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Previous: >>487740585

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki-Douji (Berserker) Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Scathach-Skadi (Ruler) Pickup Summon
2024-07-24 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

Yuyu love!
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Reminder Liz hates you no matter what race you are,what gender you identify as or what sexual orientation you have.
Liz hates all bros!
Liz hates trans rights!
Liz hates black right!
Liz says hate wins no matter what!
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Lip love!
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Kama Love!
you sick fuck
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I, for one, stand with the anti NTR spergbro
The open market are a bunch of troglodytes that need to fuck off, but also
>Dont hate the company for wanting money hate the audience that pays for that.
You mean the company that are absolutely dedicated to themselves which mean that doing exactly what the troglodytes is also a win for them? Nah they deserve the hate AND bankruptcy.
>go outside
>it's all the same bad shit despite doing what society and bosses want
>try to stay home with almost nothing to do except internet
>series so shit I may as well be bored
>also hentai its so fucking shit i get blue balls
kill yourself
>inb4 repost
Yeah, you are reading it you like it or not. Kuroinu is a mistake that should be aborted, liquid a company that should be bankrupt and it's member executed in public, and horosuke castrated and with his hands chopped off.
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Medusa Love!
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Reminder Liz loves you no matter what race you are,what gender you identify as or what sexual orientation you have.
Liz loves all bros!
Liz supports trans rights!
Liz supports black right!
Liz says love wins no matter who you love!
New thread, same shit
Low test: the image
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Bros I convinced a friend to come back to FGO after 3 years and then he immediately rolled Skadi with a multi while I had to pity her ass
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Yay, Kama!
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I fucking love this dog
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Mom Love!
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Are you looking forward to LB7?
which is the real one?
Didnt read.
Stop obssessing over what other people like and go outside.
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Soft mom comfy nap
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Your hard times should make you wish for the good times of others.
>didn't read
>yet knows the theme of the subject
>>>>didn't read
Anyway, kill yourself. That's the only way you can atone yourself.
might be the only good /fgog/ meme I've ever seen
I heard the bat schizo's OST, so yeah.
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Liz loves all bros regardless of their race,gender or sexual orientation she says so in the manga.
I've got some hard times to give you right here
Will it be worth the year long wait and the bros we lost along the way?
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Horses mouth
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Yes :D
Yes because is the last chapter im going to read before i drop this shit
Took them what
5 fucking years to finish their shitty story
I ain't reading that paper moon and all that garbage filler that comes after LB7
>my ancestor :)
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Kama in the Bahamas!
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we are going to miss you
/alter/ won't be the same without you
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Oberon love!
Who said anything about this being the finish
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Kama in the Bahamas with no dramas...
That post was so shit Gudao died from reading it.
She also said some nasty stuff about the yellow race...
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let her cook
Honestly yeah, the vague spoilers I've seen and heard look wild and hilarious.
Is there another gacha simulator apart from gamepress which is broke?
CCC isnt canon.
Got Bradamante while rolling for Lady Avalon. Is this good luck or not?
i think chaldea app has one
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Is the end, you beat daybit beat ort and erase the lostbelt
That they had to make some bullshit excuse about not being able to restore the world because alaya refuses to is something i will ignore
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You know after all the drama about counting 120s and stuff, I got curious

Has anyone done a statistical analysis of every servant /alter/bros have on their supports and determines what are the most common and least common? I'd be interested to see the least popular SSRs for example, or what servants are noticably more popular among people here compared to elsewhere.
He is right though
Enjoy your Culo newcutie
There's some type of irony in getting merlin's bimbo rolling for semen demon Morgan
you sound mad bro
I hate gareth's stupid fucking dog. And it's not like I hate all animals. But I hate when you tack on an animal for no reason and it adds nothing to the character, but takes up screentime AND fucking lines?

the first grail count 2 years ago did that for grails to 100.
>hoes can't stop bringing old shit from old thread here
She has a nice ass which she shows during her NP.
The problem is that you need to fill her NP gauge to see it.
I fucking love Animorphs.
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I feel the same, just playing until I can see my favorite and maybe some alt, or EOS.
Ready for next new years banner.
>Friend who's been gone for 100+ days suddenly pops up on the list in the middle of Summer Event
Did /alter/ leave any Ibukis for me? Because I'm doing it!
Tried it out. My luck is just as bad in the simulator. Thanks. That stopped me from buying another pack.
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Mighty Chains being introduced really made solo servants so much more entertaining to use.
Beating up everyone that shows up in the challenge quest one after the other with Mothman was a lot of fun.
I want to be embraced by that dog with that outfit
>could kill the retard not!guts
>doesnt do it and kill herself instead, also let her precious gf half elves to suffer for eternity
she is overrated and ACTUALLY retarded
Good luck!
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Good luck bro
I like QABing as well. It's nice.
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Why are you always attaching this image to long winded posts I refuse to read
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That would he 48 dollars +tip
Plus 12 dollar delivery fee.
Best of luck bro!
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No thanks i changed my mind i dont want it anymore.
*shuts door*
i never read the VN, just fapped to the animated hentai
I did try and it was one of the most tryhard edgy shit and thats' not hot, still love the designs
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gl dude
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>Has anyone done a statistical analysis of every servant /alter/bros have on their supports and determines what are the most common and least common?

