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>What is /feh/?
This is the general for discussion of the Fire Emblem Heroes mobile game.

>Event Calendar

>Fire Emblem Heroes Links and Guides

>Summoning Cost Simulator

>New Trailer

Previous: >>487577498
Need that on my face NOW
Flop Status?
She marries Hardin under false pretences (pretends she loves him) so she can use his power as a Knight and Prince to stabilise Archanea, she gives him nothing in return. She basically drains the life and vigour out of him.
Don't stare. She was born that way.
*fires a Pig flare*
*fires a Kete flare*
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This is Sara.
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Pretty good. But for me? It's PoR Sanaki.
Nyna did nothing wrong. Only incels hate her.
while also still pining for the "dead" camus
This but unironically. You just hate her because she was a cunning female strategist
Naga forbid a woman have hobbies
hridschizo that you?
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What's the difference? O_o
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*clears your impossible map by doing nothing*
nothin personell, IS
PoR Sanaki is cuter and funnier. Trust me on this one!
That's my favorite number haha
>This is Sara.
and she can read your mind
NO three houses OP????

I love female child soldiers!
Isn't it weird that Ike hangs out with so many preteens?
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Why's that?
What is she hearing?
My sources tell me Tina is 12
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>Why's that?
Because the best things come in 12. Like a dozen donuts, haha
Nuh uh
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>What is she hearing?
the same as you. so you already know
Go ahead and start raging at "felixschizo" now
Yuh huh
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I want to sniff Elincia's feet
>What is she hearing?
Who is the Epstein of Fire Emblem?
his boyfriend being stuck physically 15 didn't give it away?
the age old connection between homosexuality and pedophilia
Lucia please....
Does he? He ends up fucking off with Soren and Ranulf.
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Not enough Alear
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Artist was wasted on this ugly piece of dog shit
Can't believe they actually chose to wait 5 years
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Dimitri confirmed the canon lord
Why did the double mythic flop bigly?
Ike is straight unlike the uncle that raped you
It would be in character for him to defend a massive cucklord like Hardin lmao. Imagine being a whiny seething manlet because you can't satisfy your wife.
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...because he got a figure 5 years later?
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Who should get Laguz + Atk Wave N?
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they're good on pretty much any melee infantry.
Just pick your favorite
Like... OG Edelgard...
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Stupid american pigs
Roll on the fucking banner!
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But can she see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch?
that's better than I thought it'd be.

still not rolling, I don't care about filthy subhuman OCs.
the titcows on the banner are carrying it
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pigzig is so pathetic hehe
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as long as they know it themselves
Not really? He makes more money than you and contributes to the Fire Emblem art scene by having more art created.
What do you do besides complain like a bitch all day?
(It instantly lashed out when it read this post.)
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Jokes aside, isn't it on disability checks just like its master Raul?
No. I can't say what but he has a well paying job. You're thinking of his minions FehOwl and RoyHoenheim
no, raul steals money from his grandma instead
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>Green beats red
I hate it here
All I see are two dragon fuckers
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Good ol' impossible to tank and nigh impossible to kill enemies.
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>People needing Emblem Ike and Gullveig to beat this
I sleep
OK, homo.
Based Spider Tamer
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Feh channel whenst?
sex with mia's armpits
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august 1 most likely
ike is a canon pedofaggot
only closeted homos like and defend him (all his art is bara)
The continued failure of Book 8.
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What do you have against THE HITMAN?
Terminally online
Man US really just mass quit this game huh?
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We're playing Zenless Zone Zero and Nikke
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ZZZ doesn't even feel chinese, i love it
Yeah it feels like Japan's equivalent of Borderlands; it's as painfully unfunny.
I wonder what the schizo meant by that. Probably something indecipherable.
And FEH is funny for all the wrong reasons
What stops you faggots from posting in the /zzz/ general instead?
Meant for >>487742145
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They really went there!
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>past 3 double legendary/mythic banners were some of the best selling banners of the year
>book 8 finds a way to still make it flop despite Marth And Lumera selling bigly
Just give us book 9 already
>8 years old
Get some new material.
Just checked and it's fake.
Also you need to go back.
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Shut up Tranny
Is her grima version behind or something?
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>Twitter and Reddit, sicken over Book 7, had fawned over Buff Deer and wanted to have his babies
>His first banner comes out and they proceed to let him do worse than NY and all the Gullveig banners
They literally had the opportunity to show IS and proceeded to fall on their face on the first go
Did better in Japan than Legendary Female Alear kek
>Beta male that wants to be fucked in the ass
>Twitter and Reddit are smarter than a bunch of coomers and won't spend money on gacha slop
Is pigzig still severely mentally ill?
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I’m early retired although I have to manage carefully if I never plan to work again at all. I have thought about a mail order bride but I think robots will be better in 10 more years. If I ever get fuck you money I’ll buy an actual harem or Epstein island
I'll personally thank them when IS ramps up more Yoshiku OC's
>Male Gullveig btw
>He's going to win and sell BIGLY
>Sold LESS than fucking SHEZ who was ALONE AND MISTREATED
We don't care, sales tranny
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that would unironically kill the game
we play feh for fe characters no coomerslop
if we wanted coomerslop we'd play azure lane or nikke
>we play feh for fe characters not coomslop
>highest selling seasonal this year is summer coomslop

What did he mean by this?
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Summer banner (if it was good)
degradation of a fanbase
kronya is already wearing a swimsuit
It it miles behind Christmas 3H though
Kek just remembered Engage flopped
So is Heroes right now, lol.
If they aren't willing to spend then they don't have the right to complain when IS rightfully doesn't pander to them
90% of seasonal banners this year have been god awful and ended up flopping hard though
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When's the next Veyle alt coming?
Gullveig can kill her turn 1 before any of the skills become active
May IS keep milking the coomers for every cent until the last literal who is added!
When EOS falls finally upon our beloved game and their tits.jpg turns to dust our favorites shall be remembered!
why did the japs hate Legendary Robin?
LGBT isn't as big in Japan.
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>This got a dozen replies

