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>Giten Megami Tensei's partial translation patch for PC-98

>Vengeance OST scans

>SMT V & Vengeance sold over 1.6 million copies worldwide

>Patch 1.0.2 for Vengeance dropping soon according to SteamDB

>Megaten Fusion Tools [For real fusion autists!]

>Archive of 3DS Texture Packs

>Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 soundtracks is now available for on digital streaming services

>Information about the schizo so people are aware to not interact with them in any shape or form: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19l6oTnl9qU9mMLXh_Fuo60MUjzUVf1ln/view

>How to filter namefags with 4chanX: /^(?!Anonymous$)/

Previous thread: >>487276714
Thanks baker.
What's the darkest SMT game tone-wise?
SMTIV, it's the Dark Souls of Persona
Actual previous

It really depends on what route you take and more. SMT2 has most people die since you couldn't stop it. Majin 2's Dark law ending has everybody die with everything resetting with one person knowing they are going to die. SMT1 has the most personal connections with the MC. SMT3 has genocide. SMT4 has a lot with the kids and the red pills with the adults trying to be too drunk to care. It really depends on what you consider very dark.
Chiaki violently genociding the manakins was my sexual awakening
Vesk sex
Demi Kids Dark Version
There's too many sidequests in VV, man. I just wanna unlock demons and stuff.
More megaten games should have at least one all female antagonist group
Do the 2004-era MMO fetch quests and you can fuse all you want anon, not before
1 easy.
Nuke, zombies everywhere, knowing your mom got brutally vored and having to fight her corpse imitator.
also your dog turning into a demon.
most smt games have at least one wacky thing in them but I is just consistently depressing and "you are beyond fucked forever" in tone.
Unfortunately the comically bad and technically inept presentation really undermine the themes. It all comes across as cartoonish
There are other versions that add more cutscenes to the game, so stuff like the nuking is much more brutal.
Mara's three daughters next
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it looks fine and actually has a lot of little visual details that really add to the atmosphere.
the glowing demon eyes in particular are something I miss in the later smt games.
I'd take a 2D-HD remaster minus the bloom over a straight up 3D remake if atlus were interested in it.
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hmm brains
I thought the presentation in 1 was quite good. Especially the beginning. The way tokyo is shown progressively deteriorating and the situation culminating in gotou’s wide-broadcast speech was well done imo. And the timer count down during the nuke drop is to date one of the most memorable moments in the series for me.
Please, no more. The only tolerable ones are the boss fights and the controlling demons ones, but even they occasionally end up with you being too strong by the time you get to them.
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should i replace headcrush with murderous glee?
No, you have critical aura
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love this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe. are there any essences i can throw on him to make him a good buff bot? i just fought the cop guy in akihabara in CoC.
>I just fought the cop guy
God, could you at least TRY to remember who the characters are? It’s no wonder so many of you complain about the narrative when you lack the literacy skills necessary to retain even basic information
the real question is should i replace headcrush with anything better? it's pretty useless for her now.
Aogami Type-D for luster candy, debilitate and res phys
i don't speak chinese and i'm bad with names in english leave me alone you goober.
In canon of creation particularly the characters are so utterly boring it's the natural thing to completely forget their names. God knows I didn't remember yuzuru's name from that original game playthrough, it only stuck when he started actually doing things in vengeance
i do not believe i am far enough in the game for that one.
Any of the ma- buffs really, he's not bad aside from the risk of using his taunt while weak to phys
I'm pretty sure the point of his taunt is to use it on other allies.
IV had human brain trafficking with children being raised like slaughter cows by a pedophile
no i know i like him, the taunt combined with sakanagi made yakumo actually pretty shrimple because naho would counter in between charging and slamming for 400 dmg crits (though not having phys dampeners still is kinda brutal).
i just don't really have any essences with a good amount of buffs or debuffs. it's always like one buff or one debuff with some damaging spells, and this guy would be sick as hell if i could give him marakukaja, matarukaja, maybe media or something to steal mp from the enemies so he's just a theoretically invincible support with the amount of standard resistances he's got.
Stopped reading there.
my bad gang
Liar, I read the whole thing.
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my bad gang
actually i read the whole thing i don’t know why i said to you i think i just wanted to be funny. sorry.
all good og
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until late game just cover his phys weakness
>already at the Empyrean
>still have this Tao loser with me
Bruh, do I really not get to hang with Yoko and bully Tao's dumb world?
You only get Yoko prior to the first of thr final battles. You can summon her on NG+ from compendium tho
Reddit bird
Tao loves you anon that's not very nice
Post the romantic handholding scene with her if this is the case.
That sucks, probably my only major complaint so far is that neither of them is really implemented in the story at all after the first two regions, Tao is so lame and doesn't even comment on anything in Taito despite supposedly retaining her personality this time.

