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Save me Ilsa.
There is a tournament tomorrow(2pm EST).

>SilentOne tournament

Golshi Cup Grand Prix(NA/EU):

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2197859465 (Congrats Gran gawd)
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2185278056 (Congrats grimnir-anon)

>Older Tournament VODS:
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby
To join, turn Crossplay off in System settings so that you're able to join Platform lobbies.
Then you can join the (un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby at Japan Platform Lobby 1. Image version of joining instructions @ https://i.imgur.com/bCHqtDL.png
Playstation players cannot join the lobby, use the room if needed instead.
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ Rooms
Usually has "gbvsg" as password (check thread). f2players cannot join so ask people to join the lobby instead.
>Upcoming DLC
Versusia (20 aug), Vikala (october) will close out the pass, season 2 starts with Sandalphon.
https://youtu.be/4GqEX6Eqr34 [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>this week's F2P rotation
Gran, Belial, Perci, Nier!
>Latest Patch Notes
>Steam page
>Twitter hashtags
>Match replays

Previous thread: >>487606393
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Save me Vikala
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All doomposters will be heavily punished
The number of Niers is INCREASING over time. During launch month it was basically just Elsa and Zippy, now we have Seika and Inochi and and all these others coming up.
Anyway they will probably just stay with their current mains, unless they get totally and completely gutted, in which case they'll jump to whatever the new top tier is.
They're all preparing to move over to djeeta come august. See Zippy for example for a Nier who sees the writing on the wall
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>All doomposters wil-
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Every single character in the roster can do max combo 9k+ SBA damage
>nier gets nerfed
>siegman gets hacked
>seslop is gutted
>niggers will still complain
Yes because Belial, Cag, Lance, Beatrix and Yuel are still untouched, you fucking faggot.
How the fuck is she top 5 when Nier, sieg, seox, belial and lance exist
Anon did you not learn basic math?
>open euro stream
>nier gross
>see soriz get excited
>hes getting corner comboed
>its actually just a white outfit belial
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>I've been using it wrong all the time
Fucking damnit... I'm getting worse than when I started playing it
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What a very weird post...
blud tried to sneak yuel in there like we wouldn't notice lmao
Beatrix is absolutely stronger than Lancelot
what the fuck
>and Yuel
What did she do?
yuel is like mid tier
her stance gets folded by c.L delay c.H and she has dogshit U skills and awful midscreen conversions
if you lose to a yuel you either didnt lab her shitty gimmicks (ex backflip and stance lol) or they just shimmied you twice for 50%
What do you expect from Vikala?
it's ok brother we're here to improve
the range where you can connect with a 66L after 236U is really lenient and you will almost always be able to get it from your pokes unless you're whiff punishing giant buttons like bea/sieg f.H and in those cases you can do run>214H or run up>236U>66L
>dogshit U skills and awful midscreen conversions
Now Yuel is pretty stinky tier wise but there's no need to invent lies, her raging + 22U conversion does a bajillion damage and corner carry
I fucking hate her, fuck everyone who plays her. I will shit the thread no stop if she gets giga buffed and doesn't stay in shit tier
sauce doko
Remind me of how many Lances at EVO?
Oh, that's right.
i like yuel very much
Halloween skin
how come bubs got top 24.. but not lance...
i actually forgot if there was a lance
I want to impregnate this harvin
Me too! :3
Character with mild difficulty curve so it's just better to pick Sieg, Seox or Bea and be a complete retard instead
Kosame and Fukunaga are lazy niggas who refuse to travel
They would have deepfried all the burgers and taken evo easy
I assumed he meant meterless which in that case they are awful
but also doesn't most of the cast get great shit off RS midscreen anyway? Doubly so if they also spend for a U skill?
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>hit confirms you across the stage
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I'm sure yuel likes you too.
i love my funny fox
block it
block the followup 236A she has to do because f.M is punishable on block otherwise
press c.L
if she tried anything she was minus like -3 or 4 and loses, if she ex backflips you can delay c.H to hit her out of any followup, if she backflips and cancels you whiff f.H and now you're both at neutral again
just play cool bro
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last thread was luci now its yuels turn i guess
>Meterless which is awful
Yeah it's pretty stinky
>most of the cast
Zoi and bubs even with RS midscreen is sad lol
>Yuel and debunking her low dmg stereotype wall of text feat BP management
1)Meter gain is so cracked in this game
2) Between stance, DP, invul backflip and crazy walk/back walk speed Yuel is less pressured to spend bp on guard cancels compared to other characters on defence so she can be more aggressive with converting bp to damage
if you have one good normal you are top tier
The KatGAWD rager is on comms
zoi and bubs suck weenies though
fair point but stance isnt used defensively, the startup is way too high and the counter is very poor reward compared to having it called or getting lowed
invul backflip is great but has virtually no use in corner is which where everyone ends up after one interaction
>"oh hey Wanted is on let's see what characters ar-"
>Seox Bea Sieg Nier Belial
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>can use that as a skin in relink
>no good Charlotta mods for Rising
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All I know is that one guy got as far as topless Charlotta in vanilla in which didn't have an official release.
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Holy neck
>stance stuff
it's useless when you're completely stuck in the corner but once you get even a bit of space (say 1/4 screen worth) it's pretty safe to spam. 66L chasedown punish is only possible with characters with fast running speed, punishing with metered ult lariats like gran blue boot costs meter, so below 50 meter you can get away with it a lot
Frankly speaking 99% of players you meet try to beat backflip with the rps after it connects, they don't look to preemptively stuff or punish it.
One more thing, a lot of people underrate backwalk speed as part of defensive toolkit. Good backwalk protects you from tick throws and stagger pressure, you then force opponent to 2l more which obviously is an inferior pressure tool vs c.l
And Yuel backwalk speed is retarded cracked, I fight her a lot and she's ridiculously slippery to lock down
yuri giraffes are built for choking
Have you ever played against a braindead mashing Yuel? Shit is literally as annoying as playing against a 2B Un placer spic with 400 ping and 7+ frames of rollback.
>Un placer
ggs mis amigo
I recognize that objectively Yuel is not very good but I still think she's extremely obnoxious and tilting
It's 10pm on a Friday night and I can't get any matches in S+ rank
today i learned vas' c.M is actually plus
Anila follows the same logic
you could say that about half the cast really
People here follow tier lists as gospel as if a Master Yuel wouldn't make them want the character nerfed into the fucking ground tier lists LITERALLY only matter for those in top 16 of EVO.
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don't care if she's shit
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Get fucked in -6 nigger
some characters need shit like a CH or AA starter while others get it off a normal button though
66L more, no character not even seoux should just be walking away in this wack ass game
its why all seouxs do ex spam instead of walking around and playing vanilla with his juiced walk speeds and f.H
their fault for not playing a top tier
next question
I agree with you on most of these but the beating backflip stuff is purely not knowing the MU which someone mentioned before
Good backwalk is GREAT and its why she was great in vanilla but most stagger pressure also has 66Ls thrown in all over so all backwalking serves now is to lose space and be minus unless you're actually far enough out that you can realistically make 66L whiff but from that spacing its not really stagger pressure
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what did they mean by this
Play stupid games win stupid prizes
desu I still play like a vanilla oldfag with run up 2l to stop backwalkers
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Tick tock, grubs

