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Previous: >>487665513

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki-Douji (Berserker) Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Scathach-Skadi (Ruler) Pickup Summon
2024-07-24 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

Mandricardo love
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What's "n"??
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let her cook
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Reminder Liz loves you no matter what race you are,what gender you identify as or what sexual orientation you have.
Liz loves all bros!
Liz supports trans rights!
Liz supports black right!
Liz says love wins no matter who you love!
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I want that doll
ok i hate liz now
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I hate this new ritualfaggot.
Hey, anon, I found the same card over at Mercari at half of the price.
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Its ok Liz loves you too even if you got born with low iq and became a bigot because of that.
Your parents being siblings is not your fault you just got unlucky.
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Mininobbu for the 9th anni servant
liz hates niggers
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Liz supports black rites.
>you got born
Esl tranny sis...
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pizza friday with my bros
can summer scat loop
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I kinda resent nasu for putting saber in a blue formal dress under her armor instead of a blue long gambeson.
that's takeuchi's fault, dumbass
not yet. she gets a charge skill with her evocation and then she can loop pretty sure.
Takeuchi drew the Fate Stay Night visual novel?
he did.
its not like he had total control over what she was gonna look like. he's not a 1 man developer.
Blame takeuchi for being a retard and literally designing saber to have the same layering as samurai except with a dress and plate armour instead of a shirt and layered armor pieces
Guy literally did zero research on western armor
nasu says seiba has a muscular body but takeuchi drew her like that anyways
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point taken T_T
Thought this was melu and barg from the thumbnail and got excited...damn it
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>neede like 600Q and 80 tickets to get NP2 HagWu
>got NP3 SummerHag in the process
I mean, i'm happy since she can work as an off AOE dmg tick so the NPs are worth it, but i have a sneaking suspicion that my future rolls are ultrafucked.
god imagine the foreplay
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post skibind gyads
How can you tell it's foreplay if it feels just like sex?
god one of them pinning you from behind while the other has their way with you is so fucking hot.
Wish this dude would do art again...
Theres just something so hot about rape scenes where the rape "victim" is clearly enjoying it even if they say they dont or try resisting.
According to complete materials Nasu and Takeuchi had Gundam on the mind when discussing her aesthetic and overall design. That should tell you everything you need to know about how much thought went into it.
liz... wtf
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Is Swimsuit Skadi better than default Skadi?
tony and mom (true)
It's crazy how good vlad is at NP3 now. Shame he only has a year left before even at NP5 he can't keep up with cummer
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Anniversary or summer Sion playable and captain gets a sexy swimsuit trust me
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Bob, my beloved…
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Yes she's a straight upgrade, but not a big enough one to save quick. Chalemagne is the only good looper to come out of it, and Tai Gong / Douman / Azumi are good for multi core / meme strats but that's about it.
Well and Ushi Gozen but she's only good against Earth / demonic enemies due to how specializes she is
>mom wearin kiddie shit
this game sucks man
>implying quick needs saving
My Okita alter goes Shubabababaaaaa and she will continue to do so for the forseable future.
>when a 3 star (bedivere) has been better than Okits for 3 years now
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Does anyone know how to hide 4chan ads on mobile.(without paying for a subscription to 4chan gold)
are you on android
So we know aniplex is announcing an anime the day of the fgo anniversary stream, is it gonna be Strange Fake, Lostbelt 6, or both?
firefox + (You)block origin
i accept payments of kuro pictures
Oei looks hot as fuck
Quality is really high this year. Even Hackeuchi did a good job.
It's missing some stuff. Count of Monte Cristo got one.
seedbed servant when
Post Koma toes
I kind of wish they'd make all noble phantasm upgrades be interludes (and skill upgrades rank ups), even if it's just 1 chapter. Then for the final chapter of the interlude you are forced to use the servant (or borrow it) for the quest, and the NP comes upgraded for said chapter
I get lasangle is probably too fucking dumb to do something like that, but it would feel neet to watch the upgrade first hand
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>10 more years of FGO confirmed
Let's fucking GO
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Should I roll for the clown? What if I hit pity with him?
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ATI moments before disaster
nta, but I also appreciate that info
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Yes if you're a quickchad
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I tried using firefox with block origin and its giving me connection error everytime i try to post.
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Kuroba Ex.
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Bunyan !!
is he worth it at np1 if I'm just gonna use him as a support?
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what are your thoughts on gooping? assuming you get his np append hes pretty useful for his insta-kill, when OC 90++ free quests come out that give a ton of bond 1 of them have QP door/coins that are easy to insta-death and give you 4m qp per run
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Fuck this gay ass earth
Extremely cute Bob and Cernunnos
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Congrats bro
so who's buthead?
Kojiro and Kintoki for me.
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captain gimme all your love juice
>Bunyan on the same level as Tiamat and above Bazett
Is there ANY advantage Quick has over Arts looping? Even a small one to help me cope?
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did Wada draw any servant recently? is there any hope that she will save anniversary/summer 2024? i couldnt bare another year of takeuchi soulless slop
Bob and Tony for me.
He can't. That fag is a sheep following memelists like the spineless cuck he is
>Excellent skills
>Beautiful Noble Phantasm
>Grippiest pussy in the GAME
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quick has the strongest NP multipliers, arts the weakest
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I thought all NPs equalized due to the card formula.
why did you censor that guys name? he's a pretty reliable TM twitter news translator. Karyo or something, but I recognize the akiha pf pic.
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Somebody set that office on fire.
Exact opposite. You don't bring the fucking PRESIDENT OF SONY (your BOSS'S BOSS'S BOSS) to your shitty gacha game studio that's going under.
quick tends to be slightly higher but it's barely anything so it's not even worth talking about.
As everything in this game at launch, the card formula is badly designed so quick has a slight damage advantage over the other two with NPs.
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And a 0.8 multiplier on face cards as opposed to burster's 1.5 multiplier.
Arts is equal to buster.
Quick is slightly higher.
Arts and Buster have the same multiplier. Quick is slightly higher.
Yes, and? The whole game system has been badly designed since the start which is why we have ended up with the mess of a gameplay system we have now.
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Free shit bros
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that's what albert meant to do, but since using uneven numbers would hurt his autism we ended up with slightly higher effective multipliers for quick
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I'm not the bro of subhumans who speak in runes.
Summer Okita hasn't even been out for 3 years
Arts is equal to buster but suffers from NP brave chains being focused on np gen over damage (besides mighty, but in those cases you have to add a quick card in the middle which is going to be a limp dick for damage)
Quick yes has a higher multiplier but 99% of the time the quick servants suffer for it with lower attack stats or np gain
so JP anni stream when? just to make sure
At least they started to give support NPC upgrades. They used to give you un-upgraded servants which was really annoying when you had the servant in your Chaldea fully maxed.
Also, the Enkidu in the 90++ didn't do his Strengthening Quest thankfully, so his Presence Detection doesn't give him Evasion.
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The Evil Clown is really good for the Ordeal Call 90++ quests you do every day because the high HP enemies are weak to Instant Death so he's one of the best servants at clearing them.
seems super likely to be on 4th august, though they'll likely have other streams in previous days that announce other info like 1 of the summer 9 servants
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do I run the shop CE while clearing the event?
welcome to the crew, new mobro
Reminder that arts is just blue buster, and quick is just green arts.
check enhanced tracking protection
you do need tons of ice so yes, but really you at most should runs 2 and the rest shop currency
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Story nodes don't drop bricks afaik.
>mocking southern white stereotypes is somehow not racism
this poster is a fake lizposter
liz is love
Yeah until you max out the upgrades and get all the Valkyrie's ascension materials.
Her dress is at least nice though
I think he implied that Lasenge will turn into another nest of DEI\I&D shit.
9pm August 3rd EST
They might announce some cool anime stuff on the stream the previous day same time, but that'll be the main stream. They're doing it a lot earlier this year
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>southern white stereotypes
It's true though. If those rednecks disagree, maybe they should have stopped doing that shit plus stop voting for politicians that likes that type of shit.
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you're the one who mentioned southern whites tho. perhaps liz was talking about hungarian nobles, ever think about that?
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Do any of the event nodes drop fragments of a twinkling star? I got Koyanskaya of Dark from the anniversary stuff and I want to get her to her final ascension, but I'm basically out of pure prisms and have only played up through like half of Solomon so I can't grind for them normally.
>southern whites
It's more of a midwest thing.
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regardless, Yankee HATE!
You got it lizchad I won't vote for the party that founded the kkk ever again
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It genuinely doesn't matter what Lasengle wants, Type-Moon is privately owned and Takeuchi is not selling.
My mo is unga bungaing this lancer node like a true retard (cute)
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ACK-euchi will kneel to sony because it fits my doomposting narrative, shrimple as
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Kama Love!
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M-mom...it is not what you think
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what the fuck
Phantom FA art goes so hard

