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Previous: >>487691815

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki-Douji (Berserker) Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Scathach-Skadi (Ruler) Pickup Summon
2024-07-24 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

dead game no content for 6 weeks it's OVER
Cute image, but /alter/ doesn't know who Kenshin is...
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Bobbu rabu
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Reminder Liz loves you no matter what race you are,what gender you identify as or what sexual orientation you have.
Liz loves all bros!
Liz supports trans rights!
Liz supports black right!
Liz says love wins no matter who you love!
how will you fix >quick, anon?
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Mandricardo love
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Kama Love!
Medusa love!
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let her cook
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Good morning, bros. Lip love!
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Egao is Egao, duh
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Morning bro
If Meduseless gets a swimsuit, will it be drawn by Takeuchi or by Cooldusa's artist?
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Morning bro
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Summer Skadi already fixed it.
Yuyu love!
Good Morning, Lipanon
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Who is the target audience for this character?
Just give quick the first 100% np charge support. Easy fix
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I wonder
Remove iphone bobfag from your friend lists.
Goghie is the best
Bros, could Arcueid be the 9th anniversary servant?
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I almost feel the difference by not having Oberon. Well, I did this to myself when I had to choose between him and Castoria, so I guess I try to summon him next time. 3 to 5 turns is the best I could achieve.
that just makes other cards better
100% np charge means that any buster looper can use any CE
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Cool place to live in
Politicians, e-celebs, real celebs, men of influence.
We call her Habbycat around these parts
I look like this.
It's genderbent blonde mesugaki loli Hitler
just make it so only servants with a quick np get 100% charge
Yeah, but the support would only buff Quick damage
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Time to predicted this bros
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That's a fake name, like Aesc
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363 days until Scáthach=Skaði's swimsuit returns during Summer 8 in NA and my heart is saved by her smile again.

