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The Way of Grace Edition

PC trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuCfkgaaa08
PS5 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wW4Fdh6zFM

Patch 6: https://baldursgate3.game/news/patch-6-now-live_108
Patch 5: https://baldursgate3.game/news/patch-5-now-live_99



>Q: How often should I long rest?
>A: Many companion and romance interactions occur when long resting. Some early lower priority camp scenes can also be missed if higher priority ones are queued. To advance companion quests or romances, make sure to long rest often.
>Q: Can I recruit Minthara without going down the evil path?
>A: If you knock her out in Act 1, yes. You do miss out on the sex scene, but otherwise the romance remains the same.
>Q: Underdark or Mountain Pass?
>A: Either, or both. It's recommended to clear both on higher difficulties for the experience and loot. Both connect to the same Act 2 map.
>Q: Is The Dark Urge essentially "Tav+"?
>A: Yes. You get additional content, BUT there are points where if you've chosen to resist the Urge and/or don't complete quests the "right" way, you'll have to pass additional checks to avoid losing companions.
>Q: Are there any consequences to consuming tadpoles?
>A: No, for the most part. However if you've consumed any tadpoles, there will later be a DC21 Wisdom check to reject the Astral-Touched Tadpole, which affects your appearance if consumed.
>Q: Should I enable Karmic Dice?
>A: Karmic Dice will avoid streaks of very low or very high rolls, both for you and the enemy. It is recommended to disable it if you're specializing.

>Romance: https://strawpoll.com/NMnQ5kJXYn6
>Race: https://strawpoll.com/kjn18WPzeyQ
>Class: https://strawpoll.com/eNg69DKKjnA
>Companions: https://strawpoll.com/bVg8o8l3VnY

OP pasta: https://rentry.org/bggpasta

Previous thread: >>487469951
Teaching Welch the wonders of heterosexual sex
Welch hurt me like Cazador hurt Astarion.
John hurt me like Halsin hurt Scratch.
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The ratcatcher that became a lord.
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>jobbing to an 8 STR punch
He has melee attack bonus.
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happy Olympics everyone on /bgg/
Waifus, Husbandos
Love & Harmony

Which Olympic discipline would each of the main cast practice?
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drowning alongside his writer
They would all cave your skull in with a shot
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5e is so stupid
I had the original filtered for a reason
Shoo you fucking roach
Kagha is so cute
I can take all punches if it's Astarion who's punching me.
Maybe YOU're autistic if you think your experience is universal and we know what post you're replying to.
what are you talking about anon?
i looked at last thread to try and get context for the stupid bullshit you just typed at me.
I didn’t post that, I am autistic, and I want the retard right >>487711298 to get his stupid skull caved in.
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I'm so excited to liberate Menzoberanzan from Lolth and replace her with Minthy. Even with her NE schemes and various wacky schemes she's miles better than Lolth. It'll be a vast improvement.

She got to sit on Ketheric's throne, Lorroakan's throne, Sarevok's throne, Gorty's throne, and momentarily the brain throne before we killed it. And now she will get to sit on Menzoberanzan's throne, Queen Minthara.

I'm so happy just thinking about it
Go feed your children
>minthara gets turned into a pig by some random LVL 16 drow wizard
>namefag thanks him for making transthara less ugly
Happy end.
What's with /bgg/ obsession with pigs anyway?