2XKO is coming.
I don't want to install riots anticheat.. this ain't fair.
I don't wanna buy a console.
>posts character that has NEGATIVE chances to get in
it's very clearly hatsune miku
nta but its a tag game and theyve talked about supportive characters that are more about setting shit up for your partner rather than having strong offense themselves
or something
aka theyre adding in supports for the girl gamers
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if you asked me they should've released at least the major battle changes the moment evo finished to get a lot of players
waiting a month for the hype to die down is stupid
maybe they have something planned for the summer stream but hey I don't know what their marketing strategy is so that's just me
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>tag kuso
>hey I don't know what their marketing strategy is
>riot pushes out huge prize pool
>spams trans stuff in June
>all the trannies leave and only play that
>nta but its a tag game and theyve talked about supportive characters that are more about setting shit up for your partner rather than having strong offense themselves
And? Do you think their Californian Jew overlords owning shares in Blackrock will allow them to do it? Kekaroo. You know what female character covers a support role? Lucian's wife, who's black and strong and proud and most importantly not white and attractive like Sona.
My dpad randomly lets go of down/back when you apply too much pressure.
Please, Please god believe me.
Her face is CLEARLY not :D
It's more like >:)
I find it hilarious how
>white women in gook or nip games/anime
the hottest sexo to ever sexo (see Vira, Hekate, Europa)
>white women in real life
overweight ugly blue hair trannies with unshaven armpits screeching about feminism and male privilege
Most Western games are made in America and that's how women look like there
I also use a wireless controller.I am also beginning to form a schizo theory that this game drops medium buttons and only medium buttons.
/ourgirl/ nezumiku would never abandon loli paradise doebeit
So why doesn't burgerland have a negative fertility rate. Who in their right mind is reproducing with these creatures
Do not look up white birth rates over the last 40 years.
Also do not look up what Djeetas voice actor did.
It's other races reproducing there
>Also do not look up what Djeetas voice actor did.
alright, qrd on this one bros?
doesn't explain why black or asian men thirst so hard for white women
For attractive ones, not for landwhales (70% of white women in the USA)
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Quite literally mommy issues
>but hey I don't know what their marketing
They don't know either.
No one can convince me that nips didn't design Vira to be the ideal trad white woman
>Long blonde hair
>Pretty face
>Sharp eyes
>Big titties
>Fat ass
>Frosty at the start but develops to be incredibly for (You)
Only in nipland media do we still have the chance to see the ideal white woman... Burgerland has fallen...
Vira is pure fucking sex incarnate.
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Look up "kokoro connect scandal".
Basically she and some other people bullied pic related for shits and giggles.
If all white women looked like Vira, the worldwide white population would be larger than the Chinese and Indians combined guaranteed
nice, I liked some of these
so is this game alive or dead?
If you're in JP or NA its alive
any players
Once you’re done listing all the characters that make you say “yeah this character is pretty damn strong”, Narmaya is the top out of everyone who’s left.
It's alive in EU too honestly
She along with djeeta, grimtard and cagfraud are next in line for top tier the moment one of the slop 5 lose their throne
EU isn't dead
Which is why no one uses her I guess
No it fucking isn't
Then why can I find games?
Gameplay looks awful, models look worse than the resident evil engine slop, starter roster is mediocre so far, dead on arrival like legends of runeterra.
You're Master rank.
yeah thats right, every character is braindead and for frauds
This general is full of fucking doomcucks, so yes, it's alive.
You got me there
>dead on arrival
Quality of the game is irrelevant. Just needs to have a good f2p mode, which it's basically confirmed considering their previous games, and to get shilled, which Riot has no problems doing. Might also make CAPCOM look like a joke in comparison.
hmmmm nyo, and theres no cute girls
theres so many players theres 2 lobbies rn...
