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Previous >>487689356

>TFD Helper (Beta)
>Resource Doc
>Module Combination Percentages (Use Google Translate)
>/tfdg/ Thread Template
How did Valby go from a cute and conservative, autistic, daughter type to a filthy, trashy, whore?
Tradwife fags on suicide watch lol
She was left alone in a room with the town wheel for at least 2 hours.
>Verification not required.
pls halp with Hard Executioner
Damn son
people are saying python is better than thunder cage but is that only when you get 4 extra copies of it or is it better with no copies of it?
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Wtf is going on with her hair. Trying to figure out what setting is doing this.
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hey bros, my spreadsheet now includes weapon AMPs.
I think it's helpful in deciding which AMP you want to target farm.
it also has some information about the possible rolls on Reactors and External Components.

That's the dream
what do you build on weapons that dont have crit?
why would you use weapons that dont have crit...?
someone pls help with Hard Executioner
toss an activator in your thunder cage and solo him.
Should I postpone my ult gley farm to get ult bunny first?
Since it seems like fucking everything goes faster with a built bunny since she seems to be the answer to 95% of the game's content
bookmarked ty

Im doing it with Freyna, since hes weak to poison. there has to be one person that could help me with this. cmon
based ty anon
Nah, I'm a Gley enjoyer and have had absolutely no problem with any content. Unless you want to do retarded content like jump up and down for hours to level up a weapon you can ignore bunny completely.
toss poison on your thunder cage and solo him
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We already had this like an hour ago in the previous thread. Not telling.
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also i am not a fan of ultimate valby's design but i will probably farm for her
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Baking my devotion upgrades and catalysts for cage
12 gauge buckshot SHOOT THE MOUTH
>also i am not a fan of ultimate valby's design
ask me how i know youre a faggot
kingston still best for descendant xp?
my my mom is reading the thread i have to be discrete
>Sigvore's Proof
>gun is locked behind the battle pass
should I just level this thing then dismantle all of them?
echo swamp defense is better
Have two Final Masterpiece parts cooking. They’ll be done once I’m off work then putting the actual Gun in the oven. Same with Wave of Light
I'd advise against dismantling it, you can't get it anywhere else (AFAIK).
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invite me in the next 10 mins otherwise i'm logging off to go work
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talk me out of replacing increased hp with dangerous ambush
yes i will die more
but damage...
lol so pointless and you’re a faggot on top of that
but I'll also never be able to fully upgrade it.
you want attention so badly that's kind of embarrassing
there's 3 other skills I'd worry about replacing first.
which ones?
It's a fucking 10. If it were an 18 the slash wouldn't be diagonal.
No harm in keeping it around in storage just in case.
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so at what playercount do you think the game will settle? I'm thinking 45k average with lowpoints at 25k during the late hours, perhaps Will go down a bit during bug updates with Warframe since I'm sure we share some players,

considering the playercounts at vidictus and maplestory, I'm sure nexon will continue ti support it

>update was announced to be ready to drop 1 day before
Niggas can’t read
>opponent has perfect aim
>no amount of maneuvarability or speed will cause them to miss
honestly the worst thing about this game. you should be able to outmaneuver some things, like that floating octopus with the channeled laser beam, instead of just being forced into cover.
Why does it feel like half the time I queue into a public HM dungeon, it puts me into a 3-person party? There's no way there's only 2 other people in the entire game queuing for the dungeon
you can't sell power in a skill based game
Bring back the Valby run, this shit is boring af, still no new gold farm
does bunny just use her gun mostly for boss fights and build tanky?
is there a reactor for Thundercages?
bunnys main damage comes from her 3 and the gun is like some shitty sprinkles on top
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I gotta go
Please view this video
yeah but for bosses that are electric based she is just an add killer?
Should I just accelerate, this shit is gonna take 5 days to max out my Python at this rate
Why everyone is so obsessed with Dangerous Ambush?
what's the rush
ehhhh it is true that you will do less damage to something like the executioner, but you aren't useless, bunny bro. it's okay to queue in anyway....

bigger numbers
I can't kill bosses without putting in effort
The game definitely tracks what you're trying to unlock, or at least makes a guess based on the items that you've recently received. I was able to get three of each thunder cage part within the course of an hour, until I got to the code...I've received one in the past hour despite them supposedly having the same drop rate. I've received five heat incinerators though, despite them supposedly having only a 1.5% drop rate
oink oink
Moxsy made a video with it.
i am thinking of replacing real life fighter with a fucking elemental mod or any blue

when every other mod reduces the accuracy, you can start accidentally tapping other shit even at point blank
>Time Distribution
>Amplification Control
>Battle of Stamina
I'd also ditch Dangerous Ambush but do your thang.
Python will be obsolete in 5 days, i think, just look at tamer.
Is Kingston Albion Resource Defense still the best exp farm? My groups disband after the first 7 waves.
i would literally have like 2k hp and die in one hit without those
read the thread faggot.
Echo Swamp is better
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>colossus will either destroy the cover and hit you anyway or have their attacks curve around the cover
Fucking hate this shit.
You know everyone here run builds whatever their favorite YouTuber is using
Viessa should build around Fusion right? because you can spam all those abilities more than Blizzard?
or if you go Tech it also boosts your passive...
At least it sounds good
Really? I killed him first time as a poorly geared Enzo with 3 bunnies
there's other things I would place where they are.
bro i killed him in like 5 tries 2 weeks ago..
You can build Viessa around spamming her ult with Cold-Bloodedness module, it replaces her frost road skill with a buff that reduces cooldown and skill costs. The problem is, you're bound to run out of mp quickly.
yeah im stuck with the retards, pray for me
even with MP Recovery in Combat Sensor? it makes a huge difference in sustainability.


[Verse 1]
I want to play The First Descendant
but today i just can't win shit
The game has been down all day
and I need to GOON to my favorite girls

I called off work to play (pay 2 win)
I missed my Wife's birthday (Korean)
My wife is divorcing me and taking the kids (slop)
But as long as i have the The First Descendant I'm the one whos winning (GOONERS UNITE)

Oh god I want to smother myself in Viessa's cooling cleavage
I need Sharen to give me that hydraulic press gawk gawk
When i'm with Ms. Gley she wont need to worry about her daughter anymore (Cuz i'll give her a new one)
Bunny can run as fast as she can but she won't escape this A-Train (Anal Train)
I'll dive inside Freyna's toxic pungent bush swamp
And i'd let Valby give me that ultimate seaworld watersports
Oh Luna, oh fuck Luna! I'd let Luna booty me down! BOOTY ME DOWN!


[verse 2]
Viessa's cooling cleavage, Sharen's cold steel handjobs, Gonna give Gley a new daughter, Bunny's tingling thighjobs, Freyna's poisonous juices, Valby's waterworld piss play

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Need to find a new Valby run
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Can't really go wrong using activator on cage right?
this kusoge needs jiggle physics asap
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The final piece of the puzzle.
absolutely not, its a very good gun
If you use Valby for the extra crit with supply moisture it might be great

