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Store link:

# Guides (Major spoilers; avoid until having played through the game once):
>Routes & Subroutes
>Complete Episode 2 Walkthrough

# News:
>Progress Report #7 New Episode 2 scenes will be bonus unlockables. Current technical work is overhauling the translation tool; will be release with the next episode.

# Nemlei's previous games:

Previous thread: >>487422169
First for Andrea > Ashley
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third for mops
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What would Ashley do if Andrew snuck into her bed at night and started licking the backside of her ear?
Shota Andy forcibly crossdressed by his older sister!
She'd probably be confused at first but let him continue
I want to pinch her cheeks and tease her!
I swear the only reason you haven't ERP'd with yourself about Andrea x Ashton (the actual older x little brother ship) is because your chimpanzee brain is incapable of abstract thought; you aren't imaginative enough to picture what shota Ashton might look like, due to nobody else drawing a young Ashton for you. This is why you've instead shipped Andy with... himself, in the form of Andrea.
Huh? We're not all one bloke you know. Andy should be /ss/'d by Ashley.
Do I need to remind you again?
If I had my way you'd all be up against the wall fucking your siblings.
How do I make you king of the world?
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We went on a family trip and I did a Karaoke duet with my sister. It was fun
What songs did you sing?
What's Ashley staring at??
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Be sure to write in "Jeb Bush" in your next coming election! We WILL win this one! We will construct the great kingdom of Delphinia across the globe and make outcest a thing of the past. You have my guarantee!
Here kid, have a turtle, while we're at it.
Disney songs like Aladdin or Frozen. Since they were the only songs we both were familiar with.
did you sing "A Whole New World" together? :)
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I need this image but with Ashley instead
Yep. It was wholesome
Sounds cute, I hope you gazed lovingly into each other's eyes the entire time
I wish I had siblings
It's not usually as good as people make it out here anon. Most siblings barely even talk to each other after they move out of their parents.
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Having siblings is the best! I pity only children.
but my sister wouldnt be comfortable there :(
We'll get her a pillow then. Now stop being a bitch of a brother already.
Siblings should be each other's pillows
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Death to all hussies!
Another win for reddit!
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Making my brother a brisket for his birthday
Also can someone who isn't a complete retard try making a Chefly image? I don't like the one I made
>I'm certainly no pretty lady, you can't even fuck me.
I miss when my sister used to do stuff for me on my birthday like that. We don't even remember each other's birthdays these days even though we still live together. :'(
Don't let things get like that anon! I'm sure he'll love the brisket
I'm really bad with birthdays so I'm going to make a booklet with the dates of people I love, I think it's pretty normal to forget birthdays actually lol
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>I think it's pretty normal to forget birthdays actually
Trust me, I know, but I didn't even say Happy Birthday to my sister until two days after which made me feel like shit.
Now that I think about it, she did make cupcakes for my last birthday which was really sweet, but I too bitter over something to really appreciate it. Think it just seemed performative to me at the time. Never wanted to become so cynical especially towards her of all people.
Enough moping. Hope he appreciates your love!
Is it normal that I'm more excited for my sister's birthday than my own
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I don't think it's weird. Your own birthday's bittersweet because it's a day where you reflect on the life now behind you, but it's also a sort of celebration of your existence. When it's someone else's birthday and it's someone you care about, it can be a lot of fun because you get the opportunity to show them how much you care for them. It's a really lovely thing to see the joy and appreciation someone feels when they know you've put in effort to show them that you care.
I think you're weird because you should be excited for your birthday bj from sis.
Thanks anon. Truthfully this is probably the last birthday I'll spend with him before he moves out forever. It's an unhappy topic so I try not to dwell on it, but it scares the hell out of me.
>it's homoanon
siblings are siblings at the end of day. I don't have any close brothers, but I know I get overly attached to people so I get why it might be hard for them if they've been around for most of their life.
this is 4chan, we're all homoanons here
>talk to sister in person once every like 4 months
>always other relatives around
>never texting each other
>superficial how are you doings
>don't think I care about her anymore nor that she cares about me
>first time alone in years
>driving to take care of some family business
>immediately default to our old teen dynamic
>laughing without a care in the world
Amazing, it felt as of nothing has changed. I missed her.
Everything changed. She's getting railed 3 times a week by different men while you sit at home on 4chan.
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>only 3 times a week

what is she a nun?
I am literally just lurking whilst eating breakfast why must you gossip abt me :(
What are some kino fics on coffin
She's a nun-in-training. Unfortunately she will have to become a living saint but cutting back to only 2 per week and NEVER on Sunday.
Guilty as charged. I've tried to stop posting here about it, but I just wish I felt better about any of it
I'd get mad at you for pretending to be me, but I suppose it's what I get for blogposting
I hope not cuz I like her husband, he doesn't deserve that.
I'm not trying to pretend to be you anon, I'm sorry lol
It’s over, /calg/ is overrun with homos
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which one has more sex, single girls or girls with bfs
Oh. Well then I suppose I should apologize for having enough of an ego to think I'd be worth impersonating.
Either way, this is getting too meta.
The brother homo should move in with the homo homo so homo homo can fill the bromo void
There's barely any gay content abt coffin, bi/straight ppl get fed more than us so (respectfully) shush
"single" girls
Speaking of single girls reminds me of Ivy. How often does she get laid? Does she ever get married?
I took her virginity and married her.
Ivy is a rich girl who looks down on others. She probably hasn't had sex because she would only date a high rank mage or something like that.
She's married to being a bitch, it's been a long and loving marriage.
cute nose fuck you!
.............she has a brotherhusband. Sorry not sorry.
Mating pressing Noelle
Licking Noelle's ears
Spanking Noelle
once again, great posts, guys. and you wonder why you drive everyone with talent away from your general
As a result when she does finally have sex it’s probably unsatisfying, being with some acquaintance from an influential family as opposed to someone she would’ve met in school or something and formed a connection with. Businesslike and transactional.
>t. Noelle
>t. Ivy

