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08/21/20New boards added: /vrpg/, /vmg/, /vst/ and /vm/
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Previous: >>487071438

>What... is this?
Put simply, a simulation of Pro Evolution Soccer being competed between teams which are embodiments of boards of the 4chan imageboard. The players represent facets of each board's culture. All of the matches are AI versus AI. However, humans "manage" each team, creating their tactics and giving input during games as they happen to make substitutions and tactical changes as they see fit.

>Where can I watch the cup?

>Current Cup

>Upcoming Invitationals



>Other videos

>PES Info

>Friday's matches
/co/ 2-1 /vrpg/
/wg/ 3-3 /u/
/wsg/ 6-2 /t/
/jp/ - /vg/
/sci/ - /toy/
/sp/ - /x/
/f/ - /trv/
/mlp/ - /c/

>Saturday's matches
/aco/ - /vp/
/tv/ - /int/
/d/ - /tg/
/v/ - /mu/
/a/ - /his/
/m/ - /pw/
/vt/ - /y/
/r9k/ - /i/

Rigged vglel auties
/vrpg/ dies
post the anchor gif
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In for better than /jp/
>OP image
good times
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me listening to qd talk about his gacha games
>/2hug/ and /tf2g/ defending
You are weak.
I want /vt/ and /vg/ to crash and burn
Fuck board leagues
who hurt you
Fatbern watch the game
Losing to 3-3-4 OMEGALUL
who raped you
I did
/2hug/ had the best defence in vgl22
/wg/league when....
>very gay
unfortunately this doesn't matter all that much in PES16 (also mickey mouse tournament, all the good formations were banned, etc)
correct opinion
The absolute unironical state of /vg/ right now.
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>vee gay
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Is gay supposed to be an insult?
2huminati just openly rigging this match for pure shits and giggles
>very gfg league
yes? obviously
epic11yearsold is BANNED
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2huminati isn't real. Take your meds.
every time /vg/ has /lcg/ somewhere on the team, theyll die like a wet fart, get fucked its deserved.
Bro your sound?
Can offside be disabled in the engine?
>set up the whole team to run through your gookshit player
>eat shit
I made fun of the team once in chat and Denko kwabed lol
My team won the VGL just to have our players be humiliated in the 4CC?
That's it, I'm going to watch the olympics.
I want that cat FIRED
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>/gbpen/ of all teams has to step in and save /vg/
Fraud league produces a fraud team, not big surprise
they hate him so much they subbed him actually
>good bye
now say that again without the crying
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>sack /bag/got
It's just that simple.
Let's just have Rimirin toss choco coronets around, that's gotta do something.
>bench /bag/ckolds
>start winning
Just get 10 Bandoris on the pitch.
get rekt epic 11 year old
ban captain too while were getting rid of underage kids
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Her e you go!
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One more vidya rejected...
/twg/ and /xgg/ dodged a bullet by not being on this abysmal dogshit team.
>being the second team eliminated
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Nice video game board
VGH... a/v/tumn
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is it just me or is the wiki dead again
>removes Into Free
>removes Shiddy
>removes Dyeep Spyace Nyine
>adds a bunch fo korean nobodies to appease mickey mouse cup
/vg/ deserves the spoon
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>504 Gateway Time-out
Wiki bros?
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I'm getting it too
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>/vg/ last week 'doesn't matter /jp/ is a free game before /wsg/'
Nightmare fuel
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>losing to 334
Does the board league not like the /vg/ league or something?
>/gbpen/ scores
>/vg/ gets eliminated
Great day for annoying people
why are you namefagging?
Yeah, you
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>/jp/ match ends
>look inside next match preview
Why do we suck
epic11 WON
Completely unironically, and saying this as a fan, that was probably the worst loss I have seen from /vg/ since they won their star.
they won't tell you about the 2huminati around these parts
>namefagging over this
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The 2huminati send their best regards.
well I didn't say I was having a bad day did I
Who the fuck was epic11
>2hucomfy canceled
in terms of heartbreak or performance? Because this was nowhere near as bad as some other past performances
>vgl is MONTHS away
>norml already having a melty
>cracks already forming
I thought he didn't cared about /vg/ and 4CC.
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Losing to a 3-3-4 is definitely up there for worst losses
banning you from the vglcord for this
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I have a good day whenever /vg/ loses.
Denko don't look
/vg/ will never hit a final day until /ink/ gets out of qualies
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I like /vg/ but by allah I really had fun with the /bag/ rep getting the humiliation ritual that most /vg/ medals get, here is your third-place reward frauds.
holy fucking based
That's the /jp/ manager
damn what a cunt
Just the embarrassment of how you are supposed to be one of the most bigbrain hardworking teams in the cup and yet you lose to a complete meme formation like that, there's really no excuse you can give for it.
Why you KWABing though
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Don't get too uppity /vt/ shitters. You're getting thrown into the trash pit with /vg/ next.
Can't stop 7 saves, it happens
I mean that same meme tactic tied /wsg/ that ripped /t/ apart
this lol, remember when /vg/ drew a dogshit /bant/ and failed to promote as a result
He's far from the first manager who's attempted doing some banter on the thread
/vt/ is likely the only vidya team staying elite
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Only boat sluts can save us from the 2hukek menace
Newfag here, as in I know jack shit about football rules.
In the unlikely event of us winning like, 8-0 in our next group stage, is it still possible to advance to RO16?
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>stuff the auties ballot
>rep player proceeds to throw the match
Like pottery
Who? If you're talking about /vg/, they're dead.
depends who "us" is
Not with TTK playing for /jp/
If you're a /vg/ fan, no. You don't have enough points to advance.
What position do you play?
If by us you mean /vg/ then no, they're dead already. All they can muster with game remaining is 3 pts and 2 teams are already at 4.
>0 appearances from Suzie
>0 wins