Tits too small
I cant beat bosses on Hard. I do no damage. Ive grinded shit for days with NO transcendant mods. Why am I even playing this game? this is not fun
I didn't get an answer last thread so I'll ask again. What's a good python build for Gley? Ignoring crit entirely and stacking damage + rof + weak point and one flex slot for element?
Got any example?
Grind your Thunder Cage and mods
Put an activator and catalyts on it
uhhh bro your Tamer?
what did he mean by this?
imagine going through life like this. Being THIS inept
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i will never touch yujin
i absolutely cannot stand that asian australian accent
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>dude just farm these 3% drops!!!
she is cute
Spam H.Executioner and get carried by Gley mains
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>basically do all the damage because two ajax and one retarded aoe bunny
>finally get firearm master as a reward
Very based
You get 2 free activators from the story and catalysts are 15%/20% drops
How do you farm in hard mode?
Once i hit hard mode it's basically just become a reset of the game. Kingston was easy but everything else is a pain in the ass if I can even survive, never even mind doing the hard mode colossi, I can't even do outposts in most of the regions.
why are you even playing this game then? fuck off
I literally get the 3% blueprints whenever I’m trying to go for 35% shit lol you’ll end up stacking up on them trust me
This battlepass sucks ass, you'd think they'd have Catalysts and Activators but all they have is fuckin nothing.
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Greg is rising
based and sunopilled
best all-around gun in the game.
>orange rounds
wow so i can use it 5 times before running out of ammo!! so cool!!!
Just post your username so we can carry you.
Do you get less xp if you're not the one killing? Seems slow but idk if its the bunnies cucking me
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>he doesn't know
i posted it last time and you ignored me
make a competent build and/or play better. I got Ultimate Bunny solo farming without investing any activators/catalysts.
first goal is to get level 100 on all your slots before you start optimizing.
if hard mode is too difficult then go back to normal after you got your level 100 gear and do things like max out your thunder cage--which you should toss an activator in and once you start to understand modules more, using catalysts on it too.
what is wrong with my TC for Freyna?
>Sensors are in the best farming location
>even after looking at hundreds of them still no double golds on the useful affixes
give me better loot filters at least.
I can't tell if bait or not but holy shit I understand why you people struggle so much now.
put modules in the matching slots, move rifling reinforcement down one slot.
level up a few mods instead of using many unleveled mods.
use an energy activator.
>Rifling Reinforcement
>Action & Reaction
default picks on every gun.
then worry about things like fire rate, crit, weak point.
she doesn't have any energy activators
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nigga move that rifling down one
what did you use them on?
How do you fuck the matching up? The game does it for you when you equip the corresponding ones wtf
ok i am tired of mooches
people really couldnt level their fucking ultimate lepic any other way than getting in my way in this cave?
get fucked just get fucked
I refuse to use my python until it's minmaxxed to hell, don't wanna get bad first impressions
Still need help? I'm not the best, but I'd be willing to help out.

thanks for the help guys. im guessing I need to add more socket types to the format. do you know off hand where I get A and R for gen rounds?
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>bunny seething at lebic
kek just like in the lore
what triggers me the most is that they don't restart the mission.
You do realize jumping with bunny is slower than camping the two spawn points right?
Use journal to look for module locations. Find a fast mission thats 2-5 mins and farm that
dont start using catalysts until you understand the game. just use an activator for now.
i got it finally, found 2 people in pubs that knew the tactics. appreciate the offer bro, may your drops be fruitful.
So Sterile land missions
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probably why Ult Viessa and Absolute Zero is a huge step-up, it changes all her skills into singular. one problem is you have to refresh your module loadout every time you log on, otherwise the reactor doesn't recognize them being singular skills.
ok guys. im being careful and thorough with this. I just got an ENERGY ACTIVATOR. Is it worth using on the thunder cage?
Just ask your local Quartermaster for a fresh batch of rounds!

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who is going to be the lewdest ultimate Descendant?
As much as I don't like her, I'm guessing Sharen since she can go invis, her outfit will be like Eve's nude outfit, to make it easier for her to go invisible.

Also we really need a Descendant with HUGE milkers.
it can carry you through a lot of content but it's up to you I have been stuck with it ever since I got it if you don't like smg look into other stuff
im so thirsty
what anime is that?
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>79 hours of TFD instead of clearing my other game/anime/manga backlog
You’ll hit the wall and quit like everyone else so don’t worry about it and just have fun for now
This but I'm 170 hours in.
>pub frost walker
>everyone sucks, etcetc, leaves
>stay to see exactly when this wipe mechanic happens
>it doesnt even actually kill you
can you literally ignore that?
even if it doesnt kill you it still fails the mission
make sure your rifling, fire rate, action and reaction modules on your weapon are maxed and you will do decent damage to start off the first hard mode boss
is fire rate really that big of a deal, especially for a gun that doesnt have forma in every slot

i feel like it just makes you run out of ammo first, so i upgraded shit like action reaction and weakspot damage first after the crit mods
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same but 130 hrs
I upgraded those and it made my cage go up to like 220k dps or something. As far as ammo goes I use 3 general weapons, and on my 2nd gun I use convert impact to general rounds, and on my 3rd it converts special rounds to general. So when I get low I swap guns and roll around over the ammo and it fills all my ammo. I also upgraded them 2 ranks to give even more ammo. It's nice since I rarely run out now. I just never use the other guns for anything else. I'm doing this without a energy activator on it yet because I wasted it on frenya rip
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Hey, bros. Anyone want some tendies?
Damn Ult Valby looks like shit
>still no ult gley enhanced cells
>still no ult gley spiral catalyst
>still no ult gley code
fucking kill me now
just say youre a homo bro
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just say youre a homo bro
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What's the best place to level blue weapons?
I just hit hard mode and wanna grind some mastery ranks and I don't particularly feel like grinding out descendants for it when I've only hit mastery on like five weapons so far, figured I'd start from the bottom up.
>got normal gley with 6% drop chances after only a few tries
I have a feeling ultimate gley is going to fuck me in the ass to make it even
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Sterile Lands' Kuiper Mining mission. Do the 10 waves and get a chunk of XP for both characters and weapons.
Almost there, bwo...
The pain is almost over.
Power leveling is boring and autistic
Just carry one or two with you at all times while farming for actual important shit for the passive xp, you don't need all 3 weapons to be good almost ever
does...does that work?
nah i am good got some cheese sticks
>>487787238 He's kinda right. With a team of decent bunnies, you'll get 400K chara XP in 10 minutes. Haven't calculate the weapon XP yet, but should be around the same. Plus, usually get a pretty decent gold out of it too.
this time limit for bosses is the gayest shit ive ever fucking seen. that along with invincibilty phases makes this game total trash
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yeah you just have to have that weapon out when you walk over the ammo I believe
I haven't tried making those before. Are we talking like Mozzarella sticks?
okay so I'm guessing...you dont want to use the purple one that's for launchers/shotgun right, that probably drops the least often

so you want one for the green and one for the orange
>Mozzarella sticks?
Huh. I'm going to give it a shot. The trouble will be finding good Mozzarella. The shit here in the states is miserable.
that's what I do yeah
>Power leveling is boring and autistic
Nobody, and I mean LITERALLY nobody in this thread asked for, or gives a shit, how you feel about grinding.
You answered a question nobody asked, congratulations, you've become what you hate most, autistic.
>t. autistic power leveler
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>got both
>haven't built either yet
I am terrible at focusing on stuff she would be nice as a boss killer but I don't know if I want to
are the 30% passes worth refreshing... mine are gone...
Get off your high horse, faggot.
I wouldn't go out of my way for em they are alright if you only eat them once in a while
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which tendies ? valby ? bunny ? viessa ?
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Okay what the fuck

Is there really no way to Search for where to get non-Ultimate weapons in-game? I want a pair of handguns to do something with
mouse over mission rewards ig
>Is there really no way to Search for where to get non-Ultimate weapons in-game?
Open map, mouse over missions, retard.
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ohgod why
Take that Firearm Attack vs. Colossus out yo bussy, playa.
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here it comes
>wasting a stab on 20%
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Isn't that what you wanted
just play a non-meme character (Bunny) and farm other things with random guns equipped.
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That's not SEARCH you retard, that's manually going over every map.
it's pretty dumb but luckily I started saving a copy of each gun pretty early on while I was farming other stuff.
I'm new. Whose the best girl if I just want to kill with powers instead of guns?
Also how come my energy never seems to come back?
damn you just described what searching is
we are like prometheus, bringing you fire
or teaching you to fish, not just giving you any
enjoy your search fucker
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why does her ass look so erotic bros
anyone but gley, all her abilities make you shoot more
and not sharen but you might want her for other reasons later
Dumb ESL
It literally doesnt
she has no ass
Used goods
Bunny can keep her third ability going indefinitely with a little bit of CD reduction and not standing still. With a range mod and extra damage she'll vaporize everything that's not a boss near instantly. Your MP doesn't regen in combat normally, you gotta pick up the blue cubes for more mana.
it would take 20 seconds why are you like this
>a network error has occurred
>a network error has occurred
>a network error has occurred
wtf is going on today
>retard doesn't understand the definition of searching
Why don't you search for some pussy?
Unless you are some retarded neet who has nothing else to do all day, time is precious and wasting time specifically leveling up blue weapons instead of actually farming for useful things is again, retarded
wish actual skin instead another bodysuit
Works on my machine :))
Tell your little brother to stop lag switching while playing CoD.
im going to afk in defennse missions and there's nothing you can do about it
Can I borrow your machine for an hour?
>get kicked to the main menu
>oh just afk thing
works on my machine :))
Whats the reason later?
If I get Freyna is the game gonna be stupid and make toxic resistant enemies later on?
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Well....Freyna kit is shit in the first place. Toxic resist mobs just make it harder.
sharen does a very specific thing that makes getting other characters much easier

