GIVE it...
Beheading and sticking unalloyed golden stakes in Midra's people
He obviously means a grease effect after the ash, like the other ashes he mentioned.
Their taxes rates were quite onerous
Have you ever used a class calculator? Vagabond is as perfectly capable of spreading his points around as Wretch, but has more optimized arc in case you don't need it. If you want to play a str, dex, or arc build without putting points into INT at all, you pick Hero or Prophet.
wanna try spells, what are the coolest ones? preferably pyromancies or whatever the fire ones are called here
>those faggots don't put points into int, faith or arcane that's why they say vagabond.
vagabond is the most versatile starting nigga however because it only ever has wasted points if you go full arcane, and is only ever behind an astrologer or prophet is they literally don't use any weapons because they start with like 8 str
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Best starter classes are Prisoner and Hero because those are the optimal ones for the two builds I play.
fire serpent, messmer's orb, catch flame, giantsflame take thee
Your question is really really vague nigga
But if you want to play a faith character you have a pretty neat skill progression in starting off with fire spells bought from the roundtable hold, into finding the godskin book right at the start and your seal of choice for the first half of the game, along with now getting black fireball your cookiecutter fire spell that is good vs everything and does % HP damage, to getting weirder shit as you go on
Fire has a very good progression
Can't believe they didn't add back in half of the cool DS1/2/3 pyromancies.
>tfw no chaos bed vestiges still
>fire serpent
Honestly all you need for fire incants. Completely assfucks every boss weak to fire by itself and is S tier in PvP. Casts fast as fuck and consumes barely any FP too.
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You just know Marika was proud of Messmer delivering righteous justice to the hornset. Notice how she didn’t send Godfrey, Radagon or someone like Godwyn to kill the hornset. She secretly loved and trusted Messmer.
ok but do you NEED it?
Oh my god WHO CARES
>waa waa why do that game who isn't even a sequel doesn't have the same spells waa waaa
that is 95% of your casts, but the other three have nice niches
She wanted Messmer gone from her life because he was born a freak.
Unless you're doing some megabuild that stays at like 8 dex all game and only uses 1 thing vagabond is the most "versatile" because you can respec into pretty much anything with minimal wasted points
As opposed to an astrologer wanting to turn into a faith build for example
Hero does have a cool set tho
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>not having spell variety is a good thing chud
>porting enemies like the stray demon and capra demon 1:1 is heckin' wholesome but don't even think about porting spells
all her kids are freaks
omen twins are gross omens
malenia's been rotting since birth
miquella is a homosexual
I don't use class calculators because I like to boost stats sometimes because of all the +5 talismans and helms they've made and wretch is best for that.

arcane is the best build, by the way you need 11 in every stat to use smithscript weapons which are OP
They didn't seem to want "spam comically fast aoe niggery" kind of spells to keep existing I think
>because you can respec
Who the fuck respecs? Just make another character if you want to play a new build. Do you seriously only ever play one character? Fucked up.
>enemy has a giant axe
>"d00000000d totally a 1:1 port of the taurus demon DUUUUUUDE"
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>A special physick blessed by Marika, the queen of the Erdtree.
>Completely restores HP and heals all ailments.
>Marika once created several of these physicks for Messmer's sake.
>But never again.
>>"d00000000d totally a 1:1 port of the taurus demon DUUUUUUDE"
The omenslayers are reskinned capra demons and the erdtree avatars are reskinned stray demons. This is extremely common knowledge
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>arcane is the best build
>Who the fuck respecs?
You don't need to lash out with dumb stuff because you didn't start with the "best" class nigga
Just play your way
So would you have advice for someone who bumbled his way past three Shardbearers without reaching Altus or Leyndell?
I was pumping up Vigor, Endurance, and Mind because I didn't know what spells or weapons I should use, but then a previous thread ordered me to waste a tear putting Vigor and Mind points into Strength instead.
>reuses 70% of previous games
>but not the fun shit
Those don't fight the same at all, the just share a skeleton
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imagine the egz
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Legitimately what kind of retarded cunt just goes "anyway add an armor set that adds 8% damage with no real downside" to the game
It's been over one month and I still haven't found the motivation to finish the DLC.
>because you didn't start with the "best" class nigga
I literally did though? I plan my builds in advance and pick the best origin to suit them. Again I ask who the fuck only plays one character in this game? You have 10 god damn character slots, use them. Larval tears are limited. You seriously only play one build and then swap to a wholly new one and leave it behind forever? That's fucking bizarre.
Vyke and Godwyn got to fuck dragons it’s not fair….
The divine beast of death blight is the worst
Prophet is the way for a messmer build right?
No they don't.
>but dude they look vaguely similar TOTALLY A 1:1 PORT
Taking 8% more damage to deal 8% more damage seems pretty fair to me. The real issue is that that armor set is also above 51 poise, they should cut it down.
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how is the spritestone? it seems to do good damage
>Don't you dare to approach miquella the kind
Why did she sounded so flirty?
Not him, but my sole character has gotten only about halfway through the game in 60 hours of playtime. I can't imagine having to make and carry through the game multiple extra characters, let alone enough to fill all 10 slots.
Just snipe it from the bridge. If the devs aren't going to make content that respects the player there's no reason for you to respect the content.
He's shitposting because he's assblasted, most people don't have 20 gorillion characters
Then what's the point of wearing armor when you're basically asking for it to behave like light gear.
is beating radahn with ansbach and thollier more of a flex than solo because they inflate his health in exchange for having 2 worthless NPCs
you need around 35 endurance to use the heaviest armor, I like 20 mind to cast skills and spells, and 60 vigor is essential.
After that do whatever you want. But I suggest to aim to be fully sufficient in one of the 5 combat stats instead of pumping 80 strength or something just because the damagefags in this thread want you to do that, it's more important to fulfill all weapon requirements.
60 str lets you use every str weapon (mind the other requirements in other stats)
48 dex lets you use every dex weapon
30 faith lets you use every faith weapon (not counting the seals) 72 faith lets you cast every spell
38 int let's you use every int weapon, 72 int for every spell
28 arcane for every arcane weapon, 53 arcane for every spell.

use this https://eldenring.tclark.io/

Don't go over level 165 and do ryas quest.
I'm more annoyed that there's no spell to fire buff your weapon
like would it have been so hard to make a magma sorcery like that
>Miquella becomes a god
>severed body parts come back
>curse is cured (is now an adult)
>other than that is mostly the same but all his combat abilities get jacked up x10
Would the same thing happen to Malenia if she ascended? Her rot curse goes away, her limbs and eyes grow back, and then she gets x3 health and damage and every move is now Waterfowl?
bloodflame blades fire damage buff is 0.4 seal spell buff. It's bad but it's what we've got.
>what is bloodflame blade
armpits do NOT look like that
Art isn't about what is, but what should be.
I love failing questlines because I killed some boss too early or because I talked to this one guy before this other guy or because I didn't kill myself at least four times in front of another NPC before I hear a single word out of them

I love missing out entire sections of the map because I didn't hit some random ass wall, didn't use the correct gesture in the right spot, or didn't find a tiny little hidden hole/ladder that leads to it

I love having to just guess what combination of physical, elemental, and status weaknesses the bosses have other than an educated guess of what they "should" be weak to (fuck you Borealis)

I love being told YDBTG if I decide I don't want to waste my time and just look any of this shit up
>host hides in the corner and doesn't interact with the boss at all

>host dies like a dumbass and you wasted your time and got no rune

which is worse. both feel bad.
Thanks for the advice.
Looking at this, it looks like Steel-Wire Torch will be my best option for mixed damage, or the Hand Axe for raw damage.
yeah I know, meant a fire only one. black flame blade adds fire damage too
>>host hides in the corner and doesn't interact with the boss at all
immediate sprint on top of him so the boss kills him
>>host dies like a dumbass and you wasted your time and got no rune
I get resummoned until I carry his ass (kino)
when radahn does the slam at the end of his combo that triggers a delayed eruption can you jump the eruption? Also do any of the moon spells give you a jumping hitbox during the cast?
gives bonus damage
what's you guys obsession with buffs?
they have been dogshit since ds3 and they are clearly designed for builds that way beyond what we play. NG++ at the very least.
The last game that buffs were good was sekiro and the game before that was ds2 where you could buff infused weapons.

Buffs are shit because
>The weapon needs to not be infused with int/fth/arc which means 99% of the time it doesn't scale with your int/fth/arc
>if you want to buff it's because you have high int/fth/arc
oh well enjoy buffing your claymans harpoon, erd steel dagger, smithscript weapons or bloodfiend fork/arm
it's a weight tax that exists to turn light rollers into medium rollers
if you're low level just get vig to 40 and then do your thing, don't do 60 vig because that's for later when you have already beaten half the game
To those anons who were already at RL150 when you went to the DLC, did you end up leveling a bit more by the end? Where did you stop? RL 170?
I liked buffing my raw mace with carthus flame arc
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okay, i'm ready.

redpill me on seamless co-op mod invasions. am i missing out? is activity good? are there a lot of hackers?
>Also do any of the moon spells give you a jumping hitbox during the cast?
Yup same as the dragon spells
I didn't level up at all
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I don't think I've ever fought another player once in this game. I play online mode. Why is this? Did they change something?
I wasn't leveling up at all but people kept doing it and I wanted to keep cooping so I went to 200 like everyone else.
People say its more active but desu it seems less active to me.
I meant to start at 150 but my character felt bloated and I started around 120. I got so many fucking runes I decided to keep leveling to 200 but ended in the low 180s. Think I shoulda just stayed at 150 and burnt the runes on bullshit.
Buffs are for hybrid builds, dumdum
what level are you invading at?
was that better than the infusion?
No, most people have passwords.
No, see above.
in that case i must have just fucked up my timing because i tried to use ranni's moon against rellana's double moon and ate shit
You have to use an item to be invaded in Elden Ring
In normal play you cannot be invaded without summoning another player into your world.
Yes, you can only invade people who have phantoms with them
>shaped like a bagel
How does he keep getting away with it?
yeah that was the point, if you were doing a magic build you could use either an infused weapon which would usually be mediocre, or a raw weapon with buffs which would be stronger but require more upkeep
this basically doesn't exist in elden ring because no raw infusions, and because magic infusions are way stronger than they used to be in dark souls. But it basically invalidates buffs, pretty much the only weapon you'd ever use for buffing is the treespear.
>i tried to use ranni's moon against rellana's double moon
maybe it doesn't leave you high up in the air enough (when your character jumps your legs completely lose their hitbox)
if it doesn't work it just doesn't
I didn't level up at all, but I had both 137 and 166(invades down to 150) characters.
Online activity feels significantly better at 166.
At 133 I'm always either getting fogwalled or dragged to a TT duelist's world.
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>invade from 10PM to 1AM
>every third invasion is against chinks ganking in a dead level, rune arc'd grace duelists, or worse
>invade from 2PM to 5PM this afternoon
>extremely pleasant experience, don't run into a single chink or grace duelist, it's almost nothing but actual co-op'ers and the occasional password phantom
I really need to invade during the afternoons more often
Miquella is so lucky
You should be able to buff weapons that are already infused
>a bit more
I went from 156 to 200, which is a massive amount of runes, and I still ended up spending millions on smithing stones, upgrading weapons, and misc. consumables

Anyone telling you to play at 150 at this point is living in a bubble
aren't you flat out better off using scholar's armament over magic infusion if you don't mind upkeeping the buff
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I don't invade. Invaders are big meanie heads.


OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH ok that explains it, I had no idea. I just thought it happens when you use a rune arc like in ds3 with embers, but I never use rune arcs because they're so rare. Oh well.
They pussified the game, yes
>I started around 120

I did the same, but only leveled up after defeating legend tier bosses. It does put you around 145-150 at the very end, so i wonder if that's the design intent.
Is it good idea to switch between death knight twin axes and longhaft one for situational AoW or should I stick to one? I have enough end to carry both and still have midroll.
200 puts you out of range of most DLC beginners. Stay at 166-168 unless all you want to invade is radahn stairs.
I just thought if you wanted to fight another player, invading is an easy way to make that happen
Again, people don't seem to understand that there are tons of players who never stuck to 150 to begin with, and 200+ was always active even in the base game
My sole character is at level 79. How far should they be storywise?
>it's a weight tax that exists to turn light rollers into medium rollers
While I haven't checked to see if Elden Ring has an equivalent to Dark Souls' Red Stone Tear ring, there's really no point in bringing armor with a weight tax for damage and little poise. The whole point of the armor in my mind is that it's supposed to be a middle ground for those that want a damage boost. It's why in my opinion that calling for the reduction in poise is moot and retarded.
you don't get to 200 with normal play in the base game. most people start the DLC at 120-140
consecrated snowfields
>little poise
it's good poise. I think at 51 it puts you out of dog bit victim range
the capital or volcano

not really because you can only buff standard, keen, heavy or quality
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>Miquella's light isn't boosted by dry leaf seal the seal that boost Miquella incantations
>Miquella's light isn't boosted by the circlet of light the item that list the spell by name as the thing it boost
>this wasn't fixed in the patches yet they caught every exploit immediately and nerf'd it
I could see if it was same random spell but this is the spell and item you get for beating the final boss.
NTA but don't invest into stats you don't need, and don't overinvest in a stat just for the sake of wielding a weapon or casting a spell which you may not end up caring about. Also capping your level is only for PvP (and the meta is far lower than 165); if you're going to offline PvE forever you can level as much as you want.

The only stat you need is 60 vigor, everything else is variable. Just put in the stats to wield the weapons you want to, then you can always use a larval tear to optimize your build later once you understand the game more. Also know that stats have soft caps which dictate when diminishing returns begin to come in, so look those up.
>what's you guys obsession with buffs?
Because they're obsessed with people playing the way they want them to play. Basically they're massive control freaks.
Shit. I've only dipped my toes into Altus Plateau before detouring into killing Radahn and then diving underground to the Deeproot Depths.
>little poise
You've misunderstood the conversation, the original anon was calling for the reduction in poise for the armor set.
You don't have to summon to get invaded, you can used the Furished Fingercalling thing and just clear the level solo if you want a little variety challenge.
oh in that case yeah reducing the poise is fucking retarded
>created them for messmer's sake
>suddenly stopped
>I'm suppose to believe this had nothing to do with her imprisonment or any of the bullshit happening and that she suddenly developed a hatred of Messmer
Bro, 2 of the 3 rewards from the last boss' remembrance are just mod-tier reskins of Radahn's swords, that even have the same shitty moveset.
ER isn't DS2 enough
it used to be better because magic infusions weren't good on most weapons, and raw infusions were a thing
in elden ring there are no raw infusions and magic infusions are good on any weapon, so it's just not really worth it.
You should get ready to beat mogh and enter the dlc.
that works too deeproot goes to the capital keep going
Does the Godfrey Icon work with ANYTHING in the fucking DLC lmao
yeah i just tested it and a carian sov on a magic infused iron GS did 300 more damage than one with the scholar's armament. maybe it would be worthwhile on an infusable sword with high AR & int scaling with standard but I don't know one off the dome
I finished the capital at level 70, leveled up to 80 on the post-capital area
Do with that what you will
it's been a staple for me since i've been spamming glintblade trio and carian sovereignty
honestly, don't worry about it. just play the game
ER isn't even close to being like DS2. If this was DS2 you wouldn't be able to casually stroll past a trillion FP-sucking zombies at the Raya Lucaria entrance, you'd lose all your FP and get de-leveled and all your gear broken and kicked out back to the open world with the graces reversed to unactivated. And the dungeon would be better for it.
A ton of spells in the DLC benefit from it.
Carian Sovereignty also does, but that's a given considering it's just an upgrade to Grandeur.
i miss shrine of amana. they just don't make zones for no tricks FULL CLEAR chads anymore
There are a ton of chargeable things in the DLC that DON'T benefit from it even though they should.
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It is always one guaranteed heal from me everytime he does that shit
Mobs should be able to hit you and stop you from opening doors/levers
press l1 if you see him twitch at a distance or roll
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I fucking did it, bros. I beat Consort Radahn. I had to use the mimic tear and switch over to the star fists because the spiked cestus wasn't quite cutting it damage-wise, but God damn, it's finally over. I took a capture of the last minute of the fight on my Xbox. If I knew how to make a webm, I'd post that shit.
>Buffs are shit because scaling
Use grease, retard.
If you go full unga bunga STR, or full edgelord DEX, and zero points into INT/FAI, then you go heavy, keen, or quality on your weapon and use grease to boost it even higher. You can easily reach 4 digit damage on a straight sword.
1) Don't get hit by the pull in
2) If you fuck up step one, turn 180 away from Radahn, jump and sprint away. You can heal/cast in this short window.
If you don't dodge the initial roll, don't roll away. Immediately start sprint away and then jump as he does the vortex. Rolling might work too, you just don't want to roll at the beginning or spam roll.
off the top of my head, carian sovreignity and Dragon hunters Great katana. both things i used.
just dodge the pull so he doesnt do that shit
gj cutie
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So... what's the downside?
>Mimic Tear
>Fist weapons
I'll allow it.

Good job anon, you beat the game.
>Has to break out of principle, traditional and usual build to "beat" him

Gay. You might as well just go watch the ending on youtube or something, what is the fucking point
I can only cum so many times
is that armpit achievable natty
only claymans harpoon. sorry int you got wrecked this dlc.
faith got a lot even arcane has more
I keep getting pulled by the initial pull, guess i just didn't get the timing down

That move and the one where he just quick slash at you and then end with a cross slash fucks me up so much. I can dodge the first slash but the second one almost ALWAYS fucking get me
He swapped weapons, not build
Giants Flame take thee is good enough IMO, hits all the YUGE fireball nodes in my brain
>cross slash
roll to your left while also strafing to your left, you want to roll the first two slashes with one roll
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what's the deal with the current state of invasions with the DLC? people relying on broken AoW are becoming more and more common. i legit block every single ganker using swift slash now. not sorry about it either. the funny thing about swift slash is that, even if it was removed, the vast majority of PvErs wouldn't notice. It's not even very popular for PvE. i hate that too many projectiles force a roll in this game. all this BS is at every single rune level btw. i've been PVPing at RL1, RL11, RL30, and RL60, RL150, and it's all the same stuff. pvp after the dlc release just doesn't even seem worth playing right now, imo. Colosseum is really cancer too with a lot of backhand mains. Recently I encountered a lot of people in the colloseum with swift slash and blind spot only spamming. For real, whats the motivation for this?? Desperatly winning at all costs? Pathethic.

this shit is unplayable.
didn't read, git gud
Pyro just feels incomplete without flame fan.
>doing a Carian Knight themed playthrough
>get to Moongrum
>parry and riposte him to death, not taking a single point of damage
how come fire knights greatsword and queligns greatswords scale so hard with cold and magic infusions?
they're faith weapons and require 12 faith though? they have the highest scaling for magic and cold in the game when infused with magic and cold.

they want you at 12 faith this dlc no matter your build
Ambush invasions remain the only consistently enjoyable pvp experience in Elden Ring.
didn't sneed
>not just effortlessly splitting him in half with Carian Grandeur like you can do to every NPC enemy in the game
worst part of invading is the fogwalling

i feel like it got 10x worse for some reason
I can't even imagine the level of sexual frustration that must have driven her to this point but it must have made Rellana look mild by comparison.
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>See Unte Ruins down below
>Noticed the cave next to grace probably leads to somewhere in Shadow keep
>Go poking around until I found the hidden wall (100% offline, no messages)
>which leads to Darklight Catacombs
>which leads to Abyssal Woods
>which leads to Midra (10/10 music btw)

Feeling pretty smug bros, I think I Beat The Game.
just disable the summoning statues at bossfogs
invasions really aren't that bad at RL150+ tbhwy. just bring the meanest shit you can bring and don't rush into the meat grinder. use stealth and know when to retreat. force 2v2's whenever possible if in the open world without legit mobs. the "worst offenders" are rare and you can learn how to recognize them quickly and then either afk and alt+tab for awhile, or sever and block them and simply never play with them again. simple, easy, effective. i think the people who have problems with invading probably have zero patience and probably are trying to be cute and handicap themselves instead of just using the best shit, at least by default until you've seen whether they're good or noobs.

basically ambush invasions like >>487647897 said. if you rush into a 1v2 or 1v3 in an open field and lose, you deserve it. if you don't always try to fight only when the odds are in your favor, even when you know how much of an advantage they can have if they want it, then it's your fault and you deserve the L. play smart, be patient, and use OP shit because by God they certainly fucking will.
that only affects coop DUMMY

Seriously, I can be on a horse and shoot this to someone behind me and it'll still hit. It's chargeable and does like 2000 damage. What the fuck
Aside from all the anime horseshit, the worst bit is the constant fogwalls. Thanks to letting summons choose where to put their sings, it is almost always at boss doors, meaning we will often invade boss doors in game. On bad days it is over 70% of invasions getting instant fogwalled, and it is insufferable. To make it worse they don't allow invaders to choose not to invade boss doors. All the balance in the world doesn't mean shit if invaders don't even get to play.

>Thanks Miyazaki.
I mean yeah it's the most obvious "hidden" wall in the entire game but good job I guess
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>Fight Ledla and her gank squad
>10 bottles and 5 minutes of straight rolling around so i can hear all the dialogues

Pain, but it hurts so good.
12 faith was always a good investment to begin with since it gives you all the minor barrier buffs as well as flame cleanse me
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Martyr Stakes no longer exists, but all graces work as Martyr Stakes so there's summon sign pools all around them
The game is pretty fair about that. If you drain the church district it specifically shows the water flowing down to unte ruins, and looking at the shadow keep map layout there's that one far out part that you haven't been to yet that's facing the same cliffside. And that painting room is accessed from where the water is flowing, so that leaves no other possibility. At that point finding a fake wall is a foregone conclusion.
>get invaded before we start buffing
>run away from the door back to the level indicating my desire to murder, maim and maul
>host walks in anyway and I make eye contact with the red as he fades away
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I think not.
yep. frenzy flame is gw trying to erase its mistake.
Anyone else having a lot of connection issues and timeouts when doing online play tonight?
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I really enjoy stealth invasions because it's so easy to manipulate people. Even if your initial ambush fails, the fact that they were ambushed seems to drive the host and his summons insane and they just rush you in the stupidest way possible, which leads to
>getting parried
>getting knocked off a cliff
>rushing into enemies

It's a cool experience. I know Abyssal Woods is disappointing and shouldn't have been an open world area, but I don't understand how people can be so cynical about it. The experience of finding it was great.
Is there a preferred duel level ranging between like 135-160? I remember it used to be something like 151, but it's been forever.

I miss Liurnia. More honurabur, more gimmicks.
>I don't understand how people can be so cynical about it
I want to play a video game, not admire empty assets. And abyssal woods is like the fifth time an area has nothing going for it in the DLC.
thollier is just saying "ah", did I successfully complete his quest
there should've been one button for right hand ash of war and one button for left hand ash of war.
so many AoWs would combo beautifully into each other.
also doing this would alleviate all the retarded hardswapping people are doing
For duels in particular biggest brackets are 125 and 150
You can join them by just interacting with the marika statue in front of the fireplace in roundtable hold
why is there still no way to level down in these games
What makes Florissax so sex?
Never involved in the murder of anyone,
Never asks the player to do anything but seek knowledge.
Never gets corrupted by outside forces.
Generates a mending rune with his big brain alone.
Dies after finishing his life's work, bittersweet but not tragic unlike most From NPCs.
levelling down would only be use by sweaty pvptards that make up 2% of the community
There are no heroes in the Lands Between.
Not even you, Tarnished.
>Fireknight helm
>Solitude chest, legs, gloves
>54 str
>2h talisman
>bullgoat talisman

Yes, this is peak performance.
My tits hurt if I use it too much
My broodmare, Nepheli, is a hero to the downtrodden.
I feel that Frenzied Flame has more in common with the Fell God

>Both eye ball
>Both flame
>The swirly bit can be intercepted as flame movement

They can just change their flame colour to match and it all would fall into place
miquella smut
Stupid fucking game crashed again.
Anyone here stop at level 200? How is it for coop? I don't care about invading or PvP and I'm wondering if there's mainly PvE players here that stopped at lvl 200 for coop and SOTE.
What are some talismans which you guys use no matter what build you go? For me it's always Old Lord's and Dragoncrest Greatshield. After experiencing what it's like to not die in two hits I just can't go back.
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>Elden Ring is over
It's still hard to cope with this. I've only ever played fromsoft games after they released before. I didn't know it was this hard to wait for the next one.
Feels more appropriate to parry and riposte Moongrum, Parryan Knight to death.
>2h talisman

I was giggling like a retard when I found this. Surely they'll nerf it? 15% for all attacks? I was happy enough with a claw talisman for the longest time
It's really active. I get summoned pretty much instantly when I put down my sign for "both near and far"
Dragoncrest, Shard and Godfrey Icon are basically my go tos
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how do you kidnap 27 people by yourself
>check youtube
>"I Accidentally had the Hypest Boss Fight of All Time"
>it's just some twitch streamer spamming jump attacks and lion's claw against radahn (starscourge not consort)
Why are normalfags so easily amused?
I realize the bit about the statue, 's more about what's best for build variety/player count.
So to clarify - I'm level 135 now, and I should shoot for 150?
Thanks bruv
I am part of that 2%
Like probably thousands of duels. It started off great, then okay, I went away for a bit, got back - colleseums were not implemented optimally.
The Liurnia gate was an organic selection by the players, and it had natural things like enviornmental factors to mix things up.
Rules were enforced more by just custom, like not using healing potions. It was not honurabur. Had shitters of course, but also could do more gimmicks. Things like fight clubs, which just used the mechanics already in the game for back to back duels - with an added element of the host. The host sometimes acted like a referee (for better or worse).