EU is mostly dead, so there's only dedicated players left and we're all high rank in Europe.
has there been a battle pass thingie since beas witch costume?
No, the next one is in august
The eyes look like Pochi, style does seem familiar but can't quite place my finger on it...
>Keep DPing for anti-airs instead of 2H
The Charlobotomy has irreversibly damaged me
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>"some maps"
>every u-skill made the game freeze
this guy has 600+ matches holy shit
nier players are public urinals
That's why I like playing lucifer, cause paradise lost will cause shit laptops and PS4s to explode
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What having no anti air does to a motherfucker...
I literally can't in S+ and it gets even worse in S++
just play in the lobby
why the obsession with ranked mode
People need outside quantification for validation.
Cause lobbies don't guarantee games, sometimes people are down to play, other times no on is. Matchmaking is just wanting matches against people of similar-ish skill without constantly wandering for someone or camping someone when they lose
>just play in the lobby
I don't like steamrolling C-S ranks
you don't have to socialize
get to play against someone your rank
almost everyone in the lobbies are pink squares
>almost everyone in the lobbies are pink squares
19/63 in eu1 are pink rn
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>tfw i'm the last katalina
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Not anymore
I am now a Katalina player too
I have no mouth and I must SSSSCCHHHHHMMMMLURP
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Theyre gutting BC in the big meaty right haha
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my flatulent neechang...
Hello, slurpers? What happened to "BC isn't unbeatable"?
Why would you go into someone’s stream and go on a rant after you lose to them in ranked?
Why does Granblue have such a fucking god awful dogshit “community”?
shit has no range tho, not part of the club sorry
who care
Neko is EU?
That Neechang is a downgrade
Zoner mains are all mentally unstable.
You might have just forgotten that because the power level of the mentally ill keeps going up, we are living in a modern era of mentally ill power creep so what might have seem like normal behavior was actually mentally ill a few years ago.
No this was in Zane’s stream
Huh, his NA comment makes it seem like he isn't from NA.
but shes not a harvin...?
Another day of not having fun playing rising
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>"Towards the end of the evening there was talk of a party room up at WitchHazel’s room..."
>WithHazel hosted the tranny orgy that got Tempest canceled
/ggg/ is down the hall
tempest got cancelled? huh?
WitchHazel is a Granblue troon
no he isn't
i knew hazel was a freak
Yeah, he is. Been a Granblue troon since Versus.
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wrong, he's a GG/BB troon
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please swap out 5H's animation for something that actually matches the fucking hitbox...
having people straight up pass through your animations feels and looks so fucking jank... makes using the move harder and dealing with it less intuitive too
Says right there that he's a Rising shill bro, i.e a slurper.
w-why is Narmaya ascending to the cosmos?
>Rising Shill
Vanilla chads win again
Says it right there in your own image bro
Narmaya is CLEARLY dodge-jumping in this picture.
narmaya's hurtbox is her boobies
hazel is a strive player who is on rising to grift like all of the other strive tourists. not a vanilla player.
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What the TroonB isn't talking about here is how she stopped her rekka in response to Narmaya's defensive option and proceeded to use an equally egregious button to punish her for daring to step out of line when it was 2B's turn to press buttons (which is always)
our troons are wavie, prada and elsa. and wavie self cancelled himself.
lol im pretty sure that picture is the recovery of 2H and doesnt have a hitbox
Thank you
glad to know inochi is just for me...
he's gonna cancel himself too.
41% of them seem to do it.
Got sick of having to fight that embarrassment of character design and peaced out to a better game (DBFZ)
Anon, Lab Coat would've made Nier look fair and balanced.
neko is an unhinged schizo and nobody pays him any mind
She should've been named Fighterzania
would be hypocritical coming from scamaya, anon