she turns invisible to hack consoles in these outpost places
Bunny getting dicked down by Blair, Ajax and Kyle!
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I just solo'd executioner
I feel like their gonna nerf that soon
what the fuck is valby even good for
great job
She used to be good at running in circles. Now it's barely worth doing. So nothing. Unless you get Moisture thingy. But why bother.
Korean devs are retarded and made sharen the only one can reasonably turn a 5% chance into a 25% chance to unlock half of current endgame shit
Yes they gave that much power to a single character who is completely useless everywhere else
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ty :)
Why would they do that? There's plenty of other BS that's just as strong if not stronger.
mastery and watersports
Sounds like Warframe with that one frame who can go invisible the whole mission trivialize the stealth missions
But doesnt mean you cant use other frames to do the stealth thing. The point is, the reward is locked to a single character.
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I did it. I got all the girls. And like that, my enthusiasm for this game has been reduced substantially. Anyone else getting a bit burned out?
That's completely different because ivara is not the only one who can finish spy missions quick. I use limbo for spy missions and just phase through all lasers, you can use loki, you can even use a regular frame and just bum rush it otherwise if you can do the puzzles quick
The sharen thing is more like "use ivara or you won't get a single reward after 50 runs", it is absolutely fucking idiotic to lock so many relics behind one character
Nope. Sorry that happen to you
what kind of retard buys that crap costume that covers her ass
w0orks on my machine
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wouldn't surprise me if some modules aren't working as intended.
Just finished 5 Pythons, only took yesterday and today
I don't understand the point of making all the weapon skins from the achievements and half the skins from the pass be for blue weapons.
a married man or someone that has a girlfriend.
but but everyone said Tamer is the best gun!
Someone that isn't a coomer.
better on gley because fire rate
better on valby because it gets added crit from standing in water with supply moisture, enzo can also add more crit

can't minmax it for both though, gotta choose
so a retard who also happens to be in a relationship
shit ultimate skin, but it's fine, gonna use a bikini on her anyway
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It's actually criminal you can't color base skins.
Is the White Night Gulch Mountaintop outpost and corresponding reactor the simplest route to get the last ult bunny piece I need? Stabilizer I think.I just don't really feel like trying to beat Pyro a bunch of times desu
yep my brother tells me about it all the fuck time
do you think they will make a titty cow descendant?
Or unlike you, just not someone who's so starved of contact with women that they have to spend every single moment of their life seeing a tiniest bit of pixelated ass.
i can dream
would be kinda cool if they added element interactions at some point, like bunny electrifying valby's water etc
something tells me mental focus is really good on gley
but i can macro bunny to jump while i go to sleep and wake up to thousands of inorganic shards
another zinger
mental focus is really good on gley
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tfw trying to get catalysts
white night gulch is bootiful
i just got a fucking activator on hagios trying to get a enduring legacy nano tube
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why are there holes in the mountains?
anybody get an itchy feeling looking at them?
>Some operations give you rewards every 2 waves and others, every 7.

the flood.
you are like me and have trypophobia
i hate bread with holes for this reason
desu the more i see it, the cuter it gets.
the tail wiggle wiggles
It was made for me!
I've noticed that it didn't increase with charge, I thought it was supposed to be snapshotting when I cast it. that's hilarious.
is superconductor decent to use? i have only have that and electric condense
so they can add skins for real guns as content later.
Will supply coins from the BP carry over?
>farm ult viessa
>got ult ajax from random amp opening because I'm bored
>farm ult gley
>got ult ajax from random amp opening because I'm bored
>farm ult bunny
>got ult ajax from random amp opening because I'm bored
>only need code now for ult ajax
>no drop for 2 days
I'm more concerned about the eyes.
>invest in Ultimate Bunny
>semi-invest in Regular Gley, enough to get Infinite build working with the CD/Duration mods
Different game modes. The defence is the one that needs to get to wave 7.
i did the exact same thing with gley
Every wave is 2 minutes though, you can get rewards substantially faster on the 'control point' operations
Nexon need to release hot dudes
>Electronic Syncytium
>Frugal Mindset
>Time Distribution
>Battle of Stamina
>Amplification Control
can't decide on what my 8th slot should be. crit High-Voltage.
anything but Electronic Syncytium makes the non High-Voltage swap a little bit better for module slots.
no they don't
is there any no catalyst ult bunny build?
10th slot. not sure why I said 8th. had a brain fart.
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The skin seemed like a good idea at the time, but I'm beginning to dislike it.
>on charged sub attack
into the trash it goes
>do hanged man
>viessa takes cube
>break tongue 3 times
>still runs around
>never puts it back so we can't damage it
>decide to suicide off map till it fails us
what a retard
yeah the regular bunny build.
why would you get ult to not invest in it?
if you're just leveling it for mastery then it doesn't matter just go leech a mission and then dismiss it.
I don't mind the drop rates, but I think I've decided I don't care much for the whole... needing void shards to open the rift, thing.
iirc that is the sweaty choice for her.
why are gley players so focused in getting that "infinite"? you'd need to regularly move to dodge or reposition anyways. I'd rather budget gleys take another HP module or at least dodge the fucking attacks.
She's cheap
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>why are gley players so focused in getting that "infinite"?
I think it looks cool
>you tonight
It looks like you need one activator and one forma at minimal in order to fit all that shit plus one HP and one Def mod.

Or sacrifice one of the CD/Duration mod in order to only save forma
I was really unhappy with the Ultimate skin. For some reason it bothers me that his mechanical arm is the one that looks wimpy while the other is bolstered up with a huge pauldron
there is a farm you can do on bunny and get a shit load
i only used a forma and sacked the defense mod
i have ultimate gley coming up soon
whats the problem
the flesh arm needs more protection makes sense
robot arm doesnt need the armor/pad
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Yeah.... I've done them a lot. I needed over 2500 Organic shards to get Ultimate Viessa. Then I needed a crap ton of Polymer. I'm aware of the spots - I just hate doing them.
I get they were going for a cyber knight look, but they should have went the full mile. Just Gothic-inspired armor. Look at this big fucking gap right at a vital area on his helmet. I know I'm being a fag, but it just doesn't look right. Needed like a coif or something to cover up his neck. Instead he has a gay afghan rebel scarf.
forma does seem cheaper/easier but
>40k def with mod
>15k def without def mod
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>"So anyway, I told Coffeezilla to go fuck himself and they should be thankful I didn't piss in the PRIME."
means jack shit if you're crawling on the ground
I mean she is an amputee of war with no more arms or legs, so I bet she is super kinky...
They will probably add it as a pay option down the road, it was in the beta supposedly so it is in the games code, just restricted.
kek truuu
lepic, simply lepic
I've been very unlucky with Energy Activator Blue Prints. Haven't found a single one yet after opening I don't know how many Amps. I didn't quite realize how they worked when the game gave me two. I thought there were separate ones for guns and for descendants at the time, and so I put them both on guns.
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imagining lepic saying that made me laugh
gooning to valbussy
Stop adding -ussy to everything!
So is Super Senses worth?
gonna fuck valby in her p-ussy
ultimate lebin is fun
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Ultimate Valby should've looked like this
Only a tranny would find this attractive.
I agree. His 4 is really satisfying. I've always liked Vortex abilities, too, so his 3 is satisfying when you can use it. Overall like his kit. It's simple, but effective. So many of my descendants do negligible damage from their skills (Ajax), so it's nice to have one that can put out DPS with Firearm and Skills.
It actually took me longer to farm him than Ultimate Viessa.
mmo trannies get the fuck out of my thread right now
okay bros how should i play viessa?
now THIS is hot
now THIS is a shart
I think Cold-Bloodedness is popular on her?
Press H and pick someone else
hmm nyo
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so 12k is the best breakpoint for defense? anything more is diminished returns?
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Are new outfits coming next week or is it just Ult Valby and Luna
its around 25k soft and 50k hardcap but ajax which 80k. Varies from descendant to descendant
Whats the best place to farm Supply Moisture?
I know Eternal Willpower is a meme, but it's kind of a fun gun to shoot. Especially after nearly 200 hours of Thunder Cage.
glad there's a luna hairstyle revealed already so i don't have to look at that ugly ass hairstyle in the base skin
like every other descendant that isn't bunny.
throw on a thunder cage and some hp mods, go farm your void fragments and switch back to bunny.
>ult bunny’s exposed labia
>valby straight up having cameltoe
Nexon I fucking kneel.
What gook madman seriously sat down and modeled their pussies, and got it passed through to the actual game? I can’t even think of another game that just shoves ass and pussy in your face. Not even Stellar Blade.
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damn, i was pretty down on this game for 90% of day, couldn't beat Executioner on Hard. but in the last hour I farmed all 4 pieces of a gun that I guess Freyna can use, and beat Exec with a group with one second remaining.
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I bet if Eternal is gold, you will have 20058234 videos "THIS IS BEST BUILD FOR ETERNAL!!!" , " ETERNALLY POWERFUL" , "ETERNAL IS BROKEN IF YOU BUILD THIS!!!"
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Is Nexon the last bastion?
Yeah, it sucks it doesn't have a Unique Ability. But some of the Unique Abilities are trash. It's "Unique Ability" is being an AR with a 25% base crit chance, I guess.
Ewww a tranny fantasy faggot
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>Not even Stellar Blade.
>new swimwear outfit came out for free
still no jiggle physics though which is strange
Gooks will save us.
Eve never shows her pussy, unlike Descendant sluts. At this rate, Freyna is literally going to have her asshole peeking out from behind a thong or something.
What is the best Ultimate gun for taking on bosses?
ty this helps
ty but idk how to read that
It's very common for Korean mmos