Another lineup that required no thought
Nope. You'll have to wait until Halloween for a farming spot.
Are any of the upcoming servants good? Or should I just dump everything for Ibuki?
Kirei is coming soon
I think tea girl is the best quick berserker so far?
none of the servants coming out the rest of this year are as good as summer 7 5*'s, next year you have LB7 then the tiamat+draco collab & LB6 summer 8
In December we will have Tezcatlipoca who is great for an Assassin. Between then and now? No.
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Would you like this to be real?
Tea man is supposed to be pretty good, but next year is so busy I'd just skip and save
>In December we will have Tezcatlipoca
It's not like she has any competition...
We have Bimbo Frieren coming up.
RP for coins is the only thing there that would matter.
There are parts of this I like, but since when have leaks ever been real? I feel like we hear from the Chinese every year and it means nothing
Sex with Mordred.
Why haven't Kojirou gotten any alt yet? REEEEE
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I rolled for Skadi swimsuit and got this instead what the sigma?
Is he good?
Its alright
I wouldnt roll for the Rani unless she was a super quick support way better than Skadi
The rare prism feature is as jewish as I would expect them to make it
As for the summer servants, I would roll Eresh for sure
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Summer Yuyu is what I desire to see the most, so I hope it's real.
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>oh no it might be a week into january instead time to be all smuggggg wwwwwwww
Nobody likes this kind of posting.
>since when have leaks ever been real?
Anniversary+Summer 6 and 7 leaks were correct
Anniversary+Summer 8 did not have any sort of real leak, so yeah, its been some time since our last good one but maybe there were complicating factors there
Lippers will be put on suicide watch, so yes.
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>the akiha pf pic.
>be a week into january
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Now check out THIS
I mean as a 5* AOE Quick berserker.
Exceedingly unlikely for Nursery Rhyme of anyone to get an alternate, I give this a below 10% probability of being real.
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Your predictions?
Rikyu and Hokusai for me. But that Nobunaga is really tempting. But will probably go for the old men.
>360 RP for 1 append
>90 RP for 1 grail
Anyone that whales enough to benefit from this already got NP6+
We're never a full 24 months behind, laughing at that is just being wrong. January 9th is the latest possible release date for LB7 part 2 NA.
Ciel assassin
So is Arcueid an ultimate one like ORT? cause her entry says Archetype Earth is one but people also say because she's a true ancestor she's not
I want /fgog/ to leave
Hokusai and Oberon for me. Rikyu and Cnoc are pretty good too.
That doesn't really matter if sony puts "here a consultancy group that you should include in your projects" on hte table. And given Nasu gives very little fucks about his current product quality, it will blend in with no one noticing until it's too late or creates an even bigger ridge between JP and NA versions.
But i do hope that it's just me dooming and not the actual possibility of things.
You get a deluge of RP from Ordeal Call.
She should be an Archer
Stfu gook
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Tezca came out on the last hour of January, with part 2. Part 1 of LB7 has no rate ups, with Rasputin being the NY servant (arguably a LB7 servant) and Nito Alter showing up up of nowhere before part 2 (despite not showing up in part 1).
/fgog/ on these nuts
I don't think that's a possibility. Type-Moon is not controlled by ANYONE other than Takeuchi. Nasu is vice president only. There is one man running this ship and he has shown no willingness to ever cede any level of creative control beyond "we'll keep things under M rating".
She did the art for Extra Record that we've recently seen. But her most recent new FGO servant was Draco a year ago.

Also fun fact, she's designed at least one FGO servant of each class except for Ruler and Avenger.
imouto we're getting your poster Servant this anni
And if you READ my post instead of telling me things I already know, you'll realize that 3 weeks short of two years is the ABSOLUTE LATEST we have ever gotten ANYTHING. Everything else we have gotten earlier.
Literally an imagined scenario.
jets is honorary 5* he's stronger than 99% of the roster.
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you dont give the impression of someone who makes posts that are worthwhile reading so I just skimmed over it desu
This is the Anniversary servant.
>Lasanga goes "we have to delay releasing new Servants or we'll spoil LB7!"
>releases Nito Alter early anyway
NA only speeds up in the first half and slows down in the second half of the year because of the anniversary being earlier than JP, and outside of some reruns they never switched the order of events. LB 7 part 2 isn't going to come out in december because that'd also switch over the servant release order (tezca+tlaloc coming out before Rasputin)
Charlemange and Summer Okitan are around the same level as quick "loopers" with S Skadi.
Is ORT stronger than Cernunnos? Is Cernunnos stronger than Goetia?
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I do, maybe I want to look at the news myself instead of being spoonfed by you. Maybe I want to verify the information you've just reposted
Jets doesn't have much competition either tbdesu.
good thing you can google it instead of sucking off some FAGGOT on twitter then. RETARD
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I want them to announce a Lostbelt 6 anime so fucking bad, man.

Imagine the anime only audience when they learn the entirety of Britain is made of literal fucking fairy corpses. Or the way people would react to seeing Castoria be meek and shy and then just fucking break down screaming in anger at the forest.

