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hang in there

>The Final Shape
>Dev Insights - Episode: Echoes

TWAB (07/25/24): https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/twid-07-25-2024

DIM: https://app.destinyitemmanager.com/
Armor Picker: https://d2armorpicker.com/
API: https://www.light.gg/
Stats: https://destinytracker.com/
Braytech: https://braytech.org/
PressKits: https://press.bungie.com/Destiny-2
Gunsmith: https://d2foundry.gg

>TTK, Buffs/Debuffs, DPS, etc...

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In Darkness we saw ourselves, simultaneously victims and perpetrators, condemned to fade in Light, as all things do.
And so we reshaped ourselves to become this purpose the universe lacked.
We lost ourselves in it.
Destroy us.

The Light forgets. The Light forgives. In memory we remain, but in Light we are freed.
The Light will tear us. The Light will rend, mind from mind, split what has become the vile one into the repentant many.
Destroy us.

Your Gardener cannot help you, while imprisoned... Free it.
It will take all you have, and more, to unmake that which has been made in the Darkness.
Destroy us.
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how do we balance prismatic?
destroy it
buff the other subclasses
Destroy us
Free us... free us! Free us!
It will end soon.
We won't suffer one more day with you!
Who cares?
Pvp is for retards, and balancing doesn't really matter in pve.
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>balancing doesn't really matter in pve.
Bungie shitting up titans to the point of uselessness in raids doesn't change my statement.
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look at me and tell me I don't look cool.
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bring back solo operative
Salvation edge title is filtering me bros. The level of coordination needed is beyond your average stoner/family man/retarded teenager on lfg
can't help you there bro, never done it for the reasons you just mentioned
What was bingle thinking when they released a raid that destroyed the Destiny Dads
The urge to play lately has been lower than it was during Lightslop
I had so much fun with the pale heart stuff and the campaign. Now that I’m transcendent and have most of the marks and ergo sums I want I don’t have much to do there. I really like all the seasonal missions, but I got all the gun patterns and god rolls so fast. They just vomit loot at you, which is great but I’m not getting anything new or chasing anything. I wish dunking all the stuff gave me more shards or prisms or something. I’m so eager to have something to chase I’ve started to try to get reconstruction chill clip on the heavy frame fusion rifle from banshee.
All my friends dipped and it has completely demoralized me
LFG just isn't the same
Almost all of the people in my clan including ones with thousands of hours who usually play every day have barely been on in the last few weeks
i blame the gays
[Sad News] Player morale is nearing an all time low
anyone want to run duality or something?
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Play Warframe
Why would I do that when I can just watch this?
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It's more fun in game
>haven't played on my warlock in years
>decide to pick up warlock and look through exotics
>all of them are super niche, or don't really do anything
>end up using stag for the rift defence bonus
So hunter can get shit like stompees and titans get armimentarium, but warlocks just get various arguably weak ass rift buffs?
Even the passive use exotics warlock does actually get like ophidian kind of suck.
use omsiomancy gloves for passive pvp exotic
Nezarec's Sin is one of the best prismatic exotics not even joking.
I don't play pvp.
Ill check it out.
>struggling to break past 75k players on steam now
Reminder TFS surpassed Forsaken according to the shills
As a completely new player can I just jump straight to Final Shape? Do I have to complete the base campaign first? How long will it take?
You haven't been able to do the base campaign in years.
I'm pretty sure that once you buy it you can just jump right into the dlc stories.
You can but you won’t get who the extra aliens are besides The Witness or why the Hive leader is helping us but her army isn’t.
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are you going back into onslop with attunement coming back?
Why would I?
they NEED to add sex to the game
Here's how we can still save Destiny: Unvault all content at once without any goyish tricks involved. It's that shrimple
But Pete won’t be able to afford his 5th private plane if they did that
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to be honest i'd pay for it since i never got experience any of it aside from the very launch of d2
When are we getting our own Destiny Infinite?
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>me with my Truth
Are they actually stupid enough to revert the passage of mercy qol change back to only forgiving one loss? Or am I retarded
>Mercy - If a player hasn't been Flawless for the week, two losses can be forgiven. Reverts to its old behavior of forgiving a single loss once a player goes Flawless.
It reverts to one loss after going Flawless. if you have not been Flawless yet, its 2 losses
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Yep that answers my question
>Less damage than Thunderlord without its catalyst
>Its only support tool is a debuff that can be applied by any void grenade or smoke bomb
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>somehow, calus has returned
>introduces a new type of pantheon called colosseum
>four raid encounters from every raid in destiny randomized + a random raid boss at the end (including calus himself)
>rewards are spoils and random based on the raid encounters
would (You) play it?
>Gets verity
That's a reset
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Somebody looked at this and went "yeah, this is gonna be the big bad of this franchise"
that is fan "art"
oh thank god. the actual big bad of the destiny franchise, the witness, looks nothing like that.
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>Implying the ingame model is any better
this is concept art
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thats a concept art
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chad jaw, desu
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me on bottom right
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kinda funny actually
I like the one with the big hat
only if you would play with me too
im so lonely :(
>somehow, calus has returned
Isn't that actually kinda possible with his robo decoys? Those still exist on the leviathan right?
oh my god gambit is so fucking dogshit
oh my God gambit is so fucking fun
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oh my God gambit is so fucking mid
>he died with 15 motes again
>dying with 15 motes is BAD because... because... IT JUST IS OKAY??????
How to win at gambit 75% of the time
- Banks after every 2 waves. No matter what. Even if you have 9 or 14 or whatever. Bank.
- If you are last on your team to bank you stay and deal with blockers

