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Pokemans Edition

Previous Creature: >>487637526

Spoilers ahead, proceed at your own Frisk.


-The Old Game
-The Old Game's Demo

-The New Game

-The New Game's Progress


-Undertale Artbook

-Legends of Localization - Undertale

-Extra Content

-Undertale/Deltarune Text Dumps & Screenshots

-Undertale Image Collections

-Booru (newly resurrected, please help tag)


>Current: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZaYVvltQ_Rmf-ggszf1bwmYDW2NUcfpTYU7JzfyMhVE
>Old: https://writebin.surge.sh



-Wanna change the font?

-Thread Template
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Beautiful image. I love her
Catti nooooo
my beautiful wife
he smonk
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why does she look like that
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eated too many chalks
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I bought some discount beef patties yesterday
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nourish da gote!
Kill yourself ppshit
Are you really gonna post this every fucking thread?
we know mint
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(as daddy sans on the grill) I prefer taking ground beef and making my own patties out of it. Then I put cheese, ketchup and mayo.
I ate azzy wassy
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so cool...
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i sharty azzy
kingy ate ppfag's rat fursona
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I should make my own burgs but I don't because usually when I want a burg it's because I feel lazy
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nooohhhh not my cyoot shotesonaaaa-*gurgle*
The scary part is I can't tell if this is an actual ppfag reply or someone making fun of him
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Make SMASH burgers like big mac patties or whitecastle sliders!
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Neither the image nor text in this post is related to Undertale or Deltarune in any way.
It's okay when WE do it but I'll call you off topic if you tell us to shut up
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If you need lazy white trash food, mix pasta and canned condensed soup together. Add any extra ingredient you feel like.

The image comes from an amalgamation of all Undertale/Deltarune poster's fetishes into one OC. So technically, it is slightly related.
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I have an induction stove and I don't think my pans can get hot enough to do smash burgs properly. If I could I would
how many gotepedophiles are here today
3 it looks like?
more than usual
Yeah, ppBITCH came back (tragically) and then there's m*nt and presumably one of his pedocord buddies
*raspy old man voice*
Listen here, Anon my boy...Within 2 years of this post, there will be something...underrune related...that releases....
*coughs blood*
Mark my words.
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It's ppbitch
Your shift starts in a couple hours, hang in there bud.
best post ITT
we prefer the term gooter-pedooters thank you sir
Why does ppfag like to sexually harass Kingfag so much anyway
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>why does [sociopath] do [sociopathic things]
What's with mintybrap's recent obsession with "you have a job"? Did he infobroke/faildox one of his perceived mastermind enemies and find out their work hours or something
Or did pauly tell him to get a job and he's taking it out on us
he looks soo sooooft!
>doesn't know /utg/s mascot
you're not a true /utg/ian
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He's going to get way softer~
I guess I'm asking then what makes people become sociopaths
LTS status update?
>mint holding back the urge to shart out a "I don't know but I'm sure we'll agree and have an agreeable exchange" reply at this
none lol
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(laughs knowingly)
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azzy getting softy in my tumtumaroo when i digest him~
soft like a maggot
oh boy a discord raid
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I just love him to bits! ToT
/utg/ won't ever be good until ppfag goes to jail
If feds monitored this place he probably would be
Reminder he casually mentioned wanting to shoot up a place in one of his retarded neuralink blogposts
ppfag why do you keep posting that sprite edit you made to trigger Kingfag and make her cut herself multiple times huh
Asriel wouldn't want you to do that
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hello frens :D
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Me too. He's a good little guy.
Pretty sure ppfag is into shotasriel getting raped by Fat Ugly Bastards, I don't think he'd care
Mint, you should probably stop talking with ppfag. He's the one who's been harassing Kingfag all this time
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Hewwo!! hai!! OwO
AU where flowey exists because azzywazzy was digested and shat out into a flower field and used as fertilizer instead of being brought back by determination
Kraut is the least awful goatfag
Do you have a link by any chance?
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hava nice day :)
He's a pedophile though
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Hello gote
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I'm really sure you have my best interest at heart during all of this pre-planned shitposting.
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have a very nice day :)
I can't think of any other azzy wazzy in my tumtum jokes
Probably for the best, wouldn't surprise me terribly if at least one of them were into it
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Thanks anon
I'm actually serious
He's the one who keeps reposting the sprite edit of her fursona and King every thread now to trigger her with vore, he's the reason she's repeatedly self-harmed and had huge meltdowns in the thread.
You yourself have spoken out against the Kingbaiting, you know it's bad, so you shouldn't give ppfag any reason to stay here when he's been harassing someone this aggressively. Even if he has the same fave as you.
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I azzy was in a 2D fighter, what would his archetype be?
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whatever happened to deltadoofus
ok this is pretty based
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The cyot one who is secretly overpowered
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A staple in any fightah!
>using the same prince froggy setup as the guy who was kingbaiting a few days ago
This is ppfag falseflagging as an anti-azzyfag isn't it...
>tweets protected
Just off in a farm somewhere... Living out the rest of her days in peace... What the hell...
azzy spatzy
azzy splatzy (dropped from a great height)
What is Deltadoofus
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He does a mean grab and it counters and and... I don't know. I just spam the same button over and over again
Any goot worth his weight in salt has nice pair of spats
I see, sorry for jumping to conclusions
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>I just spam the same button over and over again
azzy probably wanted to be in that exact stomach back when he played yoshis island thoughever
is the raid over yet
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what raid?
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I'm not that cyot unfortunately
Serve me up some cuddles and pecks on the lips
Kill yourself ppsociopath
What is your favourite trans character between asriel, ralsei, chara and kris?
When a threadshitter reaches the absolute bottom of the bait-barrel
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I'm against the shitposting. But don't think I'm unaware of what you are.
Trans Ralsei sounds neato, no matter which way you slice it there's bound to be an identity crisis of some kind, and I adore suffering.
cute and canon
>prince froggy edits deleted
>ppfag's kingfag fetish harassment still up
My princess
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asriels face when i give him the yucky sucky
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Why do you get to have some hater obsess over you for almost 2 years and I don't. I'm being sarcastic obviously, but I'm not wrong
Voreshit from last thread is still up >>487676602
Night jannies suck, I guess which is probably why asrielpedos prefer these hours
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That's not vore you moron.

It's day in the canon time zone
It's /d/-tier fetish shit involving a furry, which means it not only isn't allowed on blue boards but most red boards as well
Now the asrieltroons will bully a poor girl
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Great, terrific, but it's not vore. Thanks.
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Despite all my fave I am just a gote in a cage
Incoming victory lap
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asriels face when he sees my cockadoodledoo
Actually you lost, dog
Why did asriel give his ultimate form a vore move
It's his dream and hope
Asrielfags are the real reason Toby will never make any Asriel merch
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dawg there is no victory in /utg/.
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If this thread is what being on meds is like then I don't want them.
>meds causes /utg/ to spawn
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1043 days
No, this thread is what it's like for other people to deal with your shit when you refuse to take any meds for your rampant brain pathologies.
If toby would release the newsletter the thread will be way better
(laughs knowingly)
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What is so hard to deal with that makes you turn the threads into whatever this is. I would like to know.
The worst part about my harasser faving Asriel is people making v*reshit of Asriel to counter ppbitch's own edits, because even though Asriel isn't my fave anymore I still don't like seeing this happen to him either... Especially when they make the jokes about him being into v*re and wanting to be v*red
In fact I think this was a contribution to why I changed faves, from people making Yoshi v*re jokes way back in Chapter 1... I always hated that.
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Sometimes u just gotta gote
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wait, azzy is your ex? why did you break up with him and move on to king?
I also want to know why they are doing it to Kanako now when they are supposedly targeting another goatfag.
m*nt is also a kanokafag. he's known in the yellow threads for being a kanoka fatfag pedo
blame game maker, not toby
What does that have to do with ppfag
That's a question you should be asking yourself. I'm not the one trying to use a videogame general on a blue 4chan board as my personal furry pedophile gooning chatroom.
All the replies lol
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>Shitposter completely losing track of his own edits and who is supposed to be gaslighting and targeting
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I think it's because they can't tell the child Asriel posters apart? Admittedly I used to mix them up too back in the day

I had a lot of anxiety over Deltarune Asriel not appearing yet, I was worried about being potentially disappointed by the eventual reveal + the thought of having to wait years to even see him was absurd to me. I didn't WANT to give up on him at the time but it made me vulnerable to falling in love with a new character, and that character was King and I was unable to resist my new feelings.
Especially since King made me feel arousal for the first time in my life. I'm still repulsed by sex and pornography but he made me feel some degree of sexual attraction which I had never experienced before. Previously, all fictional crushes I had were romantic-only.
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>That's a question you should be asking yourself.
There's nothing hard for me to deal with. I post about characters from the games that I like. I don't know why you expect people -not- to do that on a 4chan videogames general blue board. If I don't talk about your particular fixation corner slice of the games that's not my problem.