>this didn't despite being less than 1 hour apart

So this confirms that it's literally one dude replying to himself, right?
literally a nothing character, despite killing the MC's dad. no one cares.
she killed monica which was based
3H wanted to copy some Tellius stuff and made worse versions
Rhea was the mastermind
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>one post is all caps and using the usual /feh/ words like flop and kekzinga.
High energy radiates confidence in his statement
>the other post is all lowercase and stating the obvious "American's don't spend"
very low energy almost comes off as pleading for gaijins to save the banner
Apply yourself better if (You) want (You)'s otherwise someone better will come and steal them
Man... before FEH dies, I want mermaids
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>no mermaiden corrin
>no dragon camilla
>no lamia gullveig
she has big tits and that is the only reason people care about her, same with the one character people keep shitposting is moleman possessing a woman.
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And it seems like... It's a E RANK, KEKAROO
Just woke up. Flop status?
>Not H
Didn't bomb as hard as I thought it would
>lower than Ike
It's over...
This game is seriously so fucking stupid
Maria Sivenkova’s daughter.
Maria Sivenkova’s assbaby spawn daughter
Has anyone tanked muscle man? He can one shot anything even on Hard.
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Do you think we'll ever see characters with popularity on the level of Dimitri/Edelgard ever again?
+1 abandoned Shamir
>pretty pink areolae
>perfect puffy pussy
The BEST dragon.
If they can just resist making Corrin 3.0 in the next new game (Alear being Corrin 2.0), and have an actual lord.
Maybe if they crawl back to Koei's writing staff but tbf having characters as popular as those two isn't exactly normal for Koei either
The Holy Trinity is here again. So beautiful.
Dozo (Heidrun kills herself on enemy phase)
i just wanted the orbs and used nergal , peony , v myrrh and summer gull.
Is the Brave banner next?
ok aquaanon
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another seasonal first
It's teatime/whatever replaces teatime, then braves in the middle of the month

Please do not call me that

Hey man Shamir and her friend there did all the heavy lifting
>Dumb bitch from TMS
Scrap her and do the run again with another Shamir and i'll allow it
Akariss cares about Kronya...
Actually is the spic the only one who still needs dancers just to clear pve content? I haven't noticed anyone else using them for awhile now.
With IS's current staff? No way
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Don’t say it…
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>attuned bride fjorm
>Ends every units turn endlessly so only she can milk you dry
Another thirty years
Fjorm lost.
Small breasts lost.
Gullveig won.
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Will you be buying this? Is it worth it?
Red Ophelia isn't even half as good as OG Ophelia
>There were more people +10ing Buff Deer dude than Gullveig
Man, the community for this game is pretty fucking gay, huh?
Took you long enough to figure out only trannies and homosexuals whale in this kusogr
>E rank
lmao why even bother trying with this shit?
>There were more people (on reddit) +10ing Buff Deer dude than Gullveig
Thank you for the report from the gay club
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cute fjorm.
Huh? Wasn't Gullveig's dual banner at 37/55?
Or are you going to claim that people didn't +10 Summer or Brave Gullveig?
>STILL the only arcane red tome
What the hell man

But coomer central /feh/ is a better sample group?
This worth the Forma? He’d be +4
Thoughts on a FE tabletop RPG?? >>>/tg/93445611
They were rolling for Kvasir, the only version of Seidr that's decent.
The reason why games like Fire Emblem and even Hearthstone work the way they do is because a computer handles so many of the numbers that the game can be played quickly and instantaneously. Imagine if you had to manually calculate Hit, Avoid, Damage, and roll for dodges and crits every single fight. One map would take four hours.
An "FE tabeletop" can't work until we get hologram tables to just run regular FE on. FEH might work, but it'd have to be year 1-3 FEH.
I’ll take a look at that later. Always intrigued with anything FE and TTRPG related. I’ve copied some FE plot arcs, weapons and mechanics in some of my D&D games
I love Shamir more than anything and despite all the godawful things 3H has done to this fanbase I'm thankful it exists just because she's in it

I love you Shamir, I love you so much
Alfonse- Axe armor near save dressed as Gustav, prf save C and new spd based armored blaze

F!Robin- Levin Sword Infantry with prf skill giving drive hush spectrum, special jumping and NFU, comes with Gust

Felix- Lance cav dressed as his dad with Prf special mimicking his family shield in 3H, miracle + GLR + damage reflect, overtuned weapon since

Bernadetta-Infantry bow with a new inheritable C skill that gives self and drive terrain ignore and stats and some dumb prf skill with self damage as usual and move +1, damage bonus based on penalties

Enjoy your boring CYL
If you like him. We're also getting another free forma soul from datamined quests soon
This CYL might be the worst yet
I can't really see them giving Gust to another unit THAT soon. Even the passives like Potent and Laguz friend take a few months between units

I'm just picking the infantry with the best fodder
It really doesn't feel like they give a shit with how fast powercreep is going and A!Eirika's main draw is the Null-C Echo anyways
I would say that it took what, from Flame Lyn to Felix to get another source of GLR, but that was a long time ago so yeah, they might not give a shit.

I can see prf specials being a thing instead, especially for Alfonse since he already has Open the Future, they'll just give him an even stronger version that also has unpiercable DR
>fodlan character
>dressed as their dad
No, and especially because he already did that in Hopes.
He'll be a custom-colored mortal savant.
And as shit as this lineup is, it's nowhere near as bad as CYL3, where ONLY Camilla was liked.
Nah it’d be this
Alfonse - Blue mage cav referencing Bruno. Gets to keep Open The Future special despite getting another prf skill
FRobin - Green mage infantry or flier, lots of drive buffs and enemy debuffing, and probably DR shenanigans
Felix - Sword of Zoltan infantry sword with mortal savant class attire, prf special for his shield. Typical godsword stats and and kit
Bernadetta - Colorless bow infantry, sniper class attire, start of turn -1 HP and built in Potent Follow Up to reference her crest, along with other ranged infantry nuke kit
Felix dual wielding Luin and Lance of Ruin
I would be shocked if they remembered Felix has a prf. I don't recall any Fodlan Brave getting their prf relic. The lords had them for their legendaries, Byleth didn't have the sword, and neither did Marianne. Lysithea's prf didn't exist yet, but she can use two different relics in Houses.
I'd laugh if Bernie gets Inexhaustible.
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You know it's real
Cute Byleth and Edelgard comic!
Or he'll just literally be his 3 hopes alt because they don't give a shit lol, look at the 3H lords
OCDGeek (delusional mamui superfan obsessed with Felicia/Flora who cried when mamui lost CYL) has made a PRO-MAMUI DISCORD
lmao what a straggot
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mortal savant will be lysithea's ascended / rearmed with thunderbrand

