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>6v6 blogpost

>Mythic Reinhardt weapon available now

>Juno gameplay trailer

>Juno's abilities

>Latest patch notes

>Season 11 trailer

>Competitive rework

>Comics, short stories and music

>Season 11 (Current) - Ultrawatch Theme, Ashe Mythic, Colosseo Rework, Runasapi Map, Community Crafted mode (Balance patch by streamers)
>July 9 - Summer Games Event
>July 23 - Mythic Reinhardt Weapon skin
>July 30 - Lifeguard skin shop (Kiriko, Roadhog, Lifeweaver, Mercy recolor)
>Aug 20 - Season 12 and Juno launch
>Aug 21-25 - Gamescom, Blizzard will be present
>Future - Clash Mode (Unknown 2024), new tank (Season 14), Map reworks [Havana, Circuit Royale, Numbani, Dorado] (after season 12)

>Overwatch Wiki

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Overwatch Esports
Earn skins: esports.overwatch.com/en-us/news/owcs-2024-season-na-emea-broadcast-details
Esports wiki: liquipedia.net/overwatch/Main_Page

>Kiriko spam filterlist
>Mercy spam filterlist

Previous thread: >>487597039
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the kiriko brought you donuts
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Mei's ass is my favourite character.
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they always tell you to post rank
but the never post their own rank
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Reminder that this is what Pharah looked like when Mercy met her for the first time
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>when she sees your dick
What's your point?
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the kiriko dance
pharmercy is a dead ship now its main instigator was fired who cares
Coming back playing this game made me realize something
Flashpoint is just a better KOTH
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And this is how Genji looked.
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So Echo is just the best DPS by far right now, right? Especially if she has a Mercy up her ass?
Mercy is trash right now, nigga.
and? doesn't stop mercy players picking her
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>no countless games where the player base would kill to have basic custom games system
>OW literally has dev tools in the game that let them make shit like base wars, add their own passives, and even remake 6v6
>no one seems to care or even use it
>the devs dont try to advertise it more even though it could work as a hold over during these content droughts
there's no point in those without a map editor
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also i dont know why we cant use the PvE enemies in the custom mode now that its dead. or at the verry least the practice mode bots
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>Risk of Overwatch
there's no fucking way
always has been, it's just that no one plays her below diamond so you don't see (m)any complains about her, but she has always been the stronger flyer.
Considering that the little guys were used in Mirrorwatch; they might be able to bring the others back in the future. Hell, probably could make at least one, that isn't Ramm, into a hero.
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It's partly the community's fault. I've sat in waiting for players to play overchess with 2 other people for hours before and nobody ever shows up because the front page is just parkour and friendly. If some people would just go scroll down to find the good ones, people might actually let loose once in a while and enjoy some custom fun.
also this >>487736636
ohhh i get it she's a diva
Except he had a totally normal and functioning dick somehow
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This was very important information. Thank you for clearing that up before you gracefully left us Michael Chu.
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I love saying tank diff
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sorry anon it's ironclad canon genji still has his dick and balls
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>get a Mercy on my team
>feed my ass off on purpose
This is the only part of Overwatch lore that matters. Sooner or later we're going to get Genji and Mercy's kid coming back from the future as a new dps hero
hollyyyyy so baserd XDDDD
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thats why i said they dont advertise it in a way that anyone beyond people going to play "tinderwatch" type shit would know it exists. i doubt we'd get a map editor because im guessing the scars of missing out on DOTA are still running deep
they aren't even friends anymore
What the hell is even happening in the lore?
who really cares?
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>make Tracer gay
>make Soldier 76 gay
>confirms Genji still has a dick
>refuses to elaborate
Yeah nvm.
white genocide
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never gets old
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another day of hard tunneling support shitters off to a good start
nobody cares
He probably didn't write that Tracer and Soldier are gay directly. His contributions were just really inane factoids. Remember his Brig lore dump? Where he ended up taking like an extra 3 days then just came back with stuff like "she likes cats and looking at hologifs :)" (the concept of "hologifs has never been mentioned or alluded to before or after and just shows chu was still using tumblr in 2018)
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mom i posted it again
especially right after I win a game on tank
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mercy and mercyfags looks at that and goes AWOOGA
I always say mercy diff when I win without a mercy and the enemy team has one
hoooooly king basedt giggachad
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nigga this is the art mercy calls "terrible" right before calling him a bad friend, she's just being spicy cause she's pining for his attention
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>character portraits don't line up with map border
All the hot white women came from that guy, and none have come since he departed. I will not speak ill of this man I'm afraid.
but that's a terrible piece of art
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oh yea? pyw
the black overlay doesn't like up either, there's 1 pixel gap it and the map picture
I miss the time when it was just Hana and Lena in the 150hp girls club....
Praise the lord
Fnaf furry Kiriko? Yeah I'll pass
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I just want my lifeguard Kiri damnit
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new skin idea. cancer patient mercy
Kiriko Ogundimu
Hairy Asshole
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>win streak
>next game is enemy mecy pocketing the DPS
>our junk is too busy play into dva
>next game both DPS running double snipers into rein
at least try to make it not obvious
both losses were on you unironically
post replay codes
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>support has the shortest queue in qp
just want her back
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>we can't have 6v6 right now because of engine optimizations
>you can play 6v6 custom games though
explain this please
Only PCchads are doing that. Consolespics are busy working their 80 hour wagie jobs and have no money or free time to expand their horizons.
The 6v6 trial should be solo queue only
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bros... why is everyone streaming rivals... are they getting paid...?
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I mean the shill squad is getting paid in views because the kids trying to get keys even though china messed it up after the first one and now 90% of them go to scraper bots.