Yoko loves me too, so it's choice between other factors. Unfortunately Tao looks and acts dumb with monkey ears to boot, plus Chaos has the cooler demon unlocks.
Demons for this feel!
agrat is a fool
>Dude, romance!
>In a SMT game
If this was in the late 2000s to the entire 2010s you would have been laughed and mocked by old SMT fags for uttering such words
Jack Frost
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>standing blowjob position
>teeth and tongue features
SMTV is a masterpiece
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>back in my day
Nobody cares Gramps. We embrace the new here. The future.
>Have to go back to being gay ass blue beano after being the cool ninja moon beano for so long
Do us a favor and die along with your prehistoric views of the world. We are the future. The fires of chaos that will shape the world. Your time is over.
namefag, go away
Anon.....the EO team didn't make that Alice model.....P-Studio did....
Anon, P-studio is a falseflag,
As if, don't act like nobody remembers Chiakifags or the IVfags just because you weren't there to know about it.
Ok newfag
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If you were paying attention you would know the namefag is a lawfag. Adapt or be left behind.
It's not a falseflag. It's common knowledge that at least 90% of the demon roster are taken from P5 and SH2.
which one of you faggots was this
take your terrible troll posts to the pits of lucifer's buttcrack
What if i tell you it was me? What are you goign to do?
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Who's trolling? The one going against the herd or the one who isn't?
that is a quote from V
No shit, I'm asking where it was posted
the series has always had romance elements with the heroines. hell the old heroines were way worse about it, existing entirely for the heroes without any real beliefs of their own.
in essence it's a pretty much necessary element considering so many of the games see the heroes have to decide the fate of their worlds and many old mythos have a man and woman act as the progenitors of their respective worlds.
it only appears more apparent in modern entries because modern gamers are brainless and need the characters to constantly talk and express their feelings as blatantly as possible
no one is going with your flow, they will revert back to smt3 style of megaten games very soon enough, imbecile
>they will revert back to smt3 style of megaten games very soon enough
V is more like nocturne than any game since nocturne.
The irony of your post is too much. I'm not even going to grab an image for this one.
good, but you damn know im right
You are correct but not in the way you think. Not only did V take more inspiration from Nocturne than any other game but Nocturne is THE new wave of Megaten and marks the clear divide between new megaten and old megaten. So yes we will be getting more games like Nocturne. As in more games like V.
>V is more like nocturne than any game
>no random encounters
>no random encounters from chests
>it's more like p and smt4
>shitty bosses
>unique terrible animations for newnime fans
>boss attacks are sequenced
>no more unique dungeons
>but somehow it's more smt3'sh because ""continuation"" but not in gameplay wise
your argument false apart very quickly.
The best way to describe V/VV is that of a fangame
the fangames or games based on megaten directly that exist have better plotlines
The best way to describe V/VV is that of a wet fart
I'm not even going to entertain this considering half of your "arguments" are literally nothing. "it's more like p and smt4" "unique terrible animations for newnime fans" brilliant. Nice list padding retard.
if you play smt games for the story then play on baby mode and fuck off and let people discuss gameplay and fusion autism. niggers. fuck sm5v