I really think LB6 would hit so hard in the current era of high fantasy big budget anime.
>verify the information
Learn moon, loser
Who shit in your scrambled eggs?
Yes but Goku is stronger.
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>Is ORT stronger than Cernunnos?
>Is Cernunnos stronger than Goetia?
Cernunnos the Millennium Calamity isn't weak, but he's only on a "slowly kill the whole planet" tier. Koyanskaya only needed to sacrifice a tail to outmaneuver him, and the energy reserves within the throne were enough to blow a hole in him and expose his divine core once Castoria leveraged them properly. And of course, his divine core was shattered by a shot of Black Barrel, which can't even lock onto ORT because of its preposterous lifespan.
Jets is obsolete like Musashi; chargelets who can't handle non 3/3/x nodes even in multicore
saitama clears goku
I don't care about Goku. I want some lore expert to give me a list of all the FGO bosses sorted by power level.
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Cute Jalty Alty Wife
Jalter love!
1. Liz
9999. everyone else
No, I don't think it would. Type-Moon works add too much autism for the normalfag audience to appreciate the story.
>non sequitor generic """"comeback"""""
Suck more twiturds cock
true everyone is so far behind him (gilgawho?? XD) it's not really competition.
Why are you here babykun
LB6 is like 30h long + battles + lostbelt exposition dumping, they wont be able to do it justice in 26 episodes.
So is Goetia stronger than all pre-LB7 bosses?
Ah sweet, scshizo hour
its not imagined im nasus brother i was there
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>Saves the game and the franchise from a worse fate and consistently gets Nasu on line
>But is also a lazy hack that also does no quality control on his peers
Double edged sword
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Yes. The three strongest things Chaldea has ever faced are Goetia, U-Olga, and ORT.
you can tell someone is seething when they make a post like this. jets mogs gilgamesh everytime bro.
...and Chaos
Unless they are willing to go full edgy mode like they did in zero, I don't think a LB6 anime would be that successful
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What about Beast VI - Mother Harlot/Whore of Babylon Nero?
I want the anime to cut Melusine and Aurora content to give Morgan and Bob more screen time
They should rename this general to scat general.
Shit shit turd poop poopy diaper shitty shit.
A distant fourth. Fifth below Beast VI/S if we include Arcade.
The jetcuck like his tin can is cucked from reality to even be able to acknowledge that fact.
I don’t care about your gay ass fight, post cute Jalters
Her scale is claimed greater than Goetia and U-Olga, but she never demonstrates any particularly supernal abilities, so it's weird. She can definitely drown the world and kill all humans faster than Cernunnos, but she was also playing to lose. Very hard to judge her.
As a fully grown Beast he has a lot of bullshit protection that the lb kings lack despite their high fire power.
Tiamat is also just as unstoppable without Hassan giving you an out to hurt her.
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wow giga based
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Well fuck. Guess I'll try and wrap up the ASW story and get back to the main game since I really want to use her.
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They can strip out anything about the other lostbelts pretty comfortably. All a new viewer needs to know is that Chaldea is there to obtain a weapon and prevent a world ending disaster. Even Koyanskaya can have a reasonably self contained arc within LB6.

As for length
>Part 1 and 2 as a 24 episode series, Morgan defeated
>ends with a fully animated version of the part 3 Song of the End trailer
>take a break for 6 months
>Part 3 is 12 episodes of chaos
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i dont want an anime and in fact i would prefer anime only fans never get to see the things i like. i’ll accept the mahoyo movie because the werewolf scene is gonna make me cum but thats it.
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this is me assuming 9th anniversary will be kino and not be a snooze-fest like 8th anniversary content wise
>new 9 servants get costume/spirit origins for 9th anniversary like 5th anniversary, kama maid being 1 example
>destiny order+normal GSSR, destiny order besides having you select 11 of the classes also lets you select any 5* to guarantee you get them. paid gssr reduced to 20 SQ & normal GSSR reduced to 10 SQ
>JP finally gets their beginner GSSR that was exclusive to NA, has specific years/pools for limited servants up to LB7 and each one lets you select a specific 5* from that banner to get in the mail (so you can get castoria/oberon/koyan) & costs 15 SQ
>ordeal quests stormpods changed, you can now do the 90++ free quests as many times as you want while stormpods reduce the cost of doing them to 0 instead, you still get 3 a day)
>ordeal free quests & challenge quests gives saint quartz for completing them, you get 3 for every free quest and 10 for every challenge quest. 30 for the olga marie CQ (retroactive too). This gives 161 SQ
>extra mission giving you 5SQ for every 10 ordeal free quests you completed, this scales up to 500 times and gives 500 SQ and is retroactive (661 SQ)
>log in anniversary is 90SQ, 2-kun dos a big reveal to double it to 180 instead (841 SQ)
>more extra missions for interludes+strengthening quests completed, interludes also all cost 0 AP for the campaign and gives you access to 90 servants even if you dont own them permanently
>anniversary servant is kazuradrop quick moon cancer. 2nd skill is targeted 100% np gauge, 3rd drains all stars to give 20% quick/np damage/attack per 9 stars
other non-fgo news
>LB6 anime announced
>fate extra last record announced to be coming out december 2024 globally on nintendo switch and steam
>tsukihime red moon announced to be coming out in 2025 on nintendo switch
>tsukihime announced to be coming out on steam in October 2024
>mahoyo 2 announced to be coming out in 2025 on nintendo switch
Stop avataring
i want you
I feel like that'd be the whole point. You have to go full edgy, the story ends with everything burning because fairy society is so utterly fucked, so yeah, of course go full edgy. The entire second half would just be Castoria torture porn.
What the hell Douman
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When are we getting Noah?
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Give me ONE reason I shouldn’t BURN your FAVORITE right now.
dont be greedy
Fairy society dies, but the entire point of Castoria story about hope still existing through and the ending ends on a positive note even if all the fairies and humans died.
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i dont care. do what you want.
All caps is cruise control for [-]
Yes but the point is seeing Castoria do that despite the absolutely horrific shit she went through, so selling how horrible it was is important.
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You never even rolled my favorite.
Let's apply some logic here.
Anime is produced in order to get people to consume the source material.
If you try to use the best chapter in the game to fool people into reading fucking SEPTEM, you're just wasting your money.
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i hope we get another vacation for the na team for jp anniversary :)
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Do you prefer green or purple hair?
So you are saying we are getting a Shimousa anime???
Damn... Lip is a fatty.
She needs to go on a diet.
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Is Mahoyo just going to be one movie, or is it going to be multiple? If they try to condense it all down into one then I feel like they'll have to cut out a lot of what makes that story so good. I also know there's no way they'll adapt the side chapters, wonderful world of ploys, or the extra chapter which makes me sad since those are the best parts.
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The only thing I want from the hypothetical lb6 anime is more Bob and Morgan content…
By that logic why did they adapt Babylonia?
If they add more Bob development I would be very happy
green is weird bro
because babylonia is underwhelming so they wanted people to play the game and be surprised by how kino camelot is
>Turn your brain off shounen battles with a guile happy go lucky big tittied protagonist
Now that's what the people want!
It's only officially been confirmed as one movie but the trailer implies heavily that it only gets up the end of the park sequence, so a full adaption would be a potential second movie.
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Hag Wu's boobs are way smaller than guy guys promised...
Any of you fellas going to be using Skadi/Avalon/Ibuki for your dead week teams?
The monkey's paw curls... you get more Bob content... but it's all Beryl x Bob scenes
Because they're stupid.
Babylonia anime was a disaster that just further proves they should stay away from LB6.
>reading comprehension
Its a loli artist trying to make big boobs, that was to be expected
People want trash got it.
i will be blue appling
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Gilgamesh isnt Quick
>add more
if anything they would gonna go at it with a hacksaw to make the entire story fit into a 2 cour anime and make room for the sakuga battles
also a fully animated bob would make the shitposting here totally unbearable
Camelot was adapted too thoughbeit
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>eating pizza with knife and fork
WTF italianbros...
Why would people do that?
Time to save.
a long con play to get people into the game with the best singularity adapted so they can experience the actual best chapter (shinjuku)
I use scissors for my pizza
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best we can do is 550 quartz and another half assed anniversary servant
Thank you for play Fate/Grand Order and please look forward to the 10th anniversary!
It already is unbearable
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Aoko in 638 days
now imagine how bad it would be if we got an anime bob
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me = literally a sk8ter boy
you = shitty cya l8r boy
I'm unironically skipping next anni and summer. I couldn't care less about the LB6 cast.
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you aint P
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Seeing Guda as the one on top is always surprising...
easy skip unless they fix Super Aokos cards (which will never ever ever happen)
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Catch this half pipe
SKIP in 638 days
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Why did you post zoomer altera with lyrics from a 23 year old vintage song?
Zoomers were infants when Sk8ter Boy came out.
>I'm posting with shiggers.
Go back to your seamonkey board.
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i assume the worst
free costumes for all FSN servants
15 rare prisms
450ish sq
15 summon tickets
half ap daily quests

