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Previous: >>487763237

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki-Douji (Berserker) Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Scathach-Skadi (Ruler) Pickup Summon
2024-07-24 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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We are one.
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Kama Love!
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6CE clear success!
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This is MY grand order.
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Just saw the Olympics opening ceremony. What did Jeanne think of it?
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More like grand odor
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Does anyone care about Durga
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built for horsecock
I wasn't planning on watching it but I heard Gojira was in it and I really like Gojira so now I guess I'll have to watch it somehow.
gojira is good
Draw a servant!
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Lip love!
The biggest sluts in Chaldea.
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She was adopted
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This is my Grand Order
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Medusa love!
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“Rip and Tear. Until it is done.”
Sorry bro, no more drawfags, no more sharing what we cooked, only AI now.
Found the Gojira clip and didn't watch anything else.
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I hope my bros are having fun this Friday or at least some peaceful rest.
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>bought ice cream as a catalyst for Skadi
>didn't eat any but still got her in 90sq
>get to enjoy my ice cream today now
anybody want some?
These videos are so good until the OP's self insert comes in and starts screaming like a banshee
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Mostly resting...a big dead month ahead of us, time to do leftover Kamtent...
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If anyone needs S. Skadi with TT or anything else, I have a bunch of open slots.
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It's been a great Friday so far. Hope you're having a good one, too.
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There's a teensy tinyma...
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It's over
Not enough French toast
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I passed out after work by mistake and now I'm sure it's going to throw off my bedtime again...
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Merry Fridey, /alter/! fridey.thp.moe
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I’m being comfy and enjoying The 08th MS Team on Hulu atm.
Lippa, who's your favorite genshin?
Catbro I've been trying to fix my sleep schedule all week and it just keeps getting worse, it's so fucked up. I get hyper at midnight for no reason at all. I'm starting to believe some people just have a fucked non-24hr internal clock or late-waking phenotype.
Humiliation ritual
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Alright bro, just for you, I drew this picture of rat Altera. I call her Ratera.
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I just want Gojira damnit.
Does class score actually allow for new compositions or things otherwise impossible? Or is it just another thing to sink material and time into.
I could use np3 nurse
What's the maximum team cost you get when you're at level 160?
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Yeah I saw that, I just want to see it on actual resolution lol. And some context within the show.
20% Arts/Quick and 10% NP damage are helpful for Arts/Quick looping.
sweet bro, 5 rp!
I think that's all I'm gonna focus on at first, just berserker arts for Ibuki.
114. Which in one farming terms is two 5* and then one 4*, 3* and 1* with 5* bond CE
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for me it's
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>like loli
>Abby doesn't really do it for me
Weird. I like Bunyan more.
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>light blue eyes and fair skin complement dark hair
>submissive and breedable, yet capable and strong
How is the genderbender better than the actual female avatar?
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damn everything you make sucks
>have nothing but a singlebroll left after rolling for Ibuki
>throw it at skadi
>long loading screen
>gold orbs
>gold card
oh good Lord, oh my God, that choir
I feel you, bro. I have like NP8 of that damn thing all from spooks
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no u
ati you fucking jealous????
nice spoilers
>rolling NP6 just to spite an e-celeb
So I wasn't the only one who got spooked by that faggot pharoah.
Hell yeah brother, you got your Quick looper right there.
As far as I'm aware, it does not work like that. Class score skill tree damage boosts are just damage, not actual card type effectiveness, so you won't refund more.
One of the buffs from it does give extra star drop rate, but all in all I think the only thing that generates more NP from the skill tree is the extra attack boost.
Do you retarded niggers even know what "spook" means in gacha terms? What other Rider from summer were you aiming for? It's not a fucking spook if the class is entirely different from what you're summoning for.
about wu? absolutely. skadi? eh, not really.
>aim for rate up servant
>get your roll ruined by some unwanted fag
Looks like a spook to me.
I did it! Am I cool now
Regardless, the extra damage will be nice.
you're a fucking spook, you fucking N
I'll take him if you don't want him.
Based pigCHAD!
Drag queens and mockery of christianity everywhere, even one of the 4 horses of apocalipsis
some train fire bombings
also Gojira which is the one clip you want to look up
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>Do you retarded niggers even know what "spook" means
I sure do Cleetus *spits in tobacco jar*
>in gacha terms?
In what now?
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The one I made as catalyst
Please give me some comps new lotto fairy
What was your result?
Gimme the Ibuki NP level he stole and you have a deal.
Welcome to France and most of Western Europe!
Cute Pacman eyes.
Yes, because all of the gachas have classes, exactly like FGO.
>in gacha terms
Dumb gacha addict tourists. Anni is over, your visa has expired, leave.
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The slop you spit out is what I'd expect if I gave NAI to an uncontacted tribe in South America.
I hate Kamafags but I gotta admit this made me laugh.
tits way way too big
Very nice, bro.
I feel the same but I think it has something to do with a proper outlet for my energy. I should really exercise more.
Yep. I'll be taking berserker too. My primary function in this game is making Lancelot as strong as he can be. Doesn't hurt that it affects so many other useful damage servants as well.

Between append and tour lock you get 100% stronger extra attacks. How wild is that? Np damage goes up a bit, but your carding ability takes a huge jump up. From the full tree.
