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They didn't make a board so they can charge you for it Edition

Perils in Paradise is NOW LIVE(barely): https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24110439/perils-in-paradise-is-now-live
30.0.2 Hotfix Patch: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/hearthstone/t/3002-hotfix-patch/132227
Hearthstone Update: Looking Ahead: https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24117144/hearthstone-update-looking-ahead

https://hsreplay.net/meta/ – deck tier lists (bronze to gold)
https://vicioussyndicate.com/ – meta report
https://hsguru.com/ – previously d0nkey - streamer decks
https://hearthstone-decks.net/ - decks for all modes (wild, twist, etc)
https://outof.cards/ – decks, patch notes, news (includes other card games)
https://hearthstonetopdecks.com/ – decks & news
https://beerbrick.com/ - deck lists from Twitter (Japanese)
https://metastats.net/ – meta decks and stats
https://tempostorm.com/hearthstone/meta-snapshot – meta report
https://hearthpwn.com/ – decks, news, patch notes

>Deck trackers & statistics
https://hsreplay.net/downloads – deck tracker
https://go.overwolf.com/firestone-app/ - deck tracker
https://heartharena.com/ – arena helper
https://github.com/supertriodo/Arena-Tracker - arena helper

https://playhearthstone.com/ – official website
https://hearthstone.wiki.gg – wiki
https://battlefy.com/browse/hearthstone – tournaments
http://hearthcards.net/ – custom card maker

>helpful links
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MmLTCm7vdg5icVF4dAQhHf8sO_AZvE4gwO8NuQE8oxQ J_Alex' course on shadow puppets
https://docs.google.com/document/d/18pIaTLcGhaWf7kHKeItJckbCBT9fMjuzLxMKluCpxVs (/hsg/'s shitty word doc[feel free to edit])

Previously on this game is not going to last 10 months let alone 10 more years >>487431402
>we're taking away some of the free things you're used to because we're coming up with ways to monetise them instead
Predict the new pets. Obviously one will be a murloc
The news truly CEMENTED us
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how i sleep knowing cora will be fired by the end of the year
Lots of pets from wow if they find a way to port them
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bunch of double-speak, exactly what i expected
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>huge blog announcement incoming!
>tons of good news incoming on the future of our game
>we're reducing the amount of boards we produce
>in return, we're gonna copy mates from master duel and sell them for $60 a pop!
>higher revenue lower costs
>yfw its a blog post for shareholders
honest question? why do they keep having to tell us that hearthstone is here to stay and not dying? like i mean if game was healthy why would they feel the need to keep spamming this? very concerning to hear this wording from official blizz releases so frequently lately.
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They really believe this game can resist 10 more years one is already on life support? Also pets? No boards? This is the ultimate lazyness cement
Not adding boards and instead selling them is gay, but is that really the best thing for doomsayers to cling on to? Do you really care THAT much about new boards? If so you're the reason they're monetizing them.
The only way pets save the game if it's literally just jaina and vallera flicking each other's bean during your opponents turn.
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kek, even ZachO is making fun of it
We are legit CEMENTED
Got to repeat the mantra for the shills and investors not even paying attention.
Hearthstone is THRIVING!
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>Another decade and beyond
>If they can execute, this will cement Hearthstone for the next decade.