That's it. Only way you're losing now is if the other team has a good invader who spams during primeval.
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don't care i'm still using leviathan's breath
Gambit? Yeah I've fucked her before.
Season of the haunted showed the leviathan has a fungus problem and most if not all the decoys got rendered useless
based bottom fragger
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>me with my Truth
i'm attempting to solo grasp of avarice as a titan
btw i'm a little over blueberry but not by much
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How do you go from this..
I believe in you.
actually i'm consistently either top kills/boss damage or top guardian kills with it
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....to this
he's actually really big if you look down, nonetheless should've been more imposing.
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>top kills
>top PVE players are usually the top PVP players
>/dg/ openly hates red minigame and prefers PVE
Umm bros????
the bat wings look so bad. makes the extra arms look like they're strapped on
I still believe in you. We all have to start somewhere.
most people here are shitters in both, PVE is by far more forgiving
I'm not white according to /pol/, do you guys still love me?
If it makes you feel better, a lot of my friends online are from different cultures, races and ethnicities and we're all racists. So yeah, I love ya anon. It's the (((women))) you have to watch out for.
Frens :D
You are fine if you understand who is destroying the west and work to stop them. Just because you aren't perfect doesn't mean we can't be friends. Come November we should fix things.
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i'll decide if you're okay when i learn what you main
Your planning goes from "this would be really cool!" to "we have a [relatively short length of time] and [set budget with with to fund development] until we ship, so we're going to need to pair it down.".
The one percent, among other titles.
Titan :D
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reminds me of this
Just like there are differences between niggers and black people, every race has their good ones and fucking awful ones.
Actually the less than 3% that been kicked out of many countries but you seem to understand that so we can be friends
My best friend is Asian Korean specifically and he is a bigger WN than me. He's probably the funniest guy I ever met in my life. Waves his confederate flag every time we go into the city and we don't live in the south.
you aight brown boy
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>I'm not white according to /pol/
a lot of people are not white according to kosher (((pol))), so which flavor are you?
>new player
>jump straight in to The Final Shape
>legendary difficulty because it's the only one that gives rewards
>every wave has shields and immune barriers
>every wave has a miniboss
>machine gun is the only one that does any real damage but there's just no ammo
>you don't even get ammo back when you die
>checkpoints only after every 6+ waves
>fail the BING BING WAHOO?
>restart from the beginning faggot!