t. Veteran
Anal sex with Freyna.
Anal sex with Anais.
She tired from that, anon. She wants pussy only.
>do 18 outpost with sharen
>only get 2 AMPs
yea fuck your 20%
>Eve never shows her pussy
you better look through some of the outfits
>make full nude body with all details
>just straight up use portion of the body as outfit
much easier
>try to pub executioner for fun
>nobody does any damage if i don't attack
lmao wtf
You better get your eyes checked
ass crack when
I have played that game to hell and back and photo mode will amplify it.
Ult Valby costume compared to Ult Bunny is basically

>I have sex with 10 guys
>I have sex with 100 guys and they all cum inside
The 10 means you need to have a 10 inch cock to fuck Valby and no one does so shes pure.
>The water she generates is actually from her wet pussy when she thinks about cocks all the time

What a little slut
My wife is pure and would never have sex with anyone other than me
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Be real with me-- how big of a pain in the ass is it to manually get an Energy Activator?
Just be lucky
It has been pretty annoying so far.
i think the best way is just to farm other parts that in the same amorph with EA, i got 3 from trying to get viessa code
>Look on Leddit
>Shitters crying about Frost Walker being too hard

Meanwhile, every random group I match with kills him before he even does his freeze mechanic.
I been clearing out my unused intercept amorphs thats got an EA, I've gotten 0 from 35 rolls today.

I got a few just from farming other shit.

And what do you mean by 'manual'? It's not available from the shop is it?
not using bike stealing language is also a good chance too
big pain in the ass
but he's not speaking russian?
Like a huge, hard turd that's coming out sideways
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Would you rather have Nexon hire woke American locallizers or continue using AI translation?
How many of you are going to decide you're a tranny because of this game?
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we did it bois
at least 25 AMPs
is anybody running something like this with supernova set?
I don't know of a way to get more damage.
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>bunny cave
>there is no bunnies
yeah i am
well I forgot to add the image I guess.

anybody running anything like this with supernova? seems like the most damage you can get without getting an unreasonable cooldown.
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her smug aura mocks me
>valby run
>no valbys
they are all doing it private now since all the valby's were crying about leechers
I was using a supernova set... till i accidently dismantled my processor
That only applies to create a character games, like any bethesdaslop. These girls are expertly crafted with the male gaze in mind.
how did you cope with the lack of hp on the components?
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I killed Execution on Hard and I didn't get any Transcendant modules
its' no longer a valby run, people just run in and kill the boss now
you got what frogposters deserve

I’ve done it tonight and the last few nights no one has killed the boss. I’ve actually never ran into anyone killing the boss
fuck valbycunts
how much better is lepic than blair?
I just need the blueprint and i can craft ult lepic.
ult viessa never, this game hates me
Yeah because we’re tired of you leeching faggots ruining our run.
The Valby run sucks balls now, anyway. They're back to mediocrity just in time for their ultimate skin.
I just swap down to a 2 set for HP if i need to HP/HP aux and HP sensor
>get ult gley drop
>try for 25% outpost AMPs afterwards
>0 AMPs in 10 runs
yeah there's a fucking drop "stamina" meter in the background
you can't convince me otherwise
i did yesterday.
i and 2 other val's were doing the run
then some faggot ult bunny comes, kills the boss, and then tell us to go private.
i reposted the faggot for hacking/using scripts. hopefully the stupid fuck gets banned
Ever since post valby farm the moochers have gotten insufferable, always body blocking running the opposite direction and never resetting. I only farm in private now too
10k hp 8k DEF = 5k hp 90k DEF
post the graphic too if you're going to leddit
Do you need to open chests in a particular hard mode area with Enzo to find his mod?
If you're fresh off Normal Mode, you want to do this one mission in White-Night Gultch at the Moongrave Basin, left most mission in the map. You're suppose to prevents adds from getting to the circle. Go do that and intentionally fail it. What you wanna do is use Bunny, camp up on the nearby cliff that over looks the objective, and start running back and forth along the edge with your third skill active. Most of the adds will automatically agro towards you, but because of Bunnys third skill, they will die at the bottom of the cliff, as they jump, or will have very little health when they reach the top. Most of them won't even be able to shoot you and those that do won't be able to hit you if you keep moving. Farm that location a couple of times until you get decent external components.
cool graphics. What N64 game is that?
stack hp everywhere you can
Any non-standard alternatives for mass kill farming for Bunny Evo? I'm starting to lose my bearings running Fortress Outskirts.
so you didn't really use it.
Get about 26-27k defense and then stack HP. My valby at 27k def/17k hp can tank boss hits.
I think it's you go for memory def/def/res roll and the rest try to get hp/hp/res or some hp/def/res.
Gotta inves in maxing mods though. But 24k/9k is already great start.
How in the hell am I supposed to do damage to hard executioner? None of my level 100 weapons do anything doing.
>supernova set
>start colossus
>sprint for energy
>walk a tightrope becomes activated
>use fourth skill on the boss
>he dies
I dare you to find a flaw.
I have component stats in my sheet.
ded gaem
ded thread
>grappling hook bug again
kys troon
works on my machine
I'm never grappling to a colossus part again
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bunny? dont you mean Ultimate gley?
why so defensive anon?
is it true there is an item that improves drop rates?
farming ult le epic is he any good?
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>no bush
He doesn't show any tits, just so you know
>farm thundercage code
>takes 20 tries to get one
>do it the next day
>drops 2 back to back
feels weird man
Thats fine Im not 12 anymore
nice of you to come out at the age of 12
Time bro sick burn!!
Keep your wet dreams.
incredibly based
It's not on the shop but you can buy EAs for 1.2k caliber. Just go to your Descendant/Weapon, have 0 EAs in your inventory, and click the apply EA button. The game will give you the option to buy it.
>Electronic syncytium

>3 sharens comfy farming an outpost
>bunny joins
>fucks up the timing every time
Is firearm critical hit damage even worth it on a firearm?
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Whenever someone doesn't post Valby everyone else should be asking

Why is no one posting Valby?

also Valbybros... did we get too cocky?
>Finally do Hanged Man
>Someone takes cube right away
>Okay I guess I'll shoot Mouth-Tube-Thing as someone on /tfdg/ said
>After a while he's back to normal and can be damaged everywhere
>Takes out shield
>Work on health
>"This is going well, right?!"
>He one shots everyone after about a minute

lemme guess, she stayed far away but on plain sight ?
What insecure bunnyfag made this
more damage, duh.
anyone invest into Clairvoyance I know beams are trash but I am wondering if anyone has worked on one what mods am I looking for besides using the basic ones
bro your concentration priority?