That's not an Olympic disciplice...
>hee hee me and Minthy are going to liberate Menzocity from meany Lolth and then everyone's gonna bow to the new pretty queen Minthy and we're gonna be super happy hee hee
Put these foolish ambitions to rest...
You're not the real they/themfag, everyone knows Minthara is LE
Lawful Good women...
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anyone leaked anything from the beta yet?
rumor has it there's an ending made for /bgg/ especially
What would the /bgg/ ending be like?
john x welch sex session
john x welch death session
The game ends during the first night at camp
everybody spergs out and start killing each other
Why do you keep asking this? Do you think there's some kind of super secret content they holding out on? What is there to possibly "leak"?
this is the first time i've asked this schizo
Why did you ask this for the first time? Do you think there's some kind of super secret content they holding out on? What is there to possibly "leak"?
what kind of new mental illness is this, schizo?
can't anon just be curious about something?
why are you so interested in knowing why he wants to know?
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nigga i just want to see the new ending cutscenes get that stick out of your ass
We're not going to leak the new ending cutscenes. This isn't that kind of establishment.
They leaked the astarion part of the evil endings on his dedicated subreddit and it literally lasts 5 seconds, patch 7 is so FUARKING shit.
link or fake and gay
It's pretty gay
What in the actual fuck, this can't be real
Can someone who romanced Karlach leak the experience to me?
Can I raid Cazador's place if I kill Asterion in act 1? How do you get the stake cutscene?
>music deafens the characters voices
great job larian
No. I forbid you.
>they only get a reused kiss animation
astarion trannies on suicide watch kek
>act 1
get her iron
>act 2
fix her heart
>act 3
get betrayed by Larian
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Laezel's writer is commissioning furry gay porn
should've commissioned art of Lae'zel getting fucked by a red dragonborn instead
Why are they so bad at covering their porn addiction, what the fuck is wrong with larian???????
My post was vaguely olympic themed like yours
Some things from the new evil endings were posted on an Astarion fangirl sub.