The implications of this are clear
I hope you're talented so you'll fuck off
most disappointing ending

nice art
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/u/ time?
Less than a week until the next Progress Report! Are you excited for the September release date confirmation?
She would probably marry the son of one of her mother's friends. Generally I'm not into the bad boy trope but at least Noelle has more fun with Yule than Ivy could have in an arranged marriage.
Fuck it, finally posting this
>Noelle wanted to cry
>Joutilainen had her working late today
>He made this request infrequently enough, but today there was a big squall on the horizon that was moving slowly, gaining strength, and promised to produce a lot of volume
>The problem tonight was the timing.
>She had a lot of tea in the morning for energy
>More at lunch to keep her going through the afternoon crash
>Plus a whole bottle of water to stay hydrated into the night
>Not to mention god knows how many cups she had grabbed here and there.
>During that time, the pressure had built
>and built
>and built...
>Until at this point it was nearly unbearable.
>And she was still so behind! She could NOT afford to take a break now of all times
>Yule was home, thankfully
>storms like these did not require high-quality flakes
>Quantity over quality
>Her specialty
>Which meant she could avoid him seeing her like this:
>Rocking pitifully back and forth on her stool
>Tummy with a slight bulge from the sheer amount of liquid stretching her poor, suffering bladder
>And pale thighs quivering so much she had to clamp them together.
>How can anyone expect a snowflake artist—or at least, snowflake maker—to work under these conditions?
>Suddenly, Noelle felt it
>the moment she had dreaded
>a leak
>no no no no no...
>not like this!!
>It was small, and she stopped it immediately, but it was a sign of an impending burst
>She pressed her hand against her crotch
>(not that it would stop anything)
>But it felt better, very slightly, even if as a placebo.
>Noelle knew this would not last much longer
>Every second ticking by was torturous
>And her snowflake casting had fallen to half speed now that she was only using one hand.
>But something strange was happening in the crystal ball of her work station
>The snowflakes were taking on the faintest tint
>A tint of yellow
>An unmistakeable yellow that betrayed exactly how full she was
I hope your general dies too, cocksucker
>Noelle swallowed hard. Would she get caught? Joutilainen was in his office, not watching
>Or could this be the solution to two problems at once?
>fuck it
>The little snow sprite was more than desperate enough to try.
>Noelle gathered her courage and broke through the mental block that held her pee in, mixing it into her magical aura
>The effect was immediate
>She hissed through her teeth in satisfaction as sweet relief poured from her fingertips
>oh fuck,,,
>i needed this SO much
>it feels so good
>Pale yellow flurries became blizzards as she emptied herself with reckless abandon
>right there...
>The hand that was pressed between her thighs started moving.
>She slipped it under the hem of her sweater, then up and under her waistband, until it found its way to a spot that felt so, so sensitive
>Noelle shuddered as she continued to empty herself into her snowflakes, and she clawed desperately at the second source of wetness between her thighs
>A gale roared in her crystal ball as more and more yellow snow fell, forcefully expelled by every muscle in her body
>The relief from her spilling pee distracted her enough that the orgasm caught her totally by surprise.
>With a yelp, Noelle fell entirely off the stool and collapsed
>She lay there, her pelvic muscles clenching and throbbing at nothing, as the snowflakes in her globe finally settled and eventually, fell still.
>She was both empty and drained, and may have fallen asleep right there if a BANG had not startled her to attention
>standing in the doorway
>Hey Noelle, funny storm you made today
>Care to taste this snowflake I caught?
>oh no

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I have no idea what you’re talking about.
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Cute girls peeing are so arousing. I don't know why I'm like this but I loved it. Thanks anon
Thank you anon. This is my first erotic green so I am happy it turned out well
It is so hard to find the type of pee stuff I like, so much of it is either degradation or exhibitionism or just peeing for the hell of it or any number of other things. So little of it is cute and sexy omo
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>I need an Ashley so bad
No you don't
Yes, I do.
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Girls CAN love girls!
why are you all so threatened by cock
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Don't worry anon, you did great. I hope keep making more
Because they’re all virgin femcels
Why don't you have anal sex with men onii-chan?
virgin femcels need a good man (me)
I don't think they're female at all
Because we are all girls duhhh
Dumb moid
There are no girls on the internet everyone here is a man
you will never be a woman
you will never be a man
t. Females
you will simply never be.
Why are you here then? Also thanks for the bump, cocksucker :)
Continue to seethe, I am living
>admitting he doesn't even like the game
Thanks for the bump :)
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Love it when hussies give us free bumps.
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Coffin were made for women.
Is it just me or has this July devlog cycle felt the longest?
Maybe your ARE women, all you've got is passive aggressive smiley faces and TY FOR THE BUMP BB uwu shdgdhsja kill yourselves
Thanks for the bump :) keep seething its funny
Same here, but at least in my case I'm pretty sure it's because I'm plugged into the world news cycle which has been VERY eventful this month, and that significantly warps the perception of the passage of time.
The correct link is actually
Time to kms out of shame
>xer thinks there's bumping
Therefore, I do not think
>shartyfags attempting to raid
Man, at this rate we'll make it to general #300 in a matter of days!
Everyone shut up
No, I don't wanna
Everyone get louder
Thinking's a scam anyways. It's all about intuition. Give into lizard brain. Eat bug
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I say boom boom boom now everybody lemme here you say way ho
Man, even our BPD meltdowns here are 2007 coded, aren't they? Should we start playing Simple Plan???? Surely we can all agree on that right, they're gender neutral lol
Who are you even talking to?
You haven't said anything we don't already say about ourselves anon. Try a touch harder.
Let's settle this by taking our shirts off and wrestling
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>shartychads making the 4cuck trannies seethe
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Try calling for backup again
I'm not seething you're actually seething I'm in a great mood and I am having such a good time hahahaha see? I am loving life you are a bitch and you are stupid fuck you. my life is better than youres and I experience happy feelings all of the time.
Are you teenagers still mindbroken 3/4 of a year later by the fact Nemlei is still making the game?
the fact the you spent the time to make that screencap is slightly unsettling
I'm 43, but yes
>he thinks I made it
Not really helping your case mate
Unironically this is what Ashley would be like if she used an imageboard.
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Any post in 4chan becomes hilarious if you imagine Ashley posting it
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dude your so right, I'm so ashley coded.
shut up bitch
Silence, fujo.
Ashley would totally be a kiwifarms poster
remove that word from your vocabulary, you will never know what it feels like to be pregnant I'm sorry you're so jealous