here's your brave felix
>I'd laugh if Bernie gets Inexhaustible
As someone who wifed Leonie, has her as my S support in FEH, and is waiting for her base form, I’ll honestly be pretty mad if they take The Inexhaustible from her and give it to Bernie. Yes, it interacts with Bernie’s crest, but Leonie earned it in the paralogue
Felix will be a cat laguz
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So who wants their A skills?
>Being an unironic pedo
Whoo boy. Hopefully someone breaks your knees before you traumatize some poor child
Spic and Pigzig are the type of niggas to go to one of those countries with rampant sex trafficking just so they can fuck children
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The only thing I need is my wife Shamir

And more hot girls wearing chokers

And those same girls being made into sexy MILFs
He's gonna be in HoF right? If so, what build does he want?
A dancer, healer with magic shield+, or Galeforce unit. Y!Emmeryn can warp with it and then enable your entire team to warp to her


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Does a more iconic FE fan artist exist?
Why does every FE VA commission this dude?
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This abyssal was difficult. I have never had a unit be so hard countered by an abyssal before.

>No DR
>Little to no Healing for my team
>Any Save procs resulted in an instant loss since no one can tank Eikþyrnir.

Mamori had to be benched for this one. Which means Ellie gets her time to shine. Tricky map and I'm glad I beat it with this team.
Hmm it's almost like the English voice acting is all a tight-knit gatekeeping circlejerk of IRL friends who are all intimately friendly with each other!
>m*le Byleth
Most likely one VA found them and then recommended them to all their friends.
Just simpler than scouring through Twitter for other/better artists
To be fair, their art is nice.
>Tranny Mirage Sessions
Built for rape and impregnation.
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This >>487783230 and it's just visually appealing and nice to have one artist do almost all of the characters in the game.
It's that game everyone hates thoughever KEEEEEEEEEK
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No Quarter
Atk/Def Excel (won't be available)
A/D N Trace 4 (not in the game
Incite Atk/Def (not in the game)

Meme +10 build is Atk/Spd Excel, potent, incite atk/spd or alarm atk/spd
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What went wrong?
>Fallen Emblems only a matter of time
Nothing. Nobody cares about double OCs lol
No one cares about either of these OCs, unless you are gay for muscle men.

And Power creep can no longer sell units because IS has gone way too far with it over the last year and hit a breaking point with players.
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>some deer homo only talked about because Reddit needs an anti-gullveig character to rally behind
>some bunny bitch who has two lines of dialogue meant as a last minute attempt to get kiranfags back into the game
>the rest of that banner

Honestly it should've done even worse, but esports fags are propping it up as always.
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Honestly based clear. More soulful than the tripfag who only pretends to like TMS.
>Kvasir retard is retarded and thinks everyone is against his shitfu and thinks any big titty lady is an attempt to copy his generic pandering shitfu
Corny ass
kek I knew this was Royhoenheim. Fragile little cuck
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Sorry but book 8 still flopped (aside from Gullveig and 3H).
You're reading too deep into it. Reddit just likes to shill homos but they will never ever roll for them. See
Jobbing Hands status?
Honestly I'm impressed Gullveig can kill him. My Ike just jobs.
you WISH
slopveig will never be close to touching the league of three houses
Yeah man C rank and S rank are the exact same thing, totally. Aren't you the retard who keeps using those retarded Essex pics to respond to everything I ever post

And aren't you the retard who still hasn't +10'd NYKvasir

You know what's funny is none of you have even bothered to read Heidruns lines, she's not into Kiran at all(though knowing you retards you'll say she is because anything other than actively wishing death on him means they want to fuck) yet you still tried to shill this schizo narrative of "DURR THEY REWROTE THE STORY TO PANDER TO KIRANCHADS SHE'S A GULLVEIG CLONE THEY HAVE THE EXACT SAME ROLE IN THE STORY"

And you wonder why I call you people pathetic
>talking shit when he can't even do a theme clear
>is literally the only person in the thread needing dancers
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Kronya did nothing wrong
BTW, NY Seidr can hilariously lock down Eikþyrnir because he removes the Time's Grip status from himself each turn, so he'll keep getting frozen next turn.
Kozakislop is so 2010s
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Based clears

Not based but not quite cringe clears

Cringe clears
Here King, take this W.
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almost funny just how useless kronya was.
tossed away so fast
>Show the green bitch tanking gullveig in the trailer
>the abyssal version with inflated stats job to her easily
I will send feedback about this so they can buff him
Great job, you found me. Now what?
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>Gullveig by herself can place closely behind a banner with three lords
You have to admit, it's impressive.
Gimme Bridal Femleth, Groom Dimitri, Bridal Dorothea, and Bridal Gullveig next year!
The second the trailer dropped I wanted to make a post pre-emptively calling out Gulltards when they post their clear and say some corny shit of "heh snek kills her" like they try and do when WByleth and EIke came out but I held my tongue for once and yet lo and behold they fucking did it anyway

My EIke survives Gullpiss by the way
Remember how they showed Reinhardt almost killing EIke and when he finally came out EIke was literally unkillable?
Kek you're so desperate to ride the coattails of 3H.
Go jerk your tiny dick to Yoshitpoo's Azur Lane slop
He's not wrong. Gullveig and 3H lords didn't flop, although 3H obviously did better. Also Marth and lumera did well too, but they had new powercreep and Marth flopped on his rerun.
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Can 3H pull a decent banner without Edelgard/Dimitri always bundled together?