It made dueling more accessible, but less dynamic. A better solution probably would've been to create a different kind of dueling finger - for modes that could include multiple players. The area that the duel takes place in could be limited in area to the size required to maintain relatively stable latency between all clients.
For extra bonus points, tweak some areas of the map - two more at absolute most - and give them geographical features similar to the Academy Main Gate. It has an area sufficient for maneuvering, the often under appreciated railing, and is naturally limited in space by the threat of a falling death if leaving the circle defined by the platform. Two more areas (maybe one more in the DLC) would ideally have similar features - but maybe different hazards (lava, darkness, water, rot, etc).
In the case of less lethal hazards, the area around the arena would allow for further interactions with the arena by various builds.

Give options, not limitations. It should occur to an idiot that this is the area to use a furling finger if your dumb ass is ever going to use a furling finger for a duel.
If you want to be safe, you can go up to 175 and still be summoned by 150.
Dragoncrest Greatshield and Erdtree's Favor
Blessed are the easily amused, for they have more fun.
for Rs, not ashes
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peep the fit.
sex with dragons btw.
ignorance is bliss
138 is the midpoint
>mixed set
Looks alright.
The head kind of doesn't fit.
the fight against scarscourge radahn is pretty hype desu
seeing all the phantoms charging at him and then them start dying one by one really adds to the theme of that fight
hijack a bus
Burn o flame is what you get from beating the fire giant, and it is carrying me hard in the DLC. Flashy as hell, ducks under a lot of boss strings, clear mobs, and deals more damage than anything else I've tried. Just don't charge it unless you really know the enemy's move set.

>Honestly all you need for fire incants.
Not true, you also need catch flame.
>the fight against scarscourge radahn is pretty hype desu
I mean he did it 1v1... my point is the footage is extremely unimpressive because he was using a Greatsword and utilized literally none of its moveset besides the AoW he had on to mulch through Radahn's HP. The comments sucking his dick doesn't make any sense to me.
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Umm guys I got to the end of the Ranni quest and I think I accidentily attacked her after I put the ring on, when I was alt-tabbing, and I alt-tabbed back and she said something about surrendering herself to delusion and disappeared and I didn't get a greatsword did I fuck up?
>literal who jap vtuber plays Elden Ring
>doesn't even speak English
>/erg/ cries with joy

>hottest pornstar on the planet plays Elden Ring
>/erg/ is silent because she's not a Japanese
What gives?
>did I fuck up?
You fucked up at the only point where it's not possible to unfuck it. Congratulations, you bricked your Ranni ending.
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Just 2-4 more years to go!
I'm doing my third and final DLC playthrough right now then I'm swearing off vidya (and using /v/ and /vg/) for at least a year. Played the shit out of Elden Ring over the past month and I'm kinda sick of it tbqh
Which dragon?
Nice try fag but she is non-interactable when you apply the ring because it is a cutscene and the sword is sitting where she was.
congrats you just speedrun your divorce
this is what she says by the way
>So, this is the measure of my Lord?

>Perhaps it is precisely what I deserve.
>...For surrendering myself to delusion.
>my favorite ds2 builds are hybrid
>my favorite ds3 build (game fucking sucked ass i hate ds2) was pyro-only hypermode
>my favorite ER build I played was str/fth
>trying to do INT spells only right now
>feels like shit since it completely ignores the stagger system
Man this sucks
try absolution then see if she shows back up
>For real, whats the motivation for this??
People go to the colosseum after beating the game to have a few extra hours of fun at most before shelving the game. They try something, it doesn't work, they try something else, it works, why stop it? At some point it gets boring and they leave.
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mixed sets ARE high fashion dog
I imagine that the people who post shit like this are the same people who go outside wearing khakis and oversized graphic tees with dated 'lol so randumb' humor from the mid 2000s
>he doesn't mix
You are literally playing the game wrong.
>Radagon, Spear, Greatshield and Two-handed Talismans
>Magic Carian Thrusting Shield with Glinstone Pebble
Is there something to change? Like for example I heard the magic damage isn't being counter-attack boosted? Is this true? How to optimize? I'm at 60 INT [for Carian Sword Magic] 40 Dex [for casting speed] and 19 Str [for Rabbath]
Does unsealing the Rune of Death mean that Godwyn's body can be killed now, or is that a wholly separate issue?
Wrong, after the cutscene she will be interactable and the sword will appear after talking to her. That anon is still lying because you have to attack her like 3 times before she goes away.
/vt/rannies are retards and spammers.
Normal people don't give a shit about streaming
new elden ring playthroughs feel like thrift shopping.
can i get a ughhh flameberge and drake knight set please. don't forget the soreseals.
Godwyn's issue gets resolved during Fia's quest
Whores don't deserve the attention
oddly specific type of person to imagine.
It kinda sucks when there's so much stuff to do again but 99% of it drops stuff you don't want. You kinda have to search on google where to find specific things and then ignore everything else.
Even her son godwyn was a freak(in bed like his mom) he fucked dragons so hard he ended the war.
>playing through the DLC the second time
>map is still an unintelligible mess full of "lol actually you have to go the other direction, down around a mountain, under a tunnel and then back the direction you came to go to this area that looks like it should be easy to reach on the map




The whole point of a map is to make travel EASIER. Don't use the map to SuBvErT my expectations you fucking niggers.
honed bolt kinda sucks compared to the ash version
>try absolution then see if she shows back up
phew, that worked she came back
Yeah I know everyone knows Messmer has mommy issues haha so funny. But what I did not notice is that the statue he was speaking to depicted himself be cradled by mom as a babe in a room which the function of can only be described as a designated brooding chamber. Holy fuck, this guy.
It's faster on a DEX/FTH build.
I'm just gonna say it.
People praise the verticality of the level but it's "just like dark souls 1 !!1!" Well i think it's a mistake. Map should've been flatter. No one complained about limgrave being mostly flat.
Ok yeah I'm 20 hours into this INT character and I wanna fucking kill myself already
Should I just hold it in and rush rennala to respec or should I just restart
shard of alex is almost always on every character
then it just really switches depending, so milli/rotten, godfrey, blue dew, two handed and the like
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Making an all-purpose gravity kill build. So far I've got
>Starscourge GS
>Jar Cannon/Rabbath's Cannon
>Placidusax's Ruin
Anything else I'm missing or are those generally the best tools for the job?
why are albinauric women in Orina so fucking tanky
>40 dex
>Rad icon
>no wand
I mean I'm fine with verticality where it makes sense, like the Specimen Storeroom or the Shadow Fort.

On the wide open fucking map for NO reason when you can literally see where you want to go and it's exactly 1.5 feet too high for you to jump down without Torrent exploding into a chunky queso? Fuck off.
You did NOT just call Sasha Grey a whore. She is THE whore.
Is it safe to use cheat engine to add scadu fragments?
Starting and playing through as Int is fucking terrible. You get no real tools or cool options to deal with anything until mid to late game. It's so much easier to just grab any colossal/great hammer and bonk your way up to Farum Azula and then respec when you can just nut 60 points into Int directly and be a powerful mage immediately.
End-game stats
It could have been worse, it could have been Code Vein's map.
Been invading with them all day. Alternates between piss fucking useless and hilarious. It has niche utility.
>can't adapt so just plays a STRanny like the non-committal bitch he is
It's insane how dogshit this feels when faith feels cool right out of the gate
Even the ashes of war I have access to are fucking gay
you're shit, carian slicer is busted
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Sir your line was "Post your tarnished"
I like the verticality but there's never anything no matter where I go. Fuck you I don't care about these le epic bossfights give me big long dungeons with challenges and interesting NPC interactions.
Placidusaxs isn't very good for that, try Wrath of Gold instead.
Also Collapsing Stars.

Glintstone pebble carried the whole game
>Glintstone pebble
Kinda proving his point ngl
Fuck elden ring desu, the bosses frusrates me more than sekiro/bloodborne bosses god damn
The problem is just how much Godwyn has spread, he's TWLID, and we can kill them easily enough, the difference with Godwyn is there's a lot of Godwyn spread around because they had the brilliant idea to take his obviously cursed corpse and hook it up to the Erdtree.
At most all unsealing the Rune of Death does is damage the Erdtree he's fused with and even that's cancelled by any Elden Lord ending.
Carian Slicer and Glintstone Pebble alone are enough to carry you through the entire game. The one thing I don't like about INT is the amount of up-front investment you have to do into it when you would be spending those points on VIG instead.
It takes like 20 minutes to run to Morne Castle to grab the Claymore, and then to Liurnia to grab Carian Grandeur, you can even farm a Knight's GS after that near the Black Knife Catacombs.
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haven't fought midra yet, what am i in for?
turtle stew is back on the menu, boys
You can get Meteorite Staff and pebbles before even setting foot in Liurna, what the fuck are you talking about
On top of that Carian Slicer is very early and Pebble will just carry you to the end game
INT is probably the easiest starting stat
He will be either perfect best boss of the DLC, where the fight is like choreographed dance.
or too easy and you squash him in one minute. Depends on your build.
Nothing in the game knows what to do against carian piercer. Grab slicer, piercer and your generic projectile of choice and you're done.
>Oh my science!!! I do so much hecking damage!!!
he said COOL retards
you're throwing a blue ball and running around
A cool looking gimmick boss that jobs pretty hard. It's a visual feast but I fucking slapped him like a bitch. He's not very hard despite being so hard to find.
I want to marry the Elden Beast
Typical HTS user behavior
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>I beat [boss]
>I had to use mimic tear
Do staffs have a str scaling catalyst like seals do? Is there a dex one?
Why do I see this post over and over? Ironic that brainlets can't into Int.
YOU said
>You get no real tools or cool options to deal with anything until mid to late game
Which is blatantly wrong and the starting spells you get from BOTH INT classes can carry you through the ENTIRE GAME.
Marika and Ranni are going to have to wait a bit.
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no and no
No. The digger's staff has lore that makes it sound like it should've had real STR scaling but it doesn't.
What does this mean?
NTA but you're a retard. Glintstone Pebble being so reliable compared to other sorceries necessarily implies that sorcery isn't very versatile at all. And it still isn't cool, unless you're the sort of freak that actually runs a pure sorcerer in DS1.
>glintstone pebble glintstone pebble glintstone pebble
Shut the fuck up.
Glintblade is better + cooler + prisoner is coolest starting class.
Int is just blue dex. You are exactly one (1) penis away from being a dexsissy.
Looks like an ip address
Nuff said
meteorite and demi-human staff should've had str scaling
every gravity weapon, aside from astel and bastard, are str/int.
Any suggestions for help on how to dodge Commander Gaius' charge attack? Youtube is filled with unwatchable garbage where if you type in anything related to elden ring its a million monkeys with ugly faces plastered over videos titled ELDEN RING CHEESE
So uh, what's the play against Death Knight Twin Axe L2 spam? The forward momentum on that this is absurd.
Alright, what are some good spells for low int? I got 30 right now, I'm just using the glintblade trio, phalanx, and miriam's vanishing with the star-lined sword. the first two are just to keep stagger up and the last one is something I'm still figuring out how to use.
Oh my god is that Mr. Elden, the protagonist of the hit video game Elden Ring?
Carian grandeur isn't fun to use
I think I'll just restart I haven't done much anyway
>you are le brainlet... for not liking to just throw blue shit at the enemy
Sorry that I'm bored anon, you truly are more intelligent.
You enjoy the same spell with slight variations while I go cast cool incantations.
HTS are an honorable weapon type for honest players
t-that's not true!
Maybe, but lore-wise it only makes Radahn's feat of mastering Gravity Magic unimpressive which is counter to what they were going for.
>demi-human staff
No. Sorcerers handed them out because they're literally training wheel catalysts for the stupid savage Demihumans, not because it plays into their innate strengths.
>what's the play
to stop playing/caring about PvP in a PvE game.
The fact is that you have the Carian Sword sorceries before you even get to Stormveil and can get Rock Sling with 0 issues, all of which allows you to handle every single situation in the game without issues. I fucking wish FTH's early game was as good as INT's is.