anyway thiu is a gay cis man
Is this game Gen Z's/Gen Alpha's first honest, non-commercialized depiction of the turn of the century?
She would make a page about Julia and reply to the thread with her 50 alts
>I'm so ashley coded
Yeah, you are. You're certainly acting like a bitch :^)
Sure thing Ashley
Whenever you type like that, it makes my dick hard.
Ashley wouldn't be smart enough to use any website that has logins.
This anon is an Andrew
Daily reminder that there are NO male thiu posters. all thiu posters are disgusting fujo WOMEN who larp as males, and will NEVER be a real man.
I hate to agree with you, but I could actually see that. Or at least 2007-2012 /b/tard. I could easily imagine her being one of the people who'd get bored while Andrew's at work and just pretend to be interested in being Chris-Chan's girlfriend.
Nemlei is older than you.
What is this meant to be a counterpoint to?
That settles it, she would post on lolcow all day long
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All this unpleasantness is stressing out my wife, please keep it civil going forward, thank you in advance
Do you know what a GenZ is? Why would GenZ be depicting what it was like to be 20-22 years old in the year 2000?
I can't even tell who's what anymore. oh shit I got so panicked and anxious ridden just gleeked all over my screen, that was disgusting. what the fuck. Anyways Stop all of this at once my poor fragile psyche can't get a grip on reality.
Are you ESL? I'm not calling Nemlei a zoomer or alpha.
Yeah she would. She'd just forget her password and smash her keyboard trying to remember
They are eluding to the fact that nemli is a shotacon who prays on cute little boys like you.
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How many times do I have to tell you to stop posting my wife. I've had to stop showing her these threads because you stress her out so much
this is peak /calg/ oldfag posting
>are you an esl
No, but you are with those misused words. Commercialized does not mean what you think it means. The way you used "depiction" in context implies GenZ/Alpha are the one doing it.
smashing your head into a keyboard actually is a great way to come up with a password watch
p00 gg kef [[l;
see? Ashley is actualyl just smarter than you for being able to think of that. Just because she rights it down on a piece of paper and then can't read her hand righting later on doesnt mean she's stupid, that's actually a really common thing people deal with. Look it up
Tbh I don't ever get excited about my birthday, and living alone has made all holidays dull. Celebrating someone's birthday sounds nice, of course it makes sense to be excited about getting to show someone you care about them.
>Commercialized does not mean what you think it means
This is a game with soul that wasn't signed off by an exec.
>The way you used "depiction" in context implies GenZ/Alpha are the one doing it
No it does not, though I understand that the way you were taught English in Mexico may be a bit more anal than how Saxons speak.
English is the only language I know and you're still wrong.
>p00 gg kef [[l;
Wtf that's my 4chan password
>ay mayn english do be my only language nigguh
Accept you are wrong; another Anon, with a presumably greater intimacy with Saxonese than you, was able to accept it without bitching. (>>487724993)
Ashley is a L33T hax0r
So the game is a free passion project like all her previous games, yes? ...No? Commercialized.
And you still used depiction dubiously in context.
That’s not your password, I tried to delete your post and it wouldn’t let me
I see the confusion, my wife is JULIA, you must have married her older sister. Jules showed me the photos of when she was expecting a while ago. I’m really happy for you two and I hope your daughter is doing well.
not that anon but calm down even I can tell they're being facetious
It used to be free before chapter 2 wah wah! But what does it cost right now, illiterate?
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Ashley cute!
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Ashley fucks Julia better than Andrew.
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Sorry Paco, me no hablo espanol. I'm busy replaying Episode 1, a passion project that was the best game of 2023 even before Episode 2 came out. Hmm? What's that? No, I don't need you to wash my driveway. No I don't have any pesos for you, fuck off!
don’t calm down even I can tell they're not being facetious, you’ve almost won the argument, just call him a tranny in a few more replies
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What is with Americans obsession with the shitholes below them?
Anal is the American pastime.
I don't know spanish and I doubt your dumb ass could afford a place that had a driveway.
>drivewaychads making the ESL niggers seethe
Yes, obviously, because lesbian sex is inherently superior. Similarly, Ivy has better sex with Noelle than Yule does.
Huh?? What?? Speak English you goddamn taco muncher!
>lesbian sex is inherently superior.
How was your relationship with your father?
I see we're in peak EST hours.
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What does Ashley's breast milk taste like?
Lemon flavored dough and preservatives
draino and vinegar
her older brother keeps going back for more
>ESTchads making the PSTtrannies seethe
LMFAO based

guys what do yoshis eggs smell like haha what do you think I'm just asking <- this is you right now, kill yourself
I am a straight man and I have a good relationship with both my parents. I can just recognize simple facts. Lesbian sex is hotter, more technically advanced, more sensitive, and statistically leads to many, many, more orgasms. The girls just have us beat and there is no shame in admitting that.
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Ashley hot, steamy, hardcore sex with Andrew (more canon than ever).
>t. ranny
That’s exactly what I would expect a tranny to say, the bar was on the floor, and you broke out a shovel and pickax to bury it further that I thought was possible.
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You're so upset LOL
>statistically leads to many, many, more orgasms
for the same reason guys give better handjobs than women. Doesn't mean you'd rather fuck men
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schizo ruse cruise never stops
is she as mentally ill as Ashley?
depressing... you wish you could evoke such a feeling from me but you're so bland and boring that all I feel is disgust
My cock is intact and I intend to keep it that way. Not sure why you are all so upset. The lesbians just really have it figured out.
Andrew is worse than Ashley, so it stands to reason that Andrea is worse than Ashley.
Perfectly adjusted individual with no deceitful tendencies will stop strolling.
>everything that I don’t like is schizo
reddit would be far more to your liking, the moderation style is everything that you’ve been asking for
tell us when you get the courage sis!
>My cock is intact and I intend to keep it that way.
Next time you’re pretending to be male, just remember that real men don’t talk like this.
To be fair everyone in this thread is severely autistic so ideas of normal conversation are out the window
At least the thread is interesting again, but the posts still aren't quality haha
>Andrew is worse than Ashley
What makes you say that?
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does anyone have the TWO RETARDS FIGHTING coffin edit