Yeah I don't know where he was going with it. I hate the voreshit spam and I click the dropdown to help Kingfag.
I appreciate the help
The hyper-specific Friend Inside Me brainrot sounds like something out of a Tony Zaret skit
Pregnant Bee shitpost account when?
Best post in this thread
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Maybe next time little buddy.
Asriel must be destroyed he caused too much mental illness
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Asriel really does resemble every kind of mental state.
Even hungry?
I first played Undertale when I was really buried underground. In a collapsed parkade. I drink a glass of milk now. Did you guys really love the game?
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Obviously, growing boy and all. A lot of fanart depicts him eating, more than most other characters, and judging by Asgore's appearance it wouldn't be that inaccurate.
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I would kill for Undertale
Toriel refused as it was their fifth serving.
I really don’t get the appeal of the uguu soft moeblob look
Looks like she doesn't have real MOTHER'S LOVE like Ceroba
It looks like infantile, which is appealing to pedophiles
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stop goaff topic spam
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I would eat Chinese food with Undertale I would have a beer
>sans's transparent blue womb with visible half-undead fetus
MOTHER'S LOVE!!!! *lets kanako sit right up close to the tv, uncaring about her eyes turning squarer by the minute*
Who the hell is kanako?
Ligma balls
Some bad decisions. Some angry people. People see you one way and that's it. You know how it is.
Never really had any negative feelings towards Undertale Yellow, but it’s so fascinating that literally, LITERALLY only a single retard and his broken brain cares about it Kanako and desperately tries to jam her into any moment he can (because being “horny” isn’t actually fun without any audience)
Case in point >>487705402
I just made a bubble with my precum
No no no!!!!! She’s heckin chonk!!!! *flaps arms like an adventure time character*
I think you're just upset you fucked up your vore trolling by including her and are now rambling about the character that cockblocked your false flag pillaring fun
>they're onto the "only one person in this general dislikes shitposting pedophiles" trolling phase now
is this kind of like how FOBby turned out to be part of the vorefag sesh
Have some tea or something. Go relax under a warm blanket.
Guy who made the asriel and kanako edits here, I'm currently jorking off I don't give a fuck
You're always here and you should probably apologize for making vore edits of Kingposter's old fave.
Fobby never posted vore other than the bird skull image, you can stop trying to hide behind that anon now.
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what’s poppin
So the whole story of FOBby being ppfag and ppfag being the vorebaiter was wrong then
Can you even keep your falseflagging straight or is it all just crumbling
I've been here since 2015 and I still don't know who the fuck ppfag or FOBby are supposed to be yet half these threads are just you screaming about them
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did i miss anything, faggots?
You ruined the thread.
Are you happy with yourself?
Bored enough to leave forever?
w-wat? i-i-i dun know who they are !! *scurries away*
15 hours
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You’re just in time for the gote vs berd wars
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You anons need some goat in your lives
asrielpedos have been continuously threadshitting since you left
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don't like the pedogooning but i appreciate the shitposting.
>balling but at what cost.
let's hope they tear out eachother's throat out, mutual assured destruction-style.
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Goat game, goat thread.
It is kinda funny he's chosen to do it for another year instead of stepping back from this place because he said it was ruining his mental health
Funny in a dark and sad kind of way
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Goat tacos, Goatlicious
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>tries to improve himself
>immediately halfasses it and gets made fun of heavily
>doubles down into nonstop shitposting and spam
It's pathetic more than funny, but definitely kind of sad too. If he wants to be kingfag 2 that's his own problem.
Are we talking about Berdchubbo #4 or Mintyfreshy?
Mint would never admit the thread's ruining his mental health so...
You're not very subtle
Keep fighting, my children
You exist to serve ME
You’re my meat
You’re my puppet
You exist for my entertainment
Dance, DANCE
God, I’m handsome
Goat morning
Said Asriel
Where did Frisk get a Flowey print swimsuit
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Goat morning to you too anon
I think mint is happy enough editing his fetishes into art drawn by underage xitter artists
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Fish I wish
>kingfag 2
electric boogaloo?
Ahh fuaaarrck I just came
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Holy shit, is that Hatsune Miku from Undertale 2: Revenge of the Robots???
you can never post fave you can never have a posting pattern i can detect you can never have a traceable post history you can only talk about the gaster poop mirror glass and the implications of the dark poop fountain world for the 5000th time or i else i will construct a strawman of you in my mind to shadowbox with because i've been here since 2015 i don't even know who all these pillars i created and reference every day are but you better post only the part of the game i wanna post about nothing else or thread goes bye bye
so true
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Tweky jerky gASSter
>classifying big mac patties and white castle sliders as smash burgers
turn in your burger credentials, you've clearly lost the right to them
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Monster Kid will become the first light-world schizo and become "MKUltra".
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Hometown government really needed to find out of they could abuse psychic powers and psychoactive drugs for military intelligence reasons. Can you blame them?
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Appreciate the silence
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Give up you faggot.
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every manlets dream come true
murderchild is swiss-german
I'm pretty sure GameMaker LTS is either coming out today or not in July at all.
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don't forget:
i'm with you in the low-income neighbourhood.
>Only one person checked these sick digits
/utg/ is dead to me.
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Moderators, this man just posted a naked furry child. I think he should probably be hit with the orbital nuke.
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>pedo on pedo combat
kill the winner.
Six revolver shots, which /utg/ anons are you gonna pump full of lead
Jesus fucking christ they're still going
It's been like 8 hours
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It was wasted on boring [fave]fag drama bait.
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berdlyfag, kingfag, (two shots to make sure), 2 goatgooners and one for doomerfag.
Your definition of pedophile is "gay." You don't even factor age into the equation. You masturbate to lolis.
>Chapter 4 is in a playable state
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that's a very roundabout way to say "stop persecuting me! you are like me!"
i asure you that i have nothing in common with you.

the more you talk the more certain i am of that.

/utg/ is mostly gay, howeverthough the rate of pedophiles is pretty high, so the intersection of gays and pedophilia is high.
so yes: all the pedophiles are more than likely to be gay too.
so don't you fucking come at me and try to play the "they're only doing it to me because i am le gay" shit.
you fucking weasel.
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berdshit and goatshit are two sides of the same fatshit pedo coin
Is she in the closet?
Krautsie only likes Spamton because he’s tiny
Kris Dreemurr caught on tape saying that he wants to punch women
Real lolcows don't need someone to make a case every single thread for why they should be considered a lolcow, they just are. If anything you're more comparable to kingfag, hijacking each thread to complain about jpegs that you don't like, even though it never amounts to anything.
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I prefer the term "Manlet" for [Fun-S1ze!]
>le gays are le pedos because they just are
>didn't deny masturbating to lolis
the gays in this thread clearly are
you keep arguing with krautsie because you love his replies
Kraut is well within his right to fap to loli porn thanks to Germany's Freedom of Art. For once I'm actually jealous of Germany because I wish artistic freedom was even somewhat respected in America.
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>if you argue with an idiot on his level, he will beat you with years worth of experience.
i'd rather spit in your throat and laugh how dumb you are.

yes, the pedophiles here are mostly gay, so beating up the gay is morally insonsequential since they willingly host you.
Kraut would hate this game if the cast were all humans
Even if you assume Berdfag is a pedo for liking Berdly, he doesn't fatfag about him or the deltateens at all
He only does that for Alphys and Catty
There are gays in this thread that are pedophiles. Unsurprising for a game with shotas in it. That doesn't prove very much.

