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JRPG edition.

This general is dedicated to the discussion of all past, current, and upcoming Role Playing Games that are played on the 'puter. Games such as:

Arcanum, Baldur's Gate, Darklands, Dark Sun, Deus Ex, Divinity, Dragon Age, Expeditions, Fallout, Gothic (Risen, ELEX), Icewind Dale, Knights of the Chalice, Might & Magic, Neverwinter Nights, Owlcat RPGs, Pillars of Eternity, Planescape: Torment, Shadowrun, Spiderweb Software RPGs, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Temple of Elemental Evil, The Age of Decadence, The Elder Scrolls, Torment: Tides of Numenera, Tyranny, Ultima, UnderRail, Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines, Wasteland, Wizardry and many others.

Upcoming RPGs:




>Call of Saregnar:

>Dragon Age: Veilguard

>Flint: Treasure of Oblivion

>Greedfall 2

>New Arc Line

>Sector Unknown

>Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy

>The Necromancer's Tale

>The Wayward Realms

>Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines 2

>Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader - Void Shadows

Previous: >>487470306
Some other previously released RPGs:

27.02.2009 - Drakensang
11.91.2011 - Drakensang: The River of Time
05.09.2012 - Inquisitor
22.01.2014 - Blackguards
20.01.2015 - Blackguards 2
28.05.2015 - Serpent in the Staglands
20.10.2015 - Sword Coast Legends
12.07.2017 - Brigand: Oaxaca
04.08.2017 - Grimoire : Heralds of the Winged Exemplar
19.12.2018 - ATOM RPG
23.10.2020 - The Outer Worlds
08.04.2021 - Siege of Avalon: Anthology
13.09.2021 - ATOM RPG Trudograd
07.09.2021 - Encased
17.03.2022 - Black Geyser
31.03.2022 - Weird West
10.10.2023 - Space Wreck
09.11.2023 - Colony Ship
15.02.2024 - Caribbean Legend
29.03.2024 - Felvidek
10.04.2024 - Broken Roads
14.05.2024 - Dread Delusion
30.05.2024 - Skald: Against the Black Priory
30.05.2024 - Vendir: Plague of Lies
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Beautiful man
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Veilguard will be Steam native and won't need the EA app. It's also Steamdeck approved:

Do any of you watch Warlockracy?
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What causes this?
Dogshit system design. Owlkeks shat the bed with their alpha-strike, turn-stacking focused combat system which was to absolutely no one and are now backpedalling hard, nerfing shit left and right and infuriating the few retards who liked their turd of a system.
Slavic programming
*which was fun to absolutely no one
>Fantasoi characters are on a whole different powerlevel, chudling.
translate pls
Is Tides of Numenera more of a bland/boring game than an outright bad one? Nobody ever talks about it, the game just came out and was immediately forgotten.
The devs made a grave mistake trying to present it as a spiritual successor to Planet Escape: Tournament and it failed to live up to the hype which resulted in disappointment. Game isn't boring or bad, it's just not a sequel to PST and should've been marketed as its own thing.
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Being a switch is so fun because it makes Marazhai romance repayable af and it's great both times
>want to play brujah in vtmb using the default unofficial patch from gog
>can only play a nigger or woman
>choose woman
>fucks a nigger
>give her homosexual history instead
>still fucks the nigger anyways
Camellia my beloved
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>Baroness talks with Maegar Varn and he asks her to help find his girlfriend in the ruined keep
>They find her fighting hordes of fey monsters non-stop
>After shutting down the portal, the monsters stop and she wakes up explaining that she was cursed by the Horned Hunter to stand watch over Varnhold forever until Varn released her because she asked for power to defend and look out for Varnhold and it' people
>The Baroness immediately rushes through the portal before it closes and begs the Horned Hunter for the power to watch over her prince-consort Tristroon and Jaestacey's sexual health
>She stays ever watchful by the bed where they go at it with endless stamina making sure blind Tristroon sticks it in the right hole so the Kyonin cuckake can produce proper heirs for the kingdom
>>After shutting down the portal
You mean after Varn tells her to stand down which stops the duty curse
Don't reply to it.
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It's pretty good actually. It is similar to PS:T in many ways but ultimately fails to live up to the legendary predecessor. It's terribly wordy at times, meaning that there are not enough of action segments inbetween each lore/plot segment so it creates a sense of dragging on. I'm someone who personally loves reading in vidya, but despite that I also felt this flaw. The plot itself is convoluted due to the time and reality manipulation that permeates whole game (it's not even a spoiler, you can see first examples of that 2 hours into the game). The crisis system is great however, you can resolve all 'battle' encounters in multiple ways, not necessarily just by pew pewing at the baddies and seeing numbies go up.
Froggy, hook up Tristian and Yrliet
Story falls apart by act 4 and they have no plans of fixing it. Epilogues are still bugged, 7 months post game release.
Yrliwhore is for humiliating the iconotranimal and made for eldar hunks
Tristroon is for humiliating the baroness and made for the apex Kyonin stacey
As Owltranimal writers intended
Go to AO3 and write your own fanfic. You will buckbreak Yrlicucks and Femcucks. You have a talent
Do Arue and Yrliet
Sometimes he gets a laugh out of me
>"Spirit of Mcdonalds"
>voice from the latrine
>Cumtown's DR mengele
>Baroness supports the Councilor's and Minister's endeavours
Yrliet's voice is very cute in final romance event
What the fuck is ao3?
I'm playing an Inquisitor (level 12). I never evec checked any of the prestige classes, but I just saw the Hellknight Signifier and I think it might be cool (playing super lawful Aeon).

Anyone tried it?

I might respec into a Living Grimoire, then Hellknight Signifier.

I'm just playing on a mix of Core and Daring, so I don't need to minmax every feat and stuff, just have fun.
Cumtown's Dr Mengele is a certified classic to be honest.