A friendly anon hasn't yet made a spreadsheet showing how many Saint Quartz, Summoning Tickets and other limited materials can be obtained in the future.
What are you using?
It was already leaked to be Rani, but here’s the catch, the leak never said which Rani other than it not being the Rani from OC1, therefore it has to be Rani of Jhansi, aka SSR Lakshmibai as the anni servant
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NP goal, bro?
Doing this for a rerun is cringe, onions and soulless, stop it
did nothing to stop oberon from being used in arts teams
Choke to death on your NP1 Douman's dick.
Ati didnt get NP5 Skadi only 1 copy so hes counting down until the next rerun to get her and if he doesnt get her again he will restart the count again until he does.
slit your wrists NP1 tard
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anni skadi that gives quick, np gain, and np strength buffs. Her 50% charge is divided up between her 3 skills, like waver/reines, instead of tied to a single skill
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Biblical scholars.
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How big is Douman's cock?
all you needed to do is wait until skadi's banner was live, get her, THEN try for douman
you could never be a real saver, you blew your wad before she went live
fucking retard, i laugh at you
I still have 300SQ and 0 tickets, can I get 600 more by the time Tezca is here? Preferably with minimum whaling...
That's because Oberon buffs something other than buster damage. He's a free BG for every dps.
Actually. Extra Rani makes sense as the anni servant, the last major girl from Extra not in FGO yet, already appeared as a story NPC, and Extra Record news will be one of the main announcements at the 9th anni, perfect to follow up big Extra news with the reveal of a major Extra character for FGO
That means it'll be Rani eito from Fate/Extra
some guy is falseflagging as him
>the last major girl from Extra not in FGO yet
Rin Tohsaka(True) isnt in the game yet.
yeah in this case the hypothetical quick skill is
>100% np charge to ally
>x% quick damage
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Doing 90++. Morgan with Barg CE (MAX Level cause Barg a best, too), double Koyan, Crane and Edison. A little elaborated but the idea is just to end up with full crits, or NP brave chain, to Enkidu. I can wait on the Torturer but the giant dragon needs to get killed inmediatly.
wait this nigga spammed for over a year about summer skadi and he only got NP1 LOOOOOOOOOL
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no one's falseflagging as anyone. now let me extract the cum from your dick so i can make a popsicle
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hoping for tardmamo to save quick
Anni servant will be a Shinji pseudo.
EVERY THREAD he said "saved by her smile again[/spoiler"
and he got np1 at pity
she did not save him with her smile, he trapped himself with it
Ereshkigal is already Extra Rin, no?
I have to ask, has a leak ever been right?
Damn bro I believe this just like I believe every other leak that were totally real the last time
Imagine getting this mind broken and obssessed over some ice cream.
Why do you hate ice cream so much?
It makes sense because FGO anniversaries always release mid shit like Rani
that female fan created one, specifically
Remember Ann7 leak bros
Extra Rin = Blonde Rin
Ereshkigal = Blonde Rin
Is there a difference?
>for over a year
It was a 2 year countdown for caster Skadi and a 2 year countdown for ruler Skadi, both of which he only got NP1.
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It's not me bros...
>rare prism for servant coins
Fucking kill yourself, lasegnle
It's not that funny to be honest, makes you seem more angry than anything else
the arc one, two years ago
Just borrow an Oberon
I am you
You are I
Eresh Is just blonde regular Rin. Actual Extra Rin, or the closest thing we have at least, is Space Ishtar.
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yes, the fact that it's not Extra Rin used. Ereshkigal is blonde just because she is. There's bullshit about divinity and stuff but whatever. She is explicitly Rin's soul, while Ishtar is her body.
He said he got her at 400 quartz and then kept going.
wait why are people making fun of people with np1 skadi :(
>3 RP for 1 coin
Ati owes me sex
Arcueid and Xu Fu for 7th anni and the summer servants and their classes were leaked in full, the only thing wrong was that the leak claimed Xu Fu to be a 3* Caster when she was actually a 3* Alter Ego
Jannu and Jannu(obese)...
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>4* turned 5* for summer
Has this ever happened before?
What will be your next countdown?
tourists that don't know the guy had an NP1 caster skadi for years
Yeah, one of them comes from a different time period. Eresh is blonde because of Mesopotamian gods nonsense, not because she's the blonde rin from Extra.
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ice cream? I love ice cream! Sometimes I dream about snowboarding through a valley of vanilla ice cream
Has any of these leaks ever been correct?
>Barg CE (MAX Level cause Barg a best, too),
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All the time
can someone post a comedy anytime with
>F/G-O to the polls
so, should I go for Draco or castoria berserker next year?
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Fou in the announcement = Tamamo
Simple as.
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Yeah? Need something?
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It's Habibi, ya maulana
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Yes, but not for like 2? 3? years now.
90 RP to get one NP1 5* to 120
New countdown doko?
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Santa Skadi.
No, I think the only leak that turned out true was when summer kama's sprite leaked
Nero, Saber Alter and BB. In the past it wasn't weird using summer to change rarities. Now it very rarely happens because exclusive servants have to remain so or some bullshit excuse like that.
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Maybe you should F/GO make it yourself!
But we already have multiple Rin Tohsaka servants in the game, nobody’s clamouring for an Extra Rin version, just like how nobody’s asking for Nameless Archer from Extra who is very technically a different character from Emiya Archer, by all means Rin Tohsaka is already in the game as a servant, Rani is not
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Mommy milkers > flat > medium.
I member, I was here back then!
>4* turned 5* for summer
Jeanne d'Arc (Alter)
Queen Medb
Mysterious Heroine XX
Katsushika Hokusai
Mysterious Alter Ego Λ
Okita J Sōji
Illyasviel von Einzbern
Anastasia & Viy
Leonardo Da Vinci
Sei Shōnagon
You do it. You seem like you deserve it.
I want the leaks to be correct so the sunflower gets a summer form.
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Believe only Stelman257 leaks. Everyone else’s is fake Chinese knockoffs.
>the same people who leaked last years Summer servants
Who are these "same people"
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king tut the 10 year old pharaoh...
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> we already have multiple Rin Tohsaka servants in the game
Not enough, I think you will find. We're overdue for more Rin.
>ask for 4* that became 5*
>a dozen retards reply with 5*s that turned into 4*s
>only one anon correctly answers the question
Really says a lot about /alter/'s IQ
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That's the other way around, retard.
Nah the summer 7 leak was real
Those are 5* turned 4*
Trust me you don't want her to be a welfare. They're lame, they almost never get strengthenings, only 1 ascension, blegh...
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That's not 4* turned 5* star anon, that's a 5* turned 4* star for summer.
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Starting this list with Mo was the correct choice.
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But I'm tired of rolling and not getting her... Why oh why didn't they implement pity way back then?
Love this guy's art normally, but her legs look terrible in this one.
Welfares (usually) get a lot of focus on their events, along with free NP5 + coins, so it's worth it.
Regardless, a 4 star turning into a 5 star for summer hasn’t happened since BB in 2018, I highly, highly doubt they break that rule this year
You're correct, I'd prefer it if Gogh had more ascensions, mostly because Kibadori Rue is a god and probably has a lot of ideas for Summer Gogh.
And what should I use then? Consider that if I had a Summer BB, I would use her with Bunnytoria for the Card Lock- combo so it would be far easier at some degree.
Dozo. Now back to CE Bomb farming. Along coin farming.
Yeah, because everything that comes from fgog has always being correct right?
If we were playing JP I'd agree but man, it's so easy to save SQ to at least get a good NP level when we know what's coming 2 years in advance
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I remember both supporting and deboonking this leak depending on the thread, good times
There's a fuck ton of Artorias and Sakura's, if we consider BB and daughters Sakura, which we shouldn't no matter what Nasu autistic ass keeps saying.
In comparison Rin only has Ishtar (3 variations) and Eresh.
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based and same
Your strongest st saber and two more supports
Barg is the ugly whore
Yeah I also remember you saying those things about black women back then
Not cool, man. Not cool.
For the better usually, but it's too bad we just had an event where the welfare did not get any focus or add to the plot whatsoever.
Barg is a beautiful woman
And Extra Rani has zero playable variations in the game, making her a priority over others who are already in the game, unless you want to count Chen Gong as a male Rani, which he isn’t
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now what?
my cute gremlin wife
Fuyuki x-f
Use them on the 90++ quest
>Your strongest st saber
I have Nero Bride, Lancelot, Rama and Diarmuid, also that guy that Ibaraki seethes. And all 3* and lower. Any help?
Making sure her, along Morgan and pretty much all faes from LB6 that has a CE gets LV 100, and try to raise them to 120.
I'm getting 4-5k bond per 90++ run. It rarely gets better than that.
That's why I added the "usually". The valks kinda showed up but divided their screentime along 6 characters, so it was a bit lame. Last year's summer was pretty much all da vinci too.
It's better than being a summer 4* since those get the short end all the time, like Gareth this summer.
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Patterncucks being confident in their pattern is the only pattern that will never change
