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Zenkai no /llsifg/!: >>487323812

WaiWai: Chika birthday week event
LLLL: Summer gacha
Nijigasaki Tokimeki Mirai Chizu announced for Switch

Bloom the smile, Bloom the dream! releases July 17th
Aqours 5th Solo Albums start releasing August 1st
Tsubaki Takizakura Girls' High School Idol Club After Party Album! releases August 21st
Cerise Bouquet 4th Single releases September 4th
Niji Conclusion Arc Part 1 releases in theaters September 6th
Dollchestra 4th Single releases September 11th
Love Live! Series Asia Tour 2024 theme song releases September 20th
Mira-Cra Park! 3rd Single releases October 2nd
Superstar S3 begins airing in October
Eternal Hours releases December 18th
Aqours Final Live announced

>SIF2 databases, teambuilder, misc stuff

>LLLL gameplay guides
(in Japanese)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rrZFdnRXX9cigAH3jI6874KVv8RcI9A9CaXdWFus3OE/edit#gid=515581572
>LLLL card database

>dead game offline/private server guides

Tomori is an exceptional singer.
>The way you frame this makes it look like you would call someone posting fanart of a raibu they like as a schizo and not the retard incapable not of taking obvious bait.
>The schizo replies like 5 times to every Rin post, whereas it takes like 5 posts in a row shitting on Liella for someone to comment on it.
You are an absolute retard.
Why does Liella make that one anon seethe so much holy shit
You're a complete fool if you think the other shows weren't also for kids
Not only that SS S2 mogs most other seasons for LL
Terminal shipfaggotry
>using name recognition to your advantage is le bad
>Brand new thread
>Liellafags already shitting it up
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You don't get to be a faggot and shit up the thread for three hours straight just to get a new OP and then pretend nothing happened.
Just say you hate Superstar
You could try being less obvious
Just say you're a Nijifag
does being a kkfag counts at being a liellafag or nijifag these days?
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>SS S2 mogs most other seasons for LL
kkfags are liellafags
who are you quoting?
Being obvious about what? Just look at the posts directly above me. You have people quoting posts from a dead thread that was posted half a day ago, you are continuing the shitposting from the previous thread and then playing the victim, what a fucking joke.
it's either a scorned /u/fag or a bitter nijifag that blames Liella for stealing their spotlight.
actually its both pretty often
He isn't quoting anything you newfag, he made a reply. Stop spewing memes you don't even understand and go back.
they're hasufags (fake).
Damn you really took >>487646019 personally, huh?
Its clearly one faggot. No way we have multiple people here that hate Liella that much
okay now AI generate Kotori getting spit roasted onegaishimasu
Politely asking nijifags to kill themselves
Just say you hate nijifags
>ignores my post and continues quoting shitposts from a dead thread
Thanks for proving my point. Keep playing the victim while shitposting while blaming other people, have fun.
Not everyone who posts Rin is Kamiyu in the same way that not everyone farming (You)'s is your boogeyman.
kkfags can do it first
you have no point, you just repeat other people's memes poorly
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HSZR mentioned
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My wives Shizuko, Pomu and Setsuna (Coco).
>Setsuna (Coco)
That's Tomori
Cute Rin, much needed
Thanks for posting
but then there would be no liellafags left
Alright I'll bite, do you unironically believe those posts were genuine after that shitposting from last thread? Like you just had people admitting they're just trolling outside of /b/ and then conveniently muh liellafags make an ass out of themselves then suddenly stop.
Sex subunit.
This >>487658295
is a post disagreeing with a Liellafag.
>the jew cries out as he strikes you
Who is she?
I thought kkfags were nijifags?
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fuck forgot image
>Just look at the posts directly above me
The post directly above anon >>487658530
Calling kkfags nijifags is like saying Jumpman is a liellafag because he likes to post the funny Kanon and Oninuts reaction faces.
This is Tomori for sure
that is not the same thing.
It absolutely is
>Not everyone who posts Rin is Kamiyu
Your post proved otherwise when that lurking faggot posted below you after reading your post then replied to himself.