and fuck alice in the ass
if we were only to talk about gameplay then V is indisputably within the top 5 best megaten games.
So when you said they will revert back to smt3 style were you implying we will return to random encounters? If so lol.
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I see the SEA schizo has invaded again
you don't want to discuss it because it's nothing like nocturne. And i will keep padding unto it because i am damn it about it appealing for masses instead for nish gods.
gameplay and life support maybe, but in strategic wise while encountering enemies in turn base gameplay scenario? nope.
dude, faggots complain about random encounters and even japs are becoming more casualized only shows we need a full on world reset. god appears and smites us all or we kill ourselves finally.
sitting here, stroking my shit, demon's in the comp.
I'm horny and full of MP, lets go boys.
>Top 5
Oh boy I fucking love spamming ailments, murakumo, and buffs being nearly useless
literally use fucking that consumable that makes less encounters in smt3 you dumb newnigger secondaries and cry less
Now let's see Nocturne's gameplay.
schizo get ye gone
>oh boy I fucking love spamming Focus, Freikugal, and buffs being overpowered
>Strongest attack
Honestly better than V where it's just spamming ailments in hopes the enemy can't do shit while hitting him to death
buffs in smt3 were superior and balanced pretty well until you get dekaja'd, it's good.
>durr let me abuse this one strategy and then say the game is bad because of that
This is why i love discussing video games on 4channel.org.
Where is this ailment narrative coming from? Out of all the playthroughs I have seen posted here barely anyone is abusing Loa like I did. You are acting like it's the free strategy everyone is abusing but the truth is you can beat VV with basically anything which is a good thing.
Why build a playground when you can just put kids in an open plain and let them "do basically anything"?
Think about that and then get back to me.
Would someone please tell me where Amanozako is for the later quest you get from the Kurama Tengu at the Tokyo Tower where Artemis was? Him and the quest log say Tokyo Diet Building, but there's nothing here and there's no new quest markers.
Going by sales it sounds like that worked with Elden Ring.
Here's a solution for impatient newfags and adhd gen alpha illiterates about random encounters. Create more consumables that can change the encounter rarity. The one with the most less encounters will cost the most and the one with giga encounters will cost also the most and between those 2 you can have 3 or 4 more consumables with different levels of encounters to your liking. It's hard for you to do, fatlus?
It's way more like 3 than 4 was.
We are never returning to random encounters. Give it up.
>Where is this ailment narrative coming from?
Because ailments were extremely buffed in V. Shit like Omagotoki Poison, Frolic, and Chaotic Will are fucking insane to the point it can turn nearly all fights into a absolute joke while buffs are not worth using at all
yeah uhuh
stop being so fucking tertiary
Thanks for agreeing.
you people are literally the only people on earth who give a shit about random encounters. an rpg removes them and NO ONE so much as fucking blinks except you idiots.
it's like a game using a different button to select stuff than most other games. no one cares. no one even consciously thinks about it.
fucking retard, how is that more smt3? story wise? fuck off and play on baby mode
Which JRPG series even still uses random encounters? Even DQ dropped them.
if you play for the story then play on kojima mode, even kojima mode has less shitty stories.
>accursed poison
Really only good against bosses that get sealed. If they are weak to sleep or something it's pretty shit. Also was nerfed in Vengeance so the ailment isn't guaranteed anymore.
DLC skill in V and giga nerfed in VV.
>Chaotic Will
Which you get after beating the hardest super-boss in the game.

I don't understand your anti-ailment agenda. They are simply a good strategy now instead of fucking useless.
Here's a tip, the word "more" does not mean "exactly 100% the same in all aspects".
Having more strategies = good. except when those strategies are braindead i.e. half of the shit in V.
It's that simple.
Why are you playing a 60 hour JRPG without caring about the story?
These games are turn based nigga what are you yapping about.
Aliments in VV are actually decently fun. Honestly most of the fun builds are based around foul demons.
your "more's" definition is like in your mind it's ""similar""
Still doesn't excuse buffs being useless
because gameplay comes first no matter where and how, clown.
There's barely a reason to do that when the game can be easily beaten with Murakumo.
The only buffs that are arguably useless are the Concentrate/Charge ones, but even they have some really niche uses.
then chess is fotmillennia of turn base games, why not make it chesslike then?
where is mitama's unique spawn points in taito and shinjuku?
Can someone translate this for me please?
why someone else? why not ask me directly to reiterate it?
Yeah normies don't think about a lot of things, doesn't mean it didn't change the game significantly. You can just run past pretty much all encounters now with the overworld encounters, and that dominoed into changing the way the entire game is balanced. Because the encounters in areas are such easily rushed passed non-entities it made them completely move the resource management aspect of the games into the boss fights instead of being something that would be a factor throughout a dungeon, which lead to the boss HP bloat and the increased MP costs. What may seem like an insignificant change to a tourist who doesn't look very far into things is actually the lynchpin behind a huge game design shift that reverberates through the entire product.
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>got a twitch in my pp
why you do this to me..
Doujin cover and rest of the pages are done. They just need to be inked now.
Title is basic as fuck but eh-also used the cover to reference when Hideto saves Rosanna after being kidnapped
I actually quite like how buffs work in V. They've rebuilt them to be something that feels like a natural extension of your possible strategies. Previously they functioned in a way that felt very rudimentary and pointless honestly. Every fight was just max out your buffs, wait until you get dekaja'd, do it again. They might as well have existed as an innate element of the combat. Every aspect of the new buff/debuff system feels like it's designed to move away from that and encourage battles in which they exist and are utilized just as any other generic tool for the player, which in turn creates a greater diversification in battle strategy. You can even still get a lot of leverage out of them just as with the old games if that's the style you prefer, it just takes more buildup.
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Well I like boss fights and don't enjoy dungeon crawling so I guess the games shifted in my favor.
Whether you personally like the shift or not wasn't my point, moreso I was just making the statement that randos not noticing a difference doesn't mean that it wasn't a significant change.
That said I struggle to comprehend how you got into a series of which about 80% of the games significantly revolve around dungeon crawling if you don't like it.
Random encounters usually tax player resources which is why they're great for dungeon crawls. The absence of them isn't by itself objectively bad, it just means that enemy placement has to be intelligent so you're not able to lazily avoid every single encounter.
The second you start being able to 100% avoid any unscripted fight there is no attrition. This also means fights become something you opt into solely for the purpose of keeping your party current (or the obvious love of gameplay if the combat system is good). Which, funny that it was mentioned, is exactly what happens in DQ11('s early and mid game)