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I exercise vigorously daily. It helps the depth/quality of my sleep when I do sleep, but not the timing.
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80 tix and a multi. Pretty nice.
Thanks bros.
Can someone explain to me how to use Xu Fu? I have her at NP5 but I have never looked at her skills or how you're supposed to use her.
Arts looping support.
Try reading her skills then
She's like a budget Castoria
her NP doesn't matter, its frankly useless
she gives an arts buff, an np gain buff, and a targetted 30% charge. she's basically a baby castoria which makes her very appealing for people trying to conserve bond on their castoria for actually tougher nodes. but as I said, generally useless NP unlike castorias.
>but I have never looked at her skills
Well, try looking at her skills then
have you tried reading?
So what's the point if you already have Castoria and Lady Avalon?
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I'm actually worried about your finances
I've spent close to 600 SQ and still haven't gotten one Ibuki
hell, I've only gotten 2 SR out of the whole thing
>just try reading lmao gotem
>bros already explained before then
lmao kill yourselves niggers
Cost. Also her NP's 20 stars per turn is pretty nice
Xu Fu is actually a better looping support. The arts up and np gain mix leads to better gain than avalon's arts only buff. Avalon's advantage is giving more pure arts damage.
Cheaper party cost + avoiding maxing Castoria's bond
Finally someone with the same luck as I had
you suffered mental damage as you publicly outed yourself as a retard, how are you so proud about it? I wish I could live a life of such low intelligence, insults must just glide over that smooth brain of yours
I'm sorry to hear that bro. I'd share my luck if I could.
lol literally just the same shit as from reading
how do zero intelligence retards like you even survive
It's a good thing this is an anonymous website so it has no bearing, continue to cope and seethe for my enjoyment
I feel a little better knowing I'm not alone
I'm all tapped out and have nothing left to roll
if your still rolling anon I wish you luck
Such is the gacha way
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dangerously based, a brain smoother than a baby's bottom. What lotion do you drink?
Well I definitely have a similar issue regardless. I always feel like the combined sleeping and waking time my body wants doesn't line up to 24 hrs.
I feel bad for people like you. There are idiots who know they are idiots so they strive to improve, which means there's hope. Then there's dead end idiots like you who are proud of being idiots so you actively refuse to improve and are too dumb and shameless to you actually try to act smug over your retardation. What a waste of being born as a human. Even my dog has a higher chance of outperforming you in life and that thing eats its own shit.
Elmer's Glue
I got one wu only in 750+ SQ. Insult to injury, I also only got one xufu. This has been easily the worst rate up I've had the displeasure of rolling. Fucking Skadi.
Do NOT bring that evil here bros…
This is the sort of people that those youtube guides that just read off the wiki are for. Opening the game is too difficult for these people. Makes you wonder if they even play the game at all.
Imagine taking the time to post this impotent seethe
Not him but I think I know what you mean. Like I can stay awake for 18-20 hours but then my body will just sleep longer to catch up and it just fucks up my sleep schedule.
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So what do you do once you've got all the meta shit? Right now I've got NP3 Melu, NP3 Arc, NP2 Morgan, and NP2 POO. I'm all set for basically every 90++ we've got coming up. Should I just dick roll now?
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I heard that one of you guys are giving away some ice cream?
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it bothers me when there's empty space down the bottom. i have changed it so it looks more uniform with other caption images.
Wtf what's next? Moriarty shoplifting?
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I'm actually about finished with my ice cream bro. It was coffee chocolate brownie.
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I don't know, but we have the exact same NP levels for those servants.
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I'm going to try forcing it by sleeping with my curtains open and waking up early with caffeine and lifting which I really enjoy together. I've been off caffeine and usually lift around late lunch. Usually when I wake up early all I feel is pure suicidal depression though so I don't know how it's going to go.

Maybe a week or so of that will entrain a normal waking time. I simply refuse to use an alarm.
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Incredible shock!
Honest question, why do you think it's a flex that you can't even be bothered to read the info in a game you play?
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>There's nothing to do
Why do you retards think anyone gives a shit about the gameplay of this game? This is the same general that uses Automata and rolls for meta shit that JP discovered two years prior, you really think anyone gives a fuck about learning anything?
>I'm all set for 90++
severe doubt
So uhhh, how 'bout them supports?
Repeat after me:
/fgog/ can't read the game
/alter/ refuses to read the game
/vmg/ doesn't play the game
And you just lost the game.
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I won't read this post.
Melu clears morganfest. Arc clears illyafest. The rest can be done by Morgan/POO and some ST options like my NP2 Titty Monk, Kintoki (both versions), and so on.
how do i farm 90++ with the stupid 30 CE. 1.7m is way too many points to get the full 50.
So what the hell do I do with all these extra ice cubes?
Shove them up your ass.
By that logic, that retard wouldn't even bother asking about xu fu to start with. You fucking retard. You are just as retarded as that guy. People like you seriously should just fuck off. huur look at me being so aloof I'm here in the general talking about a thing I'm too cool to care about huuurrr. What a dipshit dishonest rat attitude. You turds are worse than the /a/ types who are outright haters of FGO since at least they're upfront about hating it. Your types are just half assed shit.
you farm 90+ until you can MLB the damage CE, make sure to stack Bazett's CE and upgrade all the areas
if you can't safely farm the 90++ with pmod CE or BG, you shouldn't be farming it.