I spend like 15+ minutes clearing a set of waves and I probably spent over an hour on the first mission dying over and over, all while playing like a faggot sniping with an assault rifle from cover.
This is the opposite of fun.
Growing up my closest friend was black. We hung out pretty much every day and went to the woods and would larp out whatever video game we were playing. We dressed as Castlevania characters for like 4 years straight. One year I was Richter and he was Blade and that was cool. Then we went to different colleges and he got radicalized by communists to hate white people and I never saw him again. I fucking hate the far left and the damage they did to this country.
>wouldn't it be more efficient and cheaper if we just used his normal model but add a few more hands?
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the fuck are you playing?
Artist just saw spider man
They are strapped on. Bungie couldn't be assed to actually rig a whole skeleton for them so they tried to hide it with the wings. It only makes it look worse.
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is it okay if i buy this
only if you tell yourself its a little treat
oh ): well that's fucking disappointing, I really liked the idea of Calus having a bunch of robo clones just to fuck with the guardian.
only if you are queer trans nigger
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i bought all this shit but it just sits in a box. i dont even remember what it is. dont do it
This like knick knacks for younger people. Boomers have shelves with fine china and other useless shit they plan on passing to their kids and millennials have shit like this and shit they got from that loot crate fad. Only difference is you won't have kids to pass this to so your local government will take ownership of it when you pass.
I miss onslop so yeah I think I will.
Going AFK during Engima Protocol is rather unhelpful. STOP doing this.
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>bonus progress for expert or higher
so that was a fucking lie
lol that's not true at all. Top PVP players doing PVE is fucking hilarious because they are dogshit at it.
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>this bait again
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>calus just sent one of his robots to the witness
>has been chilling on the leviathan this whole time
>witness actually looks threatening
>fuck it just add more hands
ah, the destiny that could have been
>artists during vidoc hype up how surreal and strange the pale heart would be
>into the heart trailer emphasizes this too with the reversing shots
>pale heart is just reused assets
>nothing weird at all except giant ghosts and hands
they should have put all that weird shit into the actual 3 zones instead of the transitions between them
The amount of fucking times they just copypasted the exact same Zavala head was very noticeable
I know, I guarantee that if you gave me drugs and 1.5 million I'll make the greatest most surrealist patrol zone ever
Failsafe was cooler as a Schizo, this "Politeness Filter" thing sucks.
still fucking the ai
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i don't like artifact mods
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Give every subclass an additional fragment slot.
I want booba but destiny gameplay is king. Its the only reason I play.
agreed, they ruined her completely
Aside from some Salvations Edge runs, I'm not really feeling it. At some point I'll want to work on focusing the solar firearm but, I'm playing other games now.
>Total Bungie death
>St*am playercount tranny is showing off xer mental illness again
>Retard is going to keep saying the numbers mean even when we hit the lowest the games ever seen
Watchdogs deserved better
bros.. im losing hope for the future
Marathon sisters, our brothers at Destiny are struggling. Will it be our time to shine yet?
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watchdogs and division both deserved better
But /oursister/ was sure that there wasn't going to be a mass player exodus
Halo deserved better
Destiny's losing players because they didn't commit to the increased difficulty of patrol and normal dungeons and raids. If the Pale Heart had Neomuna's power delta, the game would be thriving
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Sony should seriously consider taking over Destiny until there is still interest in the game
nah it would have ended up in the gutter anyway. Bungie hates it
343 hates it
>If the Pale Heart had Neomuna's power delta
i would refund
That's why I said it deserved better. Either they should have left the game series rest in peace or given it to a more competent studio.
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>The numbers mason
Now this is shitposting.
agreed then
Division 2 was excellent. Absolutely deserved better. Its problem was that it was too heavily endgame loaded. Division 2's endgame grind is better than D2s and has been for a while. It makes a ton of sense and respects your time. But the game is very much endgame loaded. The campaign isn't hard but the loot loop and general economy is, or was, brutal (I've been in endgame for 2+ years now, so I don't know how updates changed things).

I think I read the team was working on a mobile Division game? I'd go crazy on a proper Division 3.
Fashion is gay.
>unshadeable glow bits
I hate this game.
They had to make him cartoonish and funny like a disney character so it wasn't too scary for the PG rating needed for consoles.

They spoke about it in a vidoc about how they couldn't do body horror because it was too scary.
this claim is completely fabricated
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fabricated on factual evidence

ok bungie shill
this image does not show any of your claims. kill yourself, wartranny
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hooooope...it makes you weaaaak.
>New player
>Acting like a noob
Who would have guessed?
fuck off whatever you're name is. We're already got the warframe fag clogging up the thread we don't need another one.
After an hour in Onslop, I thought I had formed some kinda bond with these players...