If you're using a weapon with a decent natural crit rate and you also build crit rate on it, then yes.
Initially but then after a few runs, she got too trigger happy jumping in before disables
Honestly i am more nervous than anything about her because i am waiting to see how aids they will make getting her and how much of her shit will be locked behind some new horrible gimmick intercept.
if you're using it with Viessa and weaving her skills in while shooting, get the one that speeds up charge time and magazine/reload. otherwise just pump the crits as it has good base crit stats. you can also use mental focus with mag capacity or gley.
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>ult bunny in-game already and you can farm her
>ult valby release on 7/31
>ult valby in the end same as valby, plus buffed base stats
>her design is the only thing people talk about
>actual gameplay, more or less sandwiched between bunny and viessa or "valby farm 2/4" 24/7
>probably awful drop chance as usual
>gets pushed away by Luna, a true new descendant
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good enough to tide me over until these land on a nice farm area
Here's how it works nobody touches the cube for 2min maybe grab it at 8:10. If somebody immediately grabs the cube just fucking leave. It's over that retard will throw.
When you pick it up run around with the cube for 1:30-2 mins. This should be enough for the other idiots on your team to break the mouth 2 or 3 times. If they are good and break with multiple times early you don't have to wait the full 2 mins. You can tell if they are doing it cause the liquid In the ground tubes goes down.
If the liquid in the tube fully fills that's the wipe. You holding the cube pauses the tubes filling and makes him immortal except his mouth. Breaking the mouth drains the tube about 1/3. Returning the cube makes him damageable.

Critical hit resistance though?

Seems like a waste just for that 3% skill power
So far I have farmed a level 5 NDevotion, a UViessa, a Valby and an Enzo from AMs
In getting all of those, I also got 8 Activators and 15 Catalysts without trying to
Make of that what you will.
>time to farm mats for ulti gley
>one of it from White-Night
for fuck's sake, there is any better place than this hellhole ?
Anyone know which one is the Order of Truth
you mean the 3 tubes that hold up the "heart" looking thing right, now the heart itself.
if the 3 tubes are empty, return the cube
Just go to the laboratory and check
Is it worth it farming Hard Mode outposts with Sharen? will I see groups at them in Hard Mode?
I farmed Ult Viessa, Ult Lepic and 3 Pythons and have gotten 0 Activators. Plenty of Catalysts, though.

Valby just can't take as many cocks as Bunny at the same time, sorry.

You should be farming everything in hard mode for better rates.
will do thanks
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Breaking HangedMan's mouth is too hard
Each of Lepic's arm cannon shots does as much damage as Blair's big fireball, and that's including every mini fireball from the Blair's explosion as well, and also excluding Lepic's overcharge.
Lepic can also get multiple shots per ult, and he can use his ult has about a third the cooldown of Blairs

With all that said, there is a small minor miniscule chance that, with all his crit buffs in place, Blair pulls ahead with fireball after playing stove minigame. But I ain't investing in him to find out, atleast not until I've shroomed every ult descendant first, not to mention there's always the chance he *doesn't* crit with that one fireball and has wait another two minutes to try again.
just reroll parties until you get one with a carry that kills it in 30 seconds
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If the Mouth was easier to hit, we would have had this but he just spergs out so much and after a while it just became pointless as we never break the tubes fast enough to empty the tubes.
Can someone link a lightweight Gley boss killing build? Preferably no mushrooms, as I'm going to farm for her Ultimate.
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Almost there bros
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Oh we got him, neat
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>two Ajax and a Viessa
Who do you think did the most damage?
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Whos the father?
uhh they carried?
But she has the fattest ass.
If it has that under curve, it's because the fat deposits are larger.
man the Ajax and Viessa carried that round
am i the only one rubberbanding in block kuiper mining?
(You) and yes, including female descendants.
Gonna need to see more pics to judge
Na, it's really bad for me too.
i guess it's the farming spot of the week
Nope. I crashed too
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these fucking gooks are using AI to generate these reactors aren't they?
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You dont like to mount Viessa, anon ?
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>He wants to play a video game with Americuck locallizer
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>have Dyslexia doesn't even matter I am fuck either way
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Luck is finally on my side
Only took 7 reactor AMPs
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by far the worst grind for her I had to open 50 or more including stabilizers
Yeah, I'm spending $125.
why $125? $100 should be enough
I tip my hoes.
My last piece I need to get is the Code
Hoping it doesn't take more than 30
im bored already bros that or im burning out
>check season challenges that give coin
>kill 200k enemies
>im at 23k

Sad. The game hasn't been out 6 months. Stop grinding so hard. I still have never built more than 2 CCs or Energy Activators
>the grind is just mindlessly killing trash over and over
It's like if you had to grind warframe only on the first 3 planets
Warframe is killing trash basically all the time regardless of the planet.
I went from ~100k to over 200k while Valby running in circle. On average it was 600-700 kills every 3 minutes.
I'm getting filtered by Dead Bride at 32. Should I get to 40 before I try her? She's a stinky fart
the mission variety is def boring, ive seen new mission types on the roadmap so we'll see what that's like if the raiding is kino that might be it
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See what I mean? Klaw can rock any dread but he's a beardlet
Stack HP and DEF
You just need to survive her ice bubble until you learn to just run the fuck away and grapple out of it the moment she enrages
>got shot focus
I can finally start dismantling mods instead of gacha now right...
Shit meant to post this on sp
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Something like this.

There's probably a better way to build it without so many catalysts, but your main target is to get enough skill cooldown and duration so you can have perma 3 up and spam vestial organ rockets.

You can forget about Massacre builds if you don't wanna use a mushroom.
how many forma are you suppose to have in your weapon to start grinding hard mode intercepts
doesnt feel like 2 is enough
But think of all those purple-to-yellow upgrades that could happen
Your shield collector?
Should I give up trying her with Gley? I tried solo but I die too quick. Maybe will try Ajax
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i-i got that too...
uhhhhh then you do you
just don't accidentally dismantle ults and transcendents since the "select all" has 0 filter
i hate that so fucking much...
is the gold cost on hard mode dungeons just for rerolling the mods?
applying them doesn't cost anything?
Just use an activator and catalysts for your thunder cage
That thing will carry you if you build it for crit and crit damage
the point was to maximize damage and kill the boss instantly like the meme lepic and gley builds.
i aleady have one actiavtor and one forma and still doesnt feel like its enough

>rifle reinforce
>action reaction
>crit damage
>fire rate
>weak point
Once you start making them you never stop
The grind isn't so bad once you know the heat battery Old Mystery trick
You have a day and a half between cooks so it's not that much of a stretch to be able to get another BP in that time
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should do it solo so you can do the stealth.
>but I'm too weak
cooldown mods, any sniper, and your thunder cage.
Don't bother using unupgraded modules
Just max out the firearm attack modules and then the crit modules
Damn, that is quite a bit of investment. I think I'll just get Gley to 40 and farm for Ult Gley instead.
What the fuck are you talking about
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just play bunny if you don't want to invest in gley. you need permanent uptime on third skill which can't really be done.
the only thing missing is battle of stamina. then you still need a reactor with cd/duration.
and you see how I have no useful modules for stats like def and hp?
>cooldown mods
meant duration mods. I must be tired.
You need a reactor with both cooldown and duration to tighten that last bit of gap
>that much duration
If you keep rubberbanding sure it helps prevent a fuck up but taking out battle of stamina for HP collector + a crit mod feels a lot better for the actual fight

He means don't put in modules that are not enhanced (ie, 4-6 cost) just for the sake of filling the slots.