>>more extra missions for interludes+strengthening quests completed, interludes also all cost 0 AP for the campaign and gives you access to 90 servants even if you dont own them permanently
>>anniversary servant is kazuradrop quick moon cancer. 2nd skill is targeted 100% np gauge, 3rd drains all stars to give 20% quick/np damage/attack per 9 stars
these alone would make 9th anni one of the best, regardless of the amount of sq
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>Exceedingly unlikely for Nursery Rhyme of anyone to get an alternate,
Anon they gave Erice an alt and she was fucking hated in Japan. Some servants are normally a random toss of a dart or ones needed for what they're doing. If Jack is there they probably thought they needed her.
I could use a costume for Seiba. It's crazy how much they've neglected OG Artoria despite her being the face of the franchise.
Why did you have to remind me 2000 was 24 years ago?
I graduated highschool in 2000 now im almost 40 years old...
I feel so old whenever people remind me of my age.
>she was fucking hated in Japan
no she wasn't
What if it's the new version by PRRRaka PRRRaka boi, huh?
too fat
She was
Ye s she fucking was, she took your servants away for you and called you a bitch the whole time. The Japs were not very happy about that and fucking hated her.
source for your claim?
Are you sure?
Who tf is Shiori?
I said so.
>Payday in 6 days
>Not had take out in two weeks
>Weight loss been going well
Is it time for pizza as a treat? Tomorrow night, after weigh in.

Maybe. Maybe a chilli volcano pizza and fries.
i remember very vividly how much they disliked her a lot with people posting them hating it saying our game is dying
>If Jack is there they probably thought they needed her.
Sounds like a low effort attempt pandering to nipcel pedos.
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You are projecting.
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No pizza.
Treat yourself to half a lettuce. No oil.
You wouldn't. The rarity of her rate ups alone means it'd be a huge loss for your Chaldea!
Type Moon got in trouble with the lawyers because of the Quetz christmas by the way.
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Morning bro
Probably shinichameleon the dekinai, before he got banned from reddit and beast's lair and the fgo wiki for vandalism kek
Good moming
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it's not just how you feel bro you are old. think about it, you're possibly already past the point where you have lived more days than you have days left on this world. and that 2nd half isn't going to be more exciting than the first one that's for sure.
>two weeks
>already giving up
Is NP2 vital for Ibuki Berserker?
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is MHXX the best saberface?
Yeah i remember.
Type Moon accidently put CP in the update files and a lot of FGO players got arrested for owning CP after downloading the Quetz christmas update.
It was all over the news at the time shit was crazy.
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I'm not, that event literally got the Fate/Requiem canceled it was received so badly. You can look that up easy, the Japs hated her THAT much.
I said give me one reason and you did. Not a good reason but a reason.
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QRD? Wasn't it about artists not getting paid or some shit like that?
Insane headcanon power level. I kneel King.
What do you mean this is an easy thing to google. you do know how to do so right? I'm not your mommy.
Quetz called the modern mexicans a bunch of lazy sack of crap and made fun of a sports car the mexican made. It was a total media shitstorm. Nasu had to go full dogeza and got stranded in mexica after losing a challenge.
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>Errrrmmm ackshually Fate/Requiem actually is just on hiatus, people are just fervently awaiting for its return because it's so good
She seems to be pretty popular in fan art at least, and the event was the catalyst that eventually gave us Marie Alter, even if she was the only good thing in the event.
it's made up bro

people are posting all the BS rumors of years past given to us through the Onii-chan dekinai filter
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Holy cute
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The classic.
>it's easy to google!
>no I won't provide the source for my claim even if it's easy to google!
We’ll never REALLY know because japs are insanely secretive weird ugly non-communicative freaks that will never tell it to you straight. Always dancing around things to not be dishonorabuu.
>Treating a one off treat as giving up
Nah that's fucked
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>Look it up
>It went on hiatus not to long after the event
>Not a word about it since then
Was the went really that fucking bad?
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Yeah it was nuts I'm still in jail
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>graduated highschool in 2000 now im almost 40 years old...
>almost 40 years old
I graduated in high school in 2010, you're 42, because I'm 32
It went on hiatus because meteo is a lazy fuck. If it was cancelled, you'd see news that it was cancelled like the miyako manga from TM. But it wasn't.
Or can I get away fine with NP1 for summer Ibuki?
I didn’t even do the event. I only logged in to roll dinomom. Must be why I was cursed with np5 summer Eric and np1 ibuki
Meteo Hoshizora is also a hack among hacks who has never finished a single project in his godforsaken life.
Anon Fate/Requiem is dead and it was killed right after the event got a very poor reception by the nips. You have to let it go.
>She seems to be pretty popular in fan art at least
Bro most of her was commissioned by Ericeanon whenever he was activated he would dump or report the progress.
I've always wondered what the context of this image is. Specifically the expressions. Are they mind swapped? Both have expressions that don't fit them
Meteo, like all other TM writers, is a hack
>one off
>after a mere two weeks
fatty cope
Only in her armored form.
Im even older than i thought...
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do we never get to pick the other 2 valkyries?
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Please provide the source of it being cancelled. It's very easy to google, so go ahead.
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>be type-moon
>only have hack writers
bros not like this...
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"Haha, experience pain." -Nasu
Yes it was bad, I'm like 90% they gave Meteo the event to get more people to read Requiem and it did the opposite since they made their lead come off as a bitch and Japs really really hate people like that.
Damn, another ojii-san
Please respond
That's an awful list
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Not him but
>requiem event
>May 25, 2020 20:00 ~ June 8, 2020 12:59 JST
>Requiem volume 2
> June 12, 2020
This shit is infinite Stratos and ddd tier dead
Albert can make it a NA exclusive.
So why do you guys keep posting this Mexican in a red coat. What’s it mean
you are so fucking funny dude.
You currently can pick only 1 but you will be able to buy the other ones with Evocation system that will come to global in 2 years that lets you buy old event characters for 500-1000 paid quartz depending on the character.
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I had sex last night bros. It was good. Pretty over rated.
I don't understand how all of you incels can obsess over it and dedicate hours each day to jacking off to cartoon women.
I too read Japanese basketweaving forums in their authentic japanese like all respectable fans of Fate/Grand Order NA!
I am depraved for Gray
From a quick google, I see more people complaining about the board game mechanics rather than the event's story or characters themselves.
It's only been 4 years, still faster than FGO's main story releases
>Got a cooler servant
I don't see the problem, bro
>that lets you buy old event characters for 500-1000 paid quartz
lol wut