Also good job with cleaning the thread.
Archive of Our Own. Fanfic website
>they haven't been on ao3
>they haven't read the Marazhai buckbreaking masterpiece
I do. Great coverage of some old RPGs plus the occasional old russian mod I'd never be able to play myself.
To clarify it's a masterpiece because it's hot and awesome, not because it's funny or anything

>10k words
>Also good job with cleaning the thread.
Is froggy a janny?
Indeed, it's too short for how good it is
It's also trash lmao.
No, but about 5 posts that were discussing the frogtroon were removed.
Froggy we all know you're an illiterate brainlet, your rejection serves as an endorsement
>reskinned Camellia with a small dick and Wenduag's groveling cuck persona
It will never not be funny
I liked it a lot and it made me give PS:T another shot, but so far Numenera was a lot more engaging. I don't understand how anyone would call it bland, I found its sci-fi setting interesting and somewhat unique despite the old trope of living in the ruins of ancient civilizations. We have had discussions about Numenera, but outside of anons arguing romance and WotR build any other game discussion is pretty sparse.
If Raszard would be less cringe his art would be cool enough, given some practice
Idk Froggy sounds like you haven't played the game at all, maybe you should start writing Marazhai fanfic instead of Tristan and then you'll convince me
Concession accepted
>you haven't played the game at all
This is how you spot the newfag.
Nah I know he jerked off to German scat for 200 hours with the game in the background, doesn't mean he actually played it
>jerked off to German scat for 200 hours with the game in the background
honestly time spent better than playing that turd of a failed game
>come back to Drezen after a six month holiday in hell
>everything is fucked
fuck Galfrey, next play through, I make sure she dies!
I think hellknight is missing most of the order features and feats so it comes as half assed
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Signifier is only useful for ray casters since the kit gets arcane armor expertise and requires arcane armor training. Bot of these feats are needed to wear hide armor of elemental carnage without arcane spell failure and the signifier allows you to save one feat. However, eldritch knight does this much better as the kit gets 3 bonus combat feats. Unlike EK, signifier does not lose 1 CL at level 1, but signifier is medium bab while EK is fullbab.

TL;DR: signifier is just a shitter EK unless you absolutely cannot afford or simply don't want to lose even 1 CL.
>signifier's heavy armor proficiency doesn't let you wear medium armor
what a dumb system
His rt looks like a corpse there
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I finished a few hours ago and can't be arsed to do a write up for the ending of Lords of Nothing. One of the worst video game endings I've experienced, I don't know what the fuck they were thinking. It was like they pulled a thread from /v/ of 'things I hate in vidya' and used that as a design document. Just awful, and really sad too since I liked everything up to the shadow realm.
The shadow plane was fine, I just killed everything in my path without even bothering to sneak. Only memorable area of the entire DLC.
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she'll cut you wide open
Kingmaker is not uhh
it feels like a point and click adventure at times, especially during combat
So did I but I had zero interest to explore some cancer maze so missed the quest with the dude and I think some other quest failed too but I don't even know what.
The climax of that area was also lame IMO, so it was just run around until you find the right way, kill a dragon, then you're out.
Which Mythic path makes the best ray casters? Demon, Azata, Devil or Trickster?
Trickster > Demon > Azata > Devil.
Trickster for guaranteed crits and higher ray crit multiplier.
Does Demon path have good story/reactivity? Or is it poorly patched over the Angel path so that you can see the seams?
What's a comfy old title to play on DOSbox? Preferably turn based.
>Azata > Devil.
Devils get to keep Zippy magic and at MR10 they get both sword of heaven and demonic rage.
Darklands, Dark Sun.

It's the path with the most reactivity due to extra opportunity cities in the abyss. The entire chapter 4 bows and opens its ass like a keg to demonchads.
Okay, this quest makes no fucking sense
>says right here save Hilor
so i went to the prison and freed Hilor?
then I went to the tavern suddenly it tells me
Hilor might not be saved
I just saved him? What?
This is just as frustrating as that one time in KM when they have us chose either the priest or the warden
>Does Demon path have good story/reactivity?
It really does, especially with the secret ending. Not to mention that Nocty is far better and pleasant than Iomedae.
You'll make Aivu sad. It's not worth it.
You need to persuade the schizo Hilor to abandon the prisoners or have the monolith stone in Dresden.
>You'll make Aivu sad. It's not worth it.
I went Azata > GD and Aivu just popped out of existence. Never saw her again for the rest of the game.
Can't get wrath to work with steam deck controls but kingmaker just works what gives? Has anyone had this problem before?
Are you running the Linux version of Kingmaker? WotR only has a Windows version. It's the first thing that came to mind, but I don't have a Steam Deck myself.
Well its not a steam deck its a steam deck like, rog ally, it runs windows. If I connect a normal controller to it it works but if I try to use the buttons it doesn't but the problem only shows up in wrath also no mods
>ASSsus cultists so insecure they have to lie about their cuxksole and pretend it's the 'eck

Dum frog I just said name that people would find easy to recognize
>i lied so that people would not immediately laugh at me and would only laugh at a bit later once my lie gets exposed

Ok I found solution it works if you use a particular profile for it weird..
Glad it worked out for you. I haven't regularly used Windows in over a decade so my diagnostic skills for it are a bit rusty.
Felt exactly the same
Should I try out Demonheart for Neverwinter Nights?
>Click on enemy
>Units just spazzes out due to shitty pathfinding
>No more movement
>Basically waste the turn not being able to attack
I am going to kill Sawyer.
>Attack an enemy
>Unit does the attack swings
>(Out of Range)
I am really going to kill Sawyer. What the fuck is this really. At least Blow the Man down is coming up and that's a fun quest.
It's ruined by the fact that it's incomplete, but what there is is good. It's also better than the finished visual novel.
>What the fuck is this really.
A psyop to convince you of the superiority of RtwP.
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Is she autistic?
Dungeons and Kingdoms will be the elder scrolls killer
yeah, I'm not seeing it
if I can't play an elf, I'm out
>Sounds like a mobile game
>Looks like a mobile game
Well we'll see. Outward was kinda like that.
Crpg for the most wholesome interactions?
>need magical beast hide
>check wiki
>"Well it is here and there but only in this act"
>"Also you can find it in Act V but only during this quest"
FML time to reload an old save and do it all again!
Shadowrun Hong Kino. Soulful conversations with Racter and Gaichu.
Wholesome exclusively? Genuinely can't think of one. Surprised there really isn't a game like that.
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For me its helping matkina and rhin in numenera
It really stung when she chewed me out and said I was retarded for killing The Sorrow.
It was a shot in the dark when I asked my question. I was curious what you guys would come up with. I strongly believe that there need to be more deeper conversations/relationship building in RPGs. Even if it leads to you despising a character as a consequence. It's the absolute worst if you only get extra scenes where you get to know your companion better during an active romance.
damn really? I guess it makes sense because with the sorrow gone the castoffs have nothing to worry about anymore, and 90% of the castoffs are giant assholes that mattie wouldn't really see the value in saving them. Personally I fused everyone into matkina because I wasn't strong enough to beat the sorrow and I thought out of everyone she deserved a second chance, plus it was funny seeing the first seethe
Depends on what you're really meaning here. I'd say Dragon Age does that, particularly with Varric and especially if you were insane enough to sacrifice Hawke. Some RPGs just have those moments from time to time.
veritas credo oculos
Yeah, she said something along the lines of "I didn't think you would ever do something like that. Do you realise what you have done? What you have unleashed on the world?" then she says she can't stand to be around you any more and that she'll fuck off to somewhere. I did a non-combat build and didn't have to face The Sorrow in combat, I RP dialogue killed it, if you meant strong in combat. The game framed it kind of weird in my opinion. Here we have the monster thing that has been hunting and killing us all and I'm just supposed to take it at face value that it will leave me alone if I merge us all? Also, it was mean to Oom, which is unforgivable.
Speaking of Inquisition off the top of my head

>Cassandra showing vulnerability revealing to you how much she loves trashy romance novels and you going out of your way to make her happy by making sure Varric writes a sequel.
My heart was thoroughly warmed. I smiled a real smile.