I don't think a Claude banner with some C-listers like Leonie or Raphael would hold up.
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Why did you post a pic of yourself?
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Unironically yes. I'd do it even if I could buy the pack three times.
sloppy bitches team kek
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Why am I living rent free inside your head?
I never once gave a single fuck for Heidrun. I haven't even played the latest Story Chapter yet.
And there wasn't even any greens in the free summon session either. Just 3 reds and 2 colorless. i only summoned the reds, and all I got was two 4* launch shitters and a Lapis.
meant for >>487788327
No, you're supposed to now spend orbs on characters you don't like and who aren't even Emblems because... uh, because. Because a random guy demands it!
You say I'm letting you live rent free in my head when you're more obsessed with me than anything
kek, exposed his ass
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>He actually spends every day trawling through the archives to obsess over some seidr schizo
you do the same for his posts
you will now post some random tranny gacha character
Actually I the last time I opened the archives was last year to look for a doujin link. But keep replying. Totally not obsessed.
I believe you
He has canto in his weapon
I want to be nice to Corin
Kino taste.
Hey BDR-Dawg, is Calbert banned or something? He normally comes online to protect you around now.
Do it again.
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Do what? You're weird.
Quit bringing him up. Just talking about him makes him show up.
It's extra funny when the braindead spic actually calls on him, because it's how you know he's on his last resort
You passively reply to literally everything I post with your reddit pics from other gachas and act like you're not obsessed

Did I say you needed to roll for Heidrun you retard? What I'm pointing out is that you retarded Gullcucks kept spamming
>bros they rewrote the story focus 100% on Kiran
>bros they're clearly trying to bring back us Kiranchads by showing the new female OC
>bros they're trying to copy Gully we clearly already know her entire role in the story and she's an exact copy
And then when pressed on what the hell you even mean by that all you could muster is "uhh she's a Kiran pandering character so she's the same as Gully"

And then look what happened, the story is hardly hyperfocusing on Kiran and Heidrun had only a minor role in the story and her lines aren't the same level of pathetic incel bait that Gullveig is, not even close
How nice of Raul to admit book 8 is a turd
You're a weird person
What was the point of this post? Was it something to do with your brain damage?
>Still unrefined tome
He's not hovering the +10 one which I'd assume would be the one getting any use.
Calbert aka Donlot is too busy raping the /v/ threads alongside his pal Cockinator
Then I guess incite and flow guard or something then
What's the point of you being so obsessed with me? You just gonna reply with another totally original brain damage comment?
>"You rolled for Gullveig, therefore you need to roll every Fjorm and Heidrun!"
We're reaching retard levels that shouldn't be possible.
It wouldn't even be difficult for a person with those "standards" to +10 the only Catherine unit, right? Given that if you roll for Shamir, you also NEED Caterhine.
You're just making up your own version of what I'm saying at this point just so you can shitpost aren't you. You're like the retard who thinks I commed that Alfonse/Gullveig pic(wouldn't be surprised if you're the same guy)
This is such an OoC to wrote Lucina dialogue
Do smash fans even
it's AU shit who cares. find something better to be mad at, fatass
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>"You have to roll for Heidrun because she likes Kiran, and so did Gullveig, so you gotta roll!!!"
>"You're this guy I made up in my head! I KNOW IT!!"
>>"You have to roll for Heidrun because she likes Kiran, and so did Gullveig, so you gotta roll!!!"
Please point out where I've said this, I'd like to see it.

You know for this place calling me brain damaged you people have apparently taken it upon yourselves to actually make yourselves retarded in order to say stupid shit towards me, there's no other excuse for being this stupid
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boring boring boring
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I thought I was Felix
How hasn't he gotten an alt yet?
You're literally any faggot with long black hair
Especially if they wear glasses
it's so sad how it begs for our validation but nobody seeks validation from it. must be the brain damage
Sorry Chud, Henrydev wanted to go for more than one alt for Henry instead of doing 1 alt per irrelevant male Awakening shitter
Not even Virion has an alt and he's been in since launch as well
Its sad that the Fem Robin players seem to have abandoned him and Gaius, they used to be popular.
anyone have a list of book 1 characters without a resplendent yet?
Nah, bro. That dude who spent 11 years dumping a waifu? HE'S the one you should set your standards to live by. The virgin 30 year old who commissions tit-inflation porn of 11 year old anime girls.
I made the first chart after Black Knight was added. Five Book 1 units have gotten a Resplendent since then.
Still a shitload of Book 1 characters to go through.
Sorry, man. We gotta skip them and the entirety of Book 3 to get to Ilyana. Then jump back to Book 1.
Resplendent seasonals soon along with refines
>blatant powercreep that will get countered on 1 or 2 months for the billionth time
Fool me once, shame on you
Fool me twice, shame in me
Fool me 74927.5 times, nah fuck you
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Told ya
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Hmm…I think there’s something off with this Nono…
Her chances of getting another alt besides that one? KEKAROO
Unironically just skip them and get to book 3 already
Give Fodlan some content?
Sorry, sweetie. We're gonna jump to Book 7 units to give Alear a resplendent! Male Alear.
My wife Shamir should get a resplendent
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Literal Hag Nono
Tits too big
Nice. Need an aged-up banner someday, instead of these Young banners.
I don't get it
I never realized how far apart her eyes are.
kek now I can't unsee it
That's because Yoshitpoo sloppers are only looking at his titty art they're too distracted to realize the horrible anatomy
>*falls off into obscurity*
pirate clair soon
I'd give Seidr a foot massage if she would be okay with it
I see felixschizo is shitting himself tonight
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Yeah it's crazy, but how come your Felixschizo boogeyman didn't exist until the day after Felix beat Diamant and Alcryst in CYL?
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What's his endgame? Cry about Felix unprovoked until IS remove Brave Felix from the game?
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emblem engACK
No need to samefag the thread Felixschizo
You're scaring everyone away
Honk harder clown
>3000 orbs
>10 Eikpyrnir (+1 spark)
>15 Loki
>18 Alear
>4 Heidrun
>3 Camilla
>1 Deirdre
>1 Caeda
feh 8% banner is only for esports players now...
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There is a guy who spams the same anti-Engage bait over and over but I have no idea why this other schizo blames Felix fans for it, seems like a classic case of disingenuously lumping traits onto people to attack another group you don't like for your own reasons
99.99% likely that the guy who goes on and on about "Felixschizo" literally is the same guy who posts the anti Engage stuff, or at least is someone who posts similar things, all in an attempt to make actual Engage fans look bad
>Anti-Engage baiter is annoying (if you're an oldfag you'll know he used to do this same shit with Edelgard bait btw so he clearly doesn't actually care about either side)
>Schizo #2 is mad Felix beat his favorites in CYL
>IT'S THE HECKING FELIX FANS (women on twitter and tumblr who would never touch 4chan ever) BEHIND IT