>has departed
>has departed

Oh. :(
Over status?
Make the initiative to send the friend requests?
Nice counter argument nigger

Your non object permanence brain cannot comprehend simple deduction probably due to being a tourist
Calling everyone a tranny just shows the state of emptiness your mind must occupy and you need to go back to twitter

Anyone who has watched any vidoc or even glanced at the concept art would know that reducing body horror was one of the main motivations for most of the art.

Empty words for a rent free shill
>Back to twitter
Sounds more like /b/ to me, anon
Turn the frogs gay.
>Captain Jacobson
its a copy pasta you fucking retard
I'm not chronically online, sorry anon
I don't know anything about Halo or the Halo general but that one thread where OP put /hg/ and the Halo autists flooded the thread with pics of that brute or whatever was really funny.
we should do that again instead of using picture of OPs faggot family kissing
that fucking TWAB that discussed Bungies goals and ambitions and the progress of destiny brought so many fucking posters in the general to the point it was just pure chaos and it was hilarious watching it unfold
>i am a new player with no build, no setups and dont know the game
>i should jump into the legendary difficulty of the campaign solo
Dumbass. Also the only reward you get is a exotic which ranges from good to mediocre to actively worse than existibg options.
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>see some guy console player saying he got banned for no reason on twatter
>no response from bungie
>look up his stats
is this cheater serious?
>plug in controller
>become top .1percent

Gernader jake was onto something
He just has a good gaming chair
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well /dg/?
idk I've had sex
Im like 100% sure most of these guys are outright cheating or using network limiters, you can even look up youtube videos where they cry about preferential treatment and favoritism because some guy fucking with NordVPN to break 3 glyphs at the same time in their eyes is equal to running cheats / network limiters and ruining thousands of PVP games.
skibidi collab when?
Not to defend Bungie but you are by definition "netlimiting" by VPNing to a third world country with shit connection just so your latency is higher allowing you to do things that aren't normally possible. Just retarded of that guy to even publicly announce that he did that while bragging about his achievement, you just keep your mouth shut at that point even if they're a sponsor and deny any accusations so you don't get in trouble.
>have full set of 2000 gear at ll 2015 and 100 res
>lost sector boss does 75% of my health pool with a single hit
Why does a fucking lost sector hit harder than the GM tormentor boss?
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To make it watchable again
Having higher ping wont really do you much good, in most cases it will fuck you over, add to that packet loss on the other hand.
GM's are supposed to be "watchable" so why the fuck is a lost sector hitting harder than the watchable content?
Overdelivery status?
That lost sector in particular is an obviously blatantly unbalanced piece of shit that could only ever have been designed by somebody that doesn't play Destiny.
the train station is falling apart from disrepair
and the trains are running late
what lost sector are you talking about?
destiny is the MBTA of train stations
Todays the subjugator hit me for fucking 75%, of my hp with 1 hit. Which would be fine if they didnt also health gate the fucker.
I'm assuming he's talking about Broken Deep with the Subjugator at the in inside the room with most of the cover being submerged in environmental damage zones.

With 5 stacks of frost armor, full Overshield, and the boss fucking severed she can still two tap my ass. And that'd STILL be okay but of course she fucking has health gates.
Remember that video of GM tree of probabilities
GM Excision sucked dick when everybody was underleveled and it still sucks fucking dick now that people can take a hit without dying.
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Nothing really has changed lol
So how cancerous will GM duskfield shanks be?
just put every aspect/fragment/grenade/melee/super on prismatic so we can have fun now that Destiny is over
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xim master flex
everything is zero for me
Congratulations you have been hired to add a new gimmick to destiny 2
What would the gimmick be?
straight sex
I don't know how high the numbers go, so I'll do a scale from 1 to 10, 5 being average

Strength: 3
Dexterity: 2
Constitution: 2
Intelligence: 4
Wisdom: 5
Charisma: 8

A clumsy idiot with a lot of charm.
18 max at the high end on character creation, 10 being the baseline average "not-good, not-bad", below 10 is incompetent.
>t. /tg/
>below 6-8* is incompetent
Player focused story elements, personalities that fit several-hundred-year-old demi gods instead of having all of them be moody teens who only discovered emotions in the last five years of their extremely long existence. Pretty whacky to call those gimmicks, but when the industry norm is what we have...
Okay so basically 5-6 for everything except for 15 charisma. Just like real life.
Strength: 20
Dexterity: 20
Constitution: 20
Intelligence: -10
Wisdom: 0
Charisma: 200
Sex Appeal:1000