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uuuhhhh anon she have a husband....
This, welfares should be related to unpopular servants, letting popular servants being welfares is just idiotic.
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>too dumb to live
Imagine trying to tard wrangle Mordred into being a housewife.
Aslaug, the daughter of Brynhildr and Sigurd. She's the main character of a Type-Moon light novel written by Hikaru Sakurai.
I love symmetrical docking, but not like this
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Sakurai strikes again, I hope this shit flops like Requiem
Literal who according to this nifty chart
I honestly wasn't expecting much from 9/9/6 Cesar.
Because Rani is a non entity outside of Extra while Rin is one of the three heroines of Fsn. She's honestly not that important and using the anniversary slot on her feels really weird and slightly out if place.
If we have to add a heroine then Sion should be at the top since she's an actual character in fgo.
>saying this when Scat, Ishtar and Jalter are welfares
And even then, Gogh isn't a very popular servant either.
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I want Higashide to write something outside of FGO...
Where did you get this image of me?
wow nice
i think he's still one of the strongest st sabers
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I find problematic how Odin made the valkyries based on Altera, but they made them all white.
sex with Jap cavewomen
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Bride is your best option just smack the first wave enemy until bride has 100% charge and then np -> np -> np. She clears even at np1 if you've got a castoria and waver.
I will now consume rice.
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I'm white.
>saying this when Scat, Ishtar and Jalter are welfares
That's his entire point...welfares shouldn't be popular servants. they could have made more money if summer scat was a limited ssr.
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And they have hair
You forgot loli Da vinki
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Kill yourself gringo, we're all latinx
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You're BROWN!
Those are some very puffy nipples
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They'll do anything besides give Drake, Nightingale, and Xuanzang a swimsuit servant, won't they?
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You can't say that!
>Huge guy paired with tiny big titted goblin
You know what, maybe Sakurai is not that bad after all
Sion is just a regular human in FGO and the Melty Blood continuity where she is a main character is no longer canon as of Tsukihime remake and Type Lumina, she is not a heroine
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haha, now that's a good joke!
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I remember Sion saying some stuff that implies she is a bloodsucker.
>officially translated never ever
>volume 2 never ever
>animated never ever
her parents are tall why is she short?
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Hmm. My Bride is at NP2 so I suppose I can try it. Thanks. !
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>Sion is just a regular human in FGO
>Sion is just a regular human in FGO
Ehh anon, she's a vampire
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>Sakurai slop
Goredolf calls her out on being an Egyptian bloodsucker
She is a sucker but it's my cock she sucks not blood.
Titty monk is such a fucking waste, wouldn't be surprised if they ever release Goku they'll just glue her to him forever
Hoping this is a falseflag and while I feel bad for Ati, he really should have saved his SQ instead of rolling for the clown.
There is a guy who doesn't have many Servant and is too new to realize that bringing a friend Ibuki was a very stupid idea.
He gets a pass in my opinion because he doesn't even have the current summer Skadi.
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Nightingale has an alt at least. Drake and Xuanzang are years ones without fuck all. At least Jack would get one meaning one less year 1 5 star without anything.
Anon, she's sucking your blood through your penis...
Your wife is more of a prostitute than bob.
Still doesn’t change the fact that Melty Blood Sion is no longer canon so a servant Sion would have to be based entirely on her FGO versiom who hasn’t had any action scenes whatsoever
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As white as an Argentinian.
They are the official year one forgotten servants. Well, Drake at least was slightly relevant in Atlantis and Nightingale pops up here and there for gags, but titty monk will never be relevant unless they release Sun Wukong.
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>No Lip
fuck off fuck off fuck off, it's fake and super fake
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If your bride is np2 you can get away with this.
How do you think she survived that attack at the end of Tunguska?
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Simple question Altera
finish the Sentence
The Falklands are ______
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>Nice a new fae doujinsh-
They went too far man what the fuck is this shit
My dentist looks like this
I've never read it.
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Today I will remind them.
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There she goes, destroying a $2000 laptop again because of her violent genetic heritage...
Whoops wrong reply
It's a little sad a few year one getting fuck all anything. Well this would give Jack something at least
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I skipped Tunguska
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The anni servant is Gilgamesh
alright what CE do you fags want on Oberon/Castoria/Vitch/Purin/Skadi now that we all should be done with the ice blocks
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bad civilization, and must be destroyed
>Sakurai Character
Instantly ruined beyond repair.
It's criminal how wasted she is. The mere idea that she'll only ever appear in 1 chapter makes my blood boil.
>will never be added to have a blonde amazon unga bunga team with quetz and barg
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They traced that date a live 2 beach episode
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Damn, this some DANK shit Wu!
I see what I can do. Thanks!
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I bet it was stolen, too!
there's no need for the ice CE if you maxed out all facility and MLB the swimsuit valkyrie right?
I can MLB the CE for my support
How do you even remember that
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The softest
Ice can be exchanged for QP at the very end, not enough to justify not MLB this CE, but something is something.
Smol wu is so 2023. We're in the big wu era now.
I'm surprised so many players care more about 3turning than maximizing bond per runs. I feel kinda alone in planting Mash and Arash to include 5 bond CEs for my favorite servants.
did Bartholomew fuck her
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That scene where the twins were rolling around while hugging each other was hot until I noticed they have different bust sizes
Yes I only watched that one episode out of the entire series
Reminder that we have the names and roles of the 8 Chaldea staff survivors who went through the lbs with us but only three of them have even been seen personally, and with two of those it was only barely.
Arash on a lancer node?
i face card my normal dailies with like 1 or 2 nps. FGA does it for me so i dont care about 3t
>maximizing bond per runs
>planting Mash
Let's see how long this keeps up
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Same way i remember this
I was horny as fuck 11 years ago
what's her name
Too old, give me the edgy teen version of her. That one truly deserves to be made a mom.
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>finished with the shop except gold currency
>switch to the berserker node
>molay can 6CE berserkers no problem with plugsuit oberon
Kurumi is sex incarnate but men they wanked her hard when you remember she murdered people too
>more clapshit
This is how you know this game is dying. This year has had more clapbait than the previous 8 years combined.
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Why not both?
Random sidenote, she is finally an adult.
Reminder that she's basically goth Redman.
>you remember she murdered people too
99% of servants
fine you niggers are getting nothing from me
This or the severe lack of fresh ideas
Still the best DAL girl
Most servants Kill people, most servants don't Murder.
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>Still doesn’t change the fact that Melty Blood Sion is no longer canon
AESCTUALLY, She probably is, and neo-tsuki/neo-melty hasn't gotten to her yet because red garden hasn't gotten to her yet. TATARI is still on the 27 DAA list. This heavily implies Zepia is a dead apostle in Neo-Tsukiverse too. If Zepia is a dead apostle still by extension it's extremely likely classic Sion still exists in some form too.
Maybe this time we can let Ries live. That would be nice.
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Born to drink cawffee
Forced to drink gween tea
You should watch the first 3 episodes of season 1, is actually pretty unique
What are thooooose
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>make unique portraits of chaldea wagies
>never use them again ever
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Don't need her.
I have Penth.
Fugly drugs addict
Super fun show indeed
summer miyu when
i wish i had more penth copies. im stuck at 2
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¡Hola! ¡Mi nombre es Altera pero puedes llamarme en cualquier momento!
My summer Skadoo looks weird, the first skill is quick up but I'm not convinced
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Based Schizofairy
Teen sex
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Heey, only a week from now on!
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Did you have a stroke?
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it took me too long to find this
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she cute
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While the gods were celebrating their slaying of the giant Thjazi and the return of the youth-giving goddess Idun to their halls, an unannounced visitor stormed into their merrymaking. This was the giantess Skadi, who had arrived with armor and weapons to avenge the death of Thjazi, her father. The gods were patient with her, and convinced her to accept reparations instead of seeking vengeance.