It is much more effective to put in maxed modules, then to 10 base modules.
I'm at MR 24, the only things I haven't farmed out yet are 5 mods (3 enzo red mods and 2 combine only mods) and 2 ult Ajax parts.
Once I get Ajax I will be MR 25 and basically completed the game and wait for Luna and ult Valby.
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Drop everything that's not firearm attack or crit modules
Focus upgrading those to max
Pic related is 72/80 so you don't even need that forma on the top right there
Just throw one more forma than you already have into it
take a shower and/or find a job
bro what are you talking about how weak is your thunder cage that you don't just delete everything?
go farm up your thunder cage instead.
>edging shot
>-4 atk
isnt that going against what youre saying
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Most of this shit is already maxed or just 1 short, it just doesnt fit shit anymore.
The only thing I havent done is rerolling the substats, which I have only done once.
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Makes up for it in crit hit rate
why are mathlets like this?
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its time for the Perforator
>its time for the Perforator
its time for a shit weapon
>its time for a shit weapon
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>someone clearly asking about intro farming
>WhY dOnT yOu HaVe EvErYtHiNg
I'm fairly certain most of the people giving tips were hard carried without realizing it and unironically thought their half way invested characters/weapons were enough.
>skipping the intro farm to try late stage farm
>all Freyna builds requires her to die to reset her CDs
is this supposed to be impressive?
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Just drop the middle 3 and get the remaining purple crit hit rate/damage modules
The faster fire rate exacerbates the low ammo count problem and thunder cage only has a base 1.2x weak point multiplier
Getting crit rate to nearly 6x and 36% crit chance is worth more than 1.2x x (whatever percent) early on
Substats can be significant
body block feels horrible in this game
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Blue looks better anyway.
not as annoying as loose stone block.
I hate that this is the only bread and butter fucking gun in the game. I don't like the damn gun but I'm gacha'd to use it
>9mil damage
Fucking pathetic. You dead weight
Nah, the 340k isnt that much worse than your 380k since Weakness isnt calculated into the displayed math and I havent rolled substats, plus it keeps the QOL of mag and normal reload. I'll add the other crit mod when I do the 2nd forma and spend the gold elsewhere for now, no need to be that rigid.
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why are people saying that shes wearing jeans? is there something I don't know?
clearly shes wearing booty shorts and I hope to god her ass cheeks better be hanging out like in her base form. Bunny is already showing her whole ass, there is no way they don't show her cheeks specially since its a paid skin.
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Mommy's panties are a bit see-through.
and your damage bwo? oh well at least Bunny looks good on all 4s as shes constantly getting downed

I learned something today, thanks anon.
How do you guys farm Frost Walker hard? That shit is nearly impossible to pug.
become the lepic or gley that 1shots the boss otherwise farm something else.
Reminder that DEF is bad. 6k to 10k at most.

Stack HP then as much Shields
Shields are the most worthless stat in the game.
I'm trying to farm the Ultimate Bunny part and Viessa's mod. I don't have either characters, so I'm walled here?
whats the difference between 15k def and 40k def again
depends on the character, really
Bro... your Gley? EnzoCHAD?
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Luna is a
>black nail polish
>rave mini dress that leaves her ass hanging out
>listens to "not like us" from Kendrick Lamar
>stole Lucio's DJ gun
So when is the next update anyway?
The material is jeans, retard. Jeans does not only mean long, ankle length pants.
I want tos ay she's wearing some kind of miniskirt just like her normal outfit
how are you supposed to reach third tier reward on The Forgottense? there's not enough enemies that spawn even with all the kill bonus enabled.
Bang your head on pub wall, that's how i did it. Granted if you have shit pub region it might take quite some willpower.
>clearly shes wearing booty shorts and I hope to god her ass cheeks better be hanging out like in her base form
god i fucking hope so....
I main Valby, shields are bad
I really think not being able to paint your default outfits drove away a lot of casuals / semi-hardcore players, since it limited your attachment to your characters

I dont know why these kimichi developers always chase short term gain, even after StellarBlade devs were willing to look at the big picture
ackshully the material is denim
LMAO get a load of this shitter
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>spend 5 hours today grinding ult lepic code
>get it
>put him in the oven
>decide to open last 4 amps just in case i get the activator from them
>pic related
I feel like this game is mocking me
You're supposed to reroll them until you get like 210% or 220%. That should be enough to get 2 everytime..
The point was that denim when used on pants or shirts is referred to as jeans. Everyone keeps thinking it means she's wearing super long pants.
I didn't know you could get higher kill score modifiers by rerolling. interesting.
I think is crazy they don't let you dye ultimates, they're not even monetizing it, they don't sell ultimate recolors that could be dyed like the defaults do, they could unlock only after possessing an ultimate, it's weird
yeah avoid the no grapple hook one because you cant finish some of them with it
im swiping for ult valby.
Thanks for funding my game
I worked an extra 7 hours just for her. My wife.
What do you even do with spare codes in this game? At least in WF you could sell parts to other players.
what mats to farm for ult valby
>very weak to electric
>somehow 9m only
What the fuck did you do ?
Nexon... *cough* *cough*... please... a sexier Viessa skin...
we don't have anything to do with them yet, we are hoping for some vendor/trader because I don't the trading system in this game will allow any parts/codes to be tradeable
What's with Warframe players refusing to use TFD terminology? Even happens ingame.
Yeah, I have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Maybe use the terms of the game we're all playing together.
Vulgus Cocks
creampie ult valby and ult bunny at the same time!
You will use forma and potatoes and you'll like it!
micro bikini sling
trust the plan
i want to see her fat tits in full display nexon...
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Is Viessa the best starter solely for the fact that she gets to do ice void fragments?
if you don't see flames on the floor by the time he goes red for the first time leave and reset
if you see anyone below level 40 as soon as you load in, leave and reset
if you see a Viessa, leave and reset.

ask who is running, if no reply then tell them not to pick up flames and you collect them.
so whachuu be sayin is, she needs correction?
I must go shopping.
also I have an AI edit of this pic but I made her panties detailed and different colors
>The material is jeans,
Retard alert weeoh weeoh ring the retard alarm because there's a retard in here.
also you're probably a thirdie, in America(the only country that matters) Jeans=long pants
that would be hot too
now im wondering what color panties
once the game starts dying they will release the sluttiest skins to milk us for money just like that other Nexon game
why the fuck do people quit after 7 rounds all the time
catalyst mat farm gettin hella stale frfr
only retards play in those things.
there's a chick with a reverse bunnysuit in this game? how do I get her?
yeah it will most likely stabilize between 20k to 40k, with spikes at the beginning of every patch specially the mega dungeons of December. I think the game will do fine for a full year, it gets more nebulous after that though, the game will need to branch out from the current formula with some new content or loop to keep long term interest
I appreciate all the cute girls, but I feel Nexon is missing me with all the skins for them.
Maid? Eh, maybe.
Schoolgirl? Naaah.
Swimwear? Hell no, it’s cold over in Fortress.
But if they had magical girl outfits with ribbons everywhere and one-piece leotards with some nice frilly short skirts over the top, I’d drop $100 buying the bunch.
you dont now fuck off /v/ tourist
She's not released yet. Once she drops you can buy her outright or grind hard mode bosses for like 60 hours straight.
>go to sleep with 0 inorganic shards
>wake up with 3k
bunny cave not so bad
what/where a bunny cave?
Either they already got what they wanted or the party sucks.
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>Slumbering Spreader is my title
>they're right next to each other
>no pig
yeah that's a fucking lie
What did they mean by this?
i have 141 hours played and havent seen a single pig title
I never got into the old, old betas. How different is the game now, visually? I saw someone posted how different Albion looked.
i have 241 hours played and have seen a single pig title
>Spreader in top 10
Always with the innuendos eh
>Koreans did better than what Steve could do in 7 years with Warframe
baka fr
Steve is a pedophile
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new lepic farm is pretty nice
I played warframe for 8 years.
I'm still waiting for the power cell carriers to not get lost after spawning an entire map away from me, in a game mode introduced in some story update I never ever got to play.
And I've never had to deal with Vulgus fuse carriers getting spawning in the Destruction while I'm over in Fallen Theatre. And I even get to know why we are doing what we are doing.
Also, no one asks me if I lost a bet just because I'm playing a cute girl character, so the community is better, too.
there's always that one tranny in a general don't mind him
i dont get it?
this is hagios fire shard mission, super easy with lepic
Shader loading to get into albion literally took so long I fell asleep lying down to wait for it and now I have 5 hours extra on my steam playtime for nothing
Why is this shit so fucking unoptimized holy fuck man
dunno, looks like he is using generic permanent 4 build but you don't earn weapon exp while your 4 is active, why even bother
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le epic
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uhh for shards??
am i going mad or is there a way to increase freynas bullets on her 4