Coincidence?! I think not. We are so fucking cemented.
well, given the number of doomsayer posts in the last thread, maybe the future of HS is not as cemented as we all belief.
I love to play with mech Dr. Boom decks, is it dated now? yeah most probably but I really enjoy the theme.
same energy
>the puzzle-y combat
They're really forcing this now
>fat fuck zeddy will die in your lifetime
I'm so fucking happy bros
This might be one of the more insulting things because the game is pretty simple at the moment and most of the choices aren't very complex. Just get your win con and let it rip.
The puzzle is play green card to win
How do I earn gold? Even greedy as fuck MTGA gives me enough to buy a pack a day
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Monk chads how we feeling
There's a server patch too but who cares really
>the blogpost was literally nothing
>Monk chads
you must be confused
>Keep emphasizing puzzle divergent combat
>EVERY class has access to a linear solitaire burn kill.
What did they mean by this?
Yeah it's sounds very Enron/ Lehman brother-y to make announcement saying your company is solid as a rock and definitely here to stay longterm. This game will be dead within two years top.
this tweet gets funnier by the day
what has a better gold to dust ratio, regular packs or golden ones
Semen Ted.
Slagmaw safe to dust?
>lamplight rogue can easily dish 100 fucking damage from hand
remember when they banned Leeroy because it was too uninteractive?
I've not found a single deck that feels fun to play against this entire expansion.
>3D pets holding trans flags stomping around the board
can't wait to see what beautiful models the talented art team gives us
Where THE FUCK is 10 apology packs and free furry wolf avatar???
no fun allowed since cora took over
Remember a couple weeks right after that and also since everyone already crafted leeroy they announced a new 6 damage charger with more health and also gives your minions charge (if you buy the miniset)
It's cancer but every class can burst 30+ life.
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>Only one new board a year because they are apparently some massive undertaking to create one every few months
>They go into detail on cosmetic systems while the gameplay is dogshit
>They need to write in bold that 'Hearthstone is here to stay'
>Devs say they lurk in the hearthstone communities
They are literally amogus!
>no new board means no new music either
>we are stuck with cancer whizbang music for another 8 months
>No New Boards anymore
>Shitty Cosmetic and card arts just like fucking PiP where the art was hideous
>They can't even if their lifes depend of it balance this shit
>The game will devolve even more and more in powercreep
Why are this people paid for again? What's even their job? Besides try to scam people i mean.

I shouldn't die from an OTK from hand at 70 fucking effective health
Reminder that rogue pirate netdeckers have the lowest IQ in the entire playerbase.
More than pirate warriors?
Yes. It's not even close.
can i get a QRD on the blogpost?
why are people playing fizzle in zilliax warrior? arent 47 zilliaxes enough?
>why are people playing fizzle in zilliax warrior?
maximum diaperage
no exceptions
>Tar slick + Health drink
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>Zilliax was once one of the most beloved cards of all time
>modern team 5 puts out their own "new and improved" modern twist on the card
>becomes one of the most hated cards of all time
>why cant i gain armor and clear board to win
ngl the otks from hand are necessary because warrior exists
a lot of people really hated ig zax too to be fair, but yes the new one is infinitely worse
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game will continue going for a decade+
whelp, that blogpost truly is the nail in the metaphorical coffin.
its been fun, but I'm uninstalling and leaving for good.
it's clear this game will only get worse as time goes on.
10 years anon. 10 fucking years of HS we will be here for a LONG LONG time.
probably a safe dust, I already disenchanted my signature version
arena and wild were the most popular formats in china so it makes sense that they'll focus on those
So, why didn't they just say that earlier? Did they think nobody would notice there's no new board? Was a new board too hard to make while they're working on their epic latest monetization scheme?
slagmaw balls
>cemented for another 10 years
>it was intentional we didnt do 1 board per expansion, we want to move towards doing only 1 per year and monetize it more instead ;)
>we really like c'thun hero skin and want to do more but we'll keep shitting out garbage quality diamond skins in the meantime!
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>new expansion hype
>peepo notice there's no board
>peepo mad, fear game is dying, because they keep removing modes and features
>the backlash casts a shadow on the pre-expansion launch hype
>Team 5 post a vague tweet (pic related) promising to explain the lack of board
>anticipation off the charts
>blogpost day
in essence, the blog post is nothing but vague double speak, self-jerking how great and innovative the team is(they aren't) and based on surveys they imply that players want more cosmetic customization so they are supposedly working on customizable boards and other board-related cosmetic features.
Also they are going to do only 1 board per year from now.
Basically, they are taking away free features so they can milk the whales at a later stage, meanwhile the gameplay has never been more shit.
it's not surprising that they need to double down on cosmetics, they unironically give out too much free shit that builds up really quickly