Tav or Resist Durge can make a romanced Astarion bow before them like a little bitch. Embrace Durge murders their love interest and then commands any enthralled companions with them to jump off the brain.
Wrong post. Meant as a reply to:
Patch 7 is so mid
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>he didn't know
oh anon...
Is the evil ending entirely a cutscene or is it like the epilogue where you can walk around and interact with people?
Seems to be just cutscenes.
>assuming it would be an epilogue
you’ll get a cutscene and be happy dog
the former
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Larian made billions but they couldn't make a definitive edition to fix the game's main issues because...
Hasbro and WOTC
I'm not buying the next Larian's game. Swen will lose money and come back to WoTC and beg to make BG4. I'll thrive.
>oh no Swen Vincke please don't fix BG3
Never happened. Next.
My brain automatically filters frogposts, they all unironically suck.
I see. I hope they add more choices you can make in that case.
>jump off the brain
Kinda lame...
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It's okay to let go of your obsession after a whole year. You don't have to hold on so tight. There will be other games to play soon. I heard DA4 is releasing this year?
>giving your money to bioware
>playing a DA after origins
We don't buy goyslop around here, get the fuck out of my general.
>Origin Astarion
Not the playthrough we need right now.
4 years and i didn't let it go
>Origin Astarion
This is exactly the playthrough we need right now.
Stop opposite posting, this is very annoying.
Keep opposite posting, this is not annoying at all.
I’ve been playing DD2
You won’t catch me playing DA4
Isn't that the game that came and went in like a month? You're betraying BG3 for that?
nigga said betraying bg3
I feel like they're going to retcon a lot of stuff during Withers happy and wholesome party
I hope we'll get both new cutscenes, and dialogue during that last bit
lmao as if
I tried playing DD2
the only fun part is making smol sorcereresses and getting them kidnapped by harpies
it seems to be almost exactly like dd1, so I’m sure I’ll like it fine.
The other fun part is having your pawn princess catch you btw
action games can't stop filtering /bgg/ boomers
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I took an oath to serve /bgg/. For 2 years at least!
Lame you should have taken up my oath, it lets me play other games while keeping it in tact.
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Good. I'll keep posting it.
I always liked action games: the thing is DD2 just doesn't have that much of replayability compared to BG3, the Lord of the Flies of videogames
not straight
How sad and feminine do you have to be to play this "game" more than twice?
Speaking from experience
Extremely Depressed
But enough about your blog.
Are you saying I'm super feminine!?
I got cheated on by Shadowheart in my very first playthrough and had to replay the game with frog and karlach to actually feel satisfied with my purchase
Who has the best ass?
Yes, albeit you will never be a woman.
Could you just be more upfront with your insults?
I see nuisance is lost on BG3 "gamers"
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>"Jaluks could be here" , she thought
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Aside from the knock out workaround, there's no way to have Karlach and Minthara together?
>average bg3 character creator tranny
No way to have them both without exploits, no
Chuds, the lots of you
Better a chud than a John
Why don't Swen fix the goddamn game?
Better a chud than a stupid fucking wop
That's the best, and probably only solution. Alternatively, you could ignore the grove situation and path straight to Act 2, and Minthara will be at Moonrise. But that means the death of the tieflings and Dammon.
Only games that Swen cares about get a Definitive Edition
Excuse me, the term is niggerfaggot.
Niggerwop achtually
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>The cool wind felt good against her breast plate. "I HATE JALUKS" she thought.
Vanessa is a necessary evil
Swen is a necessary evil
My wife
Now you’re being silly.
Swen is NE
Todd is LE
>todd out of nowhere
rent free
Peter Molyeneuax (Spelling?)
Also gives me NE vibes
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>severe lack of Shadowheart in this thread
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BG3 might have been written by Europeans, but make no mistake, Blaze Elin is a distinctively American representative.
thread ruined
filter image MD5
This is a Lae'zel general.
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Be honest... what do you think of the new hair?
There's room for all the princesses.
Princesses, yes.
Debutantes and Harlots, no.
You do not represent my - our values. Please leave my general.
Your witty humor befits our values, please stay in my general.
you know I cannot do that comrade
Eat my asshole,contrarian.
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Laezel saved BG3.
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Lae'zel couldn't even save herself from the gourmets
Those frog legs look like shit
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You wouldn't eat this frog
I will eat her
if you know what I mean
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builds for this feel?
I'm glad we'll never get a DND larian game again, look at this corny trash.
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>Princesses, yes.
Shadowheart is a Disney princess.
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this image just croaked at me
slopzel my beloved
Uhm, the picture has nothing to do with Larian.
why are you so obsessed with Swen anon?
also help me build my slut priestess
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Hmmmm... the scars are off.
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Good job boys. We still got it.
great, great job /bgg/
we surely showed them what does it mean to be a GOTY general
A black and white picture of Jaheira stating she is tired.
I sure showed you who tongues my anus
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Is my save bugged or what? I broke my paladin oath for helping mommy Minthara attack the grove. I'm a Lolth-sworn drow paladin, I'm literally doing my job. Is paladin an objectively "good" class or something?
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sure learned a lesson in tonguing anus alright
>Is paladin an objectively "good" class or something?
Generally, yes.
Larian really made the black guy a thief
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So Minthara did nothing wrong?
Holy shit Cazador is so much more bearable when you dont let him start the ritual, no stupid 12d12 damage legendary action, no stupid extra necrotic damage, no stupid temporary hp
I had MM Gale knock him prone through reverberation, Tiger heart Karlach Maimed him so he couldnt even stand up.
Party was hit for 10 HP in total. A shame but his boss fight fucking sucks so whatever
>AI slop out of nowhere
Do you feel like you beat the game?
Oak Father preserve us all.
I really dont care, maybe come up with something better than "boss now deals 100 damage for free"
So that's what you mean when you say EA Wyll is better. He's black... and he's a thief. The walking racist stereotype.
Yes we are racist here.
More at 11.
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/bgg/ remembers. We know no queen but the queen of the under whose name is Baenre.
Yeah he also had bananas on his head instead of horns. Bit on the nose, but I wish they had kept it. Oh well.
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>Play Baldur's Gate 3
>See Lae'zel
>Get horny
anything I can do to make act 3 enjoyable?
turn off the game
If the druid grove is sealed, can I jump there?
Honor Mode and not skipping bosses sounds like a start.
shitposting here about every silly thing there
Good idea. Reduces my chances of reaching it at all would be helpful.
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cute frog