i swear it was 66 and would time out before i fired them all at some point
>On a combat map
>Swap to Gley
Wow you even have time to go outside by the time it's off CD
>not permanent 4
>now you sit on your ass waiting for CD
well, it's worse than I thought, just meme click bait build
the ult is up by the time the shard respawns though
lmao, 17s + 15 sec cd from shard + whatever your cooldown is makes it far worse than ambush even
>20 sec ult CD
nah ah
Gley bros, anyone have the forma setup to fit perma infinite ammo and massacre presets?
the classic pretending to be retarded to get spoonfed
ok anon.. dont get too salty for no reason
ambush what?? its for void fragments. ult is up when shard respawns. my fastest is 15
I don't believe you
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100 hours in and only just found out you can start special ops from albion, thought it was only dungeons
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i...ooooouh fuck i dont need to travel to an area and walk to the thing...fuck me
Dumb frogposters
I underestimated just how many kills 200k enemies are. Does teammate kills during Infiltrations count towards yours too?
Western influences.
No. My influence.
>use the mod that removes the AOE field so the farm is extremely slow
Wow that's fucking retarded.
Uh...shit...one of the ultimate weapons, the Restored Relic? I think it was. Then a forma and and some weapon enhancers.
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i do not know if i am trash but is it not quite hard to actually hit the tubes on frost walkers legs while he scampers about?

thinking of getting an ultimate rocket laucher just to not have to aim properly
I'm thinking of buying Ultimate Gley because I really like base Gley and the drop rates of her ulti are garbage, but 60 yuros for a single Descendant and a garbage skin is way overpriced, I'd pay like 20 at best for it, I don't think I'm the only one that feels like this and I think Nexon are shoothing themselves in the foot with those prices
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>using lebin
im all alone in albion
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>they don't know about the obstructer cheese
i sacrificed myself so he would die faster. typical /vg/ SHITTERS not knowing ANYTHING
It's easier to sell to 1 whale who will buy things no matter the price than to get 3 people who are on the fence about buying things
It's a long proven effective strategy, it doesn't make sense to you but this is how every single company does it and it works
I bet you have no issues spending hundreds on a gacha character

I avoid gacha like the plague though, I don't play mobile shit in general and I think Gachas are a different thing compared to this, at least here you can buy directly the character you want, gachas are glorified slot machines for kids
Did you set to private or something
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As a 3D modeler, I can see a lot of care went into the creation of these models, so I think they are worth 70 bucks tbqhfambalam, but you do you booboo.
The drop rates in this game are good, you retarded whiners need to off yourselves. You get TWO chances at a 6-12% every ~5 minutes. How the fuck is that bad?
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did the 50 records challenge because i was desperate for the viessa hair, and i gotta say it was not bad. it seems way worse than it actually is
obviously not, you are just leech, that's why your kill count is so low
Wrong. She listens to Drake, Kendrick is for cucks. Drake is zoomers like Luna.
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goodbye increased hp...hello dangerous ambush/hp collector/mp collector...
I don't have a reliable boss killer descendant, I think I'm better off doing Void reactors since I have a Sharen
>can't put rabbit spreader
Is virtually every godroll for reactor skill cooldown and duration?
>get cold-bloodedness to drop
>suddenly viessa doesn't feel like absolute shit to play
Why are there so many QOL things locked behind mods? Like who the fuck cares about the stupid little ice roads that do nothing compared to making her an actual caster character
You should be able to catalyst slots on each preset separately...
be glad you even have a special slot for augments
You guys actually read your reactors?
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Luna is a
>black nail polish
>swimsuit and booty shorts that leaves her ass hanging out
>listens to all of Drake's albums
>stole Lucio's DJ gun
how's that mp management going for you
For Lepic you want crit damage.
and is in love with me
I just realized it.
This game is sub-nigger tier garbage for underage retards that are incapable of thinking because they're suffering a permanent erection.
After you get through normal mode it just turns into generic korean bullshit pay to win balanced garbage, and just because some inbred mongoloid faggot can prove he can beat something F2P after grinding for 400 hours what someone can buy in 15 seconds will never be proof that it's not pay to win.
If you're defending this, I'd say kill yourself but I don't have to say it, you'll end up killing yourself anyway because you're a sexless miserable sack of shit that will never be loved because you can only think with your pussy starved cock.
You know your game is shit when the celphone tier garbage that is Warframe has better balance and gear progression.
aint nobody reading all of that
You can't buy weapon and character levels. You will still be grinding every character and weapon at least 6 times to level 40. Same with money you can't buy it and you will need hundreds of millions to make a proper build.
>pay to win
cant buy cold
cant buy modules
cant buy weapons
cant buy reactors
player power is entirely from playing

>people just like it for the tits
reductionist but im sure 1 person at least is like this
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>got OGley parts while searchign for ulti Bunnywife
Neat, now we play the waiting game.
It may be sad but it’s how scam citizen got 600 million dollars of funding
>pay to win
nobody is competing
>gooner game
you dont have to jack off everytime you see ass or tits, just play enzo if you are unable to control yourself
>You can't buy weapon and character levels.
Shut your nigger face. You can buy boosters, ultimate descendants which conveniently come with multiple slots pre-socketted which is genuine boost to power, you can buy catralysts and activators which are the main way to increase power of characters, don't give me that "You cant' buy weapons" shit, nigger go beat the hanged man with ominous hound because you can't buy ominous hound, oh, what's that? You need Activators and Catalyst? Oh wow, good thing you can't buy those because then it would be pay to win, oh wait, you can buy those.
Funny how your nigger ass has a whole list of shit you "can't buy" conveniently what's not on that list? Oh that's right, Shit that is PAY TO WIN
>nobody is competing
Fucking inbred damage control gooks always coming up with this shit. "noBoDy Iz KoMpeTing"
No, nigger, nobody is competing with YOU, because your worthless shitstain of existence isn't even worth acknowledging.
bunny is electric/singular
>multiple slots pre-socketted
i would argue but you are actually just defeating yourself at this point

>you can buy catralysts and activators which are the main way to increase power of characters
they take a day and 5 dungeons

shut the fuck up tranny jesus christ
if you give them attention they wont leave, anon
i know but it offends the part of me that thinks
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Luna and Valby are sisters and they are my Sisters/best friends/Gfs/daughters/Wives/League Supports so please do not talk about them and show some respect, thank you.

yes she is... so?
>black nail polish
shes going through an edgelord phase
but only in private when RP'ing how would you know this?
>swimsuit and booty shorts that leaves her ass hanging out
She can't help it, its in her genes.
>listens to all of Drake's albums
but only ironically because shes trying to fit in
>stole Lucio's DJ gun
False. She has been taught to never lie, cheat or steal.
where did nexon touch you anon
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omw to pay to have someone to make the build I want, pay for mods, pay to have someone level them, pay for 5 copies of a gun, pay for boosters, pay for someone else to make use of the boosters, pay for someone to level the gun, pay for teammates to carry the cube in hanged man, pay for an aimbot to aim at the mouth for me, pay for AMPs prior to the fight, pay to get the roll I want, oh wait, why would I roll when I can just pay for the item I want lmaoooo
this nigga got stuck on hanged man and decided to seethe
coomers are playing the other nexon game thoughbeit
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big boy damages
>MR 25
get a wash, which one of you was that?
The game is undeniably pay to progress. You will eventually own 10 Ult Descendants and be forced to pay for extra slots to continue. You can't deny this. This game will die when most people reach this point. Of course the Nexon shills will reply with "just spend money!" like the bots the are.
did chinky get banned for his death aura mod?
>death aura mod
I just realized like 95% of YouTubers are wrong or just copy paste stuff from here or reddit.
some hackers have something that kills things instantly but weirdly the enemies dont drop anything when it happens