i just log in every few days to clear quests in twist or bgs and i still end up being able to buy 100+ packs for each set along with all the stockpiled dust i've never actually felt the need to buy a bundle unless there was a cosmetic i really wanted and i imagine there's quite a lot of people in my situation with the game
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can't wait for more shitty 3d gifs and stupid board pets that cost as much as a new game, while i'm getting killed on turn 4.
I though these big corporations are all about profit but this team is allergic to money
I'd bet they aren't actually going to sell boards, they stopped making BG boards a long time ago because literally no one was buying them so they have the data showing that there's no market for them.
still in shock
Damn look at all those Mages playing lifesteal spell. It must have been a strong combo.
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>Shit, our profits are circling the drain and all of our jobs are on the chopping block!
>We need to sell more cosmetics, fast!
>What kind of alt skins will our primary audience of straight young men want to buy more?
Unless there's a radical change in the art direction for cosmetics I can't imagine they'll do well. Snaps variants are cool because there's such a diversity in art style, all of hearthstones shit looks like literal AI slop
>Rogue clown mirror
>They dirty rat my tess
>Panic try to draw bounce
>They somehow couldnt remove tess and i smorc them to death

nigga what? i'm not saying it's a hard deck but its best resalistic kill turns are maybe 4 or 5 instances of 7-8 damage.
>"pets" end up just being gifs of WoW critters which play a different gif file when you click them
Please no
Crazy how not even buying 2/7th of a card set for $80 is enough for them. They have to look for more ways to monetize. Literally where the fuck is the money going? I'm so fucking confused. To even play this game it costs more than buying a 100 different games so how the fuck do other games exist If Hearthstone isn't making enough money that they will probably soon be selling the ability to open the application. (Get a fast pass for $5.77 to skip the queue and log in to hearthstone all day!)

Seriously though. This card game has.
>battle pass.
>season pass.
>Tons of overpriced cosmetic shit.
This is all on top of being expensive as fuck to even play the game.
Someone is running away with millions every month they have to be.
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>Not even Monk announcement
>The fucking cosmetic increase look hideous
>We will not make board or music to it because somehow takes resources from the actual slop we shit every 4 months
>The powercreep and blatant pay 2 win will keep polluting the game
Anons... What can save HS at this point? 10 more years of this...
>more paid cosmetics
>maintenance mode development, corners being cut and and all "unnecessary" content being cut
It's unironically over bros, we're in the death knells
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is this the worst expansion launch to date? sentiment is overwhelmingly negative even on r*ddit and the forums.
Remember when every piece of Art this expansion was AI and none of them have legs that come from the correct place.
The art has been proven to not be AI (we've seen development progression), but it is uncannily AI-like in style.
It's very odd.
because it's smooth and cartoonish while still trying to be as detailed as more realistic art which is exactly what ai does most of the time since it's usually trained on both cartoony art styles and photo realism
Don't forget they also started scaling back modes as well to save money. I refuse to believe that this is anything other than someone not being happy with the bottom line because of greed. No way the game is not profitable, but it is most likely going downward so it is making all these desperate cash grab moves.
>but it is uncannily AI-like in style.
No that's just you having a low IQ and stupidly lumping everything you don't like into 1 giant incoherent "bad thing" pile in your mind.
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let this general die
for the next two weeks until balance patch there is nothing for you to do here
I didn't even say it was bad, I merely said it looks like AI art. It has the same sort of artstyle that stuff tends to have.
We can still complain and seethe, let us have this
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Defend all the AI shit going on in this image right now.
>Slagmaw safe to dust?
twice over. Slagmaw is a total piece of shit.
>a lot of people really hated ig zax too to be fair, but yes the new one is infinitely worse
I mean people hated seeing it but they didn't really feel bad about playing against it. He was powerful but not reset the game back to square one powerful like sillyiax.
Nothing about that looks like AI.
It has errors, but they're clearly human errors. Humans and computers make very distinct types of errors when trying to draw images.
But like I said, your IQ is too low to understand those things, so your brain reduces the situation to
>Anons... What can save HS at this point? 10 more years of this...
firing all of thsoe fucking worthless losers, yesterday.
You seem to believe that everyone is the thread is one person.
I actually want to play a few fucking games but I'm not playing against fucking OTK or Unkilliax like fuck this.
A response like that only further confirms how low your IQ is.
they deserve it for not prenerfing old cards
jalex tier brainlet post
Still waiting for you to explain what aspects of it look like AI.
I'm guessing your entire basis will be