Can you help me?
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You must now go and kill ati, and wear his skin. You must now be the one to post on /alter/ acting cute and using skadi pics. It is now your destiny. You are now the new and improved ati for you fulfilled ati more than ati.
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>already cleared everything
can we skip the entire next month?
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You don't want this smoke, for real.
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Bend me down and take me to brown town.
Ati (True)???
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What you gonna do when nasu decide put altrouge brunestud in the anniversary
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Morning coffee definitely helps keep me on track more than without, so long as I don't go overboard.
More or less it's like: I can sleep for a normal 8 hour cycle, but then my body feels refreshed for 20 hours, throwing off my cycle by 4 hours. But then work keeps my wake up time consistent, limiting my actual sleeping hours and causing a clusterfuck outside of the weekend.
Why did you use apples, you baka?
For me, it’s
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This event was a pretty easy 90++
I'm under the impression that this is a particularly easy one and the rest will be harder, but i can't shake this gut feeling that the 2 years of fearmongering over 90++ was undeserved.

Maybe i'm just wearing rose-tinted glasses, but I feel like it's gonna be smooth sailing and the pundits are retarded.
heh, I knew she could do it. now I need her to do it without attacks. I'm close I can feel it.
I would start saving I guess
and also probably get really excited because it would likely mean she'd show up in red garden (somehow) or we'd be getting something like Tsukihime 2 or even a remake for Kagetsu Tohya
90++ isn't even remotely bad, save for illyafest. That one can go suck a dick.
that's cause everyone got a 2 year notice to save for oberon and every meta support/dps
>altrouge brunestud in the anniversary
How did this become the guess?
Can summer medb clear this
You and I might be ok, but people are having a lot of issues. A lot of people asking how to farm it, failing, there was one dude doing a 15T 5CE lmao. This one is still definitely on the easier side, I think.
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I'll never get this. Like who you self-inserts as, or do you imagine yourself staring at them?
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okie, not looking for friends atm
>Like who you self-inserts as
Good morning sirs
Depends if you're Vaush or not
I think inserting as the horse is pretty uncommon
what I never understood is how they don't know stallions only last a couple seconds and then their done
already bros bro
Impotent seething, classic.
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90% of the time the 90++ difficulty will be when you have a super beefy wave 1 enemy and the event doesnt give you a damage bonus CE like the 600mb berserker mob in takasugi's 90++ event next year or the most recent JP event with a 300k rider mob you cant use a berserker because of wave 3 voyager I think the first two super annoying 90++ to farm is liz love chinese event & tam lin lotto wave 2 with charlemagne
Is this without damage CE?
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>Orochi is one of the three greatest monsters in Japan
Who were the other two?
ametarasu is one and i forget the other.
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I have to believe a lot of these people posting stuff like a 15t just got bad rng and misclicked and just took a picture of their epic fail to pretend its the norm, or brought an intentionally bad team. The quest be easily done with Caesar, welfare waver, mash, and a support oberon. There's no way people aren't joking unless they're tourists from reddit or /vmg/
I think one of them is the centipede thing Riceman killed? Or not
nine tailed fox (aka tamamo) is another one
>How is the genderbender better than the actual female avatar?
Just look at him, for some reason he decided to give himself breasts so big that It would put 80% of Chladea's servants to shame.
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It's going to be Otoko because it's the ninth year.
I know in Nasuworld she's considered a monster, but why would the benevolent sun goddess be called such?
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Leveled up and got a slot. 965,071,713
They really should move the events up by approx 2 weeks. I'm not even talking about speeding up. Right now, you have august being empty, but then oct will have halloween overlap with gogh event. If you move the events up, then you get to pace things out such that there's no dead weeks and still retain the same 2 year gap.
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Oh I got it confused, tamamo is a divided spirit from amaterasu so I just said amaterasu. Guess tamamo is just the answer here.
Holy fuck. I need fous so fucking badly.....
Are you ready for a disappointment?
you and me both buddy
>log in
>do 3 40 AP quests
>log out
Uhhh this is kinda boring bros
aren't they full power tamamo and izanagi?
where have you been the past 7 years
This one looks just cute.
Uh, you're supposed to spend some time admiring your soulport when you log in
my damage ce isn't mlb so I'm using level 100 mlb BG instead. this is also a single oberon 2x vitch setup so I might experiment with 2x oberon next.
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Im thinking of a 4 letter word that starts with N and ends with O
Me three.
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Me and my future wife
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I need gold ones for 3 and a half of my grails. If you mean the regular ones going through all my FP enough times caught me up on everyone a long time ago. Now I just autoburn the FP ones and usually have a few sets in my mailbox
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I'm pretty happy with my rolls this year. Managed to stick to my targets and actually get them.
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should I get jannu, mo, castoria or mash
Why does he wear heels
get pegora
Mash never lets you down.
Needs to be taller so he can better command the other nemos. If he was shorter than them, the other nemos would smell blood in the water and jump on him like sharks.
Imagine slapping jannu's tits
Because he wants to attract me and it's working.
She cockblocked (you) with Drake. That is the definition of letting you down
The Mo looks gorgeous. Get that.
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Servant for this feel?