These reparations came in three parts. First, Odin took Thjazi’s eyes and ceremoniously cast them into the night sky, where they became two stars.

Second, the gods were to make Skadi laugh. After many feats were tried, none succeeded in bringing a smile to the grim face of the giantess. At last, Loki tied one end of a rope to a goat and the other end around his testicles and began a game of tug of war with the goat. Each screeched and howled in turn, until at last Loki fell over into Skadi’s lap. The giantess couldn’t help but chuckle.

Third, Skadi was to be given a god of her choosing in marriage, but she was to select him by the sight of his legs and feet alone. She picked the fairest pair of legs she could see, thinking them to be those of Baldur. Unfortunately, they were those of the sea-god Njord.

Problems arose when the newlyweds tried to set up their first home. Njord’s home was Noatun (“The Place of Ships”), a bright, warm place on the beach, but Skadi could not stand the sound of the seagulls. Skadi on the other hand lived in Thrymheim (“Thunder-Home”), a dark, foreboding place in the highest mountain peaks where the snow never melts, however Njord could not stand the sound of the wolves. Eventually the couple parted ways.

Skadi returned to her mountain home and spends her time travelling across the mountain snow on skis and hunting with her bow and arrow. This is why she is known as the snowshoe goddess and can be seen as the grandmother of skiing.
It's a rare carrot fairy
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Wrong general, your cuckshed is over there.
Based. Link?
Funny how people sometimes complain about anti-heroes (hell, at the time she was a straight-up villain) doing evil shit. I think it's some cognitive dissonance where they can't accept that someone they like did something they don't like.
The most hilarious instance of this was Twitter having meltdowns over the Yoru handjob.
Pretty sure some of her victims didn't deserve it. There are cases where they deserve it, and others don't. That being said, Kurumi is very appealing so I can slighlty let it pass.
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>Trad wife
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Need to fix, marry and impregnate
Good, i fucking hate her hair
Glossy bitch
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Holy FUCK speedup confirmed???
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yeah it's crazy
Raikou is one hell of an ugly bitch with an extremely punchable face.
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She's a fictional character, the people she killed are just numbers, so I don't really care.
Skadi should get some cats
She sounds like a cat auntie
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>Anniversary celebration starts Aug 2
Could it be?
Secret Rama Rate-up.
He's going to get a summer spiritron dress this year
Cry more turd
eat your spaghetti apollo
Prillya anime confirmed
Please understand he's received too many beating from his Trad (actually tard) wife.
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Everyone should get cats
If you don't have a cat I cannot trust you
Cats are shit
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I have a dog
She's huge and fluffy
Based Aokoposter
Why didn't Rama and Sita just use Line?
the parasites wrote this post
Will you stop shitposting on 4chan if I promise to have a threesome with you and Kintoki?
Wasnt there supposed to be an epic of remnant anime im the works for some years now?
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brace for impact
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That's not Paris, blindbro
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Not on Albert's server
cats actively destroy the wild life and ecosystems of several places though. dogs are objectively better
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>Friday night
>already did my exercise yesterday so don't have to do it today (did my first solid unbroken 1km of jogging without slowing to a walk as well)
>can just farm in FGO with my new Skadi
>all that chunky bond from the 90++ node
Feeling comfy bros.