it seems relevant
I need Andrew to rape teenley
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Waiting as patiently as I can.
This why I need little a sister
thanks doc
he wants to fuck his sister and murders multiple people while knowing its wrong
Ashley doesnt seem to grasp the "wrong" part of murder it seems
Surely this is the night they conceived their demon child. Imagine being in this situation and not correcting her
Some would complain about page 8. I revel in the blissful quietude
We prefer to snuggle passionately in bed
This but Ashley
And Life to all Hags!!
First we had shroomley, now we have weedley
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I've spent a while thinking about a Roman-related pun based around "sisterpits" and "sesterces" but it continues to defy me
I don't know what compelled me to make that lol I don't even smoke.
Judging by appearance, the hag would be Methley
Putting aside the fact Andrew romanticizes murder-suicide, killed the 302 lady in cold blood, and guilt trips Julia with Nina's death to get her to stop complaining about being told to kill herself daily...Andrew is the exact opposite of Ashley, for better and for worse: Ashley is a socially inept person who always wanted friends and to love others, but was consistently betrayed/let down by everyone other than her brother; Andrew is a chameleon who isn't capable of feeling anything for people other than his sister. What comes of this? Well, ever since trapping Nina in the crate, Andrew has unintentionally done every possible thing to convince Ashley she is a demonic plague unworthy of love, who needs to go to terrible extremes to coerce Andrew into showing her affection. Does she have to? No, because Andrew wants to show her affection anyhow. And yet, Andrew hasn't used her reverence of him to guide her towards independence, nor even as an opportunity to fully embrace her. Instead, Andrew has kept a certain amount of distance: enough where it's clear she's "weird" but close enough to keep her hooked on him like crack, keeping her constantly open to evildoing. Ashley's evildoing also gives Andrew a justification to act out on his worst impulses, and blame her for it. For instance, Andrew doesn't have to feel bad about liking murder if the evil bad Ashley is making him kill people; then, he's just a victim. Oh, and Andrew is totally for realzies upset that he has to keep standing up his dates to tend to Ashley, man that girl is always causing trouble! And by "causing trouble" I mean giving excuses for Andrew to cuddle his imouto. And it's all unintentional on Andrew's part; he didn't plan to manipulate Ashley (outside of the blood oath) but is just making the most logical decisions towards having his cake and eating it too, and he has no reason to modify his behavior because everything that happens is to his benefit/what he wants anyway.
It's funny you say that because I was thinking of an old friend of mine who used to do meth when I drew that. I like methley more
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I need Methley in my life
NTA and I got nothing against long post, but in the future, you gotta format stuff like this a bit if you want people to read it anon.
Just commenting on the murder-suicide thing too, I wouldn't take that too seriously. I used to say the same kinda morbid stuff when I was a teen to girls and they knew I was joking. Some people are into that sort of fucked up flirtation.
Putting aside the fact Andrew romanticizes murder-suicide, killed the 302 lady in cold blood, and guilt trips Julia with Nina's death to get her to stop complaining about being told to kill herself daily...

Andrew is the exact opposite of Ashley, for better and for worse: Ashley is a socially inept person who always wanted friends and to love others, but was consistently betrayed/let down by everyone other than her brother; Andrew is a chameleon who isn't capable of feeling anything for people other than his sister.

What comes of this? Well, ever since trapping Nina in the crate, Andrew has unintentionally done every possible thing to convince Ashley she is a demonic plague unworthy of love, who needs to go to terrible extremes to coerce Andrew into showing her affection. Does she have to? No, because Andrew wants to show her affection anyhow. And yet, Andrew hasn't used her reverence of him to guide her towards independence, nor even as an opportunity to fully embrace her. Instead, Andrew has kept a certain amount of distance: enough where it's clear she's "weird" but close enough to keep her hooked on him like crack, keeping her constantly open to evildoing.

Ashley's evildoing also gives Andrew a justification to act out on his worst impulses, and blame her for it. For instance, Andrew doesn't have to feel bad about liking murder if the evil bad Ashley is making him kill people; then, he's just a victim. Oh, and Andrew is totally for realzies upset that he has to keep standing up his dates to tend to Ashley, man that girl is always causing trouble! And by "causing trouble" I mean giving excuses for Andrew to cuddle his imouto.