Their loss and the gameplay considerations that are attached to them has seldom balanced out.
Though I'm more of a fan of the cadence in something like Alliance Alive where you're transition into and out of that battle at light speed.
They're substantially more streamlined to the point that non luster buffs are actual garbage for all but 3 fights where the AI spazz's out in revenge for going full up or full down due to the buff system being inherently broken when you freely give x2/x4 debuffs and x2/x4 buffs per turn. And if you staple one Sakuya to your team you don't interact with basic buffs at all.
Whilst things like the various dampeners/blocks are aggressively binary and, due to being so stupidly overpowered, DO trivialize everything for until the very last act of the game where everything gets to pierce.

Easy as piss as it may have been Ni No Kuni 2 had interesting buff gameplay both in and out of combat due to them (generally) not stacking.
well i started with persona 5 and i didn't really like the dungeon stuff there either but the social links were fun
>You can even still get a lot of leverage out of them just as with the old games if that's the style you prefer, it just takes more buildup.
Why are you lying?
>Previously they functioned in a way that felt very rudimentary and pointless honestly
What you mean to say is that they had zero substance or depth to them at all and that they were just the standard baseline for the stats.
I started with Persona 3 and was ok with Tartarus because I like Mystery Dungeon games. The dungeons in IV/IVA were hit or miss for me. Basically anything with teleporters is something I don't want to deal with. Nocturne was more or less the same with the occasional interesting gimmick like the obelisk but mostly whatever with the addition of the infuriating moon based chests. Personally I was more engaged with the mediocre platforming in V than the teleport dungeons.
>unique terrible animations for newnime fans
You haven't played many JRPG did you? I shit on VV but if he anything the animations try to please the old players not new ones
I hate how V animations are fucking Final Fantasy tier, especially with Nahobino skills like Heavenly Ikuyumi
Why are you complaining about something you can skip?
Not overtop enough for me i want it to be even more JRPG
The Mansemat that Seethes
>bro random encounters are necessary for muh resource management
why are we pretending like the majority of smt games don't give you healing spots in dungeons and enough macca to not care about using them every time you see one?
I think they're cool. Amon goes from "lol weird owl snake" in the last game to "hey, this guy is pretty cool" when you see his attack animations in V.
What are we pretending they shower every dungeon with heal zones?
A demon fucking dying is a big fucking deal in nearly every older installment. 1 and 2 required modest amounts (or perseverance). If... was fucking stingy on heal spots as well usually requiring you to go multiple entire FLOORS to return to one.
they put enough and dungeons usually aren't big enough to make even traveling to a different floor to be an issue. it's pretty much ONLY a big deal in the snes games and even then not really. once you learn recarm and media MP is the only resource you're managing and it's far easier to keep your MP in check when you can run demons who you're using only to heal which is EVEN EASIER to do in the old games with the six character teams.
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Just abjectly untrue to an extent I do not believe you played the games desu, healing areas in megaten 1 right through to nocturne were typically just in the towns and not frequently spread deep through the dungeons, SJ's healing terminals were more frequently spread but not so much that the resource management aspect wasn't there (especially with vanillas more medicated controlled app system, Redux certainly shifted the paradigm on that somewhat)
I haven't played IV/A since they came out because I didn't like them that much so maybe it was the case there, I don't remember
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>Questionable statline
>Shit resistants/nulls
>His unique skill isn't good at all
>His innate skill is really horrible
>Isn't even usable for superbosses despite only being unlockable from beating the game
Why even make a model of him if he's going to be inferior to the doimons and the Nocturne demons
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wtf is this true?
vairochanna was lucifer all along?
>usually aren't big enough to make even traveling to a different floor to be an issue.
Maybe later game
Recarm was comparatively fucking expensive in 2 at the earliest you could get it of whom, IIRC the very first was Phoenix, who could cast it all of 6 times before burning out. If...'s revival prices were actually obscene in the early game. You could have a demon cost nearly a dozen of fights worth of juice to squeeze.
And none of them put heal spots in reasonable locations. The further you progressed, the higher the likelihood you had to return to near the halfway point if not outright entrance.