this is a joke right?
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I'm glad our lobbies and threads are filled with cool people and next to no drama.
>cool people
Most of you faggots play top tiers.
I have to come clean, it's been way too uncomfortable to for me to bear this any longer.
Zoi raped me last night when I was talking a shower. She waited in the shower with the water running to trick me into thinking no one was inside and once I stripped and got inside, she screamed and faced away from me. I was so startled my penis went inside her.
>next to no drama
>a whole ass tournament got ruined by the tranny further ruining the thread for 24h+ after
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I have to come clean, it's been way too uncomfortable to for me to bear this any longer.
Nier raped me last night when I was talking a shower. She waited in my bed with the bedsheets over her to trick me into thinking no one was inside and once I stripped and got inside, she screamed and started sucking my cock. I was so startled my penis went inside Death.
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>A whole ass [HEADCANON]
Ya okay bud. Nice writing though, should link your AO3 account.
>forgot to edit "shower"
I have to come clean, it's been way too uncomfortable to for me to bear this any longer.
Nier raped my post 5 minutes ago. She waited in my room hidden in a corner to trick me into thinking I was alone and once I CTRL+V'd that anon's post, she screamed and took my virginity. I was so startled I sent the post without double checking it.
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Good save
Nigger shut the fuck up, I see you bitching and fighting your imaginary enemies like 20 times more often than I see him shitting up the thread.
Give it a rest faggot.
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I still want to know why I didn't get my PUNISH
thank you
It was well spaced : )
So if someone in the FGC is giving me trouble competitively should I just find a way to cancel them?
Worked against Shinku
>I see you bitching and fighting your imaginary enemies like 20 times more often
this was my first post about you in weeks, faggot. its not just one guy that hates you here.
Thats the NA strat, look at how they 'cancelled' shinku because they knew the nigga would mog their troon asses
>replies as if I'm the imaginary enemy in question
Absolutely mind broken...
>The amount of mentally ill posters increases when its burgerhours
Nah nigga this place goes feral every night around 1am until the yuros blackout from their day drinking, don't even try that shit.
sauce on this zeta
At least we don't have to hide our drinks in a brown paper cuckbag when we drink outside
Admit it, your society is a deranged mess
nigga its AI slop
ai slop is starting to be goated
What the fuck are you talking about?
Americans, this is what you look like.
damn, I'm gonna go home and have sex with myself until I'm pregnant
bea tits are still bigger
Don't feel bad bro. I saw a cool piece of Vira art, found the sourced and it turned out it came from a blacked AI sloppa image set
AI doesn't diminish the fact that Vira is peak sexo
and then you gooned for 3 hours straight right
AI art is based
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Yes. Here's the art by the way, when you actually look it at, it's easy to tell that's it AI.
No, I'm black, so to me it was just boring vanilla shit, and I am too far gone to jerk off to vanilla.
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I'm sorry harvin fuckers the truth is I also like normal h*man women.
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LFG in world lobby. I'm EC.
Group to do what?
it's funny that eyes are an easy way to tell if something is AI
The more Vira that exists in this world the better, even if its aislop I'll gladly take it
sexo white woman is sexo
name 4
I just thought it was the artist's thing. AI slop I usually see has the dead, shiny eyes stare.
Arigatou you
Did anyone come to fight you anon. I'm currently eating chili.
Not yet
Artist should have gone for accuracy and made her tits bigger by at least 3 cup sizes
big money 22 dollar pot
redeem them codes chuds
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FUCK I want some chiliiiii did you make it yourself?
is there a room up or is lobby populated? I want to play with anons.
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ggs lobby friends
3 people in lobby
ggs nerf yuel ty!
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dang one of you left
My net keeps shitting itself seems like.
have you tried pissing on it
I have no respect for yuel players
yuel is bottom 1 thoughever
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ggs bea-anon. thanks a ton for playing and for the advice.
I think I get caught up alot in trying to stuff approaches or panicked about being grabbed and it leads me to forgetting the most obvious option for my character. I will definitely try to be more mindful about it.
My neighbor made it and some other stuff for doing a bunch of yardwork for her. I have a massive tub of chili that will take like 2 weeks to eat.
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I kinda started to get really aggressive towards the end once I realized how willing you were to mash esp on wakeup and I think that caught you alot. At the start of the set you were catching me alot with ult headbutt which is good, but I think I discouraged you. Don't forget about BC and your reversal, if they stop working then change up parts of pressure where you would use them. It gets really scary once you get your momentum going as expected from Ladiva so taking smaller risks with resources when in the position of blocking to get your turn back is key to victory.
ok this fuselit nigga kinda good
Damn, another Nier I've literally never heard of before in top 8. He must be a really skilled player to make it this far.
Is anyone joining tomorrow's tournament?
why didn't this happen with Bea during her prime
I signed up, but I don't think I'll be able to make it
> I realized how willing you were to mash esp on wakeup
I have some kind of brain rot that makes me push on wakeup/when bc'd and I know full well I am 100% being 66l'd before I finish the startup. A few of those in the corner had me wanting to throw my controller, I don't even think you were in range of 5l but I still hit it.