And it's all unintentional on Andrew's part; he didn't plan to manipulate Ashley (outside of the blood oath) but is just making the most logical decisions towards having his cake and eating it too, and he has no reason to modify his behavior because everything that happens is to his benefit/what he wants anyway.
Also, it's not just about what Andrew says, but what he does in the Decay vision: he blows a kiss and embraces her face before killing the both of them.
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Not reading that, Andrew did nothing wrong. He is an innocent and blameless man who is ruthlessly manipulated by his evil sister Ashley
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>play Mario Odyssey
>Cappy has a little sister
>immediately think of this game
One day I'm going to lose my job when a coworker says something about their sibling. I can see it already.
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Me want fuck leyley.
Why no leyley to fuck in wordl?
quite the modern wise man, if i do say so myself
Every time I hear the names Andrew/Andy/Ashley (no one says Leyley) I think of this game. Same with the word "coffin" and "grave"
My sisters name is leili
Your sister isn't real
I want to to your sister,as mine is already taken, and you do not want to your sister.
Thank you anon
>Ryokan, a Zen master, lived the simplest kind of life in a little hut at the foot of the mountain. One evening a thief visited the hut only to discover there was nothing in it to steal.
>Ryokan returned and caught him. “You may have come a long way to visit me,” he told the prowler,“and you should not return empty-handed. Please take my clothes as a gift.”
>Ryokan sat naked, watching the moon. “Poor fellow,” he mused, “I wish I could give him this beautiful moon.”
wise anon what do you wish to give to /calg/?
This Ashley looks so soft unffff
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I wish to give /calg/ this beautiful moon.
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Oh fuck me, why am I seeing this randomly on facebook? If I'm seeing it that means my sister might be seeing it which means I gotta hide the TCOAALL drawings and shit I've done.
I'm not into her, but it's a bad look when the character sort of dresses and looks similar to her.
Your sister does not look like a cartoon. Your feed is also tailored to YOU.
Just give in anon, it's a signal
The fact there's a slim chance my grandparents could see a coffin meme while scrolling through Facebook is uncomfortable
Your grandparents use facebook?
I give the gift of advice
Casual nudity around the house will require you to do less laundry
your's don't?
I thought this is the one site all old people use
>there's a slim chance my grandparents could see a coffin meme while scrolling through Facebook
That's not how the Facebook feed algorithm works
>anon, a Delphic master, lived the simplest kind of life in the /calg/ thread, at the foot of /vg/. One evening a redditor visited the thread only to discover there was no fan-art in it to steal.
>anon returned and caught him. “You have come a long way to visit me,” he told the redditor, “and you should not return empty-handed. Please take my shota andy greentext as a gift.”
>the redditor was bewildered. He took the shota andy greentext and slunk away.
>anon sat naked, watching the thread. “Poor redditor,” he mused, “I wish I could give him this beautiful imageboard.”
Hi anon, it's your sister! I saw this funny comic on Facebook and thought you'd like it. I know how much you like porn, haha! That emo guy on the right is pretty cute. Do you know what game he's from? I wish he'd pull ME out of a washing machine, if you know what I mean. Can't wait to see you at Thanksgiving!
God I want to stick my tongue inside her asshole and wriggle it.
I'm mostly exaggerating how much I care, but that's really what's getting me here. We have this tiny little community here and you'll rarely see people talk about the game elsewhere on the internet, but so many people just know about its existence despite that and it's weird finding it on sites where I know my family could see it.
And yes, I know facebook puts stuff there that it thinks will interest you, but I don't touch facebook and just use it to message family/old friends. I also explicitly block facebook from tracking me on my browser so pretty sure it was just out there like that.
She really fumbled the chance to get stuck in the washing machine in Ep2!
I'm not sure my grandma even knew how to turn on a computer. My grandpa for sure didn't, he lived in a ranch
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It doesn't really work if the master is better off without the thing he gave away.
I may have my differences with the Delphoids. But I hope we can agree one thing: the most erotic sight to exist is that of your true, soulbound love whose body is radically transformed in service of carrying and nurturing your progeny. Be it sister or hussy, this is truly the perfect vision.
The point is that he’s a humble man therefore he has nothing of value.
You’re going to reflexively accuse them of cheating on their sibling when you see one of them hitting on a stranger.
My sweet lovable retarded big sister, we live together silly! You're like 15 feet away in the room next to me, in fact!
But if you ever get stuck in the washer, I can at least promise you that I might consider not throwing you in it and turning it on. How's that sound?
You're so mean to me!!! I wish I had Andrew as an older brother. At least he's hot and would give me big brother cock instead of posting on 4chan all day while I'm right next door!
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You are no fun
I'm nice to sisters who earn it. and are you sure you'd want "big brother cock" at your age? Didn't know you had a thing for manhags, but I guess it's not my call what you're into.
am too! Just have to press the right buttons to get "fun bro".
Looks like he’s about to throat fuck her with the handle of that knife.
Why would he fuck her throat with the handle of a cleaver when he has a perfectly good penis?
To hurt Ashley (it's decay Andy)
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this one is even cooler
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Decaydrew needs serious correction. Sisters are for loving, not hurting.
>"Andy, I'm gonna need those ingredients! Chop-chop!"
>"Of all the goddamn terms to use."
I wonder if decay will have a good ending too or is that route just completely fucked
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Decaydrew did nothing wrong. Ashley deserves it
This but unironically.
That's what Decaydrew wants you to think. You're being brainwashed by Big Brother! He killed millions and he's still blaming it on his innocent little sister!
No! I want it to be a surprise
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Anon, report to the Ministry of Truth immediately.
We have always been at war with Juliasia.
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>Why would Ashley do that???
Love status: fallen in
War is peace
Freedom is slavery
Hussies are better than sisters
I feel you, anon. I rather die than admit to my brother I draw incestuous cartoon porn.
>when he has a perfectly good penis
He won’t when I’m done with him
You should give your brother a drawing of both of you having sex.
Your brother might like it
That's how I met my first wife.
That’s impressive, was the drawing done by hand?
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>Hussies are better than sisters
It's true, all of it
Post some of your art please
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Sisterchuds OWNED with FACTS and LOGIC
I have an image to uphold as a younger sister, you wouldn't get it.
I rather stay anonymous sorry anon.
Your gift is too great for me.
Yeah I doodled some stick figures it on of me boning her on a napkin and I think she thought it was me and her riding on a magical carpet together or somethin idk.
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>I have an image to uphold as a younger sister, you wouldn't get it
You are denying yourself of the beauty that is delphic love. There's a hole in your brother's heart that only you can fill.
>I rather stay anonymous sorry anon.
I’m just asking to see one of your completed coffin related drawings, im not asking for your full name and address.
wait your name's not samantha is it?
>I have an image to uphold as a younger sister
>younger sister
just realized that I’m not talking to homoanon, god this threads gone downhill.
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Julia hot, steamy, hardcore sex with Andrew before Ashley (as canon as before).
SHUT UP there's no proof they actually had sex.
Leave his penis alone! He only has one and he needs it for Ashley!
This, she’ll never be a real tcoaal fan until she has sex with her brother.
>younger sister
>draws incestuous cartoon porn
Watasi, I'm telling Kit9 so he can tell your brother!
Make me.
Unfortunately that’s not her, Watasi types like a Vietnamese hooker.
wtf my sister's name isn't samantha either...
You do you.
Quite a beautiful drawing, I presume you have this framed and hung up in your study?
>there's no proof they actually had sex
Andrew says he's not celibate
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Did you fuck your relatives yet or are you one of those fake fans?
>you WILL post your drawings
>you WILL have sex with your brother
>you WILL get vaccinated
>you WILL bear all of your brother’s children
I fucked my cousin because I don't have a sister
Same here
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Andrew is USED GOODS!
Andrew CANNOT pair bond!
Andrew can only think of his first time every time he has sex!
I'm going to chop you into tiny bits and make a lasagna. Still want to fuck with Ashley's living dildo?
leyley has a very grippable neck
It would be an honor to be your meal
andy has a very grippable penis
Made for gentle hand holding.
I want Andrew to cum on my face and call me a useless faggot
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Are you sure? I'm only a slightly better cook than Ashley. Maybe you can get some /ck/ anon to do it for you.
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Fucking hussy bitch faggot whore.
You will never be a faggot, fujo-san.
YWNBAM (you will never be a man)
This, also fujos are disgusting
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I like the fact that you made the best drawn thing on there.
If you're serious, your rendering is fucking amazing.
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LOL, you can't spell "maggot." Opinion discarded. I'm going to go fuck your brother now.
Try it bitch.
Fujos are a gift from the heavens.
Considering Nemlei was once a fujo, this must be true.
Fujos are a punishment from the hell.
Of course you'd like Fujos. Aside from being into gay men, they're basically the same kind of people you are minus the edge.
Fujos don't edge?
Fair play.
You say that like it's a bad thing
She’s still a fujo, she only has sex with Jared when she’s dressed in boy clothes, and she makes him call her a faggot.
When I was 15 a fujo bit me. It changed me forever and gave me a massive boner
Who are you quoting THOUGH
Did you have sex with her?
That’s too bad, why did she bite you?
She just said she wanted to bite me because she hadn't bite me before lol
Kit9 is too much of a pussy to call her a faggot. He stutters out "yeah, you're a f... a fa... a, a fa... a Finnish woman!!!" and ends up sleeping on the couch for ruining Nem's orgasm.
the guy who said fujos are a gift from heaven
I got nothing against em. Just funny that you've got probably two of the loneliest groups of weirdos here who'd probably get along great if they weren't all so socially avoidant.
Why cant my sister be a smelly fujo who rubs herself raw every night and stinks perpetually of fish. Its not fucking fair bros.
Be glad you have a sister at all...
we need MORE renee in this thread and less of you faggots talking about little boys or w/e.