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And someone who isn't Wyll
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Karlach to save the thread!
speak to every named NPC
She looks like a well built retard, I know a guy thats hiring well built retards.
bg1 astarion mod... killing cazador... stealing ee hexxat's items... astarion cucks khalid...
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No he only hires smart tieflings
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Enough chitchat. Post cute gith.
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it was a tough crowd last night at the comedy club
booo get off the stage stupid frog!
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Dont do all the content and get burned out. Once you reach level 12, do only the remaining things you want then finish the game. Hell, go finish the game earlier and hope the endgame stuff gets you to 12.
The only life that matters is mine.
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I've seen people say that wyll is good to play as but i don't want to run around as his ugly mug for 100 hours
Just ‘play as wyll’ and download something that lets you change your appearance
im a console cuck so i can't do that until they add mod support
Passionate vaginal sex with Lae'zel
sorry then anon
Tiefling women owe me sex
dragonborn women owe me sex
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Do they like having their horns pulled?
Human men owe me sex
That's the best part
Tiefling men owes topping me
gimme a lore-friendly build idea for Drow, Wizard sounded cool but that fag Gale would just overshadow my character. Rogue/Gloomstalker Ranger maybe?
Too specific
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Rogue, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard, Ranger
Good evening. I love my husband Astarion.
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I'm about to finish my first playthrough as a good aligned tav. Which origin should I play on my next go around?
Spin a wheel
eh fuck it, I'll stick with Wizard
Can you just tell me who to pick? Just not lae'zel I don't really like her.
Astarion. It's an order, slave.
Laezel and shadowheart have the most stuff with the game ping ponging between shar temples and githyanki lore. Same thing as fane and ifan having the most main quest related shit in dos2. Gale has a good amount of extra shit, and you get to be a white dude which is pog
I fucking love Lae'zel so fucking much
Yes master.
All of you should be ashamed of yourselves.
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When did you stop being a slave to asi +3 in main stat is more than enough, the game is not hard enough to justify dumping and rushing asi twice to 20. Dumping was so last year, i just did a playthough and having pretty even stats outside of the +3 wisdom for druid caster was pretty nice to pass a lot more overall checks
You a bitch.
>Yes master.
Good. You're already prepared for his role.
I'll smack you.
I'm just getting in character.
No you won't, submissive slut.
Say that to my face bitch. I'll kiss you on the lips so sensually you'll be begging for my touch.
What domains does a cleric of lolth fall under?
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>what's going on in this threa...
Gooning to Bae'zel
Remember one month pre launch when this general shilled karlach and laezel was least voted romance character in that poll
is the astarion kiss thing the only leaked cutscene so far?
what are we getting in patch 8?
Maybe gift bags like what dos2 got in its last year of life. Essentially they just take the most popular mods and make official versions of them you can toggle on or off. What i really what is just a definitive edition with tweaks to things like moving some of the companions like minsc way closer to the start of the game and making minthara an actual full companion instead of this weird half finished thing. Never happening but would be the best scenario
How fucking weak and pathetic were Wyll and Mizora meant to be if he was obsessed with one specific goblin and they both managed to get kidnapped by a tribe AFTER he became a warlock?
His orinigal story was literally only centered around the gobbo who took his eye lol. Imagine you have astarion becoming a true vampire, gale a god, shadowheart redemption, laezel ascension meanwhile wyll the nigga story arc finished up 40 hours ago when you killed a level 4 gobbo.
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>..I fell. The edge..,crumbled
>I fell on my butt, you see! Painful...and ticklish!
>..bibberbang. Bibberbang! All of it, all up inside my ass
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yeah wyll being obsessed with getting revenge on the goblins was cringe. at least with shart, hating githyanki seems more reasonable since the githyanki are actually intimidating in game. they should have given wyll something more powerful to hate so he didn't look like such a weak retard
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You HAVE been playing BG3 in the past month, right? You're not just here to kill time out of habit, right?
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wait, this general has a GAME?
i dont own a cimputer so i cant play it
I own a 13th gen intel so i got oxidation in my CPU
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You have what??
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the nerve of this toad
that subordinate was her 13 year old cousin btw
I did play atleast once this momth
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What is it I got here after it got deleted
>A subordinate once tried to question me. I ate their tongue stew that very night.
Jokes aside, this is a pretty wild line in and out of context.
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Good evening and Happy Friday to the Raphiesisters and sweethearts of this thread.
Good evening and Happy Friday. Hope you're well.
theres a hidden gort/durge sex scene in patch 7
a typo with disastrous consequences
Big if true
it is true. just sex, no kissing
She's such a talented cook!
How do you end up in a videogame general without the means to play videogames?
I don't play any video games anymore, I just watch lets plays and read the wiki pages
>roasted hamsters with a side of githyanki tongue
they're telling the truth. i've seen the scene myself
I'm serious tho
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quit getting my hopes up stop
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Thank you sister, have a glorious Friday yourself
Larian said there wouldn't be kissing because there isn't any. It's just a dirty nasty loveless sex scene. Not a lie.
>dirty nasty loveless sex
Perish the thought
>dirty nasty loveless sex
cherish this thought
I am!!!!
Anyone have that pic of Lae'zel in the maid outfit?
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men that hairy should never dress so sluttily
Men should always dress like sluts.
men should be modest and wear burqas
i was just hoping to bait you into posting more slutty men
No. I will be enthralled with their personality and their bodies
I don’t have many pictures of the boys that aren’t just him anymore.
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nah it was this one. found it in the archive.
dead general
is it true the people that got selected for the beta had to sign an NDA?
highly unlikely
It's an honor-based system. There's nothing preventing you or anyone from spoiling the plot to a new player, we just don't do that here because that's not nice and we care about each other.
more for me
me on the left
You can castrate Astarion in the new ending it leaked on their fangirl forums
About time
This is a long shot, but does anyone have that screenshot of Lae'zel where she appears to pat the camera?
I just wanted to see if maybe anyone had saved that picture. I didn't mean to kill the thread.
shame on you
>She's not wearing anything under that
bless your heart
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Yeah, except an act 3 questline for Karl and Minthy