A few times I think it was just command grab paranoia but getting hit was a game losing decision versus being grabbed, just bad risk/reward weighting on my part.
>Don't forget about BC
Speaking of brain rot. I've gotten better at using it but I still often lose the round without using a single bp. I think the posts here about BC have done some kind of permanent damage on my decision making. Like some ghosts of vanilla past are judging me for bcing out of the corner or to just take my turn back.

Thanks again anon. It was nice to finally get a chance to play you again.
I'd join just to shit on fear but Im too lazy desu
Did you fuck her?
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Ggs lobby friends.
gonna ruin my first pink square by now learning how to play Zoi
she feels weird but dammit I like her design and big shield
No she is 50 years old and I am devoted to 2d.
let me siphon your stinky pinky
Some 50 year olds can still have it but I understand, if she needs you to do her yardwork she likely doesn't.
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Put on some fucking deodorant
Is Thinking NA on?
Is Tororo online?
>Stinky gets namedropped all the time
>"B-But that's her avatarfag privilege!!"
IMAGINE playing 2B, a gigantic fucking faggot character who has a full arsenal of tools to fraud out Vaseraga, and still jobbing.
Fuselit has the patience of a fucking monk.
damn... I was afraid he was.. he's offline on my list. I was blocked...
you can see blocked people on your list
Anyone got that clip of Artorias being an absolute no fun allowed faggot?
they got a real kizzington on mic huh
his mom was watching please understand
I wish I was a kizzington
I don't blame you, charismatic fat black man is back in these days.
I assume they're talking about when artorias won on camera, and a bunch of people were popping off behind him cheering him on and he just had a stoneface and pretended to not see them.
He didn't just stone face, he turned his back directly on them and shook his head disapprovingly. It was embarrassing for HIM way more than he thought it was for them.
What the fuck are nips smoking to make them think siegfraud isn't top 2
apparently not dragon cum
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He happens to shake his head a lot.
hes got lice please understand
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Oh it's just his 'tism thing
Still faggoty but okay sure
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Pahshibaru-san praced higher atto eborution twenty twenty fo
sasuga pashibaru-san meccha tsuyoi desu yo, omae wa kingu obu za faiya, aaaah maji ka ore no hiza ore no hiza ga... jibunn de ugokaseta... aaa... nani kore nannnayo.. aaa ore no te ga... aaaa bakana.... dogeza no katachi ni natta... uso... pashibaru-san wa tsuyotsugiru... ore wa nani mo dekiru... kore wa ore no bochi ni naru.... okaasann... otousan... gomennasai... kore wa ore no gennkai da...
why would she do this
Wobby status?
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aborted and on the way to a pharmaceutical facility
To distract you from the jailbait running around.
I probably will unless everyone drops out.
Can someone, like, reimpregnate the lobby host so we can play?
Stop posting about Tempest in the other gens.
who what
Do not play koi with me.
/ggg/ is where I go to shitpost, it's the new /afgg/
All I am guilty of is looking at andira belly in the granblue gen.
>fuck it matchmaking is taking forever ill accept the 166ms guy
>>>>>>>>>7-8 rollback frames
god if that isn't me but it actually said 70 at the ping check.
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i understood this!