It's just one retard posting it while literally lurking everyday all day for a chance to repeat the same stale shitpost and he's reading my post too. Hope that waste of oxygen, kills himself after realizing how much time he wasted doing this nonsense since his life is worthless.
that is not the same thing at all
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Complain about Superstar all you want but it's impossible to deny how hot the seiyuu are in Liella.
He has you lurking all day so you can reply to his posts, so how are you not worse? You are even seething about him to third persons. Embarrassing.
bringing up someone who liked Kuukaa, is a nijifag, and hates Liella now is an interesting argument
Projection, not going to read the rest of your post, shitposter.
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>Nijigasaki July 2024 Monthly Questionnaire
<NijiGakuPajamas Talk>
>Rina-chan is blushing while talking on the phone. What happened?
Jumpman is a Yushitter, therefore not a nijifag
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>You are finally awake, Anon! You hit your head really hard! Huh?? Aqours? Niji? Liella? What are you talking about?? Cmon, we are heading out for our next live to celebrate μ's 10th anniversary!
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He's also a Tomorifag. A fake fan of Setsuna when posting SetsuKasu.
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you sure?
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>someone is shitting on kkfag
>brings up Liyuu
every single time
Liyuu voices Keke
just report seiyuushit and move on
Say his name and he appears
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>again reposting shitty AI feet art
Fuck off already turdmiyu with your fetish, faggot
Are you?
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Remember when she was an edgy rival?
What is anon implying?
Literally a brand new image.
Uh, I take it >>487665263 is a schizo, bros?
She's still pretty edgy though
Yes it is
Actually, schizo or bot?
Don't reply to the shitposter
You'll give him what he wants since he can't get attention in real life
meant for >>487660773
You hate Superstar
You know we can scroll up and see the original post said posts, not a singular post?
You hate Superstar
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I buy this at Winco. Always makes me think of Nico.
I misread
nama, radio show and baseball this weekend.
Chiemi really loves Love Live, bros
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the imas girl on the far right is triggering my autism
Why Chika and not You
it feels like she replaced Homin on most of these recent streams/events
but her and Nacchan are also the most Bandai-affiliated Niji members
because you're a retard
What the fuck is a Nacchan?
You doesnt like to work...
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Most likely the last of the work she'll do for the franchise.
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If only
bros... g@kumas stole our thunder...
it's over...
>last of the work
It doesn't have a new song in it, all of the song are just a solo mix of pre-existing song
Go back
whats wrong with koggers :(
and it only took abandoning every previous imas branch and leaving them to rot
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the futon
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Maki is the best slut (compliment)
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I wish to make dinosaur babies.
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Ain’t no one buying these (x2)
Cute Nico's wife
slutty shizu
Based jap
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kuma mogging hard
guilty SEX
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Autist need sex too
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>Send your message and/or questions to "Love Live! Superstar!!" guests for Anime NYC!
>Be sure to fill out the form below for a chance to see your messages be read during their panel!
>Deadline: July 31 (Wed.) 9:00PM, EDT
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Look at this round Nico
cutie round nico you bought
She’s so happy when she’s with her senpais Sumire and and Ren.
>March 2025
Sorry Karin but I'm going to have to wait for you to bin a bit
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every gen's sluts
She mellowed out since getting a gf (tomari)
Is this faggot retarded
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now you can make funny pictures
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What do they need this for
I don't see Kotori, Riko and Shizuku in that image though.
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those are whores not sluts
For Kaorin, if she cameos.
One more week
It was just a phase
niji movie soon, i cant wait to not be able to watch it
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what Love Live really needs are more short-haired raibus
Please watch Shizuku's wholesome cosplay romcom anime that is in no way nasty
Is this the fatass elf anime
what a bunch of cuties
no Plus Sized Elf is tomorrow
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I'm not watching either but I'm glad she's getting lots of work.
Just watch the camrips lmao
One day I'll watch the Sunshine movie in a quality above camrip. Maybe.
When they sell the BD day of, I expect an apology
You missed out on watching kino at high quality
>Sunshine movie
pick one
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The OVA had the early release BD announced 3 or 4 months before the actual release. They would have announced it if the movie was getting one too by now.
that's not an old pic though? and it has a cute Rin as well
I finally finished listening to all the 700+ raibu songs I dumped into a playlist. The Liella no Uta and Musical songs really tested my patience with not skipping them.