FORCEFULLY KISS RENEE, RAPE RENEE, MINDBREAK RENEE, BASH RENEE'S HEAD AGAINST THE HEADBOARD, STEAMY SHOWER SEX WITH RENEE, PLAYING WITH RENEE'S TITS, FLICKING RENEE'S CLIT IF SHE GETS FUSSY, HAVING THREESOMES WITH RENEE, BREEDING RENEE'S PUSSY, BEATING RENEE WITHIN AN INCH OF HER LIFE, AFTERCARE WITH RENEE, FALLING IN LOVE WITH RENEE, SIGNING divorce papers with renee, cooking with renee, making passionate love with renee, nursing renee back to health, going to church with renee, growing old with renee, mid-life crisis with renee, tragic death in renee's arms, meeting renee in hell, happy afterlife with renee...

and if you disagree with me, you're a RETARD and a QUEER.
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I'd rather be a retard and a queer than a haggot!
I love Renee. She makes for a great soup!
I can smell this room
I want hussies to freebleed on my face and dick
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||legendary fight with shia labeouf, normal thursday night for shia labeouf||
Which two groups?
fujos and incestas
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The worst part about being retarded is that i know i cant ctrl+s to spoiler text but something my brain cant catch up with my stupidity
Too bad it didn’t work out, if it makes you feel any better she probably has written smut of her genderbent self having gay sex with you.
To be honest I don't even know if there was something to work out, I was a shy bullied nerd back then so it didn't even cross my mind to try and be anything else than a friend
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>Andrew can only think of his first time every time he has sex
Good thing he was always thinking about Ashley when he was with Julia!
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I imagine Andrew cried himself to sleep after having sex with Julia for the first time knowing he would never get to give his virginity to Ashley.
I imagine he cried but couldnt quite grasp why
Ashley wouldnt even cuddle him cause he was covered in hussy smell
I imagine him going along with Julia for his normalfag cope actually subconsciously pushed him to be closer with Ashley as a recovery mechanism.
>I was a shy bullied nerd back then
You were the sub in her fantasies, a fate I wouldn’t wish upon my worse enemy.
I want to take off Ashley's sock and sniff her soles
I want to take off Andrew’s underwear and sniff his boyhole
I want Ashley to fart on my face
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Andrew is mutilated from a circumcision gone wrong.
I want to fuck my sister
This is a weird place to ask this, but I have never been able to figure out if this girl had a weird thing for me or not. When I was in like 6th or 7th grade, there used to be an 8th grade girl at my bus stop who'd always try and kick me in the nuts and giggle every time she'd do it. She never did it hard enough to actually hurt me, but I think she just liked to keep me on my toes or something.
I was usually pretty good about knowing when girls had a thing for me, but to this day I still can't figure out if she just thought I was a bitch or if she thought I was a bitch and had some weird kink for nut kicking.
You should've kicked her in the pussy
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Andrew is NOT a JEW

Unsurprising the demon is though lmao
I should've but I was always told never to hit women and it was the first time someone ever did that sort of thing to me, so I had no clue how to deal with it.
Smells like julias cum
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well, /calg/?
Well I'd be fine with telling the little shit that his parents are siblings but like hell am I telling them that we're not married.
She was extremely into you, if she could’ve afforded a yaoi paddle she would have used it to show her love for you.
When I was in third grade there was a girl who was always raising her voice at me, pulling my hair, pinching me and slapping my back. It turned out she liked me so maybe that girl liked you too. Some people are dumb and show their affection by bothering you.
Explains why he’s so shy around Ashley
Look, answer one question. Forget about will you; would you?
Kids have gone through a lot worse, they’ll be just fine.
Why does her underwear have that pattern on the front?
not sure if this has been posted already
this had better be shota or else im not opening it
I didn't want to ask, but outside of bullshit stories, I've only seen brothers wanting to fuck their sisters. I don't care to pry, but are there sisters here who have a bro complex? Besides that how's it make you feel seeing all the degenerate brothers here?
the best thing that's been catboxed in weeks if not months
Was meant for
No idea why it quoted the one it did. I never use mobile
No that would be Noelle peeing
I've never liked lesbian porn. One woman is bad enough and now there's two
but two pairs of tits!
I've never liked tits. One pair is bad enough and now there's two
One of my friends admitted she's sucked her brother's dick
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>I've never liked tits.
What are you, gay?
Homos not welcome.
My little cousin is extremely serious about wanting to marry me. She keeps asking me if it’s okay for us to have kids before she turns 18, because the baby will be born a few days after her birthday, or do we have to wait. According to the rest of the family she’s a bit of a bitch around literally everyone when I’m not around. This game has almost convinced me to give it a try, but I probably won’t.
How old are you two?
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everyone point and laugh at this faggot
You know what you must do, and I believe you have the strength to do it.
It’s not that cute from my perspective
She started acting like this when she was 13, she’s 16 now and I’m 26.
I’m not going to do it.
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Don't hide your feelings like Andrew. You know you want to.
Yeah uh if you go for it your entire family will think you've groomed her, especially since it's been going on for a while.
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well friend, AoC means that you're ok.
Coffin irl!!

but seriously anon dont do it. She’s still going to be a fuckup even if she has a kid. That’ll probably exacerbate things
I am not Andrew Graves, although apparently she acts like Ashley sometimes
Apparently people in the family already think that I groomed her, even though she’s the one who started this.
Not doing it
That’s exactly what I’m worried about
>I’m not going to do it.
So weak. So pathetic.