That's a human error. You're screaming about AI but aren't even smart enough to understand what makes it bad.
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Cementbros... we won
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who's ready to churn? hop in
>refinement meta has cemented
>only warriors and aggro decks left
why dont we get cute twinks like this why do the artists always have to appeal to stroids
>try to have fun
>get reminded it's Hearthstone in 2024
yeah, i think i'm done with this game
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I give them a year and a half at most before they pull the plug or announce a halfassed sequel.
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i used to hate JAlex, but he seems to be the only sane Hearthstone e-celeb left
how is bg mmr calculated? I am at 8k and half my duo partners play like they never even seen half the minions in the shop
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So does this one.
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*Falls asleep*
>of all cards they prenerfed Afkay
How fucking retarded aré they?
*dies on turn 4*
played though all of whizbang but im sorry im done, its all warrior and dh/hunter/elemental
>put cold feet specifically to counter lamplighter
>stop facing lamplighter altogether
don't get me wrong, I'm ok with this, but the matchmaking shouldn't be this obviously rigged
and yet you will continue to keep playing, piglet
Think I'll take another break from hs
havent run into any of those in wild so not my problem
unironically the meta is worse than 2 weeks ago
not a real gamemode so no suprised
so... Considering what i'm seeing here and in other forums PiP really CEMENTED us uh? I expected something else from the blogpost today, Cora.
>not a real gamemode
china, the overlords of the world, don't think the same faggot-kun. in fact you will see more support to that mode in the future.
>no suprised
The game is actually getting sunsetted
Never thought I'd see the day
the cards for mage outside of burn mage are powercreeped by the cards in the same fucking xpac. These devs are actually retarded.
>they even made the overpowered one a rare since they know itll probably need a nerf
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LMAO even the devs know their days are numbered
time for you to prep tyrone, paw!
they are truly horrible devs so anything that happens to them is right.
T-they will buff tsunami... right?
>Mage card
considering the "acceptable" level of a 8 mana do nothing card, it would need an extra 3 water elementals or lifestyle on each water ele, including zilliax be full reatired to be viable
so no, no buffs.
ai art looks better.
>can't fix a merge conflict
>can't do basic excel

turns out hiring streamers and their family members is a bad idea. the HS game design team is pathetic. i thought only the streamers were the problem but it looks like the entire team is incompetent.
Look, I would buy more hearthstone stock right now. Hell I’d consider it a bargain.
Hydration Station would be fine if it wasn't for Cancerax
Bros, now that I know that hearthstone will be with us for another decade at least I can finally invest in all the cosmetics.
>ты хyилo eбaнoe peщe мoжeшь дyмaть и игpaть , пидapac? кoнчeнaя твapинa

can i get a native speaker translation, owned some warrior and he added me(5 times it kept pinging me) he missplayed hard too like a retard
How do you sleep knowing that the moment she's fired she'll go straight to her twitter to whine and beg for sympathy from her mass of orbiters, likely landing her a pity job at another game studio within 48 hours of her termination from Blizzard?
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i for one can't wait until next year when we get delicious ai sloppa fallout x hearthstone expansion. look at that uther, look at that jaina, look at tess's tesses
Does anyone actually feel anything but contempt for that obese Bulgarian ruiner of games?
>i used to hate JAlex, but he seems to be the only sane Hearthstone e-celeb left
kek the problem with someone like jalex is that he can full well see why the game is dying (incompetent retards at the helm) not that the game has actually gotten worse if they'd stuck to the fundamentals. It must drive him up the fucking wall.
marin is WAY more cancer than zilliax
Crazy how they keep making insane value neutral legendaries that are so far above the power curve of other cards.
google translate says
>you can't even think and play, fagot? complete beast
I'm assuming complete beast is something like subhuman but whatever.
>Crazy how they keep making insane value neutral legendaries that are so far above the power curve of other cards.
It's not really the that they're insane value, it's that they keep making ways to cheat them out. They never fucking learn, mana cheat is cancer, charge is cancer, hyper aggro is cancer, speeding up the game is metastasizing the cancer. They need to reverse course heavily and make hero powers not be obsolete to start with.
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>he thinks Cora or anyone else at Blizzard is ever getting fired
Not happening. The WoW team just unionized, effectively making it impossible to fire anyone in that department from here onwards. It's only a matter of time before this spreads to the other teams within Blizzard. It's probably already happening. I'm not anti-union, I'm not a corporate bootlicker cuck. I simply don't see any positive outcome that results from a team of unmotivated, untalented rejects making it even more difficult for their employer to replace them with skilled labor. Not to mention giving themselves an excuse to perform even less work than they were already doing.
Unions only work when the organizers take pride in what they do, and you can't convince me anyone still working on the Hearthstone team is here because they love this game. They're here because they don't possess any useful skills and aren't capable of getting hired elsewhere in the industry, otherwise they'd have jumped ship with the rest of the old guard who went on to Riot, Bethesda, etc. Current Team 5 is made up of the same people who were "exposing" how terribly Blizzard treats them a few years ago. Anyone still working on Hearthstone is a paycheck stealing fraud.
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died turn 4