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>The Liella no Uta and Musical songs really tested my patience with not skipping them.
Have you tried just not taking the bait?
It's fun
I guess I just like school idols
Don't shitpost about liella songs
They're the best since Sunshine
have you tried not replying to him
he's just replying to himself already
>have you tried not replying to him
Yeah, for months on end. Doesn't seem to stop him.
Here's your (You)s
They just feel like a slog to sit through. I tried to avoid versions and mixes unless they were specifically released as new versions (ie not including the subunit mixes of Aqours Club songs but including the new versions of Watashi no Symphony and Tokimeki Runners) but it's two whole albums of what are basically solo mixes because there's no real difference between version 1 and version 2.
The Musical songs are the same where there's a bunch of songs with two versions with the added issue of not knowing the context because they won't release a BD of it.
Try years. It's already been proven he's just talking to himself, newfag
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Wow. You should share that conclusive proof whenever he starts doing this shit, sounds like a powerful deterrent.
Been saying this since SIF2. Thank you for validating.
Me being a newfag only explains that I don't know about this proof, but it does not make my reasoning wrong. I stand by what I said.
The true Muse successor... I kneel...
>desperate for validation
You're probably a complete moron then. The people posting inflammatory stuff would fuck off if people ignored them. Granted they are both problems but they are co-dependent on each other.
Exceptionally bad.
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>and I felt personally called out
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>I admit that X, but it does not change the point
>Uh... X!
Talking to walls is so fun.
>I have no counter argument so I'll resort to baseless and irrelevant personal attacks.
Liella songs are genuinely good though, do you really not like them?
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It's just these ones because they're made as solos instead of duets. I don't have anything against their other songs.
>bringing up metashit from a dead thread for no >>487735723
Kys immediately
wait, why is Shiki smoking a cigar?
they arent even bad songs though so maybe youre just an autist
she's smoking that Aqours pack
They’re bad, maybe the autist is you.
She wouldnt say that
I wouldn't say they're bad, but the S2 uta songs are very skippable
>no u
I love breasts, but Miyu isnt really as big as the other 2. Its not really close
Why are they like this?
I don't know if I'd call them "bad", they're just a slog when there's two versions of each to listen too and the only difference is who's singing. It's worse with the S1 ones where they're all slow as shit too.
It's cute when they're one minute songs at the end of an episode, less so when they're being dragged out into full length songs for an album.
>Its not really close
She's still the closest amongst the rest of Niji though
Tomori is probably bigger than Miyu if you want me to be honest
We're talking about Niji seiyuu though.
I am in the mood for a JAV
it was a private show for me
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Based taste.
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The /vg/ team is playing in the 4chan Summer cup and it looks like our rep, holy shit a talking dog?? will be playing
She's a CB and this PES is a goalfest so don't be too shocked by her performance
They are easily the weakest part of Liella's catalog. They're passable as live duets, but as standalone solos, no.
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Why is she wearing pants
and a lei
and sunglassses
Everyone posts Nijimilk but nobody posts Liellamilk.....
Doesn't exist.
LustQueen has plenty milk
Reps are supposed to have something that matches the rest of the team's colors. It was going to be pants or her beach accessories that changed colors to match the rest of the team. Looks like something went wrong and both are in.
is there a rep from /llst?
/vg/ is losing and I blame Aqours.
What is this supposed to prove? T shirts never show good volume or shape. We know coco and chunrun are stacked because they wore cloths that easily show the shape
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>T shirts never show good volume or shape
manager-kun is a flopflag please understand
oh no not another schizo narrative
>muh narrative
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yay we won
based design
Stop replying to yourself KKfag
That is the worst thing I've ever been called ITT. Apologize.
Thankfully no
Does /jp/ even have their own VGL equivalent?
I did it!
Show miyu’s huge honkers in a tight sweater or tank top or we wont know
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Liyuu, Kuma and Paypal
>I need to see this very specific outfit or else it doesn't count
this nigga a retard
>not even "to the future"
doomed lol
So sexless.