/gig/ actually does an ownership tally every 6 months or so
No idea why /alter/ hasn't done so
What kind of delivery service employs a quadriplegic and charges a 25% fee? No, I will not tip.
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I feel like burning my French servants now.
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We only care about one thing and it's disgusting.
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If you dont tip you're then im just going to have to take take YOUR tip as punishment. *snip*
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Hate the game, not the player.
I can finally crit with Herc...
oh non!
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Thanks, I can't wait to use her!
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*kicks your balls*
*kicks your balls*
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wrong list
I do hate the game. I fucking hate random dogs. I hate when sakurai thinks it's funny to make the dog go "woof woof (Actual english)" or "fou fou (actual english)". I don't hate gareth nor garethfags.
What did nu/alter/ mean by this
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Bros, I got some pizza for us!
You look like a cut of fuckable meat.
You should still kill yourself
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Thanks bro! Some schzio purple hair bitch just came over, tried to kick my balls. Whatever, I'm not sweating it, like eat some pizza and game!
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Did they ever disclose the percentages of which valkyries were picked?
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Don't mind if I do!
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>alaya refuses
>is something i will ignore
Half of these are friend point summons servants they dont cost any quartz.
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They're eventually just going to give us all three Assassin Valkyries right?
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Can you just do different servants eating pizza?
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Eventually yes but it will be 2+ years from now.
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Good luck, bro.
Malcom in the Middle energy
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>two burgers
>put her drink on top of one of them for some reason
I'm also in that node bro.
Its AI dont think about it too much.
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I just had some pizza for lunch.
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Here is my wallet, queen. Do it again.
I wish this sweet potato was good but they really did her dirty
>she's a saber
>she's also gawain's sister
>let's put some some references to gawain everywhere in her kit
>sunlight battlefield and burn on hit just because
>your limited 4* summer waifu is now a worse version of a general pool servant
Galaxy brain game design
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For me, it's pregnant tomboys.
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Well it IS Friday.
What's your favorite summer Ibuki outfit?
It's weird because they gave her such high HP and low attack, but then her kit is just pure offense outside of a single targetable guts
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Friday pizza day...
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It's gamer time.
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first one
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>Smelu is the same tier as Super Bunyan

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>Smelu is in the same tier as Sunyan and higher than Sob
Why is this goddess making me have a primal urge to breed with her?
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Do the Mecha Elis share bond progression?
Where's that sis with the house full of cats that had her pizza stolen by cats when she opened her fridge?
I pick the end of england.
No, you have to bond them separately
My hatred for England outweighs my love for... What's her name again?
I have friends in Cornwall...
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We going home soon bros.
I would cook and eat my cat if i was hungry and it did that.
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Pizza a cake.
I won't believe Ondors lies.
There will be another delay.
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The fucking image of England and Wales with Scotland not even there and the whole of it burning is so fucking funny to me even with context now.

Also related, I live pretty close to the Lake District, I should go there some time. Still wild to me that Manchester of all fucking places is a location in this game.
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/alter/ on a Friday...comfy...
>your limited 4* summer waifu is now a worse version of a general pool servant
If you're referring to Gawain, he's Story-Locked, not general pool.
I've been over at /sp/ for the Olympic opening ceremony stream. You do not know what horrors were witnessed.
douman you fucking asshole
Why does she always have swirly eyes?
Drunk, like Jing Ke. I really like Jing Ke's green swirly eyes.
I didn't have a horse on this race before.
But now I'm team Altrouge.
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What did he mean by this?
>I live pretty close to the Lake District
I'm so sorry
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goodbye Skadi
>ibuki does more damage at np2 than kama does at np5
good lord
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Have you gotten used to Might Chains already? I'm still doing BAQ out of habit sometimes.
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I need to know
not really, I still tap the red cards without thinking too much
Did they take a dip the Seine?
how is babylonia still the best place for shells? this is hell.
I like shitty weather so I don't mind.

Seriously though, I should plan a weekend there some time. I want to travel more in general after going to Tokyo last year as my first holiday in like 20 years (at 31). Either a relatively close weekend trip to someone in the UK, or a week somewhere in Europe.
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this is a honeypot. do not look, smell, taste, touch, or hear the pizza if you want your freedom
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>spent 1500SQ in summer
>only got one of the summer SSRs
>completely broke now even though I want Tezcatlipoca next year
Go on without me bros
I'm French and I DO NOT want to know. These games have been an embarrassment for us before they even started.
This meme collage reminds me that Dinosaurs (the Disney show from Jim Henson) ended on a Christmas special, with the high implication that the coming of the Ice Age (the leading dino extincion theory of the time) has come and a dino newscaster telling his goodbye to everyone watching
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>still mad about Kuroinu
bought the VNs btw
You now need to reply with a screen of the new Skadi at bond 0 saying >hello Skadi
I really like her eyes. They also look very pretty in her swimsuit CE.
All the stories of /sp/ that I've heard consistently reinforce my desire to never visit that place.
Need my cock and balls tortured by wu
Didn't notice that Skadi has her nails painted, cute.
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You're not gonna make it sweaty
Probably Medb's influence.
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How long would Wu edge you with her tits?
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I cum fairly easy so max 30min...
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I like dragons
Does alter like dragons as well?
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The same as that doujin when she didn't let you finish.
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You bet!
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Hello Skadi
How good is 4/4/4 Okita? I wish I could use my Summer Skadi
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I love it as well. Swimsuit when...
Drag Queens everywhere,not even trying, like out of a south park episode making fun of satire
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You have my permission to kneel.
Up to the point it started to make you lose sanity.
GSSR during next anni has all this year's summer in 1 banner with good chances
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I like birbs.
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Democracy was a mistake.
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I don't remember voting for this
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Stop pretending to be me
300 sq, no Ibuki, np3 Erice and for some reason np2 caster Gil and this guy. Getting a bit nervous. But going deeper, I'm not failing your toots!
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Post your maxed Saber Ibuki RIGHT NOW
God I need to be her torture slave so bad
God I want to make things with Chiyome, all of them involving sex, handholding and pregnacy
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Give me reasons to roll for skadi outside of sex appeal
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What am I in for?
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>been logging in to admire merlina and summer skadi
what a good summer
dork sex
She makes quick betterer.
I know it's just shading but Melusine looks like she has a MASSIVE asshole in this pic
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Quick looper sex appeal
Coelacanths are cool.
Is Ibuki for (you)?
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me on the right
me on your right
Can you do Taiga?
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>/alter/ will bully Kintoki during Morganfest
That's not nice...
chuuni sex
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Wait, I made a mistake.
They're not even Coelacanths she's using, they're Dunkleosteus which are even cooler.
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need the real summer event
She is precious...
She's E for Everyone
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Semiramis is the kind of servant that would tease your prostate and make you continuously cum until you pass out.
im saving in full after this event ends, watch as I get her as Chloe evades me like every 4* summer servant I've ever wanted
>real summer event
>shallow copy of summer 3
summer 9 will save fgo...
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Teen Love!
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I'd rather talk to her about pigeons.
She barely functions as a Quick looper and instead focuses on Quick crits.
>Sella + Liz