Yes, I like having discussions, even arguments. So what? Why else does anyone come here?
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>the game has shotas in it
why do you say it like that?
do you ever speak like a human?
>"be right back, honey, gotta drive to school and bring our shota home"

my dude, its a kid you freak.
tell that to omocat
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I love it when kraut replies to me.
It really pillars my community.
don't know who the fuck that is.
it does ring a bell though.
>Kraut casually admitting he sees fictional characters equivalent and comparable to how you'd treat a real life human being
Combine that with his weird loli bodytype thing and... uh oh
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I have no sexual interest in berdly. I merely find him amusing. I find pairing him with Kris amusing, as far as ships go it's a wholesome and silly pairing. People have emotions other than lust you know. (Probably hard for you coomers to imagine.)
You're not the "Berdfag" literally anyone is referring to, don't think any of this is about yourself.
Unless you ARE the "main Berdfag" and you just suddenly retconned all the money you spent on Berdly ass worship commissions I guess?
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>I have no sexual interest in berdly
You spent several consecutive years obsessed about his asshole, seriously fuck off.
>i'm shipping the deltateens as joke haha
and what about all those "stinky berd anus" posts? was that all a joke as well?
Is this the i'm_the_joker_baby.png berdfag imitator again a.k.a. wojaktimmy?
>kraut casually confirming that other people interchange (or rather exchange) the term "kid", "child" and related terminology for rising-sun fetish terminology.
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I'm inclined to believe it's the real berdfag because he's been posting nonstop for two months, and he types like a social outcast retard.
I chose "shotas" to emphasize my point about what specifically the gay pedophiles in question that infest this general are interested in. Obviously I wouldn't use that term to describe real children, and I probably wouldn't even use it to describe Frisk and Asriel that often.

Very telly.
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aw hail naw
his name is LIQUID BERDFAG
Berdfag has been pretending that a whole bunch of people are interested in posting his fave and falseflagging as him for years.
Don't let some schizo with multiple personalities fool you, he's the easiest poster to see right through.
Fem Kris > Male Kris.
>people really forgot the Libertarian Berdfag
that's who i mean i just think liquid berdfag is funnier
>belting out a lol in 30 seconds
Thanks for confirming, birdshitter. I really struck a nerve didn't I?
I guarantee the reason why berdfag has been extra schizo is that he finally got kicked out of that new discord furry group he kept blogposting about constantly.
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>I don't do that ...
>okay goo-
>... that often
you just critted my feelings, mang.
you are a pre 2010 oldfag you're in like your 30s doing this
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You guys are really bad at this, huh.
sex with temmie (feral)
PurpleEyesFTW came back and made two Code MENT episodes in one year meanwhile Toby can't ship a singular shitty newsletter for his game in a month
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What happened to him or her or they?
Badmathnoelleanon thinking 16 x 55 is 28
the heat got to him
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Call me when he finishes None Piece and catches up with where One Piece currently is.
surely toby or temmie had to have foresaw how the internet would interpret an entire species of vibrating, tiny excitable feral girls
Temmie asked for people to tag temmie (species) porn with temmoi but people didn't listen
temmies cant be feral.
they eat construction paper.
He could be any Noelle poster
Develpment is going well
Going well, going well
Develpment is going well
My fair producer
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>cyrrilic lettering
>not pider-content
Dude are you okay, do you need a cough drop
You just dug up a memory I have of some meme song/video with a TTS voice that says "my fair lady" at the end of a lyric but that's the ONLY DETAIL I REMEMBER AND NOW IT'S DRIVING ME INSANE
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bumpin' that
File deleted.
>as a joke
Well, I find them funny sometimes. I also think they have good chemistry. People don't jerk off to romcoms you know. In fact there's quite a lot of romance-based fiction that isn't porn. You're aware of that right? Right?

>stinky berd anus
If that was me, I was definitely joking around, and probably in conjunction with this image. If that wasn't a joke, it was probably berdfag #1, and definitely not me. However I'm about 12% sure it was the "scuttles away" guy making another nonsequiteur post.

no that's berdfag #47
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Cute friends
>sans persona switch
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Fave is SOUPCOCK PORKPIE there going to GLUE YOU :D
Please I need to know what the fuck this memory is and if it's the same thing you were referencing
I accept this nickname.

seething and malding at the fact that a relevant character in a popular game has more than one fan, what a sorry state to be in.
Fuck off berdfag.
kraut, kraut, kraut again in case the first two didn't do it, his orbiters (just count as one person), woomy if he ever returns, and this anon >>487692803
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Wrong! They are ASS PANCAKES and they are gonna BONK you!
They were referencing london bridge is falling down
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Smells like chicken nugs
naaah. *belches* *scratches butt*
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Kingfag, Kraut, wojaktimmy, fobby, tasquefag. (assuming none of these are the same person). Saving the last one in case any of them don't die from the first bullet.
Then shit, I distinctly remember there was like a joke/meme video with what I described
Wrong! They are PAINIS CUPCAKE and they are gonna EAT YOU! :I :D
feral has two meanings, and in this case it's referring to the furry definition of feral
what the fuck is wrong with kris' face it's so disgusting and fucked up
There's no way we're going to get the newsletter/beta test in July at this point.
Even if Gamemaker manages to squeeze it in right after the weekend, Toby and co would still presumably need some time to actually, you know, implement it.
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Anime desu kawai
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holy fucking shit
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someone takes something very personal that i had very little hand in causing.
a pretty good one
>anon gets potentially proven wrong only 3 minutes after his post
i feel bad
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/utg/ anons be like no fucking way
>the gates of Card Castle burst open
>deafening sound of several rows of rudinns with trumpets
>a couple of hathys roll out a red carpet to the Card Castle's front door
>QU4Whatever shits herself and short circuits
Step it into the dossier
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halloween hack
Not fat enough.
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Sometimes the coincidences can not be ignored.
pink anime susie always looks like kissing her will taste like strawberries
I don't know why he particularly does, since Frisk and Kris have the same skin color and they don't, but he looks a lot like a Simpson here for some reason
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What the fuck are you psychos talking about I came here to see Deltarune stuff
What if Undertale had its sovl inverted and Frisk had this super high detailed Toby Hire This Man sprite and everything else past the Ruins just looked like shit with uneven legs and everything
i think it's the arms
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What the hell's with the woody memes? I don't get it. Is he the next schizoboss?
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What Deltarune stuff?
You got some?
Don't hold out on us anon.
That's the theory
I'm yikking out so hard at this.
Is Toby writing this season of /utg/? I thought he just did the soundtrack.
Toby posted a weird woody shitpost to tumblr and there's been a lot of teasing about a cowboy segment, the first newsletter mentions it and there is a site that was a part of Toby's ARG called "bluebubble.rodeo" that showed Kris and Susie in cowboy outfits
>Ralsei! I was just uhh... jumping as high as I can before stabbing a cockroach. Care to join me?
>Why is there a Dark Fountain coming out of your floor Kris?
>Oh, that isn't a Dark Fountain. It's gas. Gas from the gas line I just ruptured with my knife. Mmmmmm gas leaks.
Maybe. Toby posted some dark woody memes on his tumblr. Since the next dark world has some sort of "canceled rodeo",people think it could be a woody parady.
lts update still didn't release but the unfinished version got updated with the new feature
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I'm still kind of sad there's zero chance of getting a cool cowboy boss with gunfight mechanics and a boss theme using not only real instruments but an entire full orchestra to rip off all the classic spaghetti western themes because why not.
Toby posted a fucked up remix of "friend in me" from toy story on his tumblr once, called "friend inside me." People made joke theories about the chapter 3 schizoboss being Woody or a toy cowboy based on Woody. Thanks to slow development schizophrenia it is currently a big meme.
What difference does it make?
Never give up hope!
none to me and every to him.
this is why its extra funny.
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Call me crazy but after spending a not insignificant amount of his own money to try and put the Undertale Yellow drama down I seriously doubt he's going to remind himself and everyone else about it with anything cowboy or Yellow related at all now.
Some serious rewrites have likely taken place during all this downtime waiting for the LTS update.
can't wait for the friend face to be another "unexplained gaster moment" that never gets resolved because "mystery...."
That's assuming he doesn't make Undertale Yellow canon in some way.
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Yellow did not invent the concept of cowboys and western adventures. To say Toby wouldn't do it because a fangame did it first is stupid.
in one of the newsletters, toby said an upcoming cowboy segment may get "cancelled", and "that's just how cowboy shows go", which is weird wording if you're referring to scrapping a part of your game. it could just be toby being toby though
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I will safely assume he will not do that, yeah.
At least we're getting jazzy mobsters.
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got way too few pictures of this grizzled retiree magician.
Noelle dies.
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god i fucking wish.
but i dont think so.
noelle is promising to be an integral non-permanent member of your team and probably directly linked to the roaring.
Honestly gonna laugh if the new chapters drops and catty isn't a cat witch. So many people push there classes and then toby just flips expectations. Like how many people thought berdly would be a bard and then he turned out to be some Royal guard with a halberd.
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catti due to her character design only lends herself to few classes.
her body shape would allow for some jokes about her being a tank, but her connections to the occult would make her a magician, a witch, a sorceress or something like that.