is this a fucking joke?
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Narita isn't a hack.
I'll suck your dick for a serious answer.
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Why didn't meteo just write the damn event himself
yeah, they're free but time gated
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I like his early VNs. Also wasn't he in charge of Jinako's part in CCC?
You can NOT bring facts and logic into this conversation
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Its a 4 star servant from the game Fate Grand Order.
did you like her? lowkey the cuddling is more satisfying than the sex.
He temporarily gains the Hack trait while working on Type-Moon projects.
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Let me explain to the shitposter here screaming about crap. Japs hated Erice because she is very confrontational and that Japanese hate confrontational people because they're a place of beta people. This has always been the rules with the Japanese unless it's a more fetish type thing.
>Can't even hit him
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Emiya? Which historical character is he, I've never heard of him.
Is it a fun game?
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the answer is no np1 is never enough for dps especially not multiclass clearers. now suck it.
He's Yasuke's cousin. You can tell because he just steals shit from more accomplished people.
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The the timing for that is too perfect not to be related. Very funny
Ok cool. Does he do anything? Is he a day worker? Or is he just there to like make some carne asada tacos and tamales
It feels like the real game changer was Xu Fu instead of summer Skadi imo. She's very low cost and enables a bunch of comps due to her 30% charge and NP gain.
He the first ever African-,Nipponese and one of the main character in Asscred Shadown
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If Nameless is a name can he really say he has no name?
Better than earlier this year at least. We were having three a week. Lost 30lbs almost since then, feels good.
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>Nail that sticks up must be hammered down
>it can't be helped
Japs have legitimately the worst proverbs on Earth
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Hes named after the pro league of legends play Skt T1 Faker who won League worlds championship 5 times making his mark in history.
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>>it can't be helped
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Wayback on appmedia shows Erice placed at 56/99 servants for the summer poll/expectations for 2022. Straight up middle of the pack. https://web.archive.org/web/20220619202644/https://appmedia.jp/fategrandorder/75584383
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>did you like her
"liking" women is pretty retarded, you hang around and fuck the ones you can tolerate the most

>cuddling is more satisfying than the sex.
you might be gay bro
I had to look it up and read a long ass leddit post that reeked of autism.
So the problem was apparently rumored to be linked to Kinnikuman and japanese copyright bs.
I can believe it given how strict nip copyright laws are and how little japanese companies tell about the stuff happening behind the scenes.
To be fair I don't know this is best for like middle of the pack stuff since western people shit into it too and it gets botted every year.
You called?
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Thank you Bargie, this is going straight to Summer Caenis.
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Yes he is in fact one of Chaldea's chefs. Not head chef though as that title was stolen by Tamamocat.
>I can believe it given how strict nip copyright laws are
Their laws are actually a lot more fluid than ours, because a ton of power remains in the hands of the original creator. It's only after the original creator dies that things get strict, because the corporations who have a claim on the IP will fight each other for control of it, and then viciously attack anyone infringing on it in even the smallest way.
When the fuck is swimsuit Kama returning
Maybe, but her not being at the bottom is already evidence against the claim that Japs "hated" her. Unless someone wants to claim she got botted up to a middling 56th place to go along with their already strong headcanon.
next week
ok bro good luck in your endeavours.
Does he do anything else.
I spent 330 quartz to get the clown.
Time to save for next summer.
I curse your rolls, Douman-wanter
Who’s this green fella you guys are posting. Seems kinda problematic. What his deal
>Their laws are actually a lot more fluid than ours,
No parody protection, and no general fair use protection, is a pretty big deal, anon. I don't know why they haven't reformed that to match most everyone else.
He's a fake servant born from the possibility that a literal who jobs and fails to become japanese Batman.
In essence, he's a loser a dicklet.
It was your own fault for speaking to the claecel
Now that he's had human interaction and warmth he can survive for another 2 weeks
He fuck rinface
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you'll get him eventually bro!
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it's the incel avatar. Please do the needful on his posts and send him back to /babylonia9k/
Not really.
People were posting pages of the manga on twitter, this was what pissed the mangaka off. It had jack shit to do with FGO. Also, the Kinnikuman mangaka is just a bitch and a hypocrite. If you actually read the Kinnikuman manga, they flat out """""""parody""""""" a bunch of Marvel/DC cape characters in the earlier volumes. The game that the mangaka threw a fit at was not FGO, it was Mad World.
Dumb dekinai from fgog and reddit somehow got it mixed up and thought that the guy was feuding with FGO over samba quetz.
This is just my two cents. She probably got voted on by people who actually read her LN.
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This nigga unironically got attached to his femoid lmfaooooo
He’s lying, evocation festival characters are all free but are locked behind a currency that’s timegated, and Valkyries have not been made available yet
Thank you helpful young lady. Can you help me read this road sign I don’t speak French.
Well at least he knows his place. Just chillin in his own lane.
I don't know why she came off that badly in the event. Sure she's kinda aggressive in her Ln due her pasta nd stuff, but not as bad as she was in the event
Was it written by shinichamelon?
He got banned from the type-moon wiki for vandalism, beast's lair and reddit for cherrypicking twitter posts to manipulate sentiment.
He doesn't speak Japanese.
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Remember you belong in here with me, schizo saint.
>No parody protection, and no general fair use protection,
And yet comiket exists with its literally tens of thousands of unlicensed derivative works being sold for cash. Such at hing would never, ever happen in the United States, parody and fair use be damned. This is because something you have to understand about Japan is that the laws on the books are very much not the laws actually practiced day to day.

For example, technically ALL pornography is illegal under Japanese law. The Japanese police are well within their rights to arrest every single porn publisher and throw them in jail. This obviously doesn't happen, though, because ultimately the broadness of the law gives the Japanese police immense discretionary power to decide how it is enforced. And ultimately they decide to enforce it very sparingly.