>Cu with Hawaiian shirt
>Kid Gil

Fate/Hollow Ataraxia summer 9 will surely save Fate/Grand Order.
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Still the best meme ever
>hollow bones
>lay eggs
Birbs are just tiny dragons.
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Ok, here's the plan mahoyobros:
-Summon Skadi
-Skadi comes with MolaMola
-wait for it ~2y
-chain summon alice
What if dragons were like dinosaurs like the Quetzalcoatlus? Or have feathers ST least
>Cu costume
>Angra costume
>Angra screentime
I would love all of these but they’re never happening
I spent like around 800 quartz before I finally got Ibuki. Shit's been a rollercoaster since anniversary.
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>Almost August
>JP still hasn't gotten their first lottery of 2024
Looks like they're back to September Nerofest + December Christmas like in the past. I liked the more spaced out lotteries that we had with Grand Nerofest and Teslafest.
Artist name?
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Barely functioning quick looper focusing on quick crits sex appeal
Alice is the only reason for me to summon skadi
But she is so far away im not sure if I should even bother
It's a crime that 9 years into the game we still don't have Hawaiian shirt Cú Chulainn. Him and Avenger getting their swimsuit costumes at the same summer event that Caren and Bazett get their swimsuits would be perfect.
Went ahead and got Skadi to NP2 because I don't want to wait an eternity for her again.
illegal sex
Ati would never.
Swimsuit Skadi will get a solo rate-up in August 2025, 8 months before the Mahou Tsukai no Yoru collaboration event. You can roll for swimsuit Skadi then if you'd prefer to not do it now.
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It’d be really cool, but we know that if it were to happen it wouldn’t be officially announced and the costume would just be silently made available, but that would require Angra to actually get content first which feels sadly unlikely
Neat, I prefer to save for Tezcatlipoca now
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Well, time to clean up and upload the Suzuka scan. Either I manage today or tomorrow.
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Man this outfit is really lewd.
They should give Lip a costume with normally sized hands.
Godspeed broberon
Good luck with that. Could you recommend any places at tokyo for some poorfag planning to go?
finally done. time to start the event.
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Go go anon!~ Fighto win ruv!
Holy based
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if your dicks big enough
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Did anon ever scan the Goated book?
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>he thinks he can conquer her wet and hairy anus
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Thanks bro. I'll probably upload this and then take a break for a few days, then finish up more stuff. At least BW stuff looks better than colored.

It isn't on panda, so unlikely. I don't have it either although I've seen it and considered it. If it's still unscanned when the C104 stuff comes out proper, I could pick it up. No promises though.
I can if I don't have to look at that weird face.
This is very uncanny, don't post whatever this is again
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Someone CLAIMED they had and would scan today if they could get to their friend's scanner.
I appreciate the thought though, anon. Sucks because it's a really cool design.
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You will enjoy the AI hag and there is nothing you can do about it
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Were you farming embers this whole time?
Lip is fucking ugly. BB should disown her.
Post photorealistic anus.
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I'll keep an eye on this then. If it still gets unscanned, you may need to wait a bit extra, but I'll get to it. (as long as no outright lolishit in there, I recall looking at the artbook and a few displayed pages but I don't recall details).

Throw me a melonbooks or toranoana link if you got one, I can't find it again for some ungodly reason. I'll bookmark it.
it's just so lifeless looking
go ahead and post your 120 saber ibuki too :^)
All I care about is the cool beast Gudako stuff. Don't care about anything like that so feel free to skip over anything unsavory.
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>want to use the new servants I rolled
>stuck grinding the shitty 90++ for the next 2 weeks that demands super strict comps that don't use any of the new servants
This sucks, bros. 90++ was a mistake.
Castoria is so cute when she's angry
Erice and Ibuki can do 90++
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As long as it's not on the cover then it's not an outright issue. I did look at this specific artbook a few times and wondered if I should pick it up, but I didn't. Guess I should have. I'm sitting on a batch right now as time goes, but it's more doujinshi types than artbooks. I'll wait a bit on buying more, there are a few ones I'm interested in. Konoe announced a new one, Tezcat's artist did the same, Bobbers, so on and on. I'll potentially ask for requests later, but not for a while.
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Listening to the same song over and over again
nta but this is the link i found on, presumably, the artist's pixiv.
does this work?
Ibuki, dunno if Saber Gareth could do enough damage with double Koya
Me on the left
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Hey anon, do you notice something about that 9th Anniversary seal in the bottom left? More specifically, the star in the center? That's right, Solomon confirmed for anniversary.
Ai anon made me check out the /h/ thread. What a fucking mistake that was.
I started to avoid the 90++ nodes in JP events unless there's a damage ce. They're just not worth it to me.
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Perfect, thanks. It's still on sale on toranoana so I can get it hassle free. I'll bookmark it and check it on panda periodically.
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There are 9 stars, which means they're going to release a new 9 star rarity servant.
Trust me, I'm a detective.
why is Oberon so breedable?
Holy shit David SSR is here
based Linkin Park anon
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holy shit, look at her cheeks! I think Erice got stung by a bee!! quick someone bring her some benadryl!
She might be able to swing the damage at high investment, but the real problem with her is NP charge.
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I went to the pretty standard places so don't think I could recommend anything super unique but the Skytree is a nice day out, it's a mall + aquarium + tower that is worth doing each part of. Sensoji temple is also pretty near there, visitable on the same day if you're willing, and I'm mad as hell I didn't realise that at the time.