I accept your concession
Roll into him at the *very* last moment, the timing is exceedingly strict
Use Quickstep/Bloodhound Step
Use deflecting hardtear
Use a shield and just block it. You might get guard broken but you should still be safe after.
Shut it, secondary.
Charged carian piercer.
Only three options.

1) Mount and unmount Torrent as he charges into you (it has insane i-frames, no joke, very easy to do)
2) Wait until the last second, make sure you are unlocked and roll left/up diagonally.
3) Endure or Palm Blast right through it. Fuck a dodge.
>I fucking wish FTH's early game was as good as INT's is.
Everything early is weak to fire making catch flame a rapetool compared to intsissy shit
Plus you immediately get cool gimmicky shit like the crucible tail and the dragon breaths
Can someone please explain how the game handles hitreacts? ie, if you are hit with the same weapon wearing no armor vs. heavy armor, you will play a different hit animation, and you have a different chance of being hitstopped. How is this calculated?
poise breakpoints (51 stops a light weapon's R1 hit)
weapons do different amounts of poise damage
theres hyperarmor too and i don't know how it works behind the scenes
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It feels like the dev team had a good vision initially and were working towards it but halfway through they went
>"You know what? We can call it quits right here and the game will still sell gazillions. Alright good enough take the day off everyone good job team"
>fucking wish FTH's early game was as good as INT's is
One thing that I think is holding early FTH back is that you need five fucking deathroot for the weaker claw spell. It should be your low investment conical AOE, bread and butter early game tool but you need to go all the way to Altus for that 5th deathroot. It's retarded, it should be the second spell you get from the trades instead of bestial vitality. You have like three different healing incants at that point anyway.
>Use a shield and just block it. You might get guard broken but you should still be safe after.
I take damage when I block. I think it hits twice
Got it, that makes sense, thanks.
I havent played Dark Souls 1 in forever. Is it hard to get back into? Im thinking about playing again but have no idea what a good build would be
Flocks talisman applies to fire incants too right? Is the fire scorpion charm better?
It will feel like you're playing in slow motion coming off Elden ring.
But that can be a good thing if yiu want a chill experience
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oh for me personally? its gotta be the fire prelate set, the swaggiest set in the game
Sorry then, it worked on my machine.
It's weird and feels floaty since the poise system works weird and enemies don't register your hits much, you're also slower
If you are on torrent, just walk away until he gets close. As soon as he gets close, he will do the startup of his attack. Still facing away, press the run button. You evade it every time, easiest timing of anything in the game.
>Glintstone Pebble being so reliable compared to other sorceries
it's literally just a matter of if you put points into your blue bar before your red and green bars. If your blue bar gets bigger first you get to cast cooler more expensive stuff earlier provided you're also increasing int. If you're ok not dipping into str or dex much at all early int is a lot better to play since you can play with melee sorceries a lot earlier. int feels significantly worse if you have to spend like 8 levels early between str or dex to use some melee weapon
>Alright, what are some good spells for low int?
spells that start with carian, spells that start with hamia, spells that start with glintblade. charged glintblades do good poise damage for their FP cost, as you already noticed. After a couple of glintblade hits you follow up with grandeur/sovereignty to get the poise break with the helm splitter, follow up and walk up to crit. If I think they're getting ready to break I do a uncharged grandeur/sov then a fully charged one to guarantee the break
Every time I try to replay DS1 I just end up using the Zwei and full Havel's and poising through absolutely everyone while trading and winning those trades. You can just straight up chug in front of any enemy in the game lmao
Yes and yes if you don't get hit
They stack btw.
chud-coded armor set
yes and yeah its 4% stronger (nerfed in pvp to be the same at 8%) they stack i think
That incant is only for if you're playing str/fth with clawmark seal, and it's still a bad spell even then. For the early game you can just use the dragon breaths for your AoE needs.
If you're doing a pyro build you use all of them. Fire Scorpion, Small Flock, Big Flock, then whatever you prefer.
Spicy smough
I have no idea how you retards whine about INT being all "I through blue stones at shit" and then basedjack over the dragon spells when they're all literally the same shit
>but have no idea what a good build would be
99 endurance ninja flip havel with havel's ring wielding a chaos ascended curve sword under 2lbs or parry dagger + bandit's knife
>boosts all incantations, not just fire ones
>does not increase damage taken
>boosts fire damage from weapons as well as incantations
>larger boost
>take more damage
>damage boost and defense reduction worsened for pvp specifically
It's not my fault that From gave all the lightning stuff to DEX.
>dragon breaths
Total garbage by comparison. It appears that people are sleeping on the claw for PvE.
>summon a dragon claw and slam
>summon a dragon head and bite
>summon a dragon head and yell
>summon a dragon head and breathe
those are just the dragon incantations btw, and at least they do different DoTs too
>glintsneed chuck
>throw blue orb x99
Yeah you're actually strong unlike Elden Demoralization
Never used this general before.
Do you guys think the DLC is too hard like some others on the internet?
I'm not worried about pvp stats since it's not for an invasion build. How much more damage do you take?
>cannot three-shot the dlc final boss with the lightning perfume bottle anymore

It appears I will have to learn his moveset this time
Not really but also every fromsoft DLC gets the "it's too hard" discourse
10% base 15% in PVP
I beat the DLC twice solo no shield no summon no gimmicks.
It absolutely is too hard.
It's beatable but by the time you beat and learn it it feels like you're doing homework. I want to play a videogame not work a job.
Some of the bosses like Radahn are too hard compared to the rest of the game. But overall I liked the DLC, especially after the Scadutree blessing buff
That's not too bad.
Flame of Frenzy fills that niche better.
It also completely and utterly rapes Tree Spirits and Avatars which are quite common at the early game.
Hey I forget, is there a faith bow? I'm gonna start a new character and I'm thinking dex faith
Faith early game is catch flame, bestial sling and regular weapons for close range, black flame for long range. Mid and late game it is the same thing but you have lightning spear and stone of Gurranq to mix it up, plus a bunch of situational stuff for variety's sake. I'd say it's good enough.

>It should be your low investment conical AOE, bread and butter early game tool
Lightning strike is supposed to be that. Whether it works or not is another matter.
I can be very patient with these games when I'm enjoying a boss, but I still haven't found the motivation to beat Radahn. His difficulty wouldn't put me off if I actually enjoyed the DLC though. All criticisms I have of it are microscopic compared to the obvious thing: it's not finished.
Miquella is fucking shit.
it's not so hard as it is bullshit
Frenzy is ok but you can't spam it the same way because of the buildup. The other aoe option that nobody seems to use is lightning strike, but while it hits unexpectedly hard it's a direct line hitbox and it doesn't work in low ceiling conditions just like ADLS.
Yup. Erdtree bow. Easy to get too.
>it's not finished
Kewl thanks
Most of it is too easy. Then you get stuck on the hard stuff. Feels unbalanced.
>not even a cutscene kicking you back out to the main game to tell you that you "won"
>no end credits at all

It's clearly unfinished you fucking faggot
>no cutscene where Gideon's ghost gives you the blessing of the all-knowing that makes you regenerate FP naturally
It ain't no DS2.
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NTA but
>3 fucking gigantic plots of fucking nothing taking space off the map
>4 if you count the area leading to midra which they had to pad out with "stealth" so you don't notice how empty it is.
Retarded post.
Maybe in Elden Ring: Scholar of the Crusade
Midra's whole area ends abruptly at his mansion, which is conveniently placed in a way that prevents you from going behind it. Yet the map clearly shows that there is a huge area behind it, which you can't go to. Combined with how weirdly linear the whole area is, and how short his dungeon is, it is clearly unfinished.
Id rather use Crucible Tail for AoE.
It has a ton of hyper armor and knocks enemies down.
It's also cheap and deals decent damage if both hits connect.
seems to me like she had plenty of time before the shattering to create more of these, but there is not exactly an abundance of them
I still don't comprehend why it hits twice on charge instead of letting you press the fucking button again if you want a second hit
I’m not good with all the anime lingo - what are the bitches who want to get fucked by Messmer called? Not fujoshi, it’s the other one.
Thank you! It was on the tip of my tongue and I figured somebody in this general would know lol.
no the dlc is a joke
here is proof
what does fujoshi mean then?
Women who like yaoi.
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The bosses should be much easier and the levels should be much harder and longer.
epheme..ephemer.. wha
whats acro
cro croquette.
imagine the smell after she completed that
Nope. These games are still easier than DMD and bloody palace.
so like demons souls/dark souls 1/2/bb?
It takes way too long to charge. Regular pest threads is better in my experience.
w-what if I do a dex/int build?
I will never not be mad that there's no finger dungeons with the horn at the end of it, or even a fucking boss guarding the horns. What the fuck is the point? You just ride Torrent at it in a straight line. The enemies don't even try to stop you. Fuck.
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This is cgi btw
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I think the DLC bosses aren't that hard if you actually use defense talismans and buff spells and adjust your weapons to hit their physical/elemental/status weaknesses
not at all, but radahn is a bullshit boss
people were complaining about easy bosses like the fucking hippo when the dlc released
The levels are already longer than any in previous games though?
Only long one is shadow keep.
How much MND should I have for a pure INT build?
if what you mean is the open world areas are bigger, sure
but the actual dungeons aren't longer, and are a lit more forgiving with fewer environmental hazards and death traps. There's nothing like sen's fortress anymore.
This is true for all of them except Radahn. Even with 60 VIG, +20 skibidi, defense talismans, opaline tear, aura buff, and body buff he's still going to 3 shot you.
I like 30.
black knight guard counter build is really fun. im stacking regen and prayerful strike too im the fucking wall
Depends on what level you're going to. No real cap? 38 MND as that's how much a blue flask can heal at max. Limited RL? Just whatever you can afford.
The open world should also be more dungeon shaped with linear paths, like Uld palace ruins. And filled with homing shot long range snipers, just like Uld palace ruins.
>110 +10 somber
>No summons in the Haligtree
Not really except for Rellana, her moveset is legitimately hard but she doesn't do that much damage and crumples to trades so most people don't complain about her but she's probably the real hardest boss in the DLC. I have other criticism of the bosses, Radahn is "hard" but not actually hard, his fight is so fucking cluttered the difficulty comes from all the blinding visual effects and Miquella's hair. Its not really hard, in the same way as if you used summons you didn't really beat the game. Metyr also has some shitty undodgeable moves, again not real difficulty, just cheese.
Haligtree is endgame for the base game and most people finish the base game at RL150 dude. Also most people aren't fucking with the base game shit and are spending all their time in the DLC right now. What did you expect?
How do we feel about grafting (hair follicles)?
It's actually because scrubs are hiding in the seamless mod and the unmodded game has no players left.
well they're not hiding very well with invasions now
Console CHADs win again kek, plenty of activity over here.
is high lord wolnir considered a gimmick boss?
Why does the DLC feels so rushed and sloppy when they had 2 and a half years to make? The first redflag is the lack of cutscene when you touched miquella's cocoon, you are just teleported to the shadow realm with 0 build up. Every single souls DLC has an introducory cutscene at the beginning of the DLC. And don't get me started on the fact that most remembrace bosses have 0 diaologue and cutscenes. I just don't understand. Fromsoft is perfectly capable of pumping out high quality games in a short amount of time yet they fumble the bag with Elden ring.
FOREFATHERS ONE AND ALL, BEAR WITNESS (this is me mocking my ancestors because unlike them I will not be bald at 25)
I invade at 137 and get constantly fogwalled at Malenia.
Invasions have an upwards tendency while coop has a downwards one, so you`d need to be like 140-150 to get summoned to the same sessions as a yellow.
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>most people finish the base game at RL150 dude
I'm trying to defeat Melenia when I'm 150 and I still haven't approached Fire Giant.
kino presentation at least
>Every single souls DLC has an introducory cutscene at the beginning of the DLC
pretty sure the DS2 ones don't
DS2 didn't have transitionary cutscenes, but Sunken has that scripted Sinh encounter at the start and Ivory has Alsanna's warning when you approach the gates.
Fire Giant isn't after Malenia. I mean, scale wise she is but you can fight Malenia before him since she's a fork in the road.
Yes, he's like Dark Souls III's Bed of Chaos.
who knows
hopefully it's because they were busy working on ac6 dlc and their next game
skeleton team hurrying the fuck up to get to what they actually want to do and giving us teasers of games to come. w
>square off does 40 stance damage
>glintblade phalanx does like 28
Man INT is the anti-me playstyle
I love the stance system
Remember when journos said that this is the best DLC ever made?
>I'm trying to defeat Melenia when I'm 150 and I still haven't approached Fire Giant.
Nothing to be concerned about. You either farmed runes or have done much more content than most people. 150 is the average, if you do a 100% completion run of the base game you finish around RL170.
It is the best DLC ever made though? The only real criticism I have of it is Radahn. That aside it's kino and big enough to be it's own fucking game.
The femboy build
It's no Wrath of the Lich King that's for sure
it's no blood and wine
This is what I always use for my Int builds, Astrologer start.
As someone who was there for it, Wrath is overrated as fuck. Only cool parts were DKs and Ulduar. The rest was mediocre.
It's no Farcry Blood Dragon...
Bad direction, skewed priorities, and the simple fact that From bit off way more than they could chew here. They never finish games, how the fuck could they finish one of the biggest open world titles ever?
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ah fuck now I'm hungry
lick lick
>They never finish games
They never finish SOULS games. Armored Core games are all complete.
Which was better crusade or wrath
It's no Crown of the Sunken King.
what if my other build is str/arc?
Kinocore 6 was megafun
They actually probably can finish souls games now, as Sekiro showed, but Elden Ring is just something else entirely.
The chud incel build
Wrath, but not by much. In general if you take off the rose-colored glasses everything WoW has ever done was really mediocre. There's a reason it's dying today despite the release of various classic servers.
Yep, AC6 was phenomenal. Can't wait for the DLC and AC7.
WoW has been "dying" for like 15 years now
It quite literally is dying. The player count is continuously going down rather than up overall. Just because it's dying slowly doesn't mean it isn't dying.
which is the armor that gives my Type B the slutty panties?
there's a decline that's natural, which is different from dying