dong xiao up there might be mad about it? who can tell
They're that bad that they've made me get an extension for completely blocking channels now
character slots are one of the most honest forms of monetization for free games
Dumb question but why isn't my mastery rank going up anymore
whats your hp
its $1
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If I'm getting 100s of hours out of a free game I'm happy to spend some money. Character slots are really cheap too compared to anything else. Stop being poor
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POV: you're infilitrating as sharen
Most people will just "beat the game" with one descendant and then quit. I mean you have to understand this is a grindfest loot shooter, not a high depth MMO. I doubt anyone will try to play all descendants before they get bored. The game is PvE and a very low depth one.
You need to be levelling new things so if your proficiency on descendant/weapon is already 40 then you're not getting xp. Also only works the first time, if you reset with a catalyst you don't get MR again
Stopped public infiltrations a day after I got her. People seem to have ADHD in this game and can't imagine waiting 15 seconds for better drops.
>just pay, chud!
Every time
poor guy is so desperate for attention
>it's not pay to win but pay to progress
>it's not murder but lead poisoning
you shouldnt be playing games when youre so broke anyways
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>I'm entitled to everything for free and the game should just exist through pure magic
I got even more hundreds of hours out of Warframe without ever having to pay for extra storage because they can be unlocked for free. I still ended spending money on cosmetics later because they never blocked my progression. DE has a superior monetization system.
video games aren't charity operations homie
why do people even bother enabling type icons when it litteraly says on the skills, the clutter is already big by default
oh it is literally a butthurt tranny
They do and I hope they change up some things here as it's all too expensive but the slots are by far the least egregious thing and pretty fair. You can dismiss base after getting ultimate and get rid of some shit ones once you hit 40mr. Main thing is just having enzo, sharen, 1 each element
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my game constantly crashing
how fix
>nexon shills not understanding a customer should a choice of how and when to spend money and never be forced to pay just to continue playing
And this is why this general will be gone in a year just like Lost Ark, Naraka and pretty much every other gook slop. They never survive here for the same reasons but bug people never learn.
level 40*
naraka is literally still around
Go back to transframe trannie
Nope. General died age ago.
I didn't feel forced to pay for anything to progress. Game has no gear threadmill and weekly raids chores. What are you saying? Progress to what?
tansframe mind broke him
Objective. Coomer generals are doing fine, SEA degenerate will spam their waifus all day long bumping threads.
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What setups are you guys running? I played the beta a bit and my pc didn't want to take off. I thought it was going to explode during the shader optimization, it reached almost 100degrees for both cpu and gfx.
Do you actually need a 30 or 40 series gfx card to play this game?
why isnt there a hard mode mission with higher drop rates for thundercage parts
because you were supposed to grind it to progress
lol you think the average player will just delete characters with how time consuming it was to get them with these atrocious drop rates? You are not using your head. Keep defending shitty practices instead of demanding something better and soon you will have no place to discuss this game except gook forums and highly regulated discords.
why would you want tc polluting hardmode missions drop rates
/bdog/ is still here since 2018. MapleStory is also the same and Lost Ark moved to /vm/. You're just racist towards anything that are not Japanese.
>he didnt buy his thunder cages
ngmi bud this is a p2w game
>3070 / R5 5600x
Most things set to high and get a stable 60fps. But for 60fps it feels a lot smoother than others do at that
make it more obvious youre a warframe tranny
I have a 2060 (which is the recommended steam page GPU btw LMAO) and I barely get an inconsistent 60-90 fps with constant drops to 30-40 with too much shit on the screen
It constantly runs at max speed fans too and actually heats up my room to the point where I sweat sitting there
UE5 can be good but this game is unoptimized as fuck
What's our official /tfdg/ title?
I checked the steam recommended and i have a better setup, not by much. ryzen 7 3700x rtx2060s and i chose medium across the board, used dlss to optimize and the game looked like crap besides bringing up temperatures considerably.
I read here and there that the game is unoptimized but it played better during the beta.

Thank you for your input, i'll be skipping this game then, the last thing i need right now is a bricked pc. Shame, because it looked good.
why buy a gpu and not use all of it, i will never understand this
running hot is good, these things are meant to run at 98 degrees
>20% drop rate
thunder cage code is a scam
running at 98 degrees is not good you absolute retard, that is how components start failing
i forget i'm not on /g/ sometimes
enjoy wasting more than half your card idling it
Yeah the graveyard for dead generals. Threads so slow they last for months. Their previous thread was made in July 7. You sure got me, RETARD. If these retard devs don't change soon, that will be your home too.
Because it's fucking summer and my GPU running a jet engine legit makes my room unbearably hot, it isn't hard to understand why I don't want it running like that
>wasting card
mutt moment
I am going to paypig for whatever coomer bunny bikini they release
you don't browse /g/
you also are retarded if you think high heat doesn't damage capacitors and transistor gates over time.
you are retarded for buying a fast card and not using it
buy a slower card
the correct answer to anon's problem is to repaste his card so it doesn't get as hot, not tell him that its normal and even good that it should be almost thermal throttling

fucking retard don't give advice if you don't know what the fuck you're talking about
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>i played 20k hours of warframe for free
>cackles at the tacky ninja motiff
>i am a bit of a ninja you know... i have all the primes unlocked... like childtouch-o prime... transrights prime...
>w-wait... is that korean game on UE5 where everything looks nice and people like that instead?
>boots game
Did the math autists determine which one was better between electric / singular specialist and master mods yet?
for bunny specifically
That makes total sense since Lost Ark in the West is dead with 15-20k co-current players+bots. Anyways, if this game and general dies so be it. I got my entertainment and fun without spending any money.
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Doesn't look like +18% to me
Mine is 1660ti with all low except the global illumination and screen reflection on medium, get me around 45-60 most of the time
4k all maxed
dlss set to balanced
use xess
>10 Ultimate hot girls that I got for $0 (already got ubunny, ugley and 2 uviessa parts)
At this point I will just drop $5 for a slot because gooks earned it
In European hub everyone uses pig, Americans must get offended by it so they don't use it probably
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save it
Damn some of these outposts are hard with solo Sharen. If the boss has balls, I am done for. Can't deal with instantly respawning adds.
avoid resistance
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So... it breaks if you combine it with antibody?
>Can't customize default and ults
They haven't earn shit, yet. Will drop cash when they change it.
Get a party on chat or Discord.
This wasn't too bad. At least not as a bad as having to wait fucking days for this and then ult viessa to complete
What kind of expression is this?
aye nexon bruh a nigga be good on energy activator you done been gave a nigga 5 in the last 2 days u feel? A nigga just wan 32% ong
>it reached almost 100degrees for both cpu and gfx.
this is because you need to clean the shit out
computers are made to be able to run at 100% and stay at normal temperatures
if you're getting to 100C then it's going to start throttling performance
2/6 successful Obstructer H runs. The Ultimate Bunny code is going to be painful.
im only at 65
the display bugs but you're getting the correct value if you check info on main stat screen, does seem to scale with antibody and whatever you have on equipements
The pleasure of being cummed inside.
Getting burnt out bros, might need a few days break from the grind, come back on the 31st
>im rank 545 on the first descendant leaderboards
thats kind of cool i guess
the only thing I have left to do that I want to do is max out this enduring legacy and then I'm done. I'll probably grind out luna and valby but then ill be waiting for future updates.
Its Pixar face, she can still get it doe. Im predicting she's in a jean skirt with wedge heels for her bikini outfit.
Try using DLAA. I've tried dlss on both quality//dlaa and on quality it makes no difference for performance but just makes it look worse. Couldn't see a reason to not just max that out. Temperatures-wise though it does sound like it puts some strain on it. Fans go crazy but never actually checked temps
Shit man I've been taking my time, I dont have a single ult yet and I don't know what im doing half the time. I refrain from YouTube guides and what not, only advice I get is from here sometimes.
Tried performance/dlaa*
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>getting burnt out
I bet it's all the warframe babby casuals
Your parents won't take care of you forever please move out
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>people getting butthurt for days over the game
What's the reason?
>want ult valby
>just got to hard mode
>already wasted my activator and catalyst on regular valby
it's over for me isnt it? I wont make it to the intercept farming by wednesday..
Grind doesn't feel very rewarding.
Yes you fucked up.
Then you're doing it wrong. Now that I'm in late game the grind actually became fun.
oh well.. guess more reason to play once human
Nah. I spend countless hours getting these ult variants and I cant even paint them. Shit is lame.

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