Naturally it didn't scale enough to keep being an issue, sure.
Though to be fair, (nearly) no game in this franchise has scaled well enough to continue taxing the player past the mid point.
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i fucking hate passives and specially stacking passives. i hope the next game doesn't make it so that the best skillset for every demon is 7 passives and one ability they will spam.
exists to counter Masakado.
use shield of god
Press taunt
Eat shit, print 10 flashing press turns.
He was obviously not meant to be a final boss but was forced into the role because of Atlus being lazy.
He's a lynchpin in those cheese 1 turn clears where you use him to print turns.
It's pretty disingenuous to compare the roles of random encounters in a dungeon crawler like SJ or the SNES titles to a 3D JRPG like Nocturne or V. For the former they're an integral part due to the dungeon crawling/blobber/1st person grid based genre aspects specifically, absent that the benefits of random encounters are very debatable.
Forget null and repel passives, they should have added "_ weak" passives to VV so you could abuse innates like gogmagog and mastemas
shut the fuck up about random encounters already. i can't believe this is a real debate. this general is pathetic.
Can I be honest, I think you have literally no idea what you're talking about and you're just putting on an airs of understanding.
I think so because of the way you grouped nocturne with V for the sole fact of it "being 3D" despite the fact dungeon design wise it's basically no different to the "2D" games. (In quotes because the dungeons of the SNES games are 3D, ever looked at the name of the soundtracks lately? 3D Makai?)
They literally have that fist person unlockable in it for a reason, the dungeons are basically designed in the exact same way as the snes games in their blocky corridor based glory, with the same types of traps and all. Pretty much the only difference is the occasional curved corridor, truly showing off the intense power of the PS2. The resource management aspect is also pretty much unchanged between those games.
i sweat like crazy everytime i see that render
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>Anon when people seriously want to discuss mechanics and design shifts instead of quibbling about demon pregnancy and megami feet
Yeah, I knew you'd just try to pull the "Nocturne is exactly the same as a 1st person dungeon crawler" meme out. I had hope because you are smart enough to recognise that having random encounters or not does change the overall game balance in more than just their implementation, but sadly I was wrong.
I would love for anons to discuss vore instead
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I accidentally took this screenshot by the will of God and my fat fingers, I have faith that He wanted me to send it to you.
Feel free to elucidate me at any point about what makes the camera shift from third person to third such a shift in nocturne dungeon and resource management design. You offered no actual explanation or argument, just a dismissal, unlike every post I made to you which doesn't fill me with much confidence about you having a point at all.
Interesting that nocturne can still facilitate all the standard 1st person dungeon crawling trappings, pit tiles, damage floors, warps and random encounters despite being such an extreme design shift as you say. But no, CLEARLY nocturne is more apt being grouped with V, a game who's format and level design is so different it had to do away with all of that.
Your post is the only one in this thread mentioning pregnancy or feet and yes I did CTRL+F to check
Maybe not this thread in particular but pregnancy is a hot topic in these threads lately you can't deny that
I know jack shit about giten megami tensei but isn't there a scene where the heroine gets all her body parts eaten and you only see her decapitated head? Also naked nymph sprite
Yes. It's only one scene, there is also sex scenes. It's mainly since it was a commission and 99% of games for the system were porn games.
Creating an AOE phys attack for Mara that does more damage if the enemy is charmed. Should I call it Mating Press?
Reddit tier post
rentu foree
His unique move is pretty rad for an ailment team. Namah and him make a good one two screen clear.
I've been harboring a secret for years and I will share it now with /smtg/, I have a perfectly built and leveled team in Nocturne for the very last fight of the game but I got bored and stopped at the last save point and never finished, this was like 3 years ago
It is done.
The final bosses in Nocturne are pretty easy
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I genuinely love this character
Opinion of cars?
It's a little too on the nose. Hell Thrust is subtle, what you did is akin to naming it Penis Thrust or something.
Nah the term mating press isn't nearly as mainstream as you think. Also the move I replaced was Megaton Press so I think it's rather fitting.
Yoko is proof that the rerelease girl trend needs to die off already
Yeah, they should really just start with the best versions of the games. Skip to the good content so we don't have to ignore the shitty base game girls for hours first.
Not so much a question of difficulty, it was late and I was tired and getting kind of over the game and I figured I'd finish it the next day and then it was well maybe tomorrow and now it's been 3 years
>"Mara is big penis that fucks you +5" haha get it guys do you get it??
unironic autism
You sound miserable.
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It's not even autism, it's just a unfunny meme that lost all of it's luster years ago. It's like seeing someone in 2024 unironically posting "The cake is a lie!", Pickle Rick, and Silvagunner joke rips. It's just cringe now.
Not using the fapbait demons. Just not using them, that's it! HAHAHA
Are we really pretending mating press is a normalfag meme? are we REALLY pretending like it's a relic of the past and not a popular sex position in hentai that is still used to this day?
>are we really pretending missionary sex is a normalfag meme
Your virginity is showing.
Mara actually discussing his mythology and not just saying dick jokes challenge
>he says, looking to the mirror
anon, if i'm being honest, you unironically sound like a virgin. if you have had sex, you surely have done missionary, and surely you would know that pushing her legs a bit further back, and you leaning a bit further forward, or even far enough to kiss, does not constitute a whole new position name. mating press is strictly a gooner term because they think its raunchier sounding than missionary, which they think adds to their sexual degeneracy that they've turned into their whole personality.
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For skills that are Phys Based + an element like Dracostrikes, do you want High Phys Pleroma or the specific element one? Does it even matter?
Dazai legitimately turns into a nigger for no reason
>inb4 muh god
In this pic he is well along the god path, I seriously doubt him being shown he could become a nahobino would've had such a drastic effect. I know it had to be written this way though.
dracostrikes are strength based, not phys based, youd want the element pleroma, it would also use that element's skill potential
I thought the Dracostrikes and the uniques like Nahobeeho's one still dealt physical damage, I asked because I wasn't sure. I guess I can't just make him have Phys attacks too with the limited space.
They deal elemental damage, but use your strength score in the calculation. You want high strength and then the elemental pleromas
Yeah, I get the idea now. Thanks, anon.
tao might as well be a re-release girl in vengeance ngl
In CoV anyways
>erm if i'm like being honest here you unironically kind of sound like
Keeps the laughs coming.
It's weird how the old timer is so much better than his son. He is an amazing support demon even with the physical weakness that isn't so bad if he is able to defend or make the enemy attack someone else.
He helped kill the leaders of the chaos armies with Abdiel, that experience gave him this might makes right mentality, a power from god gave him the means to accomplish such a feat, so naturally he would see god as an absolute good.
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Nozuchi learns Taunt but has 3 weaknesses to the most common elements, fire ice and elec. How is this helpful?
Black mara
Because he resists phys which is more valuable than any other element resist. Because normal attacks are the most common attacks in the game. Honestly giving you a phys resist essence that early is kind of stupid.
He Resists Physical so you use him for the niche situations where you fight an enemy that doesn't have any of Fire/Ice/Elec. The 2nd Naamah fight being one because Naamah herself only has Dark while Glasya-Labolas has Physical and Force skills.
Fallen Abdiel + Dazai is a pretty annoying fight with a weird battle song.
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emo horse
Miami nightclub ass music... I love.
How to fix the passive problem
you get 4 slots for command skills and 4 for passives
You get rid of most of these passives. Any passive that increases damage goes into the fucking bin.
adramalech and amon's models having eyes that actually open and shut make white rider's horse look so much worse in comparison
Small Indie Company that needs to make the most of PS2 assets made two decades ago, please understand.
That's a sexy horse...........
Just delete damage and critical passives, no game should ever have those. It's not even a choice at all whether you have them or not.
>refutes nothing i said
well, as long as we're laughing together
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Is this the first Doi Tiamat doodle anyone has ever made?
Aogami's return was peak unintentional comedy
>Wasn't dead just in Tiamat jail
>Talks about dragon slayer mumbo jumbo
>Calls you up for a bench conversation in the middle of Yoko summoning Tehom
>"Man it too bad I couldn't thank my brother for taking care of you young man, oh well let's go back to killing Yoko"
Fucking comedy gold.
why is white rider's horse the only one that isn't just a single color across the entire body
>any repel dark essence/demon
>kill dazai (no hp)
>ez win
What's annoying?
I really dislike how V & VV soundtrack tries to sound unique as possible instead of trying sound good, so what you get is a mostly forgettable soundtrack that leaves your brain once you're done with the game
Abdiel hits really hard even without Dark and always hits everything, enough to kill any non Phys resist demons in one turn. Dazai's status effects always make something not quite go as planned, always attack after Abdiel so his fire stuff never loses him a turn, etc.
I don't know. Not saying it's bullshit or anything, it's just a pain for me on Hard.