do you mean goldmask's set?
>there's a decline that's natural
Not when you compare it to games like OSRS and FFXIV which have been gaining players overall with time. If they don't stem the loss and turn it back into a positive like it was back in Wrath WoW -will- die.
Skill issue.
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Weird weapon
>a katana in the dlc that introduced the light greatsword
>has 21 int requirement even though it scales D with int
>ash has a five hit combo but the fourth hit has very high commitment so landing it basically gives the fifth one for free since you get some iframes for that one
it's still pretty fun, landing that fifth hit on the ash is great.
So how DO I block a player on Elden Ring? Does it prevent matchmaking from pairing them with me agian?
After testing multiple weapons at +25/+10 with 99 in all stats I can safely say that scaling is a fucking meme and doesn't matter.

There are weapons with fucking C scaling that outdamage A scaling weapons all the time because of the base AR + motion values + all kinds of secret faggot mechanics in the background of the game.
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>still no patch to fix the faggy stutter and fast forward bug

a-aa ahh may chaos take the world
It's very strong 1v1. Hits 1-2 and 3-4 combo, and you can delay the 3 to rollcatch.
Did Morgott kick Radahn's ass?
>>a katana in the dlc that introduced the light greatsword
What exactly is the problem with this?
>>has 21 int requirement even though it scales D with int
The extended energy blade on the ash scales PURELY with INT. Max DEX vs max INT results in similar ash damage with INT being slightly stronger. Ideally you level both with this weapon, it's a DEX/INT weapon through and through.
>>ash has a five hit combo but the fourth hit has very high commitment so landing it basically gives the fifth one for free since you get some iframes for that one
What's wrong with this one? High risk high reward boyo.
He just jumped him.
Like Chauvin did to Floyd.
>doing a meme run for my third playthrough of the DLC with 60 Vig/80 Str/everything else into Endurance with Heavy Dryleaf
>summon in every open area just for fun
>get invaded by the sweatiest Jeenine/Chase watchers hardswapping into sets for flask bonuses etc
>just charge Palm Blast and delete them in a single shot almost every single time

This is definitely my new favorite AoW. It only punishes hyper aggressive sweaties.
as a fedora wearing magic knight, it was the perfect weapon to go along with my moonveil. also the ash combo does great damage and barely uses any fp. i really hope it doesn't get nerfed anytime soon.
So the scarlet rot is like the fentanyl?
There's literally zero reason to nerf it. The ash has ZERO HA. If you aren't using summons to tank the boss you're never landing the full thing on any relevant boss fight.
2 more years
Katana move sets are lame compared to light greatswords and Great Katanas.
Only good one is Dark Katana and Serpentbone.
bad against fagdahn but like 70% of skills are
Counterpoint, light greatswords do dog shit stance damage and as a katana, this thing gets free bleed which the multi-hit ash LOVES. It's better off as a katana.
Anon, I can one-hand my shield [L2 becomes the three hit dueling shield combo ] and cast a spell
Wow bunnyayu's tits are massive
>going up Liurnia waterfall with Taunter's tongue on
>get invaded twice
>they both spawned at the bottom of the waterfall
>one of them is wearing trinket to look like host
>they start fighting
>pull out jar cannon and take aim
>lightning greatbolt lands on them as the invader is about to kill the "host"
>water bonus damage is enough to kill both of them

out fucking skilled
Bad Radagon...

Bad Dragon...

got a pic?
I'm trying to think about how much STR and DEX I want on my INT/FTH dude based on what weapons I want to use.
Right now 14/18 seems like a good place to stop, I'm trying to think about any important weapons I'm missing.
She's streaming ER
Light Greatswords good stance damage with R2s and Wing Stance. They don't do good stagger damage but Light Greatswords are one of the best deflect tear stance breakers, especially paired with status because it has multi-hit attacks all over the place.
>You get no real tools or cool options to deal with anything until mid to late game
Rock Sling and Meteorite Staff can be the first two items you pick up and will carry you through the game like a mother kangaroo
20 dex gets you Death Rite Spear.
level as you get weapons
so did they find the cut cutscene in the DLC yet?
Ephemeral means brief, fleeting. Something that's only around for a short time.
The filenames are randomised words
Miquella has too much hardon for Radahn yes
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There's been a shortcut from the Albinauric path to the larger section of the blood pools THIS ENTIRE TIME and I'm only just now finding it?
I've killed the group of 4 patrolling Albinaurics 100+ times in my 300+ hours of playtime.
>Something that's only around for a short time.
like my happiness
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Everything is beatable by average joe, but p2 radahn the light show is fucking retarded
>with R2s and Wing Stance
And this is a somber weapon so it wouldn't be using fucking wing stance. Its better off as a katana, especially since katanas get free bleed for said somber ash and LGS don't which you're conveniently ignoring.
The DLC as a whole? No, it's actually quite easy. Radahn needs nerfs though, he's overtuned. They have to tone down his visual vomit and slow him down a little. I've beaten him multiple times with multiple builds and he just isn't fun to fight at all as is. Every other boss however I enjoy fighting.
>Yes, he's like Dark Souls III's Bed of Chaos.
I was gonna say he's not that bad but then I rememberd the times his arm moved and ice skated me into the fartcloud of death
Pls reply
If oldschool expansions count as DLC, then this DLC doesn't top the Conquerors expansion for AoE2 for me.
Marika also fucked a dragon??
Chick is hornier than the Kardashian family
>and he just isn't fun to fight at all as is.
I disagree except for his retarded undodgeable chop´.
Everything else was fun for me to learn.
It's a mediocre build, what exactly do you want here? Thrusting shields suck.
This DLC is simply not up to snuff. The bosses and weapons and art/music are up to previous standards but the lore and level design are all mid.
TBC is better
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got recommended a video of some guy ranking dlc spirit ashes, watched that shit and i now wanna do a playthrough were i just go around using spirit summons as manpower and i just do a support job healing them and buffing them

shit is gonna be fun
When Midra and you go on long holidays in the Manse, preparing cheese, beer, and watering flowers?
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fporgive me miquelbert
The level design is kino though? There isn't a single dungeon in any previous Souls DLC as cool as the shadow keep. The only shitty level design is the finger zones with NOTHING in them besides cancer leech enemies.
lmao, thrusting shields are beastly. Either answer the questions or fuck off. Literally so easy to R1 mash down basically every cancerous build with one. It's almost too good. It gets to
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how the hell do I get enough VIG for a pure sorcery build and still stay at 150?
>Need 38 for MIN
>Need 80 for backloaded catalyst scaling
>still need to spend points on STR and DEX to hold weapons

Will 50 VIG even be enough? I just finished DLC on 60 VIG and that seems to be the sweet spot, but at 50 VIG I have a feeling I'll get nearly one shot by bosses
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yeah that's a thing, I haven't done it but it looks fun but kinda memey
You don't need 80 int
Shadow Keep is fucking DOGSHIT

>Castle bits are small and pointless and only serve to connect other levels
>Storehouse is just a mid clone of Research Hall from BB:TOH
Man fuck that deathblight breathing dancing lion
this got stale for me in 3 bosses. idk maybe if you could summon a different ash once the first one died and make it like a pokemon battle. I didn't try alot of debuff items like sword of milos or that axe from the lil deer boss.
lhutel is in weeping peninsula and fucks all the other ashes to death so there isn't much character building to do.
The finger zones aren't exactly outliers here. The abyssal woods is even more insulting despite having a short dungeon.
>lmao, thrusting shields are beastly
Not since the nerf, they suck ass now. And if you're going to act like such a conceited know-it-all fuck why are you even asking for advice? Go play your shitty build and have fun dude. Also:
>It gets to
How embarrassing kek.
Do the Monks clean up the Manse every time the priest-in-chief go headless?
You don't need 38 mind
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>>still need to spend points on STR and DEX to hold weapons
no you don't
Does it spawn add or it has a deathblight breath?
>There isn't a single dungeon in any previous Souls DLC as cool as the shadow keep
brume tower
sunken temple
Lol you're just a bad faith shiteater.
>Oh now that you have to invest in endurance to shit down idiot's throats it's bad
I can kill anybody who doesn't respect me in like 3 R1s while they deal worthless chip dmg
>scadu keep
>shadow tree
Why can’t From be consistent ?
Again if you're going to act like a faggy know-it-all why are you asking for advice? Go play the fucking game loser.
The Hornsent chopped off all their heads and staked unalloyed gold into them to cut off contact with outer gods
Nah, fuck you ya whiny faggot. I outlined some concerns based on posts I've read here. I'm here to inquire further.
It spawns adds and does deathblight
If I kill Mogh in Moghwyn Palace, does he still show up down the there in Leyndel?
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hey, fuck you too, buddy
what'd I ever do to you?
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>Investing points into END for stamina when talismans exist
Shitter detected.
Do The Lands Between have a higher power level than Lordran?
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>minimum 50 in every stat
based and funpilled