I'm considering booking time off work but I have nothing specific going on to actually do it around so maybe I could time it with Shin Yamataikoku?
This one is 100% the 10th anni servant
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Cats are cute
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I have four cats. It's nice
So keep them indoors retardkun
That's if you release them in the wild.
John Henry was a steel driving man.
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>cats actively destroy the wild life and ecosystems of several places
Sounds based to me
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My mom has 11, it's not very nice
The case when 4 star is far superior than rate up 5 star
I'm allergic
I keep my cat tethered to the house when he goes outside, not a problem.
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Cat of Salem (Beast) confirmed, followed by 4* Lavinia
We're so back Lavibros
I don't think your mom is OK, bro
I wouldn't mind making out with this cute old man.
Would YOU be ok if an Illya poster was your progeny?
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All you have to do is build up a tolerance by overdosing on cat fluff.
Her 3rd ascension looks so impossibly awful
And why no armor ascension? I'll never understand
2 years to go…
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>dropped my omelette on the ground
>Be a Black Master
>Cross Albert's path
>He gives me this look as I try to avoid eye contact
>Suddenly black out
>Wake up to him and Translator Jesus staring at me while I'm tied to a chair
>"Do it."
>Scream helplessly as they poor bleach on me and turn me into a pseudo white man
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Bakin is kind of funny in that regard. Michi is a sweetheart who just wants to help, while Bakin is a hardass but not an outright terrible person, just strict old man type stuff.

It's a funny use of the concept after we had Oei and Hokusai where both of them are horny as shit and especially Hokusai who asks if you want to make out with him the moment he gets control of his daughters body.
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based, i could never date anyone who doesn't like the same pets as me
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Twitter has a meltdown about nothing and it's a place for crazy people. You think we have crazy people here, but then you look at twitter.
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I feel like thats too much cats for one person
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My wives
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>~365 days
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Just like Michael Jackson
Fair enough
She gets a new cat every time he buys a lewd Illya figurine
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I wish I could rate things as helpful.
Who is the Cassandra Nova of FGO?
>Be a Black Master
Stopped reading this
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Isn't it just fucking insane there are "people" out there who give up their pets to shelters because their partner doesn't like them?
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40? That's practically a teenager
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Merry Fridey, /alter/! fridey.thp.moe
Not a pet person but that's fucking gross.
fake "leaks" by an /fgog/ /reddit troll named k*zu
Dont go to this website anons its a virus.
I don't spare a single thought to Michi, to be honest. Ever since I found out that the sharp tone that breaks into glorious prose belongs to the old man.
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repeat after me. The pet was here first, get out.
the potential of menhera elron is unprecedented
just imagine what we could've got with her
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natural selection baybeeeeeeee
My dick just volunteered us, so me I guess
Indeed. Once they age past 14, they kinda all blend together.
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Cars have a tendency to naturally select outside cats
Go to this website its a virus.
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I don't like cats or dogs but I do like reptiles
Like Iguanas and shit
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Easiest choice of my life if it ever came down to it. Yes my adorable little fuzzball who has been my best friend for years is more important.
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Based bug chaser
Cars kill way, way, way more dogs than cats in my experience.
I ship Minamoto no Raikou and Eric Bloodaxe
That's a dick
I love quick
Come home to me Skadi
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Bakin's lovely for sure, but Michi's so kind. Listen to the way she talks about Bakin. Oh but the love of little boys is 100% her too.
wtf there's no way this is real holy shit
Where do you live that dogs are running around unsupervised...?
Gonna guess Eastern Europe
Who dis
>implying pittmoms 'supervise' their dogs
lurk moar
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What's the comp to altera load the 90++ node with Bedivere?
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I grew up in semi-rural GA. Extremely common for people to just let their dogs outside with no fences or anything to keep them. Anywhere that's not a city, it's pretty normal.
Why /alter/ is suddenly obsessed with meth addicts?
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Ibaraki Love!
That's an easy one bro
I really hope that if Ushi shows up in casual summer events she gets characterized as a grumpy goth girl teenager.
Why are you suddenly a turd?
Just keep her, I'll summon a fresh one, with hymen and other things intact
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Why is /alter/ obsessed with scat and turds?
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Your post was so bad it gave Circe indigestion
It's an indian thing apparently.
Scathach and Thurd are popular servants here, tourist.
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>he picked Thurd
The other Ortlinda is superior
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Gogh was addicted to a lot of things, but not to meth.
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It's weekend.
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I've once seen a run over kitty that somehow was still breathing despite having half its body flattened and that sight is still haunting me to this very day.
Spam is bannable
Its still Friday work day.
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Bros, can you imagine what it would be like to be so turdish? To spend months, years even, of your life throwing out the same old bait posts to try to make anonymous strangers upset, day in and day out, as the world passes you by?
>give my brother the phone for shits and giggles
>tell him to tap on the 11 button and tap okay
>instant fucking rainbow orbs