i liked the idea where someone made jockington her staff, but make no sense to make jockington a character without any agency of his own and his only plot relevance is to assist catti by channeling her magic through himself to cast spells for her.
I mean sure, why not. It's not like janitors want to bother with this place anymore. I don't blame them. Godspeed anon.
Why do so many motherfucker draw the weird handjob with Gaster. JUST BECAUSE HE HAS HOLES DOESN'T MEAN YOU SHOULD FUCK HIS HAND
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The cross shaped maze in the ice area from Dragon Blazers. Once you go in it, no matter where you go, you'll always be brought back to the same room.

Normally one of the characters is supposed to guide you through the maze. But it became one of the most famous (or should I say infamous... XP) parts of the game because if you go there without that character, you'll get basically stuck... FOREVER.

The developers actually say something about this in the manual… It warns you this glitch is actually "one of the bad guy's magic spells"
That's not dark world Catty. That's young Kris and Catty doing occult shit, as mentioned in several pieces of dialogue. Which is the main reason why people think she's going to be a witch. (Then again, Kris was also involved and isn't a magic user, so who knows.)
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I know Catti and Jockington arent "someone very special" but I wish Toby gave us more party members. Then again I'd be asking for like another year of development going well so nevermind.
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wasn't that in the blogs where she talks like "*holds up spork* XDD" ?
Staff jockington does make sense if you consider that the party size probably maxes out at 3.
works on my machine.
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Yeah I copy pasted it because I don't remember exactly what was said off hand because it was cringe but toby was obviously doing a big foreshadow. The implication is that we will probably have an easier time with a complete party, but you might be able to play the game with less than.
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Frisk and Asriel playing some Klonoa to get that Klonoussy
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based? based.
to be honest, i really like the idea of a catti chapter.
ch4 or ch5 maybe?
ch6 and ch7 are going to lead up to the end, so i don't think that she will be there unless catti's plot reason will be to banish the SOVL out of kris for good.

reverse deltarune rules would imply that post ch3 will be rainy. perfect moody goth weather, no?
a good weather for introspective. i think catti is a silent water type of person. she may be dismissive and angsty, but has a lot to say.
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i deltaruned my undertale :)
>So I started the game again, and with my hands shaking I went back into the maze.

>But what's super weird, was that somehow, I was able to get RIGHT back to the door.

>I was so happy I almosted started screaming again, but remembered to hold my breath halfway XD Now I was going to be able to see what was in the secret door…

>Or so I thought XP It was locked. And I've never been able to find ANY key in the game that opens it.

>Since then, I can actually get to the door pretty consistently if I concentrate.

You will need jevil's key
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>tricked by the gay into talking about the game again
damn it! foiled again!
if i keep this up, they'll think i am not a shitposter.
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Good to hear gotebro.
nice virus
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I [Funking] TOLD YOU

[Literally Who?] IS LAUGHING NOW?
Real nice pic honestly
that's the unfinished version
However they added the feature in this version

check here for the true release
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i am about to eat rice and chicken dinner, forgot to goat it with the sauce though, but it should be eatable.
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ah hell nah gaster became PHEN-228 AKA the spirit of japanese war criminal mutsuhiro watanabe
I'm still on my morning coffee but I should probably do something with all this caffeine I've been building up.
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we can expect a newsletter in a week at worst from now.
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haha, role reversed!
pee it out.
>games are about being peaceful and nice to people and all kinds of things
>the fanbase is the most psychopathic, deranged and hateful as humanly possible
Tumblr, not even once
He said goat, while posting a goat, in the goat thread, about the goat game, talking to a goatposter.
It's pretty deltarune.
A newsletter telling us development is going smell! With the new Deltarune air fresheners
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what about her

coffee is delisus

(laughs knowingly)
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im gonna gort...
WD40 my beloved
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You are too late, I have already gorted.
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This and keeping the Loaded Disk with you for a future use are both ideas that I like a lot.
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Noelle being revealed as trans will be like 9/11 for this general.
pibby blaster
plumbum gaistiz
what about ralsei as ftm
10000% uptick in Ralsei fetishization
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Are you living in the real world?
Silencefags BTFO, silence ending never ever.
You gotta realize that it’s because - for reasons I genuinely cannot discern - literal psychopaths gravitate super hard to cutesy shit
See also: My Little Pony, Steven Universe
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tittyreduction scarred ralsei spiraling into depression after realizing that the patriarchy isn't real and that the world is rough on men
un-titted ralsei commits susiecide.
It's the same thing you did, isn't it?
The little Catti picture with doll Seam was one of my favorites and I hate that it's being used for avatarfagging now
Touhou was the original banned horse show

so true, i piss through a meat tube carved out of my thigh.
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(laughs knowingly)
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What's his secret?
that isn't catty at all, that's catti
(knowingly laughs...)
Damn I wish I was skinny like him. I'm a fat fuck
he likes to secretly wear lingerie underneath his clothes
>increasingly bald
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goot night /utg/. i goato bed now. cya.
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Sleep tight.
Don't let the gote vampires bite.
Fave saves you from choking to death https://youtu.be/7Xze3ySTNJQ
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What if instead of a small religious town Hometown was actually a hippie dippy nudist colony.
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The commune must be protected.
Peacefully of course.
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Good night, anons. Have a lovely day!
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Goatnight anon.
catty and bratty would be super sad they don't have cute outfits to accessorize anymore
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I hope you're excited because I'm getting kind of excited.
Toby has to say something soon now after all.
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Flowey but if god (who is a female) talked to him in his sleep about the jews and the dark spirits
gote night
i am, doomer.
i very much am.