your response, /vg/ manager?
Was it worth it, al "I ride trains while my wife gets a train run on her" ac?
Can I play Susie instead?
Yeah, /vg/. So is goal difference only matters when match result points is a tie with another team?
Hey /admin/, I dare you to play this upgraded draw anthem next time football wins.
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I'd like to interrupt your discussions to make an announcement:

I fucking love Stack, bros.

That is all.
The pink dinosaur undertale general sent as their rep. I think.
/gfg/ confirmed cucks
Yes and for some rarer case, head-to-head tiebreakers are also needed (see the /vt/ /r9k/ situation currently).
Nice quads
You forgot based, but yeah.

Once again the /vg/ manager goes out of their way to deny /utg/ and once again they're on their way to the babbies.
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stack is mediocre at best
I will never understand the obsession some people have with Stack.
based and stackpilled
what's with teams sending some unknown garbage anyways? I miss when /vg/ was all star players and now it's just some literal whos like who are Jefooty, Suzie and talking dog?
Why does vglco hate utg so much
Sex with Tewi.
Each team's general votes on sending a rep
democracy was a mistake as can be seen by the auties
It doesn't fit their gacha garbage agenda. (and is full of pedos and furrys and faggots)
Only if /y/ draws
manager of general my son you have to choose
>send your star player into a humiliation ritual
>send some CB
Managers started sending the lesser-known reps when they don't have a medal spot, so they are sending like the C tier or B tier players that are often obscure for anyone unfamiliar with those generals.
>is full of pedos and furrys and faggots
but enough about vglco
Nobody wants to send their star players anymore because they are just eat shit under current management.
utg is one of the more universally liked teams in vglco
Doesn't QD like /utg/
welcome to vidya gacha
Yeah, it's one of his actual teams
they aren't some permastuck babbyshitters though they even won a Babby under current management
Yet they haven't played Suzie yet
they were all Star Players even under DeMessi times
>though they even won a Babby under current management
yeah with a gold rep from their own vgl team lmao
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better edit
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PES 21, home.
>21 is ba-
Obviously it's to give the /utg/ manager something to bellyache about
i miss pes21
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But what if the 2hus are botesluts?
>The last time /vg/ was in an Elite Knockout was Winter 21
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what's the yo-yo status?
>it's just some literal whos like who are Jefooty
Reverse Collapse actually ended up being pretty fun desu.
They missed out on Summer 23, so not a very long yoyo
Not a yo-yo. Since then they've escaped 3 babbies but died in 2 babbies.
We need more gacha reps on the team if we wanna win. Thankfully we'll be getting 3 new gacha teams next /vg/ league to increase the odds of this happening.
>auto can change tactics
Doesn't that make it a pastebin then?
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That's because she rolled the short stick when it came to conditions
>vs /t/
>Grigori and Angry Gremlin had better conditions
>vs /jp/
>repeat but now add Clown (as yellow)
Doesn't help that there's only one spot for a CMF in the formation, but hopefully she'll play in the next match and Autumn.
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/zzz/, /wuwa/ and who? /e7g/ is never happening rabibro