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Close... replace the r with an m
She knows hags aren't good for you.
and the oni named Otakemaru
>Suzuka Gozen played the long-con trophy wife (no attention or sex) to kill him with Sakanoue no Tamuramaro, but the latter (may have) forgot the plan and (may have) killed her for betrayal
>was scrapped from being a Fox Tail antagonist but was relegated to a flashback, so Suzuka will never resolve her trauma, therefore never being emotionally open for Gudako
Regular ones. I had 4 sets in my mailbox. But I got all the summer servants + clown. So now Lady A, Thrud, Clown and Wu are sitting in the queue for Fous.
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I can think of a six letter one
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>anni servant confirmed for Ciel
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Rero Rero Rero
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Melt is just so beautiful.
Okay, so Tamamo is another, then is the last some third boss from Okami?
That's a different trio. That one lists Shuten, not Orochi.
Izanami would make some sense, but it's still weird to think one is a goddess.
>wise, skilled gruff man who loves his subordinates
>blood devil
>boy in love
>cold and irritable at times
>love interest is a controlling, lustful witch
Why is Eric Bloodaxe always the answer for this question?
What the fuck is this Nero art
>confirmed(by nobody)
Gonna need a source on that. I'm so sick of collabs.
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They add up soon enough so long as you're mostly caught up. I think I might have one or two unfou'd currently due to spooks, but that just means in a month and event I'll be fine unless there's some reason they give out more for some login campaign
I confirmed it and I'm a very important person in Type Moon.
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Thats a war crime
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Skip because I don't think she's interesting
deleted sakurai FC2 PPV sex tape behind the scenes interview
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Drink water.
shut up mushroom man you are bad at certain things and i do not like that
Armpits aren't ticklish. Should've been his feet instead.
It doesn't look like Nero it looks like Penth wearing a Nero wig
...that I don't get to watch
god i wanna sniff her smelly ass
>Armpits aren't ticklish
are you an alien?
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I have been caught up for years now.
Still ran out of mailbox fous due to spooks.
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SEX with religious women while their god watches
Where is Johanna?
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Still havin' fun, /alter/?
You couldn't pay me to touch Caren while martha is there.
Himiko isn't really religious
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You had me at sex
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Hanging out with the Traum crew
why the fuck don't they use Himiko more
she's absolutely gorgeous
I love them
Gorgeous is when big boobs
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Nero obviously, the famous and ruthless emperor who ruled Rome with an iron fist
She's kind of a weird one out. She doesn't really seem like she would interact with the normal Gudagudas much. Maybe that's why they added Iyo
Would you like to have Teatime on the main three card type supports (Castoria, Vitch and Skadi) for the rest of the event?
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I'd think Oberon would be more relevant than normal here, so he might be a better choice than Vitch. I only expect to use Skadi and Castoria personally though
She's Gudaguda and Nasu has autism about not letting Gudaguda Servants interact with the "main cast" for whatever reason.
I put tea time on skadi and nobody used her
>Rikyu and Iyo event in 2 more weeks
I wanna roll for himiko again
I'm still clearing the shop for now. Maybe in a week.
Have you used up your teapots?
Saitou was in CBC like at least twice. The glasses event and the museum one.
Yes. I use the first excuse I can to get rid of them because I know I'll never use them otherwise
We got more teapots?
Hajime-chan and Izou are special because they are enormously popular unlike most of the gudaguda females.
MUTEKI and TENSAI, how can the other Guda Goofballs even compete?
Altrouge is fou's original owner
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>532 days until FSR collab and alter bend the knee to Ushi-Gozen banner
void stance activated
Who the fuck is altrouge
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we get another veterano
Fou's original owner
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Arc's Sister
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servant for this feel?
Arc doesn't have a sister
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holy shit I love Erice
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It seems like absolute insanity to me that they used the Redline artist for a 4* servant. Why did they not get him to draw Shingen instead?
Kino, good work fleshy boy
Because he's a bad artist
Ok, but why are you fat?
You're nuts.
very cute
I still have a 100 and no idea when to use them
Bro, your lostbelt fanfiction?
That has to be an edit.
this real?
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kama sitting on muramasa
It's kind of ridiculous how Goredolf is the best character in FGO by a country mile.
It's Okita's manga, so he's drawing another shinsengumi makes sense. And Shinpachi it's one of the big shinsengumis
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Which of these Servants would you like to see get a swimsuit.
What about Patxi?
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Arc's sister and Fou's true owner
but 99% of the secondaries that lurk here won't even know it
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You hated him and wanted to leave him to die because his dumbass ruined chaldea and got big vinci killed. Why do you say this now?
Eresh because I don't give a single shit about the rest of them.
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I don't care about big Vinci, especially since she came back as loli Vinci anyways. Goredolf might have catastrophically fucked up Chaldea but we're still trucking, so I take him for his character as it is. Which is based.
I AI generated this pope doing unholy things...
My brother in Christ altrouge doesn't even have proper art she's a bigger literal who than the yuri maids
It's actually kinda insane how he's good no matter which writer works with him, everybody understands how to write him
just like most of Nasu's obscure shit that ends up being highly relevant in his canon
>proper art
Eh, she's gonna be another blonde arc/seibah face anyway.
He's great, but Castoria, Jason, Don Quixote, Oberon, Van Gogh, and Bedivere are right there.
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like that is going to stop him from making her the anniversary servant anyways
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my favorite
He's a good character but I honestly think he's really overhyped.