>Solas being extremely supportive and nice to Bull trying to help him feel better after he becomes Tal'Vashoth after fighting with so fiercely about how the Qun is total bullshit earlier in the game.
>I RP dialogue killed it
or at least I think I did. My memory is getting a bit hazy on the specifics.
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cross-game ntr
Iirc It would leave you alone because the castoffs themselves are unnatural and unconsciously fucking with the tides because the changing god was using their bodies to cheat death, so I kinda read it like it was taking all those pieces and putting it back into one person (the PC, matkina, the first or the daughter of the changing god) turning them into a normal(ish) human that promises not to make the same mistake the changing god did and try to fuck with immortality/cheating death/the tides.The sorrow itself is just a natural antibody of the universe and just wants to unfuck the tides, with no personal investment in killing you/castoffs, only doing it because its the most straightforward and quickest way to fixing things.
If I want to minmax the Arue-bullying capabilities of my party, who should I take with me?
>The sorrow itself is just a natural antibody of the universe and just wants to unfuck the tides
My memory might be faulty, but I'm pretty sure, The Sorrow explained that Oom's creators made it because they fucked themselves by overusing the tides and wanted to build something to make sure it never happened again. The Sorrow then destroyed its creators' world and set out to kill anyone who dared mess with the tides. I still have the game installed and my save. I guess I could boot it up and refresh my memory.
Nenio kinda, there's like one line
Wenduag I guess but I've played through the game 3 times and never bothered with her
I can't kill Yrliet because if I do the average intelligence of the Eldar race will go up by 10 points.
Cam doesn't really bully her she just pesters about the fucked up stuff she did

regill and greybor are obvious, I think woljif and lann burn her sometimes
four farmer origin mercs
I mean that counts as bullying to me. Imagine trying to move on from being a drug addict but someone annoys you to talk about how nice it was.
>Keep the dumb ones alive so the race becomes progressively dumber over time
he said bullying not pleasing
Her eyesight is good
No she’s dating Tristian
>Vivisectionist Wenduag with Stig Witch dip
>Court Poet Camellia
>Sable Company Marine Seelah
This game needs to be taken away from me
shaman 2 court poet 16 monk 1 loremaster 1 ubermutt cam
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>when the owlcat jealousy event kicks in
I miss the /v/ threads, they where fun
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I went and checked. My memory wasn't faulty.
you're probably right, I kinda ended up ignoring Oom and the dude with the living tattoos because I never bothered to party swap.
cant take monk as shes chaotic, only lawful companion who can do the "tank poet" thing is Seelah. Could fit Instinctual Warrior 2 in instead but I kind of doubt shes ever tanking particularly well even with 20 dex. Going to to try Court Poet 16 and Shaman 4, take evil eye, protective luck, and use afeat for chant, to be a mini-hexer along with source of court poet buff.
This is what happens to niggas that dont take Lann
It smelled like a Chekhov's gun and was cute so I made sure to have it tag along. Funnily enough, I didn't realise I could swap companions until it was far too late to do anything with them. At least I have companion content for when I do another run.
You speak too confidently about things you're wrong about.
>cant take monk as shes chaotic
old news, new dlc adds chaotic monk
cam rules even more now
The game is too fucking hard but shitposters pretend it's easy which demoralizes people playing the game and so they quit and don't finish it.
>turn based game
there's no skill involved, it's just number crunching
Well I'd say your in for a good time whenever you end up doing that second run because all the companion quests (that I did) where pretty good. Personally I gotta do a party of Oom, erritis and aligern. I was able to do tybir's stuff inbetween rhin leaving in the second act and coming back in the endgame and his quest conclusion was very sweet
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>tfw even cassia is calling for her death at the tribunal
For me only idira adovacted for maybe not executing yrliet. Wish there was an in-between for punishments of making yrliet give a half hearted apology to everyone or 1 billion lashes but eh its 40k.
>rogue tranny
Lmao. People were one rounding unfair bosses with easy without any thought or special setups beyond stacking turns vi officers. Owltranimals are literally in panic mode nerfing everything to make the game even a little bit challenging ahaha.
Daily reminder that you are literally playing with dollies
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Is the Sims a crpgg?
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best dolly
But you don't understand, I'm BETTER at playing with dollies than other internet strangers
Cam clone lol
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>I'm BETTER at playing with dollies than other internet strangers
Correct, you fucking casul shitter.
is there really any skill involved in >MUH BIG NUMBIES though?
Once you understand the mechanics of crpgs then the guide is basically written, ie it's solved, ie there is no skill involved.
cucky wucky
>you can solve things by talking
>you can solve things by sneaking
>you can solve things by killing people
Seems to fit the SSS archetype pretty well so even the most hardened veteran would agree.
imagine calling yourself a "veteran" of the playing-with-dollies genre
The fact that your retinue members can get unlucky and downed in 1 hit from very powerful attacks which leave unremovable traumas makes Rogue Trader an exceptionally strategic and challenging game where you must take into account several turns within your rounds in advance so that you can maximise the effectiveness of your party while minimising the danger posed by highly punishing and merciless enemy forces.
If only you had seen my dolls do the shit they have done. You would surely understand.
You're a retard who has never played any competitive tbt with rng. Mitigation of rng effects is a skill. Without it, consistency would be impossible.
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>"I'm a healer, but..."
>"...but I'm using the blaster build when it comes to plapping the prime Kyonin cuckake cunt"
>"For the baroness it's long range buffs with reach metamagic"
Pretty much, ya. It's like tic-tac-toe or any game where the first move decides the end result as long as you know the sequence.
That's why playing on Core is best, because you can mess around with builds and RP more, without having to do autism numbers where you're shuffled into less viable options (and it's still essentially autopilot anyhow, with no actual skill involved)
>you're shuffled into *only viable options