Just came here to say that this is the best RPG i have ever played in my life, and its one of my all time favorite games.
Cheers to everybody who likes it.
Get off the stage
Yeah Cazador is one of the hardest fights in the game if you play in a standard way.
Act 3 is great, maybe you just dont like the game or maybe you have poor taste.
How can you say you love your waifu if you won't even stay married with her decomposed zombie self?
Funny you mention that...


I would love zombie Minthara is if was still her, but unfortunately in most cases their soul is gone and it's just a magically animated corpse.
holy fagola
which companions like getting their ass eaten?
Minsc and Minthara
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Minthara, no doubt.
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Why is he like that?
me when i shit my wizard robes
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>Gale wants to talk
any particular reason why during act 1, you can use Detect Thoughts without having access to the spell?
if you have a scroll on you
illithid power
She does anal too
Female companions explained through Terrence Malick kino:
The Thin Red Line
A Hidden Life
The Tree of Life
Knight of Cups
The New World
fierce frog
Pegging mommy
Best ass in the game
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what is jaheira's expression conveying?
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should probably feel bad but meh
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I'd pick Minthara over ack any day
why is minthara covered in blood
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still gonna save the Tieflings but wanted to see the other side of Wyll's questline for once. but yeah, Minthara >>>> Karlach
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Blood looks good on Minthara
She found a random tiefling village
I know
one of you has beta access
What are the new endings, you rat fucking pieces of TRASH
i'm not posting them now since you were rude
Have any patches added the ability to be in a relationship with her and kiss her? I don't remember being able to do much with her besides that awesome sex scene.
Yeah, you can kiss her now and she has some unique dialogue
Really love the game, especially the characters and music and design. But act 2 and act 3 are massive disappointments, they had to rush that shit so hard. Imagine if they had another 2 years. It could've been a mindboggling masterpiece.
Okay anon I’m sorry I got a little heated there, we both said some things we didn’t mean
Let’s just post the new endings and forget about it, you go first
i lied
Act 3 is dogshit
I like act 2 and 3 more than act 1
Act 3 is the best because it has Emperor
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Yeah, getting rid of him never gets old.
why would larian do this?
This is the time second someone is posting a picture of somebody complaining about the tiny PP joke in the larian forum, I'm beginning to think that BG3 fans got a shrimpy.
drow are supposed to be misandrist tho
The only thing I get rid of is my penis inside of its squid hole
I hope this is a joke...
Get the fuck out of my general, tranny.
I just googled emporer shirtless and chose one that wasn't too large of filesize, chill nigger
Isnt it literally an it though
It's literally a corpse once most players kill his non-binary ass
I wish we had a photo mode so I could get some high quality Minthara ass photos. :(
I wish we had a definitive edition...
I could've sworn at some point, you could talk to that spider matriarch in the cave under the village
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How do Tiefling women give birth without the baby's horns completely shredding up their vaginas during the push? Like...is there some magic involved?
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Horns grow, silly.
Yeah, but surely they're still nubby at least. That's still gotta hurt like a motherfucker
Horns and shells harden through time, you're overthinking it
From what I remember, they come out as soft nubs that are no dangerous than the skull itself similar to other animals like >>487814361 says. I'm more curious what the fuck githyanki are all about.
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Lae'zel is love.
Lae'zel is life.
Lae'zel a miracle of the universe.
Lae'zel might've done some things wrong, but she's still a beautiful person inside and out.
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>came and went
as in, it's gone and I can't play it any more?
Oh wait, its still there. Fucking hype obsessed toddler
Your smile is the bind that keeps this planet intact
Be careful what you wish for.
I also weep when Shadowheart is doing her Shadowheart thing outside.
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>gem store
this game panders to women too often
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Larian absolutely dropped the ball by not adding the canon Durge ending where he impregnates Orin over and over again.
Worse, it panders to women on twitter
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>not the first post in thread
step up your game
I just beat the game on tactical today, and it really wasn't any different from playing on normal.
I don't really see a point in offering difficulty options if they just slightly increase hp. I guess honor mode is the only truly different difficulty.
I'd disagree with you on a slightly pedantic level. The issue isn't that there's no difference. The issue is that all levels are piss easy for someone who is halfway familiar with RPG style games.