Raul does the same thing all the time when he randomly accuses people of being Gullveig fans, its a classic case of being utterly mindraped by a fictional character.
they are the same person he's trying to bait arguments and succeeds every time
there were threads earlier this year when the board was moderated for a week where the entire self-responding argument had been nuked
it's literally one guy with a schizo obsession on hating engage. A normal person would have moved on and ignored the game
I've been waiting a while to say this but why does he expect people to believe him when he forgets to make posts that actually look like a Felix fan hates Engage?
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Fuck off
Are you pretending to be a pitbull or avatar/sigfagging?
why the fuck did you do that
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persona 5 might come out ahead on trannies per capita, but engage isn't far behind
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someone else did
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I love Shamir so much it's unreal
I want Guinivere to be my wife
Okay, post your +10 EMarth and EIke to prove you love a different character than them.
I’m falling in love with Alear, but not romantic love. It’s more like the affection you’d hold for a kitten you helped raise. In fact the ‘dragon pussy’ comments coomer anons make are kind of getting to me.
>we're getting a free buttplug
Damn should I go for baby l'el?
kek I get that reference.
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I'm afraid I only have one of those units and only at +0 but I do have this
Absolutely obsessed, guess you don't meet the standard and are still seething
I'd love to sniff them, especially while they're still clad in stockings.
Hello everyone, I concede. Eikhtmir couldn't size up to Gullveig, I was wrong.
weird they got the same guy to draw her basically exactly the same as the 1st one, but with a coat.
At least its decent art.
My Gully one rounded the muscle fag, but had to two round the girl.
No shit you redditors are delusional to think this garbage story even attracted anyone to support it lol
Very based Anon. But she would benefit from a Marth ring.
You mean like in sales? Yeah, naturally.
Males in gacha don't sell, and Eik wasn't even in the plot until last month. And he just left this month.
Gullveig was a busty villainess who wants (you) and had probably the best plot in FEH, where she was present throughout and shown from three different perspectives.
It doesn't even matter if Eik is powercreep. EIke and LMRobin proved that people just don't roll for men in FEH.
Oh you meant sales.
Guess you don't meet the standard for being likeable by women (or men) in real life
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sex with falear and lumera at the same time
3H prerelease, especially when they were putting out those short character bios and that one person was translating them was the best the Fire Emblem general has ever been
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sexy sexy ketes
the womb is ready
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I should masturbate
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>not approved because a bunch of fags didn't like it
I don't get it? What the fuck is wrong with the picture? Is Danbooru run by retards?
og ophelia has nothing of value. Red ophelia is a duplicator
I want lucina to belittle me. I'm into lolidom
They are. I've seen lots of good art go ignored. It's basically ran by 12 guys and one of them has to approve it and all of them can easily just ignore it if they want to.
I guess they are gay. Pic related had 3 people look at it and say I don't want to sex this before someone accepted.
Lolidom is fucking hot
Wait. Upheaval+ is the improved version? It doesn't do shit. How bad is upheaval?
Flop status?
Maria Sivenkova’s assbaby spawn “daughter”
I didn't see a note like that on the image. It doesn't look like it got deleted from the site.
If the picture was ignored I could understand it getting buried by dozens of other art but this was rejected by 9 people. It isn't fucking Picasso tier but it's certainly not a bad picture. It's total bullshit.
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That’s nice dear. But no one is looking at this. Now go rev the car to drive to another McDonalds kek
Bro his ass is jogging
that's more or less what I mean. They will gloss over your picture for something they can like right easily such as popular bullshit like vtubers or chinese gacha shit. Just appeal it so it has to show up in their queue again. I've seen plenty of them get accepted once they tried again.
Why use danbooru over gelbooru anyway? You can't even view certain art without a gay premium account.
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dead game
dead thread
It's mostly an AR skill, the main draw is that it acts like a super catapult, which isn't relevant for normal maps.
I need to fuck fAlear's tight dragon pussy
said no one ever with standards
If it wasn't for shez' bikini coming soon I would be rolling for alear
t. tranny
but alear is part of the LGBTQ+ so you're the real tranny
>shez' bikini coming soon
Summer Shez's rerun was last month bro
I am asserting my dominance as a straight white male over the fag community by fucking one of their main icons in the Fire Emblem series.
>one of their main icons
You are literally here all the time little nigga give it a rest
Wat? really?
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Tell me with a straight face that f!Alear isn't tailored to trannies and fags.
Wtf I saved my orbs for her
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>Worshiped for merely existing
>Obsessed with jewelry
>Recruits children to her cult
>Opposes the only straight male in Elyos (Sombron)
>Busy with assembling a hivemind of followers instead of true friends
Yeah, tranny fantasy
Why did Alear fail with Fire Emblem's audience?
now you can use them on Alear :)
Quirktastic personality that appealed to no one with vtuber hair making them an eyesore ontop of that. Add in the fact that they're totally gay, it creates the perfect shitstorm of a character that turns every away.
>Looks horrible
>Cowardly pussy that runs from a fight
>Gets jerked off by the entire cast
>Bad unit
>Divine Dragon by name, but can't transform
You couldn't design a worse avatar if you tried
going on two years. will be make it three?
Since you transitioned, sister?
The design is really ugly. She has a nice figure but it can only do so much.
if you look at moderation history it shows rejections
Now you're getting it.
She didn't, this franchise is niche as fuck and 3H is not the norm. That said idk what makes them think anyone will buy their expensive as fuck statues with this being as niche as is.
She lost to Robin 10 years after Awakening's release....
>Botted reddit poll
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She had less hype than the shitty FE6 figures nobody cared about too, though.
They announced her figure on Engage's first anniversary and literally nobody cared.
no she genuinely is unpopular, her banners do badly, she lost cyl even with recency bias and main lord bias, she wasn't even engage's top girl in cyl, there's no hype for any of her merch, her figure was getting outsold by funko pops on goodsmile's website etc
she is basically the female equivalent of male corrin
On the other hand the Alear one sold out and was restocked whereas this one never actually restocked once and didn't sell.
>Her banners do badly
Rewriting history I see.
>Rewriting history I see.
that's literally a fact though, her last banner rankings were D and C, her best performance was before anybody actually got to play her game and she got outsold TWICE by shez who isn't even a canon protagonist
Alear fags are pathetic
>On the other hand the Alear one sold out and was restocked
This is a really stupid lie because the figure hasn't been released yet kek, you can only preorder it. It drops in February 2025, the announcement was for preorders. Something can't go out of stock when they haven't even finished it yet. They announce preorders beforehand to get an idea of how many figure they need to make, the Dimitri one is only open for preorders right now too and won't drop until mid 2025 at the earliest.
>Her banner rankings
We're above what this game usually reaches.
>outsold TWICE by shez
The votings on CYL were cut by half consequently each year since Chrom qualified I don't see the merit in comparing a banner from different years but do go off on your history rewiring, maybe that will make people forget how good her debut banner performed right?
>This is a really stupid lie because the figure hasn't been released yet kek, you can only preorder it.
>Preorder Period 08th September 2022 (Thu) from 12:00JST ~ 19th January 2023 (Thu) at 12:00JST
>Release Date 2023/10 - official goodsmile website
Unironically hang yourself.
Read the rest of the post dumbass. I'm calling you a liar for saying the Alear one was "sold out" - it physically can't be sold out because its still in the preorder period they use to gauge how many figures they should make.
When will s!shez get a rerun
>We're above what this game usually reaches.
literally untrue, legendary unit lost to shez and fucking nerthus, summer banner was the worst performing summer banner ever and only made C tier
you are right insofar as the fact it was above most other seasonals banners this year - and then you realise this is moot because seasonal banners this year have been utter fucking garbage like engage easter, nabata desert and magvel valentine's