Kinda. Sometimes you have to account changes in your own plans. You can crunch numbers as much as you one but unless you're alpha striking something and it can't retaliate, you'd need to adjust. I mean, is being good at chess a skill?
Give her an oversized shirt with letters "free hugs"
>is being good at chess a skill
No, it's just pitting your knowledge of sequences against the other person's knowledge of sequences.
Very dull game.
I accept your casul concession.
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I wanna smooch her.
Isn't that a skill?
Sure, let's call memorizing digits of pi a skill too while we're at it

But elantach, I have friends, they're just from other craftworld
If you can state the 239th digit in pi without thinking then yeah it's a skill. Memorisation is a skill.
Make reproduce with eldar bvlls
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>Memorisation is a skill.
>skill-less genetic dead end deciding it's an authority on anything
Share some screenshots of your dolls, /crpgg/! Are they fighting? maybe smooching?
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Damn nvm, had no clue
i'm feeling really overwhelmed now that i've gotten to baldur's gate for the first time
i infiltrated the iron throne and got the documents
i just did coran's and neera's quests
any advice on what i should do next?
never got this far before
Only his russian fallout mods videos
i find his voice soothing and i have a thing for the really nice shit he covers sometimes
Yes, I often have him as background noise and his Russian related monologues are interesting. I also appreciate him not being totally disconnected to modern stuff and writing them off, which is very common with nostalgiafags. I hope he covers Tyranny, he should have some interesting commentary about it. Iirc Mandalore's video also had an interesting aside about how politics work with it.
If i use cam as a main tank will shit like gargoyles run past her because shes chaotic evil?
If Kenshi counts, then why not
alignment doesn't matter for enemy ai, they even target evil companions with smite good
So, have you told Daeran about knowing about the other
and beaten them?
Based, thanks
Early on? No, since it ends badly. Later on when it's planned, yeah.
Take a break and do Tales of the Sword Coast stuff if you haven't.
Just be warned, if you help out the guy Mendas and go to an island, there's an enemy there that can only be hit by like a few weapons in the game iirc one is very close nearby him. I actually wasn't super impressed with that whole thing, and will probably never play it again to be honest, but yeah.
Durlag's Tower though is a must. The other one where you get whisked away, that was pretty good too.
If you weren't aware you can start these off by going to Ulgoth's Beard.
I did, then said ".. ok? that's it?" and reloaded.
I wish gamedevs weren't so incompetent.
>Reading through other Pathfinder AP's to see what would make a good game
>Act 2 of Shattered Star has an event where a party member can get hit with Phantasmal Killer and if they fail their soul gets swallowed into a clone of Sorshen (because Sorshen is an ancient high level wizard so obviously she has a bunch of backup bodies stashed away)
>Because it's a broken clone spell+trap the party member is permanently turned into a 10/10 Azlanti woman