Good character is when penis
Yang, because I get the feeling she's getting reverse summer Wu. As in getting turned into a Loli with thick thighs.
Wu with even bigger boobs.
So I got ruler skadi, and she's taking over caster skadi's teatime duties, but i'm not really sure what to do with caster skadi now. Is there any reason why anyone would use her? Any CE I should put on her?
The only caster I really like is nero. twintails, meme bikini, fantastic animations, really blew it out of the water for a year 2 servant, sucked me down the nero hole.
Beyond that, Castoria's a given for gameplay purposes.
But slot 3 I just don't know what to do. There's some casters I kinda like, but I own none of them.

I liked it better when caster slot was castoria skadi merlin and i didn't have to develop any opinions about casters.
I know who Altrouge is, but why should I give a shit about her when she's a literal who? Also the concept of a half DAA/half TA sounds absolutely retarded.
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damn bros were kinda hot
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What if they pulled a Marie and gave us her adult form?
>Half this and half that sounds retarded
my man have you even played tsukihime?
>why should I give a shit about her when she's a literal who?
because she's even stronger than your precious Arc
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>What if they pulled a Marie and gave us her adult form?
>hag Yuyu

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Half-human/oni makes sense since they can reproduce. A DA is an undead human and a TA is an elemental spirit.
That means her skillset's going to be a bigger meme lmao
>this thread
Only eresh and city might not be a flop
Listen buddy, if Youmu can be a half ghost half human, then you can have a half vampire half elemental.
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servant for this feel?
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sex with the city
>people talk about lore
>cuck stancer immediately flips out because he can't participate
Caster slot is still Castoria / Skadi / Waver.
Ruler Skadi just took an extra spot and took Waver's teatime.
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Yoo how many people fails to get them.
>tfw I only get WU, ERICE AND GARETH
>Caster slot is still Castoria / Skadi / Waver.
>Skadi / Waver.
Haha we have a comedian here.
one cannot have such bad luck
literally any sakuraface. i'm serious
Teatime should be on Castoria / Koyan / Oberon anyway. If you want FP, you are not going to move from these.
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I got all of them.
Yes 600 quartz and all I get is np5 wu np3 erice and np2 Gareth
Lucky. I was unironically aiming only for the 4* ones, came out with Girlin, Skadi and Wu.
Statistically, someone has to have shit luck to balance off the luckchad on the other spectrum of the distribution.
>Wu with even bigger boobs
Such a servant is foreshadowed by her Room lines. Seems she'll use Buddhist arts instead of Taoist.
Is it better to have NP1 Douman and NP1 Skadi or no Douman and NP5 Skadi?
Former. Unless you intend for Skadi to be your looper, there is no reason she should be NP5.
np1, they are supports
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Which servants would conspire to do this against Master?
Np1 of each, but this is a weird question. What's the context?
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More like boobhist art
Anything left over?
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>steam sprites
Your Arc?
Circe literally did this
Around 1000 SQ because I buy lots of big packs as a catalyst before rolling.

I got her too.
Anyone's here disappointed that the supposed Succubus Merlin is a sticc and more cute less lewd?
>Is there any reason why anyone would use her?
Most quick servants only have 1-2 buster cards. The ones I main only have 1.
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How many quartz?
I got all of them. Took me about 1k quartz. Basically my entire stash.
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that's mostly gonna be for event quests tho right?
Around 1200 SQ.
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>download Cunny Archive
>Liz's VA is in it
Holy crap
Well I just make apples if there isn't an event now, anyway.
Anyone have that image with all of next years swimsuit ascensions?
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>Liznigger is a Geheenigger
Of course
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The legendary BA smirk
Good, hold onto it anon it might increase in value so long as no one posts it for free
Merlin and tamamo still have some niche uses
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Arcueid voices this one.
That's some range.
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Servants that would make this smirk?
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This is a steak up, post the image and no one gets eaten
the sprite that literally killed fgo
Now I'm in the mood to look up that doujin where the cups pee in Rin's mouth
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Which servant can defeat them in mahjong?
Sounds like something beneath her tbqhwy
Moriarty, by extreme amounts of cheating.
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Nothing but [-]
sounds like a fire rap album
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My Sei dorei
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Reminder he has EX Luck
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>by extreme amounts of cheating.
Just like washizu
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Unironically Gil.
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Why did abbybro die
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Gil can't even beat a teenager with a microdick
If someone pulls out a reverse uno card in my mahjong game we're going to be fighting.
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Why did she make us a video about something she didn't even do yet? And she said she didn't have enough time to save all of the Valks, but she still had time to make a video?
Shirou is average...
Dire lack of Salem content
kama's boobs grow bigger when she is about to rape master? (speaking of her interlude)
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Sorry boys. Ippatsu riichi!
Mahjong in FGO would be nice.
I wonder why Nasu and Co have never made anything mahjong related here. Aren't they boomers from the era of mahjong popularity?
Wasn't his message before this one about exams? Maybe he's just too busy with that.
He's probably just in prison.
Seiba apparently has good gambling skills so her.
Might keep playing since this bitch awakens something in me too now.
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The fact that very few SSRs are open and permanent is depressing.