>maybe that will make people forget how good her debut banner performed right?
the fact the only banner she did well in was the one before anybody had played her game to know what her personality was is not a glowing endorsement of that character
that's still engage's best performing banner by the way, it fell off hard immediately after people got to actually play the game
>b-but sales decline
3h's best performing banner was not its first one so no this is not normal for new releases
Next Summer, if you missed her you're fucked.
Damn I thought this one was going to be impossible for my team but it wasn't so bad once I got deer guy to go for Ursula.
So what's the point of comparing likes on Twitter if most of these likes for both won't even get these figures? "Generating hype" isn't a real metric.
>literally untrue, legendary unit lost to shez
Banner not from this year.
>summer banner was the worst performing summer banner ever
Performed better than Gullveig's so that is genuinely false.
>you are right insofar as the fact it was above most other seasonals banners this year - and then you realise this is moot because seasonal banners this year have been utter fucking garbage
Your personal opinion from a guy that does not like Fire Emblem.
>the fact the only banner she did well in was the one before anybody had played her game to know what her personality was is not a glowing endorsement of that character
It's proof of concept, that people did like the design.
>that's still engage's best performing banner by the way
You'd be surprised to know most character's best performing banners are their debut ones. Hope this helps.
>3h's best performing banner
You mean the Christmas one that had all of its cover protagonists at once + Yunaka filled to the brim with powercreep? The kind of banner that reeks desperation? I'm not sure what you're trying to prove here.
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trans women dont "change gender", they are born that way
>Banner not from this year.
alear wasn't from this year either dumbass, she was a book 7 unit like legendary fshez

>Performed better than Gullveig's so that is genuinely false.
you made this up, gullveig's was 42JP/64US, alear was 41JP/73US
and this was with gullveig's banner having shitters like hrid and olivia on it

>Your personal opinion from a guy that does not like Fire Emblem.
no I'm basing it on how unprecedentedly horrendously seasonal banners have been doing this year with the harshest drop-off we've ever seen - far more than your usual yearly decline

>It's proof of concept, that people did like the design.
or people were hyped for a new FE game and then turned on it immediately after realising it was bad

>You'd be surprised to know most character's best performing banners are their debut ones. Hope this helps.
this is false for practically every character that didn't come out in 2017/2018, most three houses characters did better in subsequent alts than they did at first release, engage's car crash trend is unique to engage

>You mean the Christmas one that had all of its cover protagonists at once + Yunaka filled to the brim with powercreep? The kind of banner that reeks desperation? I'm not sure what you're trying to prove here.
no because that is not 3h's best performing banner
Kek Aleartroons getting their face shoved in the mud again
3H's best performing banner was CYL 2020, which was a banner whose line-up was chosen by players. It was the last banner to break the top ten in Japan.
>alear wasn't from this year either dumbass, she was a book 7 unit like legendary fshez
Not the point disingenuous faggot. Alear's banner also did milds above LShez. Legendary banners hardly ever perform well.
>you made this up, gullveig's was 42JP, alear was 41JP
>Gullveig also had summer packs to boost her
So Alear's did better thanks for proving my point?
>far more than your usual yearly decline
We have been consistently declining by half every year since CYL Chrom the drop-off is no different from former years.
>or people were hyped for a new FE game and then turned on it immediately after realising it was bad
What does this have to do with people having rolled for the banner? It's not even comparable with the push TH got with even having a tie-in free Byleth for those that bought the game.
>this is false for practically every character that didn't come out in 2017/2018, most three houses characters did better in subsequent alts
This is literally false, especially with it's cover characters.
>no because that is not 3h's best performing banner
And how does that help your argument if the other TH banners didn't perform nearly as well this year?
>B-but muh summer Shez
The fact that you keep backpedalling into banners from previous years despite the very well observable decline of the playerbase is hilarious btw.
>3H's best performing banner was the one where they put all of its cover protagonists + their most recruited slut all in one banner
>A banner from 4 years ago
>3H's most recent banner couldn't even scratch that
You're only helping prove the decline argument.
>Alear's banner also did milds above LShez.
and shez's seasonal did better than alear's kek, seasonals tend to do better than legendaries, you're really grasping here

>So Alear's did better thanks for proving my point?
no but if you come up with a really weak cope like that then you can probably convinced yourself it did