The same is true for copyright law. TECHNICALLY there is nothing protecting Comiket or the proliferation of fan works in general, and yet it thrives in Japan like nowhere else because in practice Japanese copyright holders are very lax about derivative works like these.
this is not a boy
those are female hips
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bro is cooked
So it's basically a nothingburger, huh?
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>HiDE pretty much confirmed it's someone from EXTRA
>Leak says it's Rani
Pretty much confirmed this leak is right now. It's fucking over bros.
Sorry Lipfags
see >>487710750 for actual situation.
Female servants that eat women's dirty anus?
I can only think of Carmilla and Tamamo.
sorry Ranifag, we AltrougeCHADS will win
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This guy is the greatest Pretender known to Type Moon tbqh. Literally everything he has ever said in his decade long tirades on Nasu stuff is a lie.
The leak was out before that tweet went out, so doubt it.
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Literally and without a hint of irony, WHO???
Kek. Yeah... that guy would be called a clown if he ever sued anyone for copyright infringement. Another internet moment.
Here's the post where he got banned with mod comments kek
He invented a bunch of fake interviews too, which are all over the wikis, it was a whole thing over at Beast's Lair.
It is pretty fucking funny in a sense.
the leak came out a few hours after the Extra announcement for an announcement
I genuinely want it to be Altrouge for the same reason I want Seimei to be Nagiko with a fake mustache.
>np1 ibuki
just fucking kill me
What makes a 200 IQ genius make this kind of face?
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>He hasnt played Elden Ring yet
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Isnt Da Vinci trans though?
They dont have a vagina they have a penis.
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I mean the Twitter account, you mongrel.
Female grown body, even the soul isn't Da Vinci's, thought it does have his memories.
Big Vinci is another story.
They should re-release big Vinci but without terrible ascensions
Let this once again be a reminder: any time some fgog rat come here talking about how the japanese totally hate a thing, at least go and google it yourself first. The easiest would be to search 'fgo [copy paste japanese name of the event/character] 感想"
Twitter results are a good start. Beyond that there's 5ch or even just a quick look at appmedia's comment sections.
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I spend 900 Quartz to get Douman.
I have 1k quartz left for Skadi. Wish me luck.
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It probably would have been different if meteo bothered to write the requiem event himself, so It's kind of his own fault. The event writer couldn't pull the balancing act to get any endearing traits to show. Also unrelated to Eric's, but koyo deserves better than how she's treated in f/go.
Yep. Sources are super important.
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We will not be having Rani as our anniversary servant. The Japanese totally hate Fate/Extra, it's why no one cares about Extra record which is why it's been delayed like 20 years or something. This is all true, sourced from nasu blog, just google it. Our REAL anniversary servant will be another saberface. Enjoy. Also Lip will not be getting a swimsuit as the Japanese hate her for real for real.
You'll hit pity.
based japanese speaker
Put the SQ in the bag and no one gets hurt.
Smarter than ati
That's exactly what Ati did though right?
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Being AoE feels amazing
Damn, that guy has enough headcanon to fill a whole novel. That's insane.
I don't think Rani will make them a lot of money. It's also a Wada character which means she'll be too busy to give Lip a swimsuit.
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What SQ?
For me, it’s a few dollars more. https://youtu.be/J84FPJAb7rM?si=qV5HndZz4H0_ismf
Type-Moon has some CRAZY schizos.
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Who does more damage, NP5 Summer Kama or NP2 Summer Ibuki?
Can you blame them? The lore of this franchise is that your delusion can shape reality.
wait...do the bazett CEs not increase ladder points?? its all the visiters only? I could have been using my gacha CEs this entire time
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I'm 30 eggs short to max Skadi's skills...
Kama is a coughing baby, Ibuki is an atomic bomb
Best bro is popular among the gigalatelets in FL.
yea, once you maxed out the park and got all the ascension items for your summer valkyrie its largely useless since you get way less QP from ice block currency than the 5* gacha 1 instead
10 eggs in the shop before you blow your cum everywhere
I wish they sold a hundred more...
This scene is incredible
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>For a few dollars more
but for me, it's The Ecstasy Of Gold
yeah me too, bought some stuff with my mana donations for the first time this event
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It’s Seimei, the fact Fou is there means it’s someone connected to him like when Vitch was the anniversary servant when Fou was in the anniversary icon for the 6th. Also the middle star looks different compared to the others.
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I'm going to finish the ladder point before I can get enough event currency to buy out the event shop! Curse my amazingly efficient gamer move, maxing all facilities right after they're made available!
Dont listen to people here who are armchair experts on what Japs think. If they knew japanese theyd play jp. The way "the Japanese opinion" is found by these guys is google translating a tweet from some random jap with 50 followers and claiming thats what everyone in Japan thinks. I also recall being told here that they would never ever add Destiny Order a year early because jp players would riot.
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Being serious in fate extra there are two routes
Rin route
Rani route
You save one and have to eventually fight the other
Rani was an Atlas Academy made homunculus. She was honestly a pretty boring character in base extra. The highlight of her route is you fight arc instead of vlad and his creepy ass clown master. In ccc she's improved, but not enough to make her someone I would ever clammer for. Really you have so many solid clap characters you could pick from, rani is just pure image related. Unless they're announcing extra record's release at Christmas after years of development, I can't wrap my head around this one.
I actually ran out of fous......
Gamer move? More like GAYMER move! Hah!
I started at anniversary with 2 billion QP, now I'm down to 400k...
Pretty much

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Lip X-Mas for sure!
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no u
>Dont listen to people here who are armchair experts on what Japs think.
We call those /fgog/cucks
>Dont listen to people here who are armchair experts on what Japs think.
>Listen to me I know instead, I know
We really do get the most crazy schizo
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If I already have Skadi, but I want Kashin Koji, do I need Summer Skadi or can Oberon fill that third support spot?
I don't expect Koji to ever be a super amazing 90++ mega farmer in any case.
I'm betting on a Morgan xmas this year. I'm not even a morganfag.
Rani's shit in Extra but good in CCC.
It depends HOW CCC she is that I might want to get her...
And don't rag on Vlad-Extra or Lil Ronnie.
Fun trivia, Lil Ronnie is THE FIRST SUMMONER OF LIZ!!!