If we ever got a Shattered Star game this would range from creepy to hot depending on if the character that gets turned is a man or woman. It's not even a troon thing since it's an event that just gives you a bunch of bonuses to checks in the dungeon since the character now counts as Sorshen to all the passive security systems.
>It's not even a troon
Kek, the cope has already begun.
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It'd only be cope if we got the game and the devs had a male character get turned instead of the enchanter thief girl npc from act 1 that would actually make more sense as a target since as an enchanter she'd be the same kind of spellcaster as Sorshen and would have a reason to poke at trapped shit.
Why do youall get buckbroken about troons so much?
Because I want to fuck them.
Ok, and?
When is Japan going to make a CnC CRPG.
Yeah, yeah, and Jimmy has a girlfriend on Scintilla
Would be a fun social experiment actually
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>Femcel fails a Logic test
yeah, those were fun times. But not to worry - we'll be back in a couple of months
I smile every time you remind me that Rogue Tranny is a dead game
Anyone play the new werewolf apocalypse CYOA ?
I have never once taken the Deldar into the party. I just cannot justify it from any roleplaying perspective.
>clearing out old sycamore on unfair
the suffering... I've had to rest like 6 times and am running out of time
just lower the difficulty
It's typically not that hard if you're playing a single carry fighter because you're usually wading through chaff but yeah it's rough.
why? it's not difficult, just tedious
I can justify taking him up until you leave cumrag. After that - yeah, no reason to keep him
those barely exist on ao3. last time I checked it had like on fanfiction out of a hundred.
Yeah, It literally has no resolution. Like, what the fuck?
just like rt players...
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There's now three versions of this meme by Marafemcels, how many versions does your waifu have, anon?
does it count as a Wenduag or as a Camellia version since he's a shameless copy of both?
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I used the rebel navigator's rock on Cassia but still sided with her. It seemed like the best middle ground by keeping some batshit possible heretic from the past away while not sending loyal servants of the emperor to their death. Now she's having heart palpitations and shit, this questline is going to end with her death isn't it?
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More Maraiet art on the horizon
Camgods can't stop winning can't they
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This also dropped today and its pretty nice
>this questline is going to end with her death isn't it?
I don't think so. The only two ways of getting rid of Cassia is either leaving her in cumrag, or killing her in act 1. I guess you can also tell her to fuck off, but that doesn't count cause you can do that with all characters (after a certain point)
Realistically won't the knife ears keep coming after her if you do that?
this really shuts xir down doesn't it
Finally this dropped today as well, now I must sleep, can't wait for tomorrow's Maraartwork u__u
When are xenos shits not harassing innocent citizens of the imperium?
We all agree that Camellia is best girl, right?
No, she's the best character in all of Owlkek
Have they released any info on the arbites character? Do we know their sex at the very least?
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most influential murderhobo in history
Why was both nwn2 and bg3 both obsessed with gith despite the fact they are literally the least played core race in dnd
Thanks. Can't wait
Since when are gith a core race?
They aren't a core race in the first place
Gith isn't a core race, and it makes sense to have them in bg3 since the game is about mindflayers
Plapping Arue should be an Olympic sport.
A team sport obviously.
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There are two possible reasons:
1 - you need help getting out of cumrag, and I don't mean manpower, I mean someone who know the ins and outs. Sure the clown is helping, but he's clearly up to no good and is just using you while you can not use him.
2 - Marazhai is your only link to the Archon of the Black Heart Kabal. If you want to get even with him for the kangaroo court you were put through you need Marazhai, although i'm not sure if such possibility is being discussed when you recruit him.
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>he's clearly up to no good and is just using you while you can not use him.
I want a Male Vostroyan firstborn and a female Catachan Junglefighter companions
Three: I think he's a funny fella
Can you shoot him in the head while you're walking out the door in cumrag?
>female Catachan Junglefighter
Give me a Repentia instead.
argenta after tripping the humility flags :^)
That's true - guy's a hoot and I really enjoyed his banter and remarks, but that only really comes out once you recruit him, so not a good reason
Is dragon age origins awakening good?
I have a warden to import into it
Not sure, I wanna say yes, but don't quote me on that. You can immediately give him to jimmy after you leave, though. I'm sure he'll show him a good time, especially if he was taken to cumrag as well
How many years will it take before contrarians are willing to admit that BG3 is the best crpg of all time?
Ehhh kinda dropped it after playing through Origins. Guess it was just burn out. Also seeing Anders be a completely different person compared in 2 felt weird. Yes I know Awakening came first but still.
Never. Old good, new bad and BG3 will never be older than the "classics".
I liked it a lot. More than dao actually. But don't expect the events of it to ever get referenced.
not everyone who disagrees with you is a contrarian. I liked the game fine, but it's not what I would consider the best crpg of all time, not by a long shot
Awakening Anders was kinda cringe, but I still liked him. I liked all awakening comapnions in fact. nathaniel and sigrun being my favorite. Except velanna. god, that a shrieking hag
I just finished it yesterday and I thought it was pretty good. If you like the base game I think you would enjoy it.
If Owlkek let you design a backer quest for either of the Pathfinder games for free, what would you make?
Guy that asks you to hunt down monsters all over the map so he can eat them and rewards you with great items. Final quest is him trying to eat (You) and you get his busted gear. Might as well make interacting with my OC worthwhile.
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A quest in which you gather all the other backer content npcs and take them to the gallows
Male Stout
A quest where you hire a bull for your partner
I'd add an unavoidable event where your current romance gets blacked, the quest is you reacting to it, but you can't stop the bulls. It branches off and railroads you like Deal with the Devil in Kingmaker, where they continue blacking your romance and other female companions.
I'd make the bulls overpowered as fuck so if you get the option to fight them, you'll get stomped without cheating. The correct option is to be a bitch boy and either let it continue (you get events describing it) and they move to your bedrom or try to make peace prostrate yourself beg for mercy and end it.
Not pathfinder, but Love Can Bloom sequel.
>It's actually Rape of an Eldar
A quest where you have to gather 24 gemstones hidden around random places in the game for 0 reward whatsoever
Man, the first Skyrim playthrough I had had the quest bug out and gave me all 24 when I got my 3rd. The effect is actually pretty busted considering it basically guarantees 1-3 gemstones in every container you open. Still not as bad as trying to get that one enchantment in Morrowind.
Yes but by the time you finish the quest do you even need the gold? It's not something you typically rush, and more something you do as you explore the game and then commit to finishing. There are simpler ways to make money in that game too.
Yeah, I only got lucky because of the bug. Then again, there's not really much use for gold in Skyrim.
So Hand Flamer / Boltgun Argenta is the way to go, not Flamer / Boltgun Argenta, right? Because having an off-hand melee weapon to parry with is worth more than the small amount of extra damage from the two hand flamer
Doesn't the house DLC need gold?
You are right though, I can't even remember if there is a single unique item that only can be bought. And even there was you could smith and enchant something better, pickpocket it, or glitch out of bounds with a bucket to steal it from the merchant chest
It does, but it's mostly just materials and it's just a worthless moneysink. And yes, I don't think you can purchase uniques in Skyrim, almost everything has to be found.
For the last time, they're not dolls they're ACTION FIGURES.
>Doesn't have articulated joints
Not an action figure.
Would Owlkek unironically make this if it was a high $$$ backwr tier request or would real cuckshit be off limits?

It already exists, it's called Rogue Trader
I'm sure it's stipulated that they can disagree to certain ideas. Then again, Vellexia can straight up cause you a game over in Kingmaker so their QA is questionable.
>Vellexia can straight up cause you a game over in Kingmaker
>Confused Lynxia for Vellexia
Fuck these names. Got it wrong.
ah right. i remember her. i fucking hated everyone in that quest. the best ending is killing everyone
Would you rather have a Warhammer Fantasy crpg made by owlkeks or lariantrannies?
Who's romance is better, for a male character, Woljif or Daeran?

I enjoyed it when I played through it at release. I thought a lot of the bitching was unfounded. I need to go and replay it. Sad they never released a proper DLC for it.

What this anon said about the battles is spot on. Each encounter is a crafted event. Usually with a set up or in an environment you get to explore.

Second best crpg sister only to Imoen.

Sending her back home was a very bittersweet moment. Loved it. Right up their with Jaethal sacrificing herself to become a better person. I had no idea either of them would come back. So happy when they did.

>where you get to know your companion better during an active romance
Garrus doesn't have time to talk right now
Depends on what type but Larian's game style is closer to how the table top plays somewhat. Though I'm sure people will take offense since Larian's tone is more on the lax side. But please don't, I need another Divinity game...
Pretty sure you can't even romance Woljiff so...
The sequel to pic rel
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daeran is peak. best boy, best romance in wotr. Go for it. Woljif doesn't have a romance unless you use a mod, and i don't think you wanna touch fanfiction romance
Daeran is hardmogged by Cam and Galfrey, he's mid at best
Is this a man or a woman?
Aasimar so female.
>best boy
>iS thAt a MAn oR a WOmAN?

Can I get a straight answer please? If I pull down it's pants what will I see there?
Wait, I can rom the dommy mommy?
This complicates matters. . .

>don't think you wanna touch fanfiction romance
Is the mod that bad?

Honestly that's not even a tough one. I haven't played RT or BGIII yet but from what I've been told by friends Owlcat actually managed to nail the tone and setting for RT pretty well.

I have some issues with the companions in Wrath so far feeling a bit too 'Reddit/Marvel' influenced but that's nothing compared to how over the top the companions in BGIII seem to be.