The more end I have, the more retards I can counterpoke and the more colossal R1s and shit I can tank while slapping for fuckhuge counterpokes.
>Going that high
You realize after like RL306 you match with people all the way up to max level, right?
Yes that
Gameplay would seem to suggest so. Story-wise? Maybe a little, but probably not that much. I'd guess Artorias and Ornstein are probably on a Morgott power level, coming short of Radahn or Malenia.
what's the track that plays during the godskin duo fight
are you doing int/fth equal, or you just meeting min int or min faith?
Its fucked how his aoe doesn't hit those lizards
Doubtful, we never saw Gwyn and co at their full power while the demigods in Elden Ring are already close to their prime (and juiced up on Great Runes)
Imagine: PS chainsaw glitch while doing dancing sword of ranah ash
Where on the map is this?
Fuck no, gwyn had giants
Spending stat points on END to get stamina is a hilarious waste of points. Going from 24 END to 34 END is a grand total of 15 fucking stamina and going from 34 to 50 is only 20. It's literally ridiculous and disgusting to spend points on END for stamina, you will never notice increases that small and insisting otherwise is just confirmation bias. There are MULTIPLE talismans that give WAYYYYYY more stamina than points in END would. For example with just the Viridian Amber Medallion at 24 END you go from 120 stamina to 140, an increase of 20 fucking points, that's the same amount you get for dumping 16 fucking stat points into END at 34. You level END for enough carry weight for all your shit, nothing more. If you need more stamina, use the Viridian +3, Two-Headed Turtle, and MAYBE the Erdtree +2 though that one is more for carry weight.
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Guys I love Elden Ring and I don't even entirely hate the DLC but I don't think I'm ever going to get over my grief and I will complain about it for the rest of my life and in every thread henceforth. Now excuse me while I contemplate Leda to cope.
Horns grow from bones. Madmen try to grow gold from it, but that’s a lot of pain.
How do you think the other priests got their golden light staffs?
Madness is about secrecy and hidden things, it’s probably a necessary preparation to meet the elders entities ring without trying to kill them.
How would you make this usable, because while rally is a fun mechanic, Malenia's rune has too big of a drawback (making your flasks 33% less effective) to actually run for most people?
Lhutel is way too passive for my tastes. She'll walk slowly up to a boss, poke at it once, whiff, and then teleport a million miles away and start to slow walk back again
people like you are the heart of 4chan
Its already the strongest great rune in the entire game.
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Have you seen the scaling beyond the soft caps?
Question, what settings are best on this thing for the absolute MOST number of coop and invasions?
Marika was right to genocide those omen fucks
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>when radahn doesn't start with his psycho crusher
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See vid:

In a nutshell, rally ticks down slowly rather than instantaneously (though I'd have it faster than in the video). Some might complain that this makes it too powerful, but you fought the hardest demigod in the game, and it needs something to put it on par with Godrick and Radhan's rune.

If you want to swing weapons, you don't need all that FP, take away points from mind and put into vigor.
>>Need 38 for MIN
>>Need 80 for backloaded catalyst scaling
why doesn't anyone in the world react to the two fingers receiving gaping wounds from ranni's quest line
Reminder that RL200 is the new meta.
>125 +25 equip
>no signs in Mogh's stake at the DLC gate
bros I don't wanna solo him...
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what that first guy said
Who is there to react? Everyone is dead.
because it only happens to the fingers that ranni kills? and also because fromsoft doesn't give a shit?
Anon, you realize I'm carrying a Rabbath cannon right? It's not like I don't need my carry weight. I used to use Great Jar Arsenal before I stacked some more END. And no, I'm not on HRT so I won't be hardswapping just to accomodate my Rabbath. I'm gonna softswap it and play in a way that's fun and not sweaty trash.

Regen speed is a marginal benefit
>Viridian +3
I'd rather stack damage.
>Erd +2

You're just eager to pick a fight rather than answer my concern about thrusting counters and magic damage and perhaps how to optimize my infusion.
How the fuck would they even know? You do realize there are multiple two fingers, right? The one she killed is in a spot nobody can get to besides you.
You could consider going to 80 on vig and your main damage stat past lvl200.
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At the bottom of the hill heading north from the Palace Approach Ledge-Road Site of Grace, where it makes a sharp left turn, continues down, and meets the pool of blood area with the Albinaurics, if instead of continuing forwards to the blood, you turn left, there's a dark area next to two tombstones that leads through that little passage and opens up into the area with the blood geysers.

I almost want to say it must be new because I never saw messages saying "Try Left" before today and now I've seen like three.
The fact Show Keep basement holds a shitload of jars is troublesome. Especially because they connect with Raul ruins.
What if hornsent wanted to turn big, like dragons, and started eating lot of Raul inhabitants (probably shamans (like in mausoleum ruins)) to get bigger/stronger? Then Marika would end up mad and burn them to the ground
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I wish I could take this responsibility seriously but I am in an extremely volatile state atm. I have not allowed myself to get hyped for any game since being routinely disappointed again and again all throughout the 2010s, and then I opened up my cold, broken heart to this DLC and got burned hard. In my mind I thought it was going to be the best expansion ever made and now I am certain I'll never love again. Contemplating harder, coping harder.
I’m in the dlc still at level 150
And I'm not saying regen speed is bad but it's not helping me as a thrusting shield user as much as it helps others. I need just a big green bar that gets drained by as little as possible on block.
>everybody will just go to level 10 gorillion bro just trust me bro i just need the points bro please please please please bro please
not even ds2 with 3 DLCs had this happen
The Two Fingers react by sending Black Knives to kill Iji and Blaidd
70 int + 10 int tear
>You're just eager to pick a fight rather than answer my concern about thrusting counters and magic damage and perhaps how to optimize my infusion.
No I just saw you say leveling END for stamina is good and called you a retard, which is true. You should never put points into END just for stamina.
consider suicide

I mean that in the nicest way possible
I'm going 43/43 with the Staff of the Great Beyond.
I'm wondering about what weapons would work well in the right hand alongside it.
night and flame
I'm at RL200 and get basically instant invasions, this sounds like cope on your part anon.
Sword of night and flame is literally your only real option.
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Thanks, I am. But I think fics, fanart, and my current playthrough of the base game will be enough to keep me from tying the noose. If only just.
I was just making a point about how the bugged stam consumption on block frames for Thrusting Shields wasn't the only reason why they're good, it was just a fucked up oversight. I don't buy it, you're being a pedant.
>I'm at RL200 and get basically instant inva
do you... think theres an invasion meta level..? what?
you're invading coopnigs they never stop leveling, you just pick your bracket
"meta level" is for duels
I went up the elevator and the signs were being placed in front of Mogh's fog gate instead of down there at the stake, what the fuck?
You literally said you should level END with them, fuck off lol.
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How to get there? I've killed the saint of rot and explored all of the ruin and I have no idea how to get down there
You can't. Not from up there. It's the most annoying map to get in the entire game. You actually have to get it from below. Way below. Come at it from the southeast. WAY southeast.
More END is always better anon. Especially with % boosts like all the stam talismans you mentioned, those smallers gains get multiplied and then when you consider things like scholar's shield and greatshield talisman reductions?

You're literally just being a stupid cunt.
I just realised why it doesn't feel nearly as infuriating when Fromsoft hides enemies behind outcroppings and breakables on narrow ledges to push you off, as when it happens in LotF(2023). For one, when From does it, you can usually see where the enemies are just by observing the path before rushing in. In LotF, there's no such thing. Enemies will often be sitting down, completely surrounded by breakables but getting up, breaking the barrels/wall and pushing you instantly when you run past. For another, Fromsoft actually uses this mechanic sparingly and only where it'd generally make sense. In LotF, it's like 10-15 metres apart at most on every single fucking narrow walkway in the game.
If you use the new crimson seed talisman, the flask reduction is only 3%, yeah?
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my gf jokes all the time that I love Elden Ring so much that we should fuck dressed as characters from the game, to get me extra horny

do you think she was sarcastic? or really wants us to? I'm confused

should I ask her to dress up as Rellana? and keep helm on all the way?

would it be gay if I asked her to dress up as Radagon and change midway into Marika?
>How to get there?
In the most un-intuitive way possible. You go down a small poxy ladder within Messmer's castle to then go through a illusory wall to then go through some catacombs with a boss that takes place outside.
Nope leveling END just for stamina is a waste of points. You level stamina for carry weight and then use talismans if you find yourself stamina hungry.
>Especially with % boosts like all the stam talismans you mentioned
Except the gains on stamina from leveling END are so fucking small it barely affects the talismans at all.
>Viridian Medallion +3 gives +20 stamina at 24 END
>Gives 22 stamina at 34 END
See the fucking problem? Christ you're thick.
You don't have a girl friend.
Is there any way to make twinblades fun in the DLC? I think I'm half way done the DLC and I've been steam rolling most PvE (except bosses I guess) with 70 int DMGS and alexander shard.

I like twinblades and want to switch, wanna use holy and/or fire because enemies in the DLC seem to be weak to those. BK twin swords is kind of interesting because it has a tiny little amount of holy damage but you can infuse it with any ash. I can't get much damage out of it. One AOW that seems ok is flame skewer but its buff lasts a very short time.

Any thoughts/suggestions? Crucible of wings is fun but seems utterly useless in a fight
This sounds really dumb what the hell
you don't have a gf you nigger
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She was "joking" so she could bring it up softly. If you were against it she had an out and wouldn't be as embarassed. She WANTS to do this, that's why she brought it up. Girls love playing dressup.
What are you not having fun with
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he's maidenless

(ask her to dress up as varre, he's a very capable and adorable maiden)

(t. not varre)
Like I said it's the most retarded map to get in the entire game, they need to add a spiritspring near it so you can jump down there from the rauh ruins. They won't though.
I would believe he did if he didn't write this.
>should I ask her to dress up as Rellana?
Anyone can do Marika, but how the fuck is he going to get a convincing Rellana cosplay?
>Nope leveling END just for stamina is a waste of points
But that's not what's being discussed. It's being discussed in a detailed context where you're adding several % mulipliers and then adding stam drain reductions on top. The numbers are justified and valuable unless you're trying to scrimp for RLs because you're twinking or aiming for mid-game.
>Gives 22 stamina at 34 END
But that extra 14 end counts for like 40% more when I'm using a scholar's ehidl greatshield talisman combo. At 34 END you have 150 Stamina. Then you can add 17% more from Viridian +3 and some more boosts from elswhere.Then we have to take into account scholar's shield and my sorc adjust stats on the catalyst I use AND the greatshield talisman.

You're just literally a brainlet.
Dual weild jumping attacks
Nope you wasted points if you level END and don't need the carry weight. I already explained the math. Keep defending your shit build though where you funneled like 10-20 wasted stat points into END.
>not cosplaying Sellen’s feet teachings
i dunno they just dont got a stand out AOW thats really enjoyable. Example; ghostflam ignition AOW would fucking kick ass on the twinblades, but it doesnt work idunno everything i tried was boring or low damage if im not 80 fth with some lightning or flame art aow. Just want some fun builds
>Example; ghostflam ignition AOW would fucking kick ass on the twinblades
No it wouldn't. Ghostflame Call is currently useless. It does 1/10 the damage of Ghostflame Ignition and 1/5 the frostbite build-up. It's quite literally useless in it's current state. You can't even have fun with it, it fucking TICKLES man. A single R1 does more damage.
>enough carry weight to carry what I want
>every point of stam directlly boosts my strategy of counterpoking with guardframes
Sorry anon, you're dumb. More END is better on any shieldpoke type build. Always.
>More END is better on any shieldpoke type build. Always.
Nope not when you've already gotten all the carry weight you need. Points then should go into damage stats.
>It does 1/10 the damage of Ghostflame Ignition and 1/5 the frostbite build-up
why would fromsoft do this
are they retarded
Not necessarily since a PvP or Boss Co-op oriented build [what you'd probably use a guard poke build for] both want every little extra bit of stam possible for when bosses/phantom blenders hit you hard. It's literally the difference between getting guardbroken and riposted or counterpoking for nearly free.
>Malenia could block attacks
>Anyone can do Marika, but how the fuck is he going to get a convincing Rellana cosplay?
She's into anime and that cosplay shit, she's good at making costumes from weird shit, there's that thing were she makes a pulp from wet paper and glue and forms it into props and then paints them.
It's strongly suspected to be bugged. That or they feared it would be too strong because Ignition is one of the strongest ashes in the entire game but the Poker pays for it by being one of the worst actual weapons in the game and HORRIFICALLY undertuned it to be safe. I'm confident it'll get fixed/buffed, the only questions being "when?" and "will it be enough?".
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>Bow legged 24/24 for some reason
>Doesn't really walk or fly, just sort of gliding around

But why?
He is bending under his own weight
Post underrated ashes.
+ Kindred of Rot
papier mache
>Dual Nagis Bloodhound Stepping whitemask
Oh man how nostalgic
He ran into my stormcaller twice and died.
Not as good as chilling mist since frostbite staggers and poison doesn't. Also poison mist is kinda shit now in general when you can just throw on this thing with poison infusion and slap chop until you get a poison proc and then rider kick remove it for huge damage.
>helped a few times with bosses
>nobody ever invaded me
Am I lucky or there are different settings for those things.
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>Try summoning Ansbach and Thioller because anons told me get extra lore this way
>Let them solo Randah
>Together they dealt less damage to his HP than one of my attack

lol I just killed a white mask double godskin peeler who only used jump attacks
Blood Bloodfiend's Arm with this and both Exultation talismans.
The altered buildup on the R2 also affects the poison buff on the weapon, so it procs both status with a single hit on most things.
They're only like 12 feet tall
Summoning Ansbach and Thiollier actually make Radahn WAYYYY harder because they give him biblical amounts of health and do fuck all to help. Also you don't need to summon them to get their quest rewards afterwards. If you summoned them once and saw their dialogue, you can stop summoning them now.
I disagree, poison infusion is easily the worst in the game as you dumpster most of your physical damage and for what? The luxury to not swap weapons for triggering moth flight/poison blooms twice.
Definitely not worth it. Just running an Occult weapon with Poisonous Mist, or any weapon with poison built-in, you can still do good physical damage while easily triggering poison.
The only reason to use this is if it's on a pocket dagger; it isn't a good main-hand AoW. If you have consecrated snowfield unlocked then it's better to just use frost pots instead.