I am not ashamed to say that I squealed like a bitch.
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Is it that hard to remember the r is before the u
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Ive read that as turkish.
You’d have to be some type of loser that gets upset their OP thread doesn’t get used.
>t. turd
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my 61 year old mother rolled castoria for me
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1: You should have rolled for Skadi first, bro, c'mon. 1 10roll tops for some CEs.
2: Do you have any SQ reserves in the form of Free/Interlude/Strengthening Quests? Go do these and pull Skadoo again. Bonus if you have B10+'d servants to earn 30SQs.
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Why is this choice so difficult...
Now you will have to give him sex as a reward
One of my dogs, a little thing, when I was younger got run over by an 18-wheeler. She was much the same way. My dad scooped her up off the road and... it was a grisly, horrible scene that still haunts me too. And the whimpering...
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It really wasn't
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>this shit again
Yeah, I'm thinking you 100% deserved to get shit on by the gacha.
Quite shrimple for me, desu
Meant for>>487732217
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Bros, I want to put a valkyrie on my lap and scratch behind their head wings
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>Artificially mass bred by humans,artificially spread araund the world by humans,artificially maintained by humans through modern medicine,shelter and additional food supplies provided by humans
>Natural selection
Not any more naturally selected than breeding hundreds of lions and then releasing them in a city and saying anyone who gets killed got naturally selected because lions are natural.
Yeah that'd be wild. Imagine freaking out that people didn't use obvious bait OPs.
Thank you very much anon; so the Barg CE should be MLB, but what about the ones on Vitches? Pic's a bit blurry but I think I can make out a star near the lvl 15
I just wish people would pay more attention while driving...is saving one or two minutes really worth a life?
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Neck yourself
Jk milly
It's not Ati, it's a falseflag.
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>Kama spam stops
>turd posting starts
for real?
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I don't think it's anyone's business what kind of degenerate relationship these two "factions" have. You're better off ignoring anything to do within this sphere of influence, that isn't even about Summer 7 to begin with.
Nice cope rat, run faster next time LOL
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>breeding hundreds of lions and then releasing them in a city and saying anyone who gets killed got naturally selected because lions are natural
Its natural selection against having weak shells
It was a fairly big road that was at the end of our street and definitely no place for dogs to be near, she never got a proper fear of cars though. I can't blame them too much. At 60MPH, especially driving a big truck like that, there's just only so much you can do.
Backseat, of course. He's just there for cost-effectiveness and to hold the CE.
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You can do it with no append and only Oberon/Koyanskaya if you can crit wave 1 or 2
First they came for the Kamafags, and I did not speak out — because I was not a Kamafag.
Then they came for the Melufags, and I did not speak out — because I was not a Melufag.
Then they came for the Bobfag, and I did not speak out — because I was not a Bobfag.
Then they came for Teen Momfags — and there was no one left to speak for me.
There are no real factions, just a schizo potstirrer who has been around for a while.
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You're going to bond 15 him bro, put someone useless like Corday in the backline
What did I miss? Who is Ati? What happened with the xth days until S. Skadi?
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It's literally one guy lmao
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Safe and sturdyma
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A Bro
Some guy is copying him
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568592 decades until Scáthach=Skaði's swimsuit is released during Summer 7 in NA and my heart is saved by her smile again.

A friendly anon made a spreadsheet showing how many Saint Quartz, Summoning Tickets and other limited materials can be obtained in the future:
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Lurk more ratty
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Party like a rockma...
>pic is a bit blurry
Clicking the pic from my phone links to the miniature for some reason.
Try: https://i.4cdn.org/vg/1722012363788000.jpg
The CEs on vitch don't have to be MLB'd but I think you might fall short if the damage CE isn't. Having a grailed bedi or a higher level plugsuit might compensate for it.
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>Some guy is copying him
Yeah cucksucker, he does this shit remember?
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I am so fucking angry that 3*s didn't get coins for copies you accumulated. My Bedivere is still cucked out of any appends. God fucking dammit.
Why did the Kama spammers come back?
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>532 days until FSR collab and alter bend the knee to Ushi-Gozen banner
Waiting on qp. Can people still loop with a 10/6/10 Skadi or should I keep her off support?
Keep her off support
Yes but it would be very embarrassing
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I will remove you (True), just don't put her up until she's usable
Try rolling on White Day banners in March.
Skillet on support is a mark of shame
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Put her on support so someone has a meltdown here when they eventually pick her.
>A husband who either willingly or through humiliatingcoercionlicks and sucks the cock of hiswife'slover
I didn't know the guy was married
I thought he was a virgin
He's married to his dog (male)
I bear the mark of shame and I don't feel ashamed.
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I still hate summer skadi having a buster crit skill. let me recharge my np with quick crits like I've done for years
someone gets mad about something = he will spam it to further that poster's anger
That guy at least levels his servants, reddie
That's a really bad time to roll with my future banners of interest. Most White Days are unfortunately. So it goes. I really only need one copy I think, so as long as Kuku's nice to me maybe I can swing it.
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I don't know but I'm angry and I want him to stop
Nice fake leaks bro
You’re replying to the turd
problem solved bro. Buster crits are way more useful to DPS servants than quick crits are. Yeah Okita and Jack aren't the biggest fans but QQABB decks are extremely common for Quick NP servants.
Reminder that the turd poster is an /fgog/ invader.
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Uh, okay.
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I'm going to make you into a mother of 11
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Little Kamaid in Arcade...
everything wrong with /alter/ is /fgog/'s fault
Is this Muramasa’s room?
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Good luck to you anon. Bedi is a fun servant to play around.
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>problem is wanting np gain on gain on quick crits
>just use the mighty chain that focuses on damage
Nani, BQA would be better for that problem
You can still use normal skadi bro
Uhh what servant is this
He's also just a great character from the first taste of good writing in the game.
more like QWAB amiright
It's Corday are you blind?
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>anni servant rani
If this turns out to be true, this is the shittiest anni servant to date
Buster crits with NP gain applied to them can, depending on the servant, generate a lot of NP. But I was just speaking to the new chains in general.
If you put MLB Bazett CE.
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That doesn't help Okita-san since she has a 1 hit Buster card.
This, but unironically.
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It's actually the announcement of the Elden Ring collaboration event.
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This leak is really making it's rounds, so it's portably the real one.
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That's great if you're using Scathach
And that's how you know it's fake from the first 2 lines
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Okay but I am not only talking about Okita. You can do QBA if you want. I also already said Okita and Jack (and some others) aren't as big of fans of it, but it's not like relying on any normal card usage is so consistent on anyone anyways.
Am I not a [servant name]bro if I don’t spam her 18 hours per day?
how come evil dragon waifus are consistently the hottest girls of their respective game?
>welfare gogh
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Fuck off retard.
I will NP5 my wife and theres nothing you can do to stop me.
>ranni anni
I would die of cringe
>strengthenings fully leaked, except not really lol
That's not sus at all.
Wow, I totally trust a bunch of chinks to provide accurate info.
>Eresh 5* on rate-up with Yang and Caren
Would roll.
>Welfare Gogh
I would cum in my pants.
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This is unironically what Kamakeks believe btw
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Here you go, Kama...
start spamming your favorite gacha slut or get the fuck out.
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Your wife poops in designated streets!
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Exactly who I was thinking of. I haven't tested to see if it's better than ending a chain with Arts, I'd be surprised a little bit since her Arts Crits can actually do crazy work nevermind with overkill, but her busters are fucking stupid for NP gain compared to almost anyone else. She is certainly one of the servants who appreciates Summer Skadi's kit the most.
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Fuck off back to fgog
Cry turd cry
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I can't wait to 120 Leda...
>summer nursery rhyme
they would never
>ummm the leakers are just withholding information so they don't get caught!!
LMAOOOO sure faggot
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Koyanskaya should get a swimsuit this year.
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Fuck off retard.
Indians dont poop on the street we poop in the toilet like everyone else.
Based /alter/bro
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Summer!Medusa when?
very cool, Lu Bu
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Is Scathach capable of being a Grand Lancer?
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weird how this one didn't get deleted
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Hello there how do you do?
No nipples and penis is censored.
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women can't be grand
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I would KILL for a Medusa gf that is absolutely willing like her
On Android, clicking FGO notifications doesn't open the app anymore.
Does anyone know a fix?
I guess that's fair.
Nope. She doesn't work for me either.
I can't believe I'm talking to the guy that created Automata...
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Olympic Opening Ceremony starts soon.
Buy more big packs.
Would she give me a head for a dose of meth?
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Who wouldn't?
How's that space program going?
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Headpats and love all for Kama...
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Holy based Ranibro
The leaks are fake because you know they never let a brown servant be the anniversary servant. Japan is more racist than America.
Post stream, Jannu.
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Hello sir!
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Still among the best sex symbol from TM and even media. She is literally a goddess perfection.
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Cute teen mom
I've got a peacock sub so I'm just watching the official one. /sp/ probably has rips up.
The leaks are fake because ALL leaks are fake, retard.
Can't wait to see Macron swim in Seine.
Like that will ever happen.
The games haven't even started yet and I'm already ashamed of my country...
Wake me up when it's over.
She’s ugly af
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The hint in the icon this year is fou
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>could make Quick support Tamamo Aria
>could make Quick support Touko
>NO, instead will make Quick support poo-in-loo who nobody has ever heard of
Would you be able to forgive Nasu for this?
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After learning about how fucking retarded everything is for building Olympic grounds in cities, and the whole bidding process and just everything that goes into all of, I can only look at the whole thing with disgust.
She's already in the game bro.
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Would you roll for Rani if she had a naked ascension?
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The leaks are fake because Lip isn't on there!
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>Refresh for 10 minutes
>Enter quest
>0 Bazett cards
>Exit quest
>Refresh for 10 minutes