The WHF:Roleplay system is one of my favorites and it's a lot grittier and low powered compared to what Larian seem to have a preference for.
a micropenis covered in fat (he has a pot belly due to abysmal str and high con)
>Can I get a straight answer please?
You won't because he isn't one. He's a man.
>Wait, I can rom the dommy mommy?
>This complicates matters. . .
It really doesn't.
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A haunted house, not as much combat, focused more on exploration and being very creepy, you slowly figure out why the house is haunted. Think of something like the Shalebridge Cradle from Thief deadly shadows. It might be hard to make an isometric game scary, but Darkwood succeeded.
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You'll see an honest to god benis. But I'm sure you can persuade him to wear a dreess if that's what you're into. He's frisky like that he just wants true luv and handholding
Owlkeks are incapable of writing male romances, they all suck. Foids are forced to cope like that
but they literally do have joints?
>dommy mommy
choose one. Also her romance is shit, just like she is
>Is the mod that bad?
haven't played it, but i have literally never seen any good fanwritten content for crpgs
Name 2 (dos) good male romances.
his codpiece obviously...
Jimmy, Daeran, Egg, Cullen
The ones that involve me.
Isn't his arc basically him being an addict? Then again, fucking on the wartable is funny.
>never seen any good fanwritten content for crpgs
>tfw I enjoy a lot of the BGI npc mods and the BGI/II banter packs
>Same with the IWD games

Maybe it'll be up my alley I guess.
oh look all bioware

for not bioware I liked
All crap, curious
>Isn't his arc basically him being an addict?
kinda. his romance has a harder punch if you're playing an elven mage for the extra scandalousness
>APOSTATE mage-templar
Plus if you're a femcel who's been with dragon age since dao you finally get the catharsis of letting out all that 10 years thirst for him. Him and Egg are both really good imho for different reasons. Egg gets bonus points for being a tragic doomed raltionship, Cullen gets bonus for marriage and children, and yes, the table sex which is never not hot
well, check it out then, but personally I think woljif is too immature to try to romance. He looks like he's still in a phase where he thinks that girls have cooties also he's for a cute childhood friend romance with ember
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Update: I've killed the Mite Queen on Unfair but still have the Kobolds, Tartuccio and the spiders below. I've rested about 12 times now. I wanna get to level 5 so badly so Tristian can spam animate dead.
Why are you subjecting yourself to unfair?
I love Thane, but i can't shake the image of him possibly having one of his episodes when you're having sex. Peak cuckquean material. Not for me. If not for that I'd go for him every time.
Garrus i don't know. Your relationship just doesn't give off the romantic vibe.
Good one with Astarion. Forgot about him, and he's also good. Both versions
Why not go for the diplomacy route? Admittedly mites are f*y and deserve to be gassed. but kobolds are cute. CUTE!
I want the loot and xp, but kinda regret it now
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>having more than 6 people in your party
How do you feel about that? I'll admit it's overpowered as fuck, but it's kinda fun.
am I misremembering or did the original voice actor add lines to this?
Or... something like that. Actually maybe this vague memory is about Camellia's artist or VA or... fuck my brain, what am I thinking of?
It gives you options, But I rarely, if everk like more companions than there are spaces for them in the party. Rt being the exception. The only ones i dislike there are yrlikek and jae
How do you increase the party size? Toybox?
haven't bothered since toybox added remote dialog cues
based benchwarmer selection
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Say what you will about Rogue Trader being the hardest and most strategically challenging game that Mishulin has ever designed since Heroes of Might and Magic 5: Tribes of the East, this is easily the most coherent and suitable cast of companions that Owlcat has made thus far.
Top Row (mandatory retinue):
>Rogue Trader Noble Officer Strategist with Foehammer for aoe blast + Oathlock revolver for rapid fire / Plasma pistol + Noble Sword
>Abelard Warrior Archmilitant with Chainsword + Bolter / Shotgun or Meltagun
>Derrick and Berrick Soldier Archmilitants with Lasguns + Laspistol/Power sword, will upgrade to Hellguns and Hellpistols if I can find them.
Bottom row (pick any 2):
>Cassia Officer Master Tactician with a choice of Devastating or Castigating staves / Precise Laspistol + Sword, specialised in debuff warp abilities
>Heinrix Warrior Vanguard, Force Sword + Revolver will upgrade to Inferno Pistol if I can find it / Staff of Blood, specialises in dodge/parry tanking and going fast
>Pasqal Operator Bounty Hunter, Thunder Hammer/ Meltagun or Arcgun or Plasmagun, specialises in tech debuffs and throwing grenades (may get dual wield specialisation on him too)
>Yrliet Operator Assassin being a funny stupid xeno
>Argenta Soldier Master Tactician with Bolter or Hunting Sniper Rifle / Hand Flamer + Power Maul, specialises in ranged ally buffing and charging resolve by burning Chaos shits
If anything I would prefer an odd number party, so either 5 or 7. But 7 would break the action economy to shit, and 5 would mean I can't justify using hirelings at all.
I hate almost every WOTR companions, how did Owlcat manage to create such fucking trash roster?
I never really cared for "replay value" along the lines of being restricted with the amount of people you can bring with you and therefor the banter you hear. I don't think completely breaking the game would be worth it to sidestep it though
Are there any major bugs with that? I'd be tempted to just do a full or near full merc party if it works properly, but I'd be afraid of it randomly locking up shit
Seelah's growing on me. Ember isn't so bad. Liking Woljif and Dearen so far.

The Asian chick, Lann and Cam are grating. Wenduag might have been alright if there wasn't the threat of her stabbing me in my sleep if she thought it would benefit her.

>I never really cared for "replay value" along the lines of being restricted with the amount of people you can bring with you and therefor the banter you hear. I don't think completely breaking the game would be worth it to sidestep it though
Pretty much how I feel about it.
Kingmaker's cast is 10 times worse.
The bugs I found in personal use were
>trying to kill "yaniel" in the drezen siege without seelah in the party
>savamelekh's house in alushinyrra
so I turned it off for those segments, there was also
>council meetings for wenduag (war, economy) and lann (economy, diplomacy), bugged only if you have it on without the "include former companions" option
>allows picking the unchosen mongrel's council decisions if that option is enabled
I never noticed issues anywhere else but I haven't played dance of masks yet
>this is easily the most coherent and suitable cast of companions that Owlcat has made thus far.
The benefits of being a 95% human cast.
Fantasy games like Pathfinder are inherently liberal multicultural globoschlomo, Tolkien should've been shot in WW1.
That doesn't sound so bad then. My biggest fear is it would just lock you into shit you'd find out being a problem far too late, but it sounds like only the areas with conflicting potential companions are a problem
Then again trying anything like that with a new DLC is probably a minefield
There is nothing appealing about being evil
Being a selfish scumbag is fine, but being evil is pointless and stupid. And quite frankly its tedious more often than not, you have to go out of your way to be a villain.
Idk i think owlcat gets away with a lot of things because its seen as the more hardcore games for le real gamer hipster bullshit unlike dos2/bg3. Like if a half orc lesbo couple or the faggot generic theifling or the rick and morty fox or ember who is just terribly written or the ugly ass graphics were in bg3. You would literally never hear the end of it.
But Nok-nok is the only bad character tho?
True, Valerie, Ekun, Octavia, Harrim, Tristian, and Linzi aren't bad, they are dogshit.
>faggot generic thiefling
>rick and morty fox
>Ember who is just terribly written
I actually kind of liked Linzi. Ekun didn't have a personality to hate or like.
I agree with the rest though
The only rpg that had good pacing is fallout 1, every other rpg i ever played has at minimum 25 hours of uninteresting bullshit you have to wade though. Im finally at the age i now roll my eyes at niggas boasting about game size. Rpgs games are already long enough, any other crpgs that are like 20 hours long max with constant character progression and low amount of stupid side adventures that add nothing?
I'll give you Valerie and Octavia, I'll even throw in Reg.