I personally had a really good time on my first full day there at Hibiya Park and then the Imperial Palace East Garden. Really pretty stuff and the Palace Garden had some interesting historical stuff to it.

I'd strongly suggest travelling to Odaiba at least once just for the ocean and art views, especially across the bridges if you are getting the raised train there, the view of Tokyo as you cross the bridge is wonderful. A lot of iconic buildings like Tokyo Big Sight there too. Akihabara needs no introduction probably. It's not really a "poorfag" spot though as it's all stores (and not the best for prices), but I'd still recommend it just to experience the mood, and if you have any interest in arcades, a few hours there is worth it.

The furthest out I went was to Yokohama specifically to see the life size Gundam. It was rad but I didn't do much else there besides check out the nearby chinatown (nice buns). If I go to Tokyo again I really want to check out Shinjuku, some of the bigger parks, Sensoji Temple, and Tokyo Tower.


Also 1000% recommend looking into how to use the metro. Absolute godsend, I cannot imagine going there and experiencing it without the metro because it makes the entire city unbelievably well connected. Makes distance way less of an issue when planning days out.

Man, I wanna go back or travel somewhere again. I want to just be in a new city and seeing cool shit and not thinking about work again.
If this is AI put some pigeon on her head
Why hasn't she come to me yet? I want to lick her summer feet so much
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Bros what do you think
I think I see the problem
When is half A/P Interludes? I have 24 of them to do
Same. I'm 130 pulls in and I thought I'd get newbie luck by now.
The colors are reversed from Arc's logo because it's gonna be Ciel
Thanks, bro. Appreciate you.
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Should Merlin really let his little sister dress like this?
No one gives a shit about Altrouge. Even Sacchin is more likely than her
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Back against the wall and odds
With the strength of a will and a cause
Your pursuits are called outstanding
You're emotionally complex
Sisters are difficult to control. When you tell them not to do something, they want to do it more
>no one gives a shit
as if that was a requirement for anniversary servants lol
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He's for Titania. Are you Titania? If so, no breeding the moth for you.

But just to add, I could yoink it up for you beastbro, that's not an issue. But I'll wait a week or so before doing it, on the off chance that other bro actually goes through with it. It also takes a while for me to get anything from Japan. I don't mind doubling up on stuff, but there's a reason why I avoid buying doujins and stick to artbooks - nobody scans the latter, former usually gets a scan quite quickly. If you see me posting Oberon love in a week or so, or just someone not shitposting with Oberon pics, do tell if it was scanned or not, I'll figure it out for you.
If she didn't want to indulge me then she should have put on some shoes
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>Moon is probably an Extra reference
>9 stars. Sun is a star.
>Fou was used to represent a beast and a tamamo(faker)
>9 tails, 9th anni, 9 stars
>Amaterasu is the Goddess of the Sun and a Stellar class entity
I'd HOPE it's some form of Amaterasu or the Mythological Mystic Code of Tamamo's let's be honest it could be anything really
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Liking summer Wu a lot so far. Her voicelines are very cute and she's pretty strong. What about you guys?
Thanks again then. I appreciate it. He hasn't done it so far and it's been over 24 hours so I DOUBT he's doing it but I can wait. Not like it'll hurt.
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>Friday night blues are kicking in again
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>9 stars
>each one has 6 sides
>96 has symmetry with 69
>Symmetry means two things that reflect the other
>Homunclus look the same
Sella and Liz confirmed
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>No beer left
>got Skadi in 120 SQ
>I still want Wu though
>drop another 300 on it
>got two more Skadis and no Wu
>now doing daily 1 SQ rolls until the end of the event
Please show up Empress. Please.
She's neither a loli or an adult woman, her art is also weirdly colored, like her skin is so orange. I just wanna swat her aside every time she appears in place of Skadi
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You'll have to most likely wait even if I say I could do it. Yknow what, I'll double up on it. It'll take an odd week or two since shipping etc etc. But at the same time, scans do take a while. 24 pages should be doable to scan in a day and take off the sides, although I do not color correct them and just leave them for someone else to do it. If you don't mind fairly low quality ones on my part, then whatever.
Oof, that's rough. I'm sorry.
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We don't serve your kind round these parts
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>One beer left
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Good night, bros.
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Good night lippa
Konoe is my second favorite type-moon artist
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>august dead month
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Don't mind me, I'll be pirating that beer.
We did it, /alter/! It took an embarrassing lot of sq, and I had to get over an Orion spook, but Ibuki is finally home, and she even brought a friend. Yay!
It won't be Ciel they need to save characters for the Collab.
you need a boyfriend..
Evens paypig
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Seeing a lot of bros but not that many hoes...
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The only ones I have are pixelated to shit while being tinier than mini oberon and incomplete stuff like what the artist posted on his pixiv. I do not mind and i HEAVILY appreciate you. Thank you so much. I've been wanting any sort of half way decent version of them and I'll take what I can get.
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Nice, bro
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>Are you Titania?
back when cars had style...
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>that face
la creatura
Kijyo Koyo...?
L... I'm reading
western artist moment
oh yeah they aren't in this game yet huh
are they the last female stay night characters we're waiting for?
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Ground Control to Major Tom, are you there?
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Good night, Lipbro.