If you're playing Vas or Ladiva, you better have the patience of a monk. They require it.
>Meanwhile Brick
Hay this is a fighting game, you use every tool in your arsenal to win. The cheaper the better.
Up your arsenal
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put it back eduardo
Join silent's tournament... nyow!
who is silent
mmmm perhyaps
If I don't sleep in then sure
Maybe if you post a horse, maybe a goldship?
What do I get for winning?
Sex with Yuuel
I'd rather have sex with Yuel players (nonconsensual)
ummm thyats ryape...
yuel players arent sentient so its actually nyot..
No nezu = I don't watch or join
no shark green square d rank that happens to be playing grimnir = i don't watch or join
there is like 10% chance I will be awake when it starts. Especially since I will be watching the granblue summer stream.
u are the most mediocre player i know
thank you
Please call me a slur
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I wake up at 10.
Who's the artist? They do great stuff
it's AI....
wait really houtengeki? i remember this nigga have a really bad case of same face+body syndrome
guess he leveled up
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>I was already following them
Thank you though, guess I just didn't see his granblue stuff
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How do you respond to this
thank him for his service
pisslow 66 crystal shitter (orange square loool) should go play his mickey slime game and leave us alone
the risingGAWDS only care about actual footsies and neutch
I don't care how many people are playing Dix, it is a HIDEOUS fucking game and a parody of Street Fighter.
stfu grimnig
any chance for rising news in the grub stream later on?
it's stupidly late but im thinking of playing poe until then
bwattle pwass...
lol how do you guys even stand this general with nezumiku constantly attention whoring
when will this fag rope
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holy shit delay tech is so powerful, how come nobody told me about it until now
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bwos what the fuck in the 7 hours ive been binging poe another soive player was accused of raping trannies? how does it keep happening with soive
arent you thankful that you play grub?
transexuals knew change chromosomrs, so instead of reflecting on themselves they blamed the chuds
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Yes goyim, delay the 2L.
Just make sure you're using 2L and not throw teching and you've solved defense against 60% of the cast
Smelly neet! Should at least be good at the game!
*transexuals knew that they cannot change change chromosomes, so instead of reflecting on themselves they blamed the chuds
delay 2L doesn't work against frame traps
it even beats cag j.22H
I play Strive too, I just have literally zero interaction with the community beyond, you know, entering tower and playing matches.
you don't like le wholesome sol chungus chipp vs pot LGBT bridget chud genocide jack-o memes?
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did the fucking check in time change
when it was first posted it was 5pm i think, they moved it up to 2pm a week later.

get in here bwos
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Is Yuel the character with the most reaction pictures/gifs/webms in this place?
She is, right?
what is this supposed to be
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yuel charlotta and anila are pretty up there
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grub extrafes
stella magna concert now and game news later
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thanks for reminding me
let us know when they start the game news i ain't listening to this
>3 hours until seiyuu minigames
Lol there will be a 5 minute recap of EVO News, some shilling and maybe rat gameplay
>and maybe rat gameplay
you mean versusia gameplay :)
You mean showing off the new grand bruise mode
what is this purple creature
>Gawain and Aglovale fighting
There's your Rising season 2 males bros
id unironically want that
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I've never watched any of these things, are these the kind of events in which that Nier hologram shows up with her idol costume and sings a song?
shes not actually singing i want a refund.
they need a shaniqua character that starts twerking on stage
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jesus, i thought goblina ruria was just a fan cosplayer not a reoccuring cosplay
the character holo-shows might only be exclusive to grubfes and not extrafes. This one is extrafes and it's basically a smaller scale event
I see, thanks Anon.

>goblina ruria
Be nice...
that's the strivefes
Season 2 preview right now
male orologia > female orologia
NGL this shit kinda ass.
CUTE kot!
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This is embarrassing. How do people watch this garbage?
Can I expect to see a cute Yuel cosplayer if I keep watching this?
The props would probably be incredibly difficult and expensive to make...
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Why the fuck are you retards tuning into stage performance segment? There's not gonna be news for at least another 2-3 hours.
Tails look a bit hefty but otherwise they've done fine in previous years.
And how the fuck are we meant to know that?
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The schedule is in the description.
And experienced grubbers will tell you news is always the last 10 minutes of the stream anyway.
Just be glad this is a short one.
Sorry, we can't have two tall females in a game.
45 minutes before they drop some more gawdlike luci changes on xwitter
>news is always the last 10 minutes of the stream anyway.
For Re:link and Rising they're often at the beginning of it.
Of the news segment yes, but usually there's like a few hours of voice actors fucking around first.
What the FUCK
All this time Grub had a character voiced by Naomi Ozora and I just found out...
Literal joke character that appears once, no idea why they made that shit a playable character.
So, literally zero chance for Rising then...
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Nah, that's Sevastien Charlotta's Alfred
Hey, that's my doctor!
whats up with the girl on the right and why is she always depicted with corm
Thankfully, because she looks like shit.
oh no
are those homo harvins
I know it's been going on for 10 years but holy fuck, this thing has a lot of characters...
she's a throwaway character that was made as a pun on Sandalphon's name lol
of course she'll never be fucking playable
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She has magical hair which drains most of the nutrients she consumes so she has to eat constantly, her favorite food happens to be corn.
these are all event promotionals, so lot of these are just NPCs
These are only the events of the last two years, by the way.
Oh, right I didn't think about that