I agree for some of the battle themes even many of the ones I like, but the area and dialogue stuff is perfectly fine in VV. I would argue that this one in particular fits though, it's on the nose but still a nice contrast.
I've been listening to the soundtrack everyday.
they are literally scripted to do fallen destroyer maragion first 2 moves, I've only ever seen abdiel do hades blast as a follow up because dazai dies too fast
Mastema brainwashed him
Battle -Dagda- is underrated.
This franchise is a fucking joke
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If you ask for money from Mastema in IV, he implies that he will only invest money in humanity's future if you have a 500 year long business plan
I swear if Yamai and Ooyama were just working on another demaster I’m going to seethe and cope like no tomorrow.
Missing out on being Dagdaddies very own godslayer
Dagdaddy is underrated. I want him to impregnate me with his powers
Where the fuck is Belial in the CoV route. I want the Alice and her gay dads attack.
Raidou 1+2 Korean Approved Edition will come soon.
Raidou wears a top hat now.
Why does shiva dance like that>?
If he stops dancing the universe implodes
Here's my power scaling tierlist of the full SMT V: Vengeance Demon Compendium based on their base levels. I reserved the bottom tier for demons that are mostly a species of legendary creatures rather than individual gods, angels, demons, spirits or any other mythical or religious entity important enough to have their own name. Here's the template I used in case anyone whose more knowledgeable in mythology than I am wants to make a lore-accurate power-scaling chart: https://tiermaker.com/create/smt-v-vengeance---all-demons-17289164
at what levels can the virtual trainer battles take place? 100, 999, anything in between?
I love that track
Did it replace the song that sounds like A Change of Seasons by Dream Theater?
>High level is high
>Low level is low
What's the point of this list?
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Jorden Peterson just randomly dropping SMT lore on Joe Rogan