Game sucks anyway
My cat reflexes were tingling
>tanks suck in paladins
>tanks suck in marvel rivals
>tanks suck in concord

the role itself is the problem
By suck do you mean are overpowered and dictate the whole game?
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How hard something is to play is inversely proportional to how much the players bitch which is why mercy mains and tanks are always crying
6v6 coming when?
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okay but when are they testing it
How the fuck did they cave down to 6v6ggers before giving us a true solo queue mofr
sometime in the future possibly if the technology is still there
the "content creators" enflaming opinions rely on groups to maintain their rank or stomp qp so they underplay their impact on matchmaking
when is that possible future? like what is a date?
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We're never getting solo queue bro. It exposes too many frauds
no one knows nigga
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her hands look like chicken legs
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me on the left

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Lesbian Lena...
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Goth Lena...
Sporty Lena...
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Mentally ill Tracer
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Why does she have fangs
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MORE SPAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Juno NO

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I'm not going to view your /trash/ stop linking to it
Weird how they both look white but one of them is not. Really gets the noggin joggin.
is the retarded russian gone
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combine these 2:
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i was thinking of pointing at the same thing but this is good too
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who are they lifeguarding on this small island?
What if Mauga was released in anticipation for 6v6? I mean, he's a fucking AWFUL solo tank but having him with Bastion would melt any attempts at double sheilding
doomfist is tied for winston as unironically one of, if not, the most complex and skill reliant characters in the game
dog what the fuck are you talking about? mauga isnt "bad" hes just so fucking boring which is why no one plays him until they have to. 6v6 will make him cancer if hes paired with zarya, hog, or orisa
also retard
It's pathetic to me that the average player cares more about queue times than match quality. This community would be so much happier if they just had some fucking standards.
Not bad as is shit, bad as in he's an awful tank when he's your only tank because he's getting all of the support and giving you a fraction of the utility
I'd rather play a shit game than no game
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Overwatch is not pizza or sex. Bad games should fail.
What the fuck are you talking about? What are you bringing up pizza and sex for?
support shitters make the loudest part of the community and they need to see their shitty skins they bought NOW!
games are shit either way, i'd rather have shorter queues
least delusional tankoid
>Win 5 really close games
>Lose 5 games due to literal dogshit teammates
Forced 50/50 is fucking real.
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after 75 total games at 55% wr I moved up 1 division. now I can never play ranked again
I exclusively log in and play some quickplay games and have fun with friends. I still try and enjoy winning but at least I'm not a compnigger slave.
Baby-making sex with Lifeguard Mercy
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just play comp with the qp mindset. at least you get seasonal points for the weapon skin. you don't have to try hard or be a slave.
Just things your whore mother provides me.
Who the fuck cares about weapon skins hahaha fucking loser compslave. I just enjoy the gameplay, I don't need a fake progression system to feel enjoyment.
>skill reliant character
Bro, is someone like xqc can play winston in the OWL, he can't be that hard. Even a real monkey could figure out his really basic gameplay loop.
I agree with doomfist, tho. The N***er is hard as fuck
Angela Ogundimu
XQC did terribly in OWL. That whole team was a meme squad. Last time he played he couldn't even hang in high masters ladder.
I wonder how many members of Crazy Racoons or Team Falcons are taking performance enhancing drugs like adderall.