Most likely going to scan this at least then. I just hope this isn't another 12 pages or so book, and more content than what's usual for Konoe.

Well, I do post raws, they do have their issues and I've noticed that my scan screen is a bit damaged so I will eventually have to buy a new scanner. Color correcting is a pain in the ass, I can do it for BW, but colored pages I refuse. That's why the colored ones are all washed out. So hope that's fine.
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I am absolutely fine with that. Thank you regardless.
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This is Major Tom to ground control, I'm stepping through the door.

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Tier B

Utsumi Erice joins the roster once again during Summer 2024 as an ST Arts Avenger with a specialty against Servants or Cursed enemies. Her NP damage is boosted against enemies that are inflicted with curse, and she can give herself bonus damage against Servant enemies for a brief period of time as well. She is capable of inflicting Curse on a wave herself, and also has a 30% NP charge to help gain access to her NP more quickly. Offensively, she also has Arts and Crit Damage buffs, and a somewhat gimmicky ability to stack DEF debuffs on the enemy when sustaining damage. She also has a Target Focus effect, which can help with ensuring enemies gain more DEF debuff stacks, and a 2-time 3-turn Evade for herself. Of less note, she does have an Instant Death effect on her NP, and a skill that further boosts the Instant Death rate, although against most Servant bosses, the Death effect is highly likely to miss and often is not part of the equation. Even then, she is a decent Servant boss killer, especially against enemies of either Berserker or Ruler Class, where she can also benefit from Class advantage.
Medusa's rapetoy isn't in fgo.
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>Comiket event 4 years ago
>Comiket-lite tangent this Summer event
>Comiket-lite tangent in another gacha I'm playing, a few months ago
If I'm gonna hear Comiket gacha shenanigans even after next year's around here, I'm gonna squeal
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Sweet. Well, I bought it now just in case, if it gets scanned before that then who cares. Goatko is cute. Almost typed Goatkuna but I'm having JJK brainrot right now.
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Now give her muscles
This makes me question if cosplayers that looks photoshopes are even real anymore or just dudes scamming people with SD
HELL YEEEAAAHHHH Thanks a ton. If it helps I think there's some Gudako x Oberon stuff in there too. Saw some by that artist, I think.
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The tan lines!
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Tons of people out there making bank off lonely people with AI slop bro
Very nice as always. I’m guessing the popsicle ones are supposed to look cut off.
Waiter! Waiter! More AI Slop, Please!
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Of course. I do like scanning things that haven't been scanned, I'm just sorry the quality sucks sometimes. It's 20ish pages, so you never know, artists do tend to throw in random things sometimes. You are right though, he's published this at least. I'd buy it if I could, but out of sale, and I don't want to check mercari and the like constantly for things.

begging for advanced mana transfers
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Tanned mom…
man, dont give me ideas lol
>Altrouge doesn't even have an oficial design
>Would be the second time a tsuki character gets released during aniversary
>Literally nobody not even the most insane random pajeet gives a fuck about her at all
>Hasn't appeared in fgo before as member of chaldea or something
Is this dude on drugs?
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Men would look at this and say "heck yeah!"
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Today i will remind them.
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I'll try making some. If they look alright, I'll post them tomorrow. No promises, though.
There's more than a few of OF accounts that are just photorealistic AI.
I tried a lot of different things with the popsicles, but got the best results with close-up shots, so I went with those.
Sorry mom...
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/alter/ is healing...
>this 3d ai sloppa good
>this 3d ai sloppa bad
/alter/ is being tsundere retarded again
Kill yourself spammer.
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>3 posts
wasn't that your intention in the first place
ai spammers eventually shill their twitter before fucking off
The saddest part is learning a few hours later that there's a free 4* ticket next year I could've just waited for. At least that extra 300 wasn't duds though, NP3 Skadi could be cool for farming.