>We have been consistently declining by half every year since CYL Chrom the drop-off is no different from former years.
yes we have been declining, no it has not been at this rate before

>What does this have to do with people having rolled for the banner? It's not even comparable with the push TH got with even having a tie-in free Byleth for those that bought the game.
if your best performing banner was the one before anybody played your game and knew your characters, that's a pretty good indicator people did not like your game or characters

>This is literally false, especially with it's cover characters.
what? edelgard, dimitri and claude's summer and brave alts both did better than their academy ones, you're making things up again

I can see you're trying to move the goalposts already - nobody ever denied yearly decline was a thing, the concerning part has been how severe 2024's has been compared to previous yearly decline. we went multiple years without any banners doing worse than xander and his record was then smashed multiple times in the span of a few months. banners averaged a low B high C tier last year - this year they're averaging E tier. that's 2-3 entire tiers of dropping off, that has never happened before.
Banner rankings don't matter and monthly revenue proves this, people spend throughout the month and not on the 2-3 days that get content.
I like how he lied about Alear's statue being sold out and then pretended he never lied about it when somebody pointed out the figure hasn't even released yet.
Aleartroons are legit demented, no female character that loses to Bernadetta is popular.
>and shez's seasonal did better than alear's kek
>Banner with double the playerbase performs better than one with half of its playerbase
You really don't get how weak of an argument this is do you?
>no but if you come up with a really weak cope like that
>Says the man coping by mentioning a banner from last year
>yes we have been declining, no it has not been at this rate before
Literally false. Since Chrom's banner we are at 1/8th of the CYL votes we had in that CYL poll. We have been steadily declining by half every year since.
>if your best performing banner was the one before anybody played your game and knew your characters, that's a pretty good indicator people did not like your game or characters
Unlike Three Houses which had a ton of banners with it's protagonists featured upfront in them together, Alear is just one protagonist. Much like the other games in this franchise, it has little to fall back to. Notice how relative to the cover characters most everything else 3H doesn't perform nearly as close.
>what? edelgard, dimitri and claude's summer and brave alts both did better than their academy ones, you're making things up again
>Another banner of spamming the cover protagonists
>the concerning part has been how severe 2024's has been compared to previous yearly decline
It's been halving every year this literally is not different from previous years.
>we went multiple years without any banners doing worse than xander and his record was then smashed multiple times
We had a ton of banners like that before this year, especially with legendaries and mythicals.
>Muh tier muh
Shut the fuck up retard. This is completely irrelevant to the thing you accuse me of goalposting. The game has been in steady decline, banners "perform worse" because whoever is making these tiers is a retard who doesn't know how to adjust their numbers properly. That's all there is to it.
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>*crashes the teatime banner to H tier*
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Seek help
>Half Firene, Half Tellius, with a dash of Fates
Kek just remembered that Engayge flopped
>Having discussion about the game
>Seek help
You know what, fuck you I'm going to masturbate to ketes and sleep.
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> I don't use Rearmed/Attuned units as skill libraries