I can't take esports fucking seriously when this isn't a bigger issue in the scene. "B-b-but muh ADHD and physician–patient privilege!"
Seeing a lot of reddit lucios lately, has something prompted this?
It's a reference to the saying "Bad sex is like bad pizza: it might be bad, but it's still pizza." The same logic does not apply to video games.
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>B-b-but muh ADHD
unironically yes? you should just be forced to present evidence that you were legally prescribed it if its found in your system, because most doctors wont prescribe stimulants until they know the rest wont work.

t. 2 30mg capsules a day
For me, it's lots of cigarettes and extremely unhealthy amounts of caffeine
I don't get it. I've had bad sex and it made me never want it again. Now I just masturbate every day
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You haven't had bad sex until you're drunk and on acid
It was like an hour and my weewee was sore
no one cares nigger
Even at the highest levels, the Overwatch Esports World Cup, with a prize pool of $1,000,000.00 dollars, the game is still stomp or be stomped with multiple 4-0 and 3-0/3-1 matches.

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forced 50/50 in full effect
Almost like you can just buy the best players or something
I want 6v6 back so I never want to play tank ever again.
Last time I checked it was still koreans > everyone else
You actually want to play tank now?
shouldn't open queue be more popular because it allows multiple tanks? and yet everyone calls it a meme mode
Open queue is unpopular exactly because it allows multiple tanks
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Ya being able to throw games is mad fun, lol.
open queue is good if tanks are bad. open queue is bad if tanks are good.
open queue is unpopular because retards pushed role queue as "real overwatch" the second it came out even though the game is almost harder to balance and leads to games that end in mirror matches more often.
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open queue is unpopular for the same reason it's always been unpopular
yeah its almost like 5v5 and 6v6 are a symptom of the real problem, the game being stomp or be stomped at every level of play. i cant think of a single other team game where its this bad. i cant remember the last time i lost a match that wasnt a complete stomp
lol no if open queue was better it would be more popular. there's nothing stopping you from playing it in fact new players are put into open queue first then figure out role queue is the non-retarded meme mode.
but DPS and tank stacking WAS what made it popular. no one wanted to play faggy supports and the game was better for it
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>least delusional tankoid
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We have stats on role queue times and open queue was always an option after role queue was made, right on the front page next to it. If tank was ever popular, why has the other roles been popular while tank queues have pretty much always been near instant?
literally the only reason role queue exists (that isnt GOATS) is because open queue required too much coordination to get 6 people running a non retarded comp and solo queueing was a gamble. role lock is literally just the training wheels version that limits any fun comps in return for always knowing youre mercy wont give up and go widow. its objectively worse in every way at the cost of consistency even though thats a double edged sword because some comps are only countered by the same comp in a locked format
Good luck with your hardcore open queue scrims anon lol
does anyone play the game without getting mad? like, even when winning, i get mad about someone underperforming or some bad decision they made. I think I’d have to not care about winning at all, but why bother playing at that point
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>I just enjoy the gameplay
But the game quality is so much better in comp.
You have regroups.
Teams take high ground.
Dives and rushes get coordinated.
Voice comms are used.
Skill levels are more even out among players.
You need to ask yourself why you're settling for a worse gameplay experience.
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mad cuz bad
>If tank was ever popular, why has the other roles been popular while tank queues have pretty much always been near instant?
because the response to tank being popular has always been to buff everything that stops them from playing the game into the stratosphere. its why the role was dead as shit by OW1, then was literally neck and neck with DPS the first 3 seasons of OW2, and then fucking cratered when they started fucking around with making support utility stronger and leaning back into the CC they said they wanted to remove.
Comp gets just as many shitters and throwers as quick play does, the difference is that in comp you're stuck with them for multiple rounds and when you lose the game thinks you're officially a little bit worse at Overwatch
i just play lucioball
>does anyone play the game without getting mad?
no the game is genuinely a horrible experience that almost feels designed to make you toxic. wins come down to the wire, every loss is a stomp, and every other match is some fucking loser on DPS with his fat ugly girlfriend pocketing him so she can be carried.
that said its still the least frustrating shooter on the market
I honestly can't imagine being this delusional
What do you do for 80% of the year
Wait for Lucioball to come back
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play rocket league
>I need seasoning.
Can't wait for D.va/Winston/Lucio/Juno dive comps!
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the enemy team's reddit lucio always says hi to me when i play mercy. i like them, they are nice.
It's not 24/7 LoL rage(I had to quit because of that) but it's getting close.
Just eceleb faggotry.
Love having a Reddit Lucio on my team because I can just swap to Hog knowing that we're probably gonna lose so I have no pressure to land hooks
How much is too much caffeine?
Juno will never dive
Migraines from caffiene withdrawal and needing it to sleep means you're drinking too much
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Juno doesn't offer anything to dive that lucio doesn't already do and better.
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Whats /owg/s favorite cigarette brand
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My favorite moments in this game are when you are getting shit on because your teammates are idiots and they are blaming you for playing the objective and not having stats as high as theirs and then you get them on the enemy team next game and you fucking roll them.