I agree it's an utterly bizarre 9th Anni choice entirely out of left field.
But who knows, maybe they'll Caren her and really exaggerate her Nudist Femdom tendencies...
If theres a human growth hormone then that must mean theres a human shrink hormone.
I want to be a little girl but im too big for that i need to get smaller.
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My phone has locked up completely to the point I have to force shutdown it while playing FGO in the last week alone, anyone else have this issue or is my phone dying?
There is not, thats not how it works
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>ReDrop became a ZZZchad
What are the implications this will have on FGO bros
god i wish
Me too.
Ever since last week FGO has been bugging out.
It's a pretty fun game, but kinda shitty as a gacha.
im fine
iphone btw
>she's finally drawing good characters
It must be your phone, but I've noticed a drop in performance since the event started. My phone is getting old as well (redmi note 11) but it's not an antiquity either.
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Redrop's drawn for other stuff before, I assume.
I remember someone seething that Mda Starou drew the best girl from Genshin.
Kama is good, but it's hard to overcome berserkers' 1.5x damage
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ati is a skadilet
soulless man likes soulless slop? unbelievable!
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You know what pisses me off about Extraverse stuff in general? There's no commitment to anything there. It's multiple times of soft resets and start over
>Fate Extra
Solid story and solid settings.
Forget those games this is a sequel to an alternate version of Extra you didn't play
>Last Encore
You wanted an Extra adaptation, too bad. Think harder.
>Extra Record
Back to resetting the board again

This is the third time you've basically reset the extraverse. Please just stop.
I think the implication is that you just wanted to post off-topic garbage.
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wow japanese fans are vocal about this news and they are not happy
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I cannot be sure about that. I can only give you this that I found somewhere else
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I heard they're making a petition.
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>Redrop's drawn for other stuff before, I assume.
He's a massive hoyofag.
You can't shit on Hoyoslop anymore after the collab, you're one and the same now
>full moon = EXTRA
Wrong. EXTRA is designated with a cube, the Moon Cell Automaton. A full moon is TSUKIHIME or TYPE-MOON as a whole.
Either Touko, or Summer Arcueid.
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He drew my waifu before he got more popular anyway, I will always appreciate that.
The japanesse dont know how to make a real sequel that actually follows up on the last games events please be understanding.
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at least having zero fucking QP is a good incentive to save SQ. no point in rolling for more servants I can't even finish.
We're not collabing with them, they are collabing with us!
>Shikinami niggers
Get off my general.
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>Fate Extra
>Solid story
It's funny looking at popular artists' old drawing because they are almost always vocaloid or touhou.
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Since it's UBW, the best I can hope for is Gil, but I'd still get Gil.
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Melon is a sellout too btw
That's my plan as we-
>Gogh on rate up later this year
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I'll never forgive them for the eyepatch, the lighter hair color, and the dumb plugsuit design.
>posted support last night
>no one added
was it that bad
Now that the dust has settled.
How would you fix this event?
Holy god that'd be a flop for the ages but you'd better believe I would roll.
all me btw
The anniversary servant is (Me). No, not (You) as in the player, but (Me).
Including Mocapped sex-scenes with all your waifus.
Post it again!
Post it again.
You better be for (You). No not you but (Me). No not you! Who's on first!
One blowjob from Skadi every 1M ladder point, full course at 6M.
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You may now remember that Raita accidentally caused /ksg/
I choose to vicariously self-insert which means I will have sex with (you), take that nerd!
I can see why
Post it again so I can laugh at it.
Add more GYATT PAWGs and make them twerk.
Do some summer activities like splitting a watermelon but with a twist you need to do it with your ass.
Holy Grail twerk war competition the best twerk dancer geta a holy grail as reward.
That would actually kind of cool. Probably wouldn't sell, but it would be cool.
Yeah it was bad. I didn't see it btw.
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this dude has no friends
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ignore melusine art, i fixed her portrait after posting. she's in her tam lin costume
cleared a bunch of slots
>genderswapped Arc
>smug motherfucker
>speaks entirely in cryptic foreshadowing
>just popped in to see a doomed humanity bite it
>could solo all your threads but is sandbagging because he wants humanity to lose (but is still contractually obligated to serve Chaldea so he can't just not fight)
Damn, a Gogher
I was gonna add you, but...
already friends
Looks alright to me.
Solid 6/10 if you 120 your Gogh.
already bros
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No thanks.
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I always just assume Paisen and Gudako are having some impressive foursomes.
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SSR emiya mayhaps?
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Ugh, don't think this makes me hate you any less. I'm only letting you do this because my husband spent 10 hours talking my ear off about how beneficial this would be for everyone involved.

Also if you try to kiss me, i'll kill you. All we're doing is mating for the sake of procreation. This is no different from a science experiment and you shouldn't think of it was anything more than that. Scratch that, once this is over i don't want you to think of this ever again, understand?

Did you take the viagra my husband gave you? It'll take a lot of effort for your weak human seed to actually get me pregnant so you better be not have anything else on your schedule for the next 12 hours. Now hurry up and put it in already, i want to get this over with.
>Use Ibuki in CQ because her NP remove def buffs
Fuck I posted the wrong one.

Master, I finally found you. I have an urgent request I must ask of you. It's about my wife Yu Miaoyi. As you know, she's an Elemental and a member of an extremely rare bloodline, one that stretches back thousands of years. It is imperative that my wifes bloodline continues, which is the nature of my request today. I need you to impregnate my wife.

What was that? Why don't I do it myself? Master, I don't know if you are asking me this through ignorance or through pity, but I am unable of knocking my wife up. As you can see, my gigantic horse cock would barely fit inside of her, and while her regeneration means she would survive coupling with me it is not only the shape of the genitals that I have inherited from this horse body. I have both the extreme premature ejaculation of a horse, and the incompatible sperm of a non-humanoid species. I am incapable of either satisfying or impregnating my wife, the tales you heard of strong masculine women slaying horsecocked men were simply that, tales.

Now Master you have to come with me. My wifes fertile ovaries need to be marinating in your superior Japanese semen as soon as possible, I have calculated her cycle with pinpoint accuracy to determine that she will be in estrus in a mere 2 hours, giving you just enough time for a lovely candlelit dinner before you take her to bed and pound her into a screaming mess. The dinner has already been prepared and my wife is waiting for you master. Master?

Master, don't try to escape your fate! You WILL fuck my wife whether you want to or not! I will not allow my wife to be unpleasured or unfertilised any longer! Don't even think about trying to get that damn shielder girl to help you! MASTER YOU ARE GIVING ME NO CHOICE, I'LL DRAG YOU TO THE BEDCHAMBER AND FORCE YOU INTO MY WIFE MYSELF IF I HAVE TO, ILL STAND THERE AND WATCH EVERY THRUST SO I CAN SEE THE CREAMPIE WITH MY OWN EYES MASTER
they're unremovable
buff removal resist bro
savior of Quick incoming
immortal team clears it easily
gil can minturn it
i think you can even chen gong it
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I don't see how 8 relates to Nerd Morgan.