>what the fuck, where are the down syndrome faces?
where is this from
Tsubaki Takizakura Girls' High School Idol Club After Party Album! releases August 21st
Cerise Bouquet 4th Single releases September 4th
Niji Conclusion Arc Part 1 releases in theaters September 6th
Dollchestra 4th Single releases September 11th
Love Live! Series Asia Tour 2024 theme song releases September 20th
Doko ni Itemo Kimi wa Kimi releases September 25th
Mira-Cra Park! 3rd Single releases October 2nd
Superstar S3 begins airing in October
Eternal Hours releases December 18th
Aqours 4th Solo Concert Albums release on the respective girl's birthday
Aqours Final Live announced
>again reposting this old rinboyshit pixiv art from this artist at this time
Quit pretending turdmiyu. You don't even like that ugly as shit boy, lying faggot
Cute Nico, much needed and better than the ugly drawing of rinboytrash nobody actually likes earlier
Thanks for posting
>lying again about that ugly as shit old drawing
Fuck off already turdmiyu. Rin is ugly as fuck and you don't even like that ugly as shit boy and that's why nobody replied to it.
Just like your fake HonoMaki daughter shit or Niko posts that you're not consistent in posting, lying faggot.
see >>487665263
Fuck off already turdmiyu with your reposted fetish, faggot
>again just reposting old ugly rinboyturd from pixiv to shitpost
You don't even like that ugly as shit boy, turdmiyu
Fuck off with this shitty reposted art, dumb shitter
Quit replying to yourself turdmiyu. Your post is so fake as shit.
What's cute about that shitty reposted drawing?
You don't even like that shitty raibu, obvious samefagging retard.
Holy based. Turdmiyu an obvious shitty samefag who doesn't even like Rinboyshit with those ugly drawing reposts.
wait why are shizuko's tits censored
it lets her pretend she is naked
still better than that faggot fan name idol story came up with
Liyuusex, Kumasex and Paypalsex
Stop picking on Kaorin.
The art was designed to be used on the cancelled PlayStation version as well and it's a hold over.
Engrish is soulful.
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>I can count to potato
>Liella STILL has no games
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why this nigga have to have a chika avatar?
>picture book
Why do you write like a nigger? Why do people do anything?
>sunshiners are strive players and molesters
Niji would never
Literally who
tldr apparently a strive player who presses buttons good felt up some boypussy and now they're trying to cancel him.
Who was kowalski's raibu?
Who the fuck cares?
What the fuck is a strive player?
The guy who asked >>487776265
Hope that helps.
I'm pretty sure LLLL wasn't even a thing when he deleted his twitter
Pretty sure it was Hanamaru
>nijifags need to scour ggg and discord to bring up drama here
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ok but why talk about it here
There's the one Setsunafag who beat hungrybox, but other than that, I can't think of any other notable LLers.
Ask the tourist
Chika is Love Live
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a Yushitter and a lielllafag
Looks like a nijifag to me
Yushitters aren't nijifags
It's funny how they always force memes about things I disagree with, while the ones I like are organic.
Same reason people just posts screenshots of random twitter posts.
then whos the hanamaru nigga
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you mean vanillakunikida? he's the guy who made the smash bros looking love live fangame
If /llsifg/ hasn't taught you that every raibufag is a fucking weirdo I don't know what will
name one hasufag who is a weirdo
If they're actively following Hasu then they're already deep into Love Live
every megutard
he was a funny guy
coomers aren't megufags.
lol really? Was it in melee or ult
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She would say this though
She would and you know it
Yeah thats what i said
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sex with myself
we know, me
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Spoil Kasumin.
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>[Sad News] Hasunosora Don Quixote collab sells out in seconds
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Is it
Staff is stubborn as hell and don't want to admit Hasu is popular so they make a low amount of products
Staff wants to make Hasu appear more popular by making a low amount of products
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Probably the former. Purposefully underprinting just causes people to turn to scalpers and only serves to piss off genuine fans.
what a stupid woman
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okay now AI generate Maki getting spit roasted
>hasu is a flop, they claimed
The voices in your head?
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I want to have sex with Shizuko.
I don't think anybody claimed that.
Me on the left.
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You can't satisfy her.
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love ya nico-chan
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>look at me, look at how much I hate Niji
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Stop it!
Man, I really wish they stopped baiting.
This is Coco and Kaorin.
go back
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Is it me or is the audio balancing on the Bokura no Umi de Mata Aou solo fucked up?
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My daughter is watching LL Superstar and she is on episode 3. She is really enjoying it.