So much delicious, malicious schadenfreude.
Shit. I get the migraines, but not the sleep part.
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I always pray that I get the opportunity to go up against and focus those annoying shit talking, feeding, "Thanks!" spamming fucks
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I had a Reaper player on my team named DeathtoMercy. He used voice lines to say "You're pathetic" to me then proceeded to rack up the most deaths on our team.
I was against him next game and killed him with my pistol.
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Its Friday /owg/ uncs and nephews
>"Lick my tummy or else!"
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is "uncs" a new term for chud or incel?
It’s the newest thing white kids found out black people have been saying for decades
UNC is what zoomers call anybody older than them. Also this >>487783065
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>all those 5v5 shills that wasted two years of their lives defending a shit game mode now got BTFO pull by the devs
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ayo this nigga cant read lmao
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>5v5 fuckboys who thought they were "winning" for two years just got BTFO by the devs
More like ayo this nigga didn't even read lmao
They threw you bone and you're acting like you're eating a feast. And that bone won't be here for long.
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It also won't be here for a long time.
If that Rein mythic weapon had color options, I'd at least consider getting it.
Not to mention it's also not going to be here for very long
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>t-they threw you a b-b-bone
I don't play Ashe so I spent the points on Rein
it's pretty shit ngl. I'm glad I spent it though cause it lets me know never to make that mistake again
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Concession accepted
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Hammond was lab grown to please and satisfy women.
D.VA go to SLEEP
Have any of your friends who stopped playing shown any interest in the 6v6 announcement, /owg/?
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>uses scissors
>caffeine reliance
this is an image of me btw
that nigga aint go no dick
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There. I fixed Hanamura. Now bring it back.
2CP is a bad game mode that only works if you think OW is a moba.
it's fun and classic OW tho
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Spamming a choke for 4 minutes and endless draws were not fun
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A lot of things in classic OW aren't good
yes hence why the maps need more flank routes
ie. genji gets to have fun
Having more flank routes don’t solve the problem that unless you team wipe the defending team can trickle in forever and if the attackers lose a single guy they can’t push
or literally any mobility character gets to have fun in the back alley of that map
Is there a way to filter the Kiriko spammer? I sopped coming here because he was insane but I see his autism has prevailed
I think the dynamic is different in 5v5
theres a filter list for 4chanx in the OP but the spammer actively works to avoid to so its a bit of a hit and miss
Thanks, I wish he got permabanned
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highly likely that its a janny
The briggers...
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>3000+ filters
dear Lord this sperg is committed
Does Kuroba have anything I can use like chanx? I only have the regular filters.
Might just stick to /owg/ on PC if there isn't
sex with zen
He's some 3rd worlder who unironically has either mods in his pockets or is one if not at least a janny. If you post something about kiriko he finds distasteful you get banned for 3 days. For instance people post cropped porn in this general all the time and don't get banned. If you post cropped porn of kiriko especially if it's blacked you'll get banned. I don't much care for race baiters or porn addicts either but holy fuck this guy needs to be institutionalized.