Bimbo maxxing on every subclass
Real social areas like swimming pools, theme parks, movies, space bars so our characters can get out of the thick armor and relax for once.
Bimbo Titan…..
Not as good as Bimbo Titan
Bring back sparrow racing.
i am desperate for a femtitan to invade my personal space and do the sweetheart dance in front of me
>forgetting racial modifiers
awoken count as elves, -2con +2dex
exo count as constructs, +2con -2wis
human being humans are baseline.
cabal get +1str/+1con -2int, fallen get +1dex+1int -2con, hive get +1wis/+1str -2cha
exo are dwarves
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This can be arranged as long as you make sure to mating press her into the dirt
nah, they can be pretty much 1:1 with warforged.
dwarves can't be gay
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Titans only know this
dwarves are inherently gay for fucking women with beards
the "beards" are just what's below the belt
properly styled and everything
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Destiny should have just copied Tribes movement
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total redditor death.
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lulu love
That's my explosive cream pie behind her.
me on the right
Tassi will never be a real woman
I quit when it went f2p. My brother recently got a ps5 and wants to play. Dlc is on sale on psn so for ~$65 we get every expansion minus the ones I paid for previously. How much content was cut and is it even worth buying at this point/price?
What killed it
your judaism
my judaism
our judaism
Zero stakes
Zero hype
Zero good characters
zero judaism
I killed it with my bare hands
>How much content was cut
Everything from the first two years and almost everything released from 2019 to 2024 except the annual expansions and dungeons(separate purchases, $20 each)
>is it even worth buying at this point/price?
Fuck no
>1 off from 7 sevens
bungie phoning in since shadowkeep.
Interesting. So new players have absolutely no idea what's going on or who's who, and I'd be nearly as clueless since most of my gear is gone. Humorously, my deluxe edition stuff irl now has zero value whatsoever.