>episode 3
it's all downhill from here.
Do her a favor and tell her it ends after episode 3. Don't show her the rest. Let the memory remain intact
So why is this faggot pretending a Hasu-Don Quixote collab relates in any way to Liella? At least give me some narrative, this is beyond lazy.
>days without crying about liella: 0
Mental illness
thank her for finishing the anime
KeKa is the best episode of LL we've had in the entire franchise since SIP. Then it falls off a cliff after.
Scalpers need to be hanged holy shit
LustQueen is used to making weird faces.
Why are ESLs so unfunny?
>and don't do any weird stuff publicly
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gotta make kanon look really really strong
Gotta be a bot
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You got a problem with strong Kanon??
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Will the normies come after high school aged anime girls after their crusade against lolis?
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Shizuku is so good
>Will the normies come after high school aged anime girls
they already are even if they're 17
They're supporting the series so, no
Is this AI
The legs are wrong
>buy merch
>let it rot overpriced online
>none of it actually ends up in the hands of a fan
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The loli could be 5000 years old and declare it underaged
The anime girl with huge tits and perfect slim shaped body will be fapped to then when the artist reveals she's 8 then suddenly its not ok to fap to an anime girl that looks like she's in her 20s
It's insane
They still make a profit the seller, (not the scalper)
so it supports the series still
yen is cheap anyway
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Based hafu
There is nothing wrong with the legs holy shit kill yourself
Whats wrong with them lol
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I like Coco.
This is Tomori
I get a feeling the Kotori Fried Chicken account browses here.

Fuck off you fag.
Does the youtube comment schizo make memes?
he's based, leave him alone
>no bra
Day 2 of politely asking nijifags to kill themselves
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Stop baiting, fag
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She's not a devil
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Fuck this heat
What's wrong with British news
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use an air conditioner
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Mia would be
It's 16° C here
Hasu cow is Megu
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I'm gonna fuck you, brat.
The new season sucks.
Why deadpool
Megumi's dried up spoiled milk...
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go our way mv is finally on youtube a year later
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My wives!
The OVA just became available to stream in Japan.
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stop the count
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>he's still going
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Was it a specific location collab? Because it's obvious it would sell out in Akihabara donki and the like
time to admit shes better in the anime
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Just say you hate Niji
No it's country wide, not every single donki since there's a grillion of them but around 30 or so stores.
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>when Kasumi and Shio start kissing
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They don't know the true extent of my smut.
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Tiny Stars when....
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Not going to lie, I tend to forget the MiaRina experiment. I'm sure there will be something in Niji Movie 2, but their asses just said fuck it and went the MiaYu route.
MiaRina is fine, but honestly MiaYu is way better. Their moments were my favorites in s2
Never. Liellafags don't buy merch.
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Does this general have any Aqoursfags left in it?
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My wife is so cute.
Explain why every single one of those Starlight Prologue figures binned then. And why there's only 2 Liella Nendoroids with Chisato never ever.
everyone looks fantastic in the go our way outfits. The MV itself is probably the most well animated one in the whole series, the 2D and 3D blend in perfectly
modern figure industry is a bin fest, i don't even own anything liella related aside from nesos but this is a shit metric
Post your merch
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>My wife
Where the fuck are the hasu figures? Do they literally hate money?
They have the Sega crane game ones
Go back
Things binning does not mean liellafags don't buy merch? The fuck kind of logic is this?
>figure sits in shop
>nobody buys it
>shop has to lower the price to entice people to buy it (a.k.a put on Clearance) until someone finally buys it
Seems pretty straightfoward to me
They all left to go play Strive
Do you honestly expect anyone to believe that no one buys liella merch?
Waiting for Metal Keke to bin
I'm sure 5 or 6 people are very happy, but its not enough to sustain a business
Liellafags are both nonexsistent and an issue. Don't you just love mental gymnastics?
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Yes, and this has been happening to every fucking franchise under the sun retard. They boosted figure prices way too much during 2021-2022 and it's been the same ever sense, you'll see leftover figures on amiami all the damn time. The last fig i bought is binned too, to no ones fucking surprise.
Does the idea of people liking Liella really hurt your psyche this much?