you can use this in kuroba i think (just the thing before ;type should be enough), but it will filter some false positives. basically filters all posts that contain only an image and no text, so almost all of his posts.
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kirikoposter is the greatest of us for generating all this seethe
You're not fooling anyone. No (you) for you.
you're still the worst poster in here btw
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Those are the eyes of a mother who doesn't know her daughter is about to grow up to be a femcel who plays with her warhammer figurines at like 30
they mispriced it , It should be 10 for the base and 10 for the extras so people are compelled to buy 2 currencies. Making it 80 just made it get dunked on by the (justified) OW2 internet hate train
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but you don't have a vagina or green hair or red glasses. in other words, you are not an OL
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It isn’t you can test it yourself in arcade
I love Mercy
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also any racism towards spics gets you a 3 day ban in here. the use of the word nigger and racism towards other races is completely fine however. jose is doing a sloppy job if he thinks he's fooling anyone. now let's see if he deletes this post.
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If no one likes him why doesn't he just fucking leave?
Thanks, fren!
with less shields how could it not be?
i doubt he has much left in the tank, his spamming friend killed himself so he's just doing this all alone now without any help. i see him ending his miserable life within a month.
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>Enemy plays Mauga
>Go Sigma, easy win
>My supports hang me out to dry every single time I get in the Mauga's face
>He solo ults me and my supports just fucking stand there outside the barrier and stare at me as I get killed
>They complain in chat that Mauga is oppressive
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You're going to have to start a wiki for all this fanfic lore you make up
I bet neither of them counter swapped to Zen/Ana and cried anyway. Typical supportoid behavior.
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>teleports next to you
>blasts your eardrums with her whistle
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you can leave shitty maps and thats enough reason for me nowadays
>feel a presence
>she teleports right next to me while edging
>blasts my seed in her eardrums
>she screams at the same pitch as a whistle
You can see teammates through walls so she would have known you were masturbating
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nigger mick gerry slope gook kike, bix noods or else my name isn't Hammond with a fork lift!
>just testing
>she would have known
maybe she mistaked the motion for me in pain and in need of healing? otherwise why else would she have gotten so close? remember she's kindy bitchy and probably would've made fun of my __XX__ centimeter sized penis
I always like it when I know there's an Asian girl on my team. Autists too.
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shiet nigga leave some slurs for the rest of us
fuck yeah let's go

it was a disgusting ship
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Typical Sigma Shitter.

T. Ram Chad.
get fucked sigma faggot no one cares
the bigger the crosshair the smaller the dick
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The Juno
The Hana
The Kiriko
The Ogundimus
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Watching these faggots still seethe all these years is worth it putting up with the Kiriko spam
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not fooling anyone
interpolation spikes from 21/22 to 23/24 during team fights in 6v6 the no regs very common
why would they give you a solo que mode when ow2 ranked means nothing and is more of a coin flip than ow1?
in open que before role que was introduced there were almost no stomps because it allowed for you to play around the mongoloids on your team getting no value
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rewriting history when the game was balanced for open que it was good, open que after role que had panicked balancing after goats you could feel the games cracks start to show it was a brig/moira problem and not a format problem aoe heals should only be like lucio or mercy ult or ana nade having aoe heals on mouse 1 is horrible
>dying 11 times on sig
tank diff
Hanzo and Bap tried
2cp is easily fixed with longer spawn timers for the defending team on second point
I was Brap
Tank diff 100%
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do you prefer offense and defense heros being separate or merged into 1 dps category?
Oh this is where the cockroaches that crawled onto my pizza came from
Our tank did better at first, then we got 3-2 reverse swept
It doesn't matter. In fact I think the game would play just fine if you removed roles entirely if you simply deleted every tank except Zarya, JQ and Winston and made them have a max of 400hp.
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love u /owg/
lol deluded man child
haha anon /owg/ tells me supports are overpowered especially bap you can't be hardstuck because you're reliant on retards to win haha
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Venture, Echo, Pharah. Which one should i OTP? These are the characters on my shortlist. I am leaning towards venture because it is less stressful to play, but i find her movement a bit slow. Getting shot in the sky sucks as pharah/echo. I played a lot of pharah in s9 and s10, but the recent hp nerf is so annoying to play her now but i enjoy the new pharah movement. Echo got me to diamond one time.
Venture has actual direct counterplay. Pharah and Echo you can force against any comp except like double hitscan AND dva but that comp is bad so you should be able to beat it by just living.
i know your peak sr is crazy lmfao
swallowgod type post
jose type post

Are you guys not seeing what I'm seeing?