>Tao is so lame and doesn't even comment on anything in Taito
She took the time to shit on me for siding with Adramelech. She still has some personality yet, just that the devs gave up on tricking the player into thinking CoV is a new experience.
jordan peterson is so retarded he would try to summon a demon just to get unbanned from twitter while saying he isn't the one seething.
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How do I beat Masakado's Shadow? Just make an Uriel with Dark Energy?
Has VV finally killed this place?
I was surprised people had faith in Atlus after SH2. That game was just reprehensible.
It's only for the CoV dual fight, Nahobino Abdiel keeps A Change of Seasons
How come Turbo Granny is the only Foul that talking like a normal person?
She is talking all slow and slurred too, she's just too fast for you kids to notice.
what would a Dark-Law world look like?
Thanks senpai!
Going to the club with Dazai, Khonsu and Beelzebub...
Any reason to do a CoC run?
I see you guys are still retarded as usual
>It's mainly since it was a commission and 99% of games for the system were porn games.
Thats not the reason, they wanted sex scenes in the game and they put it there,there was no money incentive for it
the fuck is this?

oh hyss-ho made another fic...i guess i'll check this out
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well you didn't answer me for some reason i will try again: where are the mitama's guarantee spawn points like in minato the bridge and that goddess place and picrelated but in shinjuku and taito
idk I just use the dlc
>posts podcast shit
>unironically listens to gay podcasts
fujoshites are pathetic
Guarantee these anons' bedrooms are disgusting pig-sties
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oh hello, femaleposter, go take your fat-sow ass outside for once and leave us be

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