Do /alter/bros at least get FP when I quit the fight like that, or is that only when a battle finishes?
Holy shit, Merlin 3!?;?!
Nobody cares
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You're ugly so your opinion doesn't matter and nobody wants to kiss you.
Yes, I believe so.
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not all of them
Is it just me or only /alter/ cares about lip?
>team USA womens soccer already got a win
what what!
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>She is literally a goddess perfection
Couldn't have said it better: Medusa is impeccable
I wish even one single Saber had as interesting a personality as she did, I don't care about her looks
Sweet, another Artoria variant!
>needs AI to have someone to kiss them
>bazett bros always bragging about how she's "must-roll gameplay"
>meanwhile in order to actually make her useful they need to sit around for hours hoping for card RNG
New tamamo soon
quick will be saved for real this time!
just kidding Koyanskaya of twilight as the new buster support soon
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>posts ai shart of his “favorite”
I accept your concession
What support servants do you need?
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I gotchu bro
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Just read Rider or Die 11 and 12 over and over again anon...
Who comes as close as Medusa? Legit curious?
Also try to not go for sex appeal, go for other ones.
Why was this leak written by a gay man?
My country is the one hosting the Olympics and it's a mess...
I just relogged, should help a little bit
That's good.

Ox King swimsuit Skadi.
Based. I would NP5 your wife too.
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Why would I want a gf with an eye-gouging fetish?
Level up your favourite servant, reddie
What are you even trying to do
They're just like me...
heteresexual people don't care about fgo
It always is.
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I'll put her up for now just for you, even though she won't be staying on my main support.
How would you feel if the anniversary servant is Merlin (Prototype) (Caster) who largely reuses the animations of her summer version, and copies OG Merlin’s Dreamlike Charisma and Hero Creation plus her summer version’s Succubus Ridge
aria in the game finally
3Turn the Beast III/L - Kama fight in the Ooku main interlude with my Bazett.