Would it be better for my brother to start on D1 for $20 or whatever it is then even though the lore is entirely outside of the game? Are D1 servers even online? The gunplay and exploration of the games are fun even though the rest is whatever.
>since most of my gear is gone.
They undid sunsetting for Final Shape, so while you can get your old stuff up to the new power cap, there's been so much power creep since then that it'll be pretty worthless.
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I am fine with this
The witness is COOKING with this one
Can't wait to POOP after this FIRE MEAL
If bungie is the one COOKING, I think I got food poisoning
This man is straight SHITTING
Hmm I'll try him on the f2p side and see if he's interested. Glad my old iron banner and exotic stuff is still around
we're just back to scout meta because everything one shots you
clown ass game
final results of all ergo sums tested
barrier champs are fundementally op even if you have the mod they regenerate a fuckton of hp
>they regenerate a fuckton of hp
not if you fucking shoot them, dumbass
they do on gm
>not expecting bullshit on GMs
>long range pulse meta
why can't ikora smile like this?
africans have never felt joy
chained to her desk at the the guardian CIA, can't crucible ape anymore.
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>enduring blade is best
>these swords are only worth using while transcendent
>wave frame in a party reduces damage by 20-40 percent
>this reduction in damage also applies to summum bonum
>believes this is a glitch/unintentional
>i die in boss room to unstop launching me into lava
>other guys panic and huddle up
>one of them dies
>3rd guy pops well
>he leaves the well to get my res instead of the one in the well
video gaming
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>sat in orbit for ages wondering what to do
>no one online in the clan
>no one running duality
>can only think of sidegrades to farm for
its happening again, the sense of dread
they really fucked up with """""episodes"""" right at start
groom a new light
Episode 2 will save us
Trust the plan
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i need someone to groom me through salvations edge and last wish
Believe it or not
Siva soon
Believe it or not
Siva now
Believe it or not
Siva now
I might go homeless :)
dude gm liminality is legit awful
ohhh i'm getting filtered by a gm
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i've taken the consecrationslop pill
wow it makes prismatic titan actually usable but its so mind numbing
i sure am glad that is what bungie wants titans to be instead of the super fun strand titan build that only a couple people could solo raid bosses with
i miss charged with light mods
She is so autistic/stubborn that she refused to speak a single word to her ghost for almost 70 years over an argument. Through tons of combat, rezzing, etc. Not a single word.
I really enjoy it because your whole build is so free. You can use any weapons you want because you always have 3x slam nukes that absolutely destroy mini bosses, entire rooms of adds, and even do great boss damage. I personally find it way more satisfying and fun than Banner of War. HOIL + Synthos mark makes the whole build max comfy.
>look it up because I heard all about yhe first female president
>didnt hear shit about the killcount
Fucking 37 holy shit.
wait wtf?? is that like normal?
how is no one afraid to live in those countries
Why do you think they're flooding into America?
can't believe the paris olympics are ripping off guardian games with how much of a hilarious dumpster fire it's been
going to get wasted tonight and severely underperform in my trials matches
GG is much better than these olympics.
i think Bungie should an opening ceremony as well, featuring different destinations every time
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>GG is much better than these olympics.
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>t. seething warlock
No I'm saying GG being better than anything is a mark of shame.
It shows that whatever it's being compared to has failed so dramatically a boring grindfest is better.
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>doubling down
whatever you say
ohhhh he's gonna have a melty just like the guy last thread that couldn't left click
i am so fucking mad at my job
>passing an opportunity to mock the french
aight fine I guess.
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i was gonna make it all about defending Guardian Games but i have run out of pictures so i am seceding. or conceding? either way i'm sorry for disturbing the peace this evening
Seceding is splitting yourself off from a country to form an independent state. Concede is the correct word.
oh thanks for the explanation
>Feces river that some athletes might have to swim in
>Olympic flag raised upside down during opening ceremony
>Athletes getting mugged left and right
>Coordinated arson attack crippling the high-speed rail network
>Soccer match forced the entire crowd to leave the stadium for throwing bottles and shit
It's been hilarious to follow
Guardian Games has nothing on this trainwreck
is this all brown ppls fault or just the french government?
Both. They feed each other.
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Hunters because they got to go to the Olympics
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what the fuck is this
The absolute state of France
It should be me dressed like that!
Why does it look so cheap? A good nice looking set of armor costs like maybe 3k-5k for something thats really good looking.
>money laundering