They 100% lost because of the trash Cassidy.
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Nope, not a spic. Guess again. Also see >>487808936 Dumb Bitch lol
Just ignore the /int/faggot. It craves attention.
Im up against double hitscan almost every match. I just enjoy crazy vertical movement. I would otp wreckingball but tank is driving me insane so im gonna dps. I could give echo a try again too
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that’s a man
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>tards baiting tards
Yep, it's aussie time
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Yeah we know yuros only play casual games.
I throw all games when tank is Sig.
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I got called a dumb bitch today...
Oprn bobs dumb bitch bastard!
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Amelie Lacroix
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good morning, I love Lena
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making Mei apologize for being fat
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More vaseline on the lens than an episode of 60s star trek
Hey kiriko janny tranny. I know you are reading this. Let's make a deal, if you stop spamming your shit waifu we will send you 4 dollars to your paypal account. I know 4 dollars is enough to feed 50 people in your third world shithole so don't waste this opportunity. Your mom would appreciate this deal since she must keep sucking off old men for money in order to pay for your education but by the looks of it, you are not in education or employement.
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Anal with the juno
I have a 30% kiriko win percentage and I swear I'm good with her, what's the deal?
i blame mercy go play illari with your bap or something
What’s the average healing output per game?
if you have a character with 65% winrate or higher, they will start forcing losses on you.
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double checking if im still here or not
I had a 25% WR at some point with her
Started focusing less on heals and more on doing damage and it got to around 54%
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definitely wood/10
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double anal
random weapon skin when
>20 minute open role ranked queue
what le fug
>20 minute arcade 2cp queue
what le fug
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>shafts touching
kinda gay ngl
my wife giving Teo Minh a warm welcome to asswatch
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6 overwatch coins have been deposited to your account
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Minh Teo
Ted Minh
Man playing Marvel Rivals makes me want to come back to Overwatch
im pro open que 6v6 role que should not exist 5v5 should not exist none of the hero reworks hog sombra bastion should not exist all the maps since lunar have suck rialto junkertown and havana are f tier all ow2 maps and heros are shit dont do me like that. 6v6 will not save the game only private server reverse engineering
I like antarctica and jew york
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>I like antarctica
Get out
but I've been here since 2017
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I felt that way with Deadlock, it's not a bad game but there's so much more you have to manage and learn. Overwatch hits that sweet spot of simple but not shallow.
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every hero i like playing has had their identity ruined shield Orisa dps Doom flank Hog lucio way more fun with 1 more hero to boop mei cant freeze anymore, old pharah more fun rein and sig monkey ball very boring in 1 tank scenario soldier not fun on new maps sombra identity ruined since perma stealth added zen discord nerf feels extremely janky not being able to put it on any hero cree stun feels horrible. will 6v6 fix any of this....
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good night
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Good night
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did freedo realize his career was gonna explode if he doesnt relax hes been dick sucking samito the whole group up podcast
Nah. Valorant is way better because they have a technical team with functioning braincells. No clue what retarded mongoloids they hire at Blizzard Overwatch to do matchmaking balance and rank system design. CS2 even is better, yeah it's not CSGO but it's the same matchmaker. GN4 is average, and at that rank in smaller regions you are already getting 10 minute queues at best, 20 minutes at worst. As long as they are fair though it doesn't matter. OW2 though blows at all levels. You don't even get performance bonuses for beating a performance prediction like other games, and you don't get MMR adjustments for playing into cheaters that are banned, or with leavers. Lose MMR to a cheater and they get banned, well sucks to be you. Just dogshit all around and it shows the dev team is totally clueless. OW2 might be the worst competitive game ever made. It's alright otherwise
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Monsieur, does this mean... Overwatch is back?
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What's good?
>enter game
>one guy immediately starts talking in team chat bossing everyone around
>he's the worst player on the team
every time
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>enter game
>have all chats disabled
>don't see or hear what my teammates are saying
every time
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reminder that all this 6v6 5v5 talk doesnt matter and patch 1.18 will be reverse engineered soon enough
i kneel to the mercyposter
>that pic
why are there 4 roles and why is symmetra counted as support? wtf
no, thanks
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>enter game
>purposefully go for bad rezzes
>get flamed
game used to be fun https://youtu.be/fdNu3UGju68?si=wW9Hi_JaLC_lF_id
no it wasn't
sym was listed as support longer than i remember....
>haven't played since juno was removed
>try qp
>the first match was absolutely miserable
I am gonna throw some comp games to unwind now.
Why is this Sombra a man?
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>first game on today
>5 endorsements
not sure what I did to earn an endorsement from one of the opponents but yaaay
i guess they like Mercy players or something
cute little mercy fag getting her praise
>You don't even get performance bonuses for beating a performance prediction like other games
How do you objectively measure performance in OW?
the stats on the scoreboard, of course
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So the DPS pumping all his bullets into the pocketed tank to farm damage stats gets good boy points while the DPS trying to eliminate squishies and setting his team up for a teamfight win doesn't?
I would gladly post rank if it was visible ingame.
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6 chingchong coins have been added to your account
Toronto is not a shithole
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