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zeta seggs
At least FKHR got the EVOLA
Best thing to come out of that
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Europa is IN
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These seems so low quality compared to Niers
They are higher quality just by virtue of not being Niers.
I like classy Zeta.
>breath of the wild minigame
Link is in.
Are they going to play the new bruise stage?
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news soon
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My bed
here's your news.. shit we've already shown
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thrres bno WYA ahahahahahahaAHHAHA SPEEDO BELIAL
new game modo
new minigamess
where art thou
New game mode is coming in October according to that slide.
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nice game nerds
homoGODS run this general
bro what is this dogshit minigame :skull: aint no way
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Damn, just when I thought this game was healing. And summer's gonna end by the time the next BP is out too...
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fucking apologize
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hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door, the leather club's two blocks down
nooo not the reaction trainer
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Americans are going to wake up.
They are going to see this and belial banana hammock.
This isn't the meaty I wanted.
Save me from the homos Zeta
Where do you play this, I think a new lobby game was mentioned on that list.
>Fully nude male with more ass than 95% of the females in the game
Holy fuck, FKHRT, calm down brro
gamers i'm dropping belial i'm not gay i swear
too late leatherman
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this semen slurping game isn't for me bros...
ummm why didn't they show this at evo brehs?
>Could've gotten a Djeeta skin with a nice, juicy bulge
>Get homo faggot supreme in a gimp suit
Reminder that they censored Narm's battlepass skin
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Why do the Japs love this homo shit so much?
Where are the summer outfits?
Faggot game faggot director.
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i'm disgusted and seething
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grubba bros..
See >>487837543
I hope you weren't under the impression that the FKHRT hate was unwarranted or overblown.
holy fucking shit no way
jesus fucking christ
oh my fucking god
how is this a thing
how is this possible
what the hell is up with these devs
instead of any kind of swimsuit for any girls we are going to get a dude in a speedo
what the actual fuck is this
thanks alot aaron damac i choose to blame this all on you faggot
FGO Versus will save us bro!
>I hope you weren't under the impression that the FKHRT hate was unwarranted or overblown.
I don't know anything about that or what "FKHRT" is. I only play the fighting game and I only play fighting games for the cute girls.
I gotta give credit to the artist. They remembered to expose his toes and give meaning to the term footfag.
i knew this would happen eventually, but surely a girl character will get a swimsuit too right?..
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hah.a.. yeah we are getting a double feature
its lumberjack vane
literally no one is going to buy this pass
i bet the purchase count will be in like tens at most
absolute insanity
i wish i could see the stats on bea pass and then this one, the difference would be so fucking funny
Yukata only, take it or leave it
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FKHRT is the series director and a known homo-fag, despite being married.
We can't even get a bit of thigh without it being censored, so lol.
Tetsuya Fukuhara aka FKHR is the director of GBF the Browser Gacha and GBFVSR the Fighting Game.
Shitposters/doomposters over in /gbfg/ call him FKHRT because they think he's gay due to the way he runs the games.
Here's some examples:
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Next BP is in autumn bwo. It's over.
I hope this is the master plan to show they sexualize all genders so they can give us Draphs in g-strings next
Im buying it and converting to a belial main
Im not even gay
yeah yeah thats a cool shitpost man, but you are not actually going to ever buy it
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don't forget KMR!
say hello to the 26 dollars left in my steam wallet from buying beatrix pass
i would buy the pass if it had decent weapon skins but they already confirmed at evo that they're rerunning the bp skins and weapons so.. there's no fucking point
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this. i love this one i don't give a shit if it's AI
I mainly associate him with Priconne for some reason.
ok. post the screenshot of your purchase when it goes live then or i wont believe you, so then i and the whole thread can call you a faggot.
For the sake of drama and shit posting I will.
FKHR is the director and in charge of the creative aspects of development.
KMR is the producer and in charge of all the economic aspects, so all of FKHR and Keisuke's (another writer) faggot shit has to be approved by him (and it does).
He won evo. DESERVED.
It's fine bwos *huuuuufffff* at least Vikky and Bea got in uncensored *huuuuuufffffffff* and you can see Versussy in a thong *huuuuuffffffffff* Surely the halloween BP skin will be sexy *huuuuffffffffff*
Damn, this franchise is fucked from all fronts I guess. God, now I really need FGO Versus.
If he's not a fag then why is so much homo shit added to the game? Literally nobody is asking for this.
It's like the twitter post here >>487838482 says. If it was by popularity then we'd only get more girls and more revealing outfits for them.
The only other explanation is DEI.
If they don't put a good female skin for sale when they release the pass I'm uninstalling the game. I don't care if the big meaty fixes literally everything
/gbfg/ will valiantly claim it's only FKHR, but KMR is just as compliant
he's the one who forced him to make the angel event sequels back in the day which is how Belial was born
maybe his wife tells him to do it and he obeys
There better be a mod that overwrites this skin when you play against it
I'm installing that shit frame one
This franchise needs a reboot with new directors.
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cagbro how could you
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So his wife is the fag then. Fucking women.
Finally we can get the rid of the main crew, and make Sandalphon the protagonist. Raziel can be the genderswap.
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What were the censorships on Black Butterfly? At a quick glance the only thing that looks really different to me is she doesn't have any thigh high boots on
Shorts instead of panties
nta but shorts instead of the fucking panties maybe, retard
That's why I said new directors, fresh new start for Granblue.
I hope the BP flops honestly
I don't mind skins for male characters, but I fucking hate belial and the double standards
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good morning grubbas just woke up how was the stream are we ba-
What women even play this game? This belial skin is solely for FKHR's own homo pleasure.
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Ah, ok. Based on this art I thought there was going to be something with her cape covering her up more in Rising.
NGL I like the shorts more
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>we get gayshit
>main game gets fully nude bubs for summer
>they also announced evokers and eternals are getting new limited units instead of always being skins so now they can ignore the base units and never buff them again
>collab characters now must be pulled from the gacha instead of always being free