Poison is shit by itself, but if you really want it you can apply it easier via poison bone dart throwables instead of wasting an AoW slot on it.
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>Bro just spend 57 hours farming frost pots or use cheat engine
>but if you really want it you can apply it easier via poison bone dart throwable
This is just all around terrible advice. You need to be in melee range to activate Kindred of Rot, and Poisonous Mist does like 20x as much build-up.
And bleed weapons are bad because you can just shoot a crossbow with bleed bolts?
>it isn't a good main-hand AoW
No, but saying it's for "pocket daggers" is also incredibly reductive. It's a great choice for an offhand AoW if you're power stancing. I personally like to slap it on a cold uchi and powerstance it with the star-lined sword. 2H the uchi, chilling mist, go back to PS, the frostbite stun sets up the star-lined L2 immediately and swapping between hands is a lot faster than both soft swapping and hard swapping.
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oh my god i've been beating up a down syndrome person
>Cast glintblade phalanx
>Co-invader comes close and gets shot
>Thinks I'm trying to attack him
Christ above you niggers are dumb.
You're the dumb one and he's correct in attacking you.
Why are Japanese devs always so utter dogshit at balance? Like some games they'll give an attack 1% of the damage it should have because they gave it 30% more status than other weapons. Like anyone would take that trade? So many Japanese games are just fucking ruined because they just made up random numbers for everything and let 80% of the weapons or armors or skills in a game be utter trash.
Nah, all he had to do was wait a second while I bumrushed the enemy. I was literally buffed up and sprinting at them.

He's a dumb faggot who doesn't understand what's going on and he died for it.
>Has cut content
>Has cut boss dialogue
What was the point of this DLC again?
The problem with this logic is you're arguing "dumpstering" your damage on poison infusion is bad when you in turn dumpstered the damage on your L2 by using poisonous mist. Just use The Poison Flower Blooms Twice if you wanna do poison shenanigans.
>a video game has cut content
what the fuuuuuuck wow chat is this real? craaaaaazy
I personally don't think they play test this shit for balance. They get the game functional with as few bugs as possible and then ship it, and resolve to fix the balance problems later. Given that western companies tend to do the opposite, better launch balance but the games are broken buggy messes, I'm inclined to prefer the JP dev way of doing things. Still, I'd prefer a game that's you know, functional AND fairly balanced on launch. Ridiculous that we can't have both.
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I BEAT GODRICK HOLY FUCK now I can finally go to Raya Lucaria to get some spells because I have 23 int but I'm sure my spells are shit, at least they couldn't even scratch Godrick.
Nope sorry you didn't beat him anon. Try again. Also learn to take a screenshot holy fuck.
Nigga killed Godefroy
The game has more buttons than L2, and Poisonous Mist does the equivalent of a heavy attack in melee. If you go the poison infusion route you're relying entirely on triggering poison to do your damage. This is a problem for anything with a lot of health since enemies build up resistance to status every time it triggers. Occult with a poison ash or a weapon like Poisoned Hand/Venomous Fang is a far superior option for a poison build since you still get to do good physical damage.
Anon, you don't have to beat Godrick to get to Liurnia. There's a path to go around Stormveil and avoid the castle entirely. You can skip both Margit and Godrick if you want and come back to them later.
good job cutie, you can get very good spells in limgrave though
This nigga doesn't realize you can swap weapons.
Yeah but it's hidden
That is precisely what I'm telling you to do, reading comprehension.
This is why you use poison flower with poison infusion on innate bleed weapons. By the time the enemy has built resistance to rot, poison, and bleed enough to matter it's fucking dead.
Why do so many shitters always default to this combination?
>parry + good weapon
>initial build of samurai class
Its good, you pick up those weapons almost every playthrough. What exactly is the problem?
Because it's a Japanese game and weebs like Japanese swords. The shield is because they are usually also virgins and virgins like shields.
High damage, high speed attack, blood loss for extra damage, animay
Don't need to roll, just hold down one button , wait until the combo over than slash away
The thing is this is an OLD problem. Long before the modern bug-laden messed. It's always been this way in JRPGs. How many of them had 5+ status effects in the game, all of which were slower to use on normal enemies than regular attacks, and then bosses were completely immune to them, meaning there was never any reason to even have them? I can't count how many games had poison or burn or sleep effects like that.
It will be dead faster by using weapons that can still physical damage.
You have the luxury of not having to swap weapons to press L2, but in doing so you're giving up a significant portion of damage.
>High damage
Good joke anon!
Powerstanced Katanas are used by shitters more
RoB + Nagakiba is THE shitter combo. Nagakiba is better 2-Handed.
gj, anon
Something to keep in mind in Liurnia: Several interesting spells, trainers, items, etc, are in areas other than Raya Lucaria. The academy is nice, but feel free to explore before tackling it, because it's not like ALL of the spells and caster items are located solely there.

You might even meet the Pope.
>and how short his dungeon is
I duno anon its meant to just be a normal manse, seems perfectly large enough. Spooky woods ending in giant haunted house seems like a normal end for the area. The area itself was barebones I agree but I was surprised it ends in the manse.
What is from’s obsession with making sure certain weapons can’t be used with certain spells like all the ghost flame/lava shit it’s like they get off on forcing you to 200+ multiple play throughs if you want to use this stuff together
Blocking is easier than spamming dodge rolls, katanas are fast, powerful, and inflict bleed. It's one of the most fun setups.
Physical damage doesn't magically fucking disappear because you used poison/bleed infusion over occult, anon. The difference between the two in terms of AR isn't nearly as bad as you're suggesting:
>Occult Scavenger with 80 ARC and bare minimum STR/DEX: 524 AR, 87 bleed
>Poison Scavenger with 49 DEX/45 ARC (same RL needed): 414 AR, 125 poison, 50 bleed
Is it noticeably higher? Sure, roughly 25% more. But is it "dumpstered" to use poison instead? No, absolutely fucking not.
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Never fought him at night before. It's a bit better, but they should have put more effort into some moody fights into this game for sure. Radahn's is the only arena that uses nighttime well.
R8 my wandering around spell loadout
Also upon closer inspection poison Scavenger scales more towards quality, so with a bit more STR you'd bridge the gap a tiny bit more. Not much but it's worth mentioning.
>It's one of the most fun setups
It's aesthetic sewage and that's enough to disqualify it in my eyes.
>fire blue projectile
as good as can be for int builds I suppose
You do not use all of these
Just beat Bayle
Messmer > Bayle > Midra > Putrescent Knight > Rellana
Losing that much base damage is absolutely dumpster territory. It's the equivalent of losing roughly 10 upgrade levels. And once again, all for the luxury of not having to swap weapons when you want to use flower blooms twice.
I have never enjoyed a single dragon fight in any of these games but more power to you I suppose.
Sorceries do not have enough variety. Rate my general use incant loadout.
Buddy, you don't even need 50 VIG. I beat the DLC just fine at 40 VIG, and even that left me room to fuck up. 40 VIG puts you in two-shot range of most of the stronger bosses, but I found that it left me with the magic pixel against plenty of things. This was with medium and light armor as well. 50-60 is a meme.
Uh-huh post your epic 40 VIG radahn clear so we can see what cheese method you used.
I'm at 20 scadu and phase 2 radahn does 70% of my bar at 60 vig with his cross slash and lift off.
>Fire, Lightning, and Holy
Yeah the regular poison tic/DOT sucks balls too. So it's not like you're making up for you shit damage with the dot.

I tried running arc/dex for an assassin using poison infused daggers since it would make sense with the archetype. The damage was abysmal.
Poison only exists to trigger buffs like Kindred of Rot and provide damage through other means such as Moth Flight.
>same fogwall invasions as 125
Rl 80 would be KING if it wasn't for the dlc being higher levels.
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what weapons have the best guard counters
>this nigga quoting tranny niggers and intersex shit in the middle of a 3 hour long lore video
I forgot Aegon was cooked, sad state of affairs for the lore community
Straight Swords to be honest.
This thing, not even a contest. It does a special holy AOE slam attack on guard counters. No other weapon can compare.
>mothflight and the stinger aow that removes poison even in iframes.

Yeah your right but damn. Bleed got everything.
It wasn't especially cheesy. I used a Flame Art Great Katana and a handful of incantations like Knight's Lightning Spear and FGMS. I'm just especially patient and don't feel the need to push the boss's shit in all at once. Radahn took me about a day with that method because I kept running into fresh bullshit in his moveset that I had to learn, but I'm just genuinely good at not over-committing.

There are definitely moves to be avoided. I played at 40 VIG because I subscribe to the "just don't get hit" school of thought. I'm far from perfect at it, but 40 felt comfortable enough because, against most things, I can mess up a couple times and be fine. Radahn has more must-avoid moves in his arsenal than most bosses though, but he's the exception and not the rule. I think the only real change I made for Radahn was putting on medium-heavy armor.
no haima? no nightmaiden's mist?
Which enemies make you completely seethe even today?
For me it's the shrimps and runebears
axes are very good
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Yes they do if you use the Carian Sword Spells
I cannot stand those leech fuckers in the finger zones. I'm fine with everything in this game except those things. Also I hate the fly men holy fuck. I know these are both new, but I'm 100% sure I'll still seethe over both of them a decade from now.
except the holy damage is minuscule
What's the best build for impregnating dragon bitches?
I didn't find any other counter play besides healing incantation
The problem with that thought is that you do more damage if you get hit most of the time
That's not variety. Half your sorceries are "look bro a blue sword".
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Still an AOE and still better than no damage at all. The weapon gets really good AR. The AOE is just good upside and free damage no other weapon can challenge. Great hammers have good guard counters even without it.
>the dlc has been out for a month and people are still doing this
>Enormous fuckhuge poke that reaches further than any sword
>Fast sword
>Big sword
>Ice beam sword
You're a dishonest queef.
>eh because it has 0 poise damage so it feels like shit (catch flame feels better to use)
>eh, but int lacks stance damage so i get it
>alright but I think it's too slow
>interesting pick
>it's fine
You don't appear to know what variety is. If half your sorceries are "bro look a blue laser sword" that is not variety. It doesn't matter if you're swinging it in different ways.
>shower of stars