fucking dumb faggot blizzard
It's funny because Mage doesn't have access to their own cards.
Mage is supposed to suck.
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Now that you mention it druid just has a ton of spell damage and mana reduction. LUL.
how did 6 zero cost damage kill you?
id preorder again if that was the skin
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monk will save us
evoker will cement us
It's funny that if they just made the cards dual class again they wouldn't be able to get the discount. They basically made this a problem.
>she thinks we're still getting new classes
Be honest with yourself anon, do you really believe a dev team full of furfags and trannies wouldn't have added the designated furry/scaley OC donut steal classes already if they could? They aren't coming (and thank God for that).
Can't believe they gave flamewalker to druid.
New classes are the nuclear emergency "DRUM UP MORE INTEREST IN THE GAME NOW" button. If they get desperate, they'll totally launch a new class, long term balance and design consequences be damned.
They've done it twice before after all.
I will never be a woman (and thank God for that)
I truly believe they have those bullet prepared and they are just waiting the right moment
Even as a non-Russian I can confirm that this is what he meant and it was trying to be insulting, even if insulting others on a different language, usually does not work
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ok, so lets say i make a company, or a i work for a company and we make some shit that sells less money than our salaries, like the salaries of just half my team is as much as we make in sales. But we also unionize and basically say that none of us can be fired, yet the people moving money cannot really pay our salaries.... what then? Surely the people moving money can offer us lower salaries? But would it be feasible to have salaries that in a western progressive country cannot even cover rent? I mean I am not against unions, but I really do not think WoW is selling that well for it to be able to just go "yea, well, you cannot fire us, lol". Even with good economy before people were somewhat conscious of their spending and now I cannot imagine many people wanting to pay for games.... faggot games even....
It won't work. Monk doesn't have the same pull as Demon Hunter or Death Knight. Illidan and The Lich King are both iconic characters that even people who've never played WoW or Hearthstone will recognize. Those same people wouldn't be able to tell you what WoW character could represent Monk in Hearthstone. Evoker is even worse than Monk in that regard.
I should go check in on kibler
I wonder what he's been doing all these years
he's back to magic but he mostly plays casual edh now
he does a mtg commander show with his unlikeable wife and random e-celebs
You really that make people more or less invested in a class? No oke is roleplaying as Illidian or Arthas people will just see one thing: How busted the panda or the dragon are on release and jump that boat without a second thought.
Kibler makes aome HS but he is mostly into Magic and i can't blame him considering how this game is fast dying
what proof you have hearthstone is doing bad? why you believe perils in paradise is worse than other past expansions?
I read it on reddit.
Nah monk is one thing but invoker is the tranny furry class designed by actual tranny furries. If they add invoker I’m out and never returning.
Holy shit I thought you guys were joking about how bad this game has gotten. I just reinstalled only to play 3 games before uninstalling again. Every single game was Zilliax on turn 5/6. wtf are the devs doing
Look at YouTube views. Hearthstones biggest expat launch day videos struggle to surpass 30k views. It’s actually over. Anyone with sense and objectivity sees the writing on the wall.
the truth is it's not even that much worse than any of the last few expansion (well, the tourist keyword is really bad but yeah)
problem is we've gotten shit expansions after another in a row for like a year and half
it's the straw that broke the redditor's back basically
>Turn 5
Just wait until it gets played on turn 3
There is legitimately no way to come back unless you're playing an OTK deck... ON TURN FUCKING 3
How do you play it on turn 3m
>reach gold
>every other match is agaisnt a realized deck and the rest are clearly old players sandbagging(all gold cards)
very cool guess i have to wait for the loaner cards so i can destroy and craft something viable now
>If you already got a free deck in the past, if you stay inactive for over 90 days again, you will be eligible for another free deck. So if you only play at the start of each expansion, you can technically get a new free deck every set.
See you all next expansion
>Last five games I've played against 4 unique classes
>They were all playing the same elemental deck