How would they even come to that conclusion?
it always happens to the ones that refuse to dew it, shit sucks man.
I’m not weak and pathetic, I refuse to have us both end up like Mr and Mrs graves
Given the 10 year age gap, I would have come to that conclusion even if she hadn't already been obsessed with getting knocked up by him for years
Who said that would happen? You have time on your side and can set a limit instead of pretending like it's all-or-nothing as she demands it.
Renee was like 15 when she gave birth in the game, and if we were to have kids (which we won’t) they’d probably end up being exactly like Andrew and Ashley
Man, anyone over the age of 40 has no clue what grooming even is.
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>although apparently she acts like Ashley sometimes
You wouldn't abandon your Leyley, would you? That would be VILLAINOUS. She just wants to be with you, if you abandon her she will be broken forever.
If you were closer in age, would you?
wait until she's 18 then fool.
You are weak and pathetic. You're too much of a walking talking vagina to correct your bratty cousin.
>if I have kids with my cousin I MUST neglect them
It was inevitable, it sucks, but luck tends to fall that way.
>if you abandon her she will be broken forever.
This is unironically going to happen to her if he does that lmao. She'll become a turbo-degenerate to fill the void. Ashley would have had the benefit of 25 years ago she probably would have just been suicidal. But now? She'll have tinder open at all times and get addicted to LSD or something and lash out whenever she sees him.
I’m not sure exactly what you’re implying but I’m not comfortable with it
That’s true if anything I’m the one being groomed by her and Nemlei
She’s already broken, she cuts herself
I would strongly consider it
I’m not weak
She’d be the neglectful one, and I kill literal tons of pests with anything that shoot lead so I need to date the most bland woman possible to ensure that I don’t get killed by her if my demon spawn in my sleep.
>that last reply
*her or
I’ve thought about it, but no matter what happens I’ll get blamed so the fact that there’s no good way to solve this means that’s no wrong answer to my problem
Of all the options available for a fully heterosexual male, lesbian sex is the most boring
pull the trigger, pair bond with her
>the fact that there’s no good way to solve this means that’s no wrong answer to my problem
actual retard holy shit
It’s my hobby, when the weather is good outside I’m out there on my permissions, some of the landowners even tip me for pest control.
Oh that's normal then, I thought you were spraying lead at house centipedes and other small insects.
Nah, I do shove gerbils in my ass, though
>She’s already broken, she cuts herself
Yeah because she thinks you dislike her and that she can't never have you. She chose YOU, anon. Why can't you do the same? Your family already thinks you groomed and even if you reject her the suspicion will never go away so you might as well embrace it and make both of you happy.
Just fuck her. Tell her to wait until she's 18 before anything happens. Since all she wants is you then it means you are the one who has leverage on her. Just learn to talk to her to calm her down.
I see what you did there, but sometimes you have to hold off and wait for a better target
I’m just going to pretend that you’re anti incest
I’m going to tell my cousin that you said that, she’s got a sense of humor like leyley so she’d probably find it funny.