That crown of gold stars though...
I'd add you, but I have no slots
not the icon specifically but the anniversary art had morgan up
>Lv. 100
You don't really love him
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I just used Jack since she can just pen through defense, was a tad mad at the final part where the 1 turn invincible was not removed with her skill.
Its Seimei(Merlin), Fous only other appearance in the anniversary icon is with Vitch so you can make a guess that the anniversary servant is someone connected with Fou. Also the middle star looks different compared to the others like a hexagon star.
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>np5 summer ibuki can 3 turn 90++
a third merlin? doubt
why not a 4th vitch instead
>six pointed star
first six star confirmed, welfare u-olga
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>mfw it arc sister
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if the event was done in modded skyrim without anyone commenting on it
Sent, Astraea in all
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>Bond 5 dialogue is him making a cryptic reference to hooking (you) up with Altrouge
The blue ribbon
>double castoria + oberon
>needs castoria NP
>Fou related and moon related
Pack it up boys, it's Altrouge.
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Oh shit, thought she needed to be 120. Might have to give this a try. What was your exact set up?
That would be a hell of a way to announce that Tsukihime is a failure of a franchise, dropping the boss of Tsukihime II in an unrelated game.
bros, I'm home
Yeah, I cleared it anyways with a full health Ibuki (Douman's curses doesn't count). My art support team is just too busted.
Fucking Assclap
I basically ignore people who don't have 3 full supports. Nothing personal, it's just a red flag goes off in my head that this dude will probably quit.
I sleep
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alright bros, i skipped half the event to catch up, how was it?
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>Star of David
Reminder that 5CE is always legitimate in 90++ content and that 5CE 90++ is better than 6CE 90+.
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Sent, cutest Beni in best slot
Kemonomimi Rani.
what 9th anni CEs would you pick?
oberon is one of the top picks imo
might actually do something on rayshift bc that outfit is so sick
if they release him thats when u know this kusoge is close to eos
My NP1 Trung Trac can do it too (with the damage CE).
dont be mad at the npc's using the same strategy you used to counter boss ibuki bro
Baobhan Sith and Oberon. I don't have the greatest of love for Baobhan Sith but that evening dress is just spectacular.
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>Gil can min-turn it
Archer Illya can min-turn it. I think like 200 servants can.
do you have a link where I can see them all?
Skadi cute.
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When are they introducing a new rarity tier?
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He's literally the God of Medicine bro, drunk hag Shuten shouldn't overpower him too easily.
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My NP1 Trung clear is inconsistent, usually need one follow up attack after NP. Better off with Hokusai
Guess I'm taking Aesc and no clue for the second, probably oi
ty bros, added and locked
Do you know what sucks the most after getting max bond with a servant? You, usually, have to swap out for a new servant; but it's so hard when there's so many to choose from.
90, but the CE is at 55
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This Ooku fight would be a lot easier if I had a MLB Versus. At least the new Quick buffs and Mighty Chains help with the RNG a bit.
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Baobhan Sith and Tlaloc/Merlina/Melu
Tonelico and Bob. No doubts.
My only regrets here would be Rikyu, Knocks and Oei. But those two are important.
Are you winning?
you missed the R-18 koyama drawn skadi sex CGs, damn bro
that bob dress is insane
likewise, not a big fan, but hers is really impressive
That's not Wu
You joke about that but I am convinced that Koyama did a lot of them. Skadi is just not sex enough for me, she fall more on the cute and protect side, and I feel Koyama would like to beat the crap out of the people that turned Scathach like that. The OC2 stuff was very nice though.
same. shes my last one for the year i think, especially since she doesn't have a rate up for a bit. after her though, its kuku
Mine are NP1 and can do it consistently, just level the damage ce a bit for extra security.
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>I need 143 eggs
Just kill me...
My saito can with no damage ce :)
I see. Okay thanks bros
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I'm struggling with the RNG, there's not much I can do myself besides keep retrying to get the right cards.
Sometimes Kama doesn't kill Santa Nurse which sucks but 99% of the RNG is just getting the right cards every turn.

I pretty much figured out how to deal with everything including the debuffs and Buff Block, so that's good at least.
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Newfag here, I have a question. I just got 4 (FOUR) fucking SSR homocones, the "Infinity Blue" one, and a single Twin Tails C.E. whilst trying to get my Skadi (Ruler).

Which one should I level up? Should I burn (pretty based tbdesu) the dupe homocones?
can you speak a language that humans can understand you fucking pig?
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Bros, I have NP2 Ibuki and this bitch is insanely broken... Why did they make this
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My granny!
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>No Egg drops in any lottery node until Nemomas
We have to conserve them. Class Score will also want like 100.
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the circus is the other way
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Do not merge CE unless you have enough to max limit break them (requires 5 copies), because the effect remains the same otherwise. You can burn them if you want, but they increase the drops for certain event currencies during this event, so it's advisable to hold on and use them for now.
I think he is saying he got 4 of the Taixun CE and 1 Koyan-Niki CE.
go back
I really want Cu Alter, that design is sick and I love all the fanart of it
because she has castoria
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>we never got to go to the park
Poor Arts really needed another AoE damage dealer, but god forbid Quick gets anything...
Who do you even need them for
Jannu if you talk to people like that again I SWEAR TO GOD
the cones give you more drops, so you can put like 4 of the same cone in a party to get an extra 4 drops. enhancing the cone with a dupe will superimpose it, and max superimposition will make make the cone give an extra two drops instead of one.

you should try to fit as many cones as you can into your party while grinding to clear out the shop.
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Nope, all this banner CEs are fucking dogshit, though don't burn them, they may be useful in the future. Generally speaking, no CE should ever be used unless it's MLB, and even then it needs to be a full Attack CE to truly be viable.
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Bro, you need to burn everything that isn't bronze. Only bronze things are useful.
130 rp is a fuck ton of rp, though it's obviously not if you compare it to the "leak" requirements for coins.
I can't believe that I ran out of shells and need to farm for mats again.
It almost feels refreshing.
Nemobros, our response?
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What about it?
May as well write a script for this but it would take even more time to be honest. Good luck with RNG, my Skadi is still there.
Same bro, had over a 100, now 0. And I already used all my pure cubes exchanges for that as well
this would be so fucking ass, if this is it then fgo is dying for sure
I always thought that was his spear going out of control
Thankyu, I'll keep trying. At least Santa Nurse works so I'm not tied down to the 10% Buff Removal command code...
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I felt like I had a stroke reading this, impressive translation for that anon man.
Yes you need NP2 for pure consistent 3T that can be automated. that's the way the game is designed. You can just barely loop with most servants that can loop at all at np1 but damage will be a problem on the final wave and you'll wind up 3 or 4 turning half the time because of low rolls.
It wouldn't be 1 RP for 1 coin dummy it'd be 1 RP for 20 coins
Isn't Gray 16, even pre-timeskip?
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I shall give newfriends the benefit of the doubt and hope they enjoy playing Fate/Grand Order (US) even if it is just for a fleeting moment.
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Oh, there you are. It took me long enough, I know, but I’ve made my decision. I believe it wisest to eliminate the /fgog/sent.
>1rp for 20
>leak says 1rp for 3
if its 20 coins for 1 rp, then the anni makes it so you never need to np6 a servant to 120 and max append
Keep limited things until you know why they're good or bad, there's no rush
That's it you're goint straight to the second archive
Vlad did nothing wrong, fuck the Hornsent.
If we don't get Beni alter between now and New Year's I'm dropping the game, just so you know.
sad to see you go, bro
She will be a summer servant with the LB7 alter design being one of the ascensions
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Seemed like a body comparable to Rin's.
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>spending quality time with his family
M-maybe he means Alfred and Dick...
anyone just not care about ibuki? like idec that she's broken, i dont want to roll for her. also i hate large raita women
yeah, light cones are just the wyrmprints of fgo
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>6 pointed stars
As has always should have been.
I like her, especially the cheerleader ascension, but I can see why other folks don't. being a Sakurai character does her no favors.
Skadi and Dabalon both want 45 each so thats probably a start.
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Heels are mens riding fashion that women stole.

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