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The legendary iyapan face
Didn't they make Tamamo a permanent after she was limited? Why the fuck don't they do that again? Why the hell is Iskandar or Cleo still limited
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How good is Tiamat?
How reliable of a looper is she compared to the usual suspects Summer Kama, Summer Ibuki , Spishtar and Summer Musashi?
Does she need insane NP levels like some others?
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>no oermanent foreigner
Riders are truly the broest class
Fuck sabers and fuck extra classes
Extremely early FGO so they got away with it
Tiamat is buster. She's already good at NP1 thanks to vitch and oberon
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Even the guy who made this list forgot about Tametomo
missing jack in assassin. Probably more.
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What do you mean, he's right there
Her main problem is her class.
Alter-ego sounds good until you realise being better against half the classes in the game is traded with being worse against the other half.
Compare that to Summer Kama, Ibuki and Musashi who only need to worry about Foreigners/Mooncancers (who almost never show up).
She's still good just keep in mind she's not perfect for all situations.
When did Ruler stop being the christian class?
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Good morning, bros.
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>Extremely early FGO so they got away with it
I wonder why they only kept Okita as limited from that time
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Oh, for some reason i though she is arts...
How good is she compared to other buster alteraloaders?
Full disclosure: I also forgot to add Bakin the first time I made the limited list.
Yeah, it's missing old man Li too
Her last ascension is closer to Mara so that's why
Since the start. Amakuso is not christian.
She was the sole reason I tried BA out.
For Permanents:
Saber is correct
Archer is missing Minamoto no Tametomo
Lancer is missing Vritra
Assassin is missing Jack the Ripper
Berserker incorrectly shows Xiang Yu as storylocked.
Everything EXTRA is fine.
doesn't count
Weren't Arjuna and Karna limited at the start as well?
Early FGO was a lawless wasteland.
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Insanely busted against cavalry classes, meh to bad against everything else.
Roll if you don't have good aoe berserker for mixed cavalry nodes.
Tbh I always thought Jack was a SR
Do you like it when female characters get this sort of makeover?

>Have avenger waifu
>Know that she will never get any more screentime after OC2 because DATA LOST
It's just not fair.
>no pubes
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Avengers are very dangerous.
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I should have known to never trust a 14 year old.
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I don't think it was limited so much as they didn't gt added to the main pool until their rateups finished at new years. Tamamo was straight up limited then unlocked at london.
DUMB fat-assed female master
I want to rut that butt
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Puff around and find out.
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thats a lot of bond
Missing story locked Medb and Tesla
True enough. Their Oblivion Correction seems to get ignored a lot. Although I don't know why Jeanne really has it. It's not like anyone actually wronged her.
Have you maxed out your Sōya High School Uniform already?
BA has some nice designs. It's the only other gacha game I download art of despite not playing it.
The French was god's mistake
You don't play fgo?
I'm not touching it till I finish new battle suit
for me, it's jerking off to their doujins.
I personally could never understand why you'd play an original IP gacha when gacha is inherently dogshit. I play FGO and limbus company in SPITE of the fact that they're gacha, it's not exactly a selling point.
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what CE's are you using?
>Skadoo now Bond 8
>running low on apples
Honestly, I'm surprised never thought of introducing Gapples to the mana prism shop. 100 per fruit at a stock of 10 seems like an excellent prism sink imo.
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just the standard suite of bond CE's + the MLB damage CE (and a teapot). I need to use all these teapots before they expire in a few days so I might as well make proper use of them
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Servant for this feel?
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Crits are really nice. You crit and just go in the next wave right after.
Does she Oei have second append unlocked?
It's weird because he set up event CEs, so he's definitely not veteraning, I hope he's okay...
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i completely forgot i had it
yo don't need it
I was doing that, but i switched to using jeanne for the same purpose since she's a high bond priority.
Can you describe how you do it?
It's the only other game I download art of (the other being fgo) despite not playing it (BA)
I agree, unless you just want to read the dialogue/story and things. But I would never take it seriously let alone ever drop money on it. Fan art, doujins, and short comics are the best parts anyway and let you get the best parts of the characters.
You don't need it. This is a 4-5 turn setup though because it actually requires Ibuki's append to 3T and I don't have that yet (hence the bond farming)

Ibuki wave 1
Oei wave 2+3
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like other anon said her only weakness is her alter-ego class making her do less damage to a decent chunk of classes, shes 1 of the buster loopers you can do BG looping like melusine and she has a stacking buster buff every time you NP
Ah, fair enough. Trying to make a setup without Oberon.
I haven't needed buster NPs lately so why would I use it
Yeah, that was my exact same objective; to get a team without using my own castoria or oberon.

If you actually have Ibuki's second append unlocked it does turn into a consistent 3T though. If only I actually rolled a second copy...
I still don't understand what are you talking about when you say alter ego is bad so I just skip every post about it because I hate children.
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If you want to 120 a summer servant from next year, consider not buying the EXP stacks until the last day of this event, so you can keep it in your box for as long as possible.
Slow thread. Blogging my quest.
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What servants make you feel this way?
They can barely reach half a level once you're past 100 so would it really make any difference?
are you enjoying higruashi
Servants like this?
This is the skill that brings it all together.
1 Jeanne buster is all it takes.
Literally Amakusa about TGG.
Redhead Morgan…
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Literally Nightingale
Every bit of exp counts. And from the next DL campaign we'll be able to buy stacks of 5* from the monthly shop too.