Also I got to go now, I will not be marrying my cousin by the way, even if Nemlei personally addressed me in the next devlog
Our culture has changed so much so quickly that I can comfortably date women 5 years my senior yet despise the company of girls just 2 years my junior. I have an intense hatred of everyone born in the 21st century; I couldn't image dating someone born in 2002 let alone 2008. Anon's cousin doesn't even fucking know what 9/11 or Linkin Park are, he's not going to do it.
>I’m just going to pretend that you’re anti incest
I am extremely pro-incest. Inaction is literally the worst possible option for her yet you're doing it anyways because it means you don't have to do anything and pretend it's the best because of that. You are 'tarded. You are worse than Andrew.
>t. huge faggot
Sorry no, now I’m leaving
This anon understands me
Because you're both homosexuals
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Kids these days.
Don't even desire to fuck their kin for fear of their clan's reactions.
How ludicrous.
>t. straight man
You are such a fag, man. When she gets heartbroken and whores herself out of despair and cope, you will regret it.
I feel like you and the other people advocating that Anon marry his cousin are wee zooms who are too young to appreciate just how much our culture has changed: mannerisms, hobbies, attention spans, political bitterness, problem-solving and critical thinking. Someone born in 1998 has more in common with someone born in 1898 than 2008.
look out everyone, we have a moralfag zoomer trying to pretend that he is a millennial or an gen Xfag.
cool deflection bro
Now now, he might just be jewish.
I don't feel any sexual desire for my sister. I kinda just want to wrap my arms around her waist and hold her as I sleep. Maybe nibble her neck from time to time.
I'm not moralfagging about age gaps especially as I pointed out my own chemistry with older lasses. I'm saying that recent cultural shifts would compel Anon to end his marriage by strangling her to death.
If he was jewish he would be complaining it's not his niece or that the mother wasn't jewish so she isn't either (this is a real thing)
truly the following generations have fallen
you don't know that banks hate kin marriages as it cause wealth to stay truly within the family, do you?
But as a jew, it needs to stay in the family. It's the goyim who need to lose their wealth.
hence why they try to dissuade others from doing so themselves.
And what if she played with your hair and you got a stiffy?
She plays with my hair all the time and it most definitely does not arouse me
So you're gay?
damn, he might actually be gay
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Suuuure anon. You want to grab her waist and nibble her platonically. Toooootally.
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>nibbling on Leyley's neck
Would you platonically buy a house with her and platonically love together and platonically have IVF babies with her?
of course
>feeling Leyley's tiny frame between your arms
platonically live together*
I also forgot about platonically raising your IVF babies together.
I don't know a single person I would do that shit for
>t. hateanon
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Not even your cute sister? What if she wants to?
What if I platonically got drunk with my sister and we platonically had sex? Haha
And now she platonically avoids me
You need to platonically correct her avoidant behaviour, Anon, somebody has to.
you platonically sucked at platonic sex
keep doing it and get better
I think it's platonically over. She platonically hates me...
I believe the young'uns call it asexual
You wouldn't get it
The house and living together, yes. The babies, probably not. She's expressed her disinterest in raising children, and it's probably best for broken people to not have kids
Maybe platonically awakening her maternal instincts could go a long way to heal her?
humanity itself is broken, you are the legacy of the broken, only by creating more broken can there eventually be a hope for a fixed humanity.
But that's yucky anon he already said he has no penis.
Are you Finnish?
this curse ends with me
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She enjoys the prospect of breeding but not pregnancy. Don't ask how it works
I'll have you know my wiener is perfectly functional
You won't know until you try it.
Real and true
>She enjoys the prospect of breeding but not pregnancy
Anon how clueless can you be?
Hot, I want to taste Noelle peeflakes
>She enjoys the prospect of breeding but not pregnancy.
lol, lmao
>Hey dude, you know I just love cock, right? I reeaaally want to be filled with cock. I just want to be bred so bad. I need somebody with a penis to just fuck me and cum inside my pussy. I also have no ulterior motives in bringing this to your attention :)
I wish I had a 7 inch tongue to tonguefuck her with
I was a family party and my cousins started talking about how they should go on "sibling dates" like they used to. I floated the idea to my sister and she flatly rejected me
I'm sorry to hear that anon
>no date? fine I guess we just skip right to the sex then
I don't think I'd ever recover from this.
You need to kidnap your sister and drive her hundreds of miles away to the wilderness and then live with her in a forest cabin while she's chained to the wall.
You should kidnap her and keep her as a breeding slave in your basement. As a prank,
Stop that right now. I'll bust a hole through my underwear.
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What the fuck?! He's hurting his little sister!!!
>anon said to his sister teasing him with her cleavage
Andy has been hitting the gym
I love them so much
She asked for it
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You shouldn't hit girls, even if they ask for it! What kind of a monster litters bruises all over his little baby sister's skin? And look, Stockholm Syndrome has set in. She's already thinking about covering up so her abusive brother doesn't get caught!!! How can content like this get posted freely on the internet?!?
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This. Girls are for hugging and kissing and caressing.
Those are hickeys Anonshley
Hickeys are literally bruises
Bruises made with love
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Always hit girls!
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Andy is a wife beater...
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Andy likes to beat his sisterwifes cervix with his penis.
She is into that
She will accept anything that Andrew does to her but I think they enjoy themselves the most when they are lovey dovey
This form of beating is good, righteous, moral, and sexy. I approve.
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Remember to choke your sisters!
Remember to make your sister choke up with emotion because you told her you love her!
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but do it with love and care.
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but do it with hate and vitriol
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New progress report soon. I can almost taste it!
that's great art but I really want an after image of her face after andrew shoves it into the food
game name?
Saku Saku: Love Blooms with the Cherry Blossoms
I'm off to bed, /calg/. I will NOT sleep well, however, as I have no sister to cuddle with.
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Just cuddle your pillow and imagine its Ashley. That's what I do.
If my brother asked me to marry him I WOULD say yes but also how would we even do that? tell me how to (legally) loophole marry my brother immediately calg
I only slept for 4 hours because my sister was making retarded noises at 2 am so consider yourself lucky
No way, homo.
talk to a lawyer, homoanon.
It's too late homoanon. Just keep in touch with them regularly and make peace with that.
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>anon was cucked so hard he was woken up by his sister getting railed at 2am
Shame, but also lol.
Nah, she hasn't banged in years and she certainly wouldn't do it here lol. I just play into the "antisocial psycho brother" when she was trying to bring dudes over here. She is trying to do some long distance relationship thing where she calls some british dude and rants to him on the phone for 6 hours straight every night over every little thing that's happened in her lifetime.
Having to hear her do that shit myself totally makes me lose interest in wanting to try and bond with her and I assume this guy will only tolerate it for so long too.
She seriously just gets bored and starts making autistic noises sometimes.
>Having to hear her do that shit myself totally makes me lose interest in wanting to try and bond with her
Dude you are getting e-NTR'd and your first instinct is to back down? Don't even gimme that shit! Go out for drinks with her and euphorically cry into her tits
>NTR'd by someone so desperate they are simping for her for 6 hours every night on the internet hoping to get boob pics
>She seriously just gets bored and starts making autistic noises sometimes
Can I date your sister?
Meet me in Washington where we will have a legal, mutual gentleman's duel and if you best me (you'd be doing me a favor), you have my permission to do so.
idk if she's gonna be into it but she might appreciate you for getting rid of me. Kindly, just know whether you win or lose, you'll regret it.
ah god dammit nevermind. apparently they stop the fight before someone dies. Lame
If you're gonna fight me to claim your sister then you should just forget about it and date her yourself mate; I wouldn't be the first person trying to score her from the other side of the planet.
this is spicy what the fuck is even going on
Fair enough. What I think is bound to happen is that I'll end up moving out in the next few years, then we'll both end up being lonely and probably move back in with each other within a decade and live in the same place barely speaking to each other until one of us croaks.
For all the ways we don't get along these days, I think we both know that we're the only ones who will always be there for one another.
She said no to sibling date, so it’s time for sibling rape.
People are trying not to be groomed by Nemlei’s incest propaganda
Dude, skip the moving away from each other part because heaps of people are moving in with their siblings (opposite sex, too) when they move out of home. You'll always be there for each other and you know you're gonna be together till the end anyway, may as well be honest about it and make the most of it.
He's just a masochist and hoping that everything ends how he wants it to.
You will not like this, my aunt is a morbidly obese middle aged woman who has never been able to keep a boyfriend for more than two weeks, and she does this, it’s extremely annoying.
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What would you do, then?
How would the story have changed if Andrew gave in to his desires and molested Ashley throughout high school? Assume neither of them told anybody.
They would have still ended up in the same situation because Mrs graves would have sold them off out of embarrassment.
I'd say "grow balls" but I don't need to.
Ask your sister to give you a blowjob.

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