All enemies have +2 DC and attack rolls on tactician. Some encounters have 1 less turn to complete. +20% HP or more in some instances. NPCs have altered behavior. That stuff is actually HUGE. But it's still easy, because normal was undertuned as fuck if you even kind of know what you're doing.
Honor just makes everything more expensive and gives some bosses broken abilities.
Ironically the best legendary actions are in Act 1 before they got lazy again.
So Auntie Ethel spawns in more copies of herself when you use a spell, which directly counters using MM against her, forcing you to come up with something else. Meanwhile Karniss and Cazador just get to deal your health bar in damage for free.
Reminder that larian made easy mode even EASIER after patch 3 because most people kept getting filtered by the game's combat
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It also fixes the absurd damage riders
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The elites don't want to know this but the smokepowder barrels at the park are free
How do y'all get 20+ barrels into the brain room?
I was only able to get 12, and only one runepowder(friend's an edgelord so we killed everyone).
The best feature Larian made for people like that is disabling multiclassing on the easiest difficulty
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>Lae'zel: YEET
Why cant the game just start at lvl 5 or 4, nobody fucking likes low level DnD
t. wizardfag
I want to fuck that drow
i started playing as astarion and at the tieflings' party i wanted to date shadowheart. this option had a dice roll and a situational disadvantage, reason: astarion. the option to refuse was free. after this i went to gale and wyll and the option to agree was free but the other choice to refuse also had a dice roll. wtf
Cloud giant elixir, I would assume.
I don't want to abuse str elixirs but I feel like I'm doing something intentionally stupid whenever I'm not abusing them
Tried that, but it was removed in one of the zone transitions.
Also didn't allow for much, but I think I just discovered a method. Need to load another save and see if it still works, probably patched by now.
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Explain yourselves, lariansissies.
Are you replacing your elixir slot or just not using it?
The guy is extremely ineloquent and way too concerned with some retarded concept of purity of Baldur's Gate. On the other hand, I do agree to some extent without going too deep into the whole violence vs sex double standard.
Chest mechanics let you grab literally every item in a chest with [Grab All], but after that, you have to be unencumbered before you get to pick up anything up ever again. So you can just have as many items/barrels as you can carry. But you'll have to lug it from the point before you enter the brain cave, through the Upper City, and then through the brain fight. It's actually quite cumbersome and you'll have to juggle a couple chests along the way if you don't want to be encumbered. I wouldn't recommend it honestly. If you're capable of slaughtering the mobs at the Upper City, you wouldn't need to cheese the finale with barrels.
I'm going to cut you off there, I can sense that you're not offering a solution that would be satisfying for me.
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I like it. It's a small window where fights can be more swingy and you're carefully considering every action instead of being on autopilot. You try to maximize action economy. You use everything at your disposal. Spells like Sleep or Spiritual Weapon still feel relevant. It's fun.
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Total redhead gnome druid death
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bardlock akshully
Anyone know how to change the PC's background flag?