i am just sad that i will never see the good ending.
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At least you will get an ending. I feel bad for the ones who couldn't make it, I've been on this stupid ride since chapter 2 and I could not imagine having waiting since Undertale for anything Toby will ever make.
Is this a reference?
It's a reference to an American Nazi from the 30s and 40s who was pretty much insane.... Like most of them....
I'm just two tired and exhausted this days
god i want to sex deltarune catty and deltarune bratty and then catty again
So I was talking about what SCP classes Undertale and Deltarune would be in the last thread, but I have something else to ask: do you find the maps of some horror games more creepy and scary than the monsters themselves? like the SCP Containment Breach Map scares me more than the SCPs.
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"I wish that I could give you something... but I have nothing left. I am an old stump. I am sorry..."
"I don't need very much now," said the boy, "just a quiet pleace to sit and rest. I am very tired."
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>american nazi
there's the issue.

honestly just sounds like jordan d.
The OG Silent hill was pretty goofy as far as enemy designs went and they AI was set to "harass" more than "threaten" and once you acquired a big hammer and some guns nothing was scary anymore but the wonky camera angles and short draw distances and general ambiance and environmental storytelling were all legendary.
By the time they cooked up a Pyramid Head their monsters were pretty spooky to match the rest of the aesthetic better.
*Movie trailer voice*

Leonardo DiCaprio is THE American Nazi, coming soon to theaters and streaming.
To subvert expectations Catti will be a tank controlled by Jockington via hypnosis.
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yeah i think scenarios (places and conditions) can illicit more fright in anticipation of something horrific than the horror itself.

the moment the horror reveals itself, it becomes a known quantity. it can be identified and the more you identify it, the more you feel comfortable in defending yourself against said horror.

most of my nightmares are places associated with feelings instead of beings.
Oh no, we're not doing that Kaa shit, Toby. You stop that.
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Edward Norton already did that movie.
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Someone added really obnoxious background music over this and I didn't check it fast enough.
The actual scene just plays with dialogue.
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I'm sorry Toby but American History X is a dealt with the racism topic better
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The purpose of the Sans is to flip out and kill Kiddos
Susie already is monster racist even unintentionally, and Bratty is monster racist on purpose, who will be the really good third magic racist that Kris meets?
Uncle Ruckus (no relation)
I was gonna make a really cool post but I forgot what it was.
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i gotcha
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fuck it, bubby! newsletter soon(tm)
A tale as old as time.
Life's too short to be pissed off all the time.
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Life's too short to get caught lackin'
Protect ya neck.
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Well Catti is shown as mindlessly tapping her dang phone, meaning she could be susceptible to such things. Jockington is the most popular character in-universe (confirmed by Toby) and everyone seems to like him except Susie who's uniquely resistant to outside efforts to control her. Catti herself doesn't know why she likes Jockington so much (ch2 dialogue "Dress him up. Carry in a bag. Precious boy. ... don't know why.").

All these were deliberate design decisions by Toby.

This is a huge reach, but in the unlikely event he does do "that Kaa shit", it wouldn't be without warning.
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Would we get an influx of jockingtonfags if that happened?
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Anyone here play any Puppet Combo games?
don't forget
i'm with you in the sharrrrrrrrrrttttttttttttttt
my favorite tranny porn artist had a heart attack and died
Which one
It happens.
since toby likes abrahamic antics and religious undertones...

snakes are often used in christian and gnostic symbolic.
i mean, we still call people "snakes" when they lie, betray and cheat. we put snakes equal to liars, cheaters, people that bite the hands that feed them.
I'd love to see jockington's 1950s greaser "cool" to crumble in the dark world.
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nah bro he's just a funny little guy haha don't worry about it
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Deltarune really jumped the shark when Jockington fell into a dark world.
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>If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
>Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
>Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
>And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:
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/utg/ friends, do you fw House MD?
>Rod of Asclepius
Catti (the nths fucking healer)
Because Jockington is a good person and nice, to everyone, despite his speech, impediment, and everyone likes him. I know that thought is impossible to conceptualize for someone like Susie who everyone likes for No Reason.
>, but in the unlikely event he does do "that Kaa shit", it wouldn't be without warning.
I would destroy him.
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It was lupus
That is a really cool pic anon
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He keeps his eyes covered because he's cool, ok. It's what cool people do. The whole town being entralled by him is coincidence.

Him being the animal often used to represent satan and his best friend being an animal associated by those accused of serving satan is also pure coincidence.
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Jockington is a totally irrelevant joke character
this theory is darth jarjar tier
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Darth Darth Binks would have been real if not for the extremely negative backlash against Jar Jar
Alright fine fuck you don't need to shout.
I've been thinking about the Survey and the "No one can choose who they are in this world. Your name is..." line that gets cut off by Toriel shouting for Kris to wake up along with the unused implied Susie dialogue for that cutscene where she says "Kris...! Wake up! KRIS...!"

I'm convinced that we will go to an alternate world within Deltarune, and there may be more than one, until we can meet Suzy which is one of those precious connecting threads Deltarune even has to Undertale. I feel like Suzy has met with a terrible fate and we need to save their version of Kris by swapping the discarded Vessel into their place, for reasons entirely unknown to us right now.
A downside of alternate worlds is that if someone like Noelle were to find one that had a happy mom, not missing sister, and healthy dad she would probably remain in that world and not return to her own. Even if a version of her was already there.
We are already traveling through world barriers that seem to operate on weird rules regarding time, and once space time fuckery is on the table anything is possible really. Just, to what end? But what do I know, I'm just here to post gay goats.
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my theories:
>there won't be a flowey, if there was, we already had him
>muffet won't be in the game
>mike's a microwave
fave would hate you
One step ahead of you. Fave wouldn't hate me, fave is Kris, they already hate me. Checkmate.
Do you guys think the player will actually play a role in the story? Or are we just playing as the "Soul"? Like will a character acknowledge that they're in a game?
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It's only you.
If there was a Kris, you overwrite their save.
The soul. The player isn't actually canon, that's stupid.
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Gonermaker makes this theory absolutely retarded unless you think Gaster is asking some random magic talking soul to type in their name
Yes, gaster is doing that. Checkmate.
page got updated today
But anon, the soul is your vessel.
Kris is also probably a zombie even if they were human once.
The soul is Frisk's vessel.
gaster is asking the soul what their name is
let's entertain this thought.

the would the space-time fuckery not be directly linked to the balance between light and dark?
the light world is sick and sad, it falls ill with melancholy and with the imbalance we see things going from bad to worse with each chapter.

kris may be the only person to see the writing on the wall
>"in the dark there is a light that only you can see"
we - or kris - can see it. how things are starting to rip at the seams. people disappear, people die, everything breaks down.

even if your theory is wrong (and i am sure a good 40% can be) there is still a lot of thought that went into it.
i appreciate that.
thank you.
Frisk and Asriel are stuck in Undertale.
Chara possibly escaped just because they literally have a line about moving on to other worlds.
i will literally fucking kill you
If the player truly was the soul, then we would probably have to determine what color it is. Not every player is Determination. This means that the soul must be it's own thing that the player is just controlling (not in a Kris sense but in a normal video game sense). The only red souls we know are Chara and Frisk. Because Chara is probably the voice at the end of the goner maker, we can conclude that the red soul is Frisk. Checkmate.
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So, uh, hey. It's me. Surprise?

The /vg/ team is about to play today, and Susie seems likely to get subbed in for the second half... but that's not the main thing. FOUR MONTHS IN ADVANCE, we're being asked for input on something for the NEXT /vg/ League.

>For Managers/Caretakers, please state your team and a player that is IDEALLY HUMANOID (Has 2 arms and 2 legs) you'd like to see represented in the VGL23 Hyp video.