I appreciate it friends.
The leaks are fake because we haven't had a real leak for two fucking years
i would kill myself
Because she's hot?
I care
>Ox king
Yeah, uh...
I sure don't remember reading this line.
Wasn't last one pretty close?
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Somehow I find that hot
I would say shishou is a good next generation.
It's a pretty old CE, sadly they haven't brought it back yet.
Odysseus fucks this??
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Bros, you know what time it is?
That's not penelope.
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Something you want to tell us, bro?
No, that's the point. She seethes that he doesn't. Bitch never stops talking about him. Even fucking compares Iori to him in Samurai Remnant unprompted.
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>Who comes as close as Medusa? Legit curious?
In terms of sex appeal and instant turn on? I believe that, besides Medusa, and like the other anon said, Scathach has pretty much that appeal, Skadi doesn't, she falls more on the cute side, which is not bad btw. Zenobia is another one for me, a very underrated one.
>Also try to not go for sex appeal, go for other ones.
Morgan in terms of beauty and, funnily enough, purity. She has definetly a sex body but my mind goes more about seeing her happy more than anything.
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Should be up now.
Yeah haha mine is in the second archive haha it would take me sooo long to get it haha
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Schizo time?
>2000FP from someone using my normal support Jannu that doesn't even have a bond or FP CE
what the fuck?
That just means my boy Shinji had a huge cock
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Slow and steady wins the race.
What slot is she in?
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Speaking about Penelope, this is how she looks like in other game. Eerily familiar isn't it?
When are we going to get B-Balter?
I wish I had that much golden skill gems
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New jannu just dropped.
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>penelope will be a mash face
Good ending achieved.
I'm in a middle of a try so I haven't seen yet, but I forgot to say that it uses normal support, if you've put it on event.
We had half off doors like a week ago what is your excuse
Merlin, Ibuki and Skadi
>colour change is the new content for jannucucks
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Now this is fucking heretical
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>always farm 100+ boxes
>still always perpetually short on saber gems
Is any actual competition going to happen today or is it just the opening?
Bond farming the 90++ feels so good
Should have farmed a billion QP then.
You were blessed by the Chinese Bots.
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Some soccer matches happened today.
How are you getting so much bond. What bond CE's do you use? Latelet here
Skadibros... She is already being back bonded...
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What would you do in this situation?
>I'm rolling 3 SSRs
>Do I have enough qp for them?
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For me it's these three.
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That's not Penelope
THIS is Penelope
Kill Goredolf because hes a shit character then take his wallet and leave.
You get 1 more bond point for each day played past 1000
>>Kill Goredolf because hes a shit character
I sense /fgog/ behind this post
bend over and spread my cheeks
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i see reddit behind this post
he's using teapots probably
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Close enough but no
Not really, she is sexy though
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Well, I obviously didn't, did I?
Is there any point in Skadi NP2?
Is there any point in her using her NP at all?
Gordie would trounce you
Teapots. The node is 1300 base, I've just got teatime lunchtime and heroic for +25% to 1680 then doubled by the teapot to 3300. Event bonus also applies, is why skadi is getting even more.
confirmed, begone, /fgog/ tourist, your hatred of based Gordolf exposes you as an outsider here
Not much point for 90++ but she can be a perfectly fine DPS for lesser nodes.
it's okay bro, me too
won't be able to 10/10/10 skadi until i clear the point latter and shop
I am the bone of my sword
*lifts nose up in the air*
*autistic walrus noises*
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> can use rare prism to unlock servant coins

neat. Now you don't need to NP6 your ssr.
Only if you don't have good Quick options including Caren, Hopeman or if you're planning on rolling for Rikyu.
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>"If Shido wants me, then I'll gladly give my everything to him. To become his lover, kiss him, have sex with him, marry him, give birth to as many babies as he wants, grow old together with him. But, even if Shido chooses someone other than me, I won't mind. If Shido thinks to marry Tobiichi-san, I'll bless him with all my heart. Of course, it also applies for other person as well. Even if Shido chooses Tohka-chan, Kotori-chan, Yoshino-chan or perhaps someone that I don't know. Of course, I don't mind if he doesn't choose to be with anyone, or even if he chooses everyone I'll support his wish. I'll do anything for Shido's happiness. If Shido wishes it, I'll grant any of his wish. I don't mind becoming his childhood friend, his lover, his wife, his younger sister, his older sister, his mother, his daughter, his superior, his subordinate, his enemy, his nemesis or even someone unrelated to him. As long as Shido is happy, I'm satisfied....Oh sorry, it seems I got too worked up by myself. But it is true that I don't mind whoever Shido chooses."
>maxed out S Skadi in day one
>now I have to backline bond her for a while to unlock append for bros
More like the bone of your dagger!
The problem with Goredolf isnt that hes a man its that hes ugly and fat and has a shit personality.
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Back to /alg/ you weirdo
Does anyone else want a servant harem of only boys? Like Achilles, Yan Qing, Robin etc.
but enough about yourself
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But... I just got NP6 Ibuki...
What about a nice cup of shut the fuck up?
i want boys and girls in my harem
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I'm using her to 6CE Bond Lv.90++ with Caesar.
Everyone everywhere loves our daddy
>But, even if Shido chooses someone other than me, I won't mind.
She has a grailed Muramasa for sure.
Daggers are smaller swords. This changes nothing.
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So how much of the Bluebook stuff are we supposed to understand at this point? The lore around it has been scattered across single scenes in multiple lostbelts and Traum is meant to bring it together but is the average reader meant to remember that shit after months so easily? Or is the specific intention that people connect the dots as a community?
Fabricated and homosexual
>3RP for 1 servantcoin
The system would be better off not existing if this is the actual conversion rate, which is fine since that post is bullshit anyways.
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surprise Ereshkigal to end the thread!
>Goredolf because hes a shit character
I'm curious. How?
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I wouldn't hesitate to call it a failure of storytelling.
I want a boy harem of Hokusai, Bakin and Rikyu.
please anon
please stop taking bait from the schizo
Fat,ugly,annoying personality etc. just shit all araund and he should get flushed down a toilet like the shit he is.
Nasu is a hack who expects the fans to make sense of his own mess of a story because he can't do it himself.
All of it. With Traum the full picture should be pretty clear to you. LB7 will spell it all out though. The only thing that's still a mystery is why he was shot and who shot him really. There's also more that could be said about Specimen E.
Is this a fucking bot or you fucking nigger are shitting multiple generals at once?
Objectively bad writing, though tbf even he didn't expect he'd take so long to write chapters
From what I heard lb7 clears most of it up
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Lmao no
The case of you being retarded, but in reality it’s just your usual life.

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