Its fucking 3k-5 for a central piece of the olympics and you can keep the armor afterwards how fucking cheap do you have to be.
the organizer was jewish
America numbah 1
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this is a ITALY #1 general sorry buddy
>subhumans that are less white than fallen
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is bungie hq shitting themselves? because they should be
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>me driving my super awesome sparrow (skinmers are for fags)
good fucking god what a based player
Overweight fem titan that does extra consecration slam damage because she’s fat and she likes following you around occasionally asking if you’re hungry too hoping you say yes
I'd tell her she needs to lay off the fucking gjallardoodles
She's also hungry for COCK
its over
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Get me 15mg of siva and 15mg of copium
That should stabilize the posters from doom posting
Afterwards we can flush out it's body with anti-warframebiotics
>same username/bungie id since d1 beta
>quit for 2 years
>log in today
>username is now guardian#xxxx
>entire friends/clan lists are also guardian#xxxx
>people in tower have typical usernames like the presently in front of me big_bone_r69
did bungo shit the bed or something? what's going on?
a new feature of crossplay
go to bungie.net and change your name
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It won't let me use my username or anything remotely like it. Purely letters, no profanity, no religious stuff, no numbers, not even close to a real name, nothing that has ever tripped a filter before. The lack of transparency regarding what is triggering the filter makes it even worse. I'd rather just quit forever than essentially rebrand myself after 10 years on Destiny and 22 elsewhere.
Should I do Spartan Ops or Fireteam Finder Grandmasters?
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I wouldn't wish Spartan Ops on anybody.
Barrier champs became a non issue when I switched to anti barrier smg. The raid smg is great.
Despite what Bungie and Reddit says the clearest sign this game is dead is the content creator’s desperately searching for another game to play. I just saw an aztecross vid on my YouTube feed of him looking at No Mans Sky. And who the hell can blame them either. Two 5 minute battlegrounds are supposedly 5 weeks of content according to Bungie.
Not to ruin anybody’s immersion but I noticed your guardian’s feet don’t twist. If you actually pay attention to your feet in the character screen you can see that the boots model doesn’t support twisting of the ankle or toes. Go ahead and pull out your sword and walk. Your toes and ankles don’t rotate.
>51,956 current player count
>early saturday morning
so you're telling me bungie developed a whole new permanent game mode
refurbished a bunch of weapons with new perks and a origin trait
made super black
added attunement
but somehow can't bring back vaulted raids and strikes because of the """"""lighting engine""""""
make people who haven't purchased half of forsaken, warmind and curse of osiris pay for the content
no, they can't bring vaulted raids and strikes at once because it would be an overdelivery on their model (2 raids per year, one new and one old, 2 reworked strikes per year)
and don't even bother bring the "their model is shit and lazy" arguments because you'll get dogpiled by the "you don't know game development" retards
Who wants to run a dungeon?
Katie Ladecky is so strong, australia has no chance
The only "new" thing in that was Tribute Hall, everything else was reused.
you are just a fat mantranny
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it actually is over this time
Don't be mean to yourself anon, you're beautiful.
you are fat mantranny
im just fat
we are not the same
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I'm hopping on Federation Force, who wants to join me?
Keep up this attitude and I'm gonna drop a titty on you next.
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I've been seeing a lot of Titans pick Glacial Quake as their super for solo GM content. Is there any reason they prefer having Frost Armor and using that Super over something like Berserker or Twilight Arsenal?
>Glacial Quake
Technically it deals the most damage, it also freezes entire room in addition to frost armor you can have woven mail and overshield all together.
Makes sense.
>in addition to frost armor you can have woven mail and overshield all together.
That sounds great. How do you have all 3?
>Abeyant Leap
for woven mail
>Orbs of Power
For frost armor
Void melee iirc
I hate Duality so much. Such a tedious dungeon. Almost as bad as Ghosts.
Why do so many locks avoid Astrocyte blink in pvp? It's so much fun.
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2nd encounter was unnecessary
Solar warlock is better
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Think I just got the worst one
what's the most efficient way to log on each week for redborders and then fuck off
>he still doesnt have everything unlocked
lmao even
>not having all the raid red borders already
You are unironically fucked
they were phoning it in before then but yeah
raids are for gay fags
is this some crazy raid cuck copium all those guns are bad except maybe the exotic which you can get in a couple witness runs
I'm more of saying that all of the good players will be gone after this week and what's left to pickup the scraps is a bunch of destiny dads attempting to get their clears in KWTD party's
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>all those guns are bad
definition of cope
If these are the good players god only knows what the "scraps" are like.