You should start some time, anon. Pic related B and C skills came from Ophelia.
Pro and anti engage shitposts are one guy and the Felixschizo thing was created in an attempt to divert attention after it got exposed as being one guy.
I wonder if we actually have shitposters here that do this shit for years or someone just has chatbots with the ability to post here.
It's just jarring to see someone dedicate their time to it, especially as there are a few other characters that post similar shit all the time.
How would you like A FEH mainline to play out if IS made one?
Should have other characters from other games as well, or just be OCs only with a newer cast or what?
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Wouldn't like it, but if they did have to do it then probably just a section of the story, like the first two books, with a bunch of new OCs to fill out the roster. I'd expect them to go back to shilling Sander though.
AU story with more OC and less deity/gods, less laguz, rewrite the existant one into normal people living on Zenith.
Some FB mention that Askr is always stuck at war so make a main game about it
mainlines should be serious games with a darker tone, you can keep the otakubait fanservicey stuff in the gacha
Why are you even here if you hate FEH?
what? I don't hate it, I'm saying the gacha is more appropriate for that stuff because it innately has a looser tone
If the most "popular" book 8 OC could only hit E tier I fear for female Otr and the drunk snake bitch
You could have a feh mainline with a darjer tone. They're not mutually exclusive. If anything it depends on the writers and your issue would then be on IS writing staff and not FEH.
Good thing normal people don't care about sales trannies and their corporate cock sucking
I for one welcome our drunk snake overlords.
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You dumb niggas want FE to be anime game of thrones so fucking bad
nta but why is that funny to you
A less serious game is fine they just can't seem to make it good. No Engage does not count, it takes itself 100% serious as far as main plot is concerned.
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FEH characters for this feel?
IIRC book 2 had gunnthra getting burnt alive in front of us and went into detail about how laegjarn's ritual caused her eyes to burn out of their sockets. It can be a bit grim.
When you actually play the other games in the series and not just 3H you'll figure it out
so you don't have an actual answer, got it
That was the answer. It's not the answer you liked it but that won't change what you get.
Is there even a dark fe? They're not all bright and hopeful, but I wouldn't really call any of them "dark", at least as far as my understanding of the term goes.
At the end of the day I think we can all agree that engage is a big wet turd
It's an okay game.
Not really
Like Genealogy? Like Thracia? Like Path of Radiance? Like Radiant Dawn?
Not really
Hype was massive for Fates because it was supposed to be edgy and darker so why is it considered newfag to want that now when it wasn't back then??? This isn't a new desire.
>5 days without internet in Bangladesh
>site improves
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enagage is the opposite of that so engage newfags think it's something 3hfags came up with and sperg out at it as a result
people were asking for it since awakening, and then when they got it with 3h it was a massive success, but since it's associated with 3h now and engagefags have an inferiority complex, it's become a no-no to say that you want something that everybody wanted pre-3h
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Fire Emblem will never be the grim dark series you desperately want it to be and that's a good thing.
Stop playing Nintendo games and look elsewhere if that's what you want.
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Fuck off fishi
>All those fake copypastas about Sakura being ripped apart by Faceless in Conquest
your hyperspecific delusion and revisionism is part of how people keep singling you out btw.
mentally ill post
kek clapped his ass
He doesn't care. He's going to continue this crusade against the evil Engage until a new game comes out and he faces the harsh reality that he is never getting another 3H again because it was a massive fluke for the series.
There are already like 5-6 Fire Emblem games like that though so clearly not
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Thats right chuds, we FE now
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Anyone who was here during the Fates pre-release knows people wanted a darker FE game, it's why that vampire FE "leak" gained so much traction as well.
Why did both of the last two players who fought my AR defense move one unit and then surrender immediately?
Daily Felixschizo meltdown
Bro you seriously need to play other games. Your pussy ass doesn't know the meaning of grim dark
Those games are the tone people want though so you saying it's impossible is wrong, people just want something on the level of Jugdral/Tellius/Fodlan/Magvel
>Tailtiu was tortured to death and left behind two kids
But yeah, FE was never dark
For some reason he thinks people want like 18+ rated dark and not a return to the level of dark the series already established in multiple entries.
Notice how they can only bring up FE4 slop for their examples of muh mature Fire Emblem
this post gave you four continents spanning 7 games though >>487857219
Bro you can't even answer the phone without shitting your diaper
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Hell even the Archanea games are pretty dour, the only outright "cheerful" games are like, FE6 and Engage. Fates tries to be dark its just shit at it so stuff like Flora setting herself on fire or Takumi jumping to his death come off as comedic.
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Or Garon 9/11ing the Hoshidan capital, the writing as a whole is just too retarded for the game to succeed at what its trying to do. It also has a golden route - another godawful idea.
What if we had a monster route in a sacred stones type of game? You could betray the lord and join monsters in an Edelgard style route.
What the bacon?! It's just like in FE when Arvis had Tailtoo raped by Loptr cultists!
He's now gone from saying "FE was never like that" to being unable to deny FE was in fact like that and is just spamming random schizobabble words as a result. Average Engage fan.
Edelgard wasn't a monster, chud
god I forgot that happened, fates wanted to be taken seriously so bad
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Tailtoo was tortured. Not just killed, tortured. And you're laughing. This is the darkest thing that's ever happened in the history of Fire Emblem and you're laughing. She left behind two kids you sick bastard. Who's going to raise them now? Oifey?!? Grow as a person and repent for your immature behaviour.
Based. Fuck Kaga niggers
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racist mother fucka
Jugchuds think their game is dark? Play Engage, they literally misgender Rosado all game. Just a constant gut punch. It's a true horror as, despite the 100% LGBTQ+ cast, it still isn't a perfect world showing we will never achieve utopia.
Why was this deleted?
>mfw it's too late to get breakfast at McalAnna's
It's 7:48am
I'm not American thoughever
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By the way, a hero fest is confirmed to happen in a few days time, who do you hope to see on it
Tom the Barber
Meh. Could be worse. I could be living in America
I hope and pray for the day you fucking leafs get range banned thanks to namschizo
It's true what they say. Americans really are stupid
Go ride a moose cock lubed up with maple syrup, you apologetic faggot
Tailtiu. She needs to be avenged.
Jerboa Post
ngl after I read Tailtiu was TORTURED I cried for an hour straight.
Dying to a random brigand because her bulk is shit is one thing but getting TORTURED is too far.
I hope IS removes this despicable act from the FE4 remake it's just too much man...
lol he's still mad about being wrong
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Never fear! Chiki is here!
This. So much this. I hope instead of being TORTURED they instead throw her a nice party!
Funny laguz
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Why does she make the Discord gang so mad?
Sup, /feh/
I caved in to my dick and sparked one Eirika, would Lumera like Gust?
The build would be
Arcane sword (the speedy one)
Gust (engaged with marth)
A/S Finish 4
Spurn 4
Time's Pulse 4
Would this work relatively well? Or would the absense of Laguz Friend make this useless? I don't have LF fodder currently.
Easily the funniest post in the thread
Discord Gang? Are those like the Loptr Cultists?
>tranny obsession post
Funny in a pathetic way yes
That was engage's intended audience so commenting on it doesnt really qualify as obsessed
No wonder nobody takes you seriously.
They should add a new character to the FE4 remake, she's Sigurd's childhood friend who is secretly the thirteenth crusader from a thousand years ago, the game opens with one of your twin retainers waking you up and also she's trans.
for the love of god, i need ez skips until october.
Okay retard
Don't look up your average Edelgard fan
Is Radiant Dawn any fun? And which version should I be downloading? Rev 1?
Ask on /feg/
I haven't gotten to it yet, but it seems to be hit/miss. It's worth playing at least once just to know the game.
IMO the first part of RD up until Jarod is fantastic then it's kind of just OK.
It's also the best part of the story as well
>up until Jarod
So like the first five minutes of the game? The intro cinematic?
Not funny. Didn't laugh.
No, that place is dead.
>Yesterday we got 1 stamina pot
>Today was 1 orb, dragonflowers for HoF, auto dispatch Aether Raids
Ahhh yes, content
What?! But Fire Emblem is more popular than ever!
just another week until another feh channel with little to nothing
Well thanks to you faggots I went to Macca's for a McAnna's griddle sandwich
No, until his last stand.
Arden will get a young brother who were in a academy in nameless continent where he learned buzzwords
It's 1:36 am over there
I think it was just Muttmerican using the Aussie slang to be QUIRKTASTIC
There are some late night fast food joints. If it's a big city, then it seems entirely plausible that it's open.
She didn’t lose legitimately, she was botted.
Breakfast menu at McAnna's is only served starting 6am
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and what if it's so good it makes you cum your pants?
Then what?
If it has Felix and Annette I'm not gonna like it
You can get some brekkie items at anytime thoughever
I caved. Where the fuck is my alear
Nice Ced
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Nice Lyn
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Nice Hat
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>Nog te maxen

Op dit moment wordt ze in de reet geneukt.
I'm fully expecting them to take the "Jugdral and Houses tea time" banner and throw it in the trash for something Elyos and Telliuselibe themed.
So I will not be cumming.
since last year had 3slop characters on it, they're going to make sure the current year's banner is weaker than last year too. just like they did with summer. so you can be sure it won't have powercreep appeal either.

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