No one is buying Ren merch
Didn't someone see Ren nesos at Ross or something?
'fraid so
What the fuck is a Ross
There's weebshit in Ross from gundam gunplas, funkopops of anime characters and other types of anime figures
It's a discount store but I don't remember that being brought up here. He's probably outing himself as a tourist
I thought I was seeing more on amiami. Took advantage of some deals.
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>I HATE Liella
>but instead of moving the fuck on I'm going to bitch endlessly about the thing I hate 24/7
fuck. off.
you never seen that kkfag who has lots of merch in his house?
does not count
don't use nico to shitpost
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cope and seethe
now post one in front of your monitor with the thread pulled up
You can check stock levels of LL official shop in atre akiba and unironically Liella and Niji stuff pretty much never sell out. Hasu almost always is out of stock, and even the hags have a lot of sold outs.
>d-doesn't count
yes you grabbing it from your discord butt buddies doesn't count
Cope, schizo
>if a different person bought it, it wasn't actually bought
>can't prove it's your own merch
Concession accepted
What does that have to do with the original claim that no one buys Ren merch?
not him but i can do this
So the truth finally fucking comes out. All this """""""""""""""""""""""""shitting on Liella""""""""""""""""""" was just made so he could make this post covertly dunking on Niji with plausible deniability.
The shit looks like it's on a store shelf
You tell us.
whenever i go, the niji stuff is always sold out actually.
emma gave me a blowjob literally an hour ago sirs
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They're just plastic shelves
If you're not gonna post it in front of your monitor then you can fuck off back to your discord
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hot him but here's mine
Still fake. now write a time stamp with your signature.
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We've seen your Ren before which is why I ignored you earlier.
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Thats not me
Why are you so fixated on who's Ren it is anyone? That wasn't even part of the original claim.
Looking at the post it was a kek figure, not nesos but it was brought up here so kys
anons brought up gamestop not whatever britbong aussie store you mentioned
Ross is in America too, but yeah how the fuck do you get that confused
Does the CVS anon own anything past S1?
I am looking at the post right now idiot
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lmao this is why no one wants to post merch here, you schizos will just hold onto it for months to use as some kind of evidence.
Nicofag (the european not the schizo) and Hanamarufag post their merch all the time.
We even had a Nozofag show us her panties.
I wonder if he keeps a portfolio on all his suspected thread personalities.
gotta make Kinako look really strong huh
She's the goalie, genius.
>not a single one with huge tits
Pretty sure field hockey goalies don't wear the same kit as the outfielders
i thought he stopped coming here a while ago
What does it matter? barring Hasu the most popular girls in the other groups are always middle/small
He was here during the thread split last month.
Big titties are for the groups not aimed at 5 year old girls.
Don't you fags get tired of the same posts every fucking day? They even seem to be made at the same hour.
>look mom, I said it again
>They even seem to be made at the same hour.
That should clue you in.
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Enough about flatties, post milk monsters.
We hate Hasu here
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Just say you hate flat Liella.
I don't know why they love him so much, I post my merch all the time and no one cares
Show us your raibu's panties.
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no, it doesn't, it just makes fans poorer
she was 15 in 2013
They still get their money regardless if a """real"""" fan buys it or not
2nd hand merch for Niji still isn't cheap, it's almost the same or even more expensive than retail
I like women
Do you like women?
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Are you actually retarded? Yes they get the money but they could also just stock more so actual people can buy it and they would make more money and the actual fans would be happier. Which part of this does your peanut brain not understand?
now AI generate Riko getting spit roasted by Shiitake and Lailaps
megumilk is a hoax perpetrated by the subversive hasunigger vermin
Built for passionate sex and marriage
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I want to have sex with Megumi.
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We know Ruri, Hime and Kozue.
the chest sizes are pretty inconsistent but megu's got some consistently. In some of the recent ur's she's been pretty busty while characters like Tsuzuri are consistently small
Pregnant Megumi with my child.
I'm watching Kaorin and Akarin's naughty anime.
You don’t watch Hasu.
Does Akarin use her Kanata voice in anything else? I feel like she has the same voice in everything except LL.
Thank goodness that she's finally getting paizuri art
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She looks like she has the downs, also I love Tomori.
This is Coco
I miss her.
I hope so.