if /vg/ want to win, they NEED a /4ccg/ rep
Either /pgr/ if their guy returns, or /1999/ who has had talks of making a team.
they already had shiddy and he got relegated too
It's a zero stakes match. If /vg/ management doesn't let the players who haven't seen gametime yet take the field regardless of conditions, they should be fired.
He's right in the context of the vgl, whose viewers will usually make up most of the /vg/ fanbase.
Jefuty is a relatively new player and barely distinguished.
Sopdog literally won Player of the Tournament but she somehow didn't get voted on the team. What gives?
Besides shiddy who else is a /4ccg/ rep?
*only players that already play for their team
it's simple
>we compete
>we win
>we send QD as a rep to /vg/
But El Presidente already plays for /vst/?
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There is only one rep who can save /vg/
Nah, we send Half as a rep
/zzz/ are too new, they can't join yet
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>very gay league
>all that bragging from gacha generals
>all that for a 2-and-out
Gachachads sure run the VGL, into the babbies, kek
Won't they get the /lcg/ treatment? Guess Toki doesn't (temporarily) like them.
as opposed to pls rember and wegh
why is there a sussy vent guy on /sp/? is he the impostor??
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If you want that to happen, try not getting blown the fuck out by a deceased general next time.
/gfg/ wanted to send someone who isn't from a gacha.
What game is Wegh even a rep for? Warhammer Fantasy?
who gives a fuck? Everyone and their mom thinks Jefooty is from a gacha anyways
generic enemy from total war warhammer
They decided /lcg/ would be the last ever exception since they realized how big of a mistake that was
>who gives a fuck?
a bunch of colombians tried to invade the stadium without ticket during Copa América's final through the vents
>have all your player names in lowercase
just get /hig/ into vglel :^)
enough. Release the All-Star roster for maximum kino
That's really sus.
Finally, an own goal
Golds: Git Gud, Unity-Chan
Silvers: Zero Sanity, Gogeta Da
Keepers: Jannu, Bane
Nonmedals: >Greg, Snaketits, Hope, Smug Redman, Napoopan, Grigori, Blaster ;), Bad Times, Belka, Crapawa Shitjo, Sisterfucker, Danteh, I'm going to Alice, Thok, Wilhelm II, Doctor Jewgle, pls rember
>this isn't what it would be!
You know it's what it would be
>this isn't the kino I wanted!
Don't ask for it then
>pls rember
Nice try gook
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/x/ is still alive as a team and as a contender in the 0-point spoon race.
Yeah they won't use Danteh with the Header who was also one of their best silvers get real
>one of their best silvers
maybe if you've only seen a post-/lcg/ /vg/- oh wait
All the non medal goals this cup has been great.
which of their silvers were better that are not already listed
free my nigga /3/ to be honest
Pls number was set up as the fall girl because /vg/ hates the 2huminati.
Swap Danteh for someone else like Sex King or Your Fate is Over and we have a deal.
free my niggas /gif/ and /soc/ too
>more no fans, low effort teams.
this but unironically, they'd be able to gather a better POI than /vrpg/
/gfg/ can rig up auties but can't rig up goals
Danteh out for WIIIIIIIIIINDS, pls rember out for Mike Schmidt
FC25 cup WHEN?
Sorry to tell you this anon but POI is make believe
no one cares about your stupid team or players other than offsiters Limbab
>no >new thread
yeah, no
Be the change, please
Are you stupid
Sorry, but I'm polling my main board for interest instead. :(
>been trying to get better at 3d modelling recently
>at no point did it occur to me to go to /3/ for advice