This is bad that I'd rather play against secret hunters 24/7
At a certain point it's like which of these dogshit unplayables am I trying to force here
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>cemented for another 10 years
cheers lads
Probably the minus armor warrior one
griftah or gorgonzormu?
>nearly every action has a response window (ie the stack)

>sit and watch opponent vomit hand to generate endless resources

Why do you retards even play this game, lmao holy shit
Anyone been working on any fun Sif decks they want to share with the class, preferably one with the new tourist?
banging his head against the wall with an elemental mage deck last i checked

seriously he ran that for a week straight
Druid is a better OTK than Mage is
I'm not trans.
Mage is trans buddy
Who you think designed Mage cards?
Tranny mage used to be a big deal here. Now that I think about it, this general's obsession with trannies has seriously died down. I guess what no exposure to Varden does to a thread
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>complete beast
Alright fine. I'll try my other tourist card. Surely this one is good r-right?
There is no good warlock deck at the moment that uses the tourist. Just play painlock.
Trail Mix on turn 2, chemical spill on turn 3
yogg is funny
There's a reason these generals are deader each month.
playing battlegrounds and this cookie has a fucking papa bear and moira? how. how the fuck does a cookie get tier 7 minions
>play MTG
>die on turn 3 because that's just what red does in every format
So interactive!
You can't consistently burn with monored with anywhere near the same success rate as Hearthstone because of lands.
Yeah, you can't consistently do fucking anything because of lands. Funny that you accuse HS of "sit and watch the opponent vomit resources," while that's what I do in a third of my Magic games, because I either draw shit for lands or nothing BUT lands.
And don't even get me started on blue, which happily stops you from playing the cards you actually manage to draw, while gaining a billion resources and deleting your deck.
How can you say this game is good you have to be stupid. People love this game because it's free, that's the only reason. It's a shitty game made for children and the only reason people play is because it's free
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bro you just sound ass at mtg, I've beat every cheese deck using urabrask's forge with fucking samurai. literally git gud
>just don't draw too many or too few lands lol
MTG brainrot is strong.
It's not my fault you're bad at mulliganing.
How can you defend a game like this?
>mulligan 2 times
>still not giving me shit to play
Then your land to converted mana cost ratio is shit.
I am literally running the same exact decks as everyone else. There is nothing you can do to stop the game from deciding to land-fuck you at complete random.
Sometimes that happens. Same can happen to anyone you're playing against, too. If it consistently happens to you, then you're doing bad mulligans.
I didn't say consistently. I said a third of games, roughly. But that's more than enough to make playing the game feel like fucking garbage. Why would I play a card game where I might lose with absolutely no input on my end? You insult Hearthstone for not being able to do things on your opponent's turn, but in MTG sometimes you just plain can't do anything on ANY turn. Because the game decided, hey, fuck you.
Start of next year will be the beginning of their new monetization.
After it fails spectacularly, microsoft pulls the plug.
They are on borrowed time for these six months.
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Land flood and screw are the worst parts of magic, that's why all these online card games like hearthstone and snap have a steady income of mana but now instead of complaining about lands players now just complain about bad draws
I don't see complaints about bad draws in either of those games.
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I'm always complaining when my reno or zilliax is at the bottom of my deck
>run 1 copy of every card
>fail to draw those cards
Shocker! Play a real deck, fag.
heh...just wait until i unleash my board clear on turn 10 and this game is in the bag ill just diaper up and forge then pass until t-ACK! NOOO IM DEAD ON TURN 5!
undead/shadow priest
Because there is even worse bullshit worth complaining about
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While I would like for them to print more anti-scam transforms and stat changers I suppose it wouldn’t matter since almost every class has a burn OTK anyways ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Didn't they do an experiment where magic ditched lands and you just placed any color card in the "land" zone for mana and it just was a worse experience across the board?
Almost like the game is designed around the shitty system, and removing it doesn't help the situation. Tear it all down and start from scratch. Oh wait, that's what every newer card game is doing.
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Pot him core Blizz
bring this back too imo
enough of the otk combo slop
and give DH the niche it was intended as an anti combo class
As long as card games rely on RNG shuffle draw from deck systems, blowouts due to bad draws will happen, it is inherent to the randomness .