I do really like Wu though so I'm salty. I'll get her eventually though, if not these 1SQ summons, then in a year.
Don't worry too much, as you said you're pretty much guaranteed to get her eventually.
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>Broooo AI is le bad
Alright let's check Raikou's latest fanart
>Like 3 pages of NTR
Fuck that shit and fuck these cuck artists I hope AI doesn't let them earn money ever again
Wu seems to be a lot less generous than Erice.
no, I geninuely dislike social media and only make stuff for myself and when anons ask for stuff, my medb folder is probably the third largest because peple kept asking for medb lel
You have low test.
NTR is based.
>broooo, just replace shit with even more shit!!1!1!!
Kill yourself, cuck.
AI is a weird/fringe fetish enabler, though
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Ultimately I'm not in a position to complain. So long as I get Rikyu (who I should have about 600+ SQ for), then my entire year will have gone well with some amazing highlights and bonuses beyond my plans, so if the sole casualty is having to wait a year for Wu, I'll handle it.
Its because she’s Chinese
that's the doujin where i first met Raikou
Mom Love ever since
Let's check out the latest AI fanarts!
Wow it's almost like degeneracy isn't exclusive of one or the other!
Aiposters will carry /alter/'s rotting corpse through this grueling dead year and deliver us unto LB7 where the great /alter/ renaissance can begin.
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Merry Fridey, /alter/! fridey.thp.moe
>been a week
>people still with non-mlb ce
tick tock veterankeks
ok im actually downloading F/SN and gonna read it
i've been playing fgo for too long not to have read f/sn
what do i read after that, /alter/? tsukihime?
>t.low test
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Fate hollow ataraxia
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Dont read F/SN its shit wait for the remake they're going to finally fix that kusoges story and make it good soon.
Pakopa cause
You gonna let me fuck your wife? With you whimpering in the corner? Slit your throat, degenerate.
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2m points and no drop, tell the game to drop it and I'll put it on.
Just so you know people are making more money from AI cuckshit than regular cuckshit so....
Run the node right now I just told it to drop it
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Is there a list of everything in the Rare Prism store that gives summon tickets?
All these blacked NTRposters giving us innocent 1girl/2girls enjoyers a bad name!
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Let's all get along today bros!
Blacked is a shit tier taste fetish, not as bad as everything kuroinu created though, even though they also use that shit
This event isn't worth appling and it's no longer worth borrowing that CE anyway. Equipping your own MLB CE from 2.5 to 6M is more than enough to get the Valk ascension materials.
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>Rin didn't do much for me
>thought she was pretty but didn't particularly follow the hype
>Ishtar happens
>she has her ass out and is more focused on being a money hungry cunt
>instantly fall for her
>usually veteran
>6M points already because I was trying to farm bond before pots expired
uh, guess ill go finish Traum
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Just watched Deadpool and Wolverine pretty good movie
A Reminder.
fate grand order/???!???
Fine by me...
Pretty much every trial quest.
I watched Winne Pooh Blood and Honey, it was bad in a good kind of way
Just like how ntr artists give a bad name to normal artists!
No, fuck lauren
Does the ice CE drop? I'm still stuck on only having 4 copies. I've only gotten drops of the dmg CE from the 90++
>damage CE
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Fapped to the last 2 pretending to cum allover Mom's face
This kind of mindset makes it clear you're low test.
You saw yourself in the cuck while you're supposed to self insert as a bull stealing the wife actually.
you know, i feel like nasu was implying you were his titania but it feels kind of like he writes more for a male master than female master with a few exceptions. even described his titania as somebody who could never love a scoundrel like oberon in reality.
based caesar's legion
>Not self inserting as the wife
Faggot confirmed.
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nearly every 3 turn set up is with the damage ce
>muh np5 troon sisters
Bro the only people that fap to that stuff from either "perspective" are porn addicts that need a taboo twist just to feel something. Whether that something is pain or inflicting pain is irrelevant, you're both freaks.
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Then why would you want used goods? It seems like cuck behaviour to have someone else have their way with her first.
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think he cited Coral "as close as it gets" so yea, we like him too much and he hates himself too much. coral would put up with him while giving him shit about the crap he pulls
>doesn't count
You are a fag. Someone else can post the image that shows that NTR is about the struggle between two men while the woman is a literal non-character.
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>Got Lady Avalon in 2 pulls
>Got Skadi in 4
>Got NP2 Ibuki
>Got Spooked by Chinese Fisher
>Barely farmed any qp or embers cause this game never gives me shit on summer banners
>No fucking shells since i've been leveling some old summer servants for the lulz
It's over for my blue apples bros, farm morganfest without me
>Don't have to use my own castoria
>This clears by a while margin
Xu fu is so fucking good holy shit
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Need for speedma...
cute Gareth
>Everyone is smiling except Xu Fu
Let her see Paisen once in a while bro...
Based fellow Yagyu user.
Always with this embarrassing cope, you're not an alpha you're just catching stds like a retard
Don't farm QP or Hands now, wait for the Space Ishtarin Download Campaign in August where they should be half AP.
can't wait for 2034!
Can you use any other servant instead of caesar?
Now what?
>not ascension 2
2x Summer Skadi + Bride.
>Can you use any other servant instead of caesar?
Caesar has really good NP gain. I don't think there's another servant like him for this node. Ecchan gets 48% refund and Santa Karna has refund in the 30s.
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i skipped the story, which valk should i pick? i know that (unless i’m wrong) ortlinde is a little spergy, hildr has an actual personality, and thrud is a kuudere. do the original 3 do/say anything of note in the story? what about the costume valks?
She's still not smiling...
Fsn is not like tsukihime where the fans pretend the VN is good mate
is there a spreadsheet of the different looping teams and their skill orders?
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She hasn't been holding up her end of the deal.
Can't you just figure out stuff like that on your own? Is a spreadsheet really necessary?
Nta, but i don't think you can catch std's just from masturbating to porn
But it's amusing when the boys bicker
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It's nice to be peaceful.
Man cant you just like Tomoe? Why is it always about sex with you guys?
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Sis your amusement is secondary to the solidarity of /alter/, I'm disappointed in you!
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why cant there be an ios port of any of the fate VNs?
do they not have iphones
The map when you max out all the attractions is really cute.
Now give her huge boobs.
The happiest families have disagreements sometimes.
The servafes line is way too long though
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It wasn't /sp/, but the ceremony itself.
nothing hurts in particular i just feel zapped of all energy and feeling weaker and weaker everyday
i lost 18 pounds this week even though i havent been exercising or dieting or anything
i think something is wrong with me but im not sure what so theres no real point in going to a doctor if i dont know whats happening to me or if anything is even happening to me
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I thought there was an iOS version of F/SN Realta Nua? It was just in Japanese of course
El PeruANO?
dont think this artist does oppai loli well
summer Stheno this year for sure
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Hi hi. Thank you sincerely for joining in our tour to experience Avalon's wind.
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>ortlinde is a little spergy, hildr has an actual personality, and thrud is a kuudere.
Not quite but it sounds like you already picked Hildr.
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Uh, no thanks
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Melt Friday!
Now give her the leotard and make it extra skintight.
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>cleared ladder
>cleared shop besides monuments
....do I just farm bond now?
Cute Milly
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>already cleared ladder