I'm not sure what that says about the board. Maybe it just says I'm afraid they'd mock my taste in png waifus I'm trying to give some depth.
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unironically whenever it gets coach mode, 4CC-styled models are already possible (pic related)
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I miss the EDDIE ! goal horn bros....
time for /c/ to win
why are both efootball and FC both allergic to coach mode? would it hamper their lootbox/gacha shit somehow?
Time for tis merely /c/
did weedman post the card yet?
Please god let this happen.
Im still working on a few entrances for tonight.
I bet almost no one else uses it, so they don't bother spending time to implement it.
swap Unity-Chan with Gogeta Da
Zero Sanity down to non medal and move >Greg up
Danteh out for Somehow I'M the Bad Guy
pls rember out for WIIIIIIINDS
>no bocchi
First two just wouldn't happen the "/vg/ All-Star" medals are those four until someone else wins a cup
How many cups did Gogeta win for /vg/?
It is finally time to have a basic quality control for hype
>/mlp/ looks like /vt/ shit
yep, that's kino
Top non-Git Gud scorer so he's the 4th
Lmao great hyp, everyone got angry
so how much worse is this about to get
what the hell is a "timed toupee?"
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where's the funny cat?
Gen Alpha vglbabs think your team is a joke, sadly
I hope theres a download link for that video
But someone has to play against the AI. It can't be that difficult to implement having two AIs playing each other.
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konami has been promising that it'll come back alongside edit mode since 2022
any day now
eFootball 2024 but it's played by chat like that pokemon stream
kevin nash: suzuka
black men in the summer of 92: >rape
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forgot the image
how is /c/ so bad at 5atb but /y/ is so good at it?
how do i get a uma gf?
/c/ is just throwing lol get this team outta here
Definitely not difficult, but like everything else it takes time and they probably have it listed as a low priority task.
>feature that shipped with every previous iteration of the game
>"guys this is so hard please give us time"
God I hate game developers
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/vrpg/ is the prime contender in the spoon race.
The Spoon will be decided on Day 6 with noone directly involved in day 5 as day 5 will be strictly a pot placement affair. That said, a 1-point spoon is still very much possible
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Tables talking to each other
Double naizuri
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Cope standings on Day 4.
/c/ !!!!
/vrpg/ spooning and probably dying after this cup
lmao double oof
POI lasts 6 months so they're guaranteed Autumn.
the double spoon dream
you horsefuckers can't do anything right
dies after autumn then

who else dies before/after autumn?
FB, Summer 24 Day Four
So weedman where's the card?
>who else dies before/after autumn?
your mom if you don't reply to this post
/WG/ VS /U/
/WSG/ VS /T/
/JP/ VS /VG/
/SP/ VS /X/
/F/ VS /TRV/
/MLP/ VS /C/
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nuh uh
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/wsg/ vs /t/
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/wsg/ - /t/
/int/ needs a manager or caretaker to step up if they want to be in winter but FB claims there are multiple candidates in the wings.
I can't believe I missed this screenshot
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Can you make me a sandwich?
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I did it.
>Blonky and zilly talking about strategy again
>the worst part is that they aren't completely wrong about /vg/
>such talented, multi-fetus relegated, multi-spoon winning manager, blinky giving tactical advice
anyone taking first cope seriously should be laughed at
From best to worst:

/sci/ vs /toy/
/mlp/ vs /c/
/sp/ vs /x/
/wg/ vs /u/
/jp/ vs /vg/
/co/ vs /vrpg/
/wsg/ vs /t/
/f/ vs /trv/
/wg/ - /u/
Tactical advice is always dumb because most of the time it boils down to
>Even though this worked for you in testing you should have known it wouldn't work on the matchday. Instead, run my preferred export.
Yes, it worked in testing, but PES was "lol, lmao" in the actual match
If /yourteam/ will have a Deer Friend Nokotan rep in the next cup, it's a non-team.
based fuck fotm
Frankly /k/ not having a deer as a permanent medal is a disgrace.
too busy seething at subhumans currently
>wax off /vg/'s group for 20 minutes
>breeze through the next one in 10
come on now
/k/ is biding it's time and waiting for the hentai doujins
Correct, /vg/ needs some company
>I knew what pandora's box I was opening when I decided to choose 16 for two cups -Soumissioner
>Crimson keeps tempting fate over /a/ JUST not needing to lose
>He thinks it would be funny if /a/ got eliminated
>Blinky proceeds to plead to Crimson "No... please no"
>Crimson continues to say it would be hilarious
Crimson...please.....not summer 16 again........
/a/ was raped by the elite and muscular /fit/ in the summer of 16?
>Geggels' face when he posts the black ass picture in chat for the 70th time
reminder to upload all of your shit to the booru
don't mind me, just dumping matrices for tomorrow. dunno where the guy who posted them is but he has four new ones to post before Sunday

>>487081328 Group A
>>487081586 Group B
>>487081827 Group C
>>487082063 Group D
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just don't lose by two to a team that's run the same tactics for half a decade, how hard could it really be?
Zero dimes promotion needs to have anything going on.
Makes me wonder if i'll ever see shit like this >>487756970 in 4k
I had to do something after the last match, has wrestling happened yet?
No, only first circlejerk
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Taft VS Mystery Nigga 1

Jersey City Motor Club (Carl & Megas XLR) VS Senaldo and Kot

Spurdo VS Gerudo Link - Battle of the Benis :DDDD

Sanic VS Woody

Wagie VS Bebop

Todd VS Neves VS That Fucking Guy VS Ogey Rrat VS Mystery Nigga VS /cm/ Phil #1 contender Elimination Chamber