But Tristian, Linz and Harrim are great. I also enjoyed Ekun's quest. Guy was a bro.
>The only rpg that had good pacing is fallout 1
Lmao no.
>get to the Hub
>game stops
Being bored is a good thing. You can't appreciate being strong an having multiple skills unless you've been weak and had little to no options prior to it. Rpgs are heavily based on character progression, not just strategy and challenging the player. And where else are you supposed to fit in the world building and story but these boring parts? If you cut away half the game it would be rushed instead. It's a classic case of wanting something that you don't actually want. You like Fallout 1, you don't actually want less filter.
no? Theres like 3 important big things in the entire hub then you move on lol. One screen you only interact with like once to get more time. Sorry you got filtered by fallout 1 of all things
I like fallout because its concise showing new idea(for the time) after new idea until you’re strong enough to end the game. Fallout2 is actually exactly the opposite. That game focuses on having 10 empty ass areas that just exist to have more stuff, makes you take 5x times longer to level enough to get the same amount of strength, and a bunch of really uninteresting boring dogshit side quests like the farm one where you just run back and forth for 20 mins. When the player is strong enough they should fight the final boss not do a bunch of meaningless busy work until their bored enough to go end the game just to get it done.
>I like fallout because its concise showing new idea(for the time) after new idea until you’re strong enough to end the game.
You had a positive experience rushing through fallout 1 and you want to lecture us about good crpg design? Fuck off.
The only truly good and crisp CRPG in the history of video games is the first Diablo playing multiplayer mode solo. You just go down the dungeon and kill Diablo, then the game ends. Zero fat.
Rushing? Nigga its fallout1 when i first played it, it only took like 15 hours(including most side content like gaining entrance to bos) of nonstop new content until it was over lol. Theres only 3 main quest objectives get chip/go though a dungeon/confront master and the game pretty much tells you exactly where to go the entire way though. Don’t tell me /crpg/ can’t figure out fallout fucking 1 LMAO
Are diablo 1, 2, 3 fun? Do they count as crpgs? Surely not right right?
Add that to our list of shitposters, a guy who claims that fallout 1 is a short and concise game because he could beat it quickly.
????? Do you think fallout 1 is not short and concise? Wtf is this general actually retarded? Theres like 8 non main quest related things in the whole game which can all be completed in less than 20 mins each, what am i reading? Please explain where you got confused in fallout 1 for 10+ hours.
>hurr durr wheres water chip.
>hmmn is it past the first super mutants you ever see that seem like a big deal on the screen the game naturally pushes you towards
>too hard for brain, help im stuck in the hub somehow
>its shitposting because you’re right and im mad
Typical, all in saying is 40 hours of bolted on random encounter snore fest slop to do busy work side quests is not good design
Just stop replying to him or giving him attention.
Explain to me where you got lost in fallout 1 for 10+ hours faggot, stop being a little bitch
Actually don't bother, I forgot this is a owlcat hugbox general and you niggers love boring fucking time wasting slop.
>fallout 1 too hard
>Diablo 1
One of the most atmospheric games ever made with very simple, but crisp as fuck game design. Technically has more fundamental game mechanics than any of its successors.
>Diablo 2
More of a loot grinder game with multiple stages of experiencing and appreciating the game, but in its fully realised endgame already had the roots of the problems with the genre.
>Diablo 3
An unfortunate sidegrade that could've been good if they had actually made a Diablo 3 that fixed the flaws of 2 instead of making a completely different game and making directionless changes to it until it died. Also has deplorably bad graphics for a 2012 game.
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God, she's so fucking cute.
My only issue is why did we always have to go to the pub to do her seances I mean can't we go someplace that isn't crowded and loud and I fucking hate drunk people?
It does unlock the possibility of her standing right behind you in the bar when going on a date with the queen though
The cast is actually not bad, I just cant get into the system, if they did WOTR with the Rogue Trader cast itd be great
How close is the RT game to the tabletop's mechanics anyway? As someone who played a lot of Dark Heresy and Rogue Trader, I don't remember game's the combat as particularly complex other than keeping track of a long list of talents with sometimes non-intuitive names
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That guy should draw horror instead of porn, Arue's face looks fucked up on the left there.
it looks a bit nightmarish, doesn't it? i think portraying arue as alien looking is underrated.
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>femcels' object of lust
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>Rogue Trader being the hardest and most strategically challenging game that Mishulin has ever designed
What a weird choice for secondary classes. Jimmi Vanguard? Argenta MT? Haven't seen that before. How are they faring?
You haven't recruited Jae?
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>Wenduag might have been alright
The problem is that, with very few exceptions, they are all range from milquetoast to grating. Jubilost and Ekun are the only ones I'd love to have had in wotr for example
>Don’t tell me /crpg/ can’t figure out fallout fucking 1
Nigga, zoomies get filtered by the temple of trials in 2, you expect them to figure out fallout 1?
>How close is the RT game to the tabletop's mechanics anyway?
No very. It's a homebrew that is losely based on the Rogue Trader tabletop
It's not like that's surprising when the system itself is like just rolling a d100 and negotiating for every advantage you can think of most of the time
What's the max amount of delusion you can get in dread delusion?
That was a great thread. During /tg/ twilight years.

But as far as Wen goes, edgy is better than marvel/reddit 'humorous'.

>range from milquetoast to grating
I really didn't feel that way about the cast.
I know people generally have an issue with Tristian, Amiri and Linzi but I liked each. Jaethal was great. Personally didn't really care for Harrim, he was just kinda there. Same with Ekun to an extent but unlike Harrim he was actually likeable.