Without making a whole poll and shit: we should just use Sans/BAD TIMES, right?
im so glad nobody here is actually writing the real game. Holy fuck
I wonder what Jaru thinks of Oneshot?
im just calling your theory retarded. Next you'll tell me Toriel is going to genocide everybody via firegrave in chapter 3 or that gaster is a red herring. Shoo shoo fag
Red isn't determination.
What about me?
Why is my theory retarded? The red soul may not be Frisk, but it's the best option we have right now. The player actually being the soul is stupid, as I already explained.
Yes it is
No it isn't.
Sand Badtim IS our main guy
Man who hates 4th-wall elements plays 4th-wall game
Undertale breaks the 4th wall but that 4th wall is not our 4th wall. The player is never acknowledged in Undertale, only the human. There is no player in Undertale.
damn nigga I'm already tired of Susie and Toby is gonna write the story around Susie 2 as well? fucking hell
Chara is not talking to Frisk at the end of Genocide
The soul in gonermaker and the soul ingame uses a different sprite so I think the soul in the intro is literally You, represented via a glowy ghost soul. Then you get put into Kris' soul.
either that or the soul in the intro is just Kris' and YOU take control of it. The player still obviously interacts with the game as a player. If not, what's the point of Noelle hearing a spooky voice rather than Kris'? Le flippin' heckin spooky Chara possessed soul?

The soul is not some original character. That's fucking retarded third entity tier slop.
The player being canon by being connected via Gaster's Device to the world of deltarune doesn't mean Kris has to go "Oh uhm le player playing the videogame deltarune on his PC is controlling me". Play OneShot. You can just be seen as a god-like entity interacting with the world.
"No player theory" isn't even worth acknowledging because the player being canon is such a cornerstone to every plot thread the entire game narrativly and, more importantly, thematically falls apart without it.
Oh shit you're right. I just looked it up. Damn. I always thought that it just meant determination. That's very interesting, thanks.
The red soul is the combination of all other soul traits according to the ball game, as it states that using the traits of all the souls, you won the game and got the red flag. This is important, it's strange that no one else has mentioned this.
Red is "ball game"
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>A downside of alternate worlds is that if someone like Noelle were to find one that had a happy mom, not missing sister, and healthy dad she would probably remain in that world and not return to her own. Even if a version of her was already there.
By chance have you ever seen Mr. Robot?
Good thing there IS a player in Deltarune. Good lord, please just read the Gaster tweets and play the intro sequence and tell me to my face that Gaster actually wants to talk to a soul. Literally what does that even mean?

The soul has no character. It's not a character. It gives a human a trait at most. There is no frisk in deltarune. There is no chara, the UT character in deltarune. The second voice is not chara. It has a similar typing style in Japanese but even then it's not consistent with Chara. Dont parrot someone else's interpretation as fact
>There is no player in Undertale.
Then who is flowey talking to in the end of a true pacifist when he tells someone to let frisk live their life.
Game Theory: The Red SOUL is the player character of the last video game you played
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Toby is going to make Deltarune about Susie on a level you can't even comprehend yet.
Imagine if Susie was the most important thing in the universe, in all universes.
That's just how down bad our boy is for that purple dragon lizard girl thing. Krabs will be vindicated.
He's going to burn a lot of timelines to save her and apparently many years of our actual lives too.
When these kinds of argument happen, I have to wonder what’s “really” going on, you feel me?
Like, it feels like there must be some kind of meta-misinterpretation going on where someone vehemently swears that the “player” is not a character in the game(s), in that they’re thinking ultra-literally and perceiving it as us being transplanted into the setting of the game, when it’s really more like suspension of disbelief and self-inserting as personalized role-play that’s distinct from the rest of the actual cast.
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This goatfag is talking a lot of sense.
the details might be wrong but the concept does stand on two feet.
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Never once in my life, it looked somewhat cringe if I'm remembering which one that was right.
Isn't it about the autism powered super hacker or whatever?
big word hurt brain
Fave is wondering if it's ever rained this much where they are because it's genuinely rained like every single day for two weeks now
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It is about that yes. It's kino of the highest order. Though it's not autism he has, but crippling paranoid schizophrenia.
Will Kris and the player have a direct confrontation in deltarune? Would you want that?
It's the line dividing real humans who can engage with meta and post modern fictional concepts and autistics who do math to see how many miles per hour goku can go.
Only if it's good, which is hard to pull off. But I trust Toby not to do it if he can't make it at least decent
I assume when we gaster in chapter five a discussion will be had between us.
Playername...I remember you're snowgraves.
Only if I can have sloppy lesbian sex with her afterwards
What if Toby ripped off Spec Ops: The Line halfway through the game
playername… so YOU were the one behind kiddo…
Alright, figured it didn't hurt to ask. Very well, Ness it is.
Also no Susie for Game 2 and if /vg/ lose they're already dead.
>That episode shot in theater aspect ratio where the jacket comes back to him in the end
>That episode with no dialogue
>That episode with one continuous shot
>That episode with the five act title cards
>That episode with Alf
Sam Esmail did all this in 4 years. What is taking Toby Fox so long?
disk drive memory can only partially be destroyed by destroying the disk.

the data can be restored (partial) electrical chip storage like SSDs can be destroyed by normal formatting or electro-magnetic tampering (throwing it against a neodynium magnet or overcharging the circuits?
IIRC he's using redundancies, he does something else with all of it when he has it bagged up.
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>If you were a better person, you wouldn't be here.
>It's time for you to wake up.
>Squad commands are unavailable when you're alone. No one can help you now.
>This is all your fault.
>Do you feel like a hero yet?
>Cognitive dissonance is an uncomfortable feeling caused by holding two conflicting ideas simultaneously.
>You cannot understand, nor do you want to.
>The US military does not condone the killing of unarmed combatants. But this isn't real, so why should you care?
We joke but don't pretend we won't all pog out when Ralsie looks Kris dead in the eyes and talks directly to [name you entered as the creator] in a serious moment.
Is there any deltarune musician here? I just wanted to ask if a quick shitpost boss song could be made using the little singing from Osaka and make a part of it sound like The World Revolving Leitmotif
You and I are kindred spirits.
both of you can die in the same bed.
Playername, I love you...
Jamal-kun...thank you for sealing the final dark fountain.
i read "stealing"
KILL_N1883R5... thank you for everything you've done...
Thank you, K***ht.....
the fuck is that non-euclidean slur
Ralsei and the vessel making out sloppy style after banishing the angel's heaven.
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"One of you is close to someone who needs help... find this person... fast."
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What do you have against sloppy sex? Are you British? Are you unable to enjoy coitus unless you follow proper etiquette? Real bon? Can't cum unless the bed is made and the sex toys are placed properly adjacent to the order of the sex? Get undressed in a certain fashion? Tough schedule with exact timetables? Despicable.
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if the general mental health of this thread is anything to go by, that person might be uncomfortably close to you.
sleeps in your bed with you,
eats your meals,
and maybe that person hates you more than you realize.
Can Kris do sex good?
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UPDATE: Yup, they died... so more games to maybe see Susie play in the Autumn Babby Cup! That'll be around Halloween. Probably some /utg/ friendlies before that in September-ish. If anything else happens, I'll be here!
It would be extremely painful
I wish we got to explore more of New Home, seeing as it's an actual city instead of a small village like Snowdin
for you
It's from Dark Souls, it has a word filter to prevent people from entering naughty words as their name online but it's been completely broken since 2011 and they never fixed it. The word "knight" gets censored because it has the letters "nig" in it.
The fact that there are multiple saves in Deltarune means that there are multiple souls at play. As we know from Undertale, each soul can only have one save, like how Flowey is able to have 6 files when he absorbs the 6 souls. Third entity is canon.
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In order to survive, all living things in this world fight desperately and devour those they defeat... Must one kill other living things in order to survive?
Must one destroy another world in order to allow one's own world to continue? The wounded in turn wound and torment those weaker than they themselves are...
There are only the killers and the killed... The sinners who are judged, and the victims that do the judging.
What meaning is there to such a world?
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If third entity exists it wouldn't be another save file because it acts while the SOUL is not inside Kris.
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Deltarune will release tomorrow. Change my mind
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Do you call him Photoshop Flowey or Omega Flowey?