I don’t even care what else you have here list is cringe by default
They're all different and you're obviously a shallow retard who doesn't look past the color of particle spam and ignores functionality.
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>or beast!
>first off, well done
>by the way praise the message!
>No secret passage ahead
>therefore praise the message
>Secret passage ahead
>Behold, flower!
>seek god
>try finger
>but hole
>if only I had rump
>didn't expect message...
>therefore praise the message!
>touch grace
>if only i had a woman...
>two-handing required
>you don't have the right, O you don't have the right furthermore you don't have the right, O you don't have the right
>no horse ahead
>I want to go home... and then edge!
>don't give up, skeleton!
Albeitever you're mostly correct and he's being reductive it's kind of gay that playing like that is basically using a sword except jumping through many hoops
I wish spells were cool like incantations
That's my *fuck you rednigger" button when im doing coop as a finger
Stupid redditjack poster.
Funny and kino.
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r8 my sorceries
Even if they were different color swords it wouldn't be variety. They're all dealing magic damage and they're all still just fucking laser sword spells. You don't know what variety is man. Here is an example of variety:
>Fire ball
>Laser sword that stabs and deals magic damage
>Lightning bolt
Here is not an example of variety:
>Laser sword that stabs and deals magic damage
>Laser sword that slashes and deals magic damage
>Laser sword that flies at the target and deals magic damage
So is Furious Blade of Ansbach just bugged?
Also holy is still bugged... for SIX YEARS. Holy is just called darkAttackRate in the parameter. They didn't even bother renaming it.
It's really only a marginal difference against most things. There are a handful of especially fast enemies that make it tougher to get in if you're playing patient, but it doesn't typically increase my time-to-kill by an appreciable amount. Because I typically like wearing lighter or medium armor for the fashion, I kind of just crammed the idea of not trading if it won't kill into my head. I tend to prioritize my damage stats for most of the early to mid-game as well, so I usually just kill things with big damage before they can hit me and then sort of adapt my playstyle as the numbers start to flatten out around the mid-game. On my fresh save for the DLC, I sat at 15 VIG up until I got to Mohg, pumped it to 25 IIRC, and then slowly increased it over the course of the DLC.
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This is my setup on my 200 faith character
Yes, Ansbach's incant is bugged. It doesn't do bleed build-up.

replace with hammer or arc and it’s kino otherwise into the trash
Rimed crystal buds are incredibly easy to farm and you get a ton of them per lap, don't even pretend it's difficult.

This is only a good interaction if you're reapplying poison (or rot) left and right with Poison Flower Blooms Twice or you're using the deadly poison variant. Otherwise getting a 20 second damage buff from one very weak DoT that lasts 90 seconds before you can apply it again isn't worth a talisman slot and an AoW slot.

Bleed is a status has no duration and you want to apply it as many times as possible in a fight, so it actually makes sense to get as much buildup as you can. Frostbite and Poison are statuses which you apply once and then let them run their course over 30s and 90s respectively, so you don't need to over-invest in applying them more than a couple times per fight unless you're running a very specific build to take advantage of that.

Fair, you actually do have a point. I think I'd still rather use frost pots/bolts and put Braggart's Roar or Cragblade on the offhand or something but that sounds fine too.
I'm stupid and didn't realize I killed my co-invader until I watched the video
ummm chud, stats cap out at 99
night comet is better since enemies don't dodge it
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You don't need more
that's swift shard, not pebble
>No HoT
It's shit.
>Ghostflame Explosion
>Vortex of Putrescence
>Night Maiden Mist
>Briars of Sin
>Eternal Darkness
>Miriam's Vanishing
>Gravitational Missile
>Gavel of Haima
>Charishing Fingers
>Tibia Summons
>Rykard's Rancor
>Roiling Magma
C'mon now bruh.
Heal over time is a meme
>he started blocking and stood still as a "stop doing that retard"
>not even ds2 with 3 DLCs had this happen
That's not even 2/5 the length of Elden Ring
>Using the triple magic glintblade
Why? It's worse than the normal one.
>>Ghostflame Explosion
>>Vortex of Putrescence
>>Briars of Sin
>>Charishing Fingers
>>Tibia Summons
>>Rykard's Rancor
>>Roiling Magma
NTA but all of these need FTH lmao
please it's not my fault
miyazaki trained me to expect 3v1s
Where are your buff incantations?
This is a discussion of SORCERY not INT builds.
Nope you're just retarded. Blessing's Boon and Erdtree Blessing have both saved my ass more times than I can count. Doesn't take up your aura or body buff slot, either.
Triple glintblade does more stance damage
I don't have the other one.
Or the phalanx
or the greatblade phalanx
INT/FTH builds are a complete meme. There are TWO actual INT/FTH weapons in the entire game. Counting the INT/FTH sorceries nobody fucking uses as variety is BEYOND disingenuous.
Literally not true with the DLC bosses
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>there are TWO actual INT/FTH weapons in the entire game.
Scaling is a meme and when you can cast every incant and spell in the game you don't NEED good scaling weapons.
>Counting the INT/FTH sorceries nobody fucking uses as variety is BEYOND disingenuous.
Nah, not my fault you're all shiteaters who don't use good spells like the INT/FAI ones.
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>they don't theme bill
Sorry for your bad taste, anon.
the putrescence spells are really cool, but it's just not worth the investment
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My parents would be so proud
>Scaling is a meme and when you can cast every incant and spell in the game you don't NEED good scaling weapons.
Yeah right up until you run out of fucking FP. But lemme guess you're gonna argue 75% of your flasks should be blue and you should also be like RL300 with 38 fucking MND and have cheated in starlight shards.
Literally only 2 of these are actually good.
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i love MALEna
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I don't care what your gay assessments of cost or value are. Sorcery and incants are perfectly balanced for variety and power.

>Yeah right up until you run out of fucking FP
Nah, my cold grave scythe is enough to handle any boss.

>frost procs early on making me deal more dmg for awhile
>bleed procs occasionally

It's fine for PvE and in PvP you're not running out FP unless you're absurdly bad. This build is RL 200. Maybe 23 MND at most. You're barely a step above the YTbuild guidefilth. You've become obsessed with L2 memes and don't realize that spellcasters essentially get to carry 7-12 "L2" options at once
>Bro look I beat retards with it, that means it's good
>get summoned for giant-conquering hero's grave
>host is a dude named "guts" in bloodhound mask and raptor feather cloak with a bloodhound's fang
>he's being weirdly passive as we run through it
>get my suspicions when he doesn't get a single hit in on the shadow troll in front of the boss room
>yep, he literally runs to stand in a corner as I start to fight the boss
>going to sever out, but get interrupted by boss
>just let it kill me
I hope he died.
>cold grave scythe on an INT/FTH build
Your melee attacks do no damage lol
>cannon of haima but worse
really don't get the point of that spell
>700-900 dmg + major frostbite in an area bigger than even the best AOE explosions on a quick cast for a reasonable cost
Yeah, Vortex is fucking good
It's not worse at all
>much bigger range
>frostbite buildup
>delayed explosion making it tricky to dodge
Haima is worse except for when it might knock people off cliffs. Look at the fuck AoE my guy. It's ENORMOUS.
Nah not worth the investment. 26 FTH is too steep for what it does.
>less damage
>no knockdown
Fuck off with your deflections about "investment".

INT/FAI Death Sorcery is one of the strongest caster builds by far in PvP. The spell suite it offers is far harder to cope with for enemy players. The heavy stance damage and frostbite buildup also makes it solid for PvE.

Be real, frostbite procs could make it oneshot where Haima never could
Yeah, again, Haima has the knockback but... cannons and other shit can do knockbacks. Haima is the most costly knockdown ranged tool and knockback is only good if it leads to instant death
I want to make an INT/FTH build but honestly there's just no good fashion for it that hits 51 poise.
>INT/FAI Death Sorcery is one of the strongest caster builds by far in PvP.
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Can't you use some Godwyn Knight and Ensha gear?
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Next game should remove the weapon switching animation so you can swap midroll or jump. Especially if bosses are gonna be this aggressive from now on.
I greatblade phalanx to it which combo's well with the triple glintblades. Too bad landing this full ash is basically luck against him, only did it in one attempt only cause the third hit staggered him.
those hips and thighs... hnnnngghh

also Rellana is a noodle, she's the same height as Malenia with roughly the same sized width but compared their leg, hips, necks, and stomachs. Malenia's already thin too.
That's not gonna have 51 poise and it's gonna look awful when paired with SoNaF or Rellana's swords which I want to use.
Not him but the staff being buffed was a lie. It works differently than other staffs. Also mono death/putrecense spells in pve is hell. The damage is a abysmal.
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Hello my beautiful little wife
>she is my renalla (dumb INTsissy) and I'm her radagon (CHAD-esque FTHgod)
As miyazaki intended
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fashion yourself miquellan to follow the golden order incantations and the golden order seal
ignore the death sissy aesthetic
Yeah it's canon that carian women get wet for FTH CHADs.
>heavy damage
>heavy homing
>casts all the basic INT spells with better dmg than pure INT
>super good frostbite support which boosts all other damage you're dealing
It's the best caster build easily.
You're in denial.

If you say so. I rarely bother to worry about such tings. Especially on a caster.

Yes but I didn't say it got buffed and the lie means maybe it just get buffed eventually for real when they realize it.
> Also mono death/putrecense spells in pve is hell. The damage is a abysmal.
No it's not. Heavy homing, big damage and big stance break. They're EXCELLENT. When I co-op sometimes I just spam Ancient Death Rancor to keep the boss staggering/stunlocked. If you think they're weak, you aren't at 70/70 INT/FTH now or are comparing a single comet vs a single cast of Rancor without comparing the stance and homing advantage.
praise the elden ring for letting me farm a full cleanrot set in 10 minutes
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Malenia is fucking BUILT
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>Finally switch from Moonveil to a Great Katana with Carian Grandeour
>3k+ damage
>Don't even have Shard of Alexander yet
>Carian Sovereignty is even better
I can't believe the best sorceries are just Ashes of War
>ignore the death sissy aesthetic
Why the fuck would I do that when the death shit is the only good shit INT/FTH has besides those boring lame ass pussy golden pizzas?
>I rarely bother to worry about such tings. Especially on a caster.
All my builds go to RL200 so pure caster isn't a thing. That's more than enough levels to get 60 VIG and get in shits face for melee and spellcasting so 51 poise is a must.
>Why the fuck would I do that when the death shit is the only good shit INT/FTH has besides those boring lame ass pussy golden pizzas?
because you want to look good
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>All my builds go to RL200 so pure caster isn't a thing.
Anon, my Grave Keeper is RL 200 and I've wasted stats on weapon taxes and have 60 VIG
not him but you're a splitsissy going INT/FTH so you spend more points than normal
>sprint at dude
>explosive ghostflame
kek, bigbrain plays
I'm just saying that at RL200 you can be a proper INT/FAI and have 60 VIG and I'm not sure why he thinks he NEEDS to have poise for trading when he's invested fucking 100+ stat points on spellcasting.
And? My point is if you have 60 VIG there's no reason to consider yourself a pure caster. You can get into melee range and smack shit just fine and since I want to use actual INT/FTH weapons that's clearly my intent.
I'm probably gonna respect a little and get to 13 INT just to add Discus of Light in my 10th slot. That spell is just too fucking good not to use.
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I had a good run with 4D Chess with that spell for a minute.

>And? My point is if you have 60 VIG there's no reason to consider yourself a pure caster.
Only retards are pure caster. Every mage should have weapon to mash R1 with.
>You can get into melee range and smack shit just fine and since I want to use actual INT/FTH weapons that's clearly my intent.
You don't need poise to press R1 anon.
theres no reason or way to not be able to get 51 poise with 200 levels worth of level ups too, softcaps exist
Anyways I'm gonna hit the hay.

G'night /erg/
Actually you know what
I'll replace Layered Disc for Discus and add Catch Flame as the 10th, its FTH Carian Slicer
Oh your rl 200 right.

Well anything works good at 200.
You can't get the Prince of Death staff to scale right at much lower. It's nearly impossible to 70/70 at below 180--ish without being a glass cannon among glass cannons.
Multilayered Rings > Discus anyhow
Discus has extremely high range, great DPS, and has one of the highest damage to FP ratios in the whole game. It's like the carian slicer of incantations.
>no greatblade phalanx to combine with glintblade
>Well anything works good at 200.
That's why it's the ideal level, what kind of an argument is that? It's bad because there's more build variety?
>Discus has extremely high range
Let's not use hyperbole, it does not have extremely high range
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>You don't need poise to press R1 anon.
No, but I want it. Why do you care so much about what I want man? I never said YOU need 51 poise.
Order and chaos.

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