Couldn't stand Octavia, Reg and Nok-nok tho.

>and negotiating for every advantage you can think of most of the time
Hard baked in to the games design philosophy and where half the fun and prep comes from. Not the sort of thing that is easy to transfer to vidya. Funnily enough Tides of Numenera feels like it takes that approach with it's encounter design half the time.
An angry wild boar blocks your way
>edgy is better than marvel/reddit 'humorous'.
i think they are both cringe
always fun when someone in your party gets polymorphed
or when you ploymorph yourself into a baby dragon for fun
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Good morning, let's look at this beautiful Camellia art together
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I finally got Wrath of the Righteous and after some minimal spoiler-free reading I'm curious: are angel and demon fun paths? Can I be at least rude as an angel or do you risk losing your powers like paladin when you do something bad?

Is demon 100% evil or can you skip burning down orphanages, only treating it as source of power and be at least neutral in most your acts?

Can you make a fighter/demon for pic related?
use an ugly as shit portrait? Yes
you mean Camellias POV? five minutes before cucking the KC
Angel and demon have more content than most paths at least. As for "falling" or whatever, basically no. The further you get in mythic progression, the less you can escape the nature of your path. The late game mythic paths are sort of the way out for someone who is a demon but doesn't want to be evil or whatever
KC? More like CC lmao. Cuck-commander.
boy they're still seething
>that pic
Pretty shit taste you have desu
So by the end of demon you become an evil demon or can you stay an evil-ish neutral guy with demon powers? Same but with angel, will you lose your powers the moment you tell somebody to shut up in a rude tone or can you do anything you want short of burning down an orphanage?
ur moms an ugly as shit portrait
>want to go gold dragon
>turns my elf black
hm, isn't that how drow are made? oh god, it all makes sense now, Imodae was right all along
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>Baroness takes Tristroon to the City of Hollow eyes
>Tristroon moralfags at the cultists, till the leader commits sudoku rather than listen to his verbal diarrhea
>Sarenrae starts speaking to him talking about his redemption
>"She asked me me to return..she agreed to spare my mortal chains..but Nyrissa..the Stolen lands and you-"
>Baroness puts her hand on his shoulder with teary eyes
>"I want you to choose your own destiny my love, whatever you choose I support you.."
>Tristroon stops and thinks for a bit
>"Thank you dear Baroness, while I formed great bonds in this mortal form, my place is by my godess an-" *ahem*
>Tristroon turns to Jaestacey tapping her foot and dangling handcuffs from her finger
>"Uh on second thought...The Stolen Lands still need an agent of Sarenrae's light..I shall keep this mortal form to carry out my duties!"
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Why are they so smug?
they won
Camellia's breasts look very large
The pirate woman referred to the Emperor in a way that I didn't recognize and behaved in a suspicious manner (id esta not like a Dawn of War character) so I shot her immediately after telling the Liege lackey to piss off in the warehouse.
Heinrix does really well as a vanguard provided he has all his buffs up and doesn't have crippled leg or something else that prevents him from dodging. Warp speed helps a lot. His damage output is mostly just ok compared to Abelard, however, who can crank up versatility stacks and then use sworn enemy to deal even more damage.
Argenta can deal large damage with her hand flamer attacks and gets momentum up quickly but I haven't had a chance to test her out much yet, she sat out Kiava Gamma and most of Janus.
they're for hiding her secrets

>TIL Arueshalae is fully tattooed
wasn't expecting this
>losing your powers like paladin when you do something bad?
The game lets you get away with a lot as a paladin. Most of the people that complain about falling are just retarded.
>and be at least neutral in most your acts?
Any path can be within 1 step of its alignment or true neutral.
>Can you make a fighter/demon for pic related?
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forgot the picture
jesus christ how lewd, imagine if she took off her underwear too...
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it is always kind of funny how fast knight commander is back in their clothes and ready to take on the day after doing their companion
clearly not the cuddle type
all succubi have the same model
Whats the game that (you) wish was devleoped/expanded as a /Computer Roleplaying Game/ anon? For me it's soul nomad
A fantasy version of Age of Empires 3.
wh fantasy
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Yikes, no.
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surely you'd enjoy the opportunity to play as awe-inspiring classes like pic related?
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The most important tattoo is poorly visible there.
Sunless Sea.
The average wotr fan

Great book. The showdown between the two armies was metal as fuck.

I prefer the charcoal burner, ratcatcher or camp follower myself.
This creature is nothing more than a mimicry false flesh simulacrum created of evil chaos energy in the disguise of a female form for the purpose of spreading evil and chaos, it is trained as a chatbot intelligence on the mental echo of the sinner souls that constitute its foul wicked body. The vile demon must be destroyed to release the souls from their torment as a molecular matter for this vector of unholy power. It is the cause of justice to exterminate the succubus through the wielding of sharp metal and resounding faith applied to destruction of horror, as it is NOT a person and cannot LOVE or BE LOVED
>Skills: Consume Alcohol
he just like me fr
is there a way through mods or cheats to dual class as a barbarian to sorcerer? it sounds like a seriously wild concept and it's a shame that neither class can dual
it's called bloodrager
What is he saying?
Xenos crime statistics
it's called baldur's gate
long live Camellia Gwerm
It takes effort to change your alignment. Say that you're playing an angel and are currently deep lawful good. You could pick the [Evil]/[Chaotic] dialogue option like 10 times in a row and still be lawful good. You have to repeatedly choose the opposite alignment to shift out of it, and even then you can shift back into it.
>t. played the role of a demon that wasn't really that evil just wanted power by any means possible and had anger issues so I only chose [Evil] like 10% of the time
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Oh yes, it is time for... Dragon Kino.
not a crpg
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More of a crpg than commie elysium.
correct neither is a crpg i accept your concession
You can solve missions via slay and sneak, therefore the game has some roleplaying depth, therefore it's a crpg. Cope and sneedthe.
Can the blood kineticist be worked with, or is it just dogshit?
I started the Varnhold DLC for Kingmaker
Is it right to start this shit when Season of Bloom has ended?
also, is it kino? feels like a drag so far, I miss my Baron
Yes, gestalt classes from toybox. But it's not designed to be balanced, if you care about that.
Any kineticist is fine as long as you do the kalavakus deadly earth abuse.

You should've played that shit before starting the main campaign and forgotten about it.
Battlefleet Gothic Armada has only 3/5 rating on GoG, is it really that mid? I want to learn space ship strategy to improve my RT gameplay mastery, because RT is a very difficult game.

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