Drawing your lategame in the mull/early game is functional equivalent to flood/screw and you can't deny it
I will happily play any MTG meta rather than play modern HS.
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Is there a cardgame where you can choose which card you want to draw from your deck?
I almost never have that issue in Hearthstone, because discover is a good mechanic that lets you smooth out any weirdness that tries to happen in your drawn curve.

Nobody's stopping you from eating shit.
Bring back old old Illidan design while you're at it. Both players discard 3 cards then draw 3 cards.
youre barking up the wrong tree
>Nobody's stopping you from eating shit.
If you think MTG is a worse game mechanical than hearthstone your opinion is worthless to me and I will literally ignore every single thing you say.
Boohoo. Go get fucked by lands, it's the only thing that will ever fuck you.
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>MFW druid and warrior stole priests resurrect mechanics and do it better than them
good fuck priest
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>everyone is playing refined decks now so big spell mage cant win games anymore
Fuck Druid man, what a waste of time, even as Unkilliax Warrior you can't win, what gay deck doesn't use Brann anyway I have to look before I just grab any old netdeck these days. That was my whole night of gaming before work, thanks guys. Damn graveyard shifts.
They're Druid legendaries in disguise. 2 per expansion are not enough for their beloved protagonist.
holy fuck is it completely over for a newfag trying to get into arena without just installing firestone? should i just insta concede and take the 0-3 rewards? because i just got brutally raped for 3 losses in a row (minus 1 win to someone who immediately conceded) with a deck i thought was okay
I played against a ton of fun decks today in casual including a few big spell bros. That big frost elemental summon spell is pretty devastating if set up correctly.

Lots of people playing shitty homebrews there, trying different things and after I get to a good enough rank every month I think it will be the only mode I queue up on from now on away from the tryhard metaslop.
Just keep at it. The way to get better at arena is unironically to just play arena.
but i dont even like arena i just want the rewards and thought i could at least get 3-3 by getting matched into other newfags
Been playing dragon priest with just cheese dragon as the new thing but I also added fly off the shelves and it’s actually been handy as hell more often then not. It’d be nice if repackage wasn’t 7 mana but oh well.

There’s something just really beautiful about needing a couple more dragons to activate Zarimi and gambling it all in your cheese to give you that final push
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Haven't been past turn 6 in forever. They always have a fucking Lamplighter in their hands.
Why is Shaman always the most ridiculous cancer right after expansion.
>create deck vs Lampmiggers
>Dk deck filled with RATs Bouncers Zola and Cold Feet + Plagues
>All my opponents now Ramp chinks (Warrior Druid they all same)
GOD i swear blizzard riggin A I smarter than SKYNET
Its over....
>hold the cheese
>slam it down for two mana
>go face with (hopefully) 8/8s or better next turn
hit that play button again, goy
Shaman? Really?
it's not been relevant except for maybe a week total the last 4 expansions
you cant cheat first but you can second.... problem clearly not this two cards...
something with mech and manacrystals
Just pulled priest tourist that lets me put Hunter cards in. How's this supposed to work? Something with parrots right? I guess the weapon can help me damage myself for that pain priest shit they printed.
I'm talking super cancer, full blown AIDS included. A 4 mana 7/7 comes to mind, which had the decency to overload.
Or you can click on this link https://www.hsguru.com/decks/?format=2
and copy the decks.
It's not even on there. No one has bothered to create a deck with this dumb priest tourist shit, I've already looked around.
So don't make it because it's a bad deck unless you enjoy losing.
well im 0-12 tonight boys and i want to hurt myself again
Its not just that they hired streamers, players, commentators that dont have a gamedesign background or any experience in game design. The few designers they hired, like Leo, just came from university with 0 actual experience.