After this week all the tourists begging for carries will also be gone so we can just farm checkpoints as usual.

>pve sniper
>meme sword
>pvp smg
The bow and the Pulse could be fun to use in patrol level but everyone is running rocket sidearms in anything that matters
>so we can just farm checkpoints as usual.
who is the "we"? anyone good at the raid has been doing runs every week, got their reds, and has done triumphs and challenges so they have the exotic already. nothing but lazies and shitters will remain
only 2 out of 6 weapons are bad tho. sniper has no alternative and smg is the best strand smg both pve and pvp
"we" is the couple of people in this thread who didn't bother you clearly aren't a good player if you cant follow a simple 2 message back and forth.

I think you are referring to the facet of the player base which pays for carries console players, tryhards etc so I'm saying good riddance myself and the other couple of people who are not part of your dunce squad can grab the red borders at our leisure.
i would gladly "farm" cuckness for exotic and to just buy 5 red border snipers
it is literally just most good players will be done with the raid now and you're gonna be wading through a sea of tards trying to do stuff in it from now on as they'll be the majority. same as all the other raids in the last 2 years
i lost my blink mojo :(
*tethers you*
*suspends you*
*phoenix dives down to your location*
*finger snaps you and kills you instantly*
Hype got sunset with the rest of Into The Light.
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For the verity challenge can someone explain why I cannot do the following in the shadow realm for the 2nd phase
>TCS, I am Triangle and have triangle-square on the wall
>we transfer shapes so our walls display TT, CC, SS
>we stop and wait for outside to make a perfect shape
>we pick up our double shapes when he's done and leave
Why does the lfg groups have to add 2 more extra steps where we switch square to the left, circle to the right and triangle to the middle so the order is STC instead of TCS?
I didn't have a conclusion but after thinking about it I think I can tell you why
So how verity works is that you need to obviously give away shapes and shit right?
Well because of challenge you will have to do a perfect shape phase and perfect shapes can be a problem if your just doing TCS
Triangle circle and square will always have atleast one of the matching shape and sometimes even 2 and this applies for both outside and inside
You also have to get like 9-10 shapes traded in order to get the witness to Kill you which is required in order to progress the encounter
So TLDR the reason why you do STC instead of TCS is to bait the witness to kill you without being screwed from shitty shape RNG
>You also have to get like 9-10 shapes traded in order to get the witness to Kill you which is required in order to progress the encounter
except that's wrong
the distraction phase where you revive the shadow guys is optional
I thought that was required lol nvm
>Why does the lfg groups have to add 2 more extra steps where we switch square to the left, circle to the right and triangle to the middle so the order is STC instead of TCS?
Because for the challenge, 2nd phase needs to be different
welp beat gm liminality twice
definitely the worst gm I won't be doing it again
i really hate this fucking meme where the only strat anybody learns is just memorizing the challenge mode strat instead of understanding the design of the encounter
read my post again
the problem isn't why the group is doing a regular CST on phase 1, Pyramid, Sphere, Cube on phase 2 and STC on phase 3, but how they chose to go about it by adding an extra step
Because its significantly easier and less time consuming for population to memorize solution than to understand the problem. Its why kids are at first forced to memorize multiplication table rather than be able to actually do and understand multiplication
Oh it's based on the shadows on the statues and not the fake death mechanic
Learn something new everyday
treating adults like they're children is a shitty fucking meme
The one time was enough for me
>play gm with randoms
That's a kick
>play raids with randoms
That's a kick
You had a garbage teacher if all they did was forcing you to memorize a table.
I had to ask my mom to help me out memorizing it and she ended up spending an afternoon trying to get me to understand the process behind 7 x (1 through 9). Once I got the logic behind it I didn't even have to memorize the rest because I could just calculate it in my head.
I wish more Destiny players applied critical thinking to whatever they're doing in the game than just blindly following the footsteps of a random streamer.
dude you didn't love getting literally one shot by random shit off screen?
you didn't enjoy the tormentor also one shotting you with his homing void projectile?
I can see why they added support frames and speakers sight, there's so much damage in game you need constantly healing just to progress and you'll still need to stand by to pick up whoever gets one shot by bullshit
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>I dont know what I'm doing
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literally every time I talk to people who say the game is hard I find out they're running the game at 120 fps
every time I talk to someone who thinks the game is too easy and needs more challenge they play at 30 fps
isn't this a massive fucking issue?
>Its why kids are AT FIRST forced to memorize multiplication table
>You had a garbage teacher if all they did was forcing you to memorize a table.
My teacher went through the whole process; however, she still told us to memorize whole table.
frame gaps have been an issue since the pc launch and has never been addressed by Bungie
you'd think they'd care since it is legitimately an accessibility concern. fps and connection make difficulty tuning a joke because nobody will have "THE INTENDED EXPERIENCE". the fact that frame capping and soft limiting via vpn are difficultly levers the community recognizes is shameful.
engine overhaul can't come soon enough. but ps4 and xbone will probably be supported until 2026.

they said they addressed it like 3 times now i think? but it didn't actually work. i think they are making some token effort just so they can put it in the patch notes so it seems like they care
>they said they addressed it
They do address immediate issue, but not global. Oh vex snipers one shot now? well lets fix vex snipers specifically until new thing brakes. Darkness lifts from lightfall are still broken with high FPS, but i think bungie made it so can't throw you out anymore.
they've had multiple patch notes that said something vague e.g. "addressed high FPS causing increased damage"
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>to maximize damage mitigation you have to play the game at 30 fps
60 fps is perfectly fine, it feels fair on my ps5
you are also lowering your own damage
and each time they just put a bandage over specific issue, they never solve it entirely and globally
>have to throttle fps up and down to maximize damage mitigation and output damage
Destiny really is shaping up to be a MMO
prismatic has me spoiled with how many fragment slots you get from the aspects. makes me feel like I can't do shit on the other subclasses
that will be taken away in a couple months
no it won't, the whole idea is eventually Luke Smith wants a classless system so prismatic is the new default
i mean the fragment slots

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