This entire series is fucking dead holy shit
Funny you said that cause KMR just said he's stepping down lmao (after a pretty unpopular announcement)
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JP comments under the announcement
>I thought Zooey in a swimsuit was coming...
>Definitely not buying this!!!
>Please reconsider immediately
> No no no, wait a second!! If this is allowed then bring out Fire Yuel!!! lololol
>I would like a naked Babu
there was like 1 slightly positive comment from a jp person I think.
KMR has officially stopped working Granblue.
>no spiked collar like in the art
suing for false advertisement
and FKHR apparently?
Kot is never happening
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I slurped everything so far, even the hideous Seox outfit but I am not buying this one
I don't care if the second to last BP reward is Cygames sending a sheep cosplayer to jack you off in your home, I don't want that Belial costume in my account
as a bubs player id would take his naked tower form for the memes and I like to think some people could get behind that
but this shilled homoflop?
fuck FKHRT.
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That Battle Pass better not have anything else I'd like.
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let's reminisce about what we could have gotten
Unironically wouldn't have minded any other male character.
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i dont really want to think too hard about it
Anime FGC be like
>damn this guy should be banned from every event, fired from his job and put in jail for touching someone on the elbow once
then turn around and say
>wow this Belial skin is great, I love this character well known for being a sexual harasser that has no issue with making comments to underage characters
actual maintenance mode holyshit
fkhr and kmr officially checking out
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I guess this is how the avoid actually showing female skin in the summer.
less sexualized than what we got

10 times less sexualized than what we got
>I dont want a nier skin battlepass
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they could still sell a seperate costume like they did with katalina and lancelot though right
that's a good cope, but i wouldnt bet on it
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>bro can we have Belial Djeeta?
>>what?? you want more beriaru?? say no more gaijin I got just the thing for you
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Still can't believe we're getting a fag in a gimp suit for our summer skin
I'm just going to go reinstall strive
enjoy your orgies anon.
don't do that
just quit the genre
go play poe with that anon or some shit
>same attention starved faggot gets Wavie, Shinku, Tempest and who knows who else in trouble on purpose
And gets away with no consequence while their victims get crucified years after
I hope an analyst one day will look at Cygames and see just how hard they fumbled in every single project.
Nah, I like that cope.
I just hope someone shoots FKHR at this point
pour one out for artorias he was in witchhazels gooncave
he took my nigga shinku out fuck that sigger

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