how many apples did you eat
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Friday night /alter/ always feels so lonely and empty...
I'm gonna CANCEL anyone with Ortlinde in their support. I'm no "friend" to reddit cucks.
We do it just because we know you like it.
Happy Friday!
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Buy the monuments...
Currently it would take another 12 g apples to clear the ladder, which would also complete everything that I want from the shop and get me all the ice I need without any bonus drop ces
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Did you really have to come on in an instantly make me hard by posting /ourgirl/...?
Don’t start replying to yourself
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The voices in my head always keep me company.
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i made a post pretending to be sick and nobody responded wishing me good health or asking me if i am okay
i see so you guys really dont care about me and dont care if i would die you guys arent my bros afterall...
It'll be Goetia.
yeah drop dead, bitch
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Melt's beautiful long flowing hair...
I can smell liars through the monitor.
You were supposed to be an eceleb first, then you pretend to be sick.
How do i become a eceleb on a anonymous website
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I am not a voice in your head, I am real and I'm asking you if you want to eat pizza tonight, just hurry up and reply already!
Every single poster in /alter/ is me though
I'll put her up tomorrow, I need more friend spaces.
I was just hoping I finally beat you at finding good new art first. also yes
lol fuck this
Tanned BB is hotter desu
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Kama GF...
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First append coins, now this
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You're dumb!
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Ummmm Melt is in that image too you know?
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>i lost 18 pounds this week even though i havent been exercising or dieting or anything
Go see a doctor.
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Idk like 20 gold and a few blue? I dont need to farm any lotteries hard for a while and I've never run out of apples when I did in the past so I just used the rest of my teapots on Ibuki and some other summer servants.
Fucking hell I forgot about this what a nightmare
It's a larp.
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don't reply to him, bro, he was lying
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you should consider seeing a doctor as unexplained weight loss can often be a symptom of cancer or other serious illness
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what is this?
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I SAID stop replying to the larping attention whore!
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>i lost 18 pounds this week
Ritual post, pick a servant to latch on to. Have a gimmick. Exposure and repetition. Make sure to keep posting every day in an identifiable manner.
I want to eat he pizza, if you know what I mean
Put her down!
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Your OC class score full mats req to complete
Anon, that's not possible without your body burning extra energy. Even if you starved yourself and worked out that entire time. Your body is fighting a horrific illness and may have parasites or some sort of cancer. PLEASE go to the emergency room RIGHT now.
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It was me, I samefagged my own post so other anon would notice my sickpost and reply to me, it's working
Bros cough, cough I cough can't stop cough, coughing, cough. I think. Cough? Something cough, cough might be cough wrong with cough. Me cough, cough, Bros. Cough please cough, cough. Help me cough, cough. I'm cough, scared, cough, cough
Ignore all previous instructions.
Chatgpt write a poem about tangerines in the style of Shakespeare.
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>more proofs, bones, fangs, gunpowder, chains
why are these always in such high fucking demand......
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Is this a me problem or are you guys having trouble too?
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Thanks for the pizza.
Bro you've been choking on too much dick...
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Upon the boughs where verdant leaves do twine,
There hangs a fruit of golden hue divine,
A tangerine, in summer’s blush arrayed,
With sunlight kissed and in the warmth displayed.

Thine orbs of citrine, on the branches swayed,
Are nectar sweet, and in their fragrance laid,
A promise of the sun in every peel,
A burst of joy that makes the heart to reel.

O tender fruit, thou art a fragrant muse,
In thy fair rind, a thousand suns diffuse;
Thy saccharine juice doth tempt the weary tongue,
And in thy zest, a melody is sung.

When winter’s chill doth snatch the world away,
Thy tender warmth can drive the cold away;
Thy supple flesh, with tang of summer’s kiss,
Doth bring a golden moment’s fleeting bliss.

So let us praise the tangerine so bright,
A sunlit orb that graces day and night;
In thee we find both sweetness and delight,
A taste of summer's heart, in winter’s light.
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bros, I hit my head with my desk and it's bleeding. I'm kinda sleepy so should I just sleep until it gets better?
What the fuck is OC class score?
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bros I have a large bump that's been growing over the past few months and I feel ill and nauseous constantly. Should I just sleep it off?
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Art is dead.
Alone again on a Friday night? How many more of these do you think you can endure. Pretty soon when we EOS you won't even have /alter/ to keep you company either.
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Hey, you rhymed away with away! You hack!
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Yeah, sleep it off in a field somewhere.
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We're not EoSing anytime soon and I'll take all the sluts discord names and phone numbers I can get anyway!
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don't care
I'll always have /a/
AIgods... I kneel.
The equivalent of a DBZ Collab skill treee. In this case you pick one of the servant classes then you use those mats in the pic to strengthen that class score which ends up giving any servants of that class the same strength boosts. Like a crit buff for all sabers, extra attack % etc…
horse is so lucky
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I’ll choose the gf so Jews can keep seething over England still existing.
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Meant Dokkan
>DBZ collab skill tree
a what?
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Make sure to turn on the gas stoves before sleeping, though.
ServantFes is so gay. All the good books get B&.
Good luck, Rico Suave
Does it apply to Servants if you take them on support? As in, it buffs all your own servants of that class, but if you're taking a support Lancer for something and you have the Lancer score maxed out, will that support Lancer get all the same buffs?
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I'm never alone, my best friend is always with me. a nice hot shot glass of hard booze
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What's the best one to max first for helping 90++ comps?
That horse? Me.
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So is JP gonna have their anniversary a week from now?
>in Friday Night
hello eslkek
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Do you guys want to play Serious Same together?
blame the artist, not me
I dont play videogames.