1. Deltarune is using a different set of metaphysics rules.

2.The three saves are because of Gasters DEVICE. Machine made, not soul made.
I use them interchangeably
Omega will always be my headcanon name
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I want to squeeze him
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"Kill or be killed."
god may judge you for your transgressions and cruelty, but the god that let iron grow did not want serfs and tyrants.
How can Deltarune even be consider a game when there aren't tons of videos of kids (or grown adults) making plush videos like people do with Mario and Sonic characters
An extra area between the CORE and Asgore would've really fucked with the pacing
Imagine having to run through a proper big New Home area every repeat playthrough doing all the routes
Kids don't do that anymore
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“The fish is my friend too... I have never seen or heard of such a fish. But I must kill him. I am glad we do not have to try to kill the stars. Imagine if each day a man must try to kill the moon, he thought. The moon runs away. But imagine if a man each day should have to try to kill the sun? We were born lucky; he thought”
If you rid the rooms of knives and sedate her with chocolates, she's harmless.
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It could have been a nice True Pacifist only thing like the True Lab. Would have really rewarded the player more for deciding not to kill anyone.
Which video game music guy are you most excited to see take a break from AAA and minecraft slop songs to do a deltarune song when 3 and 4 drop?
Just further proof that the internet really is dead and peaked in 2012
I don't really care, I just want ZUN to make a track
>tfw miracleofsound only does the slopiest of slops these days.
I'm sure the Gametal cover of popular track from chapter 3 or 4 will be at least decent
Damn I'm fucking retarded I thought you were talking about guest musicians. I don't really follow arrangement youtubers
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Because only one major Deltarune character (Ralsei) has a plushie of himself, and you can't make a story with just him.
Also you awakened such nostalgia in me, I remember being in elementary school and making videos where I acted different stories with my funny horse toys
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This random guy with a piano.
I for one am waiting for all the content farm slop channels to make Deltarune shit. You know how much zoomer and gen alpha bait has come out since Chapter 2? The possibilities are endless.
Man on the Internet and 8-bit drummer.
Sorry, that wasn't supposed to be a reply >>487761203
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I guess I could have posted one of his popular minecraft slop song videos.
The possibility of Kris tuning into a planet or Kris being turned into a planet will be brought up in the full version of Deltarune. I wish I was joking.
>fave wants to know all about your country and is coming to visit
>(You) are tasked to show them around
What will you do?
Will you provide the tourist experience, showing them all the famous landmarks, towns and places? Or will you rather focus on the everyday life of the common folk? Will you focus the local culture and customs? Will you have them experience the nightlife, the entertainment? Or will you present them your nation's history and all that entails?
I want her dangerous though
Oh boy I can't wait to hear one of several white nerd rappers, half of whom are British, do more deltarune song.
I'd like 8-Bit Drummer more if he didn't do the forced streamer reactions over every beat of every song he does
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You better start believing in the goat world.
You are on one
darren korb
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It's related to that theory about the Earth itself being Darknerized right
I'll hold you to it
I still like Spanish Rapping Spamton
Someone gets stabbed and a Dark World emerges from the slash in their abdomen
Rudy's Inside Story
Jevil Gaster Everyman
Tell me bout the color of your SOUL
You bet. Remember how us controlling Kris wasn't part of the plan apparently, but so far Wing Dings hasn't intervened since they're still a viable option for player puppetry? Same option is going to at least be acknowledged when the characters realize the Earth dies in the legend. Unless it's like a Star Wars Tauntaun situation where they survive on her carcass. And thank you for remembering my insanity, unironically made my day knowing someone might gain some value out of my dribble.
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How dangerous?
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What are my epic /utg/ pals listening to on this lovely Friday?
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The main character sacrificing themselves to save the world would be a very Persona 3 thing to do.
>The power of friendship surges within you!
Deltarune will probably have a Persona 3 style final boss but I want a Persona 5 Royal style final boss.
I know you mean the final final final confrontation that's functionally a cutscene but personally I would love a 14 phase marathon
this is still up and it still makes my gote hard
Deltarune will have a super Mario galaxy ending.
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Fave thinks the Super Paper Mario ending was very underrated.
>Susie thinks Kris tastes like apples
>Ralsei thinks Kris tastes like blueberries
>Noelle thinks Kris tastes like cinnamon and something else...
what are the implications of this?
The ending will be literally Toby Fox, represented by the little white dog, waking up.
Kris is voreable
>Noelle thinks Kris tastes of...
Nutmeg is a very "krismas"-y spice.
it also has a rather iron-like flavor.
like blood would?