Now this is perfect Rabu
Im gonna buy them anyway, but the new DD figures dont look the best. Its passable and i know what to expect since the Shizuku swimsuit one is the same manufacturer but eh
I was genuinely surprised how popular they were at the Ijigen event
Basically surrounded by Hasufans and a idolm@ster Kaho fan
I am a fan now
They weren't hugely popular at ijigen itself, vast majority didn't even know the calls for dododo etc, although the Hasufans themselves on the LL side were definitely popping a lot of UOs
Those chants during On Your Mark were nice
Tomori isn't a fatass.
why didn't Liella's songs get chants during Ijigen...
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niji is a mistake
>the exact same body x11 with different faces tacked on
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This one flipped harder than a dolphin at sea world lmao
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Akarin and the Uggos
>the exact same body x11 with different faces tacked on
That's always been the case, blindfag
lycoris recoil
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The point being is that it doesn't matter for corporation.
They used to have different chest sizes, now Chisato is the same size as Natsumi.
Just say you hate gacha.
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Cute mackers
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>Legend of Nijigaku doujin
>numazu festival fireworks ending with mijuku dreamer
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who is that in the back?
It was great yeah.
VOD replay here:
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My daughter
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It wasn't her
Mercari resellers are the only way I can get any of the JP only merch so I won't complain much. Hasu is merch is completely fucked though. I hope the 1st year nesoberis don't get fucked as hard as everything else has been lately.
Cute HonoTsuba dauterou
Ive been looking for the Lanzhu Mameito for almost 2 years and no luck.
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Maybe people will bother to scalp these because I didn't see a single winter kit on YJA
But those were on amiami when they were new
They were but i missed the pre order
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Skill issue
They pop up every so often, just set up alerts with a proxy
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I miss SIF
I love them so much
Thanks, I’ll keep this tab open then
feslive rerun starting
>again more ugly rinboyshit from twitter
Fuck off with this ugly as shit boy you don't even like turdmiyu
Fuck off turdmiyu
>again with the same old replies like last time
You can't even post an actual new reply, samefagging turdmiyu
There's nothing sex about Rinboyturd and don't even like that ugly shit boy for marriage, lying samefagging shitter
>again posting old as shit rinboyturd art from twitter at this time like always
Quit pretending and fuck off turdmiyu. You don't even like that ugly as shit boy, faggot
You already posted this ugly rinboyshit feet yesterday, faggot turdmiyu >>487593350
You don't even like that ugly as shit boy when you just repost shit from a day ago, lying shitter
>again just posting more old shitty art from twitter
Why do you even post this ugly as shit boy you don't even like, just like your fake honomaki samefagging
Fuck off turdmiyu
>again more old reposted rinboyshit from twitter
Just fuck off already turdmiyu. You don't even like that ugly as shit boy, lying faggot
WaiWai: HonoChika birthday week event
Should I start playing this game
If you feel like dumping $200 on song packs sure
Do I have to spend that much? I unironically might start playing it
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You get 8 songs for free then have to buy everything else. Don't bother with the costumes because you can craft all of them through song drops.
If you're a fellow eurocuck you'll need to make a JP or US PSN account and download the game from one of those stores and buy gift cards from a third party. G2A made the game cost like half the price back when it released but I don't know if their 10k yen cards are still as dirt cheap as they were back then.
I will check it out
>Don't bother with the costumes because you can craft all of them through song drops.
Nott entirely true. Each song has different material drops so if you don't have certain songs, then you won't be able to craft certain costumes.
It's still cheaper to buy a song individually just for the drop than it is to buy a costume set individually
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Id argue that aqours has a bigger legacy and u’s because their impact is still here. That whole island will have them as mascots forever probably
I wonder if the next Love Live group will be based in a dying town that desperately needs tourism bucks in the middle of bumfuck nowhere too
Addressing the trash should be easy, I think, but what if the thugs were Aqoursfags?
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Hasu is already located in bumfuck nowhere anon
Doesn't Kanazawa have a much higher population than Numazu though?
holy bogged
Yes but they live in the mountains not too close to Kanazawa.
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I can't believe Akua is dying. I'm still trying to cope...
They've been on their deathbed since covid
Shuka, Kyan and Furi will be repping the group until they are literal grannies

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