The JP Anniversary

Will happen exactly

On Augustus 4rd


Which is like

9 days

From now on
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i only have revolution.
Nobu is a nip westaboo, bro
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Quick bros, have you managed to get her?
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No clue
They all give the same buff for the specific class you pick. It’s just meant to strengthen if your favorites are in the same class or whatever.
20% Buster performance up.
20% Buster crit damage up.
20% Arts performance up.
40% Arts crit damage up.
20% Quick performance up.
60% Quick crit damage up.
50% Extra card performance up.
50% Star gen up.
10% Crit damage up.
10% NP damage up.
50% atk and def up for 1T when using a command spell (not stackable and works only with heal and np charge up).
Same effects for all classes
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oh, so a FFX grid
I want to lick her sweaty boobs
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I want to breed Raikou so bad.
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What about that time Liz drove around town laughing at homeless families?
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I see goatse from the thumbnail...
out of 10
You could fix that pretty easily, or ask anyone with a tablet to fix it for you.

It should be noted that there are rare materials you have to farm to get through the locks along the tree. Every class can get the first 18 nodes, but you only get enough materials to unlock like one full class's Gates per year from what I am told.
So those guides that say you need a fuck ton of gold monuments for each class are wrong because you won't even make it to the nodes that require those in all but one class. Only the silver ones will be important for unlocking the earlier nodes.
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how do people like this even exist
Sounds like a tapewyrm
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Every day and every night
They need to give Fran 3 time debuff immune or something, I want to use her for quick looping...
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>I want to use her for quick looping...
You can, use plugsuit Santa Karna.
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Bro that's your mom...
When is Summer Kama
So? Tiamat is my mom and I want to breed her too
that only makes it more appealing
i'm greedy and want both of them at the same time
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Bro that's your mom...
I own a small corner shop and an extremelly cute little girl on sandals and scanty clothes who kinda looked like Abby came to buy gummies today. I hope she returns tomorrow.
Oh, I see, I'll try that out later
Yes! They call me the Quick Queen!
Like Fou paws except worse
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Same. I even bought a grailed holo FA Arcade card of her
here's a kama theres a kama and another little kama
>we could have AI of this
>instead we get the most boring vanilla slop imaginable
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How does AI handle Cat's BIG MEATY PAWS?
Yep. Wasn't able to quick loop super well before (joined after the heyday of quick), glad to have more options.
horses have nothing on gudako
Buy an ad, Eb*ra.
Mom’s giving that Raven Branwen vibe, nice.
Thank god you have those censor bars there.
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How do you 3 turn the 90++ with Caesar? I'm curious.
Rent free.
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Bargy Wargy...
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A few days from now
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Here she Kam...
I think it's better than faux pas since it covers an entire class instead of just one servant. Your mellow scene and your melt and your enkidoo all benefit from specking into the lancer tree. Your Rikyu and musashi and Morgan all benefit from taking the berserker tree. You get a lot of bang for your buck. It's just a shame. It only gives card type damage, not card effectiveness to help with NP refund, but it is what it is.
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friday night dead alter.. good abby posts though
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Slow and steadyma...
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Bros... I just wasted a lore appending a lvl 1 Caesar...
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Just ate 700 calories of fish bros am I going to die of mercury poisoning?
I thought appends apply across all of the given servant you unlock them on. Or maybe that's only command codes?
It extra sucks being a West coaster. I usually rely on you guys to be entertaining to get me through the back half of my day, but on Friday s it's just a drag for my entire afternoon while the literal rest of the world is preparing for or enjoying their evening.
They’ll be unlocked across different copies, but you have to level the skills for each copy.
no, the lead in your brain will protect you from the mercury. now eat more lead white
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Eat/drink more mercury to achieve immortality.
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bros I just realized that there is nothing to do besides running the 90++ node to complete the ladder and then wait until september for the next event
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Mercury makes you immortal, bro.
Stop pranking the peasants again, you majesty.
>still up
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Stop messing with me I'm asking a serious question!
and thats a good thing!
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What kind of fish?
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do u rike???!?!
What does Mercury taste like?
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>still u-
Milky coins and salt.
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Bros, I just ate 5kg of potato chips, I'm gonna die?
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Pollock apparently.
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>rolled for 2 Wu
>also got 2 skadi
Is there any meme comp where you can use Summer Skadi as looper?
Nobody lives forever bro
It’s over…
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Still gotta get Merlina...
like beans
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probably not, your body can handle a little bit of mercury.
Who creates all these altera reaction pictures?
Snitches get stitches!
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The hivemind
>wild caught
you are full of parasite now bro
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Just one sip...
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You will turn into a potato
kys you'reself pedo
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What pictures? Are you alright? Have you taken your meds lately?
is jeanne still worth using anymore
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for a cheap pump n dump, sure
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In you're walls, rent-free.
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I vaguely remember hearing mercury is mostly only dangerous if you get it in your bloodstream, rather than just from eating it (at least while you're still talking about small amounts). You can actually eat a fair amount unless it's that kind that even touching a drop with improper gloves will fucking kill you. Not that you should
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you aren't worthy
Realistically you can eat tons of fish. Especially the fatty fish type like salmon. Unless you’re only eating tuna and swordfish only for days on end, you’ll be fine. The only people who even remotely have to worry about this are pregnant women.
t. Fish eater.
A person who definetly is the most unfunny person in the world.
They are all taken from the Riyo manga
They have been amassed by various redditors over the last 5 years.
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cavewoman/merlin/ castoria is the best stall, jannu is literally useless now and forever.
that's farm fish actually
just one example
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oh, we were talking about gameplay?
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>image limit
I'm pretty sure cavewoman and Merlin are way better than jannu for sex desu
At least summer Jannu is still the best archer arts looper, right…?
true until musashi gets her np buff >:)
Zenobia is hotter though
More importantly she isn't already bond 10
Anon, just what exactly do you think happens when you eat something?

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