>carl and megas
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So when's the invasion angle and the free weed
I saw what you did
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>VGL easily wins the forbidden door feud
>imagine that sweaty kot pitsex
This better be the splash screen for the match
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>Neko-arc on /jp/
kill the manager harakiri style. fucking faggot.
>t. vtumor poster
For the /jp/ manager to remove a player he inherited would require him to ask the board for a replacement, and I haven't seen him ever do any kind of communication. Unless it's via ad banners, which is within the rules I guess but makes him a faggot.
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So what teams need to get POI for Autumn?
what did dusty and joe die from
Old age. They were both the same age roughly and generally anything around 15 years is old age for kots.
Suffocated in the closet.
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/aco/ wins 3-2
/tv/ wins 3-1
/d wins 4-2
/mu/ wins 4-3
/a/ wins 4-3
/pw/ wins 4-4
/vt/ wins 4-1
/r9k/ wins 3-2
Forgot trip
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Their old manager doesn't want to manage anymore and I don't know anyone else who'd want to bring them back besides me.
Can't. I'm already a manager.
There's nothing about coach mode specifically there, or is it included with Master League?
Be anyway
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Just make up a new IRC handle. It's that easy.
It's the rep picked by the TypeMoon general, and there's nothing inherently wrong with the character.
If you hate it because of its terrible offsite fanbase then you're the problem here.
Doesn't IRC track your IP address?
Just connect using a VPN.
Sounds like a good way to become another Dragonfag
>No possibility for /tv/ and /vp/ to advance
A shame.
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guess the scoreline
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/aco/ 2-3 /vp/
/tv/ 2-2 /int/
/d/ 4-4 /tg/
/v/ 4-3 /mu/
/a/ 4-4 /his/
/pw/ 4-4 /m/
/vt/ 3-1 /y/
/r9k/ 1-3 /i/
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The Malicia card is causing an issue where non-medal defenders and midfielders are trying to draw fouls by hanging onto the ball instead of clearing it, but medals have much higher stats and have no issue just taking away the ball from these Messi wannabes through regular means. That's why you see so much issues with medals steamrolling over defenders, and defenses not clearing the ball.

I get that the idea of diving is funny, but fouls are already rare and so far the only (punished) dive we've seen is from a medal who didn't even have the card, in spite of all the non-medal forwards that do. If we continue to have the malicia card be mandatory, it should just be mandatory for strikers/forwards instead.
That's a good point, paging Weedman for visibility
Something something lmao funny.
Sick bassline
/aco/ 2-3 /vp/
/tv/ 4-2 /int/
/d/ 5-4 /tg/
/v/ 3-3 /mu/
/a/ 3-4 /his/
/m/ 2-3 /pw/
/vt/ 2-1 /y/
/r9k/ 2-3 /i/
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>paging Weedman for visibility
How'd you do it?
You tell me
For one, Helios has Malicia because /wg/ does as they please.

Two, this (probably) isn't how Malicia works. Now I have only slightly more evidence than your own assertion that it is causing the clearance fails, but we did indeed see the "Malicia animation" earlier with Helios. It's a dive, and often an exaggerated one. It's still a trick card that works on the same principles as the other Tricks, that is to say, the AI has to actively trigger it and it begins an animation associated with the card. Malicia's associated animation is that rolling tumble Helios did on Friday.
Yeah but they're not going to just dive when they get the ball. The AI must do something to facilitate being able to activate the card. It's just not going to decide to receive the ball and then dive without somebody coming to tackle them.
You can see it when Helios gets carded, instead of trying to progress the ball forward he decided to cut into the player in front of him and then turns his back. He does a similar thing in the first half (and gets the foul for it this time). It could be that the AI is trying to arrange the players into this sort of position in order to activate Malicia, but as the non-medals have worse stats, it allows the medals to tackle them before they can even get into the correct position for Malicia to activate.
Without really scouring the VODs for instances of dives and strange tackles on people with the card I can't really know, but it's something to consider.
Another thing to look for is any silvers getting dispossessed in silly ways like the defenders have been.
>sou caring about tactics working properly
good joke mate
if he cared he would had used the vglel stat distribution to make the games more watchable
gssbb is for fags with terabytes of cheese pizza on their hard drive
>fags with terabytes of cheese pizza on their hard drive
but enough about /admin/
5 medals does suck but he could had easily set golds to be 95 and silvers 89, bufflets 84 and non medals 80
or something similar
Arknights 2024 Summer Carnival is Livestreaming
New Character Shu will come in 31 July
Anime S3 premire in October 2024?
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let's gooooo

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