just saying.
fave dies
Light world apple shampoo

Blue skin in dark world

Toriels baking in childhood plus extradimensional possession.
Undertale's final dungeon was slow-tempo and scary like Earthbound's
Deltarune's final dungeon will be a fast paced race against time like Cave Story's
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Vessel has favorite foods that might be connected.
I mean I want the final boss to be a mortal emotional character not an impersonal god thing.
Deltarune will have a Red Dead Redemption ending where Kris dies and you play through the rest of the game as the vessel but nothing else is different
It's wierd, I'm DESPERATE to have the game right now, and honestly deserved it years ago, but the more I see people confidently predicting the game coming out soon, like this year soon, the more I want the game to actually take longer to come out. What mental illness is this?
Oh well that's a given
Toby's obviously hyperfocused on character writing over plot-driven storytelling so I can't imagine the climax of his story to be you against something without a strong motive
You enjoy the journey, not the destination.
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I prefer the Red Dead Revolver ending where nobody knows, I'm one of the few people that even played that PS2 game and never got close to beating it but it was just a generic spaghetti western revenge plot so whoever killed your parents and burned the farm when you were a kid is probably some big banker/land owner/politician taking over the wild west 100% of the time so it's probably that
Chris uses Omnislash on the Knight
the vessel will probably be controllable at some point
Everybody Hates Chris
Why is Ralsei talking like a Redditor in this
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I looked it up and called it.
would put a real interesting spin on the story if kris either by accident or on purpose threw you (the soul) out and a different important lightener absorbed it and you were forced to actually see things from their perspective.
Deltarune will have the Final Fantasy 7 ending where it's ambiguous and beautiful but then gets confirmed one way or another years later so Fangamer Incorporated will be able to make more money off of it
All stoners are redditors
The final boss fight is against a powered up Ralsie try to stop you from merging the light, dark, and real worlds because "that's not how the story was supposed to go!!!" And the last secret boss will be against gaster that is unlocked by walking up to him and repeatedly asking "please please can we have a boss fight it would be so cool"
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Will we get to murder Toby in the epilogue?
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oh boy i cant wait for deltarune 2 the movie
Ah yes
The Everhood Ending
Deltarune will have the pac man arcade cabinet ending.
Gaster isn't a villain, or a good guy. He's just an npc in the last area who you can talk to, and he will give you 1 Dark Candy if you answer his riddle
Everhood 2 will come out before chapter 3 btw
Deltarune will end just like madoka.
Deltarune will have the Mario 64 ending.
i can't wait for chapter 3 to come out and everyone here goes "meh that wait wasn't even that long you guys are just insane"
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Deltarune will have a secret developer room with annoying dog, producer-san, and Gaster all enjoying a meal and beers in a traditional Japanese ramen shop together and you can talk to them for funny dialogue and jokes about making another game.
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Love Asriel
all of the jaded retards here will be drowned out by the wave of new and returning oldfags celebrating it as the second coming
The last boss will require an online connection because it will be against another players Kris Susie and Ralsie. PvP.
I was like 100% sure that would be the case but Rob has a chance to totally pull the rug from under them
This would actually be SOVL
Toriel will not appear in the Dark World in chapter 3 because it will be revealed that adults are unable to enter Dark Worlds due to lacking childlike wonder or something like that. I 100% believe this by the way.
The game ends by unlocking the gallery where you can see all the h-scenes you missed.
Pretty sure three more Everhood games will be made before Deltarune is finished
That's something for stories aimed at elementary schoolers and Deltarune is for middle schoolers
Disproven by Gaster and arguably Gerson.
There's no way for Deltarune to continue if all the adults in the town know about the Dark Worlds.
Can be easily explained by Gaster being some interdimensional being or something like that and Gerson being an author that writes fantasy novels, thus having a childlike wonder still in his soul.
The adults will just assume it was all a crazy dream until the endgame where all of Hometown gets turned into a Dark World and we get to see the Lightner designs of all the townie NPCs that didn't get to go in in the other chapters
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You know who else had a childlike wonder still in his soul?
The author/narrator of The Little Prince.
All of them believing that it's a dream despite them all sharing it is too farfetched, even for Toby. Noelle and Berdly believing it was a dream is already a little too crazy, but all the adults? No way.
Shut UP doomerpoopy
>There's no way for Deltarune to continue if all the adults in the town know about the Dark Worlds.
1. Says who?
2. Fanon that this is what will happen.
>Can be easily explained by Gaster being some interdimensional being or something like that
>and Gerson being an author that writes fantasy novels, thus having a childlike wonder still in his soul.
So you admit adults can enter dark worlds.
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I could write a better Deltarune than Toby could in my sleep, with blackjack and hookers.
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reminder: the game maker studio update has dropped and we are only a few days away from the newsletter which he specifically delayed just to show us something that relates to this update.
>"Kris where the hell the hell are we?" joke
>Walking through a series of minigames that are basically just a remake of Mettaton's segment in Hotland
>Minigames all based on TV channels just like Mettaton, again. Cooking show, news, weather channel, etc
>Fake Jeopardy music gameshow segment
>Tenna just acts like Mettaton and Spamton combined
>Knight and the Roaring is namedropped once but otherwise is an entirely self contained story
>Toriel is captured and becomes the prize of the gameshow but she just thinks the whole thing was a dream once they rescue her
>Alvin makes another spooky ominous comment
>Rudy keeps saying he'll be fine and won't die
>Pizzapants catfished with a closeup of a taco this time
There, now you have Chapter 3 early
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>Deltarune but everyone wants to hang out and SMOKE WEED and fill their bellies with DIET SODA and play BURNOUT REVENGE for the PS2
I'm so ready for all of these to be wrong except for the pizzapants one hilariously enough.
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I was personally called out by that joke but I play PS1 games too.
And OG Xbox.
Wanna play some Forza?
We all know chapter 3 is just going to be filler in a game that absolutely does not have enough runtime for its plot to waste an entire chapter on filler but what about chapter 4? Surely something exciting will happen to set up for chapter 5 which was the original end point of the next release
>Says who?
Me, because that means the story will go in a completely different direction where everyone in town knows about the dark worlds by chapter 4. That goes against what I believe will happen, where everyone suddenly learns about the dark worlds in a later chapter like at the upcoming fair.
>Fanon (the gaster part)
So is Gaster being in the dark worlds at all. He could very well not be in the game whatsoever.
>So you admit adults can enter the dark worlds
Only those with childlike wonder, which Toriel and most other adults probably don't have. I apologize, I should have worded that better.
I like his BIG SHOT remix but I wish he did at least one other Chapter 2 song.
Honestly we don't even have to argue with that guy because it's gonna be like, the first thing we see when chapter 3 drops December 2025.
Sometimes I think about the fact that we’re not even getting chapter 5
People overestimate how many YA/coming of age themes Deltarune has. Remember, Deltarune was made for people who played Undertale when it originally came out. Undertale was made in 2015 and is rated 10+. The target group will be in their 20s at the youngest when Deltarune comes out.
I try not to think about chapter 5.
It was meant to come out by like 2020 when those kids turned 15-ish

Single men with a retail day jobs have made bigger longer games faster and better all by themselves.
>Me, because that means the story will go in a completely different direction where everyone in town knows about the dark worlds by chapter 4. That goes against what I believe will happen, where everyone suddenly learns about the dark worlds in a later chapter like at the upcoming fair.
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I'd be honestly BAFFLED if Chapter 3&4 weren't done this year. What would've been the point of Producer-san at that point.
I'm honestly a little surprised he never went back to do one but he also usually does eclectic shit nobody else would think to do which is great for me because I love it
I should replay Cave Story, it's been a bit
So is Toriel being in the dark world at all because it hasn't happened yet.
Not even Tobert at his most delusional would think he could make 6 more chapters in only 2 years. He very early on said he was willing to invest up to a limit of 10 years or so.
If Toby wanted to be Japanese he would overwork himself for our benefit
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There's a sprite comic about that.
Isn't this the one where Ralsei gets vored or whatever
My back hurts
Stop sitting all the time ya fatty
>instant naked ralsei
My neck, my back, my pussy and my crack.
If your fave is a wax museum
Be a faver if you dare https://youtu.be/WQRBXd0xEa4
I'm lying down
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lie down on your back on a hard floor for half an hour
Where is the lts update? The version is still 2023
*suplexes back*
The workday's over in America
Even if the update comes on Monday there's no way Toby "two month vacation" Fox would force his code monkeys to implement everything into testable shape by Wednesday
i have a ball cramp right now it hurts like hell
You'd think GameMaker would focus all their efforts on this LTS thing considering Toby is probably their only customer
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You'd be surprised how many people actually use it. Like the first Risk of Rain for example.
GameMaker was just the place for "Mario vs. Sonic" style fangames before Undertale came along
but whos making these fangames now
Nobody, Nintendo takes them down now
They're still making Mushroom Kingdom Fusion
Why is this working
Toby subverts expectation by making chapter 3 start with Susie calmly saying
>Say, Kris, where do you think we have just awoken?
It realigns your spine or muscles I think
I love Deltarune and I've never kissed a girl.
But have you kissed a boy?
I played and looped the Nuclear Throne.
It's harder than slapping Sans and Jevil around that's for sure.
It's also way less fun because that game sucks ass
Spoken like someone who gets their runs smoked by lil' hunter.
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I assure you that's only a part of the reason
Rip to ball. Got torsioned.
I was making my Earthbound Depression in Game Maker until I realized doing that is stupid and sucks ass
Then I started making my Earthbound Depression in RPG Maker until I got frustrated because I couldn't get everything to look and feel the way I wanted since there's basically zero documentation on any of the built-in scripts
So then I started making my Earthbound Depression in Game Maker until I realized doing that is stupid and sucks ass
Maybe I should try making my Earthbound Depression in Godot
Use unreal engine 4.
Making my earthbound depression rpg by heavily modding a DOOM map
Does anyone else want to take a break from new threads until newsletter comes out.
Ralsei x player is the only canon ship in deltarune.
I did that for like three months then I came back anyway because my life is meaningless
I actually really enjoy /utg/ when it's the way it is right now
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Is this a cry for help
That's why I'm asking the thread makers to form a pact where we wait the three or five days till newsletter.
That won't happen. Too many weirdos insisting on having insular drama with 500 buzzwords nobody understands.
Statistically the straightest Ralsie ship considering the unusually large female fanbase for deltarune.
Kris got the aux cord and put this on
you WILL make the next thread
you WILL submit to drama every day all day
you WILL discuss the same deltarune plot points with no new information
I prefer Chara with blunt bangs
Same. /utg/ is really nice when there's no drama.
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I want quality threads everyday until we get the newsletter.
Don't fuck up.
impossible due to melties about goats
*churns ur butter*
Hehehe. Now that everyone is in the new thread no one can see me post I have a crush on Susie deltarune
You have been caught.

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