Leo now also started streaming but he bans people quite fast.
On my way to legend all i played against was some form of druid. I ran the gauntlet with excavate rogue and managed to beat all of them but 2. I just had to mulligan and play super aggro.
>the devs are the only really visible people the community sees and the ones who unfairly take the hit when things go sideways because they're an easy target
Maybe because everything that happens in the game is the direct consequence of decisions made by the devs? Holy fuck that dude's seed is poisoned, can't blame Cora for the way she is when this creature raised her
This JustAGuy sounds like an absolute faggot, the devs are responsible for the absolute trash they shit on this game and the pathetic decisions they take, esay target? No they are THE TARGET because you know... I'm not the dev making cards and nerfs they are. And this devs should all lose their jobs.
two things can be true. their business practises, overpricing and general lack of smart deals and rewards is not on the devs. but they are the ones printing bad cards and not balancing the game.
zeddy is just a coward and so are most of the big streamers when it comes to calling them out. they just play whatever druid deck is currently broken and say the game is amazing because they win
Pretty much this. Nothing is going to change because they rarely if at all get called out by people who are more visible to them and there is a large portion of the reddit faggs who will suck their dick at every chance possible even if they keep making brain dead card making decisions. Since they used reddit as their sound off board they just keep doing the shit they do. Even when some of the less retarded redditors make posts calling them out there will always be an equal amount of posts praising them and asking to be fed more shit.
example A:
Bro, JustAGuy66 is the FATHER of cora. Now go figure.
Why is reddit full of retards bros?
Leave the multibillion corporation alone.
>the absolute state of standard hearthstone in the year of our lord 2024
So Lamplighter lists just eat painlock alive? Can't say i'm sad to see it, dunno who the full on retard was who greenlighted all the mana cheat but they seriously need to be fired.
there isnt ONE interesting deck in the meta. thats actually fucking impressive
>turn 1 Firefly
>turn 2 Aqua Archivist
>turn 3 Flame Revenant (for 0 mana), coin, Overflow Surger for 18/15 total stats developed

No other card game that I know of allows for such ridiculous power plays so early. not unless its 2 cards printed 10+ years apart having a niche interaction in a format where things like that are expected to happen, far far away from the sanitized and curated playground of standard.
The only way to win as aggro vs druid/warrior is:
>no swipe, brawl, bellows, gifts, z*****x, aftershock, sanitize... in hand
>they also miss the discover

Very cool mechanic.
treant druid is the only aggro deck I can think of that loses to one board clear
Anon, I...
spit it out, retard
I cannot heckin play the game without a new board!
>can't play around a 3 mana fireball

I cannot heckin play the game in general man not even a week in and I’m already back to Nature Shaman legit any other archetype just tanks my rating can they print a win condition for this class or are we Shudderblocking neutrals until EoS??
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cy@ in the miniset I guess. xpac is boring and a waste of money.
>First fucking paragraph of the blog post after the intro
>"Our strategy for Hearthstone is based around three words: Fun, Focus, and Fearless."

I cant stand corpo culture man, its so fucking meaningless and devoid of soul. What the actual fucking fuck does "Fearless" have to do with warcraft card game?
it means hire more brown people
for me it's "making space for innovation in personalization"
Everydeck has a better and faster otk than mage.
Fearless=Make a Beach chapter and don't put a single attractive female or actual swimsuit
it means "boldly shitting out cards with retarded effects"
I lost 5k playing against 90% concierge druid. what a cool meta. thanks for running another expansion with this shit class. the only way I ever buy another pack is if they remove it from the game forever
Even paladin is OTK with spells now. LULE.
you'll bitch and moan and put the onions face on once balance patch comes out. such is the nature of the modern consumer, he likes to be spanked

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