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Previously on /pal/: >>486765060

>Steam Page

>Palworld Twitter

>Latest Patch Notes (7/8/24)

>Pocketpair Youtube

>Pal Models
Blender: rentry.org/t7bth9nh
Rips: mega.nz/folder/HCATDCIQ#aoE99tdPzJDhHlyW_3C-9g

>Breeding Guides and Tools
Advanced Breeding Guide 2nd Edition: rentry.org/md8pereh
Breeding Calculators: palworld.kimpton.io



>Server Setup

>/vg/ Server
Check in thread for up-to-date ones.
NA Server #2:
drago sexo
Two threads again?
Let's fucking gooooooooo!
AI vs 3DCG
Post raid teams
the only thing my team is raiding is a refrigerator...
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>other thread got nuked
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Bit unfair considering that thread was on page 2 while this one was on page 8 but okay, at least this one isn't AI
Now make one with boobs
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How would (you) prepare her, /pal/?
Dubs picks the first pal I breed to complete optimization
Oh I'm gonna eat her alrite.
>what is 00
defeat bellanoir libero without pals soon
just need a few more rocket launchers
>Katress under the table
Is there a miniscule chance of wild pals having Legend or was that just a schoolyard rumor
If I unknowingly use a IV fruit on a pal that already has 100 in that stat, will it not let me use it, or will it waste the fruit? I'm scared of wasting them
Wasn't the other one made first? Why did they choose this one? Is AI against the board rules now
idk but it had all the lamball pics posted so im annoyed it was deleted.
Where she belongs
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Haven't played since launch. What level should I be to do the Bellanoir raid?
I hate Air Cannon so much
instant use, instant travel time, goes forever
bullshit move vs players
You won't be able to use IV fruit on a maxed IV, it's like trying to use a skill fruit for something that's already learned
Depends on which difficulty you attempt. There are three difficulties: Normal, Libero, and Libero Ultra.
nta but tell me about both libero
I haven't tried those yet but the normal one seemed pretty easy just filling a base with random level 50 pals, so I was clearly over leveled. But I couldn't see what the fuck was happening between all the pals and attacks going off so if all the raids are going to be like that I'm going to hate them a lot.
I love Air Cannon, especially on mounts.
Almost nonexistent cooldown, reliably accurate, and deals just enough damage to whittle down the Pals I'm hunting with ease, and if not, it combos well with my hunting rifle to keep the pal stunlocked long enough to get them in catching range. Also combos well with other quick moves too.
Normal: 33 to 35 depending on prep level.
Libero: 50 with heavy amounts of prep
Libero Ultra: lmao
by prep I assume you mean breading autism and making your whole base of pals have good traits and IVs
sounds like a whole lot of work and doesn't sound very fun. I guess it's nice that the breeding autists have a good reason to want to that kind of stuff.
Yeah, soloing Libero is a much taller order but still doable. Libero Ultra is practically impossible to solo legitimately.
>1 large power generator
>10 regular power generators
I assume the large is more efficient per pal but my oil base has plenty of slots free and I CANNOT be fucked farming electric organs for the next 7 hours
Just buy them.
Small Settlement.
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*raids your server*
thank you
>base optimization already 80% revolved around mining before Sakurajima
>now it's even more braindead and easy since you can plop mining sites of every type into any base so everyone just goes all-in on mining
Farming pals in shambles.
it's still nice supplying my mining bases with pizza or salad for the work speed buff
2 more pals on mining to generate more income to buy salad is considerably more efficient than 2 pals on farming duty.
you misunderstand
I dont mean using slots in the mining base
I mean I send a stack over from my farming base, which I need to keep running for the sake of cake production
2? Farming takes no less than 8 slots.
Jormuntard for watering 5
Frostnoct for harvest 5
Lyleen for planting 5
Lulluwu for growth
4x transporters to keep up
1 Chicken
1 Bee
1 Cow
1 Sheep
1 Dumud
2 misc rancherinos that get the boot when I need to use these slots to breed
bro your moth gf?
Post your Playlist for when you're out palworlding, /PAL/, me? The entire 1257 AD ost, and yes, I miss /mbg/
Lmao I got 5 tards, 10 plantwives, 5 nigga horses, 5 kats and 5 fire kats, plus one cold horse(fridge), the Jolthog Cryst I was using before the horse for the food box, a Lulu, a Shroomer noct and finally a flambelle for morale, the x2 base mod and 50 pals per base is just insanely fun when you like building
>had to grind up a bunch of vanwyrm crysts to beat the fire boss
>fire boss also kicks my ass
>don't feel like grinding again
>just go catch some alpha jorms and bluzakus for high initial levels
>still not even close to winning
why are bosses so fucking overtuned, you should need ONE metaslave eugenics project OR a suboptimal team, not a full spectrum autism master race squad
and I just know the other bosses are going to be even worse
>to beat the fire boss
electric/dragon boss, I mean
Either get a good Lily with sneed mine and some bristlas and a rare/epic ass rifle or just get gobs + anubis, whatever is your combat pal isn't would be better if he/she/it was 4* and fully soul'd, and breeding just one combat pal is fast, breeding an army for gothtard/mutt is a pain in the prostate
My Lyleen was enough to rape him at what? 45? She's even using the old combat recipe rather than the Serenity one, and she kicks ass without bristlas just remember to hide your pal when the boss males a big attack and balance the aggro between you and your pal, also dodge a lot
Is there any reason to use Lyleen Noct over Lyleen?
Noct version looks prettier.
>fire boss
>use grass pal
Yeah, but he died too, your pal is there to draw aggro also wasn't electric boss?
>Noct version looks prettier.
Thats enough reason, mechanically nope, Lyleen is just the best tank/healer/sneed mine dispenser, but If you want the best grass the voredragon botan is your pal, I just prefer having 2k heals on demand
I beat the electric boss. I was bitching about both of them.
Well, full on water team could help, but the fag has electric skills if I'm not missremembering, anyway he's easy with full gob + blue assrifle, breed a chillet with vanguard+Stronghold+Burly+swift/Legend, I did killed him with my lyleen so is not impossible, eat Food and down a potion too, seems overkill but eh
a full squad of lvl 50 suzakus and jorms didn't even get him to half within the time limit, looking like I really do need to go full eugenics+condenser
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