>visible ears
not canon
>Eh, close enough.
>And from the next DL campaign we'll be able to buy stacks of 5* from the monthly shop too.
I've been waiting for this. Finally.
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Why the fuck did Toto turn into this
What is this even
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Never the same after that trip down to Africa.
Guys how do I get a Gudako gf
volkermorde feuerdrache!
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>out of qp
Be yourself
Obtain oblivion correction
Get a bomb collar strapped to your neck
Be a horse
Eat Britain whole
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It's gonna take a lot to drag me awaaaaaay from you!
There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do!
I bless the rains down in Aaaaaaafrica!
Bride doesn't quite do enough for the 1-hit.
>Eat Britain whole
>tfw i can only eat a few small islands and inlets at most
modern womens standards for men are so unrealistic.
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>Get a bomb collar strapped to your neck
This doesn't work btw.
But that's what elegant crits are for.
I really think bride has one of the nicest arts attack animations in the game.
How many Servants would you want in your harem?
I used to like the idea of having a harem as a teenager but as an adult I realized I absolutely hate people and now the thought of having more than one partner sounds absolutely awful.
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I've long held that four is about the limit. More than that and it's overwhelming.
And that's that. Don't worry anon, it's plenty of bond.
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The story isn’t done yet.
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I fucking hate lippers so goddamn much
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Death is inevitable bro...
>no Li glasses
Illya, Miyu, Abby, Nursery Rhyme, and Gogh
And all the while I'm a little girl, too.
It's not surprising he won the best glasses vote. None of the rest come close.
but I dont want to die...
The one year loli drought is killing off all of our lolibros.
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Preorder my elixir! Only $499.99! (plus tip) (shipping not included) (still in early access)
This is how Shrek talks
well he's a yu simp too so that checks out.
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Wait, really? Fuck.
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Servants for this feel?
Eric Bloodaxe
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Man, I should memorize the names and rarities of the over 400 playable Servants at this point.
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Servant for this feel?
Which one had the oblivion correction?
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Would (you) become Nightingale's servant?
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I'm getting bad vibes from this.
Dantes and Dantes
>Avenger Marie is storylocked.
Why do they have that shitty gacha, it's limited with extra steps.
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Servant for this feel?
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Nice thighs Morgan!
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I daresay nice boobies too.
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Lay down, fall away
Lie awake
Just cannot move my arms and legs, I'm paralyzed
Don't recall how to free myself from this
Heart of the dark, my face contorted
Don't know how to reach the light
But I feel so bad like a freak in a cage
Crit with summer Hokusai the first turn.
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HE who perseveres.
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Morganfest's 90++ is quite bad too due to lack of charge, but the recent 90++ in JP is legit one of the worst.
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SHE who puts out
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There's something worse than Illyafest?
>Those hands
Douman can crush watermelons with them.
What if lasengle reworked the servant term and changed it into gamer?
Any alkies know which drinks they each have?
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final boss of nemomas is a 788k hp foreigner without a lot of the common traits people exploit, so you can't just send in your favourite meta berzerker.
It has a starting NP charge CE though, at least.
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nobu nobu nobu nobu nobu nobu nobu nobu
good morning, bros...
Wait, hang on. Im' getting it mixed up with an entirely different node. please ignore me.
That's a caster? Or is the emblem wrong?
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Blue is most likely bombay sapphire
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Douman is drinking my bloodied piss
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700k+ HP Voyager.
>No event damage CE
>Voyager himself has almost no anti-traits to exploit
>Alter Egos and Foreigners are both something of memes

You posted the wrong one bro, Nemomas is one of the most accessible 90++s and Ryoma has a damage buff during that time due to the Evocation Festival.
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Does Sei sleep around in Chaldea?
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Red seems like Martini Bitter
What's the white part, egg?
In the literal sense yes, since you sleep in the kitchen with her in her interlude. In terms of fucking other people, I doubt it
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what is this stupid fucking meme template that has popped up
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Based second fattest HP forinaa
Redmans thighs being so visibly muscular in this image really amuses me for some reason
it's like he's wearing the tightest fucking pants in existence
He has to compensate somehow.
Why is Redman loosing all color in his arm?
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Voyager a CUTE!
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Forgotten and uncared for.
You can't forget someone who isn't here yet.
That's not from a lotto so noone cares
They'll just suck it up and do 90+
i hate this little fucker so much holy shit why doesn't he have a bloodied sprite he deserves it
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She's not in NA yet
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Summer Caren this year????
She's a free gameplay servant who performs her job well enough and is free
I'm sure some people will grail her
Take a good look at this poster. He is a traitor to America and an affront to Humanity. A modern day Judas.
she's like a cavewoman rin. i think she's cute.
>I'm sure some people will grail her
the same kinds of incels that immediately obsessed over firefly despite her having literally no personality and no real trait other than having pandering writing (with she herself still being clueless)
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Have you forgiven him?
Good because her predecessor is all used up
Begone, foul human!

Simps were a mistake.
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who the fuck is firefly? what are you talking about
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He means Grave of the Fireflies, that movie sucked ass and it's annoying how people kept jerking it off as peak kino, also I haven't watched it yet
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I chuckled.
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let her cook
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Hey, you stole my joke from last year!