I'd really like to get the inspiration checks for Guild artisan but accidentally Acolyte'd on Honor mode.

I have the character editor to give me the prof bonuses of GA, but I'd like to do all the GA things; and Cheat Engine just changes proficiency as well.
>download samurai fighter archetype mod
>realise normal battlemaster is superior when I'm fighting gnolls
God I hate 5e. On a related note are there any martial class mods that are worth installing?
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I'm going to recruit Halsin, Jaheira, and Minsc for completionist sake even though I'm going for an evil Durge campaign. What should I respec them to so that they're ugly and evil? I was thinking making Halsin a Warlock could be funny but then I remembered that I can give him the dragon scales via Sorceror. Same with Jaheira. Minsc I can make evil looking with the Astral Tadpole.
Astral tadpole + Draconic Sorcerer scales
If they didn’t fix the silence bug that lets you take Halsin back to Act 1, wait to do Ethel until you recruit him and see if you can trade his eye
Halsin doesn't have a tadpole though, so you shouldn't be able to take his eye (with Ethel or Volo) or give them the Astral Tadpole.
Mayhaps they didn’t account for it, since you aren’t normally able to take him back to Act 1 anyway
Well I definitely would have tried it out, but I cleaned out Act 1 already. Needed that tasty lock of Fey hair so I can get to 23 charisma
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>[Oath of Devotion] *Recite the words of your Oath.*
>Honesty. Don't lie or cheat. Let your word be your promise.
>Courage. Never fear to act, though caution is wise.
>Compassion. Aid others, protect the weak, and punish those who threaten them. Show mercy to your foes, but temper it with wisdom.
>Honor. Treat others with fairness, and let your honorable deeds be an example to them. Do as much good as possible while causing the least amount of harm.
>Duty. Be responsible for your actions and their consequences, protect those entrusted to your care, and obey those who have just authority over you.
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Which bloodline?
For me, it’s black so their faces look wracked with rot and disease
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That works
>if only you knew how bad things really are
he closes his eyes in grim acceptance
Did you sexualize Astarion? I'm calling Beaudelaire
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Alright, I'm reasonably happy with this. Time for bed.
You can also cast grease and make him walk there. He'll be dirty.
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What were your wife's first words to you?

Mine was to call me multiple racial slurs.
Lae'zel's is to call you an abomination and begin to kill you which is a funny one too.
My husband tried to stab me with a knife
Do elves poop in DnD?
Finally. You've been missed.
Damnable roach
Why don't harpies wear clothes? Don't their human parts get cold?

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