I don't get it.
I understand why you don’t support France now.
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Firefly is from Honkai Shill Rail.
Gogh has a special NP Starry Night of Owner that allows her to take control of jokes.
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Forgive him for what? He unironically did nothing wrong.
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She is saying "Iyo wa iiyo" (Iyo is fine).
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>The charges, officer?
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Really wish they’d put story locked in spook pool. Want me titoria not another poojeet copy
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P-please calm down, we can bring you an ice cream
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Skadi wouldn't have been dying if it weren't for him, so yes, you're right.
I ship Douman and Skadi
This is actually a good thing cause it means I have Nurse’s approval for hourly mana direct injections
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Remember when he put ghosts in the haunted house? That's, like, bad or something.
Why the fuck does summer hildr sound so fucking retarded?
Her lancer self isn't like that
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Douman? More like Brouman.
So you pick Takeuchi's favorite instead.
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I couldn't sleep...
Me too, and I self-insert as Douman.
Douman did everything he could to protect Skadi smile. Bro deserves her love.
don't use the i word...
Trim your nails
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Don't worry my incel. I'm one of you.
you look more like faggot to me
Give him glasses it’s a Chudjak servant
But then I can't claw things as well.
oh, ok...
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Douman is for (You).
Butt sex doesn't count so technically faggots are perma virgins.
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Like this?
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I want to smell and lick Caren feet
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8 hours thread
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friends :)
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Would you ask Douman to mow your lawn?
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Merely pretending
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we've entered the dreaded "week 2 of a 3 week event"
it's only downhill from here.
Stop avataring
Yes literally that.
I don’t believe in lawns I believe in native grasses so we’re gonna have a problem
All by me
When is the fucking jp anniversary? I dont even play Jp but I really want to know the Anniversary Servant (and I guess summer banner too)
Bouta week.
Here anon, maybe these people will be able to provide the answers you seek
But then of course, you'd have to interact with them.
It's funny that Ibuki can clear the 90++ node, too
What's funny about it?
That she's so broken
/alter/, what do you think is the minimum NP level for Kriem. Is NP2 enough for future contents?
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Don't worry, I posted it for you.
dosnt count litterally
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This year's anni servant.
Who gives a shit, it's not a lottery and you stop farming fucking ice blocks anyway
it's castoria that's broken. without her ibuki would just be good.
Hardly, she has event bonus damage
>fuck off back to alter, newfaggot
>kill yourself alter shitter
What fun. Thanks bro.
Yeah, but she also has an AoE NP, has to go through a 1/1/1 node and doesn't get her type damage
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Still can't pick a Valk...
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Don't mention it, bro.
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Goghbros, our response to this 90++ node?!
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Go jerk off, post-nut clarity will help you
jerk off and chose the one you cum to
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im just following the great visionary and award winner writter Don shake advice.
Take a nap until the problem goes away.
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Sex sex sex
NP3 is recommended for her but NP2 is fine for most stuff
take the joker pill
What about Ibuki?
Brainlet here, can someone please explain
>5* but no damage bonus deals more damage than 4* with damage bonus
Can Gogh clear Super Godjuna?
correcting dracunny's accent...
Have you told your Jalter you love her today?
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But only if it's involuntary.
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Nah, I'd win.
Is that one of those no-support-sevant fights? those are a pain
We LOVE French saints here
Altera in the right is feeling kinda unconfortable
Is this the saint or her mom
Aren't you supposed to post someone that'd lose with that?
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We LOVE Chinese nuns here.
Why does she look like Rin?
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Why haven't you read the funny vamps VN yet? It's the only good game that came out (in english) this year.
Post her armpits
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wasn't she a concubine?
I've been catching up with Kangoku Senkan.
Not that guy, but he spooked me too. Hidden Ozy rate up.
She was both at different times.
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Wasnt FF7 Rebirth a flop?
Why is it rated so high.
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She had temporarily become a Taoist nun before marrying the emperor.
critics != player base
I read the OG a few years ago and currently I don't feel like reading the remake
Rin's anus wasn't the defenseless one...
Yes yes, more of it, god she's so hot
does she have thought keys?
I tried to, even bought the 80$ physical release.. was the beginning with Aoko so long in the original? either I'm too old for VNs or it's boring as shit. I was unironically filtered by the first 10 minutes of the VN.
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>The only Hassan to get a craft essence is Hassan of the Pleasured Prostate
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This is becoming more and more unfair.
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Probably. She must know Taoist magic since she created those cursed dolls in IS.
TM only cares about new shiny stuff...
Cursed Arm got one too back in the day. I guess it's just cringe Hassans that get passed over.
When was the last official Lip mention bro?
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sex with brown boys
I feel sorry for Asakobro at this point
Were getting Bond 20 on Anni 9, right.... probably not because whales who rolled np6 would have a melty
Is it on PC?
Do you know how many spots are left for anniversary CE?
You're getting infinite bond levels after Anni 10 until FGO2 comes out.
I think 23 have been shown so far and the site says 42 total I think https://news.fate-go.jp/2024/9th_anniversary_cp/#index_ttl
According to Square anything that doesn't sell a bajillion gillion copies is a flop. They are the embodiment of that meme where the guy puts a stick in his own bicycle spokes and then blames an external